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Belgrade Media Report 24 February



Lajcak: I expect Belgrade and Pristina to accept the European plan on Monday (Tanjug)


The EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said that he expects that Belgrade and Pristina will accept the European plan for solving the Kosovo issue at the meeting in Brussels on Monday, February 27. "The plan, which I believe we will accept on Monday, will become binding for both sides. It is not a temporary agreement, after it the process of comprehensive normalization of relations will continue, which should end with the signing of a comprehensive agreement, before the entry of Serbia and Kosovo to the European Union," said Lajcak in an interview with Tanjug. Lajcak pointed out that the document will be available to the public when it is accepted by both sides, i.e. Belgrade and Pristina.

Asked if the scheduled meeting on February 27 means that agreement has been reached between Belgrade and Pristina regarding the final version of the French-German plan, Lajcak said that since September, talks have been held with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Aljbin Kurti, about the European proposal.

"Recently, President Vucic in January and Prime Minister Kurti in February said that they accept that proposal. So, the time has come to organize a meeting in Brussels and we expect our partners to officially and publicly accept that proposal and to discuss its implementation, which is the goal of our meeting on Monday," Lajcak pointed out.


Asked whether the meeting on February 27 in Brussels is decisive in this regard, ie on the take-it-or-leave-it principle, Lajcak says that he would not discuss formalities. "It is important that both sides accept that plan and formally and publicly say that they accept that plan, and then we talk about all the other details, and above all about fulfilling that plan," said Lajcak.


The next steps will depend on the positions


He assessed that the upcoming meeting in Brussels is very important, because the next steps will depend on the positions of the parties in the negotiations. "The acceptance of our proposal, which is supported by 27 EU members and the USA, means that they have decided to improve their relations and speed up their European path. If one or both sides reject the proposal, it would be a negative signal that they are not ready to normalize their relations and that they are not ready to move faster on the European path, so we expect the plan to be accepted. Everyone knows what we expect from Monday's meeting. We had talks with both President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti during the Munich Security Conference, so we all know where we stand and what we expect," Lajkcak pointed out. He added that the proposal that will be on the table in Brussels on Monday has the strong support of the EU. "Rejecting that proposal would mean rejecting the normalization of relations and rejecting the European path, the USA, the international community and the EU would react to that, and I don't want to go into what the negative consequences would be. I think it's clear to everyone that you can't say 'no' To the European Union and America, especially if we can achieve stabilization, normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, stabilization of the atmosphere in the Balkans and an accelerated European path," Lajcak said. He estimated that rejecting the proposal would send a negative signal in the region and would open the possibility for new risks of escalations like those that happened last year. "I don't think anyone can want that, and we have a proposal that opens up another path, which is the path of normalization and stabilization," emphasized Lajcak.


The proposal has not been disclosed at this stage


When asked what would be gained by signing the proposal, Lajcak said that the proposal has not been disclosed at this stage and that he would not go into details. "What I can say is that we know the positions of both sides in detail, and I think that our proposal is good and that it takes into account the positions and red lines and expectations of both sides to the maximum extent possible," said the special envoy. He added that he disclosed that the proposal has 11 points and emphasized that for now that is the maximum he can say about the content, because, as he said, anything else would not be useful at this stage of negotiations. "That document will be available to the public immediately after it is accepted by both sides," Lajcak emphasized.


Asked if there is an agreement on the return of Serbs from northern Kosovo to the institutions they left, Lajcak said that the EU is concerned about the current situation and the withdrawal of Serbs from Kosovo's institutions, police and judicial institutions. "We regularly discuss with both sides that it is necessary for the Serbs to return, because that vacuum is dangerous and unacceptable for the people who live there, because they also need the police and the judiciary. We expect Serbia to encourage the Serbs to return to the institutions, and Kosovo to enable it. So far, not enough progress has been made in that process. It is not acceptable that this security vacuum and that temporary organization continue. That is why I expect the issue of return to be resolved as soon as possible, because that is also stated in the Brussels Agreement of 2013. If we ask for that agreement to be fully fulfilled, it should also be fulfilled that Kosovo Serbs are part of those institutions," said Lajcak.


ZSO according to the Brussels Agreement


According to him, it is foreseen that all previously reached agreements must be fulfilled and that this applies to both sides, adding that this also applies to the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO). "The agreement on the formation of the ZSO was already reached in 2013, and then in 2015. The Brussels agreement reached in 2013 is the only document of all the documents within the dialogue, which was also ratified in the Assembly of Kosovo, so it is legally binding "The importance of that agreement and the establishment of the ZSO is highlighted, and the conclusions of the European Council explicitly state that it is necessary to establish that union," said Lajcak.


State Department announced - Message to Serbia: Accept the proposal (Tanjug)


The United States of America announced that they strongly support the European Union's proposal to normalize relations between Serbia and the so-called Kosovo. We expect the two leaders to approach the meeting in the constructive spirit necessary to move forward in accordance with it, it was pointed out in the State Department's response to Voice of America ahead of the new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which, with the mediation of the European Union, will be held on Monday in Brussels.


The State Department indicates that it is important that Belgrade and Pristina use the talks to express their commitment to a peaceful future for the region. Serbia and Kosovo should reach a comprehensive agreement through dialogue. We believe that normalized relations between Kosovo and Serbia should ultimately be aimed at mutual recognition. Progress in the dialogue will open the door to European integration and is essential for security and stability in the Western Balkans, stated the written response of the State Department.


When asked whether a breakthrough or even a turning point can be expected after the upcoming round of talks in Brussels, the State Department replied that it is encouraging that Belgrade and Pristina accepted the proposal of the European Union in principle.


Officials from the United States and the European Union highlighted the possibilities of the European Union's proposal and stressed the importance of moving quickly -- to avoid the risk of further escalations, the response said. The State Department points out that the US strongly encourages Serbs in Kosovo to return to Pristina institutions as soon as possible in order to improve security and stability for all citizens. "We encourage the Government of Kosovo to provide the conditions for qualified Kosovo Serbs to do so without delay. The Brussels agreements provided for the integration of Kosovo Serbs into Kosovo institutions. We fully support those agreements and their continued implementation, it is the official position of the Department of State regarding the issue. When it comes to the formation of the ZSO, the State Department states that Kosovo and Serbia should implement the agreements they signed through the dialogue process, including making progress in establishing a community of municipalities with a Serbian majority.


In response to Voice of America's question whether it sees the agreement of the parties on the European proposal as, as stated, "a means of neutralizing Russia's influence on Serbia", the State Department pointed out that the dialogue with the so-called Kosovo is important for stability. Progress towards the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo through dialogue, with the mediation of the EU, is still very important for regional and European stability at a time when we are facing Russia's aggression in Ukraine and crises throughout Europe caused by Putin's brutal, unjustified invasion, the State Department points out.


When it comes to the possible rejection of the document, the official version of which is still unknown to the public, the State Department did not talk about the possible consequences if Belgrade and Pristina refuse or miss the opportunity that was presented to them. It is more important to talk about opportunities: the proposal presents opportunities for the citizens of Serbia and Kosovo to improve the security and stability of the wider Western Balkan region at a time when Europe is facing its worst crisis since World War II.


As already indicated by the European Union - the acceptance of the agreement will accelerate the progress of both countries towards membership in the European Union. It will also advance our key goals for the Western Balkans region - including the achievement of peace, stability and progress of all nations, concluded the State Department's written response to Voice of America's inquiry.


On the eve of a new round of negotiations - the European plan on the table, the red lines known (RTS)


A new round of negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina will be held in Brussels on Monday. The goal of the meeting is for both sides to clearly accept the European proposal on the normalization of relations, says the mediator in the dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. He points out that there is no time to waste and that this year is decisive because the next elections in Europe and America await. The plan that will be discussed on Monday is not, he says, a temporary solution but will become binding for both parties. The European plan, which has been speculated about since September, could be unveiled on Monday. The condition is that both parties officially accept it in Brussels. These are the promises and expectations of the European mediator ahead of the continuation of the dialogue.


Signals ahead of Brussels are also being sent by Belgrade and Pristina. Aljbin Kurti repeats that for him the European proposal also means the recognition of Kosovo. Aleksandar Vucic says that Serbia remains on the red lines - there is no recognition or membership in the United Nations. "I will stick to what I said in the National Assembly, no matter what. Of course, our situation is not simple, of course we will be exposed, that all this is a show in which, in the end, the essential pressure is on us, but it is not the first time in history, not even in the last 10, 11 years," said Vucic.


Some kind of solution is expected this year. Not the final one, but the one that will prevent further escalation of relations, experts say. From that perspective, they see the European plan as a necessity. "In the very essence of the proposal there is something that, perhaps, the Kosovo side would not want to see, because it would be more important for them to move more directly in the direction of mutual recognition, which is not foreseen in this agreement. For Belgrade and the Serbian side, there are moments that will from the perspective of the nationalist, right-wing, conservative public will always be seen as a defeat. But, in some way, the moment must be broken, and this is a good start," Vedran Dzihic from the Austrian Institute for Foreign Affairs believes.


The head of diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, said that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is in a crucial phase. "Today's meeting of the United Nations Security Council will discuss the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on the normalization of relations, which is at a turning point. The EU presented the parties with a plan that would put the normalization process on a firm track that is oriented towards the future," the EU Office on KiM said on Twitter citing Borrell. Borrell added that he will "host both sides in Brussels next week and added that he hopes they will be constructive and take advantage of this unique opportunity".


The last time Vucic and Kurti met in Brussels was in November. Since then, preparations have been ongoing for a new meeting, during which European and American officials have visited Belgrade and Pristina several times.


Simic: The President will strongly insist on the ZSO in Brussels (RTS)


The vice-president of the Serbian List, Igor Simic, told RTS that the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) live in ever more difficult conditions of personal, property and legal insecurity. He points out that the expectations are that the dialogue in Brussels will continue even though, as he says, it has its shortcomings. He emphasized that they have expectations from EU representatives that are based on the agreements signed ten years ago, which is the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) as agreed. President Aleksandar Vucic will strongly defend it and insist on it as an obligation accepted by Pristina, says Simic.


Igor Simic says that Serbs in KiM have never had a harder time when it comes to the conditions in which they find themselves. "They live in conditions of personal, property and legal insecurity, in conditions where Aljbin Kurti uses institutions to carry out institutional violence with the aim of expelling Serbs from KiM, and this means that if there are no Serbs in KiM, then what is the point of negotiations," says Simic. He points out that the expectations of Serbs from KiM are that the dialogue will continue, even though, as he says, it has its shortcomings. "Because in every situation when you don't have talks, you have unilateral moves by Pristina, which uses institutions and bare force to carry out its activities on the ground, creating a new reality," added Simic. He emphasized that Serbs in KiM have expectations from EU representatives that are based on signed agreements that were signed ten years ago. "And that is the formation of the ZSO as agreed, to be an umbrella institution that will protect the individual and collective rights of the Serbian people," said Simic.


"When we talk about the future and some new agreements, the phrase legally binding is often used, so the question arises as to whether the previous agreements were also legally binding, which should have been fulfilled and given certain rights to the Serbs," added Simic.


President Vucic will strongly insist on ZSO


When asked if the ZSO will be a topic of discussion in Brussels on Monday, Simic says that he believes it will, because President Aleksandar Vucic will also be at the table. "President Vucic will strongly defend it and insist on it as an obligation accepted by Pristina," adds Simic. He points out that they believed that the EU, which is the guarantor of that agreement, would do everything to implement what was signed. "After ten years, there is really little belief that the EU will be able to convince Kurti to sign it, in this way, with some ambivalent announcements and anaemic statements," emphasizes Simic. He adds that Kurti is now saying, even in the presence of EU representatives, that he will not form the ZSO.


When asked why Kurti is going to Brussels in the first place and who is the one who can put pressure on him to form the ZSO, Simic says that the fact is that without the Western centers of power, nothing happens in KiM. "First of all, I am thinking of the USA, the Quinte countries - they are the ones who created independent Kosovo, they are the ones who still decide on all these things today. So, Kurti's no is not only Kurti's no, there is strong support behind it and that is why the negotiating space of our negotiating team is extremely narrow and difficult," says Simic.


He emphasizes that the struggle must continue with legal and political means and that all open political issues be resolved through dialogue. Speaking about who are the countries that still support Kurti in rejecting the formation of the ZSO, Simic says that they are individual countries that are members of the Quinte. When it comes to Washington, he says that in conversations with their representatives very often, despite the differences in attitudes, they come across a certain amount of understanding for the problems of the Serbs in KiM.


It's not expropriation in Leposavic, it's classic extortion


Expropriation of 138 hectares of land in Leposavic and Zubin Potok is underway. Simic points out that this is not expropriation, but that it is "classic extortion". "Imagine a situation where something that is your heritage, something that you use, something that you live on, because it is agricultural land, someone comes overnight with 50, 100, 150 Albanian special forces in a purely Serbian environment, fences it off with wire and says it is no longer yours", Simic said. He points out that not a single letter of the law on expropriation, which was passed by Pristina, was respected. We have a situation, he adds, that there are more Albanian bases of special units in four municipalities in the north of KiM than in the rest of KiM. "With one simple goal - to create such conditions that the Serbs simply give up and say this is not life. Unfortunately for them, that did not happen. The Serbian hosts, in cooperation with the legitimate representatives within the Serbian list, with the strong support of our state, the Office for KiM, President Vucic, we managed to put in the spotlight of the international public that somewhere on the soil of Europe, someone is stealing Serbian land just because he wants to," said Simic. He points out that it is an unequal fight, but he thanked that with the help of the media, the topic came to the attention of the public and that they managed to stop those works for the time being.


Defense Minister: Security situation in Kosovo challenging, complex and difficult (Beta)


Serbian Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic said on Feb. 23 that the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, only days ahead of a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti, was grave. "Challenging, complex and very difficult," Vucevic said describing the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija during an appearance on Serbian state TV RTS. When asked about Serbia's stance on Moscow and Kyiv one year after the war began, he said that it was unchanged "at this time, while we are talking." "We want the fratricidal war to end, we want to see peace," Vucevic said, adding that Serbia wanted to cooperate with "both Ukraine and Russia and with Russia and Ukraine," as well as that Belgrade "is saying that honestly."


Vucevic: Vucic won't recognize Kosovo (TV Prva)


Asked whether, after the talks in Brussels on February 27, Serbia will have to change its position on the issue of the war in Ukraine, the Minister of Defense says: "We will see. We should first see how the situation will unfold. There are many aspects that affect us, but first and foremost are our interests," Milos Vucevic said in a guest appearance on TV Prva, adding that he "does not envy" the president of Serbia in this regard who will attend the meeting in Brussels on Monday.


When asked to comment on media reports that Serbia will sign a document that would de facto recognize the so-called independence of Kosovo, Vucevic points out that he has been hearing for 10 years that Aleksandar Vucic will recognize the so-called Kosovo. "He did not recognize it and he will not recognize it," the Minister of Defense in the Government of Serbia is clear. Serbia, according to his words, must insist on a compromise, to see how to get what is best for it, so that we don't end up as an isolated island. He also adds that we should not be a training ground for punishment. "We must not fall into every trap that is set for us. The scenario of the 1990s must be avoided," Vucevic pointed out.


Movement: Constitutional Court needs to rule on agreement on Kosovo (Beta)


The Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia said on Feb. 23 that it would demand that the Constitutional Court rule on the Franco-German agreement, to establish its constitutionality. "We have been brought into a situation in which the Serbian president (Aleksandar Vucic) is accusing us of being extremists, while the only extreme thing in this whole situation is that he is ready to violate the Constitution, which will definitely be confirmed by the Constitutional Court," Movement president and National Assembly Deputy Speaker Vojislav Mihailovic said in a written statement. Mihailovic said that "the Serbian Constitution clearly states that Kosovo and Metohija is an inseparable part of Serbia and therefore it cannot sign any state agreements, as the Franco-German proposals envisages. "We will call on the Constitutional Court to rule whether the Franco-German agreement, according to which Serbia is supposed to accept passports and other documents with the insignia of the Republic of Kosovo and cannot represent so-called Kosovo in international institutions, is in accordance with the Constitution or not. If the Constitutional Court deems the agreement anti-constitutional, every discussion on the subject must end," Mihailovic said.


Opposition representative: Opposition running from Vucic, not agreement on Kosovo (Danas)


Co-president of the Together party Aleksandar "Cuta" Jovanovic said on Feb. 23 that a portion of the opposition supported the Franco-German agreement on Kosovo but was not saying anything because that would help Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Jovanovic told the Danas newspaper that Vucic "is responsible for Kosovo," but that one should not forget that "many things were signed by many before him." "As for Kosovo, people cannot be calibrated overnight and told - now we have to sign what they want us to," Jovanovic said. Speaking of the Franco-German proposal on Kosovo, he said that "the easiest thing is to blame someone." "A portion of the opposition has a bigger problem in the form of having to approach Vucic, than signing the agreement. The opposition is running away from Vucic, not the agreement. Many are in a position to be on the same side as Vucic. I am sure that he would wholeheartedly accept support from anyone and even from someone who was the biggest enemy, traitor and tycoon until yesterday. In the end, that is politics," Jovanovic said.


Putin moves to the issue of the so-called Kosovo - he announced everything? (B92)


President Putin announced that after the war in Ukraine, he will deal with the situation in Kosovo, Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia, Volodymyr Tolkach, said. As he said, that is why we should ask ourselves what can be expected from such a move. Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia, Volodymyr Tolkach, thanked for everything that Serbia is doing to help Kyiv, noting that Belgrade's energy dependence on Russia is something that Ukraine has been "burdened with" for years.


Tolkach said that Kyiv was understanding of Serbia’s not imposing sanctions on Russia, although it would gladly welcome that form of support. “As a part of Europe and a country that has never attacked anyone, we would like for all to support us, including Serbia, but the issue of sanctions is not up to us – it is up to Serbia’s leadership. We would gladly welcome that decision, but it is not up to us to decide,” he stated at the conference titled “One Year of War in Ukraine” in the Media Center. He added that Ukraine had always supported the territorial integrity of Serbia and was one of the first countries to condemn the 1999 aggression against Yugoslavia and tried to influence the NATO stance by diplomatic means.


“You can hear President (Vladimir) Putin saying that, when he completes the war in Ukraine, he will start dealing with Kosovo. What can you, as a nation, expect from that statement, when we see what is happening in Ukraine right now,” Tolkach wondered. He thanked Serbia for the humanitarian assistance to his country and to Ukrainian refugees. He pointed out

that he and President Aleksandar Vucic, and other Serbian officials, had discussed the two countries’ cooperation and European integration, after Ukraine obtained EU candidate country status.


Anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine to be marked in Serbia (Beta)


A number of anti-war rallies will be held in Belgrade and Novi Sad on Friday to mark the first anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine. The association ‘Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Serbs Against War’ will stage a protest rally at 10 am outside the Russian Embassy in Belgrade, while a conference entitled ‘War in Ukraine – What We Know and What We Don’t Know’, organized by the Institute of International Politics and Economics and the Faculty of Security Studies, will be held at the Institute. With the support of the Ukrainian Embassy in Belgrade, pro-Ukrainian and Russian anti-war associations will assemble in central Belgrade at noon and organize a March of Solidarity and Peace.


An exhibition entitled ‘Year of Indomitability’ will be opened Friday at the Belgrade Ozon art gallery, the event will be attended by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Ukrainian Ambassador to Belgrade Volodymyr Tolkach and head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret.


Representatives of the Russian Democratic Society association will lay flowers at the monument to Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko in the city of Novi Sad. Belgrade’s Dorcol Platz will host an event with the participation of writer Ana Lucjuk and sociologist Ina Volosevic, while the Russian Democratic Society will organize a meeting of “remembrance and solidarity” and the Belgrade Kalemegdan Fortress.


Serbia backs UN resolution calling for withdrawal of Russian troops (Beta)


At the UN General Assembly in New York Serbia voted in favor of a resolution calling for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and for “just and lasting peace.” Prior to the first anniversary of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine the motion, which is not legally binding, was backed by 141 UN member states, including all the Western Balkans countries. Seven countries voted against (Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea, Mali, Nicaragua, Eritrea), while China and India were among the 32 countries that abstained in the vote. Ukraine and its allies had hoped that the resolution would be backed by at least 143 states, like in October last year, when the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning Russia’s annexation of four regions of Ukraine. The resolution adopted Thursday evening reaffirms support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and demands that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine.” Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Serbia has backed four UN General Assembly resolutions regarding this war, and abstained once.


Borrell criticizes Serbia over lack of alignment with EU foreign policy (Beta)


Serbia was not aligning its foreign policy enough with European Union (EU), the EU High Representative Josep Borrell said on Thursday and added that talks were in progress with Belgrade regarding introduction of sanctions against Russia. “We are asking all members of international community, especially those who are candidates for the EU membership, to align with our sanctions. We are especially asking from our candidates to align with our foreign policy. Serbia is certainly to aligning as much as we would like them to”, Borrell added.


While speaking about the upcoming meeting in Brussels on February 27, Borrell said that the French-German Proposal was on the table, and he hoped that the both sides would accept it. “I have invited Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti to come and have the whole day talks. We have a proposal on the table and I hope they would be able to accept this proposal as a way to

normalize their relations”, Borrell said.


Serbia introduces sanctions against Congo (Tanjug)


The EU membership candidate countries such as Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have joined the sanctions against Congo and obliged to align their national policies with the decisions of the Council of Europe (CoE), it was announced on Thursday by CoE. The members of European Economic Community Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway also joined the sanctions.


Pro-European opposition parties write to Bilcik and Nemec asking for expansion of European parliamentary mission (Beta)


Pro-European opposition parties sent on Feb. 23 a note to European Parliament MPs Vladimir Bilcik and Matjaz Nemec in which they propose expanding the European Parliament's mission to include key actors and problems in Serbian society and above all creating the conditions for free and fair elections. The note, which was signed by the Democratic Party, the Serbia Center Movement - HEART, the Together party and the Green-Left Front - Don't Let Belgrade D(r)own, says that the normalization of communication and relations in parliament is a very important part of the overall normalization of relations and overcoming deep divides in all of society.


"These divisions are consciously caused by the general abuse of institutions, control over the media and rendering meaningless the important role of parliament. Parliament has become a protector of Aleksandar Vucic's image and part of the ruling party's electoral propaganda machine. For this reason, no holds are barred, including constantly preventing the opposition from speaking its mind and the rough abuse of procedures that are an insult to common sense," the letter says. The signatories of the letter added that parliament had completely lost its supervisory role and that making parliament meaningless had catastrophic repercussions for the political system in Serbia and was turning it into an autocracy ruled by one man who held all the levers of power in his hands and was forcefully imposing his will on all of society.


Vucic met with Konakovic (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Elmedin Konakovic, with whom he discussed strengthening the overall cooperation between the two countries, the European path of the region and other current issues. President Vucic congratulated Minister Konakovic on his appointment and said that Serbia is determined to strengthen bilateral relations with B&H while further building mutual trust and solidarity, the Presidency announced. He emphasized the consistency of Serbia's policy of preserving peace and stability in the region and respect for international law, as well as that in this sense our country respects the integrity of B&H and Republika Srpska (RS) within B&H, as well as any agreement between the two entities and three constituent nations within the framework set by the Dayton Peace Accords. agreement. The President reiterated that Serbia welcomes the decision to grant B&H candidate status, pointing out that this is a positive signal for further progress and the connection of the entire region. The interlocutors agreed that, in this context, the implementation of joint infrastructure projects, among which the construction of the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway is certainly the most important, gives an additional impetus to the strong strengthening of economic cooperation, but also to better connectivity.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Kosovo Parliament ratifies agreement signed by Western Balkans countries in Berlin (N1)


The Kosovo Parliament, with a two-thirds majority of its representatives, ratified three agreements reached between the countries of the Western Balkans in Berlin, among which is an agreement on movement with identity cards that will enable the abolition of the visa regime with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), according to Anadolu news agency. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that new ties will be created between Kosovo and B&H. Although the Kosovo Parliament ratified the agreement, the procedure for issuing visas for B&H citizens will remain the same until this document is ratified in B&H as well. Heads of six Balkan countries signed these three agreements on November 3, 2022 at the Western Balkans summit in Berlin.


Dodik threatens to put end to state-level coalition due to UN resolution on Ukraine (O kanal)


O Kanal reported that outwitting within the new parliamentary majority keeps on growing as Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik threatened on Thursday with putting an end to the coalition at the state level. Dodik made the announcement due to the instruction of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the B&H Permanent Mission to the UN to support the Resolution Urging Lasting Peace in Ukraine. Addressing media in Banja Luka, Dodik said that the old practice of former B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic obviously continues. Dodik argued that the practice was unilateral, and it circumvented the B&H Presidency that discussed this issue and failed to reach consent on this topic. Dodik added that member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic did not give her consent to this issue and someone from the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave instructions that are not in line with the B&H Presidency. Dodik underlined: “This is old practice, and this will only lead to collapse of this system of authorities if this continues.” Dodik reacted saying that this whole case has called the coalition at B&H level in question. “No one will tolerate this”, he added.


B&H Presidency Chairwoman Cvijanovic sends letter criticizing B&H FM Konakovic’s instructions to B&H Permanent Mission to UN on endorsing resolution regarding peace in Ukraine; Comments by Konakovic, Alkalaj (BHT1)


Chairwoman and Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic sent a letter to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic criticizing the instructions sent to the diplomatic-consular network of B&H. Namely, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to the Permanent Mission of B&H to the UN in which the representative of B&H was requested to endorse the Proposal of the Resolution ‘Principles supporting a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine’ at the 11th emergency session of the UN General Assembly (UN GA). Cvijanovic reacted by sending a message to Konakovic reminding him that the B&H Presidency is exclusively responsible for conducting B&H's foreign policy.


Cvijanovic’s letter reads: “Since in your letter from February 22, 2023, you ignored the position of the B&H Presidency regarding the accession and co-sponsorship of the Resolution in question, the Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency demands from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the content of its instructions to the diplomatic-consular network of B&H, including the specific case, is strictly in line with the views of the Presidency.”


On the other hand, Konakovic stressed that there are no agreed stances in B&H on Ukraine and Russia and the ministries will pass decisions according to their assessment in specific cases. B&H Ambassador to UN Sven Alkalaj confirmed that B&H will endorse the Resolution, in line with the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s instruction. Alkalaj added that almost all countries in the region will endorse the Resolution.


Cvijanovic stated that the B&H Foreign Ministry apparently continues its old practice of “one-sided implementing the Bosniak political stances and totally ignoring the stances of B&H Presidency that is the only body that has competence for foreign policy.” The office stressed that the fact that speaks in favor of this assessment is that B&H Foreign Ministry sent a letter to B&H’s Permanent Mission to the UN on February 22, requesting from B&H representative to the UN to support the proposal of the resolution urging a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as to accept the status of co-sponsors of the resolution on behalf of B&H at the 11th emergency session of the UN General Assembly. The Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency warned that this means there is again an attempt to implement Bosniak policies. They said that the only stance B&H can present is to abstain during voting. Cvijanovic reminded that there was no decision on introducing sanctions against Russia.


RS President Dodik says B&H Presidency, B&H Parliament and B&H CoM have not formally passed any decision to impose sanctions against Russia (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated on Thursday that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, B&H Parliament and B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) have not formally passed any decision to impose sanctions against Russia. “What some irresponsible ambassador has done is another matter. You can ask (B&H Foreign Minister) Elmedin Konakovic that, as he had a meeting with the EU ambassadors the other day, when the main topic was why B&H does not implement sanctions (against Russia). The reason why the sanctions are not implemented is because there is no decision on these sanctions, and no sanctions will be implemented because they do not exist”, Dodik stressed. He reminded that B&H Presidency has competences for the country's foreign policy which can be checked by reviewing the Constitution of B&H.


Commenting on the statement of Acting President of SDS Milan Milicevic that the RS has imposed and implements sanctions against Russia through its representatives in B&H institutions, Dodik said that Milicevic tries to position himself on a political stage in the RS at any cost even though he fails in that within SDS alone, stressing that as someone who has been engaged politically for a long time and wins the elections – he recommends that Milicevic should “avoid big topics he knows little about, organize the party and win the elections if he already has the potential.” Dodik also assessed that the visit of the RS parliamentary delegation to Russia was a good thing and that it is very important that the delegation was warmly welcomed by the Russian Duma, which suits the RS very much.


Dodik also said that many do not understand that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is where the interests of the great powers clash. Western diplomats did not or do not want to admit that their sanctions against Russia do not bring anything good to the whole world, according to Dodik. He added that B&H, thanks to the RS, did not join sanctions against Russia, regardless of pressures that they suffer from the EU.


Dodik commented that the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, as Dodik said, raged when the B&H Presidency paid the visit. Dodik said that Borrell should explain why he attacked members of the B&H Presidency because they are not implementing sanctions. Dodik asked how can they implement sanctions when there are no sanctions. Dodik pointed out that, when he was the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, he talked with Borrell and President of the European Council Charles Michel. Dodik said that Borrell constantly asked when are they going to start implementing sanctions, while Dodik replied that they never introduced sanctions. Dodik said that Borrell does not understand this.  Dodik reiterated that B&H should not introduce sanctions against Russia and that he is proud of the RS’ relation with Russia. “We do not want continuation of that conflict, but we should not interfere too. We should build relations with Russia and the US if it is possible. But the way they expect from us, it is difficult to be possible”, said Dodik.


Borenovic demands clear information from EU whether B&H introduced sanctions against Russia; Kovacevic: Borenovic and the whole RS opposition should answer to RS citizens what is their positions on sanctions against Russia (BN TV)


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic has sent EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and managing director for Europe at the European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst a letter, via the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), saying it is extremely important to submit precise information if B&H has joined EU sanctions against Russia. Borenovic posed the same question at Thursday session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR). Borenovic explained that it is hypocritical from Chair of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic to listen in Brussels gratitude from EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell because B&H joined sanctions against Russia and after returning to B&H denying everything that was said in Brussels. “This is hypocritical policy of the ruling coalition in B&H. They have obligation to inform us about their concrete activities”, concluded Borenovic.


According to the PDP leader, he expects from Borrell and Eichhorst to provide accurate data if B&H joined any declaration or any other EU measures against Russia. Borenovic added that he posed the same question to the B&H Council of Ministers. The Advisor to the Republika Srpska (RS) President Radovan Kovacevic said that Borenovic and the whole RS opposition should answer to the RS citizens what is their positions on sanctions against Russia.


West and Sarajevo pressure RS to join sanctions against Russia; Kalabukhov says B&H did not introduce sanctions against Russia (RTRS)


On the anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine, the West and political Sarajevo do not give up the pressure on Republika Srpska (RS) to join the sanctions against Russia, commented the presenter. The RS officials confirmed that the RS is not deviating from its neutral position, and at the same time, the RS opposition is writing to Brussels and the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) to ask if B&H has introduced sanctions against Russia.


The Russian Embassy of B&H, which was not even asked, replied that B&H has not introduced sanctions. Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov said that everything regarding statements that B&H introduced sanctions was propaganda. Kalabukhov has confirmed in a statement to RTRS that B&H has not joined a set of sanctions against Russia. He stated that B&H and Serbia are friendly countries and “stories about B&H joining the sanctions are only a fuss because there are no official decisions”, adding that they are used only as propaganda. Kalabukhov's statement denies the allegations of PDP leader Branislav Borenovic and others who try to present that B&H has imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation.


Meanwhile, the Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nenad Stevandic told the Russian Gazette that the RS aims for neutrality and the preservation of historical ties with Russia that are much older than the conflict in Ukraine. Stevandic and the RSNA delegation are paying a visit to Russia. Stevandic reminded that Moscow never requested from the RS to stop the process of European integration, while Brussels insistently demands from the RS to cut off relations with Russia.


B&H Council of Ministers appoints Almir Dzuvo as new OSA Director (Nova BH)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) appointed on Thursday Almir Dzuvo as the Director of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA). Risto Zaric was appointed the OSA Deputy Director, while Damir Bevanda was appointed the OSA Chief Inspector. With that, Osman Mehmedagic’s mandate at the head of the OSA officially ended.


Addressing the media after the B&H CoM’s session, B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic said that he expects the work of the OSA to be in accordance with the law and that there will be no privileged ones. “I expect all appointed officials, including me, to work according to the law, the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). I already emphasized earlier that as a Minister of Security, I will insist on the fight against crime and corruption, zero tolerance towards crime and corruption. There are no protected persons, regardless of their position,” Nesic emphasized.


The B&H Presidency previously gave a positive opinion when it comes to the appointment of the OSA leadership. However, SDA lawmakers warned that the entire appointment process was not carried out in accordance with the law because the Joint Security-Intelligence Commission for Supervision over Intelligence Security Agency has not been formed. SDA MP in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Serif Spago said that the Commission had to give its opinion. “It is a legal obligation. We will see whether this majority will comply with this in the coming period. Bearing in mind these illegal appointments, I am not sure that what should be respected, that is, legal obligations, will be respected in that procedure,” Spago underlined. The Republika Srpska (RS) opposition disputed the legality of the appointment of Dzuvo as the OSA Director, assessing that the focus was solely on distribution of positions. HDZ B&H’s representative in the B&H HoR Marinko Cavara denied that the appointment was illegal and added that the mandate of Mehmedagic as the OSA Director expired long ago.


SDA MP Mehmedovic: Dzuvo’s appointment is illegal; Majority in FB&H Parliament will make final decision on who will appoint new Government (O kanal)


SDA MP Semsudin Mehmedovic, commenting on the appointment of Almir Dzuvo as a new Director of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA), stated that as the opposition, they expect from him to work in line with the law on the OSA and to work at service of B&H citizens and not deal with private obsessions of any political opponent. He assessed that obviously, the CoM appointed Dzuvo to this position in urgent procedure without consulting the B&H Parliament. He characterized this as an illegal appointment because new authorities circumvented the B&H Parliament.


Asked can the new parliamentary majority at the state level stay in power, Mehmedovic argued that bearing in mind its heterogeneous composition, it is really difficult for ‘The Eight’ to manage the situation and work with a solid political alliance of SNSD-HDZ B&H, as an anti-Bosnian political alliance that has all elements of blockade and after the latest decision of the HR, they will also have all elements of control in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). He added: “Therefore, it will not be easy to manage political processes and keep the current political majority. Anyhow, SDA, our Caucus, will confront every disintegration attempts to ruin the state and its institutions, no matter who forms the parliamentary majority.”


Commenting on the process of formation of new authorities in the FB&H, Mehmedovic assessed that the majority in the FB&H Parliament will make the final decision on who will appoint the new FB&H Government, regardless of the fact that SDA’s Vice President of the FB&H Refik Lendo will not support a government without SDA. He underlined: “Obviously, this is not just a project of some new parliamentary majority but a project of some strong centers of power of the international community (IC). I expect this to end no matter of the outcome so that the FB&H finally gets a government and assume responsibility for the situation in the FB&H.”


Two meetings scheduled for Friday focusing on election of FB&H President (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz reads that as part of a process of forming of executive power in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), two meetings regarding the election of the FB&H President and Vice Presidents have been announced for Friday. SDA’s Refik Lendo sent a letter to his colleagues Lidija Bradara (HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)) and Igor Stojanovic (SDP), proposing holding of a joint meeting on Friday at 10 hrs. The leadership of FB&H House of Representatives agreed to invite candidates for the FB&H leadership to attend a working meeting also on Friday at 11 hrs.


Vecernji list announces the meeting in the FB&H Parliament and comments that there is no clear answer to whether authority formation in the FB&H will certainly start. Article comments that the Election Law stipulated that candidates for the FB&H leadership will decide between themselves who will be the FB&H President. In case they fail to reach agreement, the FB&H HoR will be reaching a decision on this. Daily comments that the process of authority formation in FB&H should start after this, noting that it is necessary to underline that there is a signed program agreement between HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ which focuses on the EU integration and important economic reforms.


Dunovic: FB&H HoR may decide on new FB&H President next week if three of them fail to agree (FTV)


Vice President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and DF MP Milan Dunovic, speaking about the new leadership of the FB&H, said that unlike leader of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Dragan Covic, he will not make any forecasts about this process. In his opinion, the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) may decide on a new FB&H President next week. He stated: “Of course, in order for the FB&H HoR to hold a session, the three of them (Lidija Bradara, Igor Stojanovic and Refik Lendo) are supposed to fail to reach an agreement. In order for this to happen, they should first meet and they still have never sat in the same room and discussed who may become the new FB&H President.” In his opinion, they are not children whom the FB&H HoR should reconcile.


Commenting on media allegations that the FB&H HoR scheduled a meeting from Friday at 11,00hrs while Lendo called for a meeting on Friday at 10,00hrs, Dunovic said that this situation shows all deficiencies of the Constitution of the FB&H and the B&H Election Law that High Representative Christian Schmidt imposed. Dunovic underlined: “He did not unblock the FB&H. The change related to the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court was well-drafted and this was unblocked because it is impossible for a judge to retire until end of the vacancy procedure.”  Dunovic noted that if it was not for imposing of changes to the B&H Election Law in the night of the elections in 2022, in the worst-case scenario, there would be appointment of the FB&H President and Vice President (VPs). According to Dunovic, Bradara, Lendo, Stojanovic will fail to reach an agreement on this issue and thus, it will come to the agenda of the FB&H Parliament. In his opinion, the majority to vote on this issue is not defined at all. In his opinion, there is no way for the HR to solve this issue that he complicated. Dunovic said: “No matter how he tries to prove that he did not work in favor of HDZ B&H in case of changing of the B&H Election Law, he obviously did. And in order for any of the three candidates to be the President of the FB&H, if the HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’, for example, make a proposal to appoint a government and Mr. Lendo is against it, the HR can make only one change in order to appoint the government, and that is to say that the President and one VP or two VPs are quite enough to appoint the Government. However, if he does that, it would mean that the Government can be appointed in the following election cycles as well, and people from the HDZ B&H openly said several times that they are not in favor of any new imposing. In fact, the only legal option for appointing the FB&H Government is for it to be appointed by those who are competent for that under the Constitution. So, the Government is not appointed by the parliamentary majority, it is not appointed by the HoR. The FB&H Government is appointed by the President with the consent of the two VPs. The HoR gives its consent. Collecting signatures before appointing the Government means absolutely nothing." Dunovic explained that in case of every appointment of the FB&H President and VPs, they reflect the parliamentary majority that forms the government.


Asked should SDA be part of the authorities, Dunovic said that SDA collected enough signatures in the Bosniak Caucus so that no one else can run as a candidate. He added that on the other hand, the other two candidates from HDZ B&H and SDP B&H should have known that they are about to form authorities with SDA and the fact that they think that they are not, is their problem. Dunovic underlined: “Thus, SDP B&H and HDZ B&H are already part of authorities with SDA. The three political parties must sit and discuss and agree on how to appoint the FB&H Government. Even the HR indirectly said this some 15 days ago.” Dunovic also said that sometimes, he wonders do people from the international community (IC) read Constitutions of the B&H and the entities and do they understand processes. He said: “"It is prejudged that someone is blocking something. And as far as we can see, it is still not known who the President of the FB&H is, who are the VPs. Therefore, people were appointed and cannot take over the mandates. An agreement is needed, and no one has defined how the agreement will be reached."  In his opinion, there is no blockade at this moment, they simply do not know how to appoint the FB&H President. Dunovic underlined that this process must come to an end. He underlined: “We have no institutional blockades. We have mental blockades”.




PM Plenkovic: Invasion in 2022 is a continuation of what Russia started in 2014 (Hina)


Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine last year was the continuation of what started in 2014, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Thursday at the cabinet meeting where it was decided that Croatia would raise the Ukrainian flag on Friday to mark the first anniversary of the invasion. “It is an unprecedented act where Russia invaded the free and independent, internationally recognised territory of Ukraine. It continued what it started in 2014,” Plenkovic said. Tomorrow, Croatia will mark the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by raising the Ukrainian flag, the government decided at today’s session. “The consequences of the aggression were unprecedented and tragic for tens of thousands killed, millions of refugees and exiles, and destroyed infrastructure throughout Ukraine. The consequences of this aggression are also visible in Europe, globally, in Croatia,” said the Prime Minister.


Plenkovic noted that Zagreb has supported Kyiv over the past year – politically, diplomatically, financially, militarily and with humanitarian aid. “We will continue to do this with full solidarity and the belief that we were taking the right steps at every moment in the past 12 months, and will continue to do so in the future – both bilaterally and within the framework of international institutions,” he said. Plenkovic added that this morning he met with the Ukrainian community in Croatia and thanked them for “facilitating the acceptance of their compatriots from Ukraine,” who, according to their estimates, numbered between 22,000 and 30,000 at certain times.


Zdenko Lucic, State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, said that Croatia’s total aid to Ukraine exceeded €160 million. Lucic singled out that the government had provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine with an amount exceeding €6 million and Croatian companies have donated food and medicine to Ukraine worth about €1 million.


Grlic Radman at the UN: Let's not have Ukraine wait long for freedom like Croatia did (HRT)


On Thursday Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman called on the world not to let Ukraine wait for freedom for four long years as Croatia did and warned that silence on Russian violations of human rights and law would have far-reaching consequences for international order. The day before the first anniversary of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Croatian Minister Gordan Grlic Radman, called it a brutal aggression and escalation of events started in 2014 with an illegal annexation of Crimea.


“The Russian attack is a violation of international law and the UN charter committed by a permanent member of the Security Council, a nuclear power, and therefore it will have long-term implications for the entire UN,” said Grlic Radman at the UN General Assembly in New York. “Russia has disrupted an international order based on rules with aggression, with deep consequences for the years to come,” he warned. “We must not remain silent in front of those who destroy and violate the most basic human and sovereign rights of a state. If we fail now, not only will our present look gloomy, but the price of our failure will move to future generations,” said Grlic Radman.


According to him, Moscow with its aggression caused huge human suffering, death and wounding of hundreds of thousands of people, mass refugees and destroying civilian infrastructure, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. He added that the invasion had influenced the whole world, disrupted global economic flows and led to energy and food insecurity. He then spoke about the courage and determination of the Ukrainian people who stood on the path to the aggressor, saying that the conflict unfortunately reminds of the war in Croatia.


“Unfortunately, we in Croatia know too well what it feels like. We saw propaganda on the alleged need for denazification and protection of minorities, followed by a self -proclaimed Republic on the soil of Croatia, invasion and aggression. Croatia’s fight for freedom lasted four long years,” said Grlic Radman. Let's not have Ukraine wait that long for freedom.


Later on Thursday, the UN General Assembly, at the proposal of 60 countries, is expected to adopt a resolution which "underlines the need to achieve, as soon as possible, a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter, writes the France Press agency. As in previous resolutions, the UN's commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine is confirmed and calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities. In the text, which, unlike the decisions of the Security Council, is not legally binding, Russia is required to immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all its military forces from the territory of Ukraine.


Kyiv is hoping for the support of at least the same number of countries as in October, when 143 of them voted for a resolution condemning Russia's illegal annexation of several Ukrainian territories. With this goal in mind, Ukraine eased the pressure to include in the text the ten-point peace plan of President Volodymyr Zelensky, which he presented in November, according to diplomatic sources, as reported by the French agency. “I think we have prepared a text that really tries to bring the international community together, tries to be as cohesive and positive as possible,” said a European diplomat.


Secret task force formed; If it is so, Serbia will be drawn into the war with Russia (


The U.S. newspaper New York Times states that the USA intends to procure grenades for Ukraine through an intermediary, and Serbia is among the countries where they will be looking for them. In addition to Serbia, there are also Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as well as Romania and Bulgaria, the newspaper said, referring to confidential sources. It also points out that Ukraine has long relied on its armed forces and is now struggling to acquire Soviet-era ammunition for its weapons. That's why they have to try to get ammunition in the "rural" regions of Eastern Europe, reports, referring to the New York Times.


"Ukraine has long relied on Russian weapons for its armed forces. Now it is scrambling to get Soviet-era ammunition for those weapons, with the help of manufacturers even in rural corners of Eastern Europe", NYT informs. "One year into the war, despite an influx of sophisticated Western arms, the Ukrainian military still relies primarily on weapons that fire Soviet-standard munitions". "The United States and its NATO allies don’t produce those munitions, and the few countries outside Russia that do are mostly in the former Soviet orbit", the newspaper writes. Furthermore, it is stated that because of this, Western countries are struggling to find alternative sources and are investing millions of dollars in workarounds, with which they would like to avoid political consequences and Russian retaliation against countries that have such ammunition.


As an example, it is stated that Bulgaria’s projected arms exports last year soared, exceeding $3 billion, around five times the sales abroad in 2019, according to government estimates from data gathered in October. "Bulgaria is hardly the only country quietly contributing to Ukraine’s war effort. Luxembourg is supplying Ukraine with arms that originate in the Czech Republic. Brokers with cash from the United States are scouring factories in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Romania for shells. And Britain has formed a secret task force to arm Ukraine, according to a document The New York Times obtained and officials familiar with the task force’s work", says the document obtained by the New York Times, which published it.




Djukanovic: A year of indescribable suffering, but also a dignified and determined fight, Montenegro stands firmly with Ukraine (CDM)


It’s been one year since the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. It has been a year of destruction on a scale not seen since World War II, says the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic. “Indescribable agony and suffering, but also the dignified and determined fight of the Ukrainian people in defense of their country, the international legal order and the highest values of the free world. Montenegro firmly stands by Ukraine and its leadership”, President Djukanovic points out.


DPS to choose its presidential candidate today (CDM)


Today, the Presidency and Executive Board of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is to choose a candidate for the presidential elections scheduled for 19 March. The largest number of municipal committees proposed party leader and current president Milo Djukanovic as a candidate. The deadline for submission of candidacies is 26 February. Presidential candidates need 8,101 signatures of support. The State Election Commission has so far confirmed the candidacies of the leader of the New Serbian Democracy Andrija Mandic and the MP of the Social Democratic Party Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic.


Europe Now: Jakov Milatovic, candidate for President of Montenegro (CDM)


The executive committee of the Europe Now movement has unanimously supported the candidacy of Jakov Milatovic for the new president of Montenegro. As announced by Europe Now, the decision was made after the Presidency of the Movement sent a proposal to the members of the executive committee, who at an extraordinary session assessed that this was the best and most correct decision, especially bearing in mind that a man of his professional and personal qualities is someone who will to govern Montenegro in a dignified manner in the next 5 years. Europe Now recalls that in the local elections held in October, Milatovic “led the forces that defeated DPS in the City of Podgorica after decades”. “I entered politics at the invitation of the citizens, and I felt the responsibility to listen to their voice, which was also accumulated through the party’s organs. I am sure that we will gather the strength that proved to be indomitable, despite the injustice that showed all the weakness of the system and of an ordinary citizen like Milojko Spajic”, Milatovic has stated.


Konakovic and Abazovic meet in Podgorica, emphasize that Montenegro and BiH do not have open political issues (MINA)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic met with Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic in Podgorica on Thursday. Konakovic and Abazovic emphasized that Montenegro and B&H do not have open political issues, stressing that the possibility of joint action between the two countries in the area of tourism promotion can be a great opportunity. “Our mission is to once again be a place of convergence, and in that space, we see common chances for our two countries in some kind of joint action, above all on our European path, on our Euro-Atlantic path. B&H has the ambition of admission and membership in NATO, but that part is a little more complicated in B&H and some of Montenegro's experiences can help us a lot there,” Konakovic underlined.


Abazovic said that “the common interests of Montenegro and B&H are to develop a good-neighbor policy with all the countries of the region, and to open and strengthen the European prospects of the entire region, and especially of Montenegro and B&H, but also to work on joint infrastructure projects.”


At the meeting, it was said that Montenegro and B&H have no open political issues, and the possibility of a joint performance of both countries in the promotion of tourism could be a great opportunity. Konakovic said that they are trying to use B&H’s geographical position in the right way and that their mission is to make B&H once again a place where the West and the East connect instead of confronting each other. Konakovic also said that they see a chance for B&H and Montenegro in their joint performance, especially when it comes to their paths to the EU. Apart from reporting on the meeting between Konakovic and Abazovic, media report that President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic expressed satisfaction that Minister Konakovic has come to visit Montenegro, stressing that the quick visit is confirmation of good relations between the two countries. According to the daily, Konakovic also met with Deputy PM Ervin Ibrahimovic, after which Konakovic will travel to visit to Belgrade.


North Macedonia


Human suffering in Ukraine must stop, Osmani tells UNGA (MIA)


OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani addressed the 11th Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Thursday in New York, strongly condemning the Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine. In his address, Osmani sent a message to all UN member countries about the importance of adopting the UN Resolution on restoring peace and protecting international order and called on all UN member countries to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and its people, and to uphold the UN Charter which is their shared responsibility.


“Today it is Ukraine, tomorrow it could be any of our states that rely on the norms and principles of international law and consider the Charter of the United Nations as the undisputable guarantee for their independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Russian Federation has violated these fundamental principles, which we all cherish and on which we all agree, regardless of differences between us,” said Osmani, as cited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Osmani pointed out that "spheres of influence" cannot be accepted in the 21st century, noting that it is a concept for causing conflicts, as is the case with Ukraine. He stressed that it is impermissible for a state to forcefully redraw the borders of its democratic neighbor, destroy its infrastructure and cause unbearable suffering to civilian population. Osmani, reads the press release, said that Russia has chosen the wrong  side of history and hence the majority of member states accepted previous UN resolutions, thus condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


“There is no justification for Russia's behavior as a permanent member of the Security Council,” Osmani said. “In addition to launching an aggressive war against Ukraine, Russia has also caused energy insecurity and food shortages in the world.” The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office conveyed North Macedonia’s position, which is guided by the principles of international law and the UN Charter. “From the beginning, our country condemned the Russian war against Ukraine and, like a large number of UN members, supported the investigation into possible war crimes against the Ukrainian people, and now supports the restoration of peace and the protection of international order.” Osmani stressed that Russia has violated both the OSCE principles and the Helsinki Final Act. He shared personal testimonies during his field mission to Ukraine.


"I visited Borodyanka near Kyiv and saw the devastating consequences of war. I visited the civilians in the camp nearby and while talking to them I asked myself - what have these innocent civilians, most of them elderly people and children, done wrong to deserve such destiny? We as an international community can do more than humanitarian assistance to alleviate this human suffering. At the end of the day, as the motto of our OSCE Chairpersonship says – It's About People!” Osmani stressed. He told representatives of the UN member states that political action at national and international level will be meaningless if we remain silent in the face of human suffering that is not caused by natural disasters, but by deliberate military aggression. He underlined that there must be accountability, because accountability today is a moral imperative as it is the most effective means to avoid this happening again, in another place, to another sovereign state, to another people. “The international community can’t afford that this gross violation of all norms and principles goes without response. Justice and accountability are needed for the sake of the victims, but they are also prerequisites for avoiding further aggressions. What is at stake in Ukraine is no less than a vision of a world we want to live in: either we will secure peaceful coexistence free from menaces of war and aggression, or we will be forced to live in constant fear, instability and uncertainty,” Osmani pointed out.


Parliament votes to dismiss ministers Sali, Aliti and Cupi, heated exchange between PS Xhaferi and VMRO-DPMNE MP Janushev (MIA)


The Parliament dismissed Minister of Health Bekim Sali, Minister of Information Society and Administration Admirim Aliti and Minister without Portfolio for the Diaspora, Xhemail Cupi, all from the ranks of outgoing junior coalition partner Alternativa. Sixty-four MPs voted "yes", with one "no" and no abstentions. Afterwards, MPs started the debate on the election of new ministers nominated by the Government - Krenar Loga for Minister of Justice, Fatmir Mexhiti for Minister of Health, Azir Aliu for Minister of Information Society and Administration, all coming from new coalition partner Alliance for Albanians, and SDSM's Kaja Shukova for Minister of Environment and Physical Planning. "The discussion relates to all Government members, while the vote will be individual," said Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi.


As media reported, the session was accompanied by tensions, especially during its continuation until 1.30 after midnight on Thursday. There was a verbal clash between VMRO-DPMNE MP Igor Janushev and Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, over the latter's son. “Listen now, neither you nor the majority here can touch the little finger of Talat Xhaferi’s son. Second, Talat Xhafer's son does not walk around the courts. Go and sit down. You can't see Talat Xhaferi's son drugged,” Xhaferi told to VMRO-DPMNE MP Igor Janushev. As media reported this morning, the session continued until 2 o’clock in the morning with a debate on the election of four new ministers, three of whom are from the ranks of the Alliance for Albanians. It will resume today at 12 o’clock.


Micevski: Creation of parliamentary majority not based on principles (Republika)


A parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE did not vote for dismissal of ministers as part of the Government reshuffle because, as its coordinator Nikola Micevski stated, since a year ago, they still have a situation of patching up the majority without a clear goal, program and vision. “What people would say is a situation in which, on the one hand, they are raging, on the other hand, the ruling majority is tearing them apart, because the legitimacy of the citizens has simply already been lost. Kovachevski, SDS and DUI are faced with their incompetence, crime, corruption and internal conflicts, and therefore such gymnastics with dismissal, appointment and simple bargaining will not improve anything in Macedonia, but on the contrary, it will complicate and deepen the problems to the detriment of the citizens. The only way out of this mess is elections and the creation of a new majority with the legitimacy of citizens,” he said.


DUI MP Ademi says VMRO-DPMNE sabotages Albanians (Republika)


Inter-ethnic relations are again a topic in the Parliament. Nikola Micevski of VMRO-DPMNE and Arber Ademi of DUI, the two parliamentary group coordinators, accused each other on ethnic grounds from the parliamentary platform. Ademi claimed that the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, ordered Skopje mayors to sabotage Albanians who were building and seeking legalization. Micevski replied saying this is “scaring people with war” that will not pass.


DUI MP: Not voting for new Government, no dilemma over constitutional changes (Republika)


Izet Mexhiti, Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) vice-president and part of the so-called "Fire Group", has said he would not vote in favor of the new Government but has no dilemmas over the constitutional changes. "This is politics out of spite and one for daily purposes and interests. I will not vote for the new Government. However, let me add that all ethnic Albanian MPs have no dilemmas over the constitutional changes. The two aspects should not be linked. This, as we are called 'fire group’, has three lawmakers but we are talking to others as well. I see smaller parties that are also dissatisfied," Mexhiti told Republika.bHe believes the Alliance for Albanians should not be included in the Government. "These moves were not necessary, we had a stable majority and we only had to deliver on the promises. There was no need for political acrobatics. I hope this will not lead to early elections and we should all find the solution for the constitutional changes, because this is the only way to the EU," says Mexhiti.


Grubi to VMRO-DPMNE: Let’s first vote for constitutional amendments, then for dissolution of parliament and early elections (Telma)


“Here is an offer to VMRO-DPMNE. I know that both Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and DUI leader Ali Ahmeti will agree with this, which is to schedule a parliament session with two items on the agenda. The first point should be constitutional amendments, and the second should be the dissolution of the parliament and early elections,” said First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi during a guest appearance on ‘Interview Only” aired on TV Kanal5 last night. “Let them vote for the constitutional amendments and we will go to elections. Let this be a sort of compromise. Let them be encouraged, let them make such a decision and let’s see. Let them go to the elections to see if they will win, if they will rule,” Grubi said. According to him, the constitutional changes are the best thing that can happen for the Macedonian people. “The inclusion of the Bulgarian community, together with others, in the preamble of the Constitution is the completion of the statehood of the Macedonian people. This solves all the open issues we had. With the Prespa Agreement, Greece became our friend, lobbies for us; with the Ohrid Agreement Albanians became loyal citizens because the state became loyal to them, and with Serbia the church issue was resolved. With the constitutional amendments, the Macedonian people will only gain. I am 100% sure that by doing this, the Macedonian people, for the first time will be finally recognized by all their neighbors and have its own country that was disputed by everyone around them,” said Grubi.


Rexhepi: There is no theoretical possibility for constitutional changes to happen (Alsat-M)


Independent MP Skender Rexhepi believes that currently there is no theoretical and practical possibility for constitutional changes. During the talk-show “Rruga Drejt” (Path towards) aired on TV Alsat-M last night, Rexhepi said that the number needed for the opening of the constitution will be reached only with increased international pressure on the Macedonian opposition, and with an agreement to go for early parliamentary elections after the constitutional changes. “These changes will only come with greater international pressure, especially from the US and the EU towards the Macedonian opposition to show that the state's interest in being part of the EU is greater than personal or party interest. I believe that this is the only way to achieve constitutional changes. Albanian political parties cannot convince VMRO-DPMNE to vote for the changes,” said Rexhepi.




1 year of war in Ukraine, Rama message from Hiroshima: Russia cannot win the war (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama chose Hiroshima to deliver a message on the 1st anniversary of Russia's war in Ukraine. Rama spoke bluntly, as he said that Russia cannot win the war in Ukraine and that, according to him, playing with the word atomic bomb is a shame for civilization.


"There were many who thought that the Russian invasion of Ukraine would be a matter of days. But here we are today, a year of heroic resistance of the people of Ukraine under the courageous leadership and iron will of President Zelensky, with the support of the democratic world. And it is already clear that Russia cannot win the war. When I say: here we are, I want to add that I have the honor to make this message here from Hiroshima, after a long and extremely special moment of respect, at the memorial of those lost, disappeared from the atomic bomb. And then in the Museum of Horrors of the atomic bomb", said Rama, as he reiterated Albania's support to Ukraine and the alliance of all democratic countries so that the past remains the past and everyone's efforts to bring it back, will fail miserably.


"I would like to add that playing with the word atomic bomb today, as if you are talking about a puppet, is it true, is a shame of our civilization and this makes even more important the support for Ukraine, the alliance of all democratic countries and the determination of everyone who has dignity for human respect, freedom, the values of democracy, so that the past remains the past and any attempt to return the past, fails shamefully", said Rama.


During the visit that Prime Minister Edi Rama is conducting in Japan, in the framework of the 42nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the Albanian head of state stopped in Hiroshima where he placed flowers at the Peace Memorial, as well as visited the Museum Peace Memorial. Prime Minister Rama is on the fourth day of his official visit to Japan. Since the beginning of Russia's war, Albania has been among the first countries to help Ukraine.


Albanian President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj conveyed a message of solidarity and respect for the leadership and bravery of the Ukrainian people, on the 1st anniversary of the brutal Russian military aggression against Ukraine. The president said that Albania will resolutely continue to support the Ukrainian people. "The sacrifice and resistance of the Ukrainian people for the protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity are inspiring for the protection of peace, freedom and democratic values. Albania will resolutely continue to support the Ukrainian people. Albania is with you," emphasized President Begaj.


Hohmann: The EU is committed to changing the lives of Albanians (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of the EU Delegation in Tirana, Christiane Hohmann said that the European Union is committed to changing the lives of Albanians for the better, even before the country joins the EU. "With the approval of the financial agreement between the European Commission and Albania, we will be able to create more opportunities for young Albanians, more protection for the environment, more support for public services and justice," said Ambassador Hohmann.


Yesterday, the Council of Ministers approved in principle the signing of the Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the Republic of Albania for the Annual Action Plan (AAP) for 2022 within the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) III. The EU contribution of 82.6 million Euro will support six actions in the fields of environment, youth, democracy, harmonization of the Acqius Communautaire, the fight against organized crime and the judiciary. Specifically, the "EU for water" program (29 million Euro) aims to support Albania towards the preservation and improvement of the quality status of water bodies in Albania and further alignment with the "environmental legislation" of the EU.


"EU for youth" (5 million Euro) aims at: support for the participation and empowerment of young people in the political, economic and social life of Albania. The "EU for Democracy" program (5 million Euro) aims to promote the inclusive participation and trust of Albanian citizens in democratic institutions. While, the "Tool of Integration in the European Union" program of 19 million Euro, aims to strengthen the capacities and accountability of the Albanian public administration in its preparations for EU membership. The EU Law Enforcement Program (14.9 million Euro) supports the rule of law by strengthening the fight against organized crime in Albania, including environmental crime and illegal cyber activities, human trafficking and irregular migration.


While "International Monitoring Operation (IMO): Support for the process of temporary re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in Albania - Phase III" (9.7 million Euro), aims to strengthen independence, transparency, efficiency, accountability and public trust in the Albanian system of justice. The financing agreement will be signed by the European Commission and then submitted to the Albanian authorities. The pre-accession assistance instrument IPA supports EU candidate countries in adopting and implementing key political, institutional, social and economic reforms to be in line with EU values and to progressively align with rules, standards and EU policies.


Rama for ‘Nikkei Asia‘ in Tokyo "Albania sees 'zero' benefits from China's '17+1' but will stay" (Radio Tirana)


Albania's Prime Minister sees no economic benefits from what is left of China's "17+1" economic cooperation bloc with Eastern European nations, although he plans to remain in the grouping as a channel for dialogue with Beijing.


Speaking with Nikkei Asia in Tokyo on Wednesday, Edi Rama said the framework, which China values as a cornerstone of its Belt and Road Initiative influence, has not been beneficial. "In terms of economic impact, I would say zero," he said. The bloc's membership has been shrinking, with Lithuania withdrawing in 2021 and Latvia and Estonia pulling out last year. Still, Rama said his government would take a different approach. "We are not going to withdraw. We are going to stay, and I think withdrawing in principle is not a good idea," he said, although he stressed that he was not complaining. He said that now more than ever, it is important for countries to "talk as much as we can to each other" and to "put ourselves in the shoes of the other."


Albania, long communist after World War II, went through a process of democratization after the Cold War. Rama said his country had come "a long way and from a very ungenerous history," and noted that it had been "practically fully isolated for many decades." While efforts by Russia and China to expand their presence in the Balkans may be awkward for the pro-Western Albania, the desire to keep all lines of communication open may reflect that history. But on a practical level, Rama left little doubt which way Albania leans.


Asked about policies regarding accepting investment from China, he said, "Our strategic sectors are part of our strategic vision of the future. They are very tightly connected with where we work with the family of countries where we belong." He explained, "We want to share our security burden with countries that are part of our strategic alliances." These, he said, "are named United States and European Union."


Rama said that his country is "talking to NATO" about the possibility of granting the alliance a new port, Porto Romano, to use as a naval base. Most of the facility would be commercial, but NATO would be able to use part of it, with the aim of strengthening European security.

Rama said the port, about 30 kilometers from the capital, Tirana, will be the nation's largest. Regarding the "military components," Rama said, "We are in close cooperation with NATO."


Albania itself joined NATO in 2009. The port "is a very strategic base because of the geographic position of Albania," Rama stressed. "It creates the possibility for a very speedy deployment of troops in parts of Europe that for the moment [do not have] this type of access." As for the timing of the grant, he said, "We will have to wait for the whole process within the NATO structures."