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Belgrade Media Report 8 March



President Vucic begins the formation of the People's Movement for the State (Tanjug)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, starts the establishment of the State Peoples Movement and will visit all parts of the country in the coming period. Vucic said the new movement would be established as a “state-building and national movement for the survival and progress of Serbia.” Vucic has spoken before about the creation of a ‘Serbian bloc’ bringing together a broad range of political options, from nationalist to liberal, but details of the plan remain vague. Vucic, as it was said, will ask for the people's support for the defense of Serbia and from Saturday, March 11, he will start talks with the people in the south of Serbia, most likely in Vranje.


Another Serb arrested for an alleged war crime in Kosovo (RTS)


The police unit for the investigation of war crimes in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) arrested a Serb, Zlatko Arsic on suspicion that during the conflict in March 1999, he allegedly committed a war crime against the civilian population in the capacity of an official at the police station in Kamenica, the Special prosecutor's office in Pristina announced.


According to the claim by the Prosecutor's Office Zlatko Arsic "in cooperation with other uniformed and armed members of the Serbian police, initially beat the victim B.M. with rubber sticks and the feet, inhumanely tortured him, mistreated him and caused him serious injuries, trauma and health consequences and seriously threatened his life". Those actions, they add in Pristina, are sanctioned by local laws, customs of war and the International Geneva Convention and additional protocols.


"Also, there is a well-founded suspicion that the defendant Z.A., during the war in KiM, more precisely in the period February-March 1999, in cooperation with other members of the Serbian police and paramilitary groups, participated in the deportation and forced displacement of the citizens of Kamenica and surroundings, then he started robbing houses, and then, with the aim of damaging the property of Albanians, set them on fire and participated in the mistreatment of Albanian civilians," the Prosecutor's Office said. They add that the accused Zlatko Arsic commit the criminal offense "War crime against the civilian population" of the Criminal Code of the former SFRY.


The Office for KiM provided legal assistance to the arrested Arsic (RTS)


The office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) announced that it provided free legal aid to the arrested Zlatko Arsic, and that the president of the temporary body of Kosovska Kamenica, Tanja Aksic, visited his family this morning and offered them help and support. In the statement of the Office for KiM, it is stated that the arrest of Zlatko Arsic, father of three children from the village of Ajnovce in Kosovska Kamenica, is a new form of pressure and harassment to which Serbs are exposed in KiM, especially south of the Ibar, Pristina comes out with the judgment in public even before the end of the court process itself.


It is added that Arsic is a member of the Kosovo police and that a logical question arises as to how he passed all the necessary checks and tests to work in this body, and now he is suddenly accused of an alleged war crime. It is pointed out that this raises the justified suspicion that the motives behind Arsic's arrest are of a completely different nature, as well as that last night's announcement by Dzeljalj Sveclja, who declared Arsic guilty even before the trial and the court's decision, supports this.


"This clearly shows that there is no right or justice for the Serbs in KiM, that their verdicts are handed down in public based on political and ethnic criteria, which violates the presumption of innocence and denies them the right to a fair trial. The Office will also inform international institutions about all this. which operate in the area of KiM," the announcement concludes.


Lajcak coming to Pristina and Belgrade to prepare meeting between vucic and Kurti (Beta)


EU mediator Miroslav Lajcak will visit Pristina on March 9 and 10 and then Belgrade on March 13 and 14, to prepare a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti aimed at implementing the EU Proposal – Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, European Commission Spokesperson Peter Stano has said. Stano said the objective of Lajcak's talks in Pristina and Belgrade was to ensure the implementation of the principles and methods of the accepted Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia. The aim of the Dialogue is to make headway on the path to normalization of the two sides' relations and finally reach the point of signing a legally binding agreement at the end of that process, he added.


Last week, Vucic and Kurti supported the draft Agreement and there was no talk of signing that EU proposal then because its content needs to be reviewed first, Stano explained. According to Stano, implementation of the principlesof the EU proposal will be discussed now, and a top level meeting between the two sides will be organized later this month. The next meeting in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has been announced for March 18 in Ohrid, North Macedonia.


Scholz expects constructive results from European proposal for Kosovo (Beta)


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in Berlin on March 7 that he saw a "great willingness" to normalize relations between Serbia and Kosovo, and predicted good and constructive results soon from an EU-brokered deal. "I assume that we will soon achieve good and constructive results," Scholz said. There is a great willingness to make possible now what seemed impossible for so long - it would be good for peace, but also for development in Kosovo and Serbia, he told a joint news conference with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, as reported by Reuters.


"Albania welcomes the plan between Kosovo and Serbia - this is a realistic plan that brings necessary and long-awaited normalization," Rama said. "Both parties should treat this plan with the maximum seriousness and the necessary courage," he added. Scholz also said that Germany wanted to welcome Western Balkan countries into the European Union as soon as possible and that Albania was making good progress towards membership.


Belgrade University students call for rejection OF EU plan for Kosovo (Beta)


At a protest in downtown Belgrade late on March 7, students from several Belgrade University faculties called on the Serbian authorities to immediately and unconditionally reject the Franco-German plan for Kosovo. Students were invited to the protest in front of the Faculty of Philosophy via social networks by a group of Belgrade University students. The participants of the rally were told to show up for another protest next week in the same location and at the same time. The speakers, who were said to be from the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Political Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Agriculture, stressed that the Franco-German plan meant that Kosovo was snatched from Serbia and that this could not pass. They underlined that the protest was supposed to wake up the student community across Serbia to begin dealing with social and national questions.


Parties: Rally against EU agreement in Belgrade will be supra-partisan (Beta


The New Democratic Party of Serbia, Dveri, the Oath Keepers and the Serbian Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia have announced that a rally in Belgrade scheduled for March 17 would neither be a protest nor demonstrations, but "a supra-partisan unification" of all who oppose the EU's agreement on normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia. The leaders of these parties told reporters that the gathering, to be held under the slogan "Serbia remembers, defends and will not allow it," would begin at 6 p.m. in front of the Church of Saint Sava after which there would be a march to the Presidency building. They said that the gathering would be peaceful and dignified and that its purpose "is to have everyone rally around the Serbian tricolor, without divisions and partisan insignia.


New Democratic Party of Serbia President Milos Jovanovic said that the participants of the rally would reiterate requests that the agreement be completely rejected, that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic resign, and that snap parliamentary and presidential elections be held. Dveri leader Bosko Obradovic called "on absolutely all Serbian patriots in the fatherland, region and abroad, all political parties that clearly said 'No!' to the Franco-German agreement on accepting the false state of Kosovo, all patriotic organizations, war veterans, the families of people who died, everyone who carries Kosovo in their heart, to attend the March 17 rally in Belgrade with their families and children to show how much we care about Kosovo being part of Serbia."


People’s Party pushing for Vucic’s impeachment (Danas


On March 7, vice president of the opposition People’s Party Sanda Raskovic Ivic announced that her party is gathering signatures among National Assembly MPs to have Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic impeached by the Constitutional Court. “Vucic has constantly been violating the Constitution, but now he’s gone too far. We are prepared to collaborate with other parliamentary groups on preparing a detailed explanation [of said violations],” Raskovic Ivic told the Danas daily. Asked whether the impeachment initiative may meet the same fate as the recent motion for a special parliamentary session on Kosovo – which never took place because pro-European parties denied their support – the People’s Party VP said that she believes the decision those parties made was “wrong.” According to her, however, “the situation is different” with regard to Vucic’s potential impeachment. “Everyone agrees that Vucic has been violating the Constitution and that he needs to be prevented from continuing to do so,” she said. “This is an opportunity for us to declare whether we want the rule of law, which is integral to European values as well.”


Stoltenberg: The KFOR mission in Kosovo is important for peace and stability (Tanjug)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that the KFOR Mission in Kosovo is important for peace and stability. At the same time, Stoltenberg welcomed the progress in the talks between Belgrade and Pristina, with the mediation of the EU, stressing that all parties must show a willingness to compromise.


Jens Stoltenberg said that the presence of NATO through the KFOR Mission in the north of Kosovo is important, because in this way they support the diplomatic efforts of the European Union. "I welcome the progress in the talks between Belgrade and Pristina, with the mediation of the EU, as it is the only valid path to a solution and stability. We have a historic opportunity at this moment to create long-lasting peace in the region. We welcome constructive talks, but all parties to the talks must show flexibility and willingness to compromise," Stoltenberg said.


The Secretary General of NATO, who spoke with Albanian President Bajram Begaj, stated that the solution must be based on respect for human rights, democratic values and good neighborly relations. Stoltenberg said that Albania's role is important "because it promotes stability and cooperation with NATO in the Western Balkans". "Albania is committed to its role in NATO, just as we are committed to Albania," Stoltenberg said.


US diplomat told Serbia: Russia brutally attacked Ukraine, I hope you will understand (Beta)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill said that Serbia will have to make a decision on sanctions against Russia. According to him, due to the non-introduction of those sanctions, Serbia is paying a high price. In an interview with Novi Pazar Radio Sto Plus, he said that it is very important that Serbia does not wait to become a member of the EU, but that, in the process of accession, it should align its policy with the EU, including regarding the introduction of sanctions against Russia. "We have to know that Russia brutally attacked its neighbor, many small European countries introduced sanctions, although it was difficult for them, but they did it because it was right. I also believe that Serbia will understand that, it is never too late to do the right thing," Hill said.


When asked what slows down Serbia's progress towards the EU the most - non-introduction of sanctions against Moscow, insufficient progress in the dialogue with Pristina, the state of democracy or problems within the EU itself, Ambassador Hill said that the most honest answer would be "all of those factors together".


"But the most important thing is for the citizens of Serbia to convince themselves that the road to the EU is the right one, and we believe that it is. I hope that the citizens of Serbia will see that, I am aware that there are frustrations and dissatisfaction that the process is not faster, but the most important thing is that Serbia is on the right track," Hill said. "Serbia has made a lot of progress. I do not agree with the pessimists who say that Serbia is going in a bad direction. Serbia is going in a good direction. I know that it is frustratingly difficult and slow, but it is on the right road and we will support it as much as we can," he said. He believes that Moscow's influence on Belgrade is negative, and that Russia's results in Serbia are bad and that citizens will have to see for themselves. "My opinion is that Russia does not help Serbia in any way. They did nothing to help solve the Kosovo issue, they did almost nothing to help economically, even for their energy support, Serbia has to pay," he added.


Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on the normalization of relations, Hill said that it is still too early to evaluate the outcome of the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Brussels and that we should wait for new talks. "I think we are moving in the right direction, but we have to wait and see because no one has yet agreed to anything. I would not like to talk about concrete things and deadlines, I think it is important that the issues are resolved, that after 10 years, finally the Community of Serbian Municipalities is established and that many see this as a test of whether the international community is seriously interested in solving this issue, and I can say that it is. We just need patience," he pointed out.


He said that the political relations between Serbia and the USA are getting better, that he was pleased with the recent conversation between President Vucic and State Secretary Antony Blinken, and that things are good from the economic perspective. "For better relations, it is necessary to have as many meetings as possible at the highest level. American companies are present in Serbia, they are first-class companies, with modern technologies, not technologies from the 1970s. In the last couple of months alone, two business delegations paid a visit to Serbia. They like Serbia's position on the threshold of the EU, as well as the fact that it has ambitions to become part of the EU," he said.


Hill is on a two-day visit to Novi Pazar, which is the first visit of the American ambassador to that city after almost six years, during which he spoke with representatives of the local self-government, two Islamic communities, the Bosniak National Council and the youth. "This region is very important to the US. This is a dynamic, multicultural area that 25 years ago it was not known which way it would go. Difficult but right decisions were made so that communities could live together. Peace and stability were preserved and this should be rewarded greater US presence," the Ambassador said. He added that in a direct conversation with representatives of Islamic communities and the Bosniak National Council, he learned about the problems they are facing. "I listened to them, but honestly I see progress and people should be aware of it. Problems should be solved step by step. The most important thing is to preserve peace and security, no one had any objections to that. As long as this region is peaceful and stable, it will have more benefits and will become a desirable place for foreign investment," Hill concluded.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


HR Schmidt is satisfied with the results of decisions he enacted on election day (AJB)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt said he is satisfied with the results of his decision enacted on the election day. He noted that there is a 30-day period after election of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) President to form the FB&H Government. He pointed out that there are stable majorities in the FB&H Parliament, FB&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP) and FB&H House of Representatives (FB&H HoR) but that there is also the FB&H leadership which is functional. Now, he says, on the move are those who are elected, and lasting blockades will no longer be possible.


HDZ B&H’s Bradara takes over as FB&H President, holds talks with SDP’s Niksic (FTV)


Lidija Bradara (HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)) officially took over duty of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) President on Tuesday. She met with candidate for the FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic (SDP). Niksic and Bradara agreed there is no time to lose and process of formation of new the FB&H Government should start immediately. Daily notes that according to changes to the Constitution of FB&H and the Election Law of B&H, new FB&H Government should be appointed within 30-day deadline. Daily stresses it is however uncertain it will happen because the parliamentary majority, which consists of HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’, does not enjoy the support of FB&H Vice President from line of Bosniaks Refik Lendo (SDA). Based on the agreement on authority formation between HDZ B&H and other parties Niksic has been proposed as candidate for FB&H Prime Minister.


Stojanovic expects HR to take action if deadline for appointment of FB&H Government is missed; Cavalic: Snap elections are highly unlikely because parliamentary majority already exists (BHT1)


HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s Lidija Bradara took over duty of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) President on Tuesday and shortly after the takeover she held a meeting with SDP leader and candidate for the post of the FB&H Prime Minister-designate Nermin Niksic. However, the presenter stressed, unlike Bradara and newly appointed FB&H Vice President from the rank of Serbs Igor Stojanovic (SDP), newly appointed Vice President from the rank of Bosniaks Refik Lendo (SDA) is unlikely to give consent to Niksic’s appointment as the Prime Minister-designate.


The reporter explained that there is no time to waste as 30-day-deadline for the appointment of the FB&H Government is running out but it is clear the FB&H is facing yet another blockade and everyone is waiting to see what the Office of the High Representative (OHR) will do. Stojanovic said that he does not know what the next step will be but if nothing happens by the end of the deadline, he expects the High Representative (HR) to take action. SBiH representative in the FB&H House of Representative (HoR) Admir Cavalic stated that snap elections are highly unlikely because the parliamentary majority already exists and this was proven on multiple occasions. SDA representative in the FB&H HoR Adnan Efendic claims that SDA would surely benefit from the snap elections.


The reporter pointed out that most experts and the citizens see the institute of snap elections as the best solution to long-term problems and blockades within B&H. Former member of the Central Election Commission of B&H Vehid Sehic called for changes of the Law on Elections of B&H and introduction of the snap elections, saying that B&H must never again be in a situation where entity government remains in power for another four-year-mandate without any legitimacy. The reporter noted that snap elections would basically restart the mandate and they would cost at least BAM 12 million but it is necessary to make adequate legislative changes in which current ruling parties do not seem to be interested at all.


Three scenarios can be expected - that FB&H Government led by Novalic enters third term, that OHR intervenes, or that FB&H Parliament adopts changes to FB&H Constitution (N1)


N1 comments on the formation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) authorities and says that FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo made his support conditional on the entry of SDA into power, and he does not intend to give it up. Admir Cavalic from SBiH commented that the majority has been formed and there is no place for SDA. Cavalic said it is very illusory to expect that SDA can lead processes at the FB&H level. As things stand now, three scenarios can be expected - that the FB&H Government led by Prime Minister Fadil Novalic enters a third term, that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) intervenes, or that the FB&H Parliament adopts changes to the FB&H Constitution, noted the reporter.


Dzenan Djonlagic from DF said that this can be solved very quickly, so that the FB&H Parliament changes the FB&H Constitution that majorities, i.e. the majority in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR), appoints the FB&H Government. Djonlagic said that the alternative is another intervention by the High Representative Christian Schmidt. Such things are unacceptable for HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), added the reporter. A permanent decision by which the majority elects the Government could prejudge that in the next election cycle HDZ B&H will be left without power. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that what Schmidt has done so far is a sufficient framework, and any further encroachment and amendment to the FBiH Constitution and the Election Law is absolutely unacceptable.


SDA will not give in, and it seems neither will the ruling coalition in the FB&H, commented the reporter. The High Representative remains, who, according to political analyst Adnan Huskic, bears the greatest responsibility for possible blockades. Huskic said that the changes to B&H Election Law and the FB&H Constitution imposed by Schmidt changed the result of the elections. Huskic believes that it is up to the OHR to correct this anomaly. On the other hand, Cavalic hopes for an interpretation of the OHR's decision. Cavalic stated: “Can we therefore overcome this new crisis when we have a clearly expressed parliamentary majority not only in the House of Representatives but also in the House of Peoples (HoP), and can we perhaps introduce a model of protection of the Vital National Interest through caucuses, for example that two thirds within the Bosniak, Serb and Croat Caucuses in the House of Peoples confirm that someone was outvoted”. The new parliamentary majority consisting of ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H has 58, out of a total of 98 representatives in the FB&H HoR, and the majority in the HoP, concluded the reporter.


SDA’a Pivic: I believe HR Schmidt will not make new intervention in favor of ‘The Eight’, but if he does SDA will use all legal means to defend democratic character of B&H; ‘The Eight’ promised third entity to HDZ B&H (Hayat)


SDA representative in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Representatives (HoR) Nezir Pivic, asked what outcome can be expected with regards to formation of the new FB&H Government and in light of FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo’s statement he will not support the government without SDA, said the situation is already clear, bearing in mind that ‘The Eight’ and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) prematurely initiated formation of authorities both at the FB&H and B&H level without waiting for the Houses of Peoples being formed. He also accused ‘The Eight’ of prematurely claiming that SDA, i.e. Lendo will block the process in advance, all under instruction of HDZ B&H, which is not true, noting that Lendo is requested to sign the appointment of the FB&H Government without “having any right in that government’’, which would be irresponsible from him, because in the current situation, all processes are governed by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic.


Commenting on ‘The Eight’ calling on High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt to react and enable formation of the government without SDA, Pivic said it is ridiculous. He also referred to, HR Schmidt imposing amendments to the B&H Election Law on election night, and the intention was to favor HDZ B&H. “Now, after great support from the citizens and excellent election result, in a situation when SDA can have a control mechanism in the FB&H House of People together with its partners, now that is an issue and such decision should be annulled’’, said Pivic.


Asked how SDA will react if HR Schmidt makes another intervention in favor of ‘The Eight’, Pivic said he believes HR Schmidt will not do that, however if he does that “SDA will use all legal means to defend democratic character of B&H”. However, Pivic said, based on HR Schmidt statements that politicians should reach agreement and implement the will of citizens, he is optimistic Schmidt will not make new intervention, because consequences would be devastating.


Asked why it is important for the international community (IC) to eliminate SDA from the government, whilst no one considers HDZ B&H and SNSD to be the problem, that blocked the institutions during the last mandate, Pivic said he is of view that the attacks started after SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic “said no’’ to electoral reform contrary to democratic principles and damaging for the citizens during negotiations in Neum. He went on to say that changes in the B&H Election Law proposed at the time envisaged the third entity, “which ‘The Eight’ promised to happen within six months after the authority formation” when they referred to electoral reform.


Zukic-Ligata reminded of SDP B&H and ‘Our Party’ said earlier they would not be in coalition with ethnic political parties, but they formed a coalition with HDZ B&H and SNSD, who additionally directly work against B&H. Responding to this, Pivic reminded of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik’s statement that “it will be easier for us to work with this invalid structure than with the powerful SDA”, which means that the coalition with ‘The Eight’ will enable SNSD and HDZ B&H to achieve their goals.


RS Officials on US Embassy’s reaction to Reis’ statement (Nova, ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik reacted on Tuesday to the statement issued by the US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on the occasion of the press statement of Head of the Islamic Community in B&H (IZ B&H) Husein Kavazovic in which Kavazovic said that the defence of the institutions of B&H should be carried out with weapons, as well, if that is necessary. Namely, in the press statement issued on Monday, the US Embassy underlined that Kavazovic is right when it comes to the issue of undermining of institutions of B&H and added that these attacks on institutions come from within, from leaders such as Dodik who frequently attacks the state in word and deed, often calling B&H itself into question. In his reaction, Dodik noted that although Kavazovic made the scandalous statement, the US Embassy is again dealing with him (Dodik) and added: “Instead of a clear condemnation of IZ B&H Head’s calls to arms, which would be a civilized gesture of an embassy, to everyone's surprise we are seeing the defence of his views.” He pointed out that because of such a statement, in a serious country, the ambassador would be invited at least for consultations, and in some cases even fired.


Dodik asked whether the Islamic Community and the US Embassy are jointly, introducing armed Islam in B&H, after introducing the political one. After being encouraged by Murphy, Kavazovic also said that Bosniaks need to put up fierce resistance so that they are not forced into enclaves and ghettos. Dodik commented that only in B&H does a foreign diplomat encourage conflicts and remain a diplomat. Even when their embassy is attacked with weapons, the US policy is completely unilateral and in the service of Muslim interests, said Dodik. Dodik was quoted as saying: “Kavazovic also said that a ‘Vlach’ cannot be the head of Srebrenica, so that too has passed. From being passive observers of Kavazovic’s fundamentalist views, the US Embassy started an open defence of the ‘first Muslim’ in B&H. Only that I personally think that they are not defending Kavazovic, but the idea of an armed rebellion, which Muslims would carry out, with whose, but American weapons”.


"At the moment of the terrorist attack on the US Embassy 12 years ago, reacting to my call in which I express solidarity with the Embassy staff and condemn that terrorist act in Sarajevo, the US Ambassador at the time first said that it was not an act of terrorism, and then he asked me not to use that attack for confrontation with joint institutions. That is when I realized that US policies were completely in the service of Muslim interests in B&H, even when they are attacking the Embassy with bursts of shots."


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that it is unacceptable for US Embassy to take a side and justify the statement of Kavazovic, and while criticizing the other side. He said that “the other side” never called for war, but always insisted on respecting of B&H Constitution. According to Viskovic, ambassadors should represent their countries and ambassadors have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of B&H.


Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Sanja Vulic said that the US Embassy to B&H is again presenting absurd statements and added that it is obvious that, as usually, “they went to SDA Headquarters, or somewhere similar to it, to get an opinion”. Vulic argued that “gentlemen from the American Embassy know very well that, despite of their engagement in the tragic conflict in BiH that was not honourable at all nor it deserved any commendation, on the contrary – it was very shameful, they did not manage to achieve in a military way the goal which they devised together with political Sarajevo, which is the state of B&H without Serbs”.


B&H Presidency member Becirovic condemns latest verbal attacks on IZ B&H Head Kavazovic (Nova BH)


Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic strongly condemned on Tuesday the latest verbal attacks on Head of the Islamic Community in B&H (IZ B&H) Husein Kavazovic, after Kavazovic’s statement in which he said that the defence of the institutions of B&H should be carried out with weapons, as well, if that is necessary. Becirovic’s statement was quoted: “Due to the continuation of orchestrated and malicious media attacks on the spiritual head of the Bosniak Muslims, Head of IZ B&H, Dr. Husein effendi Kavazovic, I publicly call on Milorad Dodik to stop using inappropriate vocabulary. Milorad Dodik is the main promoter of warmongering rhetoric and anti-Dayton policy. I remind the public that Dodik is the only politician in B&H and Europe who publicly threatened to surround the barracks of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H.” Becirovic noted that due to such politics by Dodik, he is calling on Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to start doing their job and to prosecute extremist politicians who jeopardize peace and stability in the country. He called on politicians in B&H to respect traditional values of tolerance and coexistence.


Stano comments the case of Kavazovic’s statements: It is not EU’s business to comment every statement which is said or taken out of context (ATV)


ATV commented that the problematic statements of Head of Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Husein Kavazovic do not worry the Brussels administration too much. According to ATV, they have more important problems such as negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade or the process of the EU integration of the Western Balkan countries, at least according to EC Spokesperson Peter Stano, said ATV journalist. Stano said that the EU business is not commenting every possible statement made or maybe taken out of context. He said that for the EU, it is important that countries have all necessary instruments and are capable of dealing with anything that opposes EU values, which includes prevention of calls for violence, hate speech and similar. ATV noted that without going into details of this particular case, Stano said that it is up to the political leaders and organizations to punish those responsible for such statements.


HR Schmidt on state property law: No one wants to abolish the RS, but distribution of property must finally be regulated and solution must be reached through negotiations of all parties (AJB)


In an interview for Al Jazeera Balkans, High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt said that the Law on State Property does not abolish Republika Srpska (RS). “No one wants to abolish the RS, but the distribution of property must finally be regulated, and the solution must be reached through negotiations of all parties”, Schmidt was quoted as saying.


BNTV reports that Schmidt also said there is property of the former Yugoslavia that needs to be transferred to the level of B&H, and that issue is the cause of dispute in B&H for 20 years now, noting that the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) was clear, i.e. the law at the state level is necessary to regulate the issue. “Last year, or year before that, I called on the B&H Parliament to work together on that and to distance ourselves from blowing it out of proportions, when I hear: that is all horrible, they are abolishing the RS. That is ridiculous. No one wants to abolish the RS.  But the distribution of property among municipalities, cantons, entities and the state, those are things that now finally need to be regulated. But that is not done by someone stubbornly saying ‘I will not do it at all’. Instead, it is necessary to sit down and talk. We in Europe intended it that way, and that is how it is going to happen. But let us say, put aside the nervousness, let us sit down and see what we committed to, what is our obligation for the benefit of our country. At the same time, I hear very reasonable voices from the RS, who in principle say we should do that, which does not mean that there will be no possibility to dispose of property, the property just need to be distributed fairly”, said Schmidt.


BNTV reports that after a journalist noted that RS President Milorad Dodik does not recognize B&H as his country, and does not recognize the HR, Schmidt said Dodik will not be able to endure that and that it is not a matter whether he ignores the HR or not, but whether he ignores the order in B&H that is the result of bitter experiences. “They now need to be improved using principles from the Dayton and it is necessary to move forward towards Europe. And I can tell you that Mr. Dodik will face additional questions which he currently may not even imagine, but he will need to give answers. So, I call on the responsible people in the entity RS to understand that Europe is neither breakfast nor dinner, Europe is a life decision that for individuals should and will be the basis to have future in own country”. BNTV reports that Schmidt also said he does not see the possibility of destabilization in the Western Balkans that could turn into war. “I do not see something like that. In peace, stability is better, and I believe that is something everyone wants”, Schmidt was quoted as saying.


Dodik writes to Viskovic, expects RS Government to prepare documents for discussion in RSNA on RS Law on Immovable Property (RTRS)


After the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) passed a decision determining a temporary measure against the application of Republika Srpska (RS) Law on Immovable Property used for the functioning of the public authority in the RS, the RS President Milorad Dodik sent a letter to the RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic in which he requested that the RS Government takes a position on the issue of property due to, as Dodik said, illegal attempts by the Constitutional Court of B&H and the illegitimate High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt to prevent the implementation of the RS laws. Viskovic announced a new law on immovable property. Viskovic added that Dodik uses his constitutional right in which he asks the RS Government to make a statement about serious attacks on the RS. Viskovic stated that they will fight for their rights that belong to them according to the Constitution and the law. According to Viskovic, the laws passed by RS National Assembly (RSNA) are binding for them and they behave accordingly. Viskovic reminded that laws passed by the RS are constantly being disputed. If foreigners were to read the Constitution and the peace agreement, they would read that B&H has no property, said Viskovic. He added that, as long as Constitutional Court continues to repeal their laws, they will make new laws. This may last for years and they will see who will end up the victor in the end, commented Viskovic.


Dodik referred to legal documents which are significant for the issue of property, including the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). He pointed out that Annex 4 of the DPA defines the competencies which the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) transferred to the state level, and stipulates that all competencies which are not explicitly listed as competencies of the state belong to the entities. Dodik noted that DPA was drafted by US legal experts and modelled after the US Constitution which defines the USA as a union of member states. According to Dodik, provisions of the Annex 4 of the DPA were copied from the US Constitution. Dodik also referred to the Annex 56 of the RS Constitution which stipulates that all state functions and competencies belong to the RS, except the ones explicitly transferred to B&H institutions. Dodik further reminded that Articles 7 and 8 of the Annex 1 of B&H Constitution stipulate that B&H directly implements international documents including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. He reminded that these two covenants guarantee the right to self-determination for all peoples. Dodik underlined that a people cannot be deprived of the means necessary for life.


French Secretary of State Boone meets with Becirovic and Karic, expresses support to EU path of B&H (O kanal)


Within her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Secretary of State for European Affairs of France Laurence Boone met with member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic on Tuesday. She stated on this occasion that this visit represents continuity of engagement of France in the Western Balkans in the context of the EU accession. Boone underlined that France fully supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. She emphasized importance of functionality of institutions as a precondition for reforms and further development. Boone also met with Mayor of Sarajevo Benjamina Karic. Following this meeting, Boone stated that the EU candidate country status of B&H is important for all member countries of the EU. She added that B&H is part of the EU family, and it is important for it to become part of this union as soon as possible. Boone went on to saying that France will do everything in its power to help B&H in achieving of this goal, adding that she hopes B&H will do the same. FTV reports that Boone and Becirovic also discussed a proposal of French President Emmanuel Macron on formation of the European Political Community that would enable European countries to cooperate in number of areas. Boone announced that many European officials will be visiting B&H in order to express support to B&H on its European path. Boone further said what is especially interesting for her in B&H is active civil society, and how much citizens work on promoting democracy and the rule of law.


There was no agreement in B&H Presidency to approve joint exercise of B&H Armed Forces and Serbian Army (RTRS)


There was no agreement in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency that a joint military exercise of the B&H Armed Forces and the Serbian Army is held on the territory of B&H, despite the request of the Chairperson and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. That exercise, as well as the exercise with the US Army, are awaiting the approval of the B&H Presidency, responsible for defense. Cvijanovic confirmed that decisions on holding exercises were removed from the agenda of the Presidency session. Cvijanovic stated that she requested that the military exercise of the B&H Armed Forces and the Serbian Army is included in the agenda of the Presidency session, and that the members declare about it before the decision on the agreement to hold the exercise with members of the US military forces. Cvijanovic said that she is not against the joint exercise with the US, but she asked that other two members of B&H Presidency agree first on the exercise with Serbia.


The reporter commented that this was a justified attitude, considering that the former B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic cancelled the joint exercise with Serbian Army in 2021, using pandemic as the excuse. Cvijanovic said that she recognized that there could be certain manipulations again when it comes to this issue. She said that it was not only her decision to remove all these issues from the agenda, but that of all three Presidency members. The reporter asked who can guarantee that the B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez will not cancel of forbid the exercise with Serbian Army when he claims that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) prohibits the presence of armies from neighboring countries on B&H’s territory. B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Aleksandar Goganovic said that there are no constitutional and legal obstacles to exercises with the Serbian Army this year, because they have been held before and the presence of Serbian soldiers in B&H has never been abused in any way. Besides the Serbian Army, the Bosniak political establishment in Sarajevo is also bothered by the possible participation of the Croatian army in the Althea mission, commented the reporter.




Croatian President expects all EU members to recognise Kosovo (Hina)


Croatia firmly supports the international affirmation of Kosovo's independence and expects it to be recognised by all EU member states, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic told Kosovo's Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla-Schwarz on Tuesday, the Office of the President said in a press release. Milanovic and Gervalla-Schwarz, who is on an official visit to Croatia, discussed bilateral relations, the current plan for the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, Kosovo's membership of the United Nations and other international organisations, and Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic prospects.


“President Milanovic confirmed to Minister Gervalla-Schwarz that Kosovo has always had and can continue to count on solid support from Croatia when it comes to the international affirmation of its independence and Euro-Atlantic prospects,” the statement said.


President Milanovic advocated that such a position be taken by the entire European Union. “We expect all members of the European Union to recognise the independence of Kosovo,” he said according to the press release. Milanovic welcomed efforts invested to normalise relations between Kosovo and Serbia, which would ensure long-term stability in Southeast Europe and European prospects for the entire region. Kosovo has not been recognised by five EU members: Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Spain and Slovakia.


Croatia and Kosovo are close friends, economic relations are growing (HRT)


“Trade exchange between Croatia and Kosovo increased by 23 percent last year and there is great potential for additional development of economic relations between the two countries, whose political relations are also exceptional,” said the head of Croatian diplomacy, Gordan Grlic Radman, on Tuesday. Minister Gordan Grlic Radman met with his Kosovo colleague Donika Gervall-Schwarz and later said that Croatia and Kosovo are friendly and partner countries, which is reflected in the intensive exchange of bilateral visits. He recalled that Croatia strongly supports Kosovo's accession to all international organizations, including the Council of Europe and the European Union. “Croatia is also advocating for the visa liberalization of the European Union for the citizens of Kosovo as soon as possible,” Grlic Radman said. He added that Croatia is ready to help Kosovo on its European path with its knowledge and experience in the necessary reform processes. “Kosovo, with its pro-European stances in foreign policy, is proving to be a reliable partner,” he concluded. In terms of economic relations between Kosovo and Croatia, Grlic Radman pointed out that there is great potential for their development and that the total exchange in the first 11 months of 2022 was more than 23 percent higher than in the previous period.


The Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora pointed out that Croatia is not only a strategic friend, but also a very close one. “Croatia and Kosovo share a long common history that includes the struggle for independence from Yugoslavia, as well as a communist dictatorship in which Serbia had economic and political dominance,” said Gervalla-Schwarz. “We faced the same aggressor,” she added. She also emphasized that Croatian assistance to the Euro-Atlantic path of Kosovo has never been absent.




Abazovic: The election of new ministers is not on the agenda, whoever wants to form a government should do so (Vijesti)


The election of new ministers in the Government is not on the agenda, Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic said. When asked by a journalist about the reconstruction of the government, he said that he would not call it that "for the reason that the talks between different political entities are on several topics and the government is not the central preoccupation", reported Vijesti. "I will continue to do that, dialogue with all political entities, we have to find solutions," Abazovic said. Regarding the formation of a new government, he said he had no comment. "We'll see, the elections are just around the corner. Whoever wants to form a government, let him form it, and until that happens, the government is working at full capacity. If something changes, we are here to hand it over," said Abazovic.


Krivokapic: Protecting power at all costs leads to financial and political sanctions of the Euro-Atlantic partners (CDM)


Protecting power at any cost leads directly to financial and political sanctions of the Euro-Atlantic partners, said the honorary president of the SDP, Ranko Krivokapic. "Criminal misdeeds against the Constitutional arrangement, once called high treason, become the permanent behavior of both "church governments". Protecting the government at all costs leads directly to financial and political sanctions of the Euro-Atlantic partners and even criminal sanctions," Krivokapic said on Twitter.


Kordic: It would be good if a new government is formed before Djukanovic dissolves the Assembly (Aplus TV)


Talks about the new government are constantly ongoing, but I don't know the outcome of the talk, said Simonida Kordic, MP from DF, in a guest appearance on Aplus TV. "It would be good if the government was formed, because it would also remove the last trump cards from President Milo Djukanovic's hands about the need to save the country," Kordic pointed out. It is necessary, she adds, that all members of the parliamentary majority agree on the agreement. "DF showed unprecedented flexibility," Kordic claims. She also believes that it would be good if the executive power was formed, before Djukanovic dissolves the Parliament by decree. "If that doesn't happen, the parliamentary elections are not a problem as far as DF is concerned," said Kordic.


The Difficult Birth of Democracy in (Almost) Post-Djukanovic Montenegro (Geopolitika)


In less than two and a half years after the coalition of the long-serving Montenegrin leader Milo Djukanovic lost the elections, the winning parties are at a crossroads. The choice is simple — they will either agree on forming the third post-Djukanovic government, which is unlikely, or prepare for parliamentary elections. Dritan Abazovic, the current prime minister, claims that the instability is the byproduct of the difficult birth of democracy. After the first democratic transition of power in the country’s history, Abazovic argues, political turbulence is no surprise. However, it will result in building a democratic society in this small Mediterranean country. Djukanovic, who still serves as the President, disagrees and blames the government for serving foreign interests and distancing the country from the European Union.


The country’s fate could be decided in the presidential elections scheduled for March 19. If Djukanovic wins, he will be back on track to regain power. The failure, however, would be a deadly blow to his ambitions. Whoever wins, the outcome of the coming elections will affect the trajectories of several novel trends in Montenegro’s politics. All of them are the consequence of Djukanovic’s 2020 defeat and have the potential to decisively change the patterns that have been shaping domestic politics for decades.


But first – who is Milo, and how has he remained in power for so long that he became the longest-serving leader in Europe?


Djukanovic’s strategy for dominating the politics of Montenegro was based on exploiting the divisions in the country. His favourite one is the Serbo-Montenegrin split, where people with no biological differences are torn between two identities. It is not uncommon for two siblings to have a different ethnic and linguistic affiliations. According to the last census, Montenegrins are the majority, but most of the Serbo-Montenegrin population speak the Serbian language. In terms of religion, the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) enjoys far greater support within this population than is the case with Montenegrin Orthodox Church.


For Djukanovic and his allies, the Serb identity in Montenegro is Belgrade’s hoax and a real threat to the country’s independence, which is why they worked on suppressing it. In line with this, Montenegrin nationalists insist that the Serb national parties and the SOC are Trojan horses working for Belgrade’s interests. Many staunch nationalists are genuine about their anti-Serb narrative, but Djukanovic always had another rationale behind such an approach. After all, he was once a Serbian nationalist. In the early 1990s, he was the one who criticized his current allies for precisely the same narrative they jointly promote today. For Djukanovic, Slobodan Milosevic’s ally back then, Serbia-threat theories were nothing but “sick hallucinations” of his opponents.


Today, however, he is a defender of statehood. This strategy has not only mobilized the majority of the ethnic Montenegrins around him but also secured support from minority parties and voters who were not in favor of Serbia’s influence in the country. Moreover, since the Serb national parties were left to be the central pillar of the anti-Djukanovic bloc, this almost all-against-one approach guaranteed that the opposition would always fail. Relying primarily on the votes of the Serbs, they could never challenge Djukanovic’s rule seriously. Nevertheless, some 20% of the votes they usually had made them visible enough to leave the impression on Djukanovic’s electorate that the threat to national survival was real.


Djukanovic’s master plan also had an international dimension. He managed to stigmatize the Serb national parties as Russian players in Montenegro, which had a tremendous effect abroad. The potency of this strategy has only increased after the crisis in Ukraine escalated in 2014 and Montenegro joined NATO in 2017. Rising animosity between the West and Russia made the former particularly aversive to the expansion of Moscow’s influence and the possibility that the military and political secrets of NATO could end up in Putin’s hands. For many years, this approach secured Djukanovic the status of a man who had no alternative to the West.


In a domestic context, it is today even more critical for Djukanovic to exploit the national divisions since he lost most of the executive power that allowed him to attract votes beyond the game of Serbo-Montenegrin polarization. Unlike the previous period of his rule, the various forms of political extremism in his party are evident this time, which is the first significant political trend that followed the 2020 elections. Indeed, Djukanovic’s first words after the defeat were that the struggle would continue, even from the woods, if needed. But instead of the guerrilla, he organized street protests under the slogan “We are numerous” (Ima nas).


One of the symptomatic examples of the extreme political action of his Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) was the 2021 attempt to block the access roads to Cetinje, Djukanovic’s main stronghold. Their goal was to prevent the enthronement of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral in the Cetinje monastery, which belongs to the SOC but is located in an unfriendly environment. The government was determined to ensure the succession of the orthodox bishops, but it faced a rebellious town and the sovereignty test. The crisis escalated into street violence between the police and demonstrators, where the former prevailed.


In one of the acts of revenge that followed, Djukanovic’s supporters decorated the fences around the monastery and the monastery itself with dozens of Montenegrin flags. Despite the grotesque sight, the monks were careful not to be accused of desecration of state symbols by removing the flags. But, more importantly, the Serb camp of street radicalism did not react with reciprocity, so this and similar situations never escalated as some feared or hoped. If they did, everyone would lose. Everyone but Djukanovic.


Radicalization is currently in service of Djukanovic’s return to power, and the DPS is a hostage of his political ambitions. He may not have a choice at the moment, but the party has one since Djukanovic will likely resign from party positions if he loses the upcoming elections. Once he leaves the scene, the temporary trend of the party’s extremism will go in the opposite direction. Radicalism would not be able to yield the results in the long run, so the younger generation of DPS politicians should soon abandon it. This would have a spillover effect on reducing the overall tensions in the country.


In a deradicalized environment, voters would have less incentive to choose the parties with ethnonational agendas. This effect would reinforce the ongoing consolidation of the moderate forces – another notable trend in (almost) post-Djukanovic Montenegro. The moderate parties are ascending and could quickly grow into the backbone of the political change in the country.


The Democrats, the strongest party of the center in the parliament, got 10% of the votes in the local elections recently held in Podgorica. The success of repeating the previous good results proves that their support is stable. On top of that, new moderate parties emerged and quickly attracted voters’ attention. It is the case with Europe Now (Evropa sad) Movement, formed by several non-partisan members of the first post-Djukanovic government. Only a couple of months after being founded, Europe Now gained some 20% of the votes in Podgorica and became the leading power, not only among the moderate parties but in the wider anti-Djukanovic bloc.


The success of Europe Now was unthinkable three years ago, and it signals the shift of voters’ preferences toward the political center. The growing role of the moderate camp would eventually contribute to the system’s transition toward modern democracy. No less important, it would have a pacifying effect on the divided Montenegrin society.


The third important outcome of Djukanovic’s 2020 defeat is that it has paved the way for Serb national parties to participate in government. It would allow them to finally socialize with the system and the country’s international affairs. These developments would be particularly beneficial, considering that Serb national parties opposed the country’s independence in the 2006 referendum and its accession to NATO in 2017. Simply put, the once–alienated Serbs’ engagement in the government will bring them closer to the system they saw as unfavorable and unjust. Simultaneously, the others would have the opportunity to learn about them.


In the first place, it would be fruitful if the Serb parties could cooperate with the parties of national minorities. For the first time in the country’s modern history, the possibility of collaborating with Bosniak/Muslim and Albanian parties is essential here. It could reduce prejudice and animosity between the traditionally opposing sides.


Antagonism is also present on the international level. The Serb national parties and Montenegro’s Western partners had to play by Djukanovic’s rules for a long time. By fuelling hostility between the two sides and acting as the guardian against Russian influence, Djukanovic managed to secure international support for the survival of his regime. Since close cooperation with the West will inevitably remain the cornerstone of the country’s foreign policy, it would be healing if the Serb parties could work on international affairs in order to overcome mistrust.


Considering the ongoing trends, the democratization and stability of Montenegro would only benefit from Djukanovic’s departure. The current extremism of the DPS would eventually diminish, reducing the tensions in the country. The emerging moderates and the Serb national parties’ growing role would also improve social cohesion. Only in such an environment can one expect civil society to flourish. If Montenegro’s foreign partners care about these processes, they should encourage the birth of democracy in Montenegro. Yes, birth is difficult, but the mother will survive, and the baby will be beautiful.


North Macedonia 


Lloga: No vetting without the internationals (Alsat-M)


In his first interview as Minister of Justice, Krenar Lloga during the ‘200’ talk-show aired last night on TV Alsat-M, said that one of the main promises of the Alliance for Albanians party’s involvement in the Government- vetting in the judiciary, will not be realized if it does not have the support of the EU and the US. Lloga said he has already started the meetings to select the best modality for carrying out this difficult process, because as he said, he has not found any document in the Ministry of Justice for the beginning of this process. “Within these few days that I have been in the office, I have managed to create several meetings with national and international institutions to increase communication and start from somewhere. Now this process can be led by the Ministry of Justice, it can be led together within the framework of the government, or the parliament or the combination with political parties, but I believe it is of great interest for VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, for DUI, and for everyone,” said Lloga.


Clashes between the "Fiery Group" and DUI intensify (Alsat-M)


The split in DUI between the "Fiery Group" and DUI party is getting tougher every day. DUI vice president Izet Mexhiti called on party leader Ali Ahmeti not to make hasty decisions but to return the debate to the party's bodies. "I call for reflection, and to return the debate to the party bodies, with concrete arguments to get out of this created situation,” stated Mexhiti. Regarding the appointment of Bujar Osmani as political coordinator in the DUI branch in Chair, Mexhiti said that this action is undemocratic and contrary to the DUI statute. "These are undemocratic, non-statutory acts, which do not benefit both the Albanians and the DUI, because with such ad-hoc, hasty, poorly thought out decisions we have had serious consequences in the other DUI branches,” said Mexhiti. After the announcements that DUI leader Ali Ahmeti appointed Bujar Osmani as political coordinator for Chair party branch, Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi has congratulated Osmani on social networks, posting photos with him and writing that Osmani has his support. “Besides that of the party president, Bujar also has my support in these efforts to reactivate the structure in Chair after three years of absence of party activities in our branch and in the local councils within the branch,” said Grubi. Bujar Osmani was unavailable to comment on his appointment, as well as the latest developments in DUI.




The Franco-German plan/ Rama: The parties should accept it with all their courage! Scholz: There is progress (Radio Tirana)


Albania and Germany have called on Serbia and Kosovo to accept the European proposal for the normalization of relations between them. From Berlin, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that both sides must accept this plan and treat it with all the necessary courage to achieve normalization between them. "We also discussed the region, Albania strongly supports the peace and normalization plan between Kosovo and Serbia, in our view it is a very comprehensive and very realistic plan that brings the necessary and long-awaited normalization and which both sides should treat more seriously and with all the necessary courage", said Rama.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also said that there is progress in the dialogue between Albin Kurti and Aleksander Vucic, and that with the acceptance of the Franco-German plan, what seemed impossible until a few years ago will become a reality. "Great progress has been made, if you look at the public statements of both parties. This is a plan that can and should be implemented and I am glad that we can achieve a constructive result. My feeling is that what did not seem possible can become a reality and this would be good for the development of Kosovo and Serbia", said Scholz. In principle, both Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to the Franco-German plan during their meeting in Brussels on February 27, but have not yet signed as they seek to hold other discussions.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Albania's voice is 100% the same as that of the EU (Radio Tirana)


The Berlin summit in Tirana will take place on October 16. That was the statement issued by Prime Minister Edi Rama during the joint conference with the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin. Scholz said that Germany will continue to support all the integration processes of Albania, which is now a reliable partner on the international stage, while adding that Albania's voice is 100% the same as that of the EU. The Chancellor said that Albania has taken a big step forward towards integration and Germany will continue to support it with concrete help in financing or human capital.


"The rapid integration of the Balkans is of strategic importance for Germany, and we want to welcome the countries as EU members as soon as possible. Albania's progress is a very good signal, where the essence of negotiations is the rule of law. Free media is essential for democracy, and we need an economic environment with legal certainty and transparency. Albania has a constructive role in the UN as a non-permanent member and supports the joint decisions of the EU with 100%. Bilateral relations are excellent. We are happy to count Albania as a reliable partner on the international stage. My government is committed to Germany being a close partner of Albania on its way to the EU", said Scholz.


Prime Minister Edi Rama also said that Germany is a close partner of Albania. Rama also said that during the Berlin summit, a business forum will be held in Tirana to attract German investments to the region. The European college of Bruges will also be opened in Tirana in function of the entire region, Rama announced. "We are grateful to the entire region that this year the Berlin process is coming to Tirana and I am happy that Tirana has been chosen as the venue for this summit. Regional cooperation is the only path we have and we are lucky that Germany is an attentive and directly involved partner. We also talked about some economic and social aspects in the Balkans, about some important elements of the convergence of living standards with the EU and about the necessity for the EU to take a step further in order to support the strengthening of the mechanisms that will make this convergence feasible. Germany will help us in committing more human resources in terms of support. Rama agreed that the summit will be held on October 16 in Tirana. We will also accompany the meeting with a business forum between regional businesses and German businesses in Tirana. We will declare the final agreement for the opening of the European college of Bruges in the function of the entire region", said Rama.


Jens Stoltenberg welcomes Begaj in Brussels: Albania's important and active role in NATO (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj held a meeting with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels. In the conversation between them, the strategic and security developments in NATO's eastern wing and the Western Balkans were mentioned. The topic of discussion was also the continuation of support for Ukraine; Albania's commitment and contribution to NATO, as well as expectations for the next NATO Summit, which will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, in July of this year.


In this official visit, President Begaj was accompanied by the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania, Brigadier General Arben Kingji and members of his cabinet. This is the first official visit to NATO by President Begaj in the capacity of the President of the Republic.


Begaj, in the meeting with the head of the NATO alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, said that the membership of Finland and Sweden in NATO is an obligation. "I appreciate your leadership. It has been more than a year since we witnessed Russia's aggression against Ukraine. NATO has demonstrated a reactive force to protect every inch of the alliance's countries. It is important to strengthen the group of battalions in the eastern flank of NATO. Alliance expansion is a must. Membership of Sweden and Finland. In full coordination with the alliance, Albania stands by and will continue to support the alliance. As a permanent member we will continue to be proactive in maintaining cohesion for Ukraine. Russia poses a threat to NATO and the Western Balkans. Its purpose is to disrupt the peace. We followed the events in the north of Kosovo with concern. Albania supports the dialogue. The European plan for the normalization of relations is a positive step. KFOR is the guarantor of peace in the region. Albania faced a cyber-attack from Iran. Albania managed to stop and recover from this attack. Albania has increased the defense budget and we predict that next year, we will reach 2%. At the Kucova tactical airbase, the works are underway as planned,' said President Begaj.


The Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg has appreciated Albania's role in the alliance in all challenges. "Your country responded quickly to the consequences of the devastating earthquake in Turkey. Albania plays an important role for stability in the Western Balkans. I congratulate Albania on the ratification of the accession protocols of Finland and Sweden. Even NATO is engaged alongside Albania, in the case of the cyber-attacks that we stand by you. We are also investing in the Kucova base. We will continue to support Albania. We agreed on the importance of NATO's presence in the region, such as the mission in Kosovo. We also appreciated the continuation of the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo", said Stoltenberg.