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Belgrade Media Report 17 March 2023



We still haven’t received the draft of what the EU wants (RTS)


At the beginning of his address to the public, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that tomorrow marks the 19th anniversary of the pogrom of the Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija. “The Albanians took advantage of the suffering of the boy in the village of Cabra and without any evidence accused the Serbs from the village of Zubce near Zubin Potok, and in the midst of organizing a meeting of members of the so-called KLA, and the silence of Serbian officials, they expelled more than 4,000 Serbs, killed eight Serbs, destroyed 35 religious buildings, over 40,000 objects, icons and many other important, mostly sacred religious objects were forever lost, disappeared. Entire places like Belo Polje near Pec and Svinjare in Mitrovica were almost completely cleared of Serb life,” said Vucic. He added that “in the last 19 years, we have always reacted by shifting the blame among the Serbs”. “Some were silent, instead of working, instead of doing, but we were never fair enough to say that it was the need of the then Albanian leadership, who wanted the Serbs to disappear once and for all from Kosovo and Metohija,” Vucic pointed out. President Vucic said that the days ahead are not easy for us. “I kept silent for days about Kosovo and Metohija. I did not go public with statements or analyses, wanting to collect everything. In the previous days, we talked about what is needed to reach the normalization of relations with Pristina. For me, normalization is not a euphemism for recognition of Kosovo de facto or de jure. The normalization that I consider necessary is that we have better relations with the Albanians than we have today and that we try to live as much as possible together and next to each other,” said Vucic. I have no need to justify to anyone, because so much nonsense has been published in various media and social networks. The paper that the Albanians published is their wish list that they submitted to the EU for what they would like the implementation agreement to look like. “We still haven’t received a draft of what the EU wants. I worked with them for three days on that question. We submitted our proposal, and the Albanians submitted their proposal. We still haven’t received anything from Brussels by 6 pm and that paper still doesn’t exist,” Vucic emphasized.


Vucic: I will not sign any paper

“I spoke with Lajcak and Escobar about the ZSO. It is an extremely important matter for us. It will unite almost all Serbian communities in Kosovo and Metohija. It will connect 97% of Serbian communities into one unique community. Some outlying enclaves will remain, they will connect all of them, starting with Sirinic County (Sirinicka Zupa) to Gracanica and all 4 municipalities in the north. Their responsibilities, which are prescribed by one of the four documents signed in Brussels, state that Serbia has the right to finance all the sectors envisaged there, health, education, economic development. It is a very important document. I emphasized that what was signed must be fulfilled,” Vucic said. “Everybody hopes that I will sign, except for the part of ordinary people. Because nobody truly cares about Kosovo and Metohija. They only care about having the opportunity to publicly execute the president of Serbia,” said Vucic and added: “In fact, they all hope that I will sign so that they can demand my head on a platter as if I was making a plan. And not because they would be unhappy if that plan is accepted. It is not a doomsday in Ohrid. As they used to say when I’m going to sign, whether... The problem is not whether I’m going to sign, but when I’m going to sign, they hope...,” he added. “Everyone who is organizing the protests tomorrow is hoping that I will sign so that they want my head, not because they are afraid because the plan will be accepted. They will actually be unhappy if the plan is not signed. I will try to do what is the best for Serbia. To work on the normalization of relations, to firmly hold the red lines, because I have never lied or deceived anyone, not even in the conversation with Scholz and Macron. I want to tell the citizens of Serbia that Lajcak also confirmed that they were told what are red lines for Serbia and that they repeated that they are familiar with them. I call on the citizens of Serbia to trust their state leadership. To believe in the commitment, wisdom, seriousness, and strength of their leadership. I know what I’m doing,” said Vucic. “We will work smartly and wisely. I was never hiding, I always said what I thought. When someone signs something, I will sign it, if the people want it that way, and again I say that I do not plan to sign any paper,” Vucic concluded.


Today marks 19th anniversary of anti-Serb pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Kosovo Serbs were targeted by a pogrom 19 years ago, on 17-19 March 2004. It was the second large pogrom Serbs in the province suffered at the hands of ethnic Albanians after the end of the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, then part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Previously, approximately a quarter of a million Serbs and other non-Albanians were expelled from Kosovo and Metohija in June 1999 in the presence of international troops. The March 2004 Kristallnacht-like violence targeted the Serbs and their property, holy sites, churches and monuments. As a result, 4,012 Serbs were expelled from Kosovo and Metohija, and most of them never returned to their homes. During the March 2004 violence, at least 27 people were killed - including 16 Serbs, as well as 11 ethnic Albanians who lost their lives in clashes with international forces.

Hundreds of people were injured. In the evening of 16 March 2004, Pristina media reported that three ethnic Albanian boys had drowned in the Ibar River in a village near Zubin Potok while allegedly trying to escape attackers who were Serbs. On the following day, thousands of ethnic Albanians crossed into the north of Kosovska Mitrovica via a bridge on the Ibar to attack local Serbs. Gunfire began, and ethnic Albanians armed with automatic weapons were seen in the town. Attacks, burning and looting followed in other Serb communities in the province. Later in the day, UNMIK spokesperson Derek Chappell refuted the accusations that the ethnic Albanian boys had died while running away from Serbs - the pretext for the anti-Serb pogrom. He said the violence had been planned beforehand. NATO Allied Joint Force Command Naples Commander Adm Gregory Johnson branded the mass violence against Serbs as ethnic cleansing. The mob destroyed 935 Serb homes and burned down 35 Serbian Orthodox holy sites, including 18 cultural monuments. One of them is the medieval Church of Our Lady of Ljevis in Prizren, subsequently included in the list of UNESCO-protected monuments. According to information released by the Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Raska and Prizren, the number of church buildings destroyed in the March 2004 pogrom is close to one hundred.


Petkovic: Atmosphere that led to the March pogrom still exists (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic announced that this and future generations have an obligation to cherish the memory of the victims and not to forget the fact that it was planned that our nation would be literally wiped out in a few days in a massive wave of violence in March 2004. Today marks the 19th anniversary of the March pogrom in which at least 19 people were killed and about a thousand were injured. Petkovic states that this is one of the most serious mass crimes in recent European history. “In the meantime, not only have we been deprived of punishing those responsible, but we have witnessed that the political and social atmosphere from which this terrible event arose is still present and that, moreover, chauvinism and hatred is an ideological constant in Pristina to this day,” stated Petkovic. He says that this and future generations have an obligation to cherish the memory of the victims and not to forget the fact that it was planned that our nation and everything that testifies to its centuries-long existence in the area of Kosovo and Metohija will be literally wiped out in a few days in a massive wave of violence. “We are obliged to remember our victims, destroyed houses and sanctuaries, because our compatriots were killed and persecuted not because they deserved it, but because of what they were, and a similar fate could have befallen any member of our people. That’s why the feeling of unity and national solidarity are values that we must affirm even today, 19 years later, and in the future,” says Petkovic. He adds that the threat to the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija has not disappeared, but that hatred towards Serbs and everything Serbian is still present among the representatives of the Albanian political elite in Pristina. “What’s more, politicians in Pristina are still competing to see who will hate Serbia and Serbs louder and more fervently, and this can be seen almost every day in numerous attacks on Serbs and their property, but it is also recognized in Pristina’s panicked fear of the Community of Serb Municipalities which is the only framework for the protection of the Serb people and their rights in Kosovo and Metohija,” Petkovic opines.


The pogrom remains a stain on the face of the international community

He notes that the fact that Serbia does not forget does not mean that it is trapped in the past, but that it is responsible for its people and its future, taking care that such an accident never happens to us again. And this, he adds, is about a pogrom that will remain a stain on the face of the international community “in the presence of which hordes of Albanian extremists ethnically cleansed many Serbian places, killed innocent people, burned churches and monasteries”. “The Serb people, in accordance with their difficult historical experience, use their memory to protect themselves from the repetition of suffering and national golgothas, but at the same time they are looking to the future and looking for solid foundations for harmonious coexistence and cooperation with all the peoples with whom they share the Balkan region, while preserving our vital state and national interests,” said Petkovic. He notes that Kosovo and Metohija will remain our central state and national issue, and that the security of our people and the spiritual and cultural heritage in the province will be the highest priority of our national policy led by President Aleksandar Vucic, who with his determined policy is a pledge for pogrom never happens again.


Serbia reliable, responsible collaborator of EU in migration management (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met yesterday with European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson. At the meeting, the interlocutors agreed that Serbia proved to be a reliable and responsible collaborator of the Union in migration management. In this sense, the signing of the Agreement on Serbia's Accession to the European Migration Network was highlighted as particularly important. Evaluating the cooperation with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) as very good, Brnabic also thanked the EU for significant financial assistance for the needs of migration management and increasing institutional capacities for solving migration and asylum issues. Regarding irregular migration in Serbia, Brnabic pointed out that it is important that the partners from the European Union recognised the significant efforts of our country in the management of migratory flows, and that in the coming period, Serbia will monitor the indicators of migratory pressures with particular attention and in close cooperation with European partners to respond to them. Johansson pointed out that in the previous period, Serbia made a big move in harmonising with the visa policy of the EU, adding that thanks to these measures, there was a visible reduction in migratory pressure in the EU. Johansson underlined that joint cooperation in the fight against organised crime and human trafficking at borders is crucial.


Vucic meets with Johansson: The safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is a priority (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met yesterday with EU Home Commissioner Ylva Johansson, and stressed in conversation with her that Serbia continues to work actively on the process of harmonizing its visa policy with the EU and that in this sense, in addition to the implementation of additional measures, on introducing a visa regime for those countries from which the largest number of abuses are registered. Vucic expressed his gratitude for the support and assistance of the EU in managing migrations, as well as for the fact that our country's efforts in regulating the migrant crisis have been recognized, since Serbia has seriously and responsibly accepted its part of obligations from the beginning, thereby greatly contributing to general security of EU and its citizens, the presidential press service announced. Speaking about the current issues within the dialogue with Pristina, Vucic particularly stressed that he expects the EU to treat the security of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija as a priority in the coming period, as well as for this topic to be discussed at all subsequent meetings within the dialogue, including, above all, urgent formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), the statement says. Vucic reiterated that Serbia's full membership in the EU remains one of the foreign policy priorities of our country and its strategic commitment, and emphasized sincere commitment to the reform process on our European path. Johansson said that Serbia has proven to be a close, reliable and responsible partner of the EU in solving the problem of migration, as well as that it is of great importance for the EU to continue providing strong support to the European integration of Serbia, with which it wants even closer cooperation in all areas of importance and of mutual interest, the statement concluded.


Continuation of further harmonisation of Serbia with EU visa policy (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson. On this occasion, Dacic presented numerous steps taken by the Republic of Serbia on the further alignment with the EU visa regime. He emphasised that steps have already been taken in that direction by introducing a visa regime for certain third countries whose citizens abused the visa-free regime with Serbia, and then went to the EU irregularly. He pointed out that the Republic of Serbia is a reliable partner in the matter of migration and highlighted our readiness to continue cooperating closely with the EU in this area. Also, Dacic stated that we want to be part of the EU's common policy in the part that concerns visa policy, migration, security and the rule of law. Johansson thanked Serbia for its quick reaction in the matter of harmonising the visa policy of our country with the EU visa policy, which led to a significant reduction in irregular migration in the EU. Also, Johansson thanked Serbia for its commitment in solving these issues and cooperation, and pointed out that she expects continued harmonisation with EU visa policy. She emphasised that the EU is committed to strengthening the partnership with Serbia, especially in the field of migration and visa policy. In this regard, Johansson proposed cooperation and offered EU assistance and expertise in the field of returning irregular migrants to their countries of origin, according to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Serbia wants best possible relations with its neighbours (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia Gordan Grlic Radman said yesterday that, regardless of the differences between the two countries, it is the right time to work on changing perspectives of looking at each other, in order to improve relations and bilateral cooperation. At the conference "Bilateral relations between Serbia and Croatia - towards new dynamics", where he spoke via video link, Dacic emphasised that Serbia wants the best possible relations with its neighbours. According to him, Serbia and Croatia cannot resolve all outstanding issues from the past unless they start building good relations in the future. Dacic pointed out that the two countries do not share the same opinion on numerous issues, but that they must talk with respect in order to try to understand each other better. Dacic said that the revitalisation of relations between Belgrade and Zagreb is initiated by the minority communities too, Serbian in Croatia and Croatian in Serbia, and assessed that they have a transformative role in the state policies of the two neighbours. He mentioned that there are commissions for missing persons, war crimes and the issue of property and succession, but there are also issues concerning the present and the future, such as the infrastructural connection of the two countries. Grlic Radman said that Croatia is ready for a constructive dialogue with Serbia, and emphasised that this country wants to have good relations with its neighbours and that it is in its interest to have stability in the region. He said that Croatia supports Serbia's European path and that it is in the interest of the European integration of all countries in the region, stating that his country is ready to help Serbia in the complex process of accession negotiations with the EU.


Miscevic: Help of Croatia is important for Serbia’s EU integration process (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic pointed out that the help of Croatia is important for the process of European integration of our country, through the transfer of knowledge and experience related not only to negotiations on EU membership, but also to negotiations on accession to the Schengen zone. Miscevic expressed her satisfaction with the fact that we are no longer talking only about the issues that burden the relations between Serbia and Croatia, but about finding a process that will help improve the relations between the two countries, whose common interest is progress, development, stability and security.

Miscevic stated that Serbia and Croatia already have very successful cross-border cooperation in three financial perspectives, i.e. three seven-year periods.


Lutovac in Strasbourg: First membership in EU, ten criteria (Beta)


Democratic Party president Zoran Lutovac proposed in 16 March speech to members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg that "Serbia enter the EU before meeting the criteria" for that. At a commemoration on the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Serbian prime minister and then leader of the Democratic Party Zoran Djindjic (1952- 2003), Lutovac said that "if the EU supports Aleksandar Vucic, and expects Serbia to meet the criteria, this is not going to happen". "It's a vicious circle. If you want the criteria to be met under Aleksandar Vucic, that means that you do not want Serbia. Aleksandar Vucic does not want to meet the criteria because that would mean losing power. This is why we proposed that a political path be taken to facilitate Serbia becoming an orderly state with European values and take a geopolitical leap, for Serbia to be separated from any kind of insinuations that it could go in some other direction," Lutovac said.


Obradovic calls on Vucic to resign over announced support for Kosovo to join UN (Beta)


Dveri movement leader Bosko Obradovic called on yesterday Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to resign for "unambiguously confirming" that he was ready to support Kosovo's membership in different international organizations and added that this posed "an open act of recognizing Kosovo's independence from the highest position in the country". Obradovic said that Vucic had announced this in an interview with Euronews in English. "It follows from what he said publicly and confirmed that Vucic will no longer oppose the so-called state of Kosovo with Serbia's entire historical and cultural heritage joining UNESCO... Vucic evidently complied publicly and this also goes for the false state of Kosovo's membership in Interpol, the EU, NATO, the UN... The Serbian people need to know this," Obradovic said in a statement. He said that after Vucic's consent, strong pressure would ensue on all of the countries in the EU and NATO that do not recognize Kosovo to change their mind. "Because why would they be bigger Serbs than Serbs and why would they continue to oppose recognizing the false state of Kosovo if the president of Serbia agreed to that? The very survival of the Serbian people and state not just in Kosovo is threatened by this statement by Vucic. Therefore I call on him to resign as president of the republic and that he run with his new policy on Kosovo in an early election," Obradovic added.


Djilas: Consensus needed on Kosovo instead of stories that please people (RTS)


The leader of the Freedom and Justice Party Dragan Djilas said yesterday that “the nation has to reach consensus on certain matters,” primarily on the issue of Kosovo, and that “the term ‘responsibility’ has to be introduced into politics instead of stories that please people”. Commenting on the right-wing parties’ demand for the complete rejection of the Franco-German, i.e. the EU’s proposal for a path to the normalization of relations with Kosovo, in an interview with RTS, Djilas stated that this meant that these parties were “pro-war”. The opposition leader stated that he had discussed the proposal with the EU Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations Miroslav Lajcak during the latter’s visit to Belgrade, and that Lajcak told him that “there is no agreement without the Community of Serb Municipalities”. “I expect the Albanian side to be pressured into consenting,” Djilas said, adding that what he witnessed during the meeting was “Lajcak’s obvious wish for Serbia to truly progress on the path to the EU” and that this progress was “the most important matter for the Freedom and Justice Party”.


Albanians in Serbia’s south want same rights as Serbs in Kosovo, as well as to unite with Kosovo (Beta)


The acting president of the National Council of Albanians in Serbia Ragmi Mustafa stated yesterday that the Albanians in Bujanovac, Medvedja and Presevo were seeking the same rights that are envisaged for the Serbs in Kosovo by the Franco-German plan, as well as to unify with Kosovo on the basis of the 1992 referendum. Mustafa posted on Facebook that the political and institutional representatives of Bujanovac, Medvedja and Presevo had made a joint statement, requesting the full realization of the collective rights of Albanians within the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and the European proposal. Among other things, the post reads that it was necessary to officially and fundamentally include the issue of the “Presevo valley” into the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, supported by the EU. They demand “the inclusion of the issue of the ‘Presevo valley’ Albanians in the talks between Kosovo and Serbia in the Brussels dialogue, with the aim of equalizing the position of the ‘Presevo valley’ Albanians with that of the Serbs in Kosovo”.




Prosecutor’s Office of B&H: There is formed case about all blacklisted persons (O Kanal)


The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated on Thursday that there is a case formed in this institution that includes all physical persons and legal entities that were blacklisted. Thus, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H checks available allegations on illegal activities about persons who end up blacklisted and that could be a subject of an investigation. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H said that in case of former Director of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency Osman Mehmedagic, they already launched one case against him.


Mehmedagic on US’ sanctions imposed against him: Claims are untrue and groundless (O Kanal)


Former Director of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) Osman Mehmedagic commented on the fact that the US blacklisted him by saying that the claims are untrue and groundless. Mehmedagic added that he will answer calls of the judiciary as he is fully certain that he did not do anything illegal. He expressed surprise with the accusations primarily due to long-year successful cooperation with institutions of the US. Mehmedagic called on the US officials to forward evidence, if they have any, on his alleged illegal activities, to the B&H’s judicial institutions. “I will gladly respond to the call of the judicial institutions, being completely sure that I have never done anything illegal. Accusations stated against me have really surprised me, primarily due to years-long successful cooperation with the institutions of the United States of America. Why did they cooperate with me until the end of the mandate if they had evidence or founded suspicions against me? Despite a very indicative content of the stated accusations against me, I want to believe that they are not connected to the current political relations”, Mehmedagic was quoted as saying.


Ambassador O’Brien: Decisions on blacklisting Mehmedagic, Stankovic and Gacanin are result of long investigation based on analysis of a big number of experts (FTV)


Head of the Office of Sanctions Coordination in the US Department of State, Ambassador James O’Brien held an online press conference on Thursday in the premises of US Embassy to B&H. He said that decisions on blacklisting former Director of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency Osman Mehmedagic, Director of the Republika Srpska (RS) Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs (RUGIP) Dragan Stankovic and B&H national Edin Gacanin are a result of long investigation based on analysis of a big number of experts. O’Brien said that with this move, the US wants to point out to corruptive, unconstitutional and anti-Dayton activities in B&H and raise awareness among B&H citizens so that they elect officials in a wiser way in the future. FTV noted that despite of that, the US will not explain this decision to the public, but they are ready to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.


SDA: Aim of false accusations is to forcibly eliminate SDA from authority (Hayat/FTV)


Hayat reports that commenting on the US’ sanctions against former Director of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) Osman Mehmedagic, SDA stated that false accusations repeated periodically, are only additional pressure “and the aim is to try, despite election results and contrary to the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitution, to forcibly eliminate SDA from the authority in favor of ‘The Troika’, HDZ and SNSD’’. FTV reminds that among other things, the OFAC mentioned corruptive activities and abuse of ‘BH Telecom’ resources for interests of the political party. SDA reacted and strongly dismissed the accusations. SDA stated that they called on the US Embassy several times to present evidence that backup claims on connection of SDA with corruption and undermining of investigations on corruption, as well as for other groundless accusations. SDA said: “We demanded to present the evidence to the public in B&H and deliver it to judiciary. Nothing happened.” According to SDA, the accusations are arbitrary, they were repeated and extended. SDA reminded that in June 2022, the US Embassy to B&H accused the party of trying to block and disturb investigations on corruption and that SDA contributes to dysfunctionality of the FB&H. SDA pointed out that they will not succumb to any kind of pressures and that they will lead policy in the benefit of B&H. According to SDA, until presentation of evidence that refer to SDA and its officials, grave and untrue accusations that are periodically repeated will be considered only as an additional pressure aimed to expel SDA from the authorities, despite of election results and the FB&H Constitution, and all in the benefit of the ‘Troika’, HDZ B&H and SNSD.


Leaders of ‘Troika’ request reaction of B&H Prosecutor’s Office after US sanctions were introduced (O Kanal)


Representatives of the ‘Troika’ met in Sarajevo on Thursday. Among other things, leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic, leader of the NIP Elmedin Konakovic and leader of NS Edin Forto also discussed the latest US sanctions to B&H officials. Konakovic called for urgent removal of leadership of the B&H telecommunication company ‘BH Telecom’, while Niksic said that the sanctions show the scope of privatization and abuse of state institutions. The officials called on the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to investigate how a daughter of Nijaz Music – who moved from the NIP in SDA and thus, enabled SDA to get FB&H Vice President – got a job in the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) on January 31, 2023. Konakovic called for a meeting with the Prosecutor’s Office to discuss criminal reports adding that he also informed officials in B&H about corruptive activities that he mentions. Niksic said that he is glad to see that the US recognized illegal activities related to state property.


Covic says sanctions are something that should not be commented ever (Nova BH)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic commented the US sanctions that were issued on Wednesday against three people from B&H. Covic said it is best not to ever comment sanctions. He pointed out that there were US sanctions against people from B&H in the past, and he did not comment those either. “I do not see a reason for that. But, in fact, I would like to comment something else, which is not connected to those sanctions. For a long time, we have been saying that this is not the rule of law. There is no rule of law because intelligence, police and even judicial institutions in B&H are privately being managed”, Covic told reporters. Covic pointed out that the B&H Council of Ministers will work on making B&H a state in which the rule of law is applied.


RS politicians react to Izetbegovic’s statement that there could be conflict in B&H (ATV)


The presenter commented that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic follows in the footsteps of Head of the Islamic Community in B&H Husein Kavazovic who, as the presenter said, calls for war. The message from Republika Srpska (RS) was that they are not in favour of conflict nor weapons, but that they are not stupid enough not to see what is happening in B&H, added the presenter. The reporter reminded that Izetbegovic said that, unless the international community reacts to the moves of the RS, there may be a conflict in B&H. This is how Izetbegovic again attacked the RS and its officials, specifically RS President Milorad Dodik and the RS Law on Immovable Property, added the reporter. Apparently, Izetbegovic cannot come to terms with the debacle in the elections, so he is once again calling the IC for help. Izetbegovic stated: “If the international community behaves like this and if the judiciary behaves like this, it can hardly be stopped. I am afraid that it will gradually lead us to a conflict because the international community is not doing its job”. Dodik said: “As far as we are concerned, there is no conflict, and I will only warn that the Dayton Peace Agreement, in the Annex 1a, says about military matters that the entry of armed formations of one entity into the territory of another is prohibited if there is no permission from that entity where it is coming. Any entry will be considered as an aggression. The issue of property is a red line and there is no discussion about it.” Serb member and Chairperson of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said: “I think that this is nonsense. Secondly, there are things that can cause some bigger problems with such incendiary rhetoric”. Cvijanovic noted that B&H is not a very stable country, and she assessed that statements such as Izetbegovic’s are detrimental to B&H and to building of the relations. SNSD Delegate in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Radovan Kovacevic said that Izetbegovic is frustrated by the fact that he personally experienced a complete election debacle, so he is dangerously and fiercely radicalizing circumstances in BiH on a daily basis. Kovacevic stated: “Unlike his father Alija Izetbegovic who, by his own admission, sacrificed peace for B&H, Izetbegovic Jr. is now obviously ready to sacrifice peace for his own seat”. Izetbegovic is a thing of the past, according to the representatives of the RS parliament. Such a practice, they said, is the continuity of the SDA towards the RS. RS PDP representative Milanko Mihajlica said that the RS respects the Dayton Peace Agreement and demands its implementation. RS NPS representative Darko Banjac said there will be no conflicts and Izetbegovic knows that. Banjac said that peace has no price, and he feels sorry for Izetbegovic because he wants to transfer his politics onto a conflict with the RS.


HR Schmidt meets FB&H HoP leadership; Discuss authority formation in FB&H (FTV)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt and the leadership of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) met in the building of the FB&H Parliament on Thursday. FTV reported that the meeting was not open for the public while attendees did not give any statements for the media. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated that the meeting with the newly appointed members of the Collegium of the FB&H HoP was a constructive discussion on current political developments. The reporter notes that the process of formation of the FB&H authorities has not yet been finalized and it seems to be getting increasingly complicated. The reporter goes on to say that amid intensive negotiations, High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt has again become one of the actors in the process, reminding that ‘The Eight’ called on HR Schmidt to intervene again and impose a decision that would resolve the current situation. Hayat reports that HR Schmidt met on Thursday with the leadership of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) in the FB&H parliament building to discuss formation of authorities in the FB&H. The reporter reminds that political actors have failed to reach a solution for the FB&H government until present, and the situation was made more complicated when HR Schmidt imposed amendments to the B&H Election Law on election night. In the past period a number of potential solutions have been mentions, and all included HR Schmidt imposing a new decision so that the FB&H Government can be formed. Hayat reports that after the meeting neither the FB&H HoP leadership nor HR Schmidt addressed the media.


Dodik: RS will continue to apply RS law on immovable property despite of decision of B&H CC and sanctions against Stankovic (FTV)


Leader of SNSD and RS President Milorad Dodik announced on Thursday after a meeting of representatives of the ruling coalition in the RS in Banja Luka on Thursday that the RS will continue to apply its Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority. According to Dodik, the RS will apply the law despite of the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and sanctions that the US imposed against Director of the RS Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs (RUGIP) Dragan Stankovic. Dodik reiterated that the property is the red line that cannot be crossed. According to FTV, the leadership of the RS announced that they will reconsider relations with the US due to the sanctions. Dodik underlined: “We apply the law. Why did not you (media) made a report on is it correct that the US imposes sanctions against the Director of the RUGIP who applies the law? Why did not you ask this the Americans? They can say whatever they want about secession. They can count that a session of the RS parliament will be held the exact moment – I will propose a decision – for us to secede from B&H, the moment they encroach the issue of property”.  During the press conference held after the meeting, Dodik even threatened with secession. Dodik also stated that the RS is a hunting ground for the US, and a response to such behaviour will be defined. He said that the fact that they sanctioned the former Director of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) Osman Mehmedagic, now that he is no longer in office, shows how hypocritical they are. Dodik stated that, while he is against anyone being blacklisted, Mehmedagic should have ended up in a prison a long time ago. Dodik stated: “This is how the Americans show their duplicity. Why was he not put on the blacklist a year ago when it was established that he did not have a diploma?”. Addressing the press conference on Thursday, Dodik said the ruling coalition will propose “that we reconsider our position on the US, regardless of how powerful it is or what supports them”. He went on to say he is confident that the ruling coalition will consider “our response to their behaviour’’ in the upcoming period, noting that the measures towards the US “will be rigorous”, and the coalition will take the single position in that regard. “They will not get the property. I know that they are trying to stage the fake one (Dodik refers to High Representative Christian Schmidt) who receives EUR 24,000 monthly so that he passes a law at the level of B&H and that he distributes property, the same moment he will pass a decision on the RS’ secession, they can tell whatever they want about secession”, said Dodik. Dodik told press that the discussion about the RS property is invalid and that that property belongs to RS. He further stated that if anyone meddles in the RS property, be it the High Representative Schmidt or other B&H state officials, he will personally call for an emergency session of the RS parliament and call for a vote on the Law on Secession. He also stated that the B&H Constitution explicitly states that the country consists of two entities and that property belongs to the two entities and not the state.


EP Rapporteur Rangel presents his Proposal of EP Resolution on B&H (N1)


On Thursday, European Parliament (EP)’s Rapporteur for B&H Paulo Rangel presented his Proposal of the EP Resolution on B&H. In his proposal, Rangel underlined that awarding the EU candidate status to B&H represents "a wake-up call to the political leadership of the country, which must move away from its own interests and start working for the benefit of all citizens of B&H and finally achieve much-needed reforms". Rangel's resolution proposal consists of 38 points. In the first point, it is stated that the EP welcomes the decision to grant B&H candidate status, the holding of last year's elections, despite all the negative phenomena that are registered in the rest of the text, then the rapid formation of authorities at the state level, the adoption of the public finance management reform strategy, and calls on the authorities to seize the momentum for significant progress in meeting EU’s 14 key priorities. The text states that the EP takes note of "the amendments made by the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) to the Election Law and the FB&H Constitution with the aim of solving a number of functional issues". It is emphasized that B&H's path towards EU accession should be based on functional democratic institutions, the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime, respect for basic rights and non-discrimination for all citizens and constituent peoples. “The EP remains a strong supporter of B&H’s European path, based on democratic transformation and the rule of law. The EU will continue to provide significant financial and technical support to facilitate the country's transformation and progress. It is up to the political leaders of the country and its society to seize the opportunities to move away from divisions towards sustainable democratic pluralism for the benefit of the entire country and its people," Rangel pointed out. In addition, Rangel reflected on the RS President Milorad Dodik’s secessionist threats, as well as the issue of press freedoms. In the resolution proposal, Rangel calls on the EP to condemn inflammatory rhetoric and secessionist policy of RS leadership, including the celebration of so-called RS Day”. Rangel underlined that such activities destabilize B&H, undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement, and are contrary to the EU perspective of B&H and compromise B&H’s access to EU funds. The proposal reads that the MEPs would also repeat their call for "targeted sanctions against destabilizing actors in B&H" and condemn "the malicious foreign interference of third actors in B&H, especially the Russian destabilization of the Western Balkans". Rangel suggests that the drawing down the funds from the IPA 3 is strictly conditioned by respect for the rule of law, and that the financing of projects in the RS should be frozen until establishing full alignment with EU foreign and security policy, primarily to impose sanctions against Russia. When it comes to press freedoms, Rangel stressed the vital role of independent media and condemns the attacks and threats, as well as intimidation of journalists, including by politicians and public figures. In the resolution, the EP would express regret for the discrimination, segregation, violence and hate speech against minorities and would call for effective prosecution of such cases. It also expresses regret "that the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights are still not implemented". The EP would reiterate its call for an immediate end to the discriminatory practice of "two schools under one roof".


B&H CoM adopts draft of Annual Action Plan for Energy Support provided by EU and information on drafting of judicial reform strategy (Nezavisne)


B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) convened on Thursday and decided to postpone voting on the proposed amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, Law on International Agreements and Law on Foreign Affairs. “In the meantime, political consultations will be carried out so that these legislation proposals can be adopted by CoM unanimously and so that they can be adopted by B&H Parliament”, B&H CoM concluded. B&H CoM adopted the proposal of the Annual Action Plan for Energy Support which outlines activities that will be funded by EUR 70 million provided by the EU. The funds will be used to alleviate socioeconomic consequences of the energy crisis and to assist the most vulnerable households in B&H, as well as to provide support to small and medium enterprises facing challenges due to energy crisis. B&H CoM further adopted the proposal of memorandum on cooperation in tourism between B&H and Egypt.


NATO begins with implementation of assistance package for B&H which includes measures to strengthen B&H’s defense and resilience against cyber threats (Nezavisne)


Due to growing cyber-attack threats, NATO recognized the cyber space as an operative space for which the Alliance needs to develop defense tools already in 2016. Therefore, the NATO allies took on the obligation to strengthen cyber defense as a priority. In 2018, NATO agreed to establish the Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence. Also, the Alliance decided to use capacities of individual member states in order to counter the threat of cyberattacks jointly. Operative implementation of these decisions started in 2019, and NATO and EU signed a technical agreement on cyber defense. However, notes the daily, B&H has been very inactive with regards to the cybersecurity. RS did adopt some documents on this issue, but there is no adequate legislative framework or state capacity for efficient defense from cyber threats. Considering the fact that NATO sees China and Russia as source of potential threat to B&H’s cybersecurity, the Alliance approved an aid package for B&H at the Madrid Summit held last year. Implementation of this package started several days ago. NATO Headquarters in Brussels stated that the goal is to make B&H Armed Forces and the state as a whole more resilient to cyber threats. The mechanism for strengthening of defense capacities provided by NATO will include assistance for medical evacuation, communication equipment, crisis management and counterterrorism, but also support needed to build cyber defense capacities. The daily notes that the matter of defense from cyber-attack and fake news campaign became even more important when former US President Donald Trump was elected to office, and concerns emerged that Russia influenced the election. All relevant US agencies investigated this, and the list of persons suspected of creating the fake news campaign in the USA was Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the paramilitary group ‘Wagner’ which is also participating in the Ukraine war on the side of Russia. Last year, while talking to the press, Prigozhin confessed that he was involved in the campaign of misinformation. The daily concluded that NATO has been actively fighting against misinformation campaigns since the Russian illegal annexation of the Crimea in 2014.


Dacic: Serbia and Croatia need to stop distancing themselves from each other for cheap political points: Grlic Radman: Croatia and Serbia can and deserve to have better relations (Hina)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on March 16 that Croatia was one of Serbia's most important neighbors and that open issues from the past could not be solved unless there was agreement on the future. He added that the processes that made the two sides grow apart and deepened their mutual lack of trust "by scoring cheap political points" needed to stop. With weak relations between Serbia and Croatia the Balkans cannot be strong, nor Europe stable, he said. "Serbia wants the best possible relations with its neighbors, and Croatia is one of our most important neighbors. We cannot solve all of the open issues from the past unless we start building an agreement on the future," he said at a panel called Bilateral Relations between Serbia and Croatia - Toward a New Dynamic. Croatia and Serbia can and deserve to have better relations because “that is desirable for all of us and everyone in the region,” Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan GrlicRadman stated on 16 March. “We are making advances in that sense,” he said during the panel discussion Bilateral Relations Between Serbia and Croatia – Toward a New Dynamic. During his video address of the gathering in Belgrade, he stressed that the task of the current authorities in Belgrade and Zagreb, where bilateral ties are concerned, was to “face the past, listen and understand each other.” “Political dialogue is very important. It should be a narrative that is conciliatory, leading to cooperation, cohabitation, good neighborly relations. One does not contribute to anything when one suggests bad narratives in the public space,” the Minister said.


Cvijanovic and Milanovic meet in Zagreb, discuss stability in region, B&H’s EU path and status of Croats in B&H (HRT1)


Serb member and Chairperson of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic paid an official visit to Zagreb and held separate meetings with Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Messages were sent from Zagreb about the necessity of stronger and better cooperation between B&H and Croatia, especially in the area of infrastructure and joint projects. The reporter noted that the most important message was Milanovic’s message that it used to be almost impossible to cooperate with the previous convocation of B&H Presidency. Above all, Milanovic was referring to, as the reporter said, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic. Relations with individuals from the former Presidency were not ideal, now is the time to open a new chapter in relations with B&H, said Milanovic. Milanovic was quoted as saying: “We see B&H based on Dayton (Peace Agreement), which should not be touched because, otherwise, there can be evil”. He added that stability is the most important thing. Cvijanovic said they had a constructive dialogue with the aim of realizing their common goals, which are stability and peace in the region. The position of Croats in B&H was also discussed. Milanovic said that Croatia will fight for their dignified status. Milanovic stated: “I am preparing to talk about this with everyone, with everyone who shows a minimum of common sense and good intentions, and I see a little more common sense in Mrs. Cvijanovic and the people from her political circle in B&H”. Milanovic also said that Komsic is not welcome and that Komsic is not a representative of Croats. It is not a problem for Milanovic to talk to the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic. There was also talk about the EU path of B&H, and NATO was also mentioned. Cvijanovic stated: “When it comes to obtaining candidate status for the EU, of course that is one of the issues where we have absolute agreement within B&H. Regarding NATO, we do not agree on membership, but we do agree that we should cooperate”. Milanovic stated: “NATO, I will say openly, as you agree, because forcing anyone to join NATO is against the interests of NATO”. There were comments in Zagreb regarding the US sanctions against Director of the RS Directorate for Geodetic and Property Legal Affairs Dragan Stankovic. It was said that it was unnecessary and illegal, noted the reporter. Cvijanovic said that sanctions are imposed against people just for doing their jobs. She said that Stankovic registered what was supposed to be registered, presumably referring to the state property. Milanovic said: “In order to achieve a certain goal, the unitarization of B&H, someone is interested in the pastures around Mrkonjic Grad and lives in Texas. I have no idea; I am just guessing. But no one realized that it does not work”. Cvijanovic and Plenkovic discussed the issue of Trgovska Gora, regarding the construction of nuclear waste disposal site. They discussed B&H’s attempts to prevent Croatia from disposing of nuclear waste near the border with B&H in Trgovska Gora. Cvijanovic told Plenkovic that the point of this whole story is that B&H must be more involved in that project, and that B&H and Croatia have to cooperate when it comes to this issue. Cvijanovic pointed out that Espoo Convention is something that B&H calls on, and according to that convention, Croatia should not build nuclear waste disposal facilities so close to the border. It was requested that B&H become more involved in this project in the preparation of a feasibility study. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Milanovic said: “Unfortunately, the High Representative’s (Christian Schmidt) interventions on election night did not solve the key issue of Croats, i.e. illegitimacy of representation in the (B&H) Presidency’’. He went on to say that B&H Presidency’s competences are mainly symbolic, but “symbolism leads to the biggest complications in human relation”. Milanovic finds stability and predictability in the region, as well as the European path of B&H and the status of Croats in B&H to be the most important matters. Milanovic emphasized that Croatia will seek, expect and demand equal rights for Croats in B&H, saying that status must be equal to the status of Bosniaks and Serbs, and it should be dignified. Cvijanovic too underlined that the Dayton Peace Agreement must be preserved, as well as peace and stability, but it is also important to maintain good neighborly relations in the region. Milanovic said he also invited Becirovic to come to Zagreb, but he emphasized that Komsic was not invited as he is not “a true representative of Croats in B&H”. Milanovic said Croatia will not exert pressure on B&H to join NATO. In his opinion, B&H should not be forced to join NATO until this becomes something everyone in B&H wants.


Milanovic and Plenkovic swap insults over a lack of cooperation (HRT1)


Tensions between the two top political leaders in the country have been relatively calm recently. Both have a long history of publicly attacking the other over a variety of issues and often heated rhetoric in the media regarding the others professional conduct and policies.

Speaking to reporters after meeting with the chairperson of the Presidency of B&H Zeljka Cvijanovic on Thursday, President Zoran Milanovic turned his attention to domestic affairs, once again calling out Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, the government and the HDZ, for not wanting to cooperate with him and of openly violating the constitution: "Over the past year I have been proposing that a session of the national security council be convened, while for his part the prime minister, in direct an open contravention to the constitution does not what to cooperate, specifically in something where the constitution obliges him to cooperate. I am not looking for him to be my witness at a Bar-mitzvah or for First Communion. The constitution simply obliges us to do so. But nothing has come of that." Prime Minister Plenkovic responded to the accusation today, calling Milanovic's behavior unconstitutional. He further said that no president has ever behaved like Milanovic, and that for this reason there is no need to have any kind of dialogue with him: "This isn't some kind of psychotherapy, that on one day will listen to a deluge of stupidity and the absolute worst insults, and then the following day we resolve staffing and appointment issues. The way he is behaving is absolutely inappropriate and unconstitutional. Through his political activities he is constantly trying to topple the government and attack the governing political party. And he's doing this is the most brutal way, by insulting government ministers."


Djukanovic dissolves parliament (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has issued the Decree on the dissolution of the 27th convocation of the parliament of Montenegro. “On the basis of Article 92, item 3 of the Constitution of Montenegro, I issue a Decree on the dissolution of the 27th convocation of the parliament of Montenegro. The 27th convocation of the parliament of Montenegro is dissolved. The Decree on the dissolution of the 27th convocation of the parliament of Montenegro enters into force on the day of its adoption. This Decree will be published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro”, Djukanovic’s cabinet has stated. It’s recalled that the deadline for the formation of the 44th government, whose PM-designate was Miodrag Lekic, expired on 15 March at midnight. According to the Constitution of Montenegro, the President of the State announces elections on the first day after the Parliament dissolution. After the parliament dissolution, elections can be held in 60 days at the earliest and 100 days at the latest.


Djukanovic: It’s high time we finished this circus of Montenegro’s state policy having no government (CdM)


I think it’s high time we finished this circus of the Montenegrin state policy, without government – was one of the key messages of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic during the presidential debate with the DF candidate Andrija Mandic. “I think it’s time to hold elections, test ourselves in those elections, to come to the legitimacy in the Montenegrin election public and after that, get a responsible government which won’t need to bend its spine in front of anyone,” Djukanovic noted. In his final statement, Djukanovic said that Montenegro was about to decide whether it would continue in the same way as until 30 August 2020 – as a serious European country – or it’d continue to move on the road of demise and agony as over the past two years. “It’s extremely important, I think that Mr Mandic agreed on it even partially during this conversation, to organize snap parliamentary elections, so that Montenegro can get a nationally responsible, competent and reform-oriented government which would continue to lead Montenegro towards the European goal, and I believe that in that way, we’re going to ensure a quality cohabitation and cooperation.”


Djukanovic: I didn’t want to bend my spine in front of anyone because it’s the backbone of Montenegro; Mandic: Vucic doesn’t listen to external orders, least of all from Russia (E TV/Prva TV/CdM)


“I did not want to bend my spine in front of anyone, because I believe that it is not my spine, but the spine of Montenegro while I am the head of Montenegro”, said the current head of state and presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic in a major debate with the DF presidential candidate – Andrija Mandic on E TV and Prva TV. During the debate, Djukanovic presented a clear message about the current moment in the country. “I think it is high time that we end this circus of the state politics of Montenegro without the government. I think it’s time for elections, that we all measure out support in those elections, that we all reach that measure of our legitimacy in the Montenegrin electoral public, and after that, Montenegro will get a responsible government that will not bend its spine before anyone”, said Djukanovic. There was also talk about party-affiliated employment. “Today, there is no one who is a member of the Democratic Party of Socialists, and you announce here the name and surname, who lost their job when the new government came to power,” said Mandic. Djukanovic’s reply immediately followed. “How about mentioning a few hundred people from the Ministry of Education”, said Djukanovic. During the duel, they also talked about criminal clans. “I will tell you something you should know, and feel free to refer to me if you want to check. At one point I looked at the files of the clans in Montenegro. They were submitted to me to look at so that I would know what false travel documents these people were relying on. Interestingly, both clans, in 90% of the cases, had false documents from the Serbian state,” President Djukanovic stressed. They also discussed the coup. “I am convinced that one of the consequences of the coup should have been my liquidation, so I decided to sit down and talk to you,” Djukanovic said. Mandic continued. “That’s right, it was your will. That’s the way things were”, said Mandic. During the duel, Djukanovic stated that since 1844, in the strategic documents of Serbia, Montenegro had been Serbia’s natural right. Mandic said that Serbia was the only country in Europe that had not imposed sanctions on Russia. “And somehow it doesn’t really seem to me that its president is someone who listens to external orders, unlike the things are in Montenegro,” said Mandic. Except those from Russia, Djukanovic replied. Mandic said: “Not except those from Russia. The least those from Russia.”


MCP: Citizens should cast a ballot, no one has the right to refer to support of the Church (CdM)


The Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral, MCP, has called on all worshippers in Montenegro, as well as all the people of good will who are ready to hear their call, to exercise their civic and political right and cast a ballot in the forthcoming presidential election. “We believe that it’s important and responsible that all of us, in a free, civilized and reasonable way, take part in the elections by exercising our right to vote. This is in accordance with the Lord’s call to love one another and care for one another. We have the opportunity to democratically and legitimately make a selfless contribution to the overall development of Montenegrin society and not allow Montenegro to go back even for an ounce”, the metropolitanate says. They also claim that the current political crisis in Montenegro was caused by the previous government: “With regret and concern, we note that the political forces which had been running the country until 2020, and which are the most responsible for the crisis, still stick to the anti-church rhetoric, cursing the Church and trying to deepen divisions among the people they themselves had caused.”


Grubi: Not aspiring to be first Albanian PM of North Macedonia (Telma/TV Dukagjini)


First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi said he had no aspirations to be the first Albanian prime minister of North Macedonia. Instead, he wanted to be remembered for the construction of the Corridors 8 and 10-d, the Skopje - Blace highway and the Pristina – Skopje – Tirana connection, he said in a TV appearance. Interviewed by Kosovo’s TV Dukagjini, First Deputy Prime Minister Grubi said the Albanian candidate for the next prime minister would be proposed by DUI leader Ali Ahmeti. He also voiced his certainty that Ahmeti would make the right choice. “This is Ali Ahmeti's project to break taboos. The time has come to overcome prejudice against

electing an Albanian prime minister,” Grubi said. He said a politician of Albanian nationality should lead the government in the last 100 days before the next election, in line with the 2020 coalition agreement between SDSM and DUI signed by then Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Ahmeti. “According to the coalition agreement we reached with Zoran Zaev, he was to step down 100 days before the end of his term to be replaced by an Albanian prime minister,” Grubi said, claiming that current Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski promised he, too, would honor the agreement. Grubi's statement came after Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told a DUI gathering in Skopje’s Chair Municipality that "in a few months, an Albanian will be prime minister" of the country. The statement was interpreted as hinting at a snap election, considering that the parliamentary election is set to take place in 2024. However, according to SDSM and DUI sources familiar with the matter, government partners had not discussed holding an early parliamentary election. SDSM sources said Osmani's statement may have been related to the DUI party rift and a message to its so-called "fiery group" of members.


Mickoski: Let’s hold early parliamentary elections (Republika)


We publicly offered our hand for early parliamentary elections, we even said that if 100 days of technical government is a condition, we publicly give up that there should not be 100 days of technical government and we should not even have it at all and immediately change the law, said the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, during his visit to Bitola, answering a journalist’s question regarding Artan Grubi’s statement about an Albanian prime minister and the silence of SDSM about it. Mickoski emphasized that VMRO-DPMNE is ready to go to early parliamentary elections and without a technical government, even with the same government set. There is no need for a technical government, there is no need for those 100 days, but to immediately go to the elections. That’s reasonable I think. If we are talking about autumn elections, then if you ask these people if there should be parliamentary elections and then presidential elections next year, that is, if the state and business will be in a convulsion for more than 10 months, they will surely tell you, no. That is, either now early elections or presidential and parliamentary elections together in one expense, Mickoski said.

Mickoski stressed that he is aware that someone will criticize him for such a statement, but VMRO-DPMNE is a state-building party and wants businesses to be more successful in order to create as many jobs as possible and for employees to have better incomes. We stand ready, a technical government is not needed, let’s hold early parliamentary elections with the same ministers, said Mickoski.


Borrell: It is the responsibility of all political leaders to work for EU membership (MIA)


North Macedonia provides a good example of a multi-ethnic society. Therefore, amending the Constitution will further advance fundamental rights. I have no doubt that you will preserve Macedonian identity and at the same time advance in the EU accession process, as you have done so far, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said in an interview with MIA. "Membership in the EU cannot be the project of one political party, but it needs to be an all of country aspiration. In North Macedonia, citizens have expressed their aspiration to join the EU, because they want to belong to a community of values, and benefit from open borders, ease of travel, internal market, and EU standards overall. In short, citizens want peace, prosperity and a better life in the EU for them and for their children. It is therefore the responsibility of all your political leaders to work for and deliver on this goal," Borrell said. He stressed that accession negotiations are a merit-based process, and this means that what counts is the progress achieved in fulfilling all required criteria and implementing the EU standards and related reforms. "And these reforms will help North Macedonia advance and improve the situation and bring the country closer to the EU and EU standards first and foremost in the interest of the citizens of North Macedonia. We will stand by you and accompany the process until the finishing line, until North Macedonia becomes a full-fledged EU Member State. This is what we want and the goal we are all working towards together," the EU's High Representative added. In the interview, Borrell said he acknowledged that North Macedonia has waited too long to get the green light for the start of the accession negotiations for various reasons, pointing out that at the same time, the country has no better and more dedicated partner , than the EU, as the biggest donor, biggest investor, biggest trading partner. "Everywhere you look in North Macedonia you will already find the EU there - supporting, assisting, contributing, financing, advising. EU membership means stability, security and prosperity. EU investments are sustainable and long term, creating new jobs and opportunities. There is no doubt that the EU remains the most trusted partner of North Macedonia," said Borrell. He spoke to MIA among other about the EU's support to strengthen security and democratic processes, increase the country's resilience against cyber-attacks, support to the Army, the war in Ukraine, as well as the upcoming Belgrade-Pristina talks in Ohrid. Below is the full interview with Borrell.

Mr. Borrell, thank you for agreeing to this interview with MIA. You are visiting North Macedonia at a time when the country is undergoing the screening process, but the continuation of the membership negotiations requires constitutional changes to incorporate the Bulgarian community in the Constitution. It seems there is no majority for such changes in the Parliament for the time being because of the resistance by some opposition parties. What messages will you communicate to the Macedonian political leaders regarding the country’s European path?

Membership in the EU cannot be the project of one political party, but it needs to be an all of country aspiration. In North Macedonia, citizens have expressed their aspiration to join the EU, because they want to belong to a community of values, and benefit from open borders, ease of travel, internal market, and EU standards overall. In short, citizens want peace, prosperity and a better life in the EU for them and for their children. It is therefore the responsibility of all your political leaders to work for and deliver on this goal. North Macedonia has committed to amend the Constitution with a view to including in the Constitution citizens who live within the borders of the state and who are part of other people, such as Bulgarians. Your country provides a good example of a multi-ethnic society. Therefore, amending the Constitution will further advance fundamental rights. I have no doubt that you will preserve Macedonian identity and at the same time advance in the EU accession process, as you have done so far.

Authorities in North Macedonia put 2030 as the year of the country’s full-fledged membership. How realistic is this target?

Political leaders can achieve very ambitious goals, if they decide to invest energy in the necessary reforms. There is still a lot of work ahead and there are no shortcuts. The accession process is very technical and very demanding; The government and the Parliament have to do most of the work. That is why it is important to strengthen the administrative capacities and improve working methods of the Parliament. But let me repeat, accession negotiations are a merit-based process, this means what counts is the progress achieved in fulfilling all required criteria and implementing the EU standards and related reforms. And these reforms will help North Macedonia advance and improve the situation and bring the country closer to the EU and EU standards first and foremost in the interest of the citizens of North Macedonia. We will stand by you and accompany the process until the finishing line, until North Macedonia becomes a full-fledged EU Member State. This is what we want and the goal we are all working towards together. North Macedonia waited for 18 years to get the green light for the start of the accession negotiations. That start was delayed due to various blockades, first from Greece, then France, and finally Bulgaria. All of this led to a drop of the Euro-enthusiasm among the citizens but also left room for influence from third parties.

Last week, the EU allocated a grant to North Macedonia in the amount of EUR 80 million as support for the energy crisis management, but what can the Union do more to improve its image and increase the support among citizens?

I acknowledge that North Macedonia has waited too long for various reasons. But we cannot turn back time. At the same time there is no better and more dedicated partner for you than the EU. We are the biggest donor, biggest investor, and biggest trading partner. Everywhere you look in North Macedonia you will already find the EU there - supporting, assisting, contributing, financing, and advising. EU membership means stability, security and prosperity. We care about people and invest in them, through mobility programs for young people such as Erasmus, visa free travel, support to civil society, support to culture and cultural heritage, down to direct financial support to citizens to pay their electricity bills in the current crisis. With €1.4 billion of grant funding and €852 million of preferential loans for the country since 2007, the EU is by far the largest provider of financial assistance to North Macedonia. EU investments are sustainable and long term, creating new jobs and opportunities. We invest in your infrastructure and help you build it. We include you in all our policies for mitigating the negative impact of the war against Ukraine equally with all other EU Member States. Together we are planning the transition to green technologies and renewable energy sources, as well as on energy independence. And I could continue. There is no doubt that the EU remains the most trusted partner of North Macedonia. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine underscores the geopolitical importance of EU enlargement.

It brought us even closer together. In a strong Union spanning our continent, we can defend our values and protect our citizens. I want to make clear, we don’t take for granted the fact that you stand with us in this challenging times.

In recent months, North Macedonia has been a target of hybrid warfare, including false bomb threats in numerous facilities, primarily schools, as well as hacker attacks on state institutions. How is the EU dealing with the hybrid attacks on its territory and can it help North Macedonia in identifying the sources of these hybrid threats?

I really commend North Macedonia for its full and consistent alignment with the EU common foreign and security policy, including restrictive measures. This is a strong expression of North Macedonia’s strategic choice and place in a community of values. The EU is committed to working with our Western Balkans partners to fight hybrid threats that continue to undermine our collective security and democratic processes and support their security and also defence. I am glad to announce that we are allocating €9 million from the European Peace Facility to support the army of North Macedonia by enhancing and upgrading the equipment of its light infantry battalion group. The EU is supporting North Macedonia to increase the country’s resilience against cyber-attacks. As part of a EUR 4.9 million region-wide package of urgent support to cyber and information security, the EU is helping North Macedonia to enhance its ability to manage cyber incidents and strengthen its cybersecurity governance. North Macedonia will also benefit from a €5m regional project on cybersecurity capacity building that starts delivery this year. In practical terms, the EU, together with its Member States’ specialised agencies, assists North Macedonia in detecting, investigating and responding to cyberattacks, as well as in managing disruptions from the cyber-attacks. We continue to monitor the situation carefully and stand ready to take further steps where necessary to support North Macedonia.

The hybrid warfare has overlapped with the Russian aggression in Ukraine. What are the possible solutions for the Ukrainian crisis and is another “frozen conflict” in Europe on the horizon?

Ukraine is a victim of an unprovoked, illegal aggression. It was attacked for the simple reason that Ukraine wanted to decide about its future by itself. Putin’s declared aim is the destruction of Ukraine and of the Ukrainian nation. This is in direct contradiction with everything we – modern democratic nations of 21st century believe in – sovereignty and independence of countries, UN Charter, international law. That is why the majority of the countries in the world condemned this aggression and asked Russia to stop it. We all see the dangers if such a behaviour would be tolerated and gain the upper hand. This is why the European Union and number of like-minded partners are supporting Ukraine in its legitimate defence. Because Ukraine also fights for the respect and upholding of international rules. Ukraine must win this war – for the benefit of global rules-based system and stability in Europe and beyond. We do not want to imagine another frozen conflict. And we cannot afford it – because if Russia gets away with its illegal actions, no one can feel safe.

Speaking of “frozen conflicts”, one of the reasons for your visit to the country is the meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Ohrid this Saturday, hosted by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. Why has North Macedonia, and specifically Ohrid, been selected as the venue for the meeting and what can we expect from the Belgrade-Pristina talks?

The issue between Serbia and Kosovo is not a frozen conflict. Here we talk about normalisation of relations between two partners that share a problematic past and were still not able to fully overcome the negative legacy of this past. But both are anchored in the EU accession process, and I believe that both are willing to find a solution behind the negotiating table – after all they want to join the European Union and good neighbourly relations are basic principles of our Union. That is why we are helping Belgrade and Pristina with the EU facilitated Dialogue to reach a comprehensive agreement on normalisation of their relations. The fact that the upcoming High-Level Meeting of the Dialogue with Prime Minister Kurti and President Vucic takes place in Ohrid is the result of various factors that came together in this particular time: Two weeks ago we had a good and productive meeting with both endorsing the Agreement on the path to normalisation of their relations. We wanted to use the good dynamics and after finding a consensus on the EU proposal, we agreed to meet soon to start discussing the Implementation Roadmap of this Agreement. At the same time there is a monthly meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers scheduled for Monday 20 March and the meeting of the EU Leaders scheduled for Thursday and Friday 23 and 24 March. In addition we had the meeting of Stabilisation and Association Council with North Macedonia planned for Friday 17 March and the Macedonian government generously offered the possibility to host also the Dialogue. Given all this and the fact that the Dialogue is one of the key components of our engagement in the Western Balkans, I decided to convene the meeting for this Saturday in Ohrid.

What if the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina do not demonstrate readiness for an agreement? Can the Balkans become a hotspot yet again, since the Kosovo problem is not the only open issue in the region, considering Bosnia and Herzegovina’s problematic functionality, domestic turmoil in Montenegro, political developments in Albania, while ountering external influence and interests, primarily Russian ones, in parallel? Is the EU contemplating some type of a comprehensive solution for the Western Balkans?

We do not speculate on “what if” scenarios. My role is to facilitate the Dialogue and I am fully invested in it, with support of EU Special Representative Lajcak, who engages in intense shuttle diplomacy between Pristina, Belgrade and European capitals. We want to do our best to help Kosovo and Serbia to find the way to reconcile and normalise their relations. Because without that they will not be able to progress on their path towards the EU. It is in their own interest and for the benefit of their own people to find the necessary political courage to make the Dialogue a success. We will continue helping them as much as we can but in the end it is them taking the decisions. Needless to say, that a successful outcome of this Dialogue will have also a very positive impact for the entire region.

Borrell: EU supports the integration of Albania (Radio Tirana)

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrell in a joint conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Chief Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, has expressed the unwavering commitment of the European Union for the European integration of Albania. "We tell the Albanian people that Albania is getting closer and closer to you. We give a strong political signal for the EU's commitment to Albanian integration as a member state in the EU. This council is used as an institutional interaction between the EU and Albania. We review what has been done, where effort is needed, and the work ahead of us. The main message from this meeting is our firm commitment to Albania's European commitment. We are working together for integration on all lines, such as your participation in the missions of our common policy. I want to accept and appreciate that this country has shown a commitment to the necessary reforms and has reached important milestones in the field of justice. The reform has progressed steadily. We had the opportunity to welcome the Prime Minister's statement that the golden passport scheme will not be followed further, and we have addressed other issues such as the polarization of the political environment in the country", said Borrell.

Varhelyi: 30 million Euros for the economic and investment plan! Albania will be the first to have a liquefied natural gas terminal (Radio Tirana)

The Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement in the EU Oliver Varhelyi in his speech at the joint conference of Josep Borrell and Prime Minister Edi Rama, stated that just as Albania has fulfilled a large part of its obligations for integration, the EU must also fulfil its obligations. In this context, Varhelyi said that 30 million euros will go to the economic and investment plan, while he emphasized that for 40 projects in the Balkans, the EU has given 1.9 billion Euros in grants for their implementation. "We are doing it with the economic and investment plan. We have drawn up this 30 million Euro plan, in order to speed up the implementation of this plan and the development of economies, to convince foreign investors to come more and more. We want more than that. Therefore, we have given 1.8 billion euros in grants for the implementation of 40 main projects in the Balkans. But we need to go beyond, we need trade links, digital interconnection and more energy for the Western Balkans", he said. "Energy is the new crisis", emphasized Varhelyi, while emphasizing that the Western Balkans should be transformed into the new energy point for Europe. Albania will be the first to build a liquefied natural gas terminal. For Varhely, the discussion between him, Borrell and Rama, was precisely this issue, how Europe can be connected to this project and to that missing link. "Energy is the new crisis, that's why we gave 1 billion euros in the energy support package. The first elements will soon arrive, 80 million euros in support, in the form of grants and in the form of budget support. But we need a more resistant and sovereign energy system for the Western Balkans. The Western Balkans can become the new energy point for Europe. The European liquefied natural gas terminal for the Balkans is the next major effort to be realized. The region will start growing faster than the EU because it has tremendous potential," he said.

National Integration Council/Varhelyi: You have my support (Radio Tirana)

The meeting of the National Council for European Integration was held this Thursday (March 16) on the topic: "What is expected from Albania during the negotiation process with the European Union?". In his speech, present at this meeting, Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi evaluated the measures taken by our country regarding the process of integration into the European Union. Varhelyi also focused on the independence of the judiciary, where he demanded that the justice system in Albania function. "As a first meeting, I am encouraged because I come from a country where political polarization is a daily phenomenon. This organization is here to work for Albania to become a member of the EU. I think this is the basis on which this organism should work. I hope this organization continues. It will now be supported by a law that provides the necessary legal background. I am encouraged by members of the judiciary who are committed to delivering results. This is not a job in itself, it is a daily job to ensure the independence of the judiciary to maintain the functioning of the justice system, to deliver justice in itself. I am here myself to help this process. I will help this organization, you can count on me", he said. The head of the socialist parliamentary group Taulant Balla said that today the Assembly will approve a law that regulates the relationship between the government and the Parliament. Also, Balla emphasized that Albania needs a fiscal amnesty, while he said that the consultations will continue with the best expertise offered by the EC. "The time when politics in Albania gave orders to the prosecution is over. We are equal to every citizen of this country. Regarding the political dialogue, today in the Assembly we will approve a law, the only one in the region, that regulates the relationship between the government and the parliament. The Commission for European Affairs will be primary in its role where issues related to the work of the Assembly and the process of Albania's EU membership will be addressed", he said. While the head of SPAK, Altin Dumani guaranteed that this institution is committed to fulfilling its legal obligations, while adding that SPAK prosecutors exercise their functions independently. "What I can say is that SPAK is a functional institution with a national bureau of investigation able to exercise its functions without influence from outside or inside the institution. Prosecutors of SPAK exercise their functions for the exercise of criminal prosecution in complete independence. We are committed to fulfilling our legal obligations. SPAK is only one institution, it also needs cooperation with other institutions. Their cooperation is important to get results. We have a special section for the investigation of corruption, this section also covers electoral crimes, every political subject is welcome with their reports in our institution, the commitment is maximum without neglecting the investigation of the Special Prosecutor's Office. We are only responsible for two provisions", Dumani said.