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Belgrade Media Report 24 March 2023



Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression (Tanjug)


Twenty-four years ago, on 24 March 1999, NATO aggression against Serbia, that is, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, started. The order for the attack was issued by Javier Solana, the Secretary General of NATO at the time, to the then commander of the allied forces, US General Wesley Clark, although there was no UN Security Council approval. It was an obvious precedent. It is estimated that in July 1998, the so-called KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) controlled approximately 40 percent of Kosovo and Metohija. At that time, there were more than 20,000 people in its composition. During this period, they control rural areas and obstruct roads. Attacks on the police, who were trying to guard traffic routes, important points, facilities and urban environments, happened on a daily basis. The Yugoslav Army was forced to help the police during the unblocking of Decani in June 1998, and Orahovac in July 1998. By October, the police managed to liberate a number of villages in the central part of the province. At the same time, there was a harsh campaign against Serbia in the Western media. There was, so to speak, a flood of untrue information about the events in Kosovo and Metohija. In the book "Modern Warfare", Wesley Clark later revealed that the planning of the NATO aggression against the FRY "was well underway in mid-June 1998" and that everything was ready a few months later. The Council of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) on 12 October 1998, made a decision on the adoption of the order for the activation of forces. An agreement between Slobodan Milosevic and Richard Holbrooke followed the next day. It is planned to reduce the number of soldiers of the Yugoslav Army in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija to the number from the beginning of 1998. It has been agreed that OSCE observers will monitor the situation, that is, the peace process in Kosovo and Metohija. The agreement also stipulated that no person would be prosecuted in state courts for crimes related to the conflict in Kosovo, except for crimes against humanity and international law. After the meeting of the NATO Council on 30 January 1999, it was officially announced that NATO was ready to launch strikes against the FRY. The NATO aggression was preceded by insincere offers from the international community, as well as the deployment of additional NATO troops in Albania and Macedonia. Negotiations in Rambouillet were conducted from 6 February to 19 March. The FRY delegation did not sign the final text offered. This was followed by another arrival of Richard Holbrooke in Belgrade on March 22 for negotiations with Slobodan Milosevic. The media reported that this last peace attempt also failed. The level of demands sent to official Belgrade, which was confirmed even by Madeleine Albright, was raised all the time during the so-called negotiations, so that Serbia would be blamed. As interpreted by Vladislav Jovanovic, announcements of the bombing had existed for ten years, since the time when Bob Dole promised independence in Pristina. Bill Clinton, the then president of the USA, told the delegation of American Serbs that he would not sign what was offered to Milosevic. A similar view was later expressed by Henry Kissinger. FRY was attacked as the alleged culprit for the humanitarian disaster in Kosovo and Metohija. The immediate cause, actually the justification, were the events in Racak on 15 January. And then the failure of the alleged negotiations conducted in Rambouillet and Paris. In reality, it was support for the terrorist organization of the Kosmet Albanians, the so-called KLA, which by then had already committed numerous crimes. After the Serbian parliament confirmed that it does not accept the decision on foreign troops on its territory and proposed that United Nations forces monitor the peace settlement in Kosovo and Metohija, NATO began airstrikes. According to the first announcement of the General Staff of the Yugoslav Army, on 24 March at around 8:45 p.m., more than twenty objects were targeted in the first raid. The first missiles fell on the barracks in Prokuplje at 19:53. This was followed by an attack on Pristina, Kursumlija, and Batajnica. On the same evening, US President Bill Clinton announced the need to "demonstrate NATO's seriousness in opposing repression", stressing the need to "intimidate Serbia and Yugoslavia" and "destroy Serbia's military capacities", so that, as he said, "actions against the Kosmet Albanians would not be taken". That same evening, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that the NATO aggression was undertaken because "the people of Kosovo" asked for it. In order to further clarify that, by "the people of Kosovo" he means Kosmet Albanians. Nineteen NATO countries began bombing from ships in the Adriatic, as well as from four air bases in Italy. First of all, the anti-aircraft defense and other facilities of the Yugoslav Army were targeted. According to the data of the Ministry of Defense of Serbia, 2,500 civilians were killed during the NATO air aggression, among them 89 children and 1,031 members of the Army and police. According to the same source, around 6,000 civilians were wounded, of which 2,700 were children, as well as 5,173 soldiers and policemen, and 25 people were missing. According to Serbian experts, 18,168 air takeoffs were recorded until June 10. According to NATO sources, there were 38,004 air surges, of which 10,484 were fire actions, while the rest were reconnaissance, anti-aircraft, and tankers. At first, around 70 fighter planes took part in the operations daily, and later that number was around 400 on a daily basis. NATO's war losses in manpower and technology are denied. The then authorities in Belgrade claimed that more than a dozen aircraft were shot down, which was not confirmed. The Russian agency APN announced that NATO had lost over 400 soldiers and over 60 aircraft, while US President Bill Clinton stated in a speech on June 10, 1999 that NATO had suffered "no casualties". Aircraft F-117, F-16, unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, aircraft F 117, the so-called "invisible" until then symbol of the superiority of American technology, ended up in a field of the Srem village Budjanovci. There is almost no city in Serbia that was not targeted during the 11 weeks of aggression. NATO carried out 2,300 strikes and dropped 22,000 tons of missiles, including 37,000 banned cluster bombs and those filled with enriched uranium. Apart from attacks from ships in the Adriatic, as well as from four air bases in Italy, operations were carried out from bases in the countries of Western Europe and the USA. Infrastructure, economic facilities, schools, health institutions, media outlets, cultural monuments, churches and monasteries were destroyed, totalling about 50 percent of Serbia's production capacity. Various data were presented about the material damage caused during the NATO aggression. The then authorities in Belgrade estimated it at approximately one hundred billion dollars, the group of G17 economists estimated the damage at 29.6 billion US Dollars. In the bombing, 25,000 residential buildings were destroyed and damaged, 470 kilometers of roads and 595 kilometers of railways were disabled. 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments and 44 bridges were damaged, while 38 were destroyed. A third of the country's electricity capacity was destroyed, two refineries in Pancevo and Novi Sad were bombed, and NATO forces used graphite bombs for the first time to disable the electricity system. The overall consequences for the health of the population and the ecological consequences are immeasurable. The Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was destroyed on May 7, 1999. The RTS building in Belgrade was destroyed on 23 April. 16 people died and the same number were wounded. The Novi Sad Television building was hit on 3 May 1999, on the International Day of Media Freedom. The aggression was stopped with the signing of the Military-Technical Agreement in Kumanovo on June 9, 1999, and the withdrawal of FRY forces from Kosovo and Metohija began three days later. The agreement determined the withdrawal of the military security forces of the FRY from Kosovo and Metohija, and the establishment of UNMIK, a United Nations mission. On 10 June 1999, the Secretary General of NATO issued an order to stop the bombing. The last projectiles fell in the area of the village of Kololec, not far from Kosovska Kamenica, at 1:30 p.m., and on the barracks in Urosevac around 7:35 p.m. It was the 79th day of the NATO aggression against Serbia, that is, the FRY. The UN Security Council then adopted Resolution 1244. 37,200 soldiers from 36 countries were deployed and sent to the province as part of the KFOR mission.


Aggression on Serbia ongoing, but by different means – conference (Tanjug/RTV)


The 1999 NATO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia failed to accomplish its war objectives, so the aggression on Serbia is ongoing, but by different means, through Western efforts to push the so-called Kosovo into international organisations, a Belgrade conference was told on Thursday. The conference, titled The NATO Aggression - 24 Years On, was organised by the Belgrade Forum For A World of Equals, the Serbian Club of Generals and Admirals and SUBNOR, an association of WWII veterans. "We believed that the aggression on our country was ended by the Kumanovo Agreement and UNSCR 1244, but it is still ongoing today, by different means," said Gen Milomir Miladinovic, president of the Serbian Club of Generals and Admirals. "In an attempt to legalise the so-called state of Kosovo in international relations, our country is being blackmailed through resolutions and ultimatums. They (the West) are trying to accomplish their unfulfilled war objectives by making threats, setting conditions and blackmailing us. I would like to remind you that destruction of the state order, a dismemberment of Yugoslavia and destruction of our army were the war objectives. None of those objectives were accomplished - not even on the battlefield," Miladinovic noted. "We are all proud of the brave deeds of the Serbian army and the determined resistance it offered to the 1999 NATO aggression, with dignified support from the people," he said. "The courage of the fighters at Kosare and Pastrik goes beyond all norms of human ability and resilience in fighting. The fact that an army in such a small territory endured a period of two months while under attacks by NATO's strategic air force, which was supporting Albanian land forces, is unprecedented in the history of warfare," Miladinovic said, adding that the army's deeds were "immortal". He noted that the problems resulting from the illegal snatching of Kosovo-Metohija must be resolved through respect of international law and that the Serbian constitution, UNSCR 1244 and an agreement on establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo-Metohija must be the foundations of talks on the issue. The NATO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia began on 24 March 1999.


Gasic meets with Botsan-Kharchenko (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic met with Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko on Thursday. Gasic and Botsan-Kharchenko agreed that the level of bilateral cooperation in interior affairs to date was high, the Interior Ministry said in a statement. Botsan-Kharchenko reiterated the consistent position of the Russian Federation on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, for which Gasic thanked him, the statement notes.


US Embassy: Independent judiciary crucial to progress (N1)


The US Embassy in Belgrade said after Ambassador Christopher Hill’s meeting with two prosecutors dismissed over a corruption case on Thursday that Washington supports Serbia’s independent judiciary and fight against corruption. A Twitter post picture showed the Ambassador with Bojana Savovic who was dismissed along with fellow prosecutor Jasmina Paunovic from an investigation into corruption in the national power company (EPS). “An independent judiciary and the fight against corruption are key to Serbia’s progress, especially EU membership. The US fully supports Serbia in those efforts and appreciate the partnership of professionals in the Prosecution who are aware of that such as Bojana Savovic and Jasmina Paunovic,” the post said. Savovic and Paunovic were replaced and sent to other posts following an investigation into the EPS and the arrest of six people at the state-owned company by chief prosecutor Nenad Stefanovic who is alleged to be very close to the authorities.


Dacic: Open and flagrant meddling in internal affairs of a sovereign country (Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic described the move of the US Ambassador as “open and flagrant meddling in internal affairs of a sovereign country”. “I know great powers think they can do whatever they like, but just think for a second what it would look like if our ambassador in the US Marko Djuric would greet a US prosecutor or judge!? This action is in direct contradiction with the desire to develop good bilateral relations,” he said. Dacic added that all foreign representatives must respect the basic principles of the Vienna Convention which says that they are not entitled to meddle into internal affairs of countries were they are accredited.


Chollet thanks Vucic for constructive engagement in Ohrid (Tanjug)


US State Department Counsellor Derek Chollet has thanked Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for his constructive engagement in a 18 March round of high-level dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in Ohrid, North Macedonia. "Important to take immediate steps to implement and set firm path toward normalisation and EU integration," Chollet wrote in a post on his official Twitter account. He also thanked Serbia for "reengaging with US on defence exercises" such as Platinum Wolf.


Part of opposition in letter to EU: European plan for Kosovo is null and void (Beta/RTV)


In their Thursday letter to EU officials and embassies of countries that have not recognized Kosovo as independent, members of parliament from four opposition parties expressed their antagonism toward the European plan for Kosovo, assessing that it was “null and void.” The letter was signed by 28 MPs of the Dveri movement, the Oath Keepers party, the New Democratic Party of Serbia and the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, the statement reads. The Dveri movement has stated that the letter expressed opposition to the “Proposal for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia” which, according to announcements, will be on the agenda of the summit of EU leaders in Brussels on 24 March. The parties have declared that the draft of the Proposal for the agreement on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia was “null and void” and that it could not have legal effect in international relations. They stated in the letter that the proposal was in complete opposition to the positive legal regulations of Serbia and against a large number of relevant sources of international law. The letter was addressed to EU officials Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak, MEPs and embassies of EU members that have not recognized Kosovo as independent – Spain, Romania, Greece, Cyprus and Slovakia.


EU leaders welcome Belgrade-Pristina agreement (N1)


EU leaders welcomed the agreement and implementation annex to normalize relations between Belgrade and Pristina, the European Council said. “The European Council welcomes the Agreement on the path to normalisation of relations between Kosovo* and Serbia and its Implementation Annex, reached in the EU-facilitated dialogue led by the High Representative, as an integral part of their respective European paths and calls on both parties to implement expediently and in good faith their respective obligations,” the Council said in conclusions to its meeting on Thursday.




RS parliament adopts Draft Amendments to RS Criminal Code which reinstate defamation and insult as criminal offenses (N1)


N1 carries that despite numerous criticisms, protests from the journalist community and appeals from international organizations, the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament adopted on Thursday the Draft Amendments to the RS Criminal Code, which reinstate defamation and insult as criminal offenses. The ruling majority in the RS agreed during the debate in the RSNA that the law is not good, but they supported it in the end, assuring that it would be changed in the public debate. Forty-nine MPs in the RS parliament supported the adoption of the Draft Amendments to the RS Criminal Code, while 21 MPs voted against it. Head of RS PDP Caucus Igor Crnadak said that the RS parliament adopted a law on the criminalization of not defamation, but public speech in general, and that it will mean a ban on the freedom of speech of every individual. Crnadak reminded that RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic, SNSD MP Igor Zunic and many others had reservations in regard to the law on criminalization of defamation, but they were not allowed to vote against “because they do not have a say.” “We are lucky that they were not ordered by the Executive Committee to immediately turn this into a proposal, bypassing the Rules of Procedure, and adopt that law today,” Crnadak pointed out. SDS’s proposal of conclusions which requested that the chapter on the violation of honour and reputation is removed from the draft was not accepted. The majority also rejected the idea of amending the Law on Protection from Defamation. RS SDS MP Vukota Govedarica: “This is a very negative message conveyed by the current authority, that, by intention to adopt this law, showed it was not elected democratically. Instead, it is an authority that from a form of autocracy switches to a classic regime. That is unacceptable for us. But we hope there will be at least some understanding within next six months among those who proposed it”.


Representatives of journalist community say that they will take part in upcoming public discussions, but with only one request - to withdraw controversial draft amendments to RS Criminal Code (N1)


N1 carries that despite numerous criticisms, protests from the journalist community and appeals from international organizations, the RS parliament adopted on Thursday the Draft Amendments to the RS Criminal Code, which reinstate defamation and insult as criminal offenses. A group of journalists and editors came to the RS parliament building during the vote on the Draft Amendments to the RS Criminal Code. Representatives of the journalist community stated that they will take part in the upcoming public discussions, but with only one request - to withdraw the controversial law. President of the Club of Journalists of Banja Luka Sinisa Vukelic said that 49 MPs said that their goal is to prevent and limit freedom of speech in the RS. “We ask an open question - why are you afraid of the truth, why are you afraid of journalists? Is the only and the biggest problem in this society defamation and insults?” Vukelic asked. Representative of Glas Srpske daily Zarko Markovic said that one has only heard justifications that it is necessary to arrange the media space that is contaminated. “It is undeniably contaminated, but this is definitely not the way it should have been done,” Markovic said, adding that the law is so badly written that he does not see a way how it can be fixed in a public debate. Vukelic said that the media community will participate in the 60-day public discussion with only one request, i.e. “withdraw it (Draft Law), because this is a catastrophic solution, and that is not only our opinion. It is also the opinion of numerous local and international organizations dealing with human rights. In case you fail to do that, then it is clear which direction is taken by this society and this RS parliament”. The reporter reminds that journalists recently protested against the proposed changes in the RS Criminal Code, and on Thursday, individual media outlets published a photo on their websites with the text “Withdraw the Law that criminalizes defamation and insult’’. Commenting on the issue, Editor-In-Chief at Nezavisne novine Sandra Gojkovic Arbutina said for Nova BH journalists will continue to fight, and expressed hope that within the next 60 days, “there will be understanding that this will not only suppress public word, it will also result in disappearance of free thought. The media outlets will shut down rapidly, something representatives are not aware of”.


Stano: Adoption of Draft Amendments to RS Criminal Code is step in wrong direction (Oslobodjenje)


Despite the warnings coming from United Nations, Council of Europe, European Union and OSCE appealed against adoption of the Draft Amendments to RS Criminal Code, this has not happened and RS parliament adopted the draft with 49 votes in favour of it. The Draft is to be submitted into procedure of two-month public discussion. “Today’s decision is without a doubt a step in a wrong direction with horrifying effect on media freedoms in the RS, while at the same time it questions strategic dedication of ruling parties in the RS toward EU accession. If the law is truly adopted in the end, it will produce serious consequences,” said spokesperson of the European Commission Peter Stano.


RS government adopts Draft Law on Special Register and Publicity of Work of Non-profit Organizations (RTRS)


The RS government adopted on Thursday the Draft Law on a Special Register and Publicity of the Work of Non-profit Organizations. It was stated that the RS does not have a law that prescribes the area of publicity of the work of non-profit organizations, their political activity, publication of financial statements, keeping business books, as well as supervision of the legality of their work. The government of the RS warned that this creates conditions for the collapse of the legal system and the constitutional arrangement of the RS and causes harmful consequences for the work of the bodies and organizations of the RS.


RS government adopts information on termination of cooperation with US and UK diplomats in B&H due to anti-Dayton activities (RTRS)


The RS government adopted the information on Thursday on termination of cooperation with US and UK diplomats in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) due to anti-Dayton activities. The RS government stated that the RS is forced to end cooperation with the diplomats of both embassies, and in this regard called on the institutions of the RS, representatives of the RS in joint institutions at the level of B&H, local self-government bodies in the RS, as well as other public bodies not to cooperate with the embassies of the US and UK. The RS government is convinced that this kind of action by the embassies of the US and UK is not in accordance with the official policies of the US and UK towards B&H and is of the opinion that the suspension of cooperation will last until the embassies of the US and UK stop the practice of interfering in the internal affairs of B&H. The RS government believes that it is the obligation of the embassies of the US and UK not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, which also applies to B&H, where they are only diplomatic representatives. The RS government will inform the competent institutions of the US and UK about the termination of cooperation with the embassies of the US and UK due to their anti-Dayton activities and violations of international law, the Charter of the United Nations and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The RS government announced it will submit this conclusion to the RS parliament. The Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) expressed on Wednesday deep concern over the recent developments in the RS, which aim to shrink the civic space and reduce public debate. The PIC SB also regretted the announcement by the RS authorities that they intend to unilaterally interrupt cooperation with the representatives of two PIC Steering Board members.


Dodik confirms termination of contacts with US and UK Embassies in B&H: This is answer to those who are ready to throw depleted uranium (ATV)


The RS government adopted on Thursday the information on termination of cooperation with US and UK diplomats in B&H due to, as it stated, anti-Dayton activities. RS President Milorad Dodik commented on the decision stating: “They constantly attempt to mould our society, boss us around. The Americans and the British have absolutely negative attitudes towards Serbs. They constantly say that they support the RS, but their support ends with words. Their actions show that they are doing everything to make the RS disappear.” Dodik said that this is also an answer to those who are ready to throw depleted uranium, the use of which kills not only current, but also future generations. “The government adopted a decision today (Thursday) to suspend any contact with the staff of the UK and US embassies here in B&H. This is our attitude towards those evildoers who are absolutely ready to throw depleted uranium, killing not only the actors of these conflicts and events, but also children who have yet to be born,” Dodik said.


US Embassy to B&H: Terminating cooperation with US and UK diplomats is another step on dangerous road Dodik chose (AJB)


The US Embassy in Sarajevo condemned the information of termination of cooperation with US and UK diplomats which was adopted by the R) government on Thursday. They posted on their official Twitter: “President Milorad Dodik’s announcement that the RS government will stop contact with official representatives of the United States and United Kingdom is one more step down the dangerous path that he has chosen – a path of isolation and authoritarian rule. It is a path that does not benefit the residents of the RS, the residents Dodik claims to be protecting. The United States has longstanding working relationships with the RS institutions, and we will continue providing assistance to the people of the RS as we have been doing all these years. We will not help a regime that uses authoritarian tactics against its own people or that uses well-intended foreign assistance to support unconstitutional or anti-Dayton activities. Dodik’s increasing rejection of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s long-standing partners and embrace of authoritarian leaders is damaging the RS. Dodik’s desperate moves are mortgaging away his own residents’ futures to support his regime and corrupt interests.”


UK Embassy to B&H says unpredictable decisions of Dodik harm interests and reputation of RS (Oslobodjenje)


Following the decision of the RS government to terminate cooperation with the Embassies of USA and UK to B&H, the UK Embassy to B&H issued a statement. “More and more unpredictable decisions of RS President Milorad Dodik are harming interests and reputation of the RS”, the statement of the UK Embassy to B&H noted. UK Ambassador to B&H, Julian Reilly posted on Twitter that Dodik’s decisions harm interests of the RS and noted that only state of B&H has competence to reach decisions on diplomatic relations of the country.


Constitutional Court of B&H rejects motions of Komsic and Dzaferovic regarding Schmidt's changes to B&H Election Law (N1)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H has rejected the motions of B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic and former B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic, which requested an assessment of the constitutionality of the provisions of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitution and changes to the B&H Election Law imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt on 2 October 2022. The B&H CC made the abovementioned decision at its Thursday’s plenary session. With dissenting opinions, the B&H CC decided that everything that Schmidt passed on the election night was in accordance with the Constitution of B&H, that is with certain protocols and European conventions on the protection of human rights and freedoms, international conventions on the protection of human rights and freedoms, and that everything that the High Representative passed does not violate those freedoms and democratic rights in B&H. N1 noted that it was not announced which judges did not support this decision of the B&H CC. However, the judges have an obligation to publish their opinion, which will be made public, within fifteen days and then it will be known which judges were against the rejection of motions of Komsic and Dzaferovic. N1 reminded that as a guest of N1, Schmidt said in January this year that his decisions are good and that with them he unblocked the appointment of missing judges in the FB&H CC. The B&H CC stated that the Constitution of the FB&H and the amendments to the Election Law of B&H are in accordance with the Constitution of B&H and the Article 1 of the Protocol No. 12 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the articles of the International Convention on the abolition of all forms of racial discrimination and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


Komsic’s Cabinet on B&H CC’s decision: B&H CC has obviously succumbed to pressure of international community (N1)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H has rejected the motions of B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic and former B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic, which requested an assessment of the constitutionality of the provisions of the FB&H Constitution and changes to the B&H Election Law imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt on 2 October 2022.  Reacting to the B&H CC’s decision, Komsic’s Cabinet briefly told N1 that that they remain in this legal battle, and that the B&H CC has obviously succumbed to pressure of the international community, and that an attack on the election process in B&H was carried out by what Schmidt did on 2 October of last year. Before the B&H CC’s decision, the Komsic’s Cabient stated that negative opinion on the motions is expected in individual political circles and the part of the international community, underscoring that if the decision is negative, it will be a basis for future undemocratic interventions and interpretations by the HR in B&H. In a telephone statement for Nova BH, Komsic’s Advisor Slaven Kovacevic said the legal fight will continue, noting “the pressure by the IC to finalize its project was so strong that the B&H CC succumbed. Formulations that absolutely everything, i.e. that such level of discrimination, is in accordance to the B&H Constitution are unbelievable, and that election rules can be changed after elections is in accordance with the B&H Constitution. This will enable practice that anyone who wants it can change election rules after every election, i.e. that different coalitions, depending on election results, change election rules as suits them”.


Dodik: Explanation of B&H CC’s decision which concerns legal violence of false high representative Christian Schmidt reflects B&H more strongly than anything else (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that the explanation of Thursday’s decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, “which concerns the legal violence of false high representative Christian Schmidt”, reflects B&H more strongly than anything else. Namely, the B&H CC found, deciding on the motion of Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic for constitutional review, that the amendments to the Constitution of the FB&H and the amendments to the Election Law of B&H imposed by Schmidt with the decisions of 2 October 2022 are in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of B&H. Dodik pointed out that the B&H CC refers to the Constitution, in which the legislator is the B&H Parliament, “and not the real or fake high representative.” “Even more tragically, it refers to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, which is supposed to protect human rights from similar and such neo-colonial activities, as was the subject of the motion,” Dodik stated on Twitter.


Lendo discusses issues in formation of FB&H government, he expects that the FB&H government will be formed during Ramadan: I will not sign any appointment in which I do not participate (FTV)


The FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo was a guest of FTV. Lendo said that he expects that the FB&H government will be formed during Ramadan. Lendo added that he expects that he, the FB&H President Lidija Bradara and the FB&H Vice President Igor Stojanovic will start discussing these days the names of persons who should hold the office of the prime minister and members of the FB&H government. Lendo said that it is unfortunate that SDP and HDZ B&H are ignoring SDA, that is, they ignoring Lendo as a representative of Bosniaks. While commenting on the meeting of ‘The Eight’ with HDZ B&H scheduled for Friday, where they are supposed to discuss the formation of the FB&H government, Lendo said they arranged this meeting without him as a representative of Bosniaks. Lendo said that he will not sign any appointment in which he did not participate. When asked what does SDA want in the FB&H Government, Lendo said SDA has not determined at all how many ministerial positions they want in the FB&H Government, and that it should be an agreement between SDP, HDZ B&H and SDA. Lendo said that he does not see a solution unless the leadership of the FB&H talks and comes to an agreement. Commenting on the possible intervention from Schmidt, Lendo said: “We respect the decisions of the High Representative, but I certainly hope that any decision that is made will be long-term and within the Constitution of the FB&H, which will be valid in the coming period, and not one-time or that it will be valid for this part. I think that such a decision would be bad for citizens, it would be bad for democracy. I will accept the decision that is in accordance with the Constitution and that is incorporated as a constitutional category, that is, the party from which I come (will accept it), and that is something that will be legal.”


Cvijanovic meets with President of UN General Assembly, stresses importance of consistent respect for DPA and constitutional position of different authority levels (RTRS)


Serb member and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic met with President of the United Nations General Assembly Csaba Korosi in New York on Thursday. During the meeting, Cvijanovic pointed out that consistent respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the constitutional position of different authority levels is essential for preserving political and institutional stability in B&H. Korosi thanked Cvijanovic for the resolute support to Water Action efforts and B&H’s contribution to the UN 2023 Water Conference. During the meeting they discussed important global topics and current political topics in B&H and the region, stated Cvijanovic on her official Instagram.


US Ambassador to Hungary Pressman criticizes Szijjarto’s messages from Sarajevo (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list reports that US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman commented statements and messages that Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto made during his recent visit to Sarajevo. Namely, Szijjarto commented on the US State Department’s report on the state of human rights in other countries saying, among other issues, that he was taken aback by the State Department’s views and that the State Department takes the liberty to talk about internal matters in other countries. “How dare they?”, said Szijjarto. Ambassador Pressman responded by disseminating a quotation, which reads that Russia is continuously attacking the US because of the criticism about the state of human rights, and the quotation also contains a part, which reads that Moscow rejects any attempt of interference into its internal matter. “Sounds familiar”, said Ambassador Pressman.


MEP: Serbian claims on Croatian cultural heritage are “form of hybrid assault” (Hina)


A Croatian member of the European Parliament Karlo Ressler said on Wednesday that Croatia and Europe were being subjected to hybrid attacks from the East, citing "Serbian claims on Croatian cultural heritage". “Both Croatia and Europe are being subjected to hybrid assaults from the East. They include instrumentalization of migrants, pressure on our borders and the external borders of the European Union, anti-European and anti-civilisational propaganda used by the Russian regime to destroy European societies from within, Serbian claims on Croatian cultural heritage, use of energy blackmail as a means of aggression on Europe,” Ressler said at a presentation of the Zagreb Security Forum in Brussels. The event, organised by Ressler’s office and held in the European Parliament, brought together leading experts on national security, digital security and defence against hybrid attacks, which have intensified with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “Our generation will have to defend its freedom. The peace and flourishing of Europe that ensued after the Second World War is is under increasing threat. The Russian aggression against Ukraine has made it clear to us that no one will give us security and prosperity as a gift, we will have to fight for it again. Today we decide on our security tomorrow, on whether we will kneel down in the face of violence and propaganda or whether we will defend our values, our European way of life,” Ressler (HDZ/EPP) said according to a press release from his office. The Zagreb Security Forum, which has raised many issues in recent years such as the importance of democracy and security in society, was presented, in addition to Ressler, by Gordan Akrap, President of the Hybrid Warfare Research Institute; Holger Haibach, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s Office for Croatia and Slovenia; Lukas Mandl, Austrian member of the European Parliament; Yvan De Mesmaeker, Secretary General of the European Corporate Security Association, and Professor Ulrich Schlie from the University of Bonn. The presentation was moderated by Tihomir Vinkovic, the public broadcaster HRT’s Brussels correspondent.


Picula: Vucic is allowed too much room to maneuver in Montenegro (N1)


The West left Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic too much room for maneuver in Montenegro and B&H, said Tonino Picula, a representative of the European Parliament, in an interview with N1 television. "The dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo is once again turning into a kind of collection of monologues where everyone interprets the situation in their own favour. The members of the EU have decided to bring this key problem to an end, but I don't know how far it will be possible. We will have to see how Brussels and Washington will continue to press Belgrade's political offer if Vucic does not agree to sign that agreement. Vucic feels that there is still enough space to obtain certain concessions from the West. He does not impose sanctions on Russia. It seems to me that Aleksandar Vucic is allowed to have room for maneuver, which he uses abundantly in B&H and Montenegro. Because of the general political role, the West cannot return to a political dream. The collective West will have to decide," said Picula. He says that the political transition in Montenegro seems to have been extended because some question marks have reappeared. "And these presidential elections are full of interesting things and new situations. In the first round, a representative of a non-parliamentary party won, which has never happened. At this moment, it is difficult to predict what will happen in the event of the victory of the candidate who surprised everyone. There is a lot of uncertainty in front of Montenegro. The European Union must communicate very clearly what kind of Montenegro it expects, but Montenegro must also say whether it can become that way," he concluded.


Zivkovic: DPS files criminal complaint against Adzic, Djukanovic to win convincingly in second round of election (CdM)


We are filing a criminal complaint against the Minister of Internal Affairs Filip Adzic for undermining the election process, DPS MP Danijel Zivkovic has announced at the press conference. He has recalled that the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic issued an act on the dissolution of the Parliament and based on that, made a decision to call early parliamentary elections for 11 June. “Accordingly, the competent authorities were obliged to undertake legal actions prescribed by law. The Ministry of the Interior should have acted in accordance with the Law on the Voter List – within three days, from the date of the announcement of the election, through the media and on its website, to advertise and display the voter list for inspection by the voters, and to inform the voters about the time and method of inspection and the possibility to request a change in the data entered in the voter’s list”, Zivkovic has stressed. Also, he emphasizes, the Ministry was obliged to publicly publish, within 48 hours, in all dailies and on its website, a numerical, tabular presentation of data on the changes in the voter list as a whole and by local self-government units in relation to the voter list used in the previous election. Commenting on Vojislav Seselj’s support for presidential candidate Jakov Milatvic, Zivkovic has said that it is not a surprise. Despite all this support, he says, it is clear that the presidential candidate Milo Djukanovic will certainly win in the second round of the presidential election.


Milatovic: On 2 April, Djukanovic won't even get the 120,000 votes, but below 100,000, some of the DPS and SDP voters will also vote for me (CdM)


The presidential candidate of the "Europe Now" Movement Jakov Milatovic is convinced that on 2 April he will defeat the candidate of the Democratic Party of Socialists Milo Djukanovic, supported by the voters of the Democratic Front, the Democrats, the Citizens' Movement URA, United Montenegro. He points out that with those votes he has a two-thirds advantage, but he also counts on a good part of the votes of DPS and SDP voters. "I am a man who leaves nothing to chance. The victory in the first round is great and historic, and I thank all the citizens who voted for me and thus enabled me to go to the second round, but also to all the citizens who went to the polls and thus gave legitimacy to the electoral process," said Milatovic. He is sure of victory in the second round. "I am sure, I believe in joint victory and my slogan has been changed to "We will succeed together" and I believe that it will be a success for all of us. It is my honour and pleasure to win the victory on behalf of all of us. That is why I will say that it is a joint victory", said Milatovic. He reminds that, if he were to look at the results from the first round, now with the support of the Democratic Front, Democrats, GP URA, United Montenegro, he has over 60 percent support. "In the second round, with the support of these gentlemen, I have a two-thirds advantage," said Milatovic. The declarative support, he says, was confirmed at the meetings with the leaders of these parties, and some of these parties will also speak at the conventions that the Movement Europe will organize in the coming days. "Djukanovic organized a physical attack on me." He expects a dirty campaign. "The first round of elections was quite peaceful until the incident that happened in Cetinje. After Cetinje, where Djukanovic organized a physical attack on me as a presidential candidate, I expect a continuation of the dirty campaign," said Milatovic. When asked if he has evidence for his claims related to Cetinje, Milatovic says that he does. "In the absence of arguments, the presidential candidate with false rhetoric additionally motivated a number of people from his party, for example the president of the youth DPS in Cetinje, who was physically present that day, according to the police, and to my knowledge, and who publicly supported of physical lynching on me", points out Milatovic. In response to the journalist's remark that he could use that argument to accuse SDP candidate Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic, Milatovic says that he would not comment on that. "I would not comment on Vuksanovic Stankovic. It is already a political past," added Milatovic. He points out that the accusations that he was ready to sacrifice Montenegrin lives in Cetinje for the enthronement of Joanikije are not true. "That is a terrible untruth that I have repeatedly denied. I don't want to be a part of such ugly lies and slander," says Milatovic. The journalist then asked Milatovic how he expected the support of the DF voters when a good part of the campaigns accused that political alliance of cooperating with the DPS, in order to maintain the status quo. He also points out that the DPS is counting on the passivation of a part of the DF voters, the Democrats, to count on the awakening of the diaspora and voters in the municipalities that recorded a low turnout in the first round. If all this is activated, the journalist asked Milatovic if there is a risk that Djukanovic will beat him. "If we all do our job to the end and properly, Djukanovic has absolutely no chance on 2 April," Milatovic is convinced. He added that I think that a huge number of those who voted for Vuksanovic Stankovic will vote for him. "I also expect that a good number of citizens who voted for Djukanovic in the first round will vote for me in the second. Because they see who represents the future and development," said Milatovic. He extended his hand to the diaspora, which he says Djukanovic remembers only when there are elections. "Tomorrow the government, the president can initiate a type of bonds where our diaspora would invest a part of their savings, which would be used for development projects in the cities where the diaspora comes from," said Milatovic. When asked how he intends to attract Bosniaks, Muslims, and Albanians and prove to them that he is not a representative of the politics personified by the DF, Milatovic answers this way. "The vote here is not about Andrija Mandic, but about Jakov Milatovic. The less numerous peoples have in Jakov Milatovic a much greater friend and a much greater decision-maker compared to Djukanovic. First, who drove our diaspora out of Montenegro? Not Jakov, but Milo Djukanovic. I have justified the trust of all and less numerous peoples", says Milatovic. He said that during the first round he spoke with the Bosniak Party, but that the leader of that party, Ervin Ibrahimovic, did not appear at that meeting. "His vice presidents came. We had a good, open, honest conversation, and I thank them for that. After a few days, there was open support for Djukanovic. I think that there are certain processes taking place in BS, that there are a number of people who have absolutely needlessly connected the fate of themselves and their party and the Bosniak people with the political fate of a man of the past, and that is Djukanovic. It seems to me that there is a growing group of people who want to escape from those clutches, I welcome that process", said Milatovic.


Abazovic - Lamborn: Montenegro is fully committed to further strengthening relations with the USA (CdM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic met with Congressman Doug Lamborn at the headquarters of the US Congress. The government announced that during the conversation, Abazovic pointed out that Montenegro is fully committed to further strengthening relations with the USA, as a strategic partner within NATO. "In this sense, Abazovic assessed that a more numerous Montenegrin caucus in Congress would lead to greater visibility and representation of Montenegro on Capitol Hill and that significant diplomatic steps will be taken in the coming period to increase it," the announcement states. In the context of security challenges in Europe and Russian aggression against Ukraine, it was confirmed that we are particularly proud of the fact that our country, in relation to the number of inhabitants, is at the top of European countries in terms of the number of refugees received from Ukraine who were given refuge and safe harbour from war suffering.


Abazovic - Spartz: The expansion of the Montenegrin caucus is the way to closer ties between Montenegro and the USA (CdM)


The Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic met in Capitol Hill with congresswoman Victoria Spartz, and on that occasion, it was stated that the strengthening of allied relations and strategic partnership with the USA within NATO is an important framework of Montenegrin foreign policy. "In this sense, the prime minister pointed out that the expansion of the Montenegrin caucus in the Congress is the way to closer ties between Montenegro and the USA", the government announced. Along these lines, it was emphasized that in the coming period, activities will be undertaken in order for a significant number of congressmen to join the caucus and represent the interests of Montenegro in the best way.


No one above UN Charter, responsibility for Ukraine crimes must be borne, say Baerbock and Osmani (MIA)


We support the International Criminal Court and the arrest warrant issued for Russian President Vladimir Putin despite the existing controversies. No one can go unpunished if crimes against humanity are committed, although this sometimes lasts very long, years and decades, said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Thursday. FM Baerbock told a joint press conference with host Bujar Osmani that no one is above the UN Charter. "The European peace order is not only attacked by bombs in Ukraine but also by the fact that Russia is not prepared for peace. It does not want to put the OSCE means at disposal so that people who are committed to peace in Europe can earn their salary. This clearly shows why the German Federal Government finds it important to support Ukraine, not only through military assistance but also through all institutions focusing on peace. This is very important for OSCE, and we are helping with additional funds as do other countries. In this way, we defend the UN Charter and that is why the ICC was set up - so that all crimes do not go unpunished but to demonstrate that no one is above the UN Charter, no one is above humanitarian law," noted Baerbock. FM Osmani said North Macedonia unequivocally condemned the unprovoked and unjust Russian aggression in Ukraine since day one and is the fourth-largest NATO member to provide humanitarian and military assistance per capita. "The country has joined all ten sets of EU sanctions against Russia and is 100-percent aligned with the Union's foreign and security policy. It has condemned crimes, especially on civilian infrastructure and population, and the need for those who committed the crimes to be held responsible," said Osmani. Last week, the ICC issued an arrest warrant for President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, "allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation (under articles 8(2)(a)(vii) and 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute)". A similar warrant was issued for Maria Lvova-Belova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.


Kovachevski - Baerbock: New concrete support from Germany for North Macedonia's next step forward in EU integration (MIA)


Germany stands by North Macedonia for the country's next step forward in European integration, concurred Thursday's meeting between Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, expressing the expectation that this strategic issue for the country and the region will be in the forefront of all political entities in the country. Participants in the meeting highlighted the long-standing sincere and strong Macedonian-German friendship and partnership in the 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the government said in a press release. "Interlocutors pointed out it is of essential importance for the overall geopolitical context that the entire region continues to move on the path of European integration. And in that regard, the role of Prime Minister Kovachevski and the Republic of North Macedonia, as a factor of dialogue and stability in the Western Balkans, is welcomed," reads the press release. PM Kovachevski welcomed Minister Baerbock's visit at yet another important moment for the Republic of North Macedonia. "We made a historic step forward and started the EU accession negotiations in July 2022, which marked the beginning of a qualitatively new phase in relations with the European Union, after 17 years of a candidate status and after numerous challenges on the way to full-fledged EU membership, with the active support of Germany, which was particularly crucial during Germany's EU Presidency in 2020. Today we have that support again and it is of great importance because Germany enjoys a great reputation and deep respect among our citizens," said PM Kovachevski. The PM also highlighted the importance of the cooperation with Germany on an economic level, given that Germany is North Macedonia's first trade partner in recent years, the fifth foreign direct investor in the country, in which about 200 German companies operate, noting that 45 percent of the total Macedonian exports go to Germany, and that the large Macedonian diaspora in Germany is another solid bridge in mutual cooperation. Participants in the meeting also commended North Macedonia's full alignment with the EU's common foreign and security policy. PM Kovachevski said North Macedonia also stands ready as OSCE Chair to contribute to processes towards greater stability in the overall European security. "The enlargement policy most directly contributes to maintaining peace and stability in our region, to the improvement of democracy, the rule of law and the protection of human rights and freedoms," said Kovachevski. In addition, interlocutors highlighted the importance of the Berlin Process as driving force of regional cooperation at the highest level, and an initiator of action plans for the Western Balkans' common regional market and the Green Agenda.


Baerbock: If you don’t want the youth to move to the EU, then you should bring the EU here (MIA)


If you don’t want your youth to move to the EU, then you should bring the EU here, said German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock at a joint press conference Thursday with her Macedonian counterpart, Bujar Osmani. “I want to express my respect and recognition for the steps North Macedonia has taken on its EU path. We know what kind of compromises and concessions you have made, from the name change to agreeing to amend the Constitution last summer. I know that the agreement you reached with Bulgaria wasn’t easy for you and that’s why I am addressing all the people who still feel a kind of discomfort about that. The Constitution is not something that is amended constantly, these are important steps and I can understand that they are being discussed – especially when it comes to personal identity, history, language and culture,” said Baerbock. According to Baerbock, this is why it’s important “not to lead debates with black and white arguments during times like these, when personal identity is concerned, but to change the way we talk in politics.” “It was important that you traced this path especially when it comes to the various challenges. With these brave political decisions the accession negotiations will officially be able to begin and you, with this political decision and political capital, have sent a clear signal to the entire region – we want EU accession, and we will do anything that is necessary to achieve it. When it comes to implementing what has been agreed, I have to encourage you – use all available means to ensure that the process continues in the coming months, to avoid failing at this crucial moment,” stressed Baerbock. The agreed constitutional amendments, said Baerbock, should not become a political apple of discord in the parties’ competition for popularity in the polls. “Democracy is sometimes strenuous, but I think that everyone must add something to these efforts which have been expressed through compromises a hundred times, no one can impose their complete idea, and these democratic compromises are worth all the effort. They are the best protection ensuring that our children can live in peace and freedom in the future, without dependence, without meddling of third parties that are undermining this peace and freedom of the countries and people,” said Baerbock. According to her, the great danger for the future of democratic countries is when the youth does not see the future in only one country, but also in others. “There may be various reasons for this, but we have seen in the past years that the young people want to do this, and it’s normal for them to live freely, to choose where they can live, to work wherever they want, to be able to see economic progress in their own country. However, expectations are often unfulfilled, and politics and society failed to do this. You turn your back and you move to another European country, because your country hasn’t become an EU member. We have seen this and I can openly say that we in Germany aren’t very unhappy about this because we have a labour shortage, we need young people, but we don’t want the young people to come because they could also have a good life here as well,” stated Baerbock. Minister of Foreign Affairs Osmani said that the German Minister is visiting the country at a crucial time, when North Macedonia is chairing OSCE and two regional platforms in 2023, which says a lot, he said, about the new regional position of the country. “Germany continues to be one of the strongest partners of Euro-integration for the region and in that context I would like to express my gratitude for the strong and continued support provided to our country,” said Osmani. According to Osmani, 2030 is an ambitious, but achievable goal for EU integration of all Western Balkan countries. “North Macedonia has undertaken obligations which it must deliver, and the EU accession negotiations must continue. This path depends only on us. It is not the government that is joining the EU, but the whole country, together with the opposition and we all have to take up the responsibility for this process and, here we are also counting on the support of our European friends,” said Osmani. Germany, added Osmani, is our number one trade partner, with which we have the most trade exchange. “Last year our trade exchange reached EUR 5 billion and continued to increase, and the biggest foreign investments in the country come from Germany, with over 200 German companies present in our market. Therefore, we want to crown this cooperation with a strategic partnership between the two countries,” stressed Osmani at the joint press conference with the German Foreign Minister.


Mickoski meets Baerbock: No constitutional amendments under Bulgarian dictate (Telma)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said during Thursday's meeting with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock that "there will be no constitutional amendments under Bulgarian dictate and that the current composition of MPs has no mandate from the citizens to participate in such a process". The meeting was held at the German residency in North Macedonia, alongside the party's Vice Presidents Aleksandar Nikoloski, Gordana KochoskaDimitrievska and Timcho Mucunski, as well as Antonio Miloshoski, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release. "VMRO-DPMNE will not participate in such a process by the government that sees this as a way to buy time and absolve itself of the crime conducted on a daily basis. It will take real reforms and moving towards the EU instead of declarative commitments that the government is doing," Mickoski said during the meeting.


Kovachevski: Not true that MPs of majority won’t vote for constitutional amendments (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE claims that nine SDSM MPs do not want to vote for constitutional changes, while one DUI MP, according to the opposition, asks for money to vote. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Thursday it was not true that there are MPs of the ruling majority, i.e. SDSM who are against the constitutional amendments. According to him, the opposition’s claims have “no real basis”. The process of constitutional amendments, he noted, must be a process of a wide social and political consensus. “First, I won't comment on the positions of the opposition. Ask the opposition regarding that. They said they had 61 MPs in parliament and that the government reshuffle I proposed would never pass. It did, with an increased majority of 65 MPs, which means that the opposition’s claims have no real basis,” Kovachevski said in response to a journalist’s question. “Second, as regards the constitutional amendments, I will reiterate my position,” Kovachevski added. “The constitutional amendments are the responsibility of every political party that is in favour of our country's EU membership. The amendments, which are a part of the negotiating framework and the decisions that should be made with a 2/3 parliamentary majority are only one of the decisions brought this way.” We have to reform our judiciary system, our prosecution and public administration, before joining the EU, which is why the process cannot be one of blackmail, but on the contrary, it should be a process of a wide social and political consensus that will not be subject to daily press conferences, the PM said. "We’ve had such examples in Croatia and Slovenia, two examples of countries that have had to make difficult decisions before and during their EU accession. If you ask them, they will tell you that these issues were not a part of the everyday political discussion in their society, but the opposite – it was something these countries did and became EU members," according to the PM. PM Kovachevski reiterated the benefits of EU membership by giving the example of Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where the standards increased after joining the Union. More companies opened, each of them a part of the joint market of 500 million shoppers, which led to growth in the economy. “Our citizens deserve to work, and they want to work in the EU, but the EU at home, not someplace else. That is why the decisions that follow to join the EU should be the responsibility of every political party that’s in favor of EU membership,” Kovachevski said. He mentioned that VMRO-DPMNE did not support a single decision on joining NATO, nor were they present for the FRONTEX agreement vote. “I believe that there are MPs in our opposition that want to see North Macedonia in the EU. The current and former VMRO-DPMNE leaders have differing opinions, so the party’s final attitudes should be reviewed,” the PM said. He said that there is no need to hold a leaders meeting nor individual meetings with VMRODPMNE, and he pointed out that VMRO-DPMNE has to decide whether it will say to the people what it has been saying to the embassies – give us power and we will change the Constitution. They must answer this before the discussion can continue, Kovachevski said during a press conference at the government.


Mickoski: We face pressures for constitutional changes, but we won’t give up (Kanal 5)


VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, in an interview for Kanal 5, speaking about the constitutional amendments said he and his party are constantly facing pressures to accept and endorse the constitutional changes for registration of Bulgarian minority, which are compulsory for the country to continue the EU integration processes. “Indeed, over the past period we face great pressure over this matter, and I can also say that we have also had some rather unpleasant meetings. However, I and my party stand firm on our positions, and we shall not accept these constitutional changes no matter what. Over the past period, we had several meetings with representatives from the government and from SDSM, but at every meeting, they only managed to offer some shallow and ungrounded arguments for the process. They simply decided to embark on an adventure by themselves, and now they created a big problem,” Mickoski said.


British govt press release: Bilateral meeting between Sunak and Rama (Radio Tirana)


The British government disclosed the meeting of Prime Minister Edi Rama with his British counterpart, Rishi Sunak in London. The British government emphasizes that the leaders expressed their shared ambition to further expand and deepen the relationship between the United Kingdom and Albania by working together to address global and regional threats and strengthening the bilateral partnership with the countries. Also, in the meeting with the two leaders, the importance of increasing trade ties and investments was expressed. They also agreed that a joint UK-Albania team will carry out an assessment of Albania's prison capacity to be completed by the end of April with the aim of returning all convicted Albanian nationals. Press release as follows: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama at Downing Street today [Thursday 23 March], as part of a wider visit by the Albanian leader to London. The leaders set out their shared ambition to broaden and deepen the UK-Albania relationship, co-operating on addressing global and regional threats and strengthening our bilateral partnership. They noted significant opportunities to grow trade, investment and technology links, and Prime Minister Sunak again welcomed the significant contribution of the long-standing Albanian community in the UK to British life. As NATO allies, fellow members of the UN Security Council and close partners, the leaders also reaffirmed their commitment to working together to protect the security of our citizens, defend democracy and promote human rights, including through a robust international response to aggression by Russia. This will include assisting Albanian cyber defence to protect against online threats. Prime Minister Sunak and Prime Minister Rama committed to deepen work under the Joint Communique and Taskforce agreed in December, to take forward our shared priority on tackling illegal migration and criminal people-smuggling gangs. They discussed increased operational cooperation, including joint upstream communications to deter people from travelling in the first place, and further agreements on data sharing and passports. The leaders welcomed progress to date, with around 800 illegal migrants returning to Albania since December, action on organised crime and new UK guidance designating Albania a safe country. On criminal justice cooperation, the leaders welcomed ongoing joint work on extraditions, prosecutions and forensics capabilities, and the removal of hundreds of prisoners under existing agreements. They agreed that a joint UK-Albanian team will conduct an assessment of Albania’s prison capacity – to be concluded by the end of April – with a view to returning all eligible Albanian nationals in the UK prison system. Finally, the Prime Ministers welcomed progress on business and university cooperation, including the launch of the new British Chamber of Commerce in Albania, a doubling of the market risk appetite for UK Export Finance support for Albania to £4 billion to facilitate investment, and the deepening of links between UK and Albanian universities.


The Head of the Assembly of Great Britain welcomes Edi Rama: Joint fight against criminal networks (Radio Tirana)


During his visit to London, Prime Minister Edi Rama also met with the speaker of the Assembly of the United Kingdom, Lindsay Hoyle. In this meeting, the head of the Assembly of the United Kingdom expressed regret for the rhetoric used by British policy towards Albanians. While the necessity of the joint fight against criminal networks has been underlined. "Meeting with the speaker of the Assembly of the United Kingdom, Lindsay Hoyle, who expressed regret for the disturbing rhetoric towards Albanians and underlining the necessity of the common fight against criminal networks, emphasized the undeniable values of the Albanian community in Britain, as well as elevated the role of Albania in the international arena", says Prime Minister Edi Rama's Facebook social network.