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Belgrade Media Report 30 March



Vucic: Challenges require unity, respect of international law (Politika/Tanjug)


The global challenges we are facing require unity, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in an address at the online Summit for Democracy on Wednesday. Vucic is attending the virtual summit at the invitation of US President Joseph Biden. Vucic also said the Ukraine conflict had brought to the light of day the necessity of universal and unwavering respect of international law and that Serbia would continue to advocate consistent respect of non-selective implementation of those provisions and principles, said a post on the president's Instagram profile. "The principles of respect of human rights, rule of law and rule-based international order need to be conveyed and respected by all of us. The absolute necessity of universal and unwavering respect of international law by all has again been brought to the light of day by the current conflict in Ukraine. The Republic of Serbia will continue to advocate consistent respect of non-selective implementation of those provisions and principles," Vucic noted.


Petkovic: Concrete steps to be discussed in Brussels, our red lines to stay (Radio Belgrade)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said an 4 April round of the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would address concrete steps to implement a recent agreement from Ohrid, North Macedonia, and noted that Belgrade's red lines would remain in place. In a statement to Radio Belgrade, Petkovic said one of the first commitments Pristina needed to meet under an annex to the agreement was the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, in line with relevant previous agreements that clearly defined its substantial powers. "Our red lines are that Belgrade will never agree to the so-called Kosovo becoming a UN member state and that Belgrade will not recognise the so-called Kosovo either de facto or de iure. We can discuss everything else agreed in the annex and see how we will implement that," Petkovic said. "The substantial powers of the Community of Serb Municipalities, its objectives, its authorities and the way it operates are clearly defined, including in Point 16, which stipulates that the Community be co-funded by Belgrade," Petkovic said. When asked to comment on Pristina's claims that the deal implies no autonomy for Kosovo and Metohija Serbs and that the Ohrid agreement contains no reference to the Community, Petkovic said Pristina had been "under siege" in the wake of the Ohrid meeting and that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had been very cautious in expressing the hope the dialogue would head towards normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations. "Since Pristina has been refusing to form a Community of Serb Municipalities for ten years now, its most recent statements, too, show that it is not prepared to go in that direction. But that is a matter that should be handled by Pristina, by international representatives and by dialogue facilitators, who are obliged to make Pristina meet that commitment. It will then be absolutely clear who is sticking to dialogue and who actually does not want dialogue. Belgrade has always been committed to dialogue... and only dialogue can ensure normalisation of relations," Petkovic said.


NADA coalition: Vucic’s scandalous tactic on Kosovo (Beta/Politika)


The National Democratic Alternative (NADA) coalition stated on 29 March that the “scandalously harmful tactic” of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was “disclosed in his statement yesterday – that Serbia would implement all counts of the agreement” with Pristina, reached in Brussels in February, even if the other side does not fulfill its obligations, and it added that “an all-for-nothing trade is taking place before our very eyes.” “Just two weeks ago, he declared that none of the counts in that agreement would be implemented before the Community of Serb Municipalities is established. He has obviously yielded in that regard, under pressure from western diplomats, who have sensed that there is no limit to his surrendering, to the detriment of Serbian national interests,” the president of the New Democratic Party Milos Jovanovic declared in a written statement. The president of the Movement for the Revival of the Kingdom of Serbia Vojislav Mihailovic declared the following in a written statement: “The immoral and indecent ‘Kosovo for EU’ proposal aside – the president is preparing to give literally everything for literally nothing. However, the majority of Serbian citizens are against our country joining the EU. This nomenclature no longer represents Serbia’s majority – therefore, an election is the only just and correct solution to the political crisis we are in. The people must decide on Serbia’s future direction.”


Opposition party: Unacceptable for Serbia to apply agreement without government or parliament approval (Beta)


Serbia’s Oath Keepers warned on 29 March that it is unacceptable for Serbia to start a process of applying the agreement on the path to the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia in the EU-brokered dialogue with Kosovo without the prior approval of the government and the parliament of Serbia. “There have been reports from Brussels that the implementation of the agreement reached in Ohrid should start next week, while the authorities in Serbia have no intention of holding the consultations Vucic previously announced repeatedly, let alone call a session of the parliament,” the Oath Keepers said in a news release. The party recalled that the regular spring session of the parliament had started on 1 March, and the speaker has not yet scheduled a single sitting, which the Oath Keepers interpret as an attempt by the authorities to avoid debate. “The impression is that the Serbian Progressive Party is keeping parliament under lock and key, and has shifted the debate about the Franco-German ultimatum to media where it is banned to voice a different opinion,” the Oath Keepers said in their statement to the press.


Cadez says EU needs stable Western Balkans (N1)


Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) chief Marko Cadez said in Skopje on Thursday that Western Balkan business communities support Belgrade and Pristina’s efforts to normalize relations adding that Europe needs stability in the region. The North Macedonia Economic Chamber hosted a meeting of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF) which was chaired by Kosovo Chamber of Commerce chief Lulzim Rafuna. According to Cadez, south-eastern Europe’s economy will fail and the EU will not be stable without Western Balkan stability and real trust between Serbs and Albanians. “The business communities and regional chambers of commerce brought together in the WB6 CIF strongly support leaders from Belgrade and Pristina in implementing agreements to normalize relations as soon as possible,” Cadez is quoted as saying in a PKS press release. He added that there is no time to waste. “we have to run on the road to the EU, to enter the single market as soon as possible. We can’t survive if we remain outside the structural mechanisms of the EU,” Cadez said. The press release added that those business communities are prepared to help develop economic measures as part of the normalization process to remove trade barriers and reinforce the new dynamics on their European path. The meeting in Skopje reached agreement on joint projects in support of companies from digitalization to third market ventures and fair promotions.


PFG with Israel: Reconsider decision to recognise Kosovo (RTV/Tanjug)


Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group (PFG) with Israel Andrijana Avramov and PFG member Natasa Tasic Knezevic met with Deputy Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Republic of Serbia Alexandra Ben Ari and cadets of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel. Avramov said that the bilateral relations between the two countries are good and friendly and that the closeness of the two peoples stems from the fact that they shared the same fate and suffering in World War II. She stressed that Serbia remains committed to preserving and strengthening the traditional friendship with the Jewish people, as evidenced by the fact that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was the only President who marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. In light of this, Avramov expressed her hope that Israel would reconsider its decision to recognise the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called state of Kosovo, stressing that Belgrade remains committed to the policy of peace and is open to dialogue with Pristina. Avramov believes that parliamentary cooperation could make a major contribution to the additional strengthening of relations between the two countries by intensifying the exchange of visits at the highest level and the cooperation of the two parliaments’ working bodies. She also emphasised the importance of cooperation on the multilateral level. Ben Ari agreed that the cooperation between parliamentary friendship groups can significantly strengthen the relations between the two countries. She believes that a special effort should be invested into strengthening cooperation through sports and above all the cooperation of young people, because this is the best way for the two peoples to get closer and get to know each other, as well as exchange good practice examples from their respective branches. Ben Ari expressed her satisfaction with the introduction of a direct flight on the Israel-Serbia route which will facilitate the implementation of all of the above. Ben Ari also spoke of Serbia’s the exceptional economic progress, stressing Israeli investors are very interested in investments, as evidenced by the fact that they come and stay to work in Serbia. Tasic Knezevic emphasised the importance of cultural cooperation, stressing that culture speaks a universal language and as such represents the best way to unite the two peoples and allow them to learn more about one another. As an opera artist, she had some suggestions about how to improve cultural cooperation between Serbia and Israel and within it empower young people and women in culture.


Will the Kosovo police apologize to Miljan (Novosti)


Miljan Jovanovic (44), a former member of the Kosovo police who was arrested last night at Jarinje, has been released and is on his way home, his wife told Novosti earlier in the day. Petar Petkovic, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, reacted with a harsh message: "The only goal of such arrests is to crimialize Serbs, especially those from the North. And so last night Miljan was publicly accused by the Kosovo police of involvement in 'organized crime', which as soon as today turned out to be completely untrue! Will the Kosovo police apologize to Miljan and his family and admit the mistake, just as loudly as they accused him of a crime with no evidence? This scandalous arrest should make everyone wonder - how many other Serbs have been arrested by the Kosovo police unjustly and without evidence, just because they have a Serb name," Petkovic asked.


Hill: Ohrid agreement will positively affect Balkans, not only Serbia (RTS/Beta)


The Ohrid agreement, reached within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, will have a positive effect not only on Serbia, but on the wider Balkans as a region, US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill stated in Vranje on 29 March. “I hope the Ohrid agreement will be marked in history as the point in which the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina began, and made borders connect people instead of dividing them, but also as a turning-point when we started dealing with trade issues first,” Hill told reporters during a visit to southern Serbia. According to the report of RTS, Hill stated that, over the past few days, he had done his best to make it  clear that the Ohrid agreement was about Kosovo, and not other parts of Serbia, by which he was referring to the request for the formation of a “Community of Albanian Municipalities of the Presevo valley,” modelled on the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo. “The agreement puts a part of the responsibility on all of us to make sure that the region is helped to strengthen and advance through economic development. All countries and inhabitants of the Western Balkans must make sure that the region approaches the EU through mutual cooperation, and that is not a political task, but an economic one,” Hill stated.




Bradara fails to appoint FB&H government due to demand of Niksic to carry out additional consultations (BHT1)


FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H) did not make a decision on the appointment of the FB&H government on Wednesday because leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic requested additional consultations in order to once again discuss personnel solutions, i.e. the proposed names of new ministers. SDP B&H representatives stated that nomination of Anel Kljako (NES), who is a candidate for the Minister of Trade of the FB&H, is disputed. FB&H Vice-President Igor Stojanovic (SDP B7H) said that according to the accusations that came from the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC), Kljako is someone who misused the electoral process for the purpose of gaining votes. “He (Kljako) compromised himself in a certain way and leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic asked (NES leader Nermin) Mr. Ogresevic to consider that proposal additionally,” Stojanovic pointed out. Stojanovic confirmed that it is not only Kljako’s nomination that is disputed. Another controversial name that appeared on the list of new ministers in the FB&H government is the name of Vojin Mijatovic (SDP B&H), and Mijatovic's nomination is particularly controversial for SB&H and NES. SB&H leader Semir Efendic stressed that SB&H believes that Mijatovic’s role in the RS in the pre-election process led to a bad scenario in the end, among other things, to SNSD leader Milorad Dodik getting a fourth delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), which gives him the possibility to block every decision in the next four years. Another nomination that caused reactions of dissatisfaction is the nomination of Sanja Vlaisavljevic (HDZ B&H) for the position of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the FB&H. Leader of the NS Edin Forto said that additional consultations should be done quick because deadlines are about to expire on 6 April. Forto explained that until then, the list must be submitted.


Becirovic reacts to possible new interventions by HR (Oslobodjenje/FTV)


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic commented on the announcement of possible new changes to the FB&H Constitution and B&H Election Law by the High Representative Christian Schmidt. He gave the statement for “Member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic expressed his opposition to the proposed amendments to the FB&H Constitution, which would result in the additional supremacy of the ethic principle in relation to the civic principle, thereby making B&H’s European path significantly more difficult. He assessed that the indicated constitutional-normative solutions would weaken the B&H society and the state.” The statement further reads: “Possible amendments to the FB&H Constitution, which envisage introduction of the right of veto, and which would be “supported” with the support of 2/3 of the majority of the delegates of a certain people from the House of Peoples of the FB&H parliament and the support of the majority of representatives from one of the three most ethnically numerous cantons, depending on the peoples in question, they contradict the fundamental European values on which the EU and its member states rest… The introduction of “super cantons” into the constitutional and legal system of FB&H entity would be disastrous both in the terms of ethnicization and additional fragmentation of the state, which ultimately contradicts the Dayton Peace Agreement and the B&H Constitution.”


Zvizdic: If the blockade continues, the HR should react (Dnevni list)


Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic (NiP) commented on the current political situation, offering two solutions in case blockade of the formation of new FB&H government continues. Zvizdic noted it is necessary to explain the genesis of the issue they currently have with authority formation and noted that there are many untruths in the public. The first phase, which started the problems, Zvizdic noted, are election irregularities, which were left uninvestigated and were not penalized, regardless of huge number of complaints. This phase also includes imposed changes to the Election Law during the election night, which suited strengthening of ethnic at the expense of civil component and which, as the practice showed, directly helped HDZ B&H and SDA. He noted that this is something that local political stakeholders, as well as representatives of the international community are aware of. The second phase, according to Zvizdic, was the procedure of election of delegates to the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP), which was full of irregularities and which resulted in situation where Bosniak Caucus does not reflect election results at cantonal level. If there were no sudden and never investigated defections, suspicious employments, pressures and blackmails, ‘The Eight’ would have majority in the Bosniak Caucus for nominating FB&H President/Vice President and therefore the FB&H government. The third phase, which is colloquially called ‘Copperfield phase’, is drawing of lots for awarding positions in the FB&H HoP Caucuses and where two names which go in favor of one party, were drawn. In this way SDA-DF coalition got 13 delegates in the Bosniak Caucus. The fourth phase was the election of the FB&H leadership, where key issue is whether the proposed candidate in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP would be elected, if the voting was individual, adding that it is clear that Refik Lendo would not be elected because he would not have parliamentary majority. Zvizdic noted that we are now in the fifth phase which regards forming of FB&H government and in this phase, those who would not be elected without necessary parliamentary majority, are now blocking forming of the government even though there is a majority for forming of the government. “If the blockade continues, the High Representative should react, but in a way that suits democracy and citizens who wait for positive changes and progress, not any political party”, said Zvizdic.


Sattler on FB&H government formation: Citizens expect that their election will is implemented (Dnevni list)


Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative in B&H Johann Sattler, who visited Bosnia-Podrinje Canton (BPC) on Wednesday, stated that the general elections in B&H were held on 2 October and that citizens expect that their election will is implemented. Commenting announcement of FB&H Vice President (VP) Refik Lendo (SDA) will not give consent for formation of new FB&H government if SDA is not part of it, Sattler said that the BPC government was formed on 8 December, which could serve as an example. He further stated that the state-level government was formed in January, that the RS has the government, that several cantons have governments, “so we expect that the FB&H government is formed as well”. “There is still some ten days until expiration of the deadline during which it must be done and I appeal to the responsible to do it within the deadline. It should not be in interest of any politician to carry out blockades (…)”, said Sattler.


Blinken: Dodik is on Putin’s authoritarian path (FTV)


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken commented the behavior of RS President Milorad Dodik and latest moves of RS authorities in a Twitter post, comparing Dodik to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Milorad Dodik’s attacks on basic rights and freedoms in Republika Srpska show he is on President Putin’s authoritarian path. US State Department, represented by Ambassador Michael Murphy, continues to advocate for the democratic and prosperous future that all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina deserve”, Blinken stated.


Senate of University of Sarajevo strips Izetbegovic of title of professor (N1)


The Senate of the University of Sarajevo reached a decision on Wednesday according to which Director of the University Clinical Center in Sarajevo (KCUS) Sebija Izetbegovic was stripped of her title as a full professor at the Faculty of Medicine. Namely, 30 members of the Senate of the University of Sarajevo voted for the aforementioned decision, four voted against the decision and eight abstained from voting. N1 reminded that on 6 March, the Senate of the University of Sarajevo stripped Izetbegovic of the academic title of Master of Science. Everything begun two years ago with statements that called into question Izetbegovic's education. The Faculty of Medicine is obliged to deliver names of new professors after today’s decision. Rector of the University of Sarajevo Rifat Skrijelj explained that Izetbegovic can appeal the decision by filing an appeal with a competent court within 30 days. According to Skrijelj, inspectors are now checking validity of Izetbegovic’s PhD diploma. Izetbegovic reacted by saying that these are politically motivated procedures carried out for the purpose of certain political agenda and with the aim to personally discredit her. She also said that this is “a dark period of autocratic rule of Rector Skrijelj” and his revenge arguing that he is using the Senate of the University as an instrument.


Government dismissed Brdjanin; Terzic new acting director of police administration (CdM)


At the proposal of Interior Minister Filip Adzic, the government at today’s session dismissed the Director of the Police Administration Zoran Brdjanin, due to functional responsibility during the latest arrests of police officials, who are suspected of being connected to criminal groups. Budva Police Chief Nikola Terzic is the new Acting Director of the Police Administration. Abazovic asked Brdjanin to resign himself, without implying that he was responsible. “However, he said in a military manner that at this moment it is not acceptable to him. Now we are in a situation where we have to take action ourselves. We have to protect the integrity of all possible officials,” stated Abazovic.


Djukanovic: Diaspora’s voting rights completely clear; diaspora shows exceptional devotion to state (TVCG)


DPS presidential candidate Milo Djukanovic says that it is clear that on 2 April, citizens are not only electing the president of the country, but also their path to the future. Speaking about the diaspora and these people’s right to vote in elections, Djukanovic says that the legal aspect is very clear, and that the Constitution clearly defines who has the right to vote. He points out that the diaspora shows exceptional attachment to Montenegro, indicating that they are very interested in where Montenegro is going – “whether it will join Europe or the Serbian World”. In an interview with TVCG, he says that the days between the two rounds of the election sharpened the political picture even more. It is clear, he says, that the path he personifies is “the path of continuity – from preserving peace, restoring independence, turning the bow of the ship of state towards the European system of values, joining NATO” and that “it remains for us to finish that path with joining the EU”. “Citizens of Montenegro do not decide for or against Milo Djukanovic, but decide for a better or worse future for their children. They decided in the referendum that they wanted a Montenegro managing its own future and Montenegro which already said then that it wanted a European and Euro-Atlantic future. The personification of that vision, whether someone likes it or not, is me,” Djukanovic points out. The other option, he says, prefers the Open Balkans. “Of course, I always presented the Open Balkans as the lobby of the Serbian World. The Serbian World is of course a part of the Russian World. All of that together has nothing to do with the EU,” Djukanovic stresses. Commenting on the result achieved in the first round of the presidential election, Djukanovic says that he is satisfied with the result. He adds that he has worked hard during the 14 days between the two rounds of the election, which is why he is “optimistic about the final outcome of the election”. The optimism that he will win the election is based on “the rationality and prudence of the people in Montenegro”, Djukanovic explains. Speaking about the standard of living, Djukanovic says that salaries increased “at the speed at which we ensured the sustainability of salary increases”. “In the period from 2006 to 2020, the average salary and pension increased by 100%. They increased at the rate at which we ensured the sustainability of salary increases. We did not offer the illusion that we would share salaries from loans. But we have worked persistently with the development of investments and business, to create new jobs so that people get employed, and to increase salaries and pensions from the newly created product”, says Djukanovic. Djukanovic is of the opinion that “civil states are under attack, thanks to reawakened big-state nationalisms in the Western Balkans”. He adds that big-state projects “threaten civic Montenegro”. He says that we should try to restore the good business environment as soon as possible thanks to which investors came. “That is the only sound basis for us to be able to move towards EU membership and the achievement of a standard of living that will be accompanied by salaries of €1,500,” Djukanovic stresses. The third goal, he points out, is membership in the EU. Speaking about recently published photos of alleged police torture, Djukanovic says that, if it happened, those responsible for that should be fully investigated. Speaking about investments, Djukanovic says that investors came to Montenegro because they had a “good business environment, low taxes, stability and predictability of government policies”. “Because it has changed, now they don’t come. We have not had a government for two and a half years. This country is now going through agony. Today, investors don’t come because taxes have gone up and because there is a vengeful government,” he points out. Djukanovic stresses that early parliamentary elections are to be held on 11 June. Djukanovic believes that he is someone who “has shown that he is able to guarantee stability”. “The political projection is very certain – it is defined by the vision that was realized and should end with membership in the EU and a European quality of life for the citizens of Montenegro,” he says. Speaking about Milatovic, Djukanovic says that his opponent is “new and we judge him based on his performance during these two and a half years”. “There is a lot of populism and, due to ignorance and inexperience, a lot of pandering to Greater Serbian aspirations towards Montenegro, which threatens to derail Montenegro from the track it started on 21 May 2006,” he points out. Djukanovic expresses full confidence that the citizens “like many times before in difficult trials, will decide wisely for our state-house, their future and the future of their families”.


Gjeloshaj: It is disgrace to question diaspora, of course they should be allowed to vote in election (CdM)


The diaspora should always participate in the election process in Montenegro, Nik Gjeloshaj has told journalists today after he was re-elected to the position of the president of the Municipality of Tuzi. He says that it is shameful and that the practice of mentioning the questionable presence of the diaspora in the election process should stop. Speaking about the diaspora, Gjeloshaj says that these are people who have citizenship, residence, houses, properties here… “In addition, the diaspora, which is mostly composed of minority people, brings hundreds of millions of euros to Montenegro every year. Through that, which is their work and sweat away from their homes, those with temporary work abroad, preserve the connection with our country”, Gjeloshaj stresses. Gjeloshaj believes that the diaspora should participate in the election processes in Montenegro, and he is also of the opinion that they should be allowed to vote in the diplomatic missions of our country all over the world because they deserve it.


Knezevic: Nice to see Dritan’s adviser at the summit of Greater Albania (CdM)


One of the leaders of Democratic Font (DF) Milan Knezevic commented on the presence of Djordje Radulovic, adviser to the Prime Minister in the technical mandate of Abazovic, at the meeting in Skopje where North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro launched a new regional platform, called "Western Balkan KVAD (QUAD ) - 100 percent compliance with EU foreign policy". "Isn't it nice to see Dritan's advisor at the Greater Albania summit? And we won't go to Open Balkans until Serbia is out. "Worthy" of the ancestors from Shkoder and Mojkovac. P.S. It failed, if it can be more than this," Knezevic said on Twitter.


Pendarovski acknowledged that the only way to make constitutional amendments is through VMRO-DPMNE (TV Sitel/TV24/Makpress/PlusInfo)


The only way to reach the necessary two-thirds majority in Parliament for the constitutional amendments is to hold talks with the people from the opposition, said President Stevo Pendarovski at a joint press conference with the Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen on Wednesday. I would not like to see any other approach in achieving the necessary two-thirds majority and if we go in with a sincere intention, to understand each other, I assure you that the arguments are on our side, those including myself, who believe that the very content of that constitutional amendment, including the Bulgarians into our Constitution is a benign change and in no way threatens Macedonian sovereignty, independence or the European path, said Pendarovski. Asked what will happen if there is no two-thirds majority, President Pendarovski said that it is clear, because the European negotiating framework says that if we do not adopt changes to the Constitution by the end of November this year, we will be blocked again on the way to the EU this time with our own decision. The working group that should prepare the constitutional amendments, he pointed out, should be initiated and put together technically by the Ministry of Justice, and there will also be a representative from his cabinet who will propose it. He expects that to happen this week or next.


Kovacevski: Constitutional amendments will not be delayed (Republika)


The constitutional amendments won’t be delayed. By setting up an expert group its work will practically start the process, which will then enter procedures that are defined by law, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said Wednesday. I believe that our country has the capacity, first of all, democratic capacity, but also European capacity and vision, and this decision to continue our European path will not be a hostage to the personal career of just one person in the country, who is ready for the sake of his personal seat to risk interrupting a process that means ensuring full-fledged membership in the EU, which brings with it increased investments, salaries, a higher standard of living for citizens, top institutions, top European legislation, here in our country because our citizens want and deserve to live in the EU, but here in our country and not in a foreign country, Kovacevski said. The prime minister did not answer when the commission that will work on constitutional amendments will be set up. He just repeated that the team for the preparation of constitutional amendments will be set up in the Ministry of Justice, and that it will include top experts in the field of constitutional law and law and representatives of political parties because, as he said, this process requires a wide political and social consensus.


Kovachevski – Stoltenberg: United and strong together in NATO, North Macedonia a factor of stability (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski held a phone call with the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday, discussing several current issues of importance to the region and the geopolitical context. According to a government press release, during the call, Kovachevski and Stoltenberg stressed the strong unity of NATO allies with the goal of maintaining peace, after the challenges from Russia’s brutal military aggression on Ukraine. Additionally, North Macedonia’s alignment with its NATO partners and the EU’s common foreign and security policy were welcomed during the call, as well as the provision of the necessary assistance for Ukraine. 6 “The importance of a joint approach to dealing with hybrid threats and misinformation, as challenges to the stability and security, were also raised during the call. The aspects of the issues that Kovachevski and Stoltenberg discussed during the call are expected to be the topic of discussions at the upcoming July NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania,” said the government in the press release.


Information society and media, meeting in Brussels for chapter 10 of the negotiations (Radio Tirana)


The Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy led the Albanian delegation in the bilateral meeting for Chapter 10 "Information Society and Media", as part of the process towards Albania's negotiations with the EU. The meeting was held in Brussels, while part of the Albanian delegation were also representatives from various institutions such as the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Albanian News Agency and other authorities. During this meeting, the Albanian delegation presented the vision of the Albanian government, which is in full harmony with the policies of the EU and the achievements so far in the implementation of EU standards, starting with electronic communications, spectrum policies, the development of 5G infrastructures, cyber security, and audiovisual policies towards gigabit society. At the end of the meeting, the European Commission positively evaluated the presentation of the participating institutions and the progress made in this sector. Similar meetings will continue within the process of Albania’s EU membership negotiations, and alignment of Albanian legislation to that of the EU.