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Belgrade Media Report 3 April 2023



Vucic: I will continue to fight for Kosovo Serbs by calling for peace, dialogue (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday he would continue to fight for Kosovo and Metohija Serbs through constant calls for peace and dialogue. Vucic was speaking to reporters during a visit to Novi Pazar. When asked to comment on reports that a deadline for vehicle re-registration in Kosovo-Metohija was expiring tonight, Vucic recalled that EU spokesperson Peter Stano had said a 23 November Belgrade-Pristina agreement on vehicle licence plates specified no deadline and had no expiry date. "We are fighting and doing what we can. Today, we received the EU's confirmation that we are right... What means do I have to prevent violence against Serbs except by constant, intensive calls for peace, dialogue, agreements, compromise and everything else," Vucic said. "I will always fight and always be with our people, and I will do my best to help our people in Kosovo and Metohija, who are definitely under enormous pressure - politically and in every other way - from the Pristina authorities, which, due to their internal matters, cannot explain what they need to do, so they have to come out every day and speak against a Community of Serb Municipalities, plates and everything else," Vucic said.


Global situation becoming increasingly difficult

Vucic said on Friday the global situation was becoming increasingly complex and increasingly difficult because no end to the Ukraine war was on the horizon, and noted that, as a small country, Serbia must find a place for itself and survive. "The relations among big powers - between China and the US, between China and Europe and between big Western powers and Russia - are getting more complex in an increasingly direct way, and not only over Ukraine," Vucic said in Kraljevo, during a visit to the Raska District. In such a situation, Serbia must find a place for itself, survive and remain independent, Vucic said. "We must try to preserve our independence and independent decision-making. But independence is not only about having your own borders, army and police, but also about your ministers not being picked by outsiders and about being able to decide on your own what rail lines and roads you will build," Vucic said. Vucic said that it was his decision for Serbia not to introduce sanctions against Russia for attacking Ukraine. The president said that he believed the decision was “right” at the moment that it was made, and that “it is still the right decision”. Speaking about requests by the EU that Serbia align its policy with the EU’s as a candidate country, and join the EU sanctions against Russia, Vucic said that Serbia had to stay on its path to the EU, and protect traditional friendships.


Vucic: Abrogating work permits basis of Open Balkans economic cooperation (Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that at a meeting with Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama and Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski in Verona, an agreement was reached on the completion of the process of securing joint work permits between the three countries, members of the Open Balkans Initiative. Speaking at a press conference after the meeting with Rama and Kovacevski within the Open Balkans Initiative, Vucic said that the reception of new identification cards was also discussed, noting that it was agreed that progress could be made on this matter in the coming months. We agreed on the completion of the process of securing work permits, and that would be the basis, I dare say, the basis of economic cooperation between all of us, the President pointed out. He said that he discussed with the Prime Ministers how to help ordinary people and how to remove all obstacles and enable free trade and free flow of goods, people, capital and services. We discussed many important issues in order to prepare everything before the start of the summer season, and among them are those related to food safety, said Vucic. According to him, the topic of the conversation was the harmonisation of identification documents that will speed up crossing the borders. Vucic pointed out that the trade exchange between Serbia and North Macedonia is increasing and that it has increased by 50 percent in the last three years. The biggest obstacle for countries in the Western Balkans are the borders, because when you have trucks that transport some kind of goods, they drive 30 percent of the time, and spend 70 percent at the borders, Vucic explained. Vucic is in Verona, where he visited the International Wine Fair VinItaly 2023. He was welcomed at the fair by President of the Veneto region in Italy Luca Zaia and Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani. Together with Prime Ministers of North Macedonia and Albania Dimitar Kovacevski and Edi Rama respectively, Vucic visited the wine fair, and with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio Tajani, he visited a joint stand where winemakers from Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia are exhibited. More than 200 labels of the best wines from Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania will be presented at the joint stand. Of the total number, 90 labels are from Serbia, from 41 wineries. The wines at the Open Balkans stand will be presented by the top sommeliers of the three countries, and a masterclass will be organised where the autochthonous varieties of the Balkans will be presented. VinItaly is the leading wine and spirits fair dedicated to wine companies on the world market. It gathers 4,500 exhibitors and a record number of visitors is expected.


Vucic congratulates Milatovic on election victory (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday congratulated Jakov Milatovic on his election as new President of Montenegro. Vucic expressed the belief Milatovic would demonstrate firm willingness to ensure life in peace and progress to citizens of Montenegro, the presidential press office said in a statement. "You will always have a dependable partner in Serbia in development of political dialogue and strengthening of economic cooperation between the two countries, as well as firm support for a peaceful and stable Balkans," Vucic wrote in a congratulatory message to Milatovic.


Brnabic: There is no formal "Western Balkans QUAD" initiative (Tanjug/Politika/Novosti)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Friday there was no formal "Western Balkans QUAD" initiative involving the so-called Kosovo, and noted that Serbia had no outstanding issues with North Macedonia. At a press conference with North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski in Belgrade, Brnabic was responding to a question about the "Western Balkans QUAD – 100% alignment with EU Common Foreign Security Policy" initiative, launched on 29 March by North Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani with representatives of Albania, the so-called Kosovo and Montenegro. "As far as the 'QUAD' is concerned, there is nothing to it, it is not a formal initiative, a formal mechanism or a formal process... There is nothing formal I could declare a position on. We have no outstanding issues with North Macedonia, Macedonians are our brothers and friends. That is all I have to say about that," Brnabic said. Kovacevski said the initiative was a result of an informal meeting in Skopje. "It was an informal meeting of four states that have 100 percent foreign policy alignment with the EU. The effects of foreign policy alignment with the EU foreign policy were discussed at it. It is not some kind of a serious platform that has memorandums on cooperation or agreements signed. The holding of the meeting alone has no effect whatsoever," Kovacevski said. He added that, on the other hand, the Open Balkans was an initiative of the governments of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania that had already produced around 15 agreements, documents and memorandums facilitating trade and other exchange. "The exchange of educational curricula will be boosted soon... All that confirms the necessity of a regional initiative such as the Open Balkans. I know the Open Balkans has its opponents, but the results we have achieved by boosting economic cooperation will be the biggest motivation to opponents to join and support the Open Balkans initiative," Kovacevski noted.


Dacic calls on international community to urgently stop Kurti (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said after a session of the Security Service Coordination Bureau on 2 April that the message to the international community was that Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti needed to be "urgently stopped". Dacic pointed out that the same old story was unfolding in Kosovo as it does ahead of every continuation of Belgrade-Pristina talks, when the premier of Kosovo and his government generate a new crisis by arresting and persecuting Serbs. "This is an indicator that they do not want peace and that they are trying to avoid the obligations they took on in Ohrid, the first of which is forming the Community of Serb Municipalities," Dacic said, calling on the international community to take the warnings seriously. The Security Service Coordination Bureau convened on April 2 to review the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.


Urgent formation of Community of Serb Municipalities only way to save Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated yesterday that Prime Minister of Pristina's provisional institutions Albin Kurti does not want a dialogue on the normalisation of relations with Serbia, nor does he want to form the Community of Serb Municipalities, which is why he is causing incidents and carrying out terror against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Speaking at a press conference in the Serbian government, Petkovic said that Albin Kurti is trying to find a space to escape from the Community of Serb Municipalities and that is why he needs crises, because then there is no dialogue. He underlined that violence and incidents are particularly common in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and added that since Kurti came to power, 309 incidents have been recorded, and in the last month, 11 Serbian houses were robbed. In the same context, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija mentioned the arrest of Milovan Bozovic, suspected of allegedly setting a car on fire. Petkovic reiterated that it is Pristina's obligation to form the Community of Serb Municipalities, to which it is obliged by all agreements between Belgrade and Pristina made to date, and he highlighted the agreements from 2013 and 2015. He pointed out that it is clear that these people do not want to discuss anything, and Kurti is looking for a way to cause incidents that would trigger an excessive reaction of the Serbs, in order to avoid his obligations. He emphasised that Albin Kurti uses license plates to cause damage and provoke the Serbian community, and pointed out that the agreement is that there is no deadline until when KM plates with stickers are valid, which is also confirmed by the EU. Stating that Serbia will stand by its people in Kosovo and Metohija, Petkovic assessed that the incidents and attacks are an alarm for the international community and a warning that it must react and get involved in defending the rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. He pointed out that the urgent formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, as a guarantor of personal and collective rights, is the only solution to save the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. Petkovic pointed out that yesterday's arrest of the Serb is part of the usual raising of tensions before any continuation of talks in Brussels, which is expected on 4 April. According to him, with this behavior of Kurti and Pristina, nothing can be expected from them as interlocutors in Brussels.


Drecun: The trial is to entire KLA, we have evidence that at issue is joint criminal enterprise (RTS)


The Chair of the parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said that over 30,000 evidentiary documents were collected, as well as hundreds of testimonies. “There is also evidence collected by the working group that I formed and which worked for six years to collect evidence and facts,” Drecun said. He points out that the accused are charged with both individual guilt and joint criminal enterprise - that they did not prevent or punish subordinates who committed crimes. He states that the problem for the prosecution was the definition of the indictment, because they did not have evidence to show that the so-called KLA was a hierarchically tightly organized organization. Namely, although the Albanians claimed that they were independent groups, the Serbian side submitted to the prosecution materials that were seized by our forces during the conflict with members of the so-called KLA, which allow to prove hierarchical organization, said Drecun. “No matter how hard they try to say that this is not a trial of the KLA, it is a trial of the KLA, because we are talking about a joint criminal enterprise and it is stated that everyone from the political military top, through the operational zone commanders, to the most ordinary soldier and the so-called government of Kosovo, the entire organization is being tried for crimes,” said Drecun. Drecun said that during the investigation they had good cooperation with the prosecution of the Special Court, and that they told him then that they would base the indictment on illegal detentions. “We identified 159 detentions, six of which are in Albania, and offered all the documentation. They searched forty or so locations, the indictment is based on them. Then they said that the crimes would be most easily connected through those detentions,” said Drecun.


Why the case of organ trafficking is no processed

When it comes to organ trafficking and the so-called yellow house, Drecun said he was told that it would be difficult to prosecute the case due to the passage of time and the lack of evidence. Williamson said back in 2014 that they had evidence, but that it was not sufficient for prosecution at that time, but they continued to work. Dick Marty said that the cooperation between Albania and the provisional institutions in Pristina was equal to zero,” stated Drecun. He also reminds that the forensic reports from the locations of illegal detentions, which were done in Albania, were carried out sloppily and that the court stated that they cannot be considered as evidence. “The material that was in the International Criminal Court was destroyed under the pretext that they had no place to store it in the archive,” said Drecun. He adds that only the report of the visit of the head of the investigation department, which talks about eight witnesses and contains their statements, has been preserved. The question, he states, is what happened to those witnesses.


EU expects Belgrade, Pristina to contribute to atmosphere of reconciliation (Tanjug)


In a statement ahead of a 4 April Brussels meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, the EU said on Friday it expected both parties to contribute to an atmosphere of reconciliation, normalisation and quick implementation of agreements. A meeting of the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina, to be hosted by EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak, will address all details concerning the implementation of a 27 February agreement and its annex, agreed on 18 March, the EU press service said, adding that the parties had agreed to refrain from any actions that would have the opposite effect. In response to a Tanjug query about media reports that an agreement on vehicle licence plates was expiring at midnight, the EU press service said the 23 November deal had no expiry date.




FB&H VP Stojanovic refuses to sign decision on appointment of FB&H government due to finding three candidates disputable (O Kanal)


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Vice-President Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H) refused to sign the decision of FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H) on appointment of a new FB&H government. Stojanovic found three names from the list of nominated candidates for ministers disputable, and those are Sanja Vlaisavljevic, Anel Kljako, and Almin Hopovac. Stojanovic called for reconsidering whether the fear of the public in B&H about the ability of the three candidates to perform the functions in a dignified manner is justified. Stojanovic reminded of the constant media criticisms pertaining to these candidates. FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo (SDA) reiterated that he would not sign any decision on appointment of the FB&H government if SDA is not involved in formation of the government. Reporter noted that indictment was issued against Hopovac due to abuse of office, while Kljako has been suspected of committing electoral frauds. Name of Vlaisavljevic is disputable because of her radical statements concerning Sarajevo. In an interview broadcast by N1 earlier, Stojanovic stated that there are disputes within SDP concerning candidates nominated for different positions. Following session of the HDZ B&H Presidency, leader of HZD B&H Dragan Covic commented failure of FB&H Vice President Igor Stojanovic (SDP) to give consent to decision on appointment of the FB&H government. Covic said that he believes this will be solved by Monday. “I am certain it will happen on Monday, when it comes to one Vice President. We have constitutional obligation to appoint the FB&H government by 6 April. I am convinced it will happen”, explained Covic. Covic justified Stojanovic’s move by saying the partner took several days to think it over, however he expects Stojanovic’s signature on Monday, noting he will not change his personnel solutions. “Because Ms. Bradara, as the FB&H President, got signatures from political options that guarantee that we have sufficient support in both Houses. Of course, that should be harmonized with other elements of the FB&H Constitution and the (B&H) Election Law, and even with the decision imposed by the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) on October 2 last year. We are working as if that will happen, and I am confident we will have the (FB&H) HoR session scheduled when we will be able to finalize it in accordance with the (FB&H) Constitution and the law’’, said Covic.


Niksic on formation of authorities in FB&H and why they opt for coalition with HDZ B&H and not SDA: We accept compromise, but not compromising (FTV)


Ahead of a session of SDP B&H Presidency scheduled for Monday, leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic addressed the public via his Facebook profile on Sunday. He commented on issues related to formation of authorities in the FB&H and why the party opted for a coalition with HDZ B&H and not with SDA. Among other things, Niksic stated that they accept compromise, but not compromising. He stated: "All those who claim that in that combination, using the unenviable position in which the SDA currently is, SDP B&H would get significantly more functions than they will get in the constellation in which we decided to take part, are probably right. For some parties, being part of the ruling authorities is a goal, and for some it is an instrument to implement the policies and promises they made to the citizens. We accepted the more difficult path even though we knew that it also implies painstaking negotiations with parties that got a smaller number of votes but have big appetites and are prone to provocations and blackmail to join the parties, which we resolutely rejected. We accepted that difficult path even though we knew that because of that we will suffer heavy blows, attacks, accusations and threats from those who refuse to accept defeat and who have been in power for so long that the very thought of going to the opposition causes them indescribable fear and panic. Our good will towards all those who do not know how to appreciate it has its limits.” Niksic also said that it is almost impossible in B&H that a single party wins votes in the elections to the extent to be able to form authorities on its own. Niksic added that he is convinced that it is not recommended that when it comes to democracy, one party has the entire power which is why in his opinion, compromises are a precondition to form authorities and to be successful in leading political processes. He added that in line with election results, SDP B&H could have formed authorities with SDA and HDZ B&H but they decided to stay committed to their coalition partners with whom they achieved impressive results in the Sarajevo Canton. Niksic emphasized they are decisive to form authorities that will jointly restore belief of citizens to better future. “We selected compromise but not compromising. No one should understand our commitment to achieve compromise as our weakness, but as extended hand for cooperation”, concluded Niksic. Niksic wrote that a balance must be reached between respecting stances of each individual and the stances of the majority, to reach a compromise that ensures all have an argument-based advocating of stances, but also to have full respect for the party bodies.


Citizens protest outside OHR in Sarajevo, demand HR Schmidt’s resignation, implementation of all ECHR’s judgments and 14 key priorities (BHT1/RTRS)


Citizens from several cities in the FB&H joined the protest held outside the Office of the High Representative (OHR) building in Sarajevo on Friday, organized by the Association ‘ReSTART B&H’ and the Association of Independent Intellectuals ‘Krug 99’. BHT1 reports that the citizens reiterated their demands published before the protest that include, among others, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt’s resignation, implementation of all European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) judgments, implementation of the 14 key priorities, true state and democracy even if that implies changes to the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA).  ‘Krug 99’ Youth Forum representative Rijad Ahmetovic said: “As the future of this country, as a young person and on behalf of all young people here I say: we demand that. And we demand a normal state, i.e. one person, one state, one people - meaning Bosnians and Herzegovinians”. BHT1 reports that many of those who addressed the protestors conveyed a message that the international community is working on dismantling the state of B&H and organizing the B&H society under principle of “division into three ethnic corals”, and gathered citizens said they do not want that conveying to the international community and local politicians they will not give up B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and they will not allow the OHR “to transfer sovereignty to the neighboring countries”, because citizens have no other country but B&H.  N1 reports that thousands of citizens protested in front of the OHR building in Sarajevo and demanded the resignation of HR Schmidt due to the imposition of changes to the electoral legislation. Dnevni avaz claims that the protest was attended by several hundred citizens who were mostly brought in from outside of Sarajevo by buses. The daily also argued that protesters sent “scandalous messages” to Schmidt and leaders of the parties which are forming the new FB&H Government. Among other messages, protester Elma Mujadzic read a letter by opera singer Margit Tomik-Levy who described Schmidt as the biggest calamity that fell upon B&H since the aggression. Tomik-Levy ended her letter with words: “Death to occupiers and local traitors”. Commenting protests in front of the OHR, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt said that peaceful protests are fundamental right in democracy and of crucial importance for a pluralistic society. “I look forward to an objective exchange on common topics”, said Schmidt. RTRS reports that FB&H Vice President from line of Bosniaks Refik Lendo (SDA) commented on the protests held in front of the OHR building in Sarajevo: “Citizens of B&H are interested in the fate of B&H being decided by the citizens of B&H themselves, even in this way. That Bosniaks should have a say in who will be in the FB&H Government and by no means that I, as a representative of the Bosniaks, and the Bosniaks should be excluded and that someone else decides, that Lidija (Bradara) decides who will be a minister in the FB&H Government from the ranks of the Bosniaks”. Lendo and SDA did not mind when Bosniaks elected the Croat member of the B&H Presidency and delegates to the Croat Caucus, nor when the former High Representatives replaced Serb and Croat officials, commented the reporter. Now, through the gathered citizens, they are threatening (High Representative Christian) Schmidt, demanding his resignation because his intervention would bring the Croats on the same level as the Bosniaks, and there are five times more of Bosniaks than the other two peoples in the FB&H. That is why it is not surprising that the protest calls for a civic state based on the principle of one man-one vote, concluded the reporter.


RS ruling coalition meets in Banja Luka, reiterates RS will continue to register state property, endorses changes to RS Criminal Code that criminalize defamation and insult (BHT1)


At a meeting held on Friday in Banja Luka, the ruling coalition in Republika Srpska (RS) discussed the issue of state property, changes to the RS Criminal Code that criminalize insult and defamation and the new Law on non-governmental organizations (NGOs). BHT1 reports that at the meeting, the ruling coalition reiterated that the issue of property will not be discussed because that “is the red line” they will not cross, the attack on property is an attack on the RS, and the RS has withstood all the threats and pressures and will not give up registering the property and adopting decisions on property in the RS parliament. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said: “That is regulated by the B&H Constitution. Those who found themselves in that mud, they should resolve it any way they can. Any measures against the RS with regard to this puts us in a position in which we will adopt measures we deem adequate, i.e. we do not want to again resolve issues already resolved by the Dayton (Peace) Agreement. Our issue is not that, instead our issue is how to retrieve what was taken from the RS with the Dayton Agreement”. NPS leader Darko Banjac said that the property belongs to the RS under the B&H Constitution and the DPA, and cannot be taken from the RS. “If we see that the part of the international community is moving in that direction, that will mean they want to expel the RS from B&H. We have nothing against that, and we will go our way”, said Banjac.  BHT1 reports that the partners within the ruling coalition also endorsed defamation and insult to be introduced as criminal offenses in the RS Criminal Code and adoption of the Law on NGOs. They also invited all interested parties to participate in public discussion on the Draft Law on amendments to the RS Criminal Code in the duration of 60 days. Addressing the press conference after the session, ‘United Srpska’ leader and RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic said he will next week invite journalists and editors to participate “in a round table so that we openly discuss everything, the core of the law, what is disputable and what is not”. N1 reports that Dodik threatened Head of the EU Delegation in B&H (EUD) Johann Sattler with physical violence. At the beginning of the meeting with the leaders of the parties in the RS ruling coalition, Dodik said that he will beat up Sattler because of the issue of property, which is a red line for the RS authorities. A threat with violence to a foreign diplomat did not become part of official conclusions of the meeting. The official conclusion was that property is a finished issue for the RS authorities. Dodik stated: “We do not want to solve again the issues that were solved by the Dayton Agreement. Our question is not that, but our question is how to return what was taken from the RS by the Dayton Agreement. We see the only possibility for the future in B&H to return to the original letter of Dayton”. They said that any decision imposed by the international community on this matter would mean the RS leaving B&H. The RS ruling coalition supported the earlier decision of the RS Government to suspend cooperation with ambassadors of the US and UK. However, they did not discuss adopting such decisions in the RS parliament. The ruling coalition maintained their position on the criminalization of defamation and the introduction of a Draft law on non-profit organizations. Support was given to the work of the RS government, regarding the evaluation of their work of the first 100 days of the new convocation. They emphasized the importance of fiscal stability and work on developmental projects.


Bukejlovic: Purpose of law on work of NGOs is to secure transparency and prevent abuse; Purpose of changes to Criminal Code is not limitation of freedom of speech (Glas Srpske)


RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic stated that the purpose of the Draft Law on Special Register and Publicity of Work of Non-Profit Organizations is prevention of abuse of work of such organizations. According to Bukejlovic, the new legislation will allow regular oversight and annual inspections of the non-profit organizations. He underlined that it is necessary to regulate work of non-governmental organizations and secure their transparency. He also reminded that other countries in the region have regulated the work of NGOs as well, including Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia. Speaking about the changes to the RS Criminal Code, Bukejlovic said that the purpose of the introduction of criminal offenses of defamation and insult is not to limitation of freedom of speech, but prevention. He noted that insults in the public space such as traffic, supermarkets or on social media are a daily occurrence. In his opinion, the new legislation will bring more order. Bukejlovic invited all interested parties to participate in the public debate on the amendments to the RS Criminal Code.


Banjac: In case of imposition of law on property of B&H, RS can make only one move and that is decision on independence (ATV)


Leader of NPS Darko Banjac commenting on speculations on possible imposition of a law on property of B&H, stated that in this case, RS can make only one move and that is a decision of the RS parliament on independence (of the RS). He added that many do not understand that B&H is a state community and that its statehood arises from the entities. Banjac argued that without the entities, there would be no state community of B&H. Banjac stated that the Dayton agreement clearly defined that property belongs to the entities, which is why this is a red line. In his opinion, taking away property of the RS will be just an introduction into taking its rivers, water, public health institutions, i.e. this will be an introduction into centralization of B&H and disempowering of the RS. He underlined that Christian Schmidt who, in his opinion, is not High Representative (HR), cannot reach such decision but he can try, which will mean that the RS has only one option left. Banjac said that he does not understand foreign politicians who try to remove the RS from B&H, arguing that they do not want this, they do not want independence and they fight for the Dayton agreement. Banjac underlined: “The property is the red line that we cannot cross. If they try to do that, then the RS cannot stay in the state community of B&H”. He went on to say: “If Schmidt came to end with B&H and make the RS independent, then he has my support. However, Mr. Schmidt is a politician who failed in Germany. Then, he came, and he accepted that part of the international community declares him a High Representative but he was not appointed in line with the Dayton agreement, i.e. the UN Security Council did not appoint him.” Banjac said: “This tells us about how serious politician Schmidt is.”


Western Balkans Quad initiative; Dodik: Idea of Greater Albania is behind this initiative (RTRS)


RTRS wonders whether new regional platform ‘Western Balkans Quad’ is alternative to the ‘Open Balkans’ initiative or support to interests of Albanians in the region. This platform was established in capital of North Macedonia, media reported three days ago. Besides North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo are members of this platform. Strategic goal of this platform is complete compliance with foreign and security polices of the EU towards Russia and Euro-Atlantic integration. Reporter noted that only two days after this platform was established, North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski stated in Belgrade that meeting of delegations of abovementioned four countries was informal. Some analysts deem that this initiative represents new pressure on Serbs. Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Serbia still does not have official stance on ‘Western Balkans Quad’ because this is informal initiative. On the other hand, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik warned that idea of Greater Albania is behind the initiative agreed in Skopje. He emphasized that this is step towards strengthening of Albanian factor in the region. Dodik commented that while European centers of power are tolerant to initiatives on connecting and integration of Albanians in the region, similar Serb projects are defined as destabilizing. He emphasized that once again the West applies double standards in attempt to marginalize Serbs. “I say our goal is merging, it means we will secede from B&H and merge with Serbia. I am serious, we are looking for a moment when to do it. This is undisputable. Call me in two days to hear comments”, stated Dodik. Former diplomat Zoran Milivojevic said that besides strengthening of Albanian national area at cost of Serbs, abovementioned initiative contributes to domination of NATO in the Western Balkan region. He added that another goal of this initiative might be affirmation of Kosovo statehood.


Dodik, Cvijanovic, Milicevic congratulate Milatovic on victory (FTV)


RS President Milorad Dodik congratulated Jakov Milatovic from the movement ‘Europe Now’ for winning the second round of the presidential elections in Montenegro. Dodik wrote on Twitter: “I hope that he will lead Montenegro on the path of progress and prosperity and that in the spirit of good neighborly relations we will successfully cooperate for the benefit of the citizens of both Montenegro and the RS.” Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic congratulated Milatovic by saying that she hopes Milatovic's victory will contribute to strengthening of friendly relations and that it will create new perspectives for partnership and cooperation on a bilateral and regional level. Acting President of SDS Milan Milicevic also congratulated Milatovic.


Croatian PM in Kyiv for visit to Ukraine (Hina)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic arrived in Kyiv on Friday morning, where he met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Prime Minister Denis Shmihal and the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, the government announced. Along with him, the delegation includes the Deputy Prime Minister and War Veterans Minister Tomo Medved, as well as the Croatian Ambassador to Ukraine, Anica Djamic. As announced, Plenkovic – together with Zelensky, Moldovan President Maia Sandu, Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger and Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob –participated in the summit meeting in Kyiv called “Bucha – Russia’s responsibility for crimes in Ukraine”, on the occasion of the anniversary of the liberation of Bucha. Plenkovic attended the commemoration for the victims of Russian aggression, with the ceremony of raising the flag of Ukraine, as well as the awarding of state decorations to Ukrainian veterans. Plenkovic also lay a wreath in front of the Wall of Remembrance for those who died for Ukraine, the government announced. This is Plenkovic’s second visit to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian aggression on 24 February 2022. In May of last year, Plenkovic met with the Ukrainian state leadership in Kyiv, and he visited Irpin and Bucha, where he personally witnessed the consequences of the terrible destruction in which a large number of people died. As announced, the Croatian government has been consistent and clear in its strong support for Ukraine and its condemnation of Russian aggression since its beginning. We continue to provide political, diplomatic, economic, military, technical and humanitarian assistance and strongly advocate for the European path of Ukraine, its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and the reintegration of the occupied territories. “Croatia shows its solidarity with the Ukrainian people by accepting and taking care of Ukrainian refugees. From the very beginning of the Russian aggression, Croatia has been involved in activities related to ensuring responsibility for the crimes committed in Ukraine, which is also the topic of the summit meeting in Kyiv,” it was announced. In addition to supporting the activities of the International Criminal Court, exchanging experiences with Ukrainian prosecutors, and participating in a group of countries considering the establishment of a special court for the prosecution of crimes of aggression, Croatia also emphasises the importance of timely collection of evidence for future criminal trials, it is stated.


Take a look at presidential election results by regions and cities (CdM)


Data from the Centre for Monitoring and Research (CeMI), based on 100% of the sample, show that DPS presidential candidate Milo Djukanovic won 40% of the vote, and Europe Now Movement’s candidate Jakov Milatovic won 60% in the presidential election in Montenegro. Djukanovic won 42% in the southern region, 36.8% in the central region and 44.2% in the northern region. He won 31.9% in Podgorica, 37.9% in Niksic, 49.7% in Bijelo Polje and 45.5% in Bar. Milatovic won 58% in the southern region, 63.2% in the central region, and 55.8% in the northern region. He won 68.1% in Podgorica, 62.1% in Niksic, 50.3% in Bijelo Polje and 54.5% in Bar. According to data from the Center for Democratic Transition (CDT), based on 100% of the processed sample, Milatovic won 58.9% and Djukanovic 41.1%. According to the data from the State Election Commission (DIK), the turnout was 69.3% In absolute numbers, Milatovic won around 230,000 votes, and Djukanovic won nearly 160,000 votes.


Djukanovic: Montenegro made a choice, I respect that choice, I congratulate Milatovic (CdM)


The candidate of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic congratulated Jakov Milatovic on his victory in the presidential election. “Montenegro has chosen. I respect that choice. I congratulate Jakov Milatovic on the trust he received in the election. I wish him to be a successful president, because if he is a successful president, it means that Montenegro will be successful”, said Djukanovic in his speech. He thanked all the citizens who trusted him. “I really appreciate every vote. Once those votes were enough for the majority, at this moment they are not. As far as I’m concerned, each one is as valuable individually as a mountain, because preserving the trust of 160,000 votes after 30 years in power is not very easy”, Djukanovic pointed out, adding that he was proud of the support he received in those communities made up of members of the minority nations. Now, he pointed out, it is important for Montenegro to make the next choice at the parliamentary elections scheduled for 11 June. He said that his party had shown absolute responsibility towards Montenegro, and he was sure that it would continue to do so in the future. “As far as I’m concerned, wherever I am, whatever I do, civic, European, multi-ethnic Montenegro remains my preoccupation, my love and what I will be dedicated to for the rest of my life,” said Djukanovic. Vijesti journalist wanted to ask Djukanovic whether he would welcome the parliamentary elections as the leader of the party and whether he would be the holder of the DPS list, but she was denied an answer as DPS supporters prevented her from doing so by whistling.


Milatovic: May we be blessed with the victory of a reconciled Montenegro (CdM)


“Tonight, is the night we’ve been waiting for more than 30 years, and may we be blessed with this victory”, said Europe Now candidate Jakov Milatovic, who won the second round of the presidential election according to preliminary results. “May we be blessed with the victory of a reconciled Montenegro, because this is a victory of all of us,” said Milatovic. “Tonight, Montenegro took a decisive step forward”, Milatovic said. “It said a decisive goodbye to the outmoded Djuaknovic regime and took a step forward towards a richer, brighter, more equal, eternal and European Montenegro. Good luck to us”, he added. According to him, this is “the strength of the united Montenegro”. “This is the Montenegro of all of us, of all the citizens who have been waiting for this joint victory. That is why it is so big and historic”, he said. “We have said tonight a decisive goodbye to crime and corruption”, Milatovic stressed. “Never again. And we said a big good evening and good day to a richer, joint, successful and European Montenegro”, said Milatovic. He thanked all the citizens who exercised their right to vote and thus “added legitimacy to this democratic process”.


Besic: Citizens have shown they want changes, Milatovic’s role historic (RTCG)


Political analyst Milos Besic says that the victory of the presidential candidate Jakov Milatovic, who won 60% of the votes in the presidential election held yesterday, represents the continuation of the process that began in 2020, and which marks the change of elite and the change of generations. “I hope that all the negative aspects of DPS rule will disappear, and that those concerning economic issues, the EU and the rule of law will be strengthened,” Besic points out. According to him, if Milatovic abandons the division, we can create a new era in Montenegro, which would also mean building the democratic capacity of Montenegro. “I think that the citizens have sent a clear message that they want changes and that beyond identification with any new political leader, the new political elite takes care of their needs. I am convinced that in any similar situation, citizens will change the government much more easily than it was until now. Citizens will not wait 30 years for it to be replaced next time”, he explains. Besic stresses that if Milatovic fails to fulfil his historic role, he will have to bear that kind of responsibility in another scenario, in case he does not fulfil his promises and priorities, says Besic.


VMRO will accept changes to the Constitution if Macedonia again becomes the Macedonian nation state (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE formally endorsed that idea that the Preamble to the Constitution is amended in line with the Croatian Constitution, that is often cited by proponents of including a large number of ethnic minorities. Croatia includes the Macedonian nation as well as a dozen other minorities, but clearly states that Croatia is the nation state of the Croats. The government often points to the Croatian model when it calls for new amendments to the Macedonian Constitution. For us, this is seriously acceptable, and we publicly invite the government to fully implement the Croatian model in the Preamble, said VMRO spokeswoman Marija Miteva. “Wit this, Macedonia will the state of the Macedonian nation and the national minorities who live here”, she added. The government insists that VMRO votes in favor of adding the Bulgarian nation to the Preamble, even as Bulgaria does not recognize its own Macedonian minority. It’s unlikely that fully implementing the Croatian model would be acceptable to the Albanian parties, who dominate the government and who insists that the Macedonian nation is not elevated above other ethnic communities. The constitutional amendments introduced after the Albanian insurgency in 2001 amended the Preamble, which was similar to that of Croatia, and Zoran Zaev’s amendments in 2019 further eroded the position of the Macedonian nation in the Preamble.


Alliance of Albanians rejects VMRO offer of a Croatian model for the Constitution (Republika)


The Alliance of Albanians promptly rejected the offer from VMRO-DPMNE that Macedonia adopts the Croatian model of a Constitution that will include the Bulgarian minority. Croatia has a long list of minorities acknowledged in the Constitution, but at the start, the Preamble clearly states that it is the nation state of the Croats. VMRO leader Hristijan Mickoski made the offer tongue in cheek, after government officials and media outlets affiliated with the government kept pointing out to the large number of minorities in the Croatian Preamble as a positive example. But Albanian parties are strongly invested in having an even stature to that of the Macedonians and will not accept declaring Macedonia as the Macedonian nation state. The Alliance of Albanians cited the dubious results of the recent census to underline their point. The time of domination of one ethnic group in Macedonia is over and there is not coming back. The Macedonians constitute 54 percent of the country and the Albanians are at 30 percent. Put together we are not at 90 percent, as the Croats are in Croatia. Reducing the Albanians to a national minority shows that the mentality of VMRO-DPMNE has regressed decades back in time, the AA party said.


Rama meets Vucic and Kovacevski at the International Wine Fair in Italy (Radio Tirana)


Albania participated in one of the most prestigious exhibitions of wine and wineries in Europe at "Vinitaly 2023" in Verona, Italy. At the "Wine vision by Open Balkans" stand, the authenticity of Albanian wine will be promoted. In this exhibition, Albania is represented by 75 Albanian wine labels and 20 producers. The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, is also a part of this activity, who later met with the prime minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, in the framework of the "Open Balkans" initiative. The three leaders are on a two-day visit to Verona, Italy. The three will visit the International Wine Fair "VinItaly 2023" together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Antonio Tajani, will visit the common stand, where many exhibitors from the member countries of the "Open Balkans" initiative will present their wines. After the meeting, a joint conference will be held. "Open Balkans" is moving for the first time outside the region to attract new visitors to the region with quality wines.


14 years a NATO member, the US appreciate the strong partnership with Albania (Radio Tirana)


The US Embassy in Tirana commemorated on 1 April, the 14th anniversary of Albania's NATO membership and appreciated Albania's contribution in the military-political organization. "Today marks 14 years since Albania joined NATO on 1 April 2009. Albania has since then been an active participant in joint defense efforts and regional stability," the US embassy said in a post on social networks. "As an important member of NATO, Albania has shown its commitment to advancing peace and security and has played a vital role in supporting NATO-led missions and operations," the note continued. "As a proud ally and partner, the United States value our strong partnership with Albania, and we look forward to continuing to work together toward our shared goals for a safer and more prosperous future," underlines the US Embassy in Tirana.