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Belgrade Media Report 4 April



Vucic says afraid normalization not likely with these authorities in Pristina (TV/Pink/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Verona, Italy, on 3 April, that it was unrealistic to expect a normalization of relations with Pristina while the incumbent government was in power there, bearing in mind the moves it made. A day before the next round of the Brussels dialogue at the level of the chief negotiators, Vucic told TV Pink that the talks would be "serious torment" and that "essentially, I'm not optimistic," but added that he did not know whether any progress would be made. "Basically, the problem is not even who is going to say what or who is going to apply what. What is much more important is whether we can normalize relations with Kosovo Albanians. I'm afraid that is not realistic with these authorities in Pristina," Vucic said on the sidelines of the Vinitaly international wine exhibition. He also said the Kosovo authorities were "making up new conflicts and provoking Serbs every day, with endless sudden entries into the north and convincing the ambassadors of the Quint countries that it had to be done because they were going after criminals".


Vucic expects Meloni to visit Serbia by year-end (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday he had thanked Italian PM Giorgia Meloni for the support and attention Italy was giving to Serbia and added that he expected Meloni to visit Serbia by the end of this year. Speaking to reporters in Verona after a meeting with Meloni, Vucic said he and the PMs of North Macedonia and Albania, Dimitar Kovacevski and Edi Rama, had proposed ideas to the EU after seeing the amount of support received by other countries. "We said how difficult the times ahead of us will be and we asked Meloni that they help us in Brussels, as well as additionally, bilaterally. I thanked Meloni, (FM Antonio) Tajani and the entire Italian government," Vucic said. He said Italy was Serbia third-largest external trade partner behind Germany and China and that bilateral trade with Italy would be boosted further in the future, especially after the start of production of an electric city car at a Stellantis plant in Kragujevac, central Serbia. "Italy remains one of the most important partners investing in our country also in the political sense," Vucic said, noting that Italy had appointed an envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, demonstrating a desire to get involved in processes in the Western Balkans. Serbia has a true friend in Italy and its PM, Vucic said, adding that the relationship would be maintained and advanced further. He said he was pleased to have had an opportunity to speak with other members of the Italian government, especially about agriculture, but noted that global affairs and the Ukraine war had been discussed as well.


"It will not be easy for those who are not part of the Open Balkans Initiative" (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic speaks from Verona, where he discussed all current topics, after yesterday's meeting with the Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni. He said that the meeting with Giorgia Meloni was fundamentally good and that he expects her before the end of the year in Belgrade. "Italy sees Serbia as a reliable and stable, small but important ally and friend in the Balkans, territorially and in terms of population," Vucic pointed out. "We used to have a problem with unemployment, and now we need to hire workers from the outside," he said. "It will not be easy for those who are not in the Open Balkans, while there will be more and more favorable conditions within it. People will no longer have to wait in lines when they go to Greece and vice versa - when they go to Belgrade," he said. He informed that there are fewer and fewer poor people in Serbia and that the average salary amounts to approximately 740-750 Euros. Vucic visited the common stand of the Open Balkans, where he talked with the exhibitors and attended the presentation of the Open Balkans offer. After the meeting, the President of Serbia posted on his Instagram profile: "It is a privilege and an honor for me to visit VinItaly with Giorgia Meloni and Edi Rama. Serbia and the Balkan region can be proud of their wine industry, and that is why it is very important that our wines are presented today at one of the largest wine fairs in Europe. We are grateful to Italy in support of our country's European path, we continue to strengthen our cooperation in many areas and we look forward to returning the hospitality of Prime Minister Meloni and her team in Belgrade," announced Vucic.


Vucic: My dream is a successful Serbia (B92)


We did not interfere in the elections in Montenegro, we behaved correctly and responsibly, said the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. "As for the relationship towards me in Montenegro, we did not interfere in the elections, we behaved seriously and responsibly. I congratulated Milatovic and expressed my hope and belief that our relations will be better and that Serbia and Montenegro can do more and can do better. "I exchanged messages with him a few minutes ago. I believe that when the inauguration is over, one of the first places he will visit will be Belgrade," said Vucic, commenting on the results of the elections in Montenegro. "They said that on 3 April I will introduce sanctions against Russia. Everyone said in a loud campaign that they were against sanctions, and I was careful and I could not even want to be as loud as they were. Suddenly on 3 April they become proponents of sanctions. For me, the most important thing is how much we can progress in the field of Serbian economy. Ministers must work harder. If they don't understand that, then we don't dream the same dreams. And my dream is a successful Serbia, which works on its economic empowerment," Vucic concluded.


Vucic: Montenegro joining Open Balkans would be good news (TV Happy)


If Montenegro decides to enter the Open Balkans initiative, it would be good news that we would welcome, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said last night and pointed out that the decision to join is exclusively a sovereign right of Podgorica. In an interview with TV Happy given in Verona, he said that even if Montenegro does not decide to join, one should not despair. He explained that Open Balkans can be seen as part of the Berlin process, but it is still different, because representatives of three countries implement decisions themselves without any pressure from the outside. "What's bad about that, there would be less waiting at the borders, I believe that is good for the citizens of Montenegro, but we will wait for whatever decision they make," said Vucic. He recalled that the newly elected president of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic, spoke positively about Open Balkans in the campaign, and as for the current Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, Vucic reminded that he has repeatedly said that he is absolutely in favor of Montenegro joining. "But that is exclusively their decision," repeated Vucic. He noticed that whenever there is talk about Open Balkans, there is always talk about who is inside, and never what we are achieving, and, according to him, a lot is being achieved. As an example, he mentioned that the procedure and movement of authorized producers and traders across the borders of the three member countries of the Open Balkans initiative has been drastically accelerated, the procedures have been significantly simplified, and there are now phytosanitary inspections at the borders. "The question is always asked why someone is not there, it is enough that we have three members, and would I like to have four or five, yes. But that cannot be based on us now exerting pressure...," says Vucic. Regarding the relations with Montenegro after the election of Milatovic as president, Vucic says that it is important to promote reconciliation, that there should be no accusations like there had been, and they were based on nothing, because Serbia was always to blame as far as Montenegro's former president was concerned. "We were silent on that, rarely replied, I hope that cooperation in all fields will be the basic motto and not accusing each other," Vucic is clear.


Italy supports entry of Western Balkans into EU (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday, after a meeting with Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy Antonio Tajani, that Italy supports European integration of the Western Balkans. Dacic, who participated in the ministerial meeting and conference on the Western Balkans in Rome, said in an address to the media that Tajani was clear that Italy wants to be more present in our region, which we support, and added that Italy is in favour of the European integration of the entire region, which is also our strategic goal. Dacic announced that Tajani will organise a second meeting of Western Balkan ministers by the end of the year, in order to see the effects of cooperation and how far the integration process has come. According to him, it is very important that Sweden, the European Commission, as well as Minister Tajani, reiterated their support for the European integration of Serbia, noting that we also have to do our part and look for our common interests in the Western Balkans. Dacic pointed out that he informed the participants of the meeting about our constructive approach to the agreements in Brussels and Ohrid, but also reiterated that the temporary institutions in Pristina want to avoid the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities and are doing everything to prolong it for the next period.


Stano: First steps in implementation of agreement to be discussed Tuesday (Tanjug)


EU spokesperson Peter Stano said Tuesday's meeting of the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina would address the first steps in implementation of an agreement reached by the two parties. At a press briefing in Brussels, Stano said only implementation could make the agreement work and help both parties to get out of the present situation. He said the parties were expected to make a contribution and create an atmosphere of normalisation and reconciliation, as well as to quickly deliver on commitments undertaken in Brussels and then also in Ohrid in mid-March. Stano said both parties had committed to refrain from any actions that would have the opposite effect on the atmosphere needed for constructive engagement and reconciliation. He said he hoped recent developments in Kosovo and Metohija would not impact Tuesday's meeting and added that the parties were expected to work seriously on implementation of agreements.


Giaufret: Life in Serbia improved by cooperation with EU (Beta)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said in Belgrade, on 3 April, that many areas in the life of Serbian citizens had been improved as a result of the unity and partnership the EU and its member states had built with Serbia. “We have been investing a lot of energy, financial resources and political capital, because we care about Serbia. It is about prosperity and living standards while Serbia is on the path to the EU,” Giaufret said during a reception for the ambassadors of EU member states he hosted. Presenting the ongoing projects that the block of 27 states is conducting in Serbia, Giaufret listed the sectors for which the Union had been working on a daily basis to secure financial support, including agriculture, transportation, healthcare and culture. The EU ambassadors emphasized the Union’s support for the rule of law and judicial reforms in Serbia. The Serbian Minister in charge of EU accession Tanja Miscevic said that the day the EU was presenting all the important projects it had been carrying out in Serbia as part of the campaign “We Care – Better Together,” was the day to measure what the members of the Union had done for Serbia. “There are many things we cannot quantify though. The partnership and cooperation with the EU provide Serbia with financial and economic assistance, but it’s also learning about European values and European standards,” the Minister said.




SDP B&H Presidency holds session; Stojanovic gives consent for formation of FB&H government (Hayat)


A session of the SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency was held in Sarajevo on Monday. After the session of the SDP B&H Presidency, it was decided that Federation of B&H (FB&H) Vice-President Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H) will give his consent for the appointment of the FB&H government after all. Stojanovic changed his mind although SDP B&H’s coalition partners are sticking to their candidates. Representatives of SDP B&H stated that they had several open issues with the coalition partners, primarily related to the names of candidates for ministerial positions. “Unfortunately for me, the presidents of the parties to whom I sent the letter do not want to change their personnel and they have already stated this in public several times. Therefore, there will be no change of personnel and this final proposal of the government will be something that will be final. I feel this is a better solution than anything else right now,” Stojanovic said. Stojanovic confirmed that despite all of this, he will sign the proposal submitted by FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H). Journalists asked how one intends to form the F&H government if one knows that this will be impossible to do without the signature of FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo (SDA). “The decision that comes to the House of Representatives, which is the decision of the President of the FB&H for which only one Vice-President gave his consent, is an unconstitutional decision without the consent of the second Vice-President and it will not be discussed and voted on. But we will demonstrate very clearly that we have a parliamentary majority that requests to be enabled to form the FB&H government,” SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic said. Niksic added that the disputed proposal of double insurance is not acceptable for the ‘Troika’, and that they contacted the OHR in this regard.


Lendo comments on Bradara’s action in connection with process of appointment of FB&H government, says what Bradara did is something unknown to political practice (Hayat)


FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo (SDA) has commented on the action of FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H) in connection with the process of appointment of the FB&H government. Lendo said that what Bradara did is something unknown to political practice. “She forwarded the decision on the appointment to us, and the consent of two Vice-Presidents should have been sought first, and then for it to go to the parliament. She did not do that. She made the decision herself, asking for consent for something in which we did not participate," Lendo was quoted as saying. Lendo added that ‘The Eight’ is in a hurry to get certain positions outside the Constitution, disregarding constitutional processes. “The Constitution is on our side, we will protect, defend and respect it,” Lendo was quoted as saying. SDA MP in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nezir Pivic stated on Monday that the intention to include the topic regarding the vote on the decision to appoint the new FB&H government in the agenda of the FB&H HoR’s session is unlawful. He reminded that the decision does not have the elements of validity stipulated by the Constitution, i.e. all the signatures by the FB&H leadership, which means that it does not meet conditions to be included in the agenda of the FB&H HoR’s session.


Konakovic participates in Western Balkans ministerial meeting in Rome; Konakovic: B&H has significantly increased is efforts to align with EU’s common foreign and security policy (O Kanal)


B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Elmedin Konakovic travelled to Rome on Monday to attend the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the countries of the Western Balkans. The meeting will be an opportunity to exchange opinions on the challenges related to the EU enlargement policy and the new dynamics that followed the Russian aggression against Ukraine. During his stay in Rome, Minister Konakovic is scheduled to meet with the host, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani, announced the Public Relations Office of the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The agenda of the meeting in Rome is divided into two parts and will begin with discussions on ‘The European integration process of the Western Balkans and the future path’, followed by a debate on the report ‘The EU and the Western Balkans: Increasing cooperation’. Konakovic participated in the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Western Balkan countries in Rome on Monday. Participants of the meeting discussed the situation in the region and ways to strengthen joint efforts in the areas of security, migration and strategic communication, as well as the European integration of the countries of the Western Balkans. The meeting was also attended by the European Commissioner Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi and Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billstrom, representing the country presiding over the EU Council. Konakovic assessed that B&H has significantly increased its efforts to align with the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU, and that since January of this year, that alignment has been 100 percent. During his speech, Konakovic underscored that that the EU candidate status recently granted to B&H “is a positive message for B&H citizens that our future is in the EU”. Konakovic also talked about the importance of regional cooperation on the Western Balkans countries’ EU path. Konakovic stressed that EU integration are strategic goal of B&H, underlining that European perspective of the region is an instrument for preserving and maintaining of peace, stability and prosperity of the region. He most notably underlined the importance of Berlin Process and added that B&H will continue to be constructive partner to all the neighbours.


Kristo meets with Pope Francis in Vatican; Kristo: Support of Holy See on B&H’s European path is of key importance (N1)


Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo met with Head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, in Vatican on Monday. On this occasion, Kristo pointed out that Pope Francis, with his words, encouragements and gestures, encourages a brave spirit of unity and brotherly love, which is of particular importance for all religious and ethnic communities in B&H. Kristo also stated that the support of the Holy See on B&H's European path is of key importance. Pope Francis emphasized that tolerance, mutual understanding and cooperation are the basis of every society with the goal of peaceful coexistence and stability, and that these values are common to all people. Kristo recalled the Pope's visit to B&H in 2015, when the Pope emphasized the importance of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation between different peoples and religions for the common good. It was in this atmosphere that Kristo expressed her belief that the engagement of the Holy See in favour of reconciliation, dialogue and mutual trust in the region, as well as support for the European integration of B&H, will continue in the period to come. Chairwoman Kristo invited Pope Francis to visit B&H, Mostar and Herzegovina, to help the spirit of unity and peace with his words and messages. According to a statement issued by the CoM, Kristo also informed the Pope about efforts, offered solutions, readiness for constructive dialogue and compromise in order to come up with solutions and carry out limited constitutional changes and changes to the Election Law of B&H. Kristo also met with Vatican's Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States Paul R. Gallagher with whom she discussed about the situation in the Catholic community and some open issues in relations between the Church and the state.


Forum ‘Geopolitical transformations and the RS’ held in Banja Luka; Dodik: RS does not want to stay in B&H in which Constitution and DPA are undermined and where foreign interventionism is carried out (ATV)


Before the start of the forum ‘Geopolitical transformations and Republika Srpska (RS)’, which was held in Banja Luka on Monday, the RS President Milorad Dodik said that the world is no longer what it was 10 years ago and that the RS must seek its place in the new redistribution of power.  It was said that it is not the will of the RS to remain where the unquestioning will and behaviour that others desire is imposed. The great powers do not agree on what the new geopolitical order should look like, and the RS is permanently dissatisfied with the fact that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) was collapsed by those who created it, the US, Britain and the EU, added the reporter. Dodik stated: “Many of the most important provisions of the Dayton Agreement have been degraded. This was done by others, the High Representatives and the judges of the Constitutional Court. At this time, it is completely logical to ask the question, how will the RS move”. For Alexander Lvov, a Russian professor of philosophy from St. Petersburg, who is in the Balkans for the first time, the DPA is a pillar of survival. Lvov was quoted as saying: “The Russian Federation fully supports the Dayton Agreement, which plays a key role in contributing to peace and inter-ethnic trust in B&H”. The foreign policy of the RS is completely within the framework of contemporary trends, said the moderator of the meeting Bogdana Koljevic Griffith. She said that the RS’ position is in the very unstable area of Southeast Europe, which means that it always feels major international changes. Koljevic Griffith stated: “Namely, the correctness of the foreign policy of the RS, which has and maintains the best relations with Russia and China, and also does not agree to the policy of the EU ultimatum”. The French professor of geopolitics Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann said that, at this moment, the policy of official Paris is not democratic, as demonstrated by the protests in France. The conflict in the east of Europe will also have consequences for the RS, which must not be drawn into the conflict. Thomann was quoted as saying: “Given that the changes ahead of us are big, we should return to what we once knew as nations in Europe, because nations, especially from this area, were neglected for a long time”. The RS Minister of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society Zeljko Budimir also agreed that the changes are big. However, it is difficult to assess how they will affect the RS. It is necessary, as Budimir said, to devise a strategy for the age to come. Participants of the forum were representatives of the RS authorities as well as academic community from the region as well as from Russia, France, Italy and Japan. Addressing participants of the debate, Dodik stated that the RS does not want to stay in B&H in which Constitution and Dayton Agreement are undermined and where foreign interventionism is carried out. The RS President assessed that the RS should undertake wise moves, remain neutral, and think about which path it should take. In addition, Dodik emphasized that the RS is dissatisfied by the fact that – as he noted – the Dayton Agreement has been changed and even undermined by those who created it – the US, the UK and the EU. “That further causes instability in this region”, he concluded.


Cvijanovic and Dodik condemn awarding of certificate of appreciation to Seventh Muslim Knight Liberation Brigade from Zenica (RTRS)


Chairwoman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic strongly condemned on Monday the First Infantry Battalion of the 5th Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of B&H for awarding a certificate of appreciation to the Seventh Muslim Knight Liberation Brigade from Zenica, in whose area of responsibility numerous crimes against the Serb people were committed. Cvijanovic called on the competent authorities within the Ministry of Defense in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to urgently investigate this case and adequately sanction those responsible. RS President Milorad Dodik also reacted, saying that the Armed Forces of B&H could not have awarded a certificate of appreciation to the Seventh Muslim Knights Liberation Brigade because it was not approved by either the Presidency of B&H or the Ministry of Defense. Dodik emphasized that "this kind of behaviour is the best way for them to lose what they have when it comes to unity, because the RS will not tolerate it for much longer".


RS politicians congratulate Milatovic on victory in presidential elections in Montenegro; Dodik says he is happy about Djukanovic’s defeat; Cvijanovic: This opens door to strengthening friendly relations and cooperation (ATV)


The presidential elections in Montenegro were closely followed throughout the region, noted the presenter. Some were satisfied and some were disappointed with results. Those in RS congratulated the newly elected president of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. The RS President Milorad Dodik was quoted as saying: “The victory of Jakov Milatovic is very important for Montenegro. Milo Djukanovic managed to rule Montenegro for over 30 years, in different ways, but the will of the people is clear, just as the reason for Djukanovic’s defeat is also very clear”. Dodik stated: “The moment he started working against Serbs and the Serb ethnic corps in Montenegro, and then regionally against the positioning of the RS and Serbia by Montenegro and the policy he created, he became an absolute opponent of the Serb people and long ago lost any support and respect. In this respect, I am happy about his defeat”. According to the speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic, the results showed that the majority of Montenegrin citizens are actually tired of Djukanovic’s policy against Serbia and the Serb people. For Stevandic, this is the beginning of a more relaxed policy, primarily towards Serbia, bringing Montenegro closer to the ‘Open Balkan’ and confirmation that DPS is definitely out of any combination to enter power after the elections in June. Stevandic stated: “So this is proof that the long-term policy against Serbia and keeping the temperature high and compressing, so to speak, the conflict into a cylinder has collapsed and that this is very good as far as this is concerned, so that in the future everyone knows that there will be no long-term, as I would say, success if you lead an anti-Serb policy in Montenegro”. For the Serb member and Chairperson Zeljka Cvijanovic, Milatovic’s victory is historic and opens the door to strengthening friendly relations and cooperation. Cvijanovic stated: “I think that in this way the door is opened for perhaps a better cooperation than we have had so far. Certainly, in the ultimate goal it means that we have better cooperation between the executive authorities, the governments of all countries in the region, so that we can achieve these concrete results”. Some results were discussed when Milatovic was last in the RS two years ago, added the reporter. At the time, Milatovic came to the RS as Montenegrin Minister of Economic Development in the government of Zdravko Krivokapic. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic congratulated Milatovic with a message in which he mentioned that this marks an end of autocratic rule of Djukanovic, but he noted that Dodik is “the last remaining autocrat” in the region. In a phone statement to RTRS, Head of the RS SNSD Caucus Igor Zunic noted that the opposition is currying favor with the new President of Montenegro while it used to support Djukanovic in the past.


Analysts: Djukanovic’s defeat marks end of anti-Serb policies, Sarajevo and Pristina have lost powerful ally (Glas Srpske)


Commenting the victory of Jakov Milatovic in the presidential election in Montenegro and the defeat of Milo Djukanovic after decades in power, Associate of the Institute for International Policies from Belgrade Aleksandar Mitic stated that Milatovic's victory represents the beginning of a new era for the entire region because Djukanovic used to build his power on ethnic divisions and anti-Serb policies. He underlined that the election held on 2 April represents a historical moment for the entire Serb people, and expressed hope that Milatovic’s victory will be a turning point that will change Montenegro, which Djukanovic turned into an anti-Serb element, and that it will bring more stability to the entire region. Mitic said that he is not surprised by the negative reactions coming from Serbia and Pristina, where Milatovic’s victory is described as victory of the idea of ‘Greater Serbia’. According to Mitic, Djukanovic used to be a great supporter of Kosovo Albanian and Bosniak politicians who have now lost a powerful ally. He underlined that it is time for all to realize that coexistence and peace cannot be built on anti-Serb policies. Montenegrin political analyst Milos Besic stated that Milatovic’s victory represents a continuation of the process of generational shift which started in 2020. He underlined that citizens sent a clear message that they want change and added that Milatovic has an opportunity to build the democratic capacities in Montenegro. Analyst Djordje Vukadinovic stated that Milatovic’s victory can bring better relations between Montenegro and Serbia, as well as better relations among different ethnic groups within Montenegro. Analyst Vojislav Savic stated that Djukanovic’s defeat is more important than Milatovic’s victory because Djukanovic and his party were the main generators of divisions and crises in Montenegro. Savic said that he does not expect major changes immediately, but he expects the attacks against Serb people and Serbian Orthodox Church to stop. Savic also noted that Djukanovic’s DPS and SDA are the last two radical nationalistic parties in the Balkans, which is why support to Djukanovic coming from Sarajevo was no surprise. Analyst Vanja Calovic Markovic stated that citizens of Montenegro seem to be tired of divisions and constant conflict, and they want to focus on issues such as economy, which are now dominant in the public space. Analyst Darko Vujic stated that Djukanovic based his campaign on conspiracy theories and claims that Montenegro will lose its sovereignty if he loses the election, but citizens called his bluff and voted for change. Vujic emphasized that conspiracy theories about Russian malign influence, ‘Greater Serbia’ and ‘Serb World’ do not work anymore.


Croatian FM expects Montenegro to continue its journey towards EU (Hina)


Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Monday that he expects Montenegrin President-elect Jakov Milatovic to step up his commitment to Montenegro's EU journey after his promise that he would see to it that his country enters the EU during his term. “We expect Montenegro to continue its pro-European journey,” Grlic Radman said before a meeting of the leadership of the HDZ party in Zagreb. Croatia has always supported and will continue supporting the independence and sovereignty of Montenegro, he added. We expect the president-elect to show even stronger commitment to the continuation of Podgorica’s negotiations with the European Union, the Croatian minister said commenting that in the past two years, no headway was achieved in this aspect. He said that integration into European institutions is in the interest of Montenegro. In his first speech after the outcome of the second round of the polls showed that he was the winner, Milatovic promised to steer Montenegro into the EU during his presidential term.


Milatovic says he wants unity, harmony and progress in European Balkans (N1)


Montenegro's political establishment was rocked Sunday, 2 April, after long-time leader Milo Djukanovic suffered a crushing defeat in a presidential run-off to the upstart Jakov Milatovic, ending decades of rule by the incumbent. Djukanovic has been a political mainstay in Montenegro for decades, rotating through various positions – including multiple stints as both president and prime minister. “Together with all the citizens of Montenegro, we said a decisive goodbye to crime and corruption”, Milatovic said during a victory speech at the headquarters of his ‘Europe Now’ party. “Tonight, is the night we have been waiting for, for more than 30 years”, he added. The Centre for Monitoring and Research (CEMI) polling group said Milatovic had secured 60 percent of the vote. Official results are expected later in the week. “Montenegro chose and I respect that choice”, Djukanovic told his supporters. “I want Milatovic to be a successful president, because that means that Montenegro can be a successful country”, Djukanovic emphasized. Sunday's loss represents one of the biggest setbacks for Djukanovic since he first took the helm of the former Yugoslav republic in 1991 and later oversaw its declaration of independence in 2006. His defeat will likely weigh heavily on the balance of power in the Balkan nation ahead of snap parliamentary elections due in June, following months of gridlock after the government collapsed in August in the wake of a no-confidence vote. Montenegro's president, elected for a five-year term, has a mostly ceremonial position, with most political power residing with the prime minister. Milatovic made political headlines as a minister of economic development after the 2020 parliamentary elections, which resulted in the first government not ruled by the DPS. Ahead of Sunday's vote, Djukanovic repeatedly questioned whether Milatovic and his ‘Europe Now’ party could secure an EU future for Montenegro, while accusing him of being vulnerable to Serbian influence. Djukanovic also said that he hopes that the newly-elected president will work for the benefit of Montenegrin citizens. Milatovic said that his priorities will include the policy of building internal trust as well as the path of reconciliation in the region. Milatovic pointed out that Montenegro will not dispute with its neighbours. “Montenegro wants the best relations with all Balkan countries. We want unity, harmony and progress in the European Western Balkans", noted Milatovic. Milatovic said that his priorities will be topics of vital importance, such as the rule of law, EU integration, economic development and improvement of relations with the countries in the region. “I, as the President of Montenegro, together with all of us standing here tonight, will bring Montenegro into the EU in the next five years. There will never be any more friction coming from Montenegro towards any country of the Western Balkans and towards our neighbours,” Milatovic pointed out. Representative of the Democratic Front Andrija Mandic said that what is important is that for the first time in the history of Montenegro, in the last three hundred years, the authorities were removed democratically. “This has never happened in Montenegro,” Mandic underlined.


Popovic: Milatovic is already openly advocating idea of ‘Open Balkans’ which would certainly mean closed Europe for Montenegro (Hayat)


Leader of the Liberal Party of Montenegro Andrija Popovic commented on the victory of candidate of the ‘Europe Now!’ Movement Jakov Milatovic in the presidential elections in Montenegro. Popovic said that Milatovic dominantly received the support of pro-Serbian parties, while civic and minority parties supported Milo Djukanovic. “Although the powers of the President of Montenegro are relatively small in relation to the government, yesterday's (Sunday’s) result of Milatovic is a wind at the government's back before the extraordinary parliamentary elections scheduled for 11 June. It was a new Montenegro yesterday, not the one we have been used to since 2006, when we restored our independence. Mr. Milatovic is already openly advocating the idea of the ‘Open Balkans’ which would certainly mean a closed Europe for Montenegro,” Popovic concluded.


Stano: EU looks forward to cooperation with the new president, Montenegro should focus on the rule of law (O Kanal)


European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said on Monday that the European Union looks forward to cooperation with the newly elected President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, as well as other relevant actors in the country. “We look forward to cooperation with the new president and all relevant statesmen in Montenegro in order to help it stay on the path to the EU, build a consensus on the key priorities that need to be fulfilled during the process of European integration and that are necessary for that country to prosper”, Stano said. He added that it is very important for Montenegro to focus on all problems and issues of the rule of law, reforms in the area of the rule of law, and in the manner prescribed by the European Commission. “Of course, the EU is ready to support Montenegro and continue to help Montenegro move towards EU membership because this is something that the vast majority of people in Montenegro want. And in this context, political stability in the country is the key to continuing the journey towards the Union”, said Stano. The official Brussels expressed hope that new authorities in Podgorica will improve the country’s EU path.


Bishop Joanikije congratulates Mijatovic on election victory (CdM)


Commenting the results of the Montenegrin presidential election, Bishop of Montenegro and Primorje Joanikije congratulated Jakov Milatovic on his victory and expressed hope that he will rule Montenegro to the satisfaction of all its citizens. He also expressed hope that Milatovic will be wise and worthy of the office of the President of all Montenegrin citizens who will give Milatovic the strength to make Montenegro the state of the rule of law and justice, and the land of brotherly freedom and unity.


International community congratulate Mijatovic on election victory (CdM)


The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, congratulated the newly elected President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic. "I am counting on your commitment so that Montenegro continues its path towards the EU," said Michel on Twitter. He adds, he looks forward to cooperation and improvement of European reforms - "starting with the rule of law, for the benefit of all citizens". High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrell congratulated Jakov Milatovic on his election as the President of Montenegro. "We are looking forward to working together to advance progress on Montenegro’s EU path, in line with the wish by an overwhelming majority of Montenegro’s citizens," Borrell said on Twitter. The United States congratulate Montenegro for the successfully conducted presidential elections and congratulates the newly elected president, Jakov Milatovic, according to the Twitter account of the American Embassy in Podgorica. "We look forward to continued cooperation with Montenegro, which is an active NATO ally, strongly committed to Euro-Atlantic values, including support for Ukraine, alignment with sanctions against Russia and rapid progress towards EU membership," the US Embassy said. The British Embassy in Podgorica congratulated Jakov Milatovic on his election as the next president of Montenegro. "After receiving the preliminary results of the SEC, Great Britain congratulates Jakov Milatovic on his election as the next president of Montenegro. We look forward to continuing our close cooperation with Montenegro, our European neighbour and NATO ally," the British Embassy said on Twitter.


VMRO-DPMNE proposes amending the Constitution in accordance with the Croatian Constitution (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE offered to the other parties in parliament to break the deadlock over the constitutional amendments requested by Bulgaria by adopting a Croatian style Preamble. The Croatian Constitution was cited often by proponents of amending the Constitution and adding the Bulgarian nation in it, because it includes a large number of minorities, and this was pointed to VMRO as this party opposes the change. But VMRO now notes that the Croatian Constitution clearly marks Croatia as the nation state of the Croats and the other nations are named as minorities, not as “parts of their respective nations” as is the case in Macedonia. This is a difficult pill to swallow for the Albanian parties, who do not want Macedonia declared the nation state of the Macedonians. Dimitar Kovacevski and Bujar Osmani cited the Croatian Constitution as an acceptable model. But now when we agreed with them, they are silent. We call on DUI and SDSM, as self-declared pro-European parties, to accept changing the Constitution in line with the Constitution of an EU member state, said VMRO spokeswoman Marija Miteva. Macedonia started off with a Preamble similar to that of Croatia but watered down the role of the Macedonian nation in the Preamble twice, after the 2001 civil war and after the 2017 Coloured Revolution. The request made by VMRO would restore some of the concessions Macedonians made toward the Albanians and other minorities.


Geer: Decision to amend Constitution is for country to make (MIA)


The decision to include Bulgarians within the Constitution is a sovereign decision that is for the country to make, EU Ambassador David Geer said on Monday. “I have two remarks on the issue, which are not a part of the public debate on the issue. The first one is that we live at an exceptionally important time, with a new momentum in the context of EU enlargement, with the developments in the Western Balkans. This is based on the firm conclusion that these are affairs of a mutual interest for the EU and the Western Balkans, both on an economic and a security plan,” said Geer. When it comes to North Macedonia, added Geer, the country’s path to EU membership is open, negotiations are ongoing. Brussels wants to see the country as a full-fledged member of the Union, in the interest of resuming the process. “When it comes to the concrete changes of the Constitution to include people who self-identify as Bulgarian, these changes won’t be dramatic and will only consolidate the country’s good track record on managing interethnic relations,” said the Ambassador. Geer said that each country writes its Constitution on the basis of its unique features, interests, and surroundings. “The inclusion of certain communities within the Constitution does not threaten the country’s national interests. However, this is a decision that is for the country to make,” stressed EU Ambassador Geer.


Osmani: EU must urgently take bold decisions in region (MIA)


The EU must urgently take bold decisions in the region, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told the Western Balkans Ministerial Meeting in Rome on Monday. FM Osmani took part at the meeting on the invitation of Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. In his remarks, Osmani referred to the necessity of setting a clear and predictable path for future enlargements with regional states, saying it is of essential security interest for the EU. He added measures are also needed for enhancement of democratic development, increase of economic opportunities and reconciliation on the Western Balkans. "The altered geostrategic circumstances require a changed and adapted approach. Although it is true that the importance of enlargement has been highlighted as of late, for which we are grateful, we all agree it is not enough. Twenty years on from the Thessaloniki summit, the EU urgently needs a midterm vision for the region within the Union," said Osmani. In addition, the FM stressed the need to close the economic gap between the region and EU member-states. "We appreciate Italy's recent attempts to raise the awareness on the socio-economic challenges and needs for the Western Balkans, as well as the European Commission's efforts within the Economic and Investment Plan, and the EU energy support package for the Western Balkans. What we need in the near future is bold decisions for the region because it risks becoming a vulnerable area for the Union amid these uncertain times of disrupted security architecture if the status quo remains in place," said Osmani. The ministerial meeting also included addresses by the PM and FM of Montenegro, the FMs of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia, as well as EU Presidency holder Sweden, reads the press release.


Osmani: We need more EU integration before membership (MIA)


We need successful socio-economic transition and encouragement of the integration of the Western Balkan countries in the EU even before their membership, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani addressing the conference "New visions for the Western Balkans: EU accession and regional security" in Rome on Monday. "What we need to restore the positive trend in supporting the European integration process can be simply defined as achieving more and deeper integration even before membership. It is significant for our citizens to see a change for the better in everyday life," said Minister Osmani, who participated in the conference as part of a working visit to Rome for the Ministerial Meeting on the Western Balkans. Osmani pointed out that the country positively contributes to regional stability by providing support to neighbors and by initiating new forms of cooperation. "We have proven to be a responsible and reliable partner of the EU and NATO, positively contributing to regional stability by supporting our neighbors in overcoming open bilateral issues, such as the recent meeting within the Dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, which took place in Ohrid, and by initiating new formats of cooperation, such as the Initiative 8 along Corridor 8 with Bulgaria, Italy and Albania, the B6 initiative and the latest EU Four – EU Quad of Western Balkan countries that are fully aligned with the EU's foreign and security policy," Osmani added. In addition to the host, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, ministers of foreign affairs from the countries in the region, the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billstrom, the EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, renowned experts and political analysts from think-tank institutes from the region, as well as high representatives of the European External Action Service (EEAS), Regional Cooperation Council, OSCE Secretariat and CEFTA attended the conference in Rome, which was co-organised by Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Institute of International Affairs and OBC Transeuropa.


Kovachevski: We wish Bulgaria to elect government that will be 100 percent oriented to EU principles (MIA)


As a neighbouring country, we wish Bulgaria to elect a political government which will be 100 percent oriented to the EU principles, to the principles of the Union's enlargement, respecting all its neighbours and building good neighbourly relations with our country and with other neighbours, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said at Monday's joint press conference with Slovenian counterpart Robert Golob in Ljubljana. Asked to comment on the elections in Bulgaria, Kovachevski said North Macedonia believes that a European government in Sofia will stand for all those principles, just as Slovenia stands for membership of the entire Western Balkans in the EU, because it is the only alternative for the economic prosperity of all the citizens in the region, MIA reports from Ljubljana. He pointed out that North Macedonia's relations with Bulgaria are based on institutional communication. "This means government to government communication, institutions with institutions, president to president... Looking back, a large number of issues that were of key importance for the citizens and for dealing with the crisis were also discussed with the President and the Government of Bulgaria, including uninterrupted supply of gas, liberalization of the gas supply market in our country, which went through Bulgaria, smooth operation of cross-border electricity supply facilities throughout the winter, at a time when there was a shortage of electricity, which was also agreed and respected, as well as cooperation in many fields," said Kovachevski. The PM added that there has been one problem, i.e. no political will in Bulgaria. "They have been functioning with a caretaker government for a while now. Elections were held there yesterday. As a neighbouring country, we wish Bulgaria to elect a political government which will be 100 percent oriented to the EU principles, to the principles of the Union's enlargement, respecting all its neighbours and building good neighbourly relations with our country and with other neighbours," Kovachevski said.

Slovenian PM Golob said it was good that the elections in Bulgaria were now behind us, because sensitive issues are not resolved during elections. "Currently, Bulgaria doesn't have a government yet, but we will have a dialogue with any government that will be appointed. That is the meaning of European integration. Bulgaria is also aware of this now, because it really wants to join the Schengen zone. Bulgaria is a country that is aware of what it's like when someone shuts you out of a procedure even though you have the right to further European integration. I believe that there will be an understanding about the issue of North Macedonia. I think it is a clear message that there is no other way for Bulgaria and North Macedonia and that it is a matter of the same process, not two processes," the Slovenian PM said. He added that the constitutional amendments, which are a condition for the continuation of North Macedonia's negotiations with the EU, as he had been briefed at Monday's meetings with the country's representatives, are aimed at improving the position of the minorities in the country. "We were briefed that you have one of the most advanced minority protection systems in Europe and I believe we will be happy to spread that information in all European circles. North Macedonia has so far been among the most advanced, if not the most advanced, and the country wants to stay on that path, and at the same time precisely through the full-fledged EU membership, the minorities will gain access to their home countries," said Golob. Kovachevski pointed out that Europe is at an extremely delicate and unique geopolitical moment, after the Russian aggression against Ukraine, adding that from day one North Macedonia has aligned itself with the EU's foreign policy and, as a NATO member, participated in the support of a democratic independent country that has been invaded by a larger neighbouring country. That, he noted, only shows that North Macedonia, as always, is on the right side of history. "As regards our relations with the neighbours, we are a government that has closed all open issues with the neighbouring countries in the past five years," said Kovachevski, also mentioning the Ohrid Framework Agreement, which has provided for a functional multi-ethnic democracy, the Prespa Agreement, which has opened the doors to NATO membership, as well as the accepting of the European proposal based on the Friendship Treaty with Bulgaria to start negotiations with the EU. "And we came out stronger, because after 17 years of waiting, North Macedonia started the negotiations with the EU and the screening process, which was put on hold for 17 years because the country was led by politicians who didn't have the courage to make statesmanlike and visionary decisions. Ahead of us is adopting the constitutional amendments that are part of the obligations in the negotiating framework, and I say that when we make them too, the country will come out even stronger again, because then the second intergovernmental conference will automatically continue - opening of the clusters, reforms in society and full-fledged EU membership, regarding which we have the support from all EU member states," Kovachevski told Monday's joint press conference with Golob.


Kovachevski – Fajon: Slovenia gives encouragement to move forward in EU-integration process (MIA)


Slovenia firmly supports North Macedonia’s progress towards the EU and encourages the country to move forward in its Euro-integration process, said Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon at Monday’s meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski in Ljubljana. According to a press release from the Government, the statesmanlike policies of the Government of North Macedonia aimed fulfilling the country’s European perspective, were hailed at the meeting and were assessed as a significant contribution to the regional and European stability as well. “To that end, firm support was expressed for North Macedonia’s progress to the EU, as well as an encouragement for the country to move forward in its Euro-integration process by focusing on taking concrete steps in the negotiations process and retaining the current reform momentum,” added the press release. Earlier in Ljubljana, PM Kovachevski held a meeting with his Slovenian counterpart Robert Golob, during which they agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation by maintaining regular political dialogue, as well as holding an intergovernmental session in 2023, focused on all important areas for the citizens. The Prime Ministers signed a joint declaration strengthening cooperation between the two countries, with Slovenia’s practical support for North Macedonia’s EU negotiations being one of the areas targeted by the declaration.


Rama: We have disagreements with Vucic about Kosovo, but this encourages us to have more dialogue (Radio Tirana)


In Lake Garda, not far from Verona, in Italy, the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic and the Prime Ministers of Albania and North Macedonia, Edi Rama and Dimitar Kovacevski, met as part of the "Open Balkans" initiative. This is the first time that the meeting of the leaders of the "Open Balkans" initiative is held outside the borders of the Western Balkans. After the meeting, the three leaders held a joint press conference, where the main topic was the results achieved so far within the initiative, but also future plans, which are thought to make life easier for citizens and businessmen of the region. During a communication with the media, Prime Minister Rama said that the commercial exchange between Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia has increased by 24.8 percent during 2022, and that this, according to him, is a great increase as a result of the "Balkan i Open". During the joint press conference with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the prime minister of North Macedonia, Dimitrov Kovacevski, Rama said that the Open Balkans project is extremely important for these three countries. "The three of us are here because we are part of one of the biggest events in Europe, wine production in Verona, and it's the first time that our producers can show what they can do at this Champions League fair. We will repeat this in the following months," said Rama. Rama announced that the next meeting will be at the end of May in Albania, while there will also be a wine fair in Albania. He said that what has been announced a long time ago will also begin to be organized, which is related to the first camp for children who go to primary and secondary schools, with the best sports teams. "The children will learn from each other and will benefit from it," said Prime Minister Rama. He emphasized that it is important for the three countries to work in a strategic perspective to strengthen ties with the EU, strengthen cooperation, and at the same time to ensure that there is a dialogue. "We will not ask for gifts or acceleration by artificial means, as the integration process is important to us. We are not somewhere, but we are in the middle of Europe and we will discuss this extensively in May as well", said Rama. Rama said that the disagreements between Serbia and Albania, especially when it comes to Kosovo, are sometimes really big, underlining that on the other hand this is a reason to talk more and not less. He added that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, is now much more open than before. "Sometimes there are really big disagreements between us, especially when it comes to Kosovo. Dialogue is the most important thing," he said. Rama said that he met Kurt a few days ago and that he noticed that he is much more open than before. He stated that in this meeting the topic was also the Union of Serbian Municipalities and the guarantee of the rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church, underlining that it should be 100 percent guaranteed for the Serbs. "The association of municipalities is important as a bridge for the future. It is no longer a taboo topic. And that it has our full support to move forward", said Rama.


Vucic: Harmonization of identification documents will be able to speed up border crossings

While Serbian President Vucic underlined in his speech that he has discussed with the Prime Ministers of Albania and North Macedonia, how to remove all obstacles to enable free trade, as well as free movement of goods and people. "We talked about many important issues to get everything ready before the start of the summer season," Vucic said. He added that he also talked with Kovacevski and Rama about the harmonization of identification documents, which will be able to speed up border crossings. "We talked about getting new identification cards. The three of us agreed that we will be able to make progress on this issue in the coming months," said Vucic. Vucic informed that very soon Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania will open all border crossings for one day and let people and goods flow freely, to show that open borders can work.


Kovacevski: The Open Balkans initiative is an economic initiative, it is giving results

The Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, said that the wine fair in Verona is one of the biggest and most important fairs where the vision of the Open Balkans wine is shared, in the same ways on which the free trade of goods of the European Union is based. He emphasized that the Scandinavian countries do not have borders and that the Balkans is the only region with borders, underlining that "there is no greater stupidity than this, because we used to be countries without borders". "The data presented by President Vucic that 70 percent of transport delays occur at the border, are given by the World Bank. We don't need borders", Kovacevski said. He emphasized that the initiative of the Open Balkans is organic, authentic and based on good will for good relations between countries.


Rama: We gathered the signatures to overthrow "Dick Marty" in the Council of Europe (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has announced that Albania has collected the necessary signatures of MP-s of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, to overturn Dick Martin's resolution. In a post on social networks, Rama writes: "We finally gathered the signatures in the Council of Europe assembly for the motion, for a new resolution on the resolution of 2011, where without any facts the terrible accusations were raised against the glorious liberation army of Kosovo for the trafficking of human organs. The path of Justice for Kosovo, the blood shed for freedom, the martyrs of the KLA and its heroes alive today in The Hague, will be long, painful, even insulting, striking them to the core, but Justice will triumph in the end at all, because there is no force in the world that would stigmatize a liberation war as criminal".


Ministerial in Rome/ Xhacka: Regional security and stability crucial to the EU (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Antonio Tajani, chaired the ministerial meeting for the Western Balkans in Rome on Monday, with the aim of consolidating Italy's role in the region's EU membership process, which is accelerating after the Russian attack on Ukraine.

The meeting was attended by the Foreign Ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, the Swedish Foreign Minister, Tobias Billstrom, as President of the Council of the European Union, and the EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi.  This meeting urged the promotion the EU integration of the Balkan countries, with official Rome wanting to play a leading role and aiming to facilitate the process by promoting dialogue and investments. The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, also sent a message to this ministerial stating that an acceleration of the country's integration into the EU would increase stability. The Italian Prime Minister emphasized also the strategic value of integration and asked for the preservation of momentum. In her opening message, the Italian Prime Minister noted that the Western Balkans has always been of strategic importance to Italy. Her government, she stressed, aims to strengthen Rome's political, economic and cultural ties with these nations, since "everything that happens beyond the Adriatic inevitably has an immediate reflection on us" and Italy bears "a great responsibility" to them. Noting that the EU and its member states made significant resources available to the region, Italian Prime Minister stressed the need to "move forward together" to effectively implement the Economic and Investment Plan, thereby strengthening the economy of the region and the acceleration of its integration into the common market. While Albanian chief diplomat, Xhacka pointed out that the security and stability of the Western Balkans is crucial to the stability and security of Europe Regarding this ministerial, the head of Albanian diplomacy, Xhacka, who was present alongside her Balkans counterparts, also extended her gratitude to her Italian colleague Antonio Tajani, for his role and attitude especially towards the Balkans region. "Italy is a true friend of Albania and we welcome working closely together to further expand our cooperation in the field of economy and especially energy. I underlined that Russia's illegal aggression in Ukraine has threatened the security and stability not only of the region, but also of Europe, and at the same time it has increased the commitment and cooperation of the EU with our region. I emphasized that the security and stability of the Western Balkans remains crucial for the stability and security of Europe. Today, the region is a much more reliable and constructive partner. As the leader of the Berlin Process, Albania is concentrating its efforts towards the implementation of the Common Regional Market and the Plan for Economic Investment in the Western Balkans," chief Albanian diplomat, Xhacka.