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Belgrade Media Report 27 April 2023



EP in the report on Serbia: Negotiations can only continue if you comply with the sanctions imposed on Russia (RTS)


The rule of law, normalization of relations with Pristina, commitment to common European values and compliance with the EU's common foreign policy will determine the dynamics of further negotiations on Serbia's membership in the EU, according to the annual report on Serbia, which was adopted by the Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament.


More than hundreds of amendments submitted by MEPs to the draft of rapporteur Vladimir Bilcik were grouped into 37 compromise amendments on key areas of relations between Serbia and the EU, which received the support of an overwhelming majority of the members of the Foreign Policy Committee. Vladimir Bilcik says that the report calls for the harmonization of Serbia with the EU's foreign policy, the continuation of internal reforms, especially in the area of judicial independence and media freedom, as well as the continuation of the dialogue with Pristina. "Serbia is the only country in the Western Balkans that has not aligned with the EU's policy towards Russia's aggression against Ukraine. If it aligns, Serbia could significantly advance the accession process," said Bilcik.


The EP will carefully monitor the implementation of the agreement from Ohrid 


The reporter for Serbia said that some encouraging steps have been taken in the dialogue with Pristina in recent months and that the European Parliament will carefully monitor the implementation of the Ohrid agreement. In the text of the report, the parliament gives "full support to the dialogue and the European mediator Miroslav Lajcak" and calls on both parties to reach a legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations, based on the "principle of mutual recognition". According to Bilcik, the "principle of mutual recognition" is a compromise formulation, because the parliament does not call for recognition, but for the application of the principle that is already applied in the decision on the recognition of personal documents, as well as in the spirit of the Ohrid Agreement, while "it is up to the parties to agree when and how it will it be applied". The parliamentarians also demanded the full implementation of earlier agreements, including the establishment of the Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority, condemning "all actions that threaten stability". The European Parliament's rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola Von Cramon, whose report was also adopted yesterday, says both reports send a message about the parliament's commitment to a merit-based enlargement policy. "This position means that we demand progress in domestic reforms from both parties, so that they can take the next step towards the EU," adds Von Cramon.


Continuously low compliance of Serbia with EU foreign policy 


In the adopted text, the European Parliament regrets Serbia's "continuously low compliance with EU foreign policy", which in 2021 was compliant in 64 percent of cases, in 2022 only 45 percent. "Membership negotiations can only continue if Serbia complies with the sanctions imposed on Russia and makes progress in reforms related to EU accession," the report states. The European Parliament welcomes Serbia's expressed support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and compliance with the EU in voting for the relevant UN resolutions. Sanctions against Belarus due to its role in the war in Ukraine are welcomed, as well as humanitarian aid to Ukraine, aid in energy, and reconstruction. However, parliamentarians "regret that the Government of Serbia avoids speaking publicly about these measures". The Parliament also regrets that some of the "key aspects of Serbia's foreign policy are contrary to EU positions, including the signing of an agreement on consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, as well as meetings with Russian officials who are on the list of EU sanctions."


European parliamentarians are concerned about the appointment of the BIA director 


European parliamentarians state that they are concerned about the appointment of the director of the Security and Information Agency (BIA), whom they claim is "known for anti-EU and pro-Kremlin rhetoric, as well as for the fact that in the past he provided the Russian authorities with information about the gathering of members of the Russian opposition."

The report expresses concern over the lowest ever support for EU membership among the Serbian public and the rise in support for the regime in Russia. "This phenomenon is the result of long-term and widespread anti-EU and pro-Russian political rhetoric of the media under the control of the government, as well as Serbian officials," the report assesses. The Parliament welcomes the steps taken by Serbia to align with the EU visa policy, stating that Serbia has introduced visas for six countries, including India, Tunisia, Cuba and Burundi, which has led to a "significant decrease in illegal entries into the EU territory".


Some progress in the fight against corruption 


The report notes "some progress in the fight against corruption" and stresses that "more efforts and political will" are needed to achieve tangible results, especially in relation to organized crime. The authorities in Serbia are called to achieve convincing results in cases of "great public interest, such as Jovanjica, Krusik and Belivuk, as well as to investigate and prosecute the persons responsible for the illegal destruction of private property in the case of Savamala".


On freedom of media and expression 


The Parliament "regrets the further deterioration of the situation in the area of freedom of expression" and emphasizes that the situation of "media freedom and freedom of expression is a serious problem that needs to be solved urgently". The report "acknowledges" REM's decision to award four national frequencies to TV stations with "a history of violating journalistic standards," including "using hate speech and spreading disinformation and Moscow's narrative" about the war in Ukraine. The adopted report expresses concern about "Telekom's dominant position on the market, as well as accusations that the ruling party is using Telekom to increase its influence on the Serbian media market." In the part of the report on social and economic reforms, the "continuous" progress in the development of a functional market economy and the attraction of significant foreign direct investments is welcomed, but it also underlines that the work of the private sector is "difficult due to weaknesses in the rule of law". In the part that talks about democracy and the rule of law, it welcomes "the adoption of measures to improve electoral conditions and the media environment ahead of the elections in April 2022, which were the result of inter-party dialogue with the mediation of the European Parliament". The European Parliament also welcomes the participation of all relevant political actors in early parliamentary elections, which resulted in a more pluralistic parliament."


Von Cramon: We seek changes domestically from both Serbia and Kosovo (Beta)


The European parliament’s rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola Von Cramon, stated on April 26 that greater changes on the domestic plane were expected from both Serbia and Kosovo, before the next steps towards the EU, and that the elections in north Kosovo were a step backwards. “It applies on both states – we seek changes on the domestic plane, before we see the next steps towards integration into the EU. My expectations were higher, I truly hoped that, due to the agreement here in Brussels, and then in Ohrid, there would be a key moment in the sense of implementation of the Brussels agreement,” Von Cramon said while replying to reporters’ questions. She added that the report about Serbia and Kosovo sent a powerful message to the region and spoke about “the European Parliament’s commitment to enlargement through process monitoring.” The rapporteur assessed that the elections held last

weekend in the four municipalities in northern Kosovo represented a step backwards and away from an agreement, N1 reported. “I am sorry about this, I hoped the Serb Ticket would

participate and that this would be a positive impulse for further dialogue. I think that is a missed opportunity, a missed chance. We also saw that there had been intimidation from Belgrade and from Kosovo’s north,” Von Cramon stated.


MEPs praise Kosovo, urge five EU countries to recognize it (Beta)


Members of the European Parliament praised Kosovo’s accomplishments in democratization on April 26, urged the five EU countries that have not recognized it to do so as soon as possible and called on all member countries to prepare the opinion about Kosovo’s application for EU membership. According to the report, adopted by the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), the tempo of Kosovo’s accession process will depend on progress in the rule of law and fundamental rights, and on the normalization of relations with Serbia. MEPs expressed regret over the fact that initiatives for including the Serb community in the political, social and economic structures of Kosovo were still very limited and urged the Kosovo government and Kosovo Serb representatives to commit to true dialogue in order to strengthen mutual trust. Kosovo is praised in the report for progressing in the implementation of European reforms, while the EU is urged to prepare, without further delay, the opinion about the existence of grounds for Kosovo’s applying for EU membership. The report welcomed the statements about support to Kosovo’s application for EU membership, made by representatives of governments of ten countries, and the long-awaited agreement on the liberalization of the visa regime for citizens of Kosovo. The EU members that have not yet recognized Kosovo as a sovereign state – Spain, Slovakia, Cyprus, Romania and Greece – are urged to do so without further delay. The independence of the Republic of Kosovo is irreversible, MEPs stated, adding that the tempo of its accession process would depend on progress in the rule of law and fundamental rights, and on the normalization of relations with Serbia.


DVERI criticizes recognition of Kosovo, sanctions against Russia (Beta)


The Serbian Dveri movement’s leader, Bosko Obradovic, said that his organization was not accepting the ultimatum that Serbia had to recognize the independence of Kosovo and introduce sanctions against Russia. “As a truly national, nation-building and, by extension, European movement, Dveri refuses to accept the Western totalitarianism embodied in the

ultimatum that we must recognize the independence of Kosovo and introduce sanctions against Russia,” Obradovic said in an article he wrote for the Politika newspaper, published on April 26. The Dveri leader said that “whoever supports the implementation of the anti-constitutional Franco-German agreement that advocates capitulation, and the introduction of

sanctions against Russia, they support war and political instabilities.” Obradovic went on to say that “those in favor of sanctions are not only in favor of war, but are essentially anti-European voices opposed to peace, serving only the warmongering interests of the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).” “Quite the contrary, the Serbian Dveri movement is in favor of peace, in Ukraine and across Europe, which should look after its own European interests, instead of catering for American needs. One of Europe’s greatest geostrategic interests is cooperation with Russia, in energy, economy, politics and security alike,” Obradovic said in the article, adding that Europe today is divided into “a belligerent option and a peacekeeping Europe.”


Vucic thanked Azerbaijan for voting in the Council of Europe (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sahil Babayev, and pointed out that on that occasion he thanked Azerbaijan for its commitment to international law, which the country showed by voting in the Council of Europe, and that Serbia will remember that act. "Always an excellent conversation with proven friends of Serbia on all important issues of interest to both countries, further improvement of bilateral relations, military cooperation, investments, as well as plans to strengthen partnership in the field of tourism and energy," said President Vucic said on his Instagram account. Vucic added that he used the opportunity to send warm greetings to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, with whom, as he stated, he will meet again soon. "Long live the friendship between Serbia and Azerbaijan," said Vucic. On Monday, at the meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Azerbaijan voted against the initiation of the procedure for considering the request of the so-called of Kosovo for admission to that organization.


Workers of "Post of Serbia" detained on the Bistrica bridge (RTS)


The special police stopped and detained the driver and two workers of the "Post of Serbia" at the checkpoint on Bistrica Bridge, who were regularly transporting money from the Treasury in Leposavic to Kosovska Mitrovica, announced the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic. The driver and two employees of the "Post of Serbia", together with the money intended for regular financial payments, were escorted to the customs terminal in southern Kosovska Mitrovica, and with them there are also representatives of the Office for K&M on the ground, reads the statement.


After being detained for several hours at the customs terminal in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, the employees of the "Post of Serbia" were allowed to continue their journey and transport money to the branches of the Post in other parts of KiM, confirmed to RTS the director of the "Post of Serbia" working unit in the KiM, Ivan Milojevic. Milojevic stated that the employees of the "Post of Serbia" were released after they explained the procedure that has been valid and has been going on for years. "The employees of the Post Office who were stopped at the checkpoint near the Bistrica Bridge were enabled to have an unhindered flow of money, both to the post offices in the north of KiM, and to Gracanica," said Milojevic. He pointed out that the police stops and apprehension of a Post office employee with money has not happened in recent times.


The UN Security Council today on the report on KiM (RTS)


The United Nations Security Council will consider the new six-month report of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo and Metohija (UNMIK). Serbia is represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic. United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres submitted a six-month report on Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). Guterres, in a report covering UNMIK activities and developments from September 16, 2022 to March 18, 2023, welcomed the agreement on the road map towards the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and the annex for its implementation with the mediation of the European Union. The report describes in detail the events of November last year, when the Serbs left Pristina's institutions, but also everything that happened after that. During his visit to the USA, the head of Serbian diplomacy met with the permanent representative of the USA to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield. The last session of the UN Security Council on the work of the UNMIK mission was held in October last year.


Dacic with the US ambassador to the UN: We will maintain a constructive attitude in the dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, but there are red lines (RTS)


First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic met in New York with the permanent representative of the USA to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield. During the conversation, opinions were exchanged on the upcoming session of the UN Security Council, which will be dedicated to the work of UNMIK, as well as on the development of bilateral relations between Serbia and the USA, according to the statement of the MFA.


According to the announcement, Ivica Dacic and Linda Thomas-Greenfield agreed that the dynamic political dialogue and talks between the officials of the two countries represent an opportunity to exchange opinions on topics that are a priority for the development of bilateral relations, achieving greater transparency and strengthening trust, especially in in the year when we celebrate 142 years of diplomatic relations. It is added that Dacic expressed the hope that the visit of State Secretary Anthony Blinken to Serbia will be realized in the coming period, as well as the hope that there will soon be an exchange of visits at the presidential level.


When it comes to the upcoming session of the UN Security Council, it is reported that Dacic pointed out that the work of UNMIK in its full capacity is of great importance for Serbia, considering the delicacy of the current situation in the Serbian southern province. "Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the head of Serbian diplomacy reiterated that Serbia will maintain a constructive attitude regarding the European proposal and the implementation of the action plan in order to further normalize relations with Pristina, but he reiterated that there are red lines for Serbia that they will not give up on, as President Aleksandar Vucic also emphasized in previous months," the announcement states. It is added that Dacic mentioned that in order to continue the dialogue, the next high-level meeting will be held in Brussels on May 2, in which, from our side, President Vucic will participate. "He noted that the overall success of the European proposal depends on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), as an obligation that was undertaken ten years ago by signing the Brussels Agreement. It is unacceptable that this step is conditioned by the consideration of Pristina's request for membership in the Council of Europe, and Serbia strongly opposes this development of events, underlined Dacic," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs points out. According to reports, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield called for the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement and stressed that the US will continue to be actively engaged in supporting Belgrade and Pristina "as they implement their obligations to achieve predictable and peaceful relations".


Opposition coalition: Serbia to support RS’s effort to restore Dayton powers (Beta)


The opposition coalition NADA requested on April 26 the authorities in Serbia to support Republika Srpska (RS) unconditionally in its struggle to restore the powers the Dayton accords had awarded the Bosnian Serb entity, which Belgrade, too, had provided guarantees for. “Indulging the West and accepting the anticonstitutional Franco-German agreement were big mistakes, sending a clear signal to the West that Serbia was weak and that they can embark on a project to abolish RS,” a member of the coalition, Milos Jovanovic, said. “If RS does not have its assets back, Serbia should clearly and decisively support its view that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is not a viable state, and that its existence is unnecessary. Also, Serbia should urgently reject the Franco-German agreement,” Jovanovic added. Another member of the NADA coalition, Vojislav Mihailovic, has said that if RS declares independence in a referendum, as the only way to protect itself against the unitarist B&H contrary to the Dayton Peace Agreement, Serbia must be the first in the world to recognize its independence.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Izetbegovic and Bradara respectively meet with HR on Wednesday; Izetbegovic: The HR did not hint at what he is planning to do, he just stated that he will wait for Constitutional-Legal Commission of FBiH Parliament to try and solve the situation (BHT1)


BHT1 noted that while many expect High Representative Christian Schmidt to impose amendments to the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) that will unblock the process of formation of new authorities in this entity, the Office of High Representative (OHR) resumes with consultations with political officials in the FB&H. Namely, HR Schmidt met respectively with leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic and FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)) on Wednesday.


In a statement for media, the leader of SDA said that the High Representative invited him to learn about SDA’s stance on solving the current situation related to formation of a new FB&H Government. Izetbegovic reminded that SDA had proposal of a solution and FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo (SDA) organized a meeting of leaders of SDA, SDP and HDZ B&H to discuss this proposal. Izetbegovic went on to saying that since leaders of HDZ B&H and SDP failed to attend abovementioned meeting, SDA’s proposal has not been presented. He explained that this proposal stipulated a proposal of two lists of candidates for the new FB&H Government – one proposed by SDA and DF and the other proposed by ‘The Troika’ and HDZ B&H - and MPs in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) would decide which list will form the new government.


The leader of SDA stated that during the meeting with Schmidt, they did not discuss details of decisions that the High Representative might impose. Izetbegovic stressed that he informed Schmidt that the attempt to treat Lendo as someone who would only sign a decision on formation of the FB&H Government passed by the FB&H President and Vice President from the rank of Serbs and Croats is unacceptable and humiliating for Bosniaks who make some 70 percent of residents of the FB&H. Izetbegovic stated: “The HR did not hint at what he is planning to do, he just stated that he will wait for the Constitutional-Legal Commission of the FB&H Parliament to try and solve the situation. He will monitor the decision of the House of Representatives of the FB&H. I think and I hope that he will not do anything that could frustrate the Bosniak population. With the things that are happening in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) today, and the stance of Milorad Dodik, that Croats and Serbs, not Muslims, dictate the developments in the FB&H is something that should not be allowed by the OHR and the international community. In B&H and the FB&H, Bosniaks should never be ruled over… You should never underestimate SDA. I feel that SDA is quite well equipped to come up with a good solution, if we are allowed to do so by certain embassies. But I feel that that the time is coming when they realize that, not SDA, but Bosniaks have to participate in important issue.”


Representatives of HDZ B&H, HDZ 1990 and HNP meet on Wednesday; Collegium of HDZ 1990 holds meeting as well (FTV)


FTV reports that a meeting was held in Mostar on Wednesday, where representatives of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), HDZ 1990 and HNP met. The Collegium of HDZ 1990 held a meeting on Wednesday as well. The reporter commented that it is interesting that HDZ 1990 Collegium convened their meeting after HDZ 1990 held a meeting earlier in the day with HDZ B&H and HNP. All of this is happening after SBiH and NES issued a statement on Tuesday, in which they said that they will not be part of ‘The Eight’ at the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) level if ‘The Troika’ parties support Schmidt’s short-term solution. SBiH and NES already accused ‘The Troika’ that they wholeheartedly accepted such a solution in order to, as SBiH and NES said, gain positions in the FB&H Government.


The reporter noted that ‘The Troika’ and HDZ B&H do not have parliamentary majority without HDZ 1990 and HNP, and it is questionable whether anyone has parliamentary majority at the moment if SBiH and NES leave ‘The Eight’ at the FB&H level. It is likely that a new FB&H HoR session will be convened on Friday and the agenda could include the appointment and formation of the FB&H Government, added the reporter.


According to Hayat, after NES and Party for B&H (SBiH) officially withdrew from ‘The Eight’ on Tuesday, HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic began searching for new coalition partners to secure the majority in the FB&H Parliament. Hayat reports that primarily the possible partners are other political parties with the Croat prefix, such as HDZ 1990 and HNP. It was reported that HDZ 1990 will consider the offer to join Covic’s coalition during the meeting of the party’s Collegium. They will also discuss the conclusions of the meeting held between Covic and HNP President Ivan Vukadin on Wednesday morning. The two new potential partners of HDZ B&H have a total of four representatives in the House of Representatives of the FB&H. Leader of HDZ 1990 Ilija Cvitanovic told N1 that he has the intention to gather some members of the party on Wednesday evening to welcome the Schmidt’s new decision and that they discuss this issue but no decisions were reached.


Details of HR Schmidt’s decisions, Schmidt enacted two decisions, one provisional and one permanent (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt will impose decisions, which are expected to unblock Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and while media expected this decision to be published on Wednesday night, this did not happen. Daily reminded that they earlier reported that Schmidt’s decision will be acceptable to HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and ‘The Eight’. According to daily’s information, Schmidt enacted two decisions which concern appointment of FB&H Government, one of provisional and other of permanent character. Article reads that provisional solution concerns 2:1 option, which would mean that FB&H President and one Vice President would be appointing the Prime Minister- designate, with possibility of invoking of veto. HR Schmidt’s second decision, according to daily is the one that was negotiated at senior level, and which is of permanent character, and it refers to forming of authorities in the FB&H after all following elections. The solution, which will most probably be permanent, stipulates that appointing of Prime Minister- designate would require two of three votes of FB&H leadership, but the remaining one would have right of veto, which would have to be confirmed in his own ethnic caucus in FB&H House of Peoples, by two-third or three-fifth vote. This decision, daily reads, comes with a stipulation, where HR Schmidt would give deadline of one year to FB&H parties to adopt changes to FB&H Constitution in the FB&H Parliament and this decision of his would come in force in case they would fail to do so.


RSNA adopts set of conclusions regarding B&H CC and transfer of competences from B&H to RS’ level; Statements of RSNA representatives (AJB)


At its special session held Wednesday, the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopted a set of conclusions regarding the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court (CC) and the transfer of competences from B&H to the RS’ level. Al Jazeera Balkans reports that representatives in the RSNA adopted a conclusion according to which they call on the B&H CC judge from the RS Zlatko Knezevic to resign from the post, as well as the Information on B&H CC’s anti-Dayton activities. They also adopted a conclusion, according to which a deadline is eliminated for transfer of competences regarding indirect taxation, judiciary, defense and security. The political parties from the ruling coalition proposed a conclusion according to which representatives in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) from the RS will refer to parliamentary procedure a law on the B&H CC that envisages withdrawal of foreign judges, and this conclusion was also adopted. All aforementioned conclusions will enter in force one day upon their adoption.


Al Jazeera Balkans reports that SDS Caucus in the RSNA also proposed several conclusions in relation to items on the agenda of RSNA session, including that the RSNA will reject conclusions regarding the B&H CC and that the RS Government acted irresponsibly over the past period, because it failed to implement conclusions adopted earlier by the RSNA, however their conclusions were rejected by political parties from the ruling coalition.


N1 reports 47 MPs voted for adoption of the conclusions, two voted against this and 11 abstained from voting. The opposition representatives expressed their dissatisfaction over the fact that RS President Milorad Dodik did not attend the session, after which RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic explained to them the session was called by 29 representatives in the RSNA. Head of SNSD Caucus in the RSNA Igor Zunic said that from the constitution protector, the B&H CC has become a constitution maker and is the “main factor of B&H’s destabilization”. Zunic also said that the B&H CC exceeded its powers and instead of protecting the B&H Constitution, the B&H CC has become the key weapon for dismantling the RS’ legal order, noting that the B&H CC tried to abolish January 9 as the RS Day which is “distortion of historical facts”, due to which B&H CC judges from the rank of Serb people should resign. Addressing the session, Zunic said: “By exceeding its powers, accepting to review constitutionality of bylaws, placing its self above the RS Constitutional Court, changing its practice depending on a case, and instead of being the greater protector of citizens’ freedoms and rights and the greater protector of the Constitution, the B&H CC has become a political weapon used to dismantle legal order of the RS as well as the tool of the international protectorate in B&H”.


ATV report that RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that all developments in the RS are “a perfidious game coming from Sarajevo”, and together with their mentors, officials from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) are trying to shift their problems to the RS, which is reflected in failing to form the authority in the FB&H that has been without a government for five years. Addressing the session, Viskovic said: “All those mentors and advisors then look for another location again presenting the RS, the RS’ institutions and officials as a disruptive factor in B&H, in the Balkans, Europe and perhaps even beyond. We cannot get caught in that problem. I view this as a perfidious game, a game of foreign embassies”. The reporter notes that the opposition representatives did not share this opinion, and comments that they did not like the fact that the RS’ property was not on the agenda although the B&H CC passed a decision “on usurping the property that belongs to the RS”. The reporter goes on to say that SDS representatives said they will adopt own conclusions and present their opinions during the discussion, and they did say that the B&H CC is a problem, because it does not work in accordance with the B&H Constitution. Addressing the session, Head of SDS Caucus in the RSNA Vukota Govedarica said that the B&H CC “defines the presumption of competence in a completely different way and it does not define it in accordance with the B&H Constitution, i.e. those are exclusive competences of entities”.


Becirovic: Number of EUFOR soldiers should be increased in B&H; Cvijanovic: Security situation in B&H is not jeopardized, no need for increase of members of EUFOR (FTV, RTRS)


Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic talked with the EUFOR Commander in B&H, Major General Helmut Habermayer, about the current situation in B&H. Becirovic said there the number of EUFOR soldiers should be increased in B&H due to, as he said, the dangerous anti-Dayton policy of the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik. Habermayer stated that EUFOR is a reliable partner of all B&H citizens. He gave support to the institutions of B&H in maintaining a safe environment with the message that EUFOR is carefully monitoring the security and political situation in B&H.  Becirovic underlined important role of EUFOR as guarantee of stability and security and stressed that B&H remains dedicated to securing of stable environment for all citizens, to Euro- Atlantic perspective and contribution to international peace. Habermayer stressed that EUFOOR is reliable partner to all citizens in B&H and expressed support to B&H institutions in maintaining of safe and protected environment. During the meeting, Brcirovic expressed gratitude to ongoing cooperation between EUFOR and B&H AF.


Serb member of the B&H Presidency and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said on Wednesday that the security situation in B&H is not jeopardized and that there is no need for increase of members of the EUFOR in B&H. She commented on the statement of Becirovic that the number of soldiers should be urgently increased due to dangerous anti-Dayton policy of RS President Dodik by saying that this is a cheap way to divert the international attention to B&H. According to Cvijanovic, B&H is faced with exclusively political and not security challenges and in her opinion, political challenges should be solved via dialogue as well as in all other democratic countries.


Cvijanovic and Cuba President on relations between two countries (RTRS)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic met Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana on Wednesday. The officials said that the first official visit is the first important step towards improvement of bilateral relations of the two countries. During a meeting which ministers of foreign affairs, public health and foreign trade and investment of Cuba attended, participants underlined that there are no open issues between B&H and Cuba and that this should be a big encouragement towards intensifying of the cooperation in the sectors of healthcare protection, science, agriculture and tourism. Cvijanovic informed Diaz-Canel with the current political and economic situation in B&H and she invited him to visit B&H. Diaz-Canel expressed gratitude for support to the UN resolution that calls for abolition of embargo to Cuba.


Viskovic: Visit to China resulted in many business deals which will be beneficial for RS (Glas Srpske)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that important business deals have been made during his recent visit to China and that they will be very beneficial for the RS. He reminded that one of the results of his visit is the signing of the memorandum on cooperation with the China Road and Bridge Corporation. Viskovic underlined that Chinese partners showed a lot of understanding for the RS and they did not set any difficult conditions.




Ukrainian wounded arrive in Croatia (Hina)


The Croatian Ministry for Veterans has announced that 19 wounded people from Ukraine arrived on April 26, accompanied by nine members of their families. The Ministry has stated that all of them would be granted the status of persons under temporary protection, in keeping with legal regulations and rights envisaged for other displaced persons. On March 16, 2023, the Croatian government made the Decision on assisting in the treatment and rehabilitation of wounded people from Ukraine in Croatia. This includes reception, triage, treatment and rehabilitation. The Ministry has stated that, in view of the experience from the war in Croatia in early 1990s, Croatia was ready to share its knowledge, expertise and experience with the aim of medical treatment of wounded people from Ukraine.




EP Report: Russia creates tensions in MNE through pro-Serbian sentiments in country and SPC (CDM)


Russia uses its influence in Serbia by trying to destabilize and interfere in neighboring sovereign states, according to the Report adopted today by the European Parliament’s (EP) Committee on Foreign Interference. Interference in neighboring countries, as stated, goes: in Bosnia and Herzegovina through Serb Republic (RS), in Montenegro through pro-Serbian sentiments in the country and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), and in Kosovo – by exploiting and igniting existing disputes in the north. It is added that Russia still has significant influence in the Western Balkans and the power to interfere in regional attempts at reconciliation, integration and reforms in the direction of democratization. The Report on Foreign Interference in all democratic processes in the European Union (EU), including disinformation, emphasizes the need for the EU to proactively oppose the propaganda of malicious actors in the Western Balkans region, “which aims to undermine the interests and values of the EU”.


A total of 27 representatives in the Committee on Foreign Interference voted in favour of the Report, one was against and one abstained. In June, this Report will be voted on at the plenary session, when it receives a version of the European Parliament’s Resolution. In this Report, the region of the Western Balkans is evaluated as an area of strategic and geopolitical competition, and it is emphasized that some countries in the region are prone to destabilization. Third countries are also said to be exploiting vulnerabilities, including strategic investments and disinformation campaigns; since the stability, security and democratic resilience of the accession countries are inextricably linked to the security, stability and democratic resilience of the EU.


Committee to consider initiatives for the evaluation of the constitutionality of the Law on the President (MINA)


The Constitutional Committee will consider initiatives to initiate the procedure for the constitutionality assessment of the Law on Amendments to the Law on the President of Montenegro, which was adopted in December last year. The initiatives were submitted by the advisor for the constitutional system and legal issues of the President of Montenegro Boris Bastijancic and the non-governmental organization (NGO) Center for Democratic Transition (CDT).


In Bastijancic's initiative, it is stated that a legal act of lower legal force derogates the Constitution, the highest legal act of the state. "Amendments to the law are a textbook example of legal injustice, created by a combination of the most challenging legal and political circumstances," said Bastijancic. The CDT assessed that the amendments to the Law on the President violate the constitutional balance of power and change the meaning of the Montenegrin Constitution. "Through the contentious changes, instead of elaborating constitutional norms, the Constitution was rewritten, taking away the constitutional powers of the president to nominate a representative and appoint and recall ambassadors and heads of other diplomatic missions of Montenegro abroad," said the NGO.


CDT deputy executive director Biljana Papovic said earlier that the constitutional powers of the president, who is elected in direct elections, cannot be changed by an act of lower legal force. "It is particularly problematic that these decisions are the result of a political conflict with an individual who is currently serving as president," said Papovic.


North Macedonia 


Pendarovski - Osmani: Common future in Euro-Atlantic institutions an investment in further stabilization of Western Balkans (MIA)


North Macedonia and Kosovo play an active role in the efforts to reach permanent stability, goodneighborliness and economic prosperity. The countries are not only geographically close but share the same vision about the future as well. Bilateral cooperation has strengthened in many areas but there is always room for its improvement, agreed President Stevo Pendarovski and visiting Kosovo counterpart Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu on Wednesday.


"We exchanged opinions and information on current topics related to bilateral relations, domestic developments, current and future economic cooperation, regional affairs and European integration, which are unfortunately taking place amid the negative effects of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. We agreed that the common future of both countries lies in Euro-Atlantic institutions is an investment in the further stabilization and prosperity of the Western Balkans," President Pendarovski told a joint press conference with Osmani. He reaffirmed the support to Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic aspirations, noting that North Macedonia is prepared to share its experiences in the reform processes on the EU path and regarding NATO membership. "We support the EU decision on visa liberalization for Kosovo and actively support Kosovo's participation in various regional and continental cooperation formats. Kosovo-Serbia relations were also discussed, and I reaffirmed our position on the issue by saluting the acceptance of the EU proposal for normalization of relations, which implementation will contribute to the peace, stability, security and development of our neighbors but also the region as a whole," said Pendarovski. We are prepared, he added, to assist in the capacity of OSCE chair-country in the process, especially in the implementation of certain parts of the agreement endorsed by both parties involved.


On the association of Serb communities in Kosovo, the President said this is a discussion between the two countries for the purpose of completing Kosovo's legal and political status.

"The only thing we can do for our Kosovo and Serbian friends is promote the model we have implemented and the compromises we made. North Macedonia has and will continue to have equal relationship with both Serbia and Kosovo. We recognize both countries, we have embassies in both countries. They have embassies here and our diplomatic ties are comprehensive, so I do not intend to take sides in this issue," said Pendarovski.


Pendarovski and Osmani also tackled the possibilities for enhancement of the rights of Macedonians in Kosovo, "at a time when, unfortunately, some foreign propaganda has been activated again." "In this regard, it is our common goal to bring citizens from both sides of the border closer and facilitate and intensify cross-border cooperation," said Pendarovski.

President Osmani thanked North Macedonia for its support to Kosovo and its vote supporting Pristina in the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers. "Kosovo and North Macedonia are not only geographically close, they both share the same vision about the future. We have made good progress since the establishment of bilateral ties. We have over 40 bilateral agreements and many memoranda between ministries, as well as initiatives for signing of new international agreements," said Osmani. The Kosovo President said she was honored to be in a country that many of her compatriots call their own. Besides the contribution of Albanians in the building of North Macedonia's institutions, the Albanians were and will continue to be an important positive force in the Euro-Atlantic integration process. It is important to have the support of Albanians in North Macedonia in all walks of life, as equal citizens contributing to North Macedonia's progress. Enhancement of citizens' rights is the pillar of democracy in every society," said Osmani. She added that the two countries are committed to the enhancement of peace and stability of the region, where destabilization challenges still exist. "Our countries are on the side of democracy and the people of Ukraine. All countries of the Western Balkans should work together against Russia's negative influence in the region,' said Osmani.


On the events in Kosovo's north, the President said the country's constitution reads that all citizens are equal before the laws. "This means that those not observing the laws should face consequences. Our security forces attempt to establish order and peace in northern Kosovo while observing the highest democratic standards. This encompasses hundreds of acts on countering corruption and serious crime by groups that are included in the United States blacklist," said Osmani. Regarding the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, she said the outcome would depend on both sides. "As President of Kosovo, I can guarantee that Kosovo will take part in the next round of talks," underlined Osmani.


After the meeting, Pendarovski and Osmani laid flowers at the grave of Macedonian revolutionary Goce Delchev in Skopje-based church St.Spas. President Osmani is also set to meet with Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, and deliver an address before lawmakers. On Thursday, Osmani will pay a visit to Tetovo and meet with Mayor Bilal Kasami.


Speaker Xhaferi meets Kosovo President Osmani-Sadriu (MIA)


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi met Wednesday with the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, who is paying a two-day official visit to North Macedonia. The Parliament's Vice-President Goran Misovski and Chairman of the Parliamentary Group for Cooperation with Kosovo's Parliament, Afrim Gashi, also attended the meeting.


Xhaferi extended congratulations on Kosovo's visa liberalization with the EU, noting that the decision is essential for the integration of Kosovo in the Union. He expressed satisfaction with the excellent bilateral relations between North Macedonia and Kosovo in all areas and the great intensity of mutual meetings at a high political level. Friendly relations, the Parliament said in a press release, are reflected in the fruitful and frequent cooperation of the Parliaments of the two countries and between the two Speakers, the commissions and groups on friendship and cooperation.


The Parliament Speaker stressed that the country supports Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and is ready to share acquired knowledge and experience in that regard. Noting that both countries are active participants in the Berlin Process, he mentioned that the Parliament ratified the three agreements on mutual recognition of identity cards, university degrees and professional qualifications between the countries in the region. Xhaferi welcomed the agreement reached on accepting the EU's proposal for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, pointing out that as OSCE Chair, the country is ready to help in the implementation of certain parts of the agreement. He noted that as of July 1, 2023, the country will take over the presidency of the South-East European Cooperation Process, where all the countries in the region participate on an equal basis.


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu said the country represents an example and a model for other countries in the region, particularly in terms of interethnic relations. She expressed satisfaction that since the establishment of diplomatic ties, there are no open issues between the two countries and fruitful cooperation is achieved in many areas. In addition, reads the press release, she committed to deepening mutual cooperation in education, culture, health, foreign policy and defense.


Osmani-Sadriu thanked for North Macedonia's continued support to Kosovo's membership in the international organizations, pointing out that support from the Macedonian MPs will be of great importance for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe. She asked for support from Speaker Xhaferi, adds the press release, for the participation of Kosovo in the Crimean Platform. "The President of Kosovo thanked for the hospitality shown in Ohrid, for the meeting on the Annex to the agreement on normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and noted that Serbia has violated this agreement by opposing to Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe," the press release reads.


Xhaferi and Osmani-Sadriu also discussed the economic cooperation between the two countries, as well as the need to complete infrastructural connection and improve the capacities of the border crossings by introducing the concept of joint controls, which will further facilitate communication between citizens and the business community from both countries. Xhaferi and Osmani-Sadriu exchanged views on current developments in the two countries and committed to sooner implementation of the agreements reached at the joint session of the governments of North Macedonia and Kosovo. Participants in the meeting voiced hope that President Osmani-Sadriu's official meeting will contribute to further promote the overall bilateral relations.


Osmani Sadriu: No doubts that N. Macedonia will support Kosovo’s NATO and EU integration (MIA)


Not only are we geographical neighbors with North Macedonia, but we also share the same values and challenges. EU and NATO are where we want to be together. These two systems of values are a model that we should apply in our country and our region, said Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani Sadriu in her address to the Macedonian Parliament on Wednesday.

“Our region has experienced a lot of tribulations and has a painful past, but it also has an optimistic future. We need to maintain optimism and belief, because we belong in the EU and there is no other alternative. There is no dilemma, the Euro-Atlantic structures are our goal,” said Osmani Sadriu.


She stressed that Kosovo and North Macedonia are cooperating in the EU integration process with the aim of stability and joint prosperity. She added that recently Kosovo was granted visa liberalization, after a process which was prolonged but was ultimately realized thanks to the support of North Macedonia among others. “This opened a new chapter in our Euro-Atlantic integration. Now the goal is integration within the EU and the largest military alliance the world has ever seen – NATO. We will work a lot, and we had an opportunity to learn from North Macedonia’s experience. There are no doubts that North Macedonia will stand side by side with Kosovo, not only in the EU and NATO accession processes, but also in other international organizations,” said the Kosovo President, voicing her satisfaction with the opportunity to address the Parliament of, she said, “Kosovo’s first neighbor.”


In the context of global developments, Osmani Kadriu stressed that Kosovo and North Macedonia are on the side of justice, democracy and on the side of Ukraine. She noted that Kosovo and North Macedonia were among the first countries to impose sanctions on Russia because of its aggression on Ukraine, adding that the support for Ukraine will continue for as long as there is no freedom and peace in the country. Osmani Sadriu assessed that the future cooperation between Kosovo and North Macedonia has great potential and is based on respect. She voiced her gratitude for the solidarity of the “Albanians and citizens of North Macedonia”, who, she said, opened their hearts and homes and provided shelter for many citizens of Kosovo during “the dark days of Slobodan Milosevic’s era in 1998 and 1999.”


The President of Kosovo underlined that the Albanian people living in North Macedonia are and will always remain a bridge bringing the two countries together, and she highlighted their contribution to “the establishment of the Republic of Macedonia in the past and its European perspective now.” “They hold management positions and have greater access to the state institutions, but there is always room to do more,” said Osmani Sadriu. Osmani Sadriu also spoke about the cooperation between the two countries in several areas, the importance of the use of the Albanian language to the protection of identity which enables full integration of the Albanians within the country, and especially about the potential for economic cooperation and trade exchange. The President of Kosovo also underscored the importance of infrastructure connections – the construction of the “Arben Xhaferi” motorway, named after, she said “a political icon in the country”, and expressed her hopes that the construction of the section of the Blace-Skopje motorway will be completed soon as well.


The Kosovo President said that North Macedonia also means a lot to Kosovo because the agreement over the annex for the implementation of the European Agreement on the path to normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia was reached in Ohrid. “Kosovo values goodneighborly relations highly, and the country’s relations with North Macedonia are exemplary. Which is why we should continue to be good neighbors, to serve as an example for the region and beyond. Today we meet in Skopje, but I hope in the near future, with North Macedonia and with the Western Balkan region, we will meet in Brussels, in the cradle of the EU. As much as we want to make our countries European, we are divided by borders, but Europe will bring us together. God bless the friendship between Kosovo and North Macedonia,” said Kosovo President Osmani Sadriu.


Kovachevski – Osmani Sadriu: No open disputes between N. Macedonia and Kosovo, deepening cooperation (MIA)


The bilateral relations between North Macedonia and Kosovo are friendly and constructive, with regular and open dialogue, and no open disputes, concluded Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani Sadriu at a meeting Wednesday. In a press release, the Government said Kovachevski and Osmani Sadriu spoke about additional steps to boost cooperation and strengthen the friendship between the citizens of the two countries.


Prime Minister Kovachevski congratulated the President on the approval of visa liberalization for Kosovo and stated that North Macedonia will continue to actively support Pristina’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and the country’s membership in regional and international organizations. “With the goal of deepening cooperation, Kovachevski and Osmani Sadriu expressed readiness to hold a second joint session of the governments of the two countries, where they are expected to sign new bilateral agreements in several areas,” said the press release. Kovachevski expressed satisfaction with the fact that Kosovo is a significant trade partner for North Macedonia and readiness to increase economic cooperation in both directions. Touching upon the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, PM Kovachevski stressed that North Macedonia supports the European Union’s efforts in the process and encourages both sides to hold productive dialogue aimed at increasing trust.


The Macedonian delegation at the meeting included First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi, Minister of Defence Slavjanka Petrovska, Minister of Justice Krenar Lloga, and the Kosovo Ambassador to North Macedonia, Shpresa Jusufi.


Kosatka: EU doors to open if Parliament blockade on constitutional changes removed (MIA)


You are on the right path. Now is the time to adopt the constitutional changes and open the door of your EU membership. The European Union is aware of the Western Balkans' importance and the necessity to resume the Euro-integration process, Czech Deputy Foreign Minister Martin Kosatka told a press conference in Skopje on Wednesday. Deputy FM Kosatka said EU doors would open if the country removed the Parliament blockade related to the constitutional changes. Kosatka said that the meeting with Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj focused on the EU integration process, noting that the goal is to start the EU accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, with the Czech Republic wanting to see the two countries together in the process.


"EU Ambassador David Geer was recently in Brussels and talked to member-states. As far as I heard, his impressions are positive. You are on the right path. If you manage to adopt the constitutional changes then the doors to your Union membership will open. EU is aware of the Western Balkans' importance and the necessity to resume the Euro-integration process," said Kosatka.


Marichikj and Kosatka also discussed regional developments and agreed that the situation in the EU has changed following the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Jana Tyrer, Deputy Director General for European Affairs at the MFA, also said the country's EU progress depended on the constitutional changes. "We keep stressing the importance of resolving the process of constitutional changes, but we also understand how complicated the issue is and how difficult the discussions are. At the same time, we keep stressing the importance of North Macedonia's EU accession. We have experience with the negotiations and know that the process is difficult, the conditions are tough, but this is a journey worth taking. We hope that you will make the right decision," said Tyrer. She added that North Macedonia has the support by the Czech Republic on the EU path. "The doors are open, and you will be welcomed. Do not miss this window of opportunity to join the EU. Now is the right time," said Tyrer.


Western Balkans ESG Summit in Porto Montenegro (MIA)


The Western Balkans ESG Summit, which is taking place April 26-28 in Porto Montenegro, will bring together officials from the Western Balkans, representatives of numerous European institutions, leading global businesses leaders from the private sector, as well as numerous renowned experts in the fields of ESG standards, innovation and sustainability.




Rama interview for the RAI "Porta a Porta", Albania, a distinct voice in the region (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama gave an interview for the Italian Public Television RAI, at the political show "Porta a Porta", regarding the concerns about a possible EU enlargement, which includes Serbia, but which is closer to Russia, the impact of the war in Ukraine in the Balkans and in particular in Albania, as well as for the scenarios that can be imagined at this stage of the conflict.


Is Albania afraid of a possible enlargement of the European Union that includes Serbia, at a time when we see Serbia very close to Russia? 

Edi Rama: No, not only are we not afraid of this, but we are a sufficiently distinguished voice in the Western Balkans that says that we must keep Serbia very close, and we must do everything to be united politically. On the other hand, of course there are differences because Serbia has not sanctioned Russia for clear reasons that at some point must be understood as reasons of a political and historical nature, but also of a pragmatic nature.

What is the impact of the war in Ukraine in the Balkans and in particular in Albania? 

Edi Rama: We must do everything to avoid that the passion for war, let's say, does not include us in the creation of disputes between NATO and pro-NATO member countries in the Balkans and Serbia and the communities that belong to a Slavic-Orthodox world, closely connected with Russia.

Is it possible to think of a European Union that includes Albania and other Balkan countries without Serbia? 

Edi Rama: No, in my opinion no.

What scenario can you imagine at this stage of the conflict? 

Edi Rama: The biggest possibility is that this is one of the so-called frozen conflicts, but with a rather impressive dimension that can take hostage not only Russia and Ukraine, but the whole world for a long period of time. And, if the Russians have always been quite tough fighters, the Ukrainians are the same. So, to say that it can be settled here without them seems quite difficult to me.


Heads of EU missions meeting for elections, Hohmann: Compliance with standards is important (Radio Tirana)


The ambassadors of the European Union missions in Tirana held a meeting regarding the May 14 local elections in Albania. The news was announced by the ambassador of the European Union delegation in Albania, Christiane Hohmann, through a post on social networks. The head of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission for the May 14 elections, Audrey Glover, also participated in the meeting. Hohmann said that it is important to conduct elections in accordance with international standards. "It was a pleasure to have Ambassador Audrey Glover, head of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission for the local elections of May 14, at today's meeting of the heads of EU missions. As Albania progresses towards EU membership, the proper development of the elections, in accordance with international standards, is of great importance," said Hohmann.


Nikolla hosted the delegation of the French Senate: Strong support for EU membership (Radio Tirana)


The Speaker of the Assembly of Albania, Lindita Nikolla received a delegation of the friendship group with Albania of the Senate of France, consisting of senators Pierre Ouzoulias, the chairman of the Friendship Group, and members Vivette Lopez, Lucien Stanzione and Jean-Michel Arnaud.


The Speaker of the Assembly, Nikolla, appreciated the very good relations between Albania and France and the Strategic Partnership between the two countries, signed in March 2017.

"France is of strategic importance for Albania and the region. We have relied on the support of France in Albania's European journey and we expect this support to continue during the negotiations. We welcome the French expertise for the continuation of reforms and the development of membership negotiations. Albania and France are close partners in NATO and the Security Council of the United Nations, in the contributions to peace and security", stressed Nikolla.


During the meeting, the intensification of parliamentary cooperation, increase of bilateral cooperation, cooperation in the International Organization of Francophonie, etc. were discussed. Nikolla repeated Albania's request for France's support for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, especially after the approval of Kosovo's application by the Council of Ministers on April 24 and forwarding the request for membership to the Parliamentary Assembly. The Chairman of the Friendship Group, Pierre Ouzoulias, and the senators present at the meeting stated that France will continue to strongly support Albania's membership in the EU and the Senate will promote and support bilateral cooperation for strengthening the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime, cooperation in the field of fiscal policies, agriculture, basic vital services, decentralized cooperation, and other fields too.