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Belgrade Media Report 25 April 2023



Request of the so-called Kosovo for membership in the Council of Europe approved? (B92)


The request of the so-called Kosovo's application for admission to the Council of Europe was forwarded to the CoE Parliamentary Assembly for further procedure. This was decided at the extraordinary session of the Committee of Ministers, confirmed the Head of the Mission of Serbia in the Council of Europe, Aleksandra Djurovic. Djurovic, assessed the decision of the Committee of Ministers as “a demonstration of the power of the Quint countries, with Germany at the head”. Djurovic said to RTS that Germany “is very interested in the process (of Kosovo’s admission to the CoE) starting now”. “The reason for this is what we could hear in informal contacts - that (Kosovo Prime Minister Albin) Kurti made his appearance at the meeting on May 2 (in Brussels) and the presentation of the draft of the ZSO statute conditioned on the fact that the procedure for Kosovo’s membership in the CoE would begin before that”, she said.


Representatives of 33 countries voted for this decision, seven were against (Serbia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, Cyprus, Spain and Hungary), while five abstained (Greece, Slovakia, Moldova, Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina). Armenia did not vote.


The extraordinary meeting of CMCE was called at the insistence of Quint, above all Germany, which insisted that the application of Kosovo, which was submitted in May last year, finally be on the agenda. Kosovo's application for membership in the CE is first considered by the Committee of Ministers, and after assessing the situation in Kosovo, the final word is given by the Parliamentary Assembly, which consists of national representatives of the member states. A two-thirds majority of votes is required for the admission of a country to the Council of Europe.


Dacic: Expected decision of the Council of Europe, a day they will be ashamed of (RTS)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, stated that the expected decision on the initiation of the procedure for consideration of the request for membership of the so-called of Kosovo in the Council of Europe. The decision was supported by 33 out of 46 member states, seven members were against, five abstained, and one country did not participate in the vote. Dacic estimates that the decision will harm the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.


Ivica Dacic for Tanjug said that this is a day that the Council of Europe will be ashamed of and stated that the delegation of Serbia, which voted against, left the hall after the vote, because they did not want to participate in the "tirades", but he noted that Serbia did not leave that organization.


"This day on the occasion of that decision certainly represents the twilight of the statute of the Council of Europe, because for the first time a request from something that is not a state and that is not recognized by the UN and about a territory that is not a member of the UN is being considered," Dacic said regarding the decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe that initiate the procedure for consideration of Pristina's request for admission to that organization.


He thanked all those who were against and showed that they are our traditional friends and stated that he was primarily thinking of Cyprus, Spain, Romania, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and he especially thanked Hungary, which recognized the independence of Kosovo, but still voted against. "On the other hand, we are really disappointed with the attitude and approach of Greece and Slovakia as EU members, which abstained from the vote, primarily because we heard from them that they do not recognize Kosovo's independence. I would also like to remind you that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) abstained. Imagine the ironies "Imagine if Republika Srpska (RS) were to apply for membership now, what irony and insolence would that be, and they are lecturing us that we are influencing the destruction of the territorial integrity of B&H. They are directly participating in the destruction of the territorial integrity of Serbia," said Dacic.


"We did not expect the moves of some countries" 


He particularly emphasized the position of Ukraine, which was abstained. "Look at how much trouble we have defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine, how much we tense up and vote everywhere and justify ourselves because someone accuses us of not supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine enough, and Ukraine votes with abstained when it comes to our territorial integrity. Absolutely unacceptable. Armenia, also, was not in the hall when the voting took place. We did not expect such moves from those countries," said Dacic.


When it comes to Montenegro, Dacic says that he doesn't even know if he is surprised or not because, he says, they once again supported the destruction of Serbia's territorial integrity. "Really, I thank them for that, I don't know how Serbia deserved it. And I have to say that it will certainly leave certain consequences for our relations. Serbia cannot just serve to say - we will shoot you in the head, but it is nothing personal", said Dacic.


Regarding the decision of the SE Committee, Dacic assessed that Serbia has been made aware that it has no right to protect its territorial integrity and sovereignty, and that it must defend the territorial integrity of every other country. He also says that this is a lesson for Serbia that it must never lose its majority in the UN.


Dacic said that the sequence of events indicates that it was not a normal procedure, but exclusively about Pristina being rewarded for something, the only question is for what. "Is this a reward for not forming a ZSO for 10 years? How come the Council of Europe has not stated that a ZSO must be formed, because Catherine Ashton signed it on behalf of the EU," Dacic asked. Dacic notes that not only is the statute of the Council of Europe violated here, because something that is not a state cannot be a member of the Council of Europe. "On the other hand, the legal interpretation of the same man is different today compared to 10 years ago," points out Dacic. He states that it is obvious that Germany promised Kurti that they would reward him for some constructiveness. "Here it shows who is the favorite of some Western countries, in this case Quint. They broke a number of rules, Iceland was against it for a long time. It wanted to leave it to Latvia for the next presidency. Then they asked for an urgent meeting with the only item on the agenda. That Committee of Ministers met with only one item on the agenda, and it never happened that it was convened in a week when the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was held," said Dacic. He notes that Kurti conditioned them with alleged constructiveness and that he wants to discuss ZSO, which is "ridiculous, hypocritical, rude".


"In the discussion itself, no one spoke up, only Albania, which proposed it. They are ashamed of what they proposed, they are ashamed and fence themselves off, because maybe tomorrow a part of some country will be proposed for the Council of Europe," says Dacic.


The session of the Government of Serbia held, Vucic was present (Tanjug)


Government session was held in the Palace of Serbia; President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, attended at the invitation of the Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic. Media report that it is assumed that the president discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija with the ministers, which is further complicated by Pristina's intention to appoint Albanian mayors in four Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, even though our compatriots boycotted the elections held on Sunday. Pressures on Belgrade, the application of a fake country for membership in the Council of Europe, which passed the Committee of Ministers and was sent to the Parliamentary Assembly, the new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina scheduled for May 2, the economic situation... were among the issues on the agenda.


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed the media after the Government session in which the situation in Kosovo and Metohija was discussed. "As for the Council of Europe, we knew they had a majority, they had 33 countries, and we expected 34. We knew from the beginning. These are countries that are members of the EU or candidates and unquestioningly listen to what Brussels and Washington tell them, that was expected ", the president stated.


At the Government session, we discussed what we are going to do and how we should behave, says the President of Serbia. What we have to change is to respect those who are friendly more, noted Vucic. We are talking about defense and security strategy, but we do not have a coherent foreign policy strategy. We divided the tasks, to take care of bilateral policy in foreign policy, not to go beyond the limits of reciprocity, said the president.


Hungary's decision was unexpected, and I am grateful to Prime Minister Viktor Orban, added Vucic. "They showed themselves to be Serbia's greatest friend, and they voted against it. They did it in a very loud and clear way. I thank them for that. Thank you to Spain, Cyprus, Romania, Azerbaijan." Serbia has never been restrained on the issue of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and let me inform you that the Ukrainian representatives asked for a break to consult and decided to be restrained on the issue of the territorial integrity of Serbia... We more or less expected this from Greece...", he added.


According to him, in accordance with that, acts will be adopted regarding the security strategy, as well as the foreign policy strategy. “We will work on it with the elements that in foreign policy we take care of bilateral relations, we do not go beyond the limits of reciprocity - if someone does not respect our territorial integrity, why should we respect theirs. Why should we protect someone's territorial integrity at any cost if they are against ours. These are not tectonic, but profound and essential changes in politics and a responsible attitude towards our country” said Vucic.


As he said, abstaining in the Council of Europe yesterday was the same as voting for Kosovo's membership. “That's why you have rewards from the principals, but don't expect that from us and don't expect us to be dogs that will bow before you and beg for mercy. There will be in-depth and essential decisions regarding declarations and resolutions. At the SE meeting between May 15 and 20, all 46 are expected to unanimously declare on the territorial integrity of Moldova and Ukraine, Georgia is also included, so we will see our decision. The decision must be made by consensus, it would not be easy to be against it, but not to prejudge, we will still think about it” said Vucic.


Vucic stated that we must not allow ourselves to cut off our own arms or legs and to sever relations with everyone in the world. "We should respect those who are friendly towards us more. Lest not forget tomorrow that Spain, Hungary, Azerbaijan are friendly countries," said the president.


Speaking about the situation in KiM, he said that every occupation must come to an end. Vucic also touched on the Serbian Army, pointing out that he is proud of it. "We look with pride at the progress of the Serbian army, at the joy of every normal citizen of the country," he said. Commenting on the insulting tweet of Bljerim Velja, in which he wrote "Petar, stop barking", responding to the tweet of the director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic, President Vucic stated that this "says that they are nervous and how much they and their bosses have lost". "It's nice when someone presents himself as a beacon of freedom and democracy, and he has to explain that 0.029 percent of people turn out for elections, then you have a problem. Many of them are paid by the so-called Kosovo government, it's no secret, they are registered as paid, that is completely normal, but to explain it to’s difficult," said Vucic.


Brnabic: The European Union never intended to implement the Brussels Agreement (B92)


The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, reacted to the German ambassador at the so-called Kosovo Jorn Rohde’s announcement. Rohde, in a post on his official Twitter profile, commented that “After last week’s decision on visa, and the CoE vote to forward Kosovo’s application to the Parliamentary Assembly brings the country again closer to the European family.” As he says, Pristina did not apply any letter of the Brussels Agreement, and despite that, it was generously rewarded. "This tweet by the German ambassador in Pristina is proof that the European Union never intended to implement the Brussels Agreement, the creation of which they mediated and signed as its guarantor. Now, 10 years later, even though Pristina never implemented even a letter of the Brussels Agreement, it generously rewarded. Something like this would be difficult to even invent...", wrote Ana Brnabic.


Drecun: Pristina has shown that for it there are no Serbs in the north of Kosovo (RTS)


Milovan Drecun, the President of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), told RTS that Pristina showed in the elections that there are no Serbs for it in the north of KiM, and that it wants to impose its interests on them to the detriment of their survival.  After the elections held in four municipalities in KiM, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that tectonic changes had taken place - a peaceful political uprising of the people who would no longer tolerate oppression and mistreatment.


Commenting on the elections, Milovan Drecun told RTS that Pristina has clearly shown that for it there are no Serbs in the north of KiM, and that they have no place there, as well as that it wants to impose its own interests on them to the detriment of their survival. "Such elections are held in countries where military juntas are in power. Kurti's militaristic junta tried to hold elections in containers with the help of armed special forces. The Serbian people are united, together with Belgrade, they said that they do not accept living in the fake state of Kosovo, as well as that they will defend their interests and survival with their country," says Drecun.


"Insurmountable obstacles for ZSO" 


According to the President of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, with such problems, it is now necessary to continue the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in order to normalize relations. "The pressure exerted by the West on Pristina to form the ZSO was transferred to Belgrade in three moves - that is visa liberalization, where the Serbian people are discriminated against, the beginning of the procedure for admission to the Council of Europe and this farce of the elections," says Drecun. Drecun says that there are "insurmountable" obstacles to the formation of the ZSO. "Albanians will now have an absolute majority in four municipalities in the north of KiM - their own mayors, and in two municipalities a provisional councillor. The question is also before whom the newly elected mayors will take the oath and how they will make decisions," said Drecun.


Speaking about the new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which will be held on May 2, Drecun estimates that we can expect "empty talk" from Pristina and Western mediators about the formation of the ZSO, as well as that nothing will be precisely agreed upon.



Defense Minister: Peace with Albanians a national interest (N1)


Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Tuesday that peace with the Albanians is in Serbia’s national interest but added that the authorities in Pristina are trying to expel the Serbs from Kosovo. He told TV Pink that the “silence and hypocrisy of the international community” is as bad as the attempts by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to expel the Serbs. According to the Defense Minister, Sunday’s local elections in four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo where a farce, echoing the words of Kosovo Serb politicians and Serbian state officials.



Brnabic spars with Von Cramon (N1


Viola Von Cramon, the European Parliament’s rapporteur on Kosovo, accused Belgrade on Monday that it was behind the boycott. “I deeply regret that the main political force in the north of Kosovo, the Serb List, has rejected to take part in these elections. The boycott that was orchestrated from the Serbian government, as well as the intimidation of opposition Serb political leaders, are unacceptable and go against democratic standards”, von Cramon said in a written statement posted on her Twitter account. “The permanent return of Kosovo Serbs to institutions should be facilitated now and the government of Kosovo must enable this return. The work on the establishment of the association of Serb municipalities needs to be finalised as soon as possible”, Von Cramon said.


Her claims draw an angry response from Serbian Prime Minister Ana Branbic, also on Twitter. “Unbelievable. Truly. You talk about 'democratic values'!? After organizing elections in containers, under supervision of armed forces, recognizing results of vote of less than 2% of registered voters. You should be ashamed. The fact that you aren’t is a problem unto itself”, Brnabic posted.



Dacic and Hill: Continuation of dialogue the only path to concrete results (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic and US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill discussed Monday the situation in the region and cooperation between the two countries, said the Foreign Affairs Ministry in a press release. The two officials exchanged opinions on the situation in the region, “especially following the elections in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM)” said the press release. Dacic said Serbia is committed to political dialogue and to strengthening economic and bilateral relations with the US, adding that it is also interested in cooperation in all other areas that have potential which has not been adequately utilized. Dacic reiterated Serbia’s commitment to the development of regional cooperation and added that preserving peace and stability remains one of its priorities, said the press release. Hill and Dacic agreed that the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is the only path that will produce concrete results, announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Lavrov: Pristina does not represent Serbs in Kosovo, neither Kyiv represents Donbas (Novosti)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that "just as Pristina cannot represent the interests of the Kosovo Serbs, neither does Kyiv represent Donbas". "Just as Pristina cannot claim to represent the interests of the Kosovo Serbs, who were promised autonomy by the European Union - so Berlin and Paris promised a special status to Donbas," Lavrov said at the United Nations Security Council session, RIA Novosti reported. He said that it is obvious to "every impartial observer" that the regime in Kyiv cannot in any way be considered a representative of the inhabitants of the territories that refused to accept the situation that arose in Ukraine after the February 2014 coup d'état.


He added that the Ukrainian issue "is impossible to consider in isolation from the geopolitical context". "Russia has clearly explained the tasks it performs within the framework of the special military operation: to eliminate threats to our security that have been directly created by NATO on our borders for years and to protect people who are denied the rights proclaimed by multilateral conventions, to protect them from direct threats of extermination and expulsion on the territories where their ancestors lived for centuries. We honestly said what and who we are fighting for," Lavrov said.


Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs does not accept proposal of resolution on imposing sanctions to Russia (Tanjug)


Members of the parliamentary Committee on foreign affairs, after a several-hours long debate, did not, on Monday, accept the proposal of the resolution on imposing sanctions to Russia which was proposed by the head of the committee, MP of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Borko Stefanovic. The committee members did not accept either the proposals which related to the use of sanctions in Serbia’s foreign policy, Tanjug reported.


In the vote on the proposal of the resolution on aligning Serbia’s foreign policy with the policy of the European Union concerning restrictive measures towards Russia, which was submitted by Stefanovic, of the 15 present members, only he was in favour, three were against, and 11 did not vote. Stefanovic said that joining the Western sanctions against Russia was necessary because the vital and state interest of Serbia was endangered by existence of the realistic danger of a continued stagnation in investments, and the endangerment of workplaces and the GDP. Serbia would have received an “at least partially better European plan for the resolution of the Kosovo issue” had it imposed sanctions on Russia, he said.


MP of the right-wing party Oath keepers, Nikola Dragicevic, at the same session of the committee presented the proposal of a resolution on “the ban on using unilateral sanctions as an instrument of foreign policy”. This proposal was also not accepted. Commenting on such an outcome of the session of the committee which he heads, Stefanovic said that the refusal of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) to support his proposal on the imposing of at least partial sanctions on Russia had shown that those two parties were in fact against the membership of Serbia in the EU. “Today we have seen a new, big, broad coalition of extreme right-wing parties and the SNS and the SPS, since they are

on completely identical positions of the isolation and downfall of Serbia and against the European integration of Serbia”, he said. The only difference between them is that the right-wing parties – Dveri, Oath keepers, POKS and the New DSS – “openly say that they are against the EU, and the SNS and SPS do not have the courage to say so openly, but “are doing everything so that Serbia never becomes an EU member”, Stefanovic said.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Parliamentary parties from RS sign joint declaration on protection of property as plan of activity for further action of RS authorities and representatives in B&H institutions (FTV)


Representatives of the eight ruling parties in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) signed in Banja Luka on Monday a statement on protection of the property, i.e. a plan of activities of institutions of the RS. (It is called ‘Plan of Parliamentary Political Parties from the RS on Plans for Activities of the RS Bodies and Representatives from the RS in Joint Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H’). The meeting was held at the invitation of RS President Milorad Dodik under the excuse of fight for the property although, as FTV noted, the property was mentioned only in one of the 21 items in the statement. This is one of the reasons why the opposition refused Dodik’s invitation which according to FTV, did not discourage Dodik and others who called on judges of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H from the RS to resign.


According to the statement, they called for an urgent session of the RSNA to discuss and reach decisions on activities of bodies of the RS and its representatives in institutions of B&H. The last item requires that the RS offers the Federation of B&H (FB&H) an agreement on a peaceful dissolution if anti-Dayton activities of the CC of B&H as well as political representatives from the FB&H continue. One of the items also calls on the RS Government to continue with activities on regulation of the border between the entities as well as to adopt rebalance of the budget to secure money for representatives of the RS who leave institutions of B&H. Among other things, the statement reads that the entities and not B&H own property and that B&H owns only foreign border.


Addressing media, Dodik said that they signed the statement fully believing that they are doing a serious and a responsible job for the RS. He assessed the job as necessary to do in order to end disempowering of the RS. He called on those who did not sign the plan traitors. Dodik stated that the RS is undoubtedly entering the process of strengthening its competences established earlier by the Dayton Agreement. Dodik reiterated that the Constitutional Court (CC) of BiH did not protect the Constitution but dismantled it. “For us, the issue of property is an issue that was resolved by Annex 4 of the Dayton Agreement, Annex 2 of the Dayton Agreement, and we will no longer deal with the issue of property. The property will be used indisputably as property of the RS. These political parties and everyone from the RS will not take part in alleged parliamentary discussions in the House of Representatives (HoR) on the issue of property because that HoR has no jurisdiction to deal with that issue,” Dodik said.


Speaker of the RSNA Nenad Stevandic said that they concluded to hold the RSNA Collegium on Tuesday in order to hold a special session on Wednesday and call on judges of the CC of B&H to resign.  SP RS leader Petar Djokic asked how come the property issue was not disputed 15 years ago. “How is it that at the time when we were implementing privatization, no one said why you do not direct the income from the sale of state capital in companies to some B&H fund, but use it for yourself, just as the FB&H implemented privatization for itself, and numerous other property-related issues that were resolved all these previous years, now suddenly someone found it as a good idea. So, there is always someone who wants to create a crisis in this country,” Djokic underlined. NPS leader Darko Banjac said that “the state union was created on the basis of the RS entity and the FB&H entity.” “And therefore, at that moment, the state union was created, and all statehood is in the entities. Of course, if this continues in the future, we will probably have to start serious talks about separation with the other entity, because we have to protect the RS,” Banjac emphasized.


SDS and PDP refuse to sign joint document on RS property; Dodik replies to statements of opposition leaders (N1)


N1 noted that opposition parties refused to sign the document that represents the plan of acting of the Republika Srpska (RS) representatives in institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in regard to the state property. SDS and PDP claim that out of 21 items of the signed document, only three refer to state property. Representatives of SDS underlined that abovementioned document represents a political pamphlet of SNSD. Acting President of SDS Milan Milicevic said that they will attend every meeting on issues of crucial importance for the RS. “This document cannot be changed through amending because it is not talking about state property. We would have to make a completely new document. SDS will work on issue of state property in institutions where we have our representatives”, stressed Milicevic.


PDP’s Nenad Vukovic stated that they did not attend Monday meeting because the offered statement is unacceptable and because PDP has many objections to it that it cannot be fixed. “That is why we qualify it as a completely unfixable document. Out of 21 items of it, only three partially are about property”, underlined Vukovic.


Commenting SDS’ claims that the statement signed on Monday does not talk about property is rather ridiculous, because the election process, border, judge of B&H CC are property of the RS. “In all these items, property is mentioned directly or indirectly as a sovereign right of the RS”, said RS President Dodik. Dodik commented on the fact that the RS opposition did not want to take part in signing of this plan, and that SDS gave up on participating despite previous announcement of attendance at the meeting, and said that “in the meantime, BN TV and some other centres of power from Sarajevo made calls, and that is why SDS is not here today”. The RS President warned that SDS seems to be controlled by PDP, influenced by foreigners, and reminded that SDS representatives said on Friday that the document is excellent. The RS President pointed out that, regardless of everything, this plan is still available to everyone who wants to can get involved in the protection of the RS. The RS opposition is not satisfied with the joint document. Milicevic assessed that the document does not contain a single solution that would put an end to issues caused by Bosniak parties’ statements on state property.



High Representative denies RS’ claims: State property not settled in Dayton (N1)


The claims that the issue of the state property ownership was already settled in Dayton are not true, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt said Tuesday, adding that this is a fundamental question that still needs to be resolved in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). “Therefore, the conclusion is a simple one: B&H Politicians – do your work”, Schmidt said in a statement. When it comes to the process of how to reach a solution, he noted that Bosnia needs “technical and legal discussions leading to an acceptable and sustainable resolution of the issue of apportionment of property between the State, the entities, the District of Brcko, cantons and municipalities.”


The HR recalled that the entities have no right to secede from B&H and only exist legally by virtue of the Dayton Constitution: “B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are unquestionable, and I firmly reject any irresponsible actions in this regard.” The HR pointed out that borders within B&H do not and cannot exist and that no obstacles to freedom of movement within B&H are acceptable. “The task of politicians in B&H is to finally implement Dayton in full and not to talk fictional nonsense about it. Respect for the constitutional order of the country is the cornerstone of the long-lasting peace, stability, and progress of B&H. The B&H Constitution is an integral part of the General Framework Agreement for Peace and decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court are final, binding, and must be implemented,” Schmidt concluded.


OHR forms group of experts to deal with state property issue (FTV)


FTV reports that with the support of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB), the OHR formed the working group of experts who will deal with the state property issue. The group has the task to carry out a legal analysis - at the level of experts - of various aspects that refer to distribution of the property between the state and other levels of power. The first session was held on Monday and according to the OHR, an acceptable and sustainable solution of distribution of the property between the state and other levels of powers is the first goal of the ‘5+2’ program. The OHR added that this is also an obligation of the authorities to which the public waits for already a long period of time. “The aim of the working group is to gather professional opinions and information so that the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Parliament could be offered assistance in implementing activities aimed to resolve the issue of state property”, the OHR stated.


US Embassy reacts to joint document of RS’ parliamentary parties: The RS is an entity in B&H; It does not exist outside of B&H (ATV)


The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) reacted on Monday to the joint document that representatives of parliamentary parties from the Republika Srpska (RS)-level ruling coalition signed on protection of property, which is a plan of parliamentary parties from the RS for further activity of RS’ authorities and representatives in the B&H institutions. “The RS is an entity in B&H. It does not exist outside of B&H and there is no right under B&H’s constitution for an entity or any other sub-state unit to secede or unify with another state.” The US Embassy commented on RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik with the statement that Dodik “is wrong if he thinks that the US will step aside while he pushes B&H toward conflict”. The Embassy announced that the US will protect B&H and ensure it maintains its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multi-ethnic character.


Dodik reacts to US Embassy’s statement: Whether US interferes or not, we will adopt political decisions (ATV)


Addressing media in Banja Luka on Monday, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik reacted to the statement of the US Embassy, and he said that US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Michael Murphy is not that powerful, and that the US will remove Murphy from this position by the end of the year. “Murphy will leave B&H by the end of this year. Whether the US interferes or not, we will adopt political decisions”, stated Dodik. “How are they planning to interfere, to send troops here? You are free to do so. You want them in front of the RS Government, you do it. We will resume to pass political decision. In 10 days, you will have 50,000 people breaking your head with eggs and other things”, stressed Dodik.


SNSD’s Vulic reacts to US Embassy’s statement: You should not defend Serbs from Dodik; Stop protecting interests of Bosniaks and creating Islamic B&H (Glas Srpske)


SNSD representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives Sanja Vulic reacted to the statement of the US Embassy in which the Embassy stated that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik is wrong if he thinks that the United States will step aside while he pushes B&H toward conflict. Vulic said that in order for a statement to have any credibility, its authors should be known. She underlined that Bosniaks working for the US Embassy should know that the fact that they are taking so-called diplomats to dervish tekkes and SDA salons in Sarajevo will not produce any results. According to Vulic, it is necessary to stop mistreating Serbs and Croats in order to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. She emphasized that B&H will never be a mono-ethnic society, and that the US Embassy should be protecting the Dayton Peace Agreement, instead of protecting the Islamic B&H and the interests of Bosniaks. “Who are you to defend us from the RS President Milorad Dodik who was legitimately elected in democratic elections and who represents the will of majority of voters in the RS?! You should not defend Serbs from anyone, especially not President Dodik. For start, read the Dayton Agreement in order to be able to respect it, instead of violating it with every step and creating an Islamic B&H”, Vulic stated.


EUD: Dodik continues to make provocative statements that cause divisions and cause additional pain to victims of genocide (FTV)


The EU Delegation (EUD) to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) also reacted to the latest developments saying that the EU rejects every denial and relativization of the genocide in Srebrenica calling on Dodik to respect a coalition agreement that he signed and thus, to work on integration of B&H into the EU. The EUD stated: “The facts about genocide have been thoroughly investigated and confirmed by the judgements of international and domestic courts. We expect political leaders in B&H and the region to set an example in respecting the victims and promoting reconciliation. However, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik continues to make provocative statements that cause divisions and cause additional pain to the victims of the genocide, who suffered great trauma. Such comments during a commemoration for the Jasenovac camp victims offends the memory of all those killed at that site.”


Komsic: Dodik should not be underestimated because he is saying what he really believes (O kanal)


Member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic commented on the latest statements of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik that the RS police will control the entity border line. According to Komsic, Dodik should not be underestimated because he is saying what he really believes. Komsic added that Dodik will create circumstances to make true his announcements. Komsic said that he noticed that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not react at all during to Dodik’s announcements during the commemoration in Jasenovac which he finds a clear message. Komsic said that this time, Dodik is making a big pressure thinking that someone will please him and head into negotiations about state property. Komsic also said that Dodik needs money and secession is his goal. Komsic underlined: “This is what is bothering him now and this is what he needs now. He is missing money. The RS was deprived of big funds of the EU. With this public appearance, Dodik simply wants to make negotiations with him to begin and he would reduce his rhetoric but in this case, he will make a step further towards his final goal.”


Becirovic: Every activity against independence, sovereignty and integrity of B&H must be prosecuted and sanctioned (ATV)


The statement of Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, who said in Donja Gradina on Sunday that Serb people wants to live in peace and that they will make a state out of RS in peace, sparked a series of reactions of politicians in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). According to ATV, Bosniak politicians have been mentioning war and speaking for media about preparing of defense. Although Dodik stressed that war is out of question, Bosniak politicians have been warning that Dodik wants war. Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic (SDP B&H) stated: “Vast majority of people is willing to defend this state. We have a lot more friends outside of B&H, too, and I want to send him a message that he should not play with the state of B&H. It is stronger than any enemy.” Becirovic also stated that B&H is a state and that the entities are not and will never be states. He said that Dodik and his accomplices in an organized group must stop with dangerous attempts to ruin international and national right or else, they must be aware that they assume responsibility for consequences that may emerge. Becirovic concluded that every activity against independence, sovereignty and integrity of B&H “must be prosecuted and sanctioned”.


SDP B&H leader Niksic: All issues at level of state of B&H should be resolved in institutions at state level (AJB)


SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Nermin Niksic commented on Monday on the Republika Srpska (RS) ruling majority’s joint document related to the property issue. In this regard, Niksic said that all issues at the level of state should be resolved in the state-level institutions. Niksic confirmed that SDP B&H is willing to reach compromise, but not at the expense of interests of the state of B&H. Niksic emphasized that it is not good thing to increase tensions.


Ogresevic calls on PIC and HR Schmidt to stop Dodik’s attempts to undermine constitutional order (NAP)


NES leader Nermin Ogresevic issued a statement stating that political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is on the verge of escalation, most notably because of escalation in rhetoric of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milord Dodik, which is present since formation of authorities at state level and especially after the announcements that RS parties will meet today in RSNA and sign joint statement on state property and other issues. Ogresevic noted that Dodik went too far and seriously got close to the red line, announcing introducing of surveillance and control on IEBL. Statement stressed that Constitution of B&H is not buffet, from which Dodik can take what he likes and interpret it as he desires. “Any kind of activities on the borders of the entities, present anti-constitutional activities and serious crime, which police and judiciary bodies are obliged to sanction urgently”, said Ogresevic. He called on PIC members and High Representative Christian Schmidt to stop Dodik’s arrogant attempt to undermine constitutional order and endanger peace and stability in B&H. “Everyone who stood silently and observe such anti-constitutional and anti-state activities, basically approve Dodik’s attack on state of B&H”, ends Ogresevic.


Covic: Similar dangerous statements frequently conveyed from Sarajevo and from Banja Luka (N1)


Commenting on recent political developments and statements, HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic said that similar dangerous statements are frequently conveyed from Sarajevo and from Banja Luka.


SDA Collegium calls on High Representative to react to Dodik’s statements (Hayat)


The Collegium of SDA warned that the latest statements of the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, in which he announced introduction of police control on the border between the entities and in which he threatened with secession of the RS, represent the most serious attack of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). They said that such announcements are a direct threat to peace in B&H and the region. They said that it is high time for the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt to react, and for the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to finally sanction Dodik’s unconstitutional   and illegal activities. They said that otherwise the international community will bear responsibility for the severe consequences that may follow. The SDA Collegium called on members of the PIC and the NATO to stop withdrawing in front of Dodik and his arrogant policy. According to SDA Collegium, if the Peace Implementation Council members, the OHR, NATO and judiciary do not react to Dodik’s threats and fail to take decisive and concrete steps, they will bear part of responsibility for consequences that could happen.




Croatian President Milanovic says Dodik’s secessionist statements are unrealistic (N1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented secessionist statements of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, but also his visit to Derventa in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) where he awarded wartime members of the Croat Council of Defense (HVO). Milanovic stated that he contacted Dodik before arriving to Derventa and Dodik told him he can come. Milanovic added that he was even secured by the RS police. He stressed that B&H is and will remain state, as it is. He underlined that in this regard, Dodik’s statements on secession of the RS are not good. “Yet, it is completely unrealistic and will never happen”, emphasized Milanovic. He emphasized that the RS could not expect assistance from Russia in this regard. Milanovic said that such announcements of Dodik are not realistic and that is not responsible to “create illusion’’ for the people and fuel their desires. “B&H is here as it is and it will remain as such”, Milanovic was quoted as saying.


As for visit to Derventa, Milanovic stated: “Through the open phone, I call Milorad Dodik, who always answers within 15 minutes, just like I do for him. So, we talk. And I tell him, friend, I mean literally, I should go to Derventa on Saturday. That is your area of responsibility. The topic, the occasion is this and that, Croatian brigade, war ‘92. It was the defeat of the Croatian army, so we know everything about that period. Even if we do not know, we pretend we do not. We talk about some betrayals. The enemy was simply stronger. I tell him everything and ask him, if you know about it, I think you must know. After all, his police, his government provides security, which was extreme, unnecessary but great. So, it cannot slip under your radar, under your armpit. But let me ask you, do you have anything to say, because if you think it is a problem, I will not come. I can do it in Croatia too. People will prefer it if it happens in Derventa. 'You have no problem, security, everything will work.' OK, great. And so, it was”.




Knezevic: Voting for the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe is a national shame, an opportunity to start collecting signatures in churches to withdraw recognition (CDM)


The president of the Democratic People's Party and one of the leaders of the Democratic Front, Milan Knezevic, said that at the Committee of Ministers, Montenegro voted for Kosovo to join the Council of Europe. He points out that Montenegro's vote for the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe is a national shame, and that this decision by the Prime Minister in the technical mandate of Dritan Abazovic further complicates the socio-political situation both in Montenegro and in the region.


"Today, the official Montenegro resigned, headed by Dritan Abazovic, by voting at the Committee of Ministers that the so-called "Kosovo entered the Council of Europe, joining the Montenegro of Milo Djukanovic and Dusko Markovic, who in 2008, against the will of 85 percent of the citizens, recognized this KLA creation," Knezevic said in a statement. According to him, this decision of the Prime Minister in the technical mandate of Dritan Abazovic further complicates the socio-political situation both in Montenegro and in the region. "This decision of Abazovic's Government is one of the most shameful in Montenegrin history and further complicates the socio-political situation both in Montenegro and in the region. If the disintegrated Government of Dritan Abazovic did not have the human and political courage to be against it, it could have abstained and thus show that it cares about the best relations with Serbia. But it has obviously become a rule that those who declaratively speak the most about good neighborly relations essentially plunge a knife into Serbia's back whenever they have the opportunity to do so," says Knezevic. As he emphasized, Montenegro's vote for the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe is a national shame. "That's why today's vote by Montenegro for the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe is a national shame that we will have to wash off our face. Although many claimed that Serbia would be the first to give up Kosovo and Metohija in this vote, Serbia voted against. "Azerbaijan and Georgia, among others, voted against it, which have more awareness and brotherly understanding than the Montenegrin quintas, who would renounce their birth mothers if they received a decree from the embassy," Knezevic pointed out. According to his assessment, it is for this reason that the statement of the newly elected President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, that he would like to visit Belgrade after Brussels, sounds grotesque. "Because today's vote, official and minority Montenegro determined Milatovic's next destination, which is Pristina," Knezevic said. He expects Milatovic to distance himself and speak out if he does not agree with today's vote on Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe.


"If Jakov Milatovic does not agree with today's vote of the Government of Montenegro on the admission of the so-called I expect Kosovo to the Council of Europe to speak out and distance itself from this terrorist act of the country whose president it is. Also, I expect that all those institutions, NGOs and independent intellectuals whose mouths are full of songs about Kosovo at weddings and fairs, and who stopped the entry of the DF into the government, claiming that Serbian interests will be better defended by Dritan Abazovic and experts from the FB group, will also be announced. "Ours in the world" who became messiahs and statesmen, and betrayed everything they touched", stated Knezevic.


As he further stated, now is the right opportunity to start a campaign in churches and monasteries to collect signatures on the withdrawal of the decision on the recognition of Kosovo. "Now is the right opportunity, when Milo Djukanovic is no more, to start an campaign in our churches and monasteries to collect signatures on the withdrawal of the decision on the recognition of the so-called of the state of Kosovo, because if those who defeated Djukanovic in the elections think the same as we do, then the decision will be withdrawn. But I'm afraid they think the same as Djukanovic, except that no one is allowed to say it publicly. That is why we are obliged to use all available democratic means to stop the further collapse of the state and its institutions until they turn into an unrecognizable ruin", concluded Knezevic.


North Macedonia 


Working Group for Constitutional Changes to hold first meeting Wednesday (MIA)


The members of the working group for constitutional changes will meet for the first time on Wednesday. Their first task will be to determine the methodology of work, as well as to elect a head and deputy head of the body, after which they will officially start to draw up the constitutional amendments. Part of the experts expect the body to encourage wider expert public debate and provide societal consensus and greater legitimacy of the whole process, which will be fully democratic and transparent. Constitutional Law professor Jeton Shasivari says there will be an intensive and productive debate, and according to him, the greatest benefit will be the ethnic distinction between Macedonians and Bulgarians.


Gashi: We do not form a coalition with those who are against constitutional changes (TV21)


Alternativa leader Afrim Gashi said they have a principle, which is the European agenda and that they will not enter into coalition with those who are against constitutional changes. During the talk-show ‘Click Plus’, on TV21 last night, Gashi said that Alternativa will vote for the constitutional amendments. "At this moment, when SDSM has violated the agreement, it makes no sense to form a coalition with them. But, if the constitutional amendments are to be voted, Alternativa party will vote in favor,” said Gashi. He added that if an opposition front is formed, one of the principles would be the European agenda. "We do not form a coalition with those who are against constitutional amendments. This is how we should build principles when we understand each other. Constitutional amendments are a process that requires political agreement. Why is a working group formed without consulting the parties? For this reason, we do not participate in the working group. First, we need to see if we have the numbers. One thing is very important. If the Government puts the constitutional amendments in the parliamentary procedure, the need for the constitutional amendments should first be voted. This is the first step that must be passed with 80 votes. That's the first test, and let's say this happens in May, and if it doesn't pass, we have to go to early elections. If we don't have the numbers in May, it's pointless to wait for another year," Gashi added.




Begaj congratulates and wishes Kosova to be a full member of the Council of Europe as soon as possible (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President, Bajram Begaj welcomed the decision of the Committee of Ministers for the passage of Kosovo's legitimate request for membership in the Council of Europe to the Parliamentary Assembly. "Congratulations to Kosovo and as soon as possible a full member of the Council of Europe!" Mr. Begaj writes.


Begaj: Albania, contributor and exporter of security (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, received in the Presidency the members of the High Security and Defense Course, with whom he held a lecture on the strategic objectives of Albania as a NATO member country. During his speech, President Begaj praised the High Security and Defense Course as one of the best courses in the pyramid of military education of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania. Speaking about the geopolitical situation, President Begaj said among other things: "The global geopolitical situation is complex and I think that this complex situation will determine how the future will be in the following decades. The international security environment is dominated by strategic challenges that are intertwined with each other, which have implications not only for our national security, but also for international security.


Also, President Begaj stopped in his speech on the region, saying that the Western Balkans represent the primary yard of the European Union. The whole region has made progress in the Euro-Atlantic journey, but there are many spaces and potential situations of instability. The President paid attention to the importance of establishing a permanent dialogue and normalizing relations between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia, a dialogue mediated by the European Union and strongly supported by the United States of America, which President Begaj said should be focused on what we call formal mutual recognition.


The Head of State further added that reaching the agreement between the two countries was a key moment, as was the agreement reached in Ohrid on the annexes, which shows that the future of the Western Balkans will be much better. President Begaj also spoke about Albania's contribution to various missions in the world. "Albania has been a contributor, let's say an exporter of security. It has participated in many international missions. It was in Afghanistan, Iraq, it is in Bosnia, Latvia, Bulgaria and Kosovo. We will be present wherever we are asked and it is important that we continue our path to modernize the Armed Forces, not only with equipment and other necessary capacities, but also to treat the military personnel well", emphasized President Begaj.