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Belgrade Media Report 8 May



Vucic announced SNS leadership that early elections coming soon (Informer)


At the session of the expanded setup of the executive board of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that some, and maybe overall early elections at all levels could soon be organized, tabloid Informer wrote on Saturday.

According to Informer’s claims, there would be only three versions of events in the near future: resignation of PM Ana Brnabic’s cabinet and early Parliamentary elections, resignations of both the Government and Vucic and early elections at all levels, or Vucic’s resignation and new Presidential elections.


Vucic (at the meeting of executive board of SNS mentioned by tabloids) allegedly reminded them about the time after 2000 and after the fall of Milosevic’s regime when they became opposition. Vucic threatened them that they could lose the power now and “once again go through hell, like after 2000”. He said to his associates that there would be surprising decisions in the upcoming days.


“The President referred towards all members of the executive board of SNS in especially kind way, which many understood as a certain sign of the announcement of big political changes”, an anonymous journalist of Informer wrote. All dailies and tabloids except Danas and Nova announced that Vucic would address the public on Monday evening through TV Happy “and announce far-reaching political decisions that will change Serbia”.


Ruzic submitted his irrevocable resignation (Tanjug)


Minister of Education Branko Ruzic submitted his irrevocable resignation to the Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabic, Tanjug learns in the Ministry of Education "In the silence of the three-day national mourning, as a responsible and well-mannered person, professional in the performance of all previous public duties, as a parent and citizen of the Republic of Serbia, which is always a priority for me, and in accordance with Article 23 of the Law on Government, I adopted a rational and an honorable decision in these circumstances. I am submitting my irrevocable resignation from the position of Minister of Education in the Government of the Republic of Serbia," said Ruzic in a letter sent to Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. He added in the letter that the Prime Minister was aware of the fact that he offered his resignation immediately on the day the tragedy occurred.


"In light of the cataclysmic tragedy that befell our country and its citizens in Vladislav Ribnikar Primary School, I take this opportunity to once again express my deepest condolences to the loved ones of the victims, may the little angels rest in peace and may God help us so that something like this will never happen again," said Ruzic. He added that "dramatic pictures of events from the school, tears shed when expressing condolences to the inconsolable parents of the injured children" will be imprinted on the soul for life. Ružić said that he feels a moral and professional obligation to sincerely thank everyone in the education system - teaching and extracurricular staff, directors, students, rectors, deans, heads of school administrations, psychologists, secretaries, assistant ministers, advisers, employees of the Ministry, on a very fruitful cooperation.


"Also, I express collegial gratitude to you personally and to all colleagues in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, as well as to the President of the Republic for the long-term cooperation and mutual trust in the fight for a better and more successful Serbia," said Ruzic.


He expressed the hope that all justice-loving citizens, as well as political opponents, feel the need to be united in pain, sorrow and struggle, that as a society, good will overcome evil, and justice over injustice. "Serbia needs wisdom, composure, love and empathy, never fomenting conflicts and engaging the media machinery for those needs, no matter where they come from. Serbia is one and only, we don't have an alternative state, and that's why we have to preserve, build and protect it in these dreary times," said Ruzic. He emphasized that personally, within his Socialist Party of Serbia, he will continue to fight even more decisively, with a clean face and with love for a developed, nationally proud, socially just, internationally respected Serbia, with European values. "Resignation is a personal but also a political act, in developed democratic societies it is a sign of strength, and in our region, it is very often a sign of weakness. Let the public judge," concluded Ruzic.


Serbian Opposition announce protest rally after two mass shootings (N1)


The opposition movement Ne davimo Belgrade – Zeleno Levi Front called on all Serbian citizens to the protest rally "Serbia against violence" which will be held on Monday, May 8, in front of the National Assembly building. The movement said that they are demanding the end of the further promotion of violence in the media and public space, as well as responsibility for the long-standing inadequate response of the competent authorities, i.e. the dismissal of the competent ministers.


A 13-year-old boy, initials K.K., who attended seventh grade at Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School in Belgrade, killed eight students and a school guard on Wednesday. Just a day after that tragedy, another mass murder took place, when 21-year-old U.B. killed eight and wounded 14 people in the villages around Madenovac in central Serbia.


Vucic: Harsh measures will be taken; "You want our resignations? We will talk" (B92)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, was hosted in central "Daily news" in which he spoke about the tragic events that befell Serbia and the planned measures. Let us remind you that two terrible crimes took place in the previous days. After the great tragedy that happened on May 3, when Kosta K. (13) killed eight peers and a school guard, as well as wounded six students and a history teacher, the crime near Mladenovac was also committed by U.B., killing eight and injuring 12 people.


When asked "what happened to us", the president once again expressed his condolences to the families of those killed and said that it was a terrible tragedy. "Immense sadness and something they feel, of course, first of all the families, but also everyone in our country. It is up to us to come out of that tragedy united and solve the problems in a different way," said Vucic. "We haven't taken all the measures yet, but I will be open because someone has to behave rationally and can't be there only when something is nice, when they open factories, but also I have to be with the state when it's the hardest. Of course, it's the hardest for the parents, but we have to, without forgetting the victims and terrible tragedies, we have to continue to think about how and in what way such things do not happen again in the future, and now I'm afraid every day, but I think that's regardless of the number of psychopaths that exist in every society... We have a man who threatened to kill all of Ruma, when the police broke into his house he said: Don't do that, why are you here to deal with me, I have asthma," said Vucic, adding that we must draw conclusions.


President Vucic said that tonight he will also talk about the planned measures, which will be "very harsh". "The measures are such that tomorrow we will confiscate illegal weapons. You have one month to deliver weapons and ammunition without consequences," said Vucic and recalled the case when weapons were found behind "some building" in Krnjaca with 650 pieces of ammunition and asked people to hand over the weapons to the police station.


"After that, in the parliament, we will raise the penalties for holding illegal weapons, so you can think it over if you will be imprisoned for 10 years for three bullets. I don't care if it's only three, someone can kill with that. Another measure is the reduction of 90% of short barrels, legal weapons," said Vucic. The president said that those who have permits will be controlled once a year, including hunters, although in 99% of cases this does not happen to them. "These are difficult decisions, very brave, but necessary for a society," he pointed out. "The key measure that I think every parent is looking forward to - a policeman will be in every school, that will also solve part of the problem of peer violence. 1,500 policemen are retiring, we are increasing that number, 1,200 will be hired to guard schools. We are also talking about KD doors, but... are we going to put them in every place then? That is no longer life," said Vucic.


The president appealed to the citizens not to burden the police with false calls and reminded of the problem of children who publish terrible things on social networks for the sake of "likes", he recalled the case of a girl from Pancevo who supported crimes, telling the police that she did it for the sake of "likes" on TikTok. "We must not entrap ourselves, so that we no longer feel free. This is also happening in the most developed countries of the world, in America there are more mass murders than the days that passed in this year," Vucic pointed out. "We will have an increased number of pedagogues and psychologists, we will accept all the measures they propose. But what I know for sure is that there is no mother who will disagree that there is a police officer who will be able to defend and react in case something happens. That will, according to our estimates, reduce the level of peer violence between 70 and 80 percent," he said.


About the protests


"Tonight, I don't want to discuss it, it makes no sense, it's a day of mourning, to talk about it. I'll talk about it tomorrow. It's the most difficult day for our country, and you have to get out of it and let the country continue to work, to progress. Do you remember when Cavic killed his in-laws, when there was a mass murder in Jabukovac. Did anyone organize demonstrations? Did someone call for a demonstration after the massacre in Velika Ivanca? Did someone resign?" said Vucic and added that there will be more about it tomorrow. "Tomorrow I will also talk about the additional political measures we will adopt," said Vucic. "Think what will happen when any tragedy happens to us. It brings total chaos in the country because it is someone irresponsible who has nothing to offer the people, no political program and plans, for all other topics you can find, no problem, but this makes no sense, it is an insult to the victims," said Vucic. He also addressed the theory that the Day of Mourning was postponed because of the match, stating that it was necessary for the relevant institutions, such as the Prosecutor's Office, to come forward with the facts. "I endured over 1,000 days of various demonstrations. It's my last mandate, I have no problem with that. I'm telling you that what you're doing is very bad. But for a problem like this, it doesn't make any sense. It's an insult to the victims. Some didn't even bury their children, they started saying that some people should take shelter," noted Vucic. "I have been doing my best for almost 11 years, I fight whenever there is a critical situation. We live in a difficult geopolitical situation. In three days, we will again have a very difficult situation in Kosovo. Someone has to solve these problems. Do you want our resignations? We will talk. I want us to preserve peace and stability, and irresponsible people will get the answer they deserve," said Vucic.


About Ruzic's resignation


"I don't want to talk about it. I talked with him and Ana Brnabic and we will make important decisions by the end of the month. There are situations when you can't understand why something is happening and why someone is doing it," said Vucic.


About the murderer from Mladenovac


Regarding the comparison between the mass murderer Anders Breivik in Norway and the mass murderer from Mladenovac, Vucic says: "Take it easy. He won't see the light of day, he'll be walking around prison for the rest of his life. Well, I said it, let him prosecute me. Let the lawyers deal with the regulations. As a serious state, we must not allow ourselves to return the monster to his parents."


On reducing criminal responsibility from 14 to 12 years of age


Regarding the reduction of criminal responsibility from 14 to 12 years of age, he said that he would discuss it further with all relevant experts. "All those stories about reality shows, which are talked about because of politics, and many more dangerous things are rolling over the hill, and the children don't watch it - but the older ones, it's not talked about. You're not interested in tragedy, you're interested in getting through the night of power," said Vucic. "We are not here to take care of our positions, we are here to protect our country and move forward. Children are going to school, and the fact that we found 650 bullets in one place may have saved someone's life. When I see messages from someone from the police ... Gasic, Cmoljic, Milic... I was filled with chills," revealed Vucic. "There will be interesting political events until the end of May. From tomorrow we have to start working, children go to school. We have to preserve stability. I believe that we will live normally, although we will never forget this. We will know how to get out of this difficult nightmare," Vucic said.


Botsan Kharchenko on the Vracar massacre: "Putin immediately asked..." (B92)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexandar Botsan Kharchenko expressed his condolences regarding the massacres in Vracar and Mladenovac. "I want to express my deepest condolences for the tragedy that befell Serbia during the past week. (President of Russia Vladimir) Putin and (Minister Sergey) Lavrov sympathize, and we wish the people to overcome this grave situation... Russia, as always, is with the Serbian people," said Kharchenko in a guest appearance on TV Prva. He pointed out that this news attracted the attention of the public in Russia. President Vladimir Putin immediately asked for details and immediately sent his condolences to President Vucic. Speaking about the case in Vracar and Mladenovac, he stated that there are consequences of major disturbances in the world. He also welcomed the decision of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to tighten the measures. He stated that it is very important to return to the core values. "There is always a psychopath, but the risk is lower," he explained.


"If there was pressure, Pristina would have supported CSM long ago"


Speaking about Kosovo and Metohija, Botsan Kharchenko stated that Russia stands by its position, that is, that it supports Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council. He also criticized the attitude of the official Brussels and stated that there is a lack of pressure from the EU. "If there was pressure, Pristina would have supported CSM a long time ago. Of course," added the Russian Ambassador.


"It's possible"


Botsan Kharchenko also referred to the celebration of Victory Day in World War II, and, commenting on the recent drone attack in Russia, pointed out that there is a possibility that an attack could occur during this celebration. "It is possible," he pointed out, but denied that he had any information about it.


Serbia aligns with EU Council measures on Al Qaeda, but not on Iran, Syria (Beta)


Serbia is again the only Western Balkan candidate for membership in the European Union that has not aligned with the EU Council's latest decisions on restrictive measures in response to the situations in Iran and Syria, but it is on board for the latest measures against the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. According to an announcement on May 5 by European Union High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell, on April 24, the EU Council adopted a decision on restrictive measures due to the situation in Iran and a decision on measures in response to the situation in Syria. All of the other EU candidate states in the Western Balkans - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, have aligned with the EU Council's new decisions. They will ensure that their national policies are aligned with this decision, and the EU acknowledges and welcomes this. At the same time, according to the announcement, Serbia did align with the EU Council's April 24 decision on restrictive measures against the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. Serbia is the only Western Balkan EU candidate state that has not aligned with the EU Council's 17 earlier decisions on restrictive measures related to Ukraine from last year and this year.


Petkovic: There is no legal basis for Kurti to dismiss the Management Team (RTS)


The mandate of the Management Team for the drafting of the Union of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) Statute lasts until the end of the process of forming the Community, and there is no legal basis for Aljbin Kurti to unilaterally and arbitrarily, dismiss this body, said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Petar Petkovic.


Petar Petkovic states that the fact that Kurti does not like the draft of the ZSO Statute is his personal problem, because the mandate of the existing Management Team is active and valid, confirmed on several occasions by representatives of the European Union, as well as the EU's high representative for foreign policy, Josep Borrell. "Therefore, before Kurti disputes the functioning of the Steering Team, let him renew the material and re-read the statement of EU spokesperson Peter Stano that the Steering Team cannot be replaced unilaterally, because they are part of the dialogue process and that for them the composition of that team is still valid ", the announcement states.


Also, EU High Representative Borrell emphasized in his address after the last round of dialogue on May 2 that the EU will continue to invite the Management Team to meetings in Brussels, if necessary, Petkovic said.  According to him, Kurti's attempt to challenge the composition and mandate of the Management Team is nothing more than a futile buying of time, in order to avoid the obligation to form the ZSO, but he will not succeed. "The only thing Kurti is doing is thinking up malice all day long to destroy the dialogue, since he does not want to form the ZSO. But as determined as he is in his intention, Belgrade and Aleksandar Vucic are even more determined that the ZSO be formed," Petkovic concluded.


Lajcak: The draft of the Management Team is an important starting point for the upcoming talks (RTS)


The EU's special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said that the draft statute of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), which was presented by the Management Team at the meeting in Brussels on May 2, was not final, but that it was an important starting point for the upcoming talks at the level of the main negotiator. Miroslav Lajcak, summing up the past week on Facebook, stated that the parties at the meeting in Brussels took an important and symbolic step towards the establishment of the ZSO. He welcomed the adoption of the declaration on missing persons and assessed that it will not only help their families find peace, but also promote the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.


Odalovic: Information about the possible location of a mass grave that has been kept quiet for years (RTS)


The President of the Commission for Missing Persons of the Government of Serbia, Veljko Odalovic, told RTS that if the Pristina side shows its willingness to implement the agreement signed in the area of missing persons, we will begin the continuation of the investigation very quickly. This means that field work, search and verification of locations will begin. An agreement was reached between Belgrade and Pristina on the missing persons in Brussels a few days ago.


Odalovic said that the unblocking of the process was agreed upon, which is of extreme importance. He points out that Kurti blocked the process two years ago in Brussels. "If the Pristina side is willing to implement what it has signed, we will very soon continue the process and start working on the ground, to search the locations where, according to the information mentioned by Pristina, checks will be carried out," Odalovic said. "We have information about the possible location of the mass grave, but it has been kept quiet for years, it is not being searched. That is an important thing in this whole process," underlined Odalovic. The second, he says, is the formation of a joint commission, the EU should be at the helm, with representatives of Belgrade and Pristina and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which normally chairs the working group for missing persons. "And for that to be something that will be additional support, because we need the wind at our backs, due to the huge number of archives presented by international representatives who were on different missions, to be available to Pristina and Belgrade, so that in their searches we can see whether we have information about potential locations," says the president of the Commission for Missing Persons. He also notes that families have a more significant role here.


"President Aleksandar Vucic said in Brussels that we need 24 hours from the notification of the location, about the existence of the grave - we will be at the location. We will invite Pristina to be together with us, to do it transparently, but we also ask Pristina to do the same, it is an elementary matter because of access," concluded Odalovic.


Sarajevo delivers new terms for natural gas pipeline through RS (Politika)


The daily noted that new leaders of Bosniak political bloc claimed, up until several weeks ago, that economy will be separated from political influence and that Republika Srpska (RS)’ waiting of one decade for the consent of the joint institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to the natural gas pipeline connection with Serbia could end: “However, new tones from Sarajevo indicate there could be possible complications”. The daily reminded that a session of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H, at which the approval for the ‘New Eastern Interconnection’ should have been discussed, was supposed to take place recently but it was postponed. “The idea was to approve so called Southern Interconnection at the same time”, the daily noted and explained that the Southern Interconnection would connect B&H with Croatia. The daily noted that “it seems as if Sarajevo is trying to deliver new terms for Banja Luka because it intends to include some other issues in field of energy”.


NIP leader and Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Elmedin Konakovic claimed that the ‘New Eastern Interconnection’ “is fine, it just needs to be discussed by B&H CoM because the RS cannot sign agreements with Serbia”, and he added that there will be both the Eastern and Southern Interconnections, but there will also be a law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H and law on foreign affairs of B&H. Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac said that representatives of the RS at the joint level will not allow new conditioning and he reminded that, on the occasion of formation of the authorities, representatives of ‘The Troika’ accepted the obligation to support development projects in the RS without any conditioning. “Now they are telling a different story and they are conditioning their support”, Kosarac said. Kosarac also warned: “We can be in B&H CoM without representatives of ‘The Troika’, but they cannot be in the authorities at the joint level without us. Everyone who tried to blackmail the RS is a part of political past”.


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the RS has nothing against including of the Southern Interconnection in the agenda of B&H CoM, but he warned that “the item on the natural gas pipeline from Serbia is omitted at sessions, which is not and cannot be what was agreed upon”. Dodik also warned that B&H CoM will not function unless the ‘New Eastern Interconnection’ is included in the agenda.


Dodik and Konakovic met in Banja Luka on Friday, on which occasion Dodik stated that the RS has never caused any troubles related to the ‘Southern Interconnection’ and it is willing to vote for this proposal but he noted that this matter must not be conditioned with the ‘New Eastern Interconnection’. Dodik reminded that there are disagreements between Bosniaks and Croats on the ‘Southern Interconnection’ and he added: “I think there should be no conditioning. Apart from this, we have no problem to discuss a donation of USA for the army”. Dodik also said that the RS is interested in investments in ‘Buk Bijela’ and Trebinje Airport projects. Konakovic told journalists in Banja Luka that some projects will be realized very fast, and he reminded that there was lots of distrust and agreements that were let down in the past. Konakovic concluded by saying that the issue of natural gas interconnections will be discussed by B&H CoM soon, most likely at its next session.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Komsic will not approve any ‘Interconnection’ gas pipeline, until new Law on Gas in B&H is passed (FTV)


Croat member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated during an interview for Hayat, that he will not approve either ‘Southern Interconnection’ or ‘New Eastern Interconnection’ gas pipeline until a new state-level Law on Gas is passed. Komsic stated during his interview that the ‘Southern Interconnection’ would not be an issue if ‘B&H Gas’ would have control over it, but that HDZ B&H has already created a company in one of the Cantons to take it from ‘B&H Gas’, without a legal ground. He further added that if Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik does not sign a new Law on Gas in B&H, Komsic will not sign the ‘New Eastern Interconnection’, adding that this is his categorical stance on the matter.


Schmidt and Cvijanovic expected to address UN Security Council; Schmidt says if Cvijanovic challenges his legitimacy in UN, she will get answer that she will not like (Hayat)


Hayat reports that the session of the UN Security Council, where A report of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will be discussed, should be held on May 10. Both Schmidt and B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic should address the UN Security Council. Schmidt said that if Cvijanovic challenges his legitimacy in the UN, she will get an answer that she will not like. Schmidt, said his position within the work of the international community and the UN is clear, which is why he will be present at the UN SC. On the other hand, Cvijanovic said she sees no allure in exchanging media messages with Schmidt. Cvijanovic added by saying if she is addressing the UN SC, she is doing it in capacity and on basis on mandate given to her by people in the election.


Article published by with parts of Schmidt’s Report for UN Security Council (Oslobodjenje)


Oslobodjenje carried article published by portal, which reads that the High Representative Christian Schmidt submitted his newest Report to the UN Security Council (which is expected to be discussed on May 10) and in this Report, Schmidt praised the new coalition, which formed authorities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and criticized behaviour of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, noting that Dodik’s secessionist rhetoric and activities of authorities in the RS, intensified during the reporting period, which poisons political climate in the entity and entire state. He noted that RS authorities categorically reject authority of Constitutional Court of B&H, OHR and confront the western partners.


Reminding that on April 24th, parties in the RS signed joint statement, which contains concrete steps toward secession: “This is dangerous development”. Schmidt stressed that he registered in the RS “clear tendency toward authoritarianism”, noting that B&H risks to become country divided between authoritarianism in one entity and democracy in the other. Schmidt further warned that Dodik’s rhetoric questions territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H and presents threat to peace and stability in the country and potentially in the region.


Article reminded that Chairwoman of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic will also address the UN SC and she will read RS Government’s Report, which underlines that the RS does not have plan for secession nor they undertook any steps in this direction. In his own Report, Schmidt further noted that B&H needs thorough constitutional reform, as well as electoral reform, reminded of accelerated authority formation at state level, timely adoption of budgets and the fact that FB&H CC is now fully functional. He announced intention to intensify engagement regarding the state property, preparations for adoption of necessary laws, stressing that even the mentioning of such initiative, was fiercely criticized by the RS authorities. Schmidt also talked about activities toward adoption of reform laws, genocide denial and glorification of war criminals, discrimination of Roma community, poor medical treatment of persons with disabilities and hate speech and violence toward members of LGBTQI community. Article noted that Schmidt also mentioned the letter of victims and witnesses of genocide that was sent to him, asking for removal of FB&H President Lidija Bradara because of her statements regarding convicted war criminal Dario Kordic.


SNSD’s Mazalica says nothing will change after UN SC session on B&H; He doubts that apart from China and Russia other members of UN SC will accept initiative to close OHR (RTRS)


SNSD MP in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Srdjan Mazalica has said that nothing will change after the UN Security Council (UN SC) session on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which is scheduled for May 10. He stated that he doubts that, apart from China and Russia, other members of the UN SC will accept the initiative to close the OHR “which works in favour of the agenda of Western countries.” Mazalica stressed that any kind of compromises in terms of revision of the future role of the High Representatives in B&H in exchange for recognizing Christian Schmidt are unacceptable for the RS. President of the Belgrade Forum for World of Equals Zivadin Jovanovic has assessed that it would be completely justified for Russia and China, with possible support of other countries, to jointly raise the issue of abolishing the OHR at the upcoming session of the UN SC, because any other solution would actually mean postponing progress in B&H and postponing the responsibility of B&H and entity institutions for their constitutional competences.


Sattler: Entire region has the opportunity to accelerate EU integration process, politicians must roll up their sleeves and do their part of the job (Nezavisne)


The daily carried an interview with Head of EU Delegation and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler on the occasion of Europe Day, which Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is marking for the first time as an EU candidate. He underlined that the idea of the EU changed the European continent for the better, and B&H is now on its path to join the Union. Sattler said that he sees a good momentum in B&H, where the authorities have been formed. “It is time to roll up the sleeves”, Sattler noted and added that B&H has three and a half years until the next general election to achieve results which the citizens expect as well. “I think it is realistic, and it depends on the political will of those in power”, said Sattler. “I think in the next weeks and months you will see more activities regarding the reform processes. You will have all out help, expect some high-level visits from Brussels in the upcoming period as well, so that we can all together look into what the next steps are and which laws need to be adopted. The focus must be on the rule of law, the law on conflict of interest, High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council and amendments on integrity, but also on socio-economic reforms, i.e. everyday problems of citizens, so I am convinced we will see more activities”, said Sattler.


Asked to comment the mistrust on the political scene and the disputes regarding the gas pipelines which B&H should build, Sattler said that every country is in a different position and it is difficult to make direct comparisons. He noted that trust between Germany and France was not built over night either, and that it took Austria a long time to face the past and admit its blame from the World War II. However, he underlined, more needs to happen 27 years after the war. Sattler said that he travels a lot, and he meets many young people building the bridges. However, he emphasized, political level needs to build bridges too and set positive examples.


Asked if the impetus should come from the citizens of B&H or the EU, Sattler said that combination of both is needed. He noted that people seem to be tired of the use of phrases and offensive comments, but fear also seems to be a big motivator that causes strong emotions. Unfortunately, he added, many politicians abuse this fact, especially in the pre-election period.


Asked to comment claims about EU enlargement fatigue, Sattler said that 2022 proves the opposite. He reminded that Albania and North Macedonia have opened negotiations on accession, Kosovo was granted the visa-free travel regime and B&H was granted the status of EU candidate. Sattler explained that these are all important steps that take time, but the geopolitical situation accelerated the process. “This is an opportunity for the entire region! This must not be stopped. The 2022 must not remain something that happened once. That is why politicians need to do their part of the job”, Sattler emphasized.


Asked how the EU is going to cooperate with the new Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government which, according to the journalist, was practically appointed by the OHR, Sattler reminded that the new FB&H Government enjoys the support of 51 members of the FB&H Parliament. He reminded that the previous Government was in office for eight years, four of which in a caretaker mandate. “Citizens got tired and it was clear that this blockade would continue, which is why there was sufficient support for this measure”, said Sattler. He emphasized that the EU is very careful when it comes to the use of High Representative’s Bonn Powers which should only be used as a last resort. “We see this intervention as the last resort because we want to move forward. The EU will still be the main partner for B&H and apart from the 14 Key Priorities, we will especially focus on the political issues such as the rule of law and human rights. Also, we will focus on socio-economic reforms. Many issues pile up during past years, especially in the FB&H”, said Sattler. He announced that as of this summer, the EU will start the political process of reforms in cooperation with the entities and Brcko District. He noted that some of the reforms are painful on the short-term basis but results almost always justify the investment. Sattler announced work on state-owned companies, noting that there are always problems when such companies are managed by political parties and not by professionals. “Reforms are painful in the beginning, but in the end everybody profits”, Sattler concluded.


Asked if he and his team feel fatigued, Sattler replied that the energy level with him and his team is high. He noted that he is motivated by the aspirations of B&H citizens who work hard for the better future of their children, and who want B&H to join the EU because they know what that means. Speaking about the EU Energy Support Package for Western Balkans, Sattler stated that the EU has always been with B&H citizens in difficult times, such as floods, COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis. Asked to comment the fact that politicians brag about all positive developments, but if there is a problem, they blame it on the EU, Sattler responded that the situation is not very different in the EU either.




Milanovic: People in Serbia have a lot of weapons at home (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on May 5 that the shootings in Serbia were an act of "terrible bloodshed" and stressed that the source of the problem was not the internet, but the widespreadness of guns among the people. "Weapons are at the crux. There are too many

weapons among the people. Any amount of weapons among the people is too much. It should be in the hands and under the control of people who are qualified" Milanovic told reporters in a comment on the recent mass murders in Serbia. Milanovic said there was "a lot of weapons among the people" in Serbia and said this was a problem. "The internet won't turn anyone into a killer. What happened in Serbia to me looks like they had some kind of model at home. Of course, they were not encouraged to kill people, but children need to be kept away from guns as much as possible," Milanovic said.




Adzic after events in Serbia: Police Directorate raised to a higher level of attention (CDM)


The Minister of Internal Affairs, Filip Adzic, has said that they are following the developments in the region, and that in accordance with that, the entire Police Directorate has been raised to a higher level of attention. “Unfortunately, we had in Montenegro something similar to what happened in Serbia, and we learned some kind of lesson and tried to prepare the system and warn of things that could happen. After learning about what happened in Serbia, I held a collegium with the leaders of the Police Directorate. This morning, the Police Directorate was raised to a higher level of attention. All units that should be in the field will be on a higher level of attention in monitoring all those who could create a problem”, he said at the press conference on the occasion of the presentation of the Government’s work in one year.


According to him, there will be more rigorous controls for issuing weapons, as well as for already issued permits. “Activities are being prepared, and they concern searches of persons and facilities suspected of having illegal weapons. During the season, the presence of uniformed persons in the cities will be increased. There will be a more restrictive policy of carrying weapons”, Adzic has pointed out.


Meanwhile, Outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic has announced that Montenegro will declare a day of mourning for the tragic events in Serbia. “The Government will declare a day of mourning on Sunday, 7 May. Maybe there will be two days of mourning”, he has said. Earlier, the leaders of Democrats and Social Democrats, Aleksa Becic and Damir Sehovic, proposed that Montenegro should declare days of mourning due to the tragedies in Serbia. Two mass murders took place in Serbia on Wednesday and Thursday, in which 17 people lost their lives.


Boskovic: Populism that’s in force prevents Army from working and developing, large NATO exercise a great opportunity for Montenegro soldiers (Antena M)


The NATO exercise “Immediate Response 23”, which is part of the large exercise “Defender Europe 23”, is to be held in Montenegro from 22 May to 2 June this year, the Ministry of Defense has announced. DPS MP and former Minister of Defense Predrag Boskovic points out that Montenegro has a huge benefit from such exercises, because military exercises are a necessary condition for the army to develop and acquire the necessary knowledge.


“Our soldiers can thus train in real time with their colleagues from other NATO countries, and Montenegro is a really suitable terrain for carrying out the exercises that this program foresees. I think, therefore, that it is really a great opportunity to take a step further in the modernization of our army”, Boskovic has told Antena M.


According to the Ministry of Defense, the Montenegrin soldiers who will participate in the exercise will practice manoeuvring on the ground and combat operations, while the artillery firefights during the exercise will be conducted abroad.


Asked how he would comment on the fact that Montenegro does not yet have a military training ground on which to practice target shooting, Boskovic says that the Montenegrin army needs a training ground where soldiers can practice and carry out their activities. Boskovic concludes that the “Immediate Response 23” exercise is an opportunity to show that such activities cannot harm the environment, so “I expect that the next government will take action and do everything to make Sinjajevina a space where all the necessary activities of the Army of Montenegro will be implemented”.


Milatovic invited all three members of the B&H Presidency to the inauguration, also invites Vucic, Milanovic, and Panderovski (CDM)


The newly elected President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic invited Zeljka Cvijanovic, Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic to attend his inauguration. Already in the coming week, it should be known who will travel from Sarajevo to Podgorica. For the first time in the modern history of this country, the inauguration will not take place in Cetinje, the city that has the status of the capital. Instead, the event scheduled for May 20 will be held in Podgorica. After that, a reception is planned, which the newly inaugurated president will host in Villa Gorica together with his wife Milena.


In addition to all three members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, leaders from the entire region, as well as European and world statesmen, were invited. Along with them, invitations were also received by numerous officials of Montenegro and the region.


The invitation was also sent to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, the President of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, and the President of North Macedonia, Stevo Panderovski.


North Macedonia


Kovachevski to meet top US officials in Washington (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski is on a two-day working visit to Washington, where he is scheduled to meet with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken; Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar; Deputy National Security Advisor Jonathan Finer; US Department of State Counselor Derek Chollet; Special Envoy and Coordinator for the Global Engagement Center James Rubin; and several US congresspeople, including Debbie Dingell, Chris Murphy, and Brendan Boyle.


Justice Minister says preamble a priority of constitutional changes, expects opposition's support (MIA)


The preamble is the priority of the working group drafting the constitutional changes, says Justice Minister Krenar Lloga and expects the revision to pass in the Parliament. “I find it unfortunate that VMRO-DPMNE is not part of this group. I again urge them to be part of the success on the path to Macedonia's European future. I believe the ones who accepted to be part of this working group are very brave and remarkable people, who knew they would be smeared by a portion of the public but chose to contribute to the country joining the EU family. I believe we will have a success story that must be adopted in the Parliament," Minister Lloga told Radio Free Europe.


He says there is still room for VMRO-DPMNE to support the constitutional changes. "VMRO-DPMNE has said on several occasions it would support the constitutional changes, with their leader saying once he sought for firm guarantees from the EU, but also that they would support the changes if the Croatian model was to be followed. Therefore, if VMRO-DPMNE does not find the strength as one of the largest political parties, the right people will be found within the party, people who recognize the country's future," says Lloga.


Education ministry to propose urgent assessment of security risks of TikTok (MIA)


Considering the events in neighbouring Serbia and for the purpose of reducing all possible risks and threats to the security of students and teachers in schools, I will propose to the Government and security authorities an urgent assessment of the situation and the security risks, largely fed by certain social media such as TikTok, says Minister of Education and Science Yeton Shaqiri. Taking into account that social media should not be used in a school environment, Minister Shaqiri says protocols and guidelines are already drafted for school staff and teachers, in order to minimize those risks while limiting or fully disabling their use.


"I call on all teachers and parents for a more open dialogue, promotion of understanding and positive considerations so that we help our but also children around us, because they are the most at-risk category at this moment," says Shaqiri. Preventive programmes to counter bullying, promotion of non-violence and dialogue as key elements for the education and development of children are to be further strengthened in consultation with the expert community from various institutions and universities, the Ministry said in a press release.




Poland's President pays a 2-day visit to Albania (Radio Tirana)


The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, will pay a two-day visit to Tirana. Andrzej Duda will be received with a state ceremony by President Bajram Begaj, while in this visit he will also be accompanied by the First Lady of Poland, Agata Kornhauser-Duda. The Polish president is expected to arrive in Tirana on May 10.


The Presidency says that this is the first official visit in 20 years by a Polish President to Albania. On May 11, at 11:00, the Polish president will be received with the honors of the occasion by President Begaj at the Institution of the President of the Republic. After the welcoming ceremonies, the two Presidents will hold a special meeting and then lead the delegations of both countries in an extended meeting, while at the end of the meeting, the two Presidents will hold a press conference. In the second part of the day, at 4:30 p.m., the two presidents will attend and address the joint economic forum that will be held with the participation of businesses from both countries. President Dudaj is accompanied on this visit by a delegation of Polish entrepreneurs, organized by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH). During his stay in Albania, President Dudaj will pay a short visit to the city of Kruja.


Spiropali at the summit of the Albanian coalition in Montenegro (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of State for the relationship with the Parliament, Elisa Spiropali, has participated in the summit of the Albanian Alternative in Montenegro, a new political pole formed in the framework of the parliamentary elections. After electing the new president, Montenegro votes for the new Parliament on June 11, where interesting developments are being observed. Spiropali, who is also the political leader of the Shkoder district, participated in the Tuzi meeting, where, in addition to the Albanian Forum, which is a large red-black coalition that won the municipality for the second time in March, Dritan Abazovic was also present.


Spiropali writes on social networks: "At the solemn ceremony of the Fourth Assembly of the Albanian Alternative that took place in Tuz, Montenegro. I congratulated Nik Gjeloshaj, the chairman of the Albanian Alternative party that leads the Albanian Forum coalition, for the result in the last elections and his election for the second time in a row as chairman of the Highland of Tuzi. A well-deserved victory thanks to the vision, dedication and unity of the Albanian factor, for the development of the Highlands for all, without distinction. United, we are safer and better able to face the complex challenges that time puts before us, with eyes towards regional cooperation and European integration. It was a pleasure to meet and talk with the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, who has become a point of reference and cooperation for all progressive factors in Montenegro" Spiropali writes.