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Belgrade Media Report 22 May



Vucic: Nothing that happens today is accidental. I won't give you independent Kosovo (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic attended a large gathering in Pancevo and on that occasion invited the citizens to attend the meeting in Belgrade as well. The meeting is scheduled for26  May. At the very beginning, Vucic thanked the gathered people. "Thank you for being here today. In this number, they tried everything, to prevent the holding of the rally, to prevent people who think differently, to prevent those who just love their country. They did not succeed. Today our country is facing countless difficulties'', Vucic said. As he pointed out, nothing that is happening today is by chance. "They thought and expected us to hand them Kosovo on a platter. It's no coincidence that yesterday they stopped the Serbs and fined them, they say it's a mistake. Just don't make us always understand you when you make mistakes to our detriment. We have no choice, we are a small country, but we have one trait, which is to protect our own and not ask for anything else," he said. He once again confirmed that today the Serbs have given a deadline of 1 June to stop the bullying and added that he is afraid that we will have to be even tougher in order to defend Serbia. "I will not allow you to destroy Serbia. In the previous decade, we tried to fix things, look at Pancevo. More and more money is going to Pancevo. We have to do in the coming period, the school in Bavaniste, Dubovac, Opovo, Sakulam, schools for children to show that we care for the future". Vucic also referred to two large mass murders that took place in Serbia. "We had two monstrous attacks in two days, in Belgrade and Smederevo and Mladenovac, and these tragedies shook our country so much that we were all in shock, sad, and grief-stricken. Once again, I express my condolences to the family. I saw that some people were not hurt at all." He added that he received information from various services, including sister ones from the east, that these were attempts at color revolutions. "I don't know what these attempts are, I only know that they are disgusting attempts to abuse the death of children, so that you become bigger, better and smarter for our people. And let me tell you - Serbia is fed up with your revolutions, and the arrival of some under foreign influence, and the destruction of Serbian factories and national interests. And when I say that, just look at the next thing. Is Kurti supporting you here tonight, or those who are going to harass people in Belgrade tonight, on Gazela. Who is Kurti standing behind? Behind those who are harassing citizens. Isn't it clear who protects the citizens of Serbia and their interests," said Vucic. He emphasized that he does not regret for a second, and that he will not give up on Serbia. "Serbia is everything in the world to me. I won't give them Kosovo to be independent, nor to introduce sanctions." He added that the people said that we are neutral, and that we will protect our country ourselves, and pointed out that he was proud to have said that in Pancevo. "As the President of Serbia, I was the first to lead an independent policy, and I did not give up on our country. And you continue, hit, my shoulders are broad, but all of you together will not be able to break Serbia." He explained that the opposition plans to come to power without elections. He said that it was precisely those who are protesting about reality shows who introduced reality shows in Serbia. "Shame on you, your leaders, who organize protests, you will give me a lecture." He said that Serbia needs the broadest movement of the people, of all those who love Serbia, and invited everyone to come to Belgrade on 26 May in front of the parliament. "Not to show that there are more of us, but that we want a united, normal and decent Serbia, in which no one will kill and persecute anyone because of a different opinion. A free and libertarian Serbia, which the citizens of Serbia will organize according to their own measure, and not by anyone from the side. That's our message," he said. Vucic added that he promises that by the end of 2025, the average salary will be more than 1,000 Euros, and the pension will be 450 Euros. He emphasized that our country is developing faster than ever. "I tried to go through every municipality and talk to everyone. Sometimes I agree with someone, or not, but I tell everyone the truth, and I always fought for their interests. And I am proud of these 10 years, of everything that we did together, and that I could serve you. I will never serve foreigners, not for a handful of dollars, not for a mountain of power. I only serve citizens, and that's why I tell you - no withdrawal, no surrender. Thank you endlessly for this wonderful support, I will never forget this," said Vucic. At the very end, he told the gathered citizens to see each other in seven days in Belgrade. "Everyone to Belgrade, long live Serbia," he concluded.


Vucic: Serbia will always be a sincere friend and a good partner to Montenegro (Beta)


During a 20 May visit to Podgorica, where he attended the inauguration of Montenegro's new President Jakov Milatovic, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia “will always be a sincere friend and a good partner to Montenegro.” The president said that his visit was an expression of respect for Montenegro and its citizens. “I wish Montenegro all the best, as well as the people of Montenegro. Serbia will always be a sincere friend and a good partner to them. I wanted to show respect for Montenegro, to show that we care about having a true friend and partner in Montenegro,” Vucic said to reporters in the Montenegrin capital. The Serbian president added that there were regional and global issues that Podgorica and Belgrade did not agree on, but that should not change “Serbia’s extremely friendly attitude towards Montenegro.” The President also underlined that he expected Milatovic to visit Serbia, saying that “there will always be room for cooperation between the two states”.


Vucic congratulates Mitsotakis on election results (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic congratulated Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the leader of Greece's ruling New Democracy Party, on the results achieved in Sunday's elections. "I congratulate Kyriakos Mitsotakis on the election results. I hope the relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Greece will be continued on the path of respect of the historical friendship between our states and peoples," Vucic wrote in a Twitter post. Based on over 90 pct of votes counted, New Democracy won 40.8 percent of votes in the elections, while the leftist Syriza party won 20.1 percent of votes.


Office for KiM: Pensioner arrested at Jarinje crossing released (KoSSev/Beta)


A 72-year-old pensioner from Belgrade Branko Banjac, who was arrested at the administrative crossing of Jarinje when he and his wife went to Pec for a hearing regarding the settlement of a property dispute she is leading, has been released, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija confirmed. The Head of the Office Petar Petkovic assessed that the action of the Kosovo Police was “a form of intimidation and retaliation by Kurti’s institutions” so that the Banjac family would give up the legal dispute. The Kosovo Police, however, presented different allegations – stating that the man was detained, then released after questioning due to accusations of alleged misuse of property, i.e. a small amount of money, according to KoSSev. Petkovic also said that B.B. was released “after the political and diplomatic action of Belgrade,” adding that he was arrested by mistake. “He was taken to the detention centre in front of his wife by members of Kurti’s police, and despite the fact that Branko had spinal surgery and he suffered from high blood pressure, he was unable to take even a bag with medicines due to the actions of the Kosovo police,” said Petkovic. He added that he had informed Miroslav Lajcak, the EU’s special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, about the arrest, and that the Office had hired a team of lawyers to defend Banjac.


Citizens of Belgrade march in protest against violence in Serbia on 19 May (Beta)


Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Belgrade on 19 May demanding resignations and accountability from the government after 18 died and over 20 were wounded in two mass murders early in May. The third iteration of the Serbia against Violence protest began in front of the Serbian parliament, after which tens of thousands of protesters marched down one of Belgrade's main streets and then blocked a highway. The Democratic Party, the People's Party, the Green Left Front - Don't Let Belgrade Drown, the Together party, the Freedom and Justice Party, the Free Citizens Movement, the Concord trade union and Movement for a Turnaround called for the protest. The demands include putting a stop to the glorification of violence in media outlets and public space, the sacking of the Electronic Media Regulatory Body's Council, shutting down print media outlets that promote hate and violence, revoking the national broadcasting licenses of television stations that exalt violence, and the resignations of Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin. The next demonstration will take place on 27 May.


Jaksic: US administration issues warning to Vucic over crime (Beta)


Political commentator Bosko Jaksic said on Friday that the US administration had issued Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic a warning over his ties to organized crime and corruption. Jaksic told Beta that the US Senate's Committee on Foreign Affairs had noted Vucic's accountability in the Serbian authorities' ties to corruption and organized crime. "The confirmation of the accuracy of reports on crime and corruption in Serbia in the New York Times constitutes a warning for Vucic from the US administration. US diplomats and senators have made it known that their services have enough information about ties between the Serbian authorities and organized crime," Jaksic said. According to him, Vucic was sent "a concealed message" that the US administration has a lot more knowledge and evidence of organized crime in Serbia than the New York Times report on the subject. "They have seriously warned Vucic and have announced they will be testing President Vucic in the coming period. Now the ball is in Belgrade's court, and we'll see how Vucic's regime will react. Pressure on Belgrade with respect to curbing corruption and organized crime will rise significantly," Jaksic said.


Milanovic: I’d like to cooperate with Milatovic just like I did with Djukanovic (RTCG/Tanjug)


I’d like our cooperation with the new Montenegro President Jakov Milatovic, to be the same as with his predecessor Milo Djukanovic, the Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said earlier. “I had a good cooperation with Djukanovic, and not only me, all of us. I wouldn’t mind continuing in that way when it comes to foreign policy,” reported Tanjug. As for the internal affairs of Montenegro, he wouldn’t like to interfere. “Except for my support to the Croatian Civic Initiative in the forthcoming election,” Milanovic noted.




Dodik: RS’ position that property is regulated by B&H Constitution remains unchanged (ATV)


The reporter comments that the issue of property remains “a hot political topic”, at least for those who still cannot understand that the issue was resolved under the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitution that clearly stipulates B&H’s competences, property not being one of them. The reporter goes on to say that, according to messages persistently conveyed from Republika Srpska (RS), the issue of property is regulated by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), the B&H Constitution being its Annex, but since he needs to justify his extremely high salary while being increasingly attacked by Bosniaks and all others from B&H, but also by political officials from the West, Christian Schmidt who claims to be the High Representative (HR) which he is not, decided to address the issue. The reporter notes that reactions to “Christian Schmidt’s attempts to play a chief police officer” continued on Friday, i.e. the property issue is regulated under the DPA and the B&H Constitution. Although the message is clear, Schmidt continues to work on something that was permanently resolved long time ago. Several days ago, the Office of High Representative (OHR) published a tender for proposals for creating a media plan to, as they say, advertise state property. Additionally, the OHR has formed a working group that should again address the issue of property. ATV reports that, commenting on this, RS President Milorad Dodik said this is the first time the OHR wants to work on resolving something that is already regulated, and reminded of the same activities by the international community, embodied in US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy “who quotes only those Articles from the (B&H) Constitution that suit him”. Commenting on OHR’s working group, Dodik said that “they are playing and spending money”, noting that the RS’s position that the property is regulated by the B&H Constitution remains unchanged, whilst “everything that comes from the mouth of international satellites is speculation”. The reporter comments that one of the locals who “is forging plans with foreigners” to take the RS’ property away is former B&H Attorney General and SDS member Mladjan Mandic, and, according to Dodik, Mandic does not represent the RS due to which he can be relevant only to Schmidt “who is irrelevant”. Dodik also said that the OHR to advertise its ideas in the media for the first time, and it is clear why. Addressing the press conference Friday, Dodik said: “It only shows that they are wrong and that they want to give some impression via media that would help them to illegally implement what they want to be damaging for the RS. According to that we would probably turn out to be bad and they would turn out to be good”. Dodik stressed that political Sarajevo and part of the international community should know that story about property is a done deal and that the RS parliament has given a final word on that. Dodik stated that the RS will stick to the stance that the property was regulated by the Constitution of B&H and reject all the speculations coming from US Ambassador Murphy.” He emphasized that foreigners in B&H do not respect the Constitution of B&H and they want to destroy the RS through unfounded stories on difficult financial situation that also has support of the opposition. Dodik reminded that the RS is stable financially and in terms of security, concluding that “the RS does not have any particular challenge that could destabilize it additionally”. Dodik reminded that B&H Presidency members from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) continue their old practice by undermining all important things the coalition partners at the level of B&H try to do for both entities, noting that “it is not a rare case that part of the international community join these efforts so they keep usurping the RS property as proven by the OHR’s media promotions on this issue.” He added that their work will be rejected in the same way as the analysis of the former EU property expert Reinhard Priebe was also rejected.


Dodik: I am not intimidated by US threats and I will continue to respect Constitution of B&H (BHT1)


The US Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs held a hearing called an assessment of US policy towards the Western Balkans on Thursday. The US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said that he is deeply concerned about the ongoing secessionist and anti-democratic activities of RS President Milorad Dodik. He said that he will do everything possible in cooperation with European partners to prevent the secessionist activities of Dodik. Dodik wrote on Twitter: “I finally agree with a US official regarding the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Just as Derek Chollet said today that "the US wants full implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement", that is what I want, as well as respect for the B&H Constitution, as it is written. I also agree that the strength of the US should be felt by all those who violate the Dayton Peace Agreement, and I believe that this strength will be felt first by Michael Murphy, who is expressing his personal frustrations here. B&H can survive exactly as it is written in the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution, and not in the way that certain Ambassadors interpret it, even if it is American one. I also agree with Chollet's statement that for many in the US administration, the approach to the Western Balkans is a personal matter because it is clear that this is a generation of officials who built their careers on the destruction of Yugoslavia. As for Chollet's story about ethno-nationalism, it is not a sustainable qualification because the peoples of B&H are a constitutional category, and the Dayton Peace Agreement was based on the constituent status of peoples.” Dodik stated on Friday that he is not intimidated by the US’ threats and that he will continue to respect the Constitution of B&H. He added that he expects the same thing from Chollet and Escobar. Dodik assessed that the US diplomats presented serious threats and he rejected the accusations according to which the RS undermines the Dayton Peace Accords. He said that the situation is quite the opposite as the RS is the only one that respects the DPA, noting that the DPA interpretations by some of the ambassadors, including US Ambassador Murphy, see B&H as unsustainable country. Dodik also said that the RS sticks to its stance that there should not be cooperation with representatives of the US and UK embassies since the hearing in the Senate has shown that their policy toward the RS is personal and not the organized and state policy. He added: “This hearing just confirms our stance that this is about persons who came here to do exercises on us, and we reject such activities.” He added that representatives of the RS authorities at all levels will not meet with the representatives of the US and UK Embassies, but contacts with official US and UK authorities can continue. The daily notes that Chollet told at the hearing that the US official who work on Balkan issues in have personal relation toward the region including President Joe Biden. Dodik also said on Friday that they discussed at the session of the SNSD Executive Committee ‘Berlin Process’ and the recognition of travel documents of Pristina when movement of people is in question. Dodik said that the story about recognition of diplomas should not be interrupted, but they withdraw from talks on accepting of travel documents of “temporary Pristina authorities”.  He added that there are two reasons for this and one of them is that Germany demonstrates its activities without respecting the stances and needs of the RS and the best illustration of this are “some” expert groups which deal with state property. He noted that the second reason is the fact that Pristina authorities always mention the RS in a negative context and “we do not have the reason to give any legitimacy to such a structure”.


Izetbegovic: Stances of Escobar do not really match truth (O Kanal)


Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic reacted on Saturday to the latest statements of US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar that decisions of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt have paved a way for a more functional FB&H and that RS used to dominate the state because there was no FB&H Government to confront it. According to Izetbegovic, statements of Escobar do not really match the truth. Izetbegovic added: “Neither the temporary suspension of the FB&H Constitution that circumvents the FB&H Vice President – Bosniak and the majority will of Bosniak people when forming of the FB&H Government paved a way for a more functional FB&H nor the RS dominated the state because there was no FB&H government to confront it. Because it is not the mandate of the FB&H government to oppose the attacks of the entity of the RS on the Dayton Peace Agreement. This is the obligation of state institutions, first of all judiciary, and in particular it is the obligation of the HR, the witness of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Peace Implementation Council, which have been retreating before (leader of SNSD) Milorad Dodik's insolence for a decade, thereby encouraging new and more serious attacks.”


Dodik: RS resumes to cooperate with Russia because we have right to authentic policy (ATV)


Ahead of his visit to Moscow, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the RS resumes to cooperate with Russia, because it has right to lead authentic policy despite of all pressures. Reporter noted that Dodik should meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on 23 May. ATV reports that this is one in series of meetings between Dodik and Putin that will confirm their good mutual friendly relations, but also good relations between the RS and Russia. They should discuss continuation of economic cooperation between the RS and Russian Federation, but also between B&H and Russia. Dodik and Putin are expected to discuss global geopolitical developments. The RS President announced that the RS will remain committed to its political stances and preserve its friendship with Russia. He reminded that even before beginning of a special operation of Russia in Ukraine, this country offered the West documents that would guarantee security in this part of Europe, adding that the West ignored this. He added that situation in Ukraine is a result of arrogance of the West, underlining that their goal is not welfare of Ukraine, but taking control over resources of Russia. He also stated that thanks to the RS, B&H is not at list of the countries which introduced sanctions against Russia, adding that this is why the RS is suffering economic and political pressures. “We want to resume cooperation with Russia. We deem that we have right to lead the authentic policy. We rejected that type of vassalage the West demanded, namely introduction of sanctions against Russia and interruption of any cooperation”, explained Dodik. He also stated that the RS wants to resume cooperation with other countries, adding that many countries of the West deem that if one country is not with them against Russia, it is against them. Dodik also said that the “policy of subservience” – which is demanded by the West, in a form of sanctions and stoppage of cooperation with Russia – will not be accepted by the RS. Dodik says B&H is stopping RS’ progress wherever it can on the international plain. He asks if it is then even useful that the RS respects the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of B&H. Dodik gives an example of the Eastern Gas Interconnection, which is being blocked at the state level. The project was approved by the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM), but there are announcements that say a blockade will happen in the state Presidency.


Viskovic: Dodik does not go to Russia exclusively to see Putin, but also to attend the gathering where there will be over 500 guests from the highest level of the Russian Federation (BN TV)


The RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said on Sunday, on the occasion of the upcoming visit of the RS President Milorad Dodik to Russia, that every departure of officials of the RS outside its borders, especially if they go to visit friends, is good for the RS, and that this visit is being misinterpreted by the media. Viskovic stated: “I am telling you, President Dodik does not go just to see Vladimir Putin, but in addition to that meeting, they will also meet at, shall I say, a gathering that will be organized in the Russian Federation itself, where there will be over 500 guests from the highest level of the Russian Federation, neighbouring countries and Russia itself, where the current global situation and trends will be analysed. And it is very important that our people participate in such gatherings, that at the end of the day, why would we not, or why would we be denied to know what is being said at these gatherings, in which direction we are going, and that at the end of the day, we too prepare for such a future.” Viskovic also noted that other foreign officials also hold meetings with Russian President Putin. For that reason, he does not understand why someone would have a problem with Dodik’s visit to Russia. As for the Eastern Gas Interconnection, the report reminds that the project was approved by the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM), but there are announcements that say a blockade will happen in the state Presidency. Viskovic said this is absurd and points out that the FB&H uses Russian gas supply twice as much as the RS. “I told all the officials and the international community (IC) - 'Gentlemen, if you can offer B&H better, of better quality, cheaper gas than Russian gas, we will join you in that'. But obviously they cannot,” Viskovic concluded.


RS Representation Office in Moscow expects Dodik’s visit to have political, but also economic significance for the RS as well as for B&H (RTRS)


Members of the RS Representation Office in Moscow expect RS President Milorad Dodik’s visit to have a political, but also economic significance for the RS as well as for B&H. Head of the RS Representation Office in Moscow Dusko Perovic says many topics will be discussed during the mentioned event and the main focus will probably be on economy and cooperation in that field. Perovic also stated that this is one of regular meetings between the two officials. Perovic reminded that Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin meet annually, adding that such meeting was not held only during Coronavirus pandemic. “They will exchange opinions. Russia is a guarantor of the DPA and has right to get information”, stressed Perovic. Reporter commented that while many countries are suffering due to introduction of sanctions against Russia, the RS and Russian Federation are looking for methods to improve economic cooperation. Perovic stated that criticism against Dodik’s visit to Russia mostly comes from Western powers which are, according to Perovic, in a state of “collective hysteria”. He accused the West of double standards, reminding that Israel and Turkey did not impose sanctions against Russia either. He underlined that the RS has the right to pursue its policy of neutrality. Commenting the statement of EU Commissioners for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi who said that EU’s allies do not go to Moscow, Perovic reminded that Varhelyi comes from Hungary, a country that still buys gas from Russia despite having formally accepted EU sanctions.


Newly elected President of Montenegro Milatovic takes oath; Cvijanovic expects good cooperation with Montenegro and its new government; Becirovic: B&H and Montenegro do not have open issues (ATV)


Newly elected President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic took oath at the inaugural session of the Montenegrin Parliament in Podgorica on Saturday. B&H Presidency Chairwoman and Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic attended the inauguration, together with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and a number of other guests and the MPs. US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar and UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach also attended the inauguration. Milatovic said that he will be the President of all its citizens, but that the work that awaits the state will not be short-term and easy. He said that the priority of all priorities will be the acceleration of Montenegro’s path towards the European Union, but he will also advocate elimination of internal divisions, the building of strong institutions, impartial justice and a society of equal opportunities. He said, he will demand full commitment so that there are no more divisions in Montenegro, which he said are caused artificially to cover up the dissolution of common goods and the increase of personal wealth. “It is time to get out of the fortress and gather around what is the common denominator of everyone - and that is love for Montenegro. I will represent each of us in our efforts to find harmony where we were divided. A reconciled Montenegro is the only real Montenegro”, said Milatovic. He said that he feels a special honour and pride that by taking the oath he is assuming the office of president. “I consider it a privilege, but also the greatest responsibility, that I have been given the opportunity to be at the head of the country in which I was born, which I love endlessly, in whose foundations the life's work was woven by generations of my ancestors”, Milatovic emphasized and added that he will be “the true President of all citizens, regardless of their political, religious and national affiliation or any other personal characteristic”. He pointed out that Montenegro must never again allow any individual to feel disenfranchised. “My mission is Montenegro with equal opportunities for all citizens, where hard work and education are the main factors for success in life. This is my story, which I want to become the story of all of us in Montenegro. I will be a cohesive factor in the joint fight for a better Montenegro. Building democratic institutions is everyone's task”, Milatovic concluded. Cvijanovic told the media in Podgorica that she expects good cooperation with Montenegro and its new government. Becirovic said that B&H and Montenegro are two friendly countries. “They have no open issues, but they have a huge opportunity to improve relations both at the political and economic level,” Becirovic pointed out. Vucic said that regardless of all differences, it is necessary work on better relations, but that it is clear that Montenegro remains strategically committed to its NATO membership policy. “We perceive our military position differently. We want jealously to preserve our military neutrality, to take care of our skies and land on our own,” Vucic said. Milatovic underlined that policies of peace, stability and mutual cooperation should be ground of bilateral relations between Montenegro and countries of the region. Milatovic underlined he will be building good relations with countries of the region. Cvijanovic said that everyone in the region should rely on each other in this period full of challenges. She stressed that it is necessary to work on strengthening of regional infrastructure. “Our market should provide many answers to many existing challenges. Together, we are stronger and more open. In this regard I support all regional initiatives, including Berlin Process, Open Balkans,” stated Cvijanovic. Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic said that Milatovic conveyed message of reconciliation, adding that it is in opposition to messages which have been conveyed in the Balkans.

Milatovic: It’s a privilege and greatest responsibility to run the country I was born in and that I love endlessly (CdM)


New President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic took oath and was sworn in as head of state before the Montenegrin MPs earlier today. His term of office lasts 5 years. Milatovic, among other things, says he has special honour and is proud of taking over as the president of Montenegro in front of the Montenegrin MPs. As he adds, the change of political establishment and consolidation of our democracy stirs optimism that we’re going to solve key open issues for Montenegro with greater unity. “The job that lies ahead won’t be short-term and easy. The elimination of internal divisions, building strong institutions, impartial distribution of justice, a society of equal opportunities, will require full commitment. Divisions are stirred artificially, often with the intention of concealing the misuse of common goods and the increase of personal wealth. It’s time to get out of it and gather around what’s same for everybody, and that is love for Montenegro. I will represent each of us in efforts to find harmony where we were divided. A reconciled Montenegro is the only true Montenegro.” He also notes that his mission is to have Montenegro offering equal chances for all citizens, where hard work and education would be the key factors for achieving success in life. “That’s my story and I want it to become the story of all of us. I would be a cohesive factor in our joint fight for better Montenegro. The development of democratic institutions is everyone’s task,” the President says in his speech. In addition, he notes that Montenegro won’t give up on its commitment to the EU. “The global context, determined by the Russian attack on Ukraine, cannot and will not distract us from our directions and commitments, which include Montenegro as part of the EU family. We have shown this by clearly defining ourselves according to security challenges. For me, there is no doubt about where we belong – we belong to Europe, united in its diversity”. Milatovic notes that he starts his term of office with the desire to provide full contribution to further democratic development of the country, stabilization of institutions and economic progress.


Many challenges lie ahead for Milatovic (RTCG)


After less than three years in politics, Jakov Milatovic was elected a new president of Montenegro and is the fourth since the introduction of multi-party system. At yesterday’s solemn session of the parliament of Montenegro, he took the oath and said that he would be the president of all Montenegro citizens. The session was attended by public figures, as well as the leaders of the countries of the Western Balkans (WB), along with representatives of the international community. More than 700 guests attended the reception organized by President Milatovic and his wife, Milena, in Villa Gorica. Milatovic assessed that Montenegro was on a turning point, adding that unity was more important than ever. In a statement for the RTCG portal, lawyer Veselin Radulovic commented on the election of a new president, assessing that a huge democratic stride was made, but that many challenges would lie ahead for Mr Milatovic. “Many challenges lie ahead for the president, but first and the most important one is that he truly shows that he is the president of all citizens. Unfortunately, he didn’t send good messages in that sense, as during the election campaign, he underlined that he had no intention of leaving his party position, and then avoided the inauguration ceremony to be performed in Cetinje, where it should have been done.”


Djukanovic: There’s no eternal government, only Montenegro is eternal, I will be an honorary president, the real test will follow after the elections (CdM)


There is no eternal government, only Montenegro is eternal, has said the outgoing President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic at the press conference in Cetinje where the president’s term ends. Montenegro, he says, desperately needs a stable, competent, patriotic government, which will affirm the civil state and multi-ethnic democracy and achieve membership in the European Union. For the next five years, he says, he will be the honorary president of Montenegro. “I have no intention of more explicitly summarizing and affirming the results achieved during the tenure of the government that I personified in a long previous period, the historical significance of which no real person can dispute. I had the opportunity to do so during the recently held pre-election campaign”, Djukanovic has stated. According to him, the referendum on independence was not only an act of restoration of statehood that was historically unjustifiably and forcibly denied to us. “Nor is it just a democratic celebration, hitherto unknown to the Balkan state-building experience. The referendum was also an expression of citizens’ increased self-confidence, and faith in their own abilities to take responsibility for their future”, Djukanovic has pointed out. After that, he adds, a historical turn was made towards the European cultural circle and the value system of contemporary Europe. Our country, he says, is still in the early stages of the emancipation process burdened by the heavy burden of economic backwardness, as well as the consequences of the discontinuity of the state’s duration, including the controversial attitude of some citizens towards the state, logically also by the incompleteness of institutions that did not even exist before independence. He believes that the government elected after the upcoming parliamentary elections will take responsibility and act on these postulates and create conditions for normal political life in the country. “One can also say for Montenegro what Vaclav Havel said in the ‘90s, that without dreams of a better Europe, we will never build a better Europe. I believe in a better Montenegro and a better Europe. There is no eternal government, only Montenegro is eternal”, said Djukanovic. He expects the elections to take place in a democratic atmosphere. When asked if he intends to retire from politics, Djukanovic replies that it does not even cross his mind. “What should I withdraw from – from what I dedicated my life to?! Well, I dedicated my life to the European development of Montenegro”, Djukanovic has stressed. “I am ending the mandate of the active president today. The law on the president foresees the possibility that I can enjoy the status of former president during the next five years. I will use the legal option. I am making such a choice because of my commitment to organize my archive and systematize my long political life in the coming period”, Djukanovic has added.


Vucic: I wanted to show respect for Montenegro (Antena M)


I wanted to show respect for Montenegro, said the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, to reporters following the inauguration of his Montenegrin counterpart, Jakov Milatovic. “I wish Montenegro all the best in the future, and to citizens of Montenegro as well. Serbia will always be its sincere friend and a good partner, Vucic said. He also noted that Milatovic didn’t mention the Open Balkans initiative in his speech but noted that he was open for other initiatives. “There’s always room for cooperation and that’s what matters. It is clear that Montenegro remains strategically committed to the policy of NATO membership, we perceive our military position differently, we want to preserve military neutrality and take care of our own heaven and earth. Also, the messages we receive about events in the world are somewhat different, but that does not change our extremely friendly attitude towards Montenegro. It’s the choice of the citizens of Montenegro,” he said.


Osmani: It’s important that this day gathered the leaders of the region (CdM)


Following the inauguration of the Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic, the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani said it was important that the leaders of the region gathered on this day. “Congratulations to the President of Montenegro. Kosovo is extremely interested in continuing the existing excellent cooperation with Montenegro, particularly when it comes to the EU integration. And as the new president of Montenegro confirmed today, it’s the only way this country is going to take. We will work together, we will cooperate with every other country in the region that wants peace, stability and Euro-Atlantic integrations,” she said.


Escobar: There’s concern at Russia’s interference in the parliamentary election (MINA)


Deputy Assistant Secretary overseeing policy towards the WB countries, Gabriel Escobar, has warned that there’s a danger of Russia’s interfering in the Montenegro’s parliamentary elections. In an interview for the MINA news agency, he says that same concern existed even in the US election. “You can be sure that they will try to exploit any differences and use the traditional tools – bots and misinformation, in an attempt to stir Montenegro away from its European path. So, yes, I do worry about elections not just in Montenegro, but all over the region”. According to him, the citizens of Montenegro have made the right choice. “Whenever they had to make a choice, they chose the only real path for Montenegro – Euro-Atlantic integrations,” Mr Escobar adds. It’s why he’s confident that the people of Montenegro, while electing the government, will know how to identify such misinformation and make decisions that are aligned with their own values and aspirations. On the Open Balkans initiative, he notes that it’s a great opportunity for both Montenegro and the region in terms of economic integration. He reiterates that the US is going to support all the initiatives which bring the WB closer to Europe, as well as those which bring the countries of the region closer to each other and are open for them. “In other words, as long as Open Balkans is fully aligned with the Berlin Process, I don’t see why we shouldn’t support it.”


EP calls for national consensus on EU integration towards goal of meeting criteria for EU membership by 2030 (MIA)


The European Parliament has released a draft report by MEP and Rapporteur Ilhan Kyuchyuk, in motion for a European Parliament resolution on the 2022 Commission report on North Macedonia, welcoming the country's consistent commitment to EU integration and calling for calm, dignity and maturity in bilateral relations. The document mentions 2030 as a date when the country should meet the criteria for EU membership. 320 amendments have been tabled to the motion for a resolution, which will be discussed by the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs next week. The document points out that enlargement is the most effective EU foreign policy instrument and is a geostrategic investment in long-term peace, whereas North Macedonia has established itself as a reliable partner and has delivered sustained reforms. It also welcomes North Macedonia’s consistent commitment to EU integration, which has been underpinned by steady progress on guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights, while moving towards cross-cutting policy alignment.  The European Parliament commends North Macedonia’s full alignment with the EU’s foreign and security policy, including its clear-cut response to the aggression against Ukraine by aligning with the EU’s restrictive measures against Russia and Belarus. In addition, EP urges decision-makers to foster a national consensus on EU integration, building upon a successful start to the screening process, to work towards the ambitious goal of meeting the criteria for EU membership by 2030. Concern is expressed about the unjustified delays in the accession process, stressing the need to strengthen the process’s transparency, accountability and inclusiveness, including its parliamentary dimension. The document further commends North Macedonia’s well-established inter-community harmony and urges the country to sustain its long-standing commitment to multiculturalism and inclusion. The motion notes North Macedonia’s commitment to positive diplomacy and good neighbourly relations, reiterating full support for a consistent mutual implementation of the Treaty of Friendship with Bulgaria and the Prespa Agreement with Greece.  Warning is expressed against attempts to undermine peaceful inter-community and bilateral relations, deploring all internal and external actions that endanger stability and jeopardise regional reconciliation. The European Parliament calls for calm, dignity and maturity in bilateral relations, urging regional partners to restore trust and cooperate with mutual respect and in the spirit of good neighbourliness. Also, it invites policymakers and the societies of Bulgaria and North Macedonia to assume joint responsibility and to restore the positive agenda between the two countries in the spirit of the Treaty of Friendship, expressing support for continued diplomatic and societal dialogue to resolve bilateral grievances. In the document, EP notes that it supports efforts to reach an agreement on constitutional changes that would include additional communities in the preamble of North Macedonia’s constitution in good faith. As many as 320 amendments on 161 pages have been submitted to the ten-page report, which will be debated by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, in which the Bulgarian MEPs will try to insert their criticisms of North Macedonia.


Aggeler: You either support doing what is necessary to move towards EU or against it (MIA)


US Ambassador Angela Aggeler says in an interview with MIA there is a timeline with regard to North Macedonia's path towards the EU, with the next Intergovernmental Conference coming up in November, provided the constitutional amendments are adopted. "I also know that there are many who would like to simply move forward with the scheduled elections for next year. How that plays out I’m not sure. Again, I do know that there are those outside of this country and within this country who would like to harm that process of moving forward, and there is a timeline with the EU and the next review of the IGC, a review that is important and coming up in November, so that’s part of the conversation as well. I’m not convinced that, there are those who say that they are not supportive of the constitutional amendments unless there are early elections and then they’ll support them, I think you’re either in support of doing what’s necessary to move towards the EU or it’s against. And again, I’m very hopeful that those in whichever party that care about the future of this country will make the decisions to move forward and take the actions that are necessary to move towards the EU. Now whether or not that means early elections, whether they happen next spring, I can’t predict, and we’ll just see what happens and believe me, we’re watching very closely," says Ambassador Aggeler. She says the people of North Macedonia have made very tough choices and taken tough decisions to change the name of the country. "That was something that if you’d asked me before I’d left in 2013 if this country would be willing to do that, I would not have believed it. And so, people understand that there are difficult decisions that have to be taken. But you’re absolutely right, simply having a goal does not mean you achieve it. It requires action, and it requires in this case yet another constitutional amendment. I know people are tired of that, but at the same time they also want to be in the EU, because they recognize the enormous benefits of opening those doors to the EU and to Euro-Atlantic integration," says Aggeler. She expressed hope that leaders of all political parties put aside their differences and act simply in the best interest of the country and its future.


Coalition partners voice support for continuation of EU path, says Kovachevski (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski in answer to a journalist’s question Friday over the stability of the coalition, said that during their meeting the coalition partners agreed to launch a discussion within the Parliamentary Committee on Political System and establish a group tasked with drafting a vetting legislation. The partners also agreed for the discussion over the single electoral district to take place within parliament, and all aspects of the political parties to be taken into account. “We already spoke with Angelov, and we had a meeting with the coalition partners regarding the request, but due to the legal inability to implement it, we will meet again and find a solution. When it comes to Balkoski, I am fully aware of his positions, and we have the same goal, but a different approach because he is an expert in that area and believes we should have a different approach when it comes to certain legislation. However, I think the realization of the goal for the construction of the corridors from all aspects is an imperative for all political parties,” said Kovachevski. Regarding the reforms in the judiciary – the vetting law, the coalition partners agreed to launch a discussion within the Parliamentary Committee on Political System and establish a group charged with drafting legislation with the participation of experts, and the invitation of relevant experienced EU experts with the goal of producing a suitable legislation and procedures that will ensure a process that provides the desired effect. Regarding the draft legislation over a single electoral district, the parties from the coalition agreed that the discussion should be led within parliament, and that, according to the PM, all aspects of the political parties should be taken into account. “There are different opinions over the Electoral Code, both within the coalition and the opposition. SDSM is a party that has a single electoral district in its manifesto, but in parliament we will discuss the specifics on whether there should be an electoral threshold, there shouldn’t, the representation of ethnic communities, gender representation in the electoral lists, etc.” said Kovachevski. At the meeting, said the Prime Minister, the coalition partners expressed their support for the continuation of the EU path. “The political parties voiced their support for the continuation of the European path. Today we find ourselves at a crossroads, whether to continue with the EU accession at a higher pace, or whether the country should remain isolated yet again as it already was for 11 years in the past,” said Kovachevski. Asked what will happen if the requests of the smaller coalition partners aren’t fulfilled, Kovachevski stressed that for him there are no smaller or larger coalition partner, but only coalition partners that he respects due to their ideological and program commitments upon which their policies are based. “In such a variety of coalition partners, when you have socialists, liberals, greens etc. there is always a process of trying to come to an agreement. Today we agreed to launch a discussion over the reforms in the judiciary, the implementation of a system in which elected officials in the judiciary will be able to be summoned to a public discussion in parliament in order to answer to the MPs who elected them, and we also agreed over legislation in the field of responsibility and accountability. Upon my proposal we also spoke about upgrading individual transparency which can then be transformed into sanctioning improper actions. Regarding the Electoral Code, all parties will have to reach an agreement over the Electoral Code and what it will look like, because we have time until the next elections,” concluded Kovachevski.


Kovachevski rules out resignation (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski is adamant that he is not thinking about resigning, despite the fact the deadline for the constitutional changes expires in November. “This is not only a task of the government, but of all political and social stakeholders in the country. Every MP has this task, to make a decision for the future of the citizens, because our citizens want and deserve a European future,” said Kovachevski after Friday’s meeting with the leaders of the coalition partners. The PM pointed out that after joining the EU, countries like Romania, Czechia, Slovakia experienced accelerated growth and a higher standard of living, and, according to Kovachevski, this is a result of the fact that the countries are members of the EU. “We used to have a higher standard of living than them when we were a part of Yugoslavia, and they were a part of the Warsaw Pact. Moreover, an EU member state receives 11 times more finances from the EU funds per capita than the candidate countries. All of these arguments are additional proof of why the country should become an EU member, and this process cannot be held hostage by someone’s daily political interests,” Kovachevski underlined. This is why, the PM said, the government’s mandate is not tied to the adoption of the constitutional changes, however, he said, the government will show it has a pro-European parliamentary majority. “I hope that in the end the opposition will make a decision with which it will join the European bloc, because the opposition, too, has a task to make decisions in the interest of the citizens, and EU membership is a top interest for the citizens. The path to the EU means reforms, it means upgrading all systems and areas of society,” said Kovachevski. The PM pointed out that for 11 years the country had no rise in GDP or development of the economy. “After joining NATO, we now have an increased number of foreign investments, an increased number of workers who work for foreign companies. Those workers, through those jobs, pay the wages of the public sector employees by paying taxes,” said Kovachevski. The Prime Minister said these arguments show why the country should become an EU member, adding that the language and identity have been safeguarded and now the country has to fulfil the tasks from the negotiating framework.


Petrovska-Drexler: Excellent military-political cooperation, strong German support for Euro-integration process (MIA)


North Macedonia is a member of NATO thanks to the strong support provided by Germany, said Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska at Friday's meeting with German Ambassador Petra Drexler. "We believe the strong German support is a prerequisite for successful realization of our second strategic priority - full-fledged EU membership - an objective we are working hard to achieve," said Minister Petrovska. Ambassador Drexler said the two countries share excellent military-political cooperation, noting it is very important for North Macedonia to continue to move forward on the European integration path through implementation of the constitutional changes, so that the process is not delayed, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. "North Macedonia has an excellent opportunity to open the EU negotiating chapters by making the constitutional changes, in order to avoid losing precious time and the risk of long-standing delays in the integration process," said Drexler. Petrovska and Drexler highlighted the excellent bilateral cooperation in the defense sector, including in military education and training, along with the possibilities for its enhancement. Interlocutors agreed that both countries would continue to actively contribute in the maintenance of peace, stability and security in Europe and the region, as well as provide maximum support to the people of Ukraine in their fight for freedom, reads the press release.


Escobar: Albania and North Macedonia have made many sacrifices and deserve to advance in the EU membership process (Radio Tirana)


Albania and North Macedonia have made many sacrifices and deserve to advance in the European Union membership process, stated the US envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, in a hearing at the Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation.

"A full, free Europe remains in the vital interest of the United States of America and at the core of our policy. The Balkans are essential for this vision", he emphasized. "President Biden's administration, recognizing this challenge, remains committed to the region, which is an inseparable part of Europe. Our long-standing diplomatic engagements support the full integration of the Western Balkans into Euro-Atlantic structures. A strong Balkans integrated into a strong Europe means a strong transatlantic community", said Escobar. "The United States of America continues to deepen our partnerships in the region. In recent months we celebrated the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Serbia and held our first bilateral consultations in five years. We announced a special operations base in Albania, welcomed Croatia into the visa waiver program, and relied heavily on our partners in Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia in an hour of need to host thousands of Afghan evacuees," he added. "We strongly support the dialogue facilitated by the EU for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Dialogue is the platform in which both parties as equals should engage in order to resolve their differences and find a comprehensive agreement. We believe that this effort should be based on mutual recognition. North Macedonia and Albania have made many sacrifices and deserve to advance in the EU membership process", said Escobar.


Begaj: Albania and Montenegro active contributors to peace and security in the region (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President Bajram Begaj participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. In greeting and congratulating President Milatovic on the occasion, President Begaj underlined the very good and good neighbourly relations that exist between the two countries. Also, referring to the very good example that the two countries have given in the framework of regional cooperation, President Begaj expressed his belief that these relations will be strengthened and expanded even more during the presidential mandate of President Milatovic. "As two allied countries in NATO and in the process of negotiation for accession to EU, our two countries are active contributors to peace and security in our region, and beyond," said Begaj. In particular, the Head of Albanian State appreciated the important role played by the Albanian factor in Montenegro, for the stability, independence and Euro-Atlantic future of this neighbouring and friendly country, while expressing his conviction that this community will continue to have the attention and support of President Milatovic and the Montenegrin institutions. "The presence of Montenegro and the Montenegrin community in Albania are strong bridges of friendship and cooperation, which together we must support and promote more," Begaj said. These ceremonies were attended by a number of heads of state and government from the countries of the Southeast European region, and many high-ranking EU and US officials. During his one-day visit to Montenegro, President Begaj made a stop in the city of Tuz, where he met with representatives of the Albanian factor in Montenegro. Begaj assured them of the unwavering attention and support of the Albanian institutions for all issues and concerns faced by the Albanian minority in Montenegro. In particular, during this meeting, Begaj appreciated the very constructive role that the Albanians and the Albanian political forces in Montenegro have played, both for stability and within the country's Euro-Atlantic processes.