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Belgrade Media Report 23 May 2023



Serbia fully committed to reform process, EU membership (RTS/RTV/Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic spoke yesterday in Brussels with Chair of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee David McAllister about current events in Europe and the region, European integration of Serbia and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. The meeting was held on the sidelines of the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU, where Dacic is participating in the working lunch of the ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union with the ministers of foreign affairs of the Western Balkans. On that occasion, Dacic reiterated the position that membership in the EU remains Serbia's strategic goal, as well as one of the main foreign policy priorities. He underlined that Serbia remains fully committed to the reform process and the improvement of all spheres of our society, as well as the further development of regional cooperation, which directly contributes to the building of mutual trust, the process of reconciliation and encourages overall development on our way to full membership in the EU. When it comes to our progress on the European path, McAllister positively assessed the reform process, as well as the steps taken by the Government of Serbia to harmonise its visa policy with the EU, but he also emphasised the importance of further harmonisation of foreign and security policy. In this context, Dacic said that our country has no problem with harmonising with EU policies in the part that does not harm our national interests. Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the interlocutors reached an agreement that dialogue and compliance with the commitments undertaken is the only way to achieve long-term peace and stability, while Dacic emphasised that for Serbia, this means, above all, the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities.


Dacic: There was no pronounced pressure on Serbia (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in Brussels on Monday there had been no pressure on Serbia at his meeting with EU and Western Balkan Foreign Ministers earlier in the day and that he was pleasantly surprised that nearly all EU Foreign Ministers had spoken about a need for the Western Balkans to join the bloc as soon as possible within concrete timeframes. Dacic explained that, however, no specific timeframes had been discussed at the meeting. He added that representatives of interim Pristina institutions had once again demonstrated a consistently extremist behaviour. "They talked about Serbia being a danger to peace and stability, that we are a disturbing factor and that they are a factor of peace and stability, which seems really unreal," Dacic told reporters in Brussels. He noted that he did not understand how, as many as ten years after he had signed the Brussels agreement, Pristina was still able to make extremist statements and how there was no talk about the reasons for its failure to form a Community of Serb Municipalities. He said alignment of Serbia's foreign policy with the EU had been discussed as well and that he had called for a fair treatment of Serbia. He said Serbia was not neutral in terms of values when it comes to the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and added that Belgrade had demonstrated this by voting in favour of various resolutions. He added that Serbia had not joined the sanctions on Russia because it did not believe such measures were correct and also because it had been guided by its own interests, specifically, its territorial integrity and sovereignty. He also said Serbia would not be a place from which sanctions would be violated. "What we can be glad about is that there was no pronounced pressure on Serbia - on the contrary, I think that everyone was able to see what the extremist policy pursued by Pristina looks like," Dacic said.


Borrell: Either EU or Russia (FoNet)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said Monday that he discussed Russia’s influence with the foreign affairs ministers of Western Balkans countries and that he stressed that close ties with Russia are not compatible with European integration. Borrell told a press conference following lunch with the ministers that the EU welcomes the strategic and courageous choices of the countries that have fully aligned with the EU foreign policy and sanctions against Russia, with a message to those that have not done this, including Serbia, that maintaining close ties with Russia is not compatible with the EU accession process. “We want to advance on enlargement, and we sent a strong message that they need to seize the momentum in the enlargement process created by the swift progress of Ukraine. Ukraine is progressing, they [also] have to follow this path at the same pace. Now is the time for them to speed up reforms, to align with the European Union’s standards and to prepare their societies for accession. There is an opportunity, a unique opportunity. They have to use it,” said Borrell. He added that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was also discussed at the meeting, and explained that being a member of the EU is an exercise of cooperation, and that the states that fought in the past should not only be neighbors but friends and partners. “Full and swift implementation of the Agreement is the only way for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. Tensions and mutual provocations have to reach an end. The negative atmosphere and lack of constructiveness also have to be reversed. Being a member of the EU means being able to cooperate and to act as good neighbors, overcoming all the difficulties of the past,” said Borrell.


Dacic thanks Eswatini for Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received on Tuesday the non-resident Ambassador of Eswatini to Serbia Sibusisiwe Mngomezulu, who presented his credentials to President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday. Wishing the Ambassador a successful mission in Serbia, Dacic said he was confident political dialogue and economic cooperation between Serbia and Eswatini would continue to develop to mutual benefit, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. On behalf of Eswatini's King Mswati III and on his own behalf, the Ambassador extended condolences over the recent tragic events in Belgrade and expressed compassion and solidarity with the families of the victims. The parties exchanged views on the state of bilateral relations and opportunities for their advancement. They agreed to remain committed to strengthening the bilateral relations as well as to advancement of economic cooperation. Dacic reiterated that he had fond memories from a 2019 trip to Eswatini and said he hoped he would have another opportunity to visit the country. He thanked the Ambassador for Eswatini's support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Mngomezulu thanked Dacic for the aid provided by the Serbian government to his country during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Lajcak: Discussions to continue again in weeks to come (Tanjug/Politika)


EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak says the goal of last week's Brussels meeting between the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina was to clarify remaining open questions and that the dialogue will continue in the weeks to come. "We discussed the way forward on the implementation of the 27 February agreement and aimed to clarify remaining open questions. While finding common ground can be challenging, we managed to achieve some progress. Our discussions will continue again in the weeks to come," Lajcak wrote in a Facebook post, recapping his activities during last week.


Support of UNICEF through expert assistance to youth (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met yesterday with UNICEF Representative to Serbia Deyana Kostadinova. Brnabic and Kostadinova discussed the activities that were carried out immediately after the tragic event at the “Vladislav Ribnikar” elementary school in Belgrade, which the government and the relevant ministries realised with the support of UNICEF. The Prime Minister thanked the UNICEF Representative for her quick response and support for the government’s activities given by joining the working groups which the government formed after the tragic events at the beginning of May. Brnabic pointed out that experts and leading professionals from various fields are crucial for a high-quality and efficient work of these working groups. The focus of the talks was the necessity of creating a strategy that should include preventive action and be formulated on the basis of best experiences and practices, in which the support of UNICEF will be of great importance. The strategy would include a series of activities in the field of education, social protection, as well as activities aimed at young people. As a good example from her previous work with young people, the Prime Minister cited the formation of youth centres in several cities in Serbia, as unique places where young people can get information on various topics that are important to them. UNICEF Representative to Serbia Deyana Kostadinova said that this organisation is always ready to provide support to Serbia through expert assistance, especially considering the gravity and complexity of the tragic event.


Giaufret: Cooperation between institutions, civil society key to Serbia EU path (Beta)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said yesterday that it was time for Serbia to step up reforms as the EU was giving much more attention to candidate members. Speaking at a conference marking the tenth anniversary of prEUgovor, a coalition of civil society organizations monitoring rule of law reforms in Serbia that are part of the EU integration process, Giaufret expressed approbation for non-governmental organizations' work in prEUgovor and the conviction that cooperation between institutions and civil society was key to Serbia's European journey. He stressed that rule of law and justice reforms remained the pillar of Serbia's EU Integration and that progress was possible where there was strong will. Giaufret said strong and independent institutions were crucial to curbing corruption and organized crime and that no-one must be above the law or allowed to have impunity. Jelena Pejic Nikic, coordinator at the prEUgovor coalition, said when opening the conference that the coalition could not say it was happy with the results of Serbia's EU integration over the past ten years, more specifically with its pace, and that prEUgovor was therefore still needed.


Situation in north Kosovo extremely difficult - former N. Mitrovica mayor (TV Pink)


Former North Mitrovica mayor Milan Radojevic said on Monday the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija was extremely difficult and that this had especially been the case since local Serbs left Pristina's institutions last November, and noted that no one in the international community was concerned about when Pristina's PM Albin Kurti would stop a repression against the Serbs. Speaking to TV Pink, Radojevic said pressure by Kurti and his institutions was growing. "We have been warning international representatives that the situation is difficult and that it was a matter of time when an individual would take justice in their own hands to protect their family. Serb List stands with its people and all decisions we will make will be made with the people," Radojevic said. He said the appointment of Pristina's mayors in four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija showed Kurti's true intentions. "The new North Mitrovica mayor came in a bulletproof vehicle, which shows whether he belongs in North Mitrovica and the people. We are with the people, and we are determined to defend our way of life and institutions," he said. He said Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija had no intent of rapprochement with Pristina or South Mitrovica. "We are just defending our way of life. Our ultimatum is an extremely forced move we were compelled to make. No one in the international community is wondering when Kurti will stop the repression, withdraw special forces and respect laws under which land owned by the Visoki Decani monastery should be returned to it. That is what their constitutional court ordered seven years ago. It seems that the constitution need not be respected in that case," Radojevic said.




Konakovic attends FAC meeting and EU Foreign Ministers - Western Balkans Foreign Ministers informal meeting in Brussels (BHT1/RTRS)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic attended a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and an informal meeting of EU Foreign Ministers and Western Balkans Foreign Ministers in Brussels on Monday. At its meeting, FAC discussed the situation in the Western Balkans, with the focus on normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations, the situation in B&H, regional cooperation and Russia’s influence in the Western Balkans. BHT1 reports that Brussels commended work of the newly formed authority in B&H and the progress made at lower authority levels. Konakovic said he got “got a strong wind in sails’’ with the support of his colleagues ministers, in an important moment that should be taken advantage of. Addressing the media after the meeting, Konakovic said: “The most important conclusion is that, I think, we are all very committed to the (fact) that the Western Balkans’ place is in the European Union (EU) and that, unfortunately due to the situation in Ukraine, there is a momentum that the process is happening faster than it has been the case so far.” Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said: “I emphasized B&H as a good example of the country that was granted the EU candidate status in December last year, and commended results of the authority formation at the state level and recently at the Federation of B&H (FB&H) level. I also invited my colleagues in the EU to support B&H until the end, and that the country initiates negotiations with the EU as soon as possible. I think that the country (B&H) deserves is, it has made significant progress.” Grlic Radman stressed the importance of the Western Balkans countries being on the side which all EU members are on, i.e. condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which seeks an equal status of the region that is of strategic importance for the EU. In that spirit, the Croatian government and the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will hold a joint session 20 June. “A new form of talks, together with the Western Balkans countries, has been imposed which may be an advantage. It obligates us to regional stability, to more dialogue among us within the Western Balkans, or the South-eastern Europe as I prefer to say”, said Konakovic. Konakovic said: “We are aware that in the past ten years, B&H has done almost nothing to fulfil some of the 14 key priorities. But during my address, I said that Europe also has done almost nothing, that they have been sleeping for some ten years in the Western Balkans and in B&H, and that their awakening, as well as our awakening can be really used for a positive process.” BHT1 reports that individual EU member states, like the Netherlands, remain cautious but Konakovic said he is convinced that the EU’s reason will prevail over doubts, because Europe is aware that “the space that should be the EU is much broader than the one advocated by individual countries so far”. Konakovic expressed content with outcome of this meeting in Brussels. Konakovic stressed that they exchanged opinions on cooperation in the area of security and foreign policy, adding that all EU ministers clearly stated that B&H has place in the EU. He underlined that it was visible that all those opposing the EU enlargement to the Western Balkans remained silent. Konakoivic underlined that the most important conclusion of the abovementioned meeting is that the EU committed that place of the Western Balkans is in this bloc and that due to situation in Ukraine, EU accession of the Western Balkans countries should be somewhat speeded up. Konakovic also stated that the EU ministers gave positive assessment to work of new authorities at B&H level. He explained that several ministers noticed that one positive process started occurring in B&H. “There are primarily draft amendments to Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H. Also, there is our program of reforms for period 2023-2025 that was passed on time, Europol contact point and many other items,” stated the B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs. Following the abovementioned meeting, Konakovic criticized Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik due to his decision to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, underlining that such act is not fair. “I have never announced we can change approach of Dodik, Cvijanovic or even opposition in the RS in regards to traditional connections. In my opinion, they bring nothing good to B&H”, emphasized Konakovic. He also emphasized that foreign ministers of the EU countries did not discuss Open Balkan initiative, but they did discuss Berlin Process. Konakovic added that he used this opportunity to inform his colleagues at the meeting about all changes that happened in B&H in the last 100 days since the new authorities in B&H have been formed and he confirmed they also noticed a positive process. Konakovic stressed that, however, the EU requirements for B&H remain unchanged and this includes the requirements for implementation of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruling in the case Sejdic-Finci vs. B&H and other international court rulings, the reform of the Constitution and the election legislation, and other reforms. Konakovic confirmed they discussed the need to harmonize B&H’s foreign policy with the policy of the EU.  Konakovic warned that it will be difficult to reach consensus in the B&H Presidency due to RS officials’ traditional relations with Russia. Grlic-Radman stressed that B&H should start EU negotiations as soon as possible, as that will be of benefit to the BiH citizens. He concluded that B&H needs to function as a country of three equal constituent peoples.  Grlic Radman said that Croatia supports enlargement of the EU, but that it is key that all countries harmonize their policies with the EU's foreign and security policy. “Mr. Borrell was saying how necessary it is to harmonize their foreign policies, their policies with the common foreign and security policy of the EU, how much it is necessary to work on reform and strengthening democracy,” Grlic Radman underlined. RTRS also reported on the EU FM’s failure to agree on a new package of sanctions to Russia, as well as on the meetings that Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic held with EU officials to discuss the Belgrade-Pristina issue. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Borrell said: “We discussed about Russia’s influence which is trying to derail the European path of the Western Balkans candidates. We welcomed the strategic and courageous choices of some of them, who aligned fully with our foreign policy and sanctions.  And we also indicated to those who have not fully aligned yet, or not aligned at all - and I want to mention notably Serbia - that maintaining close ties with Russia is not compatible with its EU accession process.” Commenting on abovementioned Borrell’s statement, Dacic said for the media that he reacted that the EU should have a fair position on Serbia in the context that Serbia “is not neutral’’, noting that Serbia voted in favor of all resolutions “condemning violation of territorial integrity of Ukraine. On the other hand, Serbia did not join sanctions because it does not believe such measures are right, and guided by own national and state interests, because it is also a matter of our territorial integrity and sovereignty”. Referring to Kosovo-Serbia relations, Borrell reiterated that quick and full implementation of signed agreements is the only way to normalize relations of the two countries and to continue their EU path.


Konakovic speaks to media after FAC session; EU member states are unanimous that EU enlargement should be accelerated and that enlargement to the Western Balkans is one of EU priorities (Oslobodjenje)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic attended a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and informal meetings of EU Foreign Ministers and Western Balkans Foreign Ministers, which took place in Brussels on Monday. Speaking for the daily, Konakovic said that stances of the member states are encouraging, because unlike some previous meetings, they are now unanimous that enlargement should be accelerated and that enlargement to the Western Balkans is one of EU priorities. Konakovic said that new B&H authorities were commended for the processes that happened in B&H, but B&H also received some additional obligations and now it is up to B&H authorities to make additional efforts and continue positive trends that Council of Ministers started. “We jump-started some issues. This refers to Law on HJPC, EUROPOL contact point… These are the reasons we were commended for”, said Konakovic. He noted that future steps were not discussed in detail, adding that it is well known which 14 priorities B&H has to meet. One of the discussed issues, Konakovic noted, was the war in Ukraine. The daily noted that B&H formally supported EU’s sanctions for Russia, but Council of Ministers did not adopt any decision to confirm this. Konakovic noted that B&H was commended for being fully harmonized this year, with the EU’s foreign policy and B&H officials explained complex situation in B&H and the fact that due to historic connections and their views, RS politicians are not fully aligned with political reality in B&H. He underlined that B&H will remain fully dedicated to harmonization of B&H’s politics with the EU’s. As for Milorad Dodik’s visit to Russia and announced opening of Russian consulate in Banja Luka, Konakovic said that these concrete issues were not discussed. “Several collocutors addressed the secessionist announcements from the RS, and everyone condemned this. They all, unanimously support territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, which is important to us. We did not expect Milorad Dodik’s politics and politics of certain opposition members in the RS to change overnight. I cannot say that EU got accustomed to this, but they understand this is part of political reality. It is very important that they understand that those same actors are participants in reform processes at state level”, said Konakovic.


Dodik meets with Patrushev in Moscow (ATV/BHT1)


RS President Milorad Dodik arrived in Moscow on Monday morning, where he is expected to meet with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. Dodik stated that everything is ready for his upcoming meeting with the Russian President. Dodik explained that Putin and he will discuss a number of important issues, primarily economic cooperation. Dodik and Putin will also discuss the situation in the RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) the region and the world. Dodik stressed that Putin and he will also discuss the intense pressures that the RS is suffering in terms of economy and politics because of its clear position that it opposes the introduction of sanctions against Russia. Dodik and Putin will also discuss the internal problems in B&H and the issue of implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and all the violations of the DPA that have happened in the previous days and months. During Dodik’s visit to the Russian Federation, other important meetings with some of the highest officials of the Russian Federation are planned. Dodik met with Secretary of the Security Council of Russia and one of Putin’s closest associates Nikolai Patrushev on Monday. Dodik and Patrushev, among other things, discussed important geopolitical issues and good cooperation of the Russian Federation and the RS. Dodik pointed out that “a small RS with all its problems, troubles, with all that it has, understanding and misunderstanding, managed to reach the most powerful people in the world.” “The fact that this makes the hair of these Americans curl, and that those in Brussels do not know what to make of it… What can I do, they did not give us any other chance. They did not give us a chance. We are proud of the fair attitude of the Russians towards us in the long term… I started telling the interlocutors here - ok, support for the Dayton Agreement, but what if there is no Dayton Agreement, and we want the RS to remain? Do we have your support?... What if they decide that property should be confiscated from the RS? That will be the moment when they announce the invitation for the session of the National Assembly that will make a decision on the status, and that is what I am saying here,” Dodik said. Dodik was invited to participate in the global security forum, which will be held in the Moscow region on Wednesday, May 24. At the upcoming global security forum, Dodik will have the opportunity to address representatives of more than 90 countries around the world. BHT1 reported that Patrushev expressed his satisfaction over Dodik being the guest of honor at the 11th International Meeting of High Representatives for Security Issues and noted that he values highly the partnership in the spirit of trust, which is “special between Russia and the RS”, as reported by RTRS. Ahead of his meeting with Putin, Dodik said that he has “no intention of annoying anyone”. According to Dodik, he has nothing to do with the fact that his visit to Russia annoys the US or that “they in Brussels do not know what to do with it”. Dodik also pointed out that he is proud of Russia’s fair attitude towards the RS on a long run. The RS President confirmed that he has been discussing the issue of state property and the Dayton Agreement with his interlocutors. Dodik announced that his associates will hold important meetings in Russia to secure an affordable price of Russian gas for B&H.


Dodik’s interview: I will convey message to Putin that DPA has collapsed so strongly that the big question is whether it exists at all (ATV)


ATV carried an exclusive interview with RS President Milorad Dodik ahead of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin scheduled for Tuesday. Asked what he expects from the meeting with Putin, Dodik said that he already held important meetings in Moscow, reminding that he was invited to take part in the global security forum in Moscow which should bring together representatives of more than 90 countries of the world. Dodik stressed that he will address the forum and give his view of the situation. Dodik pointed out that, together with RS Minister for Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society Zeljko Budimir, he met with Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev in Moscow on Monday. “We had the opportunity to hear what they think about the current situation, which is not simple at all, including global, security, political, military and economic (situation). It was also an opportunity to inform him and his associates about our view of the overall situation. We see that the world is in great disarray and that the polarization of the world, which has been unipolar so far, is obviously getting more intense and that in the time to come the world will be polarized to such an extent that there will be two strong gatherings, two strong blocs, one around America and the Western countries and the other which is undoubtedly led by China and in which Russia will undoubtedly play a significant role again. It is a global measuring of strength between these blocks. And we as a small community, a small country and small people absolutely need to see how, first of all, to preserve our subjectivity, our identity, our territory and our rights and to talk to both of them in this way,” Dodik said. He stressed that he informed Patrushev about many issues, not only about the situation in the RS and B&H, but in the region as well. “The RS is in very challenging conditions from the point of view of the pressures exerted on it, from the point of view of following the policies of Western countries and evidently the increasing degree of political and other blockades that are being imposed on us in an effort to discipline us so that we unquestioningly follow the policies that are conflicted on a global level. We see that people here understand the situation and the Secretary himself said that he appreciates the role of the RS in the effort to prevent the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation and that he understands that some structures in B&H are doing this despite the agreement reached at the highest level,” Dodik said. Dodik added that at the meeting with Patrushev, he was informed in detail about the Russian view of the war in Ukraine, stating that Russia is essentially against the war, but that it is determined to defend its identity, people and country. Dodik pointed out that the Russian officials know perfectly the position of the RS. “They know very well that the Dayton Agreement has been significantly undermined, but they still stand behind the Dayton Agreement and everything that that agreement is. But what we want to achieve is to explain to them, as well as to other partners in the West who behave diametrically opposite, that with the cancellation of the Dayton Agreement, the RS and its future path are inviolable and unquestionable. If the Dayton Agreement collapses, and the West does the most to collapse it, also through this Schmidt, who is illegal, anti-Dayton, anti-nothing... We must certainly have clear policies afterwards. I have never heard here, neither from Putin, nor from anyone else, that it was being sought or, I was not even stimulated to speak on the subject of the eventual independent movement of the RS. It was always said the Dayton Agreement, Russia is behind the Dayton Agreement,” Dodik said. Dodik emphasized that he will convey a message to the Russian President that the Dayton Agreement has collapsed so strongly that the big question is whether it exists at all. “It exists only as a framework for disciplining others, not for exercising the rights of all who signed the Dayton Agreement. In this respect, what we do not want to see in the end is that the RS will be lost. The RS did not enter the Dayton Agreement to be lost, but to be strengthened. But what the Westerners are doing now is precisely to collapse it,” Dodik underlined. Dodik added that the Westerners are annoyed by the situation around Ukraine, and that Russia and China are waging, so to speak, an economic and political war for positioning, where China is obviously heading for leadership that is unquestionable and that this significantly annoys or makes America itself nervous. “In such circumstances, we must have friends. The British have shown themselves to be our enemies, and others who are doing things speculatively have also shown themselves to be our enemies. And everyone who tries today, sitting in Sarajevo, to say that property should be confiscated from the RS are our enemies and we must start calling them that. And we have to look for friends, even here (Russia), that is, here is the most important, because Russia itself is the guarantor of the Dayton Agreement and no one can dismiss the fact that Russia is the guarantor of the Dayton Agreement,” Dodik underlined. Dodik stated that the RS is in the focus of what he is doing. He stressed that he wants to convince Putin of the necessity for him to understand the details and to have knowledge of the possible developments in relations in the future. Dodik added that Putin and he will also discuss economic issues.


Varhelyi: Allies of Brussels do not travel to Moscow; Sattler: Dodik’s visit to Russia opens path to isolation of B&H (RTRS/BHRT)


RTRS comments that RS President Milorad Dodik’s visit to Russia sparked discontent– as RTRS reported - “in Sarajevo and part of the international community” where one of the issues lies in RS’ intention to pay for Russian gas in Russian Ruble currency. Commenting on Dodik’s planned meeting with Putin, European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi said that allies of Brussels do not travel to Moscow. EU Special Representative (EUSR) and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler stated for BHRT that Dodik’s visit to Russia opens path to isolation of B&H, and he assessed that “this is not a wise move, and it is not in interest of citizens”.


Viskovic on criticism of Dodik’s visit to Russia: EU, world officials also go to Moscow (Nova BH)


RS President Milorad Dodik has travelled to Russia, and he is expected to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. Nova BH reported that while many criticize Dodik for the visit and the meeting with Putin following the Russian aggression on Ukraine, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that this is a very important visit. Viskovic also stated that he does not understand the criticism at Dodik’s expense reminding that many EU and world leaders also visit Moscow. Viskovic said that Dodik is not visiting Russia only to meet Putin, but he will also hold important meetings and attend a gathering that will gather top Russian leadership who will discuss global processes. The reporter reminded of statements of EU officials who recently commented on Dodik’s announced visit to Russia that EU allies do not go to Russia.


Helez and Heappey discuss issues important for Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H (FTV)


B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez met with UK Minister of State for the Armed Forces James Heappey in Sarajevo on Monday. The two officials discussed military cooperation and security challenges in the region and Europe. It was emphasized that the UK is one of key foreign policy factors and partners of B&H, considering their support to development of B&H Armed Forces (AF) on their path to NATO membership. Minister Heappey expressed concern due to security issues in the region and emphasized importance of the Euro-Atlantic integration for stability. He stressed that they recognize importance of a strong and united B&H, not only for B&H but also for the Western Balkans. He added that in the period when values such as freedom, territorial integrity and sovereignty are under attack in Ukraine, it is extremely important that forces believing in these values support them. Helez stated that he thanked to Minister Heappey for total assistance the UK was providing to the B&H AF over last years. He added that thanks to this assistance, the B&H AF are today respected armed forces, adding that many units within B&H AF completely meet standards of NATO.


B&H Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly attends plenary session of 69th Spring Session of NATO, meets US Congressman Turner (Oslobodjenje)


Members of B&H parliament’s Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Kemal Ademovic, Marina Pendes and Obren Petrovic participated in the Summit in Luxembourg. At the plenary session of 69th Spring Session, French Senator and President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Joelle Garriaud Maylam urged NATO members to continue assisting Ukraine and also urged parliaments to make additional efforts to increase defense budgets to 2% of GDPs. Members of B&H Delegation also attended a session of the NATO Political Committee, chaired by US Congressman Brendan Francis Boyle, and they also met with US Congressman Michael Turner who expressed readiness for cooperation in projects that will make B&H a credible partner at its Euro-Atlantic path. Participants of the session again pointed out that the door is open for B&H, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova for cooperation and membership, and it was also stated that NATO members fully respect specific position and problems those countries are faced with, so they were invited to solve those within the process of the Euro-Atlantic path. Members of B&H Delegation on Monday told Turner that a visible progress was made in functioning of joint institutions of B&H following the completion of the process of establishment of the authorities in B&H. B&H Delegation also noted that the current political atmosphere in B&H promises better results because of a better mutual communication. Turner, who was Dayton Mayor at the time the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) was signed, wished B&H Delegation members to be successful in their work.


US Ambassador addresses IGES Conference; Ambassador underlines that USA firmly stands by B&H on the path to EU and NATO (Oslobodjenje)


Institute for Geopolitics, Economy and Security (IGES) organized a conference ‘IGES 2023: Strategic Partnership B&H- Euro-Atlantic World’, which was organized to mark the 31st anniversary since B&H’s accession to United Nations. Addressing the Conference, US Ambassador to B&H, Michael Murphy, said that USA have been providing support to B&H for past 28 years and this support comes from administrations led both by republicans and by democrats. “Lately, we have heard claims from some quarters that the United States is not a friend and partner to B&H, or that the United States seeks to ally with one ethnic group or political party over another. Some people have even claimed that the United States is seeking to partition this country. Nothing could be further from the truth”, said Murphy. Ambassador said that he has been humbled to see that the people of B&H recognize the strength of US commitment and see through the cheap attempts at fear mongering designed to manipulate them. Speaking about the challenges that modern world, which is “at its turning point” is facing, Ambassador said that “Russia poses an immediate threat to the free and open international system”, while “the People’s Republic of China has not only the intent to reshape the international order but, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to advance that objective”. “The United States wants a free, open, prosperous, and secure international order that allows people to enjoy their basic, universal rights and freedoms, empowers all nations to continually raise the standard of living for their citizens, and that is free from aggression. Our approach to B&H is fully aligned with those goals”, said Murphy. The Ambassador reminded that the United States has invested more than USD 2 billion since 1995 to support the country’s institutions as well as democratic, social, and economic progress at all levels of government. He noted that partnership with B&H has produced many successes, but perhaps the greatest of these was the formation of the multi-ethnic Armed Forces of B&H, and he is personally most proud of partnership with the Potocari Memorial Centre. However, Ambassador Murphy stated that “there are foreign malign actors who are actively working to knock your country off its Euro-Atlantic path”. “Some of these foreign malign actors work with politicians here, who want to create instability and deprive citizens of their fundamental rights.  At the same time, there are politicians here who are looking to forge partnerships with foreign malign actors so they can stay in power.  They justify these overtures by claiming that the United States has abandoned the people, specifically the Bosniaks, of this country. Again, nothing could be further from the truth”, said Ambassador. Murphy noted that together with our likeminded allies, the United States will continue to counter foreign malign actors in B&H and to support leaders who seek to advance your country’s Euro-Atlantic future. Murphy concluded that US activities will also include sanctioning individuals engaged in anti-Dayton, anti-democratic, or corrupt behaviour. “You will have noticed, I trust, that my government has reenergized the use of sanctions over the last 18 months as part of its commitment to holding bad actors accountable.  Critics will claim sanctions are meaningless – even as they call on the EU to deploy them.  Let me assure you, they are not.  Whatever sanctioned individuals are saying in public, in private they are looking for ways to have them lifted”, ends Ambassador.


FM: It’s crucial for W. Balkans to align with EU foreign and security policy (Hina)


Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman said on Monday that Croatia supported the enlargement of the European Union to the Western Balkans and that it was crucial for Western Balkan countries to align with the EU foreign and security policy. “Croatia strongly supports EU enlargement to the Western Balkans, and it calls on the (EU membership) aspirants to promote cooperation, good-neighbourly relations and respect for European values. Their adjustment to the EU foreign and security policy in crucial in this respect,” Grlic-Radman said before the start of a two-day meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) in Brussels. The FAC, to be chaired by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, will exchange views on the Western Balkans, among other things, and will discuss the new, 11th package of sanctions against Russia over its war of aggression on Ukraine. The foreign ministers of the EU membership aspirants from the Western Balkans will join the meeting. The EU foreign affairs ministers will have an informal discussion over lunch with their counterparts from the six countries in the region. Serbia is the sole country among those aspirants that is refusing to impose sanctions on Russia. That will be one of the central topics of the EU foreign ministers’ meeting. In recent weeks, the EU has been discussing an eleventh set of sanctions against Russia focusing on how to prevent the sanctions imposed thus far from being circumvented. European diplomats are also trying to compile a list of private companies helping Russia circumvent the sanctions and to expand the list of sanctioned Russian officials responsible for the imprisonment of political dissidents. The EU is also drawing up a decision on paying €500 million from the European Peace Facility to the member states which have supplied Ukraine with their ammunition.


Hungary’s position on new sanctions

The decisions made by the FAC should be made unanimously. Hungary is still blocking some decisions, insisting that its OTP bank should be removed from the list of “sponsors of the war”. Ukraine claims that the Russian branch of the OTP bank still provides Russia’s army with favourable loans and that its document recognises Crimea as part of Russia. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto is threatening to block the new sanctions against Russia for as long as OTP remains blacklisted.


Biden congratulates Milatovic: Use the moment to implement reforms necessary for EU membership (CdM)


US President Joseph Biden sent a congratulatory message to the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic. “I congratulate you on your election as the President of Montenegro. I am looking forward to improving the close cooperation between our two countries, supporting Montenegro on its path to integration into the EU, and expanding our security and economic ties,” said Biden. As he pointed out, Milatovic took office at a time of great challenges, when Russia’s cruel war on Ukraine shook the peace in Europe. “Montenegro’s commitment to providing humanitarian and security aid to Ukraine, public condemnation of Russian aggression and compliance with EU sanctions against Russia, as well as the acceptance of refugees from Ukraine represent a model of solidarity and regional leadership,” said Biden. Montenegro’s contribution to strengthening NATO’s eastern bloc shows its commitment to the Alliance, Biden said. “Continuing our cooperation to meet the challenges ahead, strengthening the ties between Montenegro and the United States of America, together with NATO allies and European partners is more important than ever before,” Biden pointed out. According to him, the elections in Montenegro once again showed that citizens want Montenegro to join the European Union in order to ensure a better future for their country. “I encourage you to use this moment to speed up the adoption and implementation of the reforms necessary for EU membership,” said Biden.


DIK confirms: 15 lists in election race (CdM)


The State Election Commission (DIK) has confirmed 15 lists for the parliamentary elections scheduled for 11 June. DIK did not accept two lists, namely the citizens’ group La Casa de Papel and the Montenegrin Civic Action (CGA). Lists that have not been confirmed can appeal to the Constitutional Court. DIK has confirmed the following parliamentary candidates lists: Justice for All – Vladimir Leposavic, Reversal Movement, Movement for Changes, We Can Do It for Civic Montenegro Alliance, Croatian Civic Initiative (HGI), SDP of Montenegro, Together – DPS-SD-LPCG-DUA, Albanian Forum, Bosniak Party, Europe Now Movement, For the Future of Montenegro Alliance – NSD-DNP-RP, Alliance of Democrats and URA, SNP – Demos Alliance, Albanian Alliance, Alliance of Real Montenegro – DHS – DSS – SCG – Movement for Pljevlja. The deadline for submitting lists expired on 16 May at midnight, and a total of 17 lists were submitted. The order of the lists in the early parliamentary elections will be determined by DIK on 26 May and will most likely be printed on 3 June.


Osmani: Strategic determination needed over accelerated EU integration for region (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani participated Monday in the informal meeting of foreign ministers of the European Union's members states and the Western Balkan countries in Brussels, as part of the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council, chaired by the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. In a press release, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the talks focused on the current situation in the Western Balkan countries and their Euro-integration processes in the context of the unjustified Russian aggression on Ukraine. Osmani reaffirmed the country’s position as a trustworthy partner in the implementation of the foreign policy of the EU and the transatlantic partners, noting that North Macedonia has fully aligned itself with the EU’s approach to Ukraine, providing significant military, economic and political support for its independence and sovereignty, but also its European path, said the press release. “The Russian aggression on Ukraine highlighted the urgency of combining the internal and transformative nature of the enlargement policy with its unavoidable foreign policy dimension. Our common interest is to identify the most efficient ways of tackling the influence of non-democratic, third countries in the heart of Europe. Strategic determination over an accelerated integration of the region within the EU is necessary,” said the Foreign Minister. Osmani stressed that not only is North Macedonia investing all of its efforts in the fulfilment of the Union’s membership criteria, but it has also “become an example in the entire region, as a result of its culture of dialogue and solving open disputes through compromises.” Although we are not directly on the battlefield, we are still on the battlefield of narratives and disinformation. Therefore, we must avoid these attempts, and we should create opportunities for reconciliation, dialogue, overcoming the legacy of the past and solution of disputes with understanding, respect and mutually acceptable solutions,” stressed Osmani.  On the sidelines of the meeting of the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council, Osmani held a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, during which they spoke about the excellent progress of the screening process and the need to adopt the constitutional changes in order to resume the accession talks. During his working visit to Brussels, Foreign Minister Osmani also met with the Director of Strategy at the Brussels-based think tank Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani, with whom they signed a memorandum of cooperation regarding the organization of the Prespa Forum Dialogue, set to be held on June 15 and 16 in Struga.


Osmani – Varhelyi: EU to remain fully committed to faster integration of Western Balkans (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani on a working visit to Brussels met with European Union Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and discussed North Macedonia's EU integration process. Writing on Facebook, Minister Osmani said the focus of the meeting was the country's EU agenda; the high level of the administration's readiness for a successful screening process; and the required constitutional amendments aimed at the country's faster integration into the EU. "While North Macedonia remains committed to achieving its foreign policy's largest strategic goal through 2030, the EU as well should remain resolutely committed to the accelerated integration of the countries of the region, which would result in tangible economic and social benefits for our citizens," the foreign minister wrote. Together with other foreign ministers from the region, Osmani is in Brussels to participate in the EU's Foreign Affairs Council session dedicated to the Western Balkans.


Rama: "Defender 2023" for the second time in Albania, a special privilege for the Albanian Armed Forces (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama welcomed the start in Albania of the multinational joint exercise, directed by the US European Command "Defender 2023", where the interactive capabilities of the United States with allied and NATO partner armies will be demonstrated. In the ceremony organized on this occasion, Rama said that the organization for the second time in Albania of the largest military exercise in Europe is a special privilege for the Armed Forces of Albania, which are hosts and participants of this exercise. Rama appreciated the organization of "Defender 2023" for the second time in Albania which highlights the continuous improvement of Albanian military capacities, thanks to the invaluable support of the US other NATO allies. "Albania has never been higher at the level of international prestige and today, sitting at the Security Council table side by side with the US as a co-penholder on the issue of Ukraine, the country takes on a profile and a role, which is not only an extraordinary responsibility, but also points out the progress and maturity the country has achieved," added Rama. The Prime Minister emphasized that the organization of this exercise with the presence of multinational troops under the direction of the US, is an expression of the great unity and unwavering determination of the entire Euro-Atlantic community to protect at all costs the values and principles on which our societies are founded. "The exercise reminds us that regardless of the different languages and the flags, each of our countries represent, we are inextricably linked to those values and principles that are equally at threat for each of us. Our history and future impose to all of us to function together in complete unity," Albanian Prime Minister was quoted as saying.


Begaj: Albania, a stabilizing factor in the Balkans (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj welcomed the launch of the "Defender Europe 23" exercise, while in the position of Commander-in-Chief he encouraged the government to increase even more support for the FA and Albania's contribution to NATO. He assured that Albania will always continue to protect the values of peace and unity, standing side by side with the USA and NATO. "Two years ago, when we started work on the 'Defender Europe 2021' exercise, we knew that the challenge was too great for our country's capacities. And yet we managed to show that we know how to responsibly rise to the task and that our little Albania, in fact, punches above its weight", he said. The President praised the launch of this exercise for the second time from Albania, while he confirmed once again the unwavering support and readiness of our country to always intensify cooperation in the field of defense and security. According to him "Defender Europe" was born as an exercise to increase the defense capacities of the Alliance in case of conflict or threat. "With the unjust Russian aggression in Ukraine, today's geopolitical reality is completely different from that of two years ago, and the security situation has become much more complex. These changes have significant effects even in our fragile Western Balkan region, where malicious actors who do not share the same values with us, try to expand their influence. Therefore, the importance of this training is today more tangible than ever and its continuity more than necessary", he said. Begaj emphasized that Albania is committed to its mission as a stabilizing factor in the Balkans and an exporter of security in the region and beyond. "Undoubtedly, the credit for this goes to each of the men and women in uniform who serve in our Armed Forces and honor and raise the flag of Albania every day. You are an important pillar of our society and gratitude for your commitment and professionalism cannot be expressed enough," he added. According to the Head of State, any more investment towards the strengthening of defense capacities is an investment towards stability, and an investment to guarantee a more peaceful future for the younger generations, who should never have to face the devastating consequences that bring conflicts. "The time to take our responsibilities is now and the response must respond to the current challenges", he added.


Assembly delegation participates in the Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (Radio Tirana)


The Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly has been taking place in Luxembourg since 19 May. In this activity, the Assembly of Albania was represented by the members of the permanent delegation, Mimi Kodheli, chairperson, as well as Xhemal Qefalia, member. The situation in Ukraine, collective defense and the preparations for the Vilnius Summit are the topics that the parliamentarians are discussing in the various committees. NATO must further strengthen its defenses in the Baltic and Black Sea regions, working side by side with candidate and partner countries, as it adapts to new security realities in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "Ukraine's future is being designed at the crossroads of war: we must help the new democracy not only win the war, but also secure the peace that will allow it to grow as a strong resilient democracy among its allies here in NATO", the parliamentarians assessed. The plenary session was addressed in one word by NATO's Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Genoa, who called for an increase in cooperation with military industries, while thanking Luxembourg for the role it plays within the Alliance.  The Chairperson of the Delegation from the Assembly, Mimi Kodheli asked those present not to give up on the Alliance's open-door policy as the situation in the Western Balkans is tense due to interventions by third actors. According to her, the worrying situation remains in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Moldova, Kosovo and Serbia, while she asked those present to continue their commitment in our region. At the end of the work, the Assembly will approve two declarations related to the adaptation of NATO as well as the inexhaustible support for Ukraine. More than 350 parliamentarians from member countries, associate members, observers and partners participate in this Spring Session.