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Belgrade Media Report 24 May



Vucic: Situation in Kosovo and Metohija extremely difficult (RTS)


The situation in Kosovo and Metohija is extremely difficult, but thanks to patience, wisdom, as well as the boycott of Albanian institutions in the north, we managed to preserve peace and stability, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “I want to thank the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija for their responsibility and seriousness. I think that at the rally on Friday, the largest percentage of people will be with Kosovo and Metohija, and I want to thank those who walked towards Belgrade, they are people who love their Serbia,” stated Vucic. He pointed out that Serbia is the only country that has not imposed sanctions on Russia. “Don’t forget that Serbia is the only one that conducts its own policy, independent and independent. And that’s how we will do it, when we can’t, I will inform the citizens,” he said. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs and US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar “should re-learn the lesson” and read what it says in the Brussels Agreement of Belgrade and Pristina from 2013, Vucic said on Tuesday. In response to Escobar’s statement that the US were waiting for Pristina’s proposal for the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), Vucic said for the RTS that in that respect Pristina “has no authority and no competences”. He said early elections are a realistic option and that he wants to discuss problems with the people at the rally of his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), scheduled for Friday, 26 May. The President said that, in crisis situations and when the legitimacy of a government is challenged, elections are the best solution. “It is our obligation at that gathering not only to show respect for the victims, but also to show that we are not the ones who will say ‘see how many of us there are’ or ‘there are many more of us,’ but to try to solve people’s problems,” said Vucic. Vucic said the Serbia Against Violence protests organized by some opposition parties were attended by many people who want to contribute to some decision that will create the future in a different way. He added that at the 26 May rally he will not speak as the SNS leader but as the president of all Serbian citizens.


Further improvement of cooperation between Serbia, UNFPA (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met today with UNFPA Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Florence Bauer and UNFPA Director for Serbia John Kennedy Mosoti. The officials confirmed the importance of the topic that the Fund primarily deals with, and bearing in mind the negative demographic trends facing both Serbia and the greater part of the European continent, they discussed the cooperation so far and the possibilities of further improving the cooperation between Serbia and this United Nations fund. This was the first meeting of the head of Serbian diplomacy Ivica Dacic with Florence Bauer since she assumed the position on 6 July 2022, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Dacic meets with Malawian Ambassador (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received on Tuesday the non-resident Ambassador of Malawi to Serbia Joseph John Mpinganjira who presented his credentials to President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday. Welcoming the Ambassador, Dacic said he hoped his work would be successful and contribute to advancement of bilateral relations. He noted that 2023 marked 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations and noted that the former Yugoslavia and Malawi had cooperated closely within the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

Dacic also said Serbia wanted to develop mutually beneficial cooperation with Malawi in many areas as well as to advance political dialogue and exchange high-level and top-level visits in the period to come as that was an opportunity for discussions and for exchanging views on all issues of interest to both sides. The ambassador agreed with Dacic's assessment of the friendly Serbia-Malawi relations and said they needed to be deepened further through joint efforts. He said that Malawi's embassy in Berlin - which covers 23 countries including Serbia - had included Serbia in a group of countries with which it intended to boost cooperation in the period to come. Thanking for the warm and cordial welcome, the ambassador expressed readiness to work on preparations for visits to Serbia by the Malawian FM and other senior officials.


Dacic thanks Vietnam for principled support of Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Tuesday received a courtesy visit from Vietnam's new Ambassador to Serbia Do Dak Tan, who presented his credentials to President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday. The parties said the relations between the two countries were traditionally friendly and without open issues and included a shared history of participation in the Non-Aligned Movement, and noted that they were pleased that Serbia and Vietnam had last year marked the 65th anniversary of their diplomatic relations, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. They confirmed a mutual readiness to deepen political dialogue further, exchange high-level and top-level visits as well as to strengthen overall cooperation in the economy and other areas, for which they said there were significant possibilities. Dacic thanked Vietnam for its principled support for the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and for its consistent position on the Kosovo and Metohija issue. Underlining Serbia's interest in accession to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Dacic expressed gratitude for Vietnam's support in that regard to date. The parties confirmed a commitment to reopen diplomatic and consular representative offices in Belgrade and Hanoi, respectively, in the period to come.


Mojsilovic: KFOR the only legitimate security actor in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic spoke with the chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade, Brig Gen Giampiero Romano, on Tuesday about the security situation in the region, the Office's activities and overall SAF-NATO relations, with particular emphasis on cooperation with KFOR. Mojsilovic said a partnership with NATO and a professional relationship with the alliance helped to build peace and stability in the region, and noted that the SAF was committed to continue cooperation in all fields of mutual interest and that cooperation mechanisms established within the Partnership for Peace Programme made that possible, the Serbian Ministry of Defence said in a statement. Speaking about the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Mojsilovic said the presence of a mission of international forces was crucial for protection of the Serbian national, cultural, historical and religious heritage in the province. He expressed the confidence that KFOR, as the only legitimate security actor in Kosovo and Metohija, would act in an unbiased and professional manner in all situations in line with UN SC Resolution 1244.


Orlic: Gratitude for Cyprus's principled position on non-recognition of so-called Kosovo (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic received a farewell visit from Cypriot Ambassador Demetrios Theophylactou on Wednesday. Orlic and Theophylactou welcomed a dynamic bilateral political and parliamentary dialogue and the firm partnership between their countries, reflected in constant advancement of cooperation in all areas of interest. A statement released by Orlic's office said the parties had reiterated that Serbia and Cyprus maintained strong mutual trust, based primarily on mutual support to the vital national interests of preserving sovereignty and territorial integrity. Orlic conveyed to Theophylactou Serbia's gratitude for Cyprus's principled position on non-recognition of the so-called Kosovo and for its support to Serbia, confirmed by its vote in the Council of Europe. Orlic informed Theophylactou of the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija and daily threats to the security of the Serb population there. "We are facing dangerous moves by Albin Kurti, who is now openly wishing for an armed conflict, as well as a usurpation of municipalities in northern Kosovo and Metohija that are inhabited by Serbs and their transformation into an occupation zone through the establishment of so-called local authorities without any legitimacy at all. Whoever recognises such 'authorities' supports the causing of a large conflict," Orlic said. "The Serbs no longer reconcile to Pristina's lies about the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities and to it ignoring and avoiding that unequivocally determined and signed commitment," Orlic said. Theophylactou said Cyprus's position on the Kosovo issue would not change and that Cyprus and Serbia continued to defend international public law and their national interests and red lines.


Polish parliamentary delegation: Strong support for Serbia’s EU membership (N1)


Serbian EU Integration Minister Tanja Miscevic meet Tuesday with a delegation of the Polish Sejm EU Affairs Committee led by Kacper Plazynski who said Poland strongly supports Serbia’s and the Western Balkans’ membership in the EU. Miscevic and Plazynski discussed the main reform challenges on Serbia’s path to the EU, bilateral cooperation with Poland and its support to Serbia in the European integration process, said the Ministry in a press release. Miscevic outlined the main elements of key reforms underway in Serbia, in particular in the field of rule of law, as well as reforms related to energy diversification, said the Ministry. The Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was also on the agenda, and Serbia’s efforts to ensure the Kosovo Serbs’ collective legal protection with the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities more than ten years after the signing of the Brussels agreement. The Minister informed the Polish delegation about Serbia’s position on the war in Ukraine, its strong stance against the circumvention of sanctions imposed by the EU, and about the degree of its alignment with the EU foreign and security policy. Plazynski said Poland strongly support Serbia’s and the Western Balkans’ membership in the EU because there is no successful partnership in facing the challenges of the present day without EU enlargement. He stressed Poland’s strong support to Serbia on its EU path is based on the traditional friendship between the peoples of Poland and Serbia. Plazynski pointed to the importance of Serbia’s successful economic reforms that, he said, should be accompanied by the strengthening of media pluralism and rule of law. He noted that the fight against corruption is one of the greatest achievements of the Polish transition, and offered cooperation and experience-sharing in this field. Miscevic and Plazynski agreed that Serbia’s successful policy in protecting the rights of national minorities is also of importance for the relations between the two states. Cooperation between Serbia and Poland in the transfer of experience in the integration process, in the area of energy sector reforms, but also in the areas of environmental protection and agriculture was also discussed.




Moscow: Dodik meets Putin; Putin thanks RS for friendship towards Russia and for neutral stance towards Ukraine; Dodik: The RS remains committed to its stance not to follow policies aimed to shift blame for conflict in Ukraine to one side (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik met with President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in Kremlin on Tuesday. Beginning of the meeting was open for media. Reporter noted that the meeting passed in positive atmosphere. The Russian President stated that he respects and understands the stance of the RS, which refers to friendly relations Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has with the Russian Federation. He thanked to the RS for its neutral stance towards Ukraine. Putin assessed that relations between the RS and Russia have been successfully developing, that trade exchange has been increased and that this trend is good. The Russian President also stated that he is aware of interest of partners in the RS to operate with Russian companies in different areas. Dodik underlined that the RS remains committed to its stance not to follow policies aimed to shift blame for conflict in Ukraine to one side. “We believe that the Russian Federation - which consistently fights for its security framework, and which attempted to get guarantees – was forced to this military operation”, explained Dodik. The RS President confirmed that B&H will not introduce sanctions against Russia, primarily thanks to the strong stance of the RS, although the RS suffers significant consequences due to this stance. “We have been exposed to different pressures in form of sanctions and suspension of some projects and programs. However, we decided not to be part of hysteria that has been created, but to give a chance to solve this issue at the level of the Russian Federation and Ukraine”, underlined Dodik. Two officials also discussed conflict in Ukraine. Dodik underlined that he does not understand unilateral stances of the West and that there is no only one accountable side for the conflict in Ukraine. He added that this conflict should be solved in peaceful manner by Russia and Ukraine. RS President also talked about economy and energy projects. He stressed that the RS is thankful to Russia in regards to economy and energy and expressed need to additionally deepen cooperation in this regard. Dodik presented Putin with the Order of the RS for special patriotic concern and love for the RS. Dodik informed Putin that the Dayton Agreement has collapsed, and that the big question is whether it still exists. Dodik emphasized that the RS must look for friends in Russia, which is the guarantor of the Dayton Agreement. According to Dodik, the RS has significant partners in Russia and that is why the President of the RS and the President of Russia discussed economic cooperation. In this regard, the RS President said that the RS has a need to cooperate with Russia in the area of economy. Dodik informed Putin that Christian Schmidt is not recognized in the RS as the High Representative (HR) because his appointment has not been endorsed in the UN Security Council (UN SC), but that he still continued imposing decisions on the territory of the Federation of B&H (GB&H). When it comes to the situation in Ukraine, Dodik said that the RS understands that this is a conflict “between the West and Russia”. Dodik also reminded that Russia is a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and stated that “we counted more than 100 competencies which we had guaranteed by the DPA and B&H Constitution and which were taken away from the RS. All of that happened in the past 20 years of imposing of rules that were violating the international law”. Dodik added that the western countries now present themselves as ‘defenders of people who are suffering in Ukraine’ and he argued that they failed to protect people of other countries: “Why didn’t they protect people in Syria, Libya or Yugoslavia when the West bombarded us without any reason?”. Dodik went on to say that it is only natural that the West dislikes Russia and Putin because Putin refuses to supply them with cheap resources like in the past: “For unreasonably long time, for years, Russians have been giving cheap natural gas to Europe, to Germany, thus strengthening their economy”. Dodik argued that nothing can change the stance of “freedom-loving” people like Serbs, not even USD 100 million that is allocated for “so called ‘prevention of malignant Russian influence’, but people recognize their true friends”. “They know that numerous operations for so called ‘prevention of Russian influence’ are being launched. We already know that approximately USD 100 million is allocated for this each year to various media, non-governmental organizations even in the RS”, Dodik said and pointed out that Serbs cannot be changed by allocating huge amounts of money to a portal to attack him or Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in an attempt to destabilize the leadership. “Russia, as a guarantor of the DPA, cannot be excluded from an analysis of this, even before the (UN) Security Council. We can see that Russia gets engaged whenever a report is filed. It is very important to inform both Russia, China and other countries”, Dodik said. Dodik argued that the world is not the same as it was and added that he wishes relations with USA were good, but he claimed that USA never wanted to accept the RS and Serb people. Dodik added that USA first “desecrated Serbia” by taking away Kosovo from it, and then it deprived the RS of its rights. “The problem is also in the fact that UK, French and German Ambassadors are saying what Americans wrote for them and they have been repeating this for the past 25 years without any changes and they constantly blame only one side”, Dodik said. Addressing media in Moscow on after the meeting with Putin, Dodik stated that he thanked Putin for the meeting and emphasized the good cooperation between Russia and the RS. “We meet often, and I think that this is exactly what we said, cooperation between Russia and RS is good," said Dodik. In addition, Dodik noted that he wishes that “the military operation” in Ukraine will end soon and he conveyed the commitment to values of peace and stability.


US Embassy, Ambassador Murphy: Dodik’s meeting with Putin does not serve interests of the RS citizens (Dnevni avaz/Oslobodjenje)


US Embassy to B&H gave a statement to daily commenting the meeting of RS President Milorad Dodik with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “In a moment when Russia is leading its aggression war against Ukraine, no government, at any level, should be expanding cooperation with Russia. Decision of President Dodik to meet Putin, in time when Russia is ignoring the fundamental laws of the international order, as well as his decision to award medal to Putin earlier this year, is short-sighted and does not serve interests of RS citizens. The path toward democratic, prosperous and safe future that all B&H citizens want, including the RS citizens, leads trough Brussels not Moscow. Diverting of President Dodik from this path is counterproductive and harmful”, reads the Embassy’s statement. Oslobodjenje daily reads that even though Dodik is giving the impression that sanctions do not disturb him and even though many effects of sanctions are not fully clear, Ambassador Murphy said that sanctions have importance. “Whatever sanctioned individuals are saying in public, in private they are looking for ways to have them lifted”, said Murphy. The US Embassy to B&H stated that the citizens of B&H want the EU and not Russia, which can be seen based on surveys among citizens. Ambassador Murphy said that the future of this country is in the EU and NATO integration, and the people and the public want that. Murphy stressed that, in the last elections in B&H, citizens voted for EU and NATO integration and that is why it makes no sense to grow closer to Russia. RS President Milorad Dodik commented the statements of US Embassy concerning his visit to Russia and meeting President Vladimir Putin and he posted his response on his Twitter. “US Embassy is not the one that can, nor it will be determining what the interests of the RS are. Their war against Russia is not and will not be the war of the RS. Voters who supported SNSD, determined the path they want the RS to move, and I do not understand what US Embassy has to do with this”, wrote Dodik.


Dodik after the meeting with Putin: US Embassy will not decide what the RS will be doing (RTRS)


Following the meeting with President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin held on Tuesday afternoon in Kremlin, RS President Milorad Dodik talked for RTRS. Asked about what is most important for him in regard to meeting with Putin, the RS President said that the most important thing is the fact two of them regularly meet and talk, as well as the fact that the President of Russia found time to speak with the RS embodied in him even in difficult period like this. Dodik added that during the meeting which lasted for some hour and half they talked about the RS, the situation in the region and global relations. He thanked for information concerning continuation of cooperation between the RS and Russia, adding that there is no stalemate in implementation of joint projects. Dodik also stated that he was informed that the price of gas for the RS will remain the same, adding that it might slightly increase, but primarily due to the price of transit and not the price of gas Russia set. He added that he is aware some in the RS, including BN TV will have negative reactions. The RS President underlined that he informed the Russian President on the situation related to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and that he had stressed that the DPA was destroyed by those who promote rules and not international law, and that the RS is coming closer to the moment where it will have to decide what to do if the DPA is completely destroyed. “The moment when it could occur is if someone dares to intervene in regard to our property and the status of property”, said Dodik. Dodik emphasized that when it comes to economic cooperation, it will be resumed but under aggravating circumstance, adding that cooperation in the area of culture and education will be resumed as well. The RS President said that he informed his collocutor about continuation of construction of Russian-Serb Orthodox Center in Banja Luka. Dodik added that he informed the Russian President about certain problems related to sanctions. “He understands that thanks to the RS, B&H formally has not passed a legal decision on it, although there are some misuses and it is important for me that he understands it”, stressed Dodik. He added that “these sanctions are not functioning”, underlining that consequently, B&H preserves the status of a friend in Russia’s system of friendly and hostile countries. Dodik went on to saying that it results in a rather unusual situation. Namely citizens of Sarajevo have most benefits from such behaviour of the RS, adding that he refers to the fact the price of gas will not change for residents of the capital of B&H. “Our polices have been extremely attacked there and there are attempts to meddle, like it is the case with the US Embassy, which has already reacted. They are acting to be amazed as if anyone is asking them what should be done”, stated the RS President, adding that he does not implement the US’ policies, but policies of Serb people which elected him. Dodik stressed that unlike his political competitors who have been saying they will never meet with Putin, he has been saying he will meet with the Russian President on every occasion. He underlined that this is why his opponents constantly lose in elections, because they do not feel what people in the RS want. Talking about a conflict in Ukraine, Dodik said that Putin is not a man who wants war, adding that he is the president of Russia and needs to protect the strategic position of this country. Dodik explained that the Russian President asked the West to reach an agreement on security guarantees and they did not want it. “He told me that they knew all along they have been deceived in regards to Minsk Agreement, but things went too far. This is why he had to do it”, explained the RS President. Dodik stressed that they do not have right to be on side of those working on creation of anti-Russian euphoria. The RS President underlined that he refers to statements: “If Dodik goes to Putin, he is not our friend.” The RS President emphasized that it is important for him that the small RS had an opportunity to seat with one of the most powerful men in the world and to talk about all open issues as well as to hand over the award of the RS to Putin. Dodik stated that the Russian President expressed high interest in this award. “I must say that it is honor for the RS – and those in Sarajevo will get angry with this – that someone of such importance receives decoration of the RS”, said Dodik. Asked whether a possible position of the RS in new global developments is clearer after this meeting, Dodik said that the world is no longer unipolar, and it is becoming multipolar. He went on to saying that it is clear Russia will be one of basic factors of this new world “for which I believe will be the world of peace, cooperation and prosperity, and not the world of conflict and dominance.” Dodik also stated that the Russian President informed him this is one of the best years in production of wheat in Russia, adding that Russia is a bigger exporter of wheat than the US and Canada. He emphasized that in order to preserve this position, Russia needs to remain stable, adding that it cannot allow a liberal world that would destroy it. Dodik emphasized that what Russia has been doing at a global level, they want at a level of the RS in regard to property. “I believe we will not be forgotten when the world is reorganized”, stressed the RS President. He also stated that it is obvious that the DPA has faced failure, although there are false appeals of the US and the UK to respect stipulations of the DPA suitable for them. Dodik added that it is absurd those advocating respect of the DPA as it is written are accused of anti-Dayton behaviour. “Americans made B&H dysfunctional, to manage it easier”, emphasized the RS President. He explained that Putin is absolutely committed to the DPA and is aware of malversations and misuses related to it. “This was also the opportunity to thank Russia for its stance in the UN Security Council”, said Dodik, adding that without support of Russia, the RS could not explain anything to the UN SC.  “We would get fulfilment of sick ambition of (US Ambassador to B&H Michael) Murphy. He is anti-Serb who came to destroy the RS and he is trying to do it as soon as possible. Americans sent him to inflict damage to the RS and Serb people”, concluded Dodik.


Sulic: RS has had excellent relations with Russia for years, Russia as such is very important for RS (ATV)


RS Minister of Trade and Tourism Denis Sulic assessed on Tuesday that RS has had excellent relations with Russia, which is the guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement, for years and as such it is very important for the RS. Sulic pointed out that, thanks to RS President Milorad Dodik, the cooperation with Russia has been excellent for years, even friendly and fraternal. “I am glad that, thanks to President Dodik, we were able to reach the highest institutions and the most important countries in the world, and Russia is one of them. Russia is the guarantor of the Dayton Agreement, and it is very important for us to preserve that agreement and all the efforts we make here in the RS”, concluded Sulic.


Varhelyi: Visit to Russia is not smart move and that the only acceptable move towards Russia is the implementation of sanctions; Other comments (BHT1)


RS President Milorad Dodik pays a visit to Moscow, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. As both Putin and Dodik are under international sanctions, their meeting caused reactions of several B&H and international officials. During his last visit to Sarajevo, on the day that Dodik announced his visit to Moscow, the European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi stated: “Our allies do not go to Moscow. Those who want to be our allies do not go to Russia.” In a statement for BHT1, Varhelyi added that the visit to Russia is not a smart move and that the only acceptable move towards Russia is the implementation of sanctions. Head of the EU Delegation in B&H Johann Sattler touched upon the issue during a recent appearance on BHT1, stating: “I am of the stance that an entire country should not be punished for the actions of certain individuals. There were demands that certain funds are suspended due to the actions of some politicians, but we do not want to do that. We want to help B&H and all those who are moving in the right direction.” Political analyst Bodo Weber believes that the main reason for Dodik’s visit to Moscow is purely financial and a provocation of the West. He also believes that Putin’s political interest in the RS is quite negligible, as he only sees it as a small victory to have an ally in Europe. BHT1 notes that this is Dodik’s third meeting with Putin since the war in Ukraine started.


Stevandic to attend ecologic forum in Saint Petersburg: There is nothing disputable about this visit; It is in line with policy of neutrality the RS has been advocating (N1)


Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic will travel to Saint Petersburg where he will attend Nevsky International Ecological Congress, which will commence on Wednesday. He should also meet with Chair of Russian Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko. Stevandic emphasized that there is nothing disputable about this visit, because it is in line with the policy of neutrality the RS has been advocating. He explained that after returning from Saint Petersburg, he will make a visit to several parliaments in Europe. “I think the RS has been demonstrating a civilized attitude towards the East and the West, promotes its neutrality and that there will be benefits of such policy”, explained Stevandic. Stevandic will deliver a speech on depleted uranium and its detrimental and long-lasting consequences on health of people and on environment. Stevandic explained that he will attend meeting in legislative assembly of Saint Petersburg thanks to agreements signed by previous Speaker of the RSNA. He stressed they will discuss joint project concerning construction of a technology park in Banja Luka.


Konakovic says opponents of EU enlargement on Western Balkans went silent after Russia’s aggression on Ukraine (Dnevni list)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Elmedin Konakovic attended, with foreign ministers of other countries in the region, an informal discussion with foreign ministers of the EU member countries in Brussels. On this occasion, Konakovic stated that all opponents of the EU enlargement on the Western Balkans went silent after Russia’s aggression on Ukraine “and all foreign ministers advocated EU enlargement on the area of the Western Balkans as well”. Konakovic assessed that this is a new momentum which was, unfortunately, sparked by the situation in Ukraine. According to Konakovic, ministers of many EU countries noticed that a positive process started happening in B&H following the formation of the authorities but lots of work still remains to fulfil preconditions which the EU set for launching of talks on B&H’s membership in the EU. Konakovic confirmed that one of the main priorities of the new authorities in B&H will be the electoral and limited constitutional reform in order to carry out rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). “This is a part of our coalition agreement, and it is one of our priorities. I sincerely advocate a substantial reform of the Constitution and electoral legislation”, Konakovic stated and reminded that many rulings of international courts still have not been implemented.


Forto meets Varhelyi; They discuss Ministry’s priorities (Dnevni avaz)


B&H Minister of Transport and Communications Edin Forto met with European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi in Brussels on Tuesday. Forto said that completing the highway on Corridor 5c, more active investing in construction of railway routes, as well as connecting of B&H with the rest of Europe are the things that citizens expect from the European integration and what “we” are obliged to deliver them. Forto stressed that priorities of his Ministry are that B&H catches up the step with European projects and initiatives in the area of digitalization and broadband internet access. The collocutors concluded that the cooperation will be intensified in the upcoming period in order to consolidate the B&H’s status of the EU candidate and to finally start negotiation process for full membership in the EU.


Most recent appointments of US diplomats who served in the Clinton administration indicate Washington’s desire to solve pressing issues in Balkans with focus on Kosovo and RS (Glas Srpske)


Former close associates of former US President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright are returning to the scene, and they are once again becoming the key players in creation of Washington’s foreign policy in the Balkans, reports the daily. Most recently, the White House nominated James O’Brian for the post of new US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Previously, the U.S. Administration appointed Christopher Hill new US Ambassador to Serbia. Hill participated in the negotiations on Dayton Peace Agreement. Albright’s former close associate James Rubin has been appointed Coordinator for the U.S. Department of State’s Global Engagement Center. According to former diplomat Vladislav Jovanovic, O’Brian was one of creators of almost every recent historical event in the Balkans. He participated in the Rambouillet negotiations on Kosovo, and along with Hill and former U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke, he is considered one of the creators of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Jovanovic pointed out that O’Brian is part of the team that promotes a strict approach to Serbia. In his opinion, the most recent appointments indicate Washington’s desire to finally finish all the “unfinished business” in the Balkans. Jovanovic further noted that Rubin and Hill’s appointment indicates the wish to solve the Kosovo issue with the recognition of Kosovo’s independence as the ultimate goal. Jovanovic argued that Rubin still considers Serbia a destabilizing factor in the Balkans. According to him, O’Brian’s appointment is also not promising, and it is likely to make US-Serbian relations more complicated. Jovanovic is convinced that once the issue of Kosovo is resolved, the US diplomats will focus on B&H, i.e. on RS. Diplomat Zoran Milivojevic also believes that USA obviously wants to urgently resolve the remaining issues in the Balkans. “By insisting on European plan for Kosovo, they want to create a clear situation in the region. We should not forget that O’Brian is experienced in sanctions policy. With tested people and powerful tools such as sanctions, Washington wants to solve the problem of war in Ukraine and build a new security-political architecture of Europe, which includes integration of the region into the transatlantic community”, said Milivojevic.


Joint Commission for European Integration: Prepare report that will name obstructionists of the European path (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list reports that the Joint Commission for European Integration of the Parliament of B&H held a session on Tuesday. Among other issues, the Joint Commission took note of the Information About Meeting 14 Key Priorities from the European Commission’s Opinion and took note of the Report on Realization of Activities Within Making of Program of Integration of B&H into the EU. The Joint Commission adopted a conclusion requesting from the Directorate for European Integration (DEI) of B&H to prepare, in cooperation with the Joint Commission’s Secretariat, a report that will accurately identify individuals and institutions from the Coordination Mechanism who stall the process of the European integration.


Conference 10 Years of Republic of Croatia in the EU: Western Balkans is Croatia’s opportunity to have bigger influence in EU (Hina)


Conference titled 10 Years of Republic of Croatia in the EU took place in Zagreb on Tuesday and that one of messages that could be heard during the conference was that the Western Balkans is Croatia’s opportunity to strengthen its influence and visibility in the EU. Speaking about Croatia’s possibilities as an EU Member State, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Croatia Tonino Picula assessed that the full capacity of Croatia’s EU membership will be fully used only when Croatia has EU members as its neighbors. Picula stated since B&H, Montenegro and Serbia, who are Croatia’s neighbors, are in the EU’s waiting room, Croatia must highly concentrate on the three countries in question. Picula stressed that Croatia’s foreign policy must not focus on B&H only, instead the Croatian authorities must more focus on entire Western Balkans. Former Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic sees the six Western Balkans countries joining the EU as consolidation of the European territory. Pusic assessed that the war in Ukraine has pushed the EU into a role of a geopolitical and security player, adding that the EU was seen by the EU and others as foremost an economic project.


Senators Murphy and Peters coming to Montenegro: There is still work to be done on the way to the EU (RTCG)


US Senators Chris Murphy and Gary Peters will visit Montenegro as part of a regional tour in the Western Balkans, and according to Murphy, although there has been progress on Montenegro's path to the EU, there is still work to be done. Murphy and Peters began their visit to the region in Kosovo, and then continue to Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and North Macedonia. Ahead of the visit, Murphy reflected on the opportunities in the region. "We can never take peace in the Balkans for granted, and our visit comes at a crucial time for many of these countries. Although there has been good progress towards normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, as well as with Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro on the road to EU accession, there is still more to be done. Senator Peters and I will send a strong message that the United States is helping to maintain regional stability and supporting the path to European integration. This will be my sixth trip to the region since arriving in the Senate, and I have been fortunate to develop close relationships with many of the leaders, and I look forward to meeting them again this week,” said Murphy. According to announcements, the two American senators will talk with the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic. The visit of the two senators to the region comes a few days after the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the US Senate held a session on Washington's policy in the Western Balkans. At that session, State Department adviser Derek Chollet said that the new leadership in Montenegro should focus on reforms in the area of the rule of law, especially on stopping organized crime and corruption. The US special envoy for the Western Balkans region, Gabriel Escobar, said that if the new head of state, Jakov Milatovic, had won convincingly, that Montenegro had been imposing sanctions on Russia since 2014, and that the new president had publicly pledged to continue such a policy towards Russia.


Radulovic at the meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council: Montenegro is fully committed to the European path (CdM)


A meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union (FAC) held in Brussels, in which, at the invitation of the High Representative of the EU for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell, the advisor to the Prime Minister of Montenegro Djordje Radulovic participated. As announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Radulovic in his presentation emphasized Montenegro's full commitment to EU membership, pointing to a recently conducted public opinion survey, according to which about 80 percent of Montenegrin citizens support Montenegro's entry into the EU. "Montenegro has excellent relations with all countries of the region, nurturing its role as a promoter of good neighbourly relations, which is also an indicator of commitment to European standards," he said. The adviser to the Prime Minister participated in an informal exchange of views between the ministers of foreign affairs of the Western Balkans and the EU member states on the topic of cooperation in the field of foreign policy, which is organized for the second time in this format, with the expressed expectation that meetings of this type will be organized more often, and the states The Western Balkans are gradually being included in decision-making processes at the European level. In his presentation, Radulovic highlighted Montenegro's 100 percent alignment with the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), aid to Ukraine in the amount of almost 11 percent of the military budget, as well as the acceptance of thousands of Ukrainian refugees through the system of temporary protection that we first introduced based on European Union. With the help of European partners - France and Slovenia, a Regional Center for Strengthening Capacities for Combating Cyber Attacks was launched in Montenegro, the MFA reminds. "Also, with last week's signing of the Agreement with Frontex on guarding the Montenegrin borders, and in order to join the efforts of the European Union to keep the external borders safe and to suppress illegal migration, Montenegro is once again leading the region in this important issue for European security," added the MFA.


International military exercise in Montenegro: The army, together with NATO allies, invests in the development of combat units (CdM)


The Army of Montenegro, together with its NATO allies, continues to continuously train complex operations and invest in the development of combat units in order to guarantee the safety of our citizens and contribute to the defense capabilities of the Alliance, said the Chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Army, Brigadier General Zoran Lazarevic, at the ceremonial opening of the international exercise. "Immediate Response 23" (IR23) in Pljevlje. As announced by the Ministry of Defense, the exercise brings together more than 500 members of the Montenegro Army and the US Armed Forces, including the staff officers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, who will strengthen interoperability in Montenegro over the next two weeks through the training of ground operations, which include, among other things, execution of complex combat content in the field of mountain warfare. "We are aware that peace and security in Europe are in danger. That's why this year, even more intensively than before, we emphasize exercises of this type. We focused on the coordination of movements, manoeuvres and logistical support, but also on the development of combat units to their own introduction into combat. In this way, we contribute to the readiness for the defense of the Alliance, that is our goal, and we are fully committed to its fulfilment", said the general. The first man of the Army of Montenegro emphasized that this exercise is also an opportunity for additional development of capabilities in several important areas of combat operations. "I am convinced that these contents, which you will rehearse together for the next ten days in the area of northern Montenegro, will further improve our abilities to together and safely be the guarantor of peace and stability. I want you to be successful during the exercise in developing mutual trust, without which it is difficult to achieve the set goals", said the Chief of the General Staff. The commander of the ground forces of the National Guard of the American state of Maine, Brigadier General Dean Preston, pointed out that it is an honor and a privilege to be at the exercise hosted by "Montenegrin brothers and sisters". He emphasized that he watched with pleasure how the partnership between Montenegro and Maine strengthened over the past 16 years, and that we learned a lot from each other. "The challenges we have faced in joint exercises have hardened us, so that we are more capable and more lethal if our countries, or allies, ever need us to respond to their call," said Preston. The director of the "Immediate Response 23" exercise and the commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion of the Montenegro Armed Forces, Lt. Col. Milos Gacevic, pointed out that the members of the armed forces of Montenegro, Croatia and the USA offer unique expertise, experience and military tradition, which is united by a common purpose and strengthening of collective readiness. "In the days ahead, we will witness the culmination of detailed planning, rigorous training and determined commitment. The training will test our military skills, decision-making abilities, and capacity to operate in a multinational environment. By solving the challenges in the exercise, we will demonstrate the strength of our joint defense and the ability to work as a team," he said. Maneuvers during the exercise "Immediate Response 23" will be carried out in the wider area of the municipalities of Kolasin, Zabljak and Pljevlje, and an additional 120 participants in the exercise responsible for logistical support will be present in the Port of Bar. "Large-calibre live ammunition will not be used in the exercise in the territory of Montenegro, but Montenegrin soldiers will be sent to the Krivolak training ground in North Macedonia, where artillery firing will take place," the Ministry of Defense stated. "Immediate Response 23" is part of a major international exercise, led by the US "DefenderEurope23", in which approximately 24,000 troops from more than 20 allied and partner countries are conducting operations across Europe to strengthen the ability to rapidly, jointly respond to security threats. The opening of the exercise was attended by representatives of the US Embassy in Podgorica and State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Krsto Perovic.


VMRO-DPMNE leader concerned over constitutional changes and Preamble opening (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said Tuesday he was concerned over the constitutional changes and the opening of the Preamble. "I am concerned over the information I am receiving. I am baffled by the commission on constitutional changes and the reason for its establishment, since the Parliament should be the first to decide whether the Constitution should be opened. If this fails to materialize, then I don't know what the role of this commission is," Mickoski told reporters. However, he added, what concerns me is that discussions refer not only to the incorporation of the minor Bulgarian community in the Constitution Preamble but "the full redefinition of Macedonia of two nations". He said it is important that Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski "keeps his dignity and refrain from further damaging the Macedonian identity."


Osmani: New path emerging for Western Balkans (MIA/TV 24)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Tuesday there is a new path emerging for the Western Balkans, primarily related to the geopolitical situation and Ukraine. The FM says it is up to North Macedonia whether it will take that path or isolate itself, staying behind with B&H and Kosovo, rather than joining Serbia and Montenegro. FM Osmani met with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi in Brussels on Monday. "I believe what Varhelyi said is shared by everyone in Brussels - a new path is definitely emerging for the Western Balkans, primarily related to the geopolitical situation and Ukraine. It is obvious that Ukraine will see a new moment this year regarding its European perspective. That path cannot be enabled while bypassing the Western Balkans. It is in our hands whether we take that path or isolate ourselves. In that case, Albania will join Serbia and Montenegro and we will stay behind with B&H and Kosovo," FM Osmani told TV24. On Sofia's claims of "state-sponsored hate speech", the FM says there is no such thing in North Macedonia and that he would be the first to apologize if evidence of this was found. "EU member-states have their embassies here, international organizations have their missions here. If any of these embassies or missions find evidence of state-sponsored discrimination towards any community, including the Bulgarian, I will be the one to apologize. And this coming from a person who himself is not coming from a majority community," notes Osmani.


Pendarovski – De Croo: Belgium supports N. Macedonia’s EU integration and EU enlargement policy (MIA)


As part of his working visit to Belgium, President Stevo Pendarovski held a meeting Tuesday with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium, Alexander De Croo, during which they spoke about the bilateral relations, Macedonian Euro-integration, economic cooperation, as well as the political and economic conditions in Europe, said the President’s Office in a press release. President Pendrovski welcomed the strengthening political dialogue between the two countries and assessed that the frequent exchanges of high level visits will additionally deepen the political trust and encourage economic development. Pendarovski and De Croo expressed satisfaction over the economic cooperation between the two countries and the increase of Belgian investments in North Macedonia. The President thanked the Belgian Prime Minister for the constant support provided for the Macedonian Euro-integrations and the EU enlargement policy, as a process of strategic importance for the region. In that context, opinions and positions were exchanged over the upcoming Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU in the first half of 2024. According to the press release, Pendarovski and De Croo also spoke about the stability and security of the European continent, highlighting the importance of the partnership within NATO for dealing with the geopolitical challenges that emerged as a result of the war in Ukraine.


Government decides to deploy Army members in NATO operation in Romania (MIA)


The government decided Tuesday to deploy Army members in the multinational battle group within NATO operation "enhanced Vigilance Activity - eVA" in Romania, for a period of six months starting in June 2023. The deployment will strengthen the partnership and cooperation between North Macedonia and other NATO allies, while enlarging and enriching bilateral cooperation with Romania, the Government said in a press release.


MoD: Italian aviation for take part in North Macedonia air policing (MIA)


The Ministry of Defense said Tuesday a decision has been made to involve the Italian aviation in the North Macedonia air policing operations, as part of NATO's south wing. The technical engagement between the two countries will be drafted and signed in the coming period. Italy will join Greece in the air policing operations, in coordination with the NATO Combined Air Operations Centre in Torrejon, Spain, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. North Macedonia signed the first air policing engagement with the Hellenic Republic in 2019. Air policing is part of NATO's defense mission in maintaining the peace, stability and security of Macedonian citizens. It involves the use of a monitoring and control system, air defense capabilities and interception aircraft, towards preserving the integration of the national airspace.


US has no better friend in the world than Albania (Radio Tirana)


The two US senators Chris Murphy and Gary Peters have visited Tirana, as part of a regional tour in the Western Balkans. The senators met with President Begaj and Prime Minister Edi Rama, where the very close relations between the two countries were confirmed. Senator Chris Murphy has described Albania as one of the best friends of the US. "Wonderful to spend time with my friend Prime Minister Edi Rama in Tirana. The US has no better friend in the world than Albania. Great to be back," Murphy writes. The US Embassy in Tirana also said that the senators also met with the head of the DP parliamentary group, Gazment Bardhi, and representatives of civil society and the media. Senator Chris Murphy serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Senator Gary Peters serves as Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. He also serves on the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Armed Services Committee, and the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.


President Begaj meets US Senators Murphy and Peters (Radio Tirana)


The Western Balkans is facing challenges and the growth of threatening activity by third actor’s hostile to Euro-Atlantic developments in the region. Basically, this was the discussion of the Albanian president Bajram Begaj, during the meeting on Tuesday with the American senators, Chris Murphy and Gary Peters. They are visiting Albania as part of a regional tour. On this occasion, President Begaj praised the growing attention and interest of the US Congress in the developments in the region. He said that the recent numerous visits, not only by officials of the US administration in charge of the Western Balkans, but also by representatives of the two houses of the US legislative power, are the best expression of this growing attention. President Begaj also praised the excellent relations with the United States of America. He underlined that to Albania and the Albanians, the US remains the main strategic partner and their greatest friend and ally. Begaj appreciated also the very good cooperation that the two countries have had, especially during the last two years at the United Nations Security Council, where they have taken joint initiatives to condemn the unprovoked and unjustified Russian military aggression in Ukraine. In this context, President Begaj also focused on the new challenges that the Western Balkans region is facing, and the increase of the threatening activity by third actors hostile to Euro-Atlantic developments in the region. President Begaj also expressed his gratitude for the cooperation and support that the US specialized agencies are providing for to deal with cyber-attacks against Albanian digital infrastructure. Referring to the Kosova-Serbia dialogue, President Begaj underlined the need to translate the public agreement of the Ohrid meeting between the parties into a legally binding and internationally recognized agreement. The normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, based on mutual recognition, would have a very positive impact on the security and progress of the region, Albanian President Bajram Begaj underlined.


Xhacka after the meeting in Brussels: Maintain the pace of expansion with concrete actions from the EU (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka stated that, the deepening of the dialogue on issues of foreign policy and security, in the framework of the ever greater importance that the EU is devoting to us in the current geopolitical context was the focus of the meeting between the Foreign Ministers of the E U member states, as well as the Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkans in Brussels. In a statement to the media, Xhacka announced that the need to preserve European unity and unreserved support for Ukraine, respecting the principles on which our common European security is based, and the rules of international law were discussed. The minister said that, in Brussels, the common position on the isolation of Russia in its illegal aggression and the obligation to ensure responsibility and accountability for the cruel acts of more than a year against the Ukrainian people became clear once again. "Albania reaffirmed its steadfast position for full alignment with the decisions of the European Union, becoming a defender of common European values in the United Nations Security Council, for which they were also congratulated by the high representative Borrel and by EU member countries. In this security situation in Europe, stability and security in our region take on increased importance. I expressed my appreciation for the revitalization of the enlargement process but emphasizing the need to maintain the pace with concrete actions from the EU side", underlined the Albanian chief diplomat. She added that, from our point of view, this means, first, progress in the negotiation process, opening this year the negotiations for the first group of chapters. Xhacka underlined that, "stability requires economic growth in our countries. The reforms that Albania has undertaken are key to economic growth, but we need a more significant support from the EU, through the increase and reconceptualization of financial assistance". "In the uncertain geopolitical situation, we are in, I asked for support for strengthening our capacities to face the challenges of the times we are living. This especially includes cyber protection", said the Minister.


Xhacka meeting Varhelyi, Albania is continuing intensively with the reforms (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka held a meeting in Brussels with the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi.

During the meeting, Xhacka and Varhelyi talked about Albania's European integration. Xhacka described the meeting as an encouraging discussion on the next steps of Albania along the EU integration process way. Albanian minister said that she assured Commissioner Varhelyi that Albania's good work for reforms in the EU will continue intensively. Minister Xhacka was in Brussels to participate in the informal meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the EU member states with the Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkan countries, within the framework of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, in Brussels.