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Belgrade Media Report 30 May 2023



Vucic: Quint countries to urgently implement measures that would guarantee safety of Serbs (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic today asked the Quint countries, “which have the greatest influence on Pristina”, to “immediately adopt and implement certain measures that would guarantee the safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, which is a prerequisite for any further talks with representatives of the provisional institutions in Pristina”. Vucic met today with the Ambassadors of the US, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany, as well as with the Head of the EU delegation, and on that occasion he stressed that Albin Kurti must withdraw his special forces, because the Serbs will never accept his occupation. “I hope you will be able to reason with Kurti to withdraw his forces and personal mayors from the North,” said Vucic at the meeting with Quint representatives, at which, as the press service of the President announced, the only topic of discussion was the latest escalation of violence in Kosovo and Metohija. The President expressed great dissatisfaction and strong concern over the fact that part of the international community continues to tolerate unilateral moves by Pristina, which lead to violence against the Serb community, which results in a decreasing number of options that could lead to permanent peace and stability in the region. Vucic introduced the interlocutors with the true chronology of events during yesterday in which a large number of members of the Serb community were injured, who gathered to express their displeasure over the intrusion of illegal Kurti’s forces into Serb buildings, but also because of the shaken trust in KFOR which, despite the guarantees given, did not protect the Serbs and did not prevent the illegal and violent takeover of municipalities. The President reminded that he had timely and persistently warned about this development of the situation, as well as the consequences to which the unpunished behavior of the institutions in Pristina, which not only does not fulfill its obligations, but regularly makes unilateral violent moves against the Serb community in Kosovo and Metoḫija, with numerous and frequent incidents, resulting in injuries, beatings, mistreatment and open discrimination of Serbs. The President said that it is high time that part of the international community finally reacts sharply, clearly and unambiguously to the policy of the institutions in Pristina and to protect the Serbs from increasingly strong pressures and brutal violence that is carried out in plain view of all mechanisms, whose role, among other things, is to protect. The President expressed regret for the injured KFOR soldiers, but pointed out that a much larger number of Serbs were injured, that firearms and great physical force were used against them, even though they offered non-violent resistance from the beginning. Vucic added that in the current situation preservation of peace is of key importance, but also that the most important thing is the safety of the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as that in this sense he expects the Quint countries, which have the greatest influence on Pristina, to urgently adopt and implement certain measures that would guarantee the safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, which is a prerequisite for any further discussion with representatives of the provisional institutions in Pristina. He emphasized that Serbia would continue communication with representatives of NATO/KFOR in the best faith to preserve peace and stability. Quint Ambassadors and the Head of the EU delegation to Serbia expressed concern about the escalation of violence and attacks on KFOR soldiers. They requested a return to dialogue in order to find a political way out of the situation, according to the statement.


Vucic: Serbia to demand urgent measures that would guarantee safety to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said during his meeting today with Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko that, despite the most brutal violation of all international agreements, Serbia will work to preserve peace and stability, demanding the immediate adoption and implementation of measures that would guarantee the safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "And that is a prerequisite for any further conversation with the representatives of the provisional institutions in Pristina," Vucic wrote on Instagram and added that he informed Botsan-Kharchenko about the escalation of violence and brutal discrimination against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic added that such behavior is aimed at raising tensions in the entire region, which is why he demanded the immediate withdrawal of Kurti's special units and a reaction from the international community that would guarantee the safety of Serbs in Kosovo, the press service of the President announced. During the meeting, Vucic pointed out that Serbia, despite the most brutal violation of all international agreements, continues to lead a responsible policy of peace and stability and reiterated his gratitude for the principled stance and support of the Russian Federation for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. Botsan-Kharchenko stressed that Moscow is monitoring all the events and that he will pass on all information presented to him today. He said that Russia understands the delicacy of the situation and notices an increase in the aggressiveness of Pristina, which can have serious consequences. "Moscow has adopted the most serious approach to monitoring the development of the situation, and we understand that this kind of development can cause a serious crisis, even an explosion in the entire region," Botsan-Kharchenko said.


Vucic appeals to China to help end violence against Kosovo Serbs (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday appealed to China to use its enormous international reputation to influence the international community towards reaching an urgent end to violence against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and ensuring peace and security in the province. In an Instagram post after a meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo, Vucic wrote that he had asked her to convey to the Chinese leadership Serbia's serious concerns for the survival and the safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "I appealed to our Chinese friends that they use their enormous international reputation to influence the international community towards reaching an urgent end to violence against Serbs and ensuring peace and security in Kosovo and Metohija," Vucic added.


Vucic: Serbs gathered to express dissatisfaction, KFOR did not protect them (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that in the past three days, even a weakling and a political illiterate could understand what was being prepared for today in Kosovo and Metohija. Everything was organized by Albin Kurti, everything with his desire to bring about a big conflict between Serbs and NATO, said Vucic. The Serbs in the north gathered at seven this morning to express their displeasure with the illegal takeover of local governments, and KFOR did not protect the Serbs and did not prevent the violence, said Vucic. This morning, he says, they were also awaited by KFOR soldiers and barbed wire, and so-called mayors. The two ROSU vehicles were surrounded by Serbs and they did not use any violence, they drew four “S”. The Serbs proposed, Dragisa Milovic went to the talks, that KFOR replace the special forces, and that the fake mayors withdraw and that KFOR remain. Then KFOR asked that the Serbs let the ROSU vehicles pass through, and the Serbs did not agree to that, and then KFOR went into action. They started hitting the crowd, they hit Milovic, Goran Rakic and Igor Simic. “A member of ROSU, not a member of KFOR, fired several shots in the direction of the retreating Serbs and hit Dragisa Galjak with two bullets. The response of the Serbs is throwing of stones and in other ways,” added Vucic. “And everything in the organization of Albin Kurti, everything with his desire to bring about a big conflict between the Serbs and NATO, and he who is the only one to blame for everything that is happening washes his hands and says that it has nothing to do with him,” he said. The strong forces of KFOR broke up a gathering of citizens who were gathered in front of the municipality of Zvecan this afternoon. Tear gas and shock bombs were used. This was followed by a reaction from the crowd who retaliated with stones, bottles and other objects. We have deployed our forces in accordance with the situation in places where we think it is necessary, we will visit more places with our soldiers tonight, said Vucic. He said that “"we will not allow the pogrom of the Serb people”. He pointed out that today he spoke with the representatives of the most important countries and the EU, as well as that a meeting with the ambassadors of the Quint countries was scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8 am. “I probably won’t go to Bratislava tomorrow, we’ll see if I go the day after tomorrow,” said Vucic. “I invite the Serbs in Kosovo, I know how they feel and how difficult it is for them not to enter into conflicts with NATO, not because I am afraid or because any of us are afraid, but because that is what Kurti wants most wants,” Vucic said. “I also urge that when they protest, because I know that they will not accept the occupation of their buildings, their cities and houses, that they do it in a non-peaceful way, just like they did today, to sit down, because when they oppose the Albanian occupier in a peaceful way then no one can beat them,” he stressed. “If the Albanian occupier shoots, then the situation will be completely different. This is something I have communicated to everyone in NATO,” said Vucic. He also indicated that we will do our best to preserve peace. “For the last time, I repeat and ask the international community to reason with Albin Kurti, not to reason with him with meaningless announcements, while giving him everything, but to take measures, if they don’t do that, I’m afraid it will be too late for all of us,” he said. “Citizens of entire Serbia should know that they have a responsible leadership, that every second we take into account the interests of every citizen of Serbia, that we will do our best to preserve peace, but also that we will not allow persecution, pogrom, or killing of our people in Kosovo and Metoḫija,” concluded Vucic.


Petkovic: We will not allow expulsion of our people (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that yesterday Albin Kurti wanted to set fire not only to the north of Kosovo and Metohija, but also to the entire region, and as a result, 52 people were injured on the Serbian side and 41 KFOR members were injured. “When you look at all his actions, over the weekend and on Friday - the violent introduction of fake mayors in four municipalities, it was clear to everyone that he wants conflicts, unrest in Kosovo and Metohija, to cause war because that is the only way to avoid the formation of the ZSO,” Petkovic said. He states that the Serbs had guarantees from KFOR that they would not allow the entry of “occupation mayors and Serb municipal administration buildings”, but that it turned out that they actually assisted the Albanian mayors. He points out that the Serb protest was peaceful and that the unrest would not have occurred if KFOR had not begun to forcibly move the Serbs in order to get to two armored vehicles with special forces of the Kosovo Police. “It would not have come to this if KFOR had not used force and thrown tear gas, the people were running away, the people were bare-handed. We have no need to clash with NATO, but KFOR’s mandate is to protect the Serb people,” said Petkovic. He says that we will not allow the expulsion of our people and that the Serbian Army will protect its people. “Kurti is someone who wants to present himself as little Zelensky, but in fact he is little Hitler who wants to expel and shoot at the Serb people, the state of Serbia will not allow him to do that,” concluded Petkovic.


International community called on to protect Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday, at the reception on the occasion of the Day of Serbian Diplomacy, that Serbia is a friendly country and open to all who, together with us, stand for peace, cooperation and mutual respect. On that occasion, Dacic emphasised that Serbia is a very active member of all important global organisations, advocating for their role in today's world to be strengthened even more. According to him, our country is part of the most important European fora and plays an active role in creating policies and solutions for the most important issues concerning our common continent. He also pointed out that our country is firmly committed to respecting the principles in international relations, which are written in the fundamental documents of the organisations we are members of, starting with the United Nations and its Charter. According to him, Serbia firmly stands behind this principle and consistently promotes it in its foreign policy because it itself, not so long ago, was a victim of its gross violation. Our insistence on respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every member of the international community is sincere and principled. Serbia demands respect for that principle both for its own sake and for its gross violation, when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic said. He called on the representatives of the international community to take seriously the unilateral acts and provocations that have been happening almost every day in Kosovo and Metohija for the last few years, assessing that the Pristina administration is currently the biggest threat to regional peace and stability.


Executive Board of SANU: Deep concern (RTV)


The Executive Board of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) expresses deep concern and indignation over the latest events and violence in Kosovo and Metohija, especially because those who were entrusted by the United Nations to impartially ensure peace and security of all citizens in Kosovo and Metohija participated in this violence against citizens of Serbian nationality. At the same time, SANU points out that the reasons for the latest tension undoubtedly lie in the complete disregard of universal democratic principles and in the incomprehensible tacit acceptance by a number of important international actors of apparently illegitimate elections in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, held without voters, the results of which the authorities in Pristina are trying to forcefully implement. SANU appeals to the international community to take steps as soon as possible to ensure the elementary democratic and human rights of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and to ensure peace, security and normal life for all people living there.


Borrell condemns violence in Zvecan: Immediately de-escalate the situation (FoNet)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell condemned the violence in Zvecan, northern Kosovo, and urged the Kosovo authorities and the protesters to immediately and unconditionally de-escalate the situation. “The violent acts committed against KFOR troops, media, civilians and police are absolutely unacceptable,” Borrell wrote on Twitter. He said the EU expects the parties to act responsibly and find a political solution through the dialogue immediately.


Clashes between KFOR, citizens in Zvecan, NATO, EU condemn violence against peacekeepers (Beta/KoSSev)


A number of people were injured in clashes that broke out between KFOR troops and citizens assembled in front of the Zvecan municipal building, in northern Kosovo, a little after 4 p.m. on 29 May, during which tear gas and stun grenades were used. Despite calls from the Serb Ticket, the assembled Serbs would not permit passage, requested by KFOR, to vehicles of the Kosovo police special units to leave the area in front of the municipal building. The clashes broke out when KFOR members began to push the people in the street, including journalists in the first lines, KoSSev reported. The protesters pushed back, after which tear gas was deployed -- by KFOR according to reports by KoSSev. In addition to tear gas, stun grenades were also deployed, and bottles and rocks were thrown. There were shots fired and detonations could be heard. KFOR troops succeeded in pushing the crowd back far enough to allow the trapped armored vehicles of the Kosovo police special units to drive away. Multiple KFOR members were injured. The number of injured citizens is not known. Late on Monday, NATO issued an announcement strongly condemning the unprovoked and unacceptable attacks on KFOR mission troops in northern Kosovo and urged all parties to refrain from actions that elevate tension. NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu noted in a written statement that multiple KFOR members had been injured in the attacks and that the violence must stop immediately. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani expressed concern over the situation in northern Kosovo on Twitter, stressing that there were 11 Italians among the injured KFOR troops, three of whom had sustained severe injuries, though their lives were not in danger. EU Office in Kosovo Head Tomas Szunyog said that the EU strongly condemned the violent actions by protesters in Zvecan, which included the use of explosives, against KFOR peacekeeping forces. British Ambassador to Pristina Nicholas Abbott called the attacks by protesters on KFOR troops and journalists unacceptable and criminal, adding that the countries of the Quint and the EU had made it clear that urgent action needed to be taken to deescalate and reduce tensions. In the morning of Monday, several thousand Serbs rallied in front of the Zvecan municipal headquarters to demand the withdrawal of Kosovo Police from the area and the departure of the new, ethnically-Albanian local government, which was chosen in the recent elections boycotted by nearly the entire Serb population of Kosovo. The protest began peacefully but soon escalated. The incident took place as KFOR was allowing Serb employees to enter the municipal offices, and ended in Kosovo Police using tear gas on the gathering – with the employees caught in the middle. Soon after, the police retreated into the building, around which KFOR – armed with assault rifles and riot gear – has set up a protective perimeter. The Zvecan protesters were demanding that the Kosovo Police leave the municipal building, while calling out “Leave! Leave!” and “This is Serbia!” As Serbs have rallied in Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan, the Kosovo Police Force has stated that it recognized the people’s right to peaceful protests but that the police were obligated to protect public order and peace. The Kosovo Police went on to say that the Zvecan protesters became violent, attempting to penetrate the security perimeter and enter the municipal offices, so the police were forced to use tear gas. Kosovo Police Special Forces have been stationed at all major intersections in Kosovo’s north, while schools are closed down.


Opposition: Protests until demands are met, SNS to blame if there are incidents (Beta)


On Monday, representatives of a number of opposition parties speaking in the Serbian parliament called people to the next, fifth Serbia against Violence demonstration, and warned the Serbian Progressive Party that it will be responsible if any agitators cause incidents. The opposition representatives reiterated at a news conference at the parliament building that they would not negotiate with the government until all demands are met and that they would not "barter" with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The next Serbia against Violence protest is scheduled for 2 June in Belgrade, and the news conference was held by members of parliament from the opposition parties organizing the demonstrations. The caucuses of the Democratic Party, People's Party, Green-Left Club, We Must Together and United have called for the protests under the slogan Serbia against Violence, while stressing that the demonstrations were not partisan. At the same time, Dveri (Doors) movement leader Bosko Obradovic said on Monday that "anyone who wants to hijack the people's protests against violence and the regime is making a serious mistake." "I think there are colleagues from the pro-Western opposition who are taking that liberty. That is not a good solution," Obradovic told a news conference of opposition parties calling themselves nation-building, also held in the parliament lobby. He said this segment of the opposition had on several occasions proposed essential additions to protest demands, like the resignation of the Serbian president and an interim government that will allow freedom of the press and fair elections at all levels.




Dodik: The entire Serbian corps stands behind the Serbs in Kosovo (ATV)


The President of the Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik said that the entire Serbian corps, both Serbia and the RS, are behind the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), assessing that the Pristina authorities are trying to expel the Serbs from KiM through repression. "We will do everything necessary to help the Serbs in KiM and we are doing it through various projects, but I am equally proud of the fact that Serbia is ready to defend the security of the Serbs and that the Serbian Army is absolutely ready to do so," Dodik said.  He also said that "he can testify that the readiness and morale of the Serbian Army to defend the Serbs in KiM is absolutely high". The Serbian people must not wait for a new time under the colonies of foreigners because that would mean that in the future, they will have disastrous positions that will lead to their disappearance, wrote Dodik on his Instagram account. The Kosovo police forcibly stormed the municipal buildings in Zubin Potok, Zvecan and Leposavic, using tear gas, smoke and shock bombs against the Serbs, who tried to prevent the police from entering the municipal premises. On that occasion, more than ten Serbs were injured. The National Security Council of Serbia decided yesterday that the Armed Forces of Serbia remain at the highest level of combat readiness for the time being due to the situation in the north of KiM.


Dodik: KFOR does not guarantee security for Serbs in KiM (Nezavisne)


RS President Milorad Dodik said today that the presence of KFOR members does not guarantee the safety of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). "Completely inappropriate reaction of KFOR members towards the bare-handed Serbian people defending their right to live in KiM. Their behaviour shows that their presence does not guarantee the safety of the Serbian people," Dodik wrote on Twitter. He assessed that the representatives of the international community are solely responsible for the current situation in the north of KiM, who, as he emphasized, create unsustainable solutions by not respecting international law and signed agreements. "The RS gives full support to our people in their demands to provide them with a normal and peaceful life," said Dodik. He announced that in the coming days the parliament of the RS will pass a declaration on support for the Serbian people in KiM and the territorial integrity of Serbia.


US Embassy says two US Air Force bombers will make low flight over Sarajevo and other cities on Tuesday (FTV)


Two US Air Force bombers will make a low-flying flight over Sarajevo and other cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday as a sign of the strong partnership between the US and the B&H Armed Forces, and their continued commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character of B&H, according to the statement of the US Embassy in B&H. These aircraft will also participate in a joint military event near Tuzla, which will include the engagement of Joint Tactical Air Control of the B&H Armed Forces and US Army Special Forces. The US Embassy to B&H stated that the B-1B aircraft is a long-range heavy bomber capable of carrying the largest conventional payload of guided and unguided missiles of any aircraft in aviation, reminding that the multirole B-1B is the backbone of America's long-range forces and is capable of using large quantities of precision and imprecise weapons against any enemy, anywhere in the world, at any time. "Today we recognize the enduring bond between the United States and B&H. This flyover today shows our commitment to fostering strong diplomatic relations and serves as a testament to our shared values and common goals. Through cooperation and understanding we pave the way for a future of peace, security and prosperity in the region," said US Air Force General James Hecker, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, and NATO Allied Air Command.


Crnadak: B&H Presidency had to give approval for US Air Force aircrafts to fly over B&H (BHT1)


PDP representative in the RS parliament Igor Crnadak said Monday that the B&H Presidency had to give approval for US Air Force aircrafts to fly over B&H on Tuesday. BHT1 reports that reacting to this, Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic noted that the B&H Presidency did not adopt any decisions on overflights. Additionally, B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Aleksandar Goganovic said that the US Embassy to B&H addressed the B&H Foreign Ministry and the B&H Ministry of Defense (MoD) with a letter, requesting that two US Air Force bomber aircrafts fly over B&H on 30 May, noting that the process of obtaining approval is ongoing. Cvijanovic said that the B&H Presidency did not make any decision on the overflight of the US bombers over B&H, nor was it informed about it. She condemned the move of the US Embassy, which she called unnecessary and provocative.


B&H Ministry of Defence, B&H Ministry of Traffic and Communications and B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved the request for low flights of US bomber aircrafts (ATV)


ATV Banja Luka has come in possession of photographs of documents that confirm that ‘Bosniak cadre’, as they referred to them, in the B&H Ministry of Defence, B&H Ministry of Traffic and Communications and B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs received and approved the request of the US Embassy in B&H for the scheduled low altitude flyover of two US bombers. ATV showed photographs of documents signed by B&H Minister of Defence Zukan Helez approving the scheduled low altitude flyover for 30 May. They also showed photographs of correspondence of the US Embassy and the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which the US Embassy requested the low altitude flyover of their two bombers, and a final letter, was mentioned but not shown, where the US Embassy thanks the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their cooperation and provides them with detailed information of where the aircraft will enter and leave the country.


Dodik: Any flight of foreign aircrafts - especially the US ones - over the RS airspace represents classic example of provocation, intimidation and pressure (RTRS/N1)


US Air Force bomber aircrafts will perform a flight over B&H on Tuesday, which - according to the US Embassy to B&H – demonstrates the commitment to strengthen the relations with B&H. RS President Milorad Dodik commented that any flight of foreign aircrafts - especially the US ones - over the RS airspace represents a “classic example of provocation, intimidation and pressure.” He assessed that the US Embassy to B&H’s announcement on the overflights of the US bomber aircrafts proves that the US as a leading carrier of amorality in the global policy calls the intimidation and aggression a partnership. Dodik added that the Serb people recall very well the last time that US aircraft flew across the RS, dropping depleted uranium on the citizens of RS. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic stated on Monday that the announced activity was planned with an aim to intimidate some people and also to make other people happy. The RS officials said that they see the announcement as an unpleasant association to the NATO bombing in 1995 and 1999. Stevandic stated that Serbs were not afraid in the 1990s, adding that they are not afraid today as this is no longer the world where there is a monopolar force that intimidates and targets the nations as a whole. Head of the SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Sanja Vulic assessed that the announcement is an attempt of the US administration to discipline RS President Milorad Dodik and all representatives of the RS. She stressed that certain information indicate that the US administration is bothered a lot by the recent visit of Dodik to Russia and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vulic also said: “Minister Konakovic and others do not care about the protocol procedure to get approval for something like this, because they received an instruction from the US Embassy that they have to approve this in order to send a message to Milorad Dodik and to all of us in RS that we cannot support Russia and President Putin. According to information we received, they had a big issue with the recent visit of President Dodik to Moscow and President Putin. This is why they decided on these ‘repressive measures’ as I call them. I would like to tell them, they can do whatever they want, but they will not intimidate us. We will continue to think for ourselves, unlike our colleagues from Federation of B&H (FB&H).” Delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Radovan Kovacevic stressed that this is a question of approving decisions in B&H: “If we know that the B&H Presidency is, according to the Constitution, the commander in chief in B&H, and they did not approve this decision, because Chair Cvijanovic would never approve it. If we know that in the Ministry of Defense, where the approval of the Serb Deputy Minister was needed, this decision was not approved, who is the one who approved this decision? If we continue to live in B&H where decisions are made by those without jurisdiction and those not elected by the people, we repeat the message that this is an impossible and unsustainable country, referring to B&H, and that RS, under these circumstances, needs to look for its own path.” Opposition leader SDS MP in the RS parliament Vukota Govedarica said that he would like to ask “the gentlemen who adopted the resolution on military neutrality, who assured us that we are military neutral, I ask them now, are we not military neutral?” “I ask them why American planes do whatever they want and fly over the zone of territory and integrity of the RS. Therefore, we are not military neutral. It is completely clear, and it is a true proof of the kind of farce we have been living in the past two, three, four years since that resolution was passed. I do not see any possible reason at this moment that we are not safe. This people are most threatened by those who rule in the RS,” Govedarica said. PDP MP in the RS parliament Igor Crnadak said that the decision for US bombers to fly over cities in the RS and the FB&H was made by the B&H Presidency. ‘For Justice and Order’ leader Nebojsa Vukanovic assessed that it is not a coincidence that the announced overflights of the US bomber aircrafts come at the same time with the high-level of military readiness of Serbian Armed Forces in effect over the current situation in Kosovo, but that nothing bombastic will happen in Kosovo in this regard given that Kosovo Serbs are collateral damage of decades-long wrong policy and they are on their own left to the mercy of gods.


Plenkovic: Belgrade is burdened by Croatian media, we have no agenda to overthrow the government (


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that Croatia has no hidden agenda to overthrow any government in the neighboring country, adding that Belgrade is too burdened by Croatian media writing. Plenkovic reacted after Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that it was in Zagreb's interest to topple his government. "The Croatian government and Croatian institutions have no hidden agenda to overthrow any government in any neighboring country, not even in Serbia. That is clear to everyone. I don't know why they bother with what they read in the Croatian media or portals. If we were to base our decisions on the relationship with the neighboring country, which is Serbia, based on their media, then they would talk to us "sparingly" for many years," Plenkovic said. He also emphasized that Croatia wants to improve relations with all its neighbors. "We want Serbia to be stable and solve its problems within Serbia," said the Croatian Prime Minister.


Israeli Foreign Minister visits Croatia (HRT)


Minister Eli Cohen was received in the nation's capital by Croatia's foreign minister, prime minister, and president on Monday. Minister Cohen underlined that Israel is a staunch supporter of Ukraine. However, he warned that the war had the fingerprints of Iranian state terrorism, and they continue to be a threat to current global order. "The Iranian regime is no longer just a regional problem, but a European and a global problem as well. We cannot overlook the challenges posed by Iran's destabilizing activities in the Middle East. Iran is still looking to acquire a nuclear weapon. Iran is the world's number one financer of terrorism around the world," said Cohen. Minister Grlic Radman said Croatia and Israel shared the same values and cooperate in a number of economic and political fields. "Today, with Minister Cohen, I signed a memorandum of understanding on developmental cooperation. This will allow us to mutually provide aid to the countries in this region and around the world in order to achieve their development goals. This will bring further peace, security and stability to our neighbouring countries," said Grlic Radman. The Croatian minister pointed out that in the 26 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, "progress has been achieved in all areas" and that Israel is investing in renewable energy sources and the tourism sector in Croatia. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic later thanked Israel for supporting Croatia's prospective membership in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Finally, President Zoran Milanovic received Minister Cohen who conveyed Israeli President Isaac Herzog's invitation to visit Israel, which the President accepted.


Kankaras: SNP condemns the brutal beating of Serbs in Kosovo, Montenegro will be with the brotherly people (CdM)


The SNP strongly condemns the attack by the Albanian forces and KFOR and the brutal beating of the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), announced the councillor of the SNP in the SO Niksic, Aleksa Kankaras. "Beating of Serbs is an inadmissible act that violates the basic human rights of Serbs in KiM in the most brutal way. "The frequency and brutality of attacks on Serbs in KiM is increasing day by day, it must be stopped," he said. Kankaras called on the competent international institutions to react and to "protect the Serbian people in KiM as soon as possible". "Montenegro has always been and it will always be with the fraternal people from KiM," he said.


Dialogue to continue after elections; Milatovic: For progress, cohesion around key major directions of development is important, Montenegro is our common destiny (CdM)


“For the progress of Montenegro, dialogue and internal social cohesion around the key major directions of development of Montenegro are necessary, and this issue is much bigger than any parliamentary majority,” said Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic after a meeting with representatives of political entities participating in the upcoming parliamentary elections. At the meeting were Milojko Spajic, Aleksa Becic, Genci Nimanbegu, Vladan Jokovic, Srdjan Peric, Ervin Ibrahimovic, Adrijan Vuksanovic, Nebojsa Medojevic, Nik Gjeloshaj, Abaz Dizdarevic, Dejan Vuksic, etc. The holders of the lists of SDP, the For the Future of Montenegro coalition and Justice for All – Nikola Djuraskovic, Milan Knezevic and Vladimir Leposavic, respectively, did not come. “Progress is what the citizens chose. That progress in the domain of rule of law, standard of living, European integration is a key issue for all of us in Montenegro. Progress requires dialogue, progress requires internal dialogue. Today, I have started an internal dialogue in Montenegro, inviting the representatives of parliamentary candidates lists that will participate in the elections. We had a very good and constructive meeting. Everyone showed respect for my invitation. I am happy that the continuation of such a meeting is being encouraged,” Milatovic has told reporters after the meeting in Villa Gorica. The political dialogue will continue immediately after the elections, in order to focus on pressing issues surrounding the judiciary, European integration, development of Montenegro, etc. President Milatovic did not want to comment on the non-arrival of the representatives of the three lists – Milan Knezevic, Nikola Djuraskovic and Vladimir Leposavic. “It is their democratic right, the citizens can judge it best, I wish them all luck in the elections,” added Milatovic.


Kaludjerovic: The "Open Balkans" initiative is just what Montenegro needs (CdM)


Regional economic integration is in the best interest of Montenegro, which is why the Socialist People's Party fully supports joining the "Open Balkans" initiative, announced Sladjana Kaludjerovic, candidate for SNP -Demos - ZA tebe. According to her, the facts are inexorable - "Open Balkans" facilitates cross-border movement and mutual trade and creates a common market that is more attractive to foreign investors. "Open Balkans" also provides an additional opportunity for exports to companies from Montenegro, offers a greater range of jobs to the workforce and facilitates the movement of citizens of the region. "For Montenegro, the Open Balkans initiative is just what it needs, because, in addition to significantly facilitating the movement of people, goods, services and capital, it opens up a wide area for attracting new investors, who will rather invest money in a larger than in a fragmented market," she said. Kaludjerovic. That is why, she adds, there are completely unfounded fears that the "Open Balkans" will harm the economy of Montenegro, because the best example that this will not happen is North Macedonia, which, by joining the regional initiative, significantly increased trade with Serbia and Albania. "The Open Balkans offers a huge potential for increasing the GDP of Montenegro, which means higher salaries and pensions, the creation of new jobs and the attraction of foreign investments, which all in all means a better quality of life in Montenegro," she concludes.


Presidency of Ukraine: Montenegro to support the special tribunal for Russian aggression (RTCG)


The Deputy Head of the Cabinet of the President of Ukraine, Igor Zhovkva, expressed the hope that Montenegro can join the coalition of states in order to establish a special tribunal that would deal with the crimes of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Zhovkva spoke by phone with Filip Ivanovic, the acting advisor for foreign policy to the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. The announcement was published on the website of the Presidency of Ukraine. We present the announcement in its entirety: "Deputy head of the Cabinet of the President of Ukraine, Igor Zhovkva, spoke by phone with the acting advisor for foreign policy of the President of Montenegro, Filip Ivanovic. Igor Zhovkva conveyed the sincere congratulations of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, to Milatovic on his victory in the elections. Filip Ivanovic emphasized the immutability of Montenegro's policy in terms of further support to Ukraine in opposing Russian aggression, as well as the continuation of the policy of sanctions against Russia. The Deputy Head of the President's Cabinet expressed his gratitude to the Montenegrin side for consistent and comprehensive support for Ukraine, as well as for Montenegro's significant assistance in promoting Ukraine's membership in the EU and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Igor Zhovkva informed the interlocutor in detail about Ukraine's progress in implementing the European integration course and our country's expectations regarding the results of the NATO Summit in Vilnius. The parties also exchanged opinions on the application of the Ukrainian Peace Formula as the only effective plan for achieving a lasting and just peace. The possibility of Montenegro joining the implementation of certain points of the Formula was established. The Deputy Head of the President's Cabinet expressed the hope that Montenegro could join the coalition of states to form a special tribunal for the crime of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Igor Zhovkva expressed the interest of the Ukrainian side in the visit of the President of Montenegro to Ukraine."


Petrovska: Violence does not lead anywhere, believe Kosovo-Serbia dialogue will continue (MIA)


Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska said on Monday she believes the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia will continue, and the most acceptable solution will be found. In answer to a journalist’s question regarding the events in the north of Kosovo, Petrovska said a solution should be found that won’t harm any side and reiterated the country’s commitment to peace, stability and security in the region. “I will say the decision of the Kosovo authorities was wrong. Violence won’t lead us anywhere when we are all trying to solve disputes through dialogue. I believe that a way will be found to change the decision, and that dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia will continue with the goal of reaching the most acceptable solution that absolutely won’t harm any side. The Republic of North Macedonia is a strong proponent of peace, stability and security in the region,” said Petrovska.


Pendarovski: Opposition’s stance on constitutional changes cause for concern among strategic partners (MIA)


The opposition’s stance on the constitutional changes means that we will block our own Euro-integrations on 1 December, and this is cause for concern for our strategic partner the United States, said President Stevo Pendarovski at a press conference Monday. In answer to a journalist’s question on whether during his meeting with Senator Chris Murphy last week he was told that NATO would be concerned if the constitutional amendments aren’t adopted, Pendarovski said the issue wasn’t raised at all at the meeting. “I assume Senator Murphy knew my position, the position of the government, and that we have no issue with these types of constitutional amendments. I have reiterated many times that the inclusion of other parts of people within the Constitution will not threaten the security of Macedonia, nor its future, the opposite may be true. I can only guess, but I assume that Senator Murphy was addressing the people from the opposition with whom he also met, and their position is known. They don’t want to think about the constitutional amendments under any condition at this period or until the end of the mandate of the current parliamentary composition. This can mean only one thing, that we will block ourselves on 1 December, and this of course is a cause for concern for our biggest strategic partner,” said Pendarovski.  The President confirmed he is familiar with the contents of the constitutional amendments, which are set to be adopted by the government on Tuesday and submitted to Parliament. “I repeat once more, it is in line with what has been agreed. I know the amendments i.e., the text of the draft amendments because I have my own representative in the group, my advisor for legal affairs, Aleksandar Spasov, and I think from the very first word until the last, we are fully within the frameworks of what parliament adopted a year ago,” said Pendarovski. Asked if he still thinks the procedure for the constitutional changes should not begin without political consensus, the President said the procedure in parliament should begin even if the required majority isn’t secured. “Today, I believe it is better to submit it to Parliament, even under the assumption that there aren’t 80 votes secured. With the very first vote that requires two-thirds, the two main blocs in the country would be identified – the pro-European and the anti-European bloc. Just as a reminder, in 2015, before the vote for the Prespa Agreement, the government did not have 80 votes secured at that moment. Those were dramatic moments when it wasn’t known if there would be a majority for the change to the Constitution until the very last moment,” said Pendarovski. On whether he would host a leaders’ meeting, the President underscored that it would make more sense for the government to host it. “The Prime Minister extended an invitation for a meeting to the opposition. Since the government is the formal petitioner of the initiative for the constitutional amendments, I think it would be logical to wait for the opposition to answer that call. I have no issue with hosting it, however, since the government is the one that should initiate the amendments, it makes sense that they should host these meetings. Although, being familiar with the opposition’s stance on the issue, I really don’t know what they would offer at that meeting with the government, since their position is well-known. They first want to come to power and then discuss the amendments,” stressed President Stevo Pendarovski.


Kovachevski to put forward all decisions needed for continuation of North Macedonia's EU path (MIA)


I will put forward all decisions that are needed for North Macedonia to resume on its path in the realization of its strategic objective - EU membership. I hope all political parties in the country and lawmakers will perceive the importance of this decision and vote for the sake of their people and not to benefit any politician in the country, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Monday. PM Kovachevski called for unity, togetherness and rising beyond political and ideological differences for a better life and secure future. "The country's leadership did not take a single strategic decision between 2006 and 2016 and instead spent money on TV ads. Eventually, we all realized that we were left alone and isolated. Afterwards, decisions were made that resulted in the NATO membership and the start of the EU accession negotiations," said Kovachevski at the VIP Day within multinational exercise "Immediate Response 23".


PM Rama urges Kosovo to finalize dialogue with Serbia (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has reacted regarding the tense situation in the north of Kosovo, where, according to him, it is being hurt internationally. According to Rama, his call to listen to the allies is an international call, but also a national need. "My call to listen attentively to those allies and not to get deeper into the not only dangerous, but also useless path where Kosovo is being hurt internationally together with KFOR soldiers who are being hurt physically, it is an international call but also a national need. From this crossroads where the conflict returns every year as a product of the past, with Serbia exposing troops on the border where its power is equal to zero and Kosovo exposing its reluctance to finalize the dialogue, the only way out is with the dialogue and with powerful allies! The injury of the KFOR soldiers places direct responsibility on their blind abusers and unfortunately hurts Kosovo in the eyes of its irreplaceable allies and friends! The longer this dangerous and unnecessary conflict lasts, the more Kosovo is hurt," writes Rama on Twitter.


Begaj: No pretexting can be used to prevent the implementation of the Brussels and Ohrid agreement (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj strongly condemns the abuse of the Serbian population of the North of Kosovo and the unacceptable violence against the KFOR peacekeeping troops in Kosovo.

In a reaction on social networks, Begaj states that "No pretexting can be used to prevent the full implementation of the Brussels and Ohrid agreement, which shows the right way to solve open problems and normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia ". "No one can question the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic of Kosovo, as well as its right to build and consolidate democratic and multi-ethnic institutions", emphasizes the Head of State. In conclusion, the President said that: "I publicly repeat my fraternal appeal to the Kosovo authorities for more patience and prudence and especially close coordination with our partners".


Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs strongly condemn violence against KFOR troops (ADN)


Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka has reacted regarding the situation in the north of Kosovo. "Unprovoked violent attacks against KFOR forces and the press are unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. We express our full support for KFOR and wish a speedy recovery for the injured soldiers. De-escalating the situation is key at this point. The dialogue mediated by the EU is the path towards the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and mutual recognition that will ensure lasting stability in our region", noted Xhacka.


Peleshi: We strongly condemn the violence used against KFOR troops (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi, has reacted regarding the situation in the North of Kosovo. In a reaction on social networks, Peleshi expressed concern about the situation created there while declaring that "we strongly condemn the violence used against the KFOR troops, who are trying to guarantee the safety of the citizens there". "Dialogue and the reduction of tensions, the only solution for a good coexistence and stability in the region", underlines Peleshi. The minister wished a speedy recovery to the injured.