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Belgrade Media Report 19 June



Another Serb arrested in Leposavic, today a protest march in Kosovska Mitrovica (RTS)


Another arrest of Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). Uros Vukasinovic from Leposavic was arrested because of alleged involvement in the attack on journalists. After the arrest of the Serbs, as well as the attack by the special forces of the Kosovo Police on two children in Zitkovac near Zvecani, a protest march of Serbs from the north of KiM is scheduled for today. The gathering is at 1 pm in Kosovska Mitrovica. The ban on the passage of goods from central Serbia is still valid, so the line of freighters at the administrative checkpoints is also unchanged.


The arrest of another Serb in KiM, Uros Vukasinovic from Leposavic, which happened this morning, is a continuation of the torture of Aljbin Kurti, who uses all means to provoke a conflict with the peaceful Serbian people, announced the Office for KiM. "Vukasinovic was arrested when he went to work early this morning, and he was arrested by members of Kurti's Kosovo police in civilian clothes, one of whom was even driving a vehicle with KM plates," the announcement states.


The Office for KiM says thar this was not the arrest of a criminal, but a 28-year-old guy who calmly went to work, knowing that he was not guilty of anything. "Kurti without any evidence, despite the facts that contradict him, arrests Serbs every day, while the international community turns its head to the other side and pretends not to see the violations of all basic rights of Serbs, Kurti's daily mistreatment, physical, legal and institutional violence against our people", it is emphasized in the announcement.


"Is it possible anywhere in the democratic Western world that anyone can be arrested on political orders, without evidence? How is it possible that evidence daily contradict Sveclja and Kurti, and they continue their attacks on Serbs? The international community urgently needs to come to its senses and stand in the way of Pristina's unreasonable moves, because peace in KiM is maintained only by the superhuman efforts of the Serbs from the north of KiM, who patiently endured Kurti's torture for two years," concludes the Office for KiM.


State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Nemanja Starovic tells RTS that the situation in the north of KiM is the most difficult since 1999 until today, primarily due to the fact that Aljbin Kurti has been at the head of the temporary institutions in Pristina for two full years, who, as he says, as a rule, implements its unilateral measures that amount to jeopardizing the safety and security of Serbs. "It is already a pattern, it is a rule - that he resorts to the implementation of unilateral measures, and we are also witnessing the constant deployment of special militarized monoethnic Albanian forces of the Kosovo police whose sole task is obviously to harass members of the Serbian people," Starovic points out.


He says he's afraid all Kurti wants is to provoke a wider war-like conflict. "Regardless of all that we do, I'm talking about official Belgrade and the Serbs who live in KiM, in order to avoid something like that, I'm afraid he's going to succeed," Starovic points out. He emphasizes that a great responsibility rests with the countries of the international community, that is, with the countries of the Quint, which, despite the condemning rhetoric, do not implement anything in practice to thwart Kurti's, as he says, "criminal intentions". "I cannot use another term when someone obviously wants, calls for and tries to produce a war conflict, all in order to achieve his main goal, which is to eliminate any socio-politically organized presence of Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija," says Starovic.


Vucic visited soldiers and policemen in the Land Security Zone last night (Novosti)


President of Serbia and Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vucic, visited military and police formations in Land Security Zone, "Novosti" writes. This inspection of the security forces followed immediately after the alarm that "turned on" in the NATO headquarters in Mons after the tensions caused by the so-called Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, with weeks of terror against the Serbian population in our southern province.


"Novosti" reminds that earlier sources employed in the Allied (NATO) command for operations in Mons informed them that they had interrupted their vacation and this morning they were invited to a meeting regarding the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. According to "Novosti" information, there is great concern about the current situation in our southern province. As reported by our well-informed sources, the Western military alliance assesses that Kurti "got out of control" and that there are high expectations about the engagement of the Serbian Army.


Military strategists in NATO obviously took seriously this the address by the President of Serbia and the Supreme Commander of our armed forces, Aleksandar Vucic, who, among other things, denied the lies that our army crossed the administrative line with the so-called Kosovo to arrest three members of the so-called Kosovo Police. "Our bodies have never crossed the administrative line. If we cross, you will be informed as I told the KFOR commander... and if they cross, they will not return," warned the head of state.


Serbs ready to form ZSO on their own? (Blic)


Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) are planning to start forming the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) on their own, Blic daily unofficially learns. It is planned to hold a large Assembly of the Serbian people from KiM in the coming period, at which the CSM would be proclaimed, and the bodies of the Community established, reveals an interlocutor of the daily who is familiar with the plans of the Serbs from the north.


"The plan is to start forming the Community of Serbian Municipalities and its bodies soon, and Dragisa Milovic, a respected doctor and former president of the municipality of Zvecan, would be proposed as the first president of the CSM," revealed the interlocutor of the daily.


The headquarters of ZSO would be in Kosovska Mitrovica. The source explains that the events of recent weeks influenced this decision, primarily the increase in violence, arrests of Serbs and the incursion of Kosovo police special forces into the north. "The Brussels Agreement was signed more than 10 years ago. The Community of Serbian Municipalities has not been formed for more than 3,700 days, and after everything we have endured in recent days, it is clear that no one really wants it: neither the authorities in Pristina, nor the international community. That is why we will take matters into your own hands," says the source.


The interlocutor of the daily points out that all the unpleasant scenes and the terror that Serbs are suffering have made them think about possible actions and civil disobedience now, in addition to protests.


Vucic: The dialogue is completely meaningless, it’s out of the question to talk until the arrested Serbs are released (RTS)


We did our best to preserve peace, but no matter how hard we tried to be a serious and responsible partner to the Western powers, they never looked at us that way, said President Aleksandar Vucic in his address to the public. He also says that the dialogue is completely meaningless. It’s out of the question to talk about -- I don't know what -- until the arrested Serbs are released, said the President Aleksandar Vucic in extraordinary address to the public.


President Vucic said that on Saturday a brother and sister, Dara and Kristijan, were attacked by the Kosovo police in the village of Zitkovac, municipality of Zvecan. He indicated that he had heard from their mother Maria this morning. "When their mother Marija came, she found her son being held on his knees on the ground, her daughter barefoot, who had collapsed several times due to stress," said Vucic. He pointed out that the Kosovo policemen said that they indiscriminately stopped everyone wearing helmets or hats. "The 15- and 17-year-old children were driving a quad, and they took them for serious terrorists, so they decided to deal with those children, just like in the movies. You can imagine the stress that family is under." Vucic added.


Vucic stated that for years we tried in every way to preserve peace, stability and to advance economically. "Our country really gave everything to make it so, to keep the peace, to make the country progress the fastest in its history. However, no matter how hard we tried to be a serious and responsible partner to the Western powers, we are on the European path, I'm talking to you completely openly, they never looked at us that way if we don’t serve their every demand unconditionally, we would always be guilty, even if we weren’t. We don't have a way out anymore," said Vucic.


President Aleksandar Vucic argues that a hybrid war is being waged against Serbia, and that Western countries are generally permissive of this. "Here we come to the essential decision of the Western countries, which we must be aware of. They allow the shooting of Serbs, the mistreatment and bullying of Serbs. And everything is permitted in (Kosovo PM Albin) Kurti’s mind. They are pursuing “fait accompli” politics.


"No matter what we do, no matter how calm and constructive we are, try to improve the situation, find solutions, fundamentally it will never help us. They will always tell us in the end, 'Well, we can't stop this, it's a sovereign state. Kosovo, we can't stop their actions'.  “So then why are you there?" asks Vucic.


Everything for them, adds Vucic, boils down to the fact that there is no UN Charter ,and no UN Resolution when it comes to Serbia, which they call out so feverishly when it comes to Ukraine. "I exposed myself personally to everything when I talk about this, I have no dreams, they scattered them to pieces. Serbia will have to be guilty in any case," says the president.


Vucic repeated that Serbian (police) never crossed the administrative line: "We have never crossed it! Our authorities have never crossed the administrative line. If they cross it, you will be informed as I told the KFOR commander. And if they cross it in the future, they will not return," says Vucic.


President Vucic stated that the prime minister of in Pristina seeks war at any cost. "He provokes, he wants conflict, he wants war at any cost, and in that he finds protection, he lies that he has no protection," Vucic points out.


Serbia will be to blame one way or another, the president said. "I talked to representatives of Serbs, desperate representatives of Serbs, and people want to preserve peace, but they don't know how to preserve it, but I am quite sure that in the future period they will take active steps. Vidovdan is an important day in Serbian history. On Vidovdan, everything is visible, as our people say, and on Vidovdan, Serbs, I am quite convinced, will peacefully take steps on the way to their own freedom," said Vucic.


Vucic said on Sunday in an extraordinary address to the nation that Serbia will react "if we cannot protect people from pogroms, but no one has to worry that we will do it without announcing it to the NATO, nor do any actions outside the agreements that have been signed".


As far as we are concerned, he says, "we will no longer inform anyone, except for the raising or lowering of combat readiness". "In addition to our obligations to NATO, which we will always fully fulfil in accordance with Resolution 1244. We will try to preserve peace, but we warn all those who clearly do not care about peace and who want the Serbs to become even quieter, and not so loud, evicted from the north of Kosovo. That it will not happen. That's all I have to tell them. "Let them think or claim that it's a bluff, reality, I don't care one way or the other," said Vucic.


Vucic revealed that the Office for KiM "got hold" of the EULEX document. "You know what it says there? It says nothing. They followed the bureaucratic form. They really don't care about Serbs. Kurti is creating a criminal situation, I thought he was doing it alone, but now I know he is doing it with the support of some western partners. "He mistreats all citizens of Serbian nationality," said Vucic. "And then they tell us not to interfere, EULEX is monitoring the situation. What are you monitoring, you liars (EULEX)?” “Shame on you, you liars, you are not monitoring anything. The only thing you monitor is the expulsion of Serbs from the north of Kosovo,” he said, describing EULEX’s monitoring activities as fake, their purpose being to “protect Kosovo’s statehood.”


As for a recent arrest of three Kosovo police officers, Vucic said that Serbia had offered EULEX to do a polygraph test, using its experts and equipment, on the members of Serb security forces who made the arrests. “Do it, determine where they were arrested and inform the international public accordingly,” he said, adding that EULEX officials were not interested in it and had not responded to the offer. "We did everything, we gave it our all, and they literally walked all over us, trying to make us look like idiots," he adds. "I would throw a pen at whoever brought that EULEX and who asked for them to come," Vucic said.


As for our political behaviour, I think that any conversation with a man who never wanted to talk is completely pointless, said Vucic. "It’s out of the question to talk, about I don't know what, until the arrested Serbs are released, and I know that it is out of the question for them… until they withdraw the meaningless norms, about which everyone is silent in the world, and doesn't say anything," said Vucic. In addition to the release of the arrested Serbs, the president stated that the "senseless provision, by which you do not release someone's trucks with goods, endeavouring to starve people in the north" should also be abolished.


"It won't work for you. It won't work for you, because at some point those trucks will go through. Now, in a month or two, those trucks will go through. Also, of course I have to say that this is a violation of CEFTA agreement and all other agreements". It is pointless to talk about anything until the illegitimate mayors resign and withdraw from the north and until the special Kosovo police forces completely withdraw from those municipalities. When that is resolved, then a conversation will make sense. Whether we will technically appear at a dialogue or not, I will decide on that and I will let you know 24 hours in advance. Essentially, there is nothing to be gained from that, and technically it is a question of our tactics and nothing more," said Vucic.


"As for our decisions - we will make them ourselves, we will not consult with anyone. We will only respect what I promised Commander Ristuccia, which was correct, and what I promised Jens Stoltenberg. We have no obligations to anyone else," said Vucic. He says the dialogue at this time is completely pointless. "When they teach someone how to speak and confront us every day with a new provocation and with a new situation on the field, when they learn, then we will talk.


Stano: The EU expects Vucic and Kurti to respond to Borrell's call without preconditions (RTS)


The EU expects from the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Prime Minister of Pristina's interim institutions Aljbin Kurti to respond without preconditions to the invitation of the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, to a meeting on the crisis in northern Kosovo, EU spokesman Peter Stano said in Brussels.


"The date of the meeting has not been determined, because the parties have not yet confirmed their presence. High Representative Borrell and the member states expect a more reasonable and constructive approach from those who want to join the EU. Both parties have been invited, we expect them to come to the talks without setting preconditions," he said. Peter Stano.


The EU spokesman emphasized that the member states are monitoring whether there is a will in Belgrade and Pristina to de-escalate the situation and announced that Kosovo will be the topic of the next meeting of EU foreign ministers on Monday. Stano assessed that there are still no signs of de-escalation on the ground and that is why the EU invited Vucic and Kurti for talks. "So far, there are no answers, except for some very unconstructive public comments. We expect them to come to the talks, which are an opportunity to show constructiveness and find a solution to the crisis," emphasizes Stano. He also points out that it is not about meeting the demands of Brussels, but about the "European future of the people in Serbia and Kosovo". "The lack of commitment to the solution will have consequences for the people of Serbia and Kosovo, and that will be the sole responsibility of President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti," concluded Stano.


The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, invited Vucic and Kurti to talks in Brussels, bearing in mind, as he said, that the situation on the ground is getting worse every day.


Another arrest and attack on Serbs in KiM (RTS)


Underage brother and sister, K.R. (15) and D. R. (17), were beaten by the members of the special units of the Kosovo Police ROSU, last night in Zitkovac near Zvecani, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) announced. Dalibor Spasic, suspected of attacks on journalists, was arrested yesterday in the north of KiM. Pristina continues to block the passage of vehicles with Serbian registrations through administrative checkpoints. President Aleksandar Vucic will address the public at 10 am.


According to the Office for KiM, the brother and sister were forcibly stopped last night by members of the ROSU units, while they were driving a quad bike. Members of ROSU units harassed, pushed, and then physically assaulted them. Doctor Boban Mitrovic from KBC Kosovska Mitrovica said that they are stable, but that they are under severe psychological stress. "The boy received several blows in the head area and a kick in the groin area, while the sister, who was the passenger, was brutally taken off the motorcycle, dragged on the ground and suffered contusion injuries on her right shoulder," Mitrovic said.


Dalibor Spasic, suspected of attacks on journalists, was arrested in Jarinje yesterday, announced the Minister of Internal Affairs in Pristina, Dzeljalj Sveclja. The office for KiM announced that "members of the Kurti police arrested Dalibor Spasic, a medical technician from Kosovska Mitrovica, on Jarinje, while he was returning from central Serbia with his minor daughter and his wife, who suffered a strong shock because of it." The office for KiM immediately contacted the family and provided the arrested Dalibor with a lawyer.


"Fake police minister Dzeljaj Sveclja once again declared a Serb a criminal, instead of apologizing for having already arrested the innocent guy Nemanja Vlaskovic in Leposavic under the false accusation that he had physically attacked journalists, which is a notorious lie, as well as the unfounded arrest of Rados Petrovic, Dusan Obrenovic and Milun Milenkovic," the announcement says. The Office for KiM notes that Spasic is not a criminal either, but a health worker at the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica "whom Sveclja is now trying to criminalize".


"Sveclja, who is known for overturning EULEX vehicles, and his boss Kurti for throwing tear gas and shock bombs and shutting down the media, with this arrests, want to cause a new crisis and destabilize the situation on the ground, and under the guise of some kind of fight for the rights of the media, they actually intimidate and expel the Serbs from KiM," the statement concludes.  Director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic, said that there was a state of siege in North Mitrovica on Friday, that Kosovo special forces mistreated citizens and tried to arrest Serbs.


On Friday, Nemanja Vlaskovic was arrested in Leposavic. The defense attorney of the arrested Vlaskovic, lawyer Predrag Miljkovic, stated that his client did not attack journalists on May 29 in Leposavic, stressing that he has proof of that.


Milovan Drecun, the President of the Parliamentary Committee for KiM, told RTS that Aljbin Kurti tried to hand over to Miroslav Lajcak a list of 350 Serbs who are allegedly criminals according to him. "Lajcak refused to accept that list. This means that Kurti is planning the long-term arrests of Serbs who are bothering him, who can organize protests," Drecun said.


Pristina continues to block the passage of vehicles with Serbian registrations through administrative checkpoints.


The State Department once again called on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Government of Serbia to immediately and unconditionally release the three Kosovo police officers who were detained on June 14. "Their arrest and detention on false charges worsened an already tense situation," the State Department said in a statement. The State Department also continues to urge both Belgrade and Pristina to follow the three-point plan outlined by the EU and to return to the EU-led dialogue without delay.


Petkovic: Kurti's special forces occupied Mitrovica, tried to arrest Serbs (RTS)


Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic, said on Saturday that on Friday night in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica there was a real state of siege of war: "Kurti's special forces with long pipes, armoured vehicles occupied the north of Mitrovica, they came from the southern part of Mitrovica with over 30 armoured vehicles, under masks, with long pipes. They harassed the whole of northern Mitrovica, created a security ring, patrolled in the city center, had their checkpoints on the outskirts of the city, stopped cars, strip-searched people, hit them with guns and cursed," said Petkovic.


He pointed out that Aljbin Kurti provokes all the time, he always wants to start conflicts and war. "During the day yesterday, but also last night, Kurti's police tried to make several arrests in Bosnjacka Mahala, they tried to arrest two brothers in the city center, then they chased Miroslav Zivkovic, Lune's friend, that lasted all night. The situation is now calmer. Armoured vehicles were replaced with Skoda vehicles, but a large number of special forces are still present," said Petkovic. He emphasized that there are also some special forces in civilian clothes, and that they even use cars with Serbian license plates. "Kurti was preparing a new provocation in order to get the Serbs to react, so that the international community blame Belgrade and the Serbs," said Petkovic.


Petkovic said that Kurti is launching new attacks and provocations with the intention of provoking a war in the north of KiM. "He does it every day. It's high time that someone reason with Aljbin Kurti, he wants to start a war and ignite not only the north of Kosovo, but the entire region. He is a Balkan arsonist who wants war in the entire Balkans. They are calling on him to withdraw the false mayors and policemen, the Serbs demand that all arrested Serbs be released, and he brings new policemen," said Petkovic.


Petkovic said that the arrested person is Nemanja Vlaskovic, a young man with no criminal record. "It's about another lie by Kurti, where he apparently arrested another innocent man without grounds in addition to Rados Petrovic, Dusan Obrenovic, Lune and now Vlaskovic.


Petkovic said that the Serbs from KiM will make a declaration in the coming days about how they will proceed. He added that in these circumstances, when Kurti wants to surround the entire Kosovska Mitrovica, he does not see how we can continue the dialogue with Pristina. In the end, however, the decision on this will be made by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.


Petkovic said that President Aleksandar Vucic will have talks with American and European officials today. "We are doing absolutely everything in our power to preserve the peace," Petkovic said, emphasizing that "it's all in Kurti and his crazy head."


"We are shocked by the announcements of the USA and Britain, in which I don't know what is being asked of Serbia, to release the arrested so-called policemen, and no one mentions that it is necessary to release innocent Serbs. You can see what kind of hypocrisy we are talking about. We do not decide when the police officers should be released, we are a legal state, that is decided by the prosecution and the court. It is not decided in the embassy, nor by any announcement," said Petkovic. He pointed out that it is an absolute lie that Belgrade and the competent authorities do not know how to treat the arrested people. "When Pristina says that it starts from itself, because Kurti and Pristina are the ones who mistreat the Serbs who were arrested," Petkovic emphasized. This is not about harassment, we do not act like that, we are a serious country, our bodies work in accordance with the law. So, stop lying. Stop asking for the release of those who invaded the territory of Serbia with long pipes, and deal with the Serbs who were arrested without grounds. They beat them. That is the true state of things," said Petkovic.


“When it comes to Serbs, Serbian victims, apparently no one is interested in that. I am asking the international community to reason with Kurti to stop the violent actions while it still makes sense, everything is taking too long, instead of de-escalation we are witnessing an ever-worse escalation by Kurti and his special forces and it must be stopped urgently, if it doesn't stop, we have nothing more to talk about. We are very worried, I am asking the international community to reason with Kurti," said Petkovic.


Lajcak announced his departure to Washington for talks on the situation in KiM (RTS)


The EU's Special Envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said that at the Prespa Forum, the focus of the discussion was the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). He announced that, at the invitation of his partner from the USA, he would travel to Washington for "intensive discussions on the further development of the situation and urgent steps".


Miroslav Lajcak pointed out on his Facebook account that the tensions between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as the tense situation in the north of KiM, were the topics of discussion of all participants at the Prespa Forum for Dialogue.


"Recent events in the region, especially the high tension between Kosovo and Serbia and the situation in the north of Kosovo, are currently in the center of attention of many forum participants. At the invitation of my partners from the USA, I will travel to Washington. We will have intensive discussions about the development of the situation and the immediate next steps", said Lajcak. He recalled that during his visit to the NATO headquarters earlier this week, he also met with the Deputy Secretary General of the Alliance, Mircea Geoana, to discuss the situation in the north of KiM, and that they agreed that it is necessary to take urgent steps towards de-escalation. "I especially emphasized that during the conversation with NATO and EU representatives," said Lajcak.


Visoki Decani Monastery: Urgent appeal for peace and restraint in KiM (RTS)


Urgently and with the deepest concern, we call on all parties to do everything in order to resolve the escalating problems in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) in a peaceful way, the Visoki Decani monastery announced. Visoki Decani Monastery in the statement expresses "sincere regret for all those who suffered injuries or were exposed to any kind of mistreatment, which it unequivocally condemns." "We are against the unjust and arbitrary imprisonment of any person, as well as their abuse in detention units. This is the repeatedly repeated message of our Bishop Teodosije and the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the area of Kosovo and Metohija in the last weeks and months," the statement said.


It is emphasized that the Church "stands with its people and calls on everyone to express their justified discontent against injustice in a peaceful and dignified way". "We want to emphasize that violent police measures and inflammatory rhetoric cannot be the path to stability in KiM, nor can they build trust among citizens. Moreover, the continuation of the current situation and terror threatens the broader stability and security of all residents," the statement said.

It added that the rule of law is essential, but it must never be an excuse for abusing people through police actions.


"Such methods, anywhere in the world, regularly bring counterproductive results and lead to further escalation. Our people deserve full rights to live in peace and enjoy the protection of their collective rights and heritage in Kosovo, in accordance with previously internationally guaranteed and signed agreements," it is stated in the announcement.


It is recalled that since the armed conflict in 1999 and the great riots of Kosovo Albanians in 2004, inter-ethnic relations in KiM have not been as bad as they are now, and that tension prevents the continuation of dialogue and enabling a peaceful life for all citizens, regardless of their ethnic origin. "We sincerely pray for peace and call on local and international political representatives to act with restraint and reason. We hope that a peaceful life will be established, and we emphasize that all people deserve the basic right to live in dignity and security," the announcement concludes.


KFOR could not determine where Kosovo Police officers were arrested (Beta)


The KFOR Mission inspected the scene following the arrest of three Kosovo police officers and spoke to representatives of Serbian and Kosovo institutions and stated that based on the collected information it remains unclear where the members of the Kosovo police were located at the time of their arrest. “In this area, near the administrative border, institutions of

Kosovo and Serbia have clear responsibility to coordinate with KFOR. We remind both sides of their responsibility under the Military Technical Agreement between Serbia and KFOR, and procedures for the coordination of the Kosovo police, including the border police, with KFOR,” the statement said.


Escobar: Collaboration or Consequences (RTS)


The State Department's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said that Belgrade and Pristina should take steps to calm the situation in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), as well as immediately continue the dialogue on the normalization of relations. There will be consequences if Pristina continues to ignore the demands, Escobar said.


Gabriel Escobar stated at an online press conference that both Belgrade and Pristina have a role to play in de-escalating the situation in KiM and moving towards a sustainable relationship. He said that Pristina should stop opposing the European Union and the USA, and that Belgrade should release the arrested Kosovo police officers. He added that the mayors in northern Kosovo should work from alternative locations, and that the Kosovo police and demonstrators should withdraw, and that new elections should be held urgently, with the unconditional participation of Serbs. At the same time, he pointed out that anyone who committed violence against members of KFOR or the Kosovo Police must be held accountable. "Those who want to be our partners will work with the European Union and the Americans on the points we insist on," Escobar said at an online press conference, and emphasized that one country or one leader will not decide on regional stability. He called on both sides to immediately resume dialogue on the normalization of relations.


Commenting on the announced meeting between Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions Aljbin Kurti and President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels, he said that he still does not know whether he will attend it, that it should remain an EU process, but that it is an effort that "undoubtedly has the full American support".


Escobar pointed out that the obligation to form the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is legally binding and that by refusing to form the ZSO, Kurti is actually rejecting the European path. "It is an obligation towards Serbia, but also towards the European Union", said Escobar and added that it is not clear to him why Pristina refuses to form the ZSO. He stated that the USA will help Pristina to form the ZSO in accordance with European models.


Responding to Kurti's statements that he only respects the rule of law, Escobar said that the rule of law also implies respect for the Constitution, court decisions and other obligations. He pointed out that the officials of Kurti's party should not prioritize opposition to Serbia, but adherence to European values. "There will be consequences if Pristina continues to ignore the demands." Escobar pointed out that everything the US has done in recent months was in favor of Pristina, but that the use of buildings in the north of KiM was an unnecessary escalation at a time of heightened tensions, and that it damaged Pristina's relations with the Euro-Atlantic family. He added that there will be consequences if Pristina continues to ignore the demands in this matter. He emphasized that the ban on the import of goods from Serbia should be lifted, as well as that the USA agrees with Brussels, which described such a measure as anti-European. "There is no legal basis for that," Escobar said.


Answering a journalist's question about the arrested police officers, the US special envoy said that Washington and KFOR are still waiting for the facts, and that it would be inappropriate to make statements before the investigation is complete. However, he said that it is certain that the Kosovo police officers were "taken away or went to Serbia" without knowing it, and that they should be released.


Escobar said that he is still optimistic about reaching a final agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, but that the escalations have damaged the relationship between the "two countries".

He stated that the Ohrid agreement provides an opportunity for Pristina to move faster towards Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as that it requires Serbia to recognize, as he said, "the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Kosovo, its national symbols, flag and documents, but also not to block its membership in international structures". According to him, this agreement requires Serbia to accept the fact that Pristina will become part of the Euro-Atlantic family. On the other hand, the Pristina authorities are required to form the ZSO.

"For me, that agreement is a path to a peaceful and stable relationship between the two countries that would help the region recover from the wounds of the 1990s," Escobar said.


Speaking about Russia, he said that its influence is excessive in Serbia and that Moscow is using it, but that this is not about Russia, but about relations between Pristina and Belgrade, and that the government in Pristina has been taking unilateral actions since November last year, without coordination with the international community.


Seventh ‘Serbia against violence’ protest held in Belgrade (N1)


After the address in front of the Assembly of Serbia, those gathered at the seventh “Serbia against violence” protest went on a protest walk to the Mostar interchange, where they blocked the highway in two directions - towards the Gazela bridge and Autokomanda. According to the estimation of journalist Aleksandar Gubas, who has been involved in estimating the number of participants at various gatherings for more than three decades, a total of slightly over 35,000 people gathered at the seventh „Serbia against violence” protest in Belgrade. At the same time, the protest was also held in Kragujevac, Nis, and Novi Sad. The organizers said that next time, if the demands of the protest are not met, in addition to the four largest cities, ten more will be blocked.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dacic: Ultimate goal of temporary authorities in Pristina is complete emigration of Serb people from Kosovo (RTRS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated that he believes that the ultimate goal of the temporary authorities in Pristina is the complete emigration of the Serb people from Kosovo. As a guest of RTRS current affairs magazine that will be broadcast next Wednesday, Dacic said that the temporary authorities in Pristina are carrying out unilateral actions and instead of normalization, they choose to escalate the problem with the aim of provoking Serbs to conflicts, and portraying Serbia as a disruptive factor. At the same time, as Dacic pointed out, the authorities in Pristina do not respect the commitments made ten years ago to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). Dacic pointed out that even during the negotiations, the temporary authorities in Pristina are creating a bad atmosphere. “Every sentence of theirs is directed against Serbia, not only personally against (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic or me, but against Serbia, the Serbian people, that we committed crimes, genocide, rape, that we should pay war damages. And the second thing is that we are representatives, exponents of Russia in the Balkans and so on. And now, they have directed their blade towards the international community as well, they are criticizing the EU, the negotiators and everyone else that they are favourable towards Serbia and criticize why they are not asking Serbia to recognize Kosovo,” Dacic said. Dacic stated that for years they have been claiming that Kurti is one of biggest threats for peace and stability in the region. “Instead working on stabilization of relations, he has been constantly making unilateral acts which cause escalation”, stressed Dacic. He added that Kurti expects the international community to exert pressure on Serbia to recognize Kosovo. “His goal is to persecute Serbs from Kosovo. Serbia will definitely not allow it”, concluded Dacic.


Dodik: Let's support Vucic in the fight for KiM, attacks on him only increase his popularity (Nezavisne)


The President of the Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik on Sunday supported the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic in his fight for the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) and said that those who attack him will only increase his popularity and the support he enjoys among the people of Serbia and RS and additionally gather and unite them around common ideas.


"At this moment, which is very important for Serbia and Serbs, especially in KiM, it is very important that we gather around our main negotiators and that in this regard we absolutely support President Aleksandar Vucic, who I am absolutely sure is sincerely fighting for KiM , as I am sure for RS and I can testify to that," said Dodik for Belgrade based news agency Tanjug.


He assessed that the attacks on Vucic will further unite people in the fight for the survival of the Serbian people in KiM and the RS and gather around all common ideas. "Those who attack can only increase the popularity of Vucic among our people, and if that is their goal, then they will achieve it. And when I see who is attacking him and from which side it is coming, I know that the fight for the Serbs from his side will be even greater and that is why he has our undivided support. My personal and the support of the entire RS", concluded Dodik.


Dodik criticizes recent meeting between HR Schmidt and Kosovo PM Kurti (ATV)


The meeting between Christian Schmidt and Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti that occurred on sidelines of a forum in North Macedonia sparked harsh reactions in Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia. Following the abovementioned meeting, Kurti stated that they discussed the situation in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). He underlined that he stated to Schmidt that B&H needs a strong Sarajevo and that it is necessary to strengthen Bosniaks as victims of genocide.


RS President Milorad Dodik said that “they are nothing but hypocrites who want to destroy Serbia and to strengthen Pristina. Here, he wants to lecture us that it is necessary to strengthen Sarajevo and reduce autonomy of the RS.” Dodik wondered how it is possible that a western factor has been advocating independence of Kosovo, while it prevents the RS to do the same. “Why does someone think that it is possible to build Kosovo as an independent state, and that the RS should remain in B&H?”, Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik claims that it is no wonder how Kurti is acting considering that US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar literally boasts about working in favor of Kosovo and helping with its accession to the Council of Europe, as well as recent elections in Kosovo. Dodik noted that Schmidt does not deserve to be commented.


Cubrilovic criticizes recent meeting between HR Schmidt and Kosovo PM Kurti (RTRS)


The meeting between Christian Schmidt and Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti that occurred on sidelines of a forum in North Macedonia sparked harsh reactions in Republika Srpska (RS). “Who are (Kosovo Prime Minister Albin) Kurti and (High Representative Christian) Schmidt to us? You know that the RS does not recognize him (Schmidt) as the legally appointed High Representative and Kurti is a renegade politician from his own country and he is implementing what he is implementing, he is creating problems for his people, his country, the international community. I hope that those who are deciding on that will find the strength to put him in the right place once,” leader of DEMOS Nedeljko Cubrilovic said.


Dodik: RS has friends in the world; West asks RS to follow their geo-strategic politics, which is negative toward Serbs; EU path was attractive 20 years ago, but enthusiasm is no longer there; Criticizes US politics in world and in B&H (Srna)


In an interview to Srna news agency, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that RS has true friends in Europe and in the world, including Russia, Hungary and China, and unlike others, they do not condition their assistance and support. Announcing the upcoming visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Banja Luka, Dodik stressed that Orban proved to be an honest friend, with who he shares political stances and a man with who “we” share “fundamental life values”. “The West wants to make a special case out of him. I can understand this, because I am a special case for them too. When it comes to China, I think that we will have an important visit to this country in autumn”, said Dodik. Speaking about his meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dodik said that as the President he takes pride in meeting the Russian leader during delicate international circumstances and they met three times within a year. “The RS has serious benefit from cooperation. When you look at this from the vision of critics, then this is not the case. I also was in Brussels, where they accuse Putin of cut in street lighting”, said Dodik. He underlined that anti-Russian hysteria has been present for a long time and that the main problem of the West is that they want to take over control over Russia’s natural resources. “It is my great honor to speak to President Putin, who never said anything bad about the West, but he spoke about interests of Russia. He speaks about protection of 15 million Russians in Ukraine. Putin is a pleasant collocutor”, said Dodik.


Dodik noted that the West asks from the RS to follow their geo-strategic policy, which means following the policy “negative toward us”. “Since dissolution of Yugoslavia all the Western policy was hostile toward Serbs, the RS and Serbia”, said Dodik. The RS President noted that only naïve people can trust good intentions of the West and added that this is a home of a hypocritical stance toward Serbs, as well as desire to bring them in the state of submissiveness and servitude. “This time they also wanted to enact various measures and sanctions toward Russia, where we will accept it without a single objection just because they promised us that we could be part of the EU some time. This was attractive twenty years ago. Not any longer. We have not given up on the EU path, but it is obvious the enthusiasm is no longer there, and I am not certain it can be restored”, said Dodik.


Speaking about “the conflict at east of Europe”, Dodik said that the RS is on the side of peace, and he would like if the conflict had not happened. “I would like if this conflict in Ukraine stops as soon as possible. Not everyone in the West do. Take for example that couple of months ago the statement of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, when Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that it would be good if negotiations on peace would start, that this is not possible without USA approval”, said Dodik. He argues that a multipolar world is being formed where the US is losing a dominant position, adding that they made many mistakes in the past and this lost trust in the world as was the case with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). “It was not enough for them for us to have Dayton Agreement, but they wanted to dissolute it in order to curry favor to Muslims in B&H and maintain partnership. How am I supposed to trust them? People from our opposition, who deem they should be servants to these policy, truly look unserious. When they say that it is necessary to talk, it should be done only if you have a chance to present yourself”, said Dodik. He reminded of a conclusion banning meetings between authority representatives with representatives of the UK and US Embassy and said that he is proud of those who abide by this. “This is not a fight against America and Europe because of the issue of Ukraine. We only suffer damage from that. This is a conflict of political and military titans, which will obviously be a moment when some new world order will be declared. It will be multipolar. This is clear to everyone”, said Dodik. He reminded of Western propaganda where Russians are portrayed as villains and there are no media reports about Russians victims. “There is no empathy toward killed Russians, just as was once the case with Serbs. Just as they tried to show that Serbs were decapitating victims during the war and it were Mujahedeens who did that to Serbs”, said Dodik.


Dodik: B&H will not maintain imposed solutions, RS cannot be bypassed; B&H CC is usurper and violates the Constitution; HR decision from 20 years ago confirms entities are owner of property on their territory (Srna)


In an interview to Srna news agency, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that the RS will not allow other entity to obstruct its development projects, while the RS would accept development of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). He noted that the RS does not want to block anyone’s projects, but the stance of “political Sarajevo” is forcing them to do this and this is not a matter of revenge, but of fairness. “You have deceived us many times, you lied when you said we will unblock it, we will work, and then some things move forward regarding ‘Eastern Gas Interconnection’. We are talking about simple passing of a pipe below the Drina River, length of about 120 meters. They turned this into a galactical issue, and this lasts for ten years and now has been released before the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers because of our pressure and clear stances that because of blockade we will not work on anything else. Because of the procedure this goes to the B&H Presidency, then the B&H Parliament, where some of their wisecracks will have something to say again”, said Dodik. He noted that work of the B&H Council of Ministers stayed the same, without coordinated foreign policy and attempts to impose many things to the RS, one of them being the story about state property. “We have told them, as for the European policies, let us put all 14 priorities on the table and we will discuss them together at the same time, not for them to choose for us what suits them. When we say let us put on the agenda the Constitutional Court or the OHR, then they do not want this and say we will do this later on. Later, when? In 20 years. And in the meantime, you will connect all these laws and international law and tell us after 20 years, now we got you completely, we destroyed the RS and now the High Representative can go”, said Dodik.


Speaking about regional issues, Dodik said that RS has positive stance toward ‘Open Balkan’ Initiative. Dodik assessed that it is absurd that failure to implement rulings of the Constitutional Court of B&H is commented by those who violate either the rulings or the Constitution and that B&H CC President Valerija Galic has need to talk that she is professional, because she knows that she is not and that she is a subject. “What professionalism, dear madam? You are usurpers, subjects to foreigners, you breach what is written in the Constitution and speak about professionalism, impose the constitutional order, which is not in line with Constitution, this is not done by any of Constitutional Courts in the world. You are meeting ambassadors and impose solutions which are not applicable here and talk that you are professional”, said Dodik.


He stressed that Head of EU Delegation, Johann Sattler talks hypocritically about things that suit him, and he is not taking in consideration the ruling of the B&H CC from 2005 or 2006, which says that a High Representative is only the one confirmed by the US Security Council, which is not the case with Christian Schmidt. “Do you really think that we are people who cannot put two and two together? This is unbelievable, this is an attack on basic logics”, said Dodik. He further reminded that the issue of property was discussed 20 years ago and there is a decision of the High Representative, which confirms that entities are owners of the property on their territory and that they are carriers of privatization and he underlined that imposed solutions will not survive in B&H. “When there was privatization of property, they had the idea to create a commission at B&H level, which would privatize the property, but we did not want to take part in these processes…Then these hustlers come, such as  (US Ambassador to B&H Michael) Murphy, who organizes some experts in the office of US embassy, who need to confirm what he was saying about property couple of months ago and he said that property belongs to B&H”, said Dodik.


Speaking about B&H level of authority, Dodik said that the goal was to exclude SDA, which is “incorporated with the Islamic Community, which is now the biggest defender of SDA”. He noted that SDA’s political programs are programs of the Islamic Community, noting that SDA governed the intelligence sector, judiciary and there is no party in the RS which would accept SDA. He noted that the RS has little more tolerance toward new partners, but they do not accept many policies. “There is a party of Elmedin Konakovic, NiP, which presents the same stances as SDA, there is no difference in stances, but there are many differences in the practice”, said Dodik, noting that now the RS cannot be bypassed as was the case before.


Dodik also commented the situation in Kosovo, expressing his concern and noted that we are witnessing series of deceits by the West, which already recognized Kosovo. He noted that Kosovo is proof of West’s hypocrisy and Kosovo is separated from the situation in the RS: “They are saying that the RS is another issue… just because they have declared a state there and we are asking “why Kosovo can and we cannot and what are the international standards, criteria”. Why?” He stressed that there is more Shqiptars around the world, members of criminal groups, then there are Serbs, but still America decided that Kosovo is independent state.


Dodik expresses his belief that there is no party in the RS that would accept SDA, whose policy is separating the RS from Serbia as much as possible (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik wrote on the Twitter in his weekly political overview that there is no party in the RS that would accept SDA, which has a policy of separating the RS from Serbia as much as possible. He said that their goal when forming the authorities at the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) level was to ensure that SDA would not participate in it, and they succeeded in that. Dodik said that the ruling structure in the RS has more tolerance towards new partners from the Federation of B&H (FB&H), but that they do not accept their policies. He said that the work of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) essentially remained the same without a coordinated foreign policy, with attempts to impose things on the RS, and only one of those things is the issue of property. Dodik said that they told the parties with who they formed the B&H CoM that, as far as European policies are concerned, they can discuss all 14 priorities in one package and not to let someone else choose only what suits them. “When we say that the Constitutional Court or the OHR (Office of the High Representative) should be put on the agenda, then they say it will be done later. Later when? In twenty years? Such an approach is unacceptable for the RS”, said Dodik.


Izetbegovic reacts to Dodik’s statement: With help of foreigners, SNSD and HDZ B&H got disabled structure for partners (FTV)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic reacted to a statement of leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik that the goal of parties from Republika Srpska (RS) was to remove SDA from state-level authorities. Izetbegovic stressed that strong SDA was stopping Dodik and obstructed him in attempts to achieve his goals. He underlined that SDA forced Dodik to accept Program of Reforms and continuation of the NATO path of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), prevented him from taking over control of important state institutions, adding that this is why Dodik’s goal was to prevent SDA from participating in authorities at state level. Izetbegovic also said that SNSD and HDZ B&H, with the help of foreigners, got a disabled structure for partners.


Stevandic: RSNA’s session which will discuss non-publishing of Schmidt’s decisions in RS Official Gazette is not coup d'état (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Speaker Nenad Stevandic said that the convening of a special session of the RSNA, at which it should be regulated that the decisions of Christian Schmidt are not published in the RS Official Gazette, because he has no legality, is not a coup d'état, as some media in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) claimed, but a desire to defend the Constitution, the law, and especially the status of RS. Stevandic was quoted as saying: “You cannot talk about a coup d'état if you respect the decisions of the (UN) Security Council, and the decisions of that Council are that Schmidt does not have his legitimacy”. Christian Schmidt assessed that the text in the FB&H media was ordered, and that he does not know whether it was ordered by the Office of the High Representative (OHR) or someone else. Stevandic said that the only one committing coup d'état is Schmidt with his interventions interfering with the Constitution and laws.


Becirovic comments announced RSNA session: This demands urgent reaction of OHR, PIC and witnesses of DPA (Dnevni Avaz)


Member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic stated that in case the announced anti-Dayton proposal is adopted in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA), this will represent a case of unilateral undermining of Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement. “It is difficult to review negative consequences of this insane attempt and it will be even more difficult to control the anarchy which will be created in case this anti-Dayton act is not stopped”, said Becirovic. Simultaneously with the attack on the OHR, Becirovic argues there is an attack on the Constitutional Court of B&H.


“(RS President Milorad) Dodik decided to carry out Greater-Serb plan, designed by Dobrica Cosic, which aims to get in peace what criminals Milosevic, Karadzic and Mladic could not achieve with aggression of B&H and genocide against Bosniaks. Undermining of the OHR institution is a part of a planned and precisely programmed hellish plan of gradual secession of B&H entity of the RS from the state territory of the internationally recognized state of B&H”, said Becirovic. He noted that this is a direct attack on foundations of the Dayton Agreement and demands an urgent and concrete reaction of the OHR, Peace Implementation Council and states which witnessed the Dayton Peace Agreement, “being this is a synchronized and swift undermining of fundamental parts of the DPA”. Becirovic said it is high time the EU top official answered the question how it is possible they tolerate Dodik’s destructive policy.


Venice Commission calls on RSNA to withdraw call for resignation of Zlatko Knezevic (Nova BH)


The Venice Commission has issued a statement that it “is seriously concerned about a call for resignation by the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) to the Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Zlatko Knezevic, who is one of the two judges elected by the RS, and also a member of the Venice Commission for B&H. It is a fundamental guarantee of independence of a constitutional court that its members may not be recalled nor replaced, nor asked to resign on political grounds by those who appointed them. The Venice Commission therefore urges the RS National Assembly to withdraw its call for the resignation of Vice President Knezevic. The Constitutional Court of B&H should be able to continue its important work defending democracy, human rights and the rule of law for the benefit of all people in B&H, in all parts of the State, without interference”.


HR Schmidt says pressures against judge Knezevic are unacceptable (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list reports that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt warned that judge of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zlatko Knezevic has been exposed to unacceptable pressure by irresponsible politicians. “B&H Constitutional Court Judge Knezevic has been exposed to unacceptable pressure by irresponsible politicians, HR Schmidt said today. Undermining the independence of any justice goes against the fundamentals of the rule of law and is an anti-constitutional act”, HR Schmidt stated via OHR’s Twitter account. The HR urges representatives to the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) to cease the campaign of pressure against Judge Knezevic and the CC and to fulfil their obligation to uphold the B&H Constitution. “Attacks on judicial independence violate the rule of law and the B&H Constitution”, reads the statement.


US Senate to discuss Western Balkans Democracy and Prosperity Act which strongly supports ‘Open Balkan’ initiative (Nezavisne)


The US Senate is soon expected to discuss the Western Balkans Democracy and Prosperity Act which stipulates, among other things, support to the governments of the region, non-governmental organizations and media in fight against Chinese and Russian influence in the region. The Act expresses support to the ‘Open Balkan’ initiative under the condition that it remains open to all countries in the region and aligned with the conditions and requirements for EU integration. The Act also emphasizes the importance of reducing the region’s energy dependence on Russian gas as a US national interest, and it notes that dependence on fossil fuels is harmful for the environment, and it hinders economic development. The Act further supports maintaining EUFOR mandate in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and calls on NATO and EU to review their mission mandates and posture in B&H to ensure they are playing a proactive role in establishing a safe and secure environment, particularly the defense environment.


Furthermore, the Act supports using the voice of the USA in NATO to encourage alliance planning and support of an international military force to maintain a safe and secure environment in B&H, especially if Russia blocks reauthorization of the mission in the UN. The daily reminds of recent speculations that Russia will not block extension of the EUFOR mandate. The Act does not mention any new sanctions, but calls for coordinated action with the EU, UK and other allies. It contains an entire chapter dedicated to the issue of corruption. The Act calls for increased technical support to all countries in the region to develop new anti-corruption strategies and priorities such as rule of law, election administration and transparency of economic investments, judiciary, public procurement, cyber defense and media freedoms.




Minister: PM’s Subotica visit chiefly a message of support to Serbia Croats (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic's will visit to Subotica, where he will attend the opening of the Croatian House, is primarily a message to the Croat community in Serbia that Croatia stands by them, Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Saturday. “It is an important message of support to the Croat community that Croatia and its government stand by it,” the minister said, adding that high-ranking Serbian officials, including Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, were expected to attend the event but that there was no scheduled meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “What we will insist on is that the Croat community be actually represented in the Serbian parliament, just as the Serb minority is represented in the Croatian parliament,” said Grlic Radman, noting that Croatia was raising issues in relations with Serbia. “We cannot ignore some issues that are of vital importance. First of all, we want answers about (the fate of) 1,812 persons gone missing (in the 1991-95 Homeland War). There is also the issue of compensation for (wartime) prison camp inmates, the restitution of the archive material…”


Plenkovic will visit Subotica on 23 June at the invitation of the president of the Croatian National Council (HNV), Jasna Vojnic, and the president of the Democratic Alliance of the Vojvodina Croats (DSHV), Tomislav Zigmanov, who is also the Minister for Human and Minority Rights of Serbia. The Croatian prime minister is scheduled to meet with Serbian PM Ana Brnabic in Subotica. This is Plenkovic’s first visit to Serbia during his term in office. The Croatian PM said his talks with Brnabic will focus on “all topics concerning bilateral relations.”


President in North Macedonia for Prespa Forum (HRT)


President Zoran Milanovic participates in day-two of the Prespa Forum Dialogue in North Macedonia. The Forum's Agenda includes discussions on pressing regional and European political-security issues, the Western Balkans integration processes to the EU, the perspectives of strengthening regional cooperation and good-neighborly relations, the fight against corruption, to name a few.


Milanovic spoke at a panel discussion hosted by North Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski, titled "Peace and Democracy versus War and Autocracy". President Milanovic emphasized the importance of EU expansion into the Western Balkans, and pointed out that long and drawn-out accession process is humiliating and unacceptable." Take Albania for example," said the president, "they have been a member of NATO for fourteen years. So, as a member, they are entrusted with NATO secrets and participate in the joint security operations. So, why is Albania so unsuccessful as far as the EU is concerned?"


The president then offered that maybe the problem wasn't Albania but rather the European Union and the difficult and unpredictable accession process. "EU institutions themselves are hardly democratic," said Milanovic. "The European Parliament is not a democratic institution, it does not play according to the standards of national parliaments. The European Commission is a nondemocratic institution that suffers from a chronic lack of responsibility. And that's a fact," he said.


During his stay in North Macedonia, President Milanovic is scheduled to hold bilateral meetings with the Presidents of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania. The Prespa Forum Dialogue is a platform created by the Government of North Macedonia to enable countries, leaders, organizations, and citizens to build long-term relationships and strengthen partnerships.


Metsola tells Croatian voters to elect pro-European politicians to EP (Hina)


In the 2024 elections for the European Parliament Croatians should elect pro-European politicians who want to push the country forward, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola said in an interview with Hina ahead of her visit to Zagreb. Metsola will arrive in Croatia for her first, two-day official visit on 19 June at the invitation of Sabor Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic.


“(My visit) comes at a time when we can really celebrate, first of all, the accomplishments of Croatia since becoming a member of the European Union… (the) fantastic decisions this year of joining the Schengen area and the eurozone. So my message will be… be proud of the accomplishments of your country,” Metsola said in the interview. The EP President will hold talks with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday, take part in a conference on the tenth anniversary of Croatia’s EU membership and meet with young people. On Tuesday, she is scheduled to meet with Sabor Speaker Jandrokovic and address members of the Croatian parliament.


“Croatia is at the very heart of the European Union. You can tell and feel the tangible impact and the transformational effect of EU membership, and this should lead you to be happy to vote in the European elections next year… Croatia has seats for members of the European Parliament. Those seats will be filled. Fill them with pro-European politicians who really want to push forward their country.”


Last week, a year ahead of the European elections set for 6-9 June 2024, the European Parliament published results of the Eurobarometer survey which show an increased awareness and interest of citizens in those elections. The readiness to vote, however, varies across Europe. Interest in elections has increased in western member-states but is still visibly lower in eastern member-states. Metsola said that one is yet to see what will happen next year but that over the past five years interest in elections has increased and the findings of the Eurobarometer survey are possibly due to the EU’s unbelievable unity, which helped establish, for example, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, without which the EU would have had difficulty overcoming the coronavirus crisis.


How was it possible to say ‘No’ to Romania and Bulgaria?


Metsola believes the weaker interest in European elections in eastern member-states is due, among other things, to some past decisions, such as the one to still not admit Romania and Bulgaria to the EU’s area of passport-free travel. The decision not to admit Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area made those countries feel discriminated against, she says, noting that she understands the two countries.


“how can you (say no to) these countries that have been at the forefront of making sure that they help with welcoming hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees?” she says, noting that Romania changed the width of its train tracks to enable the import of Ukrainian products and grain or export the desperately needed resources for Ukraine’s defence.


Metsola says that the European Parliament is a place at which all EU citizens can directly influence European policies, but she stresses that communication with citizens should be adjusted to each country’s needs and interests. “I do not make a difference between old and new countries. I go to each country, I speak to young people, and I say, you know, judge us on our results. The European Parliament is one where you have a direct influence. Don’t leave it in the hands of others.”


The 2024 elections will be the fifth in which she will participate, and she says that she knows which arguments work and which don’t. “Perhaps a mistake would be to think that … what works in Sweden will work in Croatia. Rather tailor-make our campaign in order for Croatian citizens to feel that it is not only their interest but also their responsibility to vote,” she said.


No division into old and new members


She believes that the feeling that the member-states are divided into old and new ones is no longer founded. “Croatia as the newest member state is already ten years there for us, it feels like it has been there forever.” Metsola, a Maltese member of the European Parliament from the European People’s Party, to which Croatia’s HDZ party also belongs, was elected EP President in January 2022 as the third woman to chair that EU body. Even though she comes from a member country which has only six deputies in the EP, Metsola was given strong support in the EPP group, the largest in the EP, and was elected in the first round.


Deputies from smaller countries like Malta and Croatia are possibly in a more demanding position compared to big countries, but that does not impact their results, she notes. “My analysis after 19 years in the European field is that small countries can really deliver successful presidencies because, first of all, you are used to working twice, three times or ten times as hard as larger countries. And also because you can balance different interests… larger countries trust you. The same (can be said for) the European Parliament. “If you come from a smaller country because you work harder, you are entrusted with the big files, you manage to find majorities, you manage to negotiate,” she says. “And I think we should be proud (about) what Croatian MEPs have managed to do and also (about) the role, irrespective of how small or big the delegation is, they take in their individual political groups.”


EP members have to balance the national interests and expectations of voters in their countries and the interests of the pan-European groups they belong to. Metsola believes that deputies from smaller member countries are successful in that regard as well. “I would say it is perhaps easier if you are a large delegation coming from a larger country to impact or place on the table the position of that country as being the dominating factor for (an) individual group. But what I have seen now (having been a member of the EP for ten years) is that if you bring all the small delegations together, they together make more in terms of numbers than the larger.”


EP not “sexy” enough


Member countries participate directly in decision-making in the Council of the EU but the European Parliament, too, as a co-legislator, makes decisions on a large number of laws that end up in national parliaments. Metsola notes that that fact has not reached a part of voters. “Last Friday we have 10,000 young people in this house coming from all over Europe, absolutely… looking with optimism and hope to the future and what Europe presents for them (as potential).” “It was amazing… When I left, I thought, How can I reach the rest?” she said, concluding that “we need to be more present on the ground, that our communication should not be too complicated, that we should learn also.”


The most ambitious climate proposals, the most avant-garde AI act will be voted on tomorrow in the European Parliament, and when we talk about migration and how we find EU solutions, they start here, she said. “It’s not reported about enough because it’s not sexy enough. And I think that’s our job, but I would ask also you to help us in making sure that those who are not here last Friday understand this. That means, yes, we need to do much better… And I’m optimistic that we will,” she said.


Grabbing the bull by its horns


Speaking of examples of policies in which the EP assumed the leading role in relation to other EU institutions, Metsola mentioned the policy on Ukraine and on enlargement, as well as the response to corruption scandals and the rule of law in member-states. “First of all, on rule of law, if it were not for Parliament, we would not have rule of law, the conditionality mechanism against the obligations or… rights of national Member States to be able to receive funds in order for them to have the post-pandemic economic recovery,” she said.


“On Ukraine, we were the first institution to call for candidate status for Ukraine and Moldova… we have revolutionised our decision-making procedures where we needed to act with efficiency, for example, on ammunition supply. We are the ones applying rules that were never applied before,” she stressed. “I was entrusted with the responsibility to take even difficult decisions. And therefore, when the corruption scandal hit us in December, I had a choice either to do nothing or actually implement all the rules” that were either “not being enforced or that we don’t have yet.” “I think we should be proud that… we can be judged on the fact that we had the courage to grab the bull by its horns. I have been told countless… times (to go) slowly and let time pass. It will be forgotten… I do not do that,” Metsola said, adding, “This is a mandate which I want to be remembered as one that faced adversity, but faced it with courage, determination and proper solutions that have not been found in decades. And we found them.”




Abazovic: The hesitancy of the EU is sometimes demotivating, Montenegro is ideal to revive the enlargement process (CDM)


The Prime Minister in the technical mandate, Dritan Abazovic, assessed that Montenegro is the ideal country to revive the European Union (EU) enlargement process and that it can fulfil all obligations in the next four years. "We believe that in the next mandate until 2027 we can finish all our obligations. Of course, it is a political decision whether to accept someone or not. But we believe that we can finish everything that is up to us in a period, maybe even shorter, than four years," Abazovic told Voice of America in Macedonian.


In an interview given during the Prespa forum held in Struga on Thursday and Friday, he assessed that the hesitancy of the EU is sometimes demotivating for the region and added that he hopes that things will change in the coming period. "And if there is a country that is ideal, that has no problems with its neighbors, does not have a large economy, so that someone sees it as competition, does not have a large population, Montenegro has 620,000 inhabitants, I think that the EU should finally make a move," he said. Abazovic.


When asked how he assesses the current security situation in the Western Balkans with regard to the dispute between Serbia and Kosovo, Abazovic said that he used the Prespa forum for meetings with Kosovo Prime Minister Aljbin Kurti and that he hopes that everything is moving towards de-escalation of the situation. "Only one message is important, and that is that dialogue changes the alternative. Be that as it may, in the end we will have to sit at the table, that is, the parties will have to sit at the table and find something sustainable and final," he said. He pointed out that violence is not acceptable in the 21st century and that he appeals to everyone to refrain from harsh words and some things that could set everyone back in the process. "What Montenegro and the Government of Montenegro are offering, as a friendly act, as a country that has good relations with both Kosovo and Serbia, if they think that we, as a friendly country, can provide logistical support to the joint meeting, in our country, we are more than willing to organize it, of course in cooperation with the EU and the USA", said Abazovic.


Abazovic: Montenegro is ready to host the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (CDM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic said after the meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Aljbin Kurti that Montenegro, as a friendly country of Serbia and Kosovo, but also of all others in the region, is ready to host the next round of the Belgrade Dialogue, with the involvement of European and American officials and Pristina. "Promoting peace, stability and regional cooperation is one of the main foreign policy goals of Montenegro. Our common interest is to find a solution acceptable to all parties in an open conversation," Abazovic pointed out.


Vucic responds to Abazovic and Milatovic: Save your hospitality, we don’t care about your sea and mountains (MINA)


After Montenegrin officials offered Montenegro to be the host of the next round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, reacted, suggesting that they shouldn’t brag about failing to respect the territorial integrity of Serbia.


Asked whether he would accept the offer of Dritan Abazovic and Jakov Milatovic – Montenegro to be the host of the next round of talks between the two – Mr Vucic said that in case someone offered it to Serbia, their answer would be that “Serbia stands by brotherly Montenegro”. “The interesting thing is – you wonder how far someone can go with their recklessness and imprudence and whether they have limitations, and then you see that they don’t. Imagine that someone takes away a part of the territory from Montenegro, and then we say that we’re going to be their hosts, we have a beautiful villa in Zlatibor”, President Vucic said.


Milatovic: Everyone needs a prosperous region of the Western Balkans, Montenegro to play as active a role as possible (CDM)


On the sidelines of the Prespa Forum, the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, had bilateral meetings with the Presidents of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, Albania, Bajram Begaj, and the Republic of North Macedonia, Steve Pendarovski, as well as the Prime Minister of that country, Dimitar Kovacevski.


As Milatovic pointed out, the second day of the Prespa Forum was an opportunity to somehow strengthen our cooperation with countries from the region, and in this sense, he said, he met, first of all, with the President of Croatia, Milanovic. "We expect stronger support from Croatia in the coming period on our European journey, and I received assurances from the president that this will be exactly the case," said Milatovic. He discussed an important project with the President of Albania, the construction of a bridge over Bojana.


"The way in which we will be connected in the coming period is a symbolic way that will further improve the economic cooperation between our two countries, and with the president and prime minister of North Macedonia about the establishment of this direct line that is really needed between Skopje and Montenegro, which would additionally improve the exchange of tourists between our two countries and really strengthened the economic cooperation. Everyone needs a prosperous region of the Western Balkans, it benefits everyone, and it is precisely Montenegro that needs to play as active a role as possible in this sense in the coming period," stated Milatovic.


US Senator: We hope that we can continue to support Montenegro on its path to full integration with the West (VoA)


In the Foreign Policy Committee of the US Senate, messages were heard on Thursday about how important the Western Balkans are, as well as additional American involvement in the region, said a Democratic member of the committee, Senator from New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen in an interview for Voice of America after the end of the hearing in which American policy in the Balkans was discussed.


She emphasized that she hopes that Montenegro will continue to move towards the EU. "Of course, Montenegro is a member of NATO, which is of great help. Then, we expect to continue solving the issue of corruption in the country and organized crime. We heard that during the hearing, Senator Tim Kaine raised a question about the concern in Latin America about the involvement of some gangs from the Western Balkans in the drug trade in South America. We hope that we can continue to support Montenegro on its path to full integration with the West," she said.


Senator Shaheen, chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Europe, the day before the hearing on American policy in the Balkans, again submitted a legislative proposal on the region, entitled "Law on Democracy and Prosperity of the Western Balkans". For Voice of America, she points out that this is a proposal that has the support of both parties and the administration.


Voice of America: You participated in the hearing of the Foreign Policy Committee of the US Senate on US policy in the Western Balkans. How important is it that the US Congress and administration continue to pay attention to the region?


Shaheen: It is very important. And we heard from Counselor (at the State Department Derek) Chollet and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State (Gabriel) Escobar how crucial the region is, as well as the commitment of the United States to ensure that Europe is ultimately whole, free and at peace. And the Western Balkans is important for that.


Voice of America: Were you satisfied with what you heard from State Department officials? Do you want to see even more American involvement?


Shaheen: I am pleased with the additional American involvement. That is very important. It is also important that we cooperate with European partners. It is important, I have heard this from citizens in Serbia, Kosovo, from others throughout the Western Balkans, their interest is to join the European Union and the rest of Europe. And we want to continue to encourage that. And to support the EU, Kosovo and Serbia in that effort.


Voice of America: Before the hearing, you and your colleagues in the Senate submitted a bipartisan bill on the Western Balkans. Can you tell what the essence of the proposal is and what are the chances of it being adopted?


Shaheen: Yes, it is a bipartisan bill and I think it has the support of the administration. The proposal is sponsored, along with me, by Senator Roger Wicker, the leading Republican member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The proposal supports economic initiatives because it is crucial to ensure prosperity in the region and that people have jobs. It supports democratic reforms in the region, and deals with the sanctions that have been introduced. The president passed two decrees on sanctioning individuals for corrupt behaviour, and this proposal would codify those sanctions, which I think is important. We heard at the hearing how corruption affects what happens in the region and it is very important to encourage support for the rule of law and provide incentives for solving corruption.


Voice of America: During the hearing, senators questioned State Department officials about several issues in the Balkans, including Serbia. As we know, Serbia is only one of two European countries that did not impose sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. How important is it for Serbia to do that?


Shaheen: I hope that Serbia recognizes that its future is not with Russia, but with the rest of Europe and the West. And what we have seen in this unprovoked war and the cruel crimes that have been committed should send a very worrying message to the Serbs about what could happen to us if Russia is successful in Ukraine.


Voice of America: Chairman of the committee, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez harshly criticized Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic during the hearing. Among other things, he referred to a recent article in the New York Times about President Vucic’s alleged connection with criminal clans in Serbia. Have you had a chance to read that article and how do you comment on it?


Shaheen: I read it. The allegations in that story are very troubling. I also said at the hearing, among other things, that we now have a huge chance in the Western Balkans. Leaders there have a chance, especially President Vucic and Prime Minister (Aljbin) Kurti in Kosovo. There is a preliminary agreement, and they can apply it. They can set their countries on a different path. It is the path of peace and prosperity. And I hope they take that chance.


Voice of America: Do you think that the American administration is too lenient towards the president of Serbia, as some believe, and that it is not harsh enough considering the problems with the rule of law and democracy in Serbia?


Shaheen: I think we should try to make it clear where those chances are for the future and to support democratic reforms in order to solve corruption. And we should do that in Serbia, and other countries in the Western Balkans, which are still trying to democratize.


Voice of America: There are protests in Serbia after two mass shootings, citizens are dissatisfied with the government's reaction and want changes. Vucic organized counter-protests. How do you comment on events in Serbia?


Shaheen: It is important to respond to mass shootings. We need to do more about this in the United States. And I welcome all efforts to solve it in Serbia.


Voice of America: One of the issues that was discussed at the hearing was the relations between Serbia and Kosovo. As we know, the two countries have reached an agreement in the implementation of which there are obstacles. What should the US administration do to encourage the two sides to implement what they agreed to?


Shaheen: We heard during the hearing that we want to support efforts to implement the preliminary agreement. Forming the Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority (ZSO) is one way to do it. Another thing that is very important is to try to encourage those European countries, which have not yet done so, to recognize Kosovo. So, when it comes to both sides, there are many ways we can support their efforts to implement this agreement.


Voice of America: Kosovo Prime Minister Kurti hesitates to form the ZSO, stating that he fears the establishment of a new Republika Srpska in the Balkans. How do you comment on these fears?


Shaheen: We don't want to have another situation where we have an independent republic that could continue to cause problems in the country, controversy and conflict. However, I think that there is a way to form (ZSO) in a way that would be supported by the citizens of Serbia and Kosovo, and by which these issues would be resolved.


EU delegation: We expect the formation of the Assembly and the Government, which will be able to make progress in the reforms towards the Union in the shortest possible time (Portal Analitika)


The EU delegation in Montenegro assessed for Portal Analitika that the past parliamentary elections in Montenegro, which were monitored by domestic and foreign observers, were free and peaceful. "The EU expects the establishment of a new Assembly and the formation of a new Government that will be able and committed to, in the shortest possible time, achieve progress in the reforms concerning the EU", the EU Delegation points out.


When asked whether a government made up of parties that once made up the pro-Russian Democratic Front (DF) would be acceptable to the EU, the Delegation replied that it is not up to the EU to decide on the composition of the Government or to influence the process of its formation. "Overall progress in the accession negotiations depends on progress in the area of the rule of law, as provided for in the Negotiating Framework, as well as the revised methodology. Fulfilling the temporary benchmarks established in the rule of law chapters, 23 and 24, must be a key priority," the EU Delegation underlined.


They also say that they encourage political actors in Montenegro to undertake urgent activities for the establishment of a new Assembly and the formation of a new Government.

"The EU supports the accession path of Montenegro, including through significant technical and financial assistance. "Since 2007, the EU has invested more than one billion euros in pre-accession funds to provide assistance and improve all sectors and support the quality of life of citizens from all social categories," the EU Delegation stated.


They note that it is necessary to speed up the preparations of the Western Balkans for EU membership. "Regional economic integration, based on EU rules and standards, integration into the EU Single Market and structural reforms are needed to accelerate growth in the region, improve economic convergence and strengthen regional stability. We will continue to support the European future of Montenegro", concluded the EU Delegation for Portal Analitika.


Markovic: It’s clear who won’t be part of govt, informal negotiations on its formation have begun (RTCG)


Journalist Nikola Markovic has said in the RTCG morning show that 7 days after the elections it is not known who will be in the government, but it is clear who, according to the opinion of the leader of the Europe Now Movement Milojko Spajic, will not its part. He says that the first talks between the representatives of the Europe Now Movement (PES) and SNP, Democrats, minority parties and representatives of the For the Future of Montenegro coalition have been held. He expects that the appointment of Democrat leader Aleksa Becic as the Parliament Speaker would be the correction of the injustice caused by his previous dismissal in the “political game of Dritan Abazovic and Milo Djukanovic”.


“Spajic said that it was clear that DPS could not enter the government. Neither can URA because of the misuse of state institutions in the Do Kwon affair, for which Dritan Abazovic and Filip Adzic are responsible,” says Markovic. According to Markovic, the Democrats should be part of the Government even though they appeared in the pre-election coalition with URA. When it comes to the entry of the For the Future of Montenegro coalition into the Government, Markovic says he thinks that Spajic will try to reach an agreement with them, but that who will be in the Government depends on many factors. He also says that a stable government is not ensured in the government but in the parliament. “I believe that a stable government will be formed with some 43-44 MPs”, Markovic has added.


Bogdanovic: It’s fair that URA doesn’t burden coalition with their views (Vijesti)


Democrats expect to be part of the new government, but they will not insist on positions, says the general secretary of that party and MP Boris Bogdanovic. He says in an interview for Vijesti that the final decisions on post-election coalitions will be made by the highest party authorities when the time comes. As he adds, the Europe Now Movement (PES) has received support to start negotiations. He says that URA does not burden the coalition with their views. PES leader Milojko Spajic said that he would not form a government with URA, the coalition partner of the Democrats. Answering questions about whether the Democratic Party will negotiate the government without URA, and whether this contradicts the agreement with URA, in which it is written that the future government will be negotiated together, Bogdanovic says that they want to clearly say that the Democratic Party has a good understanding both generationally and in terms of manifestos with Europe Now and URA. He points out that the Democrats were victims of affairs and that is why they are extra sensitive to them. Bogdanovic says that the decisive factor in the negotiations should be the common interest and well-being of Montenegro.


North Macedonia


Osmani in London at invitation of UK's Cleverly (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is in London on a several-day working visit at the invitation of the UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs James Cleverly. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release, Minister Osmani will meet with Secretary of State Cleverly and UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Europe Leo Docherty. The foreign minister will also have separate meetings with Lord Peach, the UK Prime Minister's Special Envoy to the Western Balkans; the UK Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to the Western Balkans Martin Vickers; former Minister for Europe and Americas at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Wendy Morton; and other government officials.


In addition to the development of bilateral cooperation and strengthening diplomatic ties between North Macedonia and the UK, now in their 30th year, talks will focus on the disrupted security architecture of Europe and the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the release says. Also discussed will be cooperation as allies in NATO, North Macedonia's EU accession; British project support; and challenges surrounding North Macedonia's OSCE chairpersonship. FM Osmani will also participate in Ukraine Recovery Conference, organized by Secretary of State Cleverly and the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. Ahead of the conference, Osmani will attend a reception for heads of delegations at St. James's Palace, which will also be attended by King Charles III, the release adds.


Xhaferi attends conference on democracy in Europe in Stockholm (MIA)


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi is attending a conference on democracy in Europe in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 18–19, together with a delegation of MPs Sonja Mirakovska, Ramzi Mehmedi and Nikola Micevski. According to an official press release, the general topic of the conference is "How can parliamentarians help safeguard and strengthen democracy and the rule of law?" A panel on democratic dialogue and the significance of parliaments is on the agenda, followed by a discussion of the independence of the courts and public trust in society's institutions. Parliament Speaker Xhaferi will attend the first panel, participating as the parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Issues chair. Invited speakers and panelists include politicians, researchers in political science and representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission, the judiciary and the Venice Commission.

The conference is part of the parliamentary dimension of Sweden’s Presidency of the EU Council of Ministers. Xhaferi will also have a bilateral meeting with Swedish Parliament Speaker Andreas Norlen.


PM: Bundestag voiced unequivocal support for N. Macedonia’s EU membership with protected language, identity (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski welcomed the adoption of the resolution in the German Bundestag affirming the Macedonian culture, language and identity. In an interview for Kanal 5 on Friday, Kovachevski said the decision is a confirmation of the unequivocal support for North Macedonia’s EU membership with its identity, language, culture and history as part of the overall mosaic of European culture.


“This is an absolutely great decision by the German Bundestag, a decision which I announced. I am glad that the German Bundestag adopted the resolution,” said the Prime Minister.


Kovachevski voiced regret over the lack of support for the resolution from VMRO-DPMNE’s sister and partner parties. “Our opposition should consider whether they really tried to present the positions of our country to their partners in the Bundestag or whether they did the opposite with politicians from their sister parties from other countries, as there are unconfirmed reports. However, ultimately the satisfaction remains that North Macedonia has the support of one of the most significant and largest countries in Europe and the world, when it comes to our identity and EU membership. We will receive an affirmation from another country as well, also one of the largest countries in the world, it is not a part of the EU, but there will be affirmations from other EU countries too,” said Kovachevski.


The Prime Minister said resolutions like these affirm the truth about the country’s history, culture and identity. “In this way, they are all unequivocally demonstrating support for our country at this geopolitical moment and affirm the truth about our history, culture and identity, showing the citizens that we have a lot of friends in the world, mainly in Europe, who are committed to the same values as us,” said Kovachevski in the interview. In the interview, the Prime Minister thanked the German Social Democratic Party, the Greens and the Free Democratic Party for the adopted resolution.


Kurti optimistic over de-escalating situation on the ground, says early elections needed in north of Kosovo (MIA)


We are at this problematic time, but with the basic treaty that we have agreed on with Serbia for normalization of relations centered on mutual de facto recognition, I'm still optimistic that we can both normalize relations and de-escalate the situation on the ground, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti told the Prespa Forum Dialogue in Struga on Friday.


As regards the situation in the north of Kosovo with the four municipalities with majority Serb population, Kurti said early elections are needed. "I'm giving this generous offer so four mayors in the north will not have to finish their two-year mandate until 2025, much earlier we can have early elections but we have to prepare situation on the ground, and that means rule of law. I'm not going to surrender the democratic republic to fascist militia, to violent extremists and to criminal gangs," Kurti said.


He added that the buildings in the four northern municipalities belong to the Republic of Kosovo. "I have no intention to control the Serbian the Serbian community, or municipalities for that matter, but with hand grenades, with bullets and shock bombs you cannot take the office of the mayor," said the Kosovo PM.


To Kurti, all republics of former Yugoslavia declared independence, and the independence was independence from Belgrade. "But what we need now is Serbia to declare independence from Kosovo, from North Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, and of course from Bosnia and Herzegovina, which Serbia does recognize as de jure but not de facto," said Kurti.


Regarding the three Kosovo policemen arrested in Serbia, he reiterated that they were "abducted inside the territory of Kosovo". "I want to thank the U.S. State Department for asking an immediate release of the three Kosovo policemen unconditionally. And I think this is the way forward. First, we need these policemen to come back, but at the same time we need the international community to firmly and clearly condemn Serbia's aggression to Kosovo, because with the abduction of our three policemen Serbia also violated Article 4 of the 1999 Kumanovo military technical agreement, and I think NATO should condemn violation of Kumanovo agreement by Serbia," said Kurti.


According to him, for peace and security in the Balkans it is very important to terminate "this forward operation basis status of the Serbian army around the border of Kosovo and at the same time to condemn this aggression and to consider it as a violation of the Kumanovo agreement".


The Kosovo police said Wednesday that three of its members were kidnapped by masked men from Serbia, on one of the roads in northern Kosovo, on the interstate border. Belgrade, on the other hand, claims that the Kosovo police officers were arrested on Serbian territory, after penetrating deep into central Serbia, and Serbian media also published photos of the arrest of uniformed persons who are allegedly Kosovo policemen.


The NATO-led KFOR mission said Friday it "was not in the area when three Kosovo Police officers were arrested by the Serbian Police" and called on Kosovo and Serbia to immediately reduce tensions and refrain from unilateral actions.


As regards regional cooperation, Kurti said there was no better platform for regional cooperation than the Berlin Process. "To me, the Berlin Process is regional cooperation. There is no better platform for regional cooperation. I don't support regional initiatives without European values and without European mechanisms. The Berlin Process has both. I look forward to building up on the Berlin Process and what I would like to see is the Berlin Process becoming something like CEFTA," Kurti said. He added he believes that the EU needs to enlarge, and it should go hand in hand with internal consolidation within the Union.


President Pendarovski meets with Croatian President Zoran Milanovic (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski held a meeting Friday with the President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, as part of their participation in Prespa Forum Dialogue 2023 in Struga. According to a press release from Pendarovski’s Office, at the meeting, the two presidents exchanged opinions over the overall relations between the two countries, cooperation on a regional and multilateral plan, North Macedonia’s aspirations for EU membership, the situation in the region and the Russian aggression on Ukraine.


President Pendarovski assessed that the bilateral relations between the two countries are friendly, without open disputes, with continuous political dialogue and constructive cooperation. “President Pendarovski informed President Milanovic on the progress of the EU screening process and voiced gratitude for the strong Croatian support for our country’s EU membership,” said the press release.


Kovachevski – Milatovic: N. Macedonia and Montenegro an example of goodneighborly cooperation, contributing to European stability (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski held a meeting Friday with the new President of the Republic of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, during which the two reaffirmed the great relations between the two countries and exchanged experiences over the progress of the Euro-integration process. In a press release, the Government said Prime Minister Kovachevski congratulated Milatovic on his Presidential term as well as the recent successful conclusion of the parliamentary elections in Montenegro, expressing his belief that the great relations between North Macedonia and Montenegro will continue with the new Montenegrin Government as well, on a bilateral level, in the region and on the European path.


“At the meeting it was concluded that the two countries maintain close and friendly cooperation”, without open disputes and serve as an example for goodneighborly relations in the region,” underlined the press release. In that context, Kovachevski and Milatovic expressed their shared commitment to contribute to regional and European stability, and to the development of the Western Balkans as a part of the European Union. The Prime Minister assessed the cooperation with Montenegro as significant, within the frameworks of the NATO partnership, and as a country that has already opened all chapters in the EU negotiations process. “The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, and I, as Prime Minister, are working to ensure further progress of the country on its European path. Our current amplified activities over political unity and the adoption of the necessary decisions in Parliament are to that end as well. North Macedonia has always served as an example of a successful multiethnic democracy and society for all citizens, with equal rights and responsibilities. With the inclusion of other ethnic communities to our Constitution, including the members of the Montenegrin community in North Macedonia, we are demonstrating that we are a country that properly respects the European values, and as a result deserves to be a part of Europe,” said Kovachevski.


President Pendarovski meets Montenegrin counterpart Jakov Milatovic (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Friday with the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, as part of the 2023 Prespa Forum Dialogue. "President Pendarovski congratulated Milatovic for being elected new president of Montenegro, and expressed confidence that North Macedonia and Montenegro will continue their traditional friendship and successful bilateral cooperation in the interest of the citizens of both countries for their progress and prosperity," the President's Office said in a press release. Interlocutors discussed Montenegro and North Macedonia's European perspective, political developments, and the economic and security challenges the region is facing. Pendarovski and Milatovic expressed their willingness to deepen communications and exchange experiences in terms of reforms for the transformation of societies and European integration process for EU membership as a common foreign policy goal.


Pendarovski meets with Albania's President Begaj (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met with Albania's President Bajram Begaj on the sidelines of the Prespa Forum Dialogue 2023 in Struga. According to an official press release, they talked about diplomatic ties between the two countries, which in their 30th year, friendly and developing through constructive cooperation and exchange of visits at the highest level.


Petrovska at North Atlantic Council on strengthening defense, stable funding, support for Ukraine (MIA)


One of the main topics Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska discussed with NATO Ministers of Defense at the North Atlantic Council in Brussels on June 15–16 was the need to earmark at least two percent of the gross domestic product for defense, a decision that should be made at the Summit of NATO in Vilnius next month. According to the Ministry of Defense in a press release, Petrovska said the financial implications on the defense budget should not be seen as spending, but as an investment in defense, given the circumstances on the European continent. She said countries should no longer see defense as only a conventional army. It should include cyber defense as well, she added. The minister said North Macedonia allocated 1.85 percent of GDP for defense at the moment, and it would reach the level of 2 percent of GDP as soon as next year. At her Thursday meeting with the Ukraine Defense Contact Group led by the USA, Petrovska reiterated North Macedonia's support for Ukraine, both politically and in the context of military and humanitarian aid. "We are sending the message," she said, "that the Republic of North Macedonia, in addition to its political commitment as a member of the Alliance, truly participates and increases its capacity by taking part in missions aimed at deterrence and defense of NATO territory."




Albanian PM warns 'icy' relations with Serbia if Kosovo cops aren't released (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has again called this Monday for the release of three policemen kidnapped in the north by Serbian forces. Through a post on Twitter, the head of the Albanian government warned that if the three policemen are not released this week, the ice will return to relations between Albania and Serbia.


"The longer these three men are kept in Serbia, even if they have crossed the border line, they have not committed any crime, the less it will be possible for our bilateral relations not to take many steps back! This will be the week of the return of the ice between us if they are not released!


On the other hand, if de-escalation does not happen, the big loser will be Kosovo - because Serbia may not be able to live without re-isolation! Be very afraid that the more Albini insists on his own against the allies, the more the situation can worsen, returning KFOR to the top of the job! And then goodbye for who knows how long to the formal control of the state over the entire territory and let's enjoy a Republic of KFOR in the North of Kosovo! Albin come out of the shell of self-isolation and don't lose the North by seeing enemies and traitors everywhere! The time is now and it is flying!", stressed Rama.


Orban, joint press conference with Rama: The slowness of the EU enlargement process, shameful (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban arrived in Tirana. He was received by PM Edi Rama. In a joint press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama, Orban said that "today's visit is in a very difficult period, as we are dealing with a restabilization, heavy economic redistribution that is affecting today's Europe and I think that these  are also the weak points of the economic policy of today's Europe. We have not been able to bring improvements in this direction and our efforts have had very few results unfortunately."


"As for the global part, Europe's capacity and competitiveness is declining. Today's issue is how we can consider the Western Balkans and especially the membership of the countries of the Western Balkans in Europe, whether it is a problem or an opportunity", Orban said.


Hungarian Prime Minister Orban noted that the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have brought development to Europe. We think and hope that this is what Albania and the Western Balkans will bring because Albania has the capacity for growth and development" Orban said. If Europe, continued Orban, will not be left behind in this global development, the answer is simple, the growth reserves are exclusively in the Balkans, not found in other European countries. "For this reason, we demand that Albania joins the EU", Orban added.


"It is unacceptable and shameful how slowly this EU enlargement process is going. I glanced at the agenda. Albania has waited for 13 years to reach the beginning of membership negotiations. After 10 years, if the prospects are correct, I think that only Germany will remain in the 10 most developed countries in the world because if the expansion proceeds at this slow pace, I can say that it will be a suicidal pace". Regarding Hungarian investments in Albania, Orban said that "I am also very happy about the fact that Hungarian investors behave with respect to the law and the needs of this country. I assure you that in the future we will find other forms of cooperation". Regarding tourism, Orban emphasized that "tourism is a key sector for the cooperation between our two countries".


Rama: New phase of traditional friendly relations with Hungary (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama assessed that Hungary, and Prime Minister Viktor Orban in particular, has continued to unconditionally defend the process of accelerating the integration of Albania and the Western Balkans into the European Union. In the joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, who is conducting an official visit to our country, Rama stated that Hungary is one of the most vocal advocates of the Western Balkans in the EU and one of the most progressive forces in the relationship with the enlargement of the EU.


Rama emphasized that today's visit of Orban to Tirana confirms the continuation of the new path of cooperation started between the two countries. "This is the visit of an old and steadfast friend of Albania and Albanians at all times. Thanks to Prime Minister Orban and the commitment of the Foreign Minister and his government, we have entered a new phase of traditional friendly, but now also economic relations between the two countries. This visit, in addition to the visit of a precious friend, is also a visit to continue on that new path of cooperation that opened a new phase after the visit of our delegation when we were invited to Budapest by Prime Minister Orbán and where several milestones were set, according to which we continue to cooperate", Rama said.


Rama emphasized that Hungary's support for the integration of Albania in the EU was not only verbal in the European instances, but was made concrete with expertise, made available to the Albanian government in all aspects and sectors where support was requested, as well as in the framework of twinning projects of the Western Balkans fund. "We share the same conviction regarding the EU's high geostrategic interest in the integration of the Western Balkans as soon as possible. Personally, I feel extremely good when I hear from the Prime Minister of Hungary that the EU needs the Western Balkans as the Western Balkans need the EU. In this respect, it is important that this voice, this argument is heard without hesitation by all member states", Rama said.


Likewise, the Prime Minister appreciated the fact that Orban has been and continues to be the main driver of direct Hungarian investments in Albania. "Today we have in Albania several flag companies of the new Hungarian economy with which we are completely satisfied for the high quality they have brought and at the same time for the respect they show to the country, not just to the laws, but also to the needs of the country. We want to have more companies and we have talked about bringing more expertise and investments from Hungary in the field of energy", Rama added.


The Prime Minister emphasized that tourism is a powerful bridge connecting the two countries and the tourists who visit our country and increase in number every year are the best ambassadors of Albania in Hungary. "I believe it is time to think about investments from Hungary, which today has an industry of excellence in tourism, has a tourism economy among the most vibrant in Europe today," said Rama. In conclusion, the Prime Minister emphasized that the high-level visits between the two countries confirm the healthy and positive state of relations between the two countries. "In a way, Hungary also has something of its own in Albania, because at the time when it could not give Albania support for EU integration and direct investments, it gave a princess who became the Queen of Albania", he added.


Begaj from the Prespa forum: Kosovo and Serbia must undertake historical responsibilities (Radio Tirana)


From the Prespa forum, the President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, reiterated the position that Kosovo is an irreversible political reality and that its territorial integrity and sovereignty cannot be questioned. The Albanian head of state called on the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to sit down at the negotiating table for the implementation of the Ohrid agreement, which then leads to the normalization of relations and mutual recognition.


"The last public agreement reached in Ohrid, between Kosovo and Serbia, was another moment of optimism, but very soon it seems as if it is turning into a moment of disappointment. I don't want to go into details here, as our European and American partners are making a tremendous contribution for the parties to reach a compromise for the normalization of relations and mutual recognition. Today, no one can question the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo. Kosovo is an irreversible political reality! But I appreciate that it is the right time for the leaders of these two countries to undertake the historic responsibilities, that, like those of North Macedonia and Greece five years ago, advance the process of reconciliation, as well as the normalization of relations and recognition between them", Begaj said, among other things.


Peleshi in Brussels: The three kidnapped Kosova police officers should be released (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi demanded on Friday the return to their homes of the three Kosovan police officers kidnapped by the Serbian forces in the North of Kosovo.

Speaking at the Ministerial of Defense of the NATO countries that is being held in Brussels, Minister Peleshi emphasized that the military or police forces of Serbia have no right to enter the territory of the Republic of Kosovo. He underlined that, at this moment, the return of the three kidnapped Kosovan police officers to their homes should be considered with priority and urgency.


"NATO must continue to support the development of the Kosovo Security Force as a founding institution that would guarantee security for all citizens. The recognition of Kosovo and its Euro-Atlantic integration are important steps towards guaranteeing sustainable stability in our region", said Peleshi.


Meanwhile, Minister Peleshi emphasized during his speech the importance that the Alliance should give to the Balkan region. He condemned the recent violent attacks against KFOR troops and the Kosovo Police in the northern part of Kosovo. "We fully support the mandate of KFOR and work intensively with the allies to prevent an escalation of the situation, contributing at the same time to the facilitation of the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue", added Peleshi.


Regarding the developments in Ukraine, Peleshi supported the new proposal for the formation of the NATO-Ukraine Council, which shows the unwavering determination as an Alliance, implementing NATO's standardization in the defense and security sector.


In this Ministerial, Albania emphasized the importance of NATO's transformational processes in the face of the ever-changing challenges of the security environment, and guaranteed support for the development of regional plans and the whole family of deterrence and defense plans, to guarantee the Alliance from the Russian threat and that of terrorist groups. He noted that Albania will continue to support measures to strengthen deterrence and defense with a comprehensive approach, further increasing our contribution to missions, operations and activities, on land and at sea. "We support the improved Model of NATO forces, we are adapting the readiness system and we will contribute to the implementation of the plans by adapting our practices and making available critical infrastructure such as the Kuçova Base and the Port of Porto Romano," said the minister Peleshi.


The minister assured the allied countries that, in 2024, Albania will allocate 2% of GDP for defense, investing more and more in this direction. He supported NATO's Defense Production Action Plan for capacity recovery. During the proceedings of this meeting, Minister Peleshi also held informal meetings with representatives of the defense industry and met with counterparts from different countries, where issues in the interest of growth and cooperation in the field of Security and Defense were discussed.


President Begaj: NATO member countries in region to speak in one voice against provocations that destabilize Kosova and the entire region (Radio Tirana)


During his participation in the Prespa Forum for Dialogue, President of Albania, Bajram Begaj held a series of meetings with the heads of state of the region, as part of the participation in the Prespa Forum for Dialogue, where he met, among others, the President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, the President of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, and the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic.


At the center of the talks were the developments in the North of Kosovo. President Begaj underlined the need for the member countries of the region that are NATO member countries to speak in one voice for not allowing various provocations to destabilize Kosovo and the entire region. During the meetings, President Begaj shared with other regional heads of states the common vision based on mutual respect, dialogue, cooperation and inclusiveness, which are extremely important to strengthen peace and prosperity in the Western Balkans region.