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Belgrade Media Report 22 June



Serbs continue their protests, goods from central Serbia still cannot go to KiM (RTS)


Transporters with Serbian license plates, which Pristina banned from entering KiM nine days ago, are still waiting at the administrative crossings and asking for the decision to be withdrawn. Carriers transporting foreign goods are allowed entry regardless of license plates, while goods from central Serbia still cannot enter KiM.


Another Serb was arrested yesterday in the north of KiM. Dragisa Milenkovic from the vicinity of Gracanica was arrested on charges of war crimes. Residents of Gracanica protested in front of the police station and blocked the highway Pristina-Gnjilane, and truck drivers standing at crossings to KiM briefly blocked the road for all vehicles as a sign of protest. Milenkovic was detained for up to 48 hours. In Gracanica and Ranilug, a Serb protest began due to the arrest of Dragisa Milenkovic. Several thousand people gathered in front of the police station, and family members were with them. The Kosovo police announced earlier today that the Pristina-Gnjilane highway will be closed for the duration of the protest. Several police vehicles with equipment for breaking up demonstrations are present in Gracanica, as well as members of KFOR.


Foreign Policy Adviser at the US State Department, Derek Chollet, met with the European Union's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak.

Chollet wrote on Twitter that he had discussed with Lajcak the joint commitment to de-escalation of the situation in KiM.


Milovan Drecun, the President of the Parliamentary Committee for KiM, said in the Morning Program that he does not see the willingness of Pristina, that is, of Aljbin Kurti, to fulfil what Belgrade expects and what the Serbian people expect, especially in the north of KiM. "Kurti is now trying to present himself as some kind of constructive agent who is ready for talks, but he doesn't show it on the field. He is declaratively advocating for the de-escalation, but the moves he is taking are leading to a new escalation," says Drecun. The most important thing, he believes, is to dispel all doubts about who is behind Kuri's behaviour, especially after Gabriel Escobar's statement that the United States of America did nothing against Pristina.

"If we are looking for the causes of Kurti's behaviour and the crisis in the north, we cannot avoid the responsibility of the leading Western countries. Therefore, they are responsible, because they are encouraging Kurti with his actions," Drecun assesses. He expects that the pressure on Belgrade will increase. "The masks have finally fallen. "I don't think we can expect the West to be impartial and objective," says Drecun.


Escobar: We asked Vucic to remove troops from the border and encourage the Serbs to return without setting conditions, he agreed to both (FoNet)


The meeting called by the European envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia talks, Miroslav Lajcak, between Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Aleksandar Vucic, which aims to reduce tensions between the two countries, is not expected to take place this week, the American envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar tells the Voice of America. "It is too early to decide whether the meeting will take place this week. I have the impression that it will not happen, but we should continue to hope for a high-level meeting as soon as possible."


Escobar also opposes Kurti's proposal that for the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority, the parties should agree in advance on its general lines, before Pristina presents a concrete project. "There is no reason to wait for this. You don't have to wait for that. Our position is that it should be a European model. So our position, the American position, has always been that the model of the association should be such that it provides municipal services to a Serbian-speaking national minority. That's it – utilities. It should not interfere with the constitution of Kosovo, its legal structure, or its functionality. The special representative of the European Union has given them 16 different types of European models that would work for Kosovo. In none of those models is it possible for a neighboring country to enter the borders of another country and hinder its functionality. So, we are not looking for a mathematical means between the two positions. We are looking for a European version. So, he doesn't need anything more than that," Escobar said.


Asked about the change in Washington's policy and greater pressure towards Kosovo, Escobar said that it was misinformation and that everything that was done in the previous 90 days was in favor of Kosovo. He stated that the USA supported Kosovo in the Council of Europe, that they recognized the election results, even though the turnout was only three percent, that they also recognized the mayors of four municipalities in the north, and only asked that they not try to enter the municipal buildings by force, but to work from another location. Escobar also rejected claims that the US did not put too much pressure on Vucic. "That is not true. We asked him to unilaterally and unconditionally remove the troops from the border and to encourage the Serbs to return without setting any conditions, and he agreed to both. And it is not clear what else we need to do, except to make progress in the dialogue," said Escobar.


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced that on Thursday he will go from Rome to Brussels for a meeting and demand the release of Kosovo policemen. "I confirm my participation in the high-level meeting convened by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell," Kurti said on his Twitter account.


Vucic: I'm going to Brussels, but I won't talk to Kurti (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, tells RTS that he will to Brussels, but that he will not speak with the Prime Minister of the Pristina Provisional Institutions, Albin Kurti. He will speak with the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, but not Kurti. "Conversation with him makes no sense, he lectures us about philosophy, a little about Demaci, a little about Marx and that's all. Everything else concerns the persecution of Serbs and lectures on internal political matters in central Serbia," said Vucic. Today, he notes, he will talk with the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell. The president said that he did not understand the point of going to Brussels, but that he was going there today just so that they don’t say “why didn’t you come”. "I never have the conditions to talk," said the president.


President Vucic said that he was at all the negotiations and that this is such recklessness towards one country and that there are no rules. "No UN charter, no UN resolution, no territorial integrity, nothing at all. There is no one principle that you can cling to. Our people must know how difficult a situation we are in," said Vucic. President Aleksandar Vucic said that the country is in a difficult situation and under great pressure. "You have to keep talking, we are going to Brussels to talk with Borrell, and just look at Escobar's statements and you will see what position Serbia is in," said the president. You have to look at Serbia's position and see what you can do, said Vucic.


When it comes to the fact that Pristina allowed the crossing of administrative crossings for Serbian transporters with foreign goods, Vucic says that things are much more serious. "You say he changed his decision and allows the entry of goods from abroad. Because you realize how rude it is. This means that Serbs cannot import oxygen or bread, water, anything produced in Serbia, but you Serbs are welcome if you need to earn money for our foreign companies. We exerted pressure for our American and German goods transported by Serbs. And foreigners are not ashamed to brag about such a decision. The losses are at least a million a day," said Vucic.


President Vucic said that arrests have begun south of the Ibar. "Their only goal is to expel the Serbs from all of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). That is their only goal," said Vucic.


Vucic also said that the liaison officer visited the arrested Serbs and that he would take a report on their state of health to Brussels. He states that one of the arrested has visible injuries, that he was beaten during the arrest and that he was mistreated. "They told him that he would be in prison for at least ten years and that he was charged with breaking into the premises of the so-called election commission. They beat him by hitting him with the gunstock while he was tied up," says Vucic.


Borrell with Vucic and Kurti separately in a series of meetings (Beta)


Today in Brussels, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, will host a series of separate meetings with the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo, aimed at finding ways to de-escalate tensions in the relations between the two sides, the European External Affairs Service (EEAS) announced. These are meetings for "crisis management", where Borrell will be joined by Miroslav Lajcak, the EU's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, according to the EEAS. It is not stated whether, after Borrell and Lajcak's separate talks with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Aljbin Kurti, a joint meeting is possible. The focus of the talks will be finding ways to de-escalate tensions so that the two sides return to implementing the agreements reached in the Brussels dialogue, especially the Agreement on the Road to Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, which Vucic and Kurti agreed on March 18 in Ohrid. After today's talks, Borrell will address the public. He said that everyone needs urgent de-escalation, as well as new elections in the north.


At the summit in Brussels, EU leaders will condemn the violence in the north of KiM and call for immediate de-escalation (RTS)


At a two-day summit next week in Brussels, EU leaders will condemn the violence in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) and call on Belgrade and Pristina to urgently de-escalate the situation, according to the draft conclusions of the summit, which RTS had access to. According to announcements, during the summit, European leaders will, among other things, discuss the latest tensions between Belgrade and Pristina and warn that "the absence of de-escalation will have negative consequences." "The heads of state and government condemn the recent violence in the north of KiM and call for an immediate de-escalation of the situation, based on the elements set out in the European Union plan," states the draft conclusions of the meeting to be held on June 29 and 30. In the conclusions, the EU leaders state that the necessary next step should be "the continuation of the dialogue under the auspices of the EU and the rapid implementation of the Agreement on the road as normalization and the annex on implementation", based on the agreements reached in Brussels and Ohrid. Diplomatic sources state that the conclusions could be supplemented in relation to the development of the situation and the expected meeting between the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of the government in Pristina Albin Kurti, in Brussels. Before the leaders' summit, the situation in KiM will be discussed by EU foreign ministers at a meeting on Monday, June 26 in Luxembourg.


Kosovo’s Kurti addresses Kosovo citizens in Serbian via Facebook (N1)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti addressed the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) in Serbian language and said that the number of police will decrease after the decrease in intimidation and criminals.


“I am sorry we had to hold election in four municipalities in the north with such a low turnout. On December 10 last year we postponed the elections for four months hoping that the (Belgrade-backed) Serb List would participate. The international community promised us that, if we accept the Ohrid annex, they will ensure the Serb List’s participation in the elections. On March 17 this year we extended the deadline for the registering of parties by five days. All this was in vain. I thought that at least Aleksandar Jablanovic would win in Leposavic, but he dropped out of the race on April 21, two days before his certain victory. I heard he got a million euros and two apartments in Belgrade. Maybe that’s not true but, in any case, it must have been strong pressure or some overly luxurious offer that made Jablanovic say he wouldn’t take practically a penalty kick,” said Kurti.


He said Serb List representatives and even Jablanovic said all kinds of things about him and about Kosovo, but noted that “despite that, he was prepared to accept them as future mayors.”


“Unfortunately, I have neither the power nor the will to make them run in the elections. Lulzim Hetemi is the mayor now, until a new one is elected. To that end, we need early elections and an open and free election campaign in four municipalities in the north. There are no fair and democratic elections without a fair and democratic campaign. That is why rule of law is a priority, that is, an environment without intimidation and criminals. This is what we want, and we have to establish this together. With the rule of law, we can gradually reduce the number of police officers in municipal buildings,” said Kurti.


He added that meetings in Brussels are needed for the immediate, full and unconditional implementation of the basic agreement from Brussels that the Ohrid Annex is an integral part of. “It is now clear to me that the President of Serbia said ‘yes’ to the agreement in order not to sign it, and now he is complaining and regrets saying ‘yes’, accepting the agreement, which means the de facto recognition of the Republic of Kosovo. The government in Belgrade is obviously looking for a time machine. Sometimes they want to go back to the time before June 1999 when we were liberated, sometimes to before February 2008 when we declared independence, sometimes to the time before February this year when Serbian President (Aleksandar) Vucic accepted the Brussels Agreement, and, as you yourself heard, sometimes they want to go back in a time machine to before December 2001, when I got out of Serbian prisons,” said Kurti.


The Kosovo Prime Minister stressed that he will not tolerate “attacks against and kidnapping of police officers, opening fire on KFOR troops, violent assaults on journalists.”


“Aleksandar Vucic today represents Serbia’s readiness to lose another war. At the same time, he is a guarantee that the nineties will not become a thing of the past. I am not in favor of war. I am against war. I am a social democrat. I suffered during the war, I was a prisoner of war for over two and a half years. He seems to have only good memories of the war and the same feelings, because even then he was in power as (former Serbian and FRY President) Milosevic’s minister, and unlike today, he had power even without obligations because Milosevic bore all the responsibility. For more than 10 years these so-called progressives criminalized politics in Serbia, and now they are trying to politicize criminals in the north of Kosovo. On the other hand, we closed 16 illegal roads in the north, destroyed 83 criminal groups, confiscated some two tons of narcotics, destroyed 14 drug labs, eight of them in the north, and five for the production of crypto currencies,” said Kurti.


He stressed that “Kosovo is state with the highest level of democracy in our region.” “According to prestigious international institutions and organizations, Kosovo is in the lead in the Western Balkans in terms of the fight against corruption, rule of law, freedom of the media, political freedoms and civil rights, as well as democratic elections. Our democratic progress is coupled with economic development. During these past few years our gross domestic product average growth was seven percent, exports and foreign investments doubled, and this year’s annual budget is 17 percent higher than that in 2022,” the Kosovo Prime Minister said. He stressed that the government in Pristina has done a great deal for the Serb community.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Cvijanovic outvoted at B&H Presidency session on one point from domain of foreign policy (RTRS)


Serb member and Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that she was outvoted in the session of the B&H Presidency on the issue of foreign policy and that she will go before the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) where she believes she will receive support for her views. Cvijanovic clarified that she intends to veto the Proposal for a conclusion on the adoption of the Agreement on freedom of movement with identity cards in the Western Balkans, the Agreement on the recognition of professional qualifications of Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Dental Medicine and architects in the context of the Central European Free Trade Agreement and the Agreement on the recognition of higher education qualifications in the Western Balkans.


She explained that it is essentially an initiative that implies absolute freedom of movement for all people from the region, with which she agrees and will always support any regional initiative that implies better understanding, freedom of movement for people and goods, cooperation, recognition of diplomas, qualifications. Cvijanovic believes that Kosovo in these circumstances, where it is almost on the verge of conflict, should not be part of such an arrangement.


“I would ask myself what kind of person and politician I am if in circumstances when Serbs are arrested and mistreated, when trucks with goods from Serbia are not allowed to come and give food to the people who live there, when illegitimate chiefs are imposed on them to say that such a regime by Albin Kurti deserves to have all these benefits”, Cvijanovic told the reporters. She believes that it would be an insult to all those Serbs who have already been humiliated and trampled on enough, left without basic human rights, and it would be a reward for those who do not respect international arrangements.


Cvijanovic submitted a proposal that the B&H Presidency begins negotiations with Serbia in matters of building the ‘New Eastern Interconnection’ gas pipeline. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic rejected the proposal, adding that they will not approve anything similar without a B&H Law of Gas.  The matter was taken off the agenda following the disagreement.


RSNA adopts 10 conclusions: Serbs representatives to leave BiH institutions if Law on B&H CC is not adopted (RTRS)


At its special session on Wednesday, the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly adopted set of 10 Conclusions regarding the “unconstitutional activities of Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)”.


  • RS is dedicated to full respect and consistent implementation of General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H, which unambiguously accepts, confirms and guarantees its constitutional-legal position, as one of two entities in B&H’s composition.
  • We condemn unconstitutional activities of Constitutional Court of B&H, which undermines constitutional-legal position of the RS and as a consequence, also the constitutional position of B&H and all its citizens.
  • In case Constitutional Court of B&H continues its unconstitutional activities, RS National Assembly will be forced to adopt adequate laws, which neutralizes such behaviour
  • We ask from all RS representatives in B&H institutions to initiate the process of adoption of the Law on Constitutional Court of B&H, which will regulate the issue of organization of Constitutional Court, procedures before this Court and legal effect of its decisions and to initiate the procedure for adoption of Law on election of three judges who are appointed by President of European Court of Human Rights, which will stipulate that at least one judge is elected by the RSNA.
  • In case B&H Parliament ignores the demands of RS representatives to launch the adoption of the Law on Constitutional Court of B&H and Law on election of judges appointed by President of European Court of Human Rights, we call on all RS representatives to withdraw from their work until these laws are adopted.
  • RS Government and RS Ministry of Justice is tasked to prepare Draft Law on Constitutional Court of B&H, with special accent on election of judges appointed by the President of European Court of Human Rights, which will serve to RS representatives in B&H institutions as a base for initiating the process for their adoption.
  • We call on Constitutional Court of B&H to annul its decision on erasing of Article 39 of the Rules of Procedure of Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H Official Gazette, number 94/14). RS Government and RS Ministry of Justice are tasked to prepare the Law on non-applying of decisions of Constitutional Court of B&H in RS territory and to submit it into parliamentary procedure in case the unconstitutional activities of Constitutional Court of B&H continue. This law should solve the issue of legal protection of persons who would be exposed to possible criminal prosecution because of non-implementation of decisions of Constitutional Court of B&H.
  • We call on the Constitutional Court of RS to inform the highest constitutional bodies of the RS about the issue of unconstitutional activities of Constitutional Court of B&H and to prepare opinions and proposals for adoption of necessary laws and undertaking other measures in order to secure constitutionality and legality and protection of freedoms and rights of citizens.
  • These Conclusions will be submitted to President, Government and Constitutional Court of RS, Parliamentary Assembly, Presidency, Council of Ministers and Constitutional Court of B&H and to representatives of the RS in B&H institutions.
  • These conclusions come in force the following day upon their adoption. Article comments that out of 60 MPs in attendance, 52 voted in favor of Conclusions, nobody was against, and nobody abstained from voting.


RSNA MPs adopted Draft Law on Amendments to Law on Publication of Laws and Other Regulations of RS; Decisions of OHR and Schmidt not to be published in RS Official Gazette (RTRS)


During Wednesday’s session, representatives of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopted the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Publication of Laws and Other Regulations of the RS, through urgent procedure. The adoption means that the decisions of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the “illegitimately appointed” Christian Schmidt will not be published in the Official Gazette of the RS. Out of the 61 attending representatives, 54 MPs voted for the adoption of the proposed law on the amendment of the aforementioned law. There were no votes against or abstentions. By adopting this Draft Law, the RS has sent a clear message that it does not accept imposed decisions or meddling of foreigners into BiH’s internal affairs. It was also stated that the unconstitutional practice of the OHR does not have a democratic or a civilizational, as well as moral or legal foothold.


Prior to the voting on the mentioned Draft Law, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic asked the MP to unanimously support this legislative solution and to show all RS citizens that this is a matter that they can show unity on. Viskovic said this is the bare minimum that they can do for the citizens and for the protection of the RS. Certain opposition parties also advocate for such unity, as many of them were under foreign sanctions for years. SDS MP Dragomir Vasic said it is time to “tell the OHR to stop”. Vasic said the OHR makes decisions as it wishes, not thinking about how those same decisions deepen the problems within Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).


During the session, the MPs also adopted 10 conclusions that refer to unconstitutional actions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. All representatives of the RS in B&H institutions are asked to initiate the procedure for adoption of a law on the Constitutional Court of B&H and the procedure for adoption of a law regarding the election of three judges – that are chosen by the European Court of Human Rights. If the B&H institutions ignore this, all representatives of the RS in these institutions will be called to withdraw from the work of B&H institutions until these laws are adopted. The RS Government is asked to prepare a draft law on non-implementation of the B&H CC’s decisions and to, if the unconstitutional activities of the B&H CC continue, send this draft law to a regular procedure. The RS officials asked for the B&H CC to withdraw its decision that says decisions can be made without the participation of the Serb judges.


Commenting onthe B&H CC’s work, Viskovic pointed out that a country in which the Constitutional Court makes unconstitutional decisions is a “miserable one”. He added that decision made two days ago is also an unconstitutional one, and one that sent a message to the Serbs that they are not needed in B&H.


Dodik: RS cannot cooperate with High Representative in B&H, because he currently does not exist (O kanal)


Before the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) session, the RS President Milorad Dodik posted on his Twitter, stating that the RS cannot cooperate with the High Representative, because the HR currently does not exist in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Dodik stated that the person, falsely representing himself and whom the part of the international community is trying to impose as the HR, was never confirmed in the UN Security Council. “Let (the US Ambassador to B&H) Michael Murphy show such decision to the public, when he is already reminding the RS of its Dayton obligations. Which, yet again, is not his job to interpret this Agreement, because the state that he represents is not signatory of the Dayton Agreement”, Dodik wrote. He noted that RSNA has legitimate right and constitutional obligation to protect the RS from anti-Dayton activities of the false High Representative and this is why it proposed changes of the law and other regulations which will regulate that his decisions are not published in Official Gazette. On Tuesday, Dodik gave an ultimatum to the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H to cancel the decision on amendments to the rules of procedure by which decisions are made without representatives from the RS. If they do not do that, another session will be held next Tuesday, where drafts of the law on the non-application of decisions of the B&H CC in the territory of the RS, and the draft law on the B&H CC will be submitted to the procedure of the B&H Parliament.


Reactions to RSNA Session/RS Stances on B&H CC (BHT1, Nova BH)


It is certain there will be many reactions to the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) session, commented the reporter. One reaction already arrived from the Speaker of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic who, evaluating the adoption of the law which intends to prevent the publication of the decisions of the High Representative in the RS Official Gazette as an attack on the state constitutional and legal order, announced the submission of an appeal to the B&H CC if the OHR does not react.


Addressing the press conference Wednesday, Federation of B&H (FB&H) Vice President Refik Lendo (SDA) said: “Dodik’s move should not be taken lightly. It should be taken very seriously and our Prosecutor’s Office, judiciary and the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) should react and take adequate measures against Dodik”.


Hayat carried interview with NES President Nermin Ogresevic. Speaking about the withdrawal of judge Zlatko Knezevic from the B&H CC, after the RSNA's call to withdraw, he said that it was an unconstitutional action and an attempt to undermine B&H institutions. He pointed out that what RS President Milorad Dodik is doing should be closely monitored, because he is actively and continuously working to undermine B&H, and that politicians must be ready to defend the Constitutional order.


Speaking about the decision of the B&H CC that work will be possible without the missing judge from the RS, he said that he believes that the B&H CC made a good decision and prevented the blocking of this institution in the future. He called Dodik's behavior schizophrenic and abnormal but said that there is an answer and that he is ready to defend his homeland. Regarding Dodik's threats that if the B&H CC does not withdraw its decision, the RSNA will pass a law according to which the decisions of the B&H CC will not be respected in the RS, Ogresevic said that the RS does not have such jurisdiction and that this is an unconstitutional action. He said that he expects High Representative Christian Schmidt to react in that case, as Ogresevic said, it is his task to protect the B&H Constitution. Regarding the moves that Dodik is making against HR Schmidt, he said that he believes that it will not be possible to remain silent and tolerate Dodik's behavior forever.  Regarding the RSNA's adoption of the law according to which HR decisions will not be published in the RS Official Gazette, he said that it is unbelievable how the international community does not react to Dodik's behavior.


Slovenian top officials issue joint statement on occasion of marking of anniversary of EU-Western Balkans Summit in Thessaloniki: Western Balkan countries that want to join EU can count on Slovenia (Dnevni list)


On the occasion of marking of the 20th anniversary of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Thessaloniki scheduled for Wednesday, Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar, Slovenian Prime Minister (PM) Robert Golob and Slovenian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon issued a joint statement.


The officials first reminded that June 21 marks the 20th anniversary of the summit in Thessaloniki and back then, the EU, countries that aspire to join the EU and possible candidates from the Western Balkans made a commitment to each other. The statement reads that the EU confirmed European perspective of the Western Balkans while countries of the region supported joint values: democracy, rule of the law, respect of human rights and rights of minorities, solidarity and market economy, while conclusions of the summit stay permanent obligation for everyone who took part in the summit. The officials stated that Slovenia appreciates this summit because it revived the hope in stabilization of the region after years of war, political instability and economic downfall that came after split of the former Yugoslavia, arguing that the event enabled the beginning of a dream on European future that leads to positive changes: increased prosperity, better integration and strengthening of relations between people.


According to the statement, a lot was achieved through cooperation in the past 20 years and the Western Balkans has become more stable in general, while countries enjoy benefits of the visa-free regime and the region – where the EU is by far the biggest donor and investor – achieved economic progress and the EU and the Western Balkans naturally lean towards each other. The officials underlined that Slovenia strongly supports the EU enlargement process and it helped their partners in the Western Balkans with political and practical support, the country helps processes related to expansion in all possible ways and this is a long-term policy of Slovenia that will not change. The statement reads that both sides missed many chances and it seems that the enthusiasm for reforms in the Western Balkans that was present at the start dropped in the last two decades which is why the light at the end of the tunnel for the EU membership is slightly weaker than they hoped, while at the same time, the EU deals with its own problems and enlargement is not always a priority. The officials noted that it is a fact that the EU must face consequences of the war in Ukraine which required a new general strategy of the enlargement process and it is clear that this process is a strategic choice in its basis and not just a technical task.


According to the officials, further enlargement must be followed by the basic vision of the EU integration process based on solidarity and real achievements of candidates, while brave political decisions are necessary. The officials warned that their messages to the region, to Europe and to the world are clear. First, the EU is objectively a very good choice for the region while the Western Balkan countries decide on their future on their own. Second, Slovenia has no selfish interests in the region and their policy is based on solidarity towards the countries and people and Slovenia wants what people want: stability and security as the basic conditions for prosperity and economic progress. The officials concluded that the Western Balkan countries that want to join the EU now and in the future period, can count on Slovenia.




Military helicopter crashes in Dalmatian hinterland (N1)


An Mi-171 Sh helicopter and a Pilatus airplane of the Croatian Air Force joined a search on Wednesday for a military helicopter that crashed in the Croatian Sibenik-Knin county, the Croatian defence ministry reported. The helicopter did not belong to the Croatian army. N1 has learned that it was a Hungarian military helicopter which was in Croatia for training.


The Sibenik Mountain Rescue Service is searching the river Cikola canyon, and commissioner Josip Brozicevic confirmed for N1 that smoke was captured by the fire protection cameras. The helicopter crashed near the village of Pakovo selo, some 18 kilometres from the Adriatic city of Sibenik. N1 has unofficially learned that the helicopter has been found, along with two dead bodies. The search is ongoing for the third crew member.


Banozic: We expect an investigation into the crash of the Hungarian helicopter soon (HRT)


The Ministry of Defense published a statement stating that "a Hungarian Griffon helicopter, which was undergoing training at the International Special Aviation Program Training Center (MSAP TC) at the "Colonel Mirko Vukusic" barracks, crashed around 12 o'clock in the vicinity of Drnis, near Pakova Selo, on the way back from work at the home airport in Zemunik Donji.


The wreckage of the missing Hungarian military helicopter was found in the canyon of the Cikola River in the area between Pakova Selo and Miljevac, and the bodies of two crew members were found, while the search for the third is underway, confirmed the head of the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, Josip Brozicevic.


At a press conference Minister of Defense Mario Banozic once again expressed his condolences on the occasion of the death of a member of the Hungarian Air Force in the territory of Croatia. “We expect an investigation to begin soon that will give details of how this happened,” said Minister Banozic. “We will provide full support in everything necessary while they are here in the Republic of Croatia, both through the investigation and other activities. Once again, sincere condolences to everyone,” said the minister.


The Chief of General Staff of the Croatian Armed Force, Admiral Robert Hranj, expressed his condolences and said that it was an unfortunate event that took place during training. He pointed out that Hungarian investigators will also join the investigation. “We will deal with this tragic event as a matter of priority,” said Brigadier General Michael Krizanec, commander of the Croatian Air Force. “The investigation will show everything about the causes of this tragedy,” he added.


Colonel Tomislav Pusnik said that there is no information about the cause of the accident. It didn't happen in the pilot zone, but on the way back. “Let's let the investigative bodies conduct the investigation and come to the final results,” he added. According to Pusnik, military helicopters do not have black boxes; they have devices that monitor the helicopter's flight parameters, which monitor the operation of the engine and transmission. “If they find it, it will be taken as one of the relevant things for analysis,” he added.




Election results won’t be announced within legal deadline, by 26 June (RTCG)


While some political parties are waiting for the final results of the elections held at the beginning of the month, in order to start negotiations on the formation of the Government, the State Election Commission (DIK) says that they will not be declared within the legal deadline – 26 June. DIK president Nikola Mugosa says that the main reason is that some election participants waited for the last deadlines to submit all complaints, mostly by mail. If 26 June was the legal deadline for DIK to announce the final results of the elections held at the beginning of the month, it will not happen then. The fact that the final results are still pending is not the DIK’s fault, claims Mugosa.


And that’s not the end of deadlines and procedures. Election participants have the right to file complaints against DIK decisions to the Constitutional Court. Although there have been announcements, so far only one voter’s complaint has arrived at the address of this court, which the judges will rule on tomorrow. The date of the announcement of the final results of the elections will depend on when and how many complaints will reach the Constitutional Court, says Mugosa and stresses that it is certain that DIK will not wait for that for months, as was the case with the Podgorica elections.


Abazovic: Montenegro unreservedly stands by the Ukrainian people (CDM)


Dritan Abazovic, Prime Minister in technical mandate and coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is in London, where he is participating in the second Conference for the Reconstruction of Ukraine, jointly organized by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Ukraine. As announced by the Prime Minister's office, London is hosting leaders from more than 60 countries, with the main goal of collecting aid for the reconstruction of Ukraine.


During his presentation at the session dedicated to the economic recovery of Ukraine, Abazovic emphasized that Montenegro firmly stands by the Ukrainian people. "We proved our friendship by the fact that our country currently has the most Ukrainians per capita in Europe," he said. He also reminded that Montenegro is trying to support the defense of Ukraine, by donating 11 percent of the funds from the military budget, as well as that it will contribute to this country's bid for NATO membership. Abazovic, as the cabinet added, had several bilateral meetings with leaders from EU and NATO member states on the sidelines of the conference, where the common vision of a quick and high-quality recovery of Ukraine as a partner and friend was once again confirmed.


North Macedonia


FM Osmani at Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, reaffirms support as response to common security challenges (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani took part Wednesday at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, focused on the support opportunities and the future steps for reconstruction of the country that is facing the effects of the Russian military aggression. FM Osmani reaffirmed the unequivocal support to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, while highlighting the aid provided to the country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.


"Since the very beginning, North Macedonia strongly condemned the Russian aggression in Ukraine, calling for urgent cessation of military actions and expressing support and solidarity with the people of Ukraine. North Macedonia is fourth among NATO member-states when it comes to military assistance per capita, while also providing humanitarian and medical aid," said Osmani. He also noted North Macedonia's support through its active participation in the International Crimea Platform and its recent accession to the Core Group to set up an International Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine.


In the capacity of OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Osmani said Ukraine is among the North Macedonia Chairmanship priorities, including the organization's mechanisms in support of the country and people in the affected areas, reads the press release.


Escobar: US State Department’s decision on Merko to aid Gov’t in fight against corruption (MIA)


I hope the US Department of State’s decision to “blacklist” Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko due to his involvement in “significant corruption”, will help the Government of North Macedonia continue its efforts in the fight against corruption, the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar told the Voice of America in Albanian, in an interview alongside the US Coordinator on Global Anti-Corruption, Richard Nephew.


Nephew stressed that the decision has been made because the “U.S. State Secretary had reliable information suggesting that Merko was involved in significant corruption.” “According to the legislation, when the state secretary reaches such a conclusion, the designation is legally binding, as was the case today,” said Nephew. According to Nephew, if the state secretary has reliable information that point to the involvement in significant corruption, then visa restrictions need to be introduced, because the law “calls for action once the information is available.” Nephew said he couldn’t share concrete evidence over why the Struga Mayor has been placed on the U.S. blacklist, but stressed that based on the published information, the case concerns “a misappropriation of funds and interference with judicial processes.” “Considering the nature of the decisions and their legal basis, this is what we can share in the public for this case,” said Nephew.


He stressed that the decisions aim to demonstrate the US support for the rule of law and efforts to tackle corruption globally. “Whenever you talk about something that includes visa restrictions or sanctions, you will always get questions over their efficiency. However, I think that we have largely succeeded in showing significant results in terms of helping civil society actors and other institutions, and that they are not alone and have the support of the international community when facing corrupt actors,” said Nephew.


The State Department’s Coordinator on Global Anti-Corruption added that the U.S. does not differentiate between former or current officials when introducing sanctions. “Again, a part of the reason why we do these things is to help civil society actors and those who are trying to seek responsibility from the corrupt actors,” said Nephew. On Tuesday, the US Department of State designated Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko as generally ineligible for entry into the United States due to his involvement in significant corruption.


"While serving as Struga’s mayor, Merko misappropriated funds and interfered with judicial and other public processes, damaging the public’s faith in North Macedonia’s democratic institutions and officials. Today’s action sends a message that the United States stands with North Macedonia to foster stability through the strengthening of democratic institutions and addressing rule of law deficiencies. This designation reaffirms the commitment of the United States to combat corruption, which harms the public interest, hampers countries’ economic prosperity, and curtails the ability of governments to respond effectively to the needs of their people," said Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller in a press statement.


The press statement adds that the decision “reaffirms the commitment of the United States to combat corruption, which harms the public interest, hampers countries’ economic prosperity, and curtails the ability of governments to respond effectively to the needs of their people.” The Department also designated Merko’s wife, Shpresa, and three adult children, Genc, Nazmije, and Drenushe as ineligible for entry into the United States.


After the State Department’s statement was published, the US Ambassador Angela Aggeler wrote on Facebook that “the people of North Macedonia deserve integrity from their public officials and a system that will hold them accountable.” “The United States will continue to call out anyone – regardless of position or political party – who undermines the rule of law, threatening the progress and stability of North Macedonia,” wrote Aggeler on the US Embassy’s Facebook page.


In an interview for MIA in May, Aggeler said it’s no secret that corruption and crime are seen as the major challenge facing the country. “This country has made sacrifices. Since I left 10 years ago, it has made very important and very difficult sacrifices, and it has shown that it can address real issues when it is called upon to do so. I believe that there are those of goodwill in this country who are also tired of corruption. I think everybody is. I haven’t met a single Macedonian who is fine with corruption. It is my very great hope that the people will say ‘enough’ and that they will demand of their institutions that these issues are addressed in a way that it’s open and transparent, and they can hold leaders, businesspeople, others within the society accountable if they are not following the rules,” Aggeler told MIA.


The Alliance for Albanians and Besa welcomed the State Department’s decision on Tuesday, and called for Merko's resignation. “This decision is a signal that has the potential to return hope to North Macedonia. Today, the United States has shown that no one is untouchable, and we commend ambassador Aggeler for her consistency and the warning that other designations will be made this year. Corruption must have consequences, but the designations of a persona non grata are not sufficient. Ramiz Merko should immediately resign, and DUI should distance itself from the member of their Presidency. The prosecution should launch a case against Merko in order to ensure complete responsibility over the State Department’s assertions and implement justice,” said the Alliance for Albanians.


Besa, on the other hand, expressed conviction that this decision is only a beginning for the unmasking of corruption and incriminated officials. “We expect this list to be expanded in the coming days with officials who have misappropriated and are misappropriating local and foreign funds in the name of ‘investments’,” said Besa in their reaction to the decision.


For VMRO-DPMNE, the State Department’s press statement is a confirmation of what the party has been saying for a long time, that “DUI is a criminal structure”. “Ramiz Merko’s blacklisting by the US is institutional confirmation of all suspicions and affairs revealed by VMRO-DPMNE about DUI’s officials,” said opposition MP Mirche Adzioski on Wednesday.


Merko’s party, DUI, said they are “shocked by the State Department’s decision, but they will respect it and analyse it in the coming days.” Sources from within DUI noted that in the coming days, the party’s leader, Ali Ahmeti, is expected to meet with representatives of the US Embassy, after which he will decide whether he will ask Merko to resign. Minister of Education and Science and high DUI official, Jeton Shaqiri, said on Wednesday that his party has always been in favour of vetting all officials. “As a political party, DUI has always been in favor of vetting and DUI asks that all officials at the central and local level are vetted,” said Shaqiri.


Previously, in 2022, the United States placed former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and former secret police chief Sasho Mijalkov on their “blacklist” due to their involvement in “significant corruption.”


  1. Macedonia grateful for three decades of UK support, Osmani tells King Charles III (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani attended Tuesday the reception of heads of delegations at the St. James’s Palace in London, hosted by King Charles III. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Osmani expressed his great gratitude to King Charles III over the excellent political and economic relations that the United Kingdom and North Macedonia have been building in the past three decades of cooperation. “This year we mark three decades of diplomatic ties with the UK. We will continue to build these relations in the spirit of mutual friendship and strong partnership in the future as well,” wrote Osmani after his meeting with King Charles III. At the meeting, Osmani and King Charles III also spoke about the King’s historic visit to North Macedonia in 1998. On Wednesday, as part of his working visit to London, Osmani is taking part in the Ukraine Recovery Conference.


FM meets Azeri, Moldovan counterparts in London (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met his Azerbaijani and Moldovan counterparts, Jeyhun Bayramov and Nicu Popescu respectively, on the sidelines of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London on Wednesday. FMs Osmani and Bayramov discussed developments in the South Caucasus, which the former visited back in April in the capacity of OSCE Chairman-in-Office, agreeing on the need to maintain stability and enhance security in the region with the help of OSCE mechanisms, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.


"I expressed strong support to the ongoing mediating efforts to ensure stability and hope that OSCE's experience can be used in this regard," said Osmani. Osmani and Bayramov also discussed the enhancement of cooperation between North Macedonia and Azerbaijan, especially in the field of economy and energy. During the meeting with the Moldovan FM, Osmani said North Macedonia provides its support to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Moldova, as well as its EU accession aspirations. "European integration is the best tool to prevent conflicts and malicious influence by third parties," said Osmani.


Interlocutors also discussed OSCE's support provided to Moldova. "Moldova remains high on the OSCE agenda, an aspect that I highlighted during my visit to the country earlier in the year, while providing strong support in the efforts to solve the situation in Transnistria," added Osmani.


President Pendarovski meets delegation of France's Parliamentary Friendship Group (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Wednesday with a delegation of France's Parliamentary Friendship Group, discussing the strengthening of bilateral cooperation between North Macedonia and France within the parliamentary dimension, as well as France's support of North Macedonia's EU integration process. Interlocutors noted the friendship and progress of mutual relations and France's efforts to open North Macedonia's accession negotiations with the EU, the President's Office said in a press release. They exchanged opinions and information about the EU membership negotiations, the current screening process, and the next phases that need to be implemented as part of the accession negotiations with the EU.


Spasovski – Predoiu: Continuing together for a safer Europe (MIA)


As part of his working visit to Bucharest, Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski met Wednesday with his Romanian counterpart, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Marian-Catalin Predoiu. According to a press release from the Interior Ministry, at the meeting, Minister Spasovski assessed the cooperation between the two ministries as fruitful and open, and voiced his conviction that it will continue to develop with increased intensity in the future as well.


Spasovski noted that the excellent cooperation is a reflection of the good relations between the two countries and affirmed the country’s commitments to their further deepening. The Minister also highlighted the common position of the two ministries in combating current security threats, maintaining peace, stability and security of the countries and their citizens. He highlighted the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC) in Bucharest as a key aspect of the cooperation between the two ministries. The Interior Minister also pointed to the Agreement between the governments of the two countries strengthening cooperation in the field of internal control and fight against corruption, as an indicator of the excellent bilateral cooperation.


“With the Agreement we sent a serious message regarding the tackling of corrupt behavior among police officers and organized crime groups. Joint cooperation between the two ministries has already been established within the frameworks of the Agreement, with training in the field of internal control and fight against corruption. Moreover, our cooperation was further strengthened with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two ministries on support and cooperation in the field of joint training,” said Spasovski.


According to the press release, The Romanian Interior Minister Marian-Catalin Predoiu highlighted the good cooperation between the two ministries, with the assurance that they will continue to support the country’s commitments on joint interests in the future. He noted he especially values the participation of the Macedonian representatives in SELEC. At the end of the meeting, Minister Spasovski extended an invitation to the Romanian Minister to visit North Macedonia, which was accepted by Predoiu.




Rama in Tel Aviv, visiting the company known for cyber security (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama travelled to Tel Aviv this Wednesday. The news was announced by the head of the government himself, where he announced that he visited the company known for cyber security, where he also met with its founder, Gil Shwed. "Tel Aviv - A very impressive visit to the CheckPoint company, a world leader in Cyber Security, where I had the privilege of meeting its founder, the legend of high technology in Israel, Gil Shwed", writes Rama on the Facebook social network.

Ambassador Kim: Justice reform and eradication of corruption, request of the USA! Proud of Albania's progress (Radio Tirana)


The American ambassador in Tirana, Yuri Kim, has stated that Albania has undertaken difficult reforms, especially in justice, which gave the country the opportunity to open negotiations with the EU. Kim stressed that justice reform and the eradication of corruption is not a moral issue, but a US request for Albania to be a stronger ally. "Determined to support Albania's progress and full integration. I am thankful that I served this country and got to know Albanians. As I finish the mission, I am grateful that I got to know this country, visit 61 municipalities and meet Albanians in all areas of life. Like every ambassador before me, I will try to do my part in democracy, defense and business.


Albania has undertaken difficult reforms, especially in justice, which enabled the country to open negotiations in the EU. Justice reform and the eradication of corruption is not a moral issue, but a US request for Albania to be a stronger ally," said Kim. The American ambassador in the speech held at the last conference in her position as American ambassador in our country, stated that the memorandum submitted in October 2020 for commercial cooperation between the USA and Albania, led to a series of American commercial investments in our country. And precisely these investments, said Kim, will enable Albania to increase supplies, diversify resources and become a center for energy distribution in the Western Balkan region. "While we have strengthened democracy, cooperation in the field of defense has reached new levels.


In 2021, Albania was the organizer of the Defender Union, which included 28,000 troops from 26 NATO allied and partner countries, which had never been held in Albania. Albania builds on the business of that event to welcome Defender 2023. For the first time in Albania, the American army is maintaining a constant presence in Albania. In 2022, the US special forces in Europe established in Albania the regional headquarters of the task force for the Balkans, and the US military in Europe deployed a brigade of security forces here in Albania.


It was impressive to see Albania's 2022 light infantry battalion group certified with NATO's combat readiness rating. You may remember that in October 2020 we signed a memorandum of understanding for economic cooperation between the two countries that led to a series of American commercial investments in Albania. These investments will enable Albania to increase supplies, diversify resources and become a center for the distribution of energy in the Western Balkan region", Ambassador Kim said.


Meeting on the implementation of the National Strategy for Migration (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Ministry of the Interior held a meeting of the Steering Group for the National Strategy for Migration, with the participation of the Deputy Ministers of the line ministries for Migration and the Inter-institutional Working Group. The meeting was presided by Deputy Minister of the Interior, Andi Mahila, It discussed the implementation of the National Migration Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2022, as well as presented the vision and a preliminary summary of the specific objectives of the new Strategy 2024-2030. The discussions between the members of the Steering Group, and the representatives of the Inter-institutional Working Group, included, among others, the need to review the legal basis for labor migration, social and integration services for foreigners in the Republic of Albania, unaccompanied minors, reintegration of returned migrants, the coordinating mechanism with the local government. Further issues discussed with the working group were the preliminary identification of the main strategic objectives, the methodology and the coordination of the work for the drafting of the National Migration Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2030, with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).