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Belgrade Media Report 23 June



Another Serb arrested; Office for KiM: Kurti shows that he does not want to ease the tensions (RTS)


Another Serb was arrested in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). The arrest was not coincidentally timed on the morning after the dialogue in Brussels, the Office for KiM assesses. This is the eighth arrest since the arrival of Albanian mayors in the municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo. Carriers with Serbian license plates are still waiting at administrative crossings. Pristina has allowed entry to those transporting foreign goods regardless of license plates, while goods from central Serbia still cannot enter the province.


The Office for KiM confirmed that members of Kurti's special police arrested Serb Nenad O. from Kosovska Mitrovica, just one day after the dialogue in Brussels, which is being sabotaged in every possible way by the Prime Minister of the Provisional institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, and despite the messages of the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, that Pristina must stop baseless and arbitrary arrests.


Nenad O., a utility company worker from Kosovska Mitrovica and father of four children, was arrested this morning when he was surrounded in a car wash by ROSU members, with automatic weapons pointed at them. "This arrest, which was not coincidentally timed on the morning after the dialogue in Brussels, clearly shows that Albin Kurti will not calm down the tensions in the north of KiM, he will not de-escalate, but he wants new crises and tensions on the ground," the statement said.


The arrested Serb will immediately be provided with a lawyer and legal assistance through the Office for KiM, and representatives of the international community were immediately informed of the new arrest. "Nenad is the eighth Serb who has been arrested since the outbreak of the crisis in the north of KiM, by which Kurti and his squads of violence want to break the resistance of the peaceful Serbian people in KiM and declare them criminals just because they offer peaceful and non-violent resistance to the terror of Pristina," he says in the statement and adds that it is evident that Kurti does not want dialogue or peace, but to arrest all Serbs and provoke conflicts and ignite not only the area of KiM, but also the entire region.


Serbian list: The institutional violence that Kurti carries out is unsustainable 

The Serbian list assessed that unfounded and arbitrary arrests are used as a method of persecuting all Serbs from KiM, in front of the eyes of the entire international community, which "by its silence gave Kurti space to deal with the Serbs as he likes". At the same time, the Serbian List demands from EULEX and KFOR, bearing in mind the intention to intimidate the Serbs in KiM, especially in the north, to deploy their forces as soon as possible and guarantee peace and security to all citizens, and thus prevent Kurti from provoking chaos that would lead the entire Balkans into conflict. "It is their duty and obligation to protect citizens, regardless of nationality, because the institutional violence carried out by Kurti is unbearable," the statement said.


The third day of protests in Gracanica due to the arrest of Dragisa Milenkovic 


Protests have been held in Gracanica for the third day due to the arrest of Dragisa Milenkovic from Kisnica, whom the authorities in Pristina are charging with an alleged war crime. A large number of people gathered today in front of the police station in Gracanica, and the citizens are demanding an end to the persecution and arrests of the Serbian people.


Borrell spoke with Kurti and Vucic in Brussels (RTS, N1)


A meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and EU Commissioner Josep Borrell and EU Special Envoy for Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak was held in Brussels. At a separate meeting, Borrell first spoke with Prime Minister of Pristina's Provisional Institutions, Albin Kurti, and then with Vucic. The EU's special envoy for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, also attended the meetings. The meeting between Borrell and Kurti started around 3:00 p.m. because Kurti was late, he arrived ten minutes before 3:00 p.m., N1 reported. The EEAS did not explicitly answer why the meeting was delayed.


Borrell wrote on Twitter, announcing the beginning of the meeting with Kurti, that today the goal is to find solutions for urgent de-escalation and how to move forward. "The situation in the north of Kosovo is still very tense. Today, the goal is to find solutions for immediate de-escalation and a way forward," he wrote.


President Aleksandar Vucic said, after meetings with Borrell and Lajcak, that he presented a report on the injuries of arrested Serbs who are not guilty of anything, and who are being prosecuted for hooliganism and terrorism. He says that he is primarily concerned about what is happening on the ground. As he says, the biggest problem for Serbia is the fact that Albin Kurti's regime continuously tries to either expel or arrest Serbs, scare them and keep them away from the hearth. "It doesn't matter which action is chosen, whether it is arrest, beating or inventing elections and giving legitimacy with the exit of a few percent of people, a ban on Serbian trucks. President Vucic says that for some of those arrested, even EULEX - NATO said that there was no reason why they were arrested. "I handed that to Borrell and Lajcak, in what physical condition these people are, who beat them, how they beat them brutally, like nowhere else in Europe, to the point that even one Albanian surgeon and doctor did not want to sign what he could to see, saying that only beasts could do that," added Vucic. "I want them to see what is being done and how people are persecuted just because they want to remain at their birthplace," said Vucic and called for the report to be shared with journalists. "We will continue to talk on a daily basis, because we believe that peace and stability are of crucial importance, but I also warned that the Serbs are in a very difficult position and do not want to suffer Kurti's terror in the way that they have been forced to put up with it until this moment," said Vucic.


"I listened to everything they had to tell us and understood their will to de-escalate the situation. I said that, as always, we will do everything to participate in that process," said Vucic. Vucic stated that at this moment he does not see any reason to talk with Kurti.


"I have always come to all talks, because I think dialogue is important and healing. At this moment, I don't see any reason to talk with a man who provokes every day and wants to cause a conflict because it is his fanatical ideology, I think, meeting him would only bring additional damage. I am always ready to talk with the EU representatives, and do everything we can, and what does not make sense will remain meaningless," said Vucic. He repeated that it is good when you can clarify something and that no harm can come from the meeting.


"Kosovo did not fall from the sky, it was created for a long time, for most countries the EU is an independent state, it is their child. We have to know that our position is extremely difficult, everything that applies to Ukraine does not apply to Serbia," said the president of Serbia. Vucic stated that Serbia is only looking for a normal relationship. "I can say that they did everything in their power, what will happen next depends much less on Borrell and us, but on those who are not interested in de-escalation. We have to find a solution to live together, but there are people who don't want that. In life, you cannot influence everything, something you can, something you can’t. We have to understand how important that is," said Vucic. "You can change something, something you can't. It's up to us to try, and those who don't understand, we can't do anything about it. It's always easy to accuse someone, but it's not easy to find a solution. And what we'll see tomorrow on the ground, it's hard to say,” Vucic said.


Asked if anyone currently has the key for solving the situation in KiM, to what Vucic replied that it doesn’t. "I'm afraid that everything has gone too far and I'm afraid that people didn't understand everything that I said two years and a year ago. Many people see that but they're still afraid of the main guardians of the cradle and disobedient teenagers. That's what the political problem is," said Vucic. "We must be with our people in KiM, but we must also respect international public law and the UN Charter and Resolution 1244, which they refer to when it suits them, and when it doesn't suit them, then who cares about Resolution 1244 and the UN Charter Vucic said.


He said that it is very difficult for him to address the Serbs in KiM. "What should I say to the wife of Dragisa Milenkovic, whom they arrested and about whom they invented everything? Do you think it is possible to gather so many people in Gracanica and Ranilug, and you know that they are in a completely Albanian environment, and for that many people to gather and protest? This means that they are afraid for their lives and for their children," Vucic points out. "I can only tell them that we are together with them and that I know how much more it is difficult for them than for us who live in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac and every other place in Serbia, that we will do our best to help them preserve peace and let's bring those people back home, to their families, children, wives, parents… to hold on bravely the way the Serbs in KiM have always held on," said Vucic.


Borrell: I told the leaders - de-escalation must happen immediately and unconditionally (Dnevnik)


The head of European diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, said last night that the EU was clear during talks with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Pristina's Provisional institutions, Albin Kurti, that de-escalation must happen immediately and unconditionally.


"For almost four weeks, we have been watching how, in my opinion, the situation in the north worsened unnecessarily. KFOR soldiers, journalists, citizens, were injured and we hear about incidents every day. This cannot continue, it is unacceptable. That is why I called Vucic and Kurti to come to Brussels for the crisis management meeting," Borrell said at the press conference. He said that he and EU Special Envoy for Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak spoke with both leaders and thanked them for coming to Brussels, in an attempt to find a solution for de-escalation.


"They need to return to the process, of the normalization of the relations. The EU was clear, decisive steps are needed, and the USA thinks the same. Unfortunately, we witnessed only the opposite. Lajcak and I spent four hours with Kurti and Vucic. They were separate meetings with the leaders, to try to find a way forward", noted the high representative.


He reiterated that the Pristina authorities must immediately stop the police actions near the municipalities in the north, and the mayors must perform their duties outside the municipal buildings, while Serbia must ensure that the demonstrators withdraw. When it comes to new elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Borrell believes that they should take place as soon as possible, as he said, "with the full participation" of all citizens.


"When the situation on the ground becomes normal, let's return to the dialogue. A few months ago, we reached an agreement on normalization, it seemed that we were on the right path to normalization. We need to return to the implementation of the agreement, and that means the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO)." Borrell pointed out.


He said that the EU is clear - thugs cannot go unpunished. There cannot be impunity. "But we must leave that to the judicial authorities, which task they must perform professionally. Today's meeting, above all, on how to calm the situation on the ground, how to organize new elections, how to return to dialogue, the road to normalization. After the four-hour meeting, both leaders understood the gravity of the situation, but they have different approaches, interpretations, and therefore solutions," Borrell said. He pointed out that he made concrete EU proposals and added that everyone agreed that new elections are needed in the north.


"Also, we talked about the arrests of citizens. Arbitrary arrests are unacceptable, our EULEX mission will monitor this process and play a more robust role in monitoring the situation. I asked for an assessment of some people who are imprisoned, so that it is thoroughly investigated. I told Vucic that the three Kosovo police officers must be released immediately, unconditionally. Both parties must fulfil their tasks," said Borrell. He said that Lajcak and he will be in close contact with both sides in the coming days, and that on Monday he will address the EU foreign affairs ministers about the current situation and where it is going.


Moscow: The West is escalating the situation in KiM, only a responsible approach by Belgrade allows peace to be maintained (RTS


The Speaker of the Upper House of the Russian Parliament, Valentina Matviyenko, announced that Western countries are escalating the situation in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) in order to increase pressure on the political leadership in Serbia, and that Belgrade's responsible approach allows for the maintenance of fragile peace.


"The Western countries are methodically, step by step, worsening the situation in the Autonomous Province of KiM in order to increase the pressure on the political leadership in Belgrade, force it to renounce its fundamental national interests, sacrifice friendly relations with fraternal Russia and other traditional partners," said Valentina Matviyenko in a statement published on the website of the Council of the Federation of Russia.


She added that the direct culprits for the "rampant anti-Serbian violence" in KiM are actually Washington and Brussels. "They accepted Albanian ultra-nationalists for years, and today, when blood is spilled, they only pretend to be peacekeepers," Matviyenko stated, saying that this exposes the complete failure of the West in the Balkans. According to her, the West, which claims to stand for democratic values and is the owner of the recipe for prosperity and development, is actually interested in subordinating the Balkans to its will and imperial interests.


"Meanwhile, the Albanian radicals in KiM are leading the way to a new dramatic conflict in the region, while the Americans, with the help of NATO and the weak-willed European Union, are energetically encouraging them," said Matviyenko. She stated that flirting with Pristina leads to an increase in the number of attacks on Serbs, further oppression of the Serbian Orthodox Church in KiM and the return of the practice of mass ethnic cleansing.


"Only a reasonable and responsible approach by official Belgrade and personally by President Aleksandar Vucic allows the maintenance of fragile peace, despite harsh pressures and threats from outside, attempts to encourage a protest movement in Serbia itself with the aim of destabilizing the country under false slogans, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty, destroying the unity of society and of introducing into a state of chaos," wrote the president of the Russian Federation Council. She added that Moscow fully supports the leadership of Serbia in preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, as well as firmly adhering to international legal foundations for the solution of the KiM problem. "In this difficult period, we lend a shoulder to our colleagues in the National Assembly and are ready to help in difficult times. We call on parliamentarians in the Balkans and in Europe, everyone who correctly understands the essence of what is happening in KiM, to defend justice and truth and to oppose oppression and aggression," concluded Matviyenko.


Grenell in North Mitrovica: Meeting with representatives of Serbs in KiM (Novosti)


Former special envoy of the United States of America for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenell, visited North Mitrovica today, where he met with representatives of the Serbian people from Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). The meeting is attended by the top leadership of the Serbian List, including president of the list Goran Rakic and vice-president Igor Simic, former mayor of Zvecani Municipality Dragisa Milovic, as well as directors of health and educational institutions from KiM. As they say in the Serbian List, the meeting with Grenell was not announced earlier for security reasons.


During the last crisis in the north of Kosovo, Grenell criticized the actions of the Kosovo authorities and Prime Minister Albin Kurti on several occasions due to their persistent refusal to respond to the demands of the US and the EU to de-escalate the situation. He also called on Kurti to withdraw the special police units from the municipal buildings in the north, for the newly elected mayors to work from alternative locations and for new elections to be held immediately with the full participation of Serbs.


Grenell, assessed today, after talking with representatives of the Serbs from KiM, that in order to de-escalate the situation in the north, the international community needs to listen to the Serbs and that American leadership is necessary in solving the situation. In his address to the journalists, Grenell thanked the 20 representatives of the Serbs for taking the time to convey to him the problems and what they were facing. “I am frustrated that there is no international community here. Why did the international community not come to listen to these people? Why aren't they here to see what the real problems are? You should listen to these people. I heard great concern” he said. Grenell expressed his belief that the international community will come and listen to the Serbs, because this is necessary in order to achieve progress. “For someone who is no longer in the American government, who follows the situation from the sidelines, it is frustrating to see how the situation has significantly worsened in the past three years. We were on the right track, focusing on economic normalization. I believe that the people of Kosovo, Serbs and Albanians, want peace, good jobs, that their children can stay and work, and have a good life. They are not asking for much” he emphasized.


Grenell pointed out that the policy of maneuvering must be stopped and concentrate on economic progress, in which he sees the solution. “I am asking the EU to concentrate on economic issues. I also invite the American government to come here and listen to the people. There is no substitute for American leadership, which we need now. I see a clear path for progress, for de-escalation, and it requires a few brave steps,” said Grenell.


He said that his interlocutors in North Mitrovica pointed out to him all the unilateral actions of Albin Kurti. “Only a few days ago, the international community focused on calling for an end to unilateral actions. A week ago, the US government drew a 'red line' and said what it had to do. We need such leadership” he emphasized.


The president of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic, said after the meeting that the Serbian people of the northern municipalities demand that the special units of ROSU be withdrawn and that the security vacuum be filled by EULEX and KFOR. The second request was that all Serbs who were arrested unjustifiably and without evidence be released and granted amnesty. We are not asking for the release of criminals accused of murder, sexual offenses, serious crimes, only that all those arrested who participated in the protests and were at the barricades, said Rakic, who thanked Grenell for coming and listening to the problems. Serbs. Rakic also stated that the request of the Serbs is for all fake mayors to resign and after that fair and free elections could be held. The condition of all conditions is the formation of the Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), he stated.


The former mayor of the Municipality of Zvecani, Dragisa Milovic, underlined that the crisis in the north of Kosovo was caused by the government of Albin Kurti, and not by the Serbs. He thanked Grenell for wanting to listen to the Serbs. “Grenell is the first man who came since the beginning of the crisis to listen to us and hear our problems. He heard that Serbs are being arrested, that special units are in the north, that our buildings are occupied, that our citizens cannot exercise their basic rights. He also heard that our rights to medical treatment are being denied, ambulance drivers are being arrested, that we cannot get oxygen. Our citizens are in an exceptional situation” Milovic explained. He pointed out that the situation at today's protest was compared to that of March 17, 2004. “We believe that the only way out of this situation is to withdraw the special police units from the north, for the mayors to leave the municipal buildings, and for our unjustly arrested citizens to be released. This is necessary so that we can start implementing what was agreed ten years ago in Brussels, which is the ZSO” emphasized Milovic.


Economy Minister: I am being dismissed for requesting sanctions against Russia (Danas)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has forwarded to the Serbian Parliament a proposal for the dismissal of Economy Minister Rade Basta, the Minister confirmed for Danas.

Basta said he spoke with Brnabic who told him that this was a request by the Socialist Party of Serbia-United Serbia coalition leaders, Ivica Dacic and Dragan “Palma” Markovic.

The Minister said his dismissal is sought because he had asked for Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia, reported Danas.


He explained that he has already said everything he has to say about his former political associates. “I have no intention of getting into their daily political mud,” said Basta in a written statement. He noted that he has always worked in the interest of the Serbian citizens, adding that he will continue to do so with his movement Serbia’s European Path. “With the tectonic changes taking place on the world geopolitical map, Serbia cannot remain a lonely island. Our only path, I am firmly convinced, is towards the European Union and Western values, above all the rule of law and the necessary strengthening of the system of institutions. Time, as the only adequate measure, will, as always, show whose ideas, programs and attitudes are correct,” said the Minister of Economy.


At the request of Dacic and Markovic, Minister Rade Basta was dismissed (B92)


Minister of Economy Rade Basta was dismissed from his position at the request of JS Dragan Markovic Palma and SPS Ivica Dacic. Markovic previously said that Basta is no longer a member of that party or a minister in the government. In the request that they sent to the Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, Dacic and Markovic also cited a press release in which they previously stated that Basta has a deadline to resign from all positions proposed by their coalition, which includes the position of Minister of Economy in the Government of Serbia.


Hill: Great to see Serbian and American forces working side by side (FoNet)


US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill said joint exercises like Platinum Wolf strengthen partnerships and help ensure peace and security around the world. Great to see Serbian and American forces working side by side and learning from one another. We are stronger together; Hill wrote on Twitter. The Platinum Wolf joint exercise is under way at the base South in the vicinity of Bujanovac, southern Serbia. Participating in the exercise are some 600 members of the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania, US, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.


Croatian PM Plenkovic arrived in Belgrade (B92)


The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, is meeting today with the Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, in the City Hall in Subotica. According to the Croatian media, Plenkovic arrived in Serbia shortly before 1:00 p.m. The start of the meeting is scheduled for 3:00 p.m., and after that, a meeting of the delegations of the two governments is planned at 3:15 p.m., the Government of Serbia announced. The meeting will be attended by the Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue Tomislav Zigmanov and the Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Hungarian PM Viktor Orban arrives in two-day visit to B&H; Kristo informs him of current situation in B&H (Nova BH)


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrived to an official two-day visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). On Thursday in Sarajevo, he met with top state officials as well as with the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister (Nermin Niksic). On late afternoon, he arrived to Banja Luka where he will attend meetings with top Republika Srpska (RS) officials. Upon his arrival to Sarajevo, Orban met with Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) Borjana Kristo.


During the meeting, Kristo informed Orban of the current situation in B&H, priorities in the work of institutions, but also unresolved issues that burden internal relations, like the limited constitutional and electoral changes. Kristo told a press conference that if this issue were to be resolved, then B&H and its institutions would function better and more efficiently. “We would create conditions for the rule of law, for respect of the human rights, for implementation of social and economic reforms, and for all that which is necessary and needed by all peoples and citizens that live in B&H”, Kristo emphasized.


During Thursday’s meeting, it was said that B&H and Hungary maintain friendly relations and have no open issues between them. Kristo and Orban spoke of B&H’s EU path, and the B&H CoM Chairwoman said that B&H CoM will focus its work on the obligations that the country assumed when receiving its candidate status. Kristo expressed gratitude to Hungary for always being supportive of B&H on this path, noting that the candidate status is something that has relaxed relations within B&H. “Besides all other topics, in a special way we emphasized our good economic cooperation”, Kristo added. Orban told members of the press that in a political and economic way, B&H and Hungary are neighbors, which is why his country follows things in B&H with great responsibility. He also said he is in awe of B&H politicians that are able to maintain one of the most complex political systems in the world.


He clearly underscored that Hungary is against restrictive measures. “We, Hungarians, do not support a policy that is based on sanctions. Sanction policies do not lead to results. In the long term, we see that it is good when more and more competencies are returned to the peoples that live here. A long-term solution does not lie in the presence of foreigners, but it lies in the cooperation of peoples that live in these parts”, Orban assessed. He said the EU needs B&H more than B&H needs the EU. Orban underlined that Hungary supports a swift accession of B&H to the EU. During Thursday, Orban also held meetings with members of the Collegium of both Houses of the B&H Parliament, and with members of the B&H Presidency.


B&H Presidency members thank Orban for support to EU Council’s decision to grant candidate status for B&H (Nezavisne)


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met with Chair of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and B&H Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic in Sarajevo on Thursday. Orban expressed full support to the EU integration of B&H and other Western Balkans countries. B&H Presidency members pointed out that cooperation of the two countries is friendly and intensive and has lasted for many years in all fields. B&H Presidency members thanked Orban for his support to the adoption of a decision of the EU Council to grant the candidate status for B&H and they informed Orban about activities that were undertaken in regional initiatives and cooperation with the Western Balkans countries with the goal to get closer to the EU. At the beginning of the meeting, Cvijanovic and B&H Presidency members expressed condolences to Orban because of the crash of a helicopter near Drnis, which took lives of two crew members from Hungary.


Becirovic told Orban that Dodik is a threat to the peace in the region (Hayat)


Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic told Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik is a threat to peace in the region and is violating the Dayton Peace Agreement. Becirovic also called on the EU to intervene, as a witness of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and the High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt to publicly answer the question if he is the HR for B&H or just the HR for Federation of B&H (FB&H).


Orban holds meeting with Niksic; Discuss strengthening of economic cooperation (FTV)


The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban held a meeting with the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Prime Minister Nermin Niksic. The focus of the meeting was on strengthening economic cooperation and the support for European perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). It was said that there is interest in cooperation in both directions, and that B&H companies will have the opportunity to promote themselves in Hungary.


Hungarian delegation led by Orban visits Banja Luka to meet RS officials (BHT, N1)


After visiting Sarajevo, Hungarian delegation led by Hungarian Prime Minister (PM) Viktor Orban travelled to Banja Luka on Thursday afternoon to meet representatives of authorities of Republika Srpska (RS).


N1 broadcast live part of the press conference of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and RS President Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka, which was held after the signing of an agreement on cooperation between the representatives of the RS and Hungary. “Today, European policy in relation to the Serbs is unworthy and unfair. We see signals of that in many places. I come across it in meetings of the Council of Europe,” Orban said. Orban emphasized that he remembers the period 30, 40 years ago when Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was economically more developed than Hungary. “If a man succeeds in climbing a mountain once, he will succeed the second time, and I believe that, because there are great opportunities here. You will by no means get stuck in this stagnation. Before you, before the RS and the entire Balkan region, there is a great perspective,” Orban said. Orban stressed that if one looks at the economic numbers, one will see that the development of the EU has stalled for several reasons and that there is no new dynamics and energy in the European economy. Orban pointed out that he believes that today, the EU economy needs B&H and the RS, not the other way around. “If I can show a little selfishness - the most important thing for you is to be successful, but it also matters to us. We all know that if you have a plot, the value of your plot is also increased by your neighbor. That is why we are interested in our neighbor to be organized, successful and happy B&H and the RS. That increases the value of the region, but also of Hungary,” Orban underlined.


Speaking about how much Hungary’s support means to him, Dodik said that it is unusual for someone coming from an EU member state to offer partnership, equality in relations, talks, and approaches without being arrogant and dictating. “This is a big visit from a friend. These attitudes are not differentiated in such a way that Bosniaks or Croats are placed in a subordinate position in B&H. This is an offer to everyone who wants to cooperate, and that is how I understand the stay of Prime Minister Orban and his delegation here in B&H. An offer to everyone, both Bosniaks and Croats, an offer for projects as well as for political dialogue,” Dodik said. Dodik stressed that the world today is far different than it was only ten years ago. “We heard from one of the leaders of the EU that the EU is at a standstill, and we are supposed to build our procedures and move towards the EU. I was happy to hear today that we should already be a member of the EU and model ourselves there through legislation and everything else we need to do. However, it is obvious that there is a part of bureaucracy that wants to retain their privileges in endless processes in which they are suffocating and almost preventing fast progress and both Europe and everyone in these areas needs fast progress,” Dodik said. Dodik pointed out that the RS is a community of peace. “We do not want to threaten peace, but we want stability, security for everyone, but we are not those who will easily give up the political struggle for our status and our rights obtained by the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement. In this regard, we are ready to deal with all challenges very heartily and to listen to friends and others and weigh them in the right way,” Dodik concluded.


Orban openly spoke of the attitude of the EU towards the countries of the Western Balkans, and he openly criticized it. Orban stressed that Hungary advocates the European path of B&H, noting that Europe needs B&H more than B&H needs Europe. “We Hungarians see the battles you are fighting. We see the discussions that the RS is conducting within B&H. I believe that we understand these discussions. We are also a fighting nation, and we know how much energy, time and attention it takes. So, we know that these battles cannot be avoided, they must be fought. The nature of those battles is that they keep a man down, because it is a battle on the ground, and you have to fight that battle. We Hungarians can help you to have another dimension above the level of everyday battles - development, economic cooperation, strengthening, enrichment, so the dimension of big things, because it is not good if one gets stuck in daily battles,” Orban said. Orban emphasized that Hungary is a strong country again and the Hungarian economy is strong and wants to be a reliable partner for the RS. Orban, who is on a two-day visit to the RS, will hold more meetings with the RS leadership on Friday.


Cvijanovic announces veto on regional agreements on free movement after being outvoted in B&H Presidency regarding foreign policy (ATV)


After being outvoted in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency in relation to foreign policy, Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic announced she will invoke veto on adoption of several agreements, noting she believes she will have support from the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) (Note: Not stated when the statement was given). ATV reports that the agreements envisage free movement with IDs, recognition of degrees and free trade in the Western Balkans, and Cvijanovic said she has nothing against regional connection, but Kosovo, on the brink of conflict, should not be a part of such arrangement. Addressing the media, Cvijanovic said: “In other circumstances it would not be an issue, I presume. But, in the current circumstances, I feel moral obligation to the people there who are suffering the most today, when it comes to the entire Western Balkans, to show my solidarity with them and say: Those who are doing this to you do not deserve the same benefits as everyone else. When better times come, when the regime there starts to behave, then we will address these issues in a rational manner. In principle, I am always for it, but now I am showing my solidarity with the people, who are being persecuted, Serbs, and who are being harassed”.


RTRS carries that two Sarajevo representatives, Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic, in the wake of ethnically motivated attacks on Serbs in Kosovo, have tried to reward “self-proclaimed” Kosovo with benefits regarding additional liberalization of the movement of people and goods and mutual recognition of professional qualifications in higher education. At the same time, as RTRS stressed, Becirovic and Komsic silently ignored the fact that B&H did not recognize the self-proclamation of the southern Serbian province. RTRS noted that Cvijanovic has stopped all of this and announced a veto before the RS National Assembly (RSNA) where she expects the support of the MPs. “In such circumstances where Serbs are devalued, where they are literally mistreated, where illegitimate representatives of local authorities, i.e. mayors, are imposed, what kind of person would I be if, in such circumstances, I said that a regime such as Kurti's regime deserves to have all these benefits? That would be an insult to all the Serbs who have already been insulted enough, trampled on enough, humiliated enough,” Cvijanovic underlined.


Dodik: Cvijanovic’s veto is responsible move; Other comments (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic’s decision to invoke veto to defend the RS’ positions is a responsible move. “Some in Sarajevo will try to reduce it only to a story about Zeljka Cvijanovic, but she is responsible, and she has referred the veto to the Parliament RS National Assembly (RSNA) that is the final place for decisions”, Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik stated that this is not a personal whim of Zeljka Cvijanovic, but a responsible move in connection with the defense of the positions of the RS. “This is something that is continuity unlike some who came before us who never wanted to do it, and that is why we lost a lot of things. The RSNA is the final place of decision. It is a phenomenal thing that we have at our disposal,” Dodik underlined. Cvijanovic expects at least two-thirds support for her veto in the RSNA, and RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic expects her to receive it. “It was seen at the last two sessions of the RSNA on the issue of OHR and on the issue of Kosovo that there is a large number of MPs who have national consciousness and the need to understand national politics, and of course I start from the fact that B&H did not recognize Kosovo and that Becirovic and Komsic thereby violated vital principles that rule in B&H,” Stevandic underlined. Political analysts stressed that individually and together, Becirovic and Komsic have already piled up fruitless resolutions, failed regressive initiatives and unfulfilled wishes, noting that their latest initiative will not experience a better fate, but it will leave B&H in the continuity of disagreements and tensions and the bitter taste of Sarajevo's constant attempts to trample Serb national interests.


Dodik: RSNA’s decision on non-publication of HR’s documents shows RS’ determination to defend its rights as well as the unity of authorities and opposition (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said the decision of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) on non-publication of the High Representative’s documents is important, because it shows the RS’ determination to defend its rights as well as the unity of the authorities and the opposition. Dodik also said that as soon as the law is referred for signing, he will “sign a decree on entry in force” and send it to the Official Gazette of the RS for publication. “If something happens in the meantime from Christian Schmidt, it will not be published because our people do not have that obligation, and we will find a way to protect them”, Dodik was quoted as saying. Representatives of the RSNA adopted, in an urgent procedure, the Proposal of the Law on Changes to the Law on Publishing of Laws and Other Regulations of the RS. The adoption of this law disabled publishing of decisions of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and, as the RSNA stated, “illegitimately appointed Christian Schmidt”, in the Official Gazette of the RS.


Dodik: If B&H CC fails to change its latest decision by noon Friday, RSNA session will be scheduled same day to adopt law on termination of validity and publication of the B&H CC’s decision and on protection of persons who may be prosecuted for that (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said in case the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court (CC) fails to change its latest decision by noon Friday, the same day the RS National Assembly (RSNA) session will be scheduled to adopt a law on termination of validity and publication of the B&H CC’s decision and on protection of persons who may be prosecuted for that. Dodik noted that “this is not anti-Dayton behavior, instead the RS wants to bring back things to the Dayton (Peace Agreement) and the (B&H) Constitution”.


ATV reminds that Dodik said that the B&H CC should reverse by noon on Friday its decision to amend its Rules enabling holding plenary sessions without judges appointed by RSNA. In April, RSNA adopted a conclusion calling on the B&H CC judges from the ranks of the Serb people to resign over “anti-Dayton and unconstitutional’’ activities of the B&H CC, that “culminated with decisions on state property”. Following this, B&H CC Vice President Zlatko Knezevic informed RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic he would request early retirement, after which the B&H CC amended its Rules “which is unconstitutional”.


Dodik announced that if the B&H CC does not cancel its last controversial decision, the RSNA will pass a law on the termination of validity and publication of the decisions of that court in the RS and the protection of persons who will be persecuted because of it. “We will pass that law very quickly, without any problems, maybe as early as Tuesday,” Dodik said.


Representatives of the RS stated that one could no longer remain silent to such a radical attack on the Dayton Agreement, the Constitution of B&H and the RS. Although the deadline set by the authorities of the RS expires at noon Friday, RTRS unofficially learned that the judges of the B&H CC are not even considering withdrawing the decision to delete Article 39 of its Rules, which opened the way to holding plenary sessions of the B&H CC without the presence of Serb judges.


Dodik pointed out that the RS cannot accept that its fate is determined by SDA personnel dressed in judicial robes, just as it is foolish to expect it to accept Christian Schmidt as High Representative. RTRS stressed that with the latest decision of three foreign, two Bosniak and one Croat judge, the B&H CC overturned the basic, constitutional postulate of organization and decision-making in joint institutions, which implies the voice of the entities. RTRS pointed out that the RS remained completely unprotected and B&H was brought to the edge of the abyss.


Becirovic asks Schmidt to sanction Dodik for continuous anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional activities (Nova BH)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Denis Becirovic called on the High Representative in B&H (Christian Schmidt) to finally sanction Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik for his continuous anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional activities, which can have far-reaching and very serious consequences not only for the democratic development of B&H, but also for the peace process in B&H and beyond. Becirovic called on the Prosecutor's Office of B&H to raise the issue of Milorad Dodik's criminal responsibility within its jurisdiction. He called on the European Union to urgently impose sanctions on Dodik. Becirovic also called on the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to investigate criminal responsibility of Dodik due to the crime against integrity of B&H, i.e. attack on the constitutional order from the Article 156 of the B&H Criminal Code. Becirovic also called on the international community to stop Dodik before he threatens the peace. “I invite the High Representative in B&H to publicly answer whether he is operating on the territory of the state of B&H or whether he is the High Representative for the B&H entity of the FB&H.


Cvijanovic: It is high time for Becirovic to stop endangering BiH and undermining internal dialogue (ATV)


Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that that it is high time for B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic to stop endangering and breaking down B&H and undermining the possibility of internal dialogue. ATV reports that Cvijanovic reacted to Becirovic calling on the international community (IC) to stop Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik before he endangers peace. “Unfortunately, Becirovic prefers to knock on foreigners’ doors, instead of opening the doors of domestic institutions for mutual talks”, Cvijanovic was quoted as saying.  Cvijanovic told Becirovic to stop destroying B&H and the possibility for internal dialogue. “Instead of calling for foreign interventionism and some kind of sanctions, it would be politically responsible to see what we can all do together in BiH to create a better future for its peoples. Unfortunately, Becirovic prefers to knock on the doors of foreigners instead of opening the doors of domestic institutions for mutual talks,” Cvijanovic was quoted as saying.


Dodik: Becirovic should resign for moral and political reasons (Glas Srpske)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said it would be natural if Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, Denis Becirovic, were to resign for moral and political reasons because, although he is a member of the collective body that represents B&H, he is begging other, unelected nationals of other states to lead B&H. Commenting on Becirovic’s latest decision, Dodik noted that this Bosniak politician has called the international community (IC) many times to react, and that is precisely why the RS called for constitutionality and legality, and reminded the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H what its role in B&H is. Dodik says Becirovic is “brutally violating the integrity and sovereignty of B&H”, which he so often calls upon, by seeking from the IC that Dodik’s political work be stopped. When a politician makes such public pleas, then he should immediately offer his resignation, Dodik concludes.


SDA calls out Office of the High Representative over lack of concrete reaction to decisions of RS National Assembly (FTV)


The SDA made a statement after the last anti-Dayton moves of the authorities in Republika Srpska (RS). SDA called out the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the witnesses of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). SDA’s statement reads: “With the absence of a concrete reaction to the unconstitutional decisions of the RS National Assembly, the High Representative and witnesses of the DPA become accomplices in the attack on the constitutional and legal order of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), the direct demolition of the agreement and the undermining of stability. The amendments to the Law on the Publication of Laws and other regulations of the RS, which abolish the obligation to publish acts passed by the High Representative, and the conclusions related to the Constitutional Court of B&H, represent the direct and so far, most serious attack by the RS authorities on the DPA”. “Amendments to the Law on the Publication of Laws and other Regulation of RS, which abolish the obligation to publish acts passed by the High Representative and the conclusions related to the B&H Constitutional Court, represent a direct and so far, the most serious attack by the RS authorities on the Dayton Peace Agreement. With mild reactions in the form of a press release or even the silence we witness after the last session of RSNA, the HR and the witnesses to the Dayton Peace Agreement not only fail to fulfil their obligations but become complicit in the violation of the international agreement, which can lead to a dramatic destabilization of the situation in B&H and the region,” reads SDA statement.


US Embassy in B&H says that latest statements and actions of RS President Milorad Dodik are hypocritical and contribute to destabilization (N1)


The US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) commented on the latest statements and actions of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, saying that they are "hypocritical and contribute to destabilization". “Serbs are an integral part of a multi-ethnic B&H and have a crucial role to play in shaping the country’s institutions and future. This is enshrined in the Dayton Peace Agreement, which Milorad Dodik is actively seeking to undermine by, among other things, trying to prevent Serbs from participating in state-level decision-making. Dodik blockades state-level decision-making, he refuses to participate in state-level processes, and he pressures officials to withdraw from state-level institutions. He then complains that Serbs are not part of the decision-making process. This is hypocritical and destabilizing. Mr. Dodik has a choice – he can either help constructively shape B&H’s future, or he can continue to block progress for the people of the RS. The people of the RS deserve a better future for themselves and their families,” the US Embassy in B&H said in a statement.


UK Embassy accuses RS authorities of undermining Dayton Peace Agreement and integrity of B&H (


The UK Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement regarding the latest actions of the ruling coalition in Republika Srpska (RS), i.e. adoption of legislation eliminating obligation to publish decisions of High Representative in the RS Official Gazette, as well as adoption of conclusions on work of B&H Constitutional Court. “It is clear that the ruling coalition of the RS is focused on undermining the integrity of B&H. The leadership of the RS is distracting the public through political theatre, instead of engaging in hard work aimed at improving services and justice for citizens," the UK Embassy stated. The Embassy further pointed out that the latest moves with the intention of decapacitating the Constitutional Court of B&H do not lead to greater representation of citizens in the RS. "Quite the opposite. The leadership of the RS deliberately tried to disable the functionality and impartiality of the Court, refused to appoint a judge from the RS and repeatedly put the appointed judges under political pressure. The steps taken by the Court to ensure its functionality despite these blockages are a necessary and direct result of the activities of the RS National Assembly," the UK Embassy emphasized. The UK Embassy also stated that the vote in the RS National Assembly to stop publishing of decisions of the High Representative in the RS Official Gazette represents a direct violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement which obliges all signatories to fully cooperate with the High Representative “This vote has no legal weight. The legal framework of B&H stipulates that all decisions of the High Representative are binding”, the Embassy concluded.


Office of RS President says US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and US Embassy in B&H are undermining B&H and Dayton Agreement (RTRS)


Commenting the recent statement of the US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in which the US Embassy stated that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik is undermining the Dayton Agreement, the Office of the RS President stated on Thursday that if it were not regrettable, this claim would be ridiculous considering the fact that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and the US Embassy in B&H are the ones who are undermining B&H and the Dayton Agreement. “The RS and its authorities are the ones who are maximally committed to the letter and not the spirit of Dayton. One gets the impression that (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic personally writes the statements to the employees of the US Embassy, because only from him and his father Alija could we hear stories and colourful lies about the alleged multiethnicity, which does not exist in practice in the Federation of B&H (FB&H),” the Office of the RS President stated, and added: “The public knows very well that Milorad Dodik only represents the RS and his people who elected him in the elections and will never allow Murphy and those like him to destroy and disempower the RS.” The Office of the RS President emphasized that this is why Dodik is a nuisance for “the Muslim political Sarajevo and the US Embassy.” “If anyone or anything is a destabilizing factor in B&H, then it is Murphy and the US Embassy in Sarajevo, whose statements are so hypocritical that it is unnecessary to comment on them. If it was not sad, it would be funny, given the fact that Murphy and the US Embassy are exactly the ones who undermine B&H and the DPA,” Dodik’s Office stated.


B&H Presidency member Cvijanovic blocks participation of B&H FS in new NATO mission in Iraq, RS President Dodik says B&H will no longer cooperate with NATO (Oslobodjenje)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic voted against the decision on participation of B&H Armed Forces (B&H AF) in the new NATO mission in Iraq. Since all decisions on deployment of B&H AF must be passed unanimously, B&H AF will not be participating in the mission “We have the agreement to participate in all missions related to the EU and UN. This is about a classic NATO mission and due to certain political connotations and disagreements, I believe that the time is not right, and conditions have not been met to send people to such missions”, said Cvijanovic. Expectedly, Cvijanovic’s stance was supported by SNSD leader and Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik who said that the RS does not wish to cooperate with NATO because such cooperation is being abused by “Muslims who constantly claim that B&H is on the NATO path”. “Well, now you will see that it is not, and this is how this issue will be dealt with”, said Dodik.


The daily reminds that B&H AF already participated in missions in Iraq in period from2006 to 2008. This new mission is a training mission launched upon request of Iraqi authorities in order to strengthen the defense capacities of Iraqi military forces. B&H requested participation in the mission with approval of B&H Ministry of Defense. NATO approved, but the procedure has now been stopped by Cvijanovic. B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Aleksandar Goganovic stated that Cvijanovic used her constitutional right to oppose deployment of B&H AF in Iraq. “B&H will not suffer any sanctions because of this, because there is simply no need for something like that. B&H AF will continue cooperating with all our allies, while at the same time developing our own capacities in line with our possibilities. I believe that sanctions belong to the past and they do not contribute to development of democracy in B&H”, said Goganovic. The daily notes that Dodik claims that B&H will not cooperate with NATO, while Goganovic says that B&H will continue cooperating with all allies, and underlines that NATO is B&H’s most important ally in terms of defense.




Plenkovic to visit Serbia for the first time in his prime ministerial mandate (Hina)


Today, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic is visiting Serbia for the first time in his mandate, the only neighboring country that he did not visit as prime minister. He will open the Croatian Home in Subotica, one of the signs that the strained relations between the two countries have recently taken an upward path. He is coming to Subotica at the invitation of the President of the Croatian National Council (HNV) Jasna Vojnic and the President of the Democratic Union of Croats in Vojvodina (DSHV) Tomislav Zigmanov, who is also the Minister for Human and Minority Rights of Serbia. It was after the appointment of Zigmanov to the post of minister in October 2022 that the relations between Zagreb and Belgrade took a more positive direction.


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, with whom Plenkovic will meet bilaterally, will also be present at the opening of the headquarters of the Croatian minority in Serbia, Hrvatski dom - Matica in Subotica, the construction of which was fully financed by the Croatian government with 1.8 million euros. Plenkovic, who said last week that he would not meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic during his visit to Serbia, announced that he would talk with Brnabic "about all topics of bilateral relations". This means that the agenda should include the positions of minorities, economic, economic and transport cooperation, Serbia's European path, but probably also the issue of missing persons and the prosecution of war crimes.


Relations between Croatia and Serbia are on the rise, but they have not yet reached the level for the meeting between Plenkovic and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs hinted this week that there is no need for that at the moment because that meeting would be an end in itself. "It is not a problem to meet, the prime minister met with Vucic on the sidelines in Davos, but we are talking about a substantive meeting that will result in some serious agreement, not just to drink coffee." Croatia wants to resolve open issues with Serbia, above all the issue of 1,812 missing persons. "It is our human, professional and patriotic obligation," said FM Grlic Radman. Also, he continued, "the Serbian minority in Croatia has its place in the Parliament, in the coalition government, we expect reciprocity, that the Croats have their own representative in the parliament, both provincial and national." "Plenkovic is the prime minister, Vucic is the president of the country, there are lower levels that should lead to the moment that this meeting is justified, when serious topics are ripe for final discussion," he said.




Stoltenberg: NATO in Kosovo impartial, presence based on UN mandate (N1)


Following his meeting with Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said it is important that the tensions in Kosovo are reduced, that this is a task and responsibility for both parties and that NATO “welcomes the efforts within the framework of the European Union (EU)-facilitated dialogue to reduce tensions.” “We have also increased our presence over KFOR troops in Kosovo as a reflection of the heightened tensions we have seen over the last weeks. What NATO does in Kosovo is impartial, based on the UN mandate, and our presence there is to ensure the free movement of all communities. So, we call on both parties to engage in good faith in the dialogue and to refrain from unilateral actions that can further escalate the situation in Kosovo,” said Stoltenberg.


Montenegrin President Milatovic said his country is committed to dialogue and is calling for the de-escalation of the tensions. “I’m very happy to see that the leaders of Serbia and of Kosovo are today meeting in Brussels under the umbrella of the EU dialogue. I think that the stability and prosperity of our region is important. Montenegro has shown to be a place committed to the dialogue. I think that’s particularly important: to have the dialogue in good faith and to really aim to sort out the issues and the tensions so that the whole region can go back to stability and prosperity,” said Milatovic.


Stoltenberg said he was certain the Montenegrin government would remain committed to shared values and ensure that Montenegro remains NATO’s ally. He said Milatovic’s second visit to NATO demonstrates his strong personal commitment to the Transatlantic Alliance, but also Montenegro’s strong commitment to NATO values.


Asked to comment on the formation of the new Montenegrin government, Stoltenberg said it was important for democratically elected institutions in Montenegro to decide on the kind of government they want. “I think it’s extremely important that it is the democratically elected institutions, the Parliament of Montenegro that decides what kind of government Montenegro will have, not NATO… I’m absolutely confident that also a new government, in Podgorica, in Montenegro, will be committed to uphold our shared values and to continue to be, to ensure that Montenegro will continue to be a committed NATO Ally,” said Stoltenberg.


Montenegro’s Milatovic said he expects the country to get a pro-European and pro-reform-oriented government, which will provide even more strength to the foreign policy goals of Montenegro. “This is credibility of our NATO membership, speedier EU accession and good neighborly relations with other countries of the Western Balkans;” stressed Milatovic.


Stoltenberg said Montenegro is a valued Ally, making many contributions to shared security by taking part in many NATO missions. He added that Montenegro plays a key role in the Western Balkans, where it promotes stability and peace. “You provide troops to KFOR, our peace-keeping mission in Kosovo. This is even more important now, at times of heightened tensions. NATO’s commitment to KFOR and our United Nations mandate is unwavering. KFOR will continue to act impartially,” said Stoltenberg.


Milatovic invited Stoltenberg to Montenegro: An opportunity to honor the innocent victims of 1999 (CDM)


The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, met with the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. Milatovic invited the Secretary General of NATO to an official visit to Montenegro, stressing that the visit "could be an opportunity to jointly honor the innocent victims of 1999."


Milatovic said that the leadership and political commitment of the Secretary General in these challenging times are more valuable than ever, Milatovic's Cabinet announced. "The meeting we had today is another proof of the message I want to emphasize, that Montenegro was, is and will be a credible member of the Alliance. I believe that the political changes that have taken place in our country will also speed up the process of European integration through the improvement of the rule of law, which will ultimately mean the democratic maturation of the country and, therefore, the improvement of the credibility of our membership in NATO," said Milatovic.


He said that Montenegro shares the values of the Alliance and dedicatedly supports Ukraine's fight for freedom. He also pointed out that Montenegro is committed to contributing to the stability of the Western Balkans, as a region of strategic importance for NATO.


"Montenegro supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under the auspices of the European Union in order to de-escalate tensions. "The normalization of relations is the basis of a democratic, stable and prosperous Western Balkans as an integral part of the European Union," announced Milatovic.


He reminded that on the sixth anniversary of its membership in the Alliance, Montenegro fulfilled the obligation from Wales, a year earlier than planned, and already this year allocates two percent of GDP for defense. The meeting between the two officials was held ahead of the NATO Summit in Lithuania in July, which is important for the Alliance's future, and Milatovic, who will lead the Montenegrin delegation at the upcoming summit, expressed our country's strong support for the Alliance's unity. Milatovic invited the Secretary General of NATO to an official visit to Montenegro, as an additional confirmation of the alliance. Among other things, Milatovic pointed out that the visit could be an opportunity to jointly honor the innocent victims of 1999.


Stoltenberg thanks Djukanovic for his commitment to NATO (CDM)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg sent a letter to the former President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, in which, after the end of his term as President, he expressed his gratitude for his commitment to the NATO Alliance.


“Dear Milo, after the end of your mandate as President of Montenegro, I want to express my gratitude for your commitment to the NATO Alliance,” Stoltenberg said. According to him, he especially wants to praise the strong leadership that Djukanovic showed during the negotiations leading to Montenegro’s membership in NATO. “During your term, the challenges for the security of the Euro-Atlantic region have increased significantly, especially since the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Montenegro plays its part in our collective response to these challenges through contributions to our missions and operations. I am particularly grateful for your government’s support for the ongoing adjustments of the NATO Alliance and for the gradual progress towards meeting NATO’s defense allocation guidelines during your tenure. I wish you every success in your future work”, reads Stoltenberg’s letter, including thanks for the long-term friendship and cooperation.


Milatovic: We are ready to complete the necessary reforms, we expect progress on the European path (CDM)


We are ready to complete the necessary reforms and expect significant progress on the European path in the coming period, said the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, during the meeting in Brussels with the Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander de Croo.


The main topic of the conversation, as announced by the President's Information Service, was the acceleration of the European integration of Montenegro and the help of Belgium on that path. Milatovic, as stated, thanked Prime Minister De Cro for the continuous support that Belgium has been providing to our country since the very beginning of the reform and integration processes and reminded that "Montenegro just received candidate status during the Belgian presidency in 2010."


"Given that Belgium will take over the Presidency of the Council of the EU in the first half of 2024, I believe that enlargement policy will be high on the agenda of the Belgian Presidency. "Montenegro is the only candidate country that has opened all negotiation chapters, we are ready to complete the necessary reforms and expect significant progress on the European path in the coming period," said Milatovic.


He told the Prime Minister of Belgium that the democratic changes in the country, which culminated in the presidential elections in April, "showed that there is a political will to bring the European integration process to an end." "We are committed to accelerating reforms on the way to the EU. In this context, I believe that it is necessary that, after the constitution, the Parliament ratifies the agreements that are part of the Berlin process as well as to vote on the appointments in the judiciary, regarding which I have already started an internal dialogue with political subjects in the country, which I will continue very soon", he said. is president Milatovic.


He also pointed to the excellent cooperation and strong alliance of the two countries within NATO and said that "Montenegro remains fully committed to the Alliance through participation in missions, operations and military exercises." The two officials reminded of the friendly relations that Montenegro continuously nurtures with Belgium, and the determination to build even stronger interstate relations on those foundations in the time ahead, primarily through the intensification of economic cooperation, was noted during the meeting. The President's Office notes that the visit to Brussels is the first in a series of European capitals that President Milatovic will visit in the coming period as part of increased diplomatic activity with the aim of promoting our country and speeding up its accession to the European Union.


Rising Reinke: Form the government as soon as possible,” For the future of Montenegro” is not our partner (CDM)


The US ambassador to Montenegro, Judy Rising Reinke, said in an interview for the Voice of America that the US expects the formation of the Government of Montenegro as soon as possible, which will be inclusive and committed to Euro-Atlantic values and reforms. Rising Reinke also stated that the coalition "For the Future of Montenegro" (ZBCG) is not perceived as a partner in Washington.  At the same time, she rejected the statements of the leaders of ZBCG, who previously led the Democratic Front, that such an attitude of America represents interference in the electoral will of the citizens and the sovereignty of Montenegro, evaluating them as "provocative" and "unfounded". The American ambassador also warned about the problem of foreign influence and misinformation in Montenegro and said that she expects the new government to continue supporting Ukraine.


Voice of America: How do you evaluate the recent parliamentary elections in Montenegro, from the election campaign and low response to their outcome, in the context of national and regional stability and the country's path to the EU?


Rising Reinke: I can say that we are very satisfied that the democratic process worked very clearly, and the results of both the previous presidential elections and the last parliamentary elections were deemed credible and legitimate, and that is a really good start. And now, of course, the challenge is to form a government, and that will be done. Therefore, we are very pleased that Montenegro now has the opportunity not only to overcome the recent era of instability, but also to potentially speed up the path towards its goals, primarily here I mean the efforts to achieve membership in the European Union. And also, to achieve broad-based prosperity in the country, while at the same time dealing with domestic plans. So, the real answer is that the USA is really proud that Montenegro is on a strong path towards Europe.


Voice of America: Domestic analysts see negotiations on a new government as a difficult task, because we have a situation where the winners of the elections from the Movement Europe are now refusing talks with two pro-European lists, DPS and URA, but not with the coalition "For the Future of Montenegro" which is, again, an unacceptable partner for some minority parties. Do you agree with such analyzes and who do you expect in the new government?


Rising Reinke: That is a difficult question, the first one was easy, but this is difficult, because it is difficult to form a government. I would not venture to predict what the government will look like, but I know that this is the most important issue facing those who have recently won seats in the new parliament... I think the goal now is to form a government as quickly as possible and to ensure that it clearly it reflects the mandate given by the people of Montenegro - you mentioned low turnout - but still a clear mandate of what the people of Montenegro want.


At this point I cannot say who the political leaders might involve in formal and informal talks, but I can say that the US hopes and fully expects that this will be a government that reflects the Euro-Atlantic values that the leading parties have espoused, and I would assume that to be inclusive in that process so that when the eventual majority takes its seat in parliament, they can move quickly on reforms for the EU.


At this point, it is important that several key benchmarks for EU accession are achieved, which require more than a majority – a qualified majority, in order to achieve this. It can be done. That doesn't mean everyone has to be in government, but it does mean that it needs to be a stable government, and then the opposition needs to be constructive and recognize their role in helping the whole country move forward. Any backsliding is not useful right now. What really needs to be done is a strong forward momentum.


Voice of America: After the election, did you meet with any of the political leaders to discuss the future government?


Rising Reinke: My team and I meet regularly with all political figures and that is a natural part of the ambassador's job. So, I met many different people, both in a public environment and in several private conversations, to hear their opinion, because my goal is to understand Montenegro and convince political actors that we will support any government that is clearly based on European values and shares our ideals.


Voice of America: Did they, for example, meet with Mr. Milojko Spajic (now the leader of Europe)?


Rising Reinke: I don't know if I have met him since the recent parliamentary elections, but I have met him since the time he was the Minister of Finance, and occasionally in the last couple of years. It is part of my job, and I am glad that I have the opportunity to know so many influential political leaders and to understand the goals of Montenegro.


Voice of America: Has the US position on undesirable partners changed since the time when the former Democratic Front was a non-grata partner for the US, and how do you comment on their position that the US interferes in the election process and sovereignty of Montenegro with such messages?


Rising Reinke: You are talking specifically about the former Democratic Front, now the "For the Future of Montenegro" coalition, which does not share our European values, the goals that we as the USA have clearly outlined. We do not see them as partners. And as for their comments about interference… I've seen all kinds of more worrisome interference in terms of some malign influences that are more worrisome. I reject those comments as perhaps provocative, but unfounded in any concrete fact.


Concerned about foreign influence, continue support for Ukraine


Voice of America: How do you see the situation in Montenegro when it comes to foreign influence on elections and political events, and what attitude do you expect from the new government when it comes to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and sanctions against Russia?


Rising Reinke: I started talking about foreign influence and that is something that really worries us because there is evidence of that influence in different ways. There is disinformation, some of which originates from Russia or its proxies. And we've seen in this latest election that different narratives are emerging to distract voters. Voters really need to know the truth. They have to be well media savvy to be able to discern the facts. They must know which political parties they are, what they stand for, what programs and solutions they offer, who their leaders are and what their principles are.


Montenegro really has to come to grips with foreign influence. It must strengthen resistance to disinformation. I am concerned, because my country is also facing various forms of misinformation, like most countries in the world. However, for Montenegro, which has just held successful elections, I think the next step is to build resilience so that these trends do not occur in the future.


Voice of America: And what do you expect from the new government regarding the Russian war in Ukraine and Western sanctions against Russia?


Rising Reinke: There are a number of issues related to the most serious security problem facing the whole of Europe, including Montenegro, which is the destabilizing war caused by Russian aggression against Ukraine. An unprovoked and brutal war continues. I would expect the new government to continue the existing, very effective measures, which is to support Ukraine in its struggle for territorial integrity and sovereignty. The Montenegrin government provided direct, material support, but more importantly, it showed its humanitarian nature, its generosity, by accepting so many Ukrainian refugees. That was extraordinary. I applaud Montenegro for that and hope that the new government will continue to strongly support Ukraine in all these different ways.


Voice of America: What does the US expect from the new government when it comes to the security sector and what steps should it take to avoid a new institutional crisis, as well as to improve the fight against organized crime and corruption?


Rising Reinke: The security sector is obviously a big topic. Security in Montenegro had a strong foundation. However, when the country joined NATO, it really helped to strengthen the foundation on which the nation rests. Montenegro is considered a capable and reliable member. And that is still the case. And that is the cornerstone of lawlessness in the country. I myself am a witness to that.


I had the opportunity to observe how the Montenegrin army trains with American soldiers who participated in recent exercises in Montenegro. And I saw that the Montenegrin army is really capable. Excellent. And those exercises, which I observed, included mountain climbs, winter rescue operations, all kinds of really difficult skills. And that is something that Montenegro, as a country, its army, institutions, can share with NATO. So, when you talk about security, I had to start with NATO, because it is the cornerstone. Knowing that Montenegro is a safe environment, that it is part of a defense alliance and family, it allows the country to focus on its own security instabilities. And that includes organized crime, corruption and other things that Montenegrin citizens think about the most. And I saw that there was a real commitment to solving those two really difficult issues.


The Office of the Special Prosecutor has indeed proven its impartiality and willingness to take action. Of course, I'll leave it up to the courts to determine the next steps, but it's a good sign. And the United States is committed to supporting the rule of law. We provided a great deal of technical and financial support to help the Police Directorate and other parties to build their capacities, in order to achieve stability in the country.


"Good news in business"


Voice of America: How do you see the current cooperation between the USA and Montenegro and what are the sectors where it could be improved?


Rising Reinke: My previous experience is with trade and economic diplomacy. And over the years, I observed countries where American businesses were successful. And I see similar trends in Montenegro. We see good partners and opportunities. And with the strengthening of the rule of law, we will see the arrival of more American companies. Just in the past year we have seen the arrival of a couple of big brands, such as Burger King. I think that is good, because it shows that there is confidence in the consumer economy. There are new investors in the hospitality industry, large, recognizable hotel brands such as the Hyatt Regency have just opened. This means that there is trust in the tourism sector. They do not make large investments if there is no confidence in the future. Then I see that various American companies are actively involved in the energy sector, especially when it comes to renewable energy sources. For example, last year we brought American companies as part of a trade mission and one of the concrete results was the signing of a memorandum of understanding between an energy company and the Montenegrin government to bring solar energy to a region in the country. And I know that some others are considering LNG energy projects, all clean energy sources. And the good thing is that it brings energy stability and security, which is very important, and a possible near-term chance for Montenegro to separate itself from impure energy sources, such as thermal power plants. I know that - when it comes to the environment - it is one of the obstacles to the country's ability to reach its EU membership goals. So, there is a really positive trajectory and I foresee more good news in the business area.


"Request for extradition of Do Kwon"


Voice of America: What about extradition issues, for example in the Do Kwon case? Do you expect him to be extradited to the US?


Rising Reinke: I don't know. Yes, there is a US extradition request addressed to the Government of Montenegro, but we have to leave that to the law enforcement authorities because it is a matter of law enforcement. So, I think that the issues of Montenegrin law enforcement are being resolved here, whatever that looks like, and the issue of extradition would come next. I will let my legal counsel work on that. But I know that Montenegro takes seriously such red warrants that exist for organized criminals, potentially on its own territory.


Voice of America: How do you comment on the sudden mention of Mr. Kwon in the election campaign?


Rising Reinke: I don't know what to think about Mr. Do Kwon's name suddenly becoming very, very popular in the media. It didn't make much sense to me. But I know that voters have a desire and a need to know something. I think the voters would really be more interested in what the parties stand for and what they can get from political parties, who are the political leaders of those parties, what they intend to do, what their values are. So, I think the focus should be on that - on the political process and on the ability of political leaders to deliver results for their citizens.


North Macedonia


Not only would I resign, but I would also consider it my greatest defeat, says PM about US blacklist (MIA)


Asked about Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Thursday if he were to be placed on the U.S. blacklist, not only would he resign, but he would also consider it the greatest defeat in his personal and professional career. The PM reiterated that the assertions of the U.S. which led to Merko’s blacklisting are serious and, he said, it is incomprehensible how the U.S. institutions which are 8.000 kilometers away, can have information about things that have happened in our country, while the country’s institution and judiciary can’t.


“This is why the Municipality of Struga should be open to sharing all its information with the relevant authorities, and they should be efficient in their work,” said Kovachevski. This case, according to the PM, shows that we shouldn’t make generalizations about the whole system, and that every system consists of individuals. “However, when you see the basis for his blacklisting, then you will be able to identify that individual responsibility if the institutions in charge of that focus on the case,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski said he believes the councilors in the Municipality of Struga should think about the way they will continue to operate, since Merko has been Mayor for several terms and has cooperated with councilors from several parties.


“I see VMRO-DPMNE’s press releases. VMRO-DPMNE is a political party whose headquarters are located in a criminally acquired, confiscated building, which besides that, is also an illegal construction. And then they should ask themselves about the case on them, and in whose drawer it is stuck. All groups in the Council should assess how they will proceed in the future with the Mayor, how they will operate and how they plan to continue considering they’ve been elected to protect and promote the rights of the citizens,” said Kovachevski.

The Prime Minister stressed that any government minister would be immediately dismissed if they were to be placed on the U.S. blacklist.


Osmani: DUI demands comprehensive investigation into US allegations on Merko, his party functions frozen (MIA)


The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) demands state institutions immediately start a comprehensive investigation for all claims and information regarding the Unites State's decision to blacklist Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko due to his involvement in significant corruption, said Foreign Minister and DUI spokesperson Bujar Osmani on Thursday.


Osmani informed that DUI accepted Merko's decision after his Wednesday meeting with DUI Leader, Ali Ahmeti, to freeze his membership at DUI Central Presidency and General Council while the investigation is ongoing, and at the same time the party is suspending all intra-party election activities in Struga until new circumstances arise.


"DUI demands all state institutions, in cooperation with the international community, to begin an investigation into all political parties, from presidents, to the lowest decision-makers, because only then we will be able to fight corruption and abuse of the topic in party fights," said Osmani. Osmani stressed that DUI encourage the US to continue the fight against corruption because they help the county and society. "The United States has always been our biggest strategic partner and ally, all of us at DUI not only respect their decisions but see them as well-intended. Every success North Macedonia makes bears the seal of the United States," added the DUI spokesperson. Osmani also pointed out DUI's firm views regarding the rule of law and fight against corruption, and the way public and party office holders operate at DUI, and how they translate into the formal decisions the party makes.


Aggeler: Institutions to decide if they take action, Merko's name not only one (Telma)


It is now the institutions' turn to decide if they want to act and investigate. We hope this sends a message to those who abuse office, for which they were elected by the people, that they are held accountable and are not welcome to the United States, says Ambassador Angela Aggeler on the State Department's blacklisting of Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko.


Ambassador Aggeler told Telma that the ongoing process of designating individuals under various sanction regimes is carefully done and may sometimes take a long time. "US laws require the Secretary of State to designate individuals for whom we have credible evidence of corruption and publicly name the bad actors - by banning their entry in the US - which is a way to demonstrate that we support North Macedonia's fight against this disease of dishonesty. We are doing this on a global level in order to stimulate the rule of law and show those who are working in the field of accountability that they have our support," says Aggeler. The Ambassador says Merko's name is not the only one closely scrutinized by Washington. "We will continue to cooperate closely with those who seek to destroy the cancer of corruption in North Macedonia and build a strong, prosperous and vibrant society that all citizens deserve," adds Aggeler.


Osmani: Should launch debate over constitutional changes instead of politicizing them (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani called for public debates, proposals and suggestions over the constitutional amendments on Thursday, noting that the process is now at a stage when ideas and proposals can be submitted.


“It is very important to me that this is how people see this process. As an opportunity for them to join as well, with their own positions. However, of course, this should be within the frameworks of what has been agreed in the negotiating framework and the protocol signed with Bulgaria, and it should be considered whether these proposals would strengthen the consensus or weaken it. If they weaken it, then they probably won’t aid the process,” said Osmani in answer to a journalist’s question on whether there is a chance to add to the already proposed constitutional amendments.


According to Osmani, now is the time to launch a public debate over the proposed constitutional amendments. “We are still politicizing, sticking to partisan positions and calculating for elections, instead of coming out and saying ‘I am against that sentence, against that word, against that comma, I believe we should add this’… This is what the citizens expect. This would be a meaningful contribution even if you oppose the amendments. However, when you don’t join this debate, probably because you lack arguments over why you are against, and you politicize the whole process, you’re not being fair to the citizens,” said Osmani.


Asked if there is a chance to hold another meeting with the opposition over the constitutional amendments, Osmani said the refusal of the opposition to accept the amendments is not fair to the citizens and is an attempt by the opposition to win political points, which, according to the Foreign Minister, is an unserious approach to a very serious question. “And this is why we must look for alternative ways. We will work until the last day to reach a consensus with the opposition. However, we will not miss a single day to work with the MPs as well, because obviously, if you talk to them, you will see that the majority of them are aware of the burden that is being imposed upon them, to be the obstacle to the country’s European future, and to be the ones who will push the people to move abroad and isolate the country,” stressed Osmani.


All responsible for constitutional revision, not giving up on dialogue: Deputy PM (MIA)


The constitutional amendments are not a job of one man, one party, one government, they are a task for all and the accomplishments will be shared, says Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj. Deputy PM Marichikj told Tera that the Government is currently reviewing the constitutional amendments as drafted by the Ministry of Justice, and series of consultations are ongoing so that the initiative is submitted to the Parliament by the end of June.


"We again urge VMRO-DPMNE to get involved, in order to get the job done and share the responsibility we have been given in the Parliament, since this decision requires a two-thirds majority in order to move forward on the EU path. We will not give up on dialogue because we believe this is the best option. We will talk to every MP, every political party because we all have a responsibility," says Marichikj. He adds it would be good for the society as a whole if the dialogue continued, since "the positions of the ruling and opposition parties are not that different as perceived by the public". "We all saw that VMRO-DPMNE has moved away from its initial stance, and this is good. It is no longer taboo to vote for the constitutional amendments and the door should not be closed. If Europe and the world say this is the right moment and we know what our tasks are, then the right time to open dialogue is now," notes Marichikj.


Osmani: Let's not repeat mistakes from 20 years ago - let's enter EU before accession (MIA)


On the 20th anniversary of the Thessaloniki Summit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will promote the 'More Integration, Before Membership' imitative for citizens to get the chance to feel the benefits of the EU accession process even before the membership itself, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani on Thursday.


"We have three solid models - visa liberalization, transport and energy community - which show that we can be a part of European policies even before we become EU members. Our initiative does not only offer an alternative, because the Summit's message is that no one in the region accepts an alternative to the EU membership process," Osmani told a press conference. According to him, North Macedonia has the opportunity to seriously enter a fast track for EU membership, where citizens will be able to see the benefits from EU accession directly in their pockets and in the quality of life.


"Both the society and the country will feel the benefits, along with those from visa liberalization. We plan to slowly enter the EU, even before the formal membership becomes official, and enjoy all benefits from the process. I think this is the plan that we are trying to impose in the region and in communication with the EU, and already the initial feedback from Brussels is positive," Osmani pointed out.


Minister Osmani said the reasons for the disappointment among citizens lied in EU's dilemma in relation to the enlargement process, the bilateralization process by some countries and the unsuitable reform dynamic within the Western Balkan countries. Still, there have been some benefits in the energy field, the allotted funds for democratization and strengthening institutions for the rule of law and democratic processes, and over 45 percent of alignment with the European legislation. "That has significantly changes citizens' quality of life, has changed the quality of how society and institutions function, and this is the benefit of the 20-year process, accession process in the EU which we have recently begun. Then integration into the EU market, mobility, the Erasmus+ programme...," added Osmani.


Nevertheless, he said, the European integration process continues and the awareness of it is greater than ever before, and the benefits, and weaknesses, will be addressed through the initiative. "The end goal is membership, but still there must be phased integration which means integrating into EU's policies, funds, and markets as we meet criteria, and not only feel the benefits once we become a member-state. I believe this will lead to credibility to the process itself, and we will keep the citizens' interest, because credibility currently suffers across the whole region. We see how the numbers fall as interest for the idea itself falls, and I think that this day, this observance is a good opportunity to promote the accession process and send a message to citizens that we have an opportunity to not repeat the same mistake from 20 years ago. We cannot do without the EU," stressed Osmani.


Aggeler: Country leadership must find way to take right path, US to provide support (MIA)


United States Ambassador Angela Aggeler said Thursday that North Macedonia's EU membership would help the country better manage domestic challenges, corruption being one. The Ambassador urged country leaders to find a way to put the country on the right track, while telling the ruling and opposition parties to put aside partisan policies and consider the people's well-being.


"North Macedonia's leadership must find a way to take the right path prior to the formal EU membership. The United States will support you, we will continue to invest in you but we cannot do this for you. Political will is needed to take the next step that will lead your country to a brighter future. Government and opposition in every country must work together on certain important decisions, putting aside politics and do what is best for the people. Your citizens lie in the core of the difficult decisions, be it NATO, EU, relations with US, domestic reforms," Ambassador Aggeler told a conference on US-North Macedonia relations in era of geopolitical turmoil, organized by the Presidential Center for Political Education.


The Ambassador noted that turbulence that has recently taken place globally has shown that isolation cannot be the way forward, noting the benefits that North Macedonia would have from joining the EU and highlighting that Macedonian language, culture and identity will be preserved.


"You will keep your language, you will keep your culture, you will keep your identity, this is your legacy, it is what makes you a country. At the same time, you will gain a lot. EU accession will ensure that North Macedonia better copes with domestic challenges, one of which is youth emigration. Membership can help prevent this trend but also bring economic opportunities and creation of new jobs, as well as education possibilities," said Aggeler and added that joining the Union would also help put an end to corruption and crisis in the judiciary, implementation of reforms and meeting standards.


She said EU membership should be seen through the same prism as NATO accession. "EU is next. When domestic challenges are dominating the headlines, one can easily lose sight of the bigger picture, which is for the country to be part of the largest global economic bloc," said Aggeler. The ambassador also referred to US-North Macedonia relations, noting that the bilateral partnership is so strong that it can weather any storm. "For the United States, North Macedonia has always been a pillar of stability in the Balkans. As we say in the US, 'it's not the size of the dog in fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog'. In only three years as NATO member, North Macedonia has demonstrated its strength and worth as a global security partner. In only three years, your country has stepped forward to firmly stand on the right side of history, first with the Afghanistan crisis and now with Russia's unprovoked, ruthless and brutal invasion of Ukraine. Do not underestimate the significance of what your country has done and do not underestimate the significance of what it means to be part of an alliance such as NATO," said Aggeler. She reiterated what U.S. Senator Chris Murphy said during his recent visit, that North Macedonia is undoubtedly safer because of the security guarantees from the United States and other international partners, and because it is a NATO member. "I hope this not only helps you sleep better at night but also serves as a guiding light of your future policies," said Aggeler and added that the country made an enormous sacrifice in order to join NATO.




Rama: No room for real progress, unless the three officers are released (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama reacted after the statement of the High Representative of the EU, Josep Borrell, at the end of the meetings he held with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels. In a post on Twitter, Rama declares that without the release of the three Kosovo police officers who are being held under arrest in Serbia, there will be no real progress.


Rama emphasizes that as soon as the police officers return home, France and Germany must intervene with strong actions to stop this absurdity of tensions in the north of Kosovo. "Without the three boys leaving Serbia safe and sound, there is not an inch to make real progress! Once they return home, strong new action by France and Germany is needed to stop this spiral of absurdity! BUT the first thing: Release the three officers!" writes Rama. Borell said that today's meeting was not focused on much, but on how and when - how to calm the situation on the ground, how to organize new elections and how to return to dialogue and implement all dialogue obligations.


Xhacka, numerous meetings at the Conference on the Recovery of Ukraine in London (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, participated in the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 (URC23), which was jointly organized by the United Kingdom and Ukraine, on June 21-22, 2023, in London. During this conference, Minister Xhacka held meetings with the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, as well as counterpart meetings and leaders from Croatia, Austria, Azerbaijan and Moldova, with whom she shared her views on the war in Ukraine, security and the EU integration process.


"London, at the largest solidarity meeting for Ukraine (URC2023) I had the pleasure of meeting friends and colleagues from North Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Austria, Azerbaijan and Moldova where we shared views on the war in Ukraine, security and the process of integration in the EU", Xhacka writes in a post on social networks.


This conference, the second of its kind, brought together governments, civil society and the private sector to show support for Ukraine's economic recovery and prosperity. 60 countries participated in this event, 40 of which were represented by heads of state and foreign ministers. During this Conference, Minister Xhacka met with counterparts from North Macedonia, Montenegro, the United Kingdom, Austria, Croatia, Azerbaijan and Moldova, with whom she discussed issues of security and integration.