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Belgrade Media Report 26 June 2023



The court in Kraljevo confirmed the indictment against Kurti's special forces, detention terminated, policemen released (RTS)


The detention of three Kosovo special forces was terminated after the High Court in Kraljevo confirmed the indictment brought against them after they were arrested on the territory of central Serbia on June 14. As it was announced from that court, after the preliminary proceedings were conducted and the indictment was filed by the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Kraljevo against the suspects B.S., R.Z. and S.M. due to one criminal offense each, the illegal production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosive substances from Art. 348th of the Criminal Code, the non-trial panel of the High Court in Kraljevo confirmed the indictment against the aforementioned defendants and issued a decision terminating the defendants' detention. Kosovo police officers left the detention center shortly before 11:00 am.


Speaking about the arrest of three members of the Kosovo police deep in the territory of central Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told RTS at the time that they were arrested 1.8 kilometers from the administrative line. "These people have nothing to do in that area without the permission of KFOR, especially with long pipes. We have evidence that KFOR was not informed. We arrest them, not 100 meters in the territory of central Serbia, but 1.8 kilometers from the administrative line, on the section Orahovo-Gnjilica," said Vucic.


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated on Twitter that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic informed him that, in accordance with the invitation sent at their last week's meeting, the Serbian authorities will soon release three previously arrested Kosovo policemen from custody. "We greatly appreciate the step taken by President Vucic in a period of serious challenges, and whose decision is a clear proof of the strategic cooperation of our countries and our common commitment to the peace and stability of the Balkans," said Orban.


State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zeljko Brkic said on June 14 at an extraordinary press conference that three Kosovo special forces were arrested more than one kilometer deep in the territory of central Serbia. "On June 14 at 12:38 in the administrative zone towards the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, far in the depths of central Serbia, members of the MUP, the anti-terrorist group of the special police unit located and arrested three members of the so-called Kosovo police," said Brkic at the time.


Vucic: Kurti does not want ZSO, he wants war and conflict, I will meet with Serbs from KiM (RTS; Pink TV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Albin Kurti does not want the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), but war and conflict. He announced that he will meet today with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). Speaking about the situation in Russia, he said that Serbia will never support a Coup d'état and a military coup in any country. The president assessed that EXPO 2027, whose organization was won by Serbia, will bring a new boost to all of Serbia.


Speaking about the situation in KiM, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic emphasized that at every moment you need to look at the whole thing. Vucic said that it is clear to the key actors that the main culpability lies with Albin Kurti's regime and added that Kurti will not stop, and that the bottom line is that Kurti doesn’t want ZSO and added that "he is not sure that we have reached the peak of the escalation". "Kurti does not want ZSO, he knows that this community must be in accordance with the principles from 2015, which Isa Mustafa and I initialled. They will not allow this to Serbs. He wants to raise tension, he wants war, he wants to drag us into war ", said Vucic and added that Kurti's ambition is to draw Serbia into a conflict with NATO. He assessed that "Serbia now has to be careful".


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the strength of our army is incomparably greater than the ones of the Kosovo Security Force (KBS), but they are ever more equipped and armed, primarily with Turkish resources, which cannot exist either according to the Kumanovo agreement or according to the UN. Nobody cares about international law. That's them, the right of the stronger. They are building their army, which should not exist - said Vucic and added that they justify it by the fact that "they have become independent". "The Turks gave them very powerful armoured vehicles, mortars, bannermen, howitzers, these are all things that KBS has," said the president. "They have thermal imaging optics, with a long range, and we have to be very careful, and have adequate means if our people are threatened," says Vucic.


Vucic said that Serbia refused to buy Turkish flag carriers, because they supplied Pristina. “Within five months, we will receive several hundred kamikaze drones, which we bought in the Middle East. We take that to deter a potential aggressor” said Vucic. Responding to the critics, Vucic asked those who wanted to declare a state of war if they would go down to KiM. “Do you want to go down? But that's not to walk to Autokomanda and give fake patriotic speeches. And then you won't. You want a professional army to do it. And when the first soldiers arrive in coffins, they would shout that it is not our war. We have to be careful and worry about what both the West and the East will say. No one in the country wondered how the Westerners had changed their attitude. I honestly don't believe them either. But what do you really want? To listen to the conspiracy theories, which I've heard here. "It is not true that the Americans think of Serbia as in the nineties, they have a much better attitude. But they think that the attitude towards Kosovo is separate from that, but we think the opposite," the president said.


Vucic told the people to trust their leadership, and that they would not allow pogrom. "Let us avoid intervention until the last moment. Let us have good relations with Africa, Asia, Latin America. Give us the opportunity to build that with Europe and America. If we don't do that, we have no chance to survive," the president said. He said that Serbia has to worry about what the West and the East are saying. "We are not alone, and we are very small. We have to take care of our position," said Vucic.


President Vucic announced that later today he will meet with representatives of Serbs from KiM. - You think that the state is a toy, that the lives of one's children are a game. You think that Rados Petrovic was released because Kurti decided so. An innocent man, completely. This is the result of the talks in Brussels. What do you want from your country? Is someone going to ask Putin how did you let someone start tanks on you, and then he is no longer criminally responsible? And you arrest the one who steals two ice creams. He had to act that way to avoid an even bigger disaster” Vucic pointed out.


Vucic asked if anyone wanted us to go against America and added that in the end there was no answer to the question he asked. “They tell me I'm a traitor, and I'm the only one who didn't deliver anyone to The Hague: Seselj, Radeta, Jojic. Our army did not exist, and today it is a hundred times stronger. Our police are a hundred times more prepared. Safety on our streets is better than in almost all European cities. We need investments, we have to take care of it. Until June 20, investments in Serbia amount to one billion and 919 million, that's what keeps us going. Foreign direct investments are our salvation. If people don't understand that, then they don't understand what a state is” emphasized Vucic.


Albanians arrested in the territory of central Serbia


Vucic commented on the statement of Borko Stefanovic, who said that the three Albanian terrorists who were arrested must be released. Now they came with "evidence", they say they were eating sandwiches. And we have the confession of a man who said he got lost while picking mushrooms, and now they were eating sandwiches. That is a question for the authorities in Kraljevo. I don't believe it's possible for you to get away without an indictment. What I am telling people is that our units arrested them in the territory of central Serbia. We have all the materials that confirm this. By the way, we offered to have all our members from that unit undergo a polygraph examination. And that they are ready to organize polygraph examiners. But it is being used for a fierce campaign against Serbia. This is used by Kurti, Germans, Americans, British” said Vucic.


The hypocrisy of the west


Vucic emphasized that the cancellation of the proceedings against Sveclja is an indication of the hypocrisy of the West. “So, you see this picture, this is Sveclja overturning EULEX's jeep. He was not prosecuted for that, the prosecutor is not prosecuting him. And they are prosecuting the Serbs who did not do any of that. So, there is no answer to that question, how unfair and unjust they are. But whining won't save us. So that is the reality, there is no justice for Serbs, our tears have no parents in Europe or America. But we fight, and we manage to do it, and to preserve the support in the world.  Vucic said that we have to fight, to work on all fronts, and to be firm when needed, and to be smart and to reach some compromise. “Without that, to pretend to be insulted and hurt, and with the result going down, Serbia is just going down. We didn't have helicopters before, and today we are struggling to find pilots for all of them” pointed out Vucic.


Vucic pointed out that we have to push forward and that we are in a difficult situation because of Aljbin Kurti's madness. “One of the Autokomanda patriots says that many people have moved out of KiM. Well, people also moved out of Serbia, Croats moved out of Croatia, and proportionally more” said Vucic.


Protesters are united by their hatred of Vucic


Vucic also asked about what unites Misa Vacic and Srdjan Nogo with Olenik or Stojkovic, who carry NATO flags. “You will say that they are united by their hatred of Vucic. You must have a goal, not personal hatred. We never ask ourselves if we can survive. Russia is at war, China is very powerful, but not close. And China is patient and waiting for its time. Do you think we can survive if we fight the West every day? How irresponsible you must be. Do you think it is easy to go to Brussels, to endure all possible pressures” asked Vucic.


Serbia will never support a coup and a military coup in any country


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, speaking about the situation in Russia, said that Serbia will never support a Coup d'état and a military coup in any country. Speaking about yesterday's rebellion of the "Wagner" group in Russia, Vucic said that the Republic of Serbia, as a serious country, will never support a Coup d'état and a military coup in any country. "Government changes in elections, by the will of the citizens, clearly expressed and in no other way," Vucic told TV Pink. “This is not an event that will not leave consequences for the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine or for the internal political situation. I think it will leave profound consequences” said Vucic.


“Putin spoke about the First World War, I don't know how many viewers know, that Russia did not lose in the First War. They had several divisions, but the difficult situation inside, and the foreign services that broke the unity in Russia, led to unrest in the country. Despite Kerensky's attempt to turn things around in a successful battle in June 1917, the October Revolution broke out, which led to decades of destruction of everything Orthodox, and decades of destruction of the economy” said Vucic.


As he says, when you carefully look at the research in Russia, you can see that it is a carefully chosen niche that indirectly attacks Putin. “As the president, I don't want to say who participated from the outside. When Prigozhin says "well, these are not motives for war, war is unnecessary"... you can see that no one does in-depth research. Except for one agency. I always wonder if there is another person who will read it carefully” said Vucic. President Vucic said that many Russian helicopters were shot down yesterday, seven in total. “These are valuable helicopters, worth at least 40 million euros... It's good that the damage is not much, much greater. It was finished thanks to the sharp, decisive, clear reaction of Russian President Vladimir Putin” said Vucic. As he emphasized, this will have great consequences and now Putin has a particularly difficult task. “He must raise the motivation of the army... None of that will be easy” said Vucic and added that he believes that the mistake was that Wagner was given enormous power:


As soon as they get their hands on millions, they think they should rule the world. They think they did it all without the help of the state. You can imagine what it's like when you give someone three thousand tanks, 10 airplanes, 150 helicopters, all the power in the world, what does that person think at some point. The question of defense is a question of the state, I am afraid that the Russians have repeated a lot of things from the nineties. Vucic said that he would not comment on how the eventual weakening of Putin's power could affect Serbia.

“You have to have the whole picture, not a fan approach. In Serbia, we have the image of a fan approach in terms of international relations, like someone who supports Zvezda (football team) or (their rivals) Partizan. Forget that when it comes to international relations, we have one Serbia. You can't stand up to the state and say what whatever you think, without thinking about sanctions” said Vucic.


Movement for Serbs


“There will be a proclamation of a small number of people, we have to work on it - announced Vucic when asked if the Movement would be formed on Vidovdan. “I put my hopes in our work, intelligence, calmness, reason, and in our economy. I put my hope in that, and in that Expo, which must bring us enormous growth. We intend to present our scientific, innovative progress, we have already talked about that. And to try to present the country in the best possible way. It's a new city within a city. We will need accommodation for tens of thousands of people. A new town is springing up in Surcin, it will be close to the national stadium. With that, the whole of Surcin and the surrounding area will gain its importance. I want to congratulate the team led by Sinisa Mali and Ana Brnabic, Sinisa bore the heaviest burden there” pointed out Vucic.


Director of the Office for KiM Petkovic, addresses the public regarding the latest developments in the north of KiM (Tanjug)


“Today (on Saturday) I will also present the evidence clearly shown by fraudsters and liars and Kurti and everyone else in Pristina, so that you can see the scale of disinformation we are facing because a general information war is underway with the intention of harming the Serbian people of Kosovo and Metohija and trampling on any possibility to continue the dialogue. Within 24 hours, President Akeksandar Vucic will address the public,” said the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Petkovic Petkovic and added that President Vucic's meetings with the military leadership are ongoing.


“We will fight to preserve the peace and to show everyone what lies and frauds we are facing,” emphasized Petkovic. Then he talked about Fiday's events in turn. “Last night at 19:40 in the Kolonija settlement in Zvecan, a large number of ROSU members, armed to the teeth with armoured vehicles, broke into this place, after that Svecla announced that a car with BG markings had been found and he announced that in that car they found weapons, guns, hand grenades and some kind of explosives. Here I have irrefutable proof where I will now show the most plastic what kind of scammers we are talking about when we talk about Kurti, Svecla and others in Pristina.


“The BIA has come to know, informed that it has collected information on the plan of further destabilization, new arrests of Serbs and possible provoking of new conflicts. On this plan, members of the Kosovo police transport illegal firearms, which they previously seized from citizens of Albanian and Serbian nationality, who did not have permits, from all substations to the regional directorates of the Kosovo police, and then transport them to the base in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. Their intention is to use the weapons and ammunition for new arrests of Serbs, with a media campaign to allegedly find them with Serbs and arrest them. Our services have determined what the intentions are and have informed certain intelligence structures and the most powerful force in the world, and this is evidence that clearly, unequivocally shows what we have learned,


Let us remind you that the announcement of the extraordinary conference followed the Kosovo police in Zvecan tried to make new arrests of Serbs last night, which was announced by the Minister of Police Xhelal Svecla, stating that "Serbia is trying to destabilize Kosovo", but not whether it is arrest.


The action of the Kosovo police disturbed the citizens of Zvecan, since several vehicles suddenly appeared in the city from which special forces got out and took up positions around the buildings, and Svecla claims that the police "prevented a terrorist attack". So, on time, many hours before this action that happened last night in Zvecan, we informed certain intelligence structures and the most powerful force in the world. It is evidence that clearly shows what we have learned. And that is that the plan of Aljbin Kurti and Pristina was to plant the weapons they collected from people who did not have permits to the Serbs so that it would be a reason for new arrests and crises.


So, on the 26th, four days ago, without any announcement, from the KP station in Kosovska Kamenica, a certain amount of Zolja, Osa, explosives, mines, Kalashnikovs were transported to the headquarters of the KP regional directorate in Gjilan/Gnjilan.


At the conference, Petkovic showed document number 571-013/2023, which was sent on June 23, 2023. in the early morning to the most powerful country in the World. Here I have part of the information that our services, the BIA, found, and informed the most powerful country in the world and the intelligence service in the world, about the plans and intentions of Pristina and Kurti. This document number 571-013/2023, which was sent on 6/23/2023. in the early morning. So many hours before the alleged action in Zvecan took place. The document says the following: BIA has gathered information that the Pristina institutions and their services are preparing new arrests of Serbs and provoking inter-ethnic armed conflicts and expelling Serbs from the north in order to further destabilize them. On this plan, KP members transport illegal firearms and ammunition that they seized from citizens of Albanian and Serbian nationality in the previous period from all substations to regional directorates, and then transport them to the Belvedere base in the southern part of Kosovo and Metohija.


Petkovic added that Pristina's plan is to collect weapons in other places and then transport them to Belvedere. “The reason is that they plant weapons and use them for attacks and arrests of Serbs. So, you see that there is no end to this. Not only are they using force and trampling on dialogue, but they have also not only slapped the EU, given that Kurti made three moves that destroy dialogue just one day after returning from Brussels. And that is to arrest Nenad Orlovic. He was arrested without a court order; this was confirmed by Josep Borell. Then information appeared in the media that the arrest of Orlovic was the result of a phone call from Xhelal Svecla, who has a secret list in his pocket, and only then calls the Prosecutor's Office.  So, they are arresting without any warrant, and the one that ordder that is Albin Kurti, to create new crises in the north of KiM,” he said.


The Director of the Office for KiM says that the Albanians posted a shameful video of Nenad Orlovic sitting in the room where they are interrogating him, naked to the waist, and a black bag was placed over his head. “Then they joke about it among themselves, with different music, and brag about how they are torturing the Serb, just as they mistreat all the Serbs who have already been arrested. Yesterday (on Friday), thank God, Rados was released, but Dusan Obrenovic, Lune, Dalibor Spasic, Nemanja Vlaskovic, Uros Vukasinovic and Dragisa Milenkovic are still imprisoned. And now Nenad Orlovic. All this shows that Kurti does not want to stop, he wants new provocations,” points out Petkovic.


He states that Svecla immediately came out on Friday and said which weapon it was, since he knows exactly what is in the car. “He knows because they planted weapons, which arrived from the regional directorates to the Belvedere base, and from there ROSA transferred them to Zvecan. Then he says that the black Audi was found 100 meters from the municipal building in Zvecan. You know very well that the EU's request for de-escalation is for the KP to withdraw from the municipal buildings in Zvecan and Leposavic, but also from their surroundings. And let's not talk about the fact that those buildings are provided by KFOR with barbed wire. A bird cannot pass there, and not suddenly a car full of explosives appeared. You have been there for 20 days guarding those buildings, not letting anyone in, and you have not seen a black car full of explosives. Therefore, this is not a story for small children either - said the director of the Office for KiM.


Petkovic says that Svecla said that the vehicle crossed the administrative line. “First, this vehicle did not cross the official crossing. And when we talk about alternative ones, all those crossings were cut by the KP a long time ago. Everyone knows very well that all those roads were illegally ploughed by KP more than 7-8 months ago. Nothing can pass there, let alone a passenger vehicle. So, Albin Kurti's second lie. And the third thing, when you look at this vehicle, you see distorted license plates, as if someone had just fixed them there. And see the plates BG 955jw. By the way, according to our regulation, all our tables that have those letters with ticks, as well as epsilon and double W, are excluded from use. Today, you do not have vehicles in traffic with license plates that have those ticks, and twice as much.  And on this vehicle it is. By checking, we found that the registration for these plates expired on 07/29/2020. years. How was that vehicle able to move and enter KiM?


As the director of the Office for KiM points out, this is a vehicle that was stolen and is being searched for, and the theft was reported in 2020, one month before the registration expired.

“Therefore, it is clear to everyone what kind of fraudsters we are talking about, and all with the intention of putting pressure on each other and creating conflicts and war in the north of Kosovo. That is the only policy of Svecla and Kurti. What did they want with this? Kurti makes fun of the EU. You see that day yesterday, which begins with the arrest of Nenad Orlovic, then the marching of the KBS, 250 of them, through Mitrovica. How did you remember to carry out that exercise in this situation, and how to go along the very edge of the north of Kosovska Mitrovica. What do they want to tell us? That all Serbs will be expelled. That in addition to ROSU, KBS will also enter the north. That's why Borell reacted violently” he points out.


Petkovic says that Kurti is doing this to provide himself with an alibi for a new escalation, and new arrests and persecution of Serbs in the north of Kosovo, and to confirm what he, Svecla and Vjosa Osmani keep saying - that the entire north is full of criminals. So now he says we must be present here in even greater numbers. Yesterday (on Friday) they installed new containers and barriers in the direction of Buba Rajetica. With that, they bring more police officers to Rosa. What kind of de-escalation is that? When the EU demands a complete withdrawal of the police from northern Kosovo. He speaks for someone that there is a fascist militia and a gang. Well, you are fascists in Pristina, with your ideology of Greater Albania, with which you want to persecute our people. To carry out ethnic cleansing, which you planned to carry out until Vidovdan - he said.


The director of the Office for KiM says that Serbia will keep the peace, but that it no longer depends on us. “So, to conclude, you will neither succeed in destroying Serbia nor in expelling the Serbian people from KiM. You won't get away with tricks and lies, I showed a document that shows that we informed everyone on time, we have proof that they planted explosives to accuse the naked people of terrorism. This is a slap in the face to both Borrell and Lajcak, and everyone in the EU. This is an indication that we are dealing with a man who is not clear in his head. And with which you don't know how tomorrow will start, and what kind of new subterfuge it will be. And who else are they going to arrest,” said Petkovic.


He adds that on Friday, after a year of detention, they filed an indictment against the returnee from Vitomirica for an alleged war crime. “And so, every day. I guess they should send a message to those who would like to return. So, we will fight for each of our people. No talking until all the people are free. We submitted the reports to everyone in the world, so that they could see the extent of the brutality, how they tortured the Serbs, and that the full truth could be established. Every day you must spend energy on things like this, to debunk the lies of Kurti and Svecla. Every day they look at how to harm both the president and the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. I repeat that President Vucic is in contact with the military leadership every day, and he will address the public, and we will do everything we can to debunk lies and fight for every one of our Serbs,” emphasizes the director of the Office for KiM. He concluded that peace in the Balkans depends on one madman who wants to set the whole region on fire.


Mojsilovic urgently: If the army receives orders, it will carry it out fully (B92)


The Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Milan Mojsilovic, addressed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) on Friday evening. Just to reiterate, today (on Friday) there were videos released of Kurti's terrorists armed to the teeth in South Mitrovica, who are speculated to be heading north. "The Serbian people in KiM are exposed to a terrible pogrom by Albin Kurti's Pristina regime. Serbs are daily targets of Albin Kurti and their only fault is that they have Serbian names and surnames and that they do not want to leave their hearths," Mojsilovic said at the beginning of his address.


He added that the terror carried out by Kurti's regime could no longer be physically endured."In accordance with all the facts, and because of the correct and professional cooperation we have, I informed the KFOR commander that we are following the events with great anxiety and demand that urgent measures be taken to protect the Serbian people and their right to survival. This is our request to the KFOR units - the entire KFOR and other international security institutions in Kosovo and Metohija," said Mojsilovic. He added that the Serbian Armed Forces, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and the UN Charter, if they receive an order from the Supreme Commander, will fully carry out all their tasks in relation to the overall security crisis.


Borrell: EU will not tolerate alarming situation, escalation in northern Kosovo (AA)


EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Friday that the bloc will not tolerate any escalation in northern Kosovo, near the border with Serbia. "Despite yesterday's (Thursday's) crisis meeting, escalation continues and is becoming dangerous. We will not tolerate it," Borrell said on social media. "Very alarmed by the situation in the north of Kosovo: extrajudicial arrests of Kosovo Serbs and Kosovo Security Forces marching in South Mitrovica; followed by heavy rhetoric from Serbia.”


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said Friday’s exercises by the Kosovo Security Force in South Mitrovica are routine. "Annually planned activity, of which KFOR was fully informed. It consisted of 215 soldiers going from the Minatori garrison to Frasher and back. Disinformation is dangerous and unacceptable," he said regarding a march.


About 200 soldiers of the Kosovo Security Force marched in the southern part of Mitrovica, where mostly Albanians reside. Many on social media claimed soldiers were heading to the north where Serbs are living. The European Union urged Kosovo on Thursday to suspend police operations in northern Serb-dominated municipalities and announce new snap local elections. The move came after a meeting in Brussels between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kurti to find a solution to current tensions as part of EU-facilitated talks.


Lajcak: I had productive talks in Washington about the situation in the north of the KiM (RTV)


Special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said that he recently had productive talks in Washington about the situation in the Western Balkans and the joint efforts of the US and the EU to de-escalate the situation in northern Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). "It was very important to go to the US and compare notes with my colleagues during a sensitive time. I met with US Undersecretary Victoria Nuland and US State Department Special Adviser Derek Chollet. We shared a joint assessment of the situation in northern KiM. We emphasized the importance of immediate de-escalation and return to dialogue under the auspices of the EU," said Lajcak.


He added that he had exchanged impressions about the situation in the region with the American envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, as well as that he had talked with some other American officials. "Our close cooperation and strong support of America is very important. These talks are mainly focused on the security situation, the necessary steps towards de-escalation and the direction in which the dialogue and the Western Balkans, in general, will go," Lajcak pointed out.


He added that he returned to Brussels to help the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, in convening a crisis management meeting with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of Pristina's interim institutions, Albin Kurti. "Our goal was to find a way out of the situation in the north of KiM, which continued to be tense. On behalf of the EU, we presented clear expectations to both sides, which are based on three elements: de-escalation, new elections and a return to the implementation of the Ohrid agreement. In the coming days, we will remain in close contact with both sides, while at the same time we will carefully monitor developments on the ground," said Lajcak.


Drecun: The goal of Kurti is that the Serbs do not live in KiM at all (RTS)


The goal of Albin Kurti is that the Serbs do not live in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) at all, the intention of Pristina is further escalation. The only way to calm the situation is to completely call in the special forces from the north of KiM and to stop the arrests of Serbs, said Milovan Drecun, the president of the parliamentary committee for KiM, in an interview with RTS.


"Kurti made a list of about 350 Serbs, whom he calls terrorists, and the space for action of the Serbian people has been narrowed. After last year's blockades, it was requested that there be no more barricades, even though Pristina is constantly doing it, by setting up police checkpoints in the north of KiM," said Drecun.


KFOR has a mandate to provide a safe environment for everyone in KiM, but only Serbs are threatened with that right. KFOR is not responding to Kurti's moves under the pretext of establishing the rule of law, Drecun said. "At the same time, they are receiving weapons, primarily from Turkey, from drones to artillery weapons, and they are growing into an army. We have several things that warn us that Kurti's ultimate goal is to establish a full police-military occupation of the north of KiM," Drecun said.


The president of the parliamentary committee for KiM said that we recently had the so-called the march of 250 members of the KBS, who were actually rehearsing the invasion of the north of KiM. By planting a car with weapons, Pristina is demanding that the fan group "North" be declared a terrorist group, because in this way they want to introduce military structures in addition to police units. "Kurti is going not only into further escalation but also into a direct conflict with the Serbian people," said Drecun.


It is difficult to talk about international guarantees to Serbia and the Serbs from Kosovo, because as Drecun says, even what was negotiated back in 2013, which is the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), has not been implemented. "We don't see them affecting the situation on the ground and we shouldn't have too high expectations from Brussels," Milovan Drecun told RTS.


Serbia’s FM: I’m surprised Russia let the paramilitary become this important (FoNet)


Serbia does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, so this is also the case with the events in the Russian Federation, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, emphasizing that Belgrade respects the legal structures of each country because power comes and goes through elections. Dacic said that Russia is a friendly country and Serbia would like the problems to be resolved in a political way.


“For me, it is surprising how they allowed the paramilitary bodies to become such an important factor in the defence, something is wrong. I am a man of the state and I believe that defence must be a matter for the state,” Dacic added. He emphasised that lessons should be learned from the attempted armed rebellion in Russia about the influence of private paramilitary companies on war, as well as peacetime events. The situation is now normalised, but questions remain as to who was the target of the owner of the private paramilitary forces „Wagner” Yevgeny Prigozhin? Was it President Vladimir Putin or the military leadership, Dacic said.


“As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, I shouldn’t talk so much about these topics, probably the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will also speak about it later, but the most important thing is that we respect the legal authorities of the state, just like when there was an attempted coup in Turkey. Vucic immediately called President Erdogan,” he said.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


RSNA Collegium session on Monday to determine agenda and date of 8th emergency RSNA session (ATV)

Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Collegium will hold a session on Monday, June 26th, to determine the date and the agenda of the 8th emergency session of RSNA. Main discussion regarding the agenda is about the voting on the Law on the Non-implementation of the Decisions of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court in RS, and the protection for persons against persecution of B&H authorities.  RSNA President Nenad Stevandic stressed the fact that this is a key period in the history of the RS and added that unity in the RS is absolutely necessary at this time, no matter the political alignment. He further commented that previous decisions that were voted on in RSNA, but not implemented, are not forgotten and are still on the table. President of the RS Veterans Organization (BORS) Radan Ostojic seconded Stevandic’s stance, confirming that unity is the priority at this time. He further commented that this is a moment to take a stand against those who want to oppress RS and its freedom, as the price for RS and its freedom was already paid in 22,000 lives lost and 42,000 injured RS citizens.


Dodik: RSNA will make decisions on the Constitutional Court of B&H which will be respected (BHT1)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that the RS National Assembly (RSNA) will pass decisions on the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which will be respected. He stated that there are many who believe that earlier RSNA decisions were not implemented. “It is important and should be said that the earlier decisions and conclusions were made, that they are there, that the essence has not changed, but that due to certain circumstances, it was always necessary to be smart, postpone politically or wait. If we had started last year, when the Russian military operation started, if we were to carry out anything, the RS would have had a huge problem”, said Dodik. He added that it was therefore politically rational to stop, but that now is a different time.


Dodik commented on the scheduling of a new emergency session of RSNA: “We want a political fight, which means deciding on the decisions of the system within RSNA. Their biggest problem is RSNA, as RSNA will make decisions about the B&H CC that will be respected.” Dodik underlined: “The entire process of the Dayton decision-making process was abused through the CC that avoided to apply what says the Constitution in the decision-making process and that is that the RS is composed of the two entities and the three constituent peoples and that decisions in the RS are reached via consensus. They avoided this and promoted in the CC decision-making via simple majority which implied that three foreigners and they also appoint two Muslims (…) Now they reach decisions that we should respect (…) Everything is directed to undermining of the RS.”


Dodik reminded that the CC of B&H did not respond to a request from the RS to withdraw the disputed decision on the deletion of Article 39 of the Rulebook of B&H CC by June 23, which stipulates the postponement of session if at least one judge elected by the RSNA is absent. Dodik said that they will not allow them to do this because effort of generations of Serbs in defense of the RS would be pointless. Dodik stated: “We will reach our decisions. If they do not respect the RS, of course there will be no B&H. No matter what they think, they can threaten as much as they can with anything, with arrests. This is their sign of weakness. If they do that, they will not arrest anyone from the RS. We want a political fight. This implies decision-making process in institutions of the system, in the RSNA. Now, they are bothered the most with the RSNA and will it adopt decisions that will be respected this time.”


Crnadak: Main precondition for taking any RSNA law or conclusion seriously, is for past decisions to be implemented first (Nezavisne)


Head of the PDP Caucus in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Igor Crnadak confirmed that the PDP representatives will take part in work of the special session that refers to the functioning of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and which will be held on Tuesday – as announced by the ruling coalition. He points out that the main precondition for taking any RSNA law or conclusion seriously, is for past decisions to be implemented first. He adds that the RS cannot continue with the lack of respect for its most important institution, which is done through non-implementation of its laws, decisions and conclusions. Crnadak emphasized that he expects on Monday, at the RSNA Collegium, for implementation of all conclusions regarding the Information on anti-constitutional behaviour of the B&H CC, from February 17, 2020, to be confirmed, which amongst other things also means stopping of any kind of decision-making in the B&H institutions until the law on stopping the work of foreign judges and appointment of domestic judges to the B&H CC is adopted. Crnadak said that SNSD and its officials violate this conclusion on a daily basis.


Cvijanovic says Crnadak is trying to avoid voting in RSNA on B&H CC, veto raised in B&H Presidency (Nezavisne)


Serb member and Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic emphasized that conclusions of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) are commented on the loudest by those that fled from the hall when those same conclusions were adopted. She says classic example of such behaviour is that of PDP’s Igor Crnadak, and he is now using the same ‘tried and tested recipe’ to avoid voting at the RSNA special session regarding work of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC). Cvijanovic says Crnadak is making moves to be able to “step down” without voting on the point of the agenda regarding B&H CC, but also regarding the veto that was initiated in the B&H Presidency. She made this comment reacting to Crnadak’s statement that said precondition for “taking any RSNA law or conclusion seriously, is for past decisions to be implemented first”. When it comes to the RSNA conclusions, Cvijanovic said the important thing is that they are adopted in line with the determination and political stance of that same Assembly, and that time for implementation of those conclusions always comes, whether Crnadak understands that or not. Cvijanovic noted that today, Crnadak is holding lectures as an MP, but when he was B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs in the past, he always backed down before his “mentors” from Sarajevo and the foreign embassies. Cvijanovic recalled that Crnadak, alongside Mirko Sarovic and Dragan Mektic, was then the favourite politician in Sarajevo, as he travelled the world only presenting the RS in the worst possible way.


Dodik: Nobody will arrest anyone from RS leadership for defending RS; Kosarac slams Helez (Dnevni avaz)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik commented recent statement of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Defense Minister Zukan Helez who called for Dodik’s arrest. “Whatever they may think, they can threaten with arrests and what not, it is a sign of impotence to do anything, they will not arrest anybody from the RS leadership for defending the RS. We do not have violence on our minds, we want political struggle”, said Dodik.


B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) has asked B&H Defense Minister Helez with which moves Dodik and RS institutions have violated the B&H Constitution. As for Helez’s message that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H should launch a criminal procedure against Dodik because he endangers the constitutional – legal organization of B&H, and that Dodik should be arrested, Kosarac sent the message to Helez that it is much better for him to deal with the situation in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Kosarac wonders who Helez thinks he is to call for the arrests. Kosarac added that such message will not discourage the RS leadership and its political representatives, and they will persist in their defense of interests of the RS and the Serb people. Kosarac reminded that Dodik was elected based on the will of the people and the RS. Kosarac also announced that RS officials will think about their relation toward all those who work against the RS and that there will be a response to the call for the arrest of the President.


OHR: Acts that the RSNA will discuss, but also already adopted laws, are attempts at undermining the integrity of B&H and weakening its institutions (Nezavisne)


Due to changing its Rules of Procedure, by which sessions can be held without a judge from the Republika Srpska (RS) being present, the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will once again be a topic of a special session of the RS National Assembly (RSNA). The MPs will discuss proposal of law by which B&H CC’s decisions would not be published in the Official Gazette of the RS, nor applied on the territory of this entity.


The international community (IC) officials say that acts that the RSNA will discuss, but also already adopted laws, are attempts at undermining the integrity of B&H and weakening its institutions. “Such attacks on the constitutional order of B&H represent serious violation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace, and thus the very peace and stability. Political pressure from the RS onto the CC of B&H is unconstitutional and without a legal foothold. The Court is the final arbiter of the Constitution of B&H. The entities have no right or authority to blackmail it or to control its work”, reads a statement from the Office of the High Representative (OHR). The OHR called on the RS to return to the respect for the constitutional obligations, primarily the appointment of the B&H CC judge.


The EU Delegation to B&H said integrity of the B&H CC, as the highest judicial instance in B&H, must be protected. The EU Delegation also asked the RS authorities to appoint the missing B&H CC judge, so that work of this institution can be continued without major issues.


US Ambassador Murphy accuses Covic of blockade of Southern Natural Gas Interconnection, daily wonders if this will accelerate things or maybe new sanctions will be imposed (Dnevni list)


In a text published over the weekend, US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Michael Murphy directly accused HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic of blockade of the Southern Natural Gas Interconnection because of, as he said, “his own interests” and because of “insisting on establishment of another operator for natural gas transport under the ethnic control of Croats”. Murphy warned that establishing of the second operator would increase costs for consumers, divide natural gas market in B&H even more, create space for a stronger malignant influence of Russia and it would drastically complicate talks on the construction of the interconnection with financers and Croatia, because of which the project would become almost impossible.


In response to these claims, the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) issued a press statement saying that they are fully committed to strengthening of energy diversification and argued that the Southern Interconnection is a strategic energy project both for Croats and entire B&H.


The daily reminded that the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H adopted decisions related to the Southern Interconnection on May 11 this year and reminded that disputes have existed for a while between Mostar and Sarajevo on who should carry out this project. “It was foreseen that it would be ‘BH Gas’, which was established by the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government and which is already in charge of procurement, transport and supply with natural gas”, the daily noted and reminded that the Government of the West Herzegovina Canton last year adopted a decision on establishment of ‘Southern Interconnection Natural Gas Pipeline’ company and the company is 100% owned by the canton. The explanation of the decision on establishment of this company noted that future pipeline will mostly go through the area of this canton but, according to some information, the headquarters of this company will be in Mostar.


The daily noted that there is also a possibility that wishes will not be fulfilled with regard to this project “neither those of ‘BH Gas’ that will have to include Croats in its managerial structures nor those of Mostar which will have to stop its plan on ‘its own’ company for transport of natural gas”. “There are clear messages that the Southern Interconnection exceeds daily-political and narrow party interests and animosities of Mostar and Sarajevo”, the daily noted and reminded that the international representatives clearly warned everyone that they have to cooperate, while ‘BH Gas’ will be the carrier of the project but only after Croats are appointed to the managerial structure of the company.


Ambassador Murphy warned that ‘the time is running out’ and the daily explained that this warning was presented because banks are gradually backing up from such projects and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which is still willing to finance fossil fuel projects such as natural gas pipelines, already announced that it will stop financing fossil fuel projects by the end of this year. The daily reminded that the Southern Interconnection was already supported by the US Government with approximately EUR 0.5 million and EU with approximately EUR 1.5 million and the daily wondered if the things will be accelerated after the warning of the US Ambassador or maybe new sanctions will be imposed.


Dodik supports Putin in his efforts to preserve peace and internal stability in Russia and restore order in military and other force (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said Saturday that the RS is following the events related to the armed rebellion of the Wagner group with great attention, “and we believe that there will be no further escalation.” “We also believe that the Western powers could take advantage of this situation. On behalf of the institutions and people of the RS and on my own behalf, I send sincere support to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, in his efforts to preserve peace and internal stability in Russia and restore order in the military and other forces,” Dodik wrote on his Twitter account. Dodik pointed out that he believes in the wisdom and strength of Putin. “I believe that the wisdom and strength of President Putin, as a true leader, will lead to the calming of the situation and that the more serious consequences of the betrayal of the Wagner group will be avoided,” Dodik stated on Twitter.


Hungarian PM Orban concludes visit to RS; RTRS argues RS-Hungary relations are based on understanding and respect; Unlike majority of EU, Budapest understands situation in Western Balkans (RTRS)


Policy of cooperation, understanding and respect. This is how relations between the RS and Hungary have been assessed by highest-ranking officials, political analysts and entrepreneurs in the Republika Srpska (RS) following two-day visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Banja Luka. Reporter commented that unlike majority of the EU countries, official Budapest understands situation in the Western Balkans and supports stances of the RS. Besides that, it helps economic development of the RS. According to RTRS, energy, infrastructure and agriculture are some of areas Hungary wants to invest in. Reporter commented that Orban’s visit to Banja Luka is evidence of good diplomatic and friendly relations. Officials of Hungary and the RS signed joint statement on cooperation during this visit. In this way, Hungary and the RS resume to strengthen institutional and economic relations.


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stressed this is step forward to increase of investments, road to creation of new jobs and better living standard of the RS citizens. “Road infrastructure, energy, agriculture, education, healthcare and especially modern technologies or applying technological solutions Hungary already applied. We want to see how these solutions can be applied here”, said Viskovic. Incentives worth EUR 100 million as support of Hungary to farmers in the RS is one of examples of will of Budapest to give support to economic development of the RS. President of the RS Milorad Dodik said the RS is interested in cooperation with Hungary in regards to development of energy sector in the RS. Orban underlined that they identified areas that has significant perspectives, adding that he refers to energy, infrastructure and agriculture.


President of the Commercial Chamber of the RS Pero Coric stated that announced investments of Hungary are quality economic incentive. Reporter commented that experience of Hungary in regards to the EU path are significant. Orban deems that it is natural for this part of the Europe to become part of the EU. He claims that without real reason, official Brussels is not well-intended towards the RS and this makes the Western Balkans unstable. Hungarian Prime Minister also stated that international players should withdraw from this part of the Europe, so that political and other decisions are passed by peoples living here. RS


President Dodik stated that Orban’s visit to B&H is offer for projects and political dialogue to all peoples in this country who want to cooperate. Also, Orban underlined that policy of Hungary is independent from the EU policy and policy opposing introduction of sanctions against anyone.  Orban claims he understands political fight the RS has been leading within B&H.




Officials in region concerned about Serbia-Kosovo relations (N1)


Relations between Kosovo and Serbia and the situation in the Western Balkans are a particular concern for the states in the region, whose officials say that tensions must be de-escalated. “What is necessary is de-escalation of the situation of tensions, the safety of citizens… The situation is extremely worrisome, and tensions are growing, the young generation is leaving,” said Slovenian Foreign Affairs Minister Tanja Fajon.


Croatian officials are calling on Belgrade and Pristina to return to the negotiating table. “We are concerned about the situation and recent developments in Kosovo. Serbia’s detention of three Kosovo police officers is a source of concern, they should be released without any conditions or delay,” said Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman.


They both stressed the importance of continuing the enlargement process. “We have to work closely hand in hand with the Western Balkans, that no one is left behind,” said Fajon, while Grlic Radman commented on the joint sitting of the Croatian Government and Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers held last week. “It was a positive step for improving our cooperation. Our priority is to encourage the European agenda of the new Council of Ministers and support Bosnia and Herzegovina on its EU path,” said Grlic Radman.


Fajon and Grlic Radman are attending the Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg on Monday at which European Union (EU) foreign ministers will discuss the Russian aggression against Ukraine, relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, digital diplomacy and current affairs, including the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.


Prime minister on first visit to Serbia (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic travelled to Serbia and the city of Subotica on Friday for his first visit to Serbia as prime minister. Plenkovic arrived in Subotica at the invitation of the President of the Croatian National Council (HNV), Jasna Vojnic, and President of the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina, Tomislav Zigmanov. The opening of Croatian House, whose construction was fully financed by Croatia's government in the amount of €1.8 million, and the appointment of Zigmanov as Serbia's minister for human and minority rights in October 2022 are perceived as signals that herald the improvement of the relations between the two neighbouring countries. Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic was also on hand for the opening of the Croatian House. Plenković and Brnabic took the opportunity to discuss the status of the two countries' respective minorities, economic cooperation, Serbia's European Union membership aspirations, as well as the issue of missing persons from Homeland War and the prosecution of war crimes.


Jasna Vojnic said the opening of the new facility commemorates the 300-year-long presence of the ethnic Croat community in Serbia and sends a strong message that Croatia stands behind the Croat minority in Serbia.




Thimonier: Judiciary appointments a prerequisite for real progress towards the EU (MINA)


Appointments in the judicial system are the basis and precondition for real progress in the negotiations with the European Union (EU), says the Ambassador of France to Montenegro, Christian Thimonier. In an interview with the MINA agency, he has said that the fact that the appointments in the Montenegrin judiciary have not yet been completed harms the citizens whose trust in the judiciary has been called into question.


As he points out, political actors in Montenegro have learned, through the reports of the European Commission (EC), that this is an obstacle on their European path. As he has added, the difficulty of getting to the epilogue of some spectacular arrests, which are motivated by strong facts, lead to suspicion that there are still some groups that prevent reforms, in order to preserve their profits, but also the current situation in which there is not enough rule of law.


Asked what all this says about the rule of law in Montenegro, Thimonier has stated that a lot of effort has been devoted to this issue through international and bilateral cooperation. According to him, France is still part of that cooperation. He says he expects that the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, as he promised in his inaugural speech, will enable national unity with regard to fundamental issues, above personal and party disputes.


Milatovic to host: Osmani, Dacic, Plenkovic, Varhelyi arrive in Montenegro (CDM)


The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, is hosting the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Summit on Tuesday (June 27) in Podgorica, ending our country's presidency of this regional initiative.


The Cabinet of Milatovic states that the Summit which will adopt the joint Declaration, approved at the meeting of foreign affairs ministers in Budva at the beginning of June, will be attended by the highest officials of SEECP participants: President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski, President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, President of Albania Bajram Begaj, Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova Oleg Serebrian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Hakan Fidan.


European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, General Secretary of the Council for Regional Cooperation Majlinda Bregu, as well as representatives of the European Service for Foreign Affairs, Romania, Greece and Slovenia are also arriving.


The Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) is a regional cooperation framework established in June 1996, with the aim of promoting and strengthening good neighborly relations between the countries of Southeast Europe. SEECP members are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey and Kosovo. The executive body of the SEECP – the Council for Regional Cooperation (RCC), includes 46 countries, organizations and international financial institutions. On July 1, North Macedonia takes over the SEECP presidency from Montenegro.


North Macedonia


Kyuchyuk: Constitutional amendments in Macedonian parliament in two weeks (MIA)


The procedure in the Macedonian Parliament over the constitutional amendments to include Bulgarians in the country's constitution will begin within two weeks, claims Bulgarian Member of European Parliament (MEP) and North Macedonia Rapporteur Ilhan Kyuchyuk.

"The Government will submit the proposal of the working group for parliamentary discussion in the course of this or the following week," MEP Kyuchyuk told BTV.


According to him, the inclusion of Bulgarians, Montenegrins and Croats in the Constitution is a very sensitive process and as with every opening of any constitution, the complex procedure requires a public, political debate. "Based on the European Parliament's practice not to release reports ahead of important matters, I proposed that the discussion on the country's Progress Report is delayed by the fall," says Kyuchyuk. He adds that the report urges the country to take into account "the attacks on persons with Bulgarian self-awareness" and undertake measures in accordance with the law. "Bilateral issues are separate topics in every report. The issue of rights of Bulgarians and their place in North Macedonia's public life, as well as hate speech, are an entirely different matter," says Kyuchyuk. The MEP says the report cannot solve historical issues and the identity problem, noting that the 2017 Friendship Treaty, the Prespa Agreement and the 'French Proposal' are the basis for goodneighborly relations. "The European Parliament promotes goodneighborly relations. Everything else is speculation," adds Kyuchyuk.


Drexler: Corruption and organized crime deserve more attention in coming weeks (MIA)


The Government's commitment to the European path and the goal of EU membership also entails an effective fight against corruption and organized crime. I believe these are topics that deserve more attention in the coming weeks and months. Citizens do not want to pay the price for this, for corruption to remain unpunished and be a burden for the society, says German Ambassador Petra Drexler.


Ambassador Drexler told TV24 that inclusion of the Bulgarian minority in the Constitution Preamble is part of the Negotiating Framework, which North Macedonia concluded with 27 EU member-states.


"The Negotiating Framework is a sufficient guarantee that after the Bulgarians are included in the Constitution, no additional conditions will stand on the country's path to Brussels," says Drexler and hopes that the constitutional amendments will soon be adopted in the Parliament. She adds that the Bundestag has called on the government to support North Macedonia in its EU reform efforts. "Lawmakers once again demonstrated their respect for the Macedonian language, Macedonian identity and Macedonian culture," notes Drexler.




Rama from Brussels: The release of the policemen from Serbia, delayed but good news; Begin de-escalation immediately (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama considers the return of three Kosovo policemen home, as a delayed but good news to put an end to the arbitrary deprivation of liberty of three persons and to reopen the way for de-escalation of the dialogue.


"The return of the Kosovo policemen to their homes is delayed news, but still very good, because the first one puts an end to the arbitrary deprivation of liberty of three people who have not committed any crime, and the second one, reopens the way to the dialogue de-escalation. I am glad that the force of reason won over the reason of force. I wish that with the force of reason, the long-awaited de-escalation by all will begin immediately and we will further resolve the knots of the final normalization process between Kosovo and Serbia,' writes Rama.


The Prime Minister is in Brussels where he will meet with the President of the EC, Charles Michel, where, as he announced, he will convey to him the concerns regarding the critical situation in the region and the necessity for a conference without a deadline.


According to Rama, Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic should conclude the points of the normalization agreement.


"We have just arrived in Brussels, where in a little while I will meet with the President of the European Council, the precious friend of Albania and our region, Charles Michel. I will convey to our friend the great concerns about the critical situation in the region and my conviction on the necessity of a conference without a time limit, where closed within the walls of a welcoming structure under the auspices of the Euro-Atlantic community, the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia must conclude all points of the normalization agreement. Unfortunately, lately both sides have their eyes on the front of domestic politics and polls fuelled by nationalist rhetoric. While the vital dialogue for the future of the entire region and relations with the democratic world have been turned away. Meanwhile, the situation in the North degrades by the hour and by the minute, increasing the possibility of a Balkan "Donbas" in the heart of Europe. This possibility, even just thinking about it, is catastrophic, so it must be eliminated at all costs", the Prime Minister added.


The latter emphasized the immediate de-escalation of the situation between the two countries, while assuring that Albania will do everything possible to ensure that the fragile peace built for years, within the framework of the Berlin Process and through various initiatives, does not collapse as sandcastle from the return of the wave of Balkan stupidity.


"The strategic myopia in the approach to the dialogue, the delay of the excellent Franco-German plan, the deviation of the focus on the demonstrations of force and, as a result, the degradation of the situation in the North, can cost the whole region, Serbia without a doubt, but especially Kosovo more than anyone else, an untimely backsliding, with ramifications for many years.


Albania will do its best to prevent this from happening, because it would be madness for the fragile peace we have built throughout these years, in the framework of the Berlin Process and through various initiatives, to be destroyed like a sandcastle by the return of the wave of Balkan stupidity, throwing us all off the path of European integration, into the old powder keg in the middle of Europe", Rama emphasized.


Rama letter Macron and Scholz: Implement the Franco-German plan. Albania is at risk from the Kosovo-Serbia tension (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama has announced that two days ago he sent a letter to President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the President of the EC regarding the necessity of a new concrete push by France and Germany with the support of the US for the implementation of this plan.


The Prime Minister emphasized that we are in the conditions where the tensions between Kosovo and Serbia can reach armed conflict, which, would be catastrophic and would necessarily involve KFOR. "A day before yesterday, I forwarded a second letter, after the one of the draft statute, to President Macron, and Chancellor Scholz and, for your information, to the President of the EC, regarding the necessity and a new concrete push by France and Germany as the godfathers of the Franco-German plan with the support of the US, so that the Franco-German Plan be implemented at any circumstance, in the conditions where the degradation of the situation in the north due to the clash of the internal policies of the two states is increasing the climate of tension by the hour, risking a fatal armed clash between the groups in the north of Kosovo and security forces, which would be a disaster in the middle of which KFOR would be inevitably involved", said Rama.


Albanian Prime Minister further emphasized that there can be no normality in relations between Albania and Serbia, as long as the latter does not immediately release the three Kosovo officers. "I am in front of you after another day lost without dialogue between the two leaders of Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels, while the situation between the two states degrades through a dangerous spiral. “As long as the three Kosovo operatives continue to be held in prison in Serbia, there is no possibility of progress in the dialogue or concrete any de-escalation without their return home,” Rama points out. Nor can there be normality in Albania-Serbia relations, as long as Serbia does not put an end to the depravation of freedom of the three of 3 police officers who have not committed any crime. Even if they had crossed the border line, if we would take this claim for granted, in any democratic legislation, for illegal crossing of the border, people are arrested, questioned and sent back.


Keeping them detained for days is unjustifiable and unacceptable. The attempt to cover up this state aberration, for keeping 3 policemen without any rights while raising the voice for arrests in the north [of Kosovo] of the Serbian minority [individuals] by Kosovo forces is concerning. Democratic states never respond symmetrically to alleged violations of the rights of fellow citizens in another state," Rama said.


The Franco-German proposal is recently being considered as a concrete plan for the normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations. Part of the plan is the commitment of the parties not to hinder each other in the integration processes and in international organizations. Another point of the European proposal is the creation of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority (ZSO) in Kosovo.


Prime Minister Rama to meet with the EC President in Brussels (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama will travel this Monday (June 26) to Brussels, where he will meet with the President of the Council of the European Union, Charles Michel.


Tensions between Kosovo and Serbia and finding a way to normalize the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue are expected to be the focus of the meeting between Rama and Michel. The trip of the head of government to Brussels comes after the proposal of the draft association for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. We recall that on June 8, Prime Minister Edi Rama sent a draft to the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, as a proposal for the formation of the Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO).


Rama considered the Association as the "Gordian knot" of Kosovo-Serbia relations, as he added that the draft has been worked on by top-level American and European experts for a long time. According to Rama, the draft was a confidential document of the highest international level that takes into consideration all the reasons for the creation of the Association and that the Association is part of life organization in the Republic of Kosovo by addressing all the recommendations of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo. Also, on June 21, Rama again sent a letter to President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the President of the EC regarding the necessity of a new concrete push by France and Germany with the support of the USA for the implementation of this plan.