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Belgrade Media Report 14 July 2023



Vucic on Kosovo and Metohija (TV Pink)


President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic addressed the nation at 9:00 pm tonight and spoke about the most current topics. Vucic says that the trick of the West is to withdraw a small part of the Albanian special forces from the north of Kosovo and Metohija. "Of course it's a trick," said President Vucic and added: "No one is investigating it. They are allowed to kill Serbs and not be held accountable for shooting at Serbs. But if the Serbs have a shirt, a flag or don't like Kurti, Bislimi or someone else, they will be arrested." Vucic says that the problem is when someone treats the entire country and all the people in it as jerks. "They want to say that we are all jerks," said Vucic and pointed out that the mistreatment of Serbs by Pristina continues every day. Vucic claims that Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron asked Serbs to participate in the elections and to give up the boycott so that the fake mayors would leave the municipal buildings they occupied. "They are playing games with us because they know that we have something to lose because our country is progressing. Now they say that if the protests continue, the EU will not contribute to peace. What do you want from us? To deny us the right to assemble?" Vucic said. President Vucic also asked whether they will now beat us 25 percent less when they withdraw 25 percent of the special forces. "I read all their tricks in advance and I play chess better than them. The problem is that they have raw power. They are only interested in how to protect their child and how to balance everything. It goes so far as to say that they cannot impose sanctions against Svecla because they "arrest hooligans". And when the Macedonians started to arrest the terrorists who killed their police officers, then they demanded an amnesty law," said Vucic. He said that the problem is when he sees that Bosniaks have six ministries in Montenegro, while Serbs have nothing, despite the fact that there are 30 percent of them in Montenegro. "Croats with 0.9 percent of the population will have it, and I'm happy about that. Albanians will too, only Serbs will not have it because they will always be a "disturbing factor", said Vucic. "Serbs in Slovenia cannot even be a national minority", pointed out Vucic and added: "That's because it wouldn't occur to the Serbs to claim some rights for themselves. It's like that everywhere." Vucic says that it would be crazy to "fight against the whole world". "Just don't think that you can fool us. It's our job to develop the country. Serbia is on the European path and must be on it," said Vucic. He revealed that every other visit to Brussels was a nightmare for him. "We have to take care of all our interests," said Vucic.


On Vulin

"They would all like to be able to sell weapons to whoever they want, without having us as their competition. That's why there were those stories about Krusik, etc. You have the right to do what you want. To share cluster munitions, and we don't have any right" Vucic said and added: "We asked United States to provide information about what Vulin is being accused of. If there is any evidence, we will prosecute Vulin. And I know the reason. This will amount to nothing as the real reason is his relationship with Moscow. If I had announced the introduction of sanctions against Russia only a day before, sanctions would not have been imposed on Vulin and that's not what I think, but that's what I know, that's what I was told." He took responsibility for the introduction of sanctions against Vulin and said that this is a serious situation for us.


About the elections

Vucic said that the elections would have already been called if there were no protests. "There will be elections. They will be held in peace and order. If they (politicians from the opposition) want, they can have them this year, if not, we will have general elections in April or May when there are also local and provincial elections," said Vucic and added that the SNS demanded elections when it was in the opposition. "They know that even those people protesting will not vote for them," said Vucic. He also announced the formation of People's Movement. "We are working on a platform, program, plans. I would ask people who want good for Serbia to send their ideas, their plans, their wishes..." Vucic concluded


Vucic: Serbia and Venezuela are true friends (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil Pinto in Belgrade on Friday and thanked him for Venezuela's respect of the territorial integrity of Serbia and support for its successful bid to host EXPO 2027. "Serbia and Venezuela are true friends. I am happy to have hosted Yvan Gil Pinto. Thank you for respecting Serbia's territorial integrity and supporting our bid to host EXPO 2027," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram profile that also included photos from the meeting.


Vucic proposes to government to suspend export of Serbian weapons and military equipment over next 30 days (Novosti)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, based on the Law on the President of the Republic and the Law on the Serbian Army, and due to the complicating security situation in the country, made a decision to propose to the government to pass the acts necessary to stop the export of weapons and military equipment over the period of the next 30 days, Novosti is reporting. According what this newspaper has learned, after this deadline expires, the head of state, together with the Council for National Security, will decide whether to extend it. Also, in the decision, the president demands that weapons and military equipment, stored, produced or in the production phase - in economic entities in the territory of Serbia, should be made available to our armed forces and the Ministry of Defense as a matter of priority.


Dacic: It is our legitimate right and we will insist on Security Council session (TV Pink/FoNet)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said today that it is not certain whether the United Nations Security Council will be able to make a decision on Kosovo, because such a thing requires a majority of members of that body, but holding the meeting “is our legitimate right and we will insist on to show the situation”. Dacic assessed that Pristina’s decision to withdraw 25 percent of police officers from the north of Kosovo was an attempt to “cover the eyes, as if something had been loosened”. Those are tricks, like when you put your foot in the door and think you’ve entered the space, Dacic said. There is no de-escalation, withdrawal of mayors from municipalities in the north and complete withdrawal of special police units, Dacic told TV Pink.


Vucevic: Sanctions against Vulin do not imply his dismissal (RTV/Beta)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic stated yesterday that the sanctions imposed against the director of the Security Information Agency Aleksandar Vulin by the US Department of Treasury, did not imply that he would be dismissed and that this decision was up to the National Security Council. "It does not mean that Vulin will be dismissed. It is not implied... We should think well about the consequences, messages, warnings, causes and consequences," Vucevic said in his guest appearance on the show "The Right Angle" on Radio and Television Vojvodina (RTV). He said he expected decisions to be made in the coming days, i.e. that the National Security Council, or everyone who is a part of the security and defense system, would make certain decisions because these sanctions were "a great challenge" for Serbia. "That is a message to the state, not just to one party, or one man, but also to the same man that personifies the state, President Aleksandar Vucic," stated Vucevic, who is also the President of the Serbian Progressive Party.


Hill: Sanctions only against Vulin, not against Serbian institutions (Politika/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said on Thursday US sanctions imposed on Security Information Agency chief Aleksandar Vulin were not against any of the institutions in Serbia, but against an individual. Speaking to reporters during a visit to an archaeological site in Vinca, Hill said the US had made this "very clear". "We have looked very closely at this individual and his activities, and we have concluded he is not someone we want to have visit the US, nor do we want to have any businesses or business contact with him. So, on that basis the sanction is about really protecting the US, that is, denying a visa to such an individual and also denying his ability to conduct any financial operations in the US," Hill said.


Cochard: De-escalation must be implemented as soon as possible (Politika)


French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard said that there is no alternative to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, and that today it is clearer than ever. He said this for Politika, when asked whether the crisis in Kosovo and Metohija threatens to lead to wider destabilization and what kind of response Paris has to that and added that it is necessary because the population living in Kosovo and Metohija is oversaturated with constant periods of crises and tensions. “Normalization is also necessary because it conditions Serbia’s European integration. Also, for geopolitical reasons, we cannot allow a new crisis point to exist in Europe – that’s why we and our German friends undertook an initiative that received the support of the EU and therefore to the full extent we support European mediation and the de-escalation plan sent to both sides by special envoy Miroslav Lajcak,” Cochard points out. He added that France regrettably notes that the decisions made in Pristina do not aim to de-escalate and implement the Ohrid Agreement, and that is why they took steps both bilaterally and on the European level, which resulted in the suspension of certain European funds and cooperation that existed. When asked what the priority is, Cochard says that it is imperative to move towards de-escalation and implementation of the Ohrid Agreement as soon as possible, and that this includes organizing early local elections for the participation of Serbs, and that talks on the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities with a Serbian majority begin immediately. “It goes without saying that all parties make a reasonable choice and that all parties refrain from gestures that could contribute to increasing tensions,” Coshard said. De-escalation must be carried out as soon as possible, Cochard said in response to the question of whether restrictive measures towards Pristina will produce results in order to achieve the plan for de-escalation, and that the aim of those measures on the European and bilateral level is to let the Pristina authorities know that it is in their interest for de-escalation to occur. “We hope, especially since it is a single message from the EU and the US, that it will happen as soon as possible. It is also a message that is sent from all the countries of the region,” Cochard said. When it comes to Serbia’s European integration, Cochard points out that Prime Minister Ana Brnabic very clearly reiterated during her visit to Brussels that Serbia has made a choice in favor of the European future and that they welcome the efforts that Serbia has undertaken - such as those related to migratory flows and visa policy, and everything related to EU regulations in the field of environment and energy transition. “There are three domains in which more work needs to be done - reforms in the area of the rule of law, freedom of the media and pluralism in general. Then, normalization of relations with Kosovo and the third issue is related to harmonization with the EU foreign policy, and this is something that is not new but has existed since the very beginning of the accession negotiations. We know that Serbia has condemned Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and we welcome that decision, but we should know that Serbia is fully with the EU in that position,” Cochard said. “Certainly, the EU cannot fix the accession date of a certain country, but that does not prevent the authorities in Serbia from setting a certain year or date of accession as their goal and moving decisively towards its realization. In that case, I am convinced that the EU itself and the member countries would do everything to help achieve that goal,” Cochard assessed.


Sarrazin: For international community ZSO formation is key; People in northern Kosovo are suffering (RTS)


Germany’s Special Representative for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin said the Kosovo government announcement of a 25 percent reduction in police presence in the northern region of Kosovo is only a small step which has not been completed, because, under the EU plan for de-escalation, there is to be no special police in the vicinity of the municipal buildings in the north. Sarrazin said the 25 percent reduction is a positive thing but that it does not meet EU’s requirement. He said he knows it sounds funny when foreign diplomats say both sides need to de-escalate, but this example shows that it is a positive thing when there is clear will on both sides – Serbia’s to fully implement the Ohrid agreement, and Pristina’s to relocate the mayors and withdraw the special police, followed by the calling of elections in four municipalities in northern Kosovo with the Serb List participating in them. He said the current situation is negatively impacting the entire region’s European perspective. All sides have to work on the Ohrid agreement, and, though no agreement is perfect, there is a good chance the impasse can be overcome, said Sarrazin. Serbia needs to change the rhetoric around the Ohrid agreement and fully implement it, and we need to see Kosovo’s commitment regarding the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), said Sarrazin, adding that the international community discusses this matter with Pristina on a daily basis. For us in the international community, the formation of the ZSO is key, Sarrazin told RTS. We have a dangerous situation, I am often in Mitrovica, I talk to many Serbs, people are suffering, the situation needs to calm down so people can live normally, without fear. De-escalation is a prerequisite for us to return to dialogue and to the formation of the ZSO, said Sarrazin. He added that Berlin has not changed its position regarding the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, but that the focus is on steps for de-escalation and implementation of agreements.


EULEX: Fewer people in front of municipalities in the north, all efforts aimed at de-escalation (Tanjug)


EULEX has announced that the current situation in the municipalities in the north is calm and that a smaller number of people are gathering in front of the municipalities in Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok. This is how EULEX answered Tanjug's question about the current situation in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija with a majority Serb population. They also said that all efforts are currently focused on de-escalating the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. "This is necessary in the interest of the security of Kosovo and the well-being of all its communities," stated the written response of EULEX. When asked where the so-called mayors elected in April are, EULEX replied that it is these (so-called) mayors who should be asked that question.


Petrovic: When I was released from custody, I realized how much public support I have (NIN/Beta)


Policewoman Katarina Petrovic has said that she became aware of the support that she was receiving in public only after being released from custody for exposing information on the circumstances of a traffic accident caused by a close friend of the Serbian president. "I thank all citizens of Serbia, my fellow citizens in Valjevo, colleagues in the police force and the media, for the support that they are giving me," Petrovic told the 13 July edition of the NIN weekly, adding that, as advised by her attorney, she would not comment on the proceedings being led against her. Katarina Petrovic was remanded in custody after she handed Freedom and Justice Party vice-president Marinika Tepic a report revealing that Nikola Petrovic, a close friend of Serbian President Vucic, caused a traffic accident under the influence of alcohol and cocaine, which left two women injured. Petrovic was initially charged with abuse of office for bringing the traffic police report to light, and then, after that, she was charged with breaking the Law on Confidentiality of Information. Former Supreme Court president Vida Petrovic Skero stressed that in the case of officer Petrovic it was clear that she had not committed a crime and that this was a case of abuse.




B&H CoM session held but appointments of B&H Finance Minister and B&H CoM Deputy Chairman were not discussed (FTV)


FTV reports on the session of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) which was held on Thursday adding that nothing has happened regarding the appointment of the B&H Minister of Finance and the Deputy Chairman of the B&H CoM. B&H CoM Chairwoman Borjana Kristo said that her obligation is to propose the name of a new minister to the B&H Parliament, but that she needs political consent. SNSD nominated Srdjan Amidzic for the post of B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury, instead of Zoran Tegeltija, and Stasa Kosarac for the post of B&H Deputy Chairman. Kosarac warned that the B&H CoM, without the Minister of Finance, is on “life support”. “We cannot approach solving the issue in a way - this is acceptable, we will take this, and blackmailing. We have to treat all issues as our obligations – that is how I will position myself, that is my obligation”, Kristo promised. For Kosarac, the post of B&H Minister of Finance is part of the package that belongs to the RS, and he has no objection to that post remaining in the hands of SNSD. On the contrary. “There are some who condition - there is no conditioning. Those who impose conditions keep the Council of Ministers on life support or put it in a position where, for example, we will not be able to adequately participate in decision-making”, Kosarac emphasized. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic sees the culprit for the current situation in the B&H CoM exclusively in the actions of the rulers from Republika Srpska (RS). He warns - we are ready to talk, but we are not ready for any blackmail. “If someone, something is on life support - then it is because of the actions of politicians from the RS. In an idyllic atmosphere where the Council of Ministers is doing a fantastic job, they decided to raise issues that are a formal attack on the Constitution of the state of B&H at this moment”, Konakovic assessed. Also, the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H was an indispensable topic among the ministers, at least in front of the media. Konakovic emphasized the importance of solving the issue of the attack on the constitutional legal order because, he claims, the Constitutional Court is the corrector of all bad behaviour, the guarantor of the existence of B&H and that no one can play with this institution. The continuation of the negotiations of the party leaders, with the aim of finding a solution, was announced for Monday.


Niksic: Dodik is not above the law and the Constitution of B&H; There is no compromise, no discussion, no agreement at the expense of the state (FTV)


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Prime Minister and SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic asked if B&H is currently in a political crisis, from which the ruling authorities are unable to find a way out, assessed that B&H is seemingly in a state of permanent crisis. He commented on the state-level coalition and said that “this is not something that we agreed” with our coalition partners. Things cannot change overnight, but you have to be realistic, he said, adding that they have made some significant steps in the past few months. When it comes to getting out of the crisis - for the continuation of work, cooperation, talks at the state level, it is a matter of attitude towards laws that represent an attack on the constitutional order, which was clearly stated by the representatives of the international community, Niksic pointed out. He reminded that RS President Milorad Dodik had entered the field of a criminal offense with the decree on non-application of the law of High Representative Christian Schmidt. “Before us is the expectation to see if the judicial institutions of B&H are functioning”, he added. Niksic emphasized that Dodik is not above the law and the Constitution of B&H. He said no one will benefit from Dodik’s behaviour, least of all the RS citizens. Niksic said Dodik must accept Schmidt’s decisions regarding the annulment of the controversial laws adopted by the RS parliament and move on by doing constructive things and not things that create problems in B&H. Asked if he expects the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to process and sanction Dodik, Niksic said he would not comment this much and he would not prejudge anything, because that could be considered a pressure onto the judiciary. He only said this will be a test for the judiciary in the country, and we must wait and see if that test is passed. Niksic commented on how talks with Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic are held behind closed doors. He said Covic is quite a “hard negotiator” when it comes to concrete things. “The narrative at those meetings is different. We agree on some things very quickly. Even what we agreed on - it was realized”, Niksic emphasized. He added that B&H made some progress in the past period, but whenever that happens, some crisis is started. Niksic believes that the important thing is that all parties that form the state-level coalition in B&H support the country’s path towards the EU. The 5th meeting of the EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council will be held on July 19 in Brussels. Niksic said the ruling authorities in B&H will hold a meeting on Monday and they will discuss this and the way in which the B&H delegation will present its results. He understands that the EU expects B&H to make certain steps and achieve progress on this path. Niksic said it is also understandable that B&H cannot make significant progress when there is a major political crisis in the country. However, he believes that even during crisis, B&H institutions are able to work on some things and adopt solutions. Asked to comment on appointment of the new B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury, Niksic said this post belongs to SNSD, and there is no dilemma about that. He said a member of SNSD should be appointed to the post, but before this is completed, Niksic said “other more pressing issues in the country must be addressed first”. ‘The Troika’ coalition is trying to solve all things through dialogue. Niksic claims that Dodik and Covic are also part of that dialogue, and that they all are trying to find solutions by holding constant talks. The presenter noted that this is not something that the public sees. The public only sees political bickering. It is much easier to lead a populist policy, but no one benefits from it, the SDP B&H leader assessed. He said that they will slowly work on all issues and solve them. Niksic emphasized once again that when they started, they said that they were very determined and that they offered a chance for compromise, discussion, and agreement - but there is no compromise, no discussion, no agreement at the expense of the state. At the end of his interview, Niksic was asked how they will solve the matter of amendments to the Election Law of B&H. Covic said an agreement should be reached by October. Niksic said that was the initial plan, signed within the coalition agreement. He explains that talks and work on this matter have not started yet, which is why he has no concrete details to share with the public. That being said, Niksic elaborated that he believes the most ideal solution would be for members of the B&H Presidency to be elected from the B&H parliament, which is in line with the rulings of the court in Strasbourg. He admits that parties from the RS are against this proposal. For HDZ B&H, this is an acceptable option. Niksic said they hope parties from the RS will change their minds, because if they do not, it will be quite difficult to find other solutions and modalities that would be acceptable to all and that would allow for rulings of the court in Strasbourg to be implemented.


Becirovic, Murphy talked current situation in B&H; Becirovic pointed out seriousness of the situation in B&H caused by anti-constitutional and anti-Dayton decisions of the RS authorities (FTV)


Member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic spoke with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy about the current situation in B&H. Becirovic pointed out to Ambassador Murphy the seriousness of the situation in B&H, caused by the anti-constitutional and anti-Dayton decisions of the RS authorities. He emphasized that the authorities from the RS continuously, systematically and institutionally attack the fundamental provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of B&H, thereby endangering peace and security in B&H and the region. Murphy said that the United States, as a witness to the Dayton Peace Agreement, will continue to support the preservation of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. He emphasized that the citizens and peoples of B&H should have functional, efficient and responsible institutions of the state of B&H. Becirovic pointed out that the current circumstances in B&H, the region and Europe require and justify a stronger engagement of the US with the aim of accelerating the necessary reforms in the Euro-Atlantic integration process. “I appreciated the opportunity to meet today with B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic to reflect on this week’s Srebrenica commemoration, discuss the current political situation in B&H, and reiterate the United States’ rock-solid commitment to B&H and its Euro-Atlantic aspirations. The United States stands with the people of B&H as they build a better future for themselves,” stated Murphy.


Milatovic: I will ask the EC to postpone the report on progress, I am worried about the media reports that the government will be cumbersome (RTCG)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic said in an interview with TV Montenegro that he will travel to Brussels next week, where he will talk with European parliamentarians. Then, he says, he will request that the European Commission postpone the publication of the progress report in order to give the government and parliament more time to achieve results. He says that previously there was, conditionally speaking, political stability that concealed the shortcomings of our system. "The report of the European Commission is a good reflection of the situation, but when you analyse it, you realize that many things that were written are the result of an institutional instability in the previous three years. The two governments failed to complete the key reforms that were needed in the rule of law, the judiciary and incidentally in conjunction with the parliament. In this direction, I have decided to travel to Brussels next week, where I will explain things in a conversation with the MPs, present a different view, and I hope that after the conversation some things will be clearer to them, and that the conversation will influence the Declaration on Montenegro that should be made in September-October. I will also ask for the progress report to be postponed in order to give time to the new parliament and the government to start things up a bit," announced Milatovic. According to him, it is clear that the ball is in our court. "I expect the maturity of the new convocation of the parliament of Montenegro, to reach a consensus and to make appointments in the judiciary in order to make progress. I hope that after that we will get an additional wind at our back from Brussels", stated Milatovic. He says that previously there was, conditionally speaking, political stability that concealed the shortcomings of our system. "The institutions existed only on the surface, but essentially they were trapped in the hands of organized crime and corruption, and we are now prosecuting those people," said Milatovic. He reminded that the former president of the Supreme Court, the president of the Administrative Court, people from the prosecutor's office and many others were prosecuted on suspicion of being part of organized crime. "Those who were supposed to fight organized crime groups worked for them. I think that we have made a significant step forward and that these things can never happen again in Montenegro. The fight against crime and corruption will be the focus of the new government, and the rule of law is a prerequisite for all prerequisites. I support the improvement of the rule of law and the liberation of institutions from both political influence and criminal influence," said Milatovic. Milatovic is worried about the media reports that the future government will be cumbersome and believes that if this happens, it will be clear that political appetites have been satisfied.  "I expect from government to be European, and to be reform oriented. I am concerned by the media reports that it will be large, cumbersome, that the emphasis is on the division of portfolios in a political sense. If the day is known by the morning, then I think we should change some things while we have time. Because citizens expect a government that will fundamentally change things. I don't like to see compromises and I think that all political subjects should agree on the thing that is our common denominator, which is the European path", says Milatovic. He says that he will not interfere with the composition of the government, but that he is only drawing the public's attention to what is happening at the moment. Speaking about the current political situation, he assessed that it is good that we had extraordinary parliamentary elections and that the new convocation of the parliament will better reflect the reality in Montenegro. "We will have new parties in the parliament, some will be gone, we will have a convocation that reflects reality much better. Parliament is expected to form a government that can respond to all challenges. In me, both the parliament and the government will have their greatest friend in achieving their key goals, namely: the European path, the rule of law and improving standards," added Milatovic. He said that he will give the mandate to the one who convinces him that he has the best chance of forming the government, but that this will be preceded by consultations after the constitution of the parliament. He adds that, of course, we have to wait for the publication of the final election results. He says that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told him that the new ambassador of Serbia in Podgorica will not be Vladimir Bozovic. President Milatovic will make an official visit to France in the next two months, at the invitation of Emmanuel Macron.


EU integration should be matter of national consensus, say Schallenberg, Lipavsky, Wlachovsky (MIA)


EU membership should be a matter of national consensus and all Members of Parliament should overcome party politics and consider the country's European future; the sooner they adopt the constitutional changes the sooner North Macedonia will join the EU, whereas early elections would be counterproductive, according to the foreign ministers of Austria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia at their joint press conference in Skopje. Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said they had productive meetings with representatives of the parties across the political spectrum as well as MPs and government officials. "Everyone we talked to, everyone who has any political responsibility, showed that they are pro-European, that they want to keep the country on the path to full EU membership," Schallenberg said. "We really look forward to the moment when the Macedonian language, culture and history will become part of the languages, culture, and history of the EU in all its diversity," he added, stressing that everyone was aware of the need of introducing the amendments to the Constitution. Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky said Russia's war against Ukraine had changed the dynamics of the EU enlargement process. He said North Macedonia should take advantage of the increased momentum and adopt the constitutional changes. "We are aware of the sensitivity of this issue and both the opposition's and the position's views are clear to us. We heard their comments and concerns, but we are convinced there will never be a better situation and more favourable conditions for the EU integration of North Macedonia than now," Lipavsky said. "We will do all we can do to prevent any further demands regarding open bilateral issues," he pledged, urging all MPs to look past party politics and think about the European future of the country and its citizens. Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Wlachovsky said the country's EU integration should be a matter of national consensus. "North Macedonia has a unique opportunity to show this now and should seize this moment. It should definitely not be missed, especially since there is no other alternative in order to move forward in EU integration," Wlachovsky said. During their meetings, Wlachovsky said, the three foreign ministers pointed out that calling a snap election would be counterproductive. "If early elections were scheduled, it would be very counterproductive," he said. "All leaders should reach a consensus regarding these issues." Asked about their meetings with the opposition, Austria's Schallenberg said the purpose of their visit was not to interfere in internal affairs. "If we shared every detail of our conversation," he said, "I think it would be counterproductive because we would become part of the debate, and we want to be part of the solution," he noted.


Schallenberg: Without constitutional changes and EU path, N. Macedonia faces danger of being isolated (MIA)


If it doesn’t accept the constitutional amendments and doesn’t continue down the European path, North Macedonia faces the danger of being isolated, said the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg, at a joint press conference Thursday in Skopje, with his host, Bujar Osmani, and the foreign ministers of Czechia and Slovakia, Jan Lipavsky and Miroslav Wlachovsky. “Once negotiations begin, that’s an irreversible process. The country has been waiting 18 years to reach this moment. Now it is up to you to use it. It is necessary to be politically responsible and place the national interests above all else. Now is the moment and I assure you that we are not meddling in the internal affairs of the country,” said Schallenberg. Schallenberg stressed that a visit of three ministers from three EU member states to a Western Balkan country is not something that happens every day, which, he said, “should be a strong message for you.” “Our message is simple and strong – it is a message of encouragement, there is no time to waste, we would like you to continue with the necessary constitutional amendments, so you can begin membership negotiations. Postponing the adoption of the amendments means a postponement of North Macedonia’s accession. It would be a shame if Skopje, after running such a difficulty marathon, were to trip up at the next obstacle. We’ve been through a lot together, and we overcame many difficulties,” said Schallenberg. The Austrian Foreign Minister added that it is the task of all citizens in the country to make sure that the country's efforts aren’t wasted. “It really is my pleasure and honor to be your host. I interpret your visit as firm, principled support for North Macedonia and its European perspective, support which has never been lacking from your countries,” said Osmani. Foreign Minister Osmani said that the country finds itself at a crossroad yet again. “For the first time we have been given the key – so we can unlock the chapters and clusters and successfully continue the negotiations process by ourselves,” said Osmani at the press conference.


Osmani: N. Macedonia on crossroads again, holds key to continuation of European path (MIA)


North Macedonia and its citizens are unequivocally committed to EU membership. The country has created a European model of a multi-ethnic functional democracy, demonstrated European culture of dialogue and compromise, as well as perseverance in meeting criteria. We find ourselves on crossroads again, but we hold the key to the continuation of the Euro-integration process. We will make a historic mistake if we do not stay on the current course, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani on Thursday. "On one hand, negotiations have started, the screening has been successfully implemented and we are a few months away from the opening of the clusters and the chapters. However, this is the first time we hold the key to unlock the chapters and clusters and successfully continue the negotiating process. On the other hand, we are facing resistance imposed by some members of the opposition, irrational resistance I would say, because the constitutional amendment that we have undertaken as a task does not change the essence of our constitutional arrangement in any way. Maybe even the word 'amendment' is wrong, and we might use the word 'addition', since the constitutional order is not changed but several communities are added, thus enlarging the otherwise multiethnic structure of our country. This is something that we have been continually highlighting as our advantage and success," FM Osmani told a joint press conference with visiting counterparts Alexander Schallenberg of Austria, Jan Lipavsky of the Czech Republic, and Miroslav Wlachovsky of Slovakia. He said Europe is currently coping with turbulent and complex times, a period when the process of European integration is increasingly becoming a security issue. "Only two days ago, the Vilnius Summit demonstrated the power of enlargement in another Alliance by unsticking Sweden's process to join NATO, an event that undoubtedly instilled a new hope and optimism for a strong and stable Europe on the long run. EU enlargement is facing a similar integration momentum that we must not miss. North Macedonia cannot afford to go into the group of candidate-states or potential candidates that have open issues and that are not placed on the fast accession track. We will make a historic mistake if we fail to remain on the current track that we worked hard to get back to after many years of waiting," said Osmani. The FM said lawmakers will have to choose in the next few weeks - to continue with the constitutional amendments or "we will close that door by using excuses that no one will remember afterward". When quizzed on the timeline for adoption of the constitutional amendments and to provide assurances that no other EU member would hinder the process, Osmani said this is dictated by the screening process that is expected to finish sometime in November, while adding there are no other prerequisites other than those defined in the negotiating framework. "The membership talks started in July last year and their continuation through clusters and chapters depends on the adoption of the constitutional amendments. The decision on the start of the negotiations was adopted by all 27 EU member-states. It includes roadmaps and an action plan for a minority proposed by Bulgaria, and we have launched the formal communication to define this action plan. There are no other prerequisites in these roadmaps. Of course, the Prespa Agreement and the Friendship Treaty are part of these roadmaps but there are no obligations for submission of written reports on the implementation of these treaties. We signed these agreements in good will, and we will implement them, we will abide by the provisions of all protocols we have signed, but those provisions of the bilateral agreements do not dictate the tempo of our EU accession," said Osmani. Regarding the potential negative feelings within the Macedonian society towards the EU because of the concessions that have been made, the FM said the credibility of the enlargement process and EU institutions must be maintained by way of "bridging that includes the use of integration benefits even before membership itself"."If this accelerated accession for candidate-states is maintained and they become part of the European Single Market and use cohesive structural funds, then we can maintain the credibility of enlargement and European institutions. I believe this is the solution and am pleased that the EU has responded to this request, so that we get the feeling we own the process and are fully engaged in the entire enlargement process," said Osmani. On the challenge related to the constitutional amendments, he noted that the country is faced with two options. "There are two trajectories ahead of us. One is the fast track for EU accession, while the second is the group of countries with bilateral problems that must be solved first and then to move towards the EU. We have a historic opportunity to put North Macedonia into the group of countries that has no open bilateral issues, resulting in accelerated Union accession process. I hope the debate will start once the MPs and the citizens see the text of the amendments. There is currently a lot of propaganda and people cannot perceive the essence of the constitutional amendments, which only enhance the country's multiethnic character," underlined FM Osmani.


Pendarovski meets Slavkov trilateral format foreign ministers (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Thursday with the Slavkov trilateral format representatives Foreign Minister of Austria Alexander Schallenberg, Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavsky, and Foreign Minister of Slovakia Miroslav Wlachovsky. According to an official press release, they discussed the country's EU membership bid, the latest developments in the Western Balkans as well as the situation in the wider region, in light of Russia'a war against Ukraine. President Pendarovski thanked the Slavkov format representatives on their countries' unwavering support on North Macedonia's EU path. They exchanged opinions on the ongoing bilateral screening with the EU as well as on the need for adopting the constitutional amendments arising from the country's negotiating framework with the EU, the release says. While discussing regional developments, Pendarovski highlighted that the country's European perspective was one of the key prerequisites for the overall stability, security, and democratic development of the region. He also said the EU needed to maintain its focus on the region, noting that in times of serious security challenges on European soil it was more important than ever to view enlargement not only as a technical procedure but also as an important geopolitical tool for the EU, the release adds.


Xhaferi meets Schallenberg, Lipavsky, Wlachovsky (MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi met Thursday with the Austerlitz-Format or 'Slavkov trilateral' top diplomats Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, and Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Wlachovsky. According to an official press release, Xhaferi highlighted the friendly bilateral relations with all three countries and thanked them on their continued support for North Macedonia's and the Western Balkans' EU integration efforts. "He reiterated the country's commitment to persevering on the EU path and overcoming current obstacles such as the adoption of constitutional changes that requires a two-thirds parliamentary majority," the release says. The visiting foreign ministers representing the EU said their friendly visit to the country was aimed at encouraging the faster adoption of the constitutional changes agreed last year as an important step forward in the country's EU membership bid. "They stressed that there will be no changes to the approved negotiation framework with the EU that all 27 member states backed up and that his opportunity should not be missed, given the current geopolitical situation in Europe," the release adds. Pointing out that North Macedonia's foreign and security policies were fully aligned with the EU's, the top diplomats said the country's political and material support to Ukraine was highly commendable.


Ahmeti meets Austrian, Czech, Slovak foreign ministers (MIA)


Democratic Union for Integration leader Ali Ahmeti met Thursday with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, and Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Wlachovsky who are on an official visit to North Macedonia. According to a DUI press release, they discussed the country's European path, the need of introducing the proposed constitutional changes, the ongoing screening process, the EU reforms and the challenges in implementing them as well as the importance of maintaining stability in the country and in the region. Ahmeti spoke about the ruling coalition's commitment to continuing on the European path, stressing that the country had progressive forces maintaining the nation's pro-European orientation. He also thanked the diplomats for the support from all EU member states for North Macedonia and all its progress so far. "Domestic and regional stability as well as the stability of the entire European continent is a priority issue that can only be guaranteed by the European integration of the Western Balkan countries," Ahmeti is quoted as saying in the release.


VMRO-DPMNE delegation led by Mickoski meets Schallenberg, Lipavsky, Wlachovsky (MIA)


A VMRO-DPMNE delegation led by Hristijan Mickoski and including the opposition party's Members of Parliament met Thursday with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, and Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Wlachovsky. The VMRO-DPMNE representatives thanked the top diplomats for their visit and discussed the country's issues related to the EU, the party said in a press release. "They stressed that the obstacle on Macedonia's path to the EU, more than Bulgaria, is the high-level corruption in the government, the lack of rule of law, and the abuse of institutions," the release says. As examples of such abuse the party pointed out EU-flagging laws "to avoid debate and responsibility before the public" in a fast-track parliamentary procedure. VMRO-DPMNE representatives also noted "the constructive role the country has had in the region in the past during all Balkan crises". "Regarding the government's intention to leave out the opposition from the negotiations and push constitutional changes in Parliament under a Bulgarian ultimatum, the representatives unanimously reiterated their position that they will not support constitutional changes under dictation and that the state urgently needs to focus on completing real reforms," VMRO-DPMNE says, adding that the country's EU membership process must not include "playing with the national feelings of the Macedonian people."


Election date only thing we can discuss with government, says opposition leader (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said Thursday that he would only be able to reach an agreement with the government over the date for the next parliamentary elections.

“They had more than a year to find a single person to vote for the constitutional changes, they had a few solutions that I proposed last year, they refused all of them, and now they only have one option on the table: to sit down and agree on the date of the next parliamentary elections. Everything else is a fish tale, i.e., lies and fantasies of these people who only have a short time left in the Macedonian government,” said Mickoski in answer to a journalist’s question. Mickoski did not say what he would tell the foreign ministers of Austria, Czechia and Slovakia, Alexander Schallenberg, Jan Lipavsky and Miroslav Wlachovsky who are on official visit to the country. Asked whether their visit is a part of a diplomatic offensive and talks over the constitutional amendments, Mickoski said that this has been happening the whole year. The VMRO-DPMNE leader said he would be disappointed and insulted if the constitutional amendments are the only topic of the meeting with the ministers, for which there is no agenda. “This is nothing new. I would be disappointed if this is the only reason the three high-ranking guests came to Macedonia. If you truly respect the people of this country and if you truly wish Macedonia a European future and perspective, then we should pay more attention to the crime and corruption, the lack of reforms, the catastrophic situation in education, in healthcare, the bad state of the farmers, emigration of the youth. And I am ready to hold talks with everyone in order to improve the conditions in these areas. If someone is coming here just to discuss the constitutional changes then I would be really disappointed, but also insulted as a citizen of Macedonia, because according to all polls, the constitutional changes are not among the top priorities of the citizens of Macedonia,” said Mickoski. “Let’s hear what it is that interests them,” added the VMRO-DPMNE leader.


President Begaj received by the President of Slovenia Natasa Pirc Musar (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj was received in an official visit by the President of Slovenia, Natasa Pirc Musar. After the official ceremony organized on this occasion and the tête-à-tête meetings between the two delegations, President Begaj and President Pirc Musar held a joint press conference. In his statement, President Begaj assessed Slovenia as an important regional and European partner, so he expressed special gratitude to President Pirc Musar for the essential and continuous support that this country has given to the process of Albania's integration into the EU in particular, as well as the expansion process with all the countries of the Western Balkans in general. The Head of State shared the opinion with President Pirc Musar that due to recent geopolitical developments, but also thanks to the contribution of Slovenia and the Group of Western Balkan countries, today we have a new approach of the EU to the enlargement process with the countries of the region. "The integration process is no longer considered simply as a technical issue, but also as a strategic choice and vision," President Begaj said. Begaj further added that: "We must continue to cooperate closely bound by our partnership in NATO and common strategic interests in our region and beyond." A special attention was paid to economic cooperation and the need for its greater promotion. "We note with pleasure a growing trend of this cooperation, especially in the field of trade in goods and services, where tourism undoubtedly occupies a very important place. I assured President Pirc Musar that Albania is interested in more Slovenian investments in Albania" President Begaj further said. According to the Head of State, the restoration of the direct Ljubljana-Tirana airline can give a greater boost to cooperation in the field of tourism, but also to the interaction of businesses. President Begaj also thanked President Pirc Musar for the conditions created for a better integration of the Albanian diaspora in Slovenia, thanks to the approved legal framework and the opportunities to preserve the national identity, language and native culture. Further cooperation in the field of education and culture, the war in Ukraine, or the support given by Slovenia to overcome the consequences of the 2019 earthquake, were also the focus of the talks.


Begaj: Slovenia, an unwavering supporter of Albania's journey in the integration process (Radio Tirana)


After the meeting with the President of Slovenia, Natasa Pirc Musar, Bajram Begaj responded to the journalists' questions. Asked about the evaluation of the cooperation between countries in the light of the advice given by the EU and the European Council to the WB countries, President Begaj stated that regional cooperation remains a prerequisite for the membership of the countries of the Western Balkan region in the EU. "Albania pays a lot of attention to regional cooperation based on the rules of good neighbourliness and the EU has thanked it for the proactive role that Albania has in building good neighbourly relations, creating a spirit of cooperation between countries of the Western Balkans, as well as for guaranteeing peace and security in the region. Albania appreciates the EU's new approach to the enlargement process, but of course this does not mean that we should give up meeting the standards to become part of the EU,"Begaj said. Begaj added: The region faces some sensitive issues which are inherited from the past, from the distant and recent past, for which we should not remain hostage to them. They should serve us for the lessons learned, but we should think more about the issues that most interest our peoples today, in those that will interest them in the future, especially to guarantee prosperity for our peoples, especially for the youth. In this perspective". Begaj extended special thanks to Slovenia, for the fact that it has been an unwavering supporter of Albania's journey in the integration process and a very good advocate of the expansion process of the countries of the Western Balkans the EU enlargement process. "There are two important forums, it is Brdo-Brijuni and the Forum of Bled, which have especially on their agenda the approach of the Western Balkans, regional cooperation and the integration process. For this year, as the President said, the Brdo-Brijuni Summit will focus on those issues that are not related to ideological issues but are related to issues that are more sensitive for the region, that are more sensitive to our peoples, to youth, to immigration, to natural disasters, to energy, so that we can focus on solving everyday problems" Begaj said.


Belgium supports Albania on the path to EU integration (Radio Tirana)


At the invitation of the head of the Permanent Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mimi Kodheli a delegation from the parliament and senate of Belgium, headed by Theo Francken, is visiting the Assembly of Albania. During their two-day visit to Tirana, the Belgian parliamentarians were welcomed in a meeting by the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly Ermonela Felaj who expressed her thanks for Belgium's support in the path of Albania's integration and underlined, in respect to foreign policy Albania has been in line with the EU stances. She also thanked for Belgium's clear position regarding Kosovo. The friendly delegation also met with a representative of the Commission for Legal Affairs and Public Administration led by Klotilda Bushka, to discuss over the importance of cooperation in international organizations. In the meeting with the Permanent Parliamentary Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Kodheli described as excellent the cooperation within the NATO Parliamentary Assembly between the two countries. She said that the times we live in have shown that only thanks to cooperation and unity can take the right decisions. Francken thanked for the warm hospitality and said that this visit is very important, as he is more familiar with the situation in Albania. He appreciated Albania's role within the Alliance, describing it as a reliable partner. The interlocutors also spoke about the security and political situation in the region, the north of Kosovo, and the historic Vilnius summit.