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Belgrade Media Report 15 August 2023



Orlic: Standing strongly with people and leadership of RS (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic on Monday met with B&H Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar Vranjes and said that violation of Dayton principles and constitutional organization of B&H that are based on them is wrong and harmful. Vranjes informed Orlic about the current political situation in B&H, with a special emphasis on issuing of the indictment against RS President Milorad Dodik. Vranjes assessed that the indictment represents an example of tyranny, suspension of laws, logic and principles of democracy in B&H and he noted that “the indictment against legitimately elected representative of the Serb people, which was issued groundlessly, jeopardizes constitutional order of B&H”. Orlic said that Serbia is of the stance that respecting of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is of the highest importance and that, in line with this, any violation of Dayton principles is wrong and harmful. Orlic also said that the consensus of two entities and three constituent peoples, instead of imposing of will from abroad, is the only right way. “We want to have the best possible relations with all peoples, all citizens of B&H, but we clearly said that Serbia stands strongly with the RS, its people and leadership elected by people to preserve Dayton principles, peace and progress,” Orlic pointed out. Orlic also said that the entire Serbia supports words of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and argued that Serbia fully respects territorial integrity of B&H, as well as the integrity of the RS, both entities and all three peoples. “We expect an identical respect when it comes to territorial integrity of Serbia, which is something that did not happen on the occasion of voting before the Council of Europe,” Orlic noted.


Odalovic: Kurti playing with fire, Europe on vacation (RTS)


A few days have passed, but the visit of the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti to North Macedonia, despite the official protocols, with the symbols of Greater Albania, is still a topic that is discussed throughout the region. Veljko Odalovic, the President of the Serbian government’s Commission for Missing Persons, told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that these are things that must be sanctioned, because it is unacceptable that such things happen on the territory of a sovereign state and then there is no reaction. “The way Albin Kurti came, the reason he was there, what he was doing there, is something that is dangerous, playing with a fire that can be ignited in that area,” warned Odalovic. Kurti, Odalovic points out, is trying to present himself as the leader of the Albanians in the south of Serbia proper, in the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac. “Europe is on vacation and is silent. Being on vacation does not suit us, idling in which activities should be taking place regarding the issue of northern Kosovo and Metohija, de-escalation and preparations for elections, as agreed, but what we hear is not right. Because it’s obvious that things like this must be condemned, because this is a dangerous situation, this is playing with fire,” assesses Odalovic. Odalovic believes that Kurti reckons that time will do everything, that the Serbs will give up and leave Kosovo and Metohija under the terror he is carrying out, the institutional terror. “He wants to destroy and humiliate the Brussels agreement, just as Resolution 1244 does not exist for them. For us, international documents are sacred. We hope that Europe will be called, that they will come to their senses and start respecting what they brought,” said Odalovic.


Serbian politicians express support to Dodik (Beta)


Several Serbian politicians expressed their support to RS President Milorad Dodik following the indictment against him. Leader of the coalition Nada Milos Jovanovic stated that the indictment is shameful, and that the RS leadership should stay strong in defending the RS with the support of Serbia. He warned that actions of Christian Schmidt are leading to new conflicts in the region. He underlined that the RS rightfully refuses to implement decisions of Schmidt and B&H Constitutional Court. Leader of Serb Party Zavetnici Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski stated that the indictment represents political persecution of democratically elected representatives of Serbs, and that the West is using anti-Dayton institutions of the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to destroy the institutions and legal order of the RS. Leader of Serb Movement Dveri Bosko Obradovic stated that the indictment represents pressure against the RS, and the purpose is to take away the RS’ property and its competencies based on the Dayton Peace Agreement. He underlined that Serbia should stand up for defense of the RS and the Dayton Peace Agreement.


Party: West’s responses to Kurti’s provocation warning to Belgrade against French-German plan (Beta)


Vojislav Mihailovic, vice speaker in the Serbian parliament and president of the Kingdom of Serbia Renewal Movement, said on Aug. 14 that the "lukewarm reaction" from the EU and Western countries to the "Greater Albanian provocations" during a recent visit by Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti to North Macedonia "must serve as the last warning to the Serbian authorities to abandon further talks on implementing the French-German plan". Mihailovic called on Serbian Speaker Vladimir Orlic to schedule the "promised" parliament session where MPs could reject the so-called French-German plan for Kosovo. "As deputy speaker of the Assembly of Serbia, I call on the speaker to call the promised session on the French-German plan and for the coming together of all political parties in our county that oppose the recognition, de facto and de jure, of the independence of so-called 'Republic of Kosovo' to have the agreement rejected, because it is in opposition to Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council," the party quoted Mihailovic as saying.




B&H CoM fails to pass decision to declare mourning day at level of B&H after triple murder in Gradacac (O Kanal)


The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) held an extraordinary phone session on Monday and failed to pass a decision to declare a mourning day at the level of B&H after the case of triple murder in Gradacac on Friday. B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic and B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac stated that the RS government has already declared 16 August (Wednesday) a morning day on the territory of the RS.. On the occasion of the latest tragedy in Gradacac, B&H Minister of Human Rights and Refugees Sevlid Hurtic visited on Monday the ‘Viva Women’ association in Tuzla. They discussed new legislative solutions that would ensure better protection of women after they report domestic violence. Nova BH – reports that the proposal to declare Wednesday a day of mourning in entire BiH was not adopted due to lack of quorum. To remind, Monday was declared day of mourning in Tuzla Canton and Brcko District while the government of both entities already declared Wednesday day of mourning.


Court of B&H has 15 days to decide whether or not to confirm indictment against Dodik and Lukic (BHT1)


The Court of B&H has a 15-day deadline to decide on the indictment that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H filed against RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic. “Provisions of the B&H Law on Criminal Procedure provide that the deadline to decide on an indictment is 15 days from the reception of the indictment. Within this period, a preliminary hearing judge will consider the indictment’’, reads the statement by the Court of B&H. BHT1 reminds that Dodik and Lukic are suspected of not implementing the High Representative’s decision under the new Article of the B&H Criminal Code imposed by HR Christian Schmidt after Dodik signed a decree on promulgation of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Publication of Laws and Other Regulations, according to which the High Representative’s decisions will not be published in the RS Official Gazette. According to unofficial information, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H also proposed a ban on political activity for Dodik, however this has not been officially confirmed.


Petronijevic: More than hundred lawyers expressed willingness to defend Dodik (Glas Srpske)


Belgrade-based lawyer Goran Petronijevic confirmed that if the Court of B&H confirms the indictment against RS President Milorad Dodik, a council for defense of the RS President will be formed. Petronijevic emphasized that more than 100 experts and lawyers already expressed their interest in participating in Dodik’s defense on pro bono basis. He clarified that the Center for Restoration of International Law also expressed support to his initiative to form the council for Dodik’s defense. The Center comprises all lawyers who participated in the ICTY trials, as well as many former judges and prosecutors. Petronijevic also stated that Serbian lawyers Branko Lukic, Aleksandar Cvejic, Toma Fila and Novica Pekovic expressed their interest, as well as Marko Sladojevic from Slovenia and Vladan Bojic from Montenegro. Petronijevic stated that the behavior of Christian Schmidt represents a form of coup, and that he usurped the legislative, executive and judicial powers in B&H. He expressed hope that the Court of B&H will show integrity and reject the indictment. He reiterated that Schmidt’s appointment was not verified by the UN Security Council which means that he has no legitimacy. Petronijevic also expressed hope that in case that the indictment is confirmed, the trial will reveal the truth about the role played by High Representatives in BiH. In his opinion, the decision to raise the incitement was made hastily, and it will open the Pandora’s box. Petronijevic emphasized that Dodik merely followed the laws and Constitution of the RS.


Lukic: B&H and its political system hits rock bottom with indictment issued against Dodik and me (ATV)


ATV carried comments on the indictment issued against RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic, for non-implementation of decisions of High Representative Christian Schmidt. Lukic stated that B&H and its political system have hit rock bottom with this and noted that it is devastating that Schmidt tries to arrange the whole system and models it according to his will. It has happened, Lukic says, that people, usually tyrants in their systems, try to impose someone to certain functions, but it has never happened that afterwards the whole system is adapted to an individual. “I think that B&H and the political system in the country have really hit rock bottom because both the political and legal systems are subordinated to someone who is unelected, imposed, incompetent and who has now placed himself above the entire system,” pointed out Lukic. Lukic also stated that the RS Official Gazette will continue to publish all decrees despite the bans. Lukic stated that he will ask the Cabinet of the RS President to provide them with an office in the Palace of the RS where they could open a department for the Official Gazette, in order to speed up publishing of all decrees issued by Dodik.


Dodik: British Ambassador should know, and certainly knows, that as a diplomat he should primarily show respect for the institutions of the country he is in (RTRS)


“The British Ambassador should know, and certainly knows, that as a diplomat he should primarily show respect for the institutions of the country he is in, to respect its sovereignty and the democratically elected authorities”, RS President Milorad Dodik wrote on social media. Dodik made this comment in response to accusation stated by British Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly, who said that the RS authorities were, allegedly, promoting illegal and dangerous activities. “Like his predecessors, and he only continued the same practice, he showed disrespect towards the institutions of the RS and the Serb people in an extremely brazen manner by using inappropriate evaluations of the work of the representatives of the institutions of the RS”, Dodik said. Dodik noted that “that colonial attitude can be applied to the FB&H”. “We have no problem with that, but in relation to the RS, we cannot help but react to such behavior. Our message is clear - you will not get the property of the RS. When you show respect for the Serb people and the institutions of RS, then our attitude towards the ambassadors of Great Britain in B&H will also change”, Dodik emphasized.


Reilly comments on Dodik's accusations that money came from UK for activities to destroy RS (BNTV)


The UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly commented on the accusations of the RS President Milorad Dodik, that in the past 15 days, GBP 4 million came from the UK for the activities of destroying of the RS, in which, as Dodik said, the FB&H media, as well as media from the RS - Capital, Buka and BN participate in. Reilly said that Dodik's frequent and varied accusations would be ridiculous if they did not emphasize the damage that he and his ruling coalition are causing to this country. Reilly was quoted as saying: “Trying to present journalists as enemies further isolates citizens from the truth. We hope that the attempts of Dodik and his coalition partners to limit engagement with the UK will be short-lived, as they are unnecessary and of no use to anyone. It is not in the interest of those living in the RS or anywhere else to be isolated from international partners or cooperation. The UK does not want to destroy the RS. In accordance with the Dayton Agreement, B&H is a country with two entities. It is not true that the UK wants to punish the RS.”


N1, BNTV, Capital and Buka respond to Dodik's threats (N1)


N1 and BNTV, as well as news portals Capital and Buka, issued a joint response to the recent attack and threats made against these media by RS President Milorad Dodik, noting that Dodik’s statements represent an open institutional call for the persecution of journalists. Labelling these four media as “enemies of the Serb people” and “destroyers of the RS”, Milorad Dodik gave a signal to tens of thousands of his voters, followers, members of his SNSD party, and coalition partners, but also to the institutions he controls to mistreat employees of N1, BNTV, and in any way. “We resolutely reject all accusations made by the President of the RS, and we are considering the possibility of a collective lawsuit. We call on the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) to initiate a procedure to physically protect our newsrooms and media workers, and to publicly declare whether there is an official order to monitor our journalists, or whether we are the subject of an investigation, given that the RS President said that we are being monitored. The fabrications regarding millions paid to these media to work on destroying the RS is not even worth commenting on, because it represents a classic diversion of attention from the real problems in the country, which these four newsrooms, as before, will continue to report professionally, regardless of the constant attacks, insults, incitement and efforts to create an environment in which it is desirable to attack a journalist, which according to the latest poll, as much as 74 percent of the citizens of the RS consider acceptable”, reads the joint statement.


Negotiations: Spajic meets representatives of parties over the formation of a new govt today (CdM/Vijesti)


Prime Minister-designate and the Leader of the Europe Now Movement Milojko Spajic will have talks today over the formation of executive power with representatives of the political parties that backed his nomination as pm-designate, as well as with the leaders of the For the Future of Montenegro bloc. According to Vijesti, the Democrats will attend it as well. Spajic has a three-month deadline to form a government, for which he needs support of at least 41 MPs.


US Embassy: We back speedy formation of a govt which would be committed to Euro-Atlantic values, representing a multicultural Montenegro (CdM)


Our position on the formation of a government remains unchanged. We back the speedy formation of a government which would be committed to the Euro-Atlantic values, representing a multicultural Montenegro, the US Embassy in Podgorica told CdM. On yesterday’s information that the US would find it acceptable for the For the Future of Montenegro to enter the government if the Europe Now Movement reforms the security sector, the Embassy points out that they “support the government whose members would condemn the Russian aggression, advocate for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and support the EU sanctions against Russia, reinforce active participation of Montenegro in NATO, protect the rights of the minority nations and support the sovereignty of the neighbouring countries, including Kosovo”.


Osmani – Aggeler: US support of over USD 4 million in fight against corruption (MIA)


Cooperation within the frameworks of the Strategic Dialogue with the United States, accelerating the reform processes in the country and the fight against corruption were in the focus of Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani’s meeting with the US Ambassador to North Macedonia Angela Aggeler, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release Monday. According to the MFA, at the meeting Osmani and Aggeler spoke about cooperation within the frameworks of the Strategic Dialogue, with Osmani voicing gratitude for the additional funds of USD 4.2 million for the rule of law and the implementation of legislation, which the US has been providing since 2012. “With the United States, as our strategic partner, we are continuing to work together on accelerating the reform processes in the country. Additionally, we highly value the continued US support in tackling the challenges and the fight against corruption,” said Osmani. During the meeting, the Foreign Minister and the Ambassador spoke about several topics concerning the bilateral relations, the current political situation in the country, the situation in the Western Balkans, as well as current topics from international politics, said the Ministry in the press release.


Parliament to discuss need of constitutional changes Friday; procedure stages explained (MIA)


Parliament is set to convene the session on the need to adopt constitutional amendments on Friday, after the Committee on Constitutional Affairs on 25 July officially agreed that it was necessary to start a procedure of changing the Constitution. The proposed updates to Constitution involve the addition of nationalities into the Preamble and into Articles 49 and 78 of the Constitution, when listing the communities living in the country. Into the wording "The citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia, the Macedonian people, as well as citizens living within its borders who are part of the Albanian people, the Turkish people, the Vlach people, the Serbian people, the Romany people, the Bosniak people and others", a comma is to be placed after "the Bosniak people" and the following to be added: "the Bulgarian people, the Croatian people, the Montenegrin people, the Slovenian people, the Jewish people and the Egyptian people". On 18 August, parliament is to vote on whether to start the procedure for changing the Constitution, which needs 61 votes to go ahead. If at least 61 lawmakers vote in favor, the debate that would follow is to last no more than ten working days, according to sources familiar with the matter. During this debate, Members of parliament may speak several times up to 20 minutes in total, with parliamentary group coordinators being allowed up to a total of 30 minutes to speak. The government representative proposing the changes also gets 30 minutes in total. The decision to change the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority vote, or 80 votes. If the need for constitutional changes is adopted, parliament sets the official timeframe in which the government needs to draft the amendments. That would be the second stage of the procedure for amending the Constitution. After the draft amendments are submitted to parliament, at least 30 days need to pass before a plenary session for their approval can be held. At this stage, a debate on each proposed amendment separately may last no more than three days. After parliament, with at least 61 votes, agrees on the wording of the proposed amendments, they open them for public discussion, which is an intermediate stage before the third and final stage of the procedure for changing the Constitution. After the public discussion, the government needs to prepare the amendments. When they are submitted back to parliament, another 30 days need to pass before the session for their adoption may be scheduled. The final decision to adopt the amendments to the Constitution requires at least 80 votes. Amending the Preamble, in addition to a two-thirds majority, requires a double — or the so-called Badinter — majority. The entire procedure of updating the Constitution may take at least three and a half months.


Balla meets the Ambassador of Turkey to Tirana (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of the Interior Taulant Balla met with the Ambassador of Turkey Tayyar Kagan Atay. The strengthening of cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of the two countries in the fight against illicit traffic and the efficiency increase of joint investigations were in the focus of the talks between the two. "With the Ambassador of Turkey Tayyar Kagan Atay, we talked today about strengthening the cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of our two countries in the joint fight against drug trafficking and different crimes, laying emphasis on the efficiency increase of joint investigations," wrote Balla after the meeting.