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Belgrade Media Report 23 August



We will request an emergency UN SC session, we are waiting for the best moment (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that today he will have a meeting with the representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, as well as that everyone will be informed in time about when Serbia will submit a request to hold the UN Security session. Vucic said that Serbia will ask for an emergency session of the UN Security Council to be held before the regular one in October, especially because of the latest events in relation to Kosovo and Metohija. “I will have a meeting with the representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and people from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija today, because of the terrible pressures that our people suffer in Kosovo and Metohija, the continuation of Kurti’s provocations and everything else,” said Vucic. Regarding the request for an urgent session of the UN Security Council, the President said that the best moment is being chosen. “I would not like to explain the details of who presides when, and who is present and who is not present. At the moment when it suits us best, then we will demand the holding of the session, in the very near future, and you will be informed about it in time,” he said.


Vucic on declaration: We managed to find the best approach for Serbia (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, addressing the citizens of Serbia, reflected on the talks in Athens, as well as the meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky. Vucic emphasized that the most important topic for him was the discussion about Kosovo and Metohija situation. Speaking about the declaration informally adopted in Athens, Vucic stated that no informal dinner can change anything, but it can indicate what thoughts and relationships are like. He emphasized that the discussions lasted for days before the meeting. "We received the first version, and we had objections to it. One article was removed, which concerned sanctions against Russia," said Vucic, adding that "under very difficult conditions, we managed to secure an approach that is best for Serbia".


About the conversation with Zelensky and the statements by Viola von Cramon:

Vucic responded to a question about Viola von Cramon, who said, "Vucic pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Athens and blackmailed him not to recognize Kosovo, in exchange for selling him weapons". "All of you are satisfied with the way Serbia behaved, and then comes Viola von Cramon, after whose words everything becomes clear... She should explain to us that we don't need lithium, she fights for an independent Kosovo, and she said that Serbia is a global leader exerting pressure on Ukraine, if it weren't sad, it would be funny, but that speaks to the extent of her hatred towards Serbia. I talked to Zelensky about everything, about the war in Ukraine, about Kosovo and Metohija, territorial integrity... Zelensky looks out for Ukraine's position, he knows his job. We had a decent conversation, unfortunately, I didn't mention von Cramon, but I will next time."


About the arrest of Vladimir Putin:

Vucic also addressed allegations that he supported the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin. "We agreed that war crimes and other atrocities must not go unpunished. Whom are you kidding, liars? Where does it say 'Putin, Russia'?... Is there anyone sane who wouldn't accept this? But we lie and keep lying and don't care. Is there anyone sane in the world who wouldn't sign this? You have something in the drafts that wasn't adopted. People who have been targeting me for days to impose sanctions on Russia, for me not to meet with Putin but with Zelensky, they tell me this. Is there any ideology here?" said Vucic.


About sanctions against Russia:

"Every day they ask me to impose sanctions on Russia, it's been going on for a year and a half. If you think it will be easy, no... The situation on the Ukrainian front, unless there are major events in Moscow and Kyiv, the situation won't change soon. Every day you have somebody speaking on some TV channel saying 'Vucic, impose sanctions on Russia because Serbia is suffering'."


Greece confirms it will not change its position on Kosovo (RTS/Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met yesterday during his visit to Athens with Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and pointed out that the Greek authorities once again confirmed that there will be no change in the official position regarding that country's decision not to recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. "I had a good and friendly conversation with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, with whom I exchanged opinions on overall regional cooperation, global issues and Greece's stance towards the situation in Kosovo. Our Greek friends confirmed once again that there will be no change in the official position on the issue of non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence Kosovo. We will continue to work on strengthening our cooperation in all areas of mutual interest," Vucic wrote on Instagram.


Brnabic: Vucic did more than most politicians (N1)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday that President Aleksandar Vucic did more in the past four days than most politicians in their careers. “This is the essence of everything: President Aleksandar Vucic has done more for Serbia, our people and all our citizens in just the last 4 days, than most of our “prominent” politicians in their entire political century,” she wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter). “Heroes are known in hardship, and in difficult and challenging times, great leaders,” she added.


Dacic: Diplomatic victory scored in Athens (TV Kurir/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said “all that we did in Athens is a kind of a diplomatic victory”, and added that “with his position” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic amended the text of the declaration that was adopted. Dacic said a paragraph on sanctions against Russia was dropped from the Declaration. “President Vucic showed me both documents from which you can precisely see this and I think he will talk about this when he holds a media conference,” said Dacic commenting on Vucic’s attendance of an informal dinner hosted in Athens for Western Balkans leaders and EU representatives by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Leaders of 11 Balkan countries including Greece signed on Tuesday in Athens a joint Declaration in support of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. Dacic said “by now it has been announced in the whole of Russia” that “Serbia alone, among 13 countries, secured this position, not because of Russia, but because that goes against our national and state interests”.


Von Cramon: Vucic pressuring Zelensky on Kosovo (N1)


Viola von Cramon MEP said on Tuesday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky to pressure him not to recognize Kosovo. “Very likely that Vucic agreed to meet with Zelenskyy to mainly put pressure on Ukraine: weapons for non-recognition of Kosovo,” she wrote in a Twitter post. Von Cramon expressed hope that Zelenskyy understands the political risk of that deal. “Kosovo independence and stability are also in Ukraine’s interest,” she added in her response to an earlier post by Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko who said that Ukraine should recognize Kosovo.


Kamberi: Ecology isn’t the biggest problem in three municipalities in Serbia’s south (Beta/Bujanovacke)


An MP from Bujanovac Saip Kamberi has said that Belgrade’s continued refusal to accept ethnic Albanians as “equal and worthy citizens” is the biggest problem in three municipalities in southern Serbia rather than infrastructure or ecology as claimed by Aleksandar Martinovic, the new chief of the Coordinating Body for the Municipalities of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac. “Serbia’s refusal to honor the signed agreements” and to apply the relevant rights for minorities “holds the Presevo Valley hostage”, Kamberi has said, as cited by the Bujanovacke website. He stressed that this region had the lowest income in Serbia and remained undeveloped even 22 years after the conflict. “The share of ethnic Albanians in state bodies: the judiciary, the police force, the Customs Administration, inspection services, the health care system, social and pension institutions, energy and railway companies, etc. remains symbolic and represents a flagrant violation of laws,” Kamberi stressed. He added that ecology and economy were serious problems which had to be addressed, but that in this case, they had been used to divert attention away from other priority commitments which Serbia had been refusing to implement. Kamberi also said that ethnic Albanians expected that the Coordinating Body for the Municipalities of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac would not be used for local political calculations or serve for anyone’s personal political agenda. After the first meeting with officials of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, held in Bujanovac on 18 August, Martinovic told reporters that ecology and economy were the biggest problems in these municipalities.


Opposition: Citizens will make the regime repeat Belgrade elections (Beta)


Citizens of Belgrade and also of the entire country would remind Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic of his promise to repeat elections in Belgrade, Freedom and Justice Party deputy leader Marinika Tepic said in a written statement on Tuesday. Tepic asked Vucic why he kept constantly appearing on TV channels with national broadcasting frequency, if he was truly assured of people’s support to his Serbian Progressive Party. “If Vucic is so great and convinced of citizens’ support to the Progressives, why does he constantly keep appearing on TV stations with nationwide coverage?! He appeared 35 times in the past 50 days, while at the same time, he does not allow opposition representatives to appear on TV. Why did his regime 'import' tens of thousands of votes from Republika Srpska prior to the elections by issuing Serbia’s citizenship in a fast-track procedure,” Tepic asked in the statement.


Klacar: Protests being part of election campaign is natural (Beta)


Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID) Executive Director Bojan Klacar said on Tuesday that the Serbia Against Violence protests "are de facto" also "a part of a portion of the opposition's election campaign", and that they would largely determine future opposition blocs as the outlines of election alliances were already visible. "Clearly the Freedom and Justice Party and the Free Citizens Movement are cooperating well, as it is clear that there is good cooperation between the Democratic Party, the Serbian Center (SRCE) party and parts of the We Must coalition. Also Mr. Aleksic's new party is going to expand its coalition potential by moving from the center-right to the center, making it a desirable partner," Klacar said, adding that the question of the Green-Left Front's strategy remained, as a party with exceptional potential in Belgrade. Klacar told Beta that the holding of Serbia Against Violence protest in places other than Belgrade "is important because it expands the energy of the protests and mobilizes voters," and that "the political damage for the ruling coalition is not big because the protests mostly remain reserved for hardcore supporters of the opposition or critics of the authorities".


What does joint text say (Politika)


The EU leaders held an informal meeting with representatives of the Western Balkans countries, Ukraine and Moldova in Athens on Tuesday. The participants of the meeting concluded that it is necessary to round up the vision of the EU, enriched with the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova and the joint declaration noted that they emphasized the need for a renewed and re-focused enlargement process, which would be tangible, credible and without any shortcuts to preconditions that have been defined. The government of Greece published the joint declaration on its website and it noted that Ukraine and Moldova have expressed commitment to undertaking of future steps in their accession process after they carry out necessary reforms. “We firmly believe that 20 years after the Thessaloniki Summit and in light of the new geopolitical reality, the time has come to adopt a brave and ambitious ultimate goal that will serve as a guide, inspiration and framework. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the key moment for Europe, which creates a new awareness on joint principles, unity and joint future within the EU. This is the crucial moment for safety, peace and stability of our European continent. Laws and principles that have been contributing for so long to stable and predictable European security order were destroyed and we are witnessing again the display of destructive effects of revisionism,” the statement noted. The statement also expressed support to independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and pointed out that the Thessaloniki Summit from 20 years ago recognized that the Western Balkans belongs in the EU. “The escalating aggression war against Ukraine revealed the urgent need for a strong, resilient and inclusive EU as the corner stone of peace and prosperity among our peoples in these hard times. We pointed out that the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova, which are geographically adjacent to the EU member states, have a joint European heritage, history and future defined by joint opportunities and challenges. As a strategic investment in peace, security and stability in Europe, it is important for these regions to be accepted as full members of the European family,” the statement noted. The daily reminded that this is the second version of the statement and noted that the original version was supposed to include a call to impose sanctions against Russia, but it was not adopted upon a request of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.




State-level ruling coalition partners meet in Istocno Sarajevo, agree adoption of three reform laws and appointment of B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury (Hayat)


The state-level ruling coalition partners held a meeting in Istocno Sarajevo on Tuesday. The reporter comments that after a short break “we again hear unfounded optimism’’ from the state-level ruling coalition, and goes on to say that when they met in Konjic they almost ended up in a physical altercation and on Tuesday they almost hugged each other, saying they reached agreement on everything. The reporter goes on to say that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik’s policy has almost never brought anything beneficial for B&H, since his extremist and separatist aspirations are clear. On Tuesday he spoke with “structure of invalids’’, as he once referred to his coalition partners, about reform laws. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Dodik said that the coalition partners agreed on adoption of three laws, the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), the Law on the Human Rights Ombudsman in B&H and the Law on Freedom of Access to Information at the level of the institutions of B&H, and on appointment of the B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury. “We also agreed that proposals of laws on the Court of B&H and on foreigners will be discussed and adopted’ at the (B&H) Council of Ministers’ session on Wednesday’, said Dodik. The reporter notes that the two aforementioned laws are particularly interesting, i.e. Dodik is offering to his coalition partners amendments to the Law on Court of B&H as a concession so that he can eliminate foreign judges in the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) who are appointed by the European Court of Human Rights. The reporter goes on to say that one cannot deny that Dodik is a good “tradesman’’, because in order to support a law devastating for B&H (Law on B&H CC), he is willing to support the law that may be slightly less devastating (Law on Court of B&H). Other participants of the meeting, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic, were also optimistic about the outcome of the meeting. Addressing the press conference, Covic said he is confident that the three reform should be adopted by the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) by the end of the month, and that the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) will adopt documents prepared by the B&H CoM. “At this pace, I am confident that the report that will be drafted in September and published in October - when it comes to the EU - about B&H will be positive. What I would like is that we continue to work in this environment and at this pace,” said Covic. Niksic said: “I think that it is only another confirmation that this parliamentary majority wants in good faith to work on fulfilling requirements for B&H’s EU membership. I am confident that this will be recognized by our partners from Brussels and the EU, and that we will have a momentum on that path in the upcoming period.” Hayat reports that one of the laws on the B&H HoR agenda is the Law on HJPC that the international community insists on. SNSD tabled an amendment to that Law and the OSCE stated it is unnecessary to adopt it with SNSD’s amendment which annuls everything that would be achieved with the new law. The OSCE also stated that the only meaningful adoption of the law is adoption in the form approved by the Venice Commission three years ago. Leaders agreed on the pace of adoption of the reform laws which are necessary to accelerate the EU path of B&H, stressing that this is equally in the interest of all citizens – in the FB&H, the RS and Brcko District. Dodik stated that the representatives of political parties gathered around the parliamentary majority at the level of B&H unblocked the European agenda by reaching an agreement on the reform laws and the appointments. He added that this makes B&H ready for new talks on the EU path and gives the country a chance to get the status of negotiator in the EU accession process by the end of the year, which represents a step forward in the EU integration process that is a joint goal of the ruling coalition. Covic expressed belief that a set of reforms laws the adoption of which was agreed at the meeting and the laws announced to be prepared by B&H CoM will be confirmed by the end of August, stressing that this creates preconditions to meet 14 priorities on the EU path of B&H in the next two or three months as a whole.


Bunoza says that adoption of Law on HJPC is beginning of serious judicial reform (Hayat)


B&H Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza said it is the beginning of a serious judicial reform. Addressing the press conference, Bunoza said that in terms of integrity of judicial office holders, the proposal of the law “has ten articles and 65 paragraphs that regulate property verification, additional verification, but also verification of those who conduct verification”. Hayat reports that Article 26 of the adopted Law on HJPC shows that the law is not aligned with the European principles which was the main cause for criticism by the opposition from the RS, i.e. the Article stipulates that one year after the Law enters force, it will be aligned with the EU standards. Addressing the press conference after the session, PDP representative in the B&H HoR Branislav Borenovic said that the adoption of the law is meaningless, waste of time, a fraud and a deceit, i.e. “adopting a law which states that within a year, we will adopt the same law that will be aligned with the EU standards”. SDP B&H representative in the B&H HoR Albin Muslic said that in his view “this is a minimal framework that will be enough to say that B&H has fulfilled one of the criteria on its path toward the EU”. Hayat reports that SDA Caucus members said that the Law is not in accordance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission, and that definition of relatives of judicial office holders whose property should be reported is vague. Addressing the press conference, SDA representative in the B&H HoR Safet Keso said he is of view that the adoption of the law is only formal “so that those who helped this coalition come to power could report to their bosses in Europe and in the world that they made some progress and they did something. I think that these are wrong steps’’. Hayat reports that the B&H HoR also adopted a conclusion to recommend to the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) to discuss and adopt the Law on HJPC under urgent procedure.


EUD welcomes agreement reached by ruling coalition in Istocno Sarajevo (RTRS)


EU Delegation to B&H (EUD) issued a statement (posted on the social networks), welcoming the agreement reached on Tuesday by the leaders of coalition parties and adoption of the important legislation in regard to B&H’s accession to the EU. “We welcome the agreement signed today by state level coalition party leaders, and adoption of important EU-accession related legislation in B&H HoR. It is positive that B&H political leaders have shown political will to work together on reforms. An important step has been taken, but it will also need follow up. The reforms required to join the EU bring concrete benefits for every B&H citizen. We encourage B&H's political leaders to build on the current momentum and take further necessary steps to bring B&H closer to the EU. The HJPC amendments are a good step towards fulfilling EU recommendation on integrity checks for the judiciary. We expect adoption to be completed without delay as well as the effective implementation of this key reform,” reads the statement.


Milicevic comments on state-level ruling coalition’s meeting, criticizes Dodik over betraying internal consensus in RS regarding B&H CC and OHR (BNTV)


BNTV reports that, commenting on this, SDS leader Milan Milicevic said that overthrowing the two thirds majority in the RS parliament and the internal consensus in the RS, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik on Tuesday said he would accept six laws at the level of B&H, none of them being the Law on the B&H Constitutional Court (CC), which is an obligation under the RS parliament decision. “Even the working group on the Law on the B&H CC is no longer being mentioned. All of this reminds me of the old betrayal in 1998, when the overthrowing of the institutions began contrary to the people’s will,” Milicevic was quoted as saying. He also wondered where is the patriotism “theatrically demonstrated in the RS parliament only one month ago” when the Serb unity was requested in the blockade of the institutions of B&H until the Law on the B&H CC is adopted and until the OHR and foreign judges leave. “That outpour of patriotism costs as much as a seat in the (B&H) Council of Ministers or around 1,000 square meters of Mile Radisic’s building for the (B&H) Indirect Tax Authority,” Milicevic was quoted as saying.


Trivic hosts press conference (BNTV)


People’s Front leader Jelena Trivic hosted a press conference on Tuesday, addressing the issue of the indictment filed against RS President Milorad Dodik, economic situation in RS and B&H and the RS’ financial stability. Referring to the indictment against Dodik, Trivic said that Dodik is the only one to blame for the indictment, because he put himself in such situation by making a series of wrong moves. “As we stated, we will not follow (…) Milorad Dodik in this ongoing process. We think that it is his personal problem he created himself. That is not the issue of the institution of the RS President, that is our clear official and unequivocal position. And just like he on his own created that problem, like he provoked it by himself, like he generated many crises together with other partners in B&H, he should overcome that crisis by himself and he should not hide behind the people,” said Trivic. BNTV reports that referring to the economic situation in the RS, Trivic said that the decreased industrial production has been registered and the reasons for that should be sought in internal factors. Trivic said that despite global challenges, high inflation and increasing interest rates, the EU economy “will not go into recession and it will have a projected growth of one per cent for this year. This means that causes of decreased industrial production in the RS and B&H, should be sought in internal factors, but it seems that no one is addressing that issue”. BNTV reports that commenting on the RS’ financial stability, Trivic said that it cannot be proven by officials’ statements, but by concrete and official data and added that the next year will bring “significant burden” for the RS budget and for citizens due to loan repayments. “The report on the official website of the RS Ministry of Finance, framework budget, envisages that we will have a loan instalment over (BAM) one billion not only in this year, but also in the following years, i.e. in 2024 and 2025. And 2026 will be the most critical when incredible BAM 1.6 billion is due for payment, which certainly includes repayment of bonds placed at the London Stock Exchange in 2021,” said Trivic.


Komsic, Becirovic begin their visit to Ukraine (Nova BH)


Chairman of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Denis Becirovic kicked off their official visit to Ukraine on Tuesday. This is the first visit to Ukraine by any member of the Presidency of B&H since the start of armed conflicts in this country. Becirovic posted on his Facebook account that he is scheduled to meet top Ukrainian officials and to attend upcoming international conference ‘The Crimean Platform’.


Milatovic met Vucic: Greatest part of the Igalo Institute’s debt to be repaid through medical treatment of Serbian citizens (CdM)


“I proposed that the greatest part of debt should be repaid through treatment of the Serbian citizens at the Institute Simo Milosevic,” noted the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic during the meeting with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic. Milatovic told he had an open and constructive discussion with President Vucic. “Montenegro and Serbia will find a sustainable solution to the debt repayment of the Igalo Institute, that is, a part of the debt will be reduced by the amount of the debt of the old foreign currency savings of Serbia to Montenegro, following the consent of the ministers of finance. I proposed that the greatest part of the debt should be repaid through the treatment of the Serbian citizens at the institute, which will be discussed in detail with relevant ministers,” President Milatovic posted on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.


Is Spajic’s govt. coming into sight: Part of minority parties accepts offer (CdM)


The Bosniak Party (BS) and the Albanian Forum (AF) have confirmed that they accept the offer to be part of the government formed by PM-designate Milojko Spajic. According to unconfirmed information, BS, headed by Ervin Ibrahimovic, was offered the post of deputy Prime Minister, as well as the ministries of transport, energy, diaspora, and agriculture. AF was offered the Ministry of Public Administration, which is currently managed by AF’s Maras Dukaj, as well as the post of Deputy Prime Minister in charge of capital investments. According to earlier information, the Democrats were offered the security sector as well as the position of parliament speaker. According to available information, the For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition has not yet received a concrete offer to join the government. DNP leader Milan Knezevic said yesterday that everything that appeared in the media and related to the alleged offers sent to ZBCG, were mere speculations. According to him, in a recent informal conversation with PM-designate Milojko Spajic, they asked him to inform them of his position and final offer on the possible entry of ZBCG into the government, and to make his proposal public in order to avoid further media speculations and unofficial sources introducing additional confusion. In discussions about the government, ZBCG emphasized that the position of parliament speaker should belong to them. The leader of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP) Vladimir Jokovic said last night that he had frequent contacts with PM-designate Spajic.


Bosniak Party to join Spajic’s govt. (CdM)


Bosniak Party’s (BS) executive committee unanimously supported the BS Presidency’s proposal that BS be part of the 44th government, led by PM-designate Milojko Spajic. “At the executive committee meeting, it was stated that PM-designate Milojko Spajic respected and accepted the program principles of BS, on which the work of the future government will rest. Through participation in the government, the Bosniak Party will continue to promote the policies of Euro-Atlantic integration, balanced regional development, the fight against organized crime and corruption, the improvement of citizens’ standards, as well as the improvement of minority rights”, BS said. According to information obtained by CdM, BS leader Ervin Ibrahimovic met with PM-designate Spajic.


Gjeloshaj: Albanian Forum to be part of new govt. (CdM)


The Albanian Forum (AF) agreed to be part of the 44th Government of Montenegro, said AF leader Nik Gjeloshaj. According to him, AF managed to fulfill its program during the negotiations, according to which we will have decentralization; until the complete closure of betting shops and casinos, they will be put in a completely different system from what they are in now; old-age pensions will be provided for all citizens. “At the same time, the Albanian Forum will participate in the government, and it will assume the responsibility of the deputy Prime Minister in charge of Capital Investments and the Minister of Public Administration. As always, we will work in the public interest, on the improvement of our program, on the equality of all citizens and nations, and especially on the economic development of all citizens”, Gjeloshaj wrote on Facebook.


Spajic still hasn’t made any official and final offer for us to enter govt, Knezevic claims (CdM)


So far, the For the Future of Montenegro bloc hasn’t received an official and final offer by PM-designate Milojko Spajic for entering the government, stated the leader of the People’s Democratic Party (DNP) Milan Knezevic. “Everything you could hear in the media over the past days, referring to the alleged offers to our bloc, are mere speculations and baseless media fabrications,” Knezevic claims. According to him, they urged PM-designate Spajic to voice his position and final offer regarding the ZBCG’s participation in the government, and to make his proposal public in order to avoid media allegations and any confusion. “Having in mind that we’ve been waiting for his position since Sunday, I hereby wish to address the public and eliminate any kind of the alleged mystery over the formation of a government.”


Courage and decisiveness necessary, N. Macedonia must no longer stay in EU’s waiting room, PM tells MIA (MIA)


Twenty years ago, the representatives of the country here were Branko Crvenkovski and Ilinka Mitreva, and this is the best place to send a message that the failure to make decisions, the lack of courage and decisiveness will not move the country forward, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski told MIA after his meetings in Athens and participation in the informal dinner marking the 20th anniversary of the Thessaloniki agenda, organized by his Greek counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis. In a statement for MIA, the PM spoke about the country’s EU perspective, the constitutional amendments process, and regional cooperation. Kovachevski touched upon the importance of the country’s European future, noting that the continuation of the Euro-integration is “firstly through the adoption of the constitutional amendments in parliament, followed by the opening of clusters, chapters, the closing of clusters and chapters, reforming of our society and joining the EU by 2030.” “You can see that we still have politicians, as in the past, who claim that such a decision should not be made, and that we should wait. The opposition leader even said he is ready to wait 10, 20 years. The best confirmation of what sitting in the waiting room looks like is precisely this meeting here, because the Thessaloniki meeting was held exactly 20 years ago. Croatia was a part of the Western Balkans at the meeting 20 years ago. We began the EU accession process together with Croatia in 2006,” said the Prime Minister. Kovachevski added that Croatia is already a member of the EU, a member of the Schengen Area, and a country which uses the Euro as its currency, “while we still have politicians who say we should wait.” “Just as Croatia became a member of the EU, if we don’t make decisions and if we have politicians who say we should wait, then we will also see Montenegro and Albania move ahead of us, and in the end we will simply remain in the company of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. North Macedonia must not remain in the company of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. These are states who still have issues defining their statehood, and our children do not deserve to have our country be a part of that company in terms of the Euro-integration, this is why we need the decisions now, because of the future and the current and future generations,” said Kovachevski. On Monday, the Prime Minister met with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and told MIA that they spoke about North Macedonia’s European perspective, but also about regional issues. Regarding the constitutional amendments, Kovachevski said they both voiced satisfaction with the beginning of the process. “The process began successfully, and I hope, just as the EU hope, that there will be vision and courage in our Parliament, and the MPs will adopt an important decision which means a continuation of North Macedonia’s Euro-integration,” said Kovachevski. The meeting also focused on the development plan for the Western Balkans, personally promoted by the President of the EC, which refers to an increase in funds financing regional projects; increasing cooperation on an economic plan; and acceleration of the Euro-integration process of all countries. The Prime Minister also said von der Leyen will visit Skopje, and that he would also visit Brussels. On whether there is a “plan B” if the opposition doesn’t move away from its current position, the PM said that “the same opposition stood against the decisions that meant NATO membership,” and now “we are seeing the importance of the decisions which were adopted for our membership.” “If we look at the economic benefits of our NATO membership, we had the highest level of foreign direct investments last year, during a crisis year. We have the largest growth of the average wage, the largest growth of the minimum wage, the largest growth of 26 percent of pensions in just a year and a half. This is a result of a stable political and security environment in the country, which allows investors to consider North Macedonia as a destination for their investments,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski also highlighted the potential benefits from EU membership, stating that the countries who became members registered an increase of wages by 70 to 100 percent in the first five years, as well as GDP growth of 80 to 90 percent. The number of jobs and the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in those countries increased as well, said the PM. “These are economic benefits, the EU was created as a European economic community. This is what our citizens and our businesses deserve. They don’t deserve to wait forever. We saw what waiting looked like, we waited for 11 years. Instead of solving the dispute with Greece, we stalled it, and in the end it was solved with a worse solution than the solution we could’ve had in 2008. It is no different now,” said the PM. Kovachevski said the country has “a clear negotiating framework with a protected Macedonian language, protected Macedonian identity, with bilateral issues outside for the EU accession criteria,” and added that the screening process for most of the chapters is being concluded. “The reports are already being drafted, and it is up to the country, to the political leadership and all other actors in society to make the necessary reforms that will make the country a better living place for the Macedonian citizens. The Macedonian citizens proved and demonstrated that they want to live in the EU, but in North Macedonia as an EU member state,” the PM told MIA. Kovachevski also held a meeting with the President of Moldova Maia Sandu, which he said was at the request of Sandu, “since the country is preparing for an increasingly certain beginning of negotiations with the EU”. “Knowing that North Macedonia has already built up serious capacities in the area of European integrations, of using IPA and IPARD funds, and harmonizing of legislation with the EU, we are one of the countries with which she wanted to talk regarding the establishment of Moldova’s capacities so they can be better prepared to begin their process,” said the Prime Minister.


Marichikj: Region rapidly integrating into EU, our choice is to be part of enlargement (MIA)


After meetings in Athens with EU high representatives, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj said Tuesday there was readiness for a new EU enlargement so North Macedonia should not miss the opportunity to be part of it. "The message is clear. Western Balkan countries must find themselves in the EU as soon as possible. The moment and determination for a new enlargement with EU is present now more than ever. Everyone is aware that the EU and Europe cannot be united if all Western Balkan countries do not join the EU," Marichikj is quoted as saying in a Secretariat for European Affairs press release. The release adds that during their official visit to Athens to mark the 20th anniversary of the Thessaloniki EU–Western Balkans Summit and the Thessaloniki Declaration, Deputy PM Marichikj and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to confirm the strong alliance between Greece and North Macedonia and the commitment that the two NATO allies should also be together in the EU. During the meetings, top EU officials welcomed the constitutional amendments and called for maturity, accountability, and support from all political parties in the parliament. "Our path towards the EU has been mapped out, and that is what the citizens want. The choice is ours, whether to make the necessary constitutional changes to walk on the EU path and achieve membership by 2030, or to stay in the waiting room," Marichikj stressed. The chief negotiator with the EU also said that waiting was a strategy emptying the country of its young people and destroying hope for a better, European future. The majority of North Macedonia’s citizens, he said, want the country to become a EU member as soon as possible. "We have to seize this chance, and continue along the path to a fast-track EU membership. That is what we want, and what we deserve," the Deputy PM said.


Kovachevski – Zelenskyy: North Macedonia to aid Ukraine for as long as it is necessary (MIA)


As part of his visit to Athens, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski met Tuesday with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs Bojan Marichikj. According to a government press release, at the meeting Kovachevski stressed the continued and strong Macedonian support of Ukraine in its efforts to defend itself and restore freedom and peace, thereby restoring stability to the region. “Condemning Russia’s brutal military aggression on independent and sovereign Ukraine, Kovachevski reiterated that North Macedonia will continue its unequivocal and firm support for Ukraine, in its self-defense and the protection of its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. North Macedonia has explicitly demonstrated this approach both on a bilateral level and within the frameworks of NATO, as well as by joining the G7 Declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine,” said the government in the press release. Prime Minister Kovachevski said North Macedonia will continue to aid Ukraine as long as it is necessary, by sending aid to Ukraine, as it has done thus far. According to the press release, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy voiced gratitude for the support provided by North Macedonia since the beginning of the military aggression, which is important for the Ukrainian forces and valued highly by the Ukrainian people. Zelenskyy informed the PM about the latest developments of the situation on the ground.


Von der Leyen: I hope all parties will support constitutional changes to move forward toward EU (MIA)


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has voiced her hope that all parties in parliament vote for the constitutional changes so the country can move forward on its path to joining the EU. "Good exchange with PM Dimitar Kovachevski," she wrote on the platform X, formerly known as Twitter, after the informal meeting of the Western Balkans and the EU leaders in Athens marking the 20th anniversary of the Thessaloniki EU–Western Balkans Summit. "I welcomed his government’s tabling of the Constitutional amendments in Parliament. I hope all parties will support it, to move forward on North Macedonia’s European path," the EC head added. "North Macedonia belongs in the EU," she pointed out. Kovachevski told MIA they discussed the European perspective of North Macedonia and welcomed starting the process for constitutional amendments. "The process has begun successfully and I hope, just as the EU hopes, that our lawmakers in Parliament have the vision and courage to make this important decision related to continuing the integration of North Macedonia into the EU," Kovachevski said.


Osmani: Enlargement with Western Balkan countries by 2030 - a top security priority for EU (MIA)


A united and prosperous Europe in peace can only be achieved with a united and prosperous Western Balkans in peace. In that sense, this is a rare case of an obvious common interest both for the EU and the Western Balkans. Politically, economically and culturally, even geographically, we are in the same boat. Defining a clear path for future enlargement with the Western Balkan countries by 2030 as a set goal represents a top priority for the EU itself, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani in an address Tuesday at the “Quo vadis Europe?” summer course in Santander, Spain, organized by the High EU Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, and the Menendez Pelayo International University. In the discussion of enlargement and neighborhood, focused on the Western Balkans and its EU path, Osmani touched upon the increased emphasis on the importance of EU enlargement, stressing that there is a consensus among the countries of the region and the EU member states that “it is still not enough.” “Twenty years after the Thessaloniki Summit, we urgently need a midterm vision for our region within the Union,” underlined the Minister. The diplomacy chief noted he understands the “complexity of the conditions in which the EU functions, the EU’s doubts over enlargement, the need to deepen before it enlarges, to adjust the decision-making process before it accepts new members from the Western Balkans.” “We believe that these two processes are complementary. The EU’s preparation for enlargement should go hand in hand with the Western Balkan countries’ preparation for accession. We need to harmonize these processes, to link them. Convinced that there is no alternative to the EU membership of the Western Balkans, what we need now is to maintain the credibility of the process because currently there is a gap between the promises made by the EU at the Thessaloniki Summit 20 years ago that the Western Balkans will become a member of the EU, as a result of which the process is becoming less attractive and vulnerable to external influences such as the Russian influence in the region. This is why we propose that the concept of greater integration ahead of membership is introduced, not as an alternative to membership, but as an interstage through which we will pass on the path to full-fledged membership. Once the Western Balkan countries become a part of the system of European values, EU accession will only be a formality,” said Osmani. In the context of the importance of the Western Balkans, Osmani pointed to a map where the region is depicted as an island surrounded by the “sea of the EU,” a missing piece of the puzzle, he said, for a complete Europe. “Geographically, it is impossible to put the region aside. This leads us to believe that the EU will not be a complete, peaceful, sustainable project without the integration of the Western Balkans. Six countries which together in terms of territory are smaller than Romania, with a population of only 18 million, with less than 1 percent of the EU’s GDP and less than 4 percent of the EU’s population,” said Osmani. Touching upon the need for concrete benefits for the citizens on the path to EU membership, Osmani welcomed the new Western Balkans growth plan proposed by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, founded on “our concept of greater integration ahead of membership.” “Until our complete accession, we need a bolstered vision alongside tangible and realistic steps in the meantime in order to promote democratic development, improve economic opportunities and encourage reconciliation in the Western Balkans. This includes an increase in the pre-accession funds, progressive access to the single market, deepening of regional economic integration, removal of quotas for agricultural products and the inclusion of the countries of the region in the EU’s trade and investment policies,” said Osmani.


Taravari: Failure to adopt constitutional changes to open Pandora’s box in North Macedonia (MIA)


If the constitutional amendments aren’t adopted, many issues will be raised that the political parties haven’t raised so far, said the leader of the Alliance for Albanians Arben Taravari in answer to a journalist’s question Tuesday in Gostivar. Taravari said that if the constitutional amendments don’t pass in parliament, the party will build a new strategy. “As a party we have a consistent position on this issue, and we will support them, but I think that if the constitutional amendments fail, Pandora’s box will open in Macedonia. In that case, I think many issues will be raised that might be smoldering among the people and the political parties that might not have been raised so far, but could be raised in the coming period. While for the Alliance for Albanians, if the amendments fail, naturally we will have our own strategy on how to proceed,” said Taravari. Asked about contacts with VMRO-DPMNE and whether they are communicating with the opposition party, Taravari answered in the affirmative and stressed that VMRO-DPMNE has members who think differently from the party’s leadership. “Officially, we haven’t talked, but I can’t hide that we have channels of communications with them, people who are members of VMRO-DPMNE. I know a few in the party who think differently from the current leadership, however, once again I will state that this is a decision of the party. I wouldn’t want to speculate whether some MPs would vote differently. But different opinions, contrary to their public position, definitely exist within VMRO-DPMNE, however, I think that there is a chance for the entire party to make a different decision in the coming period. I hope that VMRO-DPMNE will gather the strength so that the amendments can be adopted,” underlined Taravari.


Vucic: Serbian officials to be cautious when making statements on North Macedonia (MIA)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in a media address Tuesday touched upon North Macedonia yet again, urging Serbian officials to be more cautious when making statements in order to avoid saying something that could be used by others, MIA’s Belgrade correspondent reports. “I saw Dimitar Kovachevski’s strong reaction to Albin Kurti over what he did in Tetovo. [He reacted] Very strongly, publicly and openly. And I want to ask our officials, even when they don’t have the intentions, to be careful, to avoid saying something that could be used by others to make us the same as Kurti…,” Vucic told RTS. The Serbian President said that on Monday he had a long conversation with Kovachevski during which he told the Macedonian Prime Minister that he apologizes if anyone in North Macedonia feels offended over anything, although he said he personally thinks there is no reason for that. “The Macedonians,” added Vucic, “are our brothers, and we have no issues with them.”


Informal dinner in Athens, Rama: Conflicting messages were sent, Mitsotakis is the one invited to the October summit in Tirana (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted yesterday after the lack of invitation to participate in the informal dinner of the leaders of the Western Balkans and the EU, which took place last night in Athens. "This is my answer to all those, in Greece, Albania or elsewhere, who commented in different ways or were confused by my absence in Athens, but also to journalists, who asked for my opinion and did not receive an answer before the event. The reason is simple: I didn't want to disturb the host and his guests by increasing the noise before my good friends, gathered in Athens, to finish their work," writes Rama in a post on social networks. "I am happy that Kyriakos took the initiative to host very important leaders and to discuss the European future of the Balkans against the background of Russian aggression. The region needs Greece to be more involved in our common path. I have always told him [Mitsotakis] or other Greek friends, saying it publicly on several occasions, that I sincerely believe that their country has a natural role to play in the Balkans, given its profile and experience in the EU," wrote Rama. "I very much hope that the meeting was productive and of course, I would have preferred not to have seen the dinner used to send Albania a contradictory message in the frame of the goal much more ambitious of the initiative and I hope that this unfortunate fact does not confuse the honored guests. As far as I'm concerned, talking, communicating, arguing with friends, allies, partners and neighbors, first and foremost, is the essence of international politics and to try, always try, to put yourself in the other's shoes is a must. Even more so when things seem to be going wrong," continues the Albanian Prime Minister. Rama emphasized that next October, Albania will chair this annual Berlin Process Summit in Tirana. "Of course, my dear friend and highly respected colleague in Athens has been invited to attend, and I could never imagine responding undertone, inviting in his place the Greek President, for whom I also have the greatest of respect," he added. "I understand the pressure from third parties, eager to take advantage of every opportunity to make things look hotter than hell. But we all have much bigger challenges ahead. There are real mountains to climb. What should unite us in such troubled times for the sake of our people, our countries, our region, and our Europe is greater than what divides us. There are many global risks, in the case of which, we should avoid to become hostage of internal clannish politics," wrote Albanian Prime Minister.


Joint exercise with the US, Peleshi: Further strengthening of our ties (Radio Tirana)


The exercise between the Special Operations Regiment of Albania, the Special Forces of the Unites States and North Macedonia has ended. Albanian Defense Minister Niko Peleshi, in a reaction on social networks, considered this joint commitment as an opportunity to further strengthen relations with the United States and North Macedonia. "The operators of the Special Operations Regiment finished the preparatory exercises for "JCET-23", the joint training with the US Special Forces that will take place in North Macedonia," informs Minister Peleshi. "This intensive training has prepared our personnel to be at the highest level of skills for realizing and facing the most difficult challenges in the ground," Peleshi points out. "Cooperation with the US Special Forces is an important step to further strengthen our ties and learn from their valuable experience in the field of special operations," Albanian Minister of Defense concludes his message.