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Belgrade Media Report 11 September 2023



Petkovic: The results of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina are determined by the formation of the ZSO (Tanjug)


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, said that the continuation of the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina depends exclusively on the Prime Minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, who has been blocking the implementation of the previous agreements for months, both with his political actions and with violence and terror on the ground. According to Petkovic, Kurti is doing everything opposite of normalization, so he seeks daily how to escalate the political and security situation on the ground.


"The course and results of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina are primarily determined by the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) in the manner agreed in Brussels, for which the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) have been waiting for more than 10 years, but Kurti pretends to be inept and tries in every way to avoid even mentioning that obligations. That's why Belgrade will always remind him of that and insist on the formation of the ZSO, because that's the only way Serbs will be able to realize their collective rights in these areas," said Petkovic.


He emphasized that Serbia is recognized by the international community as a credible partner in building peace and stability in the Western Balkans, which it has proven, among other things, with wise and restrained responses to Kurti's warmongering policy and attempts to subjugate Serbian municipalities in the north of KiM.


"Kurti's wishes for some kind of sanctions against Serbia will end in accordance with the proverb: whoever digs another's pit, falls into it himself." It is clear to all international interlocutors, including those who were the strongest political sponsors of Pristina in the past, which side presents the threat and who produces new escalations, on the daily basses, that move us away from both normalization and peace," said Petkovic, reports Tanjug.


Lajcak: Preparations for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue meeting “in full speed” (Beta)


European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said in his report for the past week that preparations for the upcoming high-level Belgrade-Pristina dialogue meeting “are in full speed” and that the week was packed with prep work. “Preparations for the High-Level Dialogue meeting on 14th September are in full speed, and we are working towards positive outcomes,” Lajcak posted on Facebook.


He said the week started out in Brussels, where he met with European Parliament’s (EP) co-facilitators of the Parliamentary Dialogue Process with the Serbian Parliament, EP member Matjaz Nemec and former EP member Knut Fleckenstein. Later on Tuesday he met with KFOR Commander Major General Ristuccia with whom he exchanged notes on developments on the ground and shared assessments on potential sources of future tensions. The EU envoy said he was grateful for KFOR’s “vital work in building a secure environment in Kosovo.” Lajcak said he spoke with Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi in Brussels on Wednesday on how to advance the normalization of relations.

He said also met with the Director of the Energy Community, Artur Lorkowski, to explore potential areas of collaboration and speak about energy as part of the Dialogue.


“With its unique expertise, the Energy Community contributed to the Energy Roadmap, we adopted in June last year,” wrote Lajcak. Later in the week he traveled to Berlin where he had important discussions at the Chancellery and the German Federal Foreign Office. He met with the Political Director at the Foreign Office Tjorven Bellmann and Chief Foreign and Security Policy Adviser to the German Chancellor Jens Plotner. He said they focused on potential “irritants” in the dialogue, shared expectations for the high-level meeting and strategized on the path forward. “The commitment and robust support from Germany continue to be invaluable,” said Lajcak.


The EU envoy added that, at the end of the week, he managed to catch-up with the Western Balkan envoy Lord Peach, with whom he exchanged views about the recent developments in the region. “Lord Peach’s assessment of the security situation as an experienced expert in that field is always appreciated,” Lajcak wrote. A new round of talks within the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is due to be held on September 14 in Brussels.


Vucic: Decision on elections after dialogue with Pristina, U.N. General Assembly Session (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sept. 8 that a final decision on a request by the Serbian opposition that general elections be called would be made after talks on Kosovo were over, and after the next session of the U.N. General Assembly. Speaking at a news conference at the Serbian Presidency, Vucic said that he had already discussed the request with representatives of the ruling coalition, and that he had not seen a willingness on their part “to accommodate the request made by representatives of the former regime.” “The technical details as to how to do it remain. I believe it would be good to wait until talks on Kosovo and Metohija and the U.N. General Assembly are completed first. Then we can have a joint meeting with government representatives, so that I can ask them, too, to take into account all of the requests and threats from representatives of the former regime, and then I can decide accordingly,” Vucic said. The president said that “there is no need for anyone to hang on to their seat at all cost.” “If victory is in store for them, we don’t have a problem with that,” Vucic said, adding that he believed that this was very important for democracy.


Sociologist: Opposition should run for elections as two separate groups (N1)


Sociologist Vesna Pesic told N1 that the pro-European opposition escalated the situation as demands to protest against the violence apparently failed. Pesic said the idea is to extend these protests until December and that the main goal is to win Belgrade and possibly improve the result in the elections.


Pesic explained that, in that case, the local elections next year would be separated from the parliamentary elections, which the opposition sees as its chance, especially if it wins in Belgrade first. “At whatever level the elections are called, the opposition should come out in two groups – one pro-European and the other Russophile, which would include Novi DSS, Zavetnici and Dveri, and perhaps Vuk Jeremic’s People’s Party,” she said. She said that she expected that the pro-European opposition would unite in a coalition before putting forward a request for any elections. She believes that extraordinary elections only make sense if the complete pro-European opposition is united.


Speaking about the “Serbia against violence” protest, Pesic said that the opposition set “completely unrealistic demands”, which is not that motivating. “My impression is that the protests have become meaningless, even my son no longer knows why he goes out into the street. At the beginning, the opposition formulated demands that we knew could not be fulfilled, which they themselves have now admitted. One by one, the opposition representatives started saying that these demands can only be fulfilled if they come to power. I can agree with that. If someone had asked me, there should have been only one request – the release of Radio and Television of Serbia (from government pressure). Not Pink or Happy, but the public service that we all pay for,” she said.


Protest organizers submit request for snap elections (N1)


Representatives of the Serbia Against Violence protest organizers submitted Monday to the Serbian President’s Office a request for the calling of early parliamentary and local Belgrade elections. The document reads that “Serbia is facing a deep social and economic crisis. The everyday institutional, legal, verbal and physical violence is not abating, the economic and social crisis affects all layers of society, the demands of the people who have been protesting for months are ignored. We need responsible people in politics who will solve problems rather than ignore them.”


“We demand the calling of these elections because we are in a deep social and economic crisis, and the government lacks the strength and the will to overcome it. We have had an eruption of violence, the peak was at the beginning of May this year, following which the citizen protest started. They took the streets to express their discontent with the widespread violence in society. This violence is institutional, legal, verbal, and it is not abating,” said Democratic Party (DS) leader Zoran Lutovac. “We expect a swift reply, not stalling. We demand elections separate from the regular ones, provincial and local. We demand that they be held by the end of the year…If we do not get free elections, they will get a campaign on the streets until the end of the year,” Lutovac said.


Opposition leader: We will focus on forming large bloc for elections (Beta)


Leader of the opposition People’s Movement of Serbia Miroslav Aleksic said Monday that the movement will “fully focus on” the formation of a large bloc for the next elections within the “Serbia Against Violence” group. Aleksic told the daily Nova that “the government has forced the opposition to fight using all available means so as to divert attention away from the fact that the institutions in the country have been destroyed and that the regime behaves as if it has privatized the state of Serbia.”


Regarding the parliament blockage, Aleksic said the opposition “has an obligation” not to just sit in the parliament and pretend everything is all right, but to do something that can produce results. “We believe that the calling of early parliamentary elections, which should be held by the end of the year, is the way out of the crisis in Serbia. Until we get a deadline, a date, until the President of the Republic declares himself on the matter, we will continue our activities, both out on the streets with the Serbian citizens, and in the Parliament,” said Aleksic.


Summit Brdo-Brioni in Skopje; Vucic: Serbia for creating an atmosphere of mutual trust (RTS)


The leaders of the region met this morning in Skopje, as part of the Brdo-Brioni process. It is another in a series of initiatives aimed at encouraging dialogue and accelerating the European integration of the Western Balkans. Serbia is represented by President Aleksandar Vucic, who said that Serbia is sincerely committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual trust.


The ceremonial reception at the 12th Brdo-Brioni Summit began shortly before 11 a.m. Some leaders arrived in Skopje last night, for a dinner organized by the President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, arrived today. Upon his arrival, Vucic thanked for the warm welcome, emphasizing that during this gathering, he will discuss with interlocutors from the region some of the key principles of regional cooperation, sustainable development, climate change, but also EU enlargement policy, as a strategic point for further relations within the European continent. "One of the more important topics will be the continuation of comprehensive political, economic and social reforms, which will keep young people in these areas, which will additionally ensure the prosperity, stability and progress of the whole of Europe," wrote Vucic on Instagram.


He pointed out that Serbia, as always, remains consistent in its sincere efforts to create an atmosphere of mutual trust, understanding and respect, which it has shown through numerous initiatives that open up great opportunities for strong cooperation between countries in the region, for the benefit of all who live in the Western Balkans.


Ahead of today's summit, the President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, had bilateral meetings with leaders from the region, whom he hosted at an informal dinner last night. The evening was attended by the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic, then the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zeljka Cvijanovic, as well as the co-hosts of this initiative - the President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic and the President of Slovenia Natasa Pirc Musar.


The Brdo-Brioni Process initiative was created in 2010 on the idea of the prime ministers of Croatia and Slovenia at the time, who, after signing the arbitration agreement, wanted to be, as they said at the time, a good example for countries in the region to peacefully resolve disputes and open issues, but and to help them in the process of European integration. And the further process of European integration is the focus of today's summit. It is expected that one of the topics that the leaders of the region will touch upon will be the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, because this is the last regional meeting before the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels, which is scheduled for September 14, where Aleksandar Vucic and Aljbin Kurti will meet. By the way, Kurti is not in Skopje, and Pristina is represented by the president of the temporary institutions, Vjosa Osmani.


Vucic: In Skopje there were no big arguments and fights, we left the problems for Thursday in Brussels (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told journalists in Skopje that the Brdo-Brioni summit was a very fair and constructive discussion. Most of the talks were about the relationship of the Western Balkans region towards the EU and what we could be looking for. The meeting in Brussels will be difficult, we don't expect anything good, said Vucic.


President Aleksandar Vucic said, after the meeting of the leaders of the Brdo-Brioni Process in Skopje, that at that meeting they tried to find a common denominator and discussed the European future, and that the day was spent in a constructive discussion. "Some have a bit more enthusiasm, some a little less. In any case, today was a very fair and constructive discussion. There were no big arguments and fights, since we and Pristina left our problems for Thursday and Brussels," said Vucic.


Today, more was said about the relationship of the Western Balkans region itself towards the EU, than about anything else, President Vucic added. "What is it that we could ask for from various roaming initiatives towards the whole of Europe to the establishment of 'green lines' to the common market, to what is written in the declaration itself - as early as possible to become a member of the EU, i.e. to obtain membership at the latest until 2030. In my opinion, those are nice wishes, but who am I to destroy the optimism of some others and to diminish the ambition of some others, so it was mine to accept - great if it happens, and will it happen, I'm not sure," said Vucic. He pointed out that the meeting was certainly correct and good and that it is always good to hear what others think and for them to hear what you think.


"We also talked about economic opportunities and how to overcome problems in the coming period," said Vucic. He reminded that the price of oil is rising, and that it has not been this high for a year, and he expressed his fear that it will continue to rise, which, he added, will threaten many things in all the countries of the region and in all of Europe. "We will see how things will unfold," said Vucic and added that a busy week is ahead. "


The President of Serbia said that the part of the opposition, which submitted the request for calling the election, will receive a written and oral answer by the end of the month.


"We decide on sanctions ourselves as a sovereign country"


President Vucic stated that on the issue of sanctions, Serbia decides on its own as a sovereign country and that it differs from Pristina in that respect. "As far as sanctions are concerned, we decide on sanctions ourselves as a sovereign country, and that's where we differ from Pristina, not only regarding the Russia, Ukraine, and I don't know what, but on the issue of who is a sovereign country and who is not and never will be", Vucic said in response to journalists' questions in Skopje.


Vucic thus commented on the statement of the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Aljbin Kurti, to the Estonian media Delphi, who said that "it is impossible to separate Serbia from Russia without a whip."


"It is interesting to me how some people think that it is possible and that they have the right to ask some third parties to apply the whip to a sovereign country especially when you violate the UN charter and violate the territorial integrity of a country. Since he is so strong and powerful and would determine the fate of all the nations in Europe, of course the Serbian also, I don't know why he doesn't use that whip himself and show how he will deal with someone. It's a shame that someone who considers himself the leader of anything, no matter how highly he thinks of himself, uses such language and such vocabulary," concluded Vucic.


The President of Serbia stated that today in Skopje there were no concrete decisions at the Brdo-Brioni summit, and that when it comes to Serbia, there have been no concrete decisions for a long time.


President Vucic, responding to a journalist's question about what he expects at the meetings in Brussels regarding the Kosovo and Metohija issue, said that he expects the meetings to be difficult, because according to him, none of them were easy. "This is not because we are talking to Aljbin Kurti, but because we are talking to the representatives of Brussels, who you know that whatever they say, they will always support the independence of Kosovo in one way or another way," said Vucic.




RS President Milorad Dodik tells HR Schmidt that he is not welcome in the RS, but if he comes, force will not be used against him (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik sent again a message to (High Representative) Christian Schmidt on Sunday that he is not welcome in the RS, but if he comes, force will not be used against him. Dodik stated that the RS police will take care of Schmidt's safety but will also inform him that the citizens want him to be declared persona non grata in the RS. Dodik stressed that Schmidt must understand that people in the RS are on the verge of patience and that many are asking him to declare Schmidt persona non grata, adding that this is not possible according to international standards, but it is in the essential sense.


Commenting on Schmidt's announcement that he will still come to the RS, Dodik underlined that Schmidt cannot officially enter any RS institution and hold a meeting. “We will not use force, but a message will be sent to him that he is not welcome here, that for his safety it might be better if he returns as soon as possible, and never comes again,” Dodik said.


Dodik also said that state property will not be on the agenda, and the response to Schmidt's possible anti-constitutional action would be a session of the RS National Assembly (RSNA), where the RS would declare its independence. Dodik stressed that the issue of property is emphasized by political Sarajevo together with some international representatives, noting that Schmidt was sent to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to, as he said, settle it. “The RSNA made a decision not to accept any of his decisions, not about anything, including property. The property is settled. This is not a matter for the agenda, it will not be put on the table. Every announcement by Schmidt will be rejected as if it had never been made, and I said that if he decides to do so, he has written the agenda for the session of the National Assembly, which may happen the same night, about the RS declaring its independence,” Dodik said.


Dodik argued: “They only fear of the street. They do not fear of Milorad Dodik, but can Milorad Dodik organize, somewhere where Schmidt comes, some 5,000 people, conscious enough to purchase them 5,000 eggs so that they can beat him? They are afraid of that, and this is why they do not know what to do. Otherwise, we would have solved many things. Rifle, tank is out of question, these are no longer the things that we can, but now that I mentioned before, eggs, caricaturing because the time of tomato has passed.”


Hayat noted that unlike the past week – when Dodik claimed the RS prepares a decree and deportation of Schmidt, Dodik said on Sunday that he will protect him from citizens. Addressing media, Dodik said: “He is not welcome there. It may be good for his own safety to return as soon as possible and never come back. In this regard, members in charge of security will be there more to protect him than apply force against him. To expel him, we do not want to terrorize anyone like he terrorizes us. He is not accepted. We are serious people. We will not make any incident. Nothing (changes) in this regard. I am not withdrawing from that. I believe that each time – if he decides to provoke in this way – he will face more unpleasant things than I. And one day, we will expel him, not by hitting him in the bottom, but certainly by hitting him in (terms of) political election.”


PDP leader Borenovic comment on Dodik’s latest statements (N1)


N1 carries that for days, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik has been announcing the arrest and deportation of the HR if he dares to visit the RS. Dodik repeated on Friday that the police in the RS received instructions, and they do not just carry slingshots. Dodik said this in reaction to PDP Vice-President Igor Crnadak’s statement that High Representative Christian Schmidt’s security is armed. However, Dodik sent different messages on Jahorina on Sunday.


N1 reminded that in an interview for the German ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung’, the HR announced that he would visit several cities in the RS, including Banja Luka. Schmidt reminded that he is protected by the diplomatic convention, that Dodik does not have the authority to give instructions to the police, while the Prosecutor's Office of Banja Luka, to which Dodik reported Schmidt for false representation, forwarded the entire case to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The RS President told the youth of SNSD, whose elections he followed on Jahorina on Sunday, that the time of tanks is over, and that now one should fight, if necessary, with eggs and tomatoes. N1 asked Dodik if eggs and tomatoes will welcome Schmidt, and he replied that he was joking. “We are not going to make any outbursts. I am not backing down from that. I think that every time he decides to provoke like that, he will have more inconvenience than I will, and one day we will drive him out,” Dodik said. N1 stressed that regardless of Dodik's sarcasm, the fact is that the President of the RS once again stated something that he could not realistically realize, such as the arrest and deportation of the High Representative. N1 reminded that Schmidt, on the other hand, was quite clear that if this were to happen, there would be very unpleasant consequences for Dodik. N1 recalled that the scenario in which Dodik will simply withdraw his statement was announced by the RS opposition representatives on the same day Dodik threatened the High Representative. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that Dodik’s bombastic, unfounded statements are increasingly being recognized by the people, which could also be seen through the weak response of citizens to the protests backed by SNSD.


RSNA Speaker Stevandic: RS police will have to defend Christian Schmidt from people if he comes to RS (Nova BH)


Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Speaker Nenad Stevandic said on Saturday that “German citizens (High Representative) Christian Schmidt has contributed the most to anti-German sentiment and inflicted the greatest damage to his country with his actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)”, stressing that the RS “has shown political superiority”. Commenting on Schmidt’s latest announcement that he will visit the RS next week for meetings that came after RS President Milorad Dodik has issued instruction to the RS Ministry of interior to arrest him if he comes to the territory of the RS, Stevandic stated: “I think that Schmidt got caught on the hook from the RS and that we have shown political superiority, because we will make everyone analyze his appointment and make everyone aware that he is not legal (HR). His attempts to introduce a type of violence will lead to the police not throwing him out but defending him from the people. So, he should be grateful to the RS police, which has the obligation to defend everyone, both those whom people love and the others, and he is obviously not loved by the people of the RS”.


Viskovic says Schmidt’s announcement on visit to RS is provocation (ATV)


ATV commented that behaviour of German citizen Christian Schmidt, his violation of all international norms and laws as well as violation of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) cannot be justified by any platitudes of western apparatchiks or diplomats who have been easily living by inciting of crisis in B&H. Officials in Republika Srpska (RS) once again conveyed clear message that it is time for Schmidt to leave B&H, adding that he should be doing it instead of announcing meetings in the RS. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic assessed Schmidt’s threats and claims that he will visit the RS next week as provocation, arrogance and display of power and force. “Schmidt obviously wants reaction of people”, said Viskovic, adding that anywhere in the world Schmidt would be punished for things he has been doing in B&H. “Here, he just caused disputes, conflicts and caused regression of everything”, stated Viskovic. He went on to say that lately Schmidt has been giving political statements, provoking one people, adding that Schmidt wants to cause destabilization of B&H and response of the RS institutions. Viskovic stated: “Probably the goal is to provoke some reaction at a given moment and to enable for someone like NATO to intervene or I do not know either. We have to be careful here, we have to defend ourselves with a cool head”.


Dodik calls on UK officials to return to Dayton Peace Agreement (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that his obligation is to respect the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), not to please the British. He called on the UK officials to return to the DPA, which they persistently violate, as Dodik said, calling on Republika Srpska (RS) to respect it. Dodik was quoted as saying: “When, on the anniversary of the NATO bombing, the former air force commander of those forces, (UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Western Balkans) Stuart Peach, announced that my constitutional behaviour would have consequences, then it is impossible not to think what Peach is threatening with”. Dodik gave this statement to ‘Srna’ news agency when asked to comment on Peach's statement that the actions of the RS President are illegal and unconstitutional, and that it will have inevitable consequences. Dodik emphasized that rattling weapons is not in his style, although he understands that it is in Peach's, although in this role of spreader of democracy, it does not suit him, said Dodik.


HR Schmidt touches upon issue of state property in recent interview, proposes formation of new joint agency for state property as possible solution; Experts comment on this possible solution (Hayat)


In a recent interview for the German media, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt touched upon the issue of state property and said that he has the responsibility to improve the solution to this 30-year-old issue. Schmidt claimed that (Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad) Dodik’s determination to defend every inch of state property that does not belong to him is indeed related to very high debt of the RS. Schmidt assessed that it is all about fair sharing of state property and it is necessary to adopt a law for the whole state. Schmidt stressed that one of possible solutions is to transfer the ownership of state property to a new joint agency whose revenues would be evenly distributed but this requires the will for dialogue and Dodik is the only one lacking it.


Expert on state property Muharem Cero stated that from how he understands the solution put forward by Schmidt, it can be discussed because the whole state property will be first registered to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and then it will be put at disposal of an institution at the state level, whether it would be an agency or a directorate. Cero deemed that the other part of this solution is about distribution of revenues collected from use, management and sale of state property and it too can be discussed although he would suggest to the authorities to redirect all revenues into a restitution fund. Cero called on Schmidt to provide additional explanation about his proposals but also to firmly insist on registration of state property to B&H first while the new institution would be in charge of distribution of revenues based on predetermined quotas.


However, legal expert Enver Iseric warned against transfer of the ownership of state property to any body of the authorities, saying that the ownership of state property must be assigned to B&H either through a law adopted by the Parliament of B&H or by the HR’s decision. Iseric explained that the law can stipulate transfer of the right to use and manage state property to this new body but stipulations as to how it can be used by entities, cantons, cities and municipalities have to be strict. Cero reminded that other countries in the region took different approach to this issue, i.e., Croatia decided to form a state ministry for state property whereas Serbia adopted the law on state property. The reporter noted that the discussions about state property are likely to continue for long and so far, the only thing that can be ruled out are the RS’ claims that state property belongs to entities.


Dodik sends message to ‘The Troika’: Now is the turn for Law on Constitutional Court of B&H and B&H Election Law (N1)


The issues of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the B&H Election Law will be on the agenda of the upcoming meeting of the ruling coalition at the B&H level. Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik confirmed on Sunday that the working groups have not yet started working in full composition, because the Federation of B&H (FB&H) has not appointed its members.


Dodik emphasized that the Sarajevo ‘The Troika’ is dealing more with personal gossip than with substantive matters, adding that he is not aware that there will be a meeting of partners at the B&H level on Tuesday. Dodik pointed out that if ‘The Troika’ rejects the Law on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, it also rejects further partnership. “We were supposed to form a commission within the group led by the Minister of Justice at the level of the Council of Ministers (CoM), and at the last meeting we were informed that the RS and the CoM had put their members in the group, and the FB&H Government had not yet, and we are already seeing obstructions of this kind. We will see if they will enjoy this obstruction, I am not sure,” Dodik said.


Speaking about the coalition at B&H level, Dodik said that SNSD showed that it is a serious partner because they respected the five laws that they agreed upon. He added that now is the turn for the Law on the Constitutional Court of B&H and the B&H Election Law. Dodik sent a message to ‘The Troika’, which reads: “If they reject us, they rejected the partnership. Not only us, but also the Croat side that wants the Election Law”.




Both Milatovic and Abazovic going to NY for UN General Assembly session: Delegation larger than ever before (CDM)


At the cabinet meeting, the Government adopted the platform for the participation of the Montenegrin delegation in the General Debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, to be held in New York from 18 to 26 September. The Montenegrin delegation will be led by the country’s president, Jakov Milatovic, and it will also include the caretaker PM and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dritan Abazovic.


This is stated in the document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – General Directorate for Multilateral Affairs, reviewed by the Government. The document states that it is planned for Abazovic to have a series of bilateral meetings with counterparts from partner countries, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. We remind you that Abazovic and a fairly large Montenegrin delegation also participated in the UN General Assembly last year. In Montenegrin diplomacy, according to an unwritten rule, the state is represented at the session of the UN General Assembly one year by the prime minister, and the next by the state president. Abazovic, who is the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, obviously used that position to go to New York again this year, for this important meeting.


Milatovic: Abazovic’s decision to go to NY makes confusion, it doesn’t contribute to seriousness of diplomatic image of Montenegro (CDM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic says that the decision of Caretaker PM Dritan Abazovic to appear with a special delegation at the gathering of statesmen in New York introduces confusion and does not contribute to the seriousness of the country’s diplomatic image. “In accordance with the previous practice, Montenegro is represented at the session of the UN General Assembly one year by the President and the next by the Prime Minister”, wrote Milatovic in a post on the X platform, better known as Twitter. Last year, as he recalled, the Montenegrin delegation was led by Abazovic, so, this year the delegation should be led by the President.


Spajic can’t set up govt from winners of the election, he should reopen negotiations, Mandic claims (TV Pink)


One of the leaders of the For the Future of Montenegro bloc, Andrija Mandic, urged earlier today Prime Minister-designate, Milojko Spajic, to reopen negotiations over the formation of a new government so that the will of citizens could be respected. Mandic said that after the statement of the leader of the SNP, Vladimir Jokovic, it was clear that Spajic didn’t have chances to set up the government from the “winners of the election”. “Next week, we’ll know whether he’ll reopen the negotiations or go on the path of no return. It’s important to reopen negotiations and free Spajic from the impact of embassies, tycoons, and security structured run by Milo Djukanovic”.


SNP: We’ve never conditioned our support to govt with 49 signatures of MPs (CDM)


The Socialist People’s Party, SNP, denied the media claims that they’d requested support of at least 49 MPs in order to involve and back the 44th Government of Montenegro.


“We’ll make a decision about our participation in the government based on the chances to implement our program principles and topics of greatest importance to our voters, such as the national census, continuation of the construction of the highway to Boljare and Belgrade, as well as balanced economic development of the north of Montenegro”, they announced.


They also noted that they’d like to see a stable majority in parliament for the formation of the government, because such government would do its job easily and more efficiently, adding that they’ve never conditioned their support with a specific number of MP signatures.


North Macedonia


In October it will become clear who is in favor of swift EU membership, says Deputy PM (MIA)


The communications with each MP will intensify in the coming period. We expect to have two distinct political blocs by September-October, one bloc which is in favor of EU membership as soon as possible, and the other bloc which is against EU membership, and which thinks we can wait. Waiting is a strategy that will empty our country of young people and kill the hope for the EU, said Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs, Bojan Marichikj, in an interview for MRT 2.


Marichikj noted that if the country really wants to stay in the package of countries that are negotiating, so that it can have a chance to join by 2030, the constitutional amendments are the first decision that has to be made.


“We have done everything, we are doing everything and we will do everything for the constitutional amendments to be adopted by the deadline. I think that we will succeed because the other option is to get off the track of countries that are already negotiating, such as Montenegro, Albania and Serbia, and remain as part of a group of countries that are much further away from negotiations. Bosnia and Herzegovina received its candidate status last year. Kosovo is in a completely different process in terms of normalizing relations with Belgrade, they submitted their membership application last year. We’ve passed through these stages a long time ago,” said Marichikj.


The Deputy Prime Minister is optimistic that all MPs in Parliament will grasp the opportune moment for North Macedonia, because, he said, “the signals are clear that 2030 is a realistic deadline and achievable, but that doesn’t mean it is a given for everyone, it depends on how we position ourselves.”


“Our fight is to remain in a package with Albania, to move faster and reach the countries that have already been negotiating for 10 years. Our goal is to join the EU the next time the door is open. Currently, this depends only on us and on how we approach our tasks and how we complete them. There is no longer anyone that will block our progress, only we, through an internal blockade or by not accomplishing our tasks and reforms, can lead ourselves to become a part of a category of countries that have serious internal structural problems,” said Marichikj.


According to Marichikj, the constitutional amendments should not be an obstacle that blocks the country’s EU accession talks, because, he said, “they don’t change anything essential, they just add a couple of communities to the ones introduced by the Ohrid Framework Agreement in 2001,” and added that the responsibility is clearly located within the opposition and the MPs who have to vote.


“We saw that the negotiating framework is a sufficient guarantee for the protection of all our citizens and all our communities. We saw that the negotiating framework is what outlines a path to the EU, and the harder we work, the sooner we will be able to join the EU,” said Marichikj, adding that with belief and hard work, the country can become an EU member by 2030.


U.S. State Department: Corruption has potential to undermine N. Macedonia’s strategic ambitions (MIA)


Corruption has the potential to undermine North Macedonia’s strategic ambitions, the U.S. Department of State’s press office told Voice of America in Macedonian, when asked if the amendments to the Criminal Code lowering the sanctions for abuse of official position and criminal association would make the United States efforts to aid the country in the fight against corruption more difficult.


“We encourage North Macedonia to fulfil its promises over the fight against corruption. The leaders of North Macedonia must demonstrate firm, tangible, anti-corruption results by boosting institutional independence and preventing political meddling, especially in the judiciary, which is essential for the fulfilment of the EU accession goals and building the citizen’s trust in the government,” the State Department told the Voice of America.


With the EU flag and under fast-track procedure, Parliament adopted Wednesday the amendments to the Criminal code, which foresee reduced sanctions for officials that abuse their position. President Stevo Pendarovski signed the amendments into law on Thursday.


Macedonians have nothing against Bulgarians but fed up with demands over EU accession, says President (MIA)


I do not think that our citizens, especially the Macedonians, have anything against Bulgarians, but they are fed up with demands and conditioning that no one in the EU has had to date, says President Stevo Pendarovski. President Pendarovski told TV Sitel that if the country passes the current hurdle, it will make swift progress because "we will be monitored", adding that the country can join EU even before 2030.


"I don't believe that Macedonians have anything against Bulgarians and their incorporation in the Constitution but say 'wait a minute, this is a long series of demands, we waited 17 years for the start of the negotiations, now more demands, tomorrow there might be a third or fifth demand from another member-state'. And people are right, you cannot make up accession criteria specifically for me. The organization has a basic set of criteria, there are sets and sub-sets that are negotiated under specific requirements. I can tell you that our citizens will change the Constitution even ten times if you tell them that the rule of law in functioning, there is freedom of media, professional administration. I understand the people's anger, it is not the first time this has happened," says Pendarovski.


According to him, goodneighborly relations as EU accession criterion is one thing, but it is entirely different when someone says 'you must change the Constitution, you must put North'. "I do not think that our citizens, especially the Macedonians, have anything against Bulgarians, but they are fed up with demands and conditioning that no one in the EU has had to date. This organization was founded in 1957 and no one has had such accession criteria, not even close. It is one thing to have goodneighborly relations, this is a criterion, but it is another when someone says 'now you have to change the Constitution, and you must have North, let's not forget that unique situation," explains the President.


He reiterates his support for the constitutional amendments but also understands the citizens' anger. "If one considers the requirement itself - adding six more parts of nations in the Constitution - this is nothing contentious, but people are asking is there an end to this. What is the guarantee this will not happen again. I support these amendments but also understand the people's anger, each one of us feel this," says Pendarovski.


The President notes that North Macedonia is the best-prepared candidate in the history of European enlargement. "It is not only a phrase when I say that we can join even before 2030, because we were candidates for 17 years and we are super-prepared. We are the best-prepared candidate in the history of European enlargement. If we pass this hurdle, I believe that through stronger EU monitoring with regard to corruption, crime, professionalism and transparency of institutions, we will make swift progress," underlines Pendarovski.




Wisner meets Peleshi: Strong ties between the US and Albania in the field of defense (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi, had a meeting with the Charge d'Affaires of the American Embassy in Tirana, David Wisner. In the announcement of the American embassy on social networks, it is said that Wisner met on Friday with the Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi to affirm the strong ties between the United States and Albania in the field of defense.

"They discussed the need for continued defense cooperation to increase regional security and stability," the announcement continues. "Albania has provided strong support to Ukraine in the wake of Russia's brutal invasion, as well as hosting Defender 23 this year. Albanian and American soldiers stand side by side in Europe and Africa as partners who advance peace, so we are grateful for their service", the announcement reads.