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Belgrade Media Report 13 September



EEAS: Vucic and Kurti to meet in Brussels on Sept. 14, focus on Ohrid agreement implementation (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti will meet in Brussels on Sept. 14 in a new round of the EU brokered dialogue, the European External Action Service (EEAS) said in a release on its website. EU High Representative Josep Borrell and EU Special Representative for the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak will hold separate meetings with Vucic and Kurti at 9 a.m., followed by a joint trilateral meeting. The meeting will focus on the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, which was agreed between Vucic and Kurti in Ohrid on March 18, as well as current issues, the EEAS said in the release on Sept, 12. At the end of the meeting, Borrell will give a press statement. Vucic and Kurti last met in Brussels on May 2, nine days after snap local elections in North Kosovo, which were boycotted by the Serbs. During that round of the talks, a Declaration on missing persons was adopted and a first draft Statute of an Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities was presented. Vucic and Kurti were in Brussels also on June 22, during one of the many crises in North Kosovo, but they did not sit at the table and only had separate meetings with Borrell and Lajcak.


Escobar: US calls on Belgrade, Pristina to take their obligations seriously (Beta)


Ahead of a new round of talks within the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue scheduled for September 14, the US has asked Serbia and Kosovo to demonstrate commitment to the obligations stemming from the agreement on normalization between the two sides and its implementation annex, said US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar.


The American diplomat said that, in a recent phone conversation, he did not get assurances from Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti that he was committed to implementing the agreement on normalization and its annex, as Kurti clamed in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday, reported Voice of America. Regarding the Kosovo side, this means presenting a Draft Statute of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities and Kurti has not committed to doing this, Escobar said in an interview with the Voice of America (VOA) Serbian and Albanian services, adding that the only thing he committed to was attending the meetings in Brussels.


The European External Action Service (EEAS) announced that Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet on September 14 in Brussels with the mediators in the Dialogue, European Union (EU) High Representative Josep Borrell and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak, and that the talks will focus on the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalization, as well as current issues.


Escobar noted that the potential consequences of Kosovo and Serbia’s failure to seize the opportunity for normalization of relations are already visible. These are measures imposed by the EU that prevent progress in some of the mechanisms of the accession process – which are quite serious and although Kosovo calls them sanctions, they are not actual punitive measures, explained Escobar, adding that similar would apply to Serbia. He said that, in the case of Kosovo, this includes new recognitions of independence, donor conferences, strategic bilateral dialogue with the US and close relations with NATO. Unfortunately, if there is no progress none of this will happen this year, stressed the American diplomat.


As for Serbia, when discussing how much it has progressed in the accession process, the EU will want to see clear signs of interest in implementing the agreement on normalization, Escobar said.

The US continues to strongly support the EU-facilitated Dialogue, stressed Escobar, adding that it sees it as a way to achieve peaceful and productive relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Having in mind the fact that an important agreement on normalization was reached in February and March, we want to ask the two parties to take seriously the obligations stemming from this agreement so they could progress in fulfilling the existing and earlier obligations, said Escobar, adding that the US wants progress within the Dialogue to be made this year and that he expects some kind of progress to be made on September 14.


Escobar: I did not receive assurances from Kurti about commitment to normalization (Politika)


The US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Envoy of the United States for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, stated that he did not receive assurances from the Prime Minister of the Pristina Provisional Institutions, Aljbin Kurti, about the commitment to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, i.e. the presentation of the draft Statute of the Union of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) for tomorrow's round of dialogue in Brussels.


Escobar stated in an interview for Voice of America that he did not receive assurances from Kurti in a recent telephone conversation that he was committed to the implementation of the normalization agreement and its annex, which Kurti announced on Monday on the social network X (Twitter). "When it comes to the Kosovo side, it means the presentation of the draft Statute of the Union of Municipalities with a Serbian majority. Kurti made no commitment to do so. In essence, what he committed himself to was attending the meetings in Brussels and nothing more than that," said Escobar.


The USA asked Belgrade and Pristina, ahead of the next round of dialogue on September 14, to commit to concrete obligations in connection with the agreement on the normalization of relations between the two sides, as well as the annex on its implementation. Escobar pointed out that the consequences that could arise if Belgrade and Pristina miss the opportunity to normalize relations are already visible, and that it is about measures introduced by the EU, which relate to the impossibility of progress in some of the mechanisms of the accession process.


"I think the EU will want to see clear signals of interest in the implementation of the normalization agreement while considering to what extent Serbia has progressed in the accession process," said Escobar. According to him, the US continues to strongly support the EU-led dialogue. "We want progress within the framework of the dialogue and the Ohrid Agreement to be achieved during this year," Escobar pointed out, stating that some kind of progress is expected on Thursday. Escobar assessed that the Ohrid Agreement is wide-ranging and historic and that it is a true agreement on normalization by European standards, but also that it provides an opportunity for progress in European integration. Escobar pointed out that by fulfilling the provisions of the Ohrid Agreement and resolving open issues, all challenges including elections, license plates, identity cards and other topics that could be a source of escalation can be resolved.


Escobar emphasized that all parties agree, including Pristina, that the turnout of only three percent in the elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is not a long-term solution for the municipal authorities. The American diplomat said that the Albanian mayors of the municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija decided to take over some of the municipal buildings without coordination with the international community. "We pointed out to the authorities of Kosovo that there is no need to escalate tensions by placing mayors in those buildings," said Escobar. Escobar pointed out that the international community is also concerned about the actions of the so-called special Kosovo police units, the expropriation of land and the planned eviction of some of the institutions from government buildings led by Serbs. "We will continue to ask the Government of Kosovo to stay in close contact with NATO and KFOR on the ground. It is important to prevent any kind of wrong assessments", Escobar pointed out.


The American diplomat indicated that, if the authorities in Pristina want to hold new elections in which Serbs would participate, the resignation of the Albanian mayor is a faster and better way than a solution that includes a petition and which has never been implemented so far, and which was proposed by the so-called Kosovo authorities. "We ask the Serbian community to participate in the voting, when the elections are announced. How this will be achieved remains for the parties to discuss. Definitely, I think it would be faster with resignations. We are following the situation very carefully," concluded Escobar, reports Tanjug.


The OSCE High Commissioner expressed concern about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija (B92)


OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities, Kairat Abdrakhmanov, expressed concern about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). During the conversation with the President of the Assembly of Serbia, Vladimir Orlic, he emphasized that the OSCE stands for peace and the continuation of the dialogue. Orlic pointed to the particularly difficult position of Serbs in the territory of KiM, whose human rights Pristina "fundamentally threatens every day". "In addition to the violation of all agreements, the deliberate avoidance of forming the Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and doing what was agreed upon and signed a long time ago, Serbian children are being shot at in KiM, the supply of food and medicine is prevented, people are illegally imprisoned, their property is confiscated, without no legal consequences for those who do it, and we know who does it," said Orlic.


The interlocutors confirmed their mutual commitment to cooperation, which they stated was excellent, both at the level of the parliament and through the activities of the delegation of the National Assembly in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, as well as at other levels, the National Assembly announced. Orlic pointed out that exceptional cooperation was also achieved with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), which resulted in the adoption of a large number of ODIHR recommendations for the improvement of election conditions during the previous years and thanks to which, according to the common assessment, those conditions in Serbia on a democratic level higher than ever before. He also reminded that the elections for national councils of national minorities were successfully held, and the position of members of national minorities in Serbia was additionally improved in every respect.


The OSCE High Commissioner emphasized that the OSCE advocates for peace and the importance of improving educational programs, especially in the area of language learning, as the best way to achieve communication between different communities. As stated, the interlocutors confirmed their mutual determination to cooperate on all important issues for security, human and minority rights of all OSCE members.


U.S. Embassy denies allegations that Washington is trying to prevent elections in Serbia (Beta)


Late on Sept. 12, the U.S. Embassy in Serbia denied alleged contacts between U.S. and Serbian officials and attempts by the U.S. to influence a decision on possible elections in Serbia. "The news of alleged contacts between U.S. and Serbian officials and an attempt by the U.S. to influence a decision on possible elections in Serbia is untrue. This is a question that is exclusively decided on by the elected authorities of Serbia and the U.S. has no role in that process," the embassy wrote on X. The embassy attached an interview former diplomat Nebojsa Vujovic gave to BETA on Sept. 12, who said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had received serious warnings from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his envoys James O'Brien and James Rubin not to schedule parliamentary elections until he met the Ohrid agreement obligations. "The U.S. opposes calling early parliamentary elections because it is afraid that Vucic's option will suffer defeat," the former diplomat said, adding that Vucic would call local and provincial elections "probably several months before the deadline."


Russian ambassador: Hill literally stuck his finger in Serbia's eye (B92, Sputnik)


The problem of Kosovo and Metohija can be solved, and it will happen, the Russian ambassador in Belgrade, Alexander Botsan Kharchenko, told Sputnik. In an interview, he said that this period is extremely difficult, but that the Serbs have something to be proud of because they are keeping their principled position and Belgrade is holding on, as far as the so-called Kosovo and relations, connections and cooperation with Russia.


The most convincing and impressive example is the resolute non-acceptance of anti-Russian measures, said Russian Ambassador Alexander Botsan Kharchenko. "These days, Ambassador Hill literally poked his finger in Serbia's eye by tweeting 'when the Ohio National Guard returns to Belgrade, it receives a pleasant welcome'. Nobody was pleased with the arrival of the Ohio National Guard, I understand that countries must cooperate - those were the days of Serbia-United States friendship - can a diplomat who is a friend of a country behave like that?" asked Botsan Kharchenko.


Answering the question to comment on the statements of the Western media that it suits Russia perfectly for there to be chaos and disorder, as well as the situation when on one occasion during a protest they found a Russian woman on the street and concluded that the Russians organized that protest, the Russian ambassador said:


"There are certain people who have now chosen to attack and criticize Russia, condescending to the West. They want to stand out and get something out of it. The most important thing is something else - that it was, and it was not hidden, far more cases than the random Russian woman who was among the participants of the protest, when the representatives of the US embassy participated in such actions. At the same time, none of the mentioned ones even dared to say that it exceeded all diplomatic norms, that it was a violation of obligations and rules and international law because we all work on the basis of that law and that, in a given case, there is a desire to undermine the stability of the country."


"Russia is satisfied with Serbia's stability, if only for the sake of the fact - let's be rational - we have long-term cooperation plans. For the implementation of those plans and tasks that have been approved from the highest level, it is natural that stability is necessary first of all. Second, what is really very important: we cannot wish chaos on a friendly, brotherly people who in the absolute majority sympathize and understand our position, above all in relation to the special military operation and the crisis in Ukraine as well as in relation to broad, global international issues. How can we wish them anything but good. That is by definition impossible," Kharchenko added.


Speaking about the sanctions against Russia, Botsan Kharchenko pointed out that Serbia did not succumb to the pressures of the West, looking exclusively at the interests of its people, which is why the President of Serbia is often the target of criticism. "For the West, in a certain sense, Serbia's position is a shock, because they are not used to such behavior. They are used to constant humiliation, to the violation of their own interests. There are many examples when countries, in order to satisfy some petty demands of Brussels and Washington, cast aside both national and economic interests, even national dignity and historical memory," Kharchenko said.


On the conclusion that the national interest of Serbia is the defense of Kosovo, he says that the West needs an imitation of the solution, as well as that nothing new is proposed, and cannot be proposed. "Because, no matter what was said, one goal that has existed since the end of the 90s always comes out or is directly named - the independence of Kosovo and the recognition of that independence by Belgrade. This is what the West considers to be in its interest, and they always do what is in their interest. They never gave up on that, no matter what wording they chose within the status negotiations. In fact, it was immediately clear that these were status negotiations, it was immediately clear, even though the statuses may be different, that it could be only one - independence. Through negotiations or not. And all further efforts at so-called normalization in the West were treated and are treated today as a way to force Belgrade, corner it, put it before an inevitable choice - to recognize Kosovo. They use all methods, from some negotiation traps, and in the given case it is hard for me to imagine that President Vucic could fall into such a trap. He is a very experienced politician, he has vast experience in negotiations and in life in general," Russian ambassador pointed out.


"Another method, not a new one, which we returned to, which was used before - levers of pressure on Belgrade is the creation of unbearable, impossible conditions for the Serbs in Kosovo itself, on the assumption that this can force Belgrade to take some steps towards recognition. Since in that situation, nothing can be done, Pristina and Kurti encourage each other. It's not about Kurti, he's probably more radical, but anyone who was in his place before or would come after - will do the same. It's direct and unambiguous and he openly says - that he wants control over Serbian municipalities, that he does not want Serbs in Kosovo. He is doing everything to prevent not only normalization of relations with Belgrade, but also no ties between Kosovo or municipalities inhabited by Serbs and Belgrade. Regardless of all agreements, he will not accept any decisions on the formation of the Union of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), even though it is part of the Brussels Agreements. It has all existed for a long time, but it has not been resolved until now. And everything is being repeated over and over again," he stated.


When asked what can the United Nations do? As strong as they are today, Botsan Kharchenko answers that it is very important because if it were not for the position of Russia and China in the Security Council, they would have tried to solve the issue by voting on the basis of Ahtisaari's plan a long time ago, back in 2006, 2007, and to close the issue. "At the same time, everyone understands that it is not possible to reach a solution without the final consent of the UN Security Council. Because they pushed Resolution 1244 aside and in their practical activities, they do not respect it, but it exists. That is why it is clear that in the process of finally solving the Kosovo issue, in the end outcome, cannot bypass the UN Security Council," he stated, then added:


"In addition, keeping the Kosovo issue on the agenda of the UN Security Council provides an opportunity to constantly consider the issue, to warn of the problems that exist, to make the world's majority aware of these problems. I cannot say that the situation can be radically changed by this, but the process is rather long, and I am convinced that it cannot be solved. The West very much wants to solve it, it wants to create the appearance of intensive efforts, that is clear. Some kind of solution to the problem would be in their favor, especially in the context of Ukraine, they would show that it is Kosovo is their success and that the problem is solved. In the given case, there can be no comparison, everything they did, NATO aggression, all that is crossed out, as they say, the winner is not judged. In the given case, there is an agreement reached by consensus between Belgrade and Pristina, Belgrade agrees with everything. Without implementing that, it won't and cannot happen!"


Some opposition parties demand proportional airtime in news programs on state public broadcaster RTS (Beta)


The opposition parliamentary parties, which are the organizers of the Serbia Against Violence protests, on Sept. 12 demanded from state public broadcaster RTS that all opposition groups represented in the Serbian parliament be provided proportional airtime in the TV station’s news program. The demand was handed to RTS by MPs of the Democratic Party, the Ecological Uprising, the Together coalition, the Green-Left Front, the People’s Movement of Serbia, the New Face of Serbia, and the Forward to Europe parliamentary group. These parties demand from RTS that at least 20 percent of its airtime for prime-time news and other programs dealing with daily news and social and political affairs be devoted to parliamentary parties and that it should start right now. According to them, proportional airtime on public broadcasters is applied in many EU countries, such as Germany. These parties also demand from RTS to launch a new broadcast in the evening hours, in accordance with the findings of the OSCE/ODIHR, the European Commission and the European Parliament. Another demand to RTS is to enable not only group, but also individual appearances of opposition representatives in news programs and without the necessary presence of representatives of “the pro-regime parties.”


Marinika Tepic, an MP of the Forward to Europe parliamentary group, said that RTS was not a public broadcaster of Serbia’s citizens, but “a regime-run service” and an “information bunker of the regime.” She also said that of all editors working at RTS, “the supreme editor sits on Andric Venac St,” – Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Tepic added that the opposition had the right to comment on the RTS program and also to dismiss claims that it was interfering with the TV station’s editorial policy.




OHR issues statement after HR Schmidt cancels his visit to Banja Luka (BHT1)


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement on Tuesday after High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt cancelled his visit to Banja Luka, stating that HR Schmidt’s visit to that city was not firmly scheduled and that “the HR deliberately chose not to participate in an orchestrated theater play’’. The OHR also informed that HR Schmidt held meetings in Sarajevo where he talked with Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister Nermin Niksic and FB&H Minister of Displaced Persons and Returnees Nerin Dizdar. The reporter notes that Schmidt’s visit has drawn attention after Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s statement that he may be deported and that his safety may be threatened if arrives in the RS.


The reporter goes on to say that RS Vice President Camil Durakovic was the only one to expect HR Schmidt in Banja Luka, after all other invited officials cancelled their meetings with him. Durakovic expressed his disappointment with Schmidt not coming to Banja Luka, and said he was ready to welcome Schmidt in his office despite the ban on the use of official premises for the meeting with the HR issued from the RS Palace. “That was not a reason for me not to agree to the meeting, because I do not think that she (Durakovic refers to Secretary General to RS President, Jelena Pajic Bastinac, who issued the ban order) has a mandate to order someone legitimately elected to a constitutional office that belongs to Bosniaks. So, I agreed to the meeting, and I expected that meeting. As you see, as it happened, several hours before the meeting, the OHR again contacted us saying the meeting would not take place’’. Durakovic believes that Schmidt capitulated, and with him the international community in B&H.


Dodik commented on Schmidt cancelling his visit to Banja Luka after the SNSD Executive Committee session held on Tuesday. Addressing the press conference after the session, Dodik said: “I see he gave up on coming to Banja Luka today. That can be useful in terms of his understanding that he is not welcome here. And I think that actions we conducted to unmask his position as best as possible are related to our positions that he is not welcome here; that due to the current situation, destabilization is possible, and even violence; and that in this regard, he is the one causing it; that it would be good not to use any force; and that it would be the best if he would give the RS the widest possible berth’’.


Court of B&H issues statement after upholding indictment against Dodik and Lukic (BHT1)


The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has issued a statement after upholding the indictment against Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik and RS Official Gazette Acting Director Mulos Lukic for failing to implement the High Representative’s decisions. The Court of B&H stated that the next step is the procedure established by law, i.e. submitting potential objections and the court decision on them, and the accused entering their plea. BHT1 reports that lawyer Vlado Ademovic commented on the process, saying that it will be “everything but a regular court proceeding’’ and that further political pressures may be expected. In an interview for BHT1, Adamovic explained that usual court pace implies entering plea within one month from the indictment being upheld, scheduling the main hearing, etc. “What I appealed the other day as soon as I heard about the indictment being upheld is that this should be tried by the most experienced judges in the country. Because those three men can resolve the system, but they can also destroy it’’, said Adamovic. Adamovic also reminded of amendments to the B&H Criminal Code passed by High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt, that stipulate that failure to adhere to the HR decisions constitute a criminal offence that can be sanctioned by prison sentence in the duration up to five years, however the additional sanction for the said criminal offense is much more important, i.e. ban on performance of an official duty, which would also mean elimination from the political scene.


Dodik: It is my obligation to sign decree on promulgation of laws adopted by RSNA (RTRS)


A session of the SNSD Executive Board was held in Banja Luka on Tuesday. Members of the SNSD Executive Board discussed the current political situation and the “unconstitutional actions of an unelected foreigner in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).” It was assessed at the session that despite interventionism, the Republika Srpska (RS) is stable.


RTRS stressed that the constant instability caused by foreigners with the intention of collapsing the RS resulted in the indictment against RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic. RTRS pointed out that although he is accused of a criminal offense that was unconstitutionally imposed by “the unelected foreigner”, (High Representative) Christian Schmidt, Dodik confirmed that he will respect the court process. Dodik repeated that it is nonsense that he was charged for fulfilling the constitutional obligation of the President of the RS and for signing the decree on the promulgation of the law adopted by the RS National Assembly (RSNA). “At no moment did I have a dilemma, and if I had, I would have definitely destroyed the status of the institution called the RSNA, and when you destroy that, then you also destroy the position of the RS. We only strengthened it this way. We defend the RS, we know what we are defending, and they do not know what they are attacking,” Dodik said.


RTRS pointed out that whether law and justice will move into the judicial institutions of B&H should be defined by the laws on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and the departure of foreign judges. Dodik stated that according to the agreement with the Federation of B&H (FB&H) partners in the authorities at the B&H level, these acts should be on the agenda of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) by the end of the month. Dodik added that a working group within the B&H Ministry of Justice, with representatives from the RS and the FB&H, is working on the content of the laws. “We hear that there are some obstructions on this issue, but we will not prejudge anything. When we are faced with the practical behavior of our partners from the ‘Troika’ within the authorities at the B&H level, we will decide on our further actions in that regard,” Dodik pointed out.


Along with political pressures, Dodik warned that foreigners are trying to obstruct the financial sector as well. Despite this, the RS is economically stable, and social benefits are paid regularly. When it comes to security, SNSD's position is that they will ask the UN Security Council to extend the mandate of the Althea mission, but not to expand it with British soldiers. Commenting on the dissatisfied branch trade unions that announced protests at the end of September, which are being linked to the US Embassy in B&H's efforts to destabilize the RS, Dodik said that he supports the freedom of trade union activity, but that nothing from foreigners surprises him. “The US Embassy is calling everyone. They also called some bankers when they asked them not to cooperate with the RS in terms of financing. Of course, they also call the trade unions,” Dodik said. Dodik announced a meeting in Banja Luka with the holders of the most responsible positions in the RS and at the B&H level for Wednesday, in order, as he stated, to analyze the political situation at all levels.


Cvijanovic harshly criticizes indictment against Dodik (ATV)


The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has issued a statement after upholding the indictment against Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik and RS Official Gazette Acting Director Mulos Lukic for failing to implement the High Representative’s decisions. B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic referred to the indictment in this case as a political story and “the unelected people’s” calculated political persecution of those democratically elected the citizens. Cvijanovic emphasized that SNSD gives full support to Dodik with the assessment that everything that is happening regarding the court process against Dodik is politically colored and that it is a matter of political persecution of the elected by the unelected. “An unelected foreigner created and standardized a criminal offense according to his standards and at his discretion”, the B&H Presidency member underlined. She added that “high representatives, even when they are legally elected according to the Dayton Agreement, do not have the right to impose and amend laws”. She warned that “all this is becoming a dangerous farce”. “This turned into absolute bullying. I think that B&H is being deprived of the last chance it had, and it had it, of course, to walk on its own two feet and start to legitimize itself,” Cvijanovic said.


Minister Bukejlovic says Dodik acted in line with RS Constitution, confirmation of indictment was formality (Nezavisne)


Speaking about the confirmation of the indictment against Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic said that Dodik acted in line with the RS Constitution, and he noted: “The Constitution, as the highest legal document, obliges the President to declare laws adopted in the RS National Assembly (RSNA), as the highest legislative body of the RS, by directly elected representatives of people”. Bukejlovic added that the confirmation of the indictment was a formality as one of phases in a criminal procedure and noted that the practice has showed that courts confirm indictments in most of the cases. “The existence of criminal liability is discussed only at the main hearing”, Bukejlovic concluded.


Blagojevic: Serbia can address UN and request opinion of International Court of Justice on whether rule over B&H by High Representative is in line with UN Charter (Glas Srpske)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic's advisor Milan Blagojevic stated that Serbia has the right to address the UN General Assembly and ask for adoption of a resolution demanding advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on whether the fact that B&H is ruled by other countries and the High Representative is in line with the UN Charter. Blagojevic emphasized that such rule over B&H which is a member of the UN is obviously not in line with the UN Charter, and that the UN General Assembly can request a legal opinion on the matter. He also explained that Serbia as successor of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia under the Article 5 of the Dayton Peace Agreement can request such an opinion.


RS Ruling Parties’ Officials Announce Possible Blockades of State Institutions (BHT1)


The reporter notes that the message that the court proceeding against Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik is of political nature was conveyed after the meeting of SNSD ministers at state-level and representative of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) from the rank of the Serb people, B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac. The meeting was attended by, among others, B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Srdjan Amidzic and SIPA Director Darko Culum.


BHT1 reports that Kosarac said after the meeting that in case (High Representative) Christian Schmidt continues with his provocations, one of the responses will be the withdrawal from the institutions of B&H, noting that the only objective is to express loyalty to the RS and that the final straw was the upheld indictment against Dodik and Schmidt’s provocations. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Kosarac said: “If he thinks that he will cause problems only for the RS without causing them to B&H, then he is not normal. We unanimously concluded that the court proceeding against the RS President, Mr. Dodik, is political, is ungrounded, and that the Court (of B&H) and the (B&H) Prosecutor’s Office imposed by the HR decisions are a destabilizing factor’’.


The reporter notes that in addition to the judicial institutions, ministers also had messages for their coalition partners and said that this is not the issue of Banja Luka but of Sarajevo. Addressing the press conference, Amidzic said: “When we get the impression that our work in the joint institutions is meaningless, that we cannot do what we have been elected for, I do not see why to do that job anymore. I only ask the colleagues from the Federation of B&H - and we should be the ones to matter, not anyone from outside – not to put us in a situation in which we have no other way out’’.


Reactions of politicians to possible blockades of state institutions (BHT1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) CoM Chairwoman Borjana Kristo and most of the state ministers and MPs in the B&H Parliament were not willing to comment on possible new blockades of the state institutions, and only few of them commented on the issue. “My position that pressure cannot be made on the judiciary with anti-Dayton actions by leaving the institutions. It is clearly one of their last lines of defense of Milorad Dodik indicted for a very serious criminal offense’’, B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez was quoted as saying. According to the opposition at the state level, these are the breaking points for the future of the Dayton B&H and the institution of the HR in B&H. Commenting on the issue, DF representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Milan Dunovic said in an interview for BHT1 that in case Minister Kosarac is planning to resign “I welcome his decision. He should resign. He should freely resign, as well as all others who think that will achieve something like that, but without leaving the institutions as it was the case in the previous mandate. You know, it is the option: we will leave the institution, but we will receive our salaries from the state budget’’. In a telephone statement for BHT1, SDA representative in the B&H HoR Semsudin Mehmedovic said he expects a response from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) “as to whether the HR is the HR only for the Federation of B&H (FB&H) where he imposes some solutions, or he will be the HR for the entire B&H. I expect that at least one of the pro-Bosnian political bloc leaders takes over the responsibility for managing the political processes in B&H’’. The reporter concludes by stating the country is going from one crisis to another, and the state-level ruling coalition is again facing another test.




Radunovic: Spajic doesn’t have majority to form govt, PES losing more and more supporters, URA should be part of govt. (A plus TV)


MP of the For the Future of Montenegro coalition Slaven Radunovic said last night on A Plus TV that it was clear to the whole of Montenegro that PM-designate Milojko Spajic did not have a majority for the establishment of the Government of Montenegro and that it was less important to his coalition how many ministries it would get in the new convocation of the Government.

Radunovic claims that the Europe Now Movement is losing more and more supporters every day, and he also advocates that URA be in the Government. “It is important for us to be in the Government, but we cannot forget that minority parties have always been DPS satellites. If you ask them now, they would prefer to form a government with DPS. We are not satisfied with the solution that each of those 10 representatives of minorities has the right to be turncoats”, Radunovic added in the Club A show. He added that he did not know why Spajic was closing the door to them. “We are more experienced than him and we have been through so much more than him. He does not have the majority to establish a government, that is clear to all of Montenegro. After all, there is an option for both a new PM-designate and new elections. We will see what will happen in the end”, Radunovic pointed out.


Gorcevic: If you ask PES, there’s no split between Spajic and Milatovic, and there’s no need to be worried; They’re a great duo (


Ever since the Europe Now Movement was formed, both the media and other political parties have been creating the narratives about the split between Milojko Spajic and Jakov Milatovic, said the MP of the Europe Now Movement, Maida Gorcevic.


Speaking in a TV show ‘Pressing’ screened on Gradska TV, she pointed out that Mr Spajic and Mr Milatovic had different personalities, but worked great as a duo, adding that a two-day visit of President Milatovic should be in a spotlight. “As members of the Europe Now Movement, we don’t see any kind of a split in our party, so there’s no need to be worried. The past has showed that not every written word has to be true. Having in mind that there’s much false information being spread, it’s hard for readers to assess which one is correct. The news that’s certainly much more important is that Mr Milatovic is going to pay an official two-day visit to Italy, and that’s not a fake news,” Ms Gorcevic notes.


Commenting on the statement of Miodrag Lekic that it has not yet happened that two delegations go to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, and that the “DPS governments today look modest to someone”, she says that she wouldn’t even comment on such modesty. In addition, according to her, the negotiations over the formation of a new government last shorter than expected.


Escobar: Avoid introducing an anti-Western party into the Montenegrin government (CDM, VOA)


Gabriel Escobar, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, said in connection with the negotiations on the new Montenegrin government, that commitment to the European path, membership in NATO and the fight against corruption is not fulfilled by every party in the political spectrum there. "However, I also believe that President Milatovic and Mandate Spajic share these goals, and the challenge is that they should form a government from parties that they believe will fulfill them. There are some narratives that are very repulsive. One is that excluding the largest anti-Western party would be against the will of the people. That is not true. Individual parties are chosen by the will of the people, and it is up to the mandate holder to determine how to form the government. The second is to exclude the votes of ethnic Serbs. I would say that there is no anti-Serb sentiment among any of the parties with which Mandator Spajic wants to form a government. In fact, quite a few have a significant portion of voters who are ethnic Serbs. And finally, there is at least one party that says it is ready to accept any foreign policy decision of the government, if Belgrade allows it. It is essentially undemocratic and unacceptable - the idea that one part of the coalition would be controlled by a foreign government and that part would be more loyal to the leader of the foreign country, rather than the prime minister or the Montenegrin voters," Escobar told Voice of America.


When asked how the USA would react if the "For the Future of Montenegro" coalition was part of the government, bearing in mind that Mr. Spajic, as some believe, is under pressure, including from President Milatovic, for the former Democratic Front to be part of the government, Escobar says that understands that there is a lot of pressure coming from one side.


"However, there were many recommendations, I wouldn't say requests, but recommendations from the USA, the European Union, Great Britain and even NATO that Montenegro should avoid introducing an anti-NATO, anti-Western political party into its coalition which is also against the European Union. If Montenegro does that, then it chooses to accept the pressure of another country in relation to the recommendations of the transatlantic community. I don't think it's necessary to think about what would happen next. "Montenegro is a very strong and good NATO member and ally, and we expect it to continue," he pointed out.


When asked if he sees external pressures on the government formation process in Montenegro, especially from Serbia, Escobar believes that there is pressure within the parties, from all sides, on how the government should be formed. "Our encouragement is very open and public. And our expectations are very clear to the citizens of Montenegro. I'm not sure that some people, who are pushing for another party to enter the government, are so transparent and open about why they want it in the government," Escobar concluded.


Milatovic to meet Escobar on 18 Sept. in New York. It could be an unpleasant conversation for the Montenegrin president (CDM)


On 18 September, during his stay in the United States, the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, is going to meet with the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar. The meeting will also be attended by James O’Brien, the Assistant Secretary of State for Europe.


According to sources of CDM, the two are going to reiterate the message President Milatovic has already heard from Quint ambassadors – that Montenegro needs to form a pro-Western government, without obstruction and delays. All the ally diplomats doing service in Montenegro are familiar with the agenda of the meeting scheduled for 18 September. If Mr Escobar and Mr O’Brien communicate the messages that Quint ambassadors told during the meeting with PES directly and diplomatically, as predicted by sources of CDM, it’d be quite an unpleasant experience for the Montenegrin President.


North Macedonia


Roth urges MPs to vote for constitutional changes, says people are impatient (MIA)


German Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael Roth urged Tuesday MPs to vote for the constitutional changes as soon as possible so that the country resumes its EU path.

"We now have a proposal on the table that must be implemented, not because of improving the state of minorities here but in order to make a breakthrough for North Macedonia on the European Union path. We must speed up the pace. People in the country are impatient, this is not only in your interest, but also in ours as well. We cannot afford to have instability in another region. We have to stick together and Europeanize the Western Balkans," Roth told a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani. According to him, it is important to talk about how blockades can be overcome so that discussion finally focuses on democracy, fight against corruption, rule of law, people's well-being, reconciliation etc. "That is why I appeal to you, my fellow colleagues from the Parliament, to contribute to the required constitutional change as soon as possible through a two-thirds majority. Afterward, you can continue to have discussions and quarrels," said Roth. I hope, he added, that our signals for solidarity and togetherness will be understood by all. "No one in Brussels, Sofia, Berlin or Paris has the right to decide on your identity, culture and tradition. This is up to the people here to decide. North Macedonia is an example of multiethnicity, your minister speaks in Macedonian first and then in Albanian," said Roth. FM Osmani said one should not forget that the constitutional amendments would lead to the opening of the third and fourth accession chapters.


Kovachevski-Roth: Firm Bundestag support for Euro-integration process, constitutional changes to secure European future (MIA)


The upcoming process of adopting the constitutional amendments and other topics of current interest were in the focus of the meeting between Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and German Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael Roth on Tuesday. Roth reaffirmed Germany's strong support for North Macedonia on the Euro-integration path, saying now is the time for the country to move forward in meeting its strategic objective - EU membership, the Government said in a press release. North Macedonia should recognize the importance of the historic moment that lies ahead, and it is crucial to make a step forward in the Euro-integration process that will secure the citizens' European future. Roth noted that Germany sees North Macedonia as an integral part of the European Union, a country which progress should be rewarded by membership in the big European family.


PM Kovachevski expressed enormous gratitude for Germany's long-standing support, also seen through the recent adoption of the Bundestag Resolution on North Macedonia, which reaffirms the Macedonian identity, language, culture and history as part of the European mosaic. Interlocutors pointed out that all parliamentary political parties should unite around the fulfillment of the common strategic goal - North Macedonia's membership in the European Union - bringing a secure and prosperous future for all citizens, reads the press release.


Xhaferi-Roth: Political compromises are required for a functioning democracy (MIA)


German Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael Roth met Tuesday with Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi and expressed support for adoption of the constitutional amendments, which represents a required prerequisite for continuation of the EU accession process. Roth expressed regret that the situation on the European front has not significantly improved since his visit to North Macedonia last year, expressing support for adoption of the constitutional changes, the Parliament said in a press release. He added that political compromises could contribute to the enrichment of the multiethnic and multireligious character of North Macedonia's society, without disrupting the already established social cohesion, and as such are required for a functioning democracy. Xhaferi thanked Roth for his personal engagement and Germany's strong decades-long support to North Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic path.


Intensive parliamentary cooperation with the Bundestag in fields of mutual interest, as well as visits at all parliamentary levels, represent another indicator of Germany's interest for enhancement of domestic reforms and the clear European perspective of the Western Balkans, reads the press release. On the constitutional changes, the Speaker said they are required and political responsibility must be assumed in taking decisions for the sake of coming generations, not daily politics.


FM Osmani to visit Brussels on Wednesday (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani will pay Wednesday a visit to Brussels and meet with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. During the visit, FM Osmani will also meet European Council President Charles Michel's foreign policy advisors Simon Mordue and Maja Kocijancic, MIA reports from Brussels. In addition, Osmani will take part at a policy briefing in the European Policy Centre titled "North Macedonia and the EU: Moving towards more integration?". The visit will be completed with a reception on occasion of North Macedonia's Independence Day, hosted by the country's missions in EU and NATO, and the Embassy in Brussels.




EU Chargé d'Affaires Soreca meets President Begaj: Albania's role, a constructive regional actor (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj received the Chargé d'Affaires of the European Union in Tirana, Ambassador Luigi Soreca. In a post on social networks, the EU delegation announced that the meeting took place at a key moment for EU enlargement and the process of Albania's integration into the EU. Soreca encouraged Albania to continue actively supporting the EU's foreign, security and defense policy and praised Albania's role as a constructive regional actor. "Together with Albania, we continue the journey towards a more stable, safer and more prosperous Europe", reads the post of the EU delegation.