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Belgrade Media Report 14 September 2023



A new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Vucic and Kurti in Brussels (RTS, N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is in Brussels, where the high-level dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina continued today. On the Pristina side, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, is in Brussels. After several months of tensions and deadlocks, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina continued in Brussels, attended by Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti.


First, beginning at 9:00 a.m., a bilateral meeting was held between Vucic and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission Josep Borrell and EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak. After that, a little after 10 o'clock, Albin Kurti's meeting with European representatives began. Around 11:30 Vucic and Kurti sat down at the same table with European officials. An address by Josep Borrell was announced between 3 and 6 p.m.


The High Representative of the EU for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, said on Twitter that it is high time to start implementing the Agreement on the way to normalizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina. "Today we will see if Vucic and Kurti are ready to take responsibility," Borrell added.


Vucic: Dialogue ended unsuccessfully


We had talks and I think they ended unsuccessfully in terms of finding a clear path towards the normalization of relations, President Vucic told reporters in Brussels. "Serbia accepted the compromise proposal of the EU, but Kurti did not want to accept it and the meeting ended," said Vucic. "The compromise implied that first it should be determined whether the process around the Union of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is credible process in its formation or not. "If we found that he is credible, we would start working on our obligations in parallel. However, the other side did not accept it," the president said.


He added that at the meeting they also discussed the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and that he pointed out how much the daily harassment and arrest and detention of Serbs disturbs and hinders every process of establishing rational relations. He emphasized that now there are fifty times more incidents in Kosovo than under any previous administration in Pristina. "We raised the issue of illegal expropriation, the evictions of Serbs from institutions and their places of work, Kurti will have to answer the question regarding the expropriation, but I don't believe that he will have to answer regarding the evictions," added Vucic. According to the president, there were mostly unpleasant situations during the conversation. "It's logical that everyone is fighting for their own. It is clear that Kurti is avoiding forming the ZSO," added Vucic. He added that Serbia is not running away from its obligations, and that both Serbia and the EU have said how things should proceed. "And we accepted such a proposal of theirs, despite the fact that it is not at all easy for us, and Kurti refused," repeated Vucic.


Vucic: Resignations are the best solution for the election of new mayors

Vucic said that, when it comes to the mayoral elections in the north of KiM, the best solution is to resign. "(Gabriel) Escobar, with whom I spoke late last night, also received an answer that the best solution is to resign, because the whole program, petitions and everything else - do you know how much it would take if you just went through that. Do you know what the procedure is? It was deliberately invented, and everyone knows it here too, that it was deliberately made to avoid the essential electoral process," the president said. He explained that in the case of petitions, it takes 118 days to get to the moment of calling the election and that someone did it all on purpose. "Kurti says that it never occurs to him to give up, I don't know what, but his two mayors. As you know, in Zubin Potok and Zvecan, I assume, the mayors are from Thaci's party, and here in Leposavic and Mitrovica, there are fake mayors from Kurti's party. That is an approach that I do not understand, but I said that I am ready to talk to the Serbs at any time and to see how we can contribute to the de-escalation of the situation," says Vucic. He added that it was not on the agenda, but other things. "Did we discuss this, we did discuss, we discussed everything, but the European proposal was on the agenda, and this is the result I already told you about," said Vucic.


Vucic: We will always have to talk, I don't believe this is the end of the world


Answering the question of what is the next step, Vucic said that we will always have to talk and that he does not believe that this is "the end of the world". "I am sure that the answer will be heard as to who is responsible, it is simply something that must happen. What is important for us is that I am sure that we must continue to talk," said Vucic. When asked if the EU mentioned any measures, Vucic replied that he was not Albin Kurti, who, as he said, was talking about the need to "use a whip against Serbia". "I won't do that, I don't want that for the Albanian population of Kosovo or anyone else, I don't do that, it's not my principle of action, it's not my principle of life. I remain silent even when someone goes to prison, because you don't attack that person who cannot defend themselves. Why would I do that, ask the EU," said Vucic.


Covic on dialogue: Brussels is slyly subverting again, I don't see a place where we can make concessions (RTS)


Ahead of the talks between Belgrade and Pristina, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Nebojsa Covic, tells RTS that he is not optimistic and that he does not see how any progress could be made. Now, Brussels, that is, Ohrid, is being slyly subverted again, and Kurti is playing that card, and reprimanding Kurti, punishing Kurti, are not sanctions, but measures, says Covic.


After a four-month break, a new round of high-level dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be held in Brussels today with the mediation of the European Union. The topics of discussion in Brussels, where President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions Albin Kurti will meet with European mediators, will be the implementation of the agreement towards normalization, as well as other current issues of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.


The former Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Nebojsa Covic, says that he is not optimistic ahead of the talks in Brussels and that he does not see how any progress could be made, regardless of the fact that there are attempts from the EU to explain in terms of progress. "Obviously, the condition is that through the word normalization, we as a country should recognize some kind of independence of Kosovo. They don't say it directly, but indirectly. Various actions are being taken under the table in order to change the reality or the state of the situation on the ground," noted Covic. According to him, our side simply has to insist on the consistent implementation of the Brussels Agreement from 2013 and 2015. "Now, Brussels, that is, Ohrid, is slyly subverting again, and Kurti is playing that card. Reprimanding Kurti, punishing Kurti, are not sanctions, but measures. Actually, I think it's an agreement - you drag on and continues to do as we said. And we will criticize you, time simply passes, and we will create some kind of other reality", says Covic and points out that he does not see any room where Serbia could give in.


About EU integrations


He noted that the processes of integration towards the EU in the Western Balkans are completely stuck, they do not allow the people of the Western Balkans to come to an agreement among themselves. He cites the example of the Open Balkans, to which the Berlin Process was immediately set as an alternative. "It is as if we in the area of the Western Balkans are so inferior mentally and in every other respect that we cannot come to an agreement among ourselves. The reason for this is that we constantly want to be under their control and to be dependent on them as much as possible," said Covic. He noted that there is a rush because they are approaching the elections in America, but also in the EU. "From contacts with some international officials and people who deal a lot with this problem, one gets the impression that they are looking for a way out and that they are fully aware that the norms of international law were completely trampled in 1999, on our example. And that this now that "What is happening in Ukraine, and even further, and beyond, is actually a continuation of everything that was done in 1999. They are looking for a potential way out and all of that, which will absolutely not be easy," Covic noted.


Sarazzin on new Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue meeting: No great enthusiasm (N1)


Ahead of a new round of talks within the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Germany’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin said he was not very enthusiastic but that he has to be optimistic and believe that small steps towards resolving the current issues will be made. Sarrazin told the N1 TV show Newsnight he was very happy that a high-level meeting is again take place.


The European External Action Service (EEAS) announced that a new round of talks within the European Union (EU)-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, which is to be attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, will be held on Thursday.

There is no great enthusiasm that a major breakthrough will be achieved, it is about concrete steps to de-escalate the situation in northern Kosovo, to open doors and take a positive path, Sarazzin said, adding that the region needs good news.


When asked what can be achieved by a single round of talks, the European official explained that the European Union’s (EU) de-escalation plan is for both sides to move toward the withdrawal of police forces and election of new mayors in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo. These mayors should serve ordinary citizens, said Sarazzin, adding that it remains to be seen how things will progress but that it was important to start working on this again. He voiced his opinion that a solution is possible only if the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is formed and the Ohrid agreement implemented. I think it is clear that the international community expects the Kosovo side to start and that the CSM will be established as agreed, in accordance with the Kosovo legislation, said Sarazzin. There is strong political pressure to avoid de-escalation, both sides have to prove that they will deliver something, he stressed. The most important thing is for life in the north of Kosovo to return to normalcy, for there to be no more fear of violence, for people to go back to living normal lives, especially in the four Serb-majority municipalities, said the European official. Sarazzin stressed that the escalation between Kosovo and Serbia has made the region’s accession path difficult, that it is toxic for the region and that progress is needed, because there is a European future for Serbia, Kosovo and for the whole region.


The Prime Minister with Sarazzin on bilateral relations and the situation in the region (RTS)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with the German government’s special envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarazzin, with whom she discussed bilateral relations between Serbia and Germany, as well as the situation in the region. Prime Minister Brnabic emphasized that the partnership between the two countries is progressing, which is confirmed by the fact that Germany is our leading foreign trade partner, according to the announcement of the Government of Serbia. She pointed out that cooperation in the region is a strategic commitment of Serbia with the aim of not only the economic development of the region, but also as an idea of connecting and unifying the region and bringing it closer to the European Union and stated that Serbia sincerely supports the initiative of the Berlin Process.


Sarazzin emphasized the importance of further steps to establish a common regional market and expressed the expectation that the results of the Berlin Process initiative will enable the creation of a more prosperous environment and provide concrete benefits for the residents of the region.


Speaking about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Brnabic emphasized Serbia's commitment to preserving peace and stability and assessed that Belgrade expects full implementation of the signed agreements. She stressed the importance of establishing the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) as soon as possible, adding that she expects support that will enable permanent stability in the region with the implementation of existing agreements. Sarazzin agreed that the talks between Belgrade and Pristina are the basis for further discussion and progress.


Dacic, German Western Balkan envoy discuss bilateral relations (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic had talks on Sept. 13 with the German government’s special envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarazzin, about the advancing of bilateral relations. The officials concurred that bilateral relations were at a high level and said they were pleased with the dynamic development of economic cooperation, in which Germany became Serbia’s first trade partner in recent years, reads the statement of the Foreign Ministry. Special envoy Sarazzin reiterated the German government’s firm support to the full EU membership of Serbia and the region. They also concurred that progress in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was very significant for preserving stability in the region, while Dacic stressed the importance of the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) as urgently as possible. Dacic and Sarazzin exchanged opinions about regional cooperation and current foreign political issues. The German side announced a meeting of foreign ministers of the Berlin Process in Tirana on Oct. 6 this year, and then the Summit of the Berlin Process on Oct. 16.


EC President Von der Leyen: Future of Western Balkans countries is in EU (N1)


President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, during her speech on the state of the EU (State of the Union Speech) in front of the European Parliament, said that the future of the countries of the Western Balkans is in the EU. She emphasized that the future calls for the completion of the bloc and that EU partners must not be disappointed. Von der Leyen said it is a strategic interest of the EU, but a vision for expansion is needed, therefore the bloc needs a future in which rights are the foundations of the EU, and in which everyone is respected, especially dissenters and journalists. Von der Leyen reminded that EU accession is based solely on merit and that the European Commission (EC) will always defend that principle. Von der Leyen was quoted as saying: “We must take a closer look at each policy and assess how a larger Union would affect them. That is why the European Commission will begin work on a series of policy revisions before enlargement, in order to consider how each of the areas might have to adapt to the larger Union. We need to discuss the future of our budget in terms of what it funds, how it funds it and from what sources, and we need to look at how we can provide credible security guarantors in a world where deterrence is more important than ever”.


Von der Leyen said that the EU must prepare for enlargement to more than 30 members, including Ukraine, Moldova and the Western Balkans countries. “That means answering practical questions about how a Union of over 30 countries will work in practice’’, Von der Leyen was quoted as saying. “And history is now calling us to work on completing our Union. In a world where some are trying to pick off countries one by one, we cannot afford to leave our fellow Europeans behind. Accession is merit-based, and the Commission will always defend this principle. It takes hard work and leadership. But there is already a lot of progress. We have seen the great strides Ukraine has already made since we granted them candidate status. And we have seen the determination of other candidate countries to reform. It is now time for us to match that determination’’, said Von der Leyen.


Bilcik: EU ready for enlargement, Belgrade and Pristina to normalize relations (RTS)


The rapporteur of the European Parliament for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik, stated that the EU is ready to focus its energy, resources and political will towards the enlargement process. He pointed out that the expansion can happen as soon as the candidate countries are ready for it and meet the conditions. Vladimir Bilcik told journalists in Brussels that Belgrade and Pristina must normalize relations and said that he hopes for promising news from tomorrow's meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions Aljbin Kurti.


Bilcik, commenting on the speech by the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen regarding EU enlargement, pointed out the importance of implementing reforms and harmonizing Serbia with EU policy. "The process is moving forward, and I think that sends a very clear message to all those in the region who may have questions and doubts. No, it's not like that. The game is on," said Bilcik. He added that the enlargement process depends to a large extent on the leaders in the region. "Because it's enlargement as we know it, which means conditions have to be met, but the EU is ready to focus its energy, resources and political will on this process. So, it can be done as soon as possible and as soon as the candidate countries are ready Bilcik said. Bilcik pointed out that this is a "very clear message" to everyone in Serbia. "We all know what needs to be done. The normalization of relations with Pristina, and I know that this is not only in the hands of Belgrade, but at this moment in the hands of Pristina as well," emphasized Bilcik.


"Reforms are a task for the government, parliament and society"


He also pointed out the importance of reforms and the continuation of their implementation.

"It is a task for the government, parliament and society. At the moment, when I look at the political situation in Serbia, things are not moving as they should. It is very important that there is stability, which brings room for reforms and that talks about elections continue", Bilcik said.


"Enlargement related to alignment with EU policy"


He added that enlargement is largely related to harmonization with EU policy. Bilcik said that he wants Serbia to cooperate with the EU and pointed out that the EU would like Serbia to harmonize with the bloc in its foreign policy positions, not only when it comes to Russia, but also other countries, such as Iran. "And to comply with the restrictive measures against Russia," said Bilcik. He pointed out that Von der Leyen clearly emphasized that the EU should expand, and that "further expansion" should not be conditioned. "It is a clear message to all skeptics within the EU," Bilcik emphasized. He stated that the enlargement was again put on the agenda of the European Commission, but also of the member states, which, as he pointed out, was also shown by the address of the President of the European Council Charles Michel in Bled.


“Enlargement 'won't happen by itself”


Bilcik said that the EU stands by Ukraine and stated that reports on Ukraine and Moldova, as well as on the Western Balkans, will be published for the first time this fall. "Serbia has been negotiating for years, Montenegro has been negotiating for years, North Macedonia, Albania... You are the leaders. I hope you see this as an opportunity for everyone in the region and I hope you can cooperate with us and make progress. This should be seen as an opportunity Bilcik said. He added that the enlargement "will not happen by itself, but only on the basis of real commitment from both sides and hard work on both sides". "I am glad that Ursula Von der Leyen was very clear and sent a very clear message. I hope this will be taken seriously. We need serious work and less cynicism when it comes to enlargement, and more engagement from political leaders Bilcik said. He concluded that the EU is ready to engage in this matter and expressed the hope that its partners in the region will be able to be equally engaged.


Djuric with Escobar: Belgrade remains firmly committed to peace and cooperation (RTS)


Serbian Ambassador to the USA Marko Djuric met with the American Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, with whom he discussed the dialogue process between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as plans to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Serbia and the USA in all areas.


"During the meeting, I particularly pointed out the daily harassment to which the Serbian community in Kosovo and Metohija is exposed. Discriminatory, undemocratic and often violent pressure on Serbs and the attempt to create discord between Belgrade and its partners in the EU and the USA are the only policies of Albin Kurti. I conveyed my conviction that such a policy has no future," said Marko Djuric on Twitter. He added that "Belgrade remains firmly committed to peace, cooperation and politics of the future". A new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be held on Thursday, September 14, in Brussels.


West keeps sending warnings that Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo must not become new RS (Novosti)


Vecernje novosti daily reads that Republika Srpska (RS) is a result of the Dayton Peace Accords, which the big power endorsed, whilst the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) has been defined in an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, with the EU’s assistance. According to the daily, the RS has its institutions, whilst the ZSO has the role to protect the Serb people ‘in the southern province’. Daily further reads that although the RS and the ZSO are two different things, the West led by Germany has been sending frequent warnings that the ZSO agreed in agreements in Brussels in 2013 and 2015 must not become a new RS. In this context daily reads that Chairman of the Bundestag’s Foreign Policy Committee Michael Roth stated during a visit to Pristina on Monday that the ZSO should be formed, but that another Republika Srpska must not be allowed. Article also carried former Serbian Foreign Minister Vladislav Jovanovic, who told the daily that the West whispered into the Albanians’ ear that the ZSO is complicating the issue of independence of Kosovo “and that they should do everything to break our resistance that we perform towards legalization of the false state”. Jovanovic further stated that the fact the RS and the ZSO are products of international agreement, that they cannot be compared and that everyone knows it, the West keeps finding reasons to eliminate the ZSO or to downgrade it to a level of a non-governmental organization. Article also reads that the US Special Representative (for Western Balkans) Gabriel Escobar said he did not get assurances from Kosovo Prime Minister (PM) Albin Kurti that he is dedicated to implementation of the agreement on normalization and its annex.




Prosecutor’s Office of B&H proposes ban on performance of official duty for Dodik, Lukic in duration of ten years (Hayat)


In its indictment against Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has proposed ban on performance of an official duty in accordance with the provisions of the B&H Criminal Code. Hayat notes that this would mean that Dodik would no longer perform a duty of the RS President, and Lukic would no longer perform a managerial duty in duration of ten years. Hayat reports that Dodik’s defense team has announced to object this proposal.


According to the indictment, Dodik, by signing the decree on the publication of laws and other regulations in the RS, knowingly violated the decision of the High Representative, although, the indictment adds, he was aware that those decisions in B&H are binding in accordance with the powers given to it by Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement.


Dodik’s Meeting with RS Representatives (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, representatives of institutions of the RS and Serb representatives in institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) held a meeting in Banja Luka on Wednesday. According to attendees of the meeting, the RS is ready and capable to defend its Constitution, territorial integrity and sovereignty. Officials said that (High Representative) Christian Schmidt is not an appointed HR and even if he was, he is missing the Dayton competences to impose laws, while the property issue was solved in the Dayton Agreement and the agreement on the succession cannot represent the basis for changing the Constitution of B&H and revision of the issue of the property. The officials underlined that if Schmidt imposes the law on property, the RS will declare its independence.


The officials reiterated that Schmidt is not the HR and that his decisions cannot be respected on the territory of the RS. Dodik said that no law will be adopted in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) until adoption of a law on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. According to Dodik, the law on the B&H CC, a law on courts in B&H and the B&H election law should be considered as a whole, i.e. as part of a single package. When it comes to the issue of the property, Dodik said that they believe that the B&H CC was politically-instrumentalized and that this institution exceeded its competences when addressing this issue. Dodik said that they also find that provisions and stances of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) – as “the made up and non-existing structure” cannot be binding in order to intervene and change the Constitution.


Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nenad Stevandic (the United Srpska) also addressed media. According to ATV, Stevandic stated that there is no factor of instability in the RS, and he compared all that Schmidt and those around him do with drug cartel. Stevandic stated: “No one appointed them. They sit together, agree and reach decisions that, so to speak, are being implemented. The problem is that illegal formations implement their decisions. In B&H, this type of cartels is also trying to instrumentalize the Court, the Prosecutor’s Office, officials but this is a cartel policy, this is not a regular policy based on legal acts.”


B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD), who met representatives of the RS in the joint institutions on Tuesday, stated that they represent the RS in the joint institutions and thus, it is logical that they advocate stances of the RS. Kosarac said that they find a law on the B&H CC the most important issue and in this context, all actions in the CoM will be dedicated to this, while there will be no decision-making process before defining of this law.


The participants sent a message that the RS is ready to resist pressures coming from, as they noted, international protectors and judicial institutions who succumbed to their pressures. Dodik stated: “The participants of the meeting equally rejected the indictment against the president of RS and others, as politically staged. The Court and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H are not constitutional, they were imposed by the High Representative and their objectivity should not be counted on.” Dodik mentioned that all imposed laws of High Representatives should be discussed, and a new political agreement should be reached. “Amendments to the Law on the Court of B&H are required, where we request that the seat of the Court of Appeals be in Banja Luka”, stressed the RS President.


RS Vice President Davor Pranjic from the rank of the Croat people, also attended the meeting. Stevandic noted that the RSNA should pass acts to reject all possibilities of imposing of laws that – as RTRS quoted – “illegal Schmidt” was doing. Stevandic added that such policy, of imposing, cannot be implemented in the RS.


Dodik also said: “We will not allow that illegal Schmidt prowls around the RS now. Of course, we will not and of course we have measures. We have very good measures, but they are not for the public. We will see. The RS was constituted territorially and institutionally. And mechanisms to defend it are envisaged. They are security (mechanisms), political and of every other form. We will use all in accordance with our rights. No one should doubt that. We are not threatening anyone, but we will not agree to a man who has no legitimacy coming here to prowl around. You will not enter the institutions, you should not come, you are not welcome. You are making us problems, people will chase you on the street. What will we do with you? You do not know whether to defend him or not. But because we are committed to give security guarantees to every tourist, we will also protect him. It is our approach in that regard’’.


After the meeting it was said that there will be no direct blockade by exiting the work of institutions, as was announced in the past days, but there will be indirect blockades by stopping the adoption of important reform laws to which the B&H authorities have committed themselves, both to the citizens and to the EU, commented the presenter. Dodik stated: “We refuse the possibility to accept the imposed law from the false High Representative. If it is imposed, a session of the (RS) National Assembly will be held and immediately after that, the independent status of the RS will be declared, because we would be forced to do something like that with the measures that we have very clearly indicated here and which we will adhere to”. It was said that it is unnecessary and politically harmful to hold meetings with representatives of the US and UK embassies in B&H, as well as with Schmidt and the staff from the Office of the High Representative (OHR). It is increasingly certain that this crisis will once again spill over to the B&H level, commented the reporter. Dodik added: “Maybe some operational measures will be adopted, but the laws, none of them from any field, will pass….”


Viskovic says property of RS is red line that must not be crossed, claims Court of B&H is not working in line with laws (EuroBlic)


In an interview to the daily, Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic announced that the RS and its institutions will fight for its property and will not back up for an inch in this struggle regardless of pressures they endure, and sanctions imposed against them. Viskovic reminded that the property issue has been regulated by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and added that this is the red line that must not be crossed.


Asked if anyone invited him to attend any kind of meetings on the property, Viskovic said: “We are receiving messages through ‘postmen’ from throughout Europe in terms of ‘tell those in the RS that we will distribute property in line with ‘fair play’ principle and give the RS enough’. What is it that you want to distribute?! Our property?!”. Viskovic also argued that none of representatives of the RS at any level has the authority to even discuss this topic and he argued that property is Dayton category and was included in the Constitution: “It stipulates that 49% territory belongs to the RS and 51% belongs to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). Someone wants to discuss our property now, after 30 years, and they even send messages ‘we will be gentlemen toward you’”. Viskovic argued that this is all about testing the RS to see who will be the first one to cave in so that “at one point of time, illegal High Representative can impose some kind of law on property. Well, this cannot happen, at any cost!”. Viskovic also claimed that the RS without property would not exist and said that the property of the RS is expected to be the final blow for disappearance of the RS.


Asked to explain why USA imposed sanctions against him, Viskovic stated that he does not understand why sanctions were imposed but he is glad that USA assessed that “one Radovan Viskovic from Banja Luka represents some kind of a problem for USA”. Viskovic went on to say that “probably, my haircut was not good at that moment, or someone did not like me. The last time I was in that country was 40 years ago. I do not even have any desire to go there. I wish them all the luck”.


Asked whether he is afraid that the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) might render a conviction in the case against RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic, Viskovic said that he absolutely expects the Court of B&H might do that because “it is not working in line with laws” and added that the Court of B&H would not have confirmed the indictment had it been working in line with laws. “This Court is carrying out the procedure in line with a law imposed by someone who illegally stays in B&H. Democracy in B&H was violated by this. Everyone in BiH was slapped in the face and was humiliated. The key question is what do we need elections, parliaments, governments and ministries for. What is their purpose if someone will come and impose laws”, Viskovic said. Viskovic also wondered if this is a ‘protectorate’ or a ‘colony’ and claimed that (High Representative Christian) Schmidt violated B&H Constitution because “he prohibited the RS President from doing his job, which is to sign a decree on proclamation of a law previously adopted by the RS National Assembly (RSNA). If there is any justice, it would be Schmidt that would be held liable, yet Dodik and Lukic are being held liable just because they were doing their jobs”. Viskovic assessed that the RS is in a very difficult position now because it has to use legal tools to fight lawlessness.


Asked to state whether new debts of the RS from this year were necessary, Viskovic said that the total debt of the RS on July 31, 2023 was 39.5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while the upper limit for debts is 60% of the GDP. Viskovic also said that the RS is not over-indebted and claimed: “This is the lowest level of indebtedness in the RS’ existence. I cannot waste time on a daily basis to explain to various ‘analysts’ that what they are saying is not true”. Viskovic also denied that interest rates for the loans are unfavorable and said that the highest interest rate was 6%. “All those stories are orchestrated lies whose goal is to demonize the RS, take away or minimize its competencies, even economically smother it”, Viskovic said and reminded that the entire region claimed that the RS will go bankrupt by June 28, but this did not happen.


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Botsan-Kharchenko says Dodik and Putin are in constant contact (Oslobodjenje)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko stated that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik and RS institutions rightfully refuse to recognize Christian Schmidt as High Representative, adding that Russian does not recognize Schmidt as legitimate High Representative either. He underlined that Schmidt can pass “a million decisions”, but none of them will be implemented in the RS because Schmidt is merely a German citizen. Botsan-Kharchenko stated that the RS leadership led by Dodik is constantly in touch with highest-ranking Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. “Naturally, the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is discussed there, what can be done to preserve the RS, its competencies and status of the entity, which is not only possible but necessary. That is the task number one”, said Botsan-Kharchenko. He added that destabilization of B&H is a serious possibility due to negative development of events which would have severe consequences. According to him, everybody understands the necessity of preserving stability. “What will happen with B&H, how will it develop, that is the second issue which, at this moment, is difficult to consider and resolve in the situation when the West created chaos there”, said Botsan-Kharchenko. Therefore, he underlined, it is essential to stay within the framework of the Dayton Peace Agreement.


SDA: If Schmidt does not implement his mandate in entire B&H, then Dayton agreement is brought into question (Dnevni avaz) carries a statement issued by SDA, which reads that new withdrawal by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt before open and impudent attacks of (Republika Srpska (RS) President) Milorad Dodik against the constitutional order and a practical ban of his work in the RS is taking Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) into a deeper crisis, which could escalate at any moment, endangering stability and peace. According to SDA, attacks on the constitutional order, the Constitutional Court, secession threats on daily basis, blockade of the inter-entity boundary line, frequent and system attacks on the Bosniak returnees, everyday insults and humiliation of political opponents, the HR, ambassadors, denial of genocide is just a part of general atmosphere the RS authorities are conducting, in line with guidelines of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts (SANU) Memorandum II and the SNSD Declaration from 2015. According to the statement, if and how the HR and the Western countries ambassadors will react to humiliation and insults dished out by Dodik on daily basis is their personal choice. But what is not a matter of choice, according to SDA, is to honor commitments from the Dayton agreement. It further reads that the HR and the OHR are part of the Dayton agreement, and they cannot implement their mandate in only one entity, what Schmidt does. In this context the statement reads if the HR gives up on implementing his mandate on territory of the entire country, then the Dayton agreement is brought into question, with all the consequences as result of it. SDA’s statement also reads, among other issues, that the most dangerous post-Dayton crisis was created by indecisive and calculating attitude of the international community and the local judiciary, which have avoided to go against Dodik’s growing impudence.


NES leader calls on HR Schmidt to urgently remove RS President Dodik or to leave office (Hayat)


Commenting on High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt cancelling his visit to Banja Luka, NES leader Nermin Ogresevic has called on HR Schmidt, “after he allowed that Milorad Dodik make the existence of the OHR and the state institutions meaningless in B&H’s entity RS’’, to urgently remove RS President Milorad Dodik or leave the office and hand it over to someone who wants to work and protect the state of B&H, “instead of enjoying in comfort and pretending to be the High Representative for the Federation of B&H (FB&H), i.e. for the Bosniaks’’. “Either Schmidt got scared of Dodik yesterday, or it was a fabricated conflict with the end goal of numbing reflexes among the Bosniaks, making them insane and gradually preparing them for the final realization of the Greater Serbia idea, disintegration of the state of B&H’’, Ogresevic was quoted as saying. Ogresevic has called for concrete reactions by “a true pro-Bosnian bloc’’, and all political and other powers coming together to resist Dodik’s secessionist policy and “treasonous actions’’ by ‘The Troika’.




Milatovic: WB will be stable only when it is part of EU, ties with crime probably reach top of former regime (MINA)


The Western Balkans (WB) will be stable only when it is part of the European Union (EU), believes the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic. In an interview for Corriere della Sera, he says that the invitation of Italian President Sergio Mattarello to visit Italy is a good opportunity for Montenegro to get even stronger support from that country for joining the EU.

Milatovic is to meet today with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani and President of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana.


When asked about relations with Moscow since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, he has said that Montenegro shared the EU’s position. “We approved the sanctions, opened the borders for refugees, almost 10% of our population currently consists of Ukrainian refugees. We are a small country, but 10% of our military budget was used to support Kyiv”, Milatovic has stressed.


He has pointed out that Montenegro, as a member of NATO, supported the line that was determined at the last summit in Vilnius.


Asked what consequences the conflicts in Kosovo with the participation of NATO troops had on Montenegro, Milatovic has said that Montenegro always supported the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under the umbrella of the EU. According to Milatovic, the issue of the fight against organized crime and the mafia is much bigger than Montenegro itself, because these are international matters.



He has pointed out that the decisive step in Montenegro took place in the 2020 parliamentary elections because there were a number of reports linking the former political regime to the mafia.

“Today it turns out that some of the people who were supposed to fight against organized crime on behalf of the people of Montenegro, were a key part of organized crime. Among them is the former head of the Supreme Court. And the connections probably reach the top of the former regime”, Milatovic has stressed.


North Macedonia


Constitutional changes session to resume once conditions arise, says PM (MIA)


The session of Parliament will resume once the conditions for it are created. This is a process that doesn’t stop and the future of the country depends on it, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, voicing his belief that 118 MPs will eventually vote for the constitutional amendments.


Kovachevski stressed that EU membership by 2030 is an opportunity that mustn’t be missed, and everyone must take responsibility. The PM said he expects the support of the MPs of all political parties, except for Levica, noting that this party opposes the European Union and that “it aims to enter a community with Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.”


Asked about the recent diplomatic offensive in the country, and the opposition’s refusal to change its position in terms of the constitutional amendments, Kovachevski said that the session of Parliament will continue once the conditions arise, i.e., once it is known that the largest possible majority of MPs “grasp that this is a decision that has to be adopted for a better future for the country.”


“I don’t see this as an offensive, but as the visits of friendly diplomats from friendly countries. Germany's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, who is a great friend of North Macedonia, visited us and sent a very clear message that now is the time for North Macedonia to resume its European integrations. The same was also done by the Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael Roth, who reiterated that message. And this message is no different from any other sent by the diplomats from the US, Austria, Slovakia… They said they didn’t visit the country in order to torture anyone nor to put pressure on them, but to state their position that currently in the European Union there is a common interest for North Macedonia to continue down its Euro-integrations path and become a member state by 2030,” said Kovachevski.


The PM underscored the rarity of historic moments when the strategic interests of the biggest countries in the EU and the US, and those of North Macedonia, as a smaller Western Balkan country, completely overlap.


“And that’s why we should use this opportunity and finally, irreversibly place the country on the path to Brussels and build a society that will offer a better life to all citizens in our country, as well as those who have left the country in order to live in the EU, so they can recognize that conditions like those in the Union exist here as well, and return as the citizens of Poland, Romania and others do. This is our goal. Our citizens to live in an EU member state – North Macedonia, and not in some other country in Western Europe,” stressed Prime Minister Kovachevski.


Kovachevski: Amendments to Criminal Code in line with EU legislations (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski reiterated Wednesday that the amendments to the Criminal Code, which caused controversy due to their swift adoption and the lack of public debate, were adopted in order to help increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the judicial system.


In answer to media questions, the Prime Minister said the EU flag was not misused during the adoption of the amendments, which, he said, were made in line with legislation within the EU. Kovachevski also dismissed speculations related to the fact the amendments were adopted at a time when efforts are being made to secure a two-third majority for the constitutional amendments, stressing that nothing dramatic happened after the adoption of the amendments to the Criminal Code, and this demonstrates that “nothing has been done for anything or anyone, but just in order to increase the efficiency of the system.”


“If anyone is communicating with the EU on a daily basis then it is North Macedonia, because, together with Albania, we are leading a screening process with the EU. All processes that are led in our country are in a way communicated with the EU. Often, in our country, there are remarks about the slowness, and rightly so because most things in many areas are moving very slowly, and when something moves fast, I don’t think we should have any remarks about that. What I saw from the US Embassy is that they said they would review what has been adopted, the same was said by the EU,” said Kovachevski.


The PM drew comparisons with the German and Slovenian legislation, stressing that those were the examples that they followed. “The amendments that were made, were made in line with legislation from the EU. If you take a look at the German legislation, then you will see that the article that was the target of comments in the country because a part of it was deleted, is similar to the German legislation. If you take a look at the sanctions and compare them to Slovenia, then you will see they are on the same level. What we had before was a law in which the sanctions were from some communist era, because they were made by, what I would call, some Darth Vader of the Macedonian judiciary and prosecution, and this doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be changed,” said Kovachevski. On whether the amendments will also include April 27 cases, Kovachevski said the Ministry of Justice should be the one to provide the details.


Mickoski: We won't accept constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictation now or in the future (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski reiterated his party's position that their Members of Parliament will not vote for constitutional changes "under Bulgarian dictation either now or in the future." "VMRO-DPMNE, the Macedonian people, and the vast majority of citizens will not accept [the constitutional changes] under these conditions. Not until we see goodwill from the Bulgarian side that they really want to be good neighbors. Because I follow their President Radev's statements now saying that these were not Bulgarian demands but European ones," Mickoski told reporters on Wednesday.


He remarked that it was a European demand to respect the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. "And if everything comes down to the Copenhagen Criteria, then they should show European values and respect the Copenhagen Criteria for the Macedonian minority and the Macedonian community in Bulgaria, show goodwill that they really want to be good neighbors, and then we can talk," he said. "Otherwise, if this remains as it is, unfortunately for those 762 Macedonian citizens who say Bulgarian is their native language, according to figures from the last census, there will be no place in the Preamble," Mickoski said.


In response to a question why he had not met with the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the German Bundestag Michael Roth who visited the country on Tuesday, Mickoski said Roth had been here at the invitation of a non-governmental organization and did not request to meet with him. "Who says we have to have a meeting? As far as I know, Michael Roth was here at the invitation of an NGO that was holding some sort of conference, and I guess the pro-government media used his visit to get his statement on one topic, which is the constitutional amendments. Because anything else you ask about is blacker than black," the VMRO-DPMNE head said. "Any well-meaning guest who has asked to meet with me, depending on my schedule, got a meeting or we rescheduled. This gentleman did not ask for a meeting. He obviously did not feel the need for us to see each other. In fact, it is not set in stone that we should see everyone who comes to Macedonia," he said.


Regarding his meeting with the German special envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, Mickoski said he had once again heard VMRO-DPMNE's stance on the constitutional changes. "I did not receive any argument that would influence us to change our positions related to the constitutional amendments," Mickoski said. "If you think these meetings are simple… We talk about topics offering opportunities for Macedonia's development. "These are heated meetings, where positions are argued, where geostrategic problems are considered. It is good that Macedonia is in the focus of international geostrategy. "Because the DUI government supported by SDSM has sold out Macedonia merely for the sake of their political leather armchairs, nothing more," Mickoski said.


Osmani – Stoltenberg: Joint NATO and EU approach in Western Balkans key for regional stability (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, met Wednesday with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, as part of his working visit to Brussels. The meeting, said the MFA, focused on current security challenges, as well as NATO’s activities in adapting to the new security reality, tackling the challenges and strengthening defense and deterrence. A special focus of the talks was the current situation in the Western Balkans, as a region of strategic interest for the Alliance.


“The close coordination and joint activities of NATO and EU in the Western Balkans, as well as the acceleration of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries from the region, represent key tools for the consolidation of regional stability and closing the vacuum for potential destabilizing influences from third parties,” stressed Osmani. At the same time, Osmani said that North Macedonia, as a credible ally, remains committed to contributing to global peace, collective security and stability in the region. To that end, he touched upon the country’s contribution in NATO missions and battle groups, as well as the commitment to allocate 2 percent of GDP for defense.  The Ministry said that at the meeting, Osmani and Stoltenberg also spoke about the Russian military aggression on Ukraine, as well as the support provided to the Ukrainian people. “In that context, the significant decisions from the recent NATO Summit in Vilnius, which once again reaffirmed the unity of the Alliance, were highlighted,” said the Ministry.




Rama addresses Albania’s Security Council leadership, Beleri, and Kurti-Vucic meeting (EuroNews Albania)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has taken to social media to respond to three recent significant developments. These include Albania’s upcoming leadership of the United Nations Security Council, the Fredi Beleri case, and the meeting between Kosovo and Serbia’s leaders in Brussels.


Rama characterized Albania’s forthcoming presidency of the Security Council as a historic milestone in the realm of international relations. Turning to the Beleri case, the Prime Minister stressed that Albania is breaking free from the longstanding grip of systemic impunity, which has persisted for over a century. He asserted that while some might suggest he should intervene in cases like that of Beleri, a challenging legal matter, he will not interfere in the judicial process.


Lastly, Rama discussed the meeting in Brussels between the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia. He emphasized Albania’s unwavering alignment with the efforts of the United States and the European Union in implementing a plan for normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia, despite the close and unique relationship Albania shares with Kosovo as fellow Albanian states neighboring each other.


The Prime Minister’s full statement


Next week, Albania will lead the Security Council, just as the entire world gathers at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. This is a historic moment in Albania’s international relations, signifying our elevation to a new level. There are many reasons to be proud of Albania today, but most of them serve as a reminder of how much more Albania can achieve and how determined we must be to ascend to new heights as a nation and a people, without complacency. One of the key reasons for pride and inspiration in our current national and political thinking and actions is the fact that, despite Albanians being spread across several states in the Western Balkans, Albania remains a unique example of not exploiting its ethnic communities in other countries. We never incite ethnic tensions either within neighboring states or among neighboring states. This respects the sentiments that can fuel opposition and ignite conflicts in this corner of Europe, where we are all destined to live together in harmony and strive to leave our children a space of understanding, tolerance, and peace.


For us in Tirana, the ethnic communities scattered throughout the Western Balkans are a bridge of friendship and cooperation, just as Albanians settled in many states are bearers of a common future in peace with everyone, not sparks to ignite conflicts in the name of past grievances, which often fuel the short-sighted politics of the region.


There is no doubt that some bystanders, as well as some of our international allies and partners, sometimes perceive our emancipatory approach to building and nurturing friendly relations with everyone as something ordinary, taken for granted, and almost unimportant. Not that this makes us doubt our approach, which is as pragmatic as it is profoundly valuable, for a European community like ours in Albania. However, it is essential to remind everyone in certain situations or moments that we offer trust, respect, and friendship, but no one should ever take us for granted, for fools, or for granted. We welcome criticism and help for improvement from everyone, but lessons in coexistence and respect for the other ethnicities in Albania cannot be provided by anyone.


– The parliamentary majority and the government I lead have firmly supported and devised an extensive and profoundly European reform of the justice system, so much so that today, for the first time in the history of our state, Albania is emerging from the waters of systemic impunity that have lasted for over 100 years. The independent criminal investigation and prosecution of several high-ranking officials linked to the previous political power, including one former deputy prime minister, are solid proof of an epochal change in our country’s life. Many said that it would never happen in Albania that the powerful would be held accountable, but it is now clear that it is happening. Others claimed that the government would somehow control the new judicial institutions, but it is now clear that it is not happening.


Some say that when it comes to a hot potato in the hands of justice, like that of Mr. Beleri, I should intervene and throw the potato into the sea, but that will never happen. I will continue to express my disappointment to everyone that the fight against corruption and organized crime will only intensify, regardless of the pains and costs because this fight is just and necessary for the European Albania of all the children of this country. Unfortunately, the stereotype that corruption is a way of life in the Balkans and that everyone is the same still exists, and therefore everyone must be pointed fingers at, no matter what they do to prove otherwise, extends beyond the roofs of Western capital cities. The lack of success in investigating, prosecuting, and trying high-level corruption, year after year, is a cliché repeated by all sides in the Western Balkans in general and Albania the same. Copy-paste reports from the previous year have become fashionable, and important institutions or big-name organizations recycle them with something new that is as old as the past, based on investigations and perceptions gathered under the shadow of that stereotype. Fortunately, we know better than anyone how much things have changed, but also how much more needs to change, and even if some well-deserved words of praise and respect would make us happy as a sign of respect, the repetition of the same tune does not bother us at all because we are not doing this fight for Brussels, Berlin, or Washington; we are doing this for the children of Albania tomorrow.


– Tomorrow, the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia will meet in Brussels, and I, as always, pray that it will not be another empty round for the blame game. Despite our close ties and perhaps the unique relationship in the world with Kosovo, as another Albanian state bordering Albania, we have been and remain completely aligned with the efforts of the United States and the European Union to implement the plan for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Not because our strategic allies have always been right, but because they have never been wrong in their demands on both countries, especially Kosovo.


This June, during the peak of tensions in northern Kosovo municipalities, we regretfully canceled the joint meeting of the two governments with Kosovo, which had been planned for some time. No matter how many times we were to reverse it, we would cancel it a hundred times because, first, Albania is a responsible member of the Euro-Atlantic community, even when it needs to position itself concerning its own mistakes, not only when it needs to position itself in relation to Kosovo’s mistakes or, let alone, those of others.


Secondly, because it was the wrong time to hold a double-edged sword dance in Prizren, while Kosovo should have been on the side of its future, shoulder to shoulder with its strategic allies, not on the side of the past, from which the short-sighted conspiracy theories about Albanian malice still feed.


Later, aware that it was an unusual move, I presented our allies with Albania’s contribution to ongoing discussions on the creation of the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities, because I am fully in agreement with them on the need for rigorous implementation of everything Kosovo has pledged. Governments come and go, but serious states do not back down from their international commitments as easily as governments do.


However, I must emphasize that just because we are above does not mean that Albania sees Kosovo as the only one responsible for the deadlock in the dialogue. Not at all. Kosovo made significant progress in the right direction, by accepting the French-German plan without reference to mutual recognition and by also accepting the self-governance proposal for the Serb community. I immediately applauded Albin Kurti for this step, both personally and publicly. Now is the time for Serbia to step out of the stubborn denial of reality and act in good faith, allowing a sequence of implementation that meets the needs of both parties within the framework of the French-German plan.


Albania has extended its hand to Serbia. Ironically, in some cases, we have been the only country in the region to openly speak against sanctions on Serbia and have clearly explained why we hold this stance. However, it must be emphasized that a successful conclusion to the normalization process between Kosovo and Serbia is also necessary for the sustainable future of Albania-Serbia relations. Unfortunately, while trying unsuccessfully to understand Kosovo’s tactics, I remain equally unsuccessful in understanding Serbia’s dialogue strategy. I suspect that Belgrade’s strategy is to delay the process and benefit as much as possible from Pristina’s self-defeating tactics, which have continually victimized Serbia on the international stage.


Unfortunately, some also forget that we are no longer in the 1990s. Albania stands for peace, reconciliation, a shared future, and dot. But nonetheless, if things go wrong, Albania and Albanians are with Kosovo, and that is non-negotiable. That said, I sincerely hope that all those involved in the normalization process are aware of what is at stake today between Kosovo and Serbia and understand damn well that any other alternative, except for immediate, all-encompassing implementation of the French-German plan on the road to normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia, is playing with fire, where those who play will burn first, and even worse, in the end, the whole region will be burnt to a crisp, but Europe itself will not be spared.

The successful conclusion of the Kosovo-Serbia normalization process is paramount for regional peace and security, but also for Europe’s security itself.


Berlin process to be held in Tirana on October 16th (Radio Tirana)


The Berlin process comes for the first time in the Balkan region. The next high-level meeting will take place on October 16 in Tirana. The purpose of the Berlin Process is to deepen regional integration and lead the countries of the Western Balkans towards the European Union.


What is the Berlin Process?


The Berlin Process is an initiative aimed at regional cooperation in the Western Balkans(WB) and providing assistance for the integration of the WB language into the European Union. The format, initiated in 2014 under former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, aims to foster rapprochement between the six Western Balkan states and selected EU countries and promote the integration between the states in the region. The Process also involves the EU institutions, international financial institutions and the region’s civil society, youth and businesses. It is an additional aid to the institutional process of EU integration of the states, in the adoption of the acquis-communautaire.


The connectivity agenda of the Process refers to human exchanges (partner dimension), economic cooperation (economic dimension) and political cooperation (political dimension) of the region. Within a situation, the Berlin Process has also had projects in the fields of transport and activities, economic cooperation, youth cooperation and cooperation between businesses and civil societies of the Western Balkans. Within the framework of the Berlin process, the following were created: the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) and the Investment Forum of the Western Balkan Chambers (WBCIF).


The creation of Green Corridors and the Roaming Agreement (implementation started on July 1, 2021) turn out to be an important regional cooperation within the Berlin process.


Through the creation of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), young people learn more about neighboring countries and realize that they have more in common than differences. Even the signing of the roaming agreement is a success of the Berlin Process: from then on, you can surf for free on the beach in Montenegro and call home – this of course also applies to all other countries in Western Balkans.


These are just two results, from which countries benefit significantly and which prepare the region for EU membership. While other benefits are: better employment opportunities; creating an integrated and competitive market; unlimited travel, study and employment in BP and additional GDP growth in BP by 6.7%. The last summit of the Berlin Process took place on November 3, 2022 in Berlin.


Ministerial of Interior Ministers to be held within the framework of the Berlin Process on Sept. 14th (Radio Tirana)


Tirana welcomes today the Ministerial of Interior Ministers within the framework of the Berlin Process. The key issues of the Ministerial will be Integrated Border Management; Regional cooperation in the fight against organized crime; Cybercrime Partnership in the Western Balkans.

"Interior Minister Taulant Balla will host Interior Ministers and heads of delegations from 26 countries of the EU and the Western Balkans, from 12:15 to 13:30, at the entrance of the Palace of Congresses. Taulant Balla, Minister of Interior of Albania; Mr. Fernando Grande-Marlaska, in the capacity of Presidency of the Council of the EU, Minister of the Interior of Spain; Mr. Johannes Luchner, Deputy Director General of DG HOME, European Commission will address speeches at the start of the Ministerial, at 14:00. Afterwards, the work will continue behind closed doors in two sessions. Minister Balla concludes the works of the Ministerial at 17:20, and the achieved results will be revealed. At 17:30 there will be a press conference of the Albanian Minister of Interior and DG Home, where journalists are invited to participate. The conference is held in the hall of Albanology, in the Palace of Congresses", the announcement reads.