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Belgrade Media Report 20 September 2023



Vucic: I have had many meetings in New York with nearly all European leaders (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday evening he had had many meetings in New York with nearly all European leaders over the past two days, including with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Council President Charles Michel. Speaking to reporters in New York, Vucic said he had also met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and that he would have an extremely important meeting with Chinese Vice President Han Zheng. There will be other important bilateral meetings as well, he said. "There will be meetings with Miroslav Lajcak and everyone we must talk to about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija," Vucic said. Asked about one of the news reports of the day, that Serbia had not agreed to a one-year extension of the sanctions on Russia, and for how long he thought the US and the EU would tolerate Serbia's refusal to impose the sanctions, Vucic responded that European officials would once again lecture him and preach to him about the sanctions at a meeting with EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell later in the evening. "I will listen to them carefully and I will tell them: 'It is nice of you to have given me a lecture but I am leading Serbia as president.' As long as that is so and as long as we think we can take being preached to about that, we will be pursuing this policy," he said. "Once I realise that we no longer can, we no longer will," he added. "But, as you can see, for a year and seven months now, we have been able to pursue such a policy of seriousness and responsibility. It is an honest, responsible and fair policy because we know how we have fared with sanctions, so why would we be involved in such things?" Vucic said.


Vucic: We will be strongly protecting Serbia's position at UNGA session (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is attending the opening of a general debate at the 78th UN General Assembly session, announced he would be strongly protecting Serbia's position in a speech scheduled for Thursday. "We got off to an early start in the UN this morning. We take the floor on Thursday and we will be protecting Serbia's position strongly. I am confident the citizens of our country will be proud of their leadership," Vucic wrote in a post on his Instagram profile. Climate change and the war in Ukraine are expected to be among the main topics of the UNGA session. The presidents, PMs and monarchs of 145 countries will speak at the general debate.


Dacic: Those who talk about preserving territorial integrity have double standards (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who is in New York as a member of the Serbian delegation led by President Aleksandar Vucic, which is attending the UN General Assembly, said that he had a series of bilateral meetings with ministers of foreign affairs of several countries, as well as that he attended receptions organized by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and the head of German diplomacy Annalena Baerbock. "This is always the most important political week in the world, the session of the General Assembly is held and all the member countries, and there are 193 of them, send their top representatives to participate in the discussions, but not only in the discussions in the plenary session, there is also a whole series of other accompanying events, and also bilateral meetings. The delegation led by President Aleksandar Vucic attended the opening of the debate. President Vucic will speak on Thursday. We will present very precisely what we think about the issues concerning our territorial integrity. You also heard the President, we take very careful note when someone speaks on that topic. Those who speak about that subject, the need to preserve territorial integrity, obviously have double standards when they think about which countries it refers to. We believe that it must refer to Serbia," said Dacic. "Of course, our foreign policy position depends a lot on our conversations and contacts. The President will have a whole series of meetings with his colleagues, I will have a whole series of meetings with my colleagues. I paid the most attention to the countries with which I want to check their views on Kosovo and Metohija," he added. "Representatives of Pristina are abusing the fact that they can enter here as guests, that is, as part of the (UN) mission in Kosovo and Metohija, they are not part of this official General Assembly, and for now there are no indications or announcements that there will be a change in that. On the other hand, it is very important that our views on some current issues are heard. Our main goal is to be fair to everyone. The big question is whether they are ready and how ready they are to expose Pristina to criticism. In this sense, our position will improve, because we will be sure that we have a solid majority in the UN General Assembly and that no tricks can lead to Kosovo being admitted to the UN. That is extremely important for us," he said. Dacic assessed earlier that the meetings he had were an opportunity for constructive discussions. "During the first day on the sidelines of the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, I had bilateral meetings with foreign ministers of Cyprus, Nepal, Armenia, Burkina Faso and the United Arab Emirates, with whom I discussed further improvement of bilateral relations," he posted on his Instagram account The Minister added that he used the meetings with colleagues from Hungary, Luxembourg, Palestine, Venezuela and Nicaragua, as well as a working breakfast with heads of diplomacy of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia and Slovenia, hosted by Italian Foreign Minister, for exchange of opinions.


Dacic speaks with large number of FMs in New York (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with the Foreign Ministers of Argentina, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, Antigua and Barbuda, Kiribati, Botswana, the Philippines and Senegal on the sidelines of the general debate at the UN General Assembly session in New York. Besides bilateral meetings, Dacic also had an opportunity for brief meetings and discussions with officials including EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell, Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejcinovic Buric. Dacic and his Argentine counterpart Santiago Cafiero agreed that bilateral political relations were on an extremely high level, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. Dacic said Serbia was committed to further strengthen political dialogue at all levels based on its traditionally close and friendly relations with Argentina. The parties noted the significance of respect of international law and the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity, which the two countries both advocate. In a friendly conversation, Dacic and Saint Lucian Foreign Minister Alva Romanus Baptiste underscored a readiness to further strengthen bilateral political cooperation, as well as cooperation in areas such as agriculture, education and exchange of scientific and technological achievements and practices. Dacic and Kiribat’s President Taneti Maamau agreed that the two sides must work on advancement of bilateral cooperation and deepening of cooperation in all fields, including within international organisations. Dacic and Senegalese Foreign Minister Aissata Tall Sall agreed that the good relations and long-standing friendship between their countries dated back to the era of the former Yugoslavia, in particular, the era of the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement. The parties noted that, besides excellent bilateral relations, there was space for advancement of economic cooperation and expressed interest in stepping up political dialogue and exchanging high- and top-level visits. The Serbian Foreign Minister and his counterpart from Antigua and Barbuda Everly Paul Chet Greene agreed for their countries to exchange bilateral visits in the near future to review possibilities for advancement of cooperation in numerous areas including agriculture, tourism, education, science and youth. With Rwandan Foreign Minister Vincent Biruta, Dacic exchanged views on topics of importance to both countries, which have maintained traditionally friendly ties since the establishment of their diplomatic relations in 1971. They agreed that respect of international law and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter was a priority for both countries, and Dacic reiterated his gratitude to Rwanda for supporting the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Dacic and Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud expressed readiness to develop cooperation in all areas of mutual interest where opportunities allow. They agreed that there was great potential for advancement of economic cooperation. Dacic and Botswana’s Foreign Minister Lemogang Kwape noted that bilateral relations between their countries were characterised by a decades-old friendship. They expressed interest in an exchange of high-level visits, the statement also said.


KFOR Commander: Political solution needed for peace, stability in Kosovo (Beta)


KFOR Commander Angelo Michele Ristuccia said in Belgrade on Tuesday that a political solution was needed for peace and stability in Kosovo, which was why NATO supported the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. He told reporters in Belgrade that the events that had threatened to undermine stability had required a huge military and diplomatic effort to reestablish a more peaceful situation and that a constructive approach by both sides was key to creating the necessary conditions for permanent security in Kosovo and the wider region. KFOR's outgoing commander Ristuccia met with the Serbian Army Chief of Staff Milan Mojsilovic. Gen. Mojsilovic thanked the Italian general for his cooperation and personal engagement to establish a safe environment in Kosovo and wished him success in conducting his new duties. Both generals agreed that the situation in Kosovo was still volatile and stressed that professional cooperation between the Serbian army and KFOR at all levels in the past period had had the objective of lowering tensions on the ground and preventing an escalation of the crisis, the Ministry of Defense said.


Petkovic: Svecla's threats will never prevent Vucic from helping people in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Just how nervous Albin Kurti is after the diplomatic slap he received in Brussels is best seen in him dictating to his thug Xhelal Svecla to threaten Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with arrest, says the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. "When he cannot outplay or defeat Vucic in any field, he tries to deal with him with hatred and threats, because Pristina and Kurti only know hatred and violence. There is no doubt that to Kurti and Svecla the greatest obsession and opponents are the Vucic family, because of the unsparing fight for Serbia and the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, so they first harassed his son Danilo while he was celebrating Vidovdan in Gracanica and tried to arrest him three times, and now they are threatening to arrest Aleksandar Vucic, too," said Petkovic and continued: "Such threats against the Serb people come after Kurti's bullying messages that the Serb people and the Serb List in Kosovo and Metohija will suffer, so it is not surprising that they are now targeting Vucic as well, because he shares the fate of his people. It's just a continuation of the violent, threatening, anti-Serb, hateful policy of Pristina towards everything that's Serb, but in vain! Svecla and Kurti can threaten Vucic, but they can never prevent him from helping the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, nor will their threats and provocations ever frighten and intimidate him, instead he will fight even more strongly for the interests of his people." "What is certain is that such messages do not contribute to calming tensions or solving the crisis, but are a continuation of provocations, inflammatory statements and escalation that Pristina provokes and invokes on a daily basis. It is no coincidence that this threat was uttered on the day when President Vucic will give a historic speech at the United Nations General Assembly and point out the problems of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, and no threats from Pristina can overshadow that. Therefore, it is better that Svecla and Kurti carefully listen to that speech and take notes, instead of getting carried away with mindless threats," Petkovic concluded.


First hearing in case of MTS in Kosovo and Metohija ends, both sides maintained their position (RTS/Tanjug)


The first hearing in the case of the investigation against MTS d.o.o., which operates in Kosovo and Metohija, was completed yesterday in Pristina. During the hearing, as part of the investigation against MTS d.o.o., initiated by the Pristina Agency for the Protection of Competition, both sides have maintained their positions, and no new hearing has been scheduled. The Agency for the Protection of Competition from Pristina accused the company MTS d.o.o. that it illegally bought four small mobile and TV operators in 2019, 2020 and 2021, without declaring their profits, which, as the representatives of this agency claim, violated the law on competition protection. On the other hand, consultants and legal representatives of MTS d.o.o. point out that the largest Serbian company operating in Kosovo and Metohija was not obliged to report the profits of small operators, because the law on mandatory reporting came into force in 2022 and that according to all international and local laws, it is impossible to apply the law retroactively. The general director of Telekom Srbija Vladimir Lucic is in Pristina, and he will have a series of meetings with representatives of the international community in connection with the decision of the Pristina agency for the registration of business registers to revoke MTS’ license, because allegedly one member of the Management Board has a passport in which Kosovska Mitrovica, Republic of Serbia, is written as the place of birth.


Lucic with international representatives on Pristina’s intent to ban work of MTS (RTS)


The general director of Telekom Srbija Vladimir Lucic met in Pristina with several representatives of the international community, due to the intention of the local authorities to ban the operation of MTS in Kosovo and Metohija. Vladimir Lucic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the deadline for making a decision expires by Friday, and that he intends to present to the representatives of the international community all the consequences of a possible negative decision by the authorities in Pristina, which would also mean a violation of the Brussels agreement. The general director of MTS says that he hopes for a positive outcome and says that the international community is on the side of Telekom. It indicates that shutting down MTS would upset the Serb community and that around 30,000 households would be left without internet, television, and mobile network. “They must be aware of the consequences, such an unreasonable and illegal decision would create an additional escalation, and that’s why we wanted to personally visit all important embassies today,” Lucic said, adding that he presented the true side of the story at several addresses. According to him, it is completely clear that the international community is on the side of Telekom Srbija, that it strongly supports the preservation of the Brussels agreement and that it considers this an illegal act. “I hope for the understanding of all actors here in Pristina, from the international community to the existing administration, that they must look at this case from a different angle. If the Brussels agreement from 2015 defines how MTS works and if we work exclusively for the benefit of the users and do not bother these authorities in any way, shutting down in this way, an illegal way, would have great consequences and would have additional pressure on the Serb community to move out. And on the other hand, if the biggest Serbian investment with 250 employees moves like this, then it would really be an unprecedented message for both the Serb community and Serbian companies,” Lucic said.


Two more Serbs arrested in northern Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Two Serbs have been arrested in the north of Kosovo today. Ilija Elezovic was detained in Kosovska Mitrovica, Elezovic's son Nikola confirmed for Tanjug, and said that it happened in the morning near the Technical School. "They didn't tell us why he was detained nor where he is held," said Nikola Elezovic. That one person was detained in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica was confirmed to Tanjug by the so-called Kosovo police. Deputy Director of Police for the northern Kosovska Mitrovica region Veton Elsani said that another former Kosovo police officer, D.M., has been detained in Zvecan.


France and Germany present plan on reform of EU for enlargement by 2030 (Novosti)


France and Germany presented a plan on reform of the EU for the enlargement by 2030 which, among other things, stipulated that “countries that will be granted a membership card for the EU will not be entitled to invoke a veto during voting on the enlargement for a defined period of time”. This would prevent new members to obstruct the enlargement process and admission of other candidates because of various bilateral misunderstandings. France and Germany gathered an independent group of 12 experts, who stated that the EU should be ready for enlargement by 2030, new European leadership should be focused on this goal and candidate countries should be working on fulfillment of all admission criteria in the meantime. French Minister of State for Europe Laurence Boone and German Minister for European Affairs Anna Luhrmann presented the plan to the EU Council of Ministers on Tuesday and the plan proposed both internal reforms and transition to majority voting in almost all fields, as well as an increase of the EU budget and stronger rules for protection of the rule of law and democracy. According to this document, the enlargement process must be guided by four main principles – respect of rule of law and democracy, geopolitical reasons, solving of mutual conflicts and additional financial and technical assistance and democratic legitimacy of the process. The plan also foresees the principle of concentric circles within the future enlarged EU, i.e. some kind of ‘Europe in several gears’. As for new members, the plan advocates the admission of new countries in groups in line with ‘regatta’ principle, instead of simultaneous admission of all candidates, in order to preserve the principle of progress ‘based on merits’. It is expected that the ideas presented in this document will be the basis for a debate of the EU leaders at the summit in Spain at the beginning of October. The document pointed out that not all governments of the EU countries agree with the EU enlargement on the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova is indeed a geo-political necessity so experts suggested a more flexible reform and enlargement process and they pointed out the need for urgent activities in order to improve functionality of the EU.




RS officials react to latest Schmidt’s interview, Nesic appeals to Germany to withdraw Schmidt; Kovacevic: Unlike Schmidt, politicians from the RS have legitimacy as citizens elected them (ATV)


ATV reports that German Christian Schmidt went one step further with provocations and that his vocabulary shows that he is a poor diplomat. Schmidt commented in inappropriate way the fact he is not welcome in Republika Srpska (RS).  ATV carries some of Schmidt’s statements from an interview he gave to media in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). Among other things, Schmidt said: “This is like a theater, this is as if monkeys were performing in circus. I am accredited diplomat. Maybe some in Banja Luka do not see it in this way, but it does not interest me at all, the EU is very irritable, if this type of nonsense occurs, this does not lead B&H to the EU, Dodik is deceiving people by presenting false claims.” Some of officials from the RS decided to respond to abovementioned statements. Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Security Nenad Nesic stated that “if this is what he said, it is shameful. This is another evidence that he does not belong here. Once again, I appeal to Germany, this big country we here respect, to withdraw him if he does not have intention to leave. If he gave this statement that he sees us politicians in the RS as monkeys, why would any monkeys ever seat with him”, explained Nesic. Delegate in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Radovan Kovacevic (SNSD) underlined that Schmidt obviously sees all people in the RS, complete Serbs people as monkeys and he acts accordingly. “There are no monkeys here, but people who live in their country and are resolute to resume living there and protect rights that belong to them”, stressed Kovacevic. He went on to saying that unlike Schmidt, politicians from the RS “have not fallen from sky, form Mars, but have legitimacy and were elected by citizens and will be working on a key task: to protect this people, rights of the RS and everything that belongs to citizens of the RS. We will not be prevented in doing so by some Schmidt.” Kovacevic compared Schmidt with circus harlequin. Officials in the RS underlined that such words cannot be heard on the street and in this way, Schmidt again confirmed that he is not a diplomat. According to officials in the RS, they will not allow oppression of Serbs and they ask from Germany to remove Schmidt from B&H. Nesic again called on Germany to withdraw Schmidt as soon as possible if he has no intention to go by himself. Kovacevic stated that unlike Schmidt, politicians from the RS have legitimacy as citizens elected them for among other things, confronting the oppression of Serbs. Kovacevic said enough to oppression of the RS and the Serb people as the constituent people in B&H.


Popovic: RS is preparing lawsuit against Schmidt in Germany (ATV)


Professor of international law Vitomir Popovic said that RS has been preparing a lawsuit against Christian Schmidt for false pretense that will be submitted before courts in Germany. Commenting the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H reading that a diplomatic accreditation for Schmidt was issued on the ground of a verbal note from the Office of High Representative (OHR), Popovic stated that the international law and Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Immunity do not recognize verbal note. “They should read the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Immunity. They are used to behave the way they do. Unfortunately, they had a certain number of interlocutors among Serbs. The time has come to tell them in a clear and unequivocal way that they can pack up and leave B&H.”


Schmidt expands Srebrenica Memorial’s activities, announces national war crimes register (N1)


The High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Christian Schmidt made several decisions public, on Wednesday, marking the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica – Potocari Memorial Center by which he expanded the Center’s work by adding to it the Research and Education Institute. He also announced a national register of convicted war criminals adding that they will be prohibited from running in the elections or being appointed to public functions.

Schmidt recalled that his predecessors made a great contribution to the establishment of this Center, from Wolfgang Petrich, who in 2001 made the decision to establish the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial and Cemetery Foundation, then Paddy Ashdown, who in 2003 transferred ownership of the Battery Factory to the Foundation and finally Christian Schwarz-Schilling, who passed the Law on the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center in 2007. “If we are talking about obstacles to building trust and the path to lasting peace, there is hardly a greater challenge than disrespecting the victims of the survivors and all those who suffered during the war. Their voice must be heard more strongly with the full involvement and support of society. In order to facilitate this, we must face the denial, revisionism and distortion of the truth established by international and domestic courts. This effort requires comprehensive and well-designed measures,” said Schmidt. He thanked all survivors, victims, organizations and all domestic and international factors that have not forgotten this issue. “Today I made a decision and I have some more decisions open in the drawer, with which I want to deal with issues concerning the victims, the Memorial Center and the further struggle for their status as well as the status of the Center itself. These decisions will do the following – they will enable the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center to further develop and expand activities that are important for remembering the genocide in order to prevent its denial, revisionism, prevention of repetition of human rights violations and contribute to further reconciliation. The Center will be expanded by the Institute for Research and Education. We will have an international team consisting of experienced experts on genocide and dealing with the issue of genocide to contribute to this Center. Together with the leaders of the Center, my vision for the further development of the Center is not only to carry out the commemoration, which is important but to approach the education of young generations in Europe, to show them and teach them what happened here,” Schmidt said. Schmidt recalled that former US President Bill Clinton, who opened this Center 20 years ago, spoke via video link and reminded everyone of the activities they should carry out in the future. “I have another set of decisions in my drawers. I invite the B&H authorities and the international community to take matters into their own hands. If there are obstacles, I am ready to put my signature on them. This refers to the integration, and entry of data into the criminal records of people who have been convicted of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes by international courts and the Hague Tribunal. The fact that such people are not registered in the appropriate records and everyone is acting as if nothing happened cannot be tolerated. The second decision refers to the ban on the election and appointment to public positions of all persons convicted of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as the ban on the awarding of awards and decorations to those persons. Some things will follow, including activities related to the payment of damages and compensation for victims of genocide and war crimes,” the High Representative concluded.


Media publish part of transcript from Dodik-Sarrazin meeting, Dodik says RS would introduce Ruble should it secede (Nezavisne)


Individual media published a transcript from the meeting of RS President Milorad Dodik with Special Representative of the German government for the Western Balkans Countries Manuel Sarrazin, which took place on 7 September in Banja Luka. At the beginning of the meeting, Dodik advised Sarazzin to revoke (High Representative Christian) Schmidt from B&H and give up on stories on property, to which Sarazzin replied by saying that Germany strongly supports the High Representative and that he does not understand what Dodik’s intentions are. The daily published a part of the transcript in the rest of the article and quoted Dodik as telling Sarrazin that he hopes he liked his schnapps to which Sarrazin replied by saying “your schnapps is indeed much better than your politics”. Sarrazin also asked Dodik to explain, if the RS were to secede, how it would survive at the financial market and which currency it would use. Dodik replied by saying: “I think we would have even stronger guarantees if the RS were on its own, than it is now. But this is some kind of a story on future. Let me tell you one more thing for the end, I will ask you something I already know the answer to: Do you love Germany?”. Sarrazin replied by saying that he does and Dodik went on to say: “Well, I do not love Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Would you live in a country you do not love?”. Sarrazin responded: “That is your problem, not mine (laughter). Which currency do you plan to introduce once you secede?”. Dodik first responded by saying “our currency” to which Sarrazin laughed and Dodik then said: “We already have prepared…Go ahead and laugh…Ruble! That is the currency we will introduce. We will introduce Ruble or something like that”. Sarrazin then said “good luck with Ruble” and Dodik added that the RS will then be selling natural gas to Germany. Sarrazin replied by saying “we do not need any more of that” and Dodik said: “You do not need it? Well, this is perhaps your option, but we shall see. Maybe you are interested in lithium?”.


Sattler discusses EU path and migration issues with B&H ministers Nesic and Hurtic (O Kanal)


EU Special Representative (EUSR) and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler met with B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic and B&H Minister for Human Rights and Refugees Sevlid Hurtic on Tuesday. They discussed the European integration path and the plan of transition of responsibility for managing migrations onto the B&H authorities. The transition process in the mentioned segment implies the gradual transfer of responsibility for managing temporary reception centers for migrants and assisting migrants, asylum seekers and refugees with the support of the EU, as well as strengthening the capacity of the authorities in B&H to respond to migration trends. Sattler stated, when it comes to reception centers in B&H, there are top, most modern capacities that offer health care services, psychosocial assistance, and he added that they can be proud of that. “I would not agree that there is no progress on the European path, that standards and criteria are changing. The opposite happens. We are witnessing a kind of progress. It is partly the result of changed geopolitical circumstances, new circumstances, new momentum. B&H received a candidate status last year, and the possibilities of accession negotiations with B&H are already being discussed”, noted Sattler. Nesic underlined that the migrant crisis is not a problem of B&H, but of the entire EU. “B&H is in a way collateral damage of the migrant crisis, because migrants want to join the EU. B&H does not want to be someone who will deal with the fact that this does not happen. B&H wants to be a part of European collective security”, Nesic added. When it comes to the EU path, Nesic stated: “If we are not a part of the EU by 2030, the EU membership loses its meaning. This should be a clear message from all our officials. They keep telling me this is a process. I agree that it is a process, but every process has an end and our path to the EU should have a positive end.” Hurtic said that, aside from illegal migrations, collocutors discussed the issue of arrival of legal migrants in B&H. Hurtic stressed: “Our employers have a big problem. It is not talked about. We have about 4,000 permits for people coming to B&H to work from abroad, like India, Nepal, Pakistan or some other country. Here they work for employers for a while and then overnight they go through Sava or Izacic, to the EU."


UN GA session in New York; Climate change and growing crisis in this field main topic -along with Russian invasion of Ukraine; B&H Presidency Chairman Komsic to address UN GA on Wednesday (BHT1/AJB)


World leaders gathered in New York for the opening of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (GA). The first day of the high-level General Debate was held on Tuesday. Climate change and growing crisis in this field is the main topic at the session, along with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The General Debate makes possible for the world leaders to present priority for 2024, encourage the operate and criticize their rivals. Addressing the General Debate, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres call for persistence in efforts to establish peace in Ukraine, stressing that the world immediately needs Ukrainian food the same as Russian food and mineral fertilizers in order to stabilize the markets and ensure safe supplies. He described the world's movement towards multipolarity as positive. "For much of the Cold War, international relations were largely seen through the prism of two superpowers. Then came a short period of unipolarity. This is, in many ways, positive. It brings new opportunities for justice and balance in international relations”, the UN chief said. President of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said in his address that he expresses confidence in the human capacity to overcome challenges and evolve towards superior forms of coexistence. Recognizing that the 2030 Agenda could turn into the biggest failure of the UN, he underscored the importance of reducing inequalities by including the poor in government budgets and making the rich pay taxes proportional to their wealth. US President Joe Biden warned in his address that climate change should be treated as existential threat. He also touched upon Ukraine and stressed that Russia alone is responsible for the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also attends the session and he is set to speak at the UN GA on later on Tuesday. B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic also attends the UNGA’s session in New York and he is set to address the UNGA on Wednesday. Komsic is expected to attend a joint dinner for leaders of the Western Balkan countries’ delegations hosted by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borell. Al Jazeera Balkans reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend the session and Russian delegation will be led by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Guterres stated that it is time to renew multilateral institutions on the ground of principles of the UN Charter and the international law. Guterres explained that he refers to reform of the UN Security Council and redesign of the international financial architecture so that it becomes world security network. President Biden called on world leaders to stand with Ukraine against Russian aggression. Among other things, Zelenskyy stated that 20th century taught the world not to produce, test and use new nuclear weapon, but to promote complete nuclear disarmament. He added that this should not be only strategy to defend the world from new world war. He reminded that Ukraine gave up on its nuclear arsenal and the world decided that Russia needs to keep such power. Zelenskyy went on to saying that history showed Russia turned their back to nuclear disarmament. He underlined that terrorists do not have right to use nuclear weapons. The Ukrainian President stated that besides regular weapons Russia has been using other things as weapons.  Zelenskyy explained that he refers to food, namely export of food from Ukraine, nuclear energy and fuel and children. He stressed that the international criminal court issued order to arrest Putin due to these atrocities.


Slovenia not considering introduction of border controls with Croatia (HRT)


“The Slovenian government is not considering the introduction of border controls with Croatia despite the large increase in illegal entry of migrants,” said Slovenian State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Marko Stucin. “At the moment, the government is not thinking about introducing controls on the border with Croatia, even though the Schengen regulations make it possible,” Marko Stucin told Slovenian journalists after arriving at a meeting of the Council for General Affairs in Brussels. He pointed out that Croatia should do everything it can to limit the number of illegal entries, as well as the countries of the Western Balkans through which migrants come. The Slovenian police announced that since the beginning of this year, when Croatia entered the Schengen area, the number of illegal border crossings has increased significantly. From the beginning of the year to the end of August, police recorded 36,137 illegal entries, while in the same period last year there were 13,601.


Informal lunch of leaders of the Western Balkans: An opportunity for open dialogue and exchange of ideas (CdM)


In New York, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, at the invitation of the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, the leaders of the Western Balkans gathered for an informal lunch. "At the invitation of the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, the leaders of the Western Balkan countries on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly on the perspective of the region. This was an opportunity for open dialogue and exchange of ideas. With the support of the EU, we are working together to strengthen the stability and prosperity of our region", announced the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic on Twitter. According to him, the entry of Montenegro into the EU would be a positive signal for the countries of the Western Balkans that the enlargement process is alive, as well as an additional incentive for the implementation of stronger reform processes in the region.


Milatovic with Blinken: We expect the USA to further support Montenegro in accelerating its European path (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic had a cordial and meaningful conversation with the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. As announced by the Cabinet of the President of Montenegro, Milatovic informed Secretary Blinken about Montenegro's achievements in democratic development. "The topic of the discussion was the foreign policy priorities of Montenegro, including credible membership in the NATO alliance and the strengthening of good neighborly relations," the announcement states. Milatovic said that he expects the USA to further support Montenegro in accelerating its European path. The interlocutors also referred to current events and challenges on the international level. The President of Montenegro once again stressed the importance of Montenegro's strategic partnership with the USA.


Milatovic: We believe in even stronger support from Berlin to speed up Montenegro's EU path (CdM)


We are grateful for the support so far and we believe that we will have even stronger support from Berlin to speed up our country's EU path, said the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic after the meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. In the conversation with Scholz, the president emphasized the importance of Germany's continued support for the democratic and reform processes in Montenegro.  "We are grateful for the support so far and we believe that we will have even stronger support from Berlin to speed up our country's EU path. The reception of Germany on the occasion of 50 years of membership in the UN was also an opportunity to meet with a number of high-ranking officials and leaders of the region, with whom, within the framework of the UN General Assembly, we are discussing the topic of building trust and initiating global solidarity," Milatovic wrote on the X network.


Milatovic with Steiner: We are working together to create a world of equality and accessibility for everyone (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic met with UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner in New York. He stated on Twitter that the constructive meeting with UNDP administrator Achim Steiner was an opportunity to share experiences and express satisfaction with the joint projects they are working on with the UNDP office in Montenegro. "I specifically addressed areas of importance for our country such as gender equality and economic empowerment of women, youth support, digitization and digital literacy, green economy, as well as strengthening our institutions for quality project preparation. We agreed to strengthen cooperation and respond more strongly to numerous challenges in these areas. We are working together to create a world of equality and accessibility for everyone," Milatovic said on Twitter.


Abazovic meets Al Khateeb in NY: Saudi Arabia approves $3m grant to Montenegro (CdM)


Caretaker PM Dritan Abazovic met with Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ahmed Al Khateeb in New York. They talked about mutual interest in further strengthening of the cooperation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Montenegro, according to the joint statement issued by the Abazovic’s Cabinet and the Ministry of Tourism of Saudi Arabia. “The two sides have confirmed their commitment to improving cooperation in all fields, especially in tourism, health, education and infrastructure”, the announcement reads. Minister Ahmed Al Khateeb expressed the readiness and commitment of Saudi Arabia to support development projects that contribute to the current and future development of Montenegro, noting, in this regard, that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia approved a grant of $3m to support the development of the education sector in Montenegro. Abazovic said that Montenegro appreciated the Kingdom’s support, which would positively affect the stronger development of overall bilateral relations. Montenegro views the current dialogue with Saudi Arabia on support for development projects, as well as the improvement of cooperation in the tourism sector, as signs of further strengthening of friendly ties. It was also stated that at the cabinet meeting the Government of Montenegro officially adopted the Information on the selections for the organization of the World Exhibition in 2030 and invited (instructed) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in accordance with the Government decision, to send support to the candidacy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Riyadh for the organization of EXPO 2030.


Pendarovski to attend opening of 78th UNGA session General Debate (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski will attend the opening of the General Debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. He is set to address the general debate on Friday, Sept. 22, according to an official press release. On Tuesday, the head of state held bilateral meetings with the King of Jordan Abdullah II, and with the President of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides. President Pendarovski also attended a working lunch organized by the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission Josep Borrell for the leaders of the countries of the Western Balkans.  In the evening, Pendarovski attended a reception organized by US President Joe Biden. Previously, on Monday, Pendarovski addressed the UN General Assembly's Sustainable Development Goals SDG Summit. He also met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and had brief meetings with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen, Slovenian President Natasha Pirc-Musar, Prime Minister of Sweden Ulf Kristersson, and EC President Ursula Von der Leyen.


Xhaferi meets with Danish parliament delegation (MIA)


Denmark and North Macedonia have had good and friendly relations so far, it is necessary for the mutual political communication to intensify on all levels, concluded the speaker of the Macedonian parliament, Talat Xhaferi, and the Chairperson of the Danish parliament's European Affairs Committee, Niels Flemming Hansen, at a meeting Tuesday. According to a Parliament press release, Xhaferi voiced gratitude for the principled support provided by the Kingdom of Denmark on North Macedonia’s path to the EU and NATO. The speaker stressed the fact that the Danish parliament was one of the first EU parliaments that ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement in 2002, as well as North Macedonia’s NATO Accession Protocol. Xhaferi stressed the importance of amending the Constitution at this moment in order to begin EU negotiations, stressing that “this is a moment when all political parties in parliament should realize the importance of reaching a solution that will move us forward, towards the EU.” The Chairperson of the European Affairs Committee of the Danish parliament, Niels Flemming Hansen, expressed the delegation’s gratitude over the opportunity to meet with Xhaferi and highlighted the importance of such meetings for future cooperation between the two countries and its intensification on all levels. “The other members of the delegation joined in the discussion, with our Euro-integration path and the situation with the constitutional amendments being in the focus of their interest. They also expressed interest in the intensity of public support for EU integration in the country,” said parliament in the press release. At the meeting, the Danish guests voiced their support for North Macedonia and their readiness to help as much as they can regarding the country’s aspirations to begin the EU accession talks. He also attended a reception celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic joining the United Nations organized by Chancellor Scholz, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, and Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany Svenja Schulze.


Ahmeti on Mickoski's statements: What Bulgarian dictate, it is a Franco-German proposal (MIA)


I hear Mickoski saying 'Bulgarian dictate', what Bulgarian dictate when it is a Franco-German proposal, with the Macedonian nation automatically gaining international legitimacy. The German Bundestag voted to recognize the language, culture and Macedonian nation; there is an initiative in the American Congress that the Senate honors the culture, language and Macedonian history, let's not miss this opportunity because historically nations and states were built through alliances and friendship, because otherwise we will be left alone, isolated, lose the chance for EU membership and then fight amongst ourselves about who is the traitor, we will look for the traitors," says DUI leader Ali Ahmeti in regard to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski's statements. In a TV interview with MRT1 on Monday evening, Ahmeti says that when Bulgarians get introduced as a constitutional category, a "distinction is automatically made between Macedonians and the Bulgarian minority." According to him, Washington, Brussels and NATO worked intensely for four years to make amendments to the Constitution and for the Bulgarian minority to become part of it. "You get international legitimacy, language, tradition, culture - this is a historical moment, we are all for this solution, and if I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t be here right now, pleading with you, to the opposition, that the key moment is today, tomorrow will be too late and we will start fighting about who is the traitor, Mickoski, Zoran Zaev or Kovacheski. This clash will happen tomorrow, because these chances only come once, and this is the right moment, international legitimacy for the Macedonian nation, language and history. What did we get from the Greek side by not solving the issue in the right moment? We degraded because the proposal was initially better than the solution we offered. Changing the name was only for external, not internal use," Ahmeti stressed. To the journalist's remark that the Macedonian people might say that it is easy for Ahmeti to talk about constitutional amendments and the relationship with Bulgaria because the Albanian identity is not the one at stake, he notes that fellow Macedonians should not think that "we are working behind your back because this country is also ours, we want to build our future here because we were born here." "In this situation, I, as representative of the Albanians, say that because I know what the Albanian people are thinking, they stand with you in finding solutions for the final issue and identity that are being disputed by a neighbor. It is not easy to dispute and create a problem for your neighbor because evil always comes from them, not from afar. We organized ourselves without making noise, without being loud, but always directly in order to reach a just solution, without first endangering and risking the identity of our fellow Macedonian citizens," Ahmeti added.


Rama: Today, Albania assumes the leadership of the Security Council (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama will preside over the high-level dialogue table in the Security Council, marking Albania's second presidency. Rama has shared a photo on social media, showing himself seated in the Security Council courtyard, along with a corresponding message. The Head of the Executive emphasizes that today Albania will preside over the Security Council, leading one of its most significant sessions in the last decade. The topic for discussion in the Council will be 'Maintenance of International Peace and Security.' The discussion will also focus on the impact of the war in Ukraine on international peace and security, economic development, and multilateral actions.


Meetings at the UN Assembly, Rama meets with Cleverly (Radio Tirana)


Heads of State and government and high representatives have been gathered at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, where the UN General Assembly is being held. The meetings between the high representatives of the world's governments continue. Prime Minister Edi Rama had a meeting with the British Foreign Minister, James Cleverly. The two countries, Albania and Great Britain, signed an agreement a year ago dealing with the flow of illegal immigration to English shores, but in the US, Cleverly has a clear foreign policy. The British media reports that one of the goals of his presence will be to increase access to funds for climate purposes, which Britain seeks to add in the interest of the UN's objective for the sustainable development of countries. The British foreign secretary is also expected to address the Assembly on the issue of a more inclusive global financial system.


Begaj meets with Borrell (Radio Tirana)


Within the framework of the participation in the High Level Week of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly, the President of the Republic Bajram Begaj, held a meeting with the High Representative & Vice President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell. Begaj thanked Borrel for the support and attention he has always shown for the Western Balkans region and its integration processes and especially, for the opening of negotiations with Albania. He also expressed his appreciation for the commitment of the High Representative and the Commission, to keep the integration of the region in focus, despite the debates and discussions within the EU. In this context, he emphasized that a clear European perspective of the region is a guarantee for its security and future. President Begaj expressed hope for tangible and concrete results as soon as possible in the integration processes in the opening of the basic group-chapters through the second intergovernmental conference and assured that Albania will resolutely continue the process of internal reforms. In the meeting, the President of the Republic and the High Representative of the EU also discussed the situation in Kosovo, reiterating that the dialogue mediated by the EU and supported by the US is the only way to alleviate tensions in the north of Kosovo and normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Dialogue is also the necessary path for the integration of Kosovo in the EU. The interlocutors valued the importance of the parties working together on other steps for the implementation of the Agreement reached between the two countries in February and March 2023, as well as engaging constructively in future dialogue meetings.


Rama with the chief diplomat of the UAE: Finalization of the investment package in Albania (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting in New York with the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan. The Prime Minister informed that during the meeting they discussed about the finalization of the investment package in Albania, as well as the visit to Tirana of the President of the UAE, Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nayan, the first of this level in our country. Rama is in New York, USA, where he will participate in the High Level Week of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly. The Albanian delegation to the UN is headed by the President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, and part of it are the Prime Minister Edi Rama and the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani. Albania, for the first time in the history of its membership in the UN, holds the seat of a non-permanent member of the Security Council from January 2022, whose two-year mandate ends in December of this year.


Spiropali hosts Soreca: Albania's EU integration, an agenda with an unchanging direction (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of State for Relations with the Parliament, Elisa Spiropali received in a meeting the ambassador of the European Union in Albania, Luigi Soreca. Calling Soreca a good friend of Albania and Albanians, Spiropali emphasized that the European Union is not one of the choices for Albania, but the only solution. "The support of the European family, starting from the strengthening of political and economic relations, and continuing with the extraordinary support for the democratization of institutions, the rule of law and human rights are only a part of the major contribution that our partners have made in so many years", continued Spiropali. According to her, young people are also at the foundation of EU policies. She underlined that there has been no lack of help for them, not only through certain funds, but also by making them part of initiatives with social, political and other impacts. "The 'EU4Schools' program, for the reconstruction of 60 educational facilities, in the 11 municipalities, most affected by the earthquake of November 26, 2019, as well as the financial support for Albania to deal with the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic deserve special thanks," the Minister said.  Following this, Spiropali expressed her gratitude to Ambassador Soreca for his steadfast support, while assuring him that EU integration is essential and an agenda with an unchanging direction for Albania.