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Belgrade Media Report 25 September



All approaching roads to Banjska still blocked, security situation still tense (RTS)


All approaching roads to the village of Banjska, where an armed conflict between a group of Serbs and the Kosovo police took place on Sunday, are still blocked by strong police forces. A large number of policemen in armored vehicles are deployed around the village. Traffic from the direction of Raska towards Leposavic is blocked, while it is possible to pass from the direction of Leposavic towards Serbia proper. In the evening, the intensity of the armed actions decreased, but the security situation is still tense, according to the police, who continued the search operation of the wider area of the village during the night. Last night in the evening hours, another attacker against members of the police was arrested, and so far, according to the latest information, a total of three attackers were killed, while two were arrested, as well as four people who were caught with illegal radio communication equipment, and who are suspected of being connected to the group. The Prosecutor’s Office announced that the investigation is continuing and that those arrested are being charged with serious crimes against the constitutional order and security - attacking the constitutional order and preparing terrorist acts. Those arrested were detained for up to 48 hours and it is expected that they will be brought before a judge for preliminary proceedings during the day. During the arrest operation, vehicles filled with significant amounts of weapons of various types were seized. Pristina announced that they are also checking the believers who spent the day yesterday in the Banjska monastery, in order to determine whether there are attackers of the police or their helpers among them.


Banjska post office halts operations after being stormed by terrorists (Tanjug)


The Post of Serbia said on Monday its post office in Banjska, a village in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, had halted operations after being stormed by ethnic Albanian terrorists last night and sustaining extensive material damage in the incident. In a statement, the company said the terrorists had damaged its property and stolen equipment from the post office. "By that act of vandalism, the ethnic Albanian terrorists have not only led to a temporary suspension of the provision of postal services to Banjska but, inspired by the irresponsible and dangerous policy of Albin Kurti, consciously and deliberately continued an intimidation of everyone who is a Serb and a destruction of everything that is Serbian in Kosovo and Metohija and a hampering of the unobstructed movement, work and everyday life of all those who oppose the unreasonable policy of the Pristina provisional authorities," the statement said.


Vucic: At least three Serbs were killed, two by snipers. We have footage of incidents (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the citizens this evening regarding today's events in Kosovo and Metohija. At the beginning of his address, president said that it is one of the most difficult days for Serbia since 2004 and 2008. He apologized for not being able to address the public earlier in the day because it was necessary to determine what was happening in Kosovo and Metohija and make appropriate decisions. "This is one of the most difficult days for our country. I apologize to the citizens for not addressing them on an earlier occasion. As you know, we have not had direct control since 1999 and we had to investigate what happened so that we could tell the people the truth and prepare the ground for making decisions.' Namely, I will only talk about what happened, and then I will give an assessment. Tonight, around 2.46 a.m., a group of Serbs set up two trucks as barricades in Banjska in the north of Kosovo, then the Kosovo police came and tried to remove those barricades, and that's where the conflict started. Policeman Afrim Bunjaku was killed in it and another person was wounded. At 8:57 a.m., the Jarinje and Brnjak administrative crossings were closed, the skirmish is still ongoing. At 10:15, the Albanians announce that 4 Serbian municipalities are the zone of the anti-terrorist operation. What actually happened, for people to know. Even though we talked about it many times, even though I warned both in Brussels and in New York that this could happen, few people listened," said Vucic. "Serbs, and not people from central Serbia, but within Kosovo and Metohija rebelled, not wanting to put up with Kurti's terror any longer. Since November 3, when Kurti replaced the commander of the North region from Berlin, Djurić, they used the so-called Kosovo police 62 times against Serbs, 22 exclamatory attacks and over 40 moves directed at Serbs," Vucic pointed out and said that he does not justify the killing of an Albanian policeman in any way. “I don’t want to justify the killing of an Albanian policeman, nor is it possible to justify it. That is absolutely reprehensible,” he said. According to the President, dozens of Serbs were completely surrounded for more than an hour and a brutal attack took place. "They gave Kurti carte blanche to deal with the terrorists. According to the information we have so far, two were seriously wounded, three were killed and there is a fear that a fourth person was also killed. We intercepted what the Albanian police were doing and we are waiting for the evidence to be translated," said Vucic and added that they did not want to help one person and that is why his life was in danger, for which they possess audio recordings. "What happened next? There is one incredible thing, in just one hour and twenty minutes, those several dozen Serbs were completely surrounded, logistically, a brutal attack was carried out on them. They gave Kurti carte blanche to deal with the terrorists. At this moment, three Serbs have died, two from sniper fire, from a long distance, when it was not necessary to eliminate them, and there is a fear that a fourth person has died," said Vucic. As he said, they used snipers and hit private houses around Banjska. "In fact, they came to the monastery because they had two wounded young men whom they wanted to help. The church had nothing to do with it. Then the spin revolution started. I guess fathomed by all those who bloodied their hands against Serbia in 1999. They called this armored vehicle - a Gendarmerie vehicle... This is what our people used from 1996 to 1998, and it has nothing to do with the army, and I am ashamed to speak about such lies", said the President.


Albanian portals announced that Pocuca and Pavle Bihali were killed

Albanian portals announced that Pavle Bihali was killed in order to make a connection with Belgrade, the President said, adding that the Albanian media released a lot of information that are notorious lies, as well as the information that the monks are being held hostage. "I will show you how, boasting that they had killed terrorists, they showed a video from Nagorno-Karabakh. It was not important how they will present lies, but that the blame for the murder of an Albanian policeman should fall on Belgrade and that they would show that they have the right to harass citizens in the north of Kosovo. They especially attacked the Serbian Orthodox Church, according to the old mantra and the notorious lie that weapons were being transferred through the church. Kurti and everyone else lied about this. It goes without saying that any normal person will condemn the murder... I'm just asking them what they would do with Dragisa Galjak and what about the investigation into his attempted murder. Because they are not interested in that, because they surrounded the Serbs with such speed and showed how they are to blame for everything," says Vucic. The only one to blame for everything is clearly Albin Kurti and part of the international community that helps him, the president said. As he says, Kurti provoked all the time and he felt sorry that part of the Serbs, unfortunately, fell for it. "No one wants conflict and war except Kurti. He wants to drag us into war and that's the only thing he does all the time. When there was this kind of conflict in North Macedonia, the world stopped it, and today they said kill them all", Vucic pointed out and added that everything is a lesson for us to know who we are dealing with. "You could hear how Serbia did all that, and that speaks volumes about their intentions. From Michael Roth to Gunther Fehlinger, calling on NATO to bomb Serbia," Vucic pointed out. "We have had a session of the National Security Council all day, we will make decisions carefully, prepare them in detail, and with those decisions come before our people in the days ahead, we call on the international community to form ZSO and for the Serbs to assume the roles of policemen in the north, because that is the only way that Serbs will no longer be expelled and that there will be no more conflicts," said Vucic.


"These are not the uniforms of the army or the police of Serbia"

When asked by a journalist about the hypocritical behavior of the international Community, the President pointed out that hypocrisy is their middle name. "All the time they were looking for a reason for this. Pressure on Serbia to recognize Kosovo is the essence. Not to mention that they destroyed our army. My most important message is that we will never recognize an independent Kosovo. You can kill us all. Serbia will never recognize independent Kosovo! The freak creation you created by bombing... we are ready and we will always negotiate, but you can forget about the recognition of Kosovo," answered Vucic. To the question of the journalist N1, Vucic mentioned that there were insinuations that the Serbian army gave the uniforms and that Serbia is to blame for today's events. "These are not the uniforms of the army or police of Serbia. The uniforms are bought on the market and it is not a problem to get them," said Vucic. He said that it is not possible to enter peacefully without the permission of KFOR. He also added that he was "in touch" with Petkovic all day, and that the people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are in fear. "I don't think the problem is that people were locked up today, but that the Albanians were shooting at the surrounding houses. I didn't understand the meaning of all that," said Vucic and pointed out that the Albanians probably feared that there was someone in those houses who would resist them. KFOR is in charge of freedom of movement, they should have protected them and removed the barricades, the president reminded. "If I were to ask you what you would do in our place, you wouldn't know what to answer. We follow what's happening all the time. There were so many problems and troubles that we simply couldn't do it earlier. I can't go in front of the people with what I read in the newspaper, as others have been coming out all day with semi-information. Many Serbs died for the freedom of Serbia and for Kosovo in Serbia, but one thing is certain - Kosovo will never get their independence from Serbia. No matter how hard foreign factors try... We will make decisions in the coming days," Vucic points out. Commenting on Michael Roth, who could not even open his mouth and condemn the Albanian police when Serbian children were shot, the president points out that Roth himself is one of the main culprits for everything that is happening in Kosovo. The President also referred to the shameful name-calling by the opposition. "They didn't say a word. None of them worked to de-escalate because there was a "carte blanche" for killing Serbs after killing an Albanian, which has not been allowed anywhere until now. As for them, I am ashamed to even mention them. I guess they are starting from themselves. They worried so much about the Serbs and felt so sorry, so they only thought about how something would affect their results in the elections... For God's sake," the president concluded. When asked about the danger of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, the President did not want to comment much and emphasized that this is unfortunately not an epilogue. "It's bad enough to be an epilogue, but I'm afraid it will get worse. I didn't accidentally say that we will make decisions in the days ahead. They lied all the time... A year and a half since Ukraine, lying about Serbia wanting to go to war. And they never said sorry. We know that the two victims are from Kosovska Mitrovica, our sincere condolences to the families and the family of the Albanian policeman. It's all Kurti's fault. If it wasn't for the Albanian police but the Serbian one, as it should be, none of this would have happened," he said. Let us remind you that the police of the so-called Kosovo announced this morning that around 2:30 a.m. last night there was a shooting near the village of Banjska in which two members of the Kosovo police were wounded, one of whom succumbed to his injuries. Also, the Diocese of Raska-Prizren issued a release stating that it strongly condemns the attack that took place this morning in the north of Kosovo, near the village of Banjska. It is a serious incident that can have major consequences, and that is why it is very important that everything be done to preserve peace and order, the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren emphasizes.


Brnabic: International community supported Kurti for the catastrophe in north of Kosovo and Metohija (TV Pink)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed that the prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti is the only one to blame for the disaster that happened in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and that the lack of reactions from the EU and the USA to the threats he made against the Serbs gave him support. Speaking about the events near Banjska, Brnabic told TV Pink that the situation in which Kurti brought us all, as well as the silence of the international community, are catastrophic. She added that anyone who listened carefully to the speech of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the UN, and in addition to the fact that he said this at all meetings, could also hear his warning that it is completely possible and certain that such a conflict could occur in Kosovo and Metohija. The President, she reminded, also mentioned in his speech that after rejecting the proposal for de-escalation in Brussels, Albin Kurti appeared before one of the most important institutions and said that the Serbs must suffer and pay. “No one looked back on that, no one from the EU or the USA. No one said anything when Kurti from Brussels threatened the Serbs that they would suffer and pay,” she said. “It’s a tailwind for me,” she said. It is also terrible, as she added, that you give Kurti “carte blanche” to kill everyone, under the pretext that they are terrorists. “You said they are terrorists, go in there and kill them all, KFOR is silent, I don’t go any further, if we are going to do that, for Kurti, all Serbs are terrorists, does that mean he can kill them all,” she asked. She added that in his speech, the President warned about the creeping ethnic cleansing and reminded of all the terror that Serbs suffer every day in Kosovo, from the youngest to the oldest - and nothing. Certainly the only one to blame for everything is Albin Kurti and that is his life’s dream. “He will do everything to provoke conflicts, but someone allows him to,” she said. When asked what she expects, she says that she does not know if it is good for the country to talk about it tonight because, as the President said, they will continue to talk to find the best solution. She added that what is happening in the heart of Europe, that you allow yourself to have the last European ghetto, is terrible.


Orlic: Kurti rushed to accuse Serbs for the events in Banjska (TV Prva/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic said that the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti immediately rushed to accuse the Serbs for the events in Banjska, and that anyone serious would say that we should see what exactly happened and then comment. “If we are going to talk about those who are anything but that, then you also saw the reaction of Albin Kurti, who immediately started, rushed first to accuse the Serbs, to say that it was some kind of organized action, I don’t know what, and that it was carried out by some professionals, he must have personally legitimized them in the meantime, so he knows who they are and what they are, so everything is clear to you,” Orlic told TV Prva. One policeman was killed and another was wounded in an attack on a unit of the Kosovo police last night at the entrance to the village of Banjska in the north of Kosovo, the police in Pristina announced. “But if we talk about who is responsible for any kind of violence - it is exclusively Albin Kurti and everyone knows that. And everything he did in the previous months with the most brutal possible terror that he carried out against the bare-handed Serb people, he did precisely because he wanted an open escalation and because he wanted to cause some violence,’ Orlic pointed out. He pointed out that it is clear who alone can be satisfied if any conflict occurs, especially if it is one that involves human sacrifices.


Djuric: Kurti is responsible for bloodshed in northern Kosovo (Tanjug)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric says that Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti is responsible for Sunday's bloodshed in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. In a post on the X network, Djuric wrote that Serbia unequivocally condemns the violence in which at least four Serbs and one Albanian were killed, and called on the international community to take immediate action. "My sincere condolences to the victims’ families and everyone affected by this tragedy. Bloodshed in the North of Kosovo is a tragedy that could and should have been prevented. Albin Kurti's irresponsible policies have set the stage for today's tragedy. Kurti's regime has 1) deployed his mono-ethnic special forces in the north of Kosovo outside any existing agreement, and ordered them to engage in a reign of terror; 2) publicly renounced the dialogue and its results; 3) forced the Serbs out of Kosovo police and other institutions by continuously violating their rights and existing agreements; 4) forcefully installed illegitimate mayors in all Northern municipalities against the will of the local population; 5) Kurti's regime and his extremists have engaged in more than 61 illegal raids into Serb majority areas, caused or perpetrated 51 ethnically motivated incidents and conducted 22 major escalatory moves," stated Djuric. He recalled that over the past six months seven Serb civilians have been shot by Kurti's forces, including children. "While there can be no justification for violence by any side, it should be perfectly clear who bears the responsibility. Kurti's bloody circus in the north of Kosovo should be stopped immediately before more innocent lives are lost. At this point it is essential for the international community to take urgent action and deprive Kurti of the means to cause instability," Djuric concluded.


Drecun: Kurti’s terror against Serbs led to “shooting point” in north Kosovo (RTS)


The Chair of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun points out that the specialized militarized units are Albin Kurti’s hammer for carrying out terror against the Serb people. That terror of Kurti, he emphasizes, led to a “shooting point” in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. He assesses that this is probably not the last case and that the Serb people must stand up to that terror if they want to survive there. He says that Serbs should listen to the leadership from Belgrade, that their country is Serbia, that the state leadership takes care of their interests. “And the failure of the dialogue in Brussels at the last meeting, for which Albin Kurti is solely responsible, will immediately go to the side. Now all attention will be redirected to this event, as was, you remember, the event in Zvecan. And then from that moment on, the responsibility is shifted non-stop to Serbia, to the Serb people,” says Drecun.


Dacic: Kurti enjoys support of aggressors (TV Prva/FoNet)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti enjoys the support of the people who supported the 1999 aggression against Serbia.

Speaking on TV Prva, Dacic accused Kurti of wanting to start a war and added that KFOR should have been called in before the clash took place on Sunday at the Banjska Monastery.

According to the Foreign Minister, the international community has practically allowed a conflict to break out in Kosovo. He added that the same thing happened when the ethnic Albanian mayors entered their offices in majority-Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo.

Dacic said that the Serbs have the right to defend themselves and express their political will.


Vucic informs Russian Ambassador that Kurti is carrying out brutal ethnic cleansing in Kosovo (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic today received Ambassador of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, and informed him about the fact that brutal ethnic cleansing is being carried out in Kosovo and Metohija, organized by Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti, with the support of a part of the international community.

"An important conversation with the ambassador of the Russian Federation, Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko. I am grateful that he listened to the pleas and requests of the Serbian side. I informed Botsan-Kharchenko of the fact that brutal ethnic cleansing is being carried out in Kosovo and Metohija organized by Albin Kurti with the support of a part of the international community," Vucic posted on Instagram.


Bilateral meetings of Dacic on sidelines of UN General Assembly session (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met, on the sidelines of the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, with the foreign ministers of Trinidad and Tobago, Bahrain, Guatemala, Belarus, Grenada, Oman and Yemen, as well as with the UN Under-Secretary-General holding the post of High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations (UNAOC). In a conversation with the UN Under-Secretary-General holding the post of High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations Miguel Angel Moratinos, Dacic positively assessed Serbia's cooperation with the Alliance so far and emphasized our support for its activities aimed at strengthening peace, stability, progress, tolerance and understanding of different cultures and religions. At the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, the strengthening of comprehensive cooperation between our countries, especially in the field of innovative economy, through increasing trade exchange and cooperation was discussed. The meeting on the sidelines of this global gathering was a good opportunity for Dacic to sign the Agreement on the abolition of visas for ordinary passports with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala Mario Adolfo Bucaro Flores. He also signed memoranda on political consultations and cooperation of diplomatic academies with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Oman Sayyid Badr Albusaidi. During the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Sergei Aleinik, the head of Serbian diplomacy expressed his gratitude for the firm and consistent support of this country for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. In a conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago Amery Browne, Dacic underlined Serbia's determination to further develop traditionally friendly relations and strengthen cooperation in the fields of agriculture, economy and tourism. At the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yemen Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, he conveyed that Serbia is interested in improving bilateral relations and cooperation with Yemen on a multilateral level. He discussed with UN Undersecretary for Operational Support Atul Khare about further forms of future cooperation in areas of mutual interest. At the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Grenada Joseph Andall, there was talk of deepening economic cooperation, including the exchange of visits at the highest level. In addition to these meetings, Dacic had the opportunity for short meetings and exchange of views with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Minister of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, as well as with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ghana Shirley Botchway. At the headquarters of the United Nations, he also deposited the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


Telekom’s appeal to work ban decision in Kosovo accepted (Tanjug)


State-owned company Telekom Srbija would continue operating in Kosovo after an appeal to the decision of Pristina-based authorities on erasing the MTS daughter company from the company register, it was announced on Friday. Accepting the appeal, which was filed by Telekom late in August, was a decision “of enormous importance” for the employees and users of MTS in Kosovo, Telekom Srbija Director Vladimir Lucic emphasized. “The decision brings back legal safety for operating and functioning of MTS in accordance with the rule of law”, it was announced by Telekom Srbija, whose daughter company could function in Kosovo in accordance with the regulations of Brussels agreement from 2013.


Obradovic: Serbia needs a new foreign policy strategy (Beta)


Serbia should redefine its relations with the EU and turn towards bilateral cooperation with the EU as an entity, as well as with individual member states, especially in areas where there are mutual interests, stated Bosko Obradovic, leader of the movement Dveri, on Saturday. Dveri presented a draft new Serbian foreign policy in May, which in his words is adjusted to “the large geopolitical changes in Europe and the world” which essentially implies suspending European integrations and the country turning towards organizations such as the Eurasian Union and BRICS. “The basic principles of that policy are acknowledgement of the new geopolitical reality and adjusting to the great geopolitical changes in Europe and the world, new forms of international cooperation based on peace and multipolarity, preservation of the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity, primarily the reintegration of Kosovo into the full constitutional and legal order of Serbia, and the preservation of Republika Srpska,” he said. According to Obradovic, suspending the anyway slow process of Serbia’s European integration, which has been greatly caused by Belgrade’s refusal to join the EU sanctions against Russia, and the absence of any realistic prospect of membership in the EU, implies Serbia “finally coming out of self-incarceration in European integration, which has failed”. “Serbia should strive towards cooperation within the European Economic Area, without any political conditioning and in mutual interest. Serbia should reassess the existing Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU and propose a new agreement on bilateral cooperation with the EU,” the Dveri leader said. Being that he is fiercely anti-NATO oriented, he stated that Serbia should reexamine all agreements with the Alliance and turn to “new forms of international cooperation, based on mutual respect and respecting peace and international law”.


Belgrade sees 21st Serbia Against Violence protest (Beta)


On Saturday, citizens of Belgrade took to the streets for the 21st time to participate in a new Serbia against Violence march, congregating in front of the parliament and concluding the march in front of RTS' headquarters. The protesters carried signs reading: "Turn off , turn your brain on", "The state, and the people are hostages of the AV mafia". People's Party MP Miroslav Aleksic said the protest would not be abandoned but would continue every Saturday, because "the streets are the only institution that works right now." The organizers of the protests are demanding that the managements of RTS and the Electronic Media Regulatory Authority be replaced and that Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin be sacked. The protesters are also demanding that the national frequencies of the TV Pink and Happy stations be revoked, and that media outlets that promote violence be shut down. The organizers of the protests are the caucuses of the "Heading Europe", the People's Party, the Democratic Party, Together-We Must, the Green-Left club and the People's Movement of Serbia-Ecologic Uprising-New Face of Serbia. These caucuses recently signed an "Agreement for Freedom", which entails joint action toward an early parliamentary election and elections in Belgrade, which they want to be held before the year is out.




Dodik says he supports Vucic in management of crisis in Kosovo (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that he fully supports Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the leadership of Serbia in the measured and correct management of this crisis situation in Kosovo. Dodik said all these events show the hypocrisy of the international community, which supports (Kosovo Prime Minister) Albin Kurti's moves to blame Serbs and Serbia for the situation in Kosovo. Dodik believes that the announced measures that will be taken by the leadership of Serbia will be in the interest of peace and stability for Serbia and the Serb people.


Dodik: Vucic’s speech at the UN was dignified (Srna/RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik pointed out that President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, presented his country and his people in a courageous, principled, dignified and statesmanlike manner in his address to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. “Aleksandar Vucic showed all his strength as a leader and statesman, but also the policy he represents, which the entire Serb people should stand behind, no matter where they live, because it is a policy of peace, respect for the principles of the UN Charter, international law, but also respect for the country and the people who represents and in whose name he spoke”, Dodik said in a statement for Srna. He pointed out that the President of the Republic of Serbia confirmed for the umpteenth time that Serbia, under his leadership, is a country of peace and tolerance, respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as basic human rights and international law in general. “Although I have been present politically for a long time, I carefully followed his address and then read it several times, and I can say for sure that in his speech Aleksandar Vucic gave a precise picture of the current geopolitical situation and boldly pointed out the perniciousness of the politics of domination and force, as well as the application of different principles and double standards when it comes to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. With that, the whole of Serbia should be proud of President Vucic’s speech, because it was a historic address that had not been heard for decades at such an important gathering as the UN General Assembly, and in which he worthily defended the views and principles of our country Serbia and our people”, Dodik assessed.


Protest rally ‘Border Exists’ held in Lapisnica (RTRS)


A peaceful rally in support of the RS institutions called ‘Border Exists’ was held in Lapisnica in Istocni Stari Grad (on Friday). At the meeting that gathered several thousand people, the citizens sent a message that the Serb people will fight for the RS and its institutions in a dignified and peaceful manner in every place. About 9,000 citizens gathered, and the gathering was secured by members of the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI). “Thirty years ago, my father chose to die with honor and dignity and to give his life together with his brothers and comrades, defending the same border that we defend today and on which we stand”, said Dragana Trifkovic, a child of a fallen soldier of the RS Army. Citizens reiterated that Christian Schmidt is illegal and has no right to impose decisions, nor to decide the fate of RS institutions. “I see these gatherings as support to institutions, not to an individual, no matter who holds the office of the RS President, I would come here, it means that we defend the institution, we defend our competences, and the border as a border is a symbolic name. I do not think that we need a border between peoples, but a border of their behaviour towards the RS President”, said Slavko Kovacevic, an RS Army veteran. Support rallies were previously held in Istocno Sarajevo, near Doboj, in the municipality of Lopare, on the main road between Priboj and Tuzla, then in Nevesinje, Koprivna near Ostra Luka, and Luke near Vlasenica, in Foca and in Ribnik. The rallies began on September 1, and due to dissatisfaction with the political indictment against RS President Milorad Dodik and acting Director of the Official Gazette of the RS Milos Lukic. The indictment against Dodik and Lukic was confirmed by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on 11 September, due to non-execution of Christian Schmidt’s decisions.


PIC SB Ambassadors issue joint statement, reiterate their firm support to mandate of HR Schmidt and OHR in overseeing civilian implementation of GFAP (AJB)


The Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council’s Steering Board (PIC SB) issued a joint statement on Friday reiterating their firm and consistent support to the mandate of High Representative Christian Schmidt and to the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in overseeing the civilian implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP). The PIC SB resolutely rejects any attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the OHR and the High Representative and reminds of its decision from 27 May 2021, to appoint Christian Schmidt as High Representative. The PIC SB also recalls that on 14 July 2023, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reaffirmed in a letter to B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic that the PIC SB is the relevant body for the appointment of the High Representative. “Any attempt to restrict the ability of the High Representative to execute his mandate under Annex 10 of the GFAP on the entire territory of the country is an act of non-compliance with the GFAP. The High Representative will continue to fulfil his mandate throughout the whole territory of B&H”, noted the PIC SB. The PIC SB urges RS President Milorad Dodik to immediately stop his policy of non-recognition of and non-cooperation with the High Representative which is detrimental to the interests of the RS. The PIC SB also reiterated that the international community is fully committed and retains the necessary instruments to uphold the GFAP, including the territorial integrity of B&H.


Escobar: Schmidt has our full support, as well as full support of EU and PIC (RFE/Dnevni list)


US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar gave an interview for Radio Free Europe and was asked, among other issues, to comment on (High Representative) Christian Schmidt and statements by RS President Milorad Dodik that he (Schmidt) will be deported if he tried to enter the RS. “First of all, he (Dodik) doesn't have that authority. Let me say that the role of the High Representative in B&H is laid out in the Dayton Peace Agreement. So, he is an important part of Dayton. His legitimacy draws from Dayton. And he has our full support, as well as the full support of the EU. And not only that, he has the full support of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC)”, said Escobar. Asked to comment on consent differences in B&H, Escobar said: “I think it is foremost the local leaders who are responsible for what is happening in B&H. We constantly call on all leaders of B&H to respect the Dayton Peace Agreement, to respect its structures, including the High Representative, and to work jointly so B&H moves towards the EU”.


Russian Embassy: Schmidt is not the High Representative (RTRS)


“German citizen Christian Schmidt is not the High Representative in B&H without a relevant resolution of the UN Security Council (UN SC). The usurpation by individual members of the (Peace Implementation Council – PIC) Steering Board (SB) of the right to ‘appoint’ the High Representative is absolutely unacceptable”, the Russian Embassy in B&H wrote on Friday. The Embassy stated that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, in response to a letter from Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, confirmed that there is no appropriate UN Security Council resolution approving Christian Schmidt’s candidacy and that he is therefore illegitimate. “The very fact that after a significant period of ‘work’ by Christian Schmidt, some ambassadors are turning to the topic of the legitimacy of the German citizen - all this expressly confirms that they themselves do not believe in him”, the Russian Embassy assessed. The Russian Embassy points out that the “tragicomic persona Christian Schmidt” is the best argument in favor of closing down the Office of the High Representative (OHR). Ambassador of the Russian Federation to B&H Igor Kalabukhov said on Saturday that Russia's position is that Christian Schmidt does not have the mandate and authority of the High Representative (GR) because there is no UN Security Council resolution that gives him that legitimacy. Kalabukhov reminded that according to Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the High Representative has only the role of moderation, i.e. dialogue between the parties in B&H, without blackmail by the international factor. "We respect the official position of the RS and the President of the RS, Mr. (Milorad) Dodik, that Christian Schmidt does not have that legitimacy. This means that he cannot act as the High Representative and does not have all the authorities that go with the High Representative," Kalabukhov pointed out. Ambassador Kalabukhov underlined that the West has been attempting to impose Schmidt as the High Representative, adding that in this way the West only destabilizes situation in B&H. “We see attempts of our Western opponents to push this story. I think it is lame, their attempt to say Schmidt has some legitimacy. He does not have this legitimacy”, said Kalabukhov.


Dodik: Not even a self-organized group of ambassadors in Sarajevo can help Schmidt (RTRS)


“Not even a self-organized group of ambassadors in Sarajevo, called the PIC (Peace Implementation Council), can help Christian Schmidt. The only thing that can help him is to show the relevant decision of the UN Security Council (UN SC) on his appointment”, RS President Milorad Dodik said on Friday. Dodik pointed out that it is high time for the ambassadors to introduce reality into decision-making and action in B&H, and not to deal exclusively with helping and rescuing Schmidt, who, as he said, was not legitimately appointed by the UN Security Council and whose actions are causing incalculable damage and stop the European path of B&H. “Schmidt became the collateral damage of certain frustrated ambassadors, such as that (US Ambassador to B&H) Michael Murphy, so now they remembered that they were rescuing him as a ‘Good Soldier Schweik’”, Dodik stated. He emphasized that he knows very well what is written in the Dayton Peace Accords and there is no need for anyone to call him to respect this agreement. “Nor should I take anyone's word for what is written there, especially not some ambassadors who have shown very bad intentions towards the RS”, Dodik added.


Dodik: Lately, a line has been drawn of Schmidt’s support for fascist structure from the World War II (ATV)


Politically suspicious moves of Christian Schmidt are more and more being unearthed. Those moves were made while he was in politics in Germany. The latest such example is his presence at the gathering in Bavaria where veterans of Wehrmacht were glorified, i.e. the Nazi units from the World War II. Also, Schmidt advocated rehabilitation of one of the Nazi officers. RS President Milorad Dodik emphasized that everyone knows that Schmidt is not a legitimately elected High Representative, which is why the RS does not recognize him since the beginning, as well as that lately a line has been drawn of Schmidt’s support for fascist structure from the World War II. “He is illegal. You can see lately how the lines of his support for the fascist structures from World War II are being drawn very clearly, where, as the Minister of Defense, he tried to rehabilitate one of the men from the air force and because of that he had problems in Germany as well. And then he comes here to talk to us in any capacity. It is unacceptable for him to talk about it. He has to shut up and disappear because he is simply neither relevant nor has a moral basis to talk about anything”, Dodik told reporters.


Croatian President: Kosovo is a reality and Serbia must accept it (HRT)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who is on a working visit to the United States, said on 22 September that Kosovo was a reality and that Serbia would have to come to terms with it. The president called on the member states of the United Nations to recognize Kosovo’s independence, the Office of the President of Croatia has said. Urging Serbia and Kosovo to honor their agreement and what they signed, Milanovic said that “I support the right of the Albanian people in Kosovo and of the Kosovo state to exist, just like I support their membership in the UN.” “Serbia can obstruct this, which it is doing, but Serbia is aware that Kosovo is a reality. It is not easy, but it will have to come to terms with this,” Milanovic said, who called for the recognition of Kosovo’s independence in an earlier speech before the UN General Assembly.


Milanovic: ECHR is trying to force B&H to change its Constitution with its idiotic and dangerous rulings; B&H Constitution will never be changed as long as I am politically alive (Dnevni list)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented the address of B&H Presidency Chair Zeljko Komsic before the UN General Assembly and stated that it was “a private speech”. He underlined that Komsic did not speak on behalf of the entire state or all citizens of B&H. According to Milanovic, Komsic’s speech was full of bad statements which can create a wrong impression with people who are not well-informed about the situation. He reminded that Komsic compared Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic with Russian President Vladimir Putin because he failed to recognize the judgments of European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). According to Milanovic, these judgments are “idiotic” decisions rendered by judges who pretend to be peacemakers. Milanovic said that the ECHR judges serve a certain purpose in the coordinated action of Komsic and parts of the international community. “The judgments are idiotic and dangerous because the judgments are attempting to change the Dayton Peace Agreement. That is impossible. That is the path to conflict”, said Milanovic. Speaking about the ECHR judgments, Milanovic warned that the latest one in the Kovacevic case is undermining the rights of the three constituent peoples in B&H. He argued that the ECHR is trying to force B&H to change its Constitution which is impossible because constitutional changes would not have the sufficient majority support. “That will never happen as long as I am politically alive”, said Milanovic, expressing hope that the next Government of Croatia will act in the same direction.


Plenkovic against deploying military on Croatia-B&H border (Dnevni list)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic visited Rijeka on Friday and commented, among other issues, the current migrant crisis on the border with B&H. According to Plenkovic, 6,500 police officers are protecting outer borders of the EU, which is enough. “There is no military on the borders, Croatia is not at war. Ignore their (MOST party) ideas”, said Plenkovic. He further said he expects bigger engagement of the police in B&H: “What we expect from the partners, such as B&H, is to control the exit out of the country, not just the entrance”.


MFA: Montenegro strongly condemns the attack on the Kosovo police, we appeal to the de-escalation of tensions (CdM)


Montenegro strongly condemns the attack on the Kosovo police, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday and appealed for a de-escalation of tensions. They expressed condolences on the killing of the policeman on the X network, along with wishes for the recovery of the injured. "We appeal to the de-escalation of tensions and support the work of the EULEX and NATO KFOR in the field. We call for a full investigation", said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They emphasized that those responsible for that act must be brought to justice.


Milatovic: Montenegro is a candidate for the position of a non-permanent member of the Security Council, we are committed to the goals and principles of the UN (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic spoke at the General Debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, and on that occasion said that this year's theme of the General Debate reflects the key challenge facing the United Nations - rebuilding trust and global solidarity, and said that this is accelerating activities on the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. He also said that the current geopolitical crisis represents a serious challenge to international peace and security and an alarming indicator of the need to return to the provisions of the UN Charter and civilizational values on which the world order based on rules rests. "I confirm and repeat Montenegro's strong support and commitment to the goals and principles of the United Nations - especially in times like these when global unity and solidarity are sorely needed. To effectively solve global problems, we need wise leadership. Instead of uniting in common efforts, we often share only common concerns. However, the only way to deal with widespread crises is to act united," said Milatovic. He assessed that the citizens of Montenegro clearly said in the recent elections that they want changes and thus gave an unprecedented level of support for the new era of democratic development of our country. "Therefore, I have no doubts when it comes to the political direction that our citizens want to see: strengthening the rule of law, developing prosperity, ensuring social cohesion and equal opportunities. I am very aware of how important these goals are for the preservation of our young democracy and freedom, especially at a time when the processes of de-democratization are becoming more and more evident around the world", said Milatovic. He particularly emphasized the importance of the rule of law as the key to unlocking economic potential and improving living standards. "Building truly democratic and independent institutions is crucial on that path. Therefore, we are committed to zero tolerance for corruption and organized crime. In order to better achieve our broader political goals, we base our foreign policy on three pillars: speeding up our integration into the European Union, further strengthening the credibility of Montenegro as a member of NATO and nurturing the best possible relations with all our neighbours in the Balkans," announced Milatovic. He said that Montenegro is committed to preserving lasting peace in the Balkans, which is why he began his mandate by strengthening friendship with the Balkan neighbours. "We also intensified talks with the European Union and in that way extensively elaborated on the need for the fastest possible accession of Montenegro to the EU, as the best possible signal for all other aspirant countries that the EU perspective is still alive. Following these principles, during the four months of my mandate, we have opened a significant dialogue with civil society and vulnerable communities, with the aim of striving for and ultimately achieving a truly inclusive society where no one is left behind. My goal is to create an environment of equal opportunities where success in life is primarily determined by education and hard work. That is my story, which I believe can become the story of Montenegro," said Milatovic. He confirmed the clear position of Montenegro in condemning, he said, Russia's unprovoked and unjustified aggression as well as the firm support of the state to Ukraine. "In addition to destroying Ukraine, this war caused an energy, food and financial crisis that particularly harmed the least developed countries of the world. In this regard, and in accordance with the UN Charter and the adopted resolutions of the General Assembly, we share the desire for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine," said Milatovic. He reiterated that Montenegro is firmly committed and determined to actively and constructively contribute and support collective efforts to preserve peace and security in the world and welcomed the "New Agenda for Peace", with which the Secretary General laid the foundation stone for the restoration of a new international system based on trust and solidarity. "Montenegro remains determined on the path of the Euro-Atlantic future, good neighbourly relations and multilateralism. Appreciating this fact, we launched a candidacy for the position of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period from 2026 to 2027. As a European country, not only geographically, but more importantly, in terms of values and principles, we are convinced that the accession of Montenegro to the EU, as well as the entire region of the Western Balkans, will further strengthen our international position and enable lasting peace and prosperity. Therefore, the entry of Montenegro into the EU is a significant story not only for Montenegro itself, but it would provide a positive example to all aspirant countries from the Balkans to the East of Europe, that EU enlargement is alive and still possible," concluded Milatovic.


Milatovic-Guterres: the UN is a key ally of Montenegro for the realization of the 2030 Agenda (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. In a conversation with the Secretary General of the UN, he presented the efforts that Montenegro is making on the way to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. "We see the United Nations as a key ally on the way to achieving Agenda 2030, and we remain committed to that goal through the creation of a healthy and prosperous society for all our citizens," said Milatovic. He thanked the Secretary General for the support provided by the UN. "I am sure that in the coming period we will do a lot together to create a better, common future", announced Milatovic after the meeting.


Lajcak with Milatovic: Use the current momentum for the rapid integration of Montenegro into the EU (CdM)


The EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo Miroslav Lajcak met with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic in New York. Lajcak states that he had a "long and honest conversation" with Milatovic. "We discussed the current situation in Montenegro, the importance of maintaining the Euro-Atlantic course and the urgency to use the current momentum for the rapid integration of Montenegro into the EU," Lajcak wrote on the X platform, better known as Twitter.


Mandic: Milatovic’s address eagerly awaited (Borba/CdM)


Leader of the New Serb Democracy and one of the leaders of the For the Future of Montenegro bloc Andrija Mandic has stated that the address of the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic has been eagerly awaited following his return from the United States. “Everyone wants to know whether he’s going to be the messenger of wishes of other countries or the guardian of the will and freedom of his own people,” Mr Mandic has pointed out in an interview for Borba. According to him, it’s rare to hear serious people talking in the public, the real patriots who criticise and don’t accept the “policy of dictatorship” because they understand the violation of the principle of sovereignty and country’s independence. “Many stay silent because of fear, some because they want to enter the government, while some obey foreigners in an attempt to grab the position of parliament speaker or minister. Unfortunately, such behaviour won’t stay just on the level of personal shame and irresponsibility, but will spread on wider audience,” Mandic considers.


There will be Serbs in new govt, improvement of standards in the spotlight, Petric says (CdM)


Citizens of Montenegro may be calm, the Djukanovic’s era has passed. It means that the policy of discrimination on various bases has passed as well, noted the Europe Now MP Drazen Petric. “The focus of a new government will be to improve standards, rule of law and accelerate the EU integrations. It’d mean better life for all Montenegrins, Serbs, Bosniaks, Albanians, Croats and other peoples who live in Montenegro”. According to him, it’s not true that the new government will discriminate any peoples. “Although there are some aggressive manipulations suggesting that there’s the intent to exclude Serbs from the government, it’s simply not true. There will be Serbs in the new government, and I personally wouldn’t back a government with an anti-Serbian orientation. Montenegro won’t be an enslaved country and all the peoples will have the freedom of expression of their qualities in the forthcoming census,” Petric says in a statement.


Grubi and Osmani condemn killing of policeman in Kosovo, appeal for stabilizing the situation (MIA)


First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani condemned on Sunday the killing of a policeman in the north of Kosovo and expressed their condolences to the grieving family, appealing for finding perpetrators promptly and stabilizing the situation. Grubi underscored that the attack and killing of the Kosovo policeman was “an attempt to provoke a crisis and conflict with implications for the peace, stability and security of our region.” “The planned destabilizing events in north of Kosovo towards the police, the state, and the region are unacceptable. I strongly condemn the attack on the Kosovo police in which policeman Afrim Bunjaku was killed and others were wounded in the north of Kosovo. I appeal for vigilance and maturity, immediate arrest of the murderers, stabilization of the situation, determination to restore law and order and close coordination with the international community. My sincere condolences to the Bunjaku family and I wish the wounded a speedy recovery,” Grubi said. In a Facebook post, Osmani condemned the attack and called for “the act of violence to be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted.” “I condemn in the strongest terms the killing of a police officer on duty in the north of the Republic of Kosovo. My condolences to the family and friends of the killed officer, and best wishes for a speedy recovery to those injured. The act of violence to be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted. Kosovo's stability and security will not be disrupted by acts of violence. The safety of the citizens is above all,” Osmani wrote on Facebook. One policeman was killed and another wounded early Sunday during an armed attack by masked persons in the village of Banjska, Leposavic, in north Kosovo, MIA’s Prishtina correspondent reported. Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on his Facebook page that around 3:00 am Sunday, the Kosovo police were attacked in Banjska, and as a result of the attack, police sergeant A.B. was killed, while another policeman was wounded.


Pendarovski: Skopje-Moscow relations at historic low point (VoA/MIA)


North Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski said on 23 September that his country had expelled 21 Russian diplomats over the last two years for engaging in espionage. In an interview with the Voice of America in Macedonian in New York, where the UN General Assembly session was being held, he said Skopje had expelled 18 Russian diplomats over the last two years -- not counting the last three, who were declared persona non grata some ten days ago, who had diplomatic status, but had engaged in espionage. Noting that Skopje-Moscow relations were at an all-time low because of this, he said it logically followed that Russia would respond in kind to the expulsion of its diplomats, but that North Macedonia had had no choice but to do it.


The murder of the police officer in the north of Kosova, Begaj: An organized criminal act. Internationals to react against the orchestrators (Radio Tirana)


President of Albania Bajram Begaj has condemned the event recorded in the north of Kosova, where armed groups shot at the Kosova Police, murdering one officer and injuring another. Begaj considers the event an organized criminal act and violation of Kosovo's order. Begaj calls on the international community to react to the orchestrators and implementers of this act. The head of state also emphasizes Albania's support for Kosovo. "I strongly condemn the attack on the Kosovo Police in the municipality of Leposavic, where one policeman was killed, and two others were injured. This organized criminal act is a serious violation of the order and security in the Republic of Kosovo. I call on the international community to react decisively to the orchestrators and implementers of this extremely serious act for the stability of Kosovo and peace in the Western Balkans region. I express my sincere condolences to the family of the murdered officer and wish a quick recovery to the injured officer. In these moments, calmness, prudence and close cooperation with KFOR and allies are needed more than ever. Albania stands always in support of Kosova," writes Begaj. The serious event was recorded in the early hours of this Sunday morning (September 24) in North Mitrovica, at the entrance to the village of Banjska, where armed men blocked the road with trucks and then fired firearms and hand grenades against Kosovo Police. As a result, one officer lost his life, and another was injured. The government of Kosovo has accused official Belgrade of being responsible for the attack.


Rama repeats the need for an extraordinary peace conference between Kosovo and Serbia, under the guarantee of the EU and the US (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama has reacted to the serious incident that took place in the north of Kosovo, where one officer was murdered and another was injured, as a result of gunfire from criminal groups. In a post on the social network, Rama asks the Euro-Atlantic community to bring Kosovo and Serbia to the dialogue table "without a return". According to Rama, it is necessary to call an extraordinary peace conference, under the supervision and guarantee of the EU and the US. Likewise, the head of the Albanian government adds that it is necessary to take measures with KFOR, in order to prevent further escalation of the situation. "The Euro-Atlantic community must gather all its imposing force and irreversibly seat Kosovo and Serbia on the table of the Normalization Dialogue. Convening an extraordinary peace conference, under the supervision and guarantee of the European Union and the United States, and simultaneously taking all extraordinary measures with KFOR, to prevent further escalation of the situation, are a strategic necessity not only to the order and security in Kosova today, but also to the peace and future of the region tomorrow, before the prolonged crisis in the North of Kosova gets out of control and turns into a destabilizing fire for the entire region," writes Rama. The prime minister considers the event as an alarm bell for the risk of this crisis escalating into an armed conflict. "The tragedy of the loss of life of the Kosovo Police officer is the biggest alarm bell to date for the ongoing risk of the continuing crisis to escalate into an armed conflict. Perpetrators who took the life of an innocent man, who served in the state uniform of the law enforcement forces of the Republic of Kosovo, must be brought to justice," emphasizes Rama.


Albania at the UN, Begaj: We led the Council, we asked for the recognition of Kosovo (Albanian RT/Radio Tirana)


Albanian President Bajram Begaj described the visit of the high-level Albanian delegation to the UN as successful. He recalled that in his speech before the UN, he requested the recognition of Kosovo, while Prime Minister Edi Rama led the Security Council meeting where he faced Russia, asking to stop the war in Ukraine. President Begaj made his statements in an interview for the Albanian Radio Television journalist Blerta Tafani. "I appreciate a busy week with several meetings and activities which this forum that meets once a year, has its own importance. Of course, the week started with a high-level meeting on sustainable development goals and one joint statement was adopted. All countries, regardless of how rich or poor they are, have defined strategic objects to work on. The individual is at the center of these objectives. It is the individual and around the individual that we must work to never abandon and exclude, rather to work for economic welfare, while having peace, security, stability, progress and sustainable development," said President Begaj. Remembering that Albania has not only embraced these objectives for a sustainable development for the Agenda 2030, but has also occasionally become the initiator of the best possible realization of these objectives, journalist Blerta Tafani, asked whether Albanian authorities have received evaluations from world leaders present at the summit. "Definitely, these sustainable development objectives have been embraced by Albania. Since several years we have agreed upon these objectives, but due to the war in Ukraine, because of the pandemic, and events that has happened related with catastrophes have made these objectives to slow down or in some countries do not develop at all. Now is the moment where we need to be aware to work actively together to make it possible to achieve these objectives," said President Bajram Begaj. In respect to the bilateral meetings President Begaj held, he said that Kosovo was not absent in any of them. "For me it is the priority of priorities," he said. The Albanian side has discussed how the situation should be resolved, underlining the need to focus on the implementation of the Brussels Agreement and the annexes agreed in Ohrid. "The only way out of the stranglehold of disputes is compromise," he said. Relative to the cooperation with the Kosovo authorities, he said that "we must join forces to cooperate for new recognitions of the country and work that Kosovo becomes a member of international organizations". Speaking about the one-year activity as the country's president, Mr. Begaj said that he hoped that he had conveyed the message that the country needed a constructive political debate, with ideas and viewpoints, without quarrels, because the Albanian citizens expect a lot. "My responsibility is to be a representative of the unity of the people and to be above the political parties," said President Bajram Begaj during the interview for the Albanian Radio Television.