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Belgrade Media Report 12 October



Guterres published a report on Kosovo: Main priorities - stability and de-escalation (RTV/Tanjug)


UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres published a report on the situation in Kosovo. It states that the Security Council's main priority is maintaining stability in Kosovo and de-escalating tensions in the north, RTV reports. Guterres indicated that the format of the session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo in October, when the Council is chaired by Brazil, could be changed, that is, that the session be closed to the public, especially after the tensions that marked the session held on 27 April. As stated, the change of format would allow "a more honest discussion on the challenges of implementing the agreement from February".

In addition, it states that the members of the Security Council are united in their support for the dialogue mediated by the EU, but that there are deep divisions between the five permanent members - those who recognize Kosovo (US, Great Britain and France) and support its government and those who do not recognize the independence of Kosovo (Russia and China) and strongly support Serbia's position. Among the other members that will attend the session, seven recognize Kosovo (Albania, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates), and three do not (Brazil, Ecuador and Mozambique). Another issue on which the permanent members of the UN Security Council do not agree is the issue of changing UNMIK's mandate, Guterres said. The USA demanded the disruption of UNMIK's mandate and a reduction in the frequency of sessions on the situation in Kosovo, similar to Great Britain, while Russia opposes the idea and advocates open and regular sessions of the UN Security Council. The report describes the events in Kosovo from February this year, when, as stated, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti accepted the EU's proposal for the normalization of relations, until September of this year, when the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and security Josep Borrell attributed the stall in the negotiations to Kurti's insistence that Serbia formally recognize Kosovo, before the implementation of the February agreement. "Kurti was not ready to move forward and start a credible process towards the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Kurti insisted that the formalization of de facto recognition be the first step," said Borrell at the time, adding that Vucic accepted the EU's proposal on the simultaneous implementation of points from agreement. Guterres points out that the UN Security Council will continue to monitor diplomatic efforts to improve the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and all efforts towards reaching a final, legally binding agreement.


Vucic: We will see Western envoys' package on 21 October (Tanjug/B92/RTS/RTV/Politika/N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday a "package" to be brought to Serbia by a group of five Western envoys by the end of this month would be revealed on 21 October. Asked by reporters if he expected additional pressure, Vucic responded that he did not know what the phrase meant as he faced pressure on a daily basis. "You face external pressure, and those who would like to bring Serbia down in various ways. I do not believe that is the case with the 'Five', I believe they want to set the problems regarding a resolution of the crisis in Kosovo and Metohija in a different way. I am hoping so - on 21 October we will see what the package is like and what they are bringing," Vucic said. He also said he would leave for New York on the same day for an 23 October UN Security Council session. He added that he is faced with the fact that a part of the people wants to limit Serbia from the outside, to lower Serbia's forces, and in this he finds helpers in our country. He asked the present journalists, whose questions he answered after celebrating the anniversary of the Dedinje Institute, if they are aware of what happened when they talked about the introduction of sanctions in Serbia? "Someone sent Borrell a letter from this country. Not to impose sanctions on Kurti, nor on those who mistreat people. They wrote to Borrell asking him to impose sanctions on their own country. That has never happened, anywhere, in any country. Do you understand? If the government can be overthrown like that, just so they can get something for themselves, it's so irresponsible and frivolous," Vucic said, adding that it seems to him that people in Serbia are starting to realize that. "I'm rather restrained when I talk about it, while they deserved a much harder answer, because we want to be calm and decent and try to get out of a difficult situation and that's the most important thing," he said. "People need to know that when your personal, party, tycoon and similar interests become your only yardstick, then the country is in serious trouble. And you can see that from the countries that have experienced such a destiny, and that is what we must not allow", concluded Vucic. Vucic said Milan Radojicic’s role in the Banjska armed incident would be investigated fully but added that he is not a prosecutor and can’t comment further. Vucic said that the origins of the money to buy black market weapons would be investigated. “You won’t like my answer, Dragan Djilas and Miroslav Aleksic have much more money. Radojicic invested in his house in Kosovo,” Vucic said answering a question about Radojicic’s house on lake Gazivode and the weapons seized after the incident. He said an indictment against Radojicic is coming once the investigation determines the fact, adding that he does not want to defend him. Vucic deflected a question about reports that high-ranking Serbian Gendarmerie officer Nenad Vuckovic commanded the Belivuk organized crime clan which was created after Vucic’s SNS came to power saying that the Zemun crime clan was formed when Djilas and Aleksic were in power. “Other clans were formed in our time which is why they were all arrested,” Vucic said.


Munsch, Mojsilovic discuss security situation in region, Kosovo and Metohija (Politika/Tanjug)


The Commander of the NATO Joint Force Command in Naples Admiral Stuart Munsch, who is on a visit to Serbia, met with Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Milan Mojsilovic on Wednesday to discuss the security situations in Kosovo-Metohija, the region and worldwide. Mojsilovic and Munsch also exchanged views on prospects for cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and the Naples Command, with focus on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, as international forces in the province are under the authority of the Command. They said the cooperation to date had been constructive and professional and that the partnership, underway with full respect of the policy of Serbia's military neutrality, contributed to peace and stability in the region, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement. They expressed readiness to continue the cooperation in all fields of mutual interest, above all, in those relating to development of capabilities for participation in multinational operations. Mojsilovic presented to Munsch Serbia's positions and views on the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija as well as on the challenges, risks and threats facing Serbs in the province, as well as the entire region. Mojsilovic noted that, in line with UNSC Resolution 1244 and all signed agreements, Serbia continued to see KFOR as the only legitimate security actor in the province and that it, therefore, expected the Naples Command to take steps to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement to all, above all, to Serbs.


Continuity of cooperation, dialogue between Serbia, NATO (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met yesterday with Commander of the NATO Allied Joint Forces Command in Naples Admiral Stuart Munsch, who is on an official visit to our country. Vucevic pointed out the importance of meetings that contribute to preserving the continuity of cooperation and dialogue between Serbia and NATO. He  expressed his concern about the events and the position of the Serbian people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and expressed his belief that the negotiations on the normalisation of relations will continue. He emphasised that escalation of violence is absolutely unacceptable for our side and that Serbia is committed to the process of dialogue, as the only way to peacefully resolve all issues from the political and technical range. According to him, Serbia has never, nor will it in the future, make moves that could threaten peace or destabilise the situation on the ground. He said that he considers it important that KFOR plays a key role in ensuring security in Kosovo and Metohija and expressed the expectation that the mission will impartially and in accordance with the assigned mandate affect the prevention of future unilateral actions, which lead to the degradation of a security-sensitive situation. Admiral Munsch confirmed NATO's commitment to peace and stability in the Western Balkans. He added that, in light of recent events, NATO is continuously monitoring the situation and taking careful steps, with member states sending additional troops, so that KFOR has the strength, capabilities and flexibility to impartially carry out tasks in accordance with the mandate of the United Nations, in order to maintain a secure and a safe environment and freedom of movement for the population in Kosovo and Metohija.


Serbia's commitment to peaceful solution to problems in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with Deputy Managing Director (EURCA WEST) of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Marko Makovec. Dacic informed Makovec about the latest developments in Kosovo and Metohija, particularly emphasising all the measures taken by Serbia in order to de-escalate the situation. The head of Serbian diplomacy reiterated our principled determination that all outstanding issues in the process of normalising relations between Belgrade and Pristina should be resolved peacefully, with respect for all agreements reached so far, primarily the Brussels agreement, which was reached with the mediation of the EU. Makovec underlined serious concern regarding the events in Banjska on 24 September and the importance of establishing the circumstances through an investigation. He emphasised the necessity of lowering tensions, de-escalation and return to dialogue under the auspices of the EU. Also, the current moment of the European integration of Serbia was discussed, with special reference to the reform measures that were taken in the previous period. The mutual conclusion is that the reform process must continue, and the negotiation process must be accelerated, in accordance with the strategic foreign policy goal of Serbia to join the EU.


Vucevic: Early elections by year’s end (B92)


The leader of the Serbian Progressive Party Milos Vucevic stated yesterday that he expected early elections to be held by the end of the year. He announced that the party’s Main Committee would soon hold a session to prepare for the forthcoming activities. “We are entering the election campaign and we have no problems. We are rejoicing because elections are a festival of democracy, and may the citizens decide on the direction Serbia is to take,” Vucevic said in an interview to B92. He stated that the opposition had called for elections and that they would have them, “but God only knows what they want… nobody can make heads or tails of it because they change their mind on a daily basis”. “They will have the parliamentary elections, provincial ones, for the City of Belgrade and a little fewer than 70 local self-administration units. In spring next year, we will have elections for around 100 local self-administration units,” Vucevic stated.


Petkovic: Kurti began preparing ground for new terror and persecution of Serb people (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated today that the prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti has started preparing the ground for a new persecution of the Serb people. "Today, Albin Kurti started preparing the ground for more terror and persecution of the Serb people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija with a brutal campaign of lies and misinformation. It is now clear that he will continue to use unsustainable conspiracy theories and fabricated threats in order to intensify the repression of the Serbs even more in the coming period. Historically, the occupiers have always tried to present themselves as protectors of the enslaved, however, Kurti's tactic of 'occupying you for your own good' will not go down well with the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, who saw through Pristina's intentions a long time ago and feel the consequences of Kurti's terror on their own skin every day," said Petkovic. He explained that the source of all the problems in Kosovo is Kurti and his police, who sow fear among the Serb population in the north of the province. "The sole source of all problems in Kosovo and Metohija are Kurti and his criminal para-police, who sow terror and fear among the peaceful Serb people in the north of the province. And that's why the only way to build peace and lower tensions is through the necessary de-escalation that Pristina must implement and immediately withdraw its police 'phalanxes' from the north of the province, stop the daily arrests of innocent Serbs and any other forms of oppression. Kurti will not willingly agree to stand down in any way, because his goal is neither dialogue nor normalization, but a fundamental change of the situation on the ground, through perfidious ethnic cleansing, under the guise of concern for security in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. That is why it is necessary for influential international actors in Kosovo and Metohija to look reality in the eye and stop Kurti's project," he said.


Cochard: EU expects Serbia to establish truth about events in Kosovo’s north (Euronews Serbia/Beta)


The French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard said on Wednesday that the EU did not discuss sanctions in the wake of events in the Kosovo northern village of Banjska, but that Serbia was expected to do what is necessary, or rather, establish the truth as to what happened and hold those responsible to account. “The situation is as it is right now. We do not discuss sanctions or any consequences based on some hypothetical elements. What we expect Serbia to do is to establish the truth and bring those responsible to justice,” Cochard said in an interview with the Euronews Serbia. The Ambassador also said that all European states wanted the events in Banjska to be clarified, which was very important for moving forward, and which would define the Union’s reaction.


Serbian opposition to Borrell: Situation worse, concerned about measures (N1)


A group of Serbian parliamentary opposition parties said in a letter to the EU’s top diplomat that the security situation deteriorated seriously following the Banjska armed incident and expressed concern over the possibility of measures being introduced against Serbia. “The events in the village of Banjska in the north of Kosovo have deeply disturbed the citizens of Serbia, having potentially even wider consequences. The security situation has seriously deteriorated. There is no doubt that profound constructive engagement by the international community in Kosovo is needed, including the EU mediation, whose efforts we welcome, but which have proven to be insufficient so far,” the letter to High Representative Josep Borrell said. It said that the authorities in Belgrade bear a significant part of the political and other responsibility for the events in Banjska and pointed out “a large number of violent and unjustified actions against the Serbian population in the north of Kosovo that have been undertaken by the government of Albin Kurti” including brutal police actions, unfounded arrests, ban on goods from Serbia, inadequate response to violence against Serbs and the forceful imposing of mayors after low-turnout elections. “This dangerous trend must be stopped. Setting aside Mr. Kurti’s motives, a blind eye shouldn’t be turned to the more frequent provocations towards Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija, undermining any attempt to contribute to the dialogue and peaceful coexistence of the communities,” it added. According to the opposition parties, the Kosovo Serbs are caught between “a criminalised and authoritarian Serb list and Kurti’s systematic oppression”. They blamed Vucic for encouraging Serbs to quit Kosovo institutions and abolishing political pluralism among the Kosovo Serbs which, it said, enabled violence, caused political victims and encouraged a general state of insecurity and hopelessness, leading to a new wave of emigration. “We are deeply concerned about the announcements on the possibility of introducing measures against Serbia. We would like to point out that we, as the democratic opposition in Serbia, deeply oppose that. Any hostile action affecting Serbia and its population would only further endanger our country and the region, strengthen existing Euroscepticism and dangerous nationalistic narrative, and bring Serbia back to its ’90s image. “On the other hand, the political and personal responsibility of Aleksandar Vucic for the current situation is obvious. Therefore, any possible measure should be imposed on him and his closest political allies. We have been pointing out for a long time that Mr. Vucic should not generate international support as an exclusive interlocutor because of, among other things, the suppression of democracy, human rights, election conditions, and media abuse in Serbia. Mr. Vucic is part of the problem, not the solution to the current degradation of the overall situation – both in Serbia and beyond. A democratic government in Serbia is a prerequisite for seeking long-term solutions for complex problems, both in Kosovo and for broader stability and peace in the Western Balkans region,” the letter said. It was signed by the leaders of the Democratic Party, Narodni pokret Srbije, Movement of Free Citizens, Serbia Center – Srce, Party of Freedom and Justice, Zajedno and the Green Left Front/Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own.


Serb from Priluzje in Kosovo and Metohija released (Tanjug)


Tomica B. (52), a Serb man from Priluzje in Kosovo and Metohija, was released from custody yesterday. He was arrested by members of the so-called Kosovo police at the Merdare administrative checkpoint, without any explanation. He was then taken to Pristina, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced on Wednesday. "With the new arbitrary arrests of Serbs by Pristina, a message is being sent to our people that they are not welcome on their own land, and they are being further intimidated, with the aim of permanently expelling them from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," said the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Poll shows half of Serbians think Kosovo is lost; almost 70 percent said they do not support recognition of Kosovo as a condition for EU membership (FoNet)


Almost half the public believe that Kosovo is lost to Serbia with just a third believing it is not, a poll by the Institute for European Affairs said. The poll by the Institute and Smart Plus Research covered 1,200 people who were asked about their attitudes towards Kosovo. People aged 30-44 believe Kosovo is lost to Serbia while people over the age of 60 feel there is still hope of bringing it back into the fold. The poll authors said that the trends have not changed over the past 8 years. The polled were divided over Belgrade’s possible recognition of Kosovo with 32.3 percent saying it’s possible, 39.8 percent saying no and 27.9 percent saying they don’t know. Views on recognition have changed with more people thinking it’s possible. Almost 70 percent (69.8%) said they do not support recognition of Kosovo as a condition for EU membership. The vast majority of the polled have no idea what the government’s plan for Kosovo is and just 19.3 percent said they know President Aleksandar Vucic has a plan. About 75 percent of the polled support the idea of a lasting peace with the Kosovo Albanians with just 9.3 percent opposed. Almost half had no clear view of the EU plan to normalize Belgrade-Pristina relations.


Outvoting of Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic will not pass (Politika, by Dusanka Stanisic)


Delegate in the Serb Caucus of the House of Peoples (HoP) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac (SNSD) commented on the latest outvoting of Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and said that all laws that were passed by outvoting will be rejected in the parliamentary procedure. Novakovic-Bursac also commented on Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and said that “this only speaks about his pathological ambition to politically position himself as a leader of Bosniaks, and not his real desire to organize and regulate certain matter”.




Cvijanovic expects RS parliament to support her decision to veto conclusions adopted by B&H Presidency (O Kanal)


Member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic commented on Wednesday on the vital national interest (VNI) that she invoked after she was outvoted at the session of the B&H Presidency by other two members of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic on Tuesday. Namely, Becirovic and Komsic adopted a conclusion according to which ultimatums, separatist policies and attacks on the state of B&H and institutions should immediately end. The conclusion proposes strong and timely reaction of the Office of the High Representative and calls on the EU – modelled on the US and the UK’ sanctions - to implement the adopted decision of the European Parliament within the shortest possible deadline that demands sanctions for destructive politicians that openly undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement. According to Cvijanovic, the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament will most likely support the Serb member of the B&H Presidency in situations of outvoting. In her opinion, this obviously shows the constant tendency to adopt some things by outvoting not accepting the fact that there should be consent of all three members of the B&H Presidency in order to adopt decisions, and that they are all equal in this institution.


Kosarac: Any transfer of competencies is out of question (RTRS)


Deputy Chair of the B&H Council of Ministers Stasa Kosarac stated for RTRS from Moscow on Wednesday that Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic protects interest of the RS in an adequate and constitutional way and by launching the procedure of VNI she prevents attempts to deprive the RS of its competencies. He added: “It is obvious that there is still a political structure in the B&H Presidency which tries in every possible way to transfer a part of competencies which belong to the RS to B&H level.” He added that any transfer of competencies is out of question. Kosarac sent the message to B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic to direct their energy, if that can be positive at all, to the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the ways how to pass positive legal regulations and catch up with the RS.


Viskovic: Political Sarajevo has lost all standards of normal behavior (RTRS)


In a statement to RTRS on Wednesday, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that “political Sarajevo” has lost all standards of normal behavior and that outvoting of Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic represents another attempt to undermine B&H. Viskovic said that the political Sarajevo also undermines the coexistence they allegedly swear in. He underlined that the RS has its own Law on Gas and this sector will remain under the RS competence. Viskovic stressed that no proposal, no matter where it comes from, will get necessary majority to transfer this competence to B&H level. The RS PM noted that he is certain the RS parliament will confirm Cvijanovic’s invoking of vital entity interest.


Covic and Konakovic discuss political dialogue within ruling coalition at level of B&H, reform laws (N1)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met with B&H Foreign Minister and NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic, in Mostar on Wednesday. They discussed the current political situation, political dialogue within the ruling coalition at the level of B&H and reform laws. Konakovic told N1 that things got complicated in the past weeks and that SNSD is the one that blocks the processes, adding that the law on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H will not be tailored by RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. He assessed that attacks on the B&H CC are inacceptable and that this is not the right timing to demand that foreign judges leave the B&H CC. “It is bad that they set this as a condition and a new meeting of the coalition partners at the state level is expected to take place after 15 October. I hope that SNSD has not decided to put the final end to this story”, Konakovic stated. In a statement issued after the meeting, HDZ B&H stated that political dialogue is important in order to have functional authorities. N1 reminded that the current convocation of B&H parliament has so far adopted nine laws, including five proposed by the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), noting that more laws would have been adopted if there was not for SNSD’s blocking the laws on courts and international treaties that were rejected by B&H CoM. According to Dodik’s advisor Ognjen Tadic, the RS’ stance defined by the RS leadership and the RS representatives in joint institutions at the level of B&H is that it is pointless to build optimism on some kind of B&H’s future until the necessary trust is expressed through the adoption of the law ensuring the removal of foreign judges from the B&H CC.


Israeli Ambassador Peleg harshly condemns Komsic’s statement on developments in Israel (Oslobodjenje)


Israeli Ambassador to B&H Galit Peleg protested against the BHRT interview with Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, “in which he indirectly justified the attack of Hamas on Israel saying that this should be viewed within “a context”. Peleg also reacted to the statement of Komsic who judged as hasty and selfish the statement of B&H Council of Ministers Chairwoman Borjana Kristo, who expressed unambiguous support to Israel after the terrorist attack of Hamas. Peleg said that Kristo did not take the side of Israel but of human beings and she posed a question to Komsic as to what he actually stands for and which sort of values he advocates. She reminded him that innocent civilians, women, children, old people were killed in attacks of Hamas. Peleg noted that Komsic believes that all of this should be viewed within “the context”. Pelog asked Komsic: “Within which context? The context of IS? Auschwitz? Which context gives legitimacy to torturing of small children? To kidnap old women? To kill babies in their beds?” As for Komsic’s claim that BiH reactions to developments in Middle East are used for internal political showdowns, Ambassador Peleg send him the message that she does not intend to deal with this, but she wants that facts are respected: She concluded: “In this barbarian attack of Hamas savages, people are victims, while perpetrators are the murderers who are not even close to being humans. On which side of history, you will be remembered Mister Komsic?”


Komsic answers Ambassador Peleg: It is obvious you neither seen nor heard my statement (


Chairman of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic answered Israeli Ambassador to B&H Galit Peleg after she criticizes his earlier statements and accused him of support to Hamas. “Honored Ambassador, this that You said concerning my statement on a stance of (Chair of CoM) Borjana Kristo and everything that is happening these days in Israel and Gaza, I can only say that something like this, which You said is not only untrue (see and listen to my statement), but is something that can be said only by either a malicious lying fool or a manipulated, also malicious fool! Being that I trust that You belong to this second category after all, the message to You is following- this perverse person who persuaded You into this lie and foolishness because You obviously have not seen or listened to my statement, and to who money is more important than the fact that he is earning it with followers of the policy and ideology which participated in Holocaust against Your people, is a problem of your country!”


ZDC Assembly votes no-confidence in ZDC government (FTV)


The Zenica Doboj Canton (ZDC) Assembly held an extraordinary session on Wednesday and voted no-confidence in the ZDC government led by ZDC Prime Minister (PM) Amra Mehmedic (BHI KF). They called on Mehmedic to resign and if she fails to do this, they will hold a new session in the upcoming days and vote on the removal of the ZDC government. Thus, after ten months, SDA, SBB B&H and independent councillors will become the ruling authorities, while members of a new ZDC government will most likely be ministers from DF and NES who were already on these positions as their parties are also members of the new parliamentary majority. FTV noted that the entire convocation of a new ZDC government and the name of ZDC PM-Designate – that SDA will propose - will be known in the upcoming days. Head of SDA Caucus in the ZDC Assembly Alija Ogric stated that they launched the procedure because the ZDC government failed to fulfill its work program. The opposition formed of SDP B&H, NIP, HDZ B&H and ‘Bosanskohercegovacka inicijativa – Kasumovic Fuad (BHI-KF)’ denied the allegations and reasons of the new majority for the removal of the ZDC government. In this regard, Mehmedic presented a work report claiming that the ZDC government did a good job and in the interest of citizens.


Nesic and Director of UN Office of Counter-Terrorism Gregorian discuss fight against terrorism (Avaz)


B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic has met with Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General and Director of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Raffi Gregorian in Sarajevo on Monday. It was stated that the cooperation between the Security Ministry and UNOCT is implemented through exchange of experience and support to creation of the legislative framework for the fight against use of cryptos for financing of terrorism. It was also stated that currently there are workshops for strengthening the capacity of law enforcement agencies and judiciary in the fight against use of new technologies for terrorist purposes. Pleasure was expressed since the cooperation of the Ministry and UNOCT in this area will continue next year as well. During the meeting, Nesic informed Gregorian about the activities that B&H takes in the fight against terrorism. He stressed that B&H as a candidate for EU membership, a member of the UN and Anti-Terrorist Coalition is committed to the fight against terrorism and meeting of international obligations in this area.


Gregorian and Galic and Goganovic discuss various aspects of counter-terrorist fight, B&H AF (


Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General and Director of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism Raffi Gregorian is paying a visit to B&H and he met with B&H Deputy Ministers of Defense Slaven Galic and Aleksandar Goganovic in Sarajevo on Wednesday. They talked about various aspects of counter-terrorist fight in the world, wider participation of the B&H Armed Forces (AF) in international peace missions, UN missions in Kongo and Mali, where the B&H AF have military observers or officers in the HQ. Talking about the situation in the world and the region, Gregorian concluded that a terrorist threat in B&H is minimal and B&H security institutions keep the situation under control. He added that one has to be careful nevertheless. Galic and Goganovic stated that the security situation in B&H is stable and EUFOR also confirmed this. They both stressed importance of further extending the mandate of EUFOR in B&H. Galic expressed belief that B&H institutions would fight against terrorist threats in an easier manner if B&H were a full member of the EU and NATO. Goganovic stressed that the whole world should unite in the fight against terrorism with respecting of the international law, including the international law on human rights and international humanitarian law, where he sees the UN as a roof institution. Goganovic harshly condemned the latest terrorist attacks on Israel. Goganovic stressed: “Peace, stability and security of B&H are an imperative, with respecting of the DPA, which envisages that all decisions are passed based on an agreement of three peoples and two entities, and therefore RS officials are committed to the cooperation with NATO in accordance with Program of Reforms, which the B&H Presidency adopted in 2019.” The collocutors also talked about the time when the defense reform was agreed upon and Gregorian said that while reaching a consensus on the new defense system of B&H, it was agreed that none would get everything they wanted, but they all got what they needed. He added: “We created at that time the joint B&H AF for the future, as the AF for new generations.” On this occasion, Gregorian was awarded with the Gold Plaque of the B&H Ministry of Defense.


Spajic after meeting: We have much larger majority than expected, we’re working on agreement (CdM)


After the meeting with the representatives of potential constituents of the new government, PM-designate Milojko Spajic announced that they have a much larger majority than expected. The meeting was attended, Spajic said, by those who confirmed their participation in the parliamentary majority. He did not want to comment on the question asked about the Bosniak party, which is speculated to be out of the government for the time being, but he pointed out that he would not close the door for them. Spajic did not answer the question of who would the parliament speaker be. “It is important that we start the reforms”, he emphasized. After the meeting, SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic briefly commented in passing that they were satisfied. A meeting of potential constituents of the future government was held in the premises of the Europe Now Movement. The meeting lasted for about an hour and a half. The Albanian Alternative leader Nik Gjeloshaj left the meeting earlier, but he did not want to tell the media the reason for his action.


October 2023 and Spajic’s govt gathering winners of 30 August 2020 (CdM)


URA also received an invitation to negotiate to be part of the government, so we are on the verge of seeing the same scenario that followed the election on 30 August 2020. The government will not be expert but political, and with small corrections, everything will be the same as three years ago – the same actors with slightly changed positions. Starting from the government of Europe Now Movement (PES), Democrats and parties of less numerous nations, as it started at the beginning of the negotiations of the PM-designate Milojko Spajic, as things stand now, we have come to the government composed of the much-mentioned 30 August majority. The same scenario – a little shuffling of the cards, and that’s the result. This was confirmed by Caretaker PM Dritan Abazovic, who told journalists that URA also received an invitation for talks about joining the government. He said he supports the possible composition of the new government, if it is a composition that can lead to some changes in Montenegro. Until now, URA was not officially in the game for the government, but unofficial information obtained by CdM in the last 10 days indicated that the invitation to Abazovic would still happen and that the plan was for the same forces that formed the government after 30 August to be part of the government led by Spajic.


Abazovic: I have no objection to possible govt. composition, URA gets Spajic’s invitation (CdM)


“We need a new government and I have no objection to the possible composition of the government, we will see what the configuration will be and who will be in it. The goal is to gather those having won 30 August election and to continue the reform path”, Caretaker PM Dritan Abazovic has stated. He points out he would support a composition that can lead to some changes in Montenegro. Abazovic has told journalists that URA received an invitation from the PM-designate Milojko Spajic. He has emphasized he has a different opinion when it comes to the principles and actions of the future government. “I have a different opinion about the government when it comes to its principles and actions. If there is a meeting with Spajic, we will dedicate it to whether we can match the visions of Montenegro that we have. I am of the opinion that I would do differently the things I have heard of in the public so far, I think that the priorities of Montenegro are different, they are not in any unrealistic things and promises, but in things that really need to be done in the coming days”, he points out. Abazovic says he is ready to lead a public debate with all political entities in the parliament.


Minister Hasani meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Perebyinis: Unwavering solidarity for Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani held a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Yevhen Perebyinis. Minister Hasani reiterated Albania's unwavering support and solidarity for Ukraine and its people in their heroic resistance. During the day, Hasani held courtesy meetings. He met with the Ambassador of Slovenia Peter Japelj and the Ambassador of Sweden Niklas Strom. They discussed the strengthening of bilateral relations and the advancement of Albania's European integration process.


Nikola meets Ambassador Peleg: Albania supports Israel, against terrorists (Radio Tirana)


Speaker of the parliament Lindita Nikolla met with the Ambassador of Israel Galit Peleg to discuss the recent developments in the Israel war. Nikolla reaffirmed to Ambassador Peleg that the parliament, the government, and the Albanian people strongly condemn the terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel, and they stand in solidarity with the Israeli people during these challenging times of war. "This is not just Israel's war, but a battle between the civilized world and terrorists. In these deeply tragic moments for the entire Israeli population, the civilized world unites in support and condemns terrorism and the loss of innocent lives. Albania stands alongside its strategic partners, the USA and the EU, in the fight against terrorism to safeguard security and peace," stated Nikolla. Ambassador Peleg expressed gratitude to President Nikolla for the support extended by the parliament, the government, and the people of Albania to Israel during these challenging times. She underscored that this war is not aimed at the people of Palestine but is targeted against terrorists.