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Belgrade Media Report 23 October 2023



Guterres calls on Belgrade, Pristina to refrain from unilateral actions (Tanjug)


In his latest semi-annual report on the work of UNMIK, the UN mission in Kosovo, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on Belgrade and Pristina to "exercise restraint and refrain from taking unilateral actions that could lead to heightened tensions and further escalation." In the report, covering the period between 19 March and 18 September, Guterres said it was "worrying that the parties have not made significant progress on the implementation of the Agreement on the path to normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia and that they have yet to reach accord on the sequencing of the provisions of its annex". "The past six months have been marked by continued discord between Belgrade and Pristina, in particular on the legitimacy of the newly elected Kosovo Albanian mayors in the four northern Kosovo Serb-majority municipalities. The security situation on the ground continued to deteriorate as a result of provocations and heightened rhetoric by the parties, leading to violent clashes in which members of the Kosovo Force, as well as civilians and journalists, were injured. The following contributed to the tense environment: protests in northern Kosovo; arrests of Kosovo Serbs; the detainment by Serbian authorities of three Kosovo police officers; new deployments of Kosovo police special operations units in northern Kosovo; land expropriations; and multiple security incidents," Guterres said. "Lack of progress in the dialogue bears the risk of further tensions and possible escalation on the ground. I call upon the parties to reaffirm their genuine commitment to the EU-facilitated dialogue and to fully implement all agreements reached thus far," he noted. "It is essential to find a solution to promptly hold early and inclusive local elections in northern Kosovo, with the participation of Kosovo Serbs, to defuse tensions and move forward." Condemning "attacks against international presences on the ground, and the use of violence in general", Guterres said the "escalation of tensions and security incidents in May and June have adversely impacted the dialogue process". "It is imperative that the actions of political leaders are driven by a commitment to address the concerns of all people of Kosovo. Dialogue remains the only pathway to resolving all open issues." In the report, which provides a detailed account of all developments in Kosovo and Metohija, Guterres welcomed the Declaration on Missing Persons endorsed by Belgrade and Pristina on 2 May in the EU-facilitated dialogue and urged the parties to "undertake all necessary measures to implement its provisions in good faith". "I encourage all parties to implement measures that safeguard and promote respect for human rights. Enforcement of the rule of law, including during arrests, charging, detentions and actions related to property rights, should be exercised in strict conformity with the legal framework of Kosovo and international human rights standards," he added. "Increased tensions have continued to impact the already fragile trust among communities and between institutions and communities, making renewed trust-building efforts and inter-community engagements a resolute Mission priority," Guterres said. "I reiterate my call on the Kosovo government to implement the 2016 ruling of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo regarding the property of the Visoki Decani monastery. This would signal a significant commitment by the Kosovo government to uphold the rule of law and constitutional order and would enhance public trust in its institutions." "The priorities of the Mission remain to promote security, stability and respect for human rights in Kosovo and in the region. In pursuit of its goals, UNMIK continues its constructive engagement with Pristina and Belgrade, all communities in Kosovo and regional and international actors," Guterres also said. The report will be presented in the UN Security Council on Monday, 23 October.


Vucic: EU, US officials’ only goal is for Serbia to recognize Kosovo; claims foreign services have a plan to oust his SNS party (TV Pink)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday after meeting with European and US representatives in Belgrade that the conversations were "difficult" and that "the most powerful countries of the EU and US recognized Kosovo's independence" and that "strategically their only goal is for Serbia to recognize Kosovo as independent". "Whether the reason would be Banjska or something else, that can change in terms of tactics, but essentially the policy is always to treat Serbia so that Pristina has the upper hand, because 22 out of the EU's 27 members, the most powerful ones, have recognized the independence of Serbia, and the U.S. especially. It is clear how things stand," Vucic told TV Pink. About the recent events in the village of Banjska in northern Kosovo, he said that the incident was "tactically horrible" for Serbia and "brought disastrous moments and weeks or months of fallout". "I believe we will manage to find a way out and that Serbia will continue to take the good path with big wins in the economy and building infrastructure, improving health care for citizens, while at the same time preserving the essence of national policy and national interests," Vucic said. "To them (Western officials), Kosovo is an independent state... We have to understand that kind of reality," Vucic said, adding that the US and Germany would not change their stances. Vucic said that there is a plan by foreign services to oust his SNS from power. Vucic said that the opposition was working not only against him, but against his country, and he stated in detail that there was a “plan of foreign services” to overthrow the SNS, but he did not specify who it was about. He said that, according to public opinion polls, the SNS has the support of about 44 percent of voters, the SPS about 10, the right-wing parties about 13 without Vojislav Seselj and Sasa Radulovic, and the pro-European opposition 22 to 23 percent, but that he thinks it will be even less. He stressed that the SNS, along with the minority parties, still has a decent majority. “Their plan is as follows, to let the right wing be useful idiots and talk about us being traitors, to bring us down to 37, the SPS to raise it to 13 so they can start blackmailing, to give 16 to the right wing, and leave them at 23, and there is no more majority. This is why I want to warn people, that’s why a vote for the SNS and for the movement that will be founded is important,” he said.


Vucic says he has “sleepless nights” because of the Quint (FoNet)


“Today will probably be one of the most difficult days for me and Serbia, since I know what the representatives of Quint are bringing, I have sleepless nights because of that, I don't know if I would shout or cry over it, but we will succeed in not giving Serbia as a gift to anyone and Serbia will remain ours”, said the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, speaking to members of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) a few hours ahead of the meeting with the representatives of Quint countries. At an event to mark 15 years since the establishment of the SNS in Sabac, Vucic said that “the big, strong, strongest and mighty are coming”, and that Serbia is a small country. “We have to protect the people and children, and I can promise that I will protect Serbia,” Vucic told the SNS members. He stressed that he will fight with all his strength “no matter how many there are, no matter how strong they are” and promised to protect Kosovo and the Serb people there.


Lajcak: We expect Kosovo, Serbia to meet all of their agreed obligations (Beta/RTS/RTV/Politika)


EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said in Belgrade, on Saturday, that Serbia and Kosovo were expected to start fulfilling their obligations arising from the Ohrid Agreement, as well as all earlier agreements. After a meeting between the “Big Five” and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Lajcak described it as lengthy and important. “We have expressed our concerns over the negative path in the process of normalization between Serbia and Kosovo, which is directly connected to their European path,” Lajcak said. The EU representative said the purpose of the visit was to find a way to achieve tangible progress in the process of implementing the Ohrid Agreement, and de-escalate the situation after recent events. The Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said the meeting with the US and EU representatives was “difficult,” and that he expected important meetings in Brussels in the days to come. The delegation included US and EU special representatives for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar and Miroslav Lajcak, foreign policy advisers to the French President and the German Chancellor, Emmanuel Bonne and Jens Ploetner, respectively, and a diplomatic aide to the Italian Prime Minister Alessandro Catane. They first visited Pristina to meet with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, after which Lajcak said that they arrived with a plan that would be presented to both leaders, but disclosed no further details.


Vucevic: The opposition winning the election would mean Serbia giving up its military neutrality (Beta/FoNet)


The president of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Milos Vucevic said that the SNS preserved the freedom and independence of Serbia and restored its reputation, which is the result of the work of all party members. Addressing the SNS members of the party, he used the opportunity to intimidate them with predictions of what would happen if those who were previously in power won again. Vucevic told the gathered party members that the 15 years of the party’s existence is only the “first half”, and that the second will not be easy at all. “The opponent will be allowed to hurt us, the referee will give us yellow and red cards, and we must understand well that everything that was done in 15 years can be washed away in an incredibly short period of time if those who destroyed Serbia are back in power,” Vucevic said at the celebration. He told the members that the “biggest political tycoon of Serbia” Dragan Djilas is behind the eventual opposition in the election, adding that he will not be running for the post alone because he thinks that Marinika Tepic and Miroslav Aleksic are more acceptable to voters. If they were to return to power “they would impose sanctions on Russia on the same day and make Serbia’s position on the protection of Kosovo more difficult”, Vucevic said. He added that the opposition would go towards making Serbia a part of the NATO alliance and thereby have the country give up its military neutrality. Vucevic also stated that the opposition would “declare Serbia a genocidal state” and the Serbian people “a genocidal nation” if it would take over.


Mojsilovic meets with new KFOR commander (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of General Staff General Milan Mojsilovic met on Friday in Belgrade with KFOR Commander Maj Gen Ozkan Ulutas, who assumed the post last week. They discussed the current security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and activities that could be undertaken to improve peace and security in the territory of Serbia's southern province, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement. Mojsilovic noted the SAF, in line with UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement, saw KFOR as the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija, and said he expected international security forces to take the steps necessary for de-escalation of the situation and protect the Serbian national, cultural and historical and religious heritage. Mojsilovic noted the significance of SAF-KFOR cooperation established at all levels with a view to maintaining security and preventing crises, with full and unbiased implementation of the mandate given to KFOR under the UN SC resolution.


Serbian Defense Ministry rejects Kurti’s accusations (N1)


The Serbian Defense Ministry rejected accusations of involvement in the Banjska armed incident made by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti against Defense Minister Milos Vucevic. “The Defense Ministry absolutely rejects the disgusting lies made by Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina Albin Kurti and calls the international community to immediately react to stop the inflammatory and dirty media campaign by the Pristina leadership directed at Serbia and its officials,” a press release said. “The brazen lies, insults and slander that Kurti places daily as part of the dirty media campaign against the state of Serbia and its leadership completely lay bare his intention of destroying every chance of easing tensions in our southern province,” the Ministry added. It said that “Pristina should immediately stop the daily terror over the Serb population, implement all agreements and immediately form the Community of Serb Municipalities”.


Drecun: New plan of Big Five for deblocking Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug)


The Chair of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said that from the statement of the EU special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak it can be concluded that the Big Five has a new plan to unblock the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. “That new plan is aimed at progress and achieving, as they say, the implementation of the basic agreement on normalization and the annex from Ohrid. For us, it is still only a proposal for an agreement on normalization, and it is related to the de-escalation of the situation,” Drecun told Tanjug. As he pointed out, we can draw the conclusion from Lajcak’s statement that they have a new plan on how to unblock the blocked dialogue, how to realize what is their strategic goal, and what Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked about. “The goals of that new plan are completely different when it comes to Belgrade on the one hand, and Pristina and these four, or five leading Western countries on the other,” said Drecun. Drecun stressed that their goal is strategic, and that they want to force Serbia to recognize the fake state of Kosovo. “That is Pristina’s goal, and that is why Kurti says that he insists on talking as much as possible, in order to implement what they call an agreement, and what we say is not an agreement for us,” said Drecun. He explained that the goal is to achieve the recognition of the fake state by Belgrade in two phases. “The first phase is related to the proposal of the basic agreement and refers to enabling the fake state of Kosovo to become a member of all international organizations, that Belgrade does not oppose and that we treat them as some kind of state, that is, to recognize them de facto. In the second phase the goal is to make a legally binding agreement on normalization of relations, which would include a legally defined recognition, that is, to pursue the recognition of the fake state of Kosovo,” said Drecun. He also said that it can be concluded from the statements coming from the West that the Community of Serb Municipalities needs to be formed without delay. “The second statement is related to what happened in Banjska and that Belgrade must actively participate in the investigation. Our side is already working to ensure that those responsible must be punished...,” said Drecun.


Conference on Kosovo and Metohija in Washington, Djuric: Kurti’s goal is ethnic cleansing (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric said on Saturday at the Prayer for Peace, Stability and Justice conference in Washington that the goal of the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti is to carry out the complete ethnic cleansing of the Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) from Kosovo and Metohija. Djuric added that he is sure that Kurti, when he finishes expelling the Serbs and the SPC, “will try to erase all physical evidence of their existence”. “He is implementing a fascist agenda in Kosovo. I know it’s a hard word, but if you analyze everything he does, you can’t come to another conclusion. I want us to talk about it today” said Djuric. He said that this situation requires the action of “our entire community” and added that greater involvement of the US in solving the situation is also necessary. Recalling that the US administration condemned Kurti’s behavior, he stressed that it is necessary to “go one step further”. Djuric pointed out that Kurti “attacked the basic values for which the international community stands for in Kosovo”. He emphasized that 20 months ago, when Albin Kurti was elected as prime minister, things in Kosovo and Metohija began to deteriorate rapidly and that an “unprecedented situation” and ethnic cleansing occurred during that period. He pointed out that the number of Serbs decreased by 11 percent in just 12 months, and that it is assumed that the number is even higher. He added that when Kurti came to power, he started implementing a radical national agenda “which he has always followed, as well as that he changed the structure of Serbs in the police”. “According to the Brussels agreement, the Serbs had their commander in the north, that was Nenad Djuric. But Kurti replaced him and started sending hundreds and hundreds of members of special units to the north, violating all possible agreements, even the constitution. He changed the ethnic structure of the police. Took away land in the north for the construction of a mono-ethnic paramilitary police force,” said Djuric. As he stated, the result of all this is a huge number of ethnically motivated attacks. “In 20 months, there were 450 ethnically motivated attacks on Serbs, 61 Serbs were arrested, we have dozens of them who are kept as political prisoners in Kurti’s prisons, without verdicts and trials,” said Djuric. He reminded that those incidents were condemned by the international community, “sometimes with harsh words” and that even the US Secretary of State had a harsh comment on Kurti’s behavior, but he pointed out that on the ground, KFOR and EULEX do not prevent his actions. He said that is why the Serbs tried to protest, first with the barricades in the north. “The situation is terrible in Kosovo. We had shootings at children on Christmas Day, which was done by a member of the KBS, a force that violates all international agreements. He shot an 11-year-old boy and was recently released. Message from the Kurti regime is - even if you shoot at Serbs, you will not be punished. Now we had the expulsion of the abbot of the monastery,” said the Serbian Ambassador. Djuric presented the information that after 1999, 247,000 Serbs were expelled from Kosovo, which, he said, is an unprecedented situation in post-war history. “The vast majority did not return to their homes - only 1.7 percent of Serbs returned, which is the lowest return rate anywhere in the world according to official United Nations data. Certain cities, such as Prizren, the former Serbian capital, were left without Serbs. There were 42,000 Serbs, and today there are only 20 senior citizens. If it wasn’t for our church, we wouldn’t have a single Serb in Prizren,” said Djuric. He also reminded that after 2000, Serbia took a different political direction, oriented towards Europe, but that the violence against Serbs continued. Speaking about the pogrom in 2004, he said that the violence that lasted for days was not prevented and that 35 churches and monasteries were set on fire. According to him, in 2008, Kosovo was “rewarded with another support by the unilateral declaration of independence”. “Kosovo declared independence in a situation where Serbia had a democratic government, on the European path, which was a member of the Council of Europe, the OSCE, and numerous organizations. A referendum was never held, but only a decision of a mono-ethnic group, without the support of the Serb community. Unfortunately, numerous countries have recognized it,” said Djuric. The goal of the conference, which brought together a large number of distinguished Serbs from the diaspora, as well as representatives of Serbian institutions from Kosovo and Metohija, is to shed light on the repression suffered by the Serb people under the regime of the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti and to send a common, clear message to the American public about the continuous violation of human rights. the rights of Serbs in Kosovo, which, as stated in the invitation to the conference, which is a key issue that requires urgent attention and action. Also, one of the goals is for the representatives of the Serbian community to take an active part in establishing connections with organizations dedicated to advocating and changing the policy towards Kosovo and Metohija.


US, EU confirm joint commitment to stability in Western Balkans (RFE/Beta)


In a joint declaration issued at the end of an EU-U.S. summit in Washington on Friday, both sides reaffirmed their joint commitment to stability in the Western Balkans and support for the region's European perspective, Radio Free Europe has reported. “All of the partners should continue the reforms necessary for progress on their European path,” said the final document, released at the end of the meeting between the EU leaders and US President Joseph Biden. A separate paragraph of the document discusses the process of normalizing relations between Serbia and Kosovo, the RFE said. “We are underlining the need for Kosovo and Serbia to urgently de-escalate tensions, quickly and unconditionally implement the Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia and return to the EU-supported Dialogue,” the EU and US leaders said in the joint declaration.


Belgrade sees 25th Serbia Against Violence protest (Beta)


On Saturday, Belgraders took to the streets for the 25th time to participate in a new Serbia against Violence march, taking the so-called "media route" to the seat of RTS and the Electronic Media Regulatory Authority. Green-Left Front MP Radomir Lazovic painted the plaque with the name of the Electronic Media Regulatory Authority at the entrance to the building where that body convenes pink. "As the future government we promise that TV Pink and Happy will not have national coverage," Lazovic told the protesters. The demands defined by the pro-European opposition which is organizing the protests are that Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin be sacked for their institutional responsibility. The demands also include shutting down print media outlets and tabloids that publish fake news and consistently violate the journalistic code of ethics and the dismissal of the management of RTS. The protesters were invited to attend another anti-violence demonstration next Saturday to show that "we are light, and the regime darkness".




OFAC imposes sanctions on Dodik’s children; Both Dodik and his children say that sanctions only confirm that Dodik is pursuing best policy for RS (Nova BH)


As of Friday, the US blacklist is richer for two more names from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Namely, the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has imposed sanctions on Igor Dodik and Gorica Dodik, children of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, and blacklisted four companies in their ownership, including Gradiska-based ‘Fruit Eco’, Laktasi-based ‘Agro Voce’, Laktasi-based ‘Global Liberty’ and Banja Luka-based ‘Agape’. “Igor engaged in bribery of opposition politicians, who were offered political appointments in exchange for critical information and election observer positions at polling locations. Dodik’s daughter, Gorica, is involved in handling political and business activities for her father, to include owning several entities that receive substantial RS government assistance at Dodik’s direction,” the OFAC said in a statement. “Since 2021, Dodik has increased the involvement of his son, Igor Dodik, and daughter, Gorica Dodik, in political and business activities within the RS, causing concern that the RS was becoming more like a Dodik family business rather than a political entity of BiH,” the OFAC stated. Both Dodik and his children stated that the sanctions only confirm that Dodik is pursuing the best policy for the RS. Both Igor and Gorica Dodik stated that they are not bothered by the US sanctions. The same was said at one point by their father who found himself on the US blacklist two times.


US Department of State: Sanctions aimed at destroying of network which facilitates Dodik’ leading role in undermining DPA and authority of HR (Dnevni avaz)


Daily carried statement of Spokesperson of Department of State Matthew Miller following the decision on imposing of sanctions against Milorad Dodik’s children Gorica and Igor and four companies, which are brought in connection with them. “This network facilitates Dodik’s leading role in undermining the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement and the authority of the High Representative, as well as perpetuating deeply entrenched corruption in B&H. This network also reinforces the country’s patronage-based economy, thereby inhibiting critically important economic growth and opportunity for B&H citizens. US-designated Dodik – a leading voice of genocide denial and driver of the deepening divisions and political impasse in the country – has misused his official government position to accumulate personal wealth through graft, bribery, and other forms of corruption. Most recently, Dodik pushed for the passage of a June 2023 RS parliament law that purports to declare the decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court and those of the High Representative inapplicable in the RS, thus obstructing implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Dodik signed the law into effect in July, despite the High Representative’s action to annul the law, which led the Court of B&H to indict Dodik for ignoring these decisions. Today’s designations aim to disrupt elements of the financial network that personally enriches and enables Dodik at the expense of the territorial integrity and functional governance of B&H, along with the general economic wellbeing of the RS. These actions build on prior U.S. sanctions and visa restrictions to promote accountability for persons who engage in corruption and undermine democratic processes or institutions in the region. They are part of the U.S. government’s wider efforts to promote peace, stability, and functional democratic governance in the Western Balkans,” reads the statement.


US Embassy to B&H comments on sanctions to Igor and Gorica Dodik, says Milorad Dodik has been using his official position to gain personal wealth (Nezavisne)


Following the decision of the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to impose sanctions against Igor Dodik and Gorica Dodik, adult children of RS President Milorad Dodik, the US Embassy to B&) stated that Milorad Dodik was a member of B&H Presidency and “he is well known for his open calls and activities aimed at one-sided transfer of state competencies from the state level of B&H onto the level of the RS, one of the two entities B&H is consisted of”. The US Embassy to B&H also noted that “Dodik has been and still is using his official position in B&H to accumulate personal wealth through bribe and other forms of corruption”. The US Embassy to B&H also stated that “they also supported destabilizing policies, activities and rhetoric which disputed and undermined sovereignty, territorial integrity and multiethnic character of B&H, including attacks on the Dayton Peace Agreement and Constitution of B&H. USA will continue to use sanctions as means of fight against corruption and it will insist on responsibility of individuals”.


Vucic sarcastically comments on Washington's decision to impose sanctions on Dodik’s children (Nova BH)


Speaking about the decision of the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to impose sanctions on Igor Dodik and Gorica Dodik, children of R) President Milorad Dodik, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic Saturday made a sarcastic comment on Washington's latest move. “I congratulate you on your courage, heroes. Kudos to you, what heroes you are. See that you also impose sanctions on the grandchildren," Vucic was quoted as saying.


Dodik on latest developments/Comments on Dodik’s statements (Oslobodjenje)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that independence of this entity is “a realistic alternative in the future”. “The RS is free and wide for everyone, except for its enemies,” said Dodik. He added that “constant pressures and attacks are pushing RS into independence”. Dodik also said that RS will be bringing difficult political decisions in the future, because they will certainly not allow to be pushed aside. He noted that today the world is in disarray, but the RS is in order, however, constant pressures and attacks are pushing it into the independence. He noted that the USA demonstrates hostility toward the RS and want to reduce everything presenting him as a problem. Dodik said that the first time the US issued sanctions against him, he actually started living better. They did not affect my life and my movements and activities in any way, the RS President adds. “I have no problems, I can communicate with anyone. I do not want to communicate with Americans, of course. If they had any evidence about my crime, do you think I would be standing here today”, Dodik stressed. He underlined that he will be the RS President for as long as the RS wants, not US Ambassador Michael Murphy or political Sarajevo. He stressed that RS has 49% of the territory, border with the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and taken competencies will have to be returned to the RS. FB&H Minister of Interior Ramo Isak responded to Dodik’s statement telling him to come to his senses as his only alternative is prison. He said that Dodik may be encouraged by the current support of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, “but this means nothing. He will also forsake you when he sees that time is ticking and that the dark times, when you were reaching decisions, has passed”. B&) Minister of Security Nenad Nesic pointed out that the RS President Milorad Dodik is a free man, and he will freely perform the function of the RS President, as long as he has the trust of the RS citizens. This was Nesic’s response to the FB&H Minister of Interior Ramo Isak, who said that prison is the realistic alternative for Dodik. Nesic said that such statements represent the pressure of Bosniak politicians on the judiciary and show how absurd B&H is. He added that Isak went beyond the scope of his competences. “Ramo Isak will not arrest anyone in the RS, not today, not tomorrow, nor ever. I recommend to Mr. Isak to deal with the rifles that were found in the Municipality of Stari Grad, what they were prepared for, for who they were prepared and what was the intention of acquiring so many rifles, with special reference to the fact that one rifle was not found during the search. Let him deal with where that one rifle is and whether, perhaps, it is intended for some criminal act”.


Cvijanovic on RS parliament’s support to her veto: It is clear message that Bosniak vision of unitary B&H will not be achieved (RTRS)


Member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that decision of majority of MPs in the RS parliament to express support to veto she invoked to conclusions adopted by other two members of the Presidency represents clear message of the RS that Bosniak vision of unitary B&H will not be achieved. Reporter commented that support of the RS parliament to Cvijanovic represents failure of plan of member of the Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic to declare the RS responsible for undermining constitutional order of B&H. Cvijanovic underlined that every attempt of outvoting by Sarajevo will get clear response of the RS. Author of conclusions adopted by B&H Presidency, namely member of B&H Presidency Becirovic reacted to decision of the RS parliament and threatened with new acts against the RS.  Cvijanovic responded by saying that the RS will not remain silent to outvoting and to attacks on its constitutional competences. She added that this stance is evidence of Becirovic’s Serbophobia and sick wish to outvote, but also to create unitary B&H where there would not be constitutional protective mechanisms. “It is his vision of coexistence, where Bosniaks would be dominant, while Serbs, Croats and all others would be in inferior position”, explained Cvijanovic. RS President Milorad Dodik warned of pathological intention of Bosniak political actors to make the RS pointless. He thanked to MPs in the RS parliament for supporting Cvijanovic’s veto. Dodik explained that this is message the RS set red line “or even concrete line” that cannot be crossed. Leader of Demos Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that unity in the RS parliament demonstrated support to the RS leadership that protects national interests. Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic stressed that voting in the RS parliament showed that the RS should be above every individual. He expressed hope Serb unity will be even stronger.


Still no agreement on Law on Courts of B&H ahead of Von der Leyen visit (Hayat)


B&H politicians have still not reached an agreement on the Law on the Courts of B&H, despite it being one of the requirements of the EU for B&H and the announced visit of the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen to B&H, planned for early November, during which von der Leyen will present the progress report for B&H on its EU Path. Von der Leyen will bring many financial gifts to B&H, but only if necessary progress has been made, adding that the Law on the Courts of B&H was supposed to be discussed at the 25th regular session of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) on 18 October, as announced by the RS President Milorad Dodik, but there were several points of disagreement. B&H Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza explained that there will probably be different names used for the Supreme Court and the Law itself, alongside the implementation of economy criminal offences into the jurisdiction of the courts. Lawyer Ifet Feraget claims that it would be a shame if jurisdictions would be removed from the Court of B&H, as that would leave room for the creation of loopholes and possible manipulations. Another major point of disagreement is the location of the Supreme Court, as FB&) politicians want the Court in Istocno Sarajevo while the RS politicians want the Court in Banja Luka. Expert in the B&H Constitution Nedim Ademovic believes that B&H politicians are arguing about the politics behind the location of the Court, instead of arguing how to make the Law in the best possible way. Ademovic explains that the whole discussion on the location is to see which side will have the largest political influence on the Court. Ademovic also commented on the potential changing of the name of the Law, as there are two possibilities at the moment, which are the Law on the Court of B&H and the Law on the Courts of B&H, stressing that the proper name should be decided once the text of the Law is clear.


Komsic expresses concern regarding support Western countries give to Israel (Hayat)


Chair of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that he is concerned that uncritical support of West to Israel might create abyss in relations between the West and Islamic world. Komsic underlined that everyone is witness that things in the Middle East are not exactly as “western establishment” has been attempting to present them. Komsic underlined that in regard to this conflict, civilians in Palestine and Israel will pay highest prices. “The support of the political establishment in the West is incredible, I mean above all the EU and North America, to Israel and everything that Israel does, uncritical support. Therefore, we know and see that things are not exactly as the Western political establishment tries to present them to us. I am afraid that all this that is happening now in the Middle East, only further, first the civilians both in Israel and in Palestine will pay the highest price for all this, because look, what we are looking at there, I mean the victims on the Israeli side and the victims on the Palestinian side who are mostly civilians, they pay the highest price. That it was the greatest evil that could happen to them and to us, because you cannot help but feel empathy for civilians, weak people and children, regardless of who it is. At least that is how we were taught, that is how we were brought up. But this uncritical support for what Israel is doing when it comes to Gaza, Palestinians in general, I fear that in the end it will create such a chasm in the global relations of the West, or if you want to say Western civilization, to which I think we also belong, and the Islamic world in general. That is why this situation is so dangerous and unpredictable, God only knows where it could go”.


B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic meets with Pope Francis (Nova BH)


As part of his official visit to the Holy See, B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic met with the head of the Catholic Church Pope Francis. Becirovic and Pope Francis noted that bilateral relations between B&H and the Holy See are friendly, with a high level of understanding and respect. Becirovic expressed his gratitude to Pope Francis and the Holy See for their principled support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Pope Francis emphasized that B&H has a special place in his heart, and that he fondly remembers his visit to B&H and meetings with the people in Sarajevo in 2015. Becirovic invited Pope Francis to visit B&H and said that it would be an honour for all citizens and peoples to once again offer hospitality to the head of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis said that he follows the events in B&H and that he supports the strengthening of cultural and interreligious dialogue, common life and multi-ethnic character. After Pope Francis, Becirovic met with the State Secretary of the Vatican and the Secretary for Relations with States. "It is my duty to show respect to the friends of B&H and to work on strengthening friendly ties. That is why I thanked Pope Francis and the Holy See on behalf of the citizens of B&H for their support to our homeland. During the conversation, we talked about the importance of preserving peace and universal values", said Becirovic. Following the meetings, Becirovic published a video in which he said: “We discussed the importance of preserving peace and universal values in the world. I stressed the importance of the Document on Human Fraternity. This important document should also be a guide for new generations towards a culture of mutual respect, dialogue and joint cooperation. B&H is a country where different peoples live together, and different religious communities operate. That is why it is important to ensure an environment in which everyone will feel free and equal.”


Milanovic: Europe without borders impossible (Hina)


Europe without borders is impossible but one should ensure a situation without border control, President Zoran Milanovic said on Saturday. Speaking at a Samobor Town Council session on the occasion of the town’s 781st anniversary, he commented on Slovenia’s reintroduction of border control, saying the border is back. “Though not as barbed or razor wire, which the Slovenian government just removed, only to reintroduce border control now. I understand them as they have no choice because of their home policy. Although, at those border crossings they certainly won’t catch those they are after, illegal migrants,” Milanovic said, adding that illegal migrants will move there where there is no control. “However, this is a lesson to remind ourselves that the EU is, first and foremost, an alliance of national states which have their history, identity and character, but also fears and prejudices. Europe without borders, that’s impossible. Actually, that’s quite an awkward argument.” He expressed solidarity with Slovenia and said he was confident border control would be called off by Easter, maybe sooner, but there would be some new crisis in the future. “And we only have to do what is possible for the world to be as peaceful as possible, without war, destruction and horror because our state lives and prospers off that.”


Cause of increased flow of illegal migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Speaking to the press after the Town Council session, Milanovic said the cause of the increased flow of illegal migrants on the borders was in B&H visa regime and that this could be solved if B&H introduced stricter entry criteria. The introduction of control on the Slovenia is not the end of the Schengen Area, he said, confident the situation will return to normal soon. “This is a warning that Europe without borders doesn’t exist, that’s a very stupid argument. Europe without border control exists, borders exist. People fought for Croatia, for borders, for a piece of land. You can’t just forget that, but border control is a hassle we are trying to avoid, yet that isn’t always possible, so I understand the Slovenians,” he said, recalling that Austria reintroduced border control in 2015 at the height of the migrant crisis. “The problem is the visa regime which B&H has or does not have with some states whose citizens freely arrive in Sarajevo, land at the airport and then go on. One can put an end to that,” Milanovic said. “One should talk with the authorities in B&H because some states evidently don’t meet the minimum EU criteria. B&H is not in the EU, but if we want to be the same society, we should play by some rules. I won’t say pan-Islamic solidarity, but some thoughtlessness in approach and some illusion of a common brotherhood of all Slavs or all Muslims leads to these things, that people arrive without any control.” “I think this situation can be solved only if B&H introduces stricter criteria for entering the state. Not just anyone can enter,” Milanovic said. Croatia cannot step up border control anymore, he added. “I don’t see a way to do it, unless we mine it and shoot at people. That’s a disaster, it’s out of the question.” “The army’s place is not on the border, but I see that there is a different idea in Croatia, so we can talk about it, but I’m not for it. It doesn’t seem smart. The army simply isn’t trained for that. If you deploy the army, there will be fatalities.” The Austrians and the Germans should do the most because migrants generally cross Croatia to reach northern Europe, the president said. Asked if the problem was in Europe because it could not agree on a common asylum policy, he said Europe “has been quite lost for years” and that this “is a consequence of thoughtlessness and fascination with some ideals, standardised solutions such as ‘Europe without borders, we are all Europeans’.” “No, we are Croatian citizens… we are different, the farther you go the more so. This should be understood so that we can finally live normally, instead of embarking on some changes every five minutes and constantly talking about some changes to fundamental agreements,” Milanovic said. “That’s permanent insecurity and instability. You can’t function normally like that. Then we’ll change the model for making these decisions, then there will be no unanimity anymore, then we’ll outvote Croatia, Hungary, Poland, tomorrow Portugal. No, there are some rules of the game,” he added.


Civic Movement URA: Vucic to refrain from stirring national tensions in Montenegro ahead of the census (CdM)


Inappropriate statements of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, ahead of the census in Montenegro aren’t a fine example of good neighbourly relations, as they clearly stir national tensions that undermine the painstakingly achieved reconciliation among the citizens of Montenegro, the Civic Movement URA stated. “With statements like these, they bring back into focus topics that have kept our country, but also the region, trapped in national and religious divisions since the 90s, which certainly don’t contribute to the progress of our countries on the road to the EU, and unfortunately can lead us again down the Balkan paths we’re sure none of us wants. The Balkans have had enough of hatred, division, conflict, it’s time to finally choose reconciliation, mutual respect and progress,” the URA Civic Movement said. As they noted, the national census is Montenegro’s internal affair, and all citizens have the right to declare themselves freely, while no one can deprive them of that right.


Milatovic: I consider comments of foreign officials on the formation of govt and census inappropriate (CdM)


The issue of the formation of the government of Montenegro, as well as the national census are internal issues of our country, its citizens and institutions, stated the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. “I consider the comments of foreign officials on these matters, no matter whether they come from the US, EU or Serbia, inappropriate,” the President tweeted. Milatovic also added that Montenegro is a sovereign, civil and democratic country. The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic earlier said that only those speaking worst about Serbia may enter the government of Montenegro.


Brajuskovic Popovic: The validity of census data will be questioned if a boycott happens (MINA)


It’s better to postpone the census than citizens to boycott it, because if a boycott happens, the data won’t be accurate and the quality of the creation of new policies would be questioned, and that’s the main purpose of that process, considers a demographer, Mileva Brajuskovic Popovic. In a statement for the MINA news agency, she noted that a boycott was not an option. “In that case, it’s better not to hold the census than citizens to boycott it.” As she pointed out, the census data provide the most important source of data regarding the population, households and flats. “If we’ve been waiting for 12 years to carry out the census, then it’s better to wait for another half a year to get the complete data instead of partial ones,” Brajuskovic Popovic warned. The use of partial census data also calls into question the quality of the creation of future policies, strategies and plans, which are the main purpose of the census. According to her, the dialogue among representatives of the government and opposition, the Statistical Office of Montenegro, NGOs and experts in the area of demography may lead to the solution. In other countries, she added, the national census represents statistical research, whereas in Montenegro a political matter.


Kiraly: If EU enlargement fails it will create void to be filled by other stakeholders (MIA)


North Macedonia's will to go through with the constitutional amendments is a step towards EU. Our political perspective is to open the negotiating clusters as soon as possible. But we must recognize that it is not enough to just sit and wait, we must take responsibility and bring aspirants closer to the Union. We are looking for new ways to strengthen cooperation with Western Balkans, before it officially joins EU, Special Advisor for Western Balkans at the European Commission's Directorate General for Enlargement and Neighborhood Adrienn Kiraly told a conference on inter-parliamentary dialogue to further promote the European integration of the Western Balkans in Skopje on Friday. "We saw that the EU responded to the new geopolitical situation with one united voice. The Western Balkans and our friends from the East became our representatives and allies. Our intentions are clear. Western Balkans' future is in EU. In recent years, we have seen significant progress and changes in a positive direction. North Macedonia started accession negotiations and immediately after, the screening process, which is developing well and moving in the right direction," Kiraly said. She stressed that the biggest challenge is how to ensure that the current dynamic of the enlargement process is sustainable and could be maintained, while the states should do everything in terms of implementing reforms necessary to move the countries forward in line with such reforms. "(EC President Ursula) Von der Leyen's new plan that was presented at the Berlin Process Summit is a good base and starting mark for all of this. First, we want to gradually integrate Western Balkans in certain aspects of the European single market, before gaining full membership. They need to focus on specific socioeconomic reforms, social growth, but at the same time implement fundamental reforms in the rule of law and democracy," Kiraly noted. She also reminded of the mechanisms in order to close the social vacancy before providing social subsidies. "So far, the European Commission has awarded a grant of EUR 2 billion to the Western Balkans as part of the mid-term financing review, accompanied by the EUR 4 billion loan, which equals to EUR 6 billion in aid for the Western Balkans. There is one more offer, the EU membership benefits plan. But such plan also contributes to accelerating the accession process if the required reforms, i.e. in fundamental values of the cluster, are implemented, which would require an efficient judiciary, strong public procurement and decisive steps to fight corruption," the Special Advisor emphasized. She also pointed out the risk if the enlargement failed to happen. "We believe that enlargement is the only option, but for those who have doubts it is particularly important to bear in mind the danger of non-enlargement for EU and member-states, but also for the aspirants. If the enlargement fails to happen, it will mean not sharing European values with our immediate neighbors and create a void that can be filled by other stakeholders," emphasized Kiraly. If this were to happen, she adds, it will be a missed opportunity to increase our relevance and create a more united and stronger Europe together. "We have to recognize that we have common challenges and address them together in order to find better solutions. Take for example the energy transition and climate change. They are just some of the areas in which we see the benefits of working together and finding joint solutions. Let's also take a look at the economic possibilities. We must ensure that these opportunities are recognized and exploited, used as tools for the accession countries, which they can continue to use after becoming members," Kiraly said. According to her, EU enlargement is a process that has benefits for all parties, but it must be based on solid principles, merit, and achievements, and ensure that countries meet the appropriate criteria and implement appropriate reforms.


Nemeth: Enlargement process of Western Balkans needs attention here and now (MIA)


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will form a Subcommittee on the Western Balkans so the PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy can pay special attention to these countries and become the driving force for EU enlargement, PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy chairman Zsolt Nemeth said in his remarks at the opening of the Conference on Inter-Parliamentary Dialogue to Further Promote the European Integration of the Western Balkans held in Skopje. Pointing to recent developments in Kosovo, Nemeth said it was clear that the polarized political climate could easily lead to violent attacks and bloodshed. He also discussed French President Emmanuel Macron's idea of a European political community, which he said prompted the question of how Europe could be organized differently from a political point of view. "This is our historic duty, to answer this question," Nemeth said, adding that the continent was in an exceptional situation, which required a new definition of European membership. The PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy chairman stressed that the European political community was currently an informal platform for intergovernmental cooperation, created after the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. He said the EPC was a forum for encouraging political dialogue that would strengthen the security, stability and prosperity of the European continent. The EPC, he said, had already held three summits: in Prague, in Chisinau, and most recently, in Granada two weeks ago. "To better understand the political background of this idea introduced by the French president, we should look back on the Russian aggression against Ukraine in February 2022. After this invasion, the EU was facing a complex situation," Nemeth said, recalling that Ukraine had submitted an application for EU membership four days after Russia's military attack. "Then Georgia and Moldova also applied for membership, in March 2022. The demand for enlargement has become a major political issue for the EU. So, the response to Russia's aggression is the very reason we have gathered here today. It gave a new impetus to enlargement, and it is crucial that the countries in the Western Balkans understand the importance of this opportunity and take advantage of the new dynamics that resulted from this completely new political climate in Europe," he said. Becoming a member state of the EU required years of preparation after receiving the status of a candidate country, Nemeth added. "I am glad we were able to achieve this for the Western Balkans," he said, noting that the current situation on the continent called for a different model of relations with the EU. Pointing to the Swiss model and the British model as examples of different ties to the bloc, he said: "But the enlargement process of the Western Balkans, I believe, needs our attention here and now because the Western Balkans' is a model of enlargement moving toward full EU membership." The Hungarian politician also said that the recent EU-Western Balkans Summit showed the need of a new kind of partnership between the EU and EU candidate countries. "The Hungarian Presidency aims to make enlargement a top priority in the second half of 2024," Nemeth said. He added that the European Commission's new enlargement plan would also include efforts to further align the Western Balkans with the EU's single market; deepen regional economic cooperation; intensify judicial and anti-corruption reforms; and increase pre-accession funding. "The goal is to create a European cooperation model," the PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy chairman said, pointing out that the Council of Europe was in favor of the European political community concept. "There is no democratic security without the Western Balkans," he said. "Strengthening democratic resilience, promoting reconciliation, and good neighborly relations in the Western Balkans are prerequisites for the security of our entire European continent." "Europe needs the Western Balkans as much as the Western Balkans need Europe," Nemeth stressed. Organized by the PACE Interparliamentary Cooperation and Project Support Division; the PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy; and Parliament, the regional conference aims at providing parliamentarians from the region with a broad platform for cooperation and dialogue to discuss challenges they face and good practices towards European integration.


Nikolla meets representatives of the Pan-Albanian Federation Vatra in New York (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla has met with representatives of the Pan-Albanian Federation "Vatra" at its headquarters in Bronx, of New York. President Nikolla expressed her respect and appreciation for the contribution of the "Vatra" Federation, the oldest organization of Albanian Diaspora in the US, which has the same age as the Albanian state. "Vatra" has been a support of Albania and the Albanians in all key moments of history for the protection of the territorial integrity of the new independent Albanian state; during two world wars; for resistance to the communist totalitarian regime; supporting the transition to democracy; freedom, independence and international recognition of Kosova and it will remain so," underscored Nikolla. Further, Nikolla introduced the attendees to some of the aspects of the Assembly's activity in respect to the cooperation with the Diaspora and its participation in the economic and political developments in Albania. The President of the Pan-Albanian Federation, Elmi Berisha, and representatives of the organization expressed their willingness to cooperate in order to expand the possibilities of the Albanian community in the US to contribute to Albania and Albanians.