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Belgrade Media Report 25 October 2023



Vucic: New Brussels discussions with Kurti due in two to three days (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday he expected to go to Brussels in two or three days for another round of discussions with Pristina's PM Albin Kurti but that he could not elaborate on this. Vucic was responding to questions from reporters during a visit to the Leskovac general hospital. Asked if there would be reactions to Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic's UN Security Council speech and whether he expected the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to be continued, Vucic said Serbia was unable to change anything and that its only option was to fight and speak the truth. "Prime Minister Brnabic did well and reacted well, and replied very well, but will that change the position of the big powers? No, it will not. If I was an analyst, I would be able to comment on the positions of the big powers that you were able to hear. Since I am not, I must not do that as I would only harm the country with my positions, but what was noticeable was balance in some cases and a strong bias against Serbian interests in others," Vucic said. He noted that, under an agreement that was in place, he was unable to elaborate on the agenda of the upcoming Brussels meeting with Kurti but said it was in line with his recent discussions with a "big five" of Western envoys. "We will have more information after that. Our job is to protect Serbia from all possible measures and damage to state and national interests and I believe we will succeed in that," Vucic said.


Dacic: Serbia reliable, predictable partner of UN in achieving common goals (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday at the United Nations Day celebration that Serbia will continue to be a reliable and predictable partner in achieving common goals defined within the United Nations. Dacic pointed out that the importance of the United Nations, as the backbone of the world multilateral order and a platform for equal dialogue between states with the aim of preserving peace and stability, is more important today than ever. He pointed out that on the basis of a long and eventful history, as well as cooperation with the United Nations, Serbia strives to provide its contribution, deeply believing in the necessity of the United Nations, especially when it comes to protecting the rights and interests, in terms of population and economic strength, of small countries. According to him, the priorities of our country in the UN are known and consistent, and they are primarily the protection of territorial integrity and sovereignty, the promotion and preservation of peace and security at the international level, as well as the contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. He said that Serbia will continue to be a reliable and predictable partner in achieving common goals defined within the United Nations, expressing his firm belief that this is the best way to build a better world for future generations.


Petkovic meets with CDU/CSU Foreign Policy adviser (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met on Tuesday with the Foreign Policy adviser of the CDU/CSU group in the German Bundestag Franz Xaver Mauerer to inform him of the extremely difficult security conditions for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, especially in the north of the province, where they are exposed to constant terror by the Pristina authorities and to institutional and all other forms of violence. According to a statement released by the Office, Petkovic said tragic developments in Banjska, which he noted Belgrade had never wanted nor had anything to do with, were a result of unilateral, unlawful and violent moves by Pristina that had intensified over the past year in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as daily provocations, groundless and arbitrary arrests of Serbs, seizure of Serb-owned land, terror by Pristina's special police - for which there was no place in the north of the province under agreements - beatings of Serb children, shootings of Serbs that, as a rule, no one was called to account for, and construction of illegal parapolice bases. Petkovic informed Mauerer of steps and efforts Belgrade was constantly undertaking with a view to defusing tensions and normalising the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and noted a firm and unequivocal commitment to preserve peace and solve all open issues through the EU-facilitated dialogue. On a daily basis, through its escalatory and unilateral moves, incendiary statements and inappropriate rhetoric that is not in the spirit of normalisation, Pristina is destroying and annulling all agreements reached so far, refusing clearly to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities, negotiated in Brussels a full ten years ago, Petkovic said. Neither Belgrade nor the international community has a constructive or credible dialogue partner in Pristina and Albin Kurti and, despite open calls and a readiness of the Serb List to take part in early local elections in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Kurti is obstructing the process in every possible way with the sole objective of keeping in power his illegitimately elected mayors, who neither represent the choice nor the will of the Serb majority there, Petkovic said. "There is no rule of law in Kosovo and Metohija - all decisions are made on ethnic grounds at the expense of the Serbs," Petkovic said, citing the example of arbitrary arrests of Serbs. They are held in custody for months in inhumane conditions, without adequate medical care, while Pristina has released a member of the so-called Kosovo Security Force who fired at two young Serbs, Stefan and Milos Stojanovic, on Christmas Eve, Petkovic added. "Belgrade will continue to do everything to preserve peace but, first and foremost, the responsibility rests upon Pristina, which is doing everything to make normal life impossible," he concluded.


Drecun: West trying to expedite normalisation and get Belgrade to recognise so-called Kosovo (Tanjug)


The Chair of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday the leading Western countries that recognised the false state of Kosovo were trying to expedite the normalisation process between Belgrade and Pristina and get Belgrade to recognise the so-called Kosovo. "The West is trying to expedite the process of reaching an agreement, which, in my opinion, is impossible because our side will not accept two key points in the agreement proposed by the EU. Elections are due in the West next year, campaigning will start in the US as well as the EU, which is something that is raising the West's expectations that this should be finished as soon as possible. That is where a certain impatience comes from," Drecun told Tanjug. Despite the scarcity of information released following a recent visit to Belgrade by a "big five" of Western envoys, Drecun said certain conclusions could be drawn based on statements by EU spokesperson Peter Stano and the EU's special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, who has said the "five" had drawn up a new plan that was supposed to ensure a continuation of dialogue and lead to progress in implementation of an agreement on the path to normalisation of relations, noting that a Community of Serb Municipalities must be established. "After that, Stano came out with a statement that there are new proposals and ideas and that some of the proposals are even in written form, and that the 'five' brought a new draft statute of the community of majority-Serb municipalities. That shows that discussions are underway about how to make a package that would be acceptable to both Belgrade and Pristina, and that efforts will be made in the period to come to bring the positions of the two parties closer together to potentially reach an agreement," Drecun said. The request to Pristina is to accept the draft statute and start making concrete steps towards forming the Community and hold elections in the north of Kosovo, while the request to Belgrade is to sway local Serbs into participating in the elections, which Serb List has accepted, Drecun said. "The main direction (of action) is towards Belgrade, because they want our side to fully accept and implement that EU agreement on the path to normalisation of relations, but it contains two points that are unacceptable to us. I think that will be a bone of contention now," Drecun concluded.


Elek elected new Serb List leader (Tanjug/Beta)


Zlatan Elek has been elected new president of Serb List, it was confirmed to Tanjug on Tuesday. He was elected to the position by an electoral assembly of the political organisation of Kosovo Serbs. Elek succeeds Goran Rakic in the post.


Orthodox cemetery in northern Mitrovica desecrated (RTS)


Graves have been dug up in road excavation works at an Orthodox cemetery in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, revealing the remains of the deceased buried there, reported RTS. The earthwork excavation was done in the vicinity of the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius. Priests told RTS that the road was excavated without a permit, and that the excavation works were done by workers probably of Albanian nationality using heavy machinery, who were spotted at this location on Tuesday. Professor Mitra Reljic, who does research on Serb Orthodox cemeteries in Kosovo, confirmed the information that this cemetery, over a hundred years old, has been dug up. According to the Orthodox priests, people were buried at this cemetery until 1950. The government in Pristina adopted a decision last month on the reconstruction and renovation of houses owned by Albanians in the Brdjani residential area in northern Mitrovica, which were damaged in the 1998-1999 clashes. The new northern Mitrovica leadership said that, in addition to the reconstruction of the houses, the road infrastructure also needs to be adapted to suit the needs of the residents. The Serb List “condemned in the strongest terms” the excavation of the Orthodox cemetery, which it said is being “carried out by Albanian companies on the orders of Albin Kurti’s government”. The Serb List asked the international community to urgently react and stop the desecration of Serb graves.


Police of so-called Kosovo conducts searches in northern Kosovska Mitrovica (Radio Kosovska Mitrovica/Tanjug)


The deputy director of the so-called Kosovo police for the northern region Veton Elsani said this morning that searches were underway at several locations in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, in connection with the events in Banjska on 24 September. Several police and EULEX (EU mission) vehicles were stationed this morning in Kolasinska Street in Kosovska Mitrovica, in front of a residential building not far from the PIO (state pension fund) offices, reports Radio Kosovska Mitrovica. Elsani said that this was in connection with the "Banjska case" and did not specify which other locations were also being searched. "For now, there have been no arrests," Elsani added.


Stoltenberg: Situation is Kosovo difficult, NATO increasing its presence (Kosovo Online/FoNet)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Pristina and Belgrade need to refrain from actions that can further escalate the situation and should return to the dialogue facilitated by the EU. Stoltenberg told a media conference that NATO has increased its presence in Kosovo with several hundred troops from Romania, Bulgaria and the United Kingdom. “There is a tense and difficult situation, we are following that very carefully, and we have increased our presence, especially in the North. The main message is that both Pristina and Belgrade need to refrain from actions that can further escalate the situation or increase tensions and to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric,” said Stoltenberg, Kosovo Online reported. He said Pristina and Belgrade should engage in the EU–facilitated dialogue. “I think that is also an important message, in Kosovo we see how NATO and the EU are working hand in hand, the increased NATO military presence supports the diplomatic and political efforts of the EU,” said Stoltenberg.


Grenell: Pristina must select date for elections, form ZSO (Beta)


Former US presidential envoy for Serbia and Kosovo Richard Grenell said Tuesday in Kosovo that a date should be set for the holding of elections in four northern Kosovo municipalities, and the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) formed. “This morning I heard directly from the Minister of Defense in Serbia that they welcome the presence of more NATO troops in Kosovo and have dramatically decreased the number of Serbian troops along their border. Albin Kurti and Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani must now select a date for elections in the North and create the Community of Serb Municipalities,” Grenell said in a post on X following his meeting with Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic. Vucevic said he had a “productive meeting” with Grenell. “We discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and all the measures that our country has taken to de-escalate and reduce tensions. We welcomed the increased presence of KFOR forces in Serb areas in Kosovo and Metohija, with the aim of preserving peace and stability in our southern province,” Vucevic posted on Instagram along with a photo of him and Grenell.


Return of Serbian Army team from EU military operation in CAR (Tanjug)


The Serbian Ministry of Defence stated that a medical team of the Serbian Army, which was engaged in the EU military operation for the training of the security forces of the Central African Republic (CAR) since April of this year, returned to Serbia after the successful completion of the participation in that mission. In the previous six months, our team successfully carried out all the tasks of preventive medical care and treatment of injured and sick members of the forces in the mission and thus presented the professionalism and competence of the medical service of the Serbian Armed Forces in the best possible way. Doctors and medical technicians of the Serbian Army, who were sent to the operation zone at the beginning of this month, will be engaged in the same tasks in this African country for the next six months. The Serbian Army began participating in the EU mission in the Central African Republic in 2016.




Danube Forum 2023 begins in Slovenia (Dnevni avaz/Fena)


The 12th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) has begun in Brdo near Kranj in Slovenia on Tuesday. Ministers from 14 countries of the Danube region including Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Slovenia discussed the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries, illegal migrations, the recovery of Ukraine and return of border controls. Austrian Minister of European and International Affairs of Austria Alexander Schallenberg compared the Schengen with a residential building in which all residents should take care of all those who stand in front of their doors. The reporter noted that this showed that the Schengen is very dysfunctional and that one-third members of the Schengen again introduced border controls. Attendees of the forum agreed that no one is happy about suspension of the Schengen, but its reopening requires a reform of the asylum system at the level of the EU and helping countries along the Schengen border in suppression of illegal migrations. A couple of days ago, head of the opposition in Slovenia Janez Jansa called on Slovenian citizens to arm themselves, while Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon characterized it as an irresponsible statement that calls for new violence in the Slovenian society. Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman said that this is an internal matter of Slovenia. Grlic-Radman added that the Schengen was not suspended and that this is just a temporary regime of introduction of border controls that are simple and not systemic as some media claim. Grlic-Radman underlined that they just strengthened measures due to terrorist attacks. Fajon also commented on this issue by saying that it is not true that the Schengen was abolished adding that they just strengthened controls towards Croatia due to terrorist threats in Europe. Fajon added that Slovenia also raised security level, but she hopes that they will be in a position to abolish the measure quite soon. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elmedin Konakovic stated on Tuesday that a possible decision on opening of accession talks between B&H and the EU would represent strong support to pro-European forces in B&H and perhaps be a slap in the face for pro-Russian and pro-Eastern forces, which are not looking forward to our fast progress. In a statement to Fena Konakovic said that the meeting is very dynamic, and they held a panel discussion at a ministerial level, while he held a meeting with Serbian Minister of European Integration, Tanja Miscevic. He noted that initiatives such as this one can be very beneficial for B&H and added that he is waiting with hope for two major decisions - one is a huge aid package for the Western Balkans and the second is decision on opening of talks with the EU. The Minister said that this decision is a political one: “However, we know this is a complex job, because in some countries, besides good will of foreign ministers, this has to go before parliaments. It would be a jackpot if we were to get both decisions and if we could choose, the more important one is the one on the aid package for Western Balkans”. He noted that countries present at the meeting on Tuesday are “fans” of B&H accession and they do not need to be persuaded, but it is necessary to talk to Germany and the Netherlands. “Everything that is held against B&H are processes in B&H entity of the RS and behavior of the SNSD leader. My question is whether you will then punish everyone or give support to those who are fighting for the European path, even in difficult circumstances. On the other side, while Dodik is traveling to Moscow and takes pride in relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he voted in favor of all European laws and confirmed that he is dedicated to the European path,” said Konakovic. In the end, Konakovic announced a new meeting of the state coalition for 26 October in Sarajevo, at which they should agree several more laws, which would be before the parliament on 30 and 31 October.


B&H delegation attends Rose Roth Seminar; Admiral Bauer expresses support to B&H and hopes UN SC will adopt decision on extension of EUFOR mandate (Oslobodjenje)


Speaker of B&H House of Peoples and Chair of B&H Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Kemal Ademovic, member of B&H Delegation Obren Petrovic and Deputy Defense Minister Slaven Galic attended the 104th session of Rose Roth Seminar in Stockholm. Sweden Foreign Minister, Tobias Billstrom, announced that they will provide both political and financial assistance to B&H. Chair of Military Committee of NATO, Admiral Rob Bauer, called on NATO member states to make joint investment into defense industry and underscored strong support and decisive determination of NATO to assist B&H, through ongoing programs. Stressing that NATO is carefully monitoring the situation in B&H, Admiral Bauer stated that it is completely clear that that stable situation in B&H is of the great importance for NATO, noting that numerous activities and implementation of projects with subjects of defense and security sector, are the best proof of this. Bauer expressed expectation that UN Security Council will adopt decision on extension of EUFOR mandate. Galic held a speech about the subject titled ‘Overcoming internal and external challenges to progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration’. Among other issues, Galic spoke about the aggression against Ukraine, stressing that a special challenge for B&H is that B&H is a transit country for many migrants from the Middle East and Africa for almost a decade. Deputy Minister Galic used the opportunity to thank NATO, the EU and broader international community for their support to B&H on its Euro-Atlantic path. He especially expressed hope that EUFOR’s mandate in B&H will be extended by the UN in November because the EUFOR Mission proved to be “a strong guarantee of our security environment”.


Viskovic touches upon issue of Schmidt during his conversation with EUSR Sattler (RTRS)


RTRS carries that EU Special Representative and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler had a conversation with RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic in Sarajevo on Tuesday during which they also touched upon the issue of Christian Schmidt, who the RS does not recognize as the High Representative (HR) in B&H because his appointment was not confirmed in the UN Security Council (UN SC). According to RTRS, this conversation raised a question of whether "voices of reason have finally started coming from the West” when it comes to “the illegitimate, German Schmidt”. Further reported that, judging by the conversation between the Viskovic and Sattler, there is hope that “justice in B&H may finally prevail and the question is if Europe is turning its back on the illegitimate Christian Schmidt”. Viskovic told media that he informed Sattler about the staged process, which is conducted under the so-called ‘Schmidt Law’, which the RS authorities believe has usurped the B&H Parliament’s competence. Viskovic also said that he mentioned in the meeting the process against RS President Milorad Dodik. “Escalation of the security situation in B&H is possible at one point. I wanted to tell them that, and they should know that they need to think about it on time”, Viskovic was quoted as saying. Addressing the media, Viskovic said: “I need to be honest and I want to say it publicly, even if Mr. Sattler denies it, that he also agreed and said it is unacceptable for a country on its path to become the EU member to have an unelected foreigner who can make interventions in legislation, and that most of the EU countries basically do not support such behavior and such stance. He even said that in an informal conversation over a dinner, he will try to convey that to Mr. Schmidt”. Viskovic went on to say that he also told Sattler that the process against Dodik in the Court of B&H and the B&H Prosecutor’s Office “may cause unwanted reactions’’ and informed him that “the constitutional competence is that the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) protects the President of the Republic. Imagine the absurd that the court for example or the Prosecutor’s Office or the SIPA or someone says in future that they are issuing an order to arrest the President. Should there be a contact between the Ministry and those other institutions, and who will be responsible for that?’’.


Dodik informs Kalabukhov that RS will never accept ‘self-proclaimed HR’ Schmidt (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik met with Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov in Banja Luka on Tuesday. On this occasion, Dodik informed Kalabukhov about political issues important for the RS, stressing that the RS will never and cannot accept “self-proclaimed High Representative” Christian Schmidt, and that he has no authority to carry out any activities in B&H. Dodik and Kalabukhov agreed that the priority is the preservation of stability and peace, along with a dialogue between domestic politicians based on mutual respect for the two entities and the three constituent peoples of B&H. They also agreed the commitment to continue and deepen the cooperation between Russia and the RS, with the aim of economic, economic and any other prosperity to mutual satisfaction.


Kalabukhov on US blacklisting of Dodik’s children: The US is the only generator of chaos and corruption (ATV)


Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov said that those who think they are dominant have blacklisted RS President Milorad Dodik’s children, whilst the US is the only generator of chaos and corruption. Addressing the media on Tuesday, Kalabukhov said: “Those are some attempts by people who think they are dominating and domineering, and they want to create such image that all people who demonstrate sovereignty and freedom are totalitarians, that they are anti-liberal, that they are corrupted. But in reality, I think that the country thinking it is dominant is the US and it is evident that it (the US) is the only generator of chaos and the only generator of corruption’’.


Dodik: RS parliament is one of basic and very strong elements of statehood and existence of RS (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik commented on the marking of 32nd anniversary of the RS parliament saying that the RS parliament is one of the basic and very strong elements of “the statehood and existence” of the RS, and its role must always be legislative and representational, because it is the most important and irreplaceable pillar of the RS. Dodik emphasized that Serb harmony and unity are the foundations and guarantors of the survival of the RS, which was confirmed by the historic decision on the formation of the Assembly of the Serb People of B&H, which determined the fate of the Serbs in those very difficult and critical times. “That is why it affects me even more when today some white world powers try to impose laws on us and determine the fate of our people and our RS. We have our own Republic, our own institutions and, I repeat for the umpteenth time, no sanctions, pressures and blackmails will influence us to weaken, to bow down and agree to their demands that lead to only one thing - the abolition of RS and the creation of a unitary B&H”, concluded Dodik.


Croatian PM: Israel-Hamas war can spur surge in illegal migrants (Hina)


The war between Israel and Hamas can lead to an influx of illegal migrants, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Monday evening, after a meeting of the leadership of his HDZ party in Zagreb. The developments following Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel are producing serious consequences that can result in new tides of illegal migration, the premier told the press. The solution is, Plenkovic believes, to ensure tight control of the EU external border, that is, the border between Greece and Turkey and between Bulgaria and Turkey, while southeastern European countries that are not EU members should fully adjust their visa regimes with the EU’s visa policy. Currently, it is possible for migrants to arrive by plane in Sarajevo or Belgrade, where they are taken over by smugglers who take them towards green borders on their way to Croatia or western Europe, said the PM. Asked by the press to comment on former Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa’s call on Slovenians to procure legal weapons and get armed and ready for an influx of illegal migrants, Plenkovic answered: “We would never say something like that.” “Every law-based country has institutions that maintain public peace and order,” he said, referring to the law-enforcement authorities.


Spajic: We’re postponing census for another month, we want Montenegro to be united and bring economy into focus (CdM)


New government, along with the parliamentary majority, is going to propose the postponement of the census for another month, with the aim of reaching general consensus and accelerating Montenegro’s European perspective, so that we may create conditions for full legitimacy of this important social activity through the improvement of transparency and inclusiveness, as well as by accepting key requirements of the councils of the minority nations and the opposition, stated the Prime Minister-designate Milojko Spajic. “Therefore, I consider that the participation of the opposition in the census commissions, like in 2011, is very important for its legitimacy, in order not to question the relevance of data or look for excuses for obstructions and politicization. The headcount represents a statistical category and the quality of collected data is very important for the state, because it helps us in making key decisions for the future of our country. Some of the most significant questions are: how many young people left Montenegro in an attempt to find a better place for living, what’s our labor market like, do we need the revision of the strategy for residential buildings, etc,” Spajic said.


ZBCG and Democrats agree that census should be postponed, more census takers needed (RTNK)


Both the For the Future of Montenegro bloc (ZBCG) and the Democrats agreed yesterday on the postponement of the national census for another month, they unofficially confirmed to the RTNK portal. Both sides agreed on the postponement for two reasons: “to make it legitimate so that no one objects to it, and because there are not enough census takers”. Recall, the Prime Minister-designate Milojko Spajic, stated earlier that they would postpone the headcount for another month “in order to create conditions for its full legitimacy, through the improvement of transparency and inclusiveness, and by accepting the key requirements of the councils of the minority nations and the opposition”.


Osmani's offer to VMRO-DPMNE: Vote for constitutional changes, then decide election date (MIA)


If VMRO-DPMNE votes for the constitutional changes in Parliament, it will be given the chance to choose the date of the next elections, Foreign Minister and DUI vice president Bujar Osmani said Tuesday. Speaking to the press after his opening address to the OSCE Cyber/ICT Security Conference held in Skopje, FM and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Osmani said this was a fair offer on the part of the governing coalition. "If they approve the constitutional amendments, we will let them decide when to hold the elections. "Whenever they want. Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, right after the constitutional amendments are approved. "I think this is a fair offer on our part," Osmani said in response to a reporter's question about VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski's proposal to hold the parliamentary and presidential elections at the same time, between two major religious holidays next spring. If the main opposition party does not vote for the constitutional changes required for the country to continue its accession negotiations with the EU, the elections will be held as scheduled, either separately or at the same time, Osmani said. "As for the scheduled dates, holding the elections is a matter of technical and logistical nature rather than political observations. This offer is a political observation. Let them vote for the constitutional amendments, and we will let them decide the date of the elections — whenever they want — both for the presidential and the parliamentary elections," Osmani said. Whether the elections should be held together or apart, he added, was to be decided by political consensus. Osmani declined to comment on the government coalition partner Alliance for Albanians' calls for his ouster. It was important, he said, to have good interpersonal relations and cooperate professionally as government ministers and as coalition partners.


Tupanchevski: Ties with Belgrade experienced renaissance, cooperation should deepen (MIA)


During the Parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee's hearing of seven newly appointed ambassadors on Tuesday, former Justice Minister Nikola Tupanchevski, the country's new ambassador to Serbia, said relations between North Macedonia and Serbia "experienced a renaissance" in the last two years, considering cooperation in all sectors, which should deepen even more, he noted. "By closing the church issue, a great deal of our open questions has been put aside," Tupanchevski said. "This does not mean that they will not be reopened, as in the example of what happened between the Republic of Serbia and the northern part of Kosovo. This is an issue regarding which we cannot say if it would reflect on our country." "We will have to be careful and respect all decisions we have made as a state. Good neighborly relations," Tupanchevski said. He highlighted that Serbia was the country's fourth biggest trade partner, and that Serbian tourists were especially interested in visiting North Macedonia. "This should go in the 'Believe It or Not!' newspaper column. This year, 500 times more Serbian tourists visited our country than last year. It is a welcome trend that should be maintained," Tupanchevski said, adding that "the etymology of this" should be looked into. Although Serbia is not a NATO member, he said, there should be room for cooperation in the security sector as well as within the Open Balkan initiative and the Berlin Process. As his first priorities in office, the new Macedonian ambassador pointed out the opening of a cultural and information center and a Macedonian language department in Belgrade; signing an agreement for the protection of cultural heritage; and opening a border crossing near Lojane. The newly appointed ambassadors will fill North Macedonia's vacant ambassador posts in Belgrade, Tel Aviv, Beijing, and Brasilia, and replace current ambassadors in Warsaw, Berlin and Bucharest. Former Deputy Foreign Minister Andrej Zhernovski has been appointed ambassador to Romania. Shpend Sadiki has been appointed ambassador to Israel. Jasmin Kjahil has been appointed ambassador to Poland. Sashko Nasev has been appointed ambassador to the People’s Republic of China. Igor Popov has been appointed ambassador to Brazil. Ilber Sela has been appointed ambassador to Germany.


Xhaferi condemns ‘illegal elections’ in occupied Ukrainian territories at Crimea Platform Summit (MIA)


As an EU candidate member, North Macedonia believes that the institutions of the EU will maintain the enlargement perspective of the Union with all remaining member states as a credible and visible process, based on merit, considering the current geopolitical security challenges, said parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi in his address Tuesday at the second parliamentary Summit of the International Crimean Platform in Prague. In his speech, Xhaferi touched upon the importance of protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, he condemned the “holding of illegal elections by the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories” and stressed the need for “appropriate investigations into the human rights abuses, violation of international humanitarian law, and denial of civil and political rights by the Russian Federation in Ukraine.” “Apart from unequivocally condemning the unjustified military aggression against Ukraine, it is necessary that we, the speakers of the democratically elected parliaments, also highlight the multidimensional impact of this war, and its humanitarian consequences. I am referring to the millions of internally displaced people and refugees, selective prosecution and torture, sexual violence, human trafficking risks, the abductions of Crimean Tatars and ethnic Ukrainians, and the forced transfer of Ukrainian children by the Russian Federation,” said Xhaferi. Xhaferi stressed he is convinced that North Macedonia is on the right side of history and that its support will be significant when it comes to “the liberation of Crimea and the protection of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”


Speaker Nikolla received at the US State Department (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla is received at the State Department by the Assistant Secretary for International Organizations, Michele J. Sison. Speaker Nikolla underlined that the strategic partnership with the US is a cornerstone of Albania's foreign policy. This partnership has been concretized in cooperation on various issues of international developments, in the UN Security Council, as a co-sponsor for supporting Ukraine, supporting Israel, the fight against terrorism, cyber security, Iranian and Afghan refugees, supporting integration in the Western Balkans and leadership of the Berlin Process. Nikolla expressed her gratitude to the US for the advancement of democratization and integration reforms in Albania, the fight against corruption, organized crime and the culture of impunity and the support to the Assembly. Speaker Nikolla pointed out that Albania is in line with the US and the EU for the de-escalation of the situation in the North of Kosova, the Kosova-Serbia dialogue and the normalization of relations between them as a condition for peace and security in the region. Assistant Secretary of State Michele J. Sison underlined that the US-Albania partnership serves peace and peoples. The US admires Albania's strong leadership in the UN Security Council and cooperates to protect peace. At the Human Rights Council, we work together for human rights around the world. At UNESCO we are committed to the protection of the cultural treasures of humanity. The US appreciates the principled positions of Albania, as an exceptional partner for developments in the Middle East and security in the world. The election of Albania on October 10 as a member of the UN Human Rights Council was an extraordinary success for both our countries, because the human rights agenda is becoming complicated in many countries and regions of the world.


Spiropali: Willingness to initiate technical procedures for visa waiver with the USA (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of State for Parliamentary Relations Elisa Spiropali conducted an official visit to Washington D.C. During her visit, she met with Julie M. Stufft, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services at the Bureau of Consular Affairs. Spiropali stated that the decision to extend the American visa period to 10 years for Albanian citizens represents another significant milestone in the bilateral relations between Albania and the United States. "We have the full determination and political readiness to initiate the technical procedures for visa-free travel with the United States, a process that is not straightforward but has been eagerly awaited by our citizens," Spiropali emphasized in a social media post.