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Belgrade Media Report 8 November 2023



New round of negotiations between Serbia, Kosovo possible on Nov. 16 (Beta)


The next round of negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo will be held next week, while sources in the EU told Radio Free Europe (RFE) that Nov. 16 was the next possible date for a meeting of chief negotiators. EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak confirmed in a written statement for RFE that the next meeting of Serbian and Kosovo chief negotiators had not been canceled and that they had agreed on the date but did not disclose it. He said that there had been an idea to hold the meeting on Nov. 7 but that "the Kosovo side voiced a very valid and relevant request for postponing the meeting which the facilitator, the EU, accepted," adding that all meetings were held when it suited both sides and that dates were only revealed when both sides confirmed that they could meet then. Last week Lajcak announced that a meeting of chief negotiators would soon be held. This prompted a response from Serbia's chief negotiator Petar Petkovic who said that the planned meeting had been cancelled, because, he said, the Kosovo side refused to meet then.


Miroslav Lajcak: Next steps in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue agreed with Pristina (Beta)


EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak has said that the next steps in the Dialogue were agreed in a meeting with Besnik Bislimi, the Kosovo first deputy prime minister and Pristina chief negotiator. “I just met with First Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi to follow up on the recent meeting with European leaders in Brussels and the need for full implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalization without delay or preconditions. We also agreed on next steps (in the Dialogue),” Lajcak has written on platform X (formerly Twitter). The meeting was held in the evening on Nov. 6. Bislimi has said that the working dinner with Lajcak discussed all aspects relating to full implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia reached in Brussels and the Implementation Annex agreed in Ohrid. On Nov. 7, Lajcak was scheduled to meet with opposition leaders, Memli Krasniqi of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Lumir Abdixhiku of the Democratic League of Kosovo and Ramush Haradinaj of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo.


Petkovic with French envoy Troccaz: Kurti's plan for Kosovo without Serbs (RTS)


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (Kim), Petar Petkovic, spoke with Rene Troccaz, the special envoy of France for the Western Balkans, and informed him about the threatened security of the Serbian people in KiM due to, as he says, the violent and unilateral acts of the temporary institutions in Pristina, the Office for KiM announced. Petkovic also talked with Troccaz about the future of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels. The Director of the Office for KiM believes that Pristina wants to change the situation on the ground through militarization, not through dialogue. Petar Petkovic pointed out that Pristina, unlike Belgrade, refused the invitation for a dialogue between the main negotiators at the technical level and clearly confirmed that it is not interested in compromise.


"Pristina is not interested in normalizing relations and de-escalating the situation on the ground but wants to change the situation on the ground through militarization," said Petkovic.


The Director of the Office for KiM spoke to the French envoy for the Western Balkans about the "violence and terror" that the regime of the Prime Minister of Pristina institutions, Albin Kurti, perpetrates on the Serbs in KiM. "The sole culprit for the current situation in the north of the KiM is Kurti. He persists in provocations, unilateral actions, baseless arrests and false accusations against Serbs, as well as the consistent refusal to form the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and to call elections in four municipalities in the north KiM," said Petkovic. The director of the Office for KiM stated that the Albanian side's only goal is to provoke new tensions and aggravate the situation on the ground, which leads to the pointlessness of the dialogue. "Kurti's final plan is a KiM without Serbs. Belgrade will remain a constructive party, determined to find a compromise, for the sake of normalizing relations and building lasting and sustainable peace," concluded Petkovic.


Von der Leyen: It is in Pristina's interest to adopt the draft ZSO; Varhelyi: In the EU through dialogue (RTS)


After the presentation of the European Commission's report on the enlargement, the president of the commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, said that it is in Pristina's interest to implement the draft statute of the ZSO. Belgrade and Pristina are invited to engage more constructively in the dialogue, European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said. Varhelji, pointed out that Pristina must redouble its efforts to make the dialogue with Belgrade a success.


Von der Leyen said this after the presentation of the EC report on enlargement, when asked by an Albanian journalist what happened to Pristina's request for accession. “It is important for Kosovo that there is a clear goal of membership and that it is clear what we expect from Kosovo, which is the implementation of the draft statute of the ZSO. That would be a great step forward, it is in the interest of Kosovo. If we look at Kosovo and Serbia, it is important for us that each we give the country the opportunity to get closer to the EU. The incentive is much more positive, and the question is what you have done to get closer to the EU," said Von der Leyen.


European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said that there is a request from Pristina to join the EU and that he is in the European Council. "The Council has not yet requested an opinion from the EC. We are ready to give it. Our impression is that, when it comes to Kosovo, the European path is achieved through dialogue. Kosovo must redouble its efforts to make the dialogue successful," said Varhelyi.


"Belgrade and Pristina are invited to engage more constructively in the dialogue"


Varhelyi stated that Belgrade and Pristina are invited to engage more constructively in the dialogue and implement agreed agreements, which, as he pointed out, implies the establishment of the Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority and the normalization of relations. He said this at the session of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament where he presented the Report on Enlargement and pointed out that the report highlighted that Serbia implemented constitutional amendments for the independence of the judiciary, media laws and fulfilled the requirements for opening another cluster. He also said that Serbia has made progress in aligning its foreign policy with the EU, but that the lack of sanctions against Russia remains a cause for concern. When it comes to Pristina, he stated that there is noticeable progress in the legislative process, but that the situation in the north caused several crises.


"The lack of decisive procedures for de-escalation conditioned the measures. We are looking forward to January 1 and visa liberalization," said Varhelyi.


When it comes to Albania, he said that the comprehensive reform of the judiciary is continuing and that the goal is to open the first cluster by the end of the year. "North Macedonia has shown commitment to the European path, but cases of corruption are worrying. The parliament and the government are committed to achieving constitutional changes and everyone should support them. In Montenegro, progress towards reforms has stalled, the new government should focus on EU reforms. Meeting the criteria from chapters 23 and 24 will be decisive, until then the other chapters will not be closed," said Varhelyi.

European Commission presents Growth plan for Western Balkans (N1)


The European Commission presented its new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans intended to bring some of the benefits of membership to the region in advance of accession, boost economic growth and accelerate much needed socio-economic convergence. A press release said that the objective should be to enable partners to step up reforms and investments to significantly accelerate the speed of the enlargement process and the growth of their economies. “For this, a new €6 billion Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans has been proposed for the period 2024-2027. Payments will happen only after the fulfilment of agreed reforms,” it added.


The new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is based on four pillars, aimed at: enhancing economic integration with the European Union’s single market, boosting economic integration within the Western Balkans through the Common Regional Market, accelerating fundamental reforms and increasing financial assistance to support the reforms through a Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans for the period 2024-2027.


“With today’s adoption of the new €6 billion Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, we are bringing the Western Balkans economies closer to the EU. The potential of this Growth Plan is extraordinary. This Growth Plan could double the economy of the Western Balkans in the next 10 years. With its combination of reforms and investments, it will allow the Western Balkan to benefit soon from key areas of our single market, including free movement of goods, services and workers, the single euro payments area, to transport, energy and the digital single market,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the presentation of the plan.


“The new Western Balkans Growth Plan and the new Reform and Growth Facility build on the €30 billion Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) launched successfully back in 2020. Our new €6 billion Growth Plan is a unique catalyst to accelerate the real socio-economic integration in the region. As we accelerate the implementation of fundamental reforms, we will open our Single Market to the Western Balkans. This will decrease the economic divide between the European Union and our partners and prepare them for the competition on the EU Single Market so they can reap the benefits of their EU membership from the first moment.” the press release quoted Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi as saying.


“The new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is an important offer to our partners, providing an incentive for achieving progress on relevant fundamental and socio-economic reforms. This offer can also accelerate progress on the path to normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia through the EU-facilitated Dialogue. Each and every one of our partners in the Western Balkans has an opportunity to boost economic growth and eventually gain access to the European Single Market even before enlargement. This is also in the interest of the EU as a whole,” High Representative Josep Borrell said.


Jeremic: Implementation of Franco-German plan path to creation of Greater Albania (Beta)


People's Party president Vuk Jeremic said on Nov. 7 that the implementation of a Franco-German plan for Kosovo's independence would be the first step toward creating a Greater Albania which was why Serbia needed to reject the plan. "If Serbia does not reject the Franco-German plan, Kosovo will become a member of the U.N. and in a couple of years it will unite with Albania creating a Greater Albania because there is no international mechanism to stop that. Serbian churches and monasteries in the territory of a Greater Albania would be subjected to the Albanian Orthodox Church and we would lose some of our biggest shrines," Jeremic was quoted as saying by the People's Party in a statement. He said that it was evident that the authorities lacked the strength to reject the plan, which is why he hoped that there would be changes after elections and that citizens would vote so that the future government rejected the plan which envisaged "Serbia's recognition of the self-styled state of Kosovo as an independent country." Jeremic added that state and national unity on Kosovo needed to be established in parliament. Jeremic has said that “Serbia would not be admitted into the EU even if it recognized ‘Kosovo’ and therefore it must reject the Franco-German plan for independence of Kosovo and Metohija and redefine its relations with the EU in a way which will aspire for membership in the European Economic Area (EEA), which is achievable and does not require recognition of ‘Kosovo’,”.


Ljajic: “Strong emotions and empathy” towards the Palestinians in Novi Pazar (RTV)


The leader of Social Democratic Party of Serbia (SDPS) Rasim Ljajic said that he had “never seen such an outpouring of emotions” as recently in Novi Pazar, on the occasion of the Israel-Hamas war. It “has to do with religion as well, but in this case also with solidarity because of the injustice done to the Palestinians, not only now but for decades”, Ljajic told Radio andTelevision of Vojvodina (RTV).


Novi Pazar is the largest city in Sandzak, a region in the southwest of Serbia with a large proportion of ethnic Bosniaks, who are Muslims. Ljajic, a former minister for many years in several governments, is also an ethnic Bosniak from Novi Pazar; his party is a member of the ruling coalition led by Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).


“There were wars in the area, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, people were killed, people are also related to people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. But I cannot remember such an outpouring of emotions and empathy in the more than 30 years I have been involved in politics”, Ljajic said. He condemned a brutal attack by Hamas in which about 1,400 Israelis were killed on October 7, while about 240 were kidnapped. Like all terrorist and extremist organizations, Hamas also has unrealistic goals, he said. “What did they want by kidnapping, killing children on the street? What is the goal of those actions, the purpose?”, Ljajic said. He also said that the residents of Novi Pazar, with whom he had the opportunity to speak, told him that with that strong emotional reaction to the developments in the Gaza Strip, they at least showed that they were “on the right side and they stood in solidarity with the people who were now suffering, who were now killed and ethnically cleansed”.


Palestinian flags were placed in front of the SDPS premises in Novi Pazar. Ljajic explained it by the need to “channel the emotions of the citizens in order for everything to remain calm”. He also said that, as a sign of protest, the owners of restaurants and cafes in Novi Pazar made a decision on their own initiative not to serve Coca Cola as an “American drink”.


Agreement signed with Azerbaijan, Dacic: Mutual respect and trust between the two nations (RTS)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic met with his Azerbaijani colleague Jeyhun Bayramov, with whom he signed the Agreement on the Employment of Family Members of Diplomatic Representatives in Paid Activities. All these years, the relations between Azerbaijan and Serbia follow the dynamic of high-level mutual visits, said Bayramov.


"This is a very important agreement, not only for citizens, but also for people who have to solve their life problems who are on duty in Azerbaijan or here in Serbia," Dacic told reporters after signing the Agreement. The head of Serbian diplomacy also pointed out that the agreement with Azerbaijan on the mutual cancellation of visas for holders of ordinary passports came into force these days, which is "another very clear indicator of extremely friendly relations between the two countries". He added that countries that have such agreements show a high level of mutual respect and friendship. "I must state that the relations between our two countries and our two peoples are at an extremely high level, which are based not only on traditionally friendly ties, mutual trust and respect for the basic principles of international law, but also on very good personal and friendly relations between our two leaders, President Ilham Aliyev and President Aleksandr Vucic," Dacic said.


Gratitude for the principled position of Azerbaijan


The Minister of Foreign Affairs thanked Azerbaijan for its principled stance and the full international support that country provides to Serbia in the fight to preserve territorial integrity and sovereignty. He emphasized that the position of Serbia when it comes to the territorial sovereignty and integrity of Azerbaijan remains unchanged. "We are also pleased by the fact that this year, for the first nine months, a record value of goods exchange of almost 100 million dollars was recorded, which is an exceptional growth. We think that this cooperation can and should grow in the field of energy and agriculture food sector. We are interested in as many contacts as possible and numerous more frequent contacts of our businessmen and seeking common economic interests," said Dacic. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also pointed out that many companies from Azerbaijan are successfully working in Serbia on the implementation of important infrastructure projects of strategic interest. "Given that today, unfortunately, turbulent times have come, the number one issue in many segments, when it comes to international relations that concern the interests of citizens, is the issue of energy security and the issue of food," said Dacic.


The opening of the Belgrade-Baku airline will strengthen relations


He added that the announced opening of the Belgrade-Baku airline will further strengthen the good relations between Serbia and Azerbaijan. "I think it is very important for our overall relations, and of course it is also very important after this agreement on the abolition of visas, which will certainly enable a greater flow of passengers, i.e. looking for opportunities for the development and tourism potential of our two countries," said Dacic.


Bayramov: Reciprocal fasting plays an important role


Bayramov expressed his gratitude for the warm hospitality shown to his delegation during the visit to Serbia and pointed out that he and Dacic discussed many topics and common goals for the further improvement of the strategic partnership between Serbia and Azerbaijan.

"Last year, we celebrated 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. All these years, the relations between Azerbaijan and Serbia have followed the dynamics of high-level mutual visits, excellent political dialogue, enrichment of inter-parliamentary relations, useful interaction within international organizations, promising economic cooperation, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchange", emphasized Bayramov. He added that high-level mutual visits play an important role in the development of bilateral relations, and close parliamentary cooperation and reciprocal visits play an important role in enriching the agenda of interstate relations and deepening existing friendly ties. "I would like to once again express our gratitude for Serbia's constant support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders," Bayramov said. During his presentation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan also touched on the economic exchange between the two countries and pointed out that, although economic cooperation experienced a record expansion in 2023, it still does not reflect the real potential that can be realized. Bayramov pointed out that the development of good relations in the field of education, science, culture and the establishment of academic links between universities should be one of the essential pillars of bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Azerbaijan.


Prime Minister Brnabic: Relations between Serbia and Azerbaijan at the highest level (RTS)


The overall relations between Serbia and Azerbaijan are at the highest historical level, which is best evidenced by the two presidential visits that took place last year, just one month apart, said Prime Minister Ana Brnabic after meeting with Minister Jeyhun Bayramov. The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Jeyhun Bajramov. The prime minister pointed out that the overall relations between Serbia and Azerbaijan are at the highest historical level, which is best evidenced by the two presidential visits that took place last year, just one month apart, the Media Office of the Government of Serbia announced.


She thanked Azerbaijan for its support in preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and said that the good and substantial relations between the two countries should be further extended to other areas of cooperation, among which is certainly cooperation in areas such as energy, economy, agriculture, but also the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology.


Bajramov expressed Azerbaijan's firm and principled position when it comes to supporting Serbia's efforts in preserving sovereignty and territorial integrity. He said that the support of Azerbaijan in international organizations will continue unconditionally, which is best shown by the example of voting against the decision to start the procedure for considering the membership of the so-called. "Kosovo" in the Council of Europe. The minister noted that, after his last stay in Belgrade a few years ago, Serbia's economic progress is even more visible, and expressed his belief that economic relations between the two countries will be significantly improved as part of the further development of the strategic partnership. The Prime Minister also thanked Azerbaijan for its support to our bid to host the Expo 2027 specialized exhibition, and invited Azerbaijan to take part in this prestigious event.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dodik: When we declare independence, 15 countries will recognize us; There is no plan for secession of the RS, but this is the option which should not be excluded (


In an interview for Croatian weekly 'Nacional', Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik talked about secession of the RS. “As soon as the RS declares independence, 15 countries will recognize us, and Croatia will wait and recognize us later on,” said Dodik. Speaking about his relation with Croatia, Dodik said that he will not be asking either Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic or President Zoran Milanovic for approval for secession. Dodik did not want to reveal in his interview which 15 countries would recognize the RS as a state. Dodik noted that Russia is not the first among these countries, adding that it is now busy with its own problems. Dodik added that Croatia is also not the first country that will recognize the RS, but he believes that Croatia would recognize it after waiting for a certain period.


Dodik also said for ‘Nacional’ that the process against him is run by Muslim judges and Prosecutors due to political reasons. Dodik added: “A non-legitimate man (Christian Schmidt) imposes provisions of a law, and lovely, educated Muslim lawyers accept that it is legitimate. A Muslim is pressing charges against me, a judge in an initial proceeding is a Muslim, the judge in the process is a Muslim as well…” Dodik noted that the RS has its response to the situation in which there is the illegal procedure and illegal acting of the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), adding that that he will not agree to being sentenced. Dodik explained that the main problem is that the B&H Parliamentary Assembly did not pass the law and there is no a criminal offense committed in his case. Dodik further said that Sarajevo based authorities banned Serbs to hold a protest in front of the OHR, but they did not ban “their” Muslims to protest at the same location. Dodik asked why Serbs do not have a right to express their democratic will. According to Dodik, there is not the ultimate goal of the campaign ‘Border Exists’ and the plan is that the protests continue the way that people want it and as long as they want it. Dodik argues that the border exists also in terms of behaviour. He explained that things have moved too far in terms of arrogance towards the Constitution, rights of Serbs and to what the RS is. He added that the wall was faced in which international factors, who come first of all from America, want to undermine the RS and make Sarajevo the main place for everything.


Asked if he still sticks to the claim that he will arrest Schmidt if he comes to the RS, Dodik said that they can try to arrest him (Dodik) if they have reason for it. He added that he has reason to arrest Schmidt, noting that Schmidt is an ordinary liar, fraud, who falsely presents himself and makes damage. Dodik also said: “Now he makes the biggest damage to Serbs and the RS. Croats think that he helped them in some way, but you will see what you will get at the next elections.” In Dodik’s opinion, it would have been the best that at the Dayton time a separate country the RS was made, as well as Herzeg-Bosnia as the separate country and Bosnia, which would gather Muslims. He added: “By now, we would have created some form of co-existence here, we would not have interfered in each other’s matters, and we would have been a serious candidate before the EU. And when you ask me, what Croats think about this - they have never given up on what is called Herzeg-Bosnia.”


As for Croatian Prime Minister Plenkovic, Dodik said that, according to the Constitution, Plenkovic is obliged to protect political and existential rights of Croats and he does it in a right way. Dodik confirmed that he is closer to President Milanovic since they had a chance to talk about some issue more frequently. As for 14 EU conditions set to B&H, Dodik reminded that SNSD asked that all 14 conditions are placed on the agenda and that there are negotiations on them in a package. Dodik concluded: “Our people take part in the Parliament and have harsh debates on this issue. If you want us to resolve these 14 priorities, put it all on the table. We are ready. We are also ready to “swallow” some things in order to resolve it and get a status of a negotiator.”


Dodik reiterated for the Croatian weekly that the RS will proclaim independence if Schmidt imposes the law on property, that is, the RS institutions will pass precise decisions. Dodik also said: “B&H is unsuccessful, and it cannot live long since it is still under dominance of the US Democratic Party and its establishment.” Dodik noted that there is no a plan for secession of the RS, but that this is an option which should not be excluded: “To conclude, neither Serbs, Croats, Muslims-Bosniaks nor the IC are satisfied with B&H. For this reason, there should be some solution and we propose the return to the original Dayton, but this option is not being considered.” Dodik pointed out that now there are 10 to 15 countries that have expressed their willingness to support the RS. Dodik said that among these countries are EU members, as well as other countries of the world, and he repeated that the RS will declare independence if Christian Schmidt imposes a law on property, because that would completely bring the RS down. “At that very moment, we will schedule a session of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) and declare the independence of the RS. What else should we do? I am just confirming the determination of the political and state leadership and the people of the RS that if property is touched, then the Republic is meaningless, it does not exist. We have to defend it and we will make such a decision”, said Dodik. The RS President stated that it is also a threat when Schmidt imposes the law, and he has no right to do so, and then he as the president of the RS is tried because he signed the decree on the promulgation of the law passed by the RSNA.


Dodik said that in case there is no consensus about military issues in the B&H Presidency, then other two Presidency members cannot make a decision on the use of the military, adding that the military would immediately fall apart “despite it is being held together by NATO, it will split up”. Dodik further stated that the Serb people would leave the military and joint institutions at lower levels. Dodik also said if one were to conduct an opinion poll, one would see that more than 85% of people (in the RS) would support the idea about independence of the RS, stressing the word ‘independence’ and not ‘accession’.


US Embassy to B&H: Secession rhetoric is reason why US sanctioned Dodik (Hayat)


Hayat carries that in an interview for Croatian weekly 'Nacional', the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik talked about secession of the RS. The US Embassy in Sarajevo posted a response to Dodik’s ‘Nacional’ interview on X (formerly Twitter), stating: “Milorad Dodik’s separatist rhetoric and threats to secede from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) are anti-Dayton and dangerous, not only to the stability and security of B&H, but to the stability and security of the entire Western Balkans region.  Statements like this as well as his anti-Dayton actions and attempts to undermine the state of B&H are exactly why Mr. Dodik is under U.S. sanctions.” “Dodik's delusions are a dangerous diversion from the peaceful, democratic and prosperous future that the citizens of B&H, including those living in the RS, want and deserve. The US has always supported and will continue to support the territorial integrity, sovereignty and multi-ethnic character of B&H," reads the Embassy’s statement.


Covic on Dodik’s statements for ‘Nacional’: I do not comment colleagues who want to create political situation for themselves since it is already now the policy of preparations for the elections (


As for statements of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik given for Croatian weekly ‘Nacional’, HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic said on Wednesday that he would not comment on it, saying that he does comment colleagues who want to create a political situation for themselves since it is already now the policy of preparations for the elections. Covic added: “Our path is a European path. B&H is integrated for me and there is no an alternative to this. We must organize ourselves the way it suits all of us. The EU does not have the alternative.”


Asked if he minds that Dodik stated for the Croatian weekly ‘Nacional’ that it would be smart to form Herzeg-Bosnia, that is, if he minds that Dodik interferes in the issue of the position of Croats in B&H, Covic said: “There is nothing that I should mind about it. This is a part of politics and political outwitting. We are responsible and experienced enough and I do not comment on this. We shall sit together again, and we shall gather to make a step ahead in regard to another four or five laws and to get legal security. We shall deal with this. What someone would offer, many political partners know what would be good for Croats, but there are HDZ and B&H for this sort of issues, that will know to protect their interest of the legitimate people and B&H. I do not know who is bothered by that, but I say my homeland B&H. This is the answer to those who view the position of B&H in a different way.”


PDP’s Crnadak says ‘madness of Dodik’ continues and it is trying to drag RS into problems (EuroBlic)


Commenting on Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s interview to Zagreb-based ‘Nacional’, in which he claimed that 15 countries will recognize the RS’ independence as soon as it proclaims it, the daily reminded that Dodik said a year ago that 10 countries are willing to recognize the RS’ independence. “If we were to trust Dodik’s information, this means that the number of countries that would recognize the RS’ independence after secession is rapidly growing”, the daily noted. Inset ‘He is dragging RS in problems’ – Vice President of PDP Igor Crnadak commented Dodik’s latest announcement and said that “the madness of Dodik continues, by which he is persistently trying to drag the RS into problems because he thinks he will help himself in that way. Dodik knows which 15 countries would be willing to recognize the RS, but he still does not know how to explain the fact that family of his adviser got the biggest job during coronavirus pandemic, worth BAM 35 million”.


B&H Foreigners’ Affairs Service: Schmidt entered B&H as diplomat of Germany not as diplomat of UN (RTRS)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Service for Foreigners’ Affairs confirmed that (High Representative) Christian Schmidt entered B&H crossing the border as a diplomat of Germany, not as a diplomat of the United Nations (UN). Director of the B&H Service for Foreigners’ Affairs Zarko Laketa told RTRS that this is clear evidence that Schmidt is not a High Representative in B&H, because the UN did not confirm his mandate. Laketa emphasized that Schmidt's unauthorized activities are bringing down the constitutional order of B&H.  “Every representative of Republika Srpska (RS) in the institutions of B&H will protect the interests of the RS and RS President Milorad Dodik by law. We will not allow a classic substitution of theses, because we are currently the only ones protecting the Dayton Peace Agreement”, Laketa noted.


B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic expects from the Prosecutor's Office of B&H to conduct an investigation into Schmidt’s “illegal stay” in B&H. Nesic noted that information from the B&H Service for Foreigners’ Affairs and previously submitted data from security agencies about Schmidt’s “false representation” and “illegal bringing of weapons” into B&H should be more than enough argument for the Prosecutor's Office to investigate his stay in B&H. “I expect the Prosecutor's Office to conduct an investigation against Mr. Schmidt, and to establish and inform the public about the results. I expect that other security agencies and all other agencies in B&H that have a connection with Mr. Schmidt’s stay in B&H will react”, added Nesic.


According to the latest information, the Prosecutor's Office of Bi& has appointed a prosecutor, based on the evidence of the security agencies submitted less than a month ago, but in order to conduct the investigation, as they stated, they are waiting for additional evidence from the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H about the committed criminal act. SIPA Director Darko Culum's response is still awaited as to whether the agency has submitted the evidence and whether Schmidt is a High Representative for him.


Lawyer Ognjen Tadic asked whether Germany will be responsible for the fact that, as he claims, their citizen illegally changed the Criminal Code of B&H and attacked the constitutional order of B&H. “B&H Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, as a part of the state authority, clearly declared that Schmidt is not a High Representative and therefore could not change the Criminal Code of B&H. When we look at everything, it is clear that everything surrounding Schmidt is a bunch of lies and frauds with which they are trying to usurp the function of the High Representative, despite the fact that he was not appointed by the UN Security Council”, stated Tadic.


In her commentary, reporter stated that data from the Service for Foreigners Affairs also show that Schmidt is registered as a German diplomat, although he is not a member of the German Embassy in B&H “which means that his identification is illegal”. Reporter concluded: “If he invokes diplomatic status, according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, he must not interfere in the internal affairs of B&H, otherwise, it is an attack on the constitutional order. Germany should be responsible for his actions. Lawyers say that, if it turns a deaf ear, Germany is in conflict with B&H and they ask what the recent announcement of the German Embassy in B&H, in which they claim that Schmidt was not accredited by them but by the OHR, means? Who is dissociating from Christian Schmidt and why?”


EC has supported opening of accession negotiations with B&H, along with Moldova and Ukraine; This causes dissatisfaction of some EU diplomats (


Politico’ carries that to the surprise of many, the European Commission has supported opening of accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), along with Moldova and Ukraine. Few officials stated that rumours about a green light for Sarajevo were not welcome by some EU diplomats, who angrily referred to the alleged regression of B&H in terms of the rule of law. One of them stated for ‘Politico’: “We have granted the EU candidate status to B&H under presumption that this will encourage reforms, but since then we have only seen aggravating of the rule of law area and the political situation in the country. How can we now decide to start negotiations with them and to expect at the same time that other candidate countries work hard on implementation of their reforms?”. It was also stated that it is being discussed in Brussels and EU capitals if the EC will support the beginning of accession negotiations with Ukraine, but majority of Westerner Balkan countries wait in a line for over a decade. It was further stated that Brussels intensifies its engagement with Balkan countries on the eve of the summit of EU leaders, who have a final say on the decision if EC’s proposals for the enlargement will continue. Three high-ranking diplomats stated that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell has called on his colleagues from the region to talk about the foreign policy in Brussels on November 13. It has been speculated a lot that Balkan leaders will meet with their colleagues from the EU at a special summit in Brussels on December 13, a day before a summit of the EU Council.


EC failed to agree at a meeting on Tuesday to recommend the opening of accession negotiations in their progress report for B&H; Discussion about B&H will continue, because the document has not been approved (N1)


The European Commission (EC) is set to present the report on progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Wednesday.  Radio Free Europe has learned from reliable sources in the EC that the heads of the cabinet of European Commissioners failed to agree at a meeting on Tuesday to recommend the opening of accession negotiations in their progress report for B&H. A possible recommendation on the opening of membership negotiations was the basic idea of some Commissioners when the preparation of the report began. However, according to reliable sources from the meeting, there was great resistance to recommending the opening of this process for B&H. The meeting ended without agreement. On Wednesday, the European Commissioners will meet to adopt the enlargement package, after which the document should be published. It is usual for approval to be given at the level of cabinet heads and the approval of the package is a formal procedure. The discussion about B&H will continue, because the document has not been approved. Namely, for two days the heads of the cabinet discussed the enlargement package, which also includes separate reports for each country that wants the EU accession. In the past months, B&H adopted five state laws that were welcomed by Brussels, although – according to N1 – some of them, such as amendments to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) or the Law on Freedom of Access to Information, are far from European standards. Amendments to the Law on Ombudsman for Human Rights, the Law on Foreigners, and the Law on Wines were also adopted. The Law on Prevention of Conflicts of Interest, the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering, and the Law on Priority Courts are still being awaited. N1 further carried that ultimatums, blackmail, divisive rhetoric, threats, anti-constitutional actions, requested reforms are all issues contained in the High Representative Christian Schmidt's latest report, which is far from the impressive progress that some European officials have assessed the political reality as.


B&H CoM Chair Kristo sends letter to Commissioner Varhelyi (Slobodna Bosna)


Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Borjana Kristo sent a letter to European Commission for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi on Tuesday, where among other things, Kristo stated that B&H has made visible steps forward and significant progress, especially when it comes to harmonization of its foreign political stances with the stance of the EU, improving the rule of law, fight against corruption, strengthening of economic stability and establishing of an inclusive and functional BiH society. Kristo thanked Varhelyi for his personal engagement, understanding and continued support to the EU path of B&H, stating that this gives hope and additional motivation to continue “a joint dedicated work on achieving of permanent stability, democracy and prosperity and achieving of our most important foreign political goal, the EU accession.” The CoM Chairwoman also stated that she is addressing this letter to remind the Commissioner how they together organized and co-chaired the First High-Level Political Forum on May 17, 2023, which was attended by political party leaders and representatives of all authority levels in B&H, adding that Conclusions of the discussions led at the Forum formed a concrete agenda in regards to fulfilling a set conditions and chronologically defined 31 priority on the EU path. “It is my extreme pleasure to briefly inform you in this way that in the period after holding of this Forum between B&H and EU, we have made visible steps forward and significant progress especially when it comes to harmonization of its foreign political stances with the stance of the EU, improving  the rule of law, fight against corruption, strengthening of economic stability and establishing of the inclusive and functional B&H society. B&H’s achieved progress undoubtedly testifies to our dedication to reforms and EU values. It is a result of our joint cooperation, based on mutual understanding and trust,” wrote Kristo. She further noted that she believes that “our efforts on the reform path and achieved progress will be recognized and visible in the EC report, which we expect mid-this week”.


In the context of ‘8+1 conditions and 31 priorities’ from the Agenda, Kristo once again underlined importance of implementation of the electoral reform in B&H, which would implement the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H on legitimate representation, as well as ECHR judgements, which in line to agreement of political leaders in B&H, “should be implemented by the end of year”. Kristo underlined that she believes that meeting of this condition is of essential importance for further progress and stability in B&H and will secure transparency and integrity of the election process in B&H.


In the end, Kristo stressed that B&H and all its institutions remain dedicated to further implementation of reform processes and fulfilling of 14 priorities set by the EC. The CoM Chairwoman asked Commissioner Varhelyi to continue with high-level political forum and in line with agreed the deadline of six months, organize continuation of the dialogue in Brussels at the end of November. Kristo underlined: “The report will be of crucial importance for our further steps towards European integration, which is why we hope for positive assessments and recommendations so that we can additionally dynamize our reform process – in line with positive results achieved so far – and in order to justify the awarded status of the candidate and open a new chapter on the path of B&H towards the EU, by beginning pre-accession negotiations for full membership.”


Covic: I expect positive answer when B&H’s path to EU membership is in question; Change of Election Law is priority for us (


HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic held a meeting with Croatian Minister of Labor and Social Policy Marin Piletic on Tuesday. After the meeting, Covic stated that he expects a positive answer when B&H’s path to the EU membership is in question. He noted that this would be encouragement to all in B&H to continue with reforms. Covic expects many meetings in the next 15 days in order to meet 14 priorities. Covic added that they did not give up on the legitimate representation, especially in the B&H Presidency. Covic said: “We shall have a debate on the Election Law. Our colleagues talked to OHR representatives on Monday and with representatives of the US a few days prior to this. We shall sit at the table soon and present proposals to the partners. Change of the Election Law is a priority for us, especially in terms of election of the Presidency member.” Covic also said that intensive preparations are taking place to bring the Election Law on the agenda, and this includes meetings with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. Covic leader did not want to directly comment on statements of ‘The Troika’ leaders, who announced that they will not allow the so-called legitimate representation to be introduced. “We are intensively preparing to have a discussion on the Election Law by the end of the month”, he added. According to him, “legitimate representation is a top priority when it comes to the Election Law”.


FB&H PM Niksic: It is not a matter if but when we will open accession negotiations with the EU (Dnevni avaz)


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Prime Minister (PM) and SDP leader Nermin Niksic wrote on social networks on Tuesday that when they took over the authority, they promised they will improve Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s undermined image in the world, accelerate path to the EU and will not deal with populism but solve real problems of the citizens. “We give our everything to make it happen. Instead of looking for justification for failure, we seek way to move B&H and unfreeze several years-long blockades. Of course, it does not go the way we want it because we have pretty hard coalition partners”, Niksic wrote. He further stated he is not satisfied with the pace of fulfilling the obligations, however some things have moved from the standstill, hoping that the European Commission’s (EC) report on honouring obligations for start of accession negotiations will be positive. “Recent visit of the EC President is testament to it because senior EU officials used to come to criticize the authorities because of lack of reforms, but this time we heard from them commendations and recognitions. The recognition and the assistance coming from the EU are our additional motivation to continue the path we have taken. It is not a matter if we will open the negotiations with the EU, but when we will open the negotiations with the EU”, wrote Niksic.




Milatovic: I will declare myself Montenegrin in census, but I speak Serbian (Adria TV)


I will declare myself Montenegrin in the census, but I speak Serbian, announced the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic. He told Adria TV that he would declare himself in the census the same as in 2011 and as his family declared. “By nationality, I am a Montenegrin, and I speak the Serbian language”, said Milatovic. According to him, the process of forming the government showed that Montenegro is a political society.


“We have five deputy prime ministers. I think that it was not easy for Prime Minister Milojko Spajic either, that the demands of many political entities were too great, I think that he could have negotiated it more wisely. In any case, it is not good to have a government with five deputy prime-ministerial seats”, he said.


As for foreign policy, Montenegro’s position has been strengthened by his election as president, he stated. “With a great desire to improve the image of Montenegro, which was shaken due to affairs, due to slowness in reforms, I am working on improving our position, speeding up our European path, good neighborly relations”, Milatovic pointed out.


He also referred to the Progress Report, assessing that it reflects the situation well. “But the great things that Montenegro did in the previous period are often missing”, said Milatovic.

As he added, a lot had been done in the domain of political changes in Montenegro. “We have never in history changed the government in elections until 2020. In the meantime, we already have a third government, we have matured democratically”, he pointed out.


Meeting over census completed: Date has not yet been set, talks to be continued (CDM)


Prime Minister, Milojko Spajic, held a joint meeting with representatives of the opposition, the council of minority nations, civil sector, the Statistical Office of Montenegro, as well as the ministries of finance and human and minority rights. The meeting tackled amendments to the Census Law, which would be used for setting up the software solution for the control of inserted census data. The attendees from the opposition, national councils and minority nations noted that it was good that they met, adding that they would continue with that practice. They pointed out that a date had not yet been set for the census, suggesting it was much more important to work on its quality.


“Prime Minister initiated the meeting and we’re thankful. Ideas were presented so that we may get the methodology which would be acceptable for everyone. We’ll continue talks in order to find a solution. It’s important that we’re working together and are trying to reach consensus. We haven’t agreed on the date of the census. Talks will continue,” the Minister of Human and Minority Rights, Fatmir Djeka, told reporters following the meeting.


North Macedonia


Nikolovski: N. Macedonia confidently stepping on European path, good regional cooperation important for EU integration (MIA)


Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Ljupcho Nikolovski, addressed Tuesday the 17th annual working meeting of ministers of agriculture from Southeast Europe, held in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). In his address, Nikolovski noted that regional cooperation between SEE countries is a key factor for political stability, security and economic development.


“North Macedonia is confidently stepping on the European path, with a clear goal for EU membership by 2030. Negotiations with the European Union have already begun, and the bilateral meeting on chapters for cluster 5 will be held this month. As a country we have set ambitious frameworks for ourselves, which will assist the harmonization of the country’s legislation with the EU. In recent years, North Macedonia has made great progress and has largely harmonized its national legislation with the European acquis,” said Nikolovski.


At the meeting, Nikolovski presented the results of the IPARD II programme and touched upon “the successful start” of IPARD III. “North Macedonia is a leader when it comes to using funds from the IPARD II programme, we have the largest 100 percent realization of the programme, with zero returned funds, and we were the first country in the region to begin the realization of the new IPARD III programme. Our success with IPARD was also confirmed by the European Union, which increased the sum by 62 percent, as a result of which we have EUR 97 million of European funds at our disposal, compared to EUR 60 million previously,” stressed Minister Ljupcho Nikolovski in his address, during which he presented novelties in the IPARD III programme.


The Minister also spoke about the green agenda which, he said is a roadmap for sustainable agriculture. He also mentioned the Open Balkan initiative as “a good example of successful regional cooperation”. “The goal of our connection was the development of our economies, a common regional and single market without limitations, which would result in a better life for all our citizens. And we are seeing the results. The trade exchange between the Open Balkan countries has reached EUR 1.1 billion, which is a result of the initiative. Integration instead of disintegration of the region, free and open market instead of complicated procedures – this should be the joint goal of the countries of the region,” underlined Nikolovski.


Mickoski expects consensus over joint elections (MIA)


I expect reason to prevail, I expect the national interests to prevail and a consensus to be reached in the next week or two over a date for elections at a single expense, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski on Tuesday. The leader of the biggest opposition party said the citizens should not be burdened with double expenses.


“Let’s not burden the citizens with double expenses. Let’s hold presidential elections alongside parliamentary elections during the second round of the presidential elections, so we can end the agony in Macedonia, so that a government elected by the people can come in power, a government that will focus on serious reforms and transformation of Macedonia into a truly decent European country,” said Mickoski.


Asked about VMRO-DPMNE’s presidential candidate, Mickoski said the party’s delegates will select the best option. “In the past, as a political party we’ve shown that we really are open-minded in terms of our presidential candidates. VMRO-DPMNE has a serious internal procedure, a convention will be held, the delegates will voice their opinion. I expect both male and female candidates, and the delegates will select the best option for Macedonia, then for VMRO-DPMNE as well,” said Mickoski.




The agreement for the migrants between Albania and Italy, Italy to cover all the costs (Radio Tirana)


The Media and Information Agency published some facts on the protocol between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania for strengthening cooperation in the field of migration, signed yesterday by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni in Rome.


Specifically, Article 3 of this agreement stipulates that Italy uses areas of Albanian territory for the establishment of host structures. The agreement envisages that Italy erects, entirely at its own expense, the structures for the stay of migrants (Article 4). Also, the maximum limit will be no more than 3 thousand people sheltered at the same time (Article 4). Italy will cover all expenses for the sheltering of migrants including any health care costs and any other anticipated costs that may be incurred by the Albanian side (Article 6). Also, the agreement stipulates that the maximum period of stay of an immigrant cannot be longer than the time needed for the asylum and/or protection procedures. At the end of the procedures, the Italian side carries out the departure of the migrants from Albania at its own expense (Article 9).


In the joint press release in Rome with Prime Minister Meloni, Rama focused on the debt that Albania owes to Italy, the Italian people and institutions for what they have done for the Albanians since the 1990s. "If Italy calls, Albania answers," he said. While Prime Minister, Meloni praised the agreement as enriching the friendship between the two nations in strategic partnership with each other. Meloni added that Albania is not only confirmed as a friend of Italy, but also of the EU. "Even though it is not formally part of the EU, but is a candidate to join the EU, it approaches as if it is already an EU [member] country," Meloni said.


Rama, for "La Repubblica": Immigrants agreement is an act of gratitude because Italy opened its arms to us on numerous occasions (Radio Tirana)


No benefit comes from the agreement for immigrants; we are dealing with an act of gratitude," said Prime Minister Edi Rama in an interview with the Italian newspaper "La Repubblica."


Edi and Giorgia make two unusual actors in the political landscape. He is a historic and innovative socialist prime minister, a politician, and an artist, while she is associated with the political right, a perspective that, once in Italy, considered Albanians as a threat. She is a person of intense determination, while he, a former basketball player, stands as a giant. The difference in height is unmistakable, even in official photos. This was evident in December 2022 when the two met in Tirana at the international summit between the EU and the Balkan countries.


"I'm 198 centimetres tall, but when she speaks, she stands taller than me," Rama said on June 2, after a warm embrace at Silvio Berlusconi's funeral.


On August 17, at the end of a fast journey from Puglia, he referred to her as 'Albania's sister,' reserving the title of 'Italy's brother' for himself. For Rama, the Italian prime minister is the most generous and the most committed sponsor of Albania's EU accession.


Mr. Prime Minister, does this explain your friendship?


"I have always maintained excellent relations with all Italian prime ministers. Over the course of 32 years of free and democratic Albania, individuals from both the right and the left have been willing to assist us, without exception. Italy has been our staunchest supporter on the European stage. It is an honor for me to have forged these profound friendships with all the heads of the Italian government," he states. With Giorgia Meloni, though, the political connection is particularly evident. "I get along with her because she's authentic, and what you see on television is exactly what you get in person. She speaks her mind and stands by her words. She's a remarkable politician," he adds.


How did the pact for immigrants come about?


"Giorgia had discussed this with me before the summer, and then we had further discussions on August 15 when she visited Albania. We had received requests from various countries, but we couldn't refuse Italy," says Rama.


Who will cover the costs?


"Italy will be responsible for building and managing the centers; the infrastructure still needs to be constructed," he explains.


But with yesterday's deal, you have taken on a significant challenge. What is the compensation?


"Everyone keeps asking me that, but I believe it should be approached in a much simpler manner. We are not doing this for profit, and we already have experience in hosting Afghan refugees," emphasizes Rama.




"Because when Italy needs it, we lend a helping hand, and we are honored to do so. Italy has shown us a great deal of respect and extended a helping hand to us, not just once but many times, welcoming us with open arms when we escaped from a dire situation," he remarks.

At this stage, Albania is in great need of Italian investments. "Italy already invests significantly in Albania, but it can certainly do more. However, it's important to clarify that our decision to assist your country isn't solely driven by economic considerations, but by a genuine and straightforward spirit of friendship. This is how friendships are nurtured and solidified," concludes Rama in an interview with the Italian newspaper "La Repubblica."


Strengthening cooperation in the fight against crime, Balla receives a delegation from Saudi Arabia (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of Interior, Taulant Balla received a high-level delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a meeting, with which they discussed issues of cooperation in areas related to the fight against organized crime, terrorism, violent extremism, including cyber-crimes. During the meeting, Minister Balla also addressed issues of cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of both countries, and the possibilities of support for the development of the State Police capacities.


After the meeting, Balla emphasized that the intensification of relations between the two countries has brought a closer cooperation between both law enforcement agencies. "We discussed the possibility of deepening cooperation in the fight against crime, including cyber-crime, terrorism or violent extremism in order to increase security in our countries and regions.


The support of Saudi Arabia in the development of the capacities of the State Police with the relevant expertise and technology was the focus of the meeting with the representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of security," underlines Balla. Earlier, the high delegation of the Ministry of Interior of Saudi Arabia was also received by the Head of Albanian State Police Muhamet Rrumbullaku.


Strengthening cooperation in the fight against organized crime (Radio Tirana)


The Director General of Albanian State Police, Muhamet Rrumbullaku and the accompanying delegation paid an official visit to the General Directorate of the Spanish Police, in Madrid. The delegation was received at the meeting by the Director General of the National Police, Francisco Pardo Piqueras and senior leaders of the Spanish Police.


The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen cooperation in areas of mutual interest, based on professionalism, reliability and increasing investigations and joint operations. The so far cooperation so far between the two police organizations in the fight against criminal groups was evaluated during the meeting. Emphasis was laid on the further strengthening cooperation in the fight against organized crime, which is a very big challenge, against narcotics, human trafficking and migrant smuggling, against economic and financial crimes, related to money laundering, seizure of criminal assets, human trafficking, both nationally and internationally, cyber-crimes and terrorism.


The Director General of the Spanish National Police, Francisco Pardo Piqueras, appreciated the professional, correct and reliable cooperation with the Albanian Police, and the results achieved by the Albanian Police, month after month, in terms of fighting crime in general and organized crime in particular. Also, the Director General of the Spanish National Police, Francisco Pardo Piqueras, expressed to his Albanian counterpart, the willingness to strengthen the cooperation between the two police forces in the future. Meanwhile, Rrumbullaku thanked his Spanish counterpart for the evaluation and cooperation so far, and assured him that the Albanian State Police is fully committed and determined to strengthen cooperation with counterpart international law enforcement agencies.