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Belgrade Media Report 14 November 2023



Vucic with Lajcak: Belgrade for dialogue and respect for what was agreed; on Thursday about the ZSO statute in Brussels (RTS)


The Special Representative of the European Union for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, met with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. Serbia is always ready for dialogue and respect for everything signed and agreed upon, said Vucic, who insisted on the formation of the Union of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) at the meeting. Lajcak's invitation to resume talks between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels in two days was accepted, said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic, and specified that the text of the ZSO statute will be discussed. Vucic met with the EU's special envoy in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic, the press service of the president announced. As reported, Vucic pointed out that Serbia is always ready for dialogue, for the respect of everything signed and agreed upon, and reiterated that our country stands for de-escalation, peace and stability, which are necessary to ensure the survival of Serbs in Kosovo.


"Once again, President Vucic informed the EU special representative in detail about the gravity of the situation faced by the Serbs, both north and south of the Ibar, expressing, at the same time, the hope that results will be reached in the further process of dialogue," the statement said. Vucic, it is added, insisted on the formation of ZSO, and other important topics were discussed within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.


Petkovic: Invitation to Brussels accepted, on Thursday about the statute of the ZSO


Lajcak previously met with the director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic. Petkovic, after the meeting between Vucic and Lajcak, which he attended, said that the invitation of the European Union's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was accepted to resume talks in Brussels in two days, where the text of the ZSO statute will be discussed.


"We accepted Mr. Lajcak's invitation to meet in Brussels in two days, where the talks between Belgrade and Pristina will continue. Our side is very prepared and is going with a special team of experts where we will discuss the text of the ZSO statute, which is the first concrete step towards the formation of the ZSO," said Petkovic at the press conference. He added that the discussions on the statute should provide answers on how to resolve a number of important issues related to the ZSO, and above all, how the executive powers that the ZSO has, in accordance with the agreements signed in 2013 and in 2015, will be resolved. "This also applies to healthcare, education, spatial planning, and all other important issues. Belgrade has every right to finance all these institutions through the ZSO," concluded Petkovic.


According to him, the president also pointed out all the facts about the daily threat of Serbs in KiM, as well as numerous escalating moves by the prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti."We also talked about the ZSO, that was on the agenda of today's meeting. It is a key and most important topic above all for the Serbian people in KiM, in addition to the de-escalation that President Aleksandar Vucic particularly insisted on," said Petkovic. He notes that the ZSO is a mechanism for preserving the collective and individual rights of the Serbian people in KiM. "Unfortunately, there is no such thing because Albin Kurti tramples on those rights almost every day. There were also discussions about all other topics within the framework of those agreements that were signed or agreed upon in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. You know very well that Belgrade has never run away from talks and dialogue, on the contrary, we have always insisted on dialogue as the only way to solve all problems and normalize relations between Belgrade and Pristina," said Petkovic. He emphasized that it is important for Serbia to preserve the lives and survival of Serbs in KiM.


"That's why it's important to talk, negotiate and look for solutions. Peace is the most precious thing. We must not threaten peace at any moment with any move, and that's why we insist on talks," Petkovic pointed out. He says that Belgrade is a constructive side, a side that is committed to the process of normalizing relations. "We are responsible, and we will take such an approach in the period ahead of us. Because it is the only way we can achieve certain progress and results. De-escalation on the ground is necessary, especially in the north of KiM," emphasized Petkovic.​


Ministers of the EU and the Western Balkans on the situation in the region - there must be no grey areas for peace and security on the map of Europe (RTS)


The ministers of foreign affairs of the EU and the Western Balkans discussed the situation in the region, the enlargement of the Union and cooperation in foreign policy in Brussels. In a separate part of the meeting, the heads of European diplomacy called for an immediate pause in the hostilities in Gaza, which would enable the delivery of the necessary humanitarian aid.


The head of European diplomacy says that the talks show the importance of the Western Balkans for the EU. On the table during the debate, in which the Minister for EU Integration Tanja Miscevic participated on behalf of Serbia - the recent report of the European Commission on enlargement, compliance with the European foreign and security policy and the preparation of the upcoming summit of the leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans in December.  "We will discuss the recent proposals of the European Commission on enlargement. We will also insist on alignment with the common foreign policy because some countries do not perform very well in this area," said Josep Borrell, the EU's high representative for foreign policy. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, emphasized that it is important to understand that "enlargement is a geopolitical issue and that there must be no grey areas for peace and security on the map of Europe." "That's why it's good that all the ministers of the EU and the Western Balkans are here today to exchange ideas," added Baerbock.


Before the talks with their colleagues from the Balkans, the heads of EU diplomacy discussed two conflicts at the gates of Europe - Ukraine and the Middle East - at a separate meeting. They called for an immediate humanitarian pause and the creation of humanitarian corridors in Gaza, condemned Hamas' use of hospitals and civilians as human shields, and asked Israel to exercise restraint and protect civilians.


Josep Borrell says that the ministers should start discussions on a political solution to the conflict, based on the principle of two states. "We condemn the terrorist attack and ask for the protection of the civilian population. We ask for the establishment of a long-lasting humanitarian pause as soon as possible," said Catherine Colonna, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, informed his European colleagues about the needs of Kyiv for the upcoming winter. Many ministers supported the European Commission's recommendation to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and announced the continuation of financial and military aid to Ukraine - a decision on which will be made at the leaders' summit in December.


Borrell: Western Balkans to align more closely with EU policy, sanctions against Russia (Beta)


Partners in the Western Balkans need to “align more closely” their foreign and security policies with the European Union’s foreign policy moves and sanctions, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said on Nov. 13, while Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon underscored that this would allow the region’s representatives to attend meetings of EU foreign ministers as observers. The “closer alignment” with the Union’s foreign policy and anti-Russian sanctions will be presented as a necessity at the meeting between EU foreign ministers and their Western Balkan counterparts, Borrell said ahead of the meeting. The EU high representative said that the Union’s ministers would discuss with their partners in the Western Balkans the European Commission’s report on the region, highlighting that “some countries do not have a bright record on alignment with our foreign policy and sanctions.” Minister Fajon said that Slovenia and some other EU member states had proposed that partners in the Western Balkans should attend meetings of EU foreign ministers as observers, provided they had aligned their foreign and security policy with that of the Union.


Varhelyi: EC prepared to speed up Western Balkan EU integration (Beta)


Oliver Varhelyi, European commissioner for enlargement and neighborhood policy, said in Brussels on Nov. 13 that the European Commission was prepared to accelerate the integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union. At a meeting of ministers of foreign or European affairs from EU member countries and the Western Balkan six, Varhelyi posted on the X social media platform that Slovenia, Austria and Croatia voiced strong support of the EC's annual reports on the region's countries and the new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, adopted by the EC on Nov. 8. "The integration of the Western Balkans is our common aim. This is about our common security, our stability, our prosperity. It is our common project to secure peace on our continent," Varhelyi's post read. EU High Representative Josep Borrell hosted the EU-Western Balkans ministerial meeting. EU Integration Minister Tanja Miscevic attended representing Serbia.


Non-paper calls EU to give Western Balkans priority (N1)


N1 was given access to a non-paper which calls the European Union to give high priority to the Western Balkans with support on the region’s path to the Union. The non-paper was drafted by Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Czechia, Greece, Italy and Slovakia, sources told N1. The document says that the Western Balkans are exposed to outside influence and illegal migration and that the countries of the region need to align with the common EU foreign and security policy. The non-paper says that meetings with Western Balkans officials need to be held more often and that the region’s foreign ministers should have more regular meetings with EU member state ambassadors. The document insists on a greater EU presence in the Western Balkans as well as a greater engagement to help with their accession to the Union.


Brnabic with Diane Farrell: USA is one of the most important foreign political and economic partners (RTS)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke with US Deputy Undersecretary for Foreign Trade Diane Farrell about economic cooperation and strengthening the partnership between the two countries. At the meeting with Diane Farrell, Ana Brnabic assessed that the USA is one of the most important foreign political and economic partners of Serbia, recalling that American companies are also involved in some of the capital projects in Serbia, according to a statement from the Government of Serbia. According to her, Serbia is determined to further improve cooperation with American partners - through increased investments, trade exchanges and various development support programs, as well as through further strengthening of exchanges in the field of information technology and energy.


Bearing in mind that the private sector is a pillar of every country's economy and an important factor in economic growth, the US Deputy Undersecretary for Foreign Trade emphasized the importance of further strengthening economic cooperation in this segment as well. At the same time, Farrell highlighted the exceptional potential for cooperation between the two countries when it comes to the development of green energy and praised the vision of the Government of Serbia in supporting the digital reform of our country. Cooperation in the field of higher education between Serbia and the USA was also discussed at the meeting.


At least three banks have payment transactions with Russia, a jump in the re-export of phones through Serbia (Forbes Serbia)


After the May visit of the international special envoy for monitoring the implementation of sanctions against Russia, Serbia took concrete steps and stopped the re-export of products under sanctions. On this year's list of the most important visits to Serbia, the highest state leader should certainly single out the May arrival of David O'Sullivan, the international special envoy for overseeing the implementation of sanctions against Russia.


The European Union and its partners have once again included Serbia in the group of problematic countries, this time because they noticed that we are one of those countries through which "various" people try to bypass the sanctions imposed on Russia and deliver their products or parts that are on the list of sanctions, because could be used for the production of weapons and used on the Ukrainian front.


From the meetings with Aleksandar Vucic and Ana Brnabic, only the recordings and pictures of the news agency, as well as the announcements from our side, reached the public, but what was particularly striking was the seriousness, the poker-faced look and the North Atlantic coldness of this Irishman, a career diplomat of many decades, which was not at all melted the president's recognizable smile of the President. In a way that has already been seen several times, both the president and the prime minister announced that what the guest came for, is not being done through Serbia and pointed out that we are "a credible (in Brnabic's case and "reliable") partner" to the European Union. O'Sullivan did not say anything, he just continued on to other destinations.


Serbia did not impose sanctions on Russia, which made it interesting and attractive for those who want different goods to reach Russia. Someone had bad intentions, and someone didn't care about violating sanctions but about saving their business. This is how a Polish businessman found himself in Serbia, who before the war exported 100% of his production to Russia. The situation with the attack on Ukraine caught him by surprise, so he tried to find a way to ship his products as quickly as possible in our country. One of the reasons was the difficulty of payment, because about 70% of Russia's banking sector (read the largest banks) is excluded from the SWIFT system and almost cut off from the world of those who introduced sanctions. The advantage of Serbia was that our banks can carry out payment transactions with Russia without hindrance. At least three banks continue to maintain payment transactions, two independent sources familiar with the banking sector confirmed for Forbes Serbia, but they asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the topic. They also agree in listing them.


The mystery of payment transactions

Sensitivity (or rather secrecy) is the key word that describes this topic. If Serbia has not introduced sanctions and can trade freely with the Russian Federation (if it is not about products under sanctions), it is unclear why the institutions do not want to talk about it.

Although always ready to show openness to the media (so much so that it regularly publishes answers to media inquiries on its website), the National Bank of Serbia did not want to answer Forbes Serbia's question about which banks have been conducting payment transactions with Russia since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. "They won't even confirm it." Neither they, nor the Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering, nor anyone," one of our sources is sure. What further fuels the mystique of the topic is his assessment that any trade with Russia must receive "approval from the top".


Serbia is small after all...

What, in his opinion, saves Serbia is that Russia's needs are great, and Serbia's opportunities are small, so we cannot be a training ground for large transactions. As he states, even if someone wanted to transport large quantities of goods through us, he would not have the logistical conditions, that is, he would not be able to find enough wagons or trucks. But re-export of small components can find its way through our country.


He adds that re-export through Serbia is not attempted by large companies, but by small brokers. And that's exactly why banks can find themselves in trouble. As he explains, one of the models for circumventing sanctions is that goods never enter Serbia. They go to the East, and the bank from Serbia makes the payment by transferring the money to the correspondent bank, because it does not have its own operations in that part of the world. After that, both goods and money can change several more destinations before ending up in Russia, making it difficult to trace the flows. Whether they know it or not, they are being drawn into something that may be illegal and under EU and US surveillance. Another way, or just a variation of the first model, is for Russian citizens to "go out" to countries that have not imposed sanctions on Russia and establish companies there through which they purchase the necessary goods and then export them to their mother country. And that is the moment when banks in Serbia have to be careful. Forbes Serbia's questions to the banks - whether they carry out payment transactions with Russia and how they protect themselves from the possibility that someone will involve them in a transaction that serves to circumvent sanctions - were answered only by API Bank, which bears that name after the Bank of Moscow changed its name to VTB, and then to the current name. It is owned by the company AZRS invest doo, which is 100% owned by the Russian businessman Andrey Shlyakhovoy with a Grenada passport.


When he bought the operations of VTB Bank in Serbia, Reuters recalled in the article about that transaction that the US blocked his other bank, Agrosoyuz, from accessing the American financial system due to claims that that bank managed "significant transactions on behalf of a person who was on the sanctions list for activities about weapons of mass destruction in relation to North Korea".


The banks confirm

API Bank says that they are a Serbian bank that operates in accordance with domestic regulations and that since Serbia has not imposed sanctions on Russia, payment transactions work through them. "The bank is not part of any international group and is not present abroad, although the capital is of foreign origin. API Bank operates in compliance with the laws and other acts of Serbia and does not open payment accounts to clients from the list sanctioned by the EU and the USA. We operate in accordance with regularly adopted business plans in response to client requests, both for deposit and credit products, while payments in international payment transactions take place in the standard scope of business, in accordance with current capabilities. By strictly following the rules in the field of preventing money laundering, our bank, when establishing business cooperation, identifies clients, both natural and legal persons, residents and non-residents (regardless of their citizenship), determines the business activity as well as the purpose and purpose of establishing business cooperation", they reply in API Bank stating that they cannot say anything about transaction verification mechanisms, because they are implemented in the bank's confidential procedures and their public publication could be misused.


As the other banks that did not want to answer the questions, Forbes Serbia journalists applied the "secret buyer" technique to check whether the payment to Russia, which is allowed, can be made. Officials at Postanska Stedionica and Alta Banka confirmed to us that as a legal entity we can carry out trade transactions with Russia, as well as payments with a company in that country, and explained the procedure to us. Why they did not want to confirm this from their headquarters through an official response to our inquiry, even though it is a completely legal matter, will remain a mystery. And due to the lack of readiness of official Belgrade to impose sanctions on Russia, it is evident that Serbia will remain under surveillance for some time in a group of countries such as China, Turkey, UAE, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.


The "stick" that O'Sullivan took with him on the "tour" was Brussels' threat of punitive measures against countries through which illicit trade takes place.


Radio Free Europe wrote that there was smoke in Serbia, reporting on companies that they assumed traded in products under sanctions, and the Balkan Security Network, which presented information about the company GoodForwarding doo (ironically or not, the Serbian name of the company would read Good Forwarding). The GoodForwarding company, which was founded last year and is registered for fruit trade, has denied participating in illegal activities. Brussels officials also confirm that the threat of punitive export restriction measures had a beneficial effect on the activities of the Serbian authorities.


The EU is satisfied with Serbia's reaction

We spoke directly to Special Envoy for Sanctions Enforcement David O'Sullivan, and European Commission spokesperson Daniel Ferri responded on his behalf. "Circumvention of EU sanctions is a crime and the fight against it is a matter of priority." That is why the Commission is working hard to stop this practice. The EU closely monitors third countries that are used as platforms to circumvent sanctions, and in particular operators involved in circumvention schemes and re-export of EU products under sanctions to Russia. Diplomatic activity and constant cooperation with these countries to ensure that there is no circumvention of sanctions is "under mandatory". That is at the heart of Special Envoy O'Sullivan's mandate," said Ferri.


The EU, USA, Great Britain and Japan have agreed on a priority list of sanctioned products intended for war operations. Ferri adds that they demanded from third countries to ban the re-export of those products, because they will almost certainly be used in the actions of the Russian army at combat positions in Ukraine. That's why the list is a central element in our discussions with third countries, Ferri said, pointing out that companies must carry out special checks when trading in such goods. In addition, the EU has internally identified economically critical products that companies should be particularly careful about.


"As part of diplomatic activities with third countries, Mr. O'Sullivan visited Serbia in May. As you know, Serbia, as a candidate country for membership, is expected to harmonize with EU foreign policy and decisions, which has not yet been done. However, specifically regarding the issue of the re-export of products intended for the battlefield, Serbia was very responsive in taking concrete steps to stop the re-export of these most sensitive items," notes Ferri. When asked what the result is of taking those steps, the EC spokesperson answers:

"We see that the direct export of priority products from Serbia to Russia has dropped to 0. That's good news," Ferri points out and adds that, at the same time, we certainly have other areas where we should cooperate.


On the other hand, Ferri had no comment on the question of whether they monitored the work of banks in Serbia and whether they noticed activities that violate EU sanctions. The EU and partner countries have drawn up a list of 45 items that list items that can have a dual purpose and be used on the battlefield. In four product groups, there are different types of electronic integrated circuits (processors and controllers, amplifiers, memories...), equipment that can transmit voice and image, capacitors, diodes, transistors, video cameras, reflectors, telescopes and periscopes that can be add to weapons, navigation instruments, printed circuit boards, oscilloscopes, etc. The goal of all this is to reduce Russia's ability to wage war by leaving it without key technologies. In addition, the EU independently added more than 70 groups of products to the list of sanctions, including pumps for various types of liquids, mechanical, factory or laboratory equipment, various types of filters, various types of cranes, elevators, loaders and diggers, data processing equipment, machinery for construction works, generators and accumulators, different types of motor vehicles and many others.


What do the numbers say?

An analysis by the Center for Economic Policy Research, a European think-tank (with offices in London, Paris and Brussels), an independent and non-profit organization whose goal, according to the description on their website, is to contribute to improving the quality of decisions made, calculated at the end of May this that the list of sanctioned products affects a third of EU exports to Russia (by value). A team of eight researchers of this organization determined, comparing trade data from different sources (EU data, customs data of individual countries and Russia), that the export of both sanctioned and non-sanctioned products from the EU to Russia began to fall since the beginning of the war and that the placement products under sanctions almost at zero. On the other hand, exports from countries that did not impose sanctions on Russia, after a sharp drop at the beginning of the war, nevertheless began to recover in the second half of last year, even in the part of sanctioned products.


The analysis that covered the period from the last quarter of 2021 to the last quarter of 2022 shows a significant drop in exports of sanctioned products from the EU and other countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia. On the other hand, there was an increase in exports from countries that did not impose sanctions, and the Russian administration thus partially succeeded in substituting part of the products (the Center's estimate is from 10 to a maximum of 25%). The most difficult thing was to find a replacement for medium and high-tech products.


Turkey and Kazakhstan at the head of the column

"Even though the overall level of import substitution was limited, some EU products affected by the export restrictions may have been diverted to Russia." The possible route of such exports can be followed because there is a noticeable increase in the imports of certain countries from the EU and exports to Russia (for example, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Armenia). Also, other neighboring countries and Serbia appear as possible routes", the analysis states.


Taking the lowest estimate of the value of goods that reached Russia via third countries, the Center calculated that its value is 758 million dollars, of which 75% goes via Turkey and Kazakhstan. Based on data on the drop in Russian imports of products under sanctions (by about 7.5 billion dollars), the Center estimates that 10% of that missing import (the mentioned 758 million) could be re-exported through third countries to Russia.


Although they did not analyse the data for China, they point out that monitoring the turnover of goods through large markets is difficult due to the high domestic demand and production in those countries, which can mislead the assessment of the volume of re-exports. They add that prohibited goods can end up in Russia, without third countries registering them as their imports.


Trade growth between Russia and China

Data on trade between China and Russia show significant changes. The trade exchange between the two countries in 2022 jumped as much as 30% compared to the year before. Russian customs data show that China is Russia's largest supplier of semiconductors and integrated circuits (more than $500 million), along with Hong Kong (more than $400 million), and that there has been a significant increase in Russian imports from China in that segment as well. According to CNBC's estimate, China now participates in 45 to 50% of Russia's imports, while before the war its share was about a quarter, and this includes trade in dual-use products.


Boom in the export of mobile phones from Serbia to Russia

"Evidence of diversion is limited to a portion of the sanctioned products." Russian imports of mobile phones from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Serbia and Turkey skyrocketed, and at the same time exports from the EU to those countries increased significantly. A similar pattern appears with Russian imports of computers from Kazakhstan and Turkey, as well as cars from Armenia and Turkey," according to the analysis of the Center for Economic Policy Research.


We also checked the data in the databases of our Republic Institute for Statistics, for the same period. The growth of Serbian exports to Russia in the observed period jumped by 63%, from 230.9 million dollars to 376.4 million dollars. Data for the group of electronic products (computers, electronic and optical products) show a 44.7% increase in exports in the same period, but these are figures for the whole world because the state statistics do not publish data for each country individually. According to the detailed data we received from the Center, Serbia's imports from the EU of sanctioned products increased by 41.5 million dollars, and the shipment of such products to Russia increased by 5.3 million dollars. From the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina also appears in the calculation (it also did not introduce sanctions), but with an increase in exports to Russia by about 600,000 dollars. The Center estimates that the potential re-export of products under sanctions from Serbia to Russia last year amounted to 41.9 million dollars. It is clear from the data that Turkey and Kazakhstan are leading, while Serbia is fourth. The Center estimates the value of re-exports via Turkey at 311 million dollars, Kazakhstan at 266 million, and Armenia at 101 million.


In the conclusion of the analysis, the Center points out that Russia failed to find a substitute for all the products under sanctions and that the effects of the sanctions are significant. "Some countries, especially those that traditionally have strong economic ties with Russia, may have become a hub through which some private companies redirect the products they imported from the EU to Russia.


How do the banks protect themselves

While visiting bank branches and presenting themselves as potential importers of small quantities of food products that are not on the list of sanctions, Forbes Serbia journalists received conflicting answers. In one branch, we were told that it was impossible to make payments through Postanska Stedionica to the Russian Federation, while the head of another branch received us and said that it was possible, but that the payment process was difficult.


He explained that the payment is made through a correspondent bank, which in this case is the German Deutsche Bank. It has been his experience that Deutsche Bank can often keep the paid money in its account for several months, so the importer of goods cannot pay the exporter, nor can he recover the paid money easily and quickly.


What is noticeable is that our banks are more focused on opening accounts for Russian citizens in Serbia. Although we clearly specified that we would open an account for the purpose of paying for the goods we plan to import from Russia, the bank officials first began to explain how it is possible for a Russian citizen to open an account at the Postal Savings Bank, but they first perform a strict check on who exactly it is.


The branch of Alta Bank in New Belgrade even has, one would say, an improvised section for legal entities, more precisely for guests from Russia. At least 20 people are waiting in line in the narrow corridor, with the intention of opening an account for the company they previously registered here. The Forbes Serbia journalist, as a resident, was directed to the neighboring office because colleagues with domestic legal entities work there. When asked whether it is possible to make payments with the Russian Federation through them, or more precisely pay for small amounts of food, the friendly employee answers: "The first step is certainly to open a company account in our bank, and the payment must be made in Ruble. But, before payment, we would definitely need to know who your business partners are from Russia, what is the name of the company from which you buy the goods, so that a check can be carried out. Also, we need to have insight into which goods are involved. Without all that information, it is not possible to pay through our bank", the official replies, noting that re-export is not possible.



Bosnia and Herzegovina


Karan: There are more than 110 or 120 registered para-jamaats which the RS MoI is controlling; Nesic says that he does not have new information compared to his earlier statements regarding security in B&H (FTV)

FTV reports that representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Parliament sent a letter to US senators and congressmen accusing B&H of being a hotbed of terrorism. FTV noted that the abovementioned letter caused numerous reactions in B&H, but no response from those to whom it was addressed. After the letter, the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) came out with new data with focus on para-jamaats. Namely, RS Minister of Interior Sinisa Karan said that there are more than 110 or 120 registered para-jamaats which the RS MoI is controlling and monitoring and through them “the development of extreme Wahhabi radicalism.” B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic did not give a statement. Nesic said that he does not have new information compared to his earlier statements regarding security in B&H. N1 reminded that Nesic said the last time that increased police presence was requested in the areas of facilities of the Jewish and Palestinian communities. Nesic said on October 24 that increased security measures are normal when one looks at the situation in Europe and the world. Nesic commented then that there is no reason for B&H not to raise security measures if other European countries are doing the same. The RS Minister of Interior Sinisa Karan stated that the situation in para-jamaats (Illegal Mosque congregations) is being monitored.


Federation of B&H (FB&H) Minister of Interior Ramo Isak emphasized that there are no terrorist cells in B&H. Isak commented: “They do not have any knowledge, but they simply tell lies. There are no terrorist cells in the area of B&H. I say that loud and clear. This is what our intelligence and operational data say”.


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic confirmed that there are threats of terrorism, added the reporter. He said that the Croat Caucus in the B&H HoP will insist to include this issue on the agenda of the next B&H HoP session. Covic said that he thinks is a topic for the internal political scene that should be opened at the parliamentary debate. Covic said he is certain they will discuss these issues at the session of the B&H HoP.


SDA: We will always answer to recycled lies of Dodik’s Greater-Serb propaganda with the truth (

SDA issued a statement, commenting the letter that SNSD officials and representatives in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Parliament sent to the US Congress, accusing former and current political and religious representatives of Bosniaks for Islamic radicalism, terrorism, antisemitism, and attempt to dominate other peoples. SDA stated that the letter is full of lies, which “Serb nationalists have ben constantly recycling in the last 30 years”. The statement reads that the goal of these attempts is to use Goebbels-like repetition of lies to justify, within the Islamophobic part of international public, the Greater-Serb state project directed against state of B&H and Bosniaks, as the biggest people in B&H. Noting that this project is based on a joint criminal enterprise, genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing, SDA stated: “Even though B&H is a country with extremely high presence of the representatives of the international community, who certainly know what is the right situation and relations in our country like, to every repeated lie it has to be responded to by repeating the truth. This is why SDA representatives will send the letter to the same addresses.


The letter will in addition explain that the basic problem of B&H is an attempt of Milorad Dodik to use political tools to accomplish wartime goals of convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic.”  The statement further noted that this is the reason why Dodik and SNSD continuously and systematically undermine the DPA, attack constitutional-legal order, state institutions and try to use lies to weaken the position of Bosniak and other pro-state political forces, which are standing up to them. At the same time, SDA added, their attacks, insults and humiliations are directed toward the OHR and toward representatives of Western states, which lately are taking somewhat more decisive stance toward Dodik’s separatist policy. “This, as well as the judicial process, launched against him, are, among other things, reasons of Dodik’s panic and panic of his closest associates. This is why this schizophrenic move is not surprising, where his associates, who are under US sanctions and who openly support the Russian aggression of Ukraine and who are main collaborators for spreading of Russian influence in the Balkans, address the US Congress,” reads the SDA statement.


Dodik: RS knows what should be done for EU path, this includes no foreign judges, no Schmidt, story of opposition they would introduce B&H to EU is science fiction (ATV)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik wrote on social media ‘X’ on Monday that the RS knows really well what should be done for progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) towards the EU and that is meeting of all priorities without any exceptions. Dodik added: “This means no foreign judges, no fake (High Representative Christian) Schmidt. The agreement of representatives of the three peoples is the key for any progress. Everything else is a deception and bedtime story for children.” Dodik added that the story of the opposition that they would introduce the RS and B&H into the EU only if ‘The Troika’ elected them is science fiction. Dodik asked can anyone imagine leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic taking over responsibility, giving up on his personal coziness because of the RS and running for some of the most responsible positions, defending interests of the Serb people and showing responsibility as party leader. Dodik said: “Of course not. He also knows what people think of him, which is why he lets it to others, because in reality, it does not take much to be better than Borenovic. Now, he has problems. He no longer has anyone to let go which is why he let himself to his everyday moaning on Milorad Dodik who is allegedly the problem.”


Session of HNS Presidency held in Mostar; Covic announces more intensive talks regarding changes to B&H Election Law from next week (FTV)

FTV reports that the well-known story about changes to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law is returning to the focus of the public in B&H. FTV noted that this will be a test for the ruling coalition at the B&H level considering that the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) is not giving up on its earlier wishes. Following Monday’s session of the HNS Presidency in Mostar, HDZ B&H leader and HNS President Dragan Covic announced more intensive talks regarding changes to the B&H Election Law as of the next week.


Speaking about what is the most important to him when it comes to changes to the B&H Election Law, Covic said that HNS is sticking to legitimate representation. “For me, this is the basis of changes to the Election Law, and it is the basis on which the entire electoral process in B&H can rest,” Covic underlined. Covic added that HNS’s proposal of changes to the B&H Election Law will have to be corrected a bit, recalling that a year ago their proposal was adopted in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), but not in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR). “One part of what we proposed was somehow done by the High Representative on the day of the elections itself, when he changed the law, and we cannot touch that element, until we adopt it in the same text that the High Representative offered, and only then change it,” Covic said.


Covic pointed out that he believes that all his colleagues will have enough wisdom to finally end the story about the B&H Election Law. Covic stressed that three or four more laws have been harmonized to a good extent, adding that it would be great if these laws were adopted until the departure to Brussels, which is planned at the beginning of next month at the invitation of European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi.


Covic announced intensification of talks with partners in the coming days, in order to try to harmonize positions. Covic stated: “These are three or four laws that have been more or less agreed upon, in which there are details which, we always have a problem with those small details. I also said, the law on the court or courts of B&H, on money laundering, conflicts of interest, the Election Law. For us, the primary issue today is the Election Law, because we only raised this issue at the level of working groups in the last month or two, we did not comment on it in the media, and with international institutions”. Covic commented that, if they manage to restore the political situation as it was when they first started working, then there is no reason for them not to finish these things by the time they go to Brussels in December. It would be fortunate if the Election Law is among those things, said Covic.


"We informed our colleagues at which stage we are today regarding changes to the electoral law and roughly agreed on the time dynamics, which would mean that from next week we will start intensive talks at the highest political levels of our parties, first through Federation of B&H (FB&H), then with partners from Republika Srpska (RS), and then let's try together to harmonize the positions that are interesting to us", said Covic.


B&H politicians comment on election reform (Nova BH)

MP Kemal Ademovic (NiP) said that it is not clear to him how HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic thinks he will implement all judgments and not changing the B&H Constitution. Member of SDA Safet Kreso said that he does not know what kind of formula or violence against logic they managed to come up with in order to carry it out or is it another story about some historical meetings and achievements. Nova BH pointed out that the story about the election law intensified again after the European Commission (EC) report, which mentions the importance of implementing the judgments of the human rights court. NiP President Elmedin Konakovic said that his dream is a civil state, one president, without cantons and entities with only local communities, and that Covic and Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik have other dreams. He pointed out that it is not good for them to sell their dreams to people, but to sit down and agree on realistic solutions. He emphasized that they do not have the same definition of legitimate representation at all. Nova BH commented that some of the solutions could soon be on the table, and that the aggravating circumstance is that it is an election year.


B&H FM Konakovic attends meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of EU and Western Balkans in Brussels (FTV)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic attended the meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union and the Western Balkans in Brussels on Monday. The meeting was hosted by High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, while the topics of the meeting included security challenges, cooperation in foreign policy, as well as preparation for upcoming high-level meetings. Before the meeting, Borrell pointed out that he will also discuss the recently adopted European Commission Report with the ministers of the Western Balkan countries. "We will hold a meeting, a separate meeting with the ministers of the Western Balkans, in order to show the importance of this region, discuss the recent proposals of the Commission for enlargement, insist on the need for closer alignment with our foreign policy. Some countries do not have a great record of compliance with our foreign policy and sanctions," Borrell said.


Participants of the meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union and the Western Balkans in Brussels, which was held within the framework of the session of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), pointed out that the goal of the EU is to strengthen engagement in the area of the Western Balkans with an emphasis on common foreign and security policy in the context of geopolitical challenges in the European neighborhood and the Middle East. Participants of the meeting also discussed the recent publication of report on the progress of candidate countries for membership in the EU.


Konakovic called on the EU member states to understand the importance, effect and consequences of the decision they need to make when it comes to B&H and its European path. “We all had the opportunity individually to express our views on the latest recommendations of the European Commission and the analyses that at this moment really look better than ever for B&H. We hope that they will be good enough to actually get significantly closer to the EU. This is where we appeal, we call for courage and leadership at this moment, and not to have too much bureaucracy,” Konakovic said.


‘Friends of the Western Balkans’ ask for closer cooperation and accelerated EU accession (

Group of seven EU member states, calling themselves “Friends of the Western Balkans” (Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic , Greece, Italy and Slovakia) issued a non-paper in which they call for closer cooperation with the Western Balkans in sectors of joint, foreign and security policy and accelerating of accession process. EU Foreign Ministers were informed about the content of the non-paper before their Monday’s meeting in Brussels. “We, ‘friends of the Western Balkans’, have special responsibility to keep the Western Balkans high at the political agenda of the EU and in support to the region on the EU path,” reads the non-paper. “We call for strengthening and accelerating accession process and call on EU institution to present clear program for gradual and accelerated integration with concrete implementing steps by 2024 and after that, based on fair and rigorous conditions and principles on own merit,” document reads. Non-paper reads that the Western Balkans is exposed to “destabilizing factors, such as malignant influence of third countries, hybrid threats and illegal migration”. It further noted that the EU needs to give new encouragement for deeper cooperation in sectors of joint, foreign and security police and strengthen dialogue with countries of the Western Balkans. “Being that we expect our partners to be harmonized with the EU foreign policy, we trust that strengthened dialogue would contribute to their better understanding of EU positions. Strengthened cooperation would make us more efficient in facing the foreign pressures and confronting Russia and other harmful narratives, which are incompatible with EU values and international order based on the regulations,” reads the non-paper. For the sake of strengthening of cooperation, seven EU members states, among other things proposes to have foreign ministers of the Western Balkans invited to informal meetings of EU Foreign Ministers, at least once in six months, to have Ambassadors of the Western Balkans invited to meetings of EU Political- Security Committee also once in six months. They also call for strengthening of cooperation in sectors of critical infrastructure and cyber security, as well as further support to Western Balkans countries in defense sector within Instrument contributing to Stability for Peace of the EU.

Sarajevo hosts 105th Rose-Roth Seminar from November 14-16 (FTV)

The 105th Rose-Roth Seminar, organized by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, will be held in Sarajevo from November 14 to 16. The 105th Rose-Roth Seminar, which will be hosted by the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Parliament, will bring together parliamentarians from NATO member states and partner countries who will discuss security challenges, B&H's relationship with NATO and the EU, and related problems.


The topic of the seminar is ‘B&H and the Western Balkans in an unstable international security environment’. Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Kemal Ademovic said on Monday that representatives from Republika Srpska (RS) did not confirm their presence at the seminar. Ademovic pointed out that the B&H Ministry of Defense and the Commission for NATO are doing what is in the Annual National Program (ANP). “And there is no opposition from one side. However, the fact is that we do not have a common view on the future of B&H in NATO, and we do not emphasize at this moment, we do not conclude that B&H is definitely a member of NATO, that we will do it tomorrow or in a year,” Ademovic underlined.


The topic of the seminar is: “B&H and the Western Balkans in an unstable international security environment”. It is expected that the seminar, will gather more than 120 parliamentarians from NATO member states and partner countries, as well as representatives of international organizations, experts and representatives from the non-governmental sector. A discussion was announced on the current situation in BiH and on BiH's relations with NATO and the EU, on security challenges in South-Eastern Europe, as well as the consequences of the war between Russia and Ukraine on the countries of the region. Ademovic, stated that the Rose-Roth seminar will be held in seven sessions, namely: "Recent events in B&H", "Euro-Atlantic integration", "Issues of regional security", "Promotion stability of economic development in the Western Balkans and the influence of external actors", "Brain drain from Southeast Europe and implications for the future of the region", "Climate change and resilience of the Western Balkans" and "The role of Parliament in the management of cyber security".


OHR assesses as myth claim that state property belongs exclusively to state of B&H, as well as that it belongs exclusively to entities (FTV)

FTV reports that the OHR continues to send messages which, they claim, dispel myths regarding state property. As FTV noted, in the latest statement, the OHR assessed as a myth the claim that state property belongs exclusively to the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as well as that it belongs exclusively to the entities. The OHR explained that the distribution of state property should be carried out by a law that will be adopted by the B&H Parliament, in such a way as to respond to the needs of each authority level in B&H. The OHR stated that the authorities should manage state property in an appropriate and transparent manner in the interest of citizens. Also, the OHR assessed as incorrect the claims that the international community's intention is to take away property from the state, entities and citizens. The OHR explained that the state property issue is a technical and functional issue, which has been waiting for adoption of legislation for 30 years already. “Solving of this issue contributes to rule of law and legal safety in B&H, which will create room for investments and economic progress. Adoption of a law on property will end legal disorder”, the OHR noted.


Dodik: First mandate as President of independent RS in 2030 (Dnevni avaz)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik was a guest at K3, where, as the article comments, stated that he sees himself in 2030 “in the first mandate of the independent RS”. “I will be in the second mandate of the RS President, the independent RS. No, no, I will not be that. I will be in the first mandate of the independent RS,” Dodik said, while the host congratulated him.




Plenkovic names Ivan Anusic defense minister (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has named Osijek-Baranja County Prefect Ivan Anusic as defense minister.  If approved by parliament, he will replace Mario Banozic who was fired on Saturday after causing a fatal car crash. In what was a surprisingly quick process, Plenkovic said Sunday he would be holding talks on a candidate the next day and Anusic was named by Monday afternoon. Anusic is a vice president in Plenkovic's HDZ party. "He received unanimous support from party colleagues. After that, we consulted with all of our colleagues in the parliamentary majority, from whom he also received full support," said Plenkovic, adding that he would be sending the proposal Tuesday to the Sabor's Defense Committee, which is likely to meet on Wednesday. Prime Minister Pleknovic and President Zoran Milanovic, the commander-chief, have clashed continually over nearly every issue but defense has been one of the major sticking points between the two. The situation had deteriorated to the point where Milanovic practically had no working relationship with Banozic. Before Anusic's name came up Monday, Milanovic was asked who thought the candidate will be. "It's going to be someone who's loyal to him. That's the key trait. I have no influence over this," said Milanovic. Anusic has sometimes been described as a critic of Plenkovic's and part of the so-called Slavonian wing of the HDZ that has not always been pleased with Plenkovic's leadership. The PM does not see this as an issue. "The fact that we sometimes disagree on a particular issue does not mean we are not on the same team,” said Plenkovic, describing Anusic as a qualified civilian candidate, a veteran, with extensive political leadership skills.




Ivanovic in Brussels: The government is determined to implement the necessary reforms and achieve concrete progress in the negotiations with the EU (CDM)


"Montenegro is an uncompromising partner of the EU member states, since the beginning of the accession negotiations, without exception aligned with the common external and security and European Union policy. At the same time, it is a responsible ally in NATO, a constructive neighbor and a regional partner," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Filip Ivanovic, at the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union and the countries of the Western Balkans, held on the sidelines of the regular meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council.


He expressed satisfaction at the opportunity to exchange opinions with EU foreign ministers on the most urgent issues concerning the future within the framework of the intensified dialogue of the European Union, but also the position and European future of Montenegro and the region. He emphasized the importance of European partners' continued support for a credible and consistent policy enlargement, stressing that "Montenegro welcomes the recently adopted enlargement package in 2023 by the European Commission, which will serve the new Government as a plan for implementation of reforms related to EU accession in the next year".


Along those lines, he conveyed that Montenegro remains committed to partnership with EU member states, assessing that in the context of current conflicts on a global level "clearer than ever that the unification of the European continent based on the fundamental values of the Union is the only guarantee for our lasting peace, security and prosperity."


The head of Montenegrin diplomacy assessed the discussions on the possibility of introducing gradual integration of candidate countries into the EU as positive. He pointed out that "Montenegro, considering the importance of preserving, but also further encouraging, the clear European orientation of the Western Balkans, strongly supports the initiative to open the FAC meetings to countries that 100% aligned with Union policy, in the capacity of observers."


The minister also said that the new Government of Montenegro is determined to implement all the necessary reforms and achieve concrete progress in the area of the rule of law. "In this context, I firmly believe that the EU member states will recognize and value the positive developments that we expect in Montenegro in the coming weeks and months, according to the principle of progress towards membership based on merit."


On the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans ministerial meeting, Minister Ivanovic spoke with the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU

Josep Borrell, Spanish foreign ministers Jose Manuel Alvarez and Finnish Elina Valtonen. He also met with the general director for the neighborhood and enlargement negotiations in the European Commission by Gert-Jan Koopman, chief diplomatic advisor to the President of the European Commission, Fernando Andresen Guimaraes, Chief Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the European Council, Simon Mordue, Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community Agreement Matej Zakonjsek, and he also attended the meeting of the Group of Friends of Enlargement. The focus of all discussions was the importance of enlargement policy and commitment to that process both the Union and the member states. The importance of fulfilling obligations from the European agenda and the further implementation of reforms, which, as pointed out, are certainly leading, was emphasized towards accelerated accession to the Union.


North Macedonia


Kovachevski – Kurti: Peaceful resolution of open regional disputes - a contribution to a stable, prosperous Western Balkans (MIA)


At a meeting in Vienna on Monday, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, spoke about the Pristina – Belgrade dialogue, and agreed on the importance of peaceful resolution of open regional disputes for the progress of the Western Balkans, as well as the importance of intensifying mutual cooperation for the stability and prosperity of the entire region, said the Government in a press release. According to the Government, at Monday’s meeting the two prime ministers reaffirmed the commitments of North Macedonia and Kosovo to the enhancement of mutual cooperation with the goal of further deepening and strengthening of good-neighborly relations focused on economic cooperation. Kovachevski and Kurti also spoke about cooperation in the field of energy and affirmed the importance of integrating the regional energy markets, and further active work to ensure diversification and sustainability of the sources of energy.


Still no confirmation over Lavrov’s participation in OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, says FM (MIA)


The possible candidates for next chair of the OSCE will be one of the topics discussed at the EU – Western Balkans Ministerial Meeting on Monday afternoon in Brussels, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani at a media briefing Monday. “We are working hard, I am communicating with most of the foreign ministers. I hope that certain dilemmas will be cleared up during the week, so that we can discuss a concrete solution for the next chair. If there is none, then the decision will probably be made in Skopje. Whether it will be a different participating country, or North Macedonia, will be decided by the Ministerial Council in Skopje. I hope that all foreign ministers will manage to attend the Council in Skopje,” said Osmani in answer to a journalist’s question.


Asked if they are communicating with the Office of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and whether he will attend the Ministerial Council in Skopje, Osmani said there is still no confirmation regarding Lavrov’s presence at the event in Skopje. “We are processing the requests of all members of the Russian delegation regarding visas and their arrival to North Macedonia. Once we have a solution, we will inform you,” said Osmani. Regarding Russia’s participation in the OSCE Ministerial Council, Osmani said last week that he had received a letter from the Russian Foreign Minister in which he expressed an interest and request to attend the event, however, according to Osmani, logistical challenges exist due to the fact that Macedonian airspace is closed to Russian state flights.


Seventy-six delegations from OSCE participating countries and partners will participate in the OSCE Ministerial Council to be held in Skopje on November 29 and December 1. Around 1.000 guests are expected to attend the event.


Osmani: No indications that Blinken won’t attend OSCE Ministerial Council, procedure for Lavrov’s attendance underway (MIA)

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said there are no indications that the United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken won’t attend the OSCE Ministerial Council set to be held in Skopje towards the end of November. The procedure is also underway to ensure the arrival of the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, whose country is subject to EU sanctions after the war with Ukraine, said Osmani in an interview for “360 Stepeni” on Monday evening.“The sanctions state that flights are permitted for international organizations such as the OSCE. However, the decision is up to the member states. Our neighbors will need to decide, as do we, regarding our airspace,” said Osmani.


Asked if it is possible that the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, won’t attend due to the presence of the Russian diplomat, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office said he hopes that won’t be the case. “That’s why I went to Kiev two-three weeks ago, to ensure Kuleba’s presence as well. We are still talking,” said Osmani.


According to Osmani, the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje is expected to be attended by the foreign ministers of Canada, UK, NATO and EU member states, as well as countries from Central Asia. The Foreign Minister said the Thai Deputy Foreign Minister will also attend, marking the first visit of a Thai official to North Macedonia.


Spasovski and Gasic discuss enhancing bilateral cooperation, joint action against illegal migration (MIA)


Within the frameworks of his participation in the Meeting of Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe (PCC SEE) Committee of Ministers in Belgrade, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski held a meeting Monday with his Serbian counterpart, Bratislav Gasic, during which they spoke about enhancing bilateral cooperation and joint action against illegal migration, MIA’s Belgrade correspondent reports.


“From the aspect of our cooperation on a multilateral level, I am happy to conclude that our commitment to regional cooperation is evident, which can be seen in our joint action and activities in all regional initiatives and processes. In this aspect, I would also mention the Special Measure, i.e., the Joint Operation, which has been functional almost since the very beginning of the migrant crisis and concluded with the deployment of members of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, as part of which Serbian police officers worked together with Macedonian police officers,” said Minister Spasovski, informing his counterpart about the situation regarding managing migration and migrant smuggling.


Spasovski said illegal migration was one of the topics at the meeting, underlining that “it is a general issue for all countries in the region”. “North Macedonia has achieved exceptional results in the prevention of illegal migration, considering the fact that in the first nine months we have a reduction of 50 percent compared to the same period last year, even though the number of uncovered cases of migrant smuggling has increased as well. So, North Macedonia isn’t attractive at the moment, but we have to work intensively. We are satisfied with Frontex, with the operationalization of the mission and with the joint border protection mission,” said Minister Spasovski. The Interior Minister assessed that boosting and enhancing the country’s operational cooperation with the Republic of Serbia is a priority. At the 24th meeting of PCC SEE Committee of Ministers in Belgrade, Spasovski assessed that the successful implementation of the Agreement on Automated Exchange of Data is proof of North Macedonia's commitment to fit into the security system of the European Union.




Minister Balla in Lion: Albanian government determined to further strengthen cooperation with Interpol in the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking (Radio Tirana)


Interior Minister Taulant Balla is currently on an official visit in Lion, France. Minister Balla met today with the Secretary General of Interpol, Jurgen Stock in Lyon, France. Minister Balla emphasizes that the time has come to pave the way for the extradition of crime bosses from Dubai and Latin America, putting an end to impunity. "Today, I am in Lyon at the headquarters of Interpol, where I met with Secretary General Jurgen Stock and other senior leaders of this organization to enhance cooperation in locating individuals sought by Albanian justice, combatting organized crime and narcotics trafficking, as well as bolstering the capacities of the State Police in addressing cybercrimes," expressed Balla. "We already have a list of individuals wanted by Albanian justice for serious crimes who have been evading capture for years, including a certain number of people in the United Arab Emirates or in Latin America. Together with Interpol, we must put an end to impunity and ensure their prompt extradition to Albania," said Balla.


"Albania has a longstanding history of cooperation with Interpol, dating back to 1991. This collaboration has flourished and strengthened over the years, aligning with the imperative to respond efficiently to global threats that our society faces, such as terrorism, organized crime, corruption, and drug trafficking," he continued. "Criminal networks have the capability to traffic drugs to Albania and from Albania to Europe, involving various types and quantities of substances, including cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. As international borders become increasingly permeable, the accessibility and abuse of drugs have become more widespread, especially among young people," cited Balla. According to him, "drug trafficking is often linked with other forms of crime, such as money laundering or corruption. The routes used for drug trafficking can also serve criminal networks in transporting other illicit products. As criminals devise increasingly creative methods to conceal the proceeds of crime and avoid justice, real-time information sharing with Interpol on fugitives is crucial for tracking, locating, and prosecuting individuals and criminal groups," highlighted Balla.


"In the meeting with the Secretary General of Interpol, I had the opportunity to express my appreciation for the excellent cooperation between Interpol and our police structures, as well as the determination of the Albanian government to further strengthen collaboration with this organization in the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking. The impressive results achieved to date, thanks to cooperation with Interpol in locating and apprehending some of the most wanted individuals by justice, will be further deepened in the future through the multilateral cooperation platforms facilitated by this organization, reaching all the places where traffickers and criminal groups find refuge," elaborated the Minister of the Interior.

"With the support of INTERPOL, we also aim to enhance the capacity of the State Police to prevent, detect, investigate, and combat cybercrimes, which exert a substantial economic and social impact on governments, businesses, and individuals worldwide," he concluded.


Immigrants agreement with Albania is expected to be presented to the Italian parliament (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy will bring the agreement, reached with Prime Minister Edi Rama, concerning the immigrant camp to the Assembly. Meloni is expected to present the details of the signed protocol, which will subsequently undergo a vote. The agreement has initiated discussions in both countries Italy and Albania. Despite this, both Rama and Meloni have defended it, asserting that the agreement aligns with international conventions. In this context, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz remarked over the weekend that Albania will soon become a member of the EU. He elaborated that, for this reason, member countries of the union can collaborate with Albania to combat irregular migration. However, the outcome remains uncertain, as the document will need to be ratified by the parliaments of both countries. The process and its eventual progress are yet to be observed.