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Belgrade Media Report 17 November



Vucic: It is pointless to respond to all lies, removal of tombstone (Tanjug/NSPM/Novosti)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday evening it was pointless to respond to all the lies being spread against Serbia and to the removal of a Pristina tombstone of Serbian soldiers who fell during the Balkan Wars and WWI. "It is impossible to respond on a daily basis to their lies and to the pointless removal of a Serbian tombstone at the Pristina cemetery, because whenever you wonder what is in the minds of people who do that, you cannot draw any conclusions whatsoever," Vucic told reporters at the Open Balkans wine fair when asked to comment on claims by US geopolitical analyst George Friedman that Serbia was gearing for war. He noted that Friedman was an Albanian lobbyist and that he had been hearing such lies since the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict. "We need to keep building our country, move forward and have the highest possible growth to overtake the EU countries that are ahead of us," Vucic added.


Statute first step towards formation of Community of Serb Municipalities (Tanjug/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic led yesterday a delegation of Belgrade in a new round of dialogue with Pristina, mediated by the EU. Speaking to reporters after a meeting with EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, Petkovic explained that the text of the statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities was discussed, as the first concrete step towards the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, for which the Serbian people have been waiting for more than 10 years. The Belgrade delegation included 18 experts who were best prepared for discussions on all the planned topics, the statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities, energy and the missing persons, he stated and assessed that they are proof that Belgrade approaches the dialogue in a responsible manner. According to him, they spoke clearly about all aspects of the draft statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities, especially the part that refers to executive powers, primarily spatial planning, health, education and economic development. The talks were held with Miroslav Lajcak's team, but also with EU experts on these topics, Petkovic said, adding that he expects the talks to continue in the coming period. The statute is very important because it represents the backbone of the Community of Serb Municipalities and everything must be in accordance with the agreements signed in 2013 and 2015. After more than five hours of talks that we had in Brussels, we return convinced that, through dialogue and compromise solutions, we can make progress in the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, he said. Petkovic emphasised that Belgrade is absolutely committed to peace and stability and that it is therefore important for us to find solutions through negotiations that will enable a better life for the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. During today's talks, we highlighted the seriousness of the situation which our people north and south of the Ibar are facing, but also the escalating behaviour of Albin Kurti, which above all calls into question the survival, basic human rights and the right to life of citizens in the province, Petkovic stated. He said that at the meeting he also highlighted the importance of holding Serbian elections in Kosovo and Metohija, scheduled for 17 December, and that the situation which we have in the north of the province, where illegal Albanian mayors lead four Serbian municipalities, is unsustainable.


Lajcak: Progress on some issues (N1)


EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak said on Thursday that his meetings with chief negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina helped achieve progress on a number of issues. Lajcak said in an X post that he hosted the latest round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue with the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Methija Petar Petkovic and Kosovo deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi. “Our discussions were helpful to make progress on a number of issues on our agenda,” he wrote. An N1 reporter in Brussels said that according to off the record sources, Lajcak discussed the draft statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) with the two negotiators. That was confirmed by Petkovic who said that his delegation included experts who spoke about all aspects of the statute which he termed the backbone of the ZSO. Bislimi told reporters after the meetings that Kosovo can’t implement the statute if an agreement isn’t signed which creates an obligation for Belgrade and added that Lajcak thinks an energy agreement is close to being signed as early as next week.


Small wineries drivers of Serbia’s wine industry development (Tanjug/Politika/Novosti)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, together with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, attended yesterday the opening of the Second international wine fair “Wine Vision by Open Balkans”, under the auspices of the governments of the Republic of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania, within the Open Balkans initiative. On this occasion, Vucic pointed out that small wineries are the drivers of Serbia’s wine industry development, and stated that Serbia now has 467 small wineries, and that their number has increased tenfold compared to five years ago. The President wished luck and success to all exhibitors during a tour of their stands, where he tasted different types of wine together with President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic and Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski. During the four days of the “Wine Vision” fair, Belgrade will gather more than 600 exhibitors from numerous wineries, distilleries, gastronomic companies from more than 28 countries, which is twice as many exhibitors as last year. Half of the exhibitors will be from member countries of the Open Balkans, namely 260 from Serbia, 74 from North Macedonia and 21 from Albania. In addition, this year’s fair has been joined by wine makers from all over the world.


Ambassador to UNESCO: Serbila’s election is clear signal to Pristina that is does not support unilateral moves (RTS)


Tamara Rastovac Siamashvili, Ambassador to UNESCO, tells RTS that Serbia’s third consecutive election as a member of the Executive Council is a clear signal to Pristina that it does not support any unilateral moves in requests for membership in that organization. Serbia was re-elected as a member of the Executive Council of the UNESCO Organization. The third consecutive election is an indicator of the reputation of our country and a constructive approach that insists on compromise, dialogue, inclusiveness, said Tamara Rastovac Siamashvili. “Any request for membership in the organization should go through the executive council, where Serbia will be a member. Secondly, the way we were elected is an indicator of the support we have among the membership, which will be a clear signal to Pristina as well. Of course, it is always better to be inside some body, and not outside, because you have access to information and wider maneuvering space for lobbying, and we have many friends in UNESCO,” said Rastovac Siamashvili.


Drecun: French-German plan introduces de facto recognition of fake state of Kosovo (Tanjug/RTV)


Milovan Drecun, the Chair of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, said yesterday, on the occasion of the technical dialogue between the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina with the EU Special Envoy for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, that Belgrade has shown that it is absolutely committed to dialogue and reaching agreements and solutions. Drecun pointed out that the current setup of the Franco-German plan will encourage Pristina not to make progress in the agreement. “The main culprit for such behavior of Pristina is the West, it is the Franco-German plan that was wrongly set up. It was set up on the basis of treating Kosovo as a state and to introduce a de facto recognition of a fake state by Belgrade through the back door,” said Drecun. According to him, the Pristina side respects the signed agreement only when it suits them. Drecun pointed out that it is very important that today there were discussions with Lajcak regarding the key issues of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). “We see that it is clear to Lajcak and to everyone in the political west that without an agreement and concrete steps for the formation of the ZSO, it will not be possible to discuss other topics,” said Drecun. He stated that everyone in the political West is in a hurry to resolve the issue of Kosovo, due to the American elections and the elections in the European Parliament next year. Tanjug’s interlocutor assessed that the West is trying to completely reject the Brussels agreement from 2013 and 2015 on the principles for the formation of the ZSO. “They completely rejected the draft of the statute that our management team made, the management team that included Serbian representatives, which was in accordance with the agreement. Then the West came out with its new draft, around which new talks are being held,” explained Drecun. He pointed out that the US and the EU have the political power to force Pristina to behave in a certain way. “It is constantly commented that Kurti is unyielding, that he cannot be convinced, that he leads his own independent policy. These are stories for small children, the political power, strength and influence of the US and the EU is enough,” said Drecun. Drecun pointed out that the resistance of Belgrade to recognize the so-called Kosovo will never be broken. “As long as you cultivate the illusion that you will be able to force us through various political manipulations, frauds, pressures, threats, it will not be possible to achieve progress and any kind of agreement. Pristina sees this and is encouraged to insist that now instead of the ZSO, it puts on the agenda the priority issue the recognition of a fake state,” concluded Drecun.


Belgrade sent protest note to France and Germany; Apologize to the public in Serbia (Danas/FoNet/B92)


Several experts and lecturers at domestic and foreign universities sent a letter of protest to the embassies of France and Germany in Belgrade today. The letter was also addressed to Pristina, as well as to the foreign ministries of France and Germany, and it demands that the monument dedicated to Serbian soldiers, which was at the military cemetery in Pristina, be immediately returned. The signatories of the letter appeal that the memorial plaque be immediately returned to its original place, without delay, that an apology be sent to the public in Serbia and to the descendants of the fallen soldiers, who are also among the signatories of this letter. The signatories of the letter include geneticist Miodrag Stojkovic, associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Aleksandar Kavcic, assistant professor at York University, Slobodan Tomic, research associate at the Institute for Serbian Culture, Pristina-Leposavic, Petar Ristanovic, assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, Milan Krstic and many others stated that they were “deeply disturbed by the news that, at the initiative of the French and German embassies in Pristina, a monument dedicated to Serbian soldiers who died during the Balkan Wars and the First World War was moved at the military cemetery in Pristina”. “This act is unacceptable, it represents a revision of history and it is an expression of disrespect towards the fallen allied soldiers. This procedure also contradicts European values - it violates the right to honor and cherish the memories of those who fought for peace and freedom in Europe,” the letter states, Danas reported the writing of FoNet. There is also a petition for the return of the monument to the fallen Arab soldiers in the wars of 1912-1918, at the cemetery in Pristina, which currently has more than 3,000 signatures. Lawyer and human rights expert Milan Antonijevic said that the petition, which was initiated by the coordinator of the Working Group of the National Convention on the EU for Chapter 35, Dragiša Mijacic, on the one hand shows the number of those who directly supported the return of the monument, but he pointed out that it should be added all those who sent their support through social networks to do it. “The huge number of people who saw and shared this petition speaks of the willingness of the citizens to raise this issue, that the willingness existed at the moment when this plaque was removed from the Pristina Orthodox cemetery,” said Antonijevic. “Considering that we have the first clarification from the French embassy in Pristina, which was really not quite satisfactory, but we all continued to talk about the fact that it would be necessary to return everything to the previous state, that number is not so important, it seems to me, but apparently the attention of the media on the one hand raised. I think that the French embassy also understood the sensitivity of this issue, which we pointed out through the petition,”' said Antonijevic. According to him, there is apparently an understanding that by removing the memorial plaque, the French embassy has gone out of “the framework in which it should be”. The monument to the Serbian soldiers killed in the Balkans and the First World War is located at the Orthodox cemetery in Pristina, at the place where Serbian soldiers who died during the First World War were buried. The photos published by the French and German embassies in Pristina from the commemoration of 11 November, Armistice Day, showed that in the place where there used to be a monument dedicated to Serbian soldiers, there is now a memorial plaque dedicated to the French soldiers killed in Kosovo and Metohija, and that the memorial plaque dedicated to Serbian soldiers is moved to the side. The moving of the memorial to the Serbian soldiers caused strong reactions, and the embassies of France and Germany later admitted in a joint statement that the monument was moved on their initiative, explaining the move by saying that in recent years, especially in 2022, the joint French-German ceremony was, as was stated, “tarnished by the controversy in certain media in Kosovo regarding the presence of a stele honoring Serbian soldiers who died between 1912 and 1918”. The Eparchy of Raska and Prizren expressed deep concern about the relocation of the memorial plaque to Serbian soldiers, emphasizing that neither the Serbian community, which uses the cemetery, nor the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren, which spiritually takes care of the Orthodox cemeteries in Kosovo and Metohija, were consulted about the relocation of the memorial plates to the liberators in the First World War. The Diocese pointed out that in this way, disrespect was not only shown again towards a memorial in the Orthodox cemetery in Kosovo and Metohija, but by rewriting history, they are trying to obscure the indisputable truths about the participation and historical role of the Serbian people in these areas. The moving of the monument was condemned by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and Serb List. French Embassy in Pristina then announced that it would consider, as it stated, “technical possibilities” for the displaced monument to Serbian soldiers at the Orthodox cemetery in Pristina to be returned to its place.


Petkovic: "Nenad Rasic, at his boss' behest, wants to make ZSO pointless in every possible way" (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said today that Albin Kurti's minister Nenad Rasic, on the orders of his boss, wants to make ZSO (Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija) pointless by any means necessary, even though he does not understand the (Belgrade-Pristina) dialogue at all. Petkovic posted this on X in response to Rasic's statement that the ZSO will be "significantly connected with the work of the prime minister (Kurti)" and pointed out that Rasic, who said in the past that the ZSO is "an association of sparrows", is the last who should comment on it now. "The (EU-mediated) agreements from 2013 and 2015 envisage the continuation of the functioning of all Serb institutions (in Kosovo and Metohija), which, unlike the current situation, should be protected under the umbrella of the ZSO. Kurti's minister continues to make things up, because that's all he knows!" Petkovic stressed.


Dveri: Serbia will lose other parts of territory if it gives up on Kosovo (Beta)


The President of the Serbian Movement Dveri Bosko Obradovic said yesterday that Serbia would lose other parts of its territory if it gave up on Kosovo. “I am particularly addressing the citizens of Serbia who do not live in Kosovo and Metohija and who might think that Kosovo and Metohija is the ballast that we should shed in order to be able to live normally in the rest of Serbia. Kosovo and Metohija will spread to the rest of Serbia if we give up on it,” Obradovic declared in a statement. He also said that, if Serbia were to give up on Kosovo, the probability could arise for it to also lose the Raska District, parts of eastern Serbia or Vojvodina.


Grbovic: Despite political differences, some form of opposition cooperation possible, especially in Belgrade (Nedeljnik/Beta)


Free Citizens Movement leader Pavle Grbovic has said that despite political differences some form of cooperation between opposition parties with regard to elections on 17 December, especially at the level of Belgrade, is possible. In an interview with the weekly Nedeljnik, he said that the broadness of the demands voiced at the Serbia Against Violence protests, which he said were based solely on a desire for a normal life, offered possibilities for cooperation despite differences. "I am deeply convinced that it is vitally important for Serbia to become a member of the EU, but it is legitimate if someone thinks differently. Despite these differences, some form of cooperation is possible, especially at the level of Belgrade," said Grbovic, who is a candidate of the Serbia Against Violence opposition ticket.


Blast shakes Mitrovica North (RTS)


RTS reported an explosive device blast in Mitrovica North on the night of Wednesday-Thursday. RTS quoted local residents of the majority-Serb half of the divided city who said that they were woken by the blast which caused some damage on buildings but no injuries. The explosion happened near the vehicle registration center where local Serbs have been replacing their Serbia-issued license plates for Kosovo plates. The explosion was confirmed by the Kosovo Police deputy commander for the Region North Veton Elshani. He said that a police patrol at the site believes a hand grenade was used.


US imposes sanctions on two Serbian politicians (N1)


The US State and Treasury Departments imposed sanctions on two Serbian politicians closely associated with the Russian authorities. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that Misa Vacic, leader of the Serbian Right party, and Nenad Popovic, a former cabinet minister, were designated in connection with “Russia’s malign influence in the region and the corruption that enables it”. “The Department is designating Misa Vacic, a Serbian politician, for participating in Kremlin-organized illegitimate annexation referenda in Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine in September 2022. The Department is also designating Nenad Popovic, a former Serbian government official, and his associated companies. Popovic maintains close ties to the Kremlin and uses his network for corrupt schemes to build personal wealth,” Miller said. The State and Treasury Departments also imposed sanctions on 12 companies in the Western Balkans under an executive order which authorizes sanctions “with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the government of the Russian Federation”. A Treasury Department press release said that “Vacic stated that, at the invitation of Vladimir Putin, he was an “international observer” of Russia’s sham referenda in Russia-occupied regions of Ukraine in September 2022. VACIC advocated for the purported annexation of these regions by Russia”. It said that Popovic, a founder of the Serbian People’s Party, “owns numerous companies and holdings in Serbia and Russia and uses senior connections in the Kremlin to enrich himself, secure business for his holdings, and facilitate embezzlement and corrupt tax schemes”. The 12 companies designated by the Treasury Department are all connected to Popovic.




OFAC imposes sanctions against RS Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining Petar Djokic, member of SNSD Executive Board Savo Cvijetinovic and long-serving head of RS Representative Office in Moscow Dusko Perovic (N1/ATV/Srna)


US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) introduced sanctions against three Republika Srpska (RS) officials. These sanctions were issued against RS Minister of Energy and Mining Petar Djokic, a member of the SNSD Executive Board Savo Cvijetinovic, and Head of the RS Representative Office in Moscow Dusko Perovic. Some of the stated reasons for this decision are anti-Dayton activities, as well as Russian malignant influence. N1 explained why each of the men were sanctioned by the US. In 2017, Djokic signed an agreement with the Croatian Minister of Environmental Protection and Energy to build a pipeline from Croatia to the Bosanski Brod refinery, which is owned by a Russian company, in the RS. “Entering into such an agreement is a threat to the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Sanctioning Djokic sends a clear signal that the United States will not tolerate anti-Dayton behaviour”, the US Department of the Treasury said. Djokic is said to have been responsible for or complicit in, or having directly or indirectly engaged in, a violation of, or an act that has obstructed or threatened the implementation of any regional security, peace, cooperation, or mutual recognition agreement or framework or accountability mechanism related to the Western Balkans. The explanation said that Perovic is the long-serving Head of the RS Representative Office in Moscow, Russia. It is said that Perovic has been integral to arranging interactions between RS President Milorad Dodik and his party SNSD and Russian officials. Specifically, he has routinely lobbied for meetings between Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Perovic also served as the go-between for the Dodik-led RS government and a prominent Russian billionaire. Despite being an RS government employee, Perovic was employed by two of the billionaire’s firms during the same time that the billionaire was in the process of concluding a profitable deal with the RS government. When it comes to Cvijetinovic, the US Department of the Treasury said he was a member of the SNSD Executive Board, but Cvijetinovic denied this, saying he is only a member of SNSD. The US Department of the Treasury elaborated that sanctions against Cvijetinovic were issued due to his activities in RS-based company ‘BN Inzinjering’. Cvijetinovic is a representative of ‘BN Inzinjering’, which is owned by a former deputy chief of military air transport in the Russian Armed Forces and a former commander of the Russian military’s air transportation component. ‘BN Inzinjering’ facilitated the illegal transfer of helicopter engines manufactured in Ukraine to Russia via Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Commenting on the new US sanctions against three persons from B&H, the US Embassy in B&H stated on Thursday that those who enable Russian influence in B&H through illicit deals and influence peddling, engage in corruption, or undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement will continue to face consequences. ATV reports that Djokic believes that the US, as a big country, is showing its great weakness by imposing sanctions against him and other officials in the RS. Djokic was quoted as saying: “I do not know what it is that could be qualified as a harmful action, when in 2017, I signed a cooperation agreement based on the authorization of the RS Government in order to carry out the gasification of the oil production and processing plant in the Brod oil refinery”. Djokic stated for Srna that he does not understand why he was blacklisted. According to Djokic, he is not the person who violated the DPA. Djokic argued that he was only implementing an agreement between Croatia and the RS on construction of a pipeline. Djokic stated that in this way, the US demonstrates how powerless they are arguing that they should have announced the real reason for putting him on the list and that is commitment and love for Russia. Perovic commented on the sanctions saying that he does not know why he is on the list and that he will only now start fighting against the US. He said that the Americans do what they want, and that the whole world is tired of them. Perovic said someone called him and told him he was sanctioned because he lobbied for meetings between the RS President Milorad Dodik, and the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Perovic commented mockingly that this is nonsense, and of course he lobbied for the RS President as Perovic is a representative of the RS and not of Bangladesh. Perovic denied claims that he owns shares in any offshore company and that he worked for a Russian billionaire. Perovic explained that as a citizen of the RS and as Head of the Representation Office in Moscow, he has the task and the obligation to lobby for interests of the RS and that he is not the person who should lobby for interests of Putin or interests of US President Joseph Biden. Perovic presented a claim that this only shows that the US are going down and that he cannot wait to see the end of the US. Cvijetinovic commented on the sanctions imposed against him by the US, saying he was not surprised. Cvijetinovic was quoted as saying: “As for America, I am not interested. I already had sanctions, so it does not matter to me, and I am used to their hostile attitude towards this people”. Cvijetinovic stated for the Srna news agency that he and his company had nothing to do with overhaul of helicopter motors and that everything that they did, they did with consent of ministers who were informed about the whole procedure.


Dodik reacts to US sanctions against RS officials: This is attempt to decapitate the people of the RS (RTRS)


On Thursday evening, RS President Milorad Dodik reacted to the news that the US Department of the Treasury introduced sanctions against Petar Djokic, RS Minister of Energy and Mining and SP RS leader, Savo Cvijetinovic, a member of the SNSD Executive Board, and Dusko Perovic, Head of the RS Representative Office in Moscow. Dodik said that the sanctioning of high-ranking officials and leaders of the parties that make up the RS authorities is an attempt to “decapitate the people of the RS”. “Corruption, non-compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement, crime - these are some of the explanations for which no evidence has ever been attached. The USA does not ask for evidence, it is enough to mark the target for a verdict. And finally sanctions for lobbying for meetings with the President of the Russian Federation; finally, the game is one of open cards”, Dodik stated. Everything they do, he added, they actually do because of the well-known ties between the Russian and Serb people. “Even enormous suffering and sacrifices, destruction and wars did not create animosity between Serbs and Russians. Nor will American sanctions. If we are a demonstrative exercise for the rest of the world who would like to cooperate with the Russians, so be it. Is it possible that Dodik, (Zeljka) Cvijanovic, (Nenad) Stevandic, Djokic and the others who were sanctioned are guilty, and that there is no American fault in anything?”, Dodik asked.


Crnadak claims that meeting between Dodik and Schmidt took place in Bakinci near Laktasi; Dodik denies and calls Crnadak a liar  (Nova BH/ATV)


Nova BH carries that the question of whether RS President Milorad Dodik really met with High Representative Christian Schmidt is a question that has been of interest to the B&H public for days. PDP Vice-President Igor Crnadak claims that a meeting between Dodik and Schmidt took place in Bakinci near Laktasi, and that a concrete agreement was reached between the two. “A firm, concrete agreement, with clear responsibilities and assumed obligations. The implementation of the agreement has already started,” Crnadak wrote on social networks. Crnadak called on Dodik to inform the public about it. Crnadak said that if Dodik does not inform the public about it, he will publish the most important elements of the Schmidt-Dodik agreement, which he actually did on Thursday. As Crnadak said, it was agreed that Dodik and SNSD will gradually soften the rhetoric and start warming the atmosphere in the RS towards Schmidt, that SNSD officials will use a series of statements to create an atmosphere that Schmidt is a reality that must be respected, and that the Law on Immovable Property of the RS will not be returned to the procedure and will not be adopted. Crnadak added that Dodik was promised that he would not be convicted in the process being conducted against him, that is, that he would not be banned from political activity and that it was agreed that there will be no technical changes to the election rules until the end of the year. Dodik stated that claims of PDP that he met with Schmidt and reached an agreement with him are lies. Dodik mockingly stated that Crnadak was present and led the meeting between Dodik and Schmidt. Dodik called Crnadak a liar with a special status among Americans. Dodik stated: “If this time is marked by something, it is that Schmidt is constantly chasing us to meet, and we persistently say: ‘You are not legitimate, we will not’. And what else should I do? What? The fact that I officially met with him in ‘10 when he was a federal minister does not mean anything. He was not even in the announcement, he was not even misplaced as a possible High Representative. And suddenly this. What kind of brains are these that equalize something like that, (PDP leader Branislav) Borenovic, Crnadak”. “Liar (Crnadak). That is the plainest lie. Why should I comment on a lie? Do you know how difficult it is to comment on a lie…What nonsense…”, Dodik said. Borenovic publicly asked Dodik whether he was with Schmidt in one of the catering facilities in Bakinci near Laktasi. Borenovic received an answer to that question directly from the High Representative, who told Nova BH that Borenovic should call him before making a statement. “He has an advantage if he calls me. He will get the truth, not speculation. And in this region, where conspiracy theories are present at every step, every politician should be careful not to get caught up in nonsense,” Schmidt underlined.


Stevandic sends letter to speaker of German parliament Bas, urges her to bring Schmidt back to Germany as soon as possible (RTRS)


Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic sent an official letter to Speaker of the German parliament Baerbel Bas on Thursday, in which he informed her about the status of Christian Schmidt in B&H and reminded that he was not appointed as the High Representative with consent of the UN Security Council (UN SC). In his letter, Stevandic expressed his serious concern with Schmidt’s meddling in internal political relations in B&H and urged Bas to invite Schmidt to return to Germany, for the sake of protection of basic democratic principles and international law. Stevandic also reminded that the RS has been fighting for respect of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), because of which it was unpleasantly surprised with attempts of “German citizen” Mr. Schmidt to meddle in internal relations, disturb the DPA and cause serious damage to peoples and entities in B&H without any adequate legal mandate or authority. Stevandic claimed that Schmidt’s attempts to make interventions in the judicial system seriously harmed relations within B&H. Stevandic went on to say that signatories of the DPA, as in line with the Annex 10, page 111, addressed the UN SC to appoint the High Representative to facilitate the implementation of the DPA and six High Representatives were appointed with consent of the UN SC, the seventh had solely a draft consent that was never adopted and only one did not get the consent of the UN SC through a resolution. Stevandic reminded that the appointment of Mr. Schmidt was proposed to the UN SC, and it was clearly rejected: “However, even more incredible thing is that Mr. Schmidt appeared and represented himself as the High Representative, issued orders and acted as if he has the right to that position although he knew he was not appointed, and he does not have the authority.” Stevandic claimed that Schmidt even committed an act of crime by imposing changes and addenda to the Criminal Code of B&H although this falls under the jurisdiction of B&H parliament only and noted: “By this, Mr. Schmidt showed that he does not care about future implications of his brutal acts toward the people of B&H.” Stevandic noted that Schmidt focused his efforts on persecution of the elected RS President, and he encouraged institutions of B&H to launch a criminal procedure and process the RS President, which represents an unacceptable attack on sovereignty and democratic constitutional order of B&H as well as rejection of the rule of law, because of which it needs to be stopped immediately. Stevandic also argued that past behaviour of Schmidt shows that he does not have real experience related to relations in the Western Balkans, nor he has diplomatic knowledge, skills or sensitivity for difficult history of B&H and he even produced crises on several occasions instead of acting as a mediator in solving of crises: “Because of this, the prevailing opinion of the public is that Mr. Schmidt is causing harm and destabilization of B&H”. Stevandic reminded that members of the other two constituent peoples, with their protests and statements of their top officials, clearly expressed their opposing to activities of Mr. Schmidt and argued that Schmidt’s attempts to rehabilitate a pilot of Nazi Germany should be more than sufficient reason for Serbs and citizens of the RS to have Mr. Schmidt disqualified in terms of performing of any official duty. “Having in mind the seriousness of the situation and possible negative consequences, I urge You to bring Mr. Schmidt back to Germany as soon as possible”, Stevandic concluded.


Cvijanovic: RS is ready to defend its property and institutions; Schmidt’s goal is to remove Dodik (RTRS)


Speaking for RTRS, B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that majority of RS citizens want to protect the property and the institutions of the RS. However, she underlined, this is not a threat to the constitutional order of B&H. She argued that people understand that there are no institutions without property, and that without institutions, they will not be able to exercise their rights. According to Cvijanovic, Serbs accused of war crimes were tried under the 2004 Criminal Code which is much stricter, and which was applied retroactively, while Bosniaks and Croats were tried under the old Criminal Code of former Yugoslavia. According to Cvijanovic, the main goal of Christian Schmidt is to remove RS President Milorad Dodik. However, she underlined, the RS understands the position and the role of the RS President and is ready to defend it. Cvijanovic also emphasized that the issue of property is the red line which the RS will never cross. “They are trying to force us to accept that no RS President in the future will be able to sign a law adopted by the National Assembly without asking for permission. This is destruction of the state and constitutional order”, said Cvijanovic. She noted that fight for the RS is also a fight for B&H as it should be. “It sounds strange, but we are fighting to make B&H constitutional and in line with the will of the three peoples, and not only one. You have two peoples who do not want a centralized B&H”, said Cvijanovic.


Turkish FM Fidan meets Konakovic: No one benefits from secessionist rhetoric and acting, but it is to the damage of all B&H citizens (Slobodna Bosna)


Foreign Minister of Turkey Hakan Fidan has met with B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic in Ankara on Thursday. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Fidan said that his country supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H and that no one benefits from secessionist rhetoric and acting, but it is to the damage of all B&H citizens. Fidan concluded that there are good relations between B&H and Turkey, stressing that both sides agree that there is room for strengthening of relations and cooperation. Reminding that the trade exchange between B&H and Turkey has reached USD 1 billion, Fidan underlined that this amount should be increased to the level which reflects true potential of the two countries. One of the topics they discussed was also the fight against terrorist organization FETO. Fidan stressed that in the context of this, he informed Konakovic that Turkey expects stronger cooperation and more concrete steps of B&H. Fidan also noted: “B&H is a crucial country in the Balkans. Peace and stability of B&H are important for all countries in the region. Turkey is among the countries with the biggest number of soldiers in the international, military mission in charge of preserving peace in B&H. Apart from this, our other contributions in the area of the defense will also continue in the upcoming period.” He added that Turkey approaches the issues in B&H with an honest and constructive stance, from the objective perspective. Fidan stressed that Turkey provides support to territorial integrity, unity and sovereignty of B&H and he underlined that B&H politicians should resolve B&H issues based on negotiations and dialogue, without external interventions. Konakovic stated that he informed the Turkish Minister about a new opportunity for B&H in the context of the EU integration and efforts exerted in order to implement reforms demanded from B&H. He stressed that, perhaps, B&H has made the biggest progress towards the EU integration during the last year. Konakovic also expressed hope that international actors will react fast and stop sufferings in Gaza and start to resolve the issues of the two countries. Konakovic thanked Fidan for the commitment of Turkey to the Western Balkans and for the influence not only in B&H but in the whole region “For us, stability is one of the most important priorities in terms of our foreign policy. I have travelled all over the region, talked to leaders in Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, North Macedonia, Slovenia. From the aspect of stability and security, this is one of priority issues for us.” Konakovic also talked about infrastructural projects, and he underlined importance of highway Sarajevo-Belgrade, whose realization was supported by Turkey, that is, its president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Konakovic noted that there is also room for development of cooperation in the area of energy, military industry, tourism between B&H and Turkey.


Ambassador Sattler: It is realistic to expect that authorities in B&H will meet the necessary conditions by March of next year (Dnevni avaz)


Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Ambassador Johann Sattler stated for Dnevni avaz daily that it is realistic to expect that authorities in B&H will meet the necessary conditions by March of next year, so the European Commission (EC) can report to the EU Council about the progress on the EU path. Sattler said, among other issues, that authorities at the level of B&H, including the B&H Council of Ministers, intensified work on reform issues. “The latest Enlargement Package is the encouragement to authorities of B&H for further steps regarding unresolved reform issues”, said Ambassador Sattler. The Ambassador stressed that the progress on the European path will instigate the necessary economic growth and investments. The Head of the EU Delegation also said that a set of necessary reforms is being prepared in B&H and that their finalization would send a strong signal about the country’s readiness to make progress in the EU accession process. “Let us mention a few of them – adoption of the law on courts, on prevention of conflict of interest, changes and amendments to the Election Law in part dealing with the integrity and the law on prevention of money laundering are within reach”, said Ambassador Sattler.


105th Rose-Seminar seminar ends in Sarajevo, Ademovic believes B&H will join NATO soon (Oslobodjenje)


The 105th Rose-Roth seminar ended in Sarajevo on Thursday with a discussion about challenges pertaining to climate changes and resilience of the Western Balkans countries to impact of climate changes, and with exchange of opinions about role of parliaments in cyber-security. During the three-day seminar that was organized by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), more than 100 parliamentarians from NATO member states, partner countries in the region, representatives of civilian and military organizations, experts and representatives of the civilian sector discussed during several sessions and panels about the political and security situation in B&H and the Western Balkans in the context of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H. Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples and Chair of B&H Parliament’s Delegation to the NATO PA Kemal Ademovic thanked all participants of the seminar for honest and open discussions, expressing conviction that B&H will join NATO soon, which will make it a more stable and secure country for all its citizens.


Zelenskyy claims after war in Middle East, Russia plans to provoke conflicts in Balkans (AJB)


In a conversation with African media representatives, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that after the war in the Middle East, Russia plans to provoke conflicts in the Balkans. Zelenskyy pointed out that Russia wants to create new crises in the Balkans to divert the world's attention from the war in Ukraine. “Pay attention to the Balkans. Trust me, we are getting information. Russia has a long-term plan. After the Middle East, the next distraction will be the Balkans. If the partners do not do anything now, there will be explosions again. It is nothing new. Russia will see to it that one Balkan country goes to war with another,” Zelenskyy said.


Plenkovic, Michel comment on Zelenskyy’s claim that Russia plans war in Balkans (AJB)


President of the European Council Charles Michel chose Zagreb as one of the cities where consultations on EU strategy will take place. The goal is to discuss the problems facing the EU in smaller groups. In addition to discussing how to improve the global position of the EU and the decision-making system, the risk of conflict and tensions in the neighborhood, and the plan and dynamics of EU expansion were also discussed. Prime Ministers of Italy, Poland and Malta arrived to Zagreb to participate in the consultations. Michel and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s statement that he has information that Russia would see to it that one Balkan country went to war with another. Plenkovic stated: “Only the solid anchoring of the countries in our neighborhood in the European process guarantees peace, security, stability and ultimately better mutual relations. Unfortunately, there can be more of these hotspots in our immediate neighborhood. From my perspective, I have not spoken with President Zelenskyy in recent days, I cannot decipher which potential hotspot he was referring to exactly”. Michel was quoted as saying: “We cannot rule out that Russia and others are not tempted to interfere, and that is why I am absolutely convinced that progress on the European path of the Western Balkans is the most important step towards stability, and that there will be peace in this region.” Besides the strategic program of the EU and priorities of the EU in the coming period, the EU enlargement was also in focus of the abovementioned meeting in Zagreb. HRT1 reminded that Michel advocates the idea of expanding the EU by 2030. Participants of the summit in Zagreb also discussed the possibility of abolishing unanimous decision-making in the European Council, which would mean that voting would be by a qualified majority, which would mean that countries like Croatia or Hungary would not be able to veto some decisions that they consider not in their interest. When asked what he thinks about the possible abolition of unanimous decision-making in the European Council, Plenkovic said that Croatia is not in favour of that and added that when it comes to some strategic decisions, "it is important that states, especially those that have recently joined, retain that prerogative." Michel pointed out that it is necessary to find a balance between unity within the EU and the need to act quickly when necessary. “Such meetings in smaller formats will allow us to better understand the priorities of the member countries and to see if there is room for certain reforms. This does not mean that we want everything to be decided by a qualified majority in the future, but a possible reform would, for example, contain a mechanism that would prevent the abuse of the right of veto,” Michel said.


Plenkovic says Croatia is opposed to qualified majority system (HRT)


The Croatian Prime Minister hosted a working dinner in Zagreb this evening, at which a number of EU leaders discussed the union's new Strategic Program. Attending the dinner were the Italian, Polish and Maltese prime ministers, as well as the President of the European Council who has organized mini summits in several other European capitals as well. The proposal to move away from the current unanimity to a qualified majority voting system with regards to the EU's foreign policy has left member states divided. Ostensibly a qualified majority system would further rob member states of an active role in co-creating the bloc’s foreign policy as unanimous approval from all member states would no longer be required to approve foreign policy objectives and methods. This coupled with long standing concerns of member states losing more and more decision-making authority to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, appears to be undermining the union’s alleged democratic system. "Regarding Croatia's position on the use of the majority qualification - we are not in favour of that. We believe that we are in a better position in some potential situations to protect national interests if the rule of unanimity still exists on certain topics. There are many, many topics and decision-making procedures at the EU level, where decisions are already made by a qualified majority and even lower, but on some strategic issues it is important that the states, especially those that have recently entered, retain that prerogative," said Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic after meeting with the President of the European Council Charles Michel. When asked to comment, Michel, had this to say about majority qualification: "I think that we need to find the right balance between unity within and consensus one the one hand, and making sure that we are able to act and to react rapidly when this is needed. EU and the need to act quickly when necessary. Such meetings in smaller formats will allow us to better understand the priorities of the member states and to see if there is room for certain reforms. This does not mean that we want in the future, everything will be decided by a qualified majority, but a possible reform would, for example, contain a mechanism that would prevent abuse of the right of veto." With regard to the Strategic Program, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic noted that the document is adopted every five years and represents a broader political sectoral and financial framework where EU leaders strive to define the basic guidelines of the Union's activities at the highest level. He went on to note that the last Strategy document was adopted during the Romanian presidency, and one that was a peacetime plan, one that existed before COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, and therefore needs to be upgraded to reflect the current circumstances. "All of this speaks of the unpredictability of inter-relationships, the importance of security issues, the importance of strengthening defense capabilities, the importance of supporting Ukraine, strengthening cooperation mechanisms ... about the time when we used interventionist measures. That is why it is important that we succeeded in combining the measures of national policy and what we did together at the European level. One of the topics we will talk about tonight will be the issue of further EU expansion, as you know, Croatia is one of those member states that supports the countries of Southeast Europe, but also Ukraine and Moldova, and the perspective of Georgia," Plenkovic said. Plenkovic said that the issue of the European budget, the revision of the multi-year financial framework, was also on the agenda: "It was agreed on in July of 2020, at that time we did not have in mind everything that has happened since February of 2022. The idea is to use whatever means we can to financially support Ukraine in circumstances when its economic and financial flow needs more injections." As expected, talks were also held on the issues of uncontrolled and rampant illegal migration into EU member states, strategic autonomy and investment in EU industry.


Milatovic: Agreement over census good news if it’s true (CdM)


When it comes to the alleged agreement on the census, I think it’s a good news if it’s true, said the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic, when asked to comment on the Census Agreement, sent by the government to the opposition parties. “From the beginning, I believe that the census is an issue that should not be politicized, and a problem was created where there was none. It’s absurd to ask for the depoliticization of the complete census and put representatives of political parties in the census commissions,” he points out. But, as he notes, it’s a matter of the agreement and a precondition to step into a peaceful phase and carry out the census.


Zivkovic: All requirements of the opposition accepted, census to take place after their fulfilment (CdM)


Prime Minister Milojko Spajic accepted all the requirements over the census, said the Acting leader of the DPS Danijel Zivkovic. According to him, it was confirmed that Montenegro hadn’t been ready for the census, and that the government run by Dritan Abazovic had been preparing for a census fraud. “You saw that Prime Minister Spajic accepted all the requirements of the opposition so that the census can be organized under fair and democratic conditions. It’s clear that if they are met, we need to ensure a package of measures which would ensure correct and relevant data,” Mr Zivkovic told the press. As he said, the question is whether the requirements can be met in the next 15 days. “It’s important that all of them are met. If not, we won’t take part in it,” he was adamant.


Foreign Affairs Minister of Romania: We cannot afford to leave WB to be led astray by devious and aggressive actors (CdM)


We cannot afford to leave the Western Balkans to be led astray by devious and aggressive actors, particularly now, when democracy is on the edge, and security in the region is very fragile. The EU, a project that is constantly developing and deepening, is needed in today’s global landscape more than ever, the Foreign Affairs Minister of Romania, who pays an official visit to Montenegro today, Luminita Odobescu, notes in her opinion piece. Here’s a full text of Minister Odobescu’s opinion piece: Amidst animated debates concerning the future of the EU architecture, last week the European Commission published its annual Enlargement Package. I consider this enlargement package a historical one, because it includes, for the first time, the country reports for the three Eastern partners and it reflects a renewed impetus for enlargement as a geo-strategic investment in peace, security, stability and prosperity. At this current, unprecedented critical juncture, it is the right time for the European Union to send a clear signal to Western Balkan countries, besides our Eastern partners, about what is expected of them on their European paths, in realistic terms. There is no contradiction between the push for “more Europe”, in geographical terms, and the move towards EU institutional reform. These processes are complementary and must go in parallel. For us, it is not an “either/or” type of situation. Ever since the Russian Federation launched its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, the world has ceased to be a safe place. We are currently facing a security crisis amplified by worrying developments in the Middle East. Right here, in the Western Balkans, there are also rising tensions. Insecurity and radicalism, migration, the economic situation, and climate change are interconnected, and they all pose their fair share of challenges to us. In the thick of overlapping crises, we remain focused on ensuring that Western Balkans, which are of strategic importance for Romania, for NATO and for the EU, as a whole, as a neighboring region, remain stable and secure, with a clear commitment towards their European future. We have to be honest: the region is often a playground for Russia’s hybrid activities, aggressive propaganda and disinformation. Russia is actively weaponizing identity divisions and political rifts, adding to an already fragile political and security environment. For these reasons, we must work on countering any malign influence and build, enhance and sustain our Western Balkan partners’ overall resilience against such provocations. I am proud to say that over the years, Romania has directly contributed to this goal and became a security provider in the region through its contributions to the EUFOR Althea and KFOR missions. There is still a lot of work to be done, as the challenges the region faces become more complex. In these somewhat dire circumstances, I do not hesitate to say that there is a bigger than ever need of a stronger Europe, that unity and solidarity are the keys to respond to current challenges. In the current international context, we cannot afford to act in a fragmented way. Therefore, we need a larger EU, not one organized on concentric circles, but one based on Member States that share the same principles, standards and values. Moreover, the enlargement process should take place simultaneously with the EU internal reflection process. One is not a precondition to the other. A united Union 30+, speaking with one voice, is the right answer to the current global context, marked by challenges from competitors that suggest so-called alternative visions and approaches. However, in order to remain credible, the enlargement process must be predictable and merit based. Therefore, we need to maintain a clear EU accession process, with detailed and verifiable conditions that must be clear from the outset. I hope that the strong political message of support and encouragement received last week from Brussels by our Western Balkan partners incentivizes them to continue relentlessly on their European paths. The European perspective of both the Western Balkans and of our Eastern partners is the only sound option for long-term peace, stability and prosperity. EU enlargement is the best response not only to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, but also to the need to enhancing security and stability in the Western Balkans. From Romania’s own EU accession experience, I know that the process of joining the European Union can sometimes be a bumpy and long road. Our Western Balkan partners have to swiftly and sustainably implement internal reforms that are required for accession and to avoid any democratic backsliding, in order to be able to advance faster on their European track. The Copenhagen Criteria remain as valid and relevant today as they were 30 years ago. Rule of law, fight against corruption and organized crime, freedom of the media and journalists, ensuring the protection of human rights, including those of persons belonging to national minorities are mandatory benchmarks. A proactive and positive communication to the public opinion in the Western Balkans is necessary in order to maintain the citizens’ support for the European integration process. They need to understand what the European integration entails, the benefits it brings, as well as to be aware of the significant and constant European support for the region. Faced with multiple challenges, political elites in the candidate countries need to go the extra mile and stand their ground. Political will and commitment to respecting fundamental values are essential for a successful enlargement process and for a bright future for these countries. While the fairness of the Copenhagen Criteria, alongside the rigors of the Association Agreements, remain the benchmarks of accession, over the last three decades regional cooperation has also become a valid and essential tool in support of enlargement. Regional cooperation helps overcome political divides in the region and provides the instruments to build up a political culture based on dialogue and compromise. Romania continues to use various fora of regional and sub-regional cooperation to deploy an integrated set of political, economic and operational instruments in support of the Western Balkans. We cannot afford to leave Western Balkans to be led astray by devious and aggressive actors, particularly now, when democracy is on edge and security in the region is very fragile. The EU, a project that is constantly developing and deepening, is needed in today’s global landscape more than ever. Romania remains firmly engaged in fostering the European project, its values and its principles. At the same time, this involves both strengthening the EU internally, and working on endowing it with the capacity to act coherently vis-à-vis its neighboring partners.


Wallander – Petrovska: Not just allies, but friends united in vision for peaceful and stable Europe (MIA)


We aren’t just allies, we are also friends who are united in a single vision for a peaceful and stable Europe, that follows and respects the principles of freedom and the rule of law, said the United States Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security, Celeste Wallander, after Thursday’s opening of the 20th Ministerial Meeting of the U.S. – Adriatic Charter (A5) in Skopje. At a joint press conference with Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska, Wallander said the United States remain strongly committed to NATO’s open-door policy, noting that they are proud of the bond they share with the countries of the U.S. – Adriatic Charter. “At the meeting we spoke about the heart of these ideas and ideals, stressing that we are standing together with the citizens of Ukraine, and by doing so we are affirming that this is a fight for the values that we all respect. The comprehensive discussion inspired us in terms of promoting and enhancing our defense cooperation. We are talking about more than just strategy, we are talking about our shared security and the shaping of our shared future,” said Wallander. Each joint engagement within the A5, according to Wallander, should be a reminder that each step, is a step with which peace isn’t only an aspiration, but also a reality for the entire global community. “The strength of the A5 is not measured only with the words we say, but also through the actions we take. In preparation for the handover of the presidency [of the A5] to Albania next year, I hope that we will continue in the spirit of friendship and cooperation, which marked our stay here,” said Wallander. Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska assessed that the intensification of regional cooperation will contribute to the strengthening of regional security. “I am glad that the first point in the joint statement that we just signed refers precisely to our joint commitment to a complete European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries of Southeast Europe, but also to our commitment to regional, European peace and security,” said Petrovska. She said the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries of Southeast Europe will be of immense importance for regional security and stability. Petrovska added that the success of the A5 initiative is owed precisely to the fact that four of the five A5 members have joined NATO and are actively contributing to the security of the region. “That’s precisely why we obliged ourselves that the A5 countries will continue to support all regional aspirants until a complete Euro-Atlantic integration, because we all firmly believe that the open-door policy is founded on the fundamental principles of NATO and the A5 initiative,” said Petrovska. In the context of global security, the Defense Minister said, “the A5 countries unanimously condemn Russia’s aggression on Ukraine which represents a threat to global, European and regional peace and security”. Petrovska said she expects the commitment to regional peace and enhanced defense cooperation to be reaffirmed at the next ministerial meeting, to be held in Albania in 2024.


Petrovska: US-Adriatic Charter proved successful as cooperation mechanism (MIA)


It is our duty to support other regional countries in their Euro-Atlantic aspirations and to develop stronger security and defense interaction, capable of responding to looming new challenges, Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska said Thursday at the opening of the 20th Defense Ministerial meeting of the US–Adriatic Charter A5 held in Skopje. Minister Petrovska said She emphasized that the A5 Charter in the past two decades had proven to be a successful cooperation mechanism and "a symbol of trust, prosperity and unity of all member countries." She added that this required not only collective wisdom but also collective commitment to fostering security, stability and cooperation. "The geopolitical landscape is changing fast and we face dynamic threats," Petrovska said, highlighting that security issues were interconnected. She also thanked the United States on its continuous support for the European and Euro-Atlantic agendas of the Adriatic Charter member states. "I would like to express my gratitude for the continued commitment to safeguarding regional stability and the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the Western Balkan countries," she said. The defense minister pointed out that achievements in the recent past were based on cooperation and mutual trust. "The twenty-year legacy of our partnership is the cornerstone of our strategic defense position, making our joint efforts the foundation of our defense institutions," she said. In addition to Minister Petrovska, meeting participants include US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense Celeste Wallander, Minister of Defense of Albania Niko Peleshi, Minister of Defense of Montenegro Dragan Krapovic, Deputy Minister of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina Slaven Galic, and the head of international security and defense cooperation in the Croatian Ministry of Defense Igor Gabric. Also attending are representatives from observer countries including Minister of Defense of Kosovo Ejup Maqedonci, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense of Serbia Nemanja Starovic and Deputy Defence Policy Director in the Ministry of Defense of Slovenia Aljosa Selan. The US–Adriatic Charter is an association formed by Albania, Croatia, North Macedonia and the United States for the purpose of aiding their attempts to join NATO. The Charter was signed on 2 May 2003 in Tirana.  On the sidelines of the 63rd UN General Assembly, held on Sept. 25, 2008 in New York, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina were invited to join to also support their Euro-Atlantic integration processes. As a result of efforts to develop and achieve NATO standards, Albania and Croatia joined NATO in 2008, Montenegro in 2017 and North Macedonia in 2020.


US government sanctions individuals and entities connected to Jordan Kamchev's financial network (MIA)


The United States Government has sanctioned Sergey Samsonenko, his wife Irina and Ratka Kunoska Kamcheva, and companies "Sistina Lajf Kear Sentar", "Orka Holding", "Bet Siti", "Orka Fajnans" and "Kamcev Konsalting". "The US government designated individuals and entities connected to the financial network of Jordan 'Orce' Kamcev, who was sanctioned by the United States in July 2023 for corruption. The US Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions today on Sergey Samsonenko, Irina Samsonenko, and Ratka Kunoska for corruption and malign activities in accordance with Executive Orders 14033 and 14024, along with business entities they, or US-designated Orce Kamcev, own or control," says the US Embassy. These actions, it adds, illustrate how certain elites benefit from corruption and undermine state institutions at the expense of the citizens of this country. "The United States will continue to hold corrupt actors accountable, and today’s announcement is a reminder that who you do business with can and will affect you and your family. The people of North Macedonia deserve better," adds the Embassy. The U.S. Department of the Treasury said Thursday that Sergey Samsonenko (Samsonenko) is a dual citizen of Russia and North Macedonia and a wealthy businessman residing in North Macedonia. Between 2017 and 2018, Samsonenko and his wife, Irina Samsonenko (Irina), also a dual citizen of Russia and North Macedonia, purchased land from SDN Jordan Kamcev (the United States designated Kamcev on July 19, 2023 pursuant to E.O. 14033 for being responsible for or complicit in, or having directly or indirectly engaged in, corruption related to the Western Balkans). This purchase eventually triggered Samsonenko to testify in North Macedonia court during the “Plots on Vodono” trial in which both Kamcev and his mother Ratka Kunoska Kamceva (Kamceva) were indicted for money laundering. "In 2021, Samsonenko made payments to his wife Irina. In that same timeframe, Irina transferred money to Kamchev Konsalting Skopje DOOEL (Kamchev Konsalting) and Orka Fajnans Skopje DOOEL (Orka Fajnans); both companies are associated with Kamceva. Also, in that same timeframe, the money transferred to Kamchev Konsalting and Orka Fajnans was used to pay a loan associated with Orka Holding AD (Orka Holding), a company associated with Jordan Kamcev. Additionally, Samsonenko and Irina purchased the company Sistina Lajf Kear Sentar Skopje DOOEL (Sistina Lajf Kear Sentar), another entity implicated in the “Plots on Vodono” trial, from Kamcev and Kamceva. Finally, Bet City International DOO Skopje (Bet City), a sports betting shop, is half owned by Samsonenko and half owned by Orka Holding, whose director is SDN Jordan Kamcev," reads the press release. According to the Department, Samsonenko, Irina, and Kamceva are being designated pursuant to E.O. 14033 for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, Jordan Kamcev, a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 14033. "Sistina Lajf Kear Sentar is being designated pursuant to E.O. 14033 for being owned or controlled by, or having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Irina, a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 14033. Bet City is being designated pursuant to E.O. 14033 for being owned or controlled by, or having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Samsonenko and Kamcev, persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 14033. Orka Holding AD is a Kamcev-associated conglomerate operating in a wide array of industries. Orka Fajnans and Kamchev Konsalting are consulting and business service companies within the Kamcev network and are owned by Kamceva. Orka Holding is being designated pursuant to E.O. 14033 for being owned or controlled by, or having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Kamcev, a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 14033. Orka Fajnans and Kamchev Konsalting are being designated pursuant to E.O. 14033 for being owned or controlled by, or having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Kamceva, a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 14033," reads the press release. Back in June, the Department of State designated Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko as generally ineligible for entry into the United States due to his involvement in significant corruption, as were former PM Nikola Gruevski and ex-secret police chief Sasho Mijalkov in 2022. The US has also blacklisted Ljube Boshkoski, Menduh Thaci, Xhevat Ademi, Kastriot Haxhirexha, Nevzat Halili, Gafur Adili, Nuri Bexheti, Xhavit Hasani, Xhezair Shaqiri, Daut Rexhepi and Xhemail Hyseni.


Western Balkans belong in EU, North Macedonia’s negotiations should begin immediately: Hungarian FM (MIA)


The Western Balkans belong in the EU. This means that the Union’s enlargement must accelerate and real negotiations with North Macedonia should begin immediately, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Peter Szijjarto at Thursday’s joint press conference with Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani in Skopje. At the press conference, the Hungarian Foreign Minister said the European Union faces serious challenges “considering the war on the Eurasian continent”. “The EU is seriously weakened. The question is how we can slow down the weakening. I think the first step is to recognize that the Union needs the Western Balkans. It should be admitted that the EU needs the fresh energy that is coming from the Western Balkans, and for enlargement to immediately accelerate with North Macedonia. The real negotiations must begin immediately, and be led until their completion, so that North Macedonia can become an EU member as soon as possible,” said Szijjarto. Szijjarto also noted there are countries that are obstructing and slowing down the process. “North Macedonia has been a candidate country for almost 18 years. It has had a candidate status for 18 years and cannot begin negotiations, this demonstrates disrespect for the country. This is contradictory to the EU’s interests. Those who are blocking the beginning of the negotiations should know they are undermining the credibility of the EU as well,” added Szijjarto. According to the Hungarian Foreign Minister, once Hungary takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, it will do everything in its power to enable the accession of North Macedonia and the entire Western Balkans. Asked about the negotiations with the Republic of Albania, Szijjarto said they support the European integration of Albania as well. “Regarding the European integration of Albania, we support it and I believe that Albania deserves to begin real accession negotiations. When we assume the rotating presidency of the EU, I expect that this issue will be firmly on our agenda,” said Szijjarto. Additionally, the Hungarian Foreign Minister stated that with FM Osmani he discussed Bulgaria’s decision to increase transit taxes for natural gas, and underlined that the decision represents is a “hostile step”. “The recent move taken by Bulgaria, which raised the expenses for Hungary, Serbia, and North Macedonia through an ultimatum, i.e., the transit taxes on natural gas, is a hostile step. We will take additional steps and actions regarding this situation. We have initiated an infringement procedure against Bulgaria, and today together with Osmani we agreed that the Government of North Macedonia and the Hungarian Government will consult each other and continue to coordinate over future steps, in order to ensure that the energy security of none of our countries is threatened by Bulgaria’s actions,” added Szijjarto.  On this issue, Foreign Minister Osmani added that it represents an “illegally imposed tax” which is contrary to European rules, and harms North Macedonia’s economy at a critical time. “We informed the European Commission and discussed a possible coordinated approach regarding initiatives aiming to remove this illegally imposed tax,” added Osmani. According to Osmani, last week’s EC Report notes that North Macedonia hasn’t fallen behind the other countries in the process and is on a solid level of general readiness. “Next year Hungary will hold the EU Presidency and I expect it will firmly support our Euro-integration, as it has done so far, and that’s why we should all be united around the European idea and ensure that after so many years of waiting, there won’t be a hold-up in the EU accession process at a time when it is accelerating due to geopolitical circumstances,” said Osmani. Osmani added that the Union aims to carry out the first transfer of funds to North Macedonia and the other Western Balkan countries by March 2024. The Foreign Minister also highlighted North Macedonia’s friendly relations with Hungary, noting that next year marks 30 years since the two countries established diplomatic relations. “Our countries have close, friendly relations. Hungary is the tenth-largest trade partner of our country and eighth-biggest foreign investor. These positive statistics make us optimistic over an even brighter future between our two countries which are set to celebrate 30 years of diplomatic relations next year, and we are looking forward to the establishment of deeper bonds through this important friendship in the years to come,” added Osmani.


Albania will continue to contribute to security and peace in the region (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi, participated in the Ministerial of Defense in the frame of the regional initiative USA – Adriatic Chart (A5), which was chaired by North Macedonia. The focus of the discussions were the current security and defense issues of the Balkan region and beyond. In a dedicated session, a special importance was given to the engagement within this initiative, the implementation of the concept of the revitalization of the Adriatic Chart, joint engagement in NATO missions for maintaining security and supporting peace, regional cooperation in the field of security and defense and the contribution to global security too. During his speech, Albanian Minister of Defence, Niko Peleshi said that Albania will continue to contribute to stability, security and peace in the region, which are achieved by promoting political dialogue, good neighborhood and addressing hot bilateral or multilateral issues, based on the observance of international agreements and legislation, the Western Balkans region being a key geostrategic factor for NATO and the EU. Since the presidency of the USA – Adriatic Chart for the year 2024 will be held by Albania, Minister Peleshi guaranteed to the participating countries that the Ministry of Defense will be fully committed to fulfill all obligations towards this initiative, increase the visibility and importance of the Adriatic Chart, to promote the "Open Door Policy", as one of the basic principles of this regional commitment. In this perspective, Minister Peleshi asked the A5 member countries to accept Kosovo's request to join this initiative with full rights. During the work of this Ministerial, Peleshi held a bilateral meeting with Celeste Wallander, US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. Peleshi recognized Wallander on the country's role and contribution to the Alliance, paying special attention to Albania's role in the Western Balkans region.