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Belgrade Media Report 22 November 2023



Ziadeh: Efforts towards peaceful coexistence (N1)


UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh told the opening of UN Kosovo Trust-building Forum in Thessaloniki that the mission’s activities transform societies by taking them to peaceful coexistence. “Despite trying times and challenging circumstances, our actions matter. Our actions transform societies by placing them on the path of peaceful coexistence and inclusive, sustainable prosperity,” she is quoted as saying in an UNMIK press release. “Resilience, as communities across Kosovo know very well, requires not only adapting to difficulties as they arise, but also recognizing that every challenge can be translated into new opportunities. Resilience requires political courage, pragmatic leadership, solidarity, a strong spirit of partnership, and above all, fostering trust,” Ziadeh added. The press release said that the forum marks the 5th anniversary of UNMIK’s trust-building efforts, which are intended to result in the greater engagement of all Kosovo communities in improving inter-community relations and creating the necessary foundations for progress despite divisive narratives and challenging circumstances. The three-day forum brings together 120 grassroots representatives from different communities and walks of life, including Kosovo institutions, civil society, media, women, and youth organizations trying to formulate recommendations on building trust in Kosovo in rule of law, language rights, environmental protection, civic participation and inclusion, media, countering misinformation and economic empowerment for all in Kosovo. The recommendations will be shared with all stakeholders and guide UNMIK’s future trust-building efforts, the press release said. The Forum comes after a series of thematic focus group consultations, at the Barabar Centre in Pristina in October and November to discuss challenges and the most pressing issues.


Preservation of stability in region of key interest for Serbia (RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met yesterday with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, with whom she discussed cooperation with NATO, ensuring safety and security for the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, as and the continuation of joint projects. Brnabic pointed out that she appreciates NATO's position when it comes to Serbia's military neutrality. Serbia and NATO have an interest and should continue with a positive agenda and further improve partnership cooperation in the common interest. We support the engagement of the International Security Forces (KFOR) in the province in implementing the mandate based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and ensuring safety and security for the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, Brnabic said. When it comes to cooperation in areas that go beyond the purely military sphere, the Prime Minister expressed her special satisfaction with the activities implemented in partnership cooperation programs with NATO, such as scientific and technological cooperation projects through the NATO programme "Science for Peace and Security". These joint programmes, which include research academics and experts, cover areas such as advanced technologies, the fight against terrorism, energy security, the use of hydrogen energy, and in the coming period, they could also include joint projects in the fields of artificial intelligence and biotechnology, she pointed out. She apostrophised that the preservation of stability in the region and the orientation of all the countries of the region towards the most intensive cooperation in all areas is of key interest to our country. Stoltenberg emphasised that he greatly respects Serbia and that NATO can cooperate with our representatives while respecting the neutrality of our country. The Secretary General of NATO underlined the importance of partnership cooperation with Serbia, which has been taking place since 2006 through the Partnership for Peace program. The meeting was attended by Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Ivica Dacic and Milos Vucevic, as well as Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Milan Mojsilovic.


Further cooperation with UK in fight against organised crime (RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with Director General at the UK Home Office Julian Braithwaite. During the meeting, they discussed the bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and especially the further intensification of the political dialogue at the highest and highest level. Opinions were exchanged on current foreign policy issues, including the area of combating irregular migration, as well as the potential for further cooperation between the two countries in the fight against organised crime. The British official expressed his gratitude for the steps taken by the Republic of Serbia in monitoring migration trends and taking measures aimed at reducing the risk of irregular migration in Europe, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.


Serbia advocates lasting peace in Middle East (Politika/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with Ambassador of Israel to Serbia Yahel Vilan. In the meeting, great concern was expressed over the continuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza. Serbia condemned the terrorist attack of Hamas on Israel, with the hope that peace will reign in the Middle East as soon as possible and with a reminder of the obligation to respect the norms of international humanitarian law and the principles of humanity, in order to prevent civilian casualties. It was pointed out that Serbia is interested in establishing permanent peace in the Middle East, based on the solution of two states, Israel and Palestine, which would live in peace side by side, according to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Ambassadors of Arab countries call on Serbia to support request for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza (Politika)


The Ambassadors of the Arab countries and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Serbia called on Belgrade on Tuesday to support the call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. “We call on our Serbian partners to take a firm stand against this indiscriminate and criminal war against civilians in Palestine and to demand an immediate ceasefire, to allow the entry of humanitarian aid in order to reduce the suffering of the people”, Ambassador of Morocco Mohammed Amine Belhaj told reporters in Belgrade on behalf of the group of Arab ambassadors. On Monday, the ambassadors of the Arab countries had a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. The Ambassadors condemned “Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, war crimes and horrific massacres on the West Bank” and refused “this vindictive and aggressive war to be characterized and described as self-defense or to be justified under any other pretext”. Palestinian Ambassador to Serbia Mohamed Abdallah Namoura also said, on behalf of a group of ambassadors from Arab countries, that “a just, lasting and comprehensive peace, which represented a strategic choice, was the only way to guarantee security and stability for all the peoples in the region and that would not be achieved without ending the Israeli occupation and resolving the Palestinian issue”. “It is impossible to achieve regional peace by bypassing the Palestinian issue or by trying to ignore the rights of the Palestinian people,” it is added in a joint statement.


Croatian FM's claims about reciprocal measures untrue - Serbian MFA (Tanjug/Novosti)


The Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday dismissed as untrue claims by Croatia's FM Gordan Grlic Radman and the country's foreign ministry that Zagreb's decision to declare a consul at the Serbian Embassy in Croatia a persona non grata was a reciprocal measure. In an official statement, it urged the Croatian ministry to invest additional efforts to improve the deteriorated relations between the two countries, rather than to further undermine good-neighbourly relations and regional peace and stability through its moves. The MFA said the Serbian consul had at no time breached the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations through his activities and had not been posted to Zagreb to deal with political, but consular affairs. "Also, we would hereby like to point out that the Serbian consul took office in mid-September 2023, and we demand that the Croatian side present evidence to us and inform the public how he could have breached the provisions of the Vienna Convention within two months of taking office," the statement said. The MFA rejected the reasons cited by the Croatian side and said the case could not be a matter of reciprocity, but a matter of whether someone had violated the Vienna Convention or not. "In the case of Serbian consul Petar Novakovic, there is no evidence, while the case of Croatian diplomat Hrvoje Snajder pertains to proven actions that represent a gross violation of the Vienna Convention, of which the Croatian side has been informed," the statement said. Zagreb's move comes a day after the Serbian MFA declared Snajder a persona non grata.


KSF has no NATO support to arm itself – Stoltenberg (Tanjug)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday in Belgrade the so-called Kosovo Security Force had no NATO support to arm itself and that its transition to an army was "ill-timed and ill-advised". Stoltenberg said this in an exclusive interview to Tanjug, in response to a question why NATO was allowing the so-called KSF to arm itself and buy UAVs. "We have advised against it, so that does not happen with the support of NATO," he said. When asked about the so-called Kosovo's membership in NATO, Stoltenberg responded that "any decision on membership has to be done by all NATO allies, by consensus". "Within NATO, some allies have not recognised Kosovo so, of course, that also impacts their assessment of any potential future membership. What is important for NATO is that we strongly believe that the only path to a peaceful solution to reduce violence, to prosperity in the region and in Kosovo, is the EU-facilitated dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, and we urge Pristina and Belgrade to engage and to sit down in good faith to try to find a way forward together because violence is not the answer to the challenges within Kosovo," he said.


Serbia sent a note of protest to Albania (RTS)


The Serbian Foreign Ministry delivered a note of protest to Embassy of Albania, strongly condemning burning of the national flag of Serbia in Tirana. Let us remind you that on 20 November, a video appeared on social networks and media portals showing soccer fans in Tirana burning the flag of Serbia on Skanderbeg Square. That is why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered a note to the Embassy of Albania in Belgrade. "We believe that such events harm the bilateral relations of the two countries, which in the past few years have reached the highest point during their centuries-long joint history," announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia. The statement reads that the Serbian Foreign Ministry, in that spirit, expects that the competent institutions of the Republic of Albania will do everything in their power to identify and prosecute the perpetrators of that act, who are clearly visible in the published video, as well as that they will to inform the institutions of the Republic of Serbia through diplomatic means within a reasonable period of time.




28th anniversary of DPA initialing (Nova BH)


28 years ago today, the General Framework Agreement for Peace was initialed in the Dayton. The round table "Where is Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) going" was held in the B&H Parliamentary Assembly in Sarajevo on Tuesday. The message that was sent is that the Dayton Agreement is not an agreement that enables the further development of B&H, and that B&H cannot become a member of the EU with the current constitutional arrangement. While B&H has ethnic principles, entity votes, vital ethnic interests and not state ones, European values are not used. There were also comments of those who believe that there is no an alternative to Dayton. OHR issued a press statement on this occasion. “On this 28th anniversary, the Dayton Peace Agreement stands as a landmark to the resilience and enduring hope of B&H and its citizens for stability, progress and prosperous future in the wider European family. B&H has maintained its continuity as a single, sovereign, internationally recognized state, with an altered internal structure comprising two entities that exist legally by virtue of Dayton Agreement. The Agreement not only halted the harrowing suffering, but also paved a path toward reconstruction and reconciliation. While challenges persist, the transformation from a war-torn landscape to a candidate for EU membership is undeniably remarkable. Despite the shadows of the past, the Agreement remains the cornerstone for a peaceful and prosperous future.” The Republika Srpska (RS) officials warned of continuous attempts of international power centers to “additionally revise the DPA and sink the RS into centralized B&H under a mask of the EU path”, adding that, nevertheless, the RS also intensifies its activities on defense of its existence and the DPA letter – not just its spirit. Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD) stated that it is a pity that the DPA has not lived its full capacity that would have implied BiH as an organized community if there was not of all the manipulations with the DPA in the past period. She stressed that those who call for the state of B&H and its protection are the ones who have undermined it. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic (United Srpska) said that B&H’s future is closely related to the possibility not to endanger each other, not to abolish each other’s monuments and the formation dates, as well as not to usurp each other’s property, adding that the RS representatives will for sure be persistent in respecting this because “we do not do that to others or allow others to do that to the RS.” RS Minister of Interior (MoI) Sinisa Karan (SNSD) stated that 28 years after peace in B&H was established, great challenges are still ahead of the RS Ministry of Interior, reminding that these challenges have never stopped amid abolition of all the competences of the RS and denying of the RS status. He concluded that the RS Ministry of Interior has been protecting the RS constitutional organization and stability of the RS and its citizens for the past 28 years. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic (SNSD) assessed that in the past year attacks on the RS and its property that is a Dayton category have been intensified. Viskovic underlined that the DPA stopped the war but that it is also an agreement based on which the RS has been recognized as one of the two equal entities in B&H.”


Russian Embassy to B&H says attempts of western international community to treat DPA as temporary measure that needs to be revised are dangerous for peace and stability in B&H and region (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that “malevolent attempts” of the western international community, which “guided with its own neo-colonial interests” treats the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is a temporary measure that needs to be revised, are dangerous for peace and stability in B&H and region. “We deem as unacceptable the constant attacks on rights and competencies of the entities, primarily on the status of RS and its institutions that are guaranteed by Dayton Constitution of B&H”, the Russian Embassy of B&H stated on the occasion of 28th anniversary of initialing of the DPA. The Embassy added that Russia, as a guarantor of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H, is consistently advocating a strict respect of the basic principles of equality of the three constituent peoples and two entities with wide constitutional competencies that have been the basis for Dayton B&H for nearly 30 years: “Any kind of reconsideration of these principles can be done solely as a result of the agreement of local sides without any foreign interference”. The Embassy argued that years of efforts of the international community to achieve reconciliation and stability in B&H “were brutally undermined because of the affair of illegal ‘appointment’ of German citizen Christian Schmidt as the High Representative without the approval of his candidacy by the UN Security Council, which is the only body authorized to approve the mandate of the High Representative”. The Embassy criticized attempts to have Schmidt be appointed “post-factum” and especially through “intimidation which the western club carries out against B&H citizens through sanctions, fabricated criminal proceedings and pressures on businessmen and independent media”. The Russian Embassy to B&H pointed out that they strongly advocate urgent abolition of “humiliating international protectorate in B&H”.


Serbian Ministers Dacic, Vucevic, Vulin: Serbia will insist on consistent implementation of original Dayton Peace Agreement (Nezavisne)


Commenting the anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated that preservation of the DPA in its original form is of enormous importance for Serbia. He underlined that Belgrade rejects any imposed solutions. Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic stated that Serbia will continue insisting on consistent implementation of the DPA. He also emphasized that Belgrade will never hide its love for the Serb people. The Movement of Socialists (founded by Aleksandar Vulin in Serbia) stated that RS was not created by the DPA but by “persistent and stubborn fight of Serbs for freedom” and added that, unlike others, Serbs respect the DPA. The Movement of Socialists also stated that any change of the DPA is absolutely unacceptable just like any violation of procedures deriving from the DPA. “No new interpretations, no modifications, no changes to the letter of this agreement or chasing after a spirit of the Agreement are acceptable and will never be acceptable, only the original DPA is acceptable”, the Movement of Socialists concluded.


Dodik: The DPA is dead and void, today we celebrate the anniversary of the Day of international recognition of the RS; B&H is heading towards dissolution (RTRS)


On the 28th anniversary of initialing of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) in Dayton on 21 November 1995, RS President Milorad Dodik (SNSD) held a press conference in Banja Luka on Tuesday and stressed that on 21 November - the RS marks the day of its international recognition and the Saint Michael the Archangel Day as the Patron Saint’s Day of the RS Ministry of Interior – not the DPA anniversary. He said that this is because the DPA has failed and only its debris remained and they still exist in some parts through the decision-making process, but it is sure that “after the issue of property they would surely enter the process of degradation of the decision-making process and base it to the old ‘one person, one vote’ story”, which is why the RS has to be very cautious. Dodik reminded that over the past 28 years, the DPA has been made meaningless by efforts of power centers from the West – primarily the US and UK, the aim of which is to deprive the RS of powers both in political and economic terms. He stated that the worst part of undermining of the DPA is destroying of its Annex 4 or the Constitution of B&H because the High Representative and foreign embassies are not part of constitutional category, although political Sarajevo silently allows them to forcedly usurp constitutional competences. According to Dodik, power centers from the West attacked the constitutional organization of B&H when they imposed an illegal political body, i.e. the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and authorized the High Representative as a legislative body, past the Annex 10 that regulates the status of the High Representative. Dodik emphasized that regardless of everything, the RS shows that it can function independently – unlike B&H, noting that therefore the RS will come out of “this hybrid political and economic war led against the RS by the collective West with the US and UK at the helm” as a winner. He said that the RS remains principled when it comes to this issue and it does not accept the imposing of non-constitutional representatives of the international community, otherwise it is ready for “peaceful dissolution.” He reiterated that foreigners need to leave B&H and that he will present this stance at his meetings in Brussels on December 5, adding that the RS will insist on putting 14 priorities from the EC’s Opinion on B&H on the agenda, primarily the issue of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the Election Law of B&H. Dodik said that this will be an opportunity for Europe to show whether it is a marionet of the US or not, warning that the B&H should refuse to take the EU path if it means the abolition of the RS to the extent in which the RS would lose its competences. Dodik also assessed that “the state community is incapable of functioning.” In his opinion, the epilogue of B&H is unfortunately, a peaceful dissolution. Dodik stated that he does not know when this will happen, but the process has already begun, and it cannot be stopped. He said that this will happen in a peaceful way adding that the RS does not plan any kind of violent secession adding that these are lies and propaganda. In his opinion, the DPA was undermined with interference of big forces that witnessed signing of the DPA. He underlined that the Serb views cannot be heard in Sarajevo because Serb politicians are excluded from talks with international representatives. In this regard, Dodik argued that Chairwoman of B&H CoM Borjana Kristo eliminated Serb representatives from the RS from the meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Dodik confirmed he will attend a meeting planned for 5 December in Brussels adding that the RS believes that all 14 priorities of the European Commission must be sent on the table but issues of the OHR, the Constitutional Court of B&H and the B&H Election Law must be solved first. According to Dodik, B&H has “a colonial status” and it cannot function this way. Dodik noted that there are international pressures on the RS, and reiterate that decisions Christian Schmidt, whom the RS authorities do not recognize as the HR, will not be implemented on the territory of the RS. Dodik also once again mentioned secession and a peaceful dissolution. "I represent a sufficient majority of the Serb people who have decided that the configuration of the authorities in the RS should look exactly as it does, giving us the right to decide sovereignly on matters of competence that are foreseen in Dayton”, Dodik noted.


Crnadak responds to Dodik’s press conference, emphasizing that Dodik and SNSD are leading the RS and the Serb people into an abyss (BNTV)


PDP Vice-President Igor Crnadak published a statement in response to the press conference of RS President Milorad Dodik, held on 21 November, on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the initialing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “The most dangerous part of today’s press conference is Dodik’s statement that the DPA is dead, which sends a message that the RS government is ready to lead the entire nation into an abyss and threaten the future of the next generations, due to their personal problems and isolation. The DPA is not dead, it is the greatest possible interest of the RS, because it is the strongest way to defend the RS’s territory, property, jurisdictions, institutions, protective decision-making mechanisms and other interests. Our future is the EU, with the Dayton constitution and the jurisdictions that belong to us, and no one is asking from us to give up on our identity and freedom. It is a completely different matter that Dodik and SNSD do not want the RS based on the rule of law and order, because they think that this is a way to protect their crimes, which are of epic proportions”, read Crnadak’s statement.


Biden congratulates B&H Statehood Day; He calls for putting duties ahead of divisions and for putting an end the policy of nationalism (Oslobodjenje)


US President Joe Biden has congratulated B&H Statehood Day. In his letter sent to the B&H Presidency on Tuesday, Biden said: “The US remains firmly committed to sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character of B&H. We remain committed to strengthening of relations between our peoples whose diversity and dynamics have always strengthened tissue of our partnership.” Biden also touched upon the policy of RS President Milorad Dodik. He said: “The attempts to undermine the DPA, the attacks on state institutions and calls for secession, undermine stability and future of B&H. This is also a threat to people and to what is necessary for life. While you are gathering to celebrate the holiday, I am calling on you to put your duties ahead of divisions and to put an end the policy of nationalism.” Biden reminded that B&H citizens deserve a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future, which B&H leaders should secure with their joint work. Biden added: “In a year ahead of us, I am looking forward to strengthening the partnership between two nations and friendship between our citizens so that B&H makes progress to a better future. I wish you pleasant and peaceful celebration of a national holiday.”


NATO HQ: Stoltenberg stated that every country is free to choose its own security arrangements (Nezavisne/


NATO Headquarters Sarajevo issued a statement reminding that during his visit to B&H, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that every country has the right to choose its own security arrangements without foreign interference. During his meeting with NATO HQ Commander Pamela McGaha, Stoltenberg thanked NATO command and HQ staff for their support to peace and stability of B&H. “NATO has been committed to B&H for many years. Your security is important for the Western Balkan region, and it is important for Europe”, said Stoltenberg during his visit. He commended B&H for the progress achieved on the path of EU integration and reiterated that NATO remains committed to supporting B&H’s Euro-Atlantic path. Internet portal has learned that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told members of the B&H Presidency over a dinner that “B&H cannot join NATO with this kind of organization”. Namely, during a working dinner with Zeljko Komsic, Zeljka Cvijanovic and Denis Becirovic, Stoltenberg said B&H will not become a NATO member until there is an internal consensus about NATO integration. According to the article, in a nutshell, it means Stoltenberg told authorities in B&H that the NATO path is not happening until RS agrees with the (NATO) integration.


Ambassadors of seven EU member states inform Cavara of their countries’ support to opening of accession negotiations with B&H (Dnevni avaz)


Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Marinko Cavara met in Sarajevo on Tuesday with Ambassadors, Deputy Ambassadors and Charge d’affairs of seven EU Member States. Austrian Ambassador Ulrike Harmtman, Italian Ambassador Marco Di Ruzza, Slovenian Ambassador Damijan Sedar, Slovakian Ambassador Roman Hloben, Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic Stepan Santrucek, Deputy Ambassador of Greece Minas Ounanian and Charge d’affairs at the Croatian Embassy Tomislav Lendic informed Cavara with the content of the letter, with which these EU Member States expressed strong support to B&H opening the accession negotiations with the EU. They stressed that Foreign Ministers of their respective countries have sent EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell a letter, advocating opening of the accession negotiations between B&H and the EU by end of 2023. Cavara thanked the diplomats and their countries for the support and steps they take to help B&H. Cavara emphasized importance of continuing the reform processes in B&H, as well as taking credible steps to fulfill priorities with the aim of B&H starting negotiations on full membership in the EU as soon as possible. The importance of further implementation of reforms was also emphasized by the ambassadors of the EU member states, who reiterated that their countries and governments will continue to provide strong support to B&H and the countries of the Western Balkans in the EU integration process.


Croatian diplomat expelled from Serbia for "espionage"; MFEA: We will respond (HRT)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia announced that it has declared the first secretary of the Croatian Embassy in Serbia, Hrvoje Snajder, an undesirable person because he "grossly went beyond the scope of diplomatic norms", announced the Serbian foreign ministry. Then the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) of the Republic of Croatia expressed its regret for such a decision and said that it reserves the right to respond to this move at the time and in the way it chooses. During his professional engagement in Serbia, Snajder, according to the Serbian foreign ministry, "grossly departed from the framework of diplomatic norms" and violated the Vienna Convention, and on this occasion a diplomatic note was delivered to the Croatian ambassador Hidajet Biscevic.


The MVEP of the Republic of Croatia expresses its regret for Serbia's decision and says that it will decide how to respond

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia announced that it regrets the decision of the Republic of Serbia to declare the first secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Belgrade persona non grata. “We completely reject the grounds for expelling an accredited Croatian diplomat. The decision of the Republic of Serbia represents a step towards the deterioration of mutual relations, as well as further destabilization of sensitive regional political and security situations at a time when stability in South-Eastern Europe is of exceptional importance for the whole of Europe,” states the press release. We are concerned that the expulsion of the Croatian diplomat represents additional pressure on the employees of the Croatian embassy in Belgrade, which is particularly manifested during the pre-election period in the Republic of Serbia. In this regard, we express our regret that the anticipated escalation of relations by the Republic of Serbia at this time was achieved with a drastic decision to expel diplomats. “The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs reserves the right to respond to this move at the time and in the manner it chooses,” said the press release of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia.


Opposition signed the Census Agreement (CdM)


The Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, and Social Democrats have signed the Census Agreement sent by the Prime Minister Milojko Spajic, the CdM portal has learned. It’s expected that the Bosniak Party and national councils would do the same during the day. Spajic signed the agreement yesterday. The agreement doesn’t specify the date of census. The census will be carried out from 30 November to 15 December in line with the proposal for the law amending the Census Law, which was sent to the parliament on 16 November. The Census Agreement tackles the census commissions, the control over the collected data, creation of software for their monitoring and ban on running the census campaigns. The proposal for the agreement was sent after PM Spajic accepted all the requests of the opposition, and MONSTAT officially announced a new public call for census takers.


MPs to discuss today in Cetinje election of seventh Constitutional Court judge (CdM)


MPs of the new convocation of the parliament of Montenegro are to vote today on the proposal that Faruk Resulbegovic be elected as the missing seventh judge of the Constitutional Court. Resulbegovic, who is a prosecutor in the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Ulcinj, needs 49 votes from MPs to be elected. In the first round of voting, in February, he did not receive a two-thirds majority of 54 MPs. Support for Resulbegovic was announced by members of the ruling majority, as well as the opposition URA. The parliamentary session, which is to be held in Cetinje, starts at noon.


Spajic with Kovacevski: Relations strengthened by alliance in NATO (CdM)


The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajic, is on a working visit to Skopje, where he was met tonight by the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski. "The fact that the Prime Minister of Montenegro chose a region for his first working visit in the context of cooperation within NATO is a clear signal that the 44th government will be committed to strengthening good-neighborly cooperation and Euro-Atlantic values," said Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski. He said that Montenegro has friends and allies in Skopje. The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajic, thanked Prime Minister Kovacevski for the welcome and pointed out that Montenegro and North Macedonia have good relations, which are strengthened by the alliance in NATO. "I believe that we will work together on our European perspective. Montenegro is determined to justify its leadership position and the government in cooperation with the parliament is intensively working on unblocking the processes that are a prerequisite for further integration", Spajic said. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on the situation in the region and Europe, and in the context of the meeting of NATO member states with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, they expressed their determination to responsibly contribute to NATO membership and the goals of the Alliance. The two prime ministers discussed the possibilities of strengthening economic cooperation, the establishment of a direct airline between Podgorica and Skopje, and the exchange of experiences regarding social reform and the use of funds from EU funds. The meeting was attended by Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi and Minister of Labor Jovanka Trencevska.


Stoltenberg congratulated Krapovic on his appointment as Minister of Defense (CdM)


The Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg sent a letter of congratulations to Dragan Krapovic on the occasion of taking up the post of Minister of Defense. The letter states that Minister Krapovic was appointed to this position at a time when the Euro-Atlantic area is facing the greatest security threat in the last few decades, which is additional incentive for allies to show unity and solidarity. It was emphasized that Montenegro actively contributes to collective deterrence and defense, as well as that the commitment to the implementation of the NATO Capability Objectives is recognized. With the belief that NATO will maintain political cohesion and preserve its military strength, Secretary General Stoltenberg expressed his satisfaction in the letter that he will have the opportunity to continue intensive cooperation with Montenegro during the mandate of Minister Krapovic.


Wednesday's summit a recognition of importance and role North Macedonia plays in Alliance, says NATO Secretary General (MIA)


So far I visited partner nations, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and also Kosovo, and now I'm in a NATO allied country, and therefore it is also natural that this is the place where we have the big meeting with the leaders of the other NATO allies in the region. This is a recognition of the importance, the role that North Macedonia plays in this Alliance, and also how much we value that you are now a full-fledged member, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters at Tuesday's joint press conference with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. In response to a reporter's question on his address to the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, following his visit to several other Western Balkan countries where such an address did not take place, and whether the address to the Assembly in Skopje is a message in terms of the process of the amendments to the Constitution, as well as what is the message being sent with the meeting of the leaders of NATO countries from the region happening in Skopje on Wednesday, Stoltenberg said it is a great honor to address the National Assembly in Skopje once again, as he has addressed the National Assembly before, but this is the first such address since the country joined NATO. "It shows the importance of North Macedonia as a highly valued NATO ally and I welcome very much that the Government and the National Assembly is ready to host me, but also the summit tomorrow with leaders of NATO allies in the region," he added. He noted that he follows developments in terms of the amendments very closely, and he would like to commend the country for the courage and the wisdom that was needed to ensure that North Macedonia becomes a full-fledged member of the Alliance. "The Prespa Agreement was not easy, but it was good for North Macedonia, it was good for the whole region, and it was good for NATO. This is about security, but is also that security helps to promote prosperity, and with stability and prosperity there are actually more investments, more jobs, and more foreign direct investment in North Macedonia. So, there's a link between security and prosperity, which I think has been demonstrated by the fact that you are now a full member of the Alliance," said Stoltenberg.


We don't see any imminent military threat from Russia against any NATO ally or region

We don't see any imminent military threat from Russia against any NATO ally or the region. But, of course, we remain vigilant, we monitor closely what Russia is doing, and we remain united, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told Tuesday's joint press conference with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski in Skopje.  "We have military presence in this region with KFOR, with the Headquarters in Sarajevo and with the Office in Belgrade, and we are ready to quickly reinforce and to do what is necessary to defend and protect every ally against any threat. But again, we don't see any imminent military threat against any NATO ally. Then we continue to reiterate our consistent message to Russia that they should refrain from the aggressive actions against neighbors and of course stop the military aggression against Ukraine. And they should respect international law, and also the right for every nation to choose its own path," Stoltenberg told reporters when asked to comment on last week's statement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that he has information that Russia has a plan for military destabilization on the Balkans. One of the reasons why Russian President Putin went to war against Ukraine, Stoltenberg pointed out, was that he didn't want Ukraine to join the Alliance. "And he wanted more than that. He actually wanted NATO to guarantee no further NATO enlargement, to remove all its forces from the eastern part of the Alliance. Putin is getting exactly the opposite. He's getting more NATO, more NATO presence in the eastern part of the Alliance, and now two new NATO members - Finland and Sweden. This is a big strategic defeat for President Putin, and it demonstrates again that it was a big mistake to invade Ukraine. I welcome the support from North Macedonia, from NATO allies, to continue to support Ukraine. We just had new announcements today from Germany and also recently from the United States of more military support to Ukraine. So, we will be there to continue to support Ukraine and their right for self-defense against the Russian aggression," said the NATO Secretary General. In response to the same question, PM Kovachevski pointed out that the information exchanged between the institutions inside the country, as well as with the allies in NATO, is that there is no threat for the country's stability and security. He underlined that the country and the other NATO member states are fighting against Russian influence in the region. "We are a NATO member country and I assure you that the institutions are doing their job. We must not forget that all entities and political stakeholders have an obligation to contribute to peace and stability. Of course, the influence from third countries, including Russian influence, exists in the region and they are always trying to find someone who thinks alike in certain individuals, political parties and in certain organizations. But they are not on the level that our institutions have, that NATO member states have, and that our security services have, and they cannot cause destabilization of our country," PM Kovachevski stressed.


Pendarovski: Stoltenberg's visit to Western Balkans demonstrates NATO's commitment to region's stability (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Tuesday with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Talks focused on the overall cooperation with NATO within the country's full-fledged membership in the Alliance, as well as possibilities to promote cooperation, the country's foreign policy priorities and current regional security issues, as well as developments in the wider region in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the developments in the Middle East. Pendarovski highlighted North Macedonia's readiness and commitment to actively contribute in the future, within its capacities, to promoting peace and stability in the region and beyond, as well as in dealing with traditional and new threats, the President's Office said in a press release. In that direction, President Pendarovski welcomed the holding of the meeting with the leaders of NATO countries from the region in Skopje on Wednesday. He stressed, among other, that NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg's visit to the Western Balkan countries demonstrates yet again NATO's commitment to the region's stability and security, at a time of major security challenges in the wider context.


Petrovska: Given the conduct of Russian foreign policy, I don't see why Lavrov would come to Skopje (MIA)


Minister of Defence Slavjanka Petrovska said in a TV appearance at the national broadcaster that she sees no reason for Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, to participate at the OSCE meeting in Skopje, given the conduct of Russia and its foreign policy. "There is no confirmation of Lavrov's arrival, but given the conduct of Russian foreign policy, their interference in the internal affairs of states, but above all their attitude towards Ukraine, I don't see why he would come here," the Minister said, as cited by the Ministry of Defence. Petrovska said that during the past period, North Macedonia as OSCE chair has really given its utmost, made maximum efforts to successfully complete the Chairpersonship and the OSCE to fulfill its mission, reads the press release. "Not always everything is up to us. Other member countries, in this case also Russia as OSCE member should show that it really knows how to nurture and value the OSCE values," said the Minister.


Rama's visit to Skopje: Challenging moment of crisis, pose a potential threat to our region's stability (Radio Tirana)


Today, Prime Minister Edi Rama is in Skopje to attend a meeting involving leaders from five NATO member countries in South-Eastern Europe. During the initial greetings before the meeting commenced, Rama extended his wishes to all Albanians in North Macedonia, celebrating Alphabet Day. "First and foremost, I would like to extend my best wishes to all the Albanians here in North Macedonia, celebrating the esteemed Day of the Alphabet in the Albanian language," expressed Rama. "Additionally, I am pleased that we convene here today, despite the challenging times that confront us all. At a time marked by wars and severe crises that directly threaten our region," commented the head of the government. "At this moment, as we navigate through challenges in the region, it is imperative for all of us to concentrate on safeguarding and upholding our hard-earned accomplishments. What we have achieved, though delicate, is the establishment of peace — which is highly significant. We must unite our efforts to solidify and ensure the stability of this peace," he emphasized.


The war in Gaza, Rama: I have proposed a multinational coalition, the future without Hamas and Israeli troops (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama held a meeting this Tuesday with the ambassadors of the Arab League and Israel to Albania, where he discussed the war in Gaza. While emphasizing the support for Israel, expressed by Albania since the start of the conflict, the Prime Minister adds that Albania is nevertheless concerned about the high number of victims and violence. According to the head of the Albanian government, the future of Gaza is without Hamas and the Israeli army. In this line, Rama notes that he has proposed, four days before the 2023 Paris Peace Forum, the idea that a multinational coalition of the Arab League and Turkey with a UN mandate to temporarily take control of Gaza. According to Rama, in this way the necessary reconstruction and the transfer of governing responsibilities from Hamas to the Palestinian Authority would be facilitated. "In two separate friendly and frank conversations with the ambassadors of the Arab League and Israel in Albania, I shared my opinion and concerns as follows: On October 7, Albania stood firmly behind Israel against Hamas. And we continue to do so. Israel has the indisputable right to defend itself and the horrific crimes of Hamas cannot be forgotten or relativized and must not go unpunished. However, as a multi-religious and peace-loving country, Albania is very concerned about the prolonged conflict in Gaza. We are concerned by the destruction, civilian casualties and suffering. We have no doubt. Hamas is an agent of chaos, a chess piece in the hands of bad players with ambitions far beyond Gaza. They seek to destroy any chance of reconciliation and regional peace by undermining regimes in the Middle East. They seek to antagonize relations between Europe and the Middle East to the point of no return, pushing the tipping point of a clash of civilizations. They seek to discredit democracy and much more. And I fear that prolonging the civilian suffering of the Palestinian and Israeli people only fuels these evil ambitions. On 6 November, four days before the 2023 Paris Peace Forum, I presented the idea that a multinational coalition of the Arab League and Turkey with a UN mandate to temporarily take control of Gaza, facilitating the necessary reconstruction and transition of responsibilities, i.e. governing from Hamas to the Palestinian Authority," writes Rama. According to Rama, the only way to convince Israel to stop operations in Gaza is by offering guarantees that Hamas will leave. Albanian Prime Minister writes that Israel and neighboring Arab countries must work together and share responsibility for peace. "We must not allow the continuation of the current narrative in which Palestinians in Gaza have only two choices, Hamas or Israel. The international community must step up and create a third choice, a future for Gaza without Hamas and Israeli troops. After the terrible crimes that Hamas committed on 7 October, there can be no political future for Hamas. I fear that the only way to convince Israel to stop its operations and withdraw from Gaza is by offering strong assurances that Hamas is off the board. For the sake of peace, Israel and neighboring Arab countries must work together and share responsibility for peace. I'm afraid there is a minimal way out, and an immediate ceasefire for the unconditional release of hostages seems to me an inevitable starting point. Although we are currently in the UN Security Council, as a small country, Albania is fully aware of its limitations in the international arena. However, all actors must share the burden of building sustainable peace regardless of power, size or importance. This commitment is a necessity for all of us and Albania will not hesitate to do her part," concludes Rama in his post.


Beci-Kusari: Joint development projects between Shkodra and Djakovica (Radio Tirana)


The mayor of Shkodra Benet Beci hosted a meeting with Mimoza Kusari, a member of the parliament of Kosovo. During the meeting, Beci and Kusari discussed numerous possibilities for cooperation between Shkodra and Djakovica, highlighting the potential for collaboration as a symbolic gesture of unity between Albania and Kosovo. Shkodra and Djakovica are two cities with a rich and special history, and it is our duty to acknowledge this enduring connection that has spanned centuries," stated Beci. Deputy Kusari emphasized, "Recognizing the profound and unbreakable bond between Djakovica and Shkodra as two cities of Albania, it is our patriotic duty across generations to fortify cooperation ties through collaborative development projects." "The connection of Kosovo with Albania through the ties of the Highlands is at the core of our nation, a heartbeat that resonates as long as there are Albanians in this world. Sensing the festive preparations and the city's adorned spirit, the words of Edith Durham echo: 'The culture of the city of Shkodra radiates not only within Albania but across the Balkans. All the arduous periods of survival and the fight for independence are intertwined with the name of Shkodra," wrote Kusari in a social media post.


Peleshi: Albanian Air Force opens its doors for Kosovo Security Force pilots (Radio Tirana)


The Albanian Air Force welcomes pilots from the Kosovo Security Force (KSF), opening its doors for collaboration or joint activities. The Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi announced the participation of KSF pilots in a mandatory theoretical and practical helicopter flight refresher program at Farka Air Base. This program is essential for crews to maintain their flight reflexes. The collaboration between the two countries in defense has been characterized by numerous instances of joint exercises and the exchange of experiences. In September of this year, the search and rescue teams from the Armed Forces of Albania and the Kosovo Security Force conducted joint training sessions.