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Belgrade Media Report 30 November 2023



Vucic thanks Azerbaijan for respecting Serbia's territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTV/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received Azerbaijan's Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population Sahil Babayev on Thursday to discuss further intensive work on strengthening cooperation in all areas of mutual interest. The parties noted that Serbia-Azerbaijan bilateral relations were on a very high level and based on traditionally friendly ties and mutual trust and commitment to the fundamental principles of international law.

Vucic expressed special gratitude to Azerbaijan for its principled position of respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and said Serbia's position on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan remained unchanged. Vucic said Serbia was committed to work with Azerbaijan on development of cooperation in the economy, the energy sector and military technology. Vucic noted that he looked forward to an upcoming meeting with Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev, which will mark the completion of works on a Serbia-Bulgaria natural gas interconnector, the press office of the Serbian President said in a statement.


Vucic thanked friendly Kazakhstan for supporting preservation of Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Murat Nurtleu in Belgrade on Wednesday and noted that Serbia was firmly committed to development of comprehensive cooperation with Kazakhstan. Vucic said he was pleased Kazakhstan had since 2019 had an Embassy in Serbia, which he noted was making a significant contribution to bringing the two countries closer, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic thanked friendly Kazakhstan for supporting the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and for the commitment to the principles of international law demonstrated in that way. The parties also discussed cooperation in investments, the energy sector, defence and the defence industry, agriculture, tourism and other areas of mutual interest. Nurtleu said Serbia was a close partner to Kazakhstan but that there was still untapped potential for cooperation in various fields. Vucic accepted an invitation from his counterpart Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to visit Kazakhstan. Vucic and Nurtleu also discussed various global affairs, the statement said.


Serbia, Kazakhstan deepen cooperation in various fields (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu signed yesterday the Agreement on military-technical cooperation between the two countries. On that occasion, Vucevic pointed out that Serbia's long-term strategic commitment is to lead an independent foreign policy and that the government, despite all challenges, will continue to lead a responsible policy of peace and cooperation. Also, Serbian Culture Minister Maja Gojkovic and Minister Nurtleu signed the Memorandum of understanding in the field of culture between the Serbian Ministry of Culture and the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Information in order to strengthen friendly relations and mutual understanding between the two countries. The Memorandum envisages that both countries promote mutual cultural cooperation and participation in the field of theatre, music, cinematography, libraries, historical and cultural heritage, museums and archives, as well as the exchange of experts, experience and knowledge within the framework of seminars, conferences and symposiums. Minister of Sports Zoran Gajic signed the Memorandum of understanding in the field of sports with Nurtleu.


Dacic meets with ODIHR Director (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Director Matteo Mecacci on the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Meeting in Skopje on Thursday. Dacic noted that Serbia would continue to work on advancement of its electoral process in line with ODIHR recommendations and that it expected its cooperation with the organisation to be continued on other matters as well.

Dacic said Serbia saw ODIHR as one of the pillars of OSCE and an indispensable partner in the field of OSCE's human dimension and in building a democratic society, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. The parties agreed Serbia-ODIHR cooperation to date had been friendly and one between partners that trusted each other, with a view to advancing the electoral process, strengthening democratic institutions and carrying out reforms in priority areas for Serbia.


Stano: Kosovo Serbs should be allowed to vote in upcoming Serbian elections (Tanjug/Politika)


EU spokesman Peter Stano said on Wednesday the EU had noted with regret the Pristina authorities had not permitted the customary practice of allowing Kosovo Serbs to vote in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija in Serbian elections and that the decision was not in line with the spirit of dialogue, the principle of protecting the rights of non-majority communities and trust-building between Belgrade and Pristina. Speaking to Tanjug, Stano said that, as a result, Serb voters would have to travel to cities in the south of central Serbia to cast their ballots in the 17 December Serbian elections. He said the EU recommended that the practice of allowing Kosovo Serbs to vote in the territory of Kosovo in Serbian elections be continued on 17 December with OSCE facilitation. Stano said the EU expected Belgrade and Pristina to agree on modalities that would make this happen, in good faith and in the spirit of compromise. The EU supports all efforts aimed at enabling Kosovo Serbs to participate in democratic processes, Stano said, noting that the ability of Kosovo Serbs to exercise their fundamental rights and vote in the upcoming Serbian parliamentary elections was essential.


Raska-Prizren Diocese: Officials from Podujevo with false priest broke into church (RTS/Politika)


The Diocese of Raska-Prizren announced that yesterday, 28 November, according to the Kosovapost portal, in the Church of St. Archangel Michael in the village of Rakinica, Podujevo municipality, was broken into by a group together with the self-proclaimed and false priest Nikola Dzufka, a citizen of the Republic of Albania, in order to allegedly perform a church ceremony in the church. The Diocese states that, according to the aforementioned portal, representatives of the Municipality of Podujevo participated in the burglary and misuse of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which dates back to the 15th century. “This criminal act is just one more in a series aimed at stealing the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church, i.e. the ‘Albanization’ or ‘Kosovarization’ of our spiritual and cultural heritage. The Eparchy of Raska-Prizren has been pointing to the process of cultural appropriation of our heritage for years. This latest case confirmed our allegations, this time in an undeniable and extremely worrying way. Such and similar acts point to the urgent need to protect our cultural and spiritual heritage, above all from individuals and organizations connected to Kosovo institutions, or from individuals who act with greater or lesser support from those institutions,” the announcement of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren states. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija condemned the attack on the church in Kosovo and Metohija. “The invasion of the Church of St. Archangel Michael in the village of Rakinica by officials from Podujevo, led by the false and self-proclaimed Albanian priest Nikola Dzufka, represents a new attack on the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren, with the aim of erasing and appropriating the Serbian Orthodox religious heritage in Kosovo and Metohija,” the announcement states. As it is added, such a violent and planned act undoubtedly could not have been carried out without the knowledge and support of the institutions in Pristina, led by Albin Kurti, who base their actions exclusively on dealing with everything Serbian in the area of Kosovo and Metohija. “Pristina and extremists have been systematically desecrating and systematically destroying Serbian churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija for more than two decades, in order to prevent the return of the people to their centuries-old hearths and destroy the seeds of Serbian existence, because it is well known that our churches have always been places of gathering and assembly, as well as a pillar of the identity and spirituality of our people,” the statement added. “This is an issue that should draw the attention of the entire international community, because the treatment of silence while Serbian graves are demolished and desecrated, Serbian bones are dug up, Serbian houses are stoned, Serbian land is illegally seized, and now also churches are inadmissible,” the statement said.


Andjelkovic: Vucic’s only trump cards are bedroom recordings and spy scandals (Beta)


Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic stated yesterday that bedroom recordings and spy scandals had become the only “trump cards” of Aleksandar Vucic in the election campaign. Andjelkovic told Beta that the current government could no longer convince even their own supporters that they could do something positive. “Even those hypnotized by Vucic’s media propaganda now support him more out of inertia, than out of believing that he can bring an improvement in Serbia. The sole trump card of the regime’s campaign is to throw mud at everyone else, create apathy and de-stimulate the people from voting,” Andjelkovic assessed. In his words, the entire campaign of the “Aleksandar Vucic – Serbia Must Not Stop” ticket consists of imputations from the political opponents’ bedrooms and various geo-political games. Commenting on the fact that the Security and Information Agency (BIA) was also dealing with the recording from the bedroom of politician Djordje Miketic, Andjelkovic said that BIA acted as the regime’s propaganda agency for technical affairs. “The job of BIA is to deal with national security; it should primarily deal with the president of the Republic, who undermines the Constitution by accepting the false independence of Kosovo. After accepting the Franco-German plan, Vucic should have been investigated by BIA,” Andjelkovic pointed out.


Stoltenberg: Both Belgrade and Pristina should contribute to de-escalation (Beta)


NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg stated in Brussels yesterday that both Belgrade and Pristina should contribute to a de-escalation of the situation in Kosovo and said he was convinced that the latest, western proposal of the statute of the Community of Municipalities with the Serb majority could be an opportunity for progress in the two sides’ dialogue. At the completion of the two-day meeting of NATO member countries’ foreign ministers, Stoltenberg once again urged the two sides to refrain from moves that could increase tension, and from flammable rhetoric, the Alliance has stated. While answering reporters’ questions, Stoltenberg said that “serious violent incidents” had taken place in Kosovo in the previous months, including a clash between the local Serbs and KFOR members at the end of May and an exchange of fire between the Kosovo police and an armed group of Serbs in the village of Banjska on 24 September. “Kosovo is an example of very close cooperation between NATO and the EU. The EU is in charge of diplomatic efforts. We are present militarily on the ground and have increased the number of NATO troops by 1,000, to 5,000,” Stoltenberg said. He welcomed the extension of the EUFOR mission’s mandate in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and said that NATO would have had to consider what to do, had that not taken place.


N1 hosts election debate without ruling parties (N1)


Four opposition parties and coalitions took part in the first of 3 live election campaign debates hosted by TV N1 on Wednesday. The debates will take place on Wednesdays and are open to all parties and coalitions fielding candidates in the December 17 elections. Miroslav Aleksic of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, Bosko Obradovic leader of Dveri representing the National Rallying coalition, Milos Jovanovic of Hope for Serbia and Vuk Jeremic leader of the People’s Party took part in the first debate. N1 invited the ruling coalition’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) to the debate but both refused the invitation. The four participating opposition officials were asked about Kosovo and the country’s foreign policy with all of them voicing opposition to official Belgrade’s policies. Aleksic said that the country was faced with a take it or leave agreement fielded by France and Germany and Jovanovic warned that once the Kosovo issue is resolved, the Raska area (Sandzak) and Republika Srpska would become issues. Obradovic said that his coalition is fiercely opposed to the Franco-German plan and Jeremic added that to his part Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia and that the Paris-Berlin plan the most serious ultimatum since 1999. Asked about economic policies, Aleksic warned that corruption was destroying the Serbian economy and called for lower duties and more investments. Obradovic called for an end to what he called “the colonial economic model” while Jeremic said he wants VAT on food lowered by 1 percent. Jovanovic said he is against sanctions on Russia, adding that he favors cooperation with the BRICS countries.


Kosovo’s Special Prosecution indicts Serb for alleged 1999 war crime (Beta)


Kosovo’s Special Prosecution said that it has charged a Serb, identified by initials G.M., with committing an alleged war crime in the Dubrava prison near Istok, in May 1999. He is accused of participating in the murder of 109 and in the injuring of 108 prisoners of Albanian nationality. “Investigations have managed to secure enough evidence to prove that, in collaboration with other members of the Serbian police and military forces, the defendant participated in and contributed to committing the crime he is being charged with.” The prosecution added that the investigations into other suspects are continuing in absentia because they are unreachable for the judicial authorities.


Arrested Kosovo Serb released on bail (Tanjug)


Kosovo Serb Goran Savic, who was arrested by the Pristina authorities almost three months ago, was released on bail on Wednesday and will stand trial as a free man, his lawyer told Tanjug. "He was released and will stand trial as a free man after his family gathered the money and posted bail," Milos Delevic said, adding that his client, who was arrested on charges of bribery and abuse of office, had denied any wrongdoing. Savic, a former officer of the so-called Kosovo Police, was detained on 8 September in Leposavic based on a court ruling from 2021.


KFOR says its presence highest in a decade (Beta)


KFOR said on Wednesday that its troop numbers are the highest in a decade because of tensions in northern Kosovo. Pristina news portal gazetablic said that it was told by the NATO-led force that another 1,000 troops with heavy weapons had been deployed to Kosovo. “KFOR’s presence in the north of Kosovo has been quadrupled and the number of patrols tripled including along the border line. KFOR maintains a flexible and agile position across Kosovo and is prepared to respond to every possible scenario under its UN mandate,” the portal quoted KFOR’s reply. KFOR said it remains the third responder after the Kosovo Police and EULEX and added that its commander is in regular contact with the security services.




Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers ends in Brussels (FTV)


The meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers held in Brussels ended on Wednesday. The main topics of the meeting were the security situation in Ukraine and Gaza, with significant attention on the security situation in Western Balkans. Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg pointed out several times that NATO is concerned about the inflammatory rhetoric in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the malign influence of Russia in B&H and the Western Balkans, but also stressed that NATO will not allow a security vacuum in B&H or the Western Balkans. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock confirmed that one of NATO’s main priorities is security in the Western Balkans. Baerbock and Stoltenberg both pointed out the significance of EUFOR and ALTHEA Mission in B&H and Kosovo, as peacekeepers in the region. Stoltenberg reminded that NATO already has 5,000 soldiers in Kosovo and its HQ in B&H. He also said that NATO supports efforts of EUFOR and ALTHEA Mission, which is an example of cooperation of the Alliance and the EU. Stoltenberg welcomed extension of the EUFOR’s mandate in B&H for another year. He stressed that thanks to this, the NATO does not have to think about sending of additional forces to B&H. Stoltenberg noted that the Alliance should think what to do only in the case of the end of EUFOR’s mandate. Stoltenberg stated that NATO will do everything to ensure peace and stability in the Western Balkans. After the meeting Stoltenberg noted the increased tensions in the region, pointing out the incendiary rhetoric in B&H. Stoltenberg said that the allies are closely following the moves of those who are destabilizing B&H. Stoltenberg also warned of serious violent incidents in the north of Kosovo, including attacks on NATO soldiers and the armed attack in the Banjska village in September in which four people were killed. The topic that dominated the NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels was the war in Ukraine, and there was also talk about the Middle East and the security threat posed by China to the Alliance. “The message is that Pristina and Belgrade have to engage in good faith in the EU-facilitated dialogue. Kosovo is an example of how NATO and the European Union are working very closely together. The EU is in charge of the diplomatic efforts. We are present with thousands of troops on the ground and actually as a result of this, we have added 1,000 more NATO troops to our presence in Kosovo to roughly 5,000. I believe that the proposal of an association of Serb majority municipalities could be a way forward to try to define the solution and to make progress within the EU-facilitated dialogue. So yes, that is absolutely something that should be looked into,” Stoltenberg said.


Zakharova comments Stoltenberg’s visit to Western Balkans: Stop destabilizing region (RTRS)


Spokesperson of Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova. stated that the recent tour of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenbergis another confirmation of destructive course of NATO directed toward increased pulling of the countries of the region into this structure. “Stoltenberg’s visit to B&H and Serbia was obviously provocative. He tried to interfere into internal matters in B&H, to impose getting closer of this country to Euro-Atlantic structures. He persistently suggested increase of cooperation to Belgrade, despite the neutral status of Serbia. He accused Russia of all sins, presented things as if we allegedly work on spreading of misinformation and destabilization of the situation in the Balkans. Basically, nothing new, in fact this is retelling of what they are doing themselves,” said Zakharova. She noted that these are traditional techniques of Alliance’s representatives directed toward intimidating of their partners with imaginary threats coming from Russia. Zakharova underscored Stoltenberg’s statement about readiness of NATO to “create safe conditions for all people in Kosovo” and to “undertake steps to increase number of troops in Kosovo”. “There is no a single known case when NATO contingents protected Serbs from the lawlessness of representatives of Pristina, from their aggressive actions in north of the region. We start from NATO needing to stop their policy of destabilization of the Balkans, to stop imposing their rules and creating new division lines. As the history shows, appearing of the Alliance in the Balkans was always followed by misfortune, suffering of people, destruction and war crimes,” said Zakharova.


Blinken: NATO has key role in helping countries in region to make progress on their path to EU membership and wider European stability (ATV)


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that he discussed in Brussels on Wednesday NATO's current role in promoting peace and security in the Western Balkans together with NATO allies and assessed that NATO has a key role in helping countries in the region to achieve EU membership. “NATO has a key role in helping countries in the region to make progress on their path to EU membership and wider European stability. NATO has long been the backbone of security in the Western Balkans. We will continue to do so. We are deploying additional troops that will be part of KFOR. We are also deepening our cooperation with the forces led by the EU in B&H," Blinken said. Blinken reminded that in March, 2021 he came to NATO to confirm commitment of the US President Joe Biden to building and revival of this partnership and friendship. “It is truly our best strategic argument. I did this in NATO because some have been questioning its relevance, capacity and unity. While we are meeting today in Brussels, those who bet against NATO did not succeed. NATO is bigger, stronger and more capable than ever”, underlined Blinken.


Borrell calls on people in B&H to avoid any kind of behavior that calls for divisions and to join their forces to use advantages of current geopolitical moment (N1)


The situation in B&H was also one of the topics of the meeting between NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers and High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. The ministers stated that B&H must use the political moment and achieve stronger progress on the EU path. Borrell called on people in B&H to avoid any kind of behavior that calls for divisions and to join their forces in order to use advantages of the current geopolitical moment in which the EU enlargement becomes one of the key issues for the future of the EU and the Western Balkans states. Borrell also stated that NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs had important exchange of opinion about the situation in the Balkans. A plan of the NATO for reform in Ukraine was also the topic of the meeting.


Heads of diplomacy of Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia and Czech Republic launch initiative for opening of B&H’s accession negotiations with the EU by the end of 2023 (


The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia have met at the margins of the NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels on Wednesday to express their permanent commitment and support to the EU path of B&H. The joint statement reads: “We express political necessity to secure, by the end of the year, opening of accession negotiations with B&H. Since it has received a status of the EU candidate, B&H has taken important steps and obligations to meet crucial priorities.” The signatories of the joint statement believe that in the current geo-political context, every postponing of the beginning of the accession negotiations with the EU could additionally increase instability in the region and result in the loss of a positive momentum. The statement further reads: “We are ready to secure continuous political, technical and financial support to B&H in taking of crucial reforms during the process. We stress once again that the enlargement is not a choice of the candidate countries, but our joint, strategic interest which will bring much needed stability and security to the European continent.” The joint statement was signed at the initiative of Croatia. Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman explained the initiative as an additional effort to point out the strategic importance of opening negotiations with B&H. Grlic Radman noted that a common strategic interest of the EU and B&H lies in the opening of the EU negotiations with B&H, because that will bring much-needed stability and security to the European continent. Croatia launched the initiative to open pre-accession negotiations between B&H and the EU until the end of the year without any additional conditioning. According to Croatia, any other decision at the summit of the EU leaders in December would be bad because those who oppose to the EU would be the only ones to benefit. The European Commission (EC) previously recommended conditional opening of the negotiations with the EU once it meets 18 reform priorities presented in 2019, in March of 2024 at the earliest.


Peach: I call on all authority representatives to continue to maintain a positive momentum for all citizens (


UK Prime Minister's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach has ended his visit to B&H and at the end of it he stressed experience and commitment of the civil society and a part of politicians to progress of this country. He encouraged his collocutors to stay committed to constructive cooperation, dialogue and compromise as the only way to make a positive step which will bring benefit to all. He also said: “Upon my departure from B&H, I call on all authority representatives to continue to maintain a positive momentum for all citizens. In this restless world, we should work now more than ever on our values and a better future. Do not give up and do not join ethnic divisions, hate speech and those who are exclusively focused on the past. Young people in this country deserve a better future.”


Opposition from the RS calls on B&H CoM to comply with conclusion of B&H HoR and submit technical changes to B&H Election Law to parliamentary procedure (BNTV)


Representatives of opposition parties in Republika Srpska (RS) stated on Wednesday that if the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) does not submit to parliamentary procedure amendments to the Election Law that stipulate – among other things - introduction of new technologies in the election process, MPs of these parties in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) will propose such amendments. Leaders of SDS, List for Justice and Order and PDP underlined that it has been proved already that it is impossible to have free and democratic elections in B&H without video surveillance and scanners. Leader of SDS Milan Milicevic said that amending of the Election Law is necessary because current stipulations of this law represent source and essence of all corruptive activities “that later occur.” He underlined that a plan of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) to implement a pilot project of introduction of new technologies in the election process only in some municipalities in upcoming local elections is irrational. The leader of SDS stressed that fair elections cannot be made partially, because elections are fair or unfair. Leader of the List for Justice and Order Nebojsa Vukanovic stated that SNSD made some political concessions to have four delegates in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) in order to prevent adoption of technical amendments of the Election Law. He added that the international community has been supporting such behavior. He wondered how it is possible the EU can provide funds for different activities and projects, but does not want to donate equipment to modernize the election process in B&H. Vukanovic explained that they are not doing it because they need corrupted politicians who will give everything just to come into power. He reminded that significant electoral frauds were confirmed in the last elections and despite of this, the international community accepted results of elections. “What kind of a secret deal they made with (RS President Milorad) Dodik”, wondered Vukanovic. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic emphasized that adoption of the integrity package of the election process and introduction of new technologies can protect this society from anarchy. He reminded that almost one month ago, the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) tasked the B&H CoM to submit amendments to the Election Law to parliamentary procedure within the period of 30 days.


RS CC rejects initiative for evaluating constitutionality of Law on Amendments to Law on Publication of Laws and Other Regulations of RS and Law on Non-Implementation of Decisions of B&H Constitutional Court (ATV)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of RS did not accept the initiative for evaluating the constitutionality of the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Publication of Laws and Other Regulations of the RS and the Law on Non-Implementation of Decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H. The RS CC found that the RS parliament by adopting and submitting the aforementioned laws for promulgation and their publication in the Official Gazette of the RS, and that the President of the RS by passing the decree, did not violate the law-making procedure established by the Constitution of the RS. For this reason, the RS CC assessed that the challenged laws, in terms of the procedure for their adoption, are in accordance with the Constitution of the RS. In relation to the fact that the High Representative issued a decision preventing the contested laws from coming into force, the RS CC stated that the High Representative is not an institution of the constitutional-legal order of the RS, and that it is not possible to evaluate the constitutionality of the legislative procedure from the aspect of those acts, i.e. in relation to them. The RS CC also assessed that the Constitution of the RS does not in any of its provisions envisage the possibility of High Representative intervening in the legislative procedure in the RS, which, in addition to the adoption of the law, also includes the passing of a decree promulgating the law, the Constitutional Court of the RS announced. ATV explained that the abovementioned decision of the RS CC means that the RS parliament, the RS President and the RS Official Gazette worked in accordance with the law and the Constitution of the RS. ATV noted that a clear message has been sent from the RS – that the protection of the RS President and the Director of the RS Official Gazette is necessary due to the constitutional and legal order, which was confirmed by the RS CC itself.


Dodik says that RS CC’s decision is confirmation that one worked according to letter of Constitution and law, but also that B&H judiciary tried to invent various things in order to judge him (ATV)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of RS did not accept the initiative for evaluating the constitutionality of the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Publication of Laws and Other Regulations of the RS and the Law on Non-Implementation of Decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H. Commenting on the decision of the RS CC, RS President Milorad Dodik said that this is an important decision and confirmation that one worked according to the letter of the Constitution and the law, but also that the B&H judiciary tried to invent various things in order to judge him. "You cannot change the law with a decision. The law is changed by the law, amendments to the law and only by the procedure provided by the law, and the procedure provided by the law is the parliament and not an individual. There is absolutely no example in the world in recent decades that someone has done something like that," Dodik said.


Dodik criticizes US Special Envoy Escobar, says his actions and statement undermine Dayton Peace Agreement (Dnevni avaz)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that "it is high time for the USA to stop interfering in the internal affairs of B&H and to put its foot down every time the political representatives of the three peoples and two entities reach an agreement." Dodik emphasized that B&H and its peoples finally deserve, 28 years after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, to decide for themselves about the country they live in, and not to have it done by various “Murphys and Escobars”. He pointed out that people do not understand the way of life, and the values of peoples in B&H. “They have no idea about the RS or B&H and even less about what the people want, and they would still like to organize something, ask questions and impose decisions. Their only goal is to create problems, looking at their own interests in everything”, said Dodik. Asked to comment the statement of the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar who said that many Bosnians like to say that they are very pro-American, and that he too can openly and loudly say that the USA is pro-Bosnian, Dodik replied that America can be pro-Bosnian as much as it wants, as Escobar openly and proudly claims, and continue to support only Muslims, as they have been doing all this time. However, warned Dodik, such statements only contribute to the disintegration of B&H. It is not only Muslims, or Bosnians, as Escobar says, who live in B&H, but three constituent peoples - Serbs, Croats and Muslims, Dodik underlined. He argued that Escobar’s statements and actions such as attendance at celebration of a non-existent holiday (B&H Statehood Day) in fact violate the Dayton Peace Agreement. “One such frustrated careerist is trying to impose some new values on us, the peoples who do not want it. We have our own values and we do not want American values, especially if someone imposes them on us by force, threats and blackmail. Every day, for years, they bombard us with statements that they want the good of B&H, and then they deny its Constitution and the fact that there are RS and Federation of B&H (FB&H) and three constituent peoples here”, said Dodik. He added that if the US means well for B&H, it should allow local legitimately elected political representatives to make decisions. He described Escobar’s statement about malign foreign influence in B&H as pathetic and tragic, and he accused the US of influencing processes in B&H. Dodik said that the RS sees what the USA is doing in the FB&H, and the RS will not allow the same. “The Americans have realized that the situation with Russia is not unfolding as they imagined and expected and are now using every opportunity to show their power and influence in every part of the world. The policy of sanctions that they are trying to impose on Russia has failed and now all that remains is for them to threaten other countries, asking them to dig in and thus join them in their political and economic madness”, said Dodik. He emphasized that the RS will continue to maintain good relations with Russia. “Russia is our old ally, and America and Great Britain are proof of the old calculations that work to the detriment of the Serbs, and in their own interest. Short periods of normal relations with the USA do not change the previous claim, on the contrary, they only prove it”, said Dodik. Commenting Escobar’s statements about corruption in B&H, Dodik said that Escobar has been repeating the same phrases like a parrot, without ever producing and evidence. “His lies are bigger than America and maybe it is high time to say something publicly about Escobar from the 1190s and his favorite topic - corruption and extortion in which he personally participated. If he forgot, he will remember”, Dodik concluded.


Spajic: Census postponed to 3 December (CdM)


Prime Minister Milojko Spajic announced last evening at an extraordinary press conference that the census would begin on 3 December instead of tomorrow. PM Spajic said that the decision was passed at today’s electronic cabinet meeting, and added that the priority was social consensus and the interest of citizens. “There are moments of decision and actions through which we grow as a society. Tonight’s decision to postpone the census to 3 December and the unified position is a step in that direction. This is proof that political awareness is maturing”, PM Spajic said. According to him, there were reservations among the parliamentary majority regarding the intention of the opposition that announced the boycott, but he pointed out that a great deal of the parliamentary majority supported the Government’s decision. He claims that this is the most inclusive process possible. “All political parties were part of this process – parties, NGO sector. Everyone contributed. The Census Agreement was signed. In the end, Parliament gave the final word – with 64 votes in favor. In less than a month, we managed to close a demanding process”, emphasized PM Spajic.


Brussels: Alliance united in the defense of the security of the Euro-Atlantic area, the Western Balkans in focus, strong support for Ukraine (CdM)


NATO is strongly committed to the defense and strengthening of the security of the Euro-Atlantic area, will continue to provide strong support to Ukraine, as well as to contribute to security in the Western Balkans - these are the key messages of the two-day meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of NATO member states, held in Brussels on 28 and 29 November, which was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic. The heads of diplomacy of NATO member states and the invited state of Sweden discussed issues of importance for Euro-Atlantic security, and priorities for the next meeting at the highest level, which will be held in Washington. They also discussed the topic of support for Ukraine and future steps in relation to its Euro-Atlantic aspirations. Also, with the presence of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, a session dedicated to the Western Balkans was held, where the situation in the region and cooperation with the Alliance were discussed. During the two-day meeting, Minister Ivanovic emphasized Montenegro's commitment to the NATO alliance and commitment to continuing to provide comprehensive support to Ukraine. He also conveyed Montenegro's unequivocal support for preserving the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders. In terms of regional conditions, the head of Montenegrin diplomacy referred to the importance of preserving stability and security in the wider area of the Western Balkans, including through the intensification of integration processes. In this context, he emphasized the importance of the continued involvement of NATO and the EU in the region, including through the contributions of KFOR and EUFOR ALTHEA. A NATO-Ukraine Council meeting was organized for the first time, at the level of foreign ministers. In the conversation with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, the future of cooperation with the Alliance was discussed, as well as strong and unique support for Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression. The Allies agreed on an ambitious work program for the coming year, which includes energy security, innovation and interoperability. On the sidelines of the meeting, Minister Ivanovic had a series of bilateral meetings in Brussels with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Mariya Gabriel, and the heads of diplomacy of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavsky, Italian Antonio Tajani, Estonian Margus Tsahkna, and Norwegian Espen Barth Eide. The focus of the talks on the sidelines was the further strengthening of the alliance, cooperation at the bilateral level and commitment to intensifying contacts with the aim of providing an adequate, common response to the growing and increasingly complex global crises.


Ivanovic with Blinken: USA and Montenegro will continue to foster close cooperation (CdM)


The United States of America and Montenegro will continue to nurture close cooperation, based on strategic partnership and a rich history of friendship, is the conclusion of tonight's meeting between Foreign Minister Filip Ivanovic and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Skopje. They met ahead of the Ministerial Council of the OSCE. "As allies and partners, committed to further strengthening ties, both bilaterally and within NATO, the United States of America and Montenegro will continue to foster close cooperation, based on strategic partnership and a rich history of friendship," the X order states. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Gorcevic spoke with Bilcik and Lajcak: It is important that Montenegro takes advantage of the current moment and achieves measurable results (CdM)


The Minister of European Affairs, Maida Gorcevic, had separate meetings in Brussels with the EU Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, and the Member of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Stabilization and Association, Vladimir Bilcik. Minister Gorcevic introduced the interlocutors to the government's plans aimed at fulfilling the recommendations from the European Commission Report, with a focus on reforms in the area of the rule of law. "This government is determined to speed up the negotiation process with the EU." We approach the implementation of all obligations responsibly, with a focus on the remaining tasks and challenges from Chapters 23 and 24. I believe that all political actors in Montenegro will demonstrate their commitment to dialogue and the rule of law, which will ensure credible results and faster progress towards membership," she said. is Gorcevic. The Minister thanked for the work done so far and pointed out the importance of continued EU support in the implementation of comprehensive reforms. "It is very important for Montenegro that, at the moment when we intensify the implementation of reforms, we can count on additional support from the EC, through the Growth Plan instrument. Those funds will ensure that we implement reforms more efficiently and with better quality and build our society in accordance with the best European standards," Gorcevic said.


Gorcevic with Varhelyi: Montenegro committed to obligations from the negotiation process (CdM)


The Minister of European Affairs, Maida Gorcevic, spoke on Wednesday in Brussels with the European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood, Oliver Oliver Varhelyi.

The European Commissioner said that Montenegro, after a period of stagnation, must take advantage of favorable internal and external circumstances in order to fulfill key tasks and implement the necessary reforms. Varhelyi expressed the expectation that in the coming period, Montenegro will succeed in mobilizing all its capacities in order to fulfill the temporary benchmarks from Chapters 23 and 24, which are crucial for the further process of accession with the EU. "I believe that all prerequisites have been created for a stable and European government, together with a functional legislative and judicial branch of government, to intensify reforms in the field of the rule of law." It is in our mutual interest to speed up the negotiation process. We are counting on Montenegro and we continue to strongly support you on that path," said the commissioner. Gorcevic conveyed the full commitment and determination of the government, in cooperation with the other two branches of government, to fulfill the remaining obligations from the rule of law as soon as possible. "I am here to convey a message about the consensus of the political parties, but also to express the strong commitment of all ministers in the government to the obligations arising from the EU agenda," Gorcevic said. She pointed out that the election of the seventh judge of the Constitutional Court, less than a month after the formation of the Assembly and the election of the government, is the first step by which Montenegro shows a clear commitment to the obligations from the negotiation process. "We have promising messages from the Assembly and I believe that we will appoint the remaining high positions in the judiciary in a short period of time. "Montenegro will again be a good example and a source of positive news in the Balkans," said Gorcevic.


Milovic: The signing of the extradition agreement between Montenegro and Kosovo is a key step towards improving mutual cooperation (CdM)


Wednesday's meeting between the Minister of Justice of Montenegro, Andrej Milovic, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo to Montenegro, Ariana Zerka Hodza, was marked by a constructive dialogue on further strengthening of cooperation between the two countries. Minister Milovic proposed the signing of a bilateral extradition agreement between Montenegro and Kosovo, as a key step towards improving mutual legal cooperation. He emphasized that the cooperation so far has been good, expressing the expectation that it will become even better in the future and contribute to regional stability. On the other hand, Ambassador Hodza praised the cooperation between Montenegro and Kosovo so far, but expressed disagreement with the decision of the previous Minister of Justice that Montenegro did not hand over two wanted persons to the judicial authorities of Kosovo. She reminded that Kosovo extradited one person to Montenegro last year, and is currently in the process of considering the request to extradite another one, after the end of the appeal process. In addition to the bilateral extradition agreement proposed by Minister Milovic, Ambassador Hodza proposed the signing of two additional agreements between Montenegro and Kosovo, the first of which is an agreement on mutual enforcement of court decisions, as well as an agreement on mutual legal assistance, in order to strengthen legal cooperation between two countries. The meeting concluded with an agreement on further steps in strengthening cooperation between Montenegro and Kosovo in the field of justice.


Poland joins Baltic states, Ukraine in boycotting OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje (MIA)


Poland announced Wednesday it would not attend the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Skopje due to the invitation of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek, said he would not participate in the OSCE Ministerial Council, which will begin on Thursday, nor would he send any of his deputies to Skopje. "We just cannot ignore the fact that the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs will be present at the table of the organization that is supposed to build peace and security in Europe," the Polish Foreign Minister said, calling Lavrov’s attendance “unacceptable”. Poland is joining Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine, who said Tuesday they would boycott the Ministerial Council due to Lavrov’s presence.


Borrell: In Skopje Lavrov will hear directly why Russia is being condemned and isolated (MIA)


Vice-President of the European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, said Wednesday that the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje will be a good occasion for Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to hear directly from the participants why Russia is being condemned and isolated, and then be able to go back to Kremlin and report that the EU and the OSCE remain united in deploring Russia's aggressive and unlawful behavior. "I understand the unease of some participating States about your decision to allow Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to participate. I understand because with its illegal war in Ukraine, Russia is violating the UN Charter, violating the same principles of the OSCE, and violating international law en large, and for that it is facing international sanctions and international isolation. Yet, your decision to allow Lavrov to participate is in line with our common objective to keep multilateralism alive. And Lavrov needs to hear, again, from everyone, why Russia is being condemned and isolated. It will be a good occasion for him to listen directly from the participants in this meeting, why Russia is being condemned and isolated, and then he will be able to go back to Kremlin and report to the Kremlin master that the EU and the OSCE remain united in deploring Russia's aggressive, unlawful beavior. It is going to be useful from this point of view," Borrell said after Wednesday's meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. Borrell pointed out that the OSCE remains an important partner in spite of all the troubled times in which we are living, and because we are living in troubled times it is even more important, an important partner organization and a forum for exchange for the EU.  "We value a lot the role of the OSCE, especially in those times. The OSCE is the only platform where our common European security architecture is and should be discussed, despite the attempts by Russia to undermine the OSCE, to undermine its fundamental principles, and the existing security arrangements," Borrell said. He underlined that it is essential for the Ministerial Council to ensure that the OSCE has all the necessary means at its disposal to function effectively. "We don't want to lose the OSCE working capacity. We commend the work that you, North Macedonia, did. You did well. And you deserve thank you for that," said Borrell.  The EU High Representative welcomed the proposal that Malta will be the Chairman-in-Office for 2024, adding that he is looking forward for the adoption of this decision at the Ministerial Council in Skopje. Borrell also stressed that the EU stands with Ukraine, because Ukraine fights not only to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity, but its fight is also for the peace and stability in Europe. “When I’m saying peace and stability in Europe, I am including the Western Balkans. On this note, I want to appreciate the position of North Macedonia, your impecable, full alignment with the European Union’s foreign policy,” said Borrell. Kovachevski and Borrell held a bilateral meeting on Wednesday, ahead of the OSCE Ministerial Council, with Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj and EU Ambassador David Geer also in attendance.


Zakharova: Lavrov will hold several bilateral meetings in Skopje (MIA)


Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Wednesday that Moscow's top diplomat Sergey Lavrov will hold several bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, as well as multilateral meetings.   "I can confirm that there are a lot of requests for bilateral meetings. There will also be multilateral meetings in multilateral formats," Zakharova told reporters on Wednesday, TASS reports. Zakharova did not give any details on Lavrov's meetings in Skopje, however she complained that the United States and "the collective West" is trying to do everything possible to prevent Russia's normal participation in the OSCE forum. Zakharova also said that several Russian journalists have not been allowed to cover the participation of the Russian delegation in the Skopje events.


Kovachevski - Borrell: EU membership is our goal and depends on all political stakeholders, no excuses (MIA)


Membership in the EU is our goal and we have no other alternative, it depends on all of us, i.e. on all political stakeholders who have responsibility in the country, no excuses. An invitation will be sent tomorrow to all leaders of parliamentary parties and to the parliament speaker for a meeting to be scheduled for Monday, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said after Wednesday's meeting with the Vice-President of the European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, ahead of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Council. According to the PM, talks focused on the European integration process, the elections and amendments to the Electoral Code in line with OSCE/ODIHR recommendations.  Kovachevski and Borrell discussed the most important reforms and the European integration process, with Kovachevski extending gratitude for the strong support to the country's European integration path, the screening process and the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. "We clearly agree that our European integration must continue and will not stop until full-fledged EU membership," said Kovachevski. He mentioned that ahead of the meeting with Borrell, he held a meeting with Blinken who voiced US support to North Macedonia's full-fledged EU membership. Vice-President of the European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, stressed that in order to progress in the accession negotiations it will be crucial to build cooperation and avoid political divide on European Union matters, noting that if the country wants to go on the EU path, it has to complete the process of adopting the constitutional amendments and to advance in key reforms. "These are in the interest of all citizens of this country, it benefits the whole people and North Macedonia as a country," said Borrell. In addition, he positively evaluated last week's adoption of the parliament’s Rules of Procedure with "everybody on board". Borrell said that North Macedonia has done remarkable work at the helm of the OSCE in difficult times. The OSCE is the only platform where the common European security architecture is and should be discussed, despite the attempts by Russia to undermine the OSCE and its fundamental principles and the existing security arrangements. On Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's participation in the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, Borrell said Lavrov needs to hear again from everyone why Russia is being condemned and isolated and then go back to Kremlin and report that. "It is essential for the Ministerial Council to ensure that the OSCE has all the necessary means at its disposal to function effectively. We don't want to lose the OSCE working capacity. We commend the work that you, North Macedonia, did. You did well. I welcome the proposal that Malta will be the Chairman-in-Office for 2024," Borrell said among other.


Blinken commends North Macedonia for exceptional achievement in expanding the OSCE mission despite significant challenges (MIA)


You have done an outstanding job, succeeding in expanding the mission of the OSCE despite significant obstacles, said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during Wednesday afternoon meeting in Skopje with OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani. "It's great to be here, it's great to be in North Macedonia, it's great to be with all our colleagues. I come from NATO, which is appropriate because North Macedonia is a strong ally and partner of the US and all our allies in the Alliance, and we see that every day. I must tell you how grateful we are for your chairmanship with the OSCE in a very challenging period. You have done an outstanding job, succeeding in expanding the mission of the OSCE despite significant obstacles. I know you were prepared to continue, but I'm pleased that Malta is taking over the OSCE presidency,” Blinken said. "We have a strategic partnership," added Blinken, "which is really focused on the work we do together as allies and partners, but also the work we collectively do at a bilateral level." "We strongly support the work you are doing to strengthen democratic institutions. We also strongly support your efforts for energy diversification in the region and beyond, which I believe has a significant impact. In all of this, you can consider the US as a strong partner," emphasized the US Secretary of State. "As you know, we strongly support your Euro-Atlantic integration, support the efforts to strengthen your democratic institutions, and strongly support the work you do for greater energy diversification in the region and beyond, which will have a significant impact. All of this, you can consider it as the United States being a strong partner, and that's one of the reasons why I'm here tonight, not only because of the OSCE but also for North Macedonia, to show how much we value the partnership we have," US Secretary of State Blinken noted. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in this first visit of the US Secretary of State to North Macedonia, the focus of the talks was on current international events, with a special emphasis on the situation in Ukraine. In this regard, the interlocutors strongly condemned the Russian military aggression and expressed unwavering support for the Ukrainian people. "As strategic partners and NATO allies, we stand united in supporting Ukraine and defending modern democratic values and principles. We strongly condemn the Russian military aggression, which represents an assault on Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, posing a serious threat to global peace and stability,” Osmani said. The interlocutors also discussed our chairmanship of the OSCE, emphasizing North Macedonia's commitments to overcoming the challenges facing the organization, as well as the overall support from the United States in this process. They jointly welcomed the decision that paves the way for Malta to assume the next OSCE chairmanship in 2024, overcoming the crisis facing the organization and representing a significant success for our presidency and the future of the OSCE. The meeting between Osmani and Blinken is of historical significance, as it marks the first visit of the US Secretary of State to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia. The visit is another confirmation of the new relationship between the two diplomacies, which began last year when Osmani and Blinken jointly launched the Strategic Dialogue between North Macedonia and the US in Washington, Foreign Ministry said in a press release. Blinken is to attend an informal dinner ahead of the OSCE ministerial Council on Thursday. "During his visit to North Macedonia, Secretary Blinken will engage with OSCE counterparts, reaffirming the United States’ steadfast commitment to the OSCE and its core mission of promoting security, stability, and cooperation among states, with a particular emphasis on human rights and peaceful resolution of disputes. Secretary Blinken will also highlight the pivotal role played by the OSCE in advancing comprehensive security across the region and thank North Macedonia for its leadership role," said the US Department of State. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's attendance at the ministerial meeting in Skopje is a rare occasion for both diplomats to find themselves in the same place since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, though a meeting between Blinken and Lavrov has not been scheduled thus far. A senior official from the US Department of State, on the other hand, stated today that they do not expect US Secretary of State Blinken to have any meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov during the OSCE meeting in North Macedonia, reported the Voice of America’s correspondent at the State Department. "We are not expecting a meeting," stated US Department of State official when asked about the possibility of any meeting between Blinken and Lavrov. Blinken is leaving for the Middle East from Skopje.


Dacic: OSCE Ministerial Council to be difficult considering challenges facing international community (MIA)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who will arrive at the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Skopje alongside Kazakhstan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Nurtleu, said "it is going to be a difficult meeting," MIA reports from Belgrade. "Kazakhstan's Foreign Minister and I will be going to Skopje tomorrow. This meeting is important given the gravity of the situation facing the international community, the functioning of this organization is not easy, considering that consensus is a way of making decisions and that we could not reach a common agreement even on current important issues. Let's try to reach a compromise on the budget and the functioning of the entire organization, without talking about how the threats for this organization, which was created during the Cold War and the existence of two blocs to prevent conflicts. It is going to be a difficult meeting," Dacic said on Wednesday.


Hasani at the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers, support for the increased presence in Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, participated in the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels. Hasani announced that in the meeting he emphasized Albania's steadfast commitment to the Alliance, to the security of our eastern flank, to the just struggle of the Ukrainian people and to the stability of the Western Balkans. "Also, I underlined the vital role of NATO and NATO-EU cooperation in ensuring peace and stability in the Western Balkans. I confirmed Albania's steadfast support for partners in the region in the face of current security challenges and for NATO's increased presence in Kosovo," Hasani said. "The inclusion of the Western Balkans in the future agenda of the Washington Summit is necessary thanks to the deep strategic importance that this region has," Hasani underscored.


Balla meets the British Secretary of State, James Cleverly (Radio Tirana)


Albania and Great Britain are collaborating in the fight against organized crime, a commitment emphasized during a meeting between the Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, and the British Secretary of State, James Cleverly. "We have inaugurated a new phase of cooperation between our countries in the realm of internal affairs, involving additional partners, with a particular focus on combating organized crime," declared Balla. During this meeting, there was a strong emphasis on recognizing the significant contribution of the Albanian community to British society. Additionally, there was a discussion regarding the facilitation of visa procedures for purposes such as family reunification, tourism, and seasonal employment. Balla stated to the media after the meeting that the Albanian community residing on the island serves as, and will continue to be, a robust connecting bridge between the two nations. He emphasized that authorities in both countries will not tolerate any form of denigration towards them. The Albanian Minister of the Interior added that both parties have acknowledged and appreciated the efforts and achievements of the Albanian Police in combating organized crime and illegal migration, resulting in a significant reduction, up to 90%, in migration towards Britain. "We are committed to elevating our cooperation with Great Britain in the realm of internal affairs, intensifying efforts against organized crime and all forms of criminal activity. Our objective is to take this cooperation to a higher level, sharing crucial information on crime-fighting strategies between our respective law enforcement agencies. Recognizing Albania as a significant partner country is of utmost importance. The tangible outcomes achieved by the Albanian efforts have been acknowledged and embraced by all British authorities. In my discussions with the Secretary of State for Internal Affairs, Mr. Cleverly, and the Minister for Migration, Mr. Jenerick, I emphasized the Albanian community's pivotal role as a conduit for positive and strategic relations between Albania and Great Britain. We maintain a firm stance against any disparaging remarks directed at the Albanian community in Great Britain and remain resolute in strengthening collaboration to combat the involvement of Albanian citizens in criminal activities," underlined Balla.


Blinken congratulates Albania: USA, proud to work with you (Radio Tirana)


The American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has congratulated Albania on the 111th anniversary of Independence. "On behalf of the United States of America, I congratulate the government and people of Albania and wish you a joyous celebration for your 111th Independence Day. The United States is proud to work with you as NATO Allies and partners committed to strengthening Albania’s justice reform efforts, furthering our cooperation on cyber security, and continuing in our steadfast support for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s war of aggression.  We thank you for your generous and open-hearted welcome of Afghans and strongly support your full integration into the Euro-Atlantic community, especially through progress on rule of law reforms and towards accession to the EU. Albania’s recent election to the UN Human Rights Council is a mark of international respect for the strong progress your nation has made in recent decades, and a recognition of its exemplary service in 2015-2017.  We are proud to serve alongside Albania and look forward to working together to promote and protect human rights worldwide. The ties between our nations, based on shared values, culture, and friendship remain firm.  May our work together continue to prosper", reads the statement published by the US State Department.