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Belgrade Media Report 4 December 2023


Lajcak on meetings dedicated to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina (RTS)

The EU envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, announced the chronology of the meetings he held in recent days, one of which was with the German special envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, with whom he discussed the status of the dialogue. Lajcak wrote on Facebook that he ended the week in Slovakia, where he spoke at the GLOBSEC Shatto Bela forum about the current dynamics of relations between the EU and the Western Balkans and the new momentum for enlargement.


"Earlier this week, I travelled to Romania, to Bucharest, where I participated in an event of the European Council on Foreign Relations that focused on the future of EU enlargement," said Lajcak. As he said, the talks also discussed the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, which is crucial for the European path of both sides. "On the sidelines of the event, I had a useful exchange on the state of the dialogue, as well as on regional dynamics, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Luminita Odobescu. "I am very grateful for Romania's support of my work and their active involvement in the Western Balkans," Lajcak pointed out.


Lajcak, as he wrote, also met with the Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elina Valtonen, with whom he discussed the dialogue and the renewed effort to turn the perspective of the Western Balkans into reality. He stated that together with the head of EULEX, General Giovanni Pietro Barbano, he addressed the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament about the latest developments in the north of Kosovo and the progress achieved in the dialogue with the support of the EU. "In the middle of the week, I took a short trip to Berlin, where I met with Jens Plettner, foreign affairs adviser to German Chancellor (Olaf) Scholz, as well as representatives of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs," Lajcak wrote in his Facebook post.


KFOR: We have quadrupled our presence in northern Kosovo after the conflict in Banjska (RTS)

The KFOR mission stated that after the armed conflict in Banjska, it quadrupled its presence in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and tripled the number of patrols, including those along the administrative line with central Serbia. After the events of September 24 in Banjska, NATO deployed almost a thousand additional soldiers as part of KFOR. These are prudent steps to ensure that KFOR continues to fulfil its mandate, based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999. KFOR adds that it strives to ensure a safe environment for all people in Kosovo, at any time and in an impartial manner. "In general, the security situation is now calmer, but it is still fragile. KFOR continues to act as the third responder in Kosovo, after the Kosovo Police and the EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX)," the mission points out.


They note that Pristina and Belgrade are responsible for the investigation into the armed conflict in Banjska. "KFOR is not a law enforcement organization. KFOR maintains its role as the third security responsible person, after the police and EULEX. We have asked the competent authorities in Prishtina and Belgrade to conduct the necessary legal investigations in order to prove the facts and bring those responsible to justice," stated KFOR.


Pitch: Efforts towards the normalization of relations imply the obligation of Pristina to form the ZSO (RTS)


Great Britain's envoy for the Western Balkans, Stuart Pitch, pointed out that Belgrade and Pristina should increase their efforts towards the normalization of relations and emphasized that these efforts also include the obligation of Pristina to form the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO).


In a video that he posted on Facebook, after his visit to Pristina, Stuart Pitch announced that he had numerous meetings there and spoke with the president and prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Vjosa Osmani and Albina Kurti, representatives of KFOR and EULEX, and political parties in the province, as well as that he visited the Gracanica monastery and met with representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church.


He said that at all these meetings he emphasized that Britain continues to support the independence and preservation of the security of the so-called Kosovo.


Regarding the events in Banjska on September 24, Pitch said that he carefully listened to the concerns raised during the meetings and announced that Great Britain expects the organizers of that incident to be held accountable, which, according to him, is the same message he sent during his stay in Belgrade last year. Pitch said that he listened to the concerns and expectations of Serbs with Kosovo and Metohija and said that it is time to move forward with existing efforts, so that all citizens feel that they have a future, as he stated, "in a diverse and multicultural Kosovo." "Establishing the Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority in the context of the wider implementation of the agreements reached through the dialogue with the EU is an important part of these efforts," Pitch concluded.


Lavrov: No opening of new chapters if Serbia fails to introduce sanctions against Russia (Beta)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in Skopje, on Dec. 1, that Serbia was not going to open another chapter in accession negotiations with the European Union (EU) unless it joined international sanctions against Russia. “If you want to join the EU, I believe you will not open a new chapter unless you follow all the Union's decisions, including sanctions against Russia,” Lavrov said at a press conference during the OSCE Ministerial Council, in response to a question by a Serbian journalist about the end result of Belgrade-Pristina talks. The Russian foreign minister underlined that “this is a method of persuasion by the EU.” “This is how they are persuading the Serbs to accept Kosovo joining international organizations. Is that realistic?” Lavrov said. Speaking about the EU mediated Belgrade Pristina talks, the Russian foreign minister said that an agreement on the status of Serb municipalities in Kosovo was made 10 years ago after which nothing happened because the Kosovo side consistently refused to fulfil its obligations.


RTS had an insight into the conclusions of the EU summit: Serbia is technically ready to open cluster 3, progress depends on relations with Pristina (RTS)

Serbia's progress in the area of the rule of law and the normalization of relations with Pristina will determine the further pace of negotiations on Serbia's membership in the EU, according to the draft conclusions on Serbia and the enlargement policy, which RTS had a look at.


The draft recalls the assessment of the European Commission that Serbia is technically ready for the opening of negotiation cluster 3 on competition and inclusive growth but points out that the EU Council will "continue the assessment", without stating when the cluster will be opened.


The EU expects Serbia to "increase efforts" in the reform of the judiciary, freedom of the media and harmonization with the EU's foreign policy. Belgrade is asked to fully implement the agreement on the normalization of relations with Pristina and to do more in prosecuting those responsible for the attacks in Banjska, according to the text that should be adopted by the ministers of European affairs, and then by the EU leaders at the summit on the 14th and 15th. December in Brussels.


In the draft, which could be amended before adoption, the EU "regrets" that neither side has implemented the obligations from the Agreement on the Road to Normalization and calls on Belgrade and Pristina to implement the agreement "without delay and preconditions", which includes the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO)".


The EU also states its "strong condemnation of the violent attacks" on the Kosovo police in Banjska on September 24 and the violence against KFOR, law enforcement agencies, citizens and the media during the Kosovo Serb protests on May 29. They expect Serbia to fully cooperate with the investigation, to arrest and bring to justice the perpetrators of the attack. "The EU regrets that Serbia has not taken sufficient steps in this regard," the text of the conclusion’s states. Concern was also expressed about the "repeated build-up" of military forces near Kosovo, but some "steps in the right direction" were welcomed, such as Belgrade's invitation to Serbs to participate in local elections in the north of Kosovo.


"Negative consequences if there is no de-escalation"


In the conclusions, the European Commission is requested to "urgently" formally introduce the obligation to implement the Agreement on the Road to Normalization into Serbia's membership negotiations. "The Council requests the European Commission and the High Representative (Borrell) to urgently, before the end of January 2024, supplement the criteria for Chapter 35 in Serbia's membership negotiations," the draft conclusions state. Belgrade and Pristina were urged to refrain from provocations and unilateral moves that could cause violence, with a warning that the absence of de-escalation will have "negative consequences." "The EU is ready to consider additional measures aimed at Belgrade and Pristina if necessary."


In the area of the rule of law, the EU welcomes the "timely" adoption of constitutional amendments and the law on their implementation but emphasizes that "additional work" is necessary in the area of the judiciary and calls on Serbia to meet the criteria in Chapters 23 and 24. In the conclusions, concerns about "limited progress" in the area of freedom of expression and independence of the media are emphasized and Serbia is called on to "effectively implement the media strategy". The authorities in Serbia are expected to "objectively and unequivocally" speak in public about the EU, and to engage in the prevention of disinformation and "external manipulations through all media channels".


On alignment with foreign policy


The Council of the EU asks Serbia to step up efforts to align with the EU's foreign policy, including sanctions against Russia and Belarus, and to "refrain from moves and statements" that go against the EU's positions in strategic foreign policy issues. The EU welcomes Serbia's humanitarian and other aid to Ukraine, as well as better cooperation in preventing the circumvention of sanctions. It is stated that the EU "respects the progress" that Serbia has made in harmonizing with EU visa policy. The "good level of preparedness" in the economic criteria was also welcomed. The conclusions on the enlargement policy will be discussed by the EU Council of Ministers on December 12, and then they should be formally adopted at the meeting of EU leaders on December 14 and 15. The agenda of the leaders' summit will also include a decision on the opening of negotiations on membership with Ukraine, Moldova, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as on the status of a candidate for Georgia.


Vucic: I do not believe that the Ohrid Agreement will be included in Chapter 35, that would close the door for Serbia (RTS)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, told RTS that today the world does not know which principles are respected by the great powers, but that it is certainly not the UN Charter. Speaking about climate change, Vucic said that we must protect the air and the entire earth for our people, for a healthier life and for a healthier planet, but he pointed out that serious money is needed for this. He does not expect that the Ohrid Agreement will be included in Chapter 35 in the negotiations with the EU, because that would de facto close the door for Serbia.


170 world leaders are participating in the climate change summit in Dubai, including the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. The President also met with the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. In an interview with RTS, he says that he is a friend of Serbia. "He is a great friend of ours. It is interesting that before with me he had bilateral meetings with Macron, Joko Widodo from Indonesia, after me and Erdogan, Scholz. Then it is clear to you that we are in the company of those who are much more important in the world than us, but it shows his sincere friendly attitude towards our country," Vucic said in an interview with RTS.


Speaking about the topic of the summit, Vucic said that the consequences of climate change are catastrophic for humanity, especially for countries that are surrounded by the sea. "I tried, in my short presentation, because we are all limited by the time we have, to point out some other problems as well. How can you expect that everything we agreed on in Paris and Glasgow and in other places will be implemented if meanwhile, three times more is spent on weapons and ammunition than on any other investment in the fight against climate change? These are the principles on which the world is based," said Vucic.


He said that it is not known which principles are respected, but that it is certainly not the Charter of the United Nations.


"It is not known what principles we respect, because we do not respect the principles of the United Nations Charter, we are not talking about Serbia, it is doing that, but we are talking about big powers. Then you can hardly have much optimism and it is nice that Sheikh Mohamed allocated 30 billion to put in a special fund to combat climate change, but I am not overly optimistic that we will all succeed in all of this and that we will all work together, because I see how the interests of the great powers are antagonized," said the Serbian president.


He also stated that today, behind the scenes, most of the talk was about Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia, China, Taiwan, and other issues that, on a daily or medium-term level, bother people much more than climate change itself.


"We have to change for ourselves"


Speaking about the position of Serbia, he said that it is more important for our citizens at this moment to have electricity than that we contribute 0.000001 percent to the emission of harmful gases. "But we have to change for ourselves, for the sake of our country, for the sake of our people, that's why we have to literally quintuple renewable energy sources in the shortest possible time, so let's go - as much as possible - to the wind, the sun. Although they are not as secure sources of energy or as secure sources of energy as some, you have to balance, you have to have reversibles, you have to have many things, but any way we turn, we have to get into it. We have to get into serious finance, into serious money because we also have to protect the air, we have to protect our entire country for our people, for a healthier life for our people, for a healthier planet," said Vucic.


"If they state that Kosovo's membership in the UN is part of Chapter 35, then it is clear that they do not want Serbia"


The media reports that the Council of the EU will propose to the European Commission that the Ohrid Agreement be included in the negotiation process, that is, in Chapter 35. Vucic believes that this will not happen, because the European door would be closed for Serbia. "I don't think it is possible for it to be a part of the negotiation chapter as a whole, because that would de facto close the door for Serbia. So, there are things that we said we want to implement and what it is, and I have said that countless times to Scholz and Macron and everyone else, it's absolutely impossible. If you add that Kosovo's membership in the UN is part of Chapter 35, then it's clear to us that you don't want Serbia," said Vucic. He also said that Serbia is ready to open a cluster, as well as to close the chapters within that cluster after a certain period. "For me, it is important that we are on the European path, it is important that we also send good messages in this regard, but it is important that people see that the country is doing well, that our economy is doing well, that even when we are working on energy, that we are doing good things for country, that we do what the European Union supports, and that in fact it depends on political criteria, which is always Kosovo and Metohija," said Vucic.


Vucic: Italy takes an objective approach to solving problems in our region; Meloni: Serbia can count on our support (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic hosted the Prime Minister of Italy. Giorgia Meloni is on her first visit to Serbia since she was elected Prime Minister of Italy. The official welcome was in front of the "Serbia" Palace, followed by a private meeting. Vucic said at the press conference that Italy is objectively and fundamentally approaching the solution of problems in the region, while Meloni pointed out that Belgrade has the support of Rome on the European path, as well as that it supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said that it is important for Rome that the Western Balkans join the European family. "President Vucic knows that he can count on our support, in order to speed up the process of getting closer to the EU," Meloni said. She also pointed out that Serbia has a strategic importance for Italy and stated that in a time when there are major crises, space is being opened for energy transition and artificial intelligence and other fields where the two countries can cooperate. "That is why we are here and we will continue to be among the first to support the enlargement process, not so much enlargement as the reunification of Europe, because Europe is not a club where it is decided who should be there, what the European institutions should do is a serious and quick process in order to guarantee the unification of the whole of Europe," said Meloni.


She also pointed out that Italy supports a constructive dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. The Prime Minister of Italy thanked Vucic for his hospitality, stressing that she believes that the very good relations between the two countries could develop even more.

She pointed out that the Business Forum also contributed to the even greater development of relations between Italy and Serbia, as well as that the dialogue between the two governments has intensified. She believes that trade exchange could be even greater, as well as investments that would create more jobs. She reminded that 150,000 workers work in Italian companies in Serbia.


Vucic said at a press conference that he and Meloni discussed all important issues for the relations between the two countries, and that they noted that Serbia and Italy have good political and economic relations.  "The level of commodity exchange is 4.6 billion euros, and we believe that it can be much higher in the future, especially when 'Stelantis' begins production of the electric 'panda' in Kragujevac," said Vucic.


"The company “Stellantis” could, in addition to the production of the 'panda', a new electric vehicle, be a generator of new investments in the auto industry," said Vucic. He also pointed out that they discussed regional issues, Serbia's European path, and that he is grateful to the Italian Prime Minister for the essential and persistent support of the Republic of Italy for Serbia's European path. "I am especially grateful to Meloni because she always wanted to hear our opinion, had enough time to listen to what Serbia had to say and did not have a one-sided approach to problems in the region," Vucic said. He also thanked for the fact that "Italy approaches solving problems in our region objectively and fundamentally" and said that he hopes that Italy will play an even more significant role in the future.


State Department: Serbia has plans to eliminate international terrorism, but has not declared Hezbollah terrorist group (RTS)

Serbia continued its efforts in the fight against terrorism and terrorist financing, according to the State Department's report on the fight against terrorism in 2022. Given that there were no terrorist attacks in Serbia, the report states that the main concern was the repatriation of foreign terrorist fighters, self-radicalization and violence, bomb threats representing terrorist acts, as well as the movement of migrants, money and weapons.


Serbia sentenced seven out of 10 Serbian citizens, some in absentia, who returned from Syria or Iraq to terms of up to 11 years in prison for terrorist activities, and there were no new convictions in 2022, it is recalled in the part of the report that refers to our country. As noted, in 2022 there were up to 27 Serbian fighters and associated family members in Syria, and Serbia did not carry out repatriations. Serbia has established reintegration teams and adopted a related action plan for the eventual reception of such individuals.


The State Department indicates that, according to the Washington Agreement, signed in 2020, Serbia has committed to declare Hezbollah a terrorist group and limit its operations and financial activities. Serbia did not implement those measures because, as noted, under its Criminal Code only suspects linked to terrorist groups designated by the United Nations can be charged with terrorism-related crimes. The State Department assesses that Serbia lacks legislation that fully deals with all aspects of terrorist training, financing and recruitment.

As indicated, in 2022, the Serbian authorities created action plans for the elimination of international terrorism, conducted risk assessments for the suppression of terrorist financing and monitored terrorist financing.


In 2022, the Serbian police detained two suspected former members of the Taliban and one suspected of possessing and trading weapons for terrorist acts. The report notes that there has been a significant increase in bomb threats - there were 140 in total, many of which originated outside of Serbia and were aimed at key infrastructure. One person is suspected of terrorism because of threats to the Belgrade airport, according to the report.


The State Department notes that Serbia, with Interpol and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, is involved in international cooperation when it comes to watch lists. Serbia also maintains border security mechanisms with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Romania, and at the same time, cooperates bilaterally with Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro on border security. Serbia also cooperated with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in the area of arms control, border security and anti-illegal financing and money laundering programs that boosted efforts in the fight against corruption. The OSCE supported Serbia's efforts in the fight against terrorism, including improving border security and combating violent extremism and terrorist recruitment, the report said.


The State Department notes that, following Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine, Serbia suspended exercises with international partners, which led to the cancellation of anti-terrorist training with the US.


Vucic in Dubai: Serbia to continue to contribute to global fight against climate change (Beta)


Serbia will continue to contribute to the global fight against climate change, but the question is how will the world resolve this issue if it is unable to handle the geopolitical challenges that it faces, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Dubai, during the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP28. “Wars that we could not stop are being led around the world, and I’m afraid we won’t be able to stop them either. If we have failed to do this, can we be sure that we will achieve the desired result in the realm of climate change?” Vucic said in a speech. The Serbian president said that everyone should act in accordance with international law, as “arbitrary approaches” could otherwise emerge. “We cannot employ different approaches to the territorial integrity of some states – Serbia knows this better than anyone. Today I heard voices calling for unification and a joint fight against climate change, but we should first find common ground and resolve the most pressing geopolitical issues,” Vucic said. The president agreed that the world should unite to fight climate change and said that Serbia “is ready to play its part” in the global struggle.

Dodik: I believe that RS will be independent one day; I will appear before the Court of B&H on December 6, when B&H will be on trial, not me (Prva TV)

In an interview for Prva TV, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that after the Brussels trip, he will go to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), because “we should not miss the chance of going to that court, in order for us to devastate it”. Dodik said that “that court is a reality”, the RS does not accept it, but the power and forces from the West stand behind it. Dodik believes the RS and its officials now care more for this process before the Court of B&H to happen, because the process is so absurd and worthless that Dodik now sees a chance to use that process to “judge the entire dishonour in B&H”, which was imposed by the foreigners over installing judges and prosecutors. Dodik said “individuals” in B&H tried, from time to time, to make some violations, but they were unsuccessful. They were unable to declassify the Dayton Peace Agreement, he says. Dodik emphasized that the RS remained in a capacity in which it can normally live and operate.


His decision to appear before the Court of B&H has a goal, Dodik says. He called B&H “absurd” and said a foreigner did not have the right to impose laws. The Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H do not have a constitutional basis, Dodik pointed out, and stressed that he will be the only legitimate person there. Dodik explained that the Constitution of B&H does not envisage formation of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, and the High Representative was not appointed in line with established procedures. “Only I was elected in the elections, with over 300,000 votes in favor”, Dodik underlined. He accused the Court of B&H of only judging Serbs. Dodik said the policy of RS officials is to preserve the RS and added that B&H is not their choice.


Dodik reminded that he previously received from four relevant addresses information that NATO might try and kidnap him. Dodik said he is not worried about that. Dodik said he does his job without hesitation, and it seems to him that his actions do not bring harm to anyone. I am only trying to defend the interests of Serbs and the RS, the RS President underscored. “Ways in which I do this are allowed, as every elected official can choose a way in which he or she will perform duties and work activities”, Dodik said. Dodik also stated that “Serbia and the RS are today the most independent states in this region”. He views the RS as independent state in the future. “I believe in the RS’ independence. I believe that that could happen in my lifetime. And I believe I should be credited for that. When (Donald) Trump won, I had the intention of going and declaring independence of the RS. But then, some people around me got scared, and I did not do that. And I must tell you that I regret not doing that to this day. But if Trump wins again, I believe I would not hesitate much”, Dodik said.



Bosnia and Herzegovina


US Embassy in B&H reacts to Dodik’s latest statements about secession; Dodik responds (FTV)

The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) reacted to the latest statements of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik about secession. The US Embassy to B&H stated that Dodik is calling European perspective of B&H in danger, its democracy and economy. The US Embassy to B&H said that the Constitution of B&H is clear and it says that an entity has no constitutional competences for a secession from B&H while B&H stays sovereign and integrated state.


Dodik reacted to statements coming from the US Embassy to B&H by saying that whoever wrote the statement, described US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. Dodik assessed Murphy’s activities as hostile towards all citizens of B&H. “Mr. Murphy, the person who wrote your statement obviously described you, and you inserted my name in that description. Your actions are hostile to all citizens of B&H. You are collapsing the sovereignty of B&H because you are imposing a tutor on it and turning it into a protectorate,” Dodik pointed out on social networks. Dodik added that Murphy is destroying the Constitution of B&H by supporting the suspension of the parliament as the supreme and only legislative authority.


The US Embassy posted a statement on its official X account regarding Dodik. “Milorad Dodik’s separatist rhetoric and his threats to secede from B&H are dangerous, and his destabilizing actions will have negative consequences not just for him, but for all citizens of this country wherever they reside. The B&H Constitution is crystal clear – an entity does not have the constitutional authority to secede from B&H”, reads the statement.


Dodik: B&H is a failed state, multiethnicity cannot exist in the Balkans; US Ambassador in Sarajevo thinks he can do things like Holbrooke, but he cannot (Glas Srpske)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated in Belgrade that problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) are created by artificial, imposed solutions of the US, stressing that B&H is a failed state that needs to be demilitarized. Dodik further stated that multiethnicity cannot exist in the Balkans, and that if it could have, then Yugoslavia would have remained. “They again want that Sarajevo is our capital, and we say Belgrade is our capital city. Then they say that Milorad Dodik’s rhetoric leads to conflict”, said the RS President. He further noted that the Constitution of B&H reads that B&H consists of two entities and three constituent peoples, and that now it is being brought down. Dodik went on to say, among other issues, that assistants to big players are working on solving Balkans issues, such as the US Ambassador in Sarajevo who used to be Richard Holbrooke’s assistant. “He thinks he can do the same as Holbrooke. Of course, he cannot”, added Dodik. The RS President also said that Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar “is a manipulator prone to corruption”. “They think they can do like it was done before here. It cannot, 20 or 30 years have passed. They mind everyone who oppose them in any way, among them are Aleksandar Vucic and I”, added Dodik. He also said that the US is destroying the EU, which is an artificial category: “They keep telling us about the EU, but by the time we reach the EU, it will break up”.


Latest statements of US Ambassador to B&H who warned Dodik that his statements on secession can cause consequences against him and all citizens of B&H cause negative reactions in RS (RTRS)

Latest statements of US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Michael Murphy who warned Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik (SNSD) that his statements on secession can cause consequences against him and all citizens of B&H have caused a series of negative reactions in the RS. The RS officials said that Murphy has crossed the allowed diplomatic framework, and he openly takes the Bosniak side and undermines B&H’s sovereignty by supporting “illegitimate Christian Schmidt”, adding that he is “a faint copy” of Henry Kissinger, a former creator of the US realpolitik and diplomat who was not causing world disputes, but he was resolving them. Dodik stated that real threat to B&H actually comes from Murphy, stressing that “Murphy’s activities are hostile towards all citizens, and he undermines B&H’s sovereignty by imposing tutors and turning B&H into protectorate.” “You undermine the Constitution of B&H by supporting suspension of parliament as a supreme and the only legislative authority”, Dodik wrote in a post published on Friday.


B&H Council of Ministers Deputy Chair Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) stated that Murphy violates all the norms of polite behaviour in a country where he is only a guest, as he “uses threats, he disrespects the election will of the Serb people and publicly promotes B&H as a colony.” Kosarac assessed that it is unacceptable in the international practice that a foreign ambassador comes to a country and performs political attack and pressures on local politicians who were elected owing to the will of people. Kosarac wrote to Murphy that his open, arrogant and insolent threats to the Serb people, the RS and its institutions prove that he has no good intentions towards the Serb people, that he does not respect their election will and that he entered into a personal confrontation with Dodik. In his letter, Kosarac also told Murphy that he has become an obstacle to the prospects and future of B&H, but also that his diplomatic career in B&H is a complete failure. Kosarac stated: “If it were underlined, it could be said with full arguments that (he) is an American disgrace, that he is causing serious problems in B&H, that he is collapsing the sovereignty of B&H and that he is affirming precisely the colonial administrators who obviously want to be a tutor to everyone in B&H. That will not be possible for us in the RS. We have the decision of our people, our population, in the election process, we have legitimate elected institutions, we have representatives of the RS in the institutions of B&H, and we will never act according to any dictates of any of the ambassadors who are present today in B&H”.


B&H Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar Vranjes assessed that Murphy should have been declared persona non grata long ago but this is not the case because B&H is not a state that cares about its sovereignty and dignity, noting that “the previous and the current US Ambassadors have crucial influence on decision-making and create political conflicts.” Vranjes stressed that “Murphy encourages Serbo-phobia instead of calming the tensions”, concluding that this means that the US Ambassadors are the most responsible for poor situation in B&H.


RTRS reminded that in two years of his mandate, Murphy has not missed any opportunity to verbally attack the RS institutions and the RS officials while assuring that he has nothing against the Serb people. The RS representatives in the B&H Parliament said that Murphy should know that threat to the RS leadership represents threat to the Serb people, stressing that Murphy’s assessment that Dodik’s policy endangers the European perspective of B&H makes no sense at all as the US Ambassador has nothing to do with the EU path of B&H.


Dodik: RS advocates European path of B&H, but on that path, it cannot allow to give up on itself, its constitutional competencies, property, and to accept being an empty shell (ATV)

“Republika Srpska (RS) advocates the European path of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), but on that path, it cannot allow to give up on itself, its constitutional competencies, property, and to accept being an empty shell”, stated RS President Milorad Dodik. He said that at the upcoming meeting in Brussels he will ask for all priorities from the European Commission’s (EC) Opinion to be implemented consistently and in a package. “But I will also say that B&H needs to be a sovereign country, and not a colony, because that is necessary in order for it to progress on the European path. That means that foreigners must leave B&H to its legally elected political representatives”, Dodik said in a statement on ‘Instagram’.


Dodik calls on all Serbs to vote for Vucic and Sapic in the Serbia emergency elections in December (ATV)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik called on all Serbs born in the RS or connected to the RS in any way to support President of the Provisional Authority of Belgrade and former Belgrade Mayor Aleksandar Sapic and Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic in the emergency elections in Serbia, scheduled for December 17. In a post on X platform, Dodik said: “I support Sapic to get the majority in Belgrade in the upcoming elections and to continue the work he has done well so far. I invite all those who are in any way connected to the RS to support his team and him in his efforts to continue his work which he has successfully done so far. In Serbia, we have patriotic forces that are led by Vucic which have always shown a good attitude towards the RS.”


Government of Netherlands publishes EU enlargement report: B&H is not ready for opening of negotiations (FTV)

The Government of the Netherlands published a report on the enlargement of the EU and sent it to the Parliament of the Netherlands. Among other things, part of the document that refers to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) reads that at this moment, B&H is not ready for opening of the (accession) negotiations. The Netherlands will support opening of negotiations with B&H after B&H achieves the necessary level of compliance with the EU membership criteria. The Government of the Netherlands argued that only limited progress was achieved in most of the 14 priorities and that there is regression in the freedom of expression. They also mentioned secession efforts from the B&H entity of Republika Srpska (RS), criminalization of defamation and adoption of the new law on foreign agents as serious problems. They stated: “There is serious concern about the situation in the RS, partly because of secession rhetoric of President (Milorad) Dodik and his continued undermining of state institutions like the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court.


The Commission qualifies development of events from the sectors of freedom of expression, media and protection of journalists as regression. European standards in terms of judiciary and basic rights were partially taken over. However, B&H should improve diluted version of the law on the High Judicial and the Prosecutorial Council, adopted in 2023. B&H failed to achieve any progress in fight against corruption. The country has weak results and the number of convictions for corruption, especially high-ranked persons.” Hayat reads that the Government of the Netherlands has published a document, which treats the matter of the EU enlargement with special emphasis on the Western Balkans. The document titled ‘Letter to Parliament regarding Cabinet appreciation of the 2023 expansion package and Growth Plan for the Western Balkans’ reads, among other things, that the Netherlands currently objects to opening of the accession talks with B&H.


Cvijanovic: Citizens of FB&H benefited more from RS’s good relations with Russia than RS citizens (BHT1)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member from the ranks of Serbs Zeljka Cvijanovic, speaking about Republika Srpska (RS)’ good relations with Russia, stated that both the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) are benefitting from them. Namely, she explained, the very favourable price B&H pays for Russian gas is a result of that friendship. “The relationship between the RS and Russia is a multi-layered relationship, and it is not related to what is happening in Ukraine today. The connections existed in the past, they exist today, and they will surely exist in the future as well”, said Cvijanovic. She added that citizens of the FB&H benefitted even more than citizens of the RS, because they rely more on the Russian gas. She underlined that the RS’s stance on the war in Ukraine is neutral and noted that the RS and B&H are not important geopolitical factors which would need to take a stance. She also noted that the EU already suffered a lot because it severed all ties to Russia. Cvijanovic expressed hope that there will be new cooperation projects with Russia in the future. She also underlined that Russia played a very positive role in protection of the Dayton Peace Agreement, it never took sides regarding the relations within B&H.


Minister Helez requests from OSA info on claims on para-jamaats in RS, cells of Al-Qaeda, ISIL in FB&H (O kanal)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Defense Zukan Helez stated on Friday that he requested from the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H information on claims about existence of 120 para-jamaats in Republika Srpska (RS) and cells of Al-Qaeda and the ISIL in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Helez said that he believes such statements of RS officials are untrue and that they are being made for political purposes, primarily to redirect the public attention from anti-Dayton and secession activities of the RS authorities.


Helez stated that he expects the institutions of B&H, primarily the OSA and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, to act in accordance with their authorities. Helez concluded: “I except from B&H institutions, primarily from the OSA and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, to act in accordance with legally prescribed authorities. If it were established that the claims are false, I expect from the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to launch an investigation on who and why disturbs the public in B&H.” Helez reminded of statements of RS Minister of Interior Sinisa Karan who said that the police of the RS are controlling and intensively monitoring these para-jamaats. “I believe that such statements by the RS officials are not true and that they are presented for political purposes, primarily to divert the public's attention from the anti-Dayton and secessionist activities of the RS authorities,” Helez was quoted as saying.


US report on terrorism 2022: B&H stays cooperative in fight against terrorism (FTV)

The US Department of State published a report on terrorism for 2022 on Thursday. One part of the report mentions Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). FTV reported that the document did not mention claims from Republika Srpska (RS) on existence of 120 para-jamaats in the RS and cells of Al-Qaeda and the ISIL in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). The report underlined that B&H stays cooperative in fight against terrorism without mentioning terrorist organizations in B&H and despite its limited capacities. According to the report, more than 100 B&H citizens are still in Iraq and Syria.


The report reads: “The B&H Council of Ministers adopted in November the long-delayed 2021-26 Strategy for the Prevention and Fight Against Terrorism. The document is required by several international organizations and is part of the country’s EU integration process. In 2022, the B&H national elections generated divisive rhetoric by the country’s ethnonationalist political leaders, unseen since it declared its independence in the early 1990s.” “B&H remained a cooperative counterterrorism partner, despite its limited capacity.  B&H has outlawed travel overseas to fight in foreign armed forces since 2014.  More than 100 B&H nationals, including foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) and associated family members, remain in Iraq and Syria. B&H continued to be a willing partner in repatriating FTFs and their family members. In December the Presidency authorized the Ministry of Security to coordinate the repatriation of B&H nationals from Syria and Iraq, although B&H’s capacity to undertake such an operation remains limited. On counterterrorism investigations, infighting and stove piping continued to undermine effective cooperation, although the State Prosecutor’s Office, (SPO)-led counterterrorism Task Force and a separate counterterrorism Working Group continued to meet… In May, B&H prosecuted its first terrorist financing case, which ended in acquittal. Despite the outcome, the case represented a milestone for B&H in building its capacity to counter terrorist financing… The State Prosecutor’s Office continues to work with the United States, regional neighbors, and EU member states on counterterrorism investigations,” the US State Department's new report on B&H states.




Croatian PM at COP28: Wealthier countries must do more to fight climate change (Hina)


The goal to limit the global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is no longer within reach, but the world must now act decisively to keep it below two degrees, notably wealthier countries responsible for the most greenhouse gas emissions, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at the climate summit COP28 in Dubai. In his speech in Dubai, the Croatian prime minister warned that the grim reality is that global warming is accelerating instead of slowing down, and that greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. He recalled that for the first time in the history of mankind, on November 17, the Earth reached a symbolic warming threshold of two degrees more than in the pre-industrial period, which was “unthinkable until recently” and is “a clear warning that more must be done.”


But the world is doing the opposite, Plenkovic said. Half of the cumulative emissions of carbon dioxide from the past two centuries were emitted in the last three decades. It is now clear that the initial goal from the Paris Agreement on the warming threshold of less than 1.5 degrees is beyond our reach, said Plenkovic and called for intensified efforts to keep it below two degrees.


Scientists are unanimous about the consequences of global warming –: unprecedented migration, political and economic instability and endangered biodiversity, food, security and world peace, Plenkovic said. “We must do everything to avoid such a catastrophic scenario,” he warned. Plenkovic said that this year when temperatures were the highest ever recorded, Croatia experienced record floods and the biggest storm. He underscored that Croatia stands out within the European Union because it ranks fifth in electricity production from renewable sources, and eighth in consumption of such energy. Croatia has shown commitment to a sustainable future, which is supported by the fact that it ranks 12th in the world in meeting the United Nations’ sustainability goals.


In addition, it is taking significant steps to introduce ecological principles and criteria into public management and procurement. Croatian operators have managed to reduce emissions by 42 percent and through emission unit trading systems. Croatia is also taking advantage of its large geothermal potential. With Spain, Croatia implements the DONES project for the development of fusion. It also participates in the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley project and wants to play a significant regional role in the future supply of this energy source. Plenkovic said that Croatia is not a big polluter, but still aims to double its efforts in the fight climate change. If Croatia, which recovered from a devastating war that took place three decades ago, can now do more than it is required to, bigger and wealthier countries must not do less, the prime minister said.




Census has started: Enumerators to go house-to-house from 8am to 8pm (CDM)


The 2023 Population and Housing Census has started. Enumerators of the Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT) will be going from house to house in the coming days, from 8am to 8pm. “Participation in the census indicates the determination of every individual to set up a foundation for a better future based on accurate data, and it’s why we call on all citizens to be counted in the 2023 Population and Housing Census, because – We are all important!”, MONSTAT said. According to plan, the census will last 15 days but it’s possible that we’ll see a several-day extension.


We’ve demonstrated that Montenegro has operational institutions and responsible individuals ready to build bridges for our European future, stated the Prime Minister, Milojko Spajic, adding “Dear European Union, Montenegro’s coming”. “I welcome the effort and contribution of all the people who took part in the negotiations and preparations over the population and housing census. In only a month, we found a compromise so that everyone’s satisfied. I want to thank the parliament as well for its efficiency and decisiveness to represent a strong support in this process,” Spajic said.


All requirements concerning control mechanisms over the census are being met. The DPS is going to take part in it, this is the victory of the civil Montenegro, noted Acting Leader of the DPS, Danijel Zivkovic.


“The final requirement has been met. There will be a possibility to count manually the data on nation, religion and language. We’ve demonstrated that if there’s maturity, we’re able to solve important and serious challenges,” Mr Zivkovic told at today’s news conference. As he said, the census wasn’t a statistical category, which was best proved by the government run by Dritan Abazovic, which had been preparing for a census fraud along with their sponsors – those same people in Serbia who have been trying to impact internal affairs in Montenegro in various ways. “I invite all citizens to declare themselves, with no pressure. They should inform us if they detect some irregularities”. Zivkovic also added he was going to declare himself as a Montenegrin speaking the Montenegrin language.


After the opposition invited citizens to participate in the census, anyone who advocates an individual boycott, and there is no organized boycott, is doing exactly what the enemies of Montenegro and the Montenegrin nation wish for - knowingly or unknowingly supporting the Greater Serbian assimilation of Montenegro and Montenegrins, said a member of the Presidency and head of the Club of DPS MPs in the Assembly, Andrija Nikolic. He called on the citizens of Montenegro to go to the census and to express themselves freely. "Don't allow your justified revolt against the long-standing attempts to suppress the Montenegrin identity to be used against Montenegro and Montenegrins," concludes Nikolic.


Knezevic: I will consult about joining the Government, I am not changing my position on Kosovo (CDM)


I will make a decision on my eventual entry into the Government led by Milojko Spajic in consultation with the party authorities. I have already achieved my key political goal - victory over Milo Djukanovic, so everything else, at least as far as I'm concerned, is less important, according to DNP leader Milan Knezevic. Knezevic said that Spajić's government can achieve good results in terms of internal cohesion and improving the socioeconomic living conditions of all citizens. "Judging by the votes so far in the Assembly, it seems that Spajic's government has more support than Abazovic's and Krivokapic's. But only a month has passed, so we can expect real and concrete results in the next year. What is extremely important to me is the improvement of relations with Serbia and the realization of capital infrastructure projects that are of great importance for Montenegro", added Knezevic.


According to him, even before signing the coalition agreement, Spajic "clearly announced that he does not agree to any ideological re-education and bending of the national spine".

"I am ready to put a moratorium on all the issues that divide us, but I am certainly not ready to spit on myself, my ancestors and my descendants because of any function. In that direction, my position regarding Kosovo as an integral part of the Republic of Serbia has not changed, nor can anyone change it," he said.


His previous political involvement was filled with an uncompromising struggle, which he witnessed imprisonments, rigged court trials, protests, persecution of his family, and he never once regretted his decisions.


"Probably, when forming this government, I would have had a better starting position if I had been ready to revise the key ideological and programmatic principles. The distorted narrative of so-called pragmatism in politics as the ultimate model of behavior implies being ready for any betrayal, orders and roles that make you a caricature and a political rag. I am very happy that I was never part of that masquerade ball where many people did not need masks", said Knezevic.


Speaking about his coalition colleague and President of the Assembly Andrija Mandic, Knezevic said that he is convinced that Mandic will make a full contribution to the legislature with his experience, authority and statesmanship. "What is very important is that the Serbs in Montenegro never again go through the institutional calvary of a private state, but also that we, in the exercise of power, do not become hostile towards any nation and citizen, because then we would be the same as those we are against. fought all these decades", concluded Knezevic.


North Macedonia


Lavrov says West not Russia responsible for problems in Balkans (MIA)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday all problems the Balkans has been facing originate from the West and since the time of the breakup of former Yugoslavia.

Lavrov was quizzed by MIA during a press conference at the sidelines of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Council over the identity aggression from Bulgaria and Russia's links to this, to which the FM said he is not an expert in Macedonian-Bulgarian relations and added that problems in the region stemmed from the West, after the breakup of former Yugoslavia.


"I am not an expert in Macedonian-Bulgarian relations. All I can say is that people in Macedonia have the full right to be equal in all activities within our common continent. I would say the root of all Balkan problems lies in the behavior of the western forces, especially related to the countries of former Yugoslavia. I remember that Macedonia was called former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for years, which was humiliating, and we know what happened with the name North Macedonia. I also remember that a speaker of the Macedonian parliament had photos with the Albanian flag in the office," said Lavrov.


According to him, the West's interest has always been to inflame nations against each other.

"I am certain that nations on the Balkan Peninsula have gone through turmoil, have a common code and should not be defeated and let the West make them enemies to one another," said Lavrov. He encouraged ethnic groups in the Balkans to live in peace and abandon nationalistic ambitions, while also urging them not to support sanctions against Russia, "just for the sake of fulfilling certain ambitions of the West".


Lavrov: Blinken fled meeting, not me (MIA)


At a press conference on Friday, on the sidelines of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that it was U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, not he, who had “fled” a meeting. “Blinken fled the meeting, I didn’t go anywhere. Today, Madam Zakharova showed me two different photographs that were published in the Macedonian newspapers. The first photograph, it was the day before yesterday when everyone came to have dinner, they took a photograph, and now I understand what it was done for. So that these newspapers publish the photograph and say everyone came there, but not Lavrov, Lavrov is isolated… But the official opening was the next morning, and other newspapers published photographs of the opening, where I was present alongside all my colleagues. The Ukrainian minister wasn’t there, nor the representatives of the Baltic states. Secretary Blinken and Borrell left. Why did they do that? Probably they believed that that’s how they can show their intention to isolate Russia,” said Lavrov.


Blinken attended an informal dinner of the heads of delegations that was held on Wednesday evening but did not attend the official opening of the Ministerial Council, where the United States were represented by the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O’Brien.


At the press conference, Lavrov said there is a total degradation of everything that has been created by the OSCE and of all of the Organization’s dimensions. He said his European counterparts have not learned anything, noting that over 90 percent of all speeches at the plenary session confirmed that. “I can see that efforts are being done to extend this agony. What will be gained with an extension of a few months, six months, or a year,” said Lavrov at the press conference. The Russian Minister said his impression is that there is no chance of saving the OSCE. “The Organization has turned into something which I am indifferent to. I am indifferent to the outcome of today’s session,” said Lavrov. There was significant media interest in the press conference of the Russian Foreign Minister, which was held at the same time as the third plenary session of the OSCE Ministerial Council. According to reports, Lavrov will not attend the closing session of the Ministerial Council, during which decisions have to be made on the functioning of the OSCE.


Carpenter: Russia remains isolated within OSCE, agreement reached over organization’s functionality (MIA)


Russia remains isolated within the OSCE due to the military aggression on Ukraine according to the United States Ambassador to the OSCE, Michael Carpenter, who gave a press conference Friday on the sidelines of the Ministerial Council in Skopje over the results of the meeting. The Ambassador voiced recognition for North Macedonia over the “tremendous job” in leading the organization in “very difficult times”.


“The focus for all of us has been Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. North Macedonia as Chair has kept the spotlight on this horrible aggression, we discuss it each and every week at the Permanent Council. Russia remains isolated within this Organization, there is no other participating state that supports their war of aggression or that tries to defend it. In other ways we have also found that the Organization provides us with a vehicle to accomplishing our aims which includes, of course, supporting civil society. So, we have found a way despite Russia’s objections to hold our annual human rights conference in Warsaw this year, attended by some 1500 civic activists, beating last year’s record, as a matter of fact. And then also using instruments like the Moscow Mechanism, a critical tool for OSCE participating states to hold Russia to account for its brutal actions in Ukraine including, of course, war crimes, torture, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities,” said Ambassador Carpenter.


At the press conference, the Ambassador informed that an agreement has been reached over the Organization’s Chairpersonship in 2024, and the extension of the mandates of the top officials at the institutions within the OSCE. “I am happy to report that Malta has agreed to step forward as the Chairperson-in-Office for next year. We are thankful and grateful to them for assuming this responsibility. It’s a big challenge that they face, but we have every confidence that they will defend our values in the coming year. On the leadership of the Organization, we have just reached a preliminary agreement in the preparatory committee to allow for a nine-month extension for the mandates of the Secretary General, the High Commissioner on National Minorities, the Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the Director of the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. We think this will stick. And this is, frankly, a victory for our western like-minded countries who have questioned whether there would be any possibility for agreement on these terms,” said the U.S. diplomat.


Lavrov has a tendency to cast blame on others, says U.S. Ambassador to OSCE (MIA)


Foreign Minister Lavrov, with all due respect, has a tendency to cast blame on others, said the United States Ambassador to the OSCE, Michael Carpenter, asked by MIA to respond to the statement of Russian top diplomat Sergei Lavrov, that “all problems the Balkans has been facing originate from the West and since the time of the breakup of former Yugoslavia”. “I think Foreign Minister Lavrov, with all due respect, has a tendency to cast blame on others, and he has perfected that art. A little bit more introspection on Russian malign influence in various democratic countries, including the Western Balkans where it is very pronounced, would be appropriate from him,” said Carpenter at a press conference on the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council on Friday.


Asked to comment the statement of Lavrov that U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, “fled a meeting” with him, Carpenter said “nobody wants to sit at the table with Foreign Minister Lavrov and listen to lies, disinformation and propaganda”. “So, staying away from that table, I would say, is an act that makes a whole lot of sense if you’re someone who doesn’t engage in masochism,” added the Ambassador.


On whether he expects further blockades and vetoes within the OSCE, Carpenter said the Organization will continue to function. “This is an organization that is built on consensus, it was established in the early 1990s as a tool for cooperation. These days, of course, it’s much more difficult because, as I said earlier, Russia is flouting the basic rules of the international order. But we will try our best to make creative solutions to problems where we can achieve results, and that’s going to be our mantra going forward,” said Carpenter.


In answer to a journalist’s question on Kosovo, the U.S. diplomat said there has been no change in U.S. policy regarding Kosovo. “We support Kosovo as a democratic, independent state, we very much support talks on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, we think this is important for the region, we think it’s important for security and stability. We’ll continue to work with the European Union to achieve that aim and with our friends in Kosovo, where we have a functional democratic state that we have long supported since its independence,” said Ambassador Carpenter.


Pendarovski: North Macedonia has big climate goals – 82% net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski addressed Friday the high-level segment of the United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP28, held in Dubai. In his address, President Pendarovski noted that despite being a small country, North Macedonia has “big climate ambitions” – to reduce a net 82 percent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.


“It is not a novel fact that humanity is facing an immense climate crisis. A world devastated by climate change would be a world stricken by unimaginable human suffering. A profound injustice is that the most vulnerable nations, populations and sectors will be disproportionally affected. First come the vulnerable nations. Situated in one of the most climate-vulnerable regions in the world, the Mediterranean, North Macedonia is a small country with big climate ambitions. Our target is to reduce a net 82 percent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. This is not an easy task. Coal power plants are our major source of electricity, but also our biggest polluters, affecting both climate and health,” said Pendarovski.


The dilemma, according to the President, is how to phase out coal without jeopardizing the energy security of the country and the livelihood of the community. He stressed that the country is committed to achieve its goal by the end of the decade and noted that North Macedonia was the first European pilot country to be selected for the Accelerating Coal Transition (ACT) program by the Climate Investment Fund. “Here at COP28, together with the EBRD, we will be launching the just energy transition investment platform, which will help us mobilize the necessary funds to switch to renewables, speed up green investments and create high-quality green jobs for mining communities. We wish to invite potential partners and donors to join this platform and prove that just energy transition is not only necessary but also possible and affordable. By doing so, we will comply with the EU global renewables and energy efficiency pledge,” said Pendarovski.


The second, according to the President, are vulnerable populations, such as children. He stressed that the country supports the completions of the first Global Stocktake; the adoption of the Global Goal on Adaptation framework; and making the Loss and Damage Fund operationally viable “in order to be truly fair and impartial, all systems must integrate the needs and respect the rights of children”. “Third are the vulnerable sectors, such as health. Tackling climate change could be an opportunity to develop climate and disaster-resilient health systems. To this end, we fully support the Declaration on Climate and Health. Finally, by caring for the planet and for the people, for the ecosystems and the economy, we will reduce energy insecurity and contribute to much-needed peace and security. Vulnerability can be an excuse for desperation or a chance for action, let’s choose the second option,” said President Stevo Pendarovski in his address.




The member countries approve the letter for the review of the first group of chapters with Albania (Radio Tirana)


The 27 member countries of the European Union have approved the letter addressed to the Albanian authorities on the result of the examination of the first group of chapters related to the EU membership process. The news has been confirmed for the Albanian Telegraphic Agency by officials of the European Union. In response to ATA's interest in whether Greece has joined the letter of the 27 member states of the European Union that will invite Albania to open the first chapters of negotiations for membership in the European Union, an EU official confirmed that "the letter addressed Albanian authorities for the result of the examination of the first group of chapters has been approved". "I can confirm that the letter addressed to the Albanian authorities regarding the result of the review of the first group of chapters has been approved", says the EU official's response to ATA.


A few days ago, Albania completed the compatibility review process, known as "screening".

The news was given by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, who emphasized that this process lasted for 14 months, with 777 presentations, with the involvement of over 1500 Albanian experts and 1000 experts from the European Commission. Since 2022, 300 explanatory and bilateral meetings were held to review the acquis. The next step, stated the chief diplomat Hasani, is the opening of the first group chapter on basic issues. The European Commission's proposal for starting talks on the first group of chapters is expected to be discussed at the December meeting of the European Council, where every decision must be taken with the approval of all member countries.


The European Council issues the statement on the opening of the first chapters of Albania's EU membership talks by mid-December (Radio Tirana)


The European Council is expected to decide in mid-December the opening of the first chapters of Albania's EU membership talks. The process discussed last week hour after hour in the European instances but also in the media, was concluded positively for Albania since its southern neighbor Greece was refused by the European Union to veto for this step. In the midst of an election campaign, the Greek media reported the Greek government's rejection of the joint letter that the 27 member countries should draft to invite Albania to this process, even a day after the letter was signed by Greece itself. Member states actually warned their attitude towards Greece in public statements such as Chancellor Scholz when he said in a press conference with the Greek Prime Minister in Berlin that he has been a mediator and representative of the European line for years so that bilateral issues between countries do not condition the processes of membership but also coexistence within the EU.


This warning, as well as that of Sweden through public television, but in recent days of Spain too, which sees the process as part of the product of its European presidency, became real at the table of the high representatives of the member countries in the EU, when Greek veto was invalidated as legally unsubstantiated in the case of Albania. After the successful closing of the screening process, which also includes the chapter on foreign relations, which was actually the one that was examined with the shortest time for Albania, claims for violations in the European context cannot be raised at this stage. This response by the European Union to a member country like Greece, which itself entered with a procedure accelerated by the guarantee offered by France, signals a new spirit in the enlargement process that has been blocked for more than 15 years when the last new members adhered. The official opening of the chapters will have to be followed by a second Albania-EU intergovernmental meeting, the holding of which will be known exactly after the public statement by the European Union.


Rama hosts the Portuguese counterpart, innovative digital projects (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama received the Prime Minister of Portugal, Antonio Costa. Rama said that Costa is a well-known and highly valued reformer, with whom he also discussed innovative digital projects. It was also discussed about the Artificial Intelligence models that the governments of the two countries are developing. The two prime ministers also spoke about the transformative program of the Portuguese government for social housing, for which a team of experts will also go to Portugal. "The special pleasure of today's visit by the Prime Minister of Portugal, Antonio Costa, the well-known and highly regarded reformer, with whom we also discussed innovative digital projects, the models of Artificial Intelligence that our governments are developing, as well as the Portuguese government's transformative program for social housing, for which we will take a team of experts to Portugal," wrote Rama.

US State Department evaluates Albania for the fight against terrorism (Radio Tirana)


In its annual report, the US State Department evaluated Albania's efforts in the fight against terrorism. "Albania has adopted a national anti-terrorism strategy," the report emphasizes. "Albania continued its strong support to international counter-terrorism efforts in 2022 by repatriating 13 of its nationals from al-Hol displaced persons camp in Syria and engaging in their reintegration and rehabilitation throughout the year. The country has adopted a national strategy for counterterrorism and counter-violent extremism (CVE) until 2025 and is revising the strategy. The threat of terrorism in Albania consists of the efforts of foreign terrorist organizations to radicalize Albanian youth into violence.


In 2022, there were no terrorist incidents reported in Albania. Legislation, law enforcement and border security: In Albania it is illegal to join a terrorist organization, provide and participate in terrorism-related training, provide material support (including funding) to a terrorist organization, and participate in a foreign military. The State Police Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) has worked closely with US agencies to align the Albanian government's CT efforts with US expertise and resources, ensuring that the Albanian government develops focused CT capabilities. CTU received extensive training and equipment throughout the year from the State Department's Counterterrorism Assistance program.


The Special Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption has accused two people of incitement and propaganda in favor of the terrorist organization ISIS, based on the investigations carried out by the Anti-Terrorism Unit of the Albanian State Police. In December, the Special Court for Organized Crime and Corruption sentenced an Iranian national to 15 years in prison for preparing terrorist acts.


On May 28, Albania successfully repatriated 13 citizens from displaced persons camps in Syria. The Albanian government's CVE Center led the rehabilitation and reintegration of these individuals and coordinated the efforts of various ministries, international donors, members of civil society and non-governmental organizations to support these efforts. This was the second repatriation in a 12-month period carried out by the Albanian authorities, for a total of 38 repatriated women and children.


Corruption and obstacles to information sharing between government agencies, insufficient coordination within agencies, and a weak judicial system continued to hamper Albania's law enforcement efforts at all levels, including those related to the fight against terrorism.


The implementation of deep reforms in the justice sector continued. Verification of Albania's 800 judges and prosecutors for corruption, competence and links to organized crime was 75 percent complete at the end of the year. Albania is committed to increasing its border security and control efforts to stop the travel of terrorists, with the support of US experts and programs. Albanian law enforcement services cooperate extensively with INTERPOL and other international law enforcement bodies. The country continues to work on the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 2396 on Advanced Passenger Information and Passenger Name Records and established a Passenger Information Unit with the support of the United States. Albania supports a port security surveillance system to implement the requirements under the International Maritime Organization's International Ship and Port Security Code.


Against the financing of terrorism: Albania is a member of MONEYVAL (Committee of Experts for the Evaluation of Measures Against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism). The General Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering is a member of the Egmont Group. Albania remained on the FATF "Gray list" in 2022. In 2022, the FATF reported that Albania took steps to improve its Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing regime, including finalizing real estate registration, completing a long-term project to reduce the informal economy, increasing focus and the efforts of law enforcement authorities and the prosecution for the implementation of the entire range of seizure and confiscation measures, the adoption of an adequate legal framework for violations of the obligations of registration of companies and non-profit organizations and the implementation of proportional and convincing sanctions against entities that do not have declared their beneficial owners in the register within the deadline. In its May follow-up report, Albania noted progress in addressing identified technical compliance gaps.


Against violent extremism: The Government of Albania has a national CVE strategy until 2025 and has drafted a new one. The National CVE Center coordinates and manages CVE programming among international donors and seeks to ensure that all ministries collaborate effectively and avoid duplication of effort. The National CVE Center coordinated and managed the reception, rehabilitation and reintegration of all returned women and children. The National CVE Center has been sought out for advice from other countries because of its successes with reintegration. The Embassy in Tirana supports CVE efforts with a wide range of assistance programs and diplomatic engagements, including local community groups that identify and mitigate the factors underlying violent extremism. The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund, in close coordination with the National CVE Center, funds three organizations working on CVE issues: the Institute for Democracy and Mediation, the Women's Advice Line and Terre des Hommes. The State Department oversaw the implementation of a sixth CVE grant to the Albanian Muslim Community, which involved engaging Islamic clergy with at-risk youth, their parents, and civic leaders to steer youth away from radicalization to violence, as well as informing them about democratic principles, human rights, civic commitment and tolerance.


International and regional cooperation: Albania is a member of the Adriatic Council, the Council of Europe, NATO, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the OSCE, the Regional Cooperation Council for Southeast Europe, the United Nations and the International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism (Hedayah). In 2022, she continued to serve as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Albanian criminal justice officials regularly participated in various regional associations, conferences and other exchanges of information against terrorism.