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Belgrade Media Report 7 December



Vucic: Ohrid agreement might become part of EU negotiation chapter (Beta/NIN)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Wednesday that a possibility existed for the Ohrid agreement to become a part of Negotiation Chapter 35, and thus a condition for Serbia’s admission into the EU, but reiterated that he had clearly stated what he could not accept. “Let’s first see what happens, because they cannot override what they spoke with me about. After their every visit, after (the) Ohrid (meeting) itself, I came forward and clearly said what it is that we accept and what we cannot accept, because my explicit verbal statement is also a stance of the state and it cannot be overridden,” Vucic stated in an interview to the NIN weekly. He added that he also stated before the MPs in the Serbian parliament that Kosovo’s admission into the United Nations was out of the question. “I have informed the French, Germans, Italians, all Europeans, the Americans about that. They all know it,” Vucic stated. He said that there was a possibility for the Ohrid agreement to become a part of the negotiation process. “Some of them want exactly that. It is not up to me to say at this time which countries strongly push for it… I am not sure if others want it, too, but we shall see,” Vucic said.


Not considering Dacic as PM, we will have absolute majority

Vucic stated that he was not considering the president of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, as the new prime minister, adding that the electoral ticket of the Serbian Progressive Party, which he is heading, would win absolute majority. “The people in the Serbian Progressive Party are contemplating at least two nominees. So do I, but none of these prime ministerial nominees are Ivica Dacic, at this time,” Vucic said in an interview to the NIN weekly. Vucic said this in response to the reporter’s recollecting that the Socialists’ ticket was called “Dacic for Prime Minister”, and Dacic’s statement from after the 2012 elections, when he said that the name of the new president was perhaps not known, while that of the new prime minister was. Vucic stated that Dacic wanted to run in coalition with the Progressive Party, but that “all of his people are saying otherwise.” He went on to say that he had very clearly, fairly and precisely stated that he could not “manage well in cohabitation.” “I am not interested in that. If they win, I will congratulate them on that same evening. And, I will tell them right away that I am ready to talk about whether presidential elections would be held in May or September 2024, because I know I will not be able to accomplish serious results in that way. End of story,” Vucic added.


Vucic: We will bring the most powerful foreign universities to Serbia (TV Prva/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was hosted on TV Prva news. Vucic began his address by talking about the visit of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. "He is the most intelligent man I have ever met. He told me why he didn't think artificial intelligence would be dominant so soon. They have to be reporters and journalists, but a man has to be an editor. He created modern computers. His arrival in Serbia is changing Serbia's position on that map. We mostly talked about education. We will invest much more money in education. We will bring the most powerful foreign universities to our country," Vucic began. "Education was a key topic and I believe that we will have great support from Wozniak. We are expecting the visit of another great man, and then we will have some additional ideas. That is what is important for Serbia." The President revealed that our famous athlete Janko Tipsarevic got in touch with Wozniak. He also thanked the famous actor Ralph Fiennes for promoting Serbia. According to him, there are more and more investments from Asia, primarily China and Japan, and he thanked the Japanese ambassador for that. He also said that an increasing number of investors are from South Korea. "It remains to strengthen the Emirates, India, work with other Asian investors. We will attract more and more of those countries from the east in the future," he said. "The more investment there is from different parties, the higher salaries and pensions will be. The average salary by the end of the year will be between 820 and 830 Euros. Pensions will be higher by 14.8 percent, while the minimum wages will be increased to over 47,000 dinars. Salaries will be increased by 10 percent. In May, June or July, we can go for an additional increase, but in particular we will go for an increase in education and investment in young people," said Vucic.


New mammogram in Majdanpek

"What is important for people to know is that we have an increasing number of investments from Asia," added Vucic and drew attention to Serbia's progress in the field of economy. He announced that there will be new increases in salaries and pensions. Apart from the economy, Vucic also spoke about the improvement of healthcare, which is very important for the progress of Serbia. A new mammogram has arrived in Majdanpek, which will mean a lot for early detection and prevention of breast cancer.


Dejan got a new house thanks to the President of Serbia

Vucic visited Dejan Vlajovic, who lives with his disabled mother in a dilapidated house.

"It's a wonderful story about two fantastic people. Dejan is a strong man from a place in the West Morava valley. The mayor informed me that he lives in 10 square meters with his mother who receives insulin four times a day and he can't do anything but staying at home and taking care of her. It's the walls that are crooked, broken, they are heated with a smerdevac stove, but it leaks from all sides. They will get a house of 40 square meters. For the first time, they will have a bathroom and Dejan will get his own room," said Vucic about the family he visited.


I believe in a convincing victory of decent Serbia

"This is the first election campaign in which there were no physical incidents. This happens in many countries older than us, and I think it's a good thing. I believe in a convincing victory of decent Serbia," said Vucic.


Brnabic: President will resign if Progressives fail to win (TV Happy)


Should the Serbian Progressive Party ticket – titled Serbia Must Not Stop – fail to win a majority in the 17 December snap elections, President Aleksandar Vucic will resign from office, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced. “Vucic has said that if our ticket does not win a decision-making majority, he will not be making foul compromises. He does not want to watch Serbia move backwards… If it comes to that, he said he would resign,” Brnabic told TV Happy. “Unlike the opposition,” she went on to say, the Progressives’ main goal is not power in itself. Vucic “does not want to work with people who only care about power and money”, she explained.


Good cooperation of Serbia with UN Office on Drugs and Crime (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic talked yesterday with Regional Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) for South-Eastern Europe Danilo Rizzi. Dacic and Rizzi highlighted the good cooperation between Serbia and the UNODC which is realised both through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant departments in the Serbian government, as well as through the Permanent Mission of Serbia to the OSCE and other international organisations in Vienna. The two sides expressed interest in intensifying both political and technical cooperation in matters of importance, not only for Serbia, but also for the entire region of South-Eastern Europe. Rizzi pointed out that according to the scope and significance of the activities that the UNODC representative office organises in Serbia, in cooperation with the relevant departments, Belgrade stands out as the centre of this office's activities in the region.


Giaufret: Serbian exports to EU have risen by nearly six times since 2009 (Tanjug)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said on Wednesday Serbia had seen great benefits from trade with the EU and noted that the country's exports to the EU had risen by almost six times in 12 years. "The value of Serbia's annual exports to the EU has risen from almost 3.2 billion Euros in 2009 to slightly less than 18 billion Euros in 2022," Giaufret said. According to a statement released by the EU Info Network, goods trade between Serbia and the EU has been growing steadily for years, reaching almost 40 billion Euros in 2022. Traditionally, the EU is Serbia's key trade partner, accounting for 58.7 pct of the country's total external trade in 2022.


Opposition convinced of high voter turnout, victory in Belgrade (N1/Beta)


There is a huge chance the opposition will win the 17 December local vote in Belgrade, and even some other cities, if voter turnout is high enough, Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas said today. Speaking for TV N1, Djilas stated that an opposition win in the parliamentary election would entail the formation of a technical government, “as long as none of the opposition jump ship”. The goal of this technical government would be to ensure that new elections are held in the immediate future. The plan is simple, Djilas said. Any other course of action would be “catastrophic”. He also stated that the technical government would not discuss the so-called Franco-German plan for Kosovo – an issue on which the opposition is quite divided.


N1 hosts second election campaign debate (N1)


Five parties and coalitions took part Wednesday in the second of three live election campaign debates hosted by TV N1. Mihailo Brkic of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, Borko Ilic representing the Dveri and Oathkeepers’ National Gathering coalition, Bojan Kostres of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Sinisa Kovacevic of the People’s Party and Djuradj Jaksic of the Serbian Radical Party took part in the second debate. The ruling coalition’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) were also invited to take part but both refused the invitation. What are the politicians offering the people in Serbia’s autonomous province of Vojvodina this time around? What is the debate participants’ view of Vojvodina’s position, financing, minority rights, and how would they solve the main environmental problems, reduce violence and corruption? Are the Vojvodina elections on the back burner? These were the questions asked and topics discussed by the debate participants. Mihailo Brkic said the Serbia Against Violence coalition’s position is that Vojvodina’s status is in line with the Serbian laws and Constitution. Bojan Kostres said the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina is of the opinion that Vojvodina is an integral and inalienable part of the Republic of Serbia. “Vojvodina’s autonomy should be viewed as a tool, the people of Vojvodina should use autonomy as a tool for managing resources, so we build a rich and strong Vojvodina. Then we will also have a strong and rich Serbia,” said Kostres. Borko Ilic said the Dveri and Oathkeepers’ National Gathering coalition advocates the honoring of the Constitution and laws and the autonomy envisaged by the Constitution, as well as that Vojvodina should be the driving force of the development of Serbia’s agriculture and economy. Sinisa Kovacevic of the People’s Party said Vojvodina’s status within Serbia should be fundamentally changed, while Djuradj Jaksic of the Serbian Radical Party said that, ever since it was founded, his party has been advocating a unitary state, which means a state without autonomous provinces.


Italian battalion joins KFOR mission in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


An Italian battalion from NATO's Operational Reserve Force has been deployed in Kosovo and Metohija as part of KFOR. KFOR announced this in a post on its Twitter account on Tuesday evening. "KFOR continues to fulfill its UN mandate to ensure a safe and secure environment for all communities in Kosovo," the peacekeeping mission said.




Main hearing before Court of B&H in process against Dodik, Lukic postponed due to request of Dodik's defense to transfer case to Basic Court in Banja Luka (ATV)


The main hearing before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the process against Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik (SNSD) and Acting Director of the Official Gazette of the RS Milos Lukic was postponed on Wednesday due to request of Dodik's defense to transfer the case to the Basic Court in Banja Luka. Defense attorneys said that they have possibility to file an appeal against the decision of the non-trial panel, which rejected their request to transfer the case to the Basic Court in Banja Luka, within three days. Attorney Goran Bubic announced that the defense will appeal the Court’s decision and concluded that there are no conditions to begin the main trial before addressing the appeal request given its suspensive effect, stressing that otherwise the appeal procedure would be prejudged. Prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H Gordana Golijanin stated that the prosecution objects the request of defense, but the Court accepted it and postponed the hearing. The start of the hearing, which lasted only half an hour, began with applause of large number of Dodik supporters who attended the hearing. Dodik was bothered that there was a court police officer standing too close to him, so he demanded that he moves away. Also, security warned a representative of the OSCE Mission to B&H who brought a cellphone into the courtroom and started to record the hearing that this is against the rules. Addressing the reporters outside the Court of B&H, Dodik stated that the main hearing did not start because the Court of B&H dismissed defense’s motion to transfer the case to the Basic Court in Banja Luka. He explained that defense has three days to appeal this decision and the trial cannot start before that. He noted that judge Mirsad Strika was fair and acknowledged the facts presented by defense, which are legally indisputable. Dodik added that he and his defense team “will prove how much this process is absurd”, stressing that this is actually “a political process directed by (High Representative) Christian Schmidt and (US Ambassador) Michael Murphy whose ultimate goal is to ban Dodik from political activity.” Dodik then insulted Schmidt and Murphy, calling Schmidt “a stinker” and Murphy “an idiot”. “They think how to make life more miserable in B&H and I think they do it the best. They sit in the non-existent PIC and debate something. Nobody in the RS uses or reads (the Communiqué) and if they do, they use it for toilet and nothing else”, Dodik emphasized. Dodik’s defense team told reporters that the process has been contaminated from its very beginning, stressing that ever since the indictment against Dodik was filed, there have been great pressures from the public, media and politicians from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) who have prejudiced and predicted the outcome of the trial from the very beginning. They explained that therefore it would be the best to transfer the process to Banja Luka, noting that the biggest absurd in the whole story is that Dodik as the RS President has executed his competences and duties stipulated by the Constitution of the RS. They reminded that the Constitution of the RS is harmonized with the Constitution of B&H, which was confirmed by the Venice Commission, adding that the defense bases its defense arguments on the Constitution of B&H. “There is no room in B&H for a colonial governor who is self-declared and fake and was not proposed by signatories of the Dayton Peace Accords or conformed by the UN Security Council”, Bubic told reporters. Anto Nobilo, the Croatian attorney who is also part of Dodik’s defense team, said that the right to a fair trial is the foundation of every democracy and that every citizen has the right to a fair trial - including Dodik, not to have a contaminated or prejudiced trial. He stated that the defense has enlisted in a document the statements of Schmidt, several ambassadors and the ministers who have prejudiced Dodik's guilt in the media and speculated on the course of the process.


PIC SB session ends; Secessionism and threats to stability and constitutional organization of B&H in focus of the session (


Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) Political Directors met on 5 and 6 December 2023 in Sarajevo to assess developments relevant to the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (GFAP). A special focus was on the Republika Srpska (RS) ruling coalition’s secessionist rhetoric and undermining of the constitutional order of the country, including attempts to mischaracterize the Inter-Entity Boundary Line. During the two-day session, the PIC SB Political Directors also discussed challenges to democracy, with particular attention paid to corruption, electoral fraud and threats to human rights, and ways to address them. In particular, the PIC SB Political Directors appreciated the presentation by the B&H Transparency International Executive Director Ivana Korajlic, as well as the briefings by Jelena Trivic, the President of the People’s Front; Slaven Raguz, the President of the Croatian Republican Party; and Predrag Kojovic, a representative of Our Party. The PIC SB welcomes the unanimous reauthorization of the EUFOR/Althea mandate by the UN Security Council on 2 November 2023. EUFOR/Althea is vital in supporting local authorities in maintaining a safe and secure environment in B&H. On 8 November, the European Commission recommended to the EU Council the opening of EU accession negotiations with B&H, once the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria is achieved. The PIC SB urges B&H authorities to accelerate the EU accession process by adopting and implementing reforms that will strengthen democracy, entrench the rule of law, combat pervasive corruption, and promote sustainable economic growth. The PIC SB strongly condemns flagrant attacks by the RS ruling coalition against the GFAP and the constitutional and legal order of B&H, which represent a direct threat to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character of the country, and to regional stability. In this context, the PIC SB reminds that attacks against the B&H Constitutional Court undermine the GFAP and the constitutional order of B&H. The PIC SB calls on both entity parliaments to swiftly appoint judges to restore the full composition of the B&H Constitutional Court in order for it to function effectively.  Furthermore, attacks against the High Representative and the undermining of his activities gravely affect the implementation of civilian aspects of the GFAP. The PIC SB urges an immediate reversal of the RS policy of non-recognition of and non-cooperation with the High Representative. The PIC SB warns that upholding the GFAP is an obligation and expects the RS authorities to engage constructively with the High Representative.  The PIC SB further calls on the RS authorities to cease all actions that limit political pluralism, threaten media freedom, limit the freedom of speech, restrict civil society, or stigmatize minorities. These actions have no place in a democratic society and contradict the repeated commitments of the RS leadership to advance European integration. The PIC SB urges the RS parliament not to adopt the Draft Law on Special Register and Transparency of Work on Non-profit Organizations, and to reverse its decision to criminalize defamation. The PIC SB welcomes the FB&H government’s efforts to restore the entity’s functionality. The passage of three key energy laws and the Law on the Protection of Civilian Victims of War by the Federation parliament was a positive initial development. The PIC SB urges FB&H authorities to swiftly deliver further concrete results to citizens.  In relation to the priorities for the B&H authorities outlined in the previous PIC SB Communiques and the one from 7 June 2023 in particular:  The PIC SB regrets that the provisions related to election integrity in the B&H Election Law have not yet been amended in line with international standards and good practices as recommended by the OSCE/ODIHR, GRECO, and Venice Commission. The PIC SB calls upon B&H authorities to complete this task as soon as possible in order to ensure that the October 2024 local elections can take place in a framework of enhanced election transparency and integrity. Free and fair elections are essential to functional democracy. The PIC SB welcomes the completion of the State Property expert process under OHR auspices. The PIC SB encourages domestic stakeholders to utilize the findings in order to arrive at an acceptable and sustainable resolution to the issue of State Property, an objective of the 5+2 agenda. The PIC SB remains committed to facilitating an inclusive political process to this end; The PIC SB strongly encourages the B&H authorities to adopt a financially adequate State budget for 2024 by the end of the year to ensure the ability of all State institutions to properly function and meet their constitutional and legal obligations, including those stemming from Euro-Atlantic integration processes. The PIC SB urges B&H authorities to agree on long-term solutions for the legal status and financing of State-level cultural institutions, particularly those that preserve the country’s history, and to refrain from politicizing them. The PIC SB will hold its next regular meeting on 4-5 June 2024.


HR Schmidt addresses press conference: There is no alternative for the EU; We are ready to protect B&H and its citizens if this turns out to be necessary (O Kanal)


Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) Political Directors met on 5 and 6 December 2023 in Sarajevo to assess developments relevant to the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) in B&H. Addressing media following the session, High Representative Christian Schmidt said: “The EU is not some a la carte menu for everyone to take what they want. There was no significant progress in B&H, but it is possible to achieve significant progress in the next months. Citizens are ready for the EU, but some politicians create an impression that they are not. Politicians must work in the interest of peaceful and safe development. There is no alternative for the EU. It is very clear that anyone who tries to jeopardize the state of B&H represents a clear danger for the state and its future. We are ready to protect B&H and its citizens if this turns out to be necessary. I emphasized: do not touch the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. If anyone thinks they can make this institution the way they want it, they are wrong. This is an independent institution. This is why both of the entities should propose their candidates for judges of the CC. We informed the PIC about work of the commission for state property. We agreed that we should all work together in the parliament in order to move this issue from a deadlock. Ill-considered rhetoric, insulting rhetoric should be stopped and we will do our part of the job. By this, I refer to undertaking moves that mean getting closer to the EU and less talks on secession. We also discussed this issue. Rhetoric that poisons the reconciliation process, the spirit of cooperation. Our intention is to respect the Dayton and the territorial integrity of B&H while coexistence in B&H is a good example for coexistence in Europe.” Schmidt pointed out that the premeditated and often offensive rhetoric and false claims, and especially the failure to take action to resolve the issue, should be stopped. He emphasized that the international community will do its part. He did not want to comment on the indictment against RS President Milorad Dodik, but said that it was not a political process. He emphasized that neither the RS nor B&H are in court, only Dodik, who must politely accept that it is an impartial judiciary. Regarding the fact that the authorities in the RS announced that they would vote for immunity that would protect them from criminal liability for disobeying HR Schmidt's decisions, he said that everyone is equal and that there will be no possibility for anyone to be beyond the reach of the judiciary. He pointed out that the technical integrity of the electoral process in B&H was discussed at the PIC session, which must be improved. After the completion of the PIC session, HR Schmidt had an opportunity to respond to the insults that Dodik directed at him and US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. Schmidt said that insults used by Dodik do not correspond to the normal behavior of people in B&H. Schmidt stressed that he will not comment on Dodik’s trial, noting that it is up to te court to decide whether someone is guilty or not. Schmidt stated that he expects the trial to be fair, stressing that neither the RS nor the Serb people nor B&H are being tried, but an individual – Milorad Dodik. Schmidt reminded that he is a lawyer by profession and said that if he were Dodik’s lawyer, he would advise him differently on how to behave and what statements to make during the process.


HR Schmidt: The way in which Dodik communicates indicates that measures against him should not only be verbal, but they should include actions as well (AJB)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt said as a guest of the Al Jazeera Balkans news on Wednesday that the way in which RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik communicates indicates that measures against him should not only be verbal, but they should include actions as well. He stressed that he believes that the HR function is necessary as long as there is secessionist rhetoric in the country. Commenting on the meeting of conditions to open the EU accession negotiations with B&H, Schmidt stated that a step-by-step approach is adequate and there are many people who are committed to work on the EU path, reminding that some reform laws have been adopted but they have not been implemented yet. However, he said that there is room for additional work on legal solutions regarding the conflict of interest, rule of law and other reforms. Schmidt assessed that political elites in B&H demonstrate that they have intensified their work, but they have not yet met all the requested tasks, especially when it comes to laws required by the EU. “Therefore, I must say a lot of hard work is ahead of us and we need a lot of courage to work on issues we were required to address. This does not only refer to Milorad Dodik, but to parties such as HDZ B&H of Dragan Covic and others as well. They need to reach an agreement. I learned that there are some talks and efforts in this regard. We will help this process because it is about issues that go in favor of B&H citizens”, Schmidt stated. He added that it is good that the EUFOR Althea mission is present in B&H, although no one should worry about a possibility to see some conflict spread to this region. Schmidt assessed that B&H is in much better situation compared to Kosovo or Mitrovica and that this cannot actually be compared at all because the situation in B&H is peaceful, although it requires work.


US Embassy, USAID officials visit B&H CEC; Support to strengthening of election process (Dnevni avaz)


Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy to B&H, Deborah Mennuti, her associated and USAID’s Kelsey Crowley paid a visit to B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) on Wednesday, meeting the President Suad Arnautovic. Arnautovic commented current activities within CEC, especially implementation of ‘Test Project of the European Union for introducing new technologies in election process in B&H’. Mennuti welcomed B&H CEC’s efforts to improve election process through introducing new technologies. “Cooperation between B&H CEC and US Embassy and USAID will continue in regard to strengthening of integrity of election process in B&H,” reads B&H CEC’s statement.


Djeljosaj: Spajic confirmed to me that Montenegro will always support Kosovo, if the opposite happens, we will leave the government (CdM)


Minister of Economic Development and Deputy Prime Minister Nik Djeljosaj said that he received guarantees from the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajic, that Montenegro will support Kosovo in any international organization. If the opposite happened, he and the Albanian parties would no longer be part of the government. Djeljosaj said that it is not problematic for him that Andrija Mandic is the president of the Assembly, but that it is enough for him that Montenegro recognizes Kosovo. "I am here to respect the official acts and for me it is enough that Montenegro continues to cooperate with all the countries it has recognized. We had an agreement with Mandic that, if he supports our government, we will support him as head of the parliament", said Djeljosaj. He added that Kosovo will always have the voice of Montenegro if it needs it. Asked about what would happen if the head of the Kosovo parliament, Glauk Konjufca, came to Montenegro for an official visit, Djeljosaj said that if that happens, he believes that Mandic should meet with him.


Djeljosaj: Montenegro is a partner and friend of Kosovo (CdM)


The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy, Nik Djeljosaj, met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo to Montenegro, Ariana Zherka Hoxha, and on that occasion the interlocutors highlighted the excellent relations between Montenegro and the Republic of Kosovo and agreed to continue cooperation in areas of mutual interest. The ambassador congratulated the Deputy Prime Minister Djeljosaj on his appointment and wished him success in the implementation of the planned projects. Vice President Djeljosaj introduced the Kosovo ambassador to the priorities of the 44th government and said that Montenegro remains committed to the Euro-Atlantic path and values. "Montenegro is a partner and friend of the Republic of Kosovo. We will continue to support the improvement of economic cooperation as well as our common Euro-Atlantic path," Djeljosaj said. During the meeting, they discussed the possibilities of improving cooperation between the two countries in various areas, especially in the economy, tourism and infrastructure. The meeting discussed the possibilities of exchanging experiences in European integration, as well as the implementation of projects for stronger economic development.


Djeljosaj with the Ambassador of Ukraine: We continue sanctions against Russia and we are ready to provide assistance to Ukraine (CdM)


The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy, Nik Djeljosaj, met with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Montenegro, Oleh Herasymenko, whom he introduced to the priorities of the 44th government, and pointed out that Montenegro is committed to Euro-Atlantic values. "The government of Montenegro is committed to Euro-Atlantic values and as such is a sincere ally and friend of Ukraine. We are continuing the sanctions against Russia, and we are ready to provide assistance to Ukraine", Djeljosaj said. The Ukrainian Ambassador congratulated the Vice President on the election of the 44th government and thanked Montenegro for its support and solidarity, which, as he pointed out, represents a positive example in welcoming and including Ukrainian refugees. During the meeting, they discussed the possibilities of improving economic cooperation between Ukraine and Montenegro and agreed to intensify communication in the direction of concrete cooperation in areas of mutual interest.


Escobar praises Novovic’s efforts in fight against organized crime and high-level corruption (CdM)


Chief Special Prosecutor Vladimir Novovic, as part of his working visit to the United States of America, met with the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, at the headquarters of the State Department. Novovic’s office announced that they discussed the results of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office in the fight against organized crime and high-level corruption since the beginning of the mandate of the chief special prosecutor and the challenges that stand in the way of that fight. “Escobar praised the efforts of the Chief Special Prosecutor and expressed his support for the Special State Prosecutor’s Office and the Chief Special Prosecutor for the continuous, independent and impartial fight against organized crime and high-level corruption”, the statement said. Novovic thanked for the cooperation that the Special State Prosecutor’s Office had with US law enforcement institutions and numerous donations that improved the human and technological capacities of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office. The meeting was also attended by Milan Dakic, head of the Office of the Chief Special Prosecutor, associates of the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, and INL Director at the US Embassy in Podgorica, Jessica Carl.


Kovachevski: EC confirms solid alignment of national legislation with European law (MIA)


Explanatory and bilateral meetings on all 33 chapters within six clusters have taken place ever since the first Intergovernmental Conference on 19 July 2022, when we officially launched the EU accession negotiations. The screening process will end tomorrow, successfully and on time, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Wednesday, MIA reports from Brussels. "I am really satisfied that Deputy PM Bojan Marichikj and his team at the Secretariat for European Affairs have successfully completed this process, a feeling also shared by the European Commission. The EC has confirmed that we have a solid level of alignment. The roadmaps will follow, our task arising from the Negotiating Framework, which are a prerequisite for opening of the first cluster," said PM Kovachevski. He added that over the past 15 months and nearly 100 working days, the screening included 850 presentations that involved close to 1,000 representatives from over 200 institutions. The PM said that besides the completion of the screening process, the EC's Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is also of enormous importance for the country. "The Plan is exactly what we expected - elaborated, operational and focused on several priorities, which make it attainable. It is set to provide a strong stimulus to the Euro-integration process, whereas its realization will double the volume of the country's and regional economy," said Kovachevski.


Kovachevski in Brussels: Progress on EU path contributes to higher economic growth (MIA)


North Macedonia has the highest degree of trade openness in the Western Balkans, reaching 171 percent in 2022, and will not ask for any transitional periods but will fully accept EU law, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said in Brussels at the opening of the country's screening process final session dedicated to Cluster 6 Chapters 30: External Relations and 31: Foreign, Security and Defence policy. "We will focus on aligning our trade policies with the EU within the World Trade Organization and will continue implementing EU rules on dual-use export controls, export credits, investments and trade defense instruments as part of our national legal and institutional framework," Prime Minister Kovachevski said. According to MIA's Brussels correspondent, Chapter 30 focuses on the EU’s common trade policy and multilateral and bilateral agreements with third countries for fair trade and sustainable growth. The chapter also includes EU rules on conformity assessment, trade defense instruments, foreign policy instruments as well as development policy and humanitarian aid. Prime Minister Kovachevski said the country's foreign trade was increasingly linked with the EU, North Macedonia's largest trade partner, with total trade with the EU reaching 60 percent in the past year. Additionally, he said, 86 percent of the preferential trade agreements that North Macedonia has applied on a bilateral and multilateral basis were with the EU. "The EU is also the most important investor in North Macedonia and had a share in 65 percent of the total number of foreign direct investments at the end of 2022," PM Kovachevski said. He said the country ensured greater security in trade relations by supporting the multilateral trade system based on WTO rules contributing to the promotion of open trade and higher economic growth. Kovachevski recalled that the ratification of the Reference Document for the domestic regulation of services and the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies was under way, adding that on 30 Oct., North Macedonia became a member of the WTO's Agreement on Government Procurement. "Regarding development policy, the government has accepted the 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals in its national strategic plan, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021-2025 and the EU chapters in the EU accession process," he said. Kovachevski highlighted that North Macedonia, following the EU's New Agenda for the Mediterranean, became a full member of the Union for the Mediterranean last November. This, he said, was an important political act, aimed at promoting regional cooperation and dialogue. In his address, Kovachevski also spoke about the alignment of the country's laws with the EU's legislation, noting that amendments and new regulations were already in the works in several areas. "The Ministry of Economy has already transferred the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme on international trade in rough diamonds and is currently drafting two laws on preventing the death penalty and torture as well as on the control of the export of dual-use items," Kovachevski said. He added that both laws were expected to enter into force by late 2024. The PM also said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as part of its work on aligning humanitarian policy with the EU, had drafted a law on international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, which should be adopted by 2025. The final session of the screening process was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister of European Affairs Bojan Marichikj and representatives from the Secretariat for European Affairs, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the Customs Administration, and the Public Procurement Bureau. Closing Chapters 30 and 31 on Thursday will officially end the screening process, which started on 15 Sept. 2022, and included explanatory and bilateral meetings with the EU on all 33 negotiation chapters divided into six clusters. During this time, 850 presentations were held in Brussels. They were attended by representatives from 206 different institutions in North Macedonia and around 1,000 participants. The European Commission evaluated the success and timely implementation of the screening process in its annual report on the country's progress by noting a solid level of alignment of the national laws with EU legislation. After the screening process ends, the country has been invited to prepare roadmaps for the rule of law and for the public administration reform ahead of opening the negotiations under Cluster 1: Fundamentals. It also needs to adopt an Action Plan dedicated to the protection of the rights of persons belonging to minorities or communities.


Baumgartner: EU the path to be taken (MIA)


French Ambassador Cyrille Baumgartner told late Wednesday an event marking the 30th anniversary of France-North Macedonia diplomatic ties that EU is the path that needs to be taken. "The path that needs to be taken is the one leading to this Union, where we are waiting for you, hoping and wishing to see you," said Ambassador Baumgartner in Macedonian. He said the French proposal was not perfect but "the best one possible". "As any compromise, this proposal is not perfect. But it is the best one possible. It respects the Macedonian identity, it reopens the country's European prospects. An Intergovernmental Conference was held in July 2022 after 15 years of waiting," added Baumgartner.


Pendarovski: Now not a time to think about elections (MIA)


I cannot imagine that a sane person or a politician could think about power, elections or terms amid this tragic period. Elections are scheduled for April and May next year and there will be enough time after New Year's to think about those things, said President Stevo Pendarovski late on Wednesday. President Pendarovski was quizzed by reporters about his statement today on running for a second term, saying his thoughts are currently focused on the tragic event of the double murder. "I was asked by your colleague if I am thinking about a second term. I said 'No' and I cannot even imagine that a sane person, a citizen or politician, could think about power, elections and terms amid these tragic periods we are going through. The elections are scheduled for April and May of next year and there is enough time after New Year's to think about these things," said Pendarovski. The clarification comes after the President briefly answered 'No' to a reporter's question earlier in the day whether he was thinking about running for a second presidential term at next year's elections.


Can’t see room for constitutional changes as country headed to caretaker government, says President (MIA)


As we are headed towards a caretaker government, which should assume power on 28 January, I can’t see room for a political climate in which the constitutional amendments will be adopted with a two-third majority. Not only the issue with the Bulgarians, but generally any issue, said President Stevo Pendarovski in a statement to the media Wednesday. The President recalled that a year and a half ago he said the realistic, political chances for the constitutional amendments to be adopted are minimal, knowing, he said, “the publicly declared positions of the opposition which has entered this process without any arguments”. “They called me a Eurosceptic and some even said that I had given up on the European path. I am only stating the reality, as I see it, as the Macedonian citizens see it,” said Pendarovski. According to the President, as the country is headed towards elections and a caretaker government, it will be increasingly difficult for the government and the opposition to reach a political consensus, regardless of the fact they will both be a part of the caretaker government. “We will wait for the next government, the next parliament, which will have to take this question into account very seriously. And it will be interesting to see then, if the government changes, how the current opposition and possible future government, will react when they have to ask the current government, possible future opposition, to secure a two-third vote,” said Pendarovski.


Rome, the Council of Ministers ratifies the Rama-Meloni agreement for immigrants (Radio Tirana)


The Council of Ministers has approved the draft law ratifying the agreement between Italy and Albania concerning the management of immigrants. According to the structures outlined in the Protocol between Italy and Albania for immigrants, only individuals embarked on Italian authority vehicles outside the territorial seas of the Republic or other European Union member states may be transported, even after rescue operations. As per information from government sources, this is anticipated within the draft legislation that validates the agreement endorsed during the Council of Ministers. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani stated that "the yearly expenses associated with the immigration agreement with Albania are below the previously cited figures, amounting to less than 200 million, and will be efficiently allocated to combat irregular immigration." "The involvement of non-EU countries is seen as advantageous as it represents an experiment and an innovation in which Italy plays a leading role. It's a collaborative project that brings us satisfaction, knowing that Europe is keenly observing this Italian initiative," he further commented.


Immigrants Agreement with Italy, Balla: A 5-year term protocol, Italy covers all costs. They are not to get out of the accommodation structures (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla has provided details about the immigrants agreement with Italy to the National Security Committee, where the draft law was discussed.

Balla stated that the protocol signed with Italy has a 5-year term, after which Albania decides whether to renew it or not, while emphasizing that Italy will cover all costs. "It is not a territory question as it remains part of the territory of Albania, but it is a question of granting the right of temporary use of the defined area. We reserve the right not to renew the protocol after the 5-year term. All expenses for the implementation of this protocol belong to the Italian side, and any additional costs that may come to Albania from this protocol," said Balla. Regarding the discussions about the social issues that their accommodation in Shengjin can bring, Minister Balla said that the Italian side has the obligation to keep them inside the accommodation structures. He also clarified that the number of immigrants will not exceed 3 thousand, as he added that the goal is for them to stay until the end of the repatriation procedures and then leave Albania. "I want to clarify that the Italian side has an obligation to accommodate them only within the structures built in the area in question, and the taking care that they remain within these structures. In any case of non-observance of obligations by the Italian side, Albania has the right to denounce and then terminate the protocol at any time. I want to emphasize that the total number of immigrants and the entry into Albania, as it is agreed that the present number of immigrants in certain areas will never exceed the figure of 3,000. The immigrants will be accommodated in the host structure only with the purpose of carrying out the procedures for repatriation and after the completion of the procedures, they will leave the territory of Albania," said Balla in the National Security Committee meeting.


Baerbock: the Western Balkans in the EU is a geostrategic imperative (Radio Tirana)


The German Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, and her Slovenian counterpart, Tanja Fajon, want to promote the rapid integration of the Western Balkans into the EU. But countries must also carry out their own reforms in this direction, the two chief diplomats said after their meeting last Tuesday, in Ljubljana. "There can be no gray areas in Europe", said Annalena Baerbock. "At a time when the Russian president, who in his imperial madness is attacking not only Ukraine, but also the peace order in Europe, it should be clear that we protect this peace," underscored the Foreign Minister. This was demonstrated by the 55 countries at the last OSCE meeting in Skopje, and this applies even more to the EU. The Foreign Ministers of Germany and Slovenia, Baerbock and Fajon, assured that they want to push forward the membership of the Western Balkans in the EU. "This expansion is a geostrategic necessity," said Tanja Fajon. It is very important that at the same time as the EU accession process for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, the Western Balkans are not left aside. "The aggression in Ukraine has significantly increased the security risks in the countries of the Western Balkans," said Fajon. She complained about the departure of many young people from the countries of the Western Balkans, which is a consequence of the lack of perspective. "They no longer have faith in the history of this enlargement process," said Fajon. Tanja Fajon further said that she hopes that the parliamentary elections in Serbia will be "democratic and transparent", but added that "the EU will also send important signals to the Western Balkans by the end of the year. Above all, Fajon expects progress in the membership negotiations with Bosnia-Herzegovina and visa facilitation for Kosova. "By the end of the decade we must take some further steps regarding the enlargement of the Western Balkans," said the Slovenian Foreign Minister.


Serbia to follow the OSCE recommendations

Regarding the behavior of the leadership in Belgrade towards the EU and close relations with Russia, Baerbock said: "When we talk now about enlargement, it is clear that you cannot sit on two chairs at the same time." Therefore, the accession talks must be accompanied by a commitment to peace, security and values ​​within the EU. "Therefore, I am extremely concerned about recent developments, especially in Serbia, regarding nationalist propaganda trends," said the Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock was in Ljubljana for a short bilateral visit. She spoke there with her Slovenian colleague Tanja Fajon and Prime Minister Robert Golob.