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Belgrade Media Report 12 December



Vucic with ODIHR mission: I expect fair, democratic elections (FoNet)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said told a meeting with OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) representatives that Serbia is committed to the advancement of the electoral process, in keeping with aspirations towards overall democratization of society. Vucic said in a post on The Future of Serbia Instagram account that he expects the coming elections to be fair and democratic and that “the voice of the people would show Serbia’s clear path”. The Serbian President met Monday with ODIHR representatives tasked with observing the 17 December 7 early parliamentary elections in Serbia.


OSCE delegation to observe elections in Serbia (Beta)


Some 75 observers from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe are due to arrive in Serbia this week to monitor the imminent parliamentary election. On 11 December, the OSCE PA said in a press release that this would be the 12th time its representatives would observe an election in Serbia since 1997. OSCE PA vice president Reinhold Lopatka of Austria has been appointed special coordinator to lead the OSCE short-term observer mission and Farah Karimi of the Netherlands has been appointed head of the OSCE PA delegation.


Vucic: Right-wing opposition can make the statements it does about Kosovo because it has no accountability (Beta/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Prokuplje yesterday that the situation in Serbia was now "objectively better" than ten years ago, but that "greater care for the common man" would be shown over the next four years if the Serbian Progressive Party forms the new government after the 17 December elections in Serbia. Speaking about the opposition at a rally of the Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia Must Not Stop ticket, he said parties that declared themselves to be right-wing could speak about Kosovo in ways the representatives of the government could not, because those parties had no accountability to shoulder. Vucic further declared that the entire opposition attacked him and his family, but that he "wouldn't think of saying personal things about them". Arnaud Gouillon, founder of the Solidarity for Kosovo organization and an MP candidate on the Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia Must Not Stop ticket, told the rally that the "technical" government the opposition planned to form if it won the elections would be a technical knockout for Serbia and its people. "If they happen to win, they'll recognize Kosovo on 18 December, introduce sanctions against Russia on 19 December, break off relations with Republika Srpska on 20 December, declare Serbs a genocidal people on 21 December... We want a developing Serbia -- economically, demographically, one where people from the diaspora go back to, which is already happening," Gouillon said.


Petkovic, Lajcak discuss reached agreements, Community, de-escalation (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels on Monday to discuss all agreements reached to date, with particular emphasis on the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities. In a post on the social media network X, Petkovic wrote that the meeting had also addressed much-needed de-escalation. "Our experts as a part of Belgrade's delegation participated in discussions about the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities and preparation of a draft statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities, as well as the issue of missing persons and other important topics. As always, we came to Brussels excellently prepared," Petkovic added.


Right-wing coalition: Serbian government has relinquished state-owned power infrastructure in Kosovo to Pristina separatists (Beta)


The National Gathering coalition stated yesterday that the contract signed between “the until recently Serbian Elektrosever and the so-called Kosovo Power Distribution Company” not only means that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija will now be paying their electricity bills “to a company owned by the fictitious state of Kosovo” but also that “Elektrosever has de facto become part of the so-called Kosovo energy system”. All this was done under a complete media blackout, out of the public eye, while snap elections are poised to take place and during the outgoing government’s technical mandate, when no strategic decisions should be made, the statement said. “It is especially scandalous that this topic has never found itself on the parliament’s agenda. Who decided, and on what authority, to sign such a contract, whereby the state of Serbia relinquishes its energy infrastructure in the country’s southern province,” the coalition press release reads. Adding insult to injury, the coalition said, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has expressed his pleasure that the contract was signed. The National Gathering coalition consists of the Serbian Dveri Movement and the Oath Keepers party.


Djilas: Serbia not deciding between me and Vucic, but between a normal life and current living conditions (Politika)


Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas, listed number three on the ticket titled “Serbia Against Violence” in the upcoming parliament elections, has said that on 17 December, voters will not be choosing between him and President Aleksandar Vucic, but rather between “a normal life without uncertainty and the current living conditions”. “If all the Belgraders who believe it is disgraceful to have a mayor who calls some people monkeys and whose associates have robbed projects for reducing school violence in the country where a child shot dead eight of his schoolmates, if all those who want Belgrade to be true Belgrade go to the polls on Dec. 17, then we will secure a landslide victory,” Djilas told Politika. The same applied for the rest of Serbia, he added. “Should the turnout be only five percent up from the previous elections, the parties which are backed by the people who do not support the ruling parties will be able to form a caretaker government. As for the arguments, our strongest one is that we offer concrete solutions for building a decent and stable Serbia, but other arguments include the very rule of Aleksandar Vucic and what they have made of Serbia, which is also recognized by most of Serbian Progressive Party supporters,” Djilas stressed. Djilas also said he believed that voters of all opposition parties wanted the country to be decriminalized and freed of corruption, stressing that “all want rampant price hikes to end, all are against further excessive borrowing, and all believe that we should support domestic businesses, invest in agriculture and help our compatriots in Kosovo and Metohija”.




US Department of State issues new sanctions against Kajmakovic, Mehmedagic banning them from entering USA (


In the newest report published on 11 December, The US Department of State posted on their website a statement that new sanctions were introduced to former Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Prosecutor Diana Kajmakovic and former OSA Director Osman Mehmedagic. Both of them are banned from entering the USA. As for Kajmakovic, the US Department of State stated that she is significantly involved in corruption. “In support of narcotics traffickers and other criminals, Kajmakovic helped hide evidence, prevent prosecution, and otherwise assist criminal activity in exchange for personal gain. She also attempted to block an investigation into her apparent criminal affiliates, including Osman Mehmedagic,” reads the statement. When it comes to Mehmedagic, the statement reads: “Mehmedagic collaborated with criminal networks and abused his public position to enrich himself. As part of this action, his wife Amela Mehmedagic Sehovic is also designated”. The article reminded that both Kajmakovic and Mehmedagic are already on the sanction list of US Department of Treasury. In September 2022, Kajmakovic was blacklisted because of “undermining of democracy and rule of law in B&H”. “Despite these obligations to avoid prosecutorial malfeasance, Diana Kajmakovic is a brazenly corrupt B&H state prosecutor with links to criminal organizations. As part of a larger crackdown on organized crime and narcotics trafficking in B&H, investigators analysed private conversations conducted via encrypted messaging applications. Criminals in these encrypted conversations mentioned Kajmakovic, who worked on some of the investigations concerning this activity. In support of narcotics traffickers and other criminals, Kajmakovic helped hide evidence, prevent prosecution, and otherwise assist criminal activity in exchange for personal gain. She also attempted to block an investigation into her apparent criminal affiliates,” reads the statement from 2022 published by US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). Mehmedovic is under OFAC sanctions since March 2023, and the statement noted that Mehmedagic, acting in official capacity as the OSA Director, misused telecommunication company ‘BH Telecom’ for the benefit of SDA. “Additionally, Mehmedagic has used his position, threats, and connections to sway candidates from “Osmorka” (“Eight”), a group of Bosniak and civic parties from B&H, to support SDA. There is also credible information that Mehmedagic has collaborated with criminal networks to enrich himself and his political party,” read OFAC statement.


US Embassy: US will continue to hold accountable those who attempt to undermine B&H and its institutions by engaging in corruption or destabilizing activities (Oslobodjenje)


Commenting the new sanctions of US Department of State against B&H officials, the US Embassy to B&H posted on their social networks on Monday night: “When there is credible information that those holding public functions have been involved in significant corruption, those individuals and their immediate family members are ineligible for entry into the United States. The United States will continue to hold accountable those who attempt to undermine B&H and its institutions by engaging in corruption or destabilizing activities.” In continuation of their post, the Embassy posted statement of US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. “The United States is taking a series of actions today, on International Anti-Corruption Day, to promote accountability for those who engage in corruption around the world.  President Biden has signed a presidential proclamation to expand the State Department’s visa restriction authorities so those who engage in corruption and their family members can be subjected to visa restrictions, strengthening our ability to deny safe haven to those who enable public corruption. Pursuant to current law, I am designating over 30 individuals, including current and former foreign officials and immediate family members, as generally ineligible for entry to the United States due to their involvement in significant corruption.  These actions are complemented and reinforced by the Department of the Treasury’s designations. These actions are complemented and reinforced by the Department of the Treasury’s designations under the Global Magnitsky sanctions program of two former Islamic Republic of Afghanistan government officials, and 44 associated entities, for involvement in transnational corruption.  The United States is also taking steps to impose numerous individual visa restrictions and financial sanctions designations.  Collectively these actions reinforce our comprehensive effort to promote accountability for corrupt actors and deter future corruption. Today’s actions target corrupt actors around the world who have misused their public office for personal gain. Through a variety of tools to promote accountability, the United States has designated more than 200 individuals and entities for acts related to corruption in 2023. The United States will continue to coordinate with allies and partners and use all available tools to address corruption in all its forms and promote accountability for malign actors,” reads Blinken’s statement.


Dodik, Kristo and Covic meet in Banja Luka; Covic posts that they discussed the need to continue reform process, importance of political dialogue and steps that need to be urgently implemented on the EU path of B&H (BHT1)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, Chair of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) Borjana Kristo and HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic met in Banja Luka on Monday night. Both Dodik and Covic posted about the meeting on their respective X accounts. “Tonight, in Banja Luka, my closest colleagues and I spoke with Dragan Covic and Borjana Kristo on the functioning of government in joint institutions at the B&H level. The topic was the harmonization of the B&H CoM budget for the next year”, wrote Dodik on X. “Meeting with Milorad Dodik and SNSD officials in Banja Luka, where we discussed the need to continue the reform process, the importance of political dialogue and the steps that need to be urgently implemented on the EU path of B&H”, wrote Covic on X.


HR Schmidt pays visit to Brussels, holds series of high-level meetings (Oslobodjenje)


Dnevni avaz reads that High Representative Christian Schmidt is paying an official visit to Brussels, where he held a series of meetings. These are high-level meetings on the political situation and Euro-Atlantic integration. “HR Christian Schmidt held high-level meetings in Brussels today on the political situation and Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H. He met with Foreign Ministers of Belgium Hadja Lahbib, Slovenia Tanja Fajon, Luxembourg Xavier Better, Italy Antonio Tajani, as well as Chairman of the EU Military Committee, General Robert Brieger,” wrote OHR on X platform. Tajani, met on Monday in Brussels with Schmidt. “Italy continues to support B&H and its European path,” Tajani wrote on ‘X’ platform. Schmidt and Tajani discussed priorities that they will address together in the following months. “EU enlargement to Balkans is a strategic priority of the Italian government,” Tajani wrote.


Bulgarian MP Georgiev: Any revision of DPA would open door to conflict, EU applies double standards in region (Glas Srpske)


Member of Bulgarian parliament Angel Georgiev stated that respecting the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is the only guarantee for peace in B&H, and that it is important to respect the treaty as it was composed because anything else would lead to unrests, conflict and misunderstanding. He warned that any revision of the DPA would open the door to a new conflict. Georgiev underlined that he is opposed to the policy of double standards, i.e. different approaches of the EU to the same or similar issues in the region, such as the issue of independence of Kosovo and RS. “We are against double standards. It is important to maintain the current state in order to preserve peace. We see double standards when it comes to the RS, but this is also something we saw in the case of Bulgaria”, said Georgiev.


Filipovic: B&H’s European perspective is taking on clear shape, issue of legitimate representation is key issue for Croat people (Dnevni list)


Member of B&H House of Representatives Darijana Filipovic (HDZ B&H) stated that the EU perspective of B&H has been taking on a clear shape in the past few months. She noted that everything that has been a part of visions and plans in the past ten years is starting to become reality. Commenting the second Political Forum of B&H and EU held in Brussels last week, Filipovic stated that the Forum provides a good format for analysis of concrete steps and to send a message of commitment to B&H and the international public. According to her, it should be viewed in the context of the conditional recommendation for opening of accession negotiations between B&H and the EU. Filipovic emphasized that all participants of the Forum spoke in unison about B&H’s commitment to the EU path. Speaking about electoral reform, Filipovic reminded that it is one of the 14 Key Priorities which B&H must realize on its path to the EU. She also underlined that this is the most important reform for the Croat people because it will remove discrimination and allow Croats to elect their own representatives. She added that the Election Law should be reformed also to end discrimination against individuals. “In any case, for us in HDZ B&H and the Croat People’s Assembly, the issue of legitimate representation is the main topic”, said Filipovic.


Konakovic at 21st Doha Forum: B&H sees EU membership as opportunity for lasting peace, stability, security and prosperity (Dnevni avaz/Avaz)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic is taking part in the 21st Doha Forum in Qatar. Konakovic has been invited by Qatar Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani. According to, the 21st Doha Forum is an opportunity to exchange ideas and views about most important regional and international issues, global changes, security challenges, economic policy etc. Addressing a forum titled ‘Towards a Multilayered World: Rethinking Alliances’, Konakovic said the world we live today in is the fastest changing world in the history of mankind, with sudden challenges appearing. Konakovic commented on the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H, the geo-political importance of the Western Balkans, the Berlin Process and the regional cooperation. Among other issues, Konakovic assessed advantages and geo-political importance of B&H, citing example of Sarajevo where the East and the West meet and where thousands of tourists come from all parts of the world each year. When it comes to the EU path of B&H, FM Konakovic stressed the importance and advantages of the EU enlargement in context of security challenges, stressing that the approach to the enlargement has changed with the 27 EU Member States after the war in Ukraine. He reiterated that B&H sees the EU membership as opportunity for lasting peace, stability, security and prosperity. He also stressed advantages of regional cooperation in area of economy, when it comes to functioning of the common regional market, access to funds and harmonizing economy with the EU standards and practices.


Defense of RS President Dodik appeals Court of B&H's decision rejecting request to transfer trial of Dodik to Banja Luka, files new motion questioning impartiality of judges at Court of B&H (RTRS/ATV)


The defense of RS President Milorad Dodik has appealed the decision of the Court of B&H that rejected their request to transfer the court process against Dodik and Acting Director of the Official Gazette of the RS Milos Lukic before the Basic Court in Banja Luka last week. The defense has also filed a new motion questioning impartiality of judges at the Court of B&H over Dodik's statements for media in which he called for abolition of the Court and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, explaining that this new motion also regards the request to transfer the trial from Sarajevo to Banja Luka. Dodik’s attorney Goran Bubic told RTRS that the motion refers to Dodik’s statements regarding the Court of B&H given in the past 11 or 12 years, reminding that these statements reflect Dodik’s political platform that denies the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H as constitutional categories and calls for their abolition. He stressed that this is why the defense does not exclude the possibility of impartial conduct or even vindictive stance of judges towards the RS President. According to Lukic’s attorney Miljkan Pucar, transferring the trial to Banja Luka would free the case from the burden put on by foreigners and Court of B&H President Ranko Debevec. The Court of B&H’s Appellate Division is expected to decide on the defense motion in the next two weeks, while a non-trial panel will meanwhile consider their new motion regarding the transfer of the trial to Banja Luka and the defense has the right to appeal this decision as well in case it is negative. ATV Banja Luka - Pucar commented that the trial would be much more relaxed if it were held in Banja Luka, the case would be conducted without the great media attention that is currently seen. ATV carries that SNSD MP Milorad Kojic (SNSD) commented that the judge acting in the case against Dodik, prejudiced the decision of the extrajudicial panel, considering that the request of Dodik's lawyer to transfer the case will also be rejected. When it comes to the objection related to the timeliness of the proposal, Dodik's defense believes that the main trial has not even been scheduled. Bubic stated that they referred to practice and that essentially the request is timely if it is submitted before the start of the trial. In parallel with the appeal, another proposal was submitted for the delegation of competences concerning the statements of Christian Schmidt, USA and UK Ambassador. Those three statements concern the interference in the independence of the court, and the fourth statement, which is from the President of the Court of B&H, concerns his negative statement about Dodik. In regard to these requests, Bubic stated that this request does not concern the impartiality of the acting judge, the judges who could come to the case in the upcoming time, but concerns all in the Court of B&H that refer to Dodik's statements about the non-constitutionality of that court and that this court need to be abolished. Bubic pointed out that in this way a hostile attitude towards Dodik is created, and that there may be vengeful possibilities on the part of the Court of B&H.


Milatovic: The government ignores the call for consultations on foreign policy (MINA)


The government ignores the need to establish a dialogue on the coordination of foreign policy, and primarily the issue of filling the diplomatic network, said Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic. Milatovic told journalists, after the ceremony on the occasion of 20 years of operation of the Ombudsman institution, that the President's Cabinet sent a letter to the government in early November because it wanted to start foreign policy consultations. "Despite our persistence, it seems to me that the government is currently ignoring the need to establish a formal and civilized dialogue on the coordination of foreign policy, and above all to open the issues concerning the filling of our diplomatic network, which, as you know, is quite empty", Milatovic said. He said that Montenegro does not have ambassadors at many important international addresses and that this is a very important and urgent issue that must be jointly opened and agreed upon. Milatovic stated that the government proposes ambassadors, after which opinions are given by the competent committee of the Assembly and the President of the State. "It is an important issue that we need to agree on. An invitation to the government and all actors in that process to come to the foreign policy consultations to which they were duly invited by the President of the State", said Milatovic, appealing to the government to show seriousness and responsibility in relation to this issue. When asked if this means that the communication between the government and the president did not go well, he said that it was a matter for the government. "The President called for consultations several times. As to why they haven't happened yet, I assume that it is still not a priority for the government", stated Milatovic.


Pendarovski: Chances to run for second term more likely than not to run (MRTV/MIA)


President Pendarovski says he has still not decided whether to run for a second term at the coming elections, but "chances to run are more likely than not to run". President Pendarovski told MRTV that support given by political parties but even more the citizens' support will be crucial in the decision. "Back in 2014, 18 political parties supported by candidacy, 31 parties backed me in 2019. Nevertheless, you cannot be elected president only with the support of political parties. Citizens play a part in this as well," says Pendarovski. He says the decision to hold the presidential and parliamentary elections in parallel is good, primarily from a financial standpoint, but also in ensuring better political mobilization and citizens' turnout.

Asked if DUI could mobilize its voters to support him at the elections, the President says all parties of ethnic Albanians would have a problem to mobilize their members if two ethnic Macedonians were left in the runoff.


VMRO-DPMNE to decide on partaking in caretaker government over next few days: MP (Sitel/MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE MP and Executive Committee member Antonio Miloshoski says the party would decide on its participation in the caretaker government over the next few days. "The executive and central committees are set to meet, but I believe that when a government is headed by a man such as Talat Xhaferi, then those who fail to take part in this government tasked with organizing the elections will only give more room for Xhaferi, (First Deputy PM Artan) Grubi and (Minister of Interior Oliver) Spasovski to make abuses," Miloshoski told Sitel. According to him, if the party decides to join the caretaker government, the ministers nominated by VMRO-DPMNE will have a chance to make the authorities more transparent and prevent irregularities planned by SDSM and DUI. On the Alliance for Albanians, Miloshoski said it "acts as both ruling and opposition party", failing to give up its seat in the State Election Commission in order to prevent representatives of the Albanian opposition taking part in the electoral boards.


Geer: EU membership to bring practical benefits, implementation of reforms requires unity and commitment (MIA)


The EU membership will bring practical and tangible benefits in all areas - energy resilience, environment protection, improvement of air quality, economic well-being and better standard of life, said EU Ambassador David Geer in his video-address at the final event of campaign "We Are Europe" in Kumanovo on Monday. Ambassador Geer said energy is crucial in the fight against climate change and renewables are the central element of the European Green Deal, noting that the resilience of the energy sector is becoming increasingly important considering the energy crisis caused by the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. He added that diversification of energy sources and reducing dependency from fossil fuels is becoming mandatory across the EU but in the Western Balkans as well. "We play a central role in building a safer, a more reliable, green energy future for this country. The EU is already helping the construction of infrastructure for transport of gas as transitional fuel, through the interconnector with Greece and the connectors with Kosovo and Serbia. The EU is investing in power grids for the purpose of ensuring exchange of electricity with Albania and Bulgaria. The EU is helping in repurposing power stations in Oslomej and Bitola from coal into renewables," said Geer. He noted that North Macedonia's existing wind and hydro capacities are being upgraded, whereas the EU is providing support to private investors such as those in the Bogoslovec Wind Park. The Union is also supporting the revision of the legislation that should result in cleaner and more available energy for households, companies, schools and hospitals. "We are helping because we depend on from one another and because we want this country to become part of the EU, because we want to help it prepare for EU membership. The road to the EU is one of reforms. Implementation of those reforms requires unity and commitment. The goal of membership is real and achievable," said Geer. As a result of EU regulations, he added, Malta, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania have seen a sharp drop in the sulphur dioxide emissions from 85 to 99 percent in the first 10-15 years since accession. "Thanks to access to the structural funds, Bulgaria implemented environmental projects worth nearly EUR 2 billion in the early years of accession. Thanks to this support, the country has managed to solve some of its most serious environmental challenges. Thanks to the EU Cohesion Fund, Poland increased its GDP by 49 percent in ten years after accession... In the future, we want North Macedonia to be another positive example of the effects of enlargement," underlined Geer. German Ambassador Petra Drexler said the eyes of the world are currently focused on Dubai and COP28, where heads of state and government, ministers are fighting for the future of our planet and the gradual elimination of fossil fuels. Ambassador Drexler said fighting climate change is a priority of the German foreign policy. "We must shift our course and stop global warming by 1.5 degrees, and we can do this by doubling energy efficiency by 2030 and tripling energy production from renewables," said Drexler. Campaign "We Are Europe", headed by Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, has visited eight cities across the country, focusing on EU membership through various topics.


US ambassador to Pristina meets his Albanian counterpart; we look forward to working together for Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


The US ambassador to Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier, met with the new ambassador of Albania to Kosovo, Petrit Malaj. Hovenier said that he is looking forward to working with Malaj for the integration of Kosova in the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. "A warm welcome to Kosovo to the ambassador of Albania, Petri Malaj. We look forward to working together as we support Kosovo's integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures," wrote the US ambassador.


Albanian contingents hand over the duty to each other at the NATO mission in Latvia (Radio Tirana)


Albanian contingents in the NATO group-battalion in Latvia, specialized in dangerous ammunitions handed over the duty to each other. Albanian Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi shared photos from this ceremony, as he pointed out that the Albanian contingent transferred command and authority to the Alliance's mission in defense of Eastern Borders. "Albanian troops specialized in dangerous munitions handed over the task to each other in the NATO group-battalion in Latvia. Albanian contingents transferred command and authority at the Alliance's mission in defense of its Eastern Borders," wrote Peleshi.