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Belgrade Media Report 18 December 2023



RIK processed 7.893 polling stations from 8.273 (RTS)


The Republic Election Commission (RIK) processed 7.936 polling stations from 8.273. According to their data, the list around SNS won 46.71 percent of the votes, the list Serbia Against Violence 23.57 percent, the list around SPS 6.56 percent, the NADA coalition 5.04 percent, and the list of Branimir Nestorovic 4.69 percent of the votes. SVM 1.71, SPP 0.77, SDS Sandzak 0.59, Political Struggle of Albanians Continues 0.37, Russian Party 0.3 of the votes.


CeSID/IPSOS projections (99.7 percent of sample): SNS 128 mandates, SPN 65 (RTS)


The CeSID/IPSOS projection (99.7 percent of processed sample): Most of the votes was won by the SNS list – 46.3 percent (128 mandates), the list Serbia Against Violence – 23.6 percent (65), the list around SPS – 6.6 percent (18), the list of Branimir Nestorovic – 4.8 percent (13) and the coalition NADA – 4.9 percent (13). Five minority lists also crossed the census: SVM 1.7 percent (6), the list of SPP 0.8 percent (3), SDA Sandzak 0.6 percent (2), the list Political Struggle of Albanians Continues 0.5 percent (1) and Russian Party 0.3 (1).


CeSID/IPSOS estimates based on 99.7 percent of processed sample (RTS)


According to the estimates of CeSID/IPSOS based on 99.7 percent of the processed sample, census crossed in Belgrade five of 14 declared lists. Most of the votes was won by the list around SNS – 38.9 percent of the votes (49 mandates), while the second list Serbia Against Violence 34.6 percent (43 mandates).  Census was crossed by the coalition NADA with 6 percent (7 mandates), as well as the list around SPS with 4.8 percent (6 mandates), as well as the list around Branimir Nestorovic with 5.3 percent of the votes (6 mandates).


Vucic: SNS to have absolute majority with over 127 seats in parliament (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, the leader of the Serbian Progressive Party's (SNS) Serbia Must Not Stop electoral list, said on Sunday evening that, with 76 pct of votes counted but not including votes from Kosovo and Metohija, the list had won 46.5 pct of votes in the Serbian parliamentary elections, or more than 127 seats in the parliament. Addressing a press conference at the SNS headquarters, Vucic said the Serbia Against Violence list had won 23.5 pct of votes, followed by the Socialist Party of Serbia with 6.5 pct, the HOPE Coalition with 4.9 pct, the We - A Voice From The People coalition with 4.7 pct and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians with 1.9 pct. "The SNS will have more than 127 seats - an absolute majority," Vucic said. When it comes to votes from Kosovo and Metohija alone, the SNS list won 74.2 pct while Serbia Against Violence garnered just over five per cent, he said. He also said the SNS list that had run in the Belgrade local elections had won 38.5 pct of votes and that Serbia Against Violence had 35 pct of votes.


Brnabic: With 50 pct of votes counted, SNS list has 47.1 pct (Tanjug)


Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Sunday evening that, based on 50 pct of votes counted, the Serbian Progressive Party's (SNS) Serbia Must Not Stop electoral list had garnered 47.1 pct of votes in the parliamentary elections, winning the majority of seats in the parliament on its own. Brnabic said the Serbia Against Violence list had won 23 pct of votes, followed by the Socialist Party of Serbia with 6.7 pct, the HOPE Coalition with 4.9 pct, the We - A Voice From The People coalition with 4.6 pct and the National Gathering coalition, formed by the Serbian Oathkeepers Party and the Serbian Dveri Movement, with 2.9-3 pct of votes. "As far as Belgrade is concerned, the results have just started coming in, and I am aware the opposition has plans to declare a victory there although the votes have not even been counted yet," Brnabic told a press conference at the SNS headquarters.


Serbia Against Violence calls protest, alleges election fraud (N1)


The Serbian Against Violence (SPN) demanded an annulment of the Belgrade City Assembly elections alleging election fraud and called for a protest on Monday evening. The coalition said that more than 40,000 people who were not legally resident in the Serbian capital had been bussed in to vote by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). Under Serbian law, Serbian nationals can only cast ballots in their registered place of residence. It called for a protest in front of the City Assembly in central Belgrade at 6 pm on Monday followed by a march to the headquarters of the Republic Election Commission (RIK). The SPN also demanded a review of the electoral rolls. Miroslav Aleksic told reporters that there can be no mention of an SNS victory in Belgrade. He said the SNS and SPN election tickets stood about equal overall but added that the votes at the biggest polling stations were not counted yet. “Along with all that election fraud there were people who came in from outside,” he said and added that people were bussed into Belgrade to vote even though they don’t live there. Marinika Tepic said the SPN rejects the results announced by the SNS because the count is not over. Those projections are not the reality, she said. Tepic said the law was “flagrantly violated” when voters were brought into Belgrade and added that the deception by the SNS and Vucic would not be accepted. She explained that the votes for the parliamentary elections are counted before the votes for the local elections in Belgrade. Tepic also accused the police of failing to react to irregularities and enabling election fraud.


Dacic: SPS needs new leader (N1)


Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said he thinks the party needs a new leader following the bad results at Sunday’s elections. He refused to field questions from reporters, saying that he would have taken already made a decision if it hadn’t been for his party comrades. Dacic said that the results of the elections were not satisfactory for the SPS and added that the party leadership would analyze the situation and see if he can continue in his position. “My personal view is that a new SPS leader should be found,” he said and recalled that he took over the party in 2006. The SPS is projected to win just over 7 percent of the vote. He said that cooperation with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) is an option at all levels of government if that party wants that. “We absolutely support the policy of Serbia’s development and are proud of everything we did in cooperation with the SNS,” Dacic said.


CRTA warns of drastic violations on election day (N1)


The CRTA democracy watchdog NGO said on Monday that it registered drastic violations of voter rights, laws and institutions at Sunday’s elections, adding that the results of the vote in Belgrade do not reflect the will of the electorate. A CRTA report said that there was a clear trend of a high number of cases of ballots being filled in and brought to polling stations as well as the illegal presence of unauthorized persons especially in Belgrade. The CRTA observer mission expressed great concern over the parliamentary elections because of the failure to meet the standards for free and fair elections. “The extent and type of violations in Belgrade leads us to conclude that the results of the Belgrade elections do not reflect the freely expressed will of the electorate living there,” it said. According to the NGO, irregularities at 5 percent of polling stations for the parliamentary and 9 percent of polling stations for the Belgrade city elections compromised the results of the vote there. It added that the number of irregularities, including failure to verify identity, rose towards the end of the day. The report warned that the elections were “potentially the most extensive case of falsifying signatures for nomination to date”, adding that problems include organizing voter migration to manipulate the results in the Serbian capital. CRTA called prosecutors to investigate reports of election crimes. It also called for changes to local election law, more transparency for electoral rolls, a review of the electoral rolls by the Ministry of State Administration and Local Government and giving notaries public sole jurisdiction over notarizing signatures in support of election tickets.




Dodik congratulates election victory to Vucic and Vucevic (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik on Sunday congratulated Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and SNS leader Milos Vucevic for victory in elections in Serbia. “I personally congratulated Vucic and Vucevic for victory in elections in Serbia this evening. I also congratulate to all citizens who voted for progress and prosperity and opted for political stability of Serbia in these challenging international circumstances”, Dodik posted on ‘X’ platform and pointed out that he is proud of all people from the RS who voted in elections and, in this way, demonstrated an additional integration with Serbia.


Dodik: Serbia offers support to the RS for processes that are difficult and uncertain for the Serb people and the RS as a whole, which is why it is important for all citizens in the RS to automatically get the citizenship of Serbia (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik voted in snap parliamentary elections in Serbia at a polling station in Banja Luka. Dodik addressed media and stated that there are some political subjects in Serbia which talked negatively about the RS during a pre-election campaign in Serbia. He added that they are not friends of the RS and Serb people, underlining that they are those who would work against interests of Serbia and Serb people if they came in power. “Unfortunately for them, the RS will remain integrated and strong as well as a politically important factor”, said Dodik. The RS President emphasized that he is proud of all those in the RS who hold citizenship of Serbia. Dodik told reporters after the vote that Serbia as a stable country offers support to the RS for processes that are difficult and uncertain for the Serb people and the RS as a whole, which is why it is important for all citizens in the RS to automatically get the citizenship of Serbia, without need to be exposed to complicated procedures that are currently in effect. He stressed that he always insists during talks with Serbian officials that they should try to ensure for all citizens of the RS to automatically get Serbian citizenship, because this would make possible higher level of political and other kind of integration with Serbia.


European Council confirms EC recommendation from November according to which EU accession negotiations with B&H will be opened once necessary degree of compliance with membership criteria is reached (FTV)


At its session in Brussels on Thursday, the European Council confirmed the European Commission’s (EC) recommendation from November this year according to which the EU accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will be opened once the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria is reached. According to EU Council President Charles Michel, a very important step was taken regarding B&H because the EU accession talks will be opened, and the EC will publish a new report on B&H in the upcoming weeks in order to pass a final decision. “This is a historical moment for B&H”, Michel told reporters. Addressing the reporters after the summit, Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob stated that the EU has never been so united as this time, reminding that all 27 members states have a single stance on B&H which is a very positive message. He said that it seems that there are no real political obstacles to the next step for now, except for meeting the criteria, stressing that B&H has accomplished its goal. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that the summit conclusions read that the EU Council calls on the EC to prepare a report with an aim to pass decision on opening the accession talks with B&H in March 2024. He stressed that the goal was to specify concrete timeframe for opening the accession talks in the conclusions. FTV also reminded of the statement Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler made earlier this week, according to which progress needs to be made in several fields, through adoption of the law on courts, the law on the conflict of interest, the law on electronic signature, etc. After the Brussels summit, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented the conclusions and said this outcome is very favourable for B&H. Plenkovic said they ordered the European Commission to submit a new report, only on B&H this time. He also announced that he agreed with European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte that they will visit B&H in the coming weeks. The aim of this visit is to encourage B&H leaders to continue work on reforms, Plenkovic stated.


Kristo expresses regret that B&H did not receive support for opening negotiations with EU (BNTV)


In her letter to EU officials, the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers Bojana Kristo, expressed regret that B&H did not receive the support it deserved when it comes to opening negotiations with the EU, and pointed out that everyone in B&H gave their best, which, unfortunately, Brussels did not recognize at the moment. In a letter to EU officials, she reminded of the strong steps made by B&H this year, stating that for the first time in history, B&H had 100 percent compliance with the EU's foreign and security policy. Kristo was quoted as saying: “What I can promise is that personally, as the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers, I will continue my work at the same tireless pace, aware that we need all the necessary reforms in B&H for our own sake”. “Personally, I was fully convinced that this exceptional work of the institutions of B&H in 2023 would be rewarded at Thursday’s session of the European Council and that you would give all of us in B&H the much-desired support when it comes to the opening of negotiations, and that in this geopolitical moment you will clearly and strongly tie B&H to the EU”, Kristo said. She stressed that she hopes that this “unexpected failure” will not have major consequences on the work of the ruling coalition at all levels of authority in B&H, and that they will have a chance to work with the same efficiency when it comes to meeting of the necessary reforms.


Dodik strongly criticizes decision of European Council not to launch accession talks with B&H (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that the decision of the European Council to launch accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, but not with B&H, is an insult to common sense and rendering meaningless of all efforts related to B&H’s activities on the EU path. Dodik said that Europe is obviously not what it used to be and argued that double criteria and devastation of everything that used to be called ‘European values’ are present. “The paradox is that Ukraine does not meet a single criteria, but thanks to the policy of double standards and biasness of majority of EU member countries, it got the opportunity to launch accession talks. We can see that everyone tried to explain, or should we say it – justify, their decision, but there can be no reasonable explanation”, Dodik said and assessed that this decision is extremely humiliating for B&H and for everyone who understood and tried to work on the European path. Dodik added that Ukraine is neither territorially whole nor it is stable, and he argued that Europe, after this, cannot remain the same and it cannot say that it maintained its values and stances it insists on. “We, from the RS, said a long time ago that the European path is not disputable, nor we are bringing it in question, but the Constitution of B&H and Coordination Mechanism must be respected on this path and the RS must be visible. Also, all decisions must be a result of an agreement of domestic elected politicians and not of foreigners. In addition to this, we are aware that B&H with the OHR, self-proclaimed (High Representative) Christian Schmidt, foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H cannot enter Europe, but those are matters which our partners do not want to discuss and they are trying to ‘sweep it under the rug’, which clearly indicates who is for the EU and who is not”, Dodik stated. Asked to comment on a statement of Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler about the need, as he said, to reduce Russia’s influence in B&H, Dodik stated that he believes quite the opposite following Thursday’s decision of Brussels, i.e. it is necessary to cooperate even more with Russian Federation and not less. “According to Sattler, it seems as if Ukraine and Moldova already eliminated Russia’s influence”, Dodik added and reminded that, before the war, Ukraine was deemed as the most corrupt state in Europe, while the term ‘rule of law’ is unknown in Moldova “but still, standards are standards, ‘European’ ones, and B&H still have not reached those”. Dodik also reminded that leaders of countries that are friends of B&H, i.e. Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and others, pointed out the progress made by B&H and need to launch the accession talks, but all was in vain: “Perhaps those others were in dilemma who they should negotiate with – B&H institutions or OHR? For the truth’s sake, both did work. Primarily (Chair of B&H Presidency) Zeljko Komsic and false High Representative Christian Schmidt. Only one day before the decision was made in Brussels, Komsic held talks about B&H in such a way that not even the biggest opponents of its membership in the EU are talking about, but nobody in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) reacted and condemned his direct agitation for B&H not to be granted the negotiating status. At the same time, Schmidt visited the same destination, Brussels, and as I was told by sources from there, he did his best to keep the door of waiting room for the EU closed for B&H for a while more. Are these standards or combinations, what are the goals? Despite of all of this, I have to point out that it is visible that B&H started the realization of 14 priorities, and I do not know why we have to wait for March next year”. Dodik wondered if the goal is perhaps to demoralize ‘The Troika’ so that they would give up on reaching of agreements within B&H, so that “false Schmidt can appear as ‘a saviour’ in March and impose a law on state property and on elections. First one to the detriment of Serbs, second one to the detriment of Croats and all together to the detriment of B&H and, if possible, also to eliminate Milorad Dodik. There is the start of negotiations as a calming medicine, but they will not see this scenario”. Dodik concluded by saying that March is not far away, so everyone will get a chance to see what is really happening: “All their plans and intentions will be in vain”.


Cvijanovic reflects on European Council’s decision to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova but not B&H, claims that it conveys bad message (RTRS)


Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljka Cvijanovic, asked about B&H’s path to join the EU, in particular the decision of the European Council to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova but not B&H, assessed that the decision definitely conveys “a bad message” and although it may come as a surprise at first it is not considering current circumstances and the EU’s treatment of the countries in the region, most notably North Macedonia which had to change its name and the constitution, meet numerous requirements and overcome multiple blockade before it was allowed to open negotiations with the EU. She claims that she is not against Ukraine and Moldova opening negotiations with the EU but “it is absolutely unfair to leave B&H out” because B&H is far more capable of meeting the EU’s requirements than Ukraine. She criticized the EU’s bureaucratic approach where it is more important for potential candidates to adopt required laws than whether or not those law can be implemented in practice, adding that several EU countries, namely Croatia, Austria and Slovenia, are very much convinced that B&H will be far more successful in meeting all requirements and implementing required laws once it opens the accession negotiations. She deems that the European Council’s decision conveys a political message, but it is a wrong message because it is not integrative and does not include B&H. She argued that the decision casts doubt over the EU’s true intentions regarding B&H and perhaps the EU is looking to bypass the Constitution of B&H by using “an unelected foreigner” and the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) to make necessary modifications and force everyone in B&H to accept those modifications during the accession negotiations. According to Cvijanovic, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was fair when he refused to participate in making of bad decision regarding financial assistance to Ukraine worth EUR 50 billion because his intentions are not bad, and he is simply trying to insert a dose of realism in the EU’s decisions. She pointed out that Orban seems to take more realistic approach and pays attention to whether or not certain decisions are implementable in practice while Hungary has been calling for stricter oversight of the EU’s assistance for years. She noted that this is a proof of existing polarization within the EU and the EU will not be able to function if it abandons the principle of unanimity in the decision-making process. Moreover, she argued that it is ironic from the EU to insist on B&H meeting certain requirements but when the RS cane out with a proposal to discuss and implement all 14 priorities from the European Commission’s (EC) Opinion, political Sarajevo and even several EU countries were categorically opposed. She stressed that RS was told to focus on specific priorities and leave other for later, which makes her think there is a hidden agenda regarding the B&H CC and presence of foreign judges. She noted that being close to the EU is good for B&H in terms of its participation in the EU’s single market and collective security, but it is hard to understand certain political decisions of the EU as they are causing blockades and standstills. She clarified that she is in favour of the EU integration, but she is against abuses for the purpose of changing B&H’s constitutional setup or taking away the RS’ constitutional competences. Cvijanovic explained that one of 14 priorities from the EC’s Opinion is partly about the importance of the B&H CC’s reform and allowing the structures in B&H to fully take charge of all processes in B&H, meaning B&H officials will run the institutions and foreign judges need to be removed from the B&H CC. According to Cvijanovic, the US is opposed to removal of foreign judges but more importantly, Bosniak political elites are opposed as well, and they do not hide that they are using the CC and the High Representative (HR) to achieve the goals of their policy. She claims that foreign judges are unlikely to be removed from the B&H CC by March when the EC’s new report on B&H will be published.


Viskovic says Ukraine is further away from membership in EU than B&H (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said on Friday in Banja Luka that as much as B&H is far from the membership in the EU, Ukraine is even further away from it. Commenting on the decision of the EU Council to launch accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, but not with B&H too, Viskovic told journalists that he recently asked European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi whether he thinks it is an easy task to explain to B&H citizens how Ukraine and Moldova are ahead of B&H. Viskovic also reminded of the stance of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban not to support the European path of Ukraine at this moment. “Launching of accession talks is buying of time, because elections are near in the EU, several European countries and USA. The situation in Ukraine is no longer the main topic and it is certain that peace is necessary”, Viskovic said and added that the conflict in Gaza is a problem too and claimed that it might reflect on B&H. “It might reflect, because the inflow of migrants to B&H is higher in this year than over the past couple of years. In past, 28,000 migrants entered B&H annually and 33,000 came this year. This can represent a security problem, because they get in mutual conflicts, because of which security agencies are intensively cooperating to prevent any problems”, Viskovic explained.


Covic and Croatian Minister Erlic meet in Mostar; Covic on implementation of reforms on EU path: Everything depends on us (Dnevni Avaz)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic has met with Croatian Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Sime Erlic in Mostar on Friday. Commenting on the European Council’s decision on the EU path of B&H passed on Thursday, Covic stressed that the EU has passed the best decision it could pass taking into consideration 27-member countries and their different interests. He added that it is up to “us” to prove ourselves as it was the case on Thursday when the B&H Council of Ministers passed a law on prevention of money laundering and to complete job with all other laws such as the B&H Election Law, Law on Conflict of Interest etc. Covic concluded: “All of this depends on us. Let’s finish this by the end of the year, adopt the budget, since it is the basic pre-requisite… And then complete everything in January and February, everything depends on us. We should not expect a success or unsuccess through someone’s decisions.” Covic argues that political, legislative and executive authority will have a crucial role. He sent the message that he will do everything so that this year ends successfully. He added that the opposition is very strong, and it will try to prove that the ruling authority is uncappable to do anything. Covic added that it is up to the ruling parties to do something else, and he is convinced that they will succeed. Asked as to when the meeting with partners from the state level coalition will take place, Covic said that it was necessary to hold separate meetings with members of the coalition to agree some things, and thus an agreement on Frontex was reached and thus the agreement on the budget will be reached as well. Covic said that he will try that the joint meeting takes place by Christmas. Erlic said that his visit came at the right moment. He reminded that Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic strongly advocated in Brussels the EU path of B&H and opening of the accession negotiations. He added that having in mind this, they have talks in Mostar and Ljubuski on Friday as to how to give further support to strengthening the capacity of local, regional and national levels, through projects financed by EU funds, whose preparation has been underway. Erlic stressed importance of projects financed by the EU funds. Covic stressed that the whole situation with B&H’s EU path should not be connected to Ukraine and speculations should not be made. According to Covic, it is up to the B&H authorities to prove they are worthy of the opening of the negotiations. “I believe it is high time. In June, the European Parliament (EP) elections will be held. That is when interests will be in an entirely different ambience”, stressed Covic.


US Ambassador Murphy comments on current political situation in B&H, corruption, criticizes Dodik and Izetbegovic (FTV)


In his interview to FTV on Thursday evening, US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy spoke about the current political situation in B&H, corruption as a problem that slows down B&H on the EU path and responsibility of B&H leaders for the current bad situation in the country. He stated that they put their personal interest before the interests of the state; they do not work on implementation of reforms; they pass undefined laws and they affect judicial system, stressing that the US will not stand still and silently watch all this.  According to Murphy, the fact that political leaders engaged in corruptive activities are those who should fight such activities is especially worrying. He reminded of poor fight of B&H authorities against corruption, warning of poor corruption perception index global rankings for B&H. Murphy also spoke about the US sanctions and said that the US sends a clear message by sanctions that are aimed to encourage local actors in the field of judiciary to conduct investigations in order to prosecute all those who inflict damage to the state of B&H. He emphasized that the strengthening of B&H is center of the US engagement in B&H, and he strongly condemned attempts to undermine the constitutional organization of B&H, secessionist policy of RS President Milorad Dodik and disrespect for the Office of the High Representative. Murphy assessed that such activities are anti-Dayton, stressing that Dodik is wrong if he thinks that the US will stand still and watch how he disintegrates the country and leads it towards conflict. He stated that attempts in the RS to close space for civil society, intimidate journalists, to prevent the RS opposition from saying what they want about the ruling structures are quite worrying. “They do not want an active civil society, but they want to silence journalists and to have immunity for their crimes. This is a bad sign and a step backwards”, Murphy asserted. He also commented on SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, stressing that he was not ready for opened cooperation. He reminded that SDA is a party that had significant role in modelling B&H as a state, but that Izetbegovic has changed over the time and he has put his personal financial interest over the interests of SDA and the country, adding that the best example is the way how he controlled the Intelligence and Security Agency (OSA) of B&H.


Izetbegovic responds to Murphy: You presented series of lies and one truth- I am not ready to do as you please (


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic placed a post on his Facebook on Friday, reacting to Thursday’s interview that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy gave to FTV. Izetbegovic said that Murphy presented series of lies about him and one, unintentional truth.  Izetbegovic said that the first lie that Murphy presented is that Izetbegovic placed his personal financial interests above the party and the state, adding that he calls on Murphy to present evidence, instead of frivolous, malicious accusations. “He will not do that, because naturally, he cannot prove it in any way. Just as earlier, when we asked him to present any evidence for his accusations, he did not do that,” said Izetbegovic. The second lie, Izetbegovic said, is Murphy’s claim that Izetbegovic stated that “USA abandoned B&H and changed relations”. Izetbegovic noted that it is obvious that Murphy intends to present the leader of the biggest Bosniak party as an adversary of USA and democracy. He added that he never told “the stupidity” that Murphy accuses him of, “the public is witness to this”. “Quite contrary, I always underscored that the USA is the most important partner for B&H, and I still claim this. The USA has not changed it relation towards B&H, but Ambassador Murphy, because of reasons known only to him, is doing everything so the USA would change relation towards SDA.” Izetbegovic elaborated that for more than a year, Murphy has been presenting groundless, unproven accusations against Izetbegovic and against SDA, accusing them of blockade of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) in the period 2018- 2022, and he even went step further and accused Izetbegovic of the way in which “he managed the OSA”. Izetbegovic noted that the OSA operations were managed by the leadership of the Agency and Osman Mehmedagic as a Director. He also raises the question if Mehmedagic’s work was bad why both him and the OSA were receiving praises for their partnership with US services and why they received special awards. The same goes for the sanctions, Izetbegovic noted, adding that after all these praises and awards, Mehmedagic ended up on the blacklist, following Murphy’s arrival. Izetbegovic underlined that it is obvious that Murphy’s stances toward him and toward SDA changed after failure of talks on electoral reform in Neum. This, Izetbegovic noted, leads to Murphy’s fourth untruth, as he said that Izetbegovic was the one “undermining this important reform”. “He very well knows this is not true, that I was ready for compromise, which would be to my personal detriment, but would enable a balanced solution in relations between Bosniaks and Croats.” He argues that this leads to the only truth that Murphy told on Thursday night, which is that Bakir Izetbegovic “is not ready to work on these matters in a way we wanted”. “If this cooperation comprehends abuse of judgements of the ECHR in a way to accept the Election Law, which would bring additional ethnic changes in B&H and additional deprived Bosniaks of their rights, then I truly am not prepared for such cooperation.” He argues that if he was dishonest or corrupt, as Murphy suggests, he would certainly be more prepared for “’cooperation’ with an ambassador who wears cowboy boots and has cowboy manners.” “Being that I am not, and being that they cannot blackmail me with anything, then the only thing remaining are malicious and groundless lies and accusations.” Izetbegovic noted that this is obviously Murphy’s way to divert attention from his own, unsuccessful project of introducing the ‘Troika’ into the authority and suspension of FB&H Constitution in this purpose, which was an obvious revenge for not accepting the Election Law, tailored by HDZ’s desires. “Everyone, who before the eyes of the public promoted HDZ’s interest, can be rightfully asked- if they have placed their personal financial interest above the interest of B&H citizens and states they represent? It is crystal clear, and majority of B&H citizens sees that Murphy’s project is a major failure, that the state is not making progress with forced expulsion of SDA from authority, that there are no reforms, no progress towards the EU and NATO, no progress in the fight against corruption, that things are moving backwards, that Murphy’s favourites in the authority are lost…  All this is a result of a failed experiment directed by Michael Murphy. And he will always remain remembered by this failure- as the worst US Ambassador that ever came to B&H,” ends Izetbegovic.


Dodik responds to Murphy’s statement on him leading B&H into conflict: For us in the RS, he is an ordinary Serb-hater and destroyer of everything good that was between the US and the RS (Srna/RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy interferes directly in the internal affairs of the country with every step he makes, which is not the job of any diplomat, especially him who is only the US Ambassador in the FB&H, but not in the RS. “For us in the RS, he is an ordinary Serb-hater and destroyer of everything good that was between the US and the RS”, Dodik emphasized. He emphasized that Murphy’s arrogance is unacceptable to such an extent that only subjects, such as exist in the FB&H, can accept his behaviour. Dodik was asked by Srna to comment on Murphy’s statement that “the US will not sit on the sidelines and watch as the RS President leads B&H into conflict”. “B&H, Mister Murphy, is a state union made up of two equal entities and three constituent peoples - Serbs, Croats and Muslims, and we will not allow ourselves to be a minority, to be threatened by anyone, for someone to steal our territory, not even a great power like is America. We do not give what is ours, and you can threaten as much as you want”, Dodik stated. He told Murphy that the RS is not the wild west, nor are tribes living in it, but it is the European Serb nation with its glorious history and tradition.


Russian Ambassador Kalabukhov harshly criticizes US Ambassador Muprhy’s interview (Oslobodjenje)


Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov reacted on Facebook Friday to an interview with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and he said that despite of the fact that the DPA was written in English, there is a permanent feeling that the US Ambassador does not understand either a letter or the spirit of this international-legal document. Kalabukhov added: “The USA rejects the international law in favor of mythical rules that the world is allegedly based on. The best example is support of Washington to surrogate “High Representative” even when sparrows at the fence of White House in Sarajevo understand illegitimacy of that figure. As for interpretation of Vladimir Putin’s statement by the US Ambassador, I remind that the Russian President literally said the following: the future of B&H should be determined by its citizens. Of course, the US Ambassador disagrees with this. He has basically formulated for B&H his, Murphy’s law, which reads: “B&H – it is me, Michael Murphy. This is so since the US Ambassador decided who is a good politician, and who is a totalitarian one…. Which journalist is free (of course, that is the one paid by the US Ambassador) and which one spreads malign propaganda (the one who writes about neo-colonial habits of America). And finally, the US Ambassador, Michael Almighty, imposes sanctions against disobedient ones. There is a concrete example of the Ambassador’s acting. He keeps underlining that he supports B&H’s joining the EU. Has he read 14, famous conditions? Barely. The US Ambassadors do not read the conditions, they dictate them. And they clearly read that for the sake of the EU membership B&H, must abolish the agreement with the USA on non-extradition of US citizens to the ICJ. It turns out that the US Ambassador supports abolishing of the bilateral agreement with the USA.” Kalabukhov wonders as to how Washington will react to this. He added: “The US Ambassador simply humiliates EU representatives, being aware that they will dance as he plays. And if Washington orders it, they will admit B&H “taking the geo-political situation into account” along with this agreement and the OHR. An all this happens with hypocritical mantras about respecting of sovereignty of B&H that were widely mentioned in the interview of the US Ambassador.”


Dodik agrees with Putin’s statement he argues that there is no cooperation with America and Britain (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated on Thursday night that there is no cooperation with the USA and UK because their goal is a unitary B&H, which is not in interest of Serb people, but it is necessary to wait for global processes and changes. He stressed that the RS is stable but shares the destiny of global processes and has certain issues with constant closing of the access to financial institutions. “However, we are meeting all our obligations, and if we were unable to do that, we will make a list of priorities of what we have to and what we do not want, but what is certain is that the RS will not lose”. Dodik added that he is extremely glad that the ATV journalist asked Russian President Vladimir Putin about this, during Putin’s annual press conference. “Putin very directly said what there is to say. We are a very small community and at the moment not more than 900,000 spend the night in the RS regardless of the fact that according to the census, there is 1, 100, 000 of us, and this small community is targeted by the global process, which is named stripping the RS of competencies by side of western countries, America and Britain most notably,” said Dodik. He said there is no cooperation with them, but it is necessary to wait for global processes and changes. “We want Bosniaks and Croats freely living here with us,” said Dodik.


Viskovic: Putin’s stance confirms there is no future of B&H without internal agreement (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic commented the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin that he agrees with stances of the RS leadership, concerning the situation in B&H. “Putin does not have cheerleading stance and aspiration to interfere in B&H’s internal matters. Dayton Peace Agreement has to be respected here,” said Viskovic. Viskovic said that Putin confirmed that the only framework in which B&H can function normally is the Dayton Agreement, adding that it is absurd that many do not want to hear this attitude. "The man said only the facts. There is no future for B&H without the agreement of the people who live here, as stated in the Constitution, without the agreement of the three constituent peoples and two entities, without the interference of the foreign factor," Viskovic said.


RS officials say Putin sent important messages to RS (RTRS)


At a time when international forces and political Sarajevo are working to destroy the RS, Russian President Vladimir Putin sends a strong message to the leadership and the people of RS – ‘Russia is the guardian of the Dayton Peace Agreement and stands for the internal agreement of the three constituent peoples, without foreigners. At Putin's appeal, the arrival of Russian media in the RS was announced already the following year. Putin, once again in front of the whole world, said that the future of the RS and B&H should be decided by the people who live there, regardless of what solutions foreigners try to impose on them. “We are familiar with the situation in the RS and B&H. As for the future of B&H and the RS, it should be determined by the people who live in that territory”, Putin told members of the press. According to Putin, the assessments of the situation from the Russian side completely coincide with the views of the leadership of RS. However, the West has the interest of disempowering the RS, says RS President Milorad Dodik. That is why Putin's words of support are extremely significant for the RS and its citizens. Russia has always been a diplomatic ally of the RS, protecting the interests of the RS entity in the international political arena and within key organizations, especially the United Nations. And so, Putin's words of support, even at the time of orchestrated attacks, do not surprise RS officials. “He defends the position of Dayton, and the RS is recognized within Dayton. We want to govern together with the three peoples, to live in a country where we can come to an agreement. We do not want to live in a country where we will knock on the ambassador's door and ask him if we can sign the decree”, points out Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. Experts also agree - Russia, just like the leadership of the RS, is fully committed to preserving the constitutional and legal order, which was guaranteed to the RS by the Dayton Agreement. Although there is not a single Russian media outlet in the RS, a colony of Western media accused the RS of spreading the so-called malignant Russian influence. “It is a pity that there is no Russian media. So, we need to consider this, and I will ask my colleagues to consider what can be done in this regard”, Putin said. Immediately ‘RT’ television announced the entry of Russian media into the RS. In this way, the Russian view of the world will be presented, in the “sea of Western propaganda”.


Court of B&H rejects request for transfer of case of trial of Dodik to competent court in Banja Luka (RTRS)


The Court of B&H rejected the appeal of the defense of RS President Milorad Dodik to move the trial to the competent court in Banja Luka, attorney Goran Bubic told RTRS. He pointed out that the defense also received a summons for the hearing on December 20. He says that the defense will send a proposal to the Court on Friday that the new date is postponed, because the Court has not made a decision on the second proposal since 11 December. Anto Nobilo, the legal advisor of Dodik’s defense team confirmed on Friday that the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H denied motion of Dodik's defense team against earlier decision to refuse to transfer the trial to the competent court in Banja Luka.


Croatian MEP: West exposed to pressure of new policies and alliances (Hina)


The world that the West has been building since the end of the Second World War is facing growing pressure of authoritarian policies and new alliances, Croatian member of the European Parliament, Tonino Picula has told Hina. Recently, the European Parliament has adopted a report submitted by Picula, who is a member of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (PES), on the relationship between the USA and the European Union, and the report calls for strengthening the cooperation between the EU and the USA against a backdrop of more and more global crises. Picula, a member of the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs, and a substitute member of the EP delegation for relations with the United States, says that after the Cold War, the West is for the first time facing consolidated forces worldwide as well as inside the Western World which do not share the values of the Western civilisation. Picula’s report was adopted with a tally of 485 votes for and 77 votes against. This has been the second report prepared by Picula on this matter. His first report on this topic was adopted in late 2021. “At that time, Joe Biden won the US presidential elections and the world started recovering from the coronavirus crisis, which was why we thought that our transatlantic cooperation would be better and better,” Picula told Hina. “However, those expectations proved to be unrealistic.” Picula recalled that just a few months after the adoption of that first report, Russian President Vladimir Putin started implementing his plans through the invasion of Ukraine, said the Croatian MEP. In Picula’s mind, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine seems to have consolidated the positions of different authoritarian policies and states that have opted to work on a sort of counterorder at the global level. He said that he referred to Moscow and Beijing and some other countries that regard the West as their enemy, such as Iran and North Korea. The West is facing now a sort of consolidated forces that do not share Western political values, in addition, they have confronting economic interests, he said, recalling that currently, China is the main military and economic trading partner for nearly 130 countries worldwide. On the other hand, the USA and the EU cannot catch up with such developments which is why it is necessary to review the current transatlantic relations.


MEP calls for protecting long-standing fundamental transatlantic alliance

During the debate on his report in the EP, Picula said that “the idea of this report was to summarise some expectations and recommendations on transatlantic relations as our position ahead of the elections next year on both sides of the Atlantic.” “Our imperative is to send a clear message on how we see our cooperation, and what it should be in the months and years to come to protect this long-standing fundamental alliance and make it as resilient as possible to the various election’s outcomes. “Strong transatlantic cooperation is founded on the principle that a partnership of joint leadership and responsibility is necessary to weather the storm of multiple crises on both sides of the Atlantic. We must not refrain from repeating that the US is the EU’s most significant political and economic partner, and vice versa. “Russian aggression on Ukraine changed many things. It’s the most direct attack on international law. It’s also the clearest example of reversing the multilateral system since the fall of the Berlin Wall,” Picula said in the debate. Picula called for “additional revitalisation of transatlantic relations”. “In light of multiple threats and crises confronting both sides of the Atlantic, we must continue strong transatlantic cooperation. Together, we must defend multilateralism and tackle the dangerous geopolitical realities that affect common values, interests, security and prosperity.”


Super-election year

Picula also notes that 2024 will be a super-election year, with the elections being held in the USA, the EU as well as in 70 countries worldwide. As many as 4.2 billion citizens will be eligible to go to the polls. Picula warned about fake news and disinformation in the run-up to the elections and also about authoritarian regimes taking advantage of the elections, where the outcome is already known, as a facade behind which undemocratic developments can go on.


Mandic supported Vucic in Belgrade; citizens outraged: You, poor Montenegro (CdM)


The fact that parliament speaker of Montenegro Andrija Mandic appeared last night at the election headquarters of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in Belgrade and was next to Aleksandar Vucic while presenting the election results caused a storm on social networks. There are many who criticized PM Milojko Spajic for this act, accusing him and Europe Now Movment (PES) of bringing Mandic to the position of the parliament speaker. “Are PES and Democrats mourning as they do not say a word about this servitude of the first man of the parliament? Is this the path to Europe that you took to lead us?”, the citizens asked. Vatroslav Belan, the leader of the Liberal Party, also posted a comment on the X social network. He stressed, among other things, that we normalized that kind of behaviour thanks to the 2020 “refreshment” and the genius vision of those who created the 44th government of Montenegro. URA official and former economy minister Goran Djurovic wrote that it was not disputable that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, was celebrating the victory of his party. He added that it was not disputable that the NSD leader was going to celebrate. It was controversial that the parliament speaker of Montenegro went to celebrate the victory of a party in another country, Djurovic wrote. SD MP Nikola Zirojevic responded to his post saying that it was dubious that Dritan Abazovic, after everything he did, after all the humility he showed towards his boss, was not invited to celebrate. LP official Ammar Borancic also reacted to Mandic’s behaviour. He said that Mandic once again – shamefully, humiliatingly, without any shame, demonstrated that he was only ikebana, a pawn and a badge on the lapel of the disastrous policy of Vucic and his clique. The best conclusion to this event was the statement of one citizen: “You, poor Montenegro”.


Osmani: Congratulations to Ukraine and Moldova, could have been day to celebrate here too (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani on Friday congratulated Ukraine and Moldova on the EU's decision to start negotiations with the two countries. "Congratulations to Ukraine and Moldova on starting negotiations with the EU," FM Osmani wrote on Facebook. "Today could also have been a day for our country to celebrate and open chapters, but the anti-European dark forces are holding two million citizens hostage. Just a while longer!" he wrote. Top EU member state officials on Thursday at the EU Summit decided to open membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova. Conclusions from the EU Enlargement debate also include North Macedonia's accession process, noting that the bloc is ready to complete the opening phase of the negotiations as soon as the country adopts the constitutional changes as referred to in the Council conclusions of 18 July 2022.


Kovachevski says will resign 100 days before elections, expects to discuss caretaker government with Mickoski soon (MIA)


SDSM leader and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Friday he expects to meet the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, soon in order to talk about the caretaker government. “Of course, we will hold a meeting with the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, because I believe that’s the most regular communication during which we will discuss these topics. After all, this isn’t something that we can interpret freely, it’s a legal provision regarding ministries and posts filled by each of the parties represented in parliament, in line with the legislation,” said Kovachevski in answer to media questions. Asked when he would meet Mickoski, Kovachevski said it would happen soon, noting that he doesn’t expect a “pompous leaders’ meeting” since the meeting will focus on technical issues. Kovachevski said the establishment of a caretaker government is a legal obligation and stressed that it will happen. “If we are focusing on the rule of law then we can’t say a certain law will be followed, while another law won’t be, or this law will be followed precisely as it is written, and a different law will be followed in some other way. It is my legal obligation as a Prime Minister to resign 100 days before the holding of the elections, and I will do that within the legal deadline. Similarly, it is the obligation of the political parties, in line with the law, to propose their own representatives who will be a part of the caretaker government that will organize the elections,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski underscored that the process is clear, and all legal procedures will be carried out in the coming period to realize it.


VMRO-DPMNE says no Kovachevski meeting announcement yet, caretaker government decision this week (MIA)


There is still no announcement for a meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and VMRO-DPMNE's decision over its participation in the caretaker government will be made this week, the opposition party has told MIA. PM Kovachevski told reporters on Friday that he would soon meet with VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski over the caretaker government issue. “Of course, we will hold a meeting with the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, because I believe that’s the most regular communication during which we will discuss these topics. After all, this isn’t something that we can interpret freely, it’s a legal provision regarding ministries and posts filled by each of the parties represented in Parliament, in line with the legislation,” said Kovachevski.


Meloni, Rama and Sunak discuss illegal migration and intensification of cooperation (Radio Tirana)


The Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni received the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Rishi Sunak, and the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, in a meeting at the seat of the government "Palazzo Chigi" in Rome. "Today I held a constructive meeting at Palazzo Chigi with the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Rishi Sunak, and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, Edi Rama," said the Italian Prime Minister on Instagram. "Together, we agreed on the need to tackle illegal immigration in Europe in an increasingly structured way and to further intensify cooperation between our countries to fight human traffickers," Meloni said. "We also reiterated the importance of achieving a final stabilization of the Western Balkans, also on the basis of the progress made recently in the process of the enlargement of the region to the EU", she added. On the official website of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on social networks, he wrote about the meeting he had with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. As written in the post, in the meeting they agreed to work together to prevent illegal immigration of Albanians towards England. 'Today in Rome the Prime Minister met Italian PM Giorgia Melon and Albanian PM Edi Rama, agreeing to intensify joint work to tackle illegal migration and combat the organised people smuggling gangs that fuel it. Together, we will stop the boats' writes Sunak.


Rama meets Elon Musk in Italy, Musk-Rama: I would like to come to Albania (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama met in Italy the founder of Space X and the owner of the X social network, Elon Musk. "With Mister X in Rome", Rama writes on social networks, as he shared footage from the meeting with Elon Musk. In his conversation with Prime Minister Rama, Elon Musk said that he would like to come to Albania. The head of the government replied that, "You should come, there is a lot to see and do in Albania, but above all, I'm sure you won't regret it". Rama was in Rome yesterday at the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, where he participate in the days of politics, culture and debate in Atreju 2023. Rama also held a conversation with journalists Maurizio Belpietro, director of La Verita and Andrea Malaguti, director of La Stampa. In the conversation, Rama said that the agreement with Italy for immigrants is natural and that there is nothing unconstitutional.


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs meets Guterres: Albania is unwavering in its commitment to the UN priorities (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani held a meeting in New York with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres. The focus of the meeting was Albania's work during its two-year mandate in the UN Security Council, and the efforts to revitalize multilateral cooperation. Minister Hasani assured Secretary Guterres of Albania's unwavering commitment to protecting human rights, upholding international law, the UN Charter and accountability ensuring. The end of 2023 also marks the end of Albania's two-year mandate as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. "During this two-year period, our country, with its dedication and active participation in the work of the Council, has clearly proven that it belongs to an alliance of political-strategic values ​​consolidated for years, as a country that has made and continues to make an essential contribution to peace and global stability, having as a priority the region, the European continent and beyond", says the press release of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.


The "Open Data 2023" report-Albania is now also under European monitoring (Radio Tirana)


The EU has included Albania and the region in the ninth annual European report on the maturity level of open data throughout Europe. The Open Data Maturity Report 2023 records the progress made by EU Member States as they advance the publication and use of open data, as well as the various priorities set to enable this. The annual report is based on a self-assessment survey that was completed by 35 countries. The drafters estimate that while it remains a mechanism focused on the EU, the 2023 report has also included 5 candidate countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine. The evaluation of the report focuses on four indicators. Countries' open data policies and strategies, their impact, the quality of the national portal in terms of access and interaction within the open data community, and the quality of the data itself. Based on these dimensions and the grouping into four groups from the most mature to the least mature, the report helps to make recommendations for each of them. Last year, Albania recorded an entry of 40% of the European level of the data system, while this year's increase is found to be 42%. Albania's current level in relation to the other 34 countries of the report is challenging, while in one of the data quality indicators, it exceeds the European average. This year, the EU-27 Member States have increased the average maturity of open data from 79% in 2022 to 83%, with outstanding performances by Slovakia and Latvia. Among the candidate countries, Montenegro has achieved the most significant increase from year to year in the overall result.