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Belgrade Media Report 19 March



Vucic: There is no kind of agreement related to use of Serbian Dinar (RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said yesterday after a ceremony to mark the beginning of works to build a new factory of the company JFE Shoji SERBIA, that there is no agreement regarding the use of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, because the demand is that Serbia abolishes its own currency in its own territory. "I have no expectations. What I said is something with far-reaching consequences, and I will talk about it in more detail on Friday. There is no agreement on the dinar issue, you are asking us to agree to abolish our own currency in our own territory. We will not and we cannot," Vucic said in response to a journalist's asking about the Brussels agreement, and if there has been any progress when it comes to the status of the Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic added that the Europeans (EU) can do it by force, together with Pristina (authorities), but that Serbia will find a way to deliver money to its people. "No problem, we will struggle, our people will struggle, but you will not be able to say that there has been an agreement," he said. Vucic added that it changes the entire game, going forward. "I'm just waiting for them, to see this regarding the Council of Europe, and then they will have to face the fact that I will reveal to the whole world how and in what ways they lied and deceived Serbia and what they did against Serbia - not the ones in Pristina, but these Westerners who had presented themselves as honest brokers and honest mediators," he said. Regarding the upcoming discussion in the Council of Europe (CoE) about so called Kosovo's bid to join, he said that "it will be interesting" - but that on Friday, when he returns from Brussels, he will speak about everything. "About a lot of things, and then I will present information about various issues, that many will be surprised by. Both regarding corruption and crime, but also EU integration, relations with Pristina, about everything that is happening in RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina as it concerns the Serb people. I am preparing for Friday," the president said, in response to a journalist's question to comment on the upcoming debate in the Council of Europe.


Vucic: No voter roll access to foreigners (FoNet/N1/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Monday that he is prepared to exert influence and ask the Serbian government members to allow the opposition parties to inspect the voter roll, in line with the personal data protection rules. Vucic told reporters in the town of Indjija he will ask the government to “allow access to the voter roll to our political rivals, but not to foreigners”. I inquired, as much as I could, and it was established that only one person from the village of Mala Krsna registered residence in Belgrade, Vucic told an N1 reporter, adding he believes the reporter is far too serious, responsible, capable and educated to allow himself to repeat what the deputy leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), Marinika Tepic, recently claimed. Tepic said Monday that she is sure she isn’t wrong when she says that head of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Executive Board Branko Malovic is the main organizer of the “moving” of voters from the town of Kovin and village to Mala Krsna to Belgrade municipalities. We have to secure full confidence in the electoral process, said Vucic. He added that he would be willing to accept the request of the NADA coalition to set up an expert group that would inspect the voter roll.


Brnabic: Derecognitions of so-called Kosovo biggest success of Serbian authorities (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The candidate for Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic said on Monday derecognitions of the so-called Kosovo by 28 countries since 2012 were the greatest success of the present Serbian authorities. All that was to be lost in Kosovo and Metohija was lost by 2012 "in order to appease the West and Western partners, starting from 2001, when the authorities at the time released more than 1,800 (Kosovo) Albanian terrorists", Brnabic said in the national parliament. "That is how it started, and it continued in 2004, when there was a pogrom against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija but the Belgrade authorities were silent and doing absolutely nothing," Brnabic said. From their offices, they watched the Devic monastery and the Church of Our Lady of Ljevis burn and the Serbs being ethnically cleansed from six cities and nine municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija, Brnabic said. "And then, there was a declaration of independence by a group of people in Pristina in 2008, when our authorities at the time issued a press release. Then, in 2010, the talks were moved to Brussels from the UN, where we also have friends and partners that do not recognise the so-called, false republic of Kosovo, and so on," she said. Brnabic said derecognitions of the so-called Kosovo and unity of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija were the greatest successes of the present Serbian authorities.


Vucic, Dodik announce great Easter assembly of Serbia, RS (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that a great Easter Assembly of Serbia and Republika Srpska would be held in Belgrade and other parts of the country on 5 and 6 May. This was agreed after hours of talks with Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik on March 18, with the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church in attendance, Vucic's office said in a press release. "Important decisions will be made at this assembly about the survival of the Serb people on their hearths, economic progress, the preservation of the Serbian language, the Cyrillic alphabet and shared cultural heritage," the press release read. The new government of Serbia and the government of Republika Srpska, the statement added, will prepare a declaration and possibly other general documents to submit for adoption to the parliaments of both countries. "We informed Serbian Patriarch Porfirije about the gravity of the political situation the entire Serb people are in and asked his holiness for blessings and the support of the Serbian Orthodox Church," the statement reads.


Dacic: UNSC session on NATO aggression on FRY scheduled for 25 March (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic confirmed on Monday that Russia, as a UNSC member state, had proposed that the UN top body meet this month to mark the 25th anniversary of the 1999 NATO aggression on the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and that Japan, which presides over the UNSC this month, had said it would grant such a request. "That does not mean there will be no additional obstructions but, as things now stand, the proposal is that the session be held on Monday, 25 March, and it will be dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia," Dacic told Tanjug. He said the details - including whether a state would request a vote on the procedure and whether the session be open to the public or held behind closed doors - were yet to be discussed. "We will see in the days to come. What is certain is that a high-ranking representative of Serbia will definitely take part in the session," Dacic said. He said that, above all, Serbia expected its stance to be heard at the session. "Because it was an illegal aggression, an illegal decision without UNSC consent, and the start of the destruction of international law and, in general, the principle of preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty," Dacic said.


Trilateral meeting of Petkovic, Lajcak and Bislimi begins in Brussels (Tanjug/RTV)


A trilateral meeting of the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina, Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi, and the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak began in Brussels shortly before 1 pm on Tuesday. Previously, a delegation of experts from Belgrade that was led by Petkovic met with an EU delegation headed by Lajcak. Petkovic, who is also the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, announced earlier the meeting would address all issues important for de-escalation in Kosovo and Metohija, including establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities and Pristina's ban on the Serbian Dinar. Previously, Lajcak also met with Pristina's chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi.


ODIHR confirms invitation to observe Belgrade elections (N1)


ODIHR sources told N1 that the organization received an invitation from the Serbian authorities to observe the June elections for the Belgrade City Assembly. The sources said that the OSCE/ODIHR will send an observer mission to Belgrade in June. They added that no details about the mission, its size or date of deployment have been agreed because the date of the elections has not been officially set.


Serbian parliament constitutive session resumes (Beta)


Serbian parliament constitutive session resumed on 19 March with a debate on election of parliament speaker and deputy speaker and working bodies. For parliament speaker, the Serbian Progressive Party led coalition, which secured absolute majority in the December elections, has nominated Ana Brnabic, the incumbent prime minister and the Progressives’ Belgrade chapter commissioner. During the 19 March debate, Progressives’ MP Milenko Jovanov read a short biography of Brnabic without giving any comments on her candidacy. The session, presided by Stojan Radenovic as the oldest MP until the election of parliament speaker, has seen heavy accusations levelled against the opposition, including those that their ideology was that of Nazism and that they wanted to provoke a civil war. The opposition responded with booing, noise, banners on election fraud, and a performance act with MPs holding the Oscar statuettes alluding to a report by investigative portal KRIK, revealing that drug lord Darko Saric’s correspondence via the Sky application mentioned the code name “Oscar”, which some in Serbia believe is actually the nickname used for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.




B&H HoP’s session interrupted after Law on B&H CC was included in agenda and after Bosniak Caucus decides to leave session (Hayat)


Hayat wondered whether new political crisis is at scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Namely, delegates were supposed to discuss amendments to the Election Law of B&H at a session of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) held on Monday. However, they failed to do so, because delegates from the Bosniak Caucus left the session after a proposal of amendments to the Law on B&H Constitutional Court (CC) proposed by SDS’ Zelimir Neskovic was included in agenda of this session. Head of Bosniak Caucus Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) said that decision to leave the session was passed because an attack on the constitutional order of B&H took place. He added that proposed amendments are in opposition to the Constitution of B&H. Reporter noted that those who supported including the proposal of amendments to the Law on B&H CC in agenda of Monday’s session of the B&H HoP explained that amending of the Law on B&H CC is one of tasks B&H needs to fulfil in order to make progress on the EU path. Reporter commented that this regulation is not at the EU’s list of priorities set before B&H. Reporter wondered whether this is a real motive to support Neskovic’s amendments or intention to remove foreign judges from the B&H CC. Neskovic explained that goal of regulation he proposed is protection of Serb people and Republika Srpska (RS). He explained that over last several years, a number of B&H CC decisions were passed by outvoting of Serb judges. Commenting the decision of delegates from the Bosniak Caucus to leave the session, SNSD’s Nikola Spiric underlined that this represents an attempt to dispute right of one delegate to propose a law. Representatives of HDZ B&H explained that they supported including of the amendments proposed by Neskovic in the agenda of Monday session of the B&H HoP, adding that they would not support these amendments. Delegate in the Croat Caucus Zlatko Miletic said that some delegates who criticized Bosniak delegates for leaving the session of the B&H HoP participated in two blockades of work of the B&H HoP in the last mandate, adding that these blockades lasted for almost two years.


HR Schmidt: Removal of international judges from B&H CC would violate Constitution and principles of independent jurisdiction (AJB)


After a session of the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) was interrupted on Monday, High Representative Christian Schmidt reminded B&H parliamentarians that replacement of international judges of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H would violate the Constitution and the independent jurisdiction principle. “The High Representative, as the guardian of the Dayton Agreement, cannot accept any legislative initiatives in this direction. Judges enjoy security of tenure and the consideration of ethnic criteria in passing judgments violates every international legal standard. Judges should render verdicts independently and impartially, based on the law. With such initiatives, B&H is deviating from the European path,” the Office of the High Representative (OHR) wrote on X platform.


FAC holds session ahead of session of European Council; Schallenberg: There is possibility B&H will be finally given green light for beginning of pre-accession negotiations (Nova BH)


The Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) held a session on Monday ahead of a two-day-session of the European Council that is supposed to decide on whether B&H will get a date for the beginning of the negotiations with the EU. Ahead of the meeting, Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg stated that stated that there is a possibility that B&H will be finally given a green light for the beginning of pre-accession negotiations. He added that for the EU itself it is important that stability in Western Balkans is secured since there is no vacuum in politics. He said: “I do not want to point fingers at some countries, but there is a clear recommendation of the European Commission (EC). If you consider what has been achieved in B&H in past years, we simply should be aware that there is no vacuum in politics. Therefore, either we, as the EU, will manage to export our way of life there, to secure security and stability, or we shall face with an alternative way of life there at some moment, which can come from Russia, which can come from China, which can come from some other place. And this cannot be in our interest.” Schallenberg underlined the importance of this process stating that the beginning of negotiations for B&H is absolutely necessary and deserved. The Minister said: “B&H has taken significant steps, and it will probably take further steps this week. We simply must resist this fire ring, which surrounds Europe, with a ring of stability. And from our perspective, this also includes stabilization of neighborhood in southeast Europe, in Western Balkans, and approaching the EU.” Schallenberg also said that “one must not forget that the southeastern Europe, i.e. the Western Balkans, is not just any neighborhood surrounded by the EU states. It is a front porch of the EU’s house, not a back yard.”


Dodik meets EUFOR Commander, stresses importance of continuation of good cooperation of RS institutions and EUFOR; Karan also meets Sticz (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik has received EUFOR Commander, Major General Laszlo Sticz, in the RS Palace on Monday. Dodik said that the RS is stable in terms of politics and security, and he stressed commitment of RS institutions to dialogue, preservation of peace and stability with consistent respecting of the DPA and B&H Constitution. Dodik stressed importance of continuation of good cooperation of RS institutions and EUFOR and he stressed that he appreciates a professional and neutral approach of Althea mission. RS Minister of the Interior Sinisa Karan also met with Sticz and informed him that the security situation in the RS is satisfactory.


Putin’s victory sparks positive reactions in RS (RTRS)


RTRS carries comments to the re-election of Vladimir Putin as the President of the Russian Federation. “The results of the presidential elections confirmed the consolidation of the Russian people around Vladimir Putin and his program and showed that the Russian Federation is becoming stronger, despite unprecedented pressure from the collective West”, reads the Russian Embassy’s statement. RS President Milorad Dodik immediately congratulated Putin on his victory and said that Putin's fifth term as the Russian President is confirmation that he has enormous trust of the Russian people and that he is leading the country in the right direction. Dodik emphasized that Putin’s convincing victory in the presidential elections was greeted with joy among the Serb people as well, because they see him as a great statesman and friend who can always be relied on and who cares about Serbs. “I congratulate President Putin, a dear friend of the RS and the Serb people, on his new mandate. I wish him good health, strength and perseverance on his way to save Russia and bring peace and a better future to the whole world,” Dodik wrote on X platform. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic congratulated the re-election of Putin for the President of Russian Federation. Cvijanovic expressed her willingness to improve the cooperation and partnership with the Russian Federation and added that Putin’s convincing victory and the achieved result are confirmation of the unequivocal trust and support of Russian citizens. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic said that Putin’s victory marks the start of a new phase of diplomacy and international relations, and the rule of a multi-polar world, that will work harder to achieve peace and agreement. He added that the Serb people are also hoping that there will come a time when they can fight for their dignity, independence and autonomous decision-making. The RS Palace was illuminated in colours of the Russian flag on Monday night as a sign of friendship between the RS and the Russian Federation and in honour of a victory of Vladimir Putin at presidential elections.


Constitutional Court: The President of the Republic of Croatia cannot be a candidate in the elections (HRT)


“On Monday, the Constitutional Court concluded that the President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, may not participate in the political activities of any political party while performing his duties,” announced the President of the Constitutional Court, Miroslav Separovic, on Monday. “The Constitutional Court published the following warning regarding the statements of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, saying that he will run in the elections. At the session held on 18 March, the Constitutional Court considered the statement of the President of the Republic,” said Miroslav Separovic. “The Constitutional Court also considered the president's statements on his Facebook page that he will remain president,” he continued. “The Constitutional Court is obliged to warn all bodies and participants of the electoral process in a timely manner about the immediate responsibility for the decisions they make. Those decisions must be harmonized with the fundamental values of the state,” he said. “Article 96 of the Constitution stipulates that the president cannot perform any other public or professional duty and that he leaves the party after the election. He is a non-partisan person and while performing that duty he must not participate in the political activities of any political party, which excludes any possibility of the president being a candidate on the list for the election of deputies or nominated as a candidate for Prime Minister,” he added. “If, based on his statements, the President of the Republic, while holding that office, runs for election to the Croatian parliament, or appears in public as a future candidate for Prime Minister, he must immediately submit his resignation to the President of the Constitutional Court, in which case the duty of the interim President of the Republic, per the power of the Constitution, is assumed by the Croatian parliament Speaker,” the Constitutional Court concluded. Zoran Milanovic repeated on Sunday in Lipovljani that he will not resign from the position of president of the Republic of Croatia and that he will be the SDP's prime ministerial candidate in the elections and pending the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the candidacy, he referred to "a few sentences in the Constitution", and he sees it completely differently. Milanovic repeated that he will remain a candidate for prime minister regardless of whether he remains on the SDP slate.

Separovic: "If, based on his statements, the President of the Republic, while holding that office, runs for election to the Croatian Parliament, or appears in public as a future candidate for Prime Minister, he must immediately submit his resignation to the President of the Constitutional Court, in which case the duty of the interim President of the Republic by virtue of the Constitution, is taken over by the Croatian parliament speaker (Article 97, paragraph 3 of the Constitution). Elections for the new President of the Republic must be held within 60 days from the date of assumption of office by the temporary President of the Republic (Article 97, paragraph 5 of the Constitution). In the case of the resignation of the President of the Republic and assuming the duties of the interim President of the Republic, the interim President of the Republic cannot simultaneously, in addition to holding that office, be a candidate for election to the Croatian parliament. The Constitutional Court also recalls that the responsibility for the legal consequences of constitutionally unacceptable decisions rests with their makers. Any action or behavior of the President of the Republic of Croatia contrary to the aforementioned constitutional prohibitions and requirements is contrary to the Constitution. Bearing in mind the resulting constitutional and legal situation, the Constitutional Court emphasizes that the entire electoral process of these parliamentary elections, from their announcement until the expiration of the deadline from Article 90 in connection with Article 88 of the Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, will be under the strict supervision of the Constitutional Court. If it determines that the participants in the elections are acting contrary to the Constitution or the law, the Constitutional Court will use its powers from Article 89 of the Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, from informing the public to annulling all or certain electoral actions and decisions, starting from the candidacy procedure and on. The Constitutional Court calls on the President of the Republic and the political party Social Democratic Party of Croatia (SDP) to, in accordance with this warning, immediately stop activities that are contrary to the Constitution, and the State Election Commission of the Republic of Croatia, in accordance with its powers, to ensure that the electoral process is held in accordance with the Constitution, laws and with its mandatory instructions, respecting the views from this warning." The President of the Constitutional Court, Miroslav Separovic, assessed that we have a political, not a constitutional, crisis, but we also have the institutions that can eliminate it. “The State Election Commission is responsible for the conduct of elections, and I hope that it will carry out its task as before. I will not answer hypothetical questions. What will happen in the future, will we have to resort to constitutional powers... There are enough instruments for campaigning and there is no need to resort to unconstitutional means and violate the Constitution,” Separovic said. Answering journalist's questions after the session of the Constitutional Court, Separovic said that Zoran Milanovic can be a mandate holder after the election, if he behaves in accordance with the Constitution and the law until then. “I don't want to prejudge the possibilities. I hope and am convinced that there will be no other possibilities and that the president, and the SDP will adhere to the Constitution and warnings,” said Separovic. He further clarified that Milanović is not allowed to participate actively in the campaign, promote the party, participate in rallies and give interviews as a candidate in the elections. When asked if SDP president Pedja Grbin can now say that Milanović is SDP's candidate for prime minister, Separovic replied to journalists that they prejudged that Grbin would say "I do not respect the decision of the Constitutional Court and I will not abide by it". "I don't believe that Grbin will say that because it is against the rule of law," he added. Separovic pointed out that in the event that Milanovic ignores the conclusions of the Constitutional Court, the court will use all options –up to the cancellation of all electoral actions, but he said that he is sure that this will not happen. “This decision does not prevent the president from continuing, as a person who has constitutional powers, to act as the president of the Republic. But what he has been doing since Friday is no longer allowed,” he emphasized. Journalists were interested in whether Milanovic could be relieved of his duties as president of the Republic of Croatia. “We did not conduct the dismissal procedure. That's impossible at the moment. We did not establish a violation of the Constitution that would lead to the termination of his office, but we determined that the president violated the Constitution from Friday to Sunday by participating in party statements and saying that he would be a candidate for prime minister,” he said. Separovic also said that he cannot say whether Milanovic will be declared incompetent, stressing that such a declaration does not exist for him. The President of the Constitutional Court specified that the two judges, who voted against the decision, argued their action with technical difficulties because it has not been fully clarified when the President of the Republic of Croatia can appear and participate in political processes. Before the session of the Constitutional Court, constitutional judge Ingrid Anticevic Marinovic asserted that she "has her own convictions", but also that she must listen to her colleagues. “All decisions have their slightly easier and slightly harder things. As for me, I have my own convictions, but my colleagues should always be heard. We will see if there will be a unanimous decision,” she said. To the same question, her colleague, constitutional judge Goran Selanec, replied that he thought the Constitutional Court had made more difficult decisions. “We will see that at the session. I think there were more difficult decisions than these,” he added. Zoran Milanovic repeated on Sunday in Lipovljani that he will not resign from the position of president of the Republic of Croatia and that he will be the prime ministerial candidate of the SDP in the elections, and while waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the candidacy, he referred to it as 'a few sentences in the Constitution', and he 'sees it completely differently'. “These are a few sentences in the Constitution that some people interpret as if they are the management of the prison system. I see it differently. The man who wrote the Constitution in 1990, Kruno Olujic, sees it as I do. Some others see it differently,” Milanovic said. He will withdraw if the court decides that he cannot be on the slate. When asked whether he will withdraw from the SDP slate if the Constitutional Court decides that he cannot be on the slate as president, Milanovic answered in the affirmative. “Yes. And as a citizen, I will come with the majority of signatures to the person who will hold the position of Parliament Speaker at that moment. It will not be Jandroković, but the newly elected head of Parliament,” he said. Milanovic repeated that he will remain a candidate for prime minister regardless of whether he remains on the SDP slate.


Plenkovic: This is an attempt at a mini-coup (HRT)


After the Constitutional Court concluded that the President of the Republic of Croatia Zoran Milanovic may not participate in the political activities of any political party while he is performing his duties, following an address to the public by Social Democratic Party (SDP) leader Pedja Grbin and the President of the Republic of Croatia Zoran Milanovic, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic addressed the public. “The decision of the Constitutional Court was expected. The President of the Constitutional Court was very clear today, like everything we said, it is clear that the constitutional framework of the role of the President was exceeded, but not only good customs were directly violated, but also the Constitution itself,” said the Prime Minister. “I think that everything that has been happening with the SDP in recent days and what Milanović has done must be described with the right words. So, this is some kind of attempt at a "mini coup d'état", abuse of institutions, complete disavowal of Mr. Grbin, whom I no longer perceive as the president of the SDP. So, in these ten days, since the Croatian Democratic Union made a decision together with our partners in the coalition that we will dissolve Parliament, where we announced the names of people leading slates for all constituencies, announced the dissolution of the Parliament on March 14, they have changed so many stories, so many records, there are no more recordings, on various sound carriers, looking at everything we heard from them,” he said. “This whole narrative is completely empty stories, I don't know what happened to them, they either have some kind of disorder or a serious problem. So, this much empty talk, violation of the constitution, savagery, primitivism, really disavowing the entire party and that left spectrum in such a short period of time, if we had dreamed of such a scenario, we could not have made it better,” he said. “Namely, they have now focused on the man with the worst government in the history of Croatia, the man who as president did absolutely nothing, the man who was neither anywhere, nor was invited by anyone to come anywhere, his contribution to Croatian political culture, the functioning of institutions, the economy, society and development, anything – was zero. So, compared to what we have been doing all these years, it has been eight very demanding years, years that were intertwined with all possible crises, from Agrokor, the shipyard, through the Covid-19 pandemic, two devastating earthquakes, Putin's brutal aggression against Ukraine, preservation of jobs, wage growth, pension growth... And now when people look at it realistically, then really, we after all these achievements and resisting all crises, really need some salvation, but not salvation from us, salvation from those who are carrying out a coup d'état,” he said.


Milanovic: Constitutional Court’s decision is tantamount to a constitutional coup (HRT)


The Constitutional Court ruled on Monday that President Zoran Milanovic cannot run as a candidate on the SDP slate and be the SDP's candidate for Prime Minister at the April 17th parliamentary elections so long as he is the President of Croatia. The ruling, which was not unanimous, points out that the president's candidacy is incompatible with his office and the principle of the separation of powers. President Zoran Milanovic addressed reporters after the Constitutional Court’s ruling was made public, saying that this was tantamount to a constitutional coup, announcing that he will eventually become prime minister, calling on the citizens to unite against the HDZ. He also had some advice for the SDP and its pre-election coalition partners: "I advise the people who supported me, the SDP and its partners, to be cunning and watch their backs, because this group of gangsters have taken them hostage. These rubes are illiterate as well, because the decision is unintelligible. A literate person, one who at the very least passed driving school, has problems with this decision." However, for most politicians the decision was expected. Stipo Mlinaric from the Homeland Movement Party: "The decision was expected. But two judges on the court didn't show up for the decision and two logged dissenting votes. This is what I've been talking about from the start. People, our institutions have been high jacked thanks to the HDZ and the SDP. When these two branches of the same party get into a scuffle we go through a Constitutional crisis or the equivalent of the coup." "Zoran Milanovic put on a sketch in order to help the SDP, Pedja Grbin, Anka Mrak Taritas, Ostojic and the rest. He knew full well what would happen. He's not stupid. But what entertained me more was the panic within the HDZ. Obviously, they are more concerned than they let on. But the Constitutional Court's decision was entirely expected," added MOST Party president Bozo Petrov. The Croatian Sovereignists Party also commented on Milanovic's bid to run in the parliamentary elections. Party president Marijan Pavlicek: "He's not quite the dude he portrays himself to be and he doesn't really have that kind of character, because if he were a dude he would have resigned as president, come what may. Instead, he's got his fingers crossed behind his back, hanging on to his backup position as president. I wouldn't I said that Croatia is in first place for him, but rather his position is in first place." The Croatian Sovereignists also announced that they will back MOST’s Nikola Grmoja as candidate for prime minister, calling Andrej Plenkovic and Milanović two sides of the same coin.


Spajic: Montenegro should be EU member state, period; Escobar: Government under PM’s leadership has already taken huge steps (CdM)


“Montenegro should be a full member of the EU, period”, PM Milojko Spajic said in Podgorica during a meeting with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of the United States, Gabriel Escobar. “Clear support for our European path was announced. Support for the economy and development is crucial American support because I expect more American and European investments in that direction. Now we get real money and loans for our citizens. Our participation in NATO is extremely important. Membership in NATO enables faster progress towards the EU”, Spajic stressed. It is now clear that the future of Montenegro is in the EU, he pointed out. “IBAR is crucial, and all attention must be directed towards it. Montenegro should be a full member of the EU, period. We want to be a reliable partner to NATO allies”, said Spajic. Escobar pointed out that the Government under the leadership of Spajic had already taken huge steps. “Montenegro and most of the leaders of this country have shown a great vision in directing the country. I thank you for all that”, said Escobar. He pointed out that every country joining the EU first joined NATO. “It’s not a request, but it’s helpful. Every country that joins the EU is more prosperous and democratic. It is a pleasure to move in that direction. Russian malign influence in the region is very serious”, said Escobar. According to him, after the invasion of Ukraine, it became clear how important NATO is. The benefits of NATO membership are not obvious to an ordinary citizen, Spajic underlined. “If you are a member of NATO, you will be at risk of being run over by others. If you are a member of NATO, security is provided”, said Spajic. The foreign policy is very correct, Escobar stated. Spajic stressed that he would not allow the politicization of public administration even after IBAR. According to him, less numerous peoples are very important and it is important that they be part of the Government. Spajic briefly said that he would not comment on the decisions of political parties on their bodies. The State Department previously announced that Escobar’s visit would confirm the commitment of the US to the countries of the Western Balkans at a time when they are striving for Euro-Atlantic integration and deeper regional cooperation. Last week before his visit to the Western Balkans, Escobar said that the most important task for Montenegro was to support everything that PM Spajic was doing.


Ibrahimovic with Escobar: The Bosniak Party is an important partner of the USA in Montenegro (CdM)


Bosniak Party President Ervin Ibrahimovic met with Gabriel Escobar, the US special envoy for the Western Balkans. Ibrahimovic emphasized that the meeting served to openly and amicably exchange opinions on the political situation in Montenegro and the region, and the impact of global security and political challenges on Montenegro and the Western Balkans region. "The conclusion is that the Euro-Atlantic orientation and the EU perspective of Montenegro and the Western Balkan region have no alternative, as well as that the Bosniak Party is an important partner of the USA in Montenegro. We remain committed to a credible NATO partnership, EU integration and further democratization and prosperity of society," said Ibrahimovic.


Gorcevic with Escobar: Montenegro should continue to confirm its adherence to Euro-Atlantic values (CdM)


This government has an ambitious plan for the future of Montenegro and its citizens. We have a big job ahead of us, but we are going step by step, and the next three months are crucial for our path towards the EU, Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorcevic said at a meeting with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar. "At the beginning of our mandate, we resolutely set out to implement demanding reforms that had been pending for a long time. We don't want results on paper but in everyday life. Our goal is for our citizens to truly feel that they live in a state governed by the rule of law, where the laws apply equally to everyone. Only on those foundations can we build a healthy, economically and in every sense stable and prosperous society, according to the standards of all our citizens", said Gorcevic, as announced by the Ministry of European Affairs (MEP). She said that the goal of the government is that, by the end of its mandate, Montenegro will be a developed country, according to all parameters, ready for EU membership. The MEP stated that the minister reiterated that Montenegro "is a reliable NATO partner and remains fully aligned with the common foreign and security policy of the Union". Minister Gorcevic thanked the strong support of the USA for the government's efforts to transform Montenegro in accordance with the values and standards of developed Western democracies, and in parallel with that, to improve the economic environment and the quality of life of the citizens. The MEP stated that Escobar said that it is important for Montenegro to stay on the right track and continue to confirm its commitment to Euro-Atlantic values with results and on the ground and praised Montenegro's role as an important ally in the NATO Alliance. "The government of Montenegro has achieved significant results in a short period of time when it comes to European integration and I am sure that, if you continue at this pace, Montenegro has a great chance of being the next member of the EU. The USA will continue to strongly support Montenegro in the implementation of extensive reforms aimed at further democratization of society", said Escobar.


Council for coordination of security services holds session on electoral process (MIA)


The Council for Coordination of Security Services held its inaugural session on Monday, discussing electoral processes in the country, said Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi. "Especially in the context of disinformation, fake news and possible cyberattacks. Institutions presented reports and projections and were given instructions on how to proceed. We are checking all information, be it disinformation or not, because ultimately this is our task," PM Xhaferi told reporters. Regarding accusations from the opposition that DUI would not recognize the elections and is preparing a scenario for irregular elections, the PM said the government would not comment on statements coming from political parties. "Institutions should open proceedings if there are elements for this. The government cannot interfere in the work of the prosecutor's office or the courts, since their jurisdiction is separate in line with the Constitution," said Xhaferi.


US Assistant Secretary Robinson to visit Albania and Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


The US Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Todd D. Robinson will travel to Tirana from March 18-20, to meet Prime Minister, Edi Rama and partners of Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the country, who are supporting Albania's work on strengthening the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime and building strong institutions, announces the US State Department. From March 20-22, Assistant Secretary Robinson will travel to Pristina, Kosovo, where he will meet with President Vjosa Osmani and Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs partners in the law enforcement and Justice sector. During 2004, Robinson has served as the primary political and economic advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Albania. The United States Embassy in Tirana announced that Robinson is returning to Tirana, having previously served at our embassy from 2004 to 2006. "Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) Todd Robinson arrived in Tirana for an official visit. Mr. Robinson returns to Tirana, where he previously served at our Embassy from 2004 to 2006. During his visit, Assistant Secretary Robinson will meet with US Embassy staff, Prime Minister Edi Rama, government members, justice institutions, and law enforcement agencies to underscore the strong collaboration between the United States and Albania," the embassy's post on social media said.