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Belgrade Media Report 26 March 2024



NATO bombing of FRY was violation of international law (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said late Monday in New York that Serbia is disappointed because today the truth about the NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)  in 1999 was prevented from being heard in the United Nations Security Council. Speaking at a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York, Dacic said that this topic is extremely important for the international legal order and that today, just as the bombing of Serbia was carried out as a precedent, a precedent took place at a procedural vote in the UN Security Council. He thanked Russia, the People's Republic of China and Algeria for supporting the initiative to discuss the NATO bombing of the FRY in the Security Council. He also thanked the countries that did not vote to discuss the topic, saying that many countries abstained because they did not want to discuss a topic where there are clearly double standards. Commenting on the fact that the NATO bombing was carried out for alleged humanitarian reasons, Dacic asked what humanitarian reasons were these, given that almost complete ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija was carried out. Is there a need for humanitarian intervention against Pristina now when crimes are being committed against the Serb people, when 14 percent of Serbs have been expelled in the last few months, when Pristina does not want to form the Community of Serb Municipalities, but is rather rewarded with membership in various international organisations, Dacic said. He said that NATO and its members did not have grounds based on international law for aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 25 years ago and added that it is cynical that today Serbia could not even speak about it in the Security Council. He stated that the use of force in international relations is illegal and represents a violation of the fundamental principles and rules of international law. That is what NATO members themselves said, qualifying that action as an illegal but legitimate use of force in order to stop the alleged humanitarian disaster, he pointed out. Dacic added that it is cynical that today Serbia could not speak about it in the Security Council, and 25 years ago they did not even ask the Security Council if they should bomb Serbia. He noted that the arbitrary use of armed force is not allowed and is only possible under strictly defined conditions stipulated by the Charter of the UN. NATO and its members had no grounds based on international law for aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Because all these years and decades an illegal struggle for the secession of Kosovo from Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been taking place, he said. He pointed out that everyone has witnessed that in the Security Council, everyone talks about territorial integrity, but nobody talks about the territorial integrity of Serbia. For several centuries, there has been a struggle for the secession of Kosovo from Serbia and the destruction of our territorial integrity, he highlighted. "From June 10, 1999, since the arrival of NATO, until today in 9,407 ethnically motivated attacks on individuals and property were carried out in Kosovo and Metohija, in which 666 Serbs and other non-Albanians lost their lives, where 1,471 people were injured, 1,092 kidnapped, 33,411 houses and apartments were destroyed and burned down, 232 religious buildings and 63 cultural and historical monuments damaged," Dacic said at a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York. He added that 9,750 tombstones in 275 Serbian cemeteries have also been damaged and desecrated during this time. Dacic stressed that the issue of territorial integrity is viewed at the level of double standards and depending on relationships between great powers, adding that Serbia did not attack anyone, but was defending its own territorial integrity. "Kosovo wanted to secede from Serbia, and for that the terrorist organization Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was used, with the help of Western (and) Islamist countries," said Dacic, recalling that the so-called KLA was (for a while) on the list of terrorist organizations (in the US). He added that there is clear information about this, and that it was also discussed by some Western officials. Dacic said that ethnic cleansing had been carried out, stating that a total of 372,444 members of non-Albanian communities lived in Kosovo and Metohija until June 1999, of which 239,761 were Serbs, and that after June 1999, 209,068 of them were forced to leave, of which 156,565 were Serbs. He recalled that another (in addition to the start of the NATO bombing) tragic anniversary was recently marked in Serbia, 20 years since the events of March 17, 2004, known in Serbia as the March Pogrom when, in the presence of tens of thousands of members of international forces and missions and with the support of the structures of Pristina, a large number of Albanians committed a pogrom over the Serbs, when eight Serbs were killed, 143 were injured, 4,012 expelled, dozens of Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries destroyed, as well as more than 900 Serb-owned homes. Dacic said that a precedent was again set in 2008, when international law and the UN Charter were once again violated by the unilateral declaration of independence of so-called Kosovo.


Pristina does not want solution for use of Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said in Brussels yesterday that Pristina does not have the political will to reach a solution for the use of the dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, announcing that a new round dialogue on that issue at the technical level will be held on 4 April. In a statement to journalists, after a trilateral and bilateral meeting as part of the dialogue in Brussels, Petkovic said that both sides presented their proposals for a solution, of which Belgrade's proposal was balanced and took into account Serbian interests, while Pristina presented a proposal in which it can be seen that they didn't make any effort to come up with something that could be called a solution. We will continue to negotiate, we will invest the last atom of our strength just to reach a solution. We will do everything in our power to preserve peace and protect our people in Kosovo and Metohija, whose human rights are being violated and who are unable to receive their salaries, pensions and social benefits, Petkovic pointed out. According to him, in direct negotiations, which lasted more than three and a half hours, proposals were discussed, and then there were talks at the level of bilateral meetings with the EU, where it was agreed to continue the talks on 4 April.


Lajcak: We will reconvene next week to find solution for cash operations (Tanjug)


EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Monday in Brussels the chief negotiators in the dialogue had presented their proposals regarding a regulation by the so-called Kosovo's central bank banning the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija. "Today, the Chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia presented proposals on a way forward for people affected by the CBK regulation on cash operations. Our long discussions helped to clarify important details. Next week we agreed to reconvene with the ambition to find a solution," Lajcak wrote in a post on the social media network X.


Brnabic discusses cooperation at Geneva meetings (Tanjug/Beta)


On the second day of a visit to Geneva, Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic met with Azerbaijani counterpart Sahiba Gafarova to discuss advancement of cooperation based on bilateral parliamentary cooperation. Brnabic said Azerbaijan was a country Serbia could always rely on. "We agreed to launch cooperation separately at committee level, through the working bodies of the National Assembly of Serbia and the relevant committees, for specific topics such as energy and the economy and all that can help the government and the executive authorities to do their job even better," Brnabic said. She said she had also had a very good meeting with Egyptian parliament speaker Hanafy Ali El-Gebali in the presence of an Egyptian MP heading an Egypt-Serbia parliamentary friendship group. "We discussed what more we can do and, most importantly, how we as the parliament can lend additional support to the governments of Serbia and Egypt to complete the talks on signing a FTA between our two countries. Egypt is an extremely important market for our agricultural and food products," Brnabic noted. She said had had very good meetings with Belgian Senate speaker Stephanie D'Hose and Republic of Ireland Senate speaker Jerry Buttimer. "We do not have good cooperation with Belgium and Ireland, almost no contact whatsoever. That is something we are yet to begin," Brnabic said, noting that she would meet with the Maltese parliament speaker and a vice chairman of the National People's Congress of China in the evening. She also met with World Economic Forum President Borge Brende. "The World Economic Forum has opened one of its centers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Belgrade. We also have a joint conference on artificial intelligence and biotechnology, which will be held in Belgrade for the third consecutive time this year. We spoke about which of the best experts to invite to that conference," Brnabic told reporters on the second day of her visit to Geneva, where she took part in the 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.


Drecun: Support for so-called Kosovo aimed at getting it into NATO (TV Pink)


Serbian MP Milovan Drecun said on Tuesday an announced Council of Europe (CoE) debate on the so-called Kosovo's admission to the organisation and Monday's UN Security Council vote that had not backed a Russia-proposed discussion on the 25th anniversary of the 1999 NATO aggression on the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia represented support for the false state of "Kosovo" that was aimed at launching the process of it joining NATO. "That would probably be the end of the story as far as they are concerned because, if you are in NATO, then Article 5 is invoked if needed, which is a message to Serbia that it (Kosovo-Metohija) is a forever-lost territory for us and that we cannot count on it becoming a part of our state again one day," Drecun told TV Pink. He added that NATO's position was that, since the so-called Kosovo was not internationally recognised, there was no discussion at all about it joining the Partnership for Peace programme, but that the leading NATO member state seemed to have other plans. "The US is openly saying it will do everything in its power to back NATO membership for 'Kosovo' because, as its (the US') representatives say, it believes that would help regional stability and security," Drecun said, noting that US special Western Balkans envoy Gabriel Escobar had said Washington fully supported Pristina's aspirations to join NATO, the UN and the EU.


Djukanovic: NATO PA associate membership for Pristina scandalous (Tanjug)


The head of Serbia's parliamentary delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Vladimir Djukanovic said on Monday a decision by the body's standing committee to promote the status of the so-called Kosovo assembly from observer to associate member was scandalous and that he believed that, as a result, Serbia should stop participating in the organisation. "I can say the decision is scandalous and that, in the period to come, we will make a decision on our further participation," Djukanovic wrote in a post on the social media network X.


Orlic says new government will be formed soon (TV Pink/Beta/RTV)


A new Serbian government will be formed "very soon", ruling Serbian Progressive Party official Vladimir Orlic said today, but did not provide an exact date or the name of the prime minister-designate. Orlic, who was the speaker of the previous parliament, did not answer TV Pink's question about whether he saw himself as a member of the new cabinet. Regarding repeat local elections in Belgrade, which are expected to be held on 2 June, Orlic dismissed the opposition's accusations about poor election conditions and said that "every aspect of the electoral process is incomparably better" than when the opposition parties were in power.




HR Schmidt: Agreement has not been reached and the time is running out. Citizens want to see that their vote counts, and if there is no agreement, we will undertake measures (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt, commented a decision of the European Council to open accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), saying that B&H is now playing in a higher league. HR Schmidt said that B&H politicians have to be aware that there is a serious and huge job ahead of them. “This may surprise people such is Milorad Dodik, but in the future all the judgements of European Court of Justice in Luxembourg will be just as important as judgements of the ECHR in Strasbourg, which will enter in details of national legislation in B&H and if it is not in line with European law, you will be paying fines. If you enter the Europe club, you will have many benefits for the citizens, but you will have to follow European guidelines,” said Schmidt. Commenting the possibility of imposing changes to the Election Law of B&H, Schmidt reminded that on 12 June 2022, during the meeting with President of the European Council Charles Michel, B&H politicians promised enabling of fair and honest elections. He also stressed that they have not done this to this day and while they discussed this in length, there were no results, which resulted in his December’s announcement that he will use Bonn powers in case politicians fail to reach the solution. “The agreement has not been reached and the time is running out. Citizens want to see that their vote counts, and if there is no agreement we will undertake measures,” said Schmidt. The daily comments that Schmidt did not say when this could happen and noted that there are rumours that this could happen even on Tuesday or by the end of the week at the latest. Commenting Dodik’s statement that he will not accept any impositions in regard to the Election Law, Schmidt noted that he believes that people in Banja Luka have the same wishes as people in Sarajevo and Mostar and they want their vote to count. “This that Dodik is saying, that he will not accept a decision on technical changes to the Election Law, does this mean that he wants to steal the elections? I would recommend Dodik to relax a bit, to sit down with representatives of other political parties and to agree the law they promised to the EU almost two years ago,” said Schmidt. HR said that Dodik should be aware that he, as the High Representative, guarantees existence of the Federation of B&H (FB&H), of the Republika Srpska (RS) and of the Brcko District: “Let him be certain that I respect Dayton, I am here to defend Dayton which is the legal basis for the entities. He should not worry that any irregularities will pass between the entities, this is why we are working on the Election Law together.” Commenting HDZ B&H demands for changes to the Election Law to include the issue of election of the B&H Presidency, Schmidt said that he demanded technical changes and noted that the issue of the B&H Presidency certainly remains, most notably because of ‘Sejdic-Finci’ judgement, and he deems it is harmful to try to put “all eggs in one basket” because this will solve nothing and he deems that challenges should be addressed one by one. Commenting Dodik’s demands for terminating mandates of foreign judges in the Constitutional Court of B&H, Schmidt said: “I would like to clearly tell them: “They should not touch the foreign judges!” This is not up to parties to decide whether they want to have foreign judges or not, they are part of B&H Constitution and Constitution says that three of the judges are appointed by President of European Court of Human Rights.”


US Embassy on Ministry of Justice’s proposal of B&H Election Law: HDZ B&H cannot reach solution it prefers by force (O Kanal)


The US Embassy has reacted in regard to the proposal of amendments to the B&H Election Law that the B&H Ministry of Justice sent into procedure. The statement reads that, unfortunately, these amendments would contribute a little to strengthening the integrity of the election system in B&H. The Embassy added: "At the same time, they introduce very problematic changes to the B&H Election Law, especially the ones which refer to the election of B&H Presidency members. As legal experts stress all the time, it is necessary to change the B&H Constitution for implementation of the ECHR's judgment in regard to the B&H Presidency. This proposal actually introduces a Croat constituency in the FB&H, which was discussed, and which was rejected during the talks that the USA and EU helped about constitutional and election reforms in 2021 and 2022. There will not be progress in regard to implementation of ECHR's judgments in regard to the B&H Presidency if HDZ B&H continues to propose again and again and insists on politically and legally problematic changes to the B&H Election Law. HDZ B&H cannot reach a solution it prefers by force – it must negotiate sincerely and work on building of consensus and compromises necessary for change of the B&H Constitution. The party had a lot of time for that, but they did not do it. The Amendments, which the Ministry of Justice proposes, would also change a method of election of all legislative bodies in a way that bigger ethnonational parties are favorized, which might have devastating consequences for opposition political parties all over B&H. By these Amendments, the Central Election Commission is also exposed to political manipulation, instead of strengthening its capacities. Finally, these amendments do not reduce control of political parties over polling station committees, which is a crucial reform necessary for strengthening democracy in B&H. The purpose of the law on strengthening integrity of the election process is that citizens regain trust in democratic processes in the country, among other things, by securing that votes of voters are calculated the way that citizens voted. Their purpose is not that leaders of ethno-national political parties, who are the most responsible for undermining of democracy, additionally strengthen their position in the authority. It is sad, but not surprising, that some political parties are trying to use weakness of the existing election system, instead of trying to secure that the will of voters is respected." Head of the EU Delegation Johann Sattler also criticized the HDZ B&H’s proposal while appearing. Sattler said all changes to the B&H Election Law should be made via changes to the B&H Constitution and should include the implementation of Sejdic-Finci and other rulings of the European Court of Human Rights. He noted that B&H cannot become a member of the EU without implementing the ECHR rulings in the B&H Election Law.


Dodik criticizes US Embassy’s reaction to HDZ B&H’s proposal of changes to B&H Election Law (RTRS)


It is high time for US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy to stop interfering in internal affairs and the election process in B&H, said RS President Milorad Dodik after a statement came from the US Embassy in which HDZ B&H’s proposal of changes to the Election Law of B&H was criticized. Dodik said that the opposition has a problem with this proposal, which is why there is an attempt to forcefully impose a solution that suits the opposition. He also emphasized that only B&H institutions and democratically elected representatives of the three peoples and the two entities can deliberate and decide on changes to the laws. “This cannot be done by SDA’s spokesperson, Michael Murphy,” Dodik said in a statement. Dodik accused Murphy of showing false concern, and trying to manipulate and create space for Christian Schmidt so he could impose a law. Dodik also stated that there no room for international interventionism of path of EU integration. “If the EU is consistent with itself, its standards are clear. There is no international interventionism and forcing the country, which is heading towards the European path, to follow it”, said Dodik. He argued that B&H has to make decisions on its own. “B&H is crippled by all these interpretations, which does not contribute to anything”, he underlined. Dodik also said that when it comes to B&H's European path, there are too many lies. “Maybe we should finally sit down together on one level and clarify what this means specifically. What we have seen and experienced so far is that only a sovereign state can enter the EU and no other way”, said Dodik. He also argued that B&H must negotiate on EU accession sovereignly.


Niksic: Domestic authorities should have another chance for agreement on Election Law (Nova BH)


Leader of SDP B&H and FB&H Prime Minister (PM) Nermin Niksic, asked about speculations that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt will apply the Bonn Powers on Tuesday in relation to technical changes to the B&H Election Law, Niksic stated that it would be better if B&H MPs adopted laws in B&H. Niksic said that he has not heard such claims adding that he would certainly not spread what they previously agreed. Niksic said that he respects the HR who has the authority to impose the Bonn Powers. In his opinion, domestic authorities should be given another chance to reach an agreement and if they want, they can reach it within two hours. Niksic explained that they reached an agreement about two issues – election of members of the B&H CEC and protection of integrity of the election process - quite fast but not when it comes to election of members of B&H Presidency members, adding that they advocate the stance that the Constitution of B&H should be changed and that it is important to meet all decisions of the ECHR, especially now that B&H got the green light for opening of the negotiations with the EU. Asked has he talked to leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic about this topic to prevent the HR to impose the Bonn Powers, Niksic stated that he is expected to talk to Covic tomorrow (Tuesday), but about some other topics announcing that they will of course discuss all other open issues. Niksic reminded of the announcement of ‘The Troika’ to communicate with all of their partners in the upcoming days to continue as soon as possible, the processes that enabled B&H to open the negotiations with the EU. According to Niksic, the solution lies in changes to the B&H Election Law that will not enter the domain of election of B&H Presidency members but solving of open issues: i.e. protection of integrity of election process and election of members of the B&H CEC. Speaking about requests of Covic for election of members of the B&H Presidency, Niksic said that he understands Covic’s position, but they advocate the stance that implies the need to implement decisions of the ECHR. Niksic also reminded that a big number of B&H citizens are disabled to run in elections for the seat of a member of the B&H Presidency.

Commenting on cooperation with SNSD and whether leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik asked ‘The Troika’ to compromise about the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in exchange for some other processes, Niksic stated that they never talk in that way. Niksic added that they are fully aware that B&H cannot become an EU member state with this kind of an organization and with the current foreign judges in the CC of B&H, the HR. Asked will the current authorities manage to solve the aforementioned issues during their mandate, Niksic stated: “We will try.” Commenting on claims of the opposition that they betrayed civic, Bosniak interests and asked whether they crossed the red line, Niksic stated: “Never and nowhere.” Niksic reminded that the opposition had many spins including the one that they tricked Dodik. In his opinion, no one was tricked, and everyone were fully aware of everything within this process. He underlined: “This was not done only by ‘The Troika’. It would not be possible without the consent of Mr. Dodik and Mr. Covic (…) I would call this compromise. Compromise implies that no one can have it all and that everyone gets something.” Asked will Dodik really launch the issue of secession that he often mentions, Niksic said: “Of course, hypothetically, everything is possible. I do not have to react to that each time. I made it clear that this is an adventure that I believe no one will love to launch and I believe Mr. Dodik will not do it, because it is totally clear that there will be no peaceful secession.” Asked about work of the FB&H government during the past year, Niksic stated that he is very content with the atmosphere in the FB&H Government adding that they certainly could have achieved better results.


Konakovic meets Fajon; Fajon: OHR will not be needed when B&H is in the EU (O Kanal)


Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon arrived in Sarajevo on Monday, where she held a bilateral meeting with B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic. Fajon stated that she is glad to see European flags in Sarajevo, positive stories, and excitement of people due to a historical decision of Brussels on opening negotiations with B&H. She also said: "B&H has made a historical step and opened the accession to the EU. I am very happy and proud that Slovenia played a very important role in this process, it cooperated in the procedure, and we shall keep doing this. Opening the negotiations is a difficult procedure. The destination is not as important - the membership in the EU - as much as the reforms themselves, which mean improving the lives of people. B&H did an excellent job in 13 months, which is truly a big progress for the country." Fajon further said that she talked with successful businessmen and young people in B&H, and she is glad because of younger generations that the country works on urgent reforms since they want to stay in B&H and work here. She added that there will also be financial assistance support to B&H. Fajon concluded: “It is not all about money, but reforms mean a better life for people. B&H has always been a part of Europe and it will always be. I sincerely believe today is a strategic moment, in terms of all geo-political tensions that we have around us, to unify, spread, and equalize this Europe. Together with countries of the Western Balkans, 2030. brings readiness within the EU and it does not seem so far." Fajon sent the message that Slovenia will continue to support B&H. Fajon said that reforms in the EU accession negotiations will bring B&H money. “I believe that the start of the reform process will bring new EU funds and a new drive for economy, young people and potential of the state of B&H”, Fajon stressed. When asked by a journalist whether B&H can be a full member of the EU with the presence of an international factor, Fajon said that the OHR will not be needed when B&H is in the EU.  “I expect that, when B&H completes the necessary reforms, the presence of others will not be necessary,” stated Fajon. Konakovic stated that B&H’s only alternative is the EU, particularly in the field of economy, investments and creation of new jobs. He expressed concern about the expected scenario in which B&H will double its pension fund in 2032 and said that even now there are certain difficulties in financing the current pension fund, warning that B&H cannot have bright economic future without new investments and capital once this happens – especially given the demography trends in the country and departure of population. Konakovic said that they are very aware that there will be no shortcuts on B&H’s EU path, adding that they did not ask for any special treatment or benefits from the EU. Konakovic noted that the key priority for B&H at the moment should be the Law on Court of B&H, after which the Law on Protection of Personal Information, the negotiation process with Frontex, and the appointment of the National IPA Coordinator should be at the top of the priority list. Konakovic said that B&H does not need international factors, neither in the Constitutional Court, nor in the OHR, and that on the day when B&H enters the EU, there will not be any foreigners. “That is why it would be good to understand what our obligations are if that happens. There are clearly prescribed conditions for closing the OHR and I will be overjoyed when it is closed, but it can be closed when the conditions are met,” pointed out Konakovic. Speaking about the departure of international judges from the Constitutional Court of B&H, Konakovic said that local experts will replace them when the exact conditions are met.


Konakovic meets Swedish Minister Roswall: B&H belongs to Europe (AJB)


After a meeting with Swedish Minister of EU Affairs Jessika Roswall, held in Sarajevo on Monday, B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic said that B&H went the shortest way from obtaining a candidate status to the opening of negotiations "and that we are the champions of these processes." Konakovic said that the European integration can solve most of the problems in the country, such as the heavy burden on pension funds due to the departure of young people, but also help create an environment that will keep B&H citizens in the country, and perhaps encourage some to return. The leaders of the EU member states decided in Brussels on Thursday to open accession negotiations with B&H and called on the Commission to prepare a negotiation framework. Sweden, as well as some other countries, offered concrete help to B&H in fulfilling the remaining obligations for the EU membership. "The goal of my visit is to say that the good work on reforms should be continued in order to take advantage of the current momentum," said Roswall. "You have shown determination for your European path through several new laws. You have seized this moment. The more concrete results you show and the more effort you put into reforms, the easier it will be to maintain the momentum that supports the enlargement. This is especially significant when we talk about fundamental issues of democracy and the rule of law. Sweden is a country that supports B&H on its European path, and politically and financially, we are the largest bilateral donor," said Roswall. When asked by the media whether B&H can become a member of the EU with the presence of the OHR and EUFOR troops, she replied that it can. "Yes of course. When we granted the candidate status to B&H in December 2022 and now the European Council decided to open membership negotiations, of course we are saying that you can be a member. But many reforms are ahead of you. According to different criteria, we will have to monitor the plans through the EU Delegation," said Roswall.


Dodik responds to Roswall: There can be no EU path with OHR and foreign judges present (Glas Srpske)


Commenting the statement of Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Jessika Roswall who said that it is possible for B&H to enter the EU with OHR, and foreign judges present in the B&H Constitutional Court, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that there can be no EU path of B&H with OHR and foreign judges present. He also underlined that any attempt to impose decisions or support the imposed decisions will be an end to the European story in B&H. According to Dodik, Roswall’s statement shows that the decision on opening of accession negotiations with B&H has no significance because the EU enlargement policy failed a long time ago. Dodik also stated that the RS entered the process of fulfilling 14 Key Priorities defined by the European Commission with honest intentions and ready to implement all necessary reforms in a way that reflects the constitutional structure of B&H and restores its sovereignty that was destroyed by the interventions of the international community. “We are not ready, in the process of EU integration, to serve the purpose of personal promotion of the current set of leaders and to applaud their skill to say a lot about the rule of law and democracy but remain silent when it comes to the person who is a synonym for injustice and tyranny”, said Dodik.


EU officials made contradictory statements during visit to B&H (RTRS)


RTRS noted that in just one day, two EU officials sent contradictory messages regarding B&H’s membership in the Union, with the presence of foreigners. Minister for European Union Affairs of Sweden Jessika Roswall says this is possible. Slovenian Foreign Affairs Minister Tanja Fajon does not see the need for international presence. RTRS asks if existence of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and presence of the foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H is something that cannot be connected with the EU path of B&H. RS President Milorad Dodik says these things cannot be connected and he emphasizes that interventions, especially from “a non-appointed foreigner,” are unacceptable. During a press conference, Roswall said that when the EU officials decided to grant candidate status to B&H, and now to open negotiations with this country, a message was sent that B&H can be a member of the EU. She said she would not discuss details of B&H’s EU path but said that it is possible for B&H to work on its EU path while still having OHR in the country and also foreign judges in the B&H CC. Fajon spoke about the same topic on Monday and said the OHR will not be necessary in B&H when it becomes member of the EU. “I truly believe that membership in the EU means, at the same time, that there is no need for mediation of foreign organizations,” Fajon stated. She added that when B&H implements all the reforms, there will be no need for any foreign organizations in the country. Dodik said he was confused by statements that came from Roswall and Fajon. He said this shows there is disunity within the EU, that stances vary from country to country, and that the decision on opening negotiations with B&H is nothing special because the enlargement process has been stopped a long time ago. The RS President noted that European standards are clear, and they say international interventionism cannot be present in the EU member states. He added that countries that aspire to become part of the Union should also make decisions of their own, and not be faced with imposed decisions by foreigners. Our experiences and knowledge of the past prove that only sovereign countries can enter the EU, and nothing else is possible, Dodik stressed. “Actually, it must also sovereignly negotiate, because if it is not sovereign, it cannot negotiate,” Dodik said. Commenting the matter of closing the OHR, B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Elmedin Konakovic emphasized that there are clear conditions under which the OHR can be closed in B&H. He said he will be glad when this happens, but that cannot be done until all necessary conditions are fulfilled. He also said departure of foreign judges can happen when conditions are met, and Konakovic says it would be best if B&H judges, experts, are appointed to the B&H CC. At this moment, he says, that is not possible.


Cvijanovic meets Roswall: There is no place for impositions on B&H's European path (ATV)


Member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic spoke on Monday in Sarajevo with the Swedish Foreign Minister Jessika Roswall, about the current political and economic situation in the country and the region, with special reference to the process of the European integration. Cvijanovic welcomed the decision to start accession negotiations with B&H, expressing her gratitude to Sweden for the support shown at the European Council summit. She assessed that the leadership of the EU recognized the progress and results achieved by the institutions in B&H in fulfilling the conditions, stressing the importance of adopting the negotiation framework for B&H as soon as possible. Cvijanovic emphasized that the positive decision is an incentive for the continuation of reform processes, adding that the European path of B&H has no place for interventions that happened in the past by various high representatives, stressing that any imposition by an unelected foreigner, (High Representative) Christian Schmidt, is particularly unacceptable. She emphasized that one of the main priorities in B&H in the coming period is to demonstrate full democratic capacity through dialogue and agreement between domestic political actors and institutions at all levels of government, as the EU normally requires in its terms. Roswall congratulated the opening of negotiations and called for the continuation of the reform process in B&H. She expressed her support for the enlargement process, which is important both for the EU and for the candidate countries. She reiterated that Sweden, as one of the largest bilateral donors, will continue to provide support to B&H through numerous projects within the framework of development cooperation.


Dodik: Serbs will never forget what NATO did and B&H will never join NATO (BNTV)


As a part of a comprehensive reform of the assembly’s partnerships adopted at its meeting in Tallinn on 23-24 March, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s (NATO PA) Standing Committee agreed to create a new status in the NATO PA for those nations aspiring to join the Alliance, and to officially designate Ukraine, B&H and Georgia as the NATO candidates- Commenting on this, RS President Milorad Dodik published on the platform X on Monday that “Serbs will never forget what NATO did and that B&H will never join NATO, as no man in the RS will agree to that”.


Ethics Commission appointed to monitor upcoming elections (HRT)


The Constitutional Court appointed the Ethics Commission on Monday to monitor the behaviour of election participants during the election campaign and the electoral process.

The President of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Velimir Neidhardt, will chair the Ethics Commission by virtue of his office. At the proposal of the majority of the recently dissolved 10th parliament, Marko Ivkosic from the Faculty of Law in Split, Jasenka Markeljevic, Head of the Department of Clinical Immunology, Pulmonology and Rheumatology at the Zagreb Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, and Frane Stanicic from the Zagreb Faculty of Law were appointed to the Ethics Committee. At the suggestion of the opposition parties, Professor Tvrtko Jakovina from the Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Antonija Petricusic from the Zagreb Faculty of Law and Jakov Zizic from the Croatian Catholic University were also appointed as members of the Commission. “The Ethics Commission is a non-partisan body with a widely recognised public reputation that promotes and implements ethical and democratic principles during elections by issuing statements and warnings. Before the start of the election campaign, the Ethics Commission formulates and publishes the Code of Ethics, a set of rules for the behaviour of individuals and political parties in the election campaign and process,” the Constitutional Court said.


Gorcevic with Sarrazin: Tangible results, then membership in the EU (CdM)


We want to see Montenegro and other countries of the Western Balkans as full members of the EU. But before that, you must implement extensive reforms and demonstrate tangible and sustainable results in the areas of democracy, the rule of law and the rule of law. On that path, you will have, as before, the full support of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany", said the special envoy of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, in a conversation with the Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorcevic. Sarrazin, as announced by the MEP, welcomed the results achieved by Montenegro in the field of justice and expressed the expectation that within the planned period, progress will follow in other areas from Chapters 23 and 24, which would lead to the fulfilment of all temporary benchmarks. He emphasized that, apart from the rule of law, special attention should be paid to the environment, especially considering that Montenegro is an ecological country. In this context, he emphasized the importance of environmental preservation and good management of natural resources, along with the need to provide technical prerequisites for investments in the field of environment. The MEP said that Gorcevic thanked Sarrazin for supporting the countries of the region in the EU accession process. She particularly emphasized the importance of the achieved reforms, as well as the results of the implementation of the agreements reached within the Berlin process, for the acceleration of the European path of the Western Balkans. "Montenegro has been in the process of European integration for two decades. Accession negotiations have been going on for 12 years. We do not want our citizens to wait for a better life. The priority of this government is reforms that will give visible results in a short period of time in all fields, bring us closer to the European quality of life, to the satisfaction of our citizens," Gorcevic said. She pointed out that the government is determined to fulfil the promise made to the citizens by the end of its mandate - to transform Montenegro and make it ready for EU accession. She said that all the capacities of the government, along with quality cooperation with the Assembly, are directed in that direction. The interlocutors referred to the very high support of the citizens for the membership of Montenegro in the EU, agreeing that it is therefore very important to take advantage of the favourable moment and achieve tangible results, is one of the conclusions. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on the continuation and strengthening of Germany's expert support to Montenegro in the EU accession process.


Mandic organized a meeting of the leaders of the parliamentary majority (RTCG)


The leaders of the parliamentary majority started a dialogue in order to overcome the crisis that arose after the election of the acting director of the Police Administration, RTCG portal learns. The meeting was organized by the president of the Assembly Andrija Mandic and was attended by the representatives of Democratic Montenegro Aleksa Becic and Boris Bogdanovic, the head of the Albanian Forum Nik Djeljosaj, and the Prime Minister and current leader of Europe Milojko Spajic. Mandic allegedly tried to reconcile the conflicting parties, and that at today's meeting there was no progress or a solution to overcome the crisis. It was agreed that the dialogue between the leaders of the parliamentary majority will continue. On 13 March, the Prime Minister and the government refused to elect police officer Lazar Scepanovic, who was proposed by the Minister of the Interior Danilo Saranovic from the Democrats, to the post of police director. Since the minister did not present another proposal, the majority in the government authorized Prime Minister Spajic to propose a new candidate. The Prime Minister proposed, and the government elected, Aleksandar Radovic as acting director of the Police Administration. Saranovic assessed that "taking over the powers of the Minister of Internal Affairs grossly violated the law" and announced a report to the authorities against the government for "committed criminal acts". Prime Minister Spajic rejected the Democrats' accusations. "The government is not obliged to support the minister's proposal. I do not agree that we violated the law," Spajic said. The Presidency of Democratic Montenegro then stipulated the government's support until the completion of the Interim Benchmarks Report (IBAR), after which it will conduct a thorough analysis of the relations between the signatories of the Coalition Agreement. It was also decided that the Presidency will not support any initiative to revise the Agreement in terms of principles, constituents, division of areas and departments within the 44th government.


Radinovic rejects Knezevic's proposal to be a candidate for Montenegro's ambassador to Russia; DNP proposes Bojovic (CdM)


Milos Radinovic has rejected the Democratic People's Party (DNP) leader Milan Knezevic's proposal to be a candidate for the ambassador of Montenegro in Moscow as a non-partisan person. "Since I am in possession of information that my possible appointment as an ambassador causes various negative observations and misinterpretations of intentions, possible political disagreements, considering the sensitivity of the topic and the time we live in, I am informing you that I am withdrawing from the further procedure upon appointment as the ambassador of Montenegro to Russia", Radinovic's letter says, among other things. "As someone who was brought up in the spirit of love, tradition and patriotism towards our Montenegro, I was convinced that my love for Russia, which I am sure I share with the majority of Montenegrin citizens, should not be an obstacle to being appointed to the post of ambassador to Moscow. Especially at the time of broken bridges between our countries. If I am wrong in such an attitude, everyone who reads this letter should forgive me. Looks like I was wrong: that's more of a drawback than a recommendation", notes Radinovic. "I wish the future ambassador of Montenegro in Moscow, whoever it may be, successful work and all the best, in the hope that he/she will be worthy of those centuries that built the bridge of brotherhood between our nations long before us. Because any other state than the brotherly one in the relations between Montenegro and Russia is unnatural and short-lived, no matter what promises, 'gold and diamonds' are sprinkled on the collective roads and directions that we take!", the letter stresses. The Democratic People's Party (DNP) proposed Dragan Bojovic as ambassador to Moscow, after Milos Radinovic resigned from that position, several media reported. Allegedly, Prime Minister Milojko Spajic and President Jakov Milatovic agree with that proposal. Dragan Bojovic currently holds the position of State Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.


Xhaferi – Silvestri: North Macedonia to continue on European path (MIA)


Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi held a meeting Monday with the Italian Ambassador to North Macedonia, Andrea Silvestri, during which they highlighted the great and sincere friendship fostered during the 30 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, said the government in a press release Monday. Xhaferi and Silvestri noted that North Macedonia and Italy have highly developed bilateral relations and are reliable partners in NATO. The Italian Republic, said the press release, is a firm supporter of the Republic of North Macedonia in all democratic and reform processes. The significant role of the Italian Republic in the Euro-integrations of the Western Balkans and specifically North Macedonia was highlighted at the meeting. In addition to the political, defense and cultural relations, interlocutors highlighted the upward trend in economic relations, with Italy being among the ten largest trade and investment partners of North Macedonia, the press release said. According to the government, Xhaferi also expressed gratitude over the monograph published on the occasion of the 30th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between North Macedonia and Italy, assessing it as a valuable testament for future generations, marking the deep and productive friendship between the countries in the region and in a European context. At the meeting, Xhaferi and Silvestri also discussed the coming double elections in North Macedonia. They assessed the presidential and parliamentary elections as extremely significant due to the need to reaffirm North Macedonia’s European orientation, as well as important for the quality of life of the citizens in the country, the stability of the Western Balkans and with it, of Europe.


Mitreski – Silvestri: North Macedonia and Italy deepening friendly relations, support for Euro-Atlantic aspirations (MIA)


North Macedonia and Italy are deepening their friendly relations; mutual support is important, assessed Parliament Speaker Jovan Mitreski and Italian Ambassador Andrea Silvestri at a meeting Monday, according to a press release issued by the parliament. According to the press release, at the meeting Mitreski highlighted the excellent political relations between the two countries. He expressed gratitude for the long-standing Italian assistance for North Macedonia in all fields, especially related to the fulfilment of the strategic goals for Euro-Atlantic integration. “Speaker Mitreski informed the Italian Ambassador about the planned activities of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia until the holding of the regular presidential and parliamentary elections, as well as the draft laws expected to be discussed by the current parliamentary composition,” the press release said. At the meeting, Ambassador Silvestri touched upon the traditionally good and friendly relations in the past 30 years, and spoke about the numerous activities marking 30 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, including the publishing and promotion of the monograph on 30 years of diplomatic relations with Italy. The Ambassador gifted a copy of the monograph to the speaker of parliament, stressing that it contains documents and photographs of the institutional, but also of the social cooperation between the two countries. Silvestri stressed that Italy has always been one of the strongest and most principled supporters of North Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, noting that the support will continue. At the end of the meeting, Silvestri and Mitreski expressed hope over further deepening of cooperation.


Dashtevski: Preparations for double elections proceeding smoothly (MIA)


Preparations for the presidential and parliamentary elections are proceeding without any problems, in line with the law and deadlines, said the President of the State Election Commission (SEC), Aleksandar Dashtevski, on Monday. “Preparations are proceeding smoothly in line with the law and deadlines. There haven’t been any issues so far, everything has been realized in time and even ahead of time for certain actions where this is possible,” Dashtevski told reporters after the Commission drew the order of the presidential candidates on the ballots. The head of SEC said the public inspection in the Electoral Roll for the presidential elections has ended, and the Electoral Roll will be finalized on 2 April. Regarding the diaspora vote, Dashtevski said around 2.900 people have registered to vote. “Most of them are in Germany, the US, Canada, Australia, in Europe almost in all western countries. However, only presidential elections will be held in these places, since there aren’t enough people registered to meet the legal requirement for parliamentary elections of as many registered voters as the lowest number of votes gained by one MP at the previous elections,” Dashtevski said. At least 5.355 voters had to register in the diaspora in order for parliamentary elections to be organized. Dashtevski stressed preparations for the parliamentary elections are proceeding in parallel with the ones for the presidential elections. “The Electoral Roll still isn’t closed for the parliamentary elections and the citizens can inspect it. A draw will also be held for the order on the ballots once the lists of the political parties are finalized. The deadline is midnight on 2 April, and then we have 48 hours to confirm the lists,” said Dashtevski.


Four parties sign agreement to take part in European Front (MIA)


Leaders of four parties signed Monday a coalition agreement for the coming parliamentary elections. Ali Ahmeti of DUI, Menduh Thaci of DPA, Arjanit Hoxha of European Democratic Party and Skender Rexhepi-Zejd of People's Movement signed up to the European Front coalition. DUI's Ahmeti said he expects the biggest win among ethnic Albanians in Macedonia since the country's independence. "This is the right time for us to be together in this invincible front until the realization of our objectives and EU accession. Our fellow citizens Macedonians should join us, because I have never seen Albanian political entities being more responsible for the country's future. This front is not created for partisan or personal benefits but to triumph in missions, since our place is in the EU, as is the case with NATO," said Ahmeti. DPA's Thaci said the Russian aggression is a threat for the Balkans and the country, via its extensions in Serbia and Macedonia. According to Hoxha, the coalition is made in order to "erase all boundaries among brothers and show that we are part of a western civilization built by our ancestors." Rexhepi-Zejd said the bloc had no alternative and noted that the front would enlarge in the future.