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Belgrade Media Report 18 April



Belgrade's delegation meets with Lajcak in Brussels (Tanjug)


Belgrade's delegation, headed by the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic and also comprised of financial experts, met with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels on Thursday morning. Pristina's decision to ban the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija was expected to be the main topic of the meeting. Petkovic said on Tuesday that he is coming to Brussels with his team, which also includes financial experts. "We are going in the hope of finding a solution for the dinar, although I am not an optimist, bearing in mind Pristina's unwillingness to seek solutions through compromise," said Petkovic.


Vucic receives Surinamese FM (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Surinamese FM Albert Ramdin in Belgrade on Thursday to discuss directions for further development of the friendly relations between Serbia and Suriname and advancement of bilateral cooperation in all areas of mutual importance. "I informed the minister of the various pressures and challenges Serbia is facing and reiterated the significance of Suriname's decision to de-recognize the unilaterally declared independence of 'Kosovo', whereby the country has confirmed its commitment to the fundamental principles of international law and the UN Charter," Vucic wrote on Instagram. He added that Serbia and Suriname were committed to act in the coming period towards developing and stepping up economic cooperation, as well as cooperation in the health care, defence, education and agriculture sectors, in the food, machinery and electrical industries as well as in the ICT sector.


Dacic speaks with FMs of Lebanon, Tunisia and Belarus (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic spoke by phone with the FMs of Lebanon, Tunisia and Belarus on Wednesday. With Lebanese counterpart Abdallah Bou Habib, Dacic discussed bilateral relations between Serbia and Lebanon and cooperation at multilateral level, the Serbian MFA said in a post on the social media network X. Dacic's conversation with Tunisian FM Nabil Ammar focused, among other affairs, on the friendly relations between the two countries, their cooperation in the UN and a mutual commitment to respect of international law. Dacic and Belarusian FM Sergei Aleinik discussed cooperation within international organizations.


Brnabic: Both Belgrade and local elections on 2 June (N1)


Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic said that both the local elections and the Belgrade elections will be held on the same day, 2 June. She said the decision was made following consultations with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and although she described the government’s proposal as better, she said the decision was a good one. In consultation with the President, we have decided to accept the request of the opposition assembled around the Serbia Against Violence (SPN) and NADA coalitions, and to call all the elections that were to be held in July and August, said Brnabic. At the Thursday extraordinary press conference Brnabic confirmed earlier reports by N1. “This will require changes to Article 25 of the Law on Local Elections. It is important that we do this as soon as possible, so my request to the services and all MP caucuses is to complete this by this afternoon,” she said. According to Brnabic, Vucic’s message at the consultations was that stability is the most important thing for the country at this moment. She also stressed that greater political cohesion is needed and that there should be no more divisions, because national issues require time and energy. Brnabic said that the discussions held over the past 17 days were “healing”, and thanked everyone who participated, noting that this is the way to achieve stability and show seriousness and responsibility. “I believe some will say they got everything they had asked for, that they won, that we only react to pressure,” she said, adding that many challenges await Serbia and that work should be done on matters that concern national interests. “Today seems like a good day for democracy and politics in Serbia,” said Brnabic. The speaker said work continues on the implementation of the ODIHR recommendations.


Dacic on draft Srebrenica resolution: The strong can do anything - we will fight (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday there was no genocide that had not been committed by countries that had signed up to a draft UN General Assembly resolution on Srebrenica, and added that "the powerful can do anything" but that Serbia would fight against its adoption. "There is no genocide that countries that have signed up to the resolution have not committed. The powerful can do anything - we will fight," Dacic told reporters when asked about informal consultations in New York about the draft resolution. He said it was clear there was no consensus on the "zero draft", presented by Germany, Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina on Wednesday. "The Bosnia and Herzegovina representative can speak in his name only - he is a representative of Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina. If a Serb was in New York, there would be no such resolution, right? If a Serb was in Strasbourg (in the Council of Europe), there would be no vote. How can Bosnia and Herzegovina vote for (CoE) admission for 'Kosovo' and expect us to respect their territorial integrity and sovereignty?" Dacic said. He said many countries had opposed the manner in which the draft resolution was being adopted. "The Serbs cannot be the only ones labeled as a genocidal people. What about others?" Dacic said, noting that the Netherlands, which has backed the draft resolution, was being sued for slavery. "It is all going to come (to the UNGA) - Jasenovac (a WWII death camp run by Croats) and the Kragujevac mass executions (of Serbians) by (Nazi German) firing squads. Now, it is all going to come. Two can play at that game," Dacic said.


Petkovic: Historically unprecedented disgrace for PACE (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Wednesday a decision by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to back Pristina's CoE membership application was a "historically unprecedented disgrace" for the PACE. "Through acceptance of the possibility of CoE admission for something that is not a state, but a separatist regime that, through daily violence against the Serbs, itself personifies everything the civilized world should be fighting against, absurdity has become a reality," Petkovic wrote in a post on the social media network X. He noted that, at a 16 May session, the CoE Council of Ministers would not be deciding only about membership for the self-declared "Kosovo", but also about the sense of the CoE's existence.


Popovic: Recommendation to let so-called Kosovo join CoE represents collapse of international law (Tanjug)


The fact that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a report put together by the rapporteur for so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe (CoE), Dora Bakoyannis, which recommends allowing so-called Kosovo to become a member of the CoE represents a collapse of international law, according to Serbian Minister of Justice Maja Popovic. This PACE position is rendering meaningless all the principles and standards on which the work of the Council of Europe is based and brutally violates international law. The protection of human rights and the implementation of the rule of law have become completely meaningless in the face of the onslaught of politically motivated decisions. During the Brussels dialogue, only Serbia fulfilled its obligations, while so-called Kosovo has not met any of its own, especially the one related to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). Kurti's regime was rewarded by this decision of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for the constant ethnic cleansing being carried out against the Serbs in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. The Republic of Serbia will continue to fight for truth and justice and for respect of international law, because Kosovo and Metohija are an integral part of the Republic of Serbia, and that is the only truth, which no one can deny with any decision.


Lutovac on CoE vote: Implementation of what Vucic has accepted (Beta)


The President of the Democratic Party Zoran Lutovac assessed yesterday that the recommendation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for Kosovo to be accepted as member of the Council of Europe (CoE), was “the implementation of the obligations which Aleksandar Vucic has accepted”. “As for the CoE (vote), it is the implementation of the obligations which Aleksandar Vucic has accepted, which he is still refusing to admit,” Lutovac wrote in a post on X. The authorities’ feigned shock over the decision, in his words, represented “nothing but whining and deceiving of the domestic public.” Many opposition parties, like the authorities, have condemned the vote in the Council of Europe, among which the Party of United Pensioners, Farmers and Proletarians of Serbia, the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia and the Dveri movement.


ODIHR: Dialogue on election conditions must continue (N1)


The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) said on Wednesday that the inclusive dialogue to improve Serbia’s election conditions must continue despite political differences. “The readiness of Serbia’s political parties to discuss improvements to the election process has been encouraging, but meaningful dialogue and a deeper commitment to resolve existing differences are still needed,” a press release said. It quoted ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci as saying after a 2-day visit to Belgrade that “it is important that the commitment expressed across the political spectrum to work on implementing our recommendations is not derailed by outstanding political issues, ensuring that the rules and practices concerning democratic elections receive broad support”. He added that an inclusive and transparent process is necessary to ensure positive outcomes that will benefit the Serbian people now and in the future. He said that impartial international observation is needed to build voter confidence in the election process, serve as a deterrent against potential abuses of power and encourage the opposition. Inviting independent election observers demonstrates the government’s commitment to democratic standards and shows that these are actively enforced, the press release said and added that ODIHR is planning to send observers to the 2 June Belgrade city elections.


Pristina claims Belgrade held up Kosovo-registered buses at border (N1)


The Pristina authorities said on Wednesday that Kosovo-registered buses were being held up at Serbia’s borders overnight. The Kosovo Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Ministry said that it was doing everything to resolve the situation and appealed to travellers to avoid going through Serbia. It said that some 300 people were held up at the border between Serbia and Croatia. Pristina-based media said the Serbian border authorities were not allowing them to cross into Serbia because they had Kosovo registration plates. The media were told by passengers on those buses that the border police took their ID documents and left them waiting in no-man’s land, telling them to wait. They said the police told them they were waiting for a decision from Belgrade. The media reports said that Kosovo-registered buses were also stopped at Serbia’s border with Hungary. The Serbian Internal Affairs Ministry (MUP) denied that the border police held up travellers from Kosovo. “Stricter control of all passengers at border crossings is underway including security checks to improve public safety which can cause delays at border crossings,” a statement said. The MUP statement said that all citizens from “the territory of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija” are allowed free entry. It denied what it said are insinuations that they were banned from entering Serbia because they had Kosovo-issued travel documents.




Representatives of ruling coalition at B&H level hold meeting in Istocno Sarajevo (N1/ATV)


A meeting of the state coalition was held in Istocno Sarajevo. Before the meeting, the host, the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik sent harsh messages. However, the tone was much lower at the press conference, commented the presenter. The main message after the meeting was that they are ready to try in the next few days to send the B&H Election Law to the parliament for decision and to see how they can unblock the European path. The reporter commented that it seems that the leaders of the coalition at the state level have reached an agreement in principle, at least when it comes to the European path. They agreed that work should be done on those issues that unite them, and not separate them. They commented on the resolution on Srebrenica, i.e. all the events that happened in Srebrenica, commented the reporter, and Dodik said that he is aware that there is a position on this issue in the FB&H, but there is a position also in the RS. Before the meeting, Dodik announced that either an agreement will be found at this meeting of the coalition partners, or, as Dodik said, they will part ways. However, judging by the meeting and the messages after the meeting, they will not part ways yet, commented the reporter. Space has been left to improve relations, to speed up, that is, to continue the momentum towards the European path. The participants of the meeting agreed that the most important thing is to send the Election Law to the parliamentary procedure as soon as possible and thus begin to solve the issues that are bothering them. It is certainly necessary to work on other issues, but this is something they insist on and see as a priority. The HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic is optimistic and said that by next Friday, they should submit this very law to the parliamentary procedure. Dodik stated: “We believe, I believe that the local people, and the majority agree, should resolve these issues. We are ready to try in the next few days to send the laws, the B&H Election Law, to the parliamentary assembly for decision, to see how we can unblock that European path again”. The SDP leader Nermin Niksic stated: “We have always said that, and what we have achieved so far, was that through mutual agreement, discussion, and compromise, we will come to legal solutions which we will bring, and not which will be imposed. We have agreed to do our best in this upcoming period to offer an election law, that is, into the procedure in the B&H parliament so that election procedures would be the result of agreement between local authorities”. The leader of the People and Justice (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic stated: “Today's meeting was very difficult, not easy at all, we still have opposing views on various issues, but it still seems to me that we are aware that domestic and political actors must make maximum efforts to solve these current issues, the election law is one of the most current, but also others that are on our table. We have very little time. This is an important circumstance, and tomorrow we have a session of the House of Representatives (HoR), where we should try to find such a conclusion or solution following today's talks, to make maximum efforts so that within a short period of time, seven to ten days, before the elections are called, that we have a document that will be the product of the agreement of local politicians”. Covic stated: “It seems to me that the solution is to adopt the B&H Election Law in the parliamentary procedure by next Friday. And that would solve most of the problems that we have today in our normal functioning. I believe that this can be the conclusion of the HoR of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly tomorrow”. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, Dodik pointed out that he believes that “local people, and the majority agree, should solve these issues.” “We are ready to try in the next few days to send the B&H Election Law to the parliament, to see how we can unblock that European path again,” Dodik underlined. "We are sorry that there was a deadlock after obtaining the status of negotiator, we have come to a situation where we are looking for a solution," Dodik told reporters after the meeting. Dodik also said that working groups worked before and that there was a high degree of compliance. "Difficult issue remain - the position of the Central Election Commission (CEC), we had an earlier agreement on that, it should be reactivated," said Dodik. He added that there remains a legal, political, essential constitutional issue - elections for members of the B&H Presidency. "I do not want to get out of it, but it should be resolved in dialogue by the partners in the FB&H, and they will try to do so in the coming days," added Dodik.


B&H CEC amends Instruction on Awarding and Cessation of Mandate in line with changes to B&H Election Law imposed by Schmidt (Nezavisne)


B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) amended the Instruction on Awarding and Cessation of Mandate. The changes stipulate that a final and binding court conviction imposing cessation of official duty means the end of the mandate of an elected official. B&H CEC thus practically implemented the latest changes to the B&H Election Law imposed by Christian Schmidt who is not recognized by the RS as the High Representative. The daily notes that many RS officials linked this change to the ongoing trial against RS President Milorad Dodik and RS Official Gazette Acting Director Milos Lukic who are indicted for non-implementation of High Representative’s decisions. B&H CEC also amended the Instruction on Awarding and Cessation of Mandate to reflect changes imposed by Schmidt which regulate when an elected official’s mandate is declared dormant if the official elected to a legislative body is appointed to an executive office.


Presentation of draft resolution on genocide committed in Srebrenica in 1995 held in UN building in New York (AJB/BHT1)


Al Jazeera Balkans reporting live from New York –reports that a presentation of the draft resolution on the genocide committed in Srebrenica in 1995 was held in the United Nations building in New York on Wednesday. Al Jazeera reminded that the resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica should be voted on at the UN General Assembly in early May. The text of the resolution was presented by Germany, Rwanda and B&H, and the sponsors of the resolution were also present. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic arrived in New York Tuesday night, and they participated in the presentation of the resolution on Srebrenica. Al Jazeera reporter stressed that a difficult diplomatic struggle can be expected over the draft resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica because countries like Russia, Serbia and their allies will try to stop the draft from becoming a resolution or will try to impose some amendments. Al Jazeera reporter pointed out that Russia came up with an amendment to include in the text of the resolution on Srebrenica the situation in Gaza and the crimes that Israel is committing in Gaza. Al Jazeera reporter stressed that if Russia’s amendment calls for the declaration of genocide in Gaza, then some countries, like the United States, will think about what to do with the B&H resolution. Al Jazeera reporter noted that former president of the UN General Assembly Vuk Jeremic came to New York on behalf of Serbia to lobby against the adoption of the resolution on the genocide committed in Srebrenica in 1995 which, according to Al Jazeera reporter, is in complete contradiction with the views of this international organization.  BHT1 reported that the UN held a closed meeting related to the Resolution on Srebrenica.


Dodik: Emphasizing story of Srebrenica in UN will not contribute to reconciliation; genocide was not committed in Srebrenica (ATV/FTV)


RS President Milorad Dodik said Wednesday that emphasizing the story of Srebrenica in the UN will not contribute to reconciliation, pointing out that genocide did not take place there. Dodik pointed out that he can understand suffering and pain, but that Srebrenica was a manipulation. “Genocide did not happen, but an attempt was made to impose genocide because it is the only cohesive factor that brings Bosniaks together in a political sense," Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik repeated that Serbs do not want to live alongside Bosniaks if the resolution on the Srebrenica genocide is adopted by the UN. He stated that Serbs being branded as genocidal by Bosniaks is not the right step towards coexistence in B&H. Dodik noted that those responsible for the crimes in Srebrenica have been persecuted and served their time, adding that the resolution is unnecessary. “What do you want? To put the label of genocide on my grandchildren and to mock them as genocidal. We will not allow that,” said Dodik.


Victims’ associations demand investigation against Dodik and Vucic for denial of genocide and their insults (


The Association of Victims and Witnesses of Genocide and Association ‘Movement of Mothers of Enclaves Srebrenica and Zepa’ have issued a press release calling on the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and Prosecutor’s Offices in the FB&H to launch an investigation against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and RS President Milorad Dodik after their statements made on Tuesday when they denied war crimes and genocide in Srebrenica. The Associations added that the denial of crimes and insults addressed at journalists, especially the one against N1 journalist must lead to involving of competent bodies in the investigation, otherwise a vocabulary of primitives will become a practice and humiliating of victims and all others will become a role model. The Associations noted that Vucic violated B&H Criminal Code, which was amended with the decision of the High Representative on denial of courts’ decisions, genocide and crimes against humanity. The Associations also demand that B&H bodies inform the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and UN that Vucic does not respect the verdicts of the ICJ. They sent the message to “liar and manipulator” Vucic that he will never succeed in denial of genocide and that justice will be served sooner or later when he is in question.


Becirovic: Srebrenica Resolution is important for entire world (Avaz)


Chairman of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic are paying visit to New York, on occasion of discussion about the Resolution on International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica. In exclusive interview to the daily, Becirovic stated that in next couple of days, he will hold meetings which are very important for B&H, including the meetings with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, President of UN General Assembly Dennis Francis and Ambassadors of UN member states. He argues that the goal of the meetings is the same, to show the world why adoption of this Resolution is important for B&H, as well as for the entire world. He explained that besides the fact that the Resolution establishes 11 July as Reflection and Commemoration Day, it also condemns every genocide denial and glorification of war criminals, calling for strict abiding by the judgement of the International Court of Justice. Further on, the Resolution asks from UN Secretary General to make all members of the UN system, civil society organizations to take notice of the Resolution. “This Resolution, and I especially underscore this, is not directed against anyone, against any of the peoples and it is in the interest of all citizens and peoples in B&H, as well as of the entire humankind,” said Becirovic. Commenting strong diplomatic offensive from Serbia and “expressions of rage from Serbia and RS”, Becirovic said he wants to believe that in the end, everyone will comprehend the meaning of this document. “In the end, entire humankind I obligated to learn the lesson in failure to prevent genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica. We all together need to strive to prevent such evil for every happening again,” said Becirovic. Inset ‘Now it is not important who will vote’ – Becirovic noted that in this phase, it is not important to discuss who will vote for the Resolution and who against it, but it is important to point out basic legal facts, and normative of the international law, so that every UN GA member would have that in mind before the vote.  He is convinced that Resolution will be adopted at beginning of May, because it is in service of the future and genocide prevention.


Trial of Dodik and Lukic continues before Court of B&H with testimony of two prosecution witnesses (ATV)


ATV reports that another hearing in the proceedings against RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic for disobeying the decisions of (High Representative) Christian Schmidt was held before the Court of B&H on Wednesday. Former acting directors of the RS Official Gazette, Milka Devusic and Vladimir Jankovic, were heard at the hearing. The next hearing in the case against Dodik and Lukic has been scheduled for 29 April when the presentation of material evidence will continue. After the hearing before the Court of B&H, Dodik told a press conference in Istocno Sarajevo that B&H is a colony where foreigners want to be in charge, “who impose judges, prosecutors, whom they expect to conduct the proceedings according to their standards”. Dodik stressed that officials in the RS believe that everything that has been done recently is harmful to B&H. “I of course know that I am not the RS nor is the RS on trial, but the RS President is on trial because he was doing his duty… Whatever those who expect something to happen say, nothing will happen. It is impossible to pass a verdict about this,” Dodik said. Lukic said that it is clear that everything the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is doing is pointless. Lukic stressed that in the end, it will be clear to everyone that the process against Dodik and him was conducted because of the people who represent the Serb people. Lawyer from Serbia and legal associate of the defense Goran Petronijevic said that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is under pressure and in an uneasy situation. Petronijevic stressed that this will remain a textbook example on which generations will learn about how the judiciary should not be abused. Dodik’s lawyer, Goran Bubic, said after the hearing before the Court of B&H that this is a simulated trial in an attempt to eliminate Dodik from political life in an unconstitutional manner. Bubic pointed out that Devusic and Jankovic, although they are prosecution witnesses, at one point testified against the indictment. Lukic’s lawyer, Miljkan Pucar, said that Devusic and Jankovic did not confirm anything from the indictment, rather, they confirmed the claims of the defense that the Official Gazette of the RS works only and exclusively according to the law.


Members of B&H Delegation Cudic and Magazinovic vote in favor of recommending Kosovo’s membership in CoE (Nezavisne)


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CoE) adopted the recommendation for Kosovo’s membership in the CoE. Two delegates from B&H – Snjezana Novakovic Bursac and Branislav Borenovic voted against the recommendation. Two other B&H delegates – Sabina Cudic and Sasa Magazinovic voted in recommendation of the report. Novakovic Bursac stated that the recommendation violates the norms and the Statute of the CoE which stipulates that only a state can become a member, while self-declared Kosovo does not meet the criteria of independence. She underlined that Kosovo does not meet the requirements of being an independent state under the UN Charter, and that Kosovo is a territory violently separated from the sovereign and internationally recognized state of Serbia.


Cavoli: RS attempts to weaken state authorities (FTV/BNTV)


The NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe Christopher Cavoli addressed the US Congress, and in his speech expressed concern for the current political situation in B&H and Western Balkans. He said that ethnic tensions in B&H have the potential to destabilize the Western Balkans region. Cavoli touched on the NATO forces in B&H and Kosovo in his address, stating after a full revision of KFOR forces they concluded that they need to allocate more troops to Kosovo. He also noted that Russian influence on Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks has the goal of weakening B&H’s EU and NATO integration. “Ethno-nationalist politics prevents B&H from making the much-needed political, legal, and economic reforms that would improve its European integration. The RS is trying to weaken state power and weaken relations with the EU and NATO, while at the same time maintaining close relations with Russia,” said Cavoli. Cavoli underlined that France put one battalion in operational state. Cavoli stressed that tensions are significantly higher in this week, adding that they have launched at least two focused missions to increase collection of information to understand better developments in both countries, namely Kosovo and B&H.


New mandate for HDZ; Election results in Croatia at 99.3% of processed votes (


Based on 99.3 percent of processed votes, according to the unofficial results of the State Election Commission, HDZ won 61 mandates, while the coalition around SDP Rijeke Pravde remained on 42 mandates, reports The Homeland Movement won 14 mandates, Most 11, Mozemo 10, IDS 2, NPS 2 and Focus one mandate. Andrej Plenkovic, President of the HDZ and former prime minister, said last night after the announcement of the first results that it was important that the party won convincingly for the third time in a row in the elections held, as he said, thanks to Zoran Milanovic, on a "bizarre day". Plenković announced at the party's headquarters that HDZ is already starting to form a third government today. Congratulating other political parties, Plenkovic says that HDZ will continue its policy that "protected citizens from many crises and saved the Croatian economy". SDP leader Pedja Grbin said on Wednesday evening that the unofficial results of the parliamentary elections show that two-thirds of the citizens supported this party and that they will therefore show that Croatia can and will be better. "We have days, weeks and months of talks ahead of us, but they will end with a change that will make Croatia better, without corruption, that takes care of its people," said Grbin. He said that today they are starting talks with those who "until yesterday said that they would not work with the HDZ, that they would not work with a corrupt Croatia"."And it's up to us to check that those words were true," Grbin said. Parliamentary elections for the 11th convocation of the parliament were held in Croatia. 3.7 million voters had the right to vote, and 62 percent of citizens voted. Based on 98 percent of the votes counted, HDZ received 60 mandates. The "Rijeke Pravde" coalition, led by the SDP, won 42 mandates. It is certain that eight parties and coalitions will enter the parliament. Serbs are allocated three parliamentary seats in the parliament, which go to Milorad Pupovac's SDSS. In the elections for members of the 11th convocation of parliament, 3.7 million voters had the right to vote, and 62 percent of citizens voted. They chose from among 2,302 candidates on 165 lists, who competed for 151 mandates in the assembly. All three parliamentary mandates intended for Serbs were won by the Independent Democratic Serbian Party (SDSS) of Milorad Pupovac.


PES: Milatovic, as PES member, accused Abazovic’s government of stalling EU integration (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic’s attempt to relativize the success of the current government, which is publicly confirmed by our EU partners, is a continuation of the campaign carried out by our former official, Europe Now Movement (PES) has announced. “While he was in PES, and before he became president, Milatovic publicly and openly accused Dritan Abazovic of forming an alliance with those who are responsible for the economic and moral collapse of the state”, PES has stressed. As a reminder, on 8 August 2022, Milatovic accused Abazovic’s government of being “un-European”, citing five reasons why such a government should be voted no-confidence. “The government has completely slowed down the process of tangible European integration, and appointed problematic party cadres and corrupt leaders of the previous DPS regime to important management positions, with unprecedented political revanchism”, Milatovic pointed out. PES emphasizes that the great successes of the current government in a very short time are not contested by the most important European addresses, so they kindly suggest to the president that he should primarily focus on his work, instead of assuming the role of protector of Abazovic’s government, which, as a member of PES, he strongly criticized and accused of stalling European integration, which was also confirmed in the European Commission’s Report.


Krvavac: Milatovic should leave his personal vanity aside, for the sake of successful EU path (CdM)


The government, led by PM Milojko Spajic, and the current parliamentary majority, unblocked the process of European integration and brought Montenegro to the position of leader in the Western Balkans, which was recognized by all EU officials and our international partners, Branko Krvavac, a member of the Europe Now Movement (PES) Presidency, has announced. “Integration into the EU is a decade-long dream of the vast majority of Montenegrin citizens, which obliges us to fully commit to reforms that will transform our society to the benefit of all. That is why accession to the EU must be above everything and everyone, and in that name, we need a general social consensus and dedicated work on reforms”, he points out. According to him, if the President Jakov Milatovic wants good for Montenegro, he should, for the sake of the success of this process, try to rise above his personal vanity and instead of representing the previous governments, work for the good of all citizens, within the competence prescribed by the Constitution.


Becic congratulated on arrest, although SDT claims no one was arrested (CdM)


Although for now, according to the spokesperson of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office (SDT) Vukas Radonjic, no detainees have been detained during the search in the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, DPM Aleksa Becic welcomed the arrest of the director of that institution Jelena Perovic. He said he praised another successful operation of the Special Police Department of the Police Directorate and SDT. He stressed that they promised transparency, efficiency and fairness in the security system, and today’s arrest showed that we were on the right track. “I promise that I will do everything in my power to ensure that the 44th government of Montenegro provides optimal conditions for the efficient and professional performance of duties. In our country, there is room only for those who believe in justice and purity of institutions”, Becic said.


Pendarovski: We did not progress to EU because of opposition's obstructions (MIA)


We did not take the next, very important step toward the EU only because the main opposition party has been putting stumbling blocks on Macedonia's path over the past two and a half years, President Stevo Pendarovski told a reelection rally in Gostivar. "We could have done better. However, in this international context, with this internal opposition, which does not know what the state interests of Macedonia are, believe me, it was very difficult to achieve more than this. "With these obstructions on the inside, and with obstructions from the outside — a war on the continent — we would not have believed that we could even get here," Pendarovski said. Speaking about his opponents, he said they were portraying themselves as "the most Macedonian and patriotic party" and pledging to withdraw from bilateral agreements but they had no plans for the country's future. "When you ask them what happens after the withdrawal, they say: 'We will start negotiating again.' Do you have any guarantees that anyone from outside will support you and renegotiate, leading to an outcome that is good for the people, for the citizens, for the state? "They don't. They don't have a single international friend. That's why, when they come before you, they tell you, 'Give us power and we will tell you what our plans are tomorrow'," Pendarovski said.


Pendarovski: No EU progress is possible without changing Constitution (TV Telma)


President Stevo Pendarovski, who is running for a second term, said in a TV Telma appearance that there was a new political realism in the relations between North Macedonia and the EU and that the country had blocked itself on the road to the EU. "Unfortunately, we have been blocked and we know why. The main opposition party said no way would they vote for it under Bulgarian dictation, etc.," President Pendarovski said. "If this is the new realism, then we have been self-blocked. Let's then make the most of this ambitiously announced Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, in which there are far more funds available, until the opposition realizes that without changing the Constitution there is no membership in the EU. Until that happens, let's at least use a lot of these funds intended for the countries that are self-blocked, like us." He said "Bulgarian dictations" and "only as Bulgarians will we enter the EU" could be rally buzzwords but "this is just a political mantra to fool people until you come to power." "Afterward, you will face the demands of the potential Albanian factor who will tell you about constitutional changes in three, six months. Then you will go to Brussels and they will tell you there is no changing the negotiation framework," Pendarovski said. Commenting on VMRO-DPMNE's position on amending the Constitution, Pendarovski said they were blocking the EU integration process only to score political points. "The other day, there was an interview with a person from the German CDU, a sister party of VMRO-DPMNE, who came here to help them and told them: This is the way." "I'd like to tell them [...] I understand why you are doing this. This is where you score your political points," he said. "But let's face this new political realism. It is a shame that now — when Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina have become candidates — for us, having made some progress, to be going back because of your attitude that only as Bulgarians we will enter the EU, which is absolute nonsense," he said. According to the President, EU membership should be a non-partisan issue, given that it was the country's strategic goal, much like NATO membership.


Osmani: European Front continues battle to tear down ethnic monopolies' strongholds (MIA)


European Front coalition presidential candidate Bujar Osmani told a Kichevo election rally that the European Front was not just a coalition but "a continuation of the battles to tear down the ethnic monopolies' castles." "The European Front is not a political party. The European Front is not even a coalition of political parties. The European Front is a great idea. It is a great idea and its time has come. An avalanche that has collected the dreams of every citizen of this country for equality, for justice and a prosperous life in the EU. I see this in the enthusiasm, the smiles in every town I go to," Osmani said. "I call on you on 24 April to understand the weight of this mission. Your vote is not only for my candidacy. Your vote and support is to break the last ethnic monopoly stronghold and to give full equality to all communities in our country," he said. Osmani said his opponents offered isolation whereas he was focused on EU membership. He said the European Front guaranteed integration into the EU in just five years, a partnership with the United States of America, vetting of high officials, and equal opportunities for members of all communities.


Taravari: We'll restore former reputation of Kumanovo, Lipkovo (MIA)


Worth It coalition presidential candidate Arben Taravari at a Lipkovo election rally pledged that, if elected President, he would restore the reputation of Kumanovo and Lipkovo as economically and agriculturally developed areas. "We will connect Kumanovo with Gnjilane and Preshevo. We will invest more in farming, in grants for farmers and in economic development to restore the former agriculture and production reputation in the Lipkovo and Kumanovo region," Taravari said. He said DUI was in power thanks to Lipkovo voters, but what they had given back to their supporters was "damage, injustice and bad governance." "Instead of privileging and developing this region, which was once considered a crisis region, the poor governance of DUI plunged it into multiple crises: economic and agricultural crisis, unemployment and migration crisis, but also security crisis and framed up cases. No one has felt the consequences of DUI's bad governance more than this region's residents," Taravari said. He said the Worth It coalition would bring about change. "We will bring more justice, first for the politically framed up cases. We will stand for justice and compensation for those Albanians who are unjustly kept in prison," Taravari said. He also pledged that gambling would be outlawed, fast loan companies closed, and people's debts forgiven.


Dimitrievski: Macedonia deserves people's President to represent, protect them (MIA)


I entered this battle for President because I think Macedonia deserves a president from the ranks of citizens, with the citizens and for the citizens, which is why my priority going forward will be only the citizens, ZNAM Movement presidential candidate Maksim Dimitrievski told a Butel election rally. "Macedonia needs and should elect a leader, a father of the nation, with integrity, credibility and character, who will walk proudly in Macedonia together with the citizens. After Ilinden and ASNOM, the time has come for a new electoral uprising by the citizens, for the citizens," Dimitrievski said. "You, the citizens, give legitimacy to the President, to the one you choose to represent and protect you. I promise I will be President from the citizens, with the citizens and for the citizens," he said. The ZNAM Movement presidential candidate added that the country had fallen on hard times. "Today, you live in a country where you pay for medical treatment, but you don't get medical treatment. You pay judges, but there is no court, no justice. You pay prosecutors, but there are no prosecutors, no charges filed against the rulers. The people and citizens pay for everything, to get nothing in the end," Dimitrievski said.


Siljanovska-Davkova: You deserve to be governed according to your dignity (MIA)


We have our backs to the wall in these elections; you deserve a government in accordance with your dignity, a government you will not be afraid or ashamed of, but proud of, VMRO-DPMNE's presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova told a Sveti Nikole election rally. Siljanovska-Davkova spoke about her opponent Stevo Pendarovski and what he had said in 2019 about the country's EU membership and the Friendship Treaty with Bulgaria. "Everything he claimed that would happen soon [...] didn't. Not only did we not take a step forward, we took a step back," she said, adding that the country was now "negotiating with our neighbor to start negotiations; an unprecendented phenomenon." "New people should come to power and we should be guided by our state and national interests," she said. Giving her his support, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski at the Sveti Nikole rally said "VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition feel they have the trust." He also said they needed "a historic result" so they could "transform Macedonia." "And those DUI people at their rallies often accuse me of being anti-Albanian, of being a xenophobe. Then I ask them: Since when has there been a rule relating crime to ethnicity?" Mickoski said that if DUI members were attacked for committing crimes "and robbing the people of Macedonia," that was not because of their ethnicity. "Criminals have no ethnicity. Either you are a criminal or you are not," he said.


Marichikj: Macedonia's position on Srebrenica was clearly established by parliamentary declaration in 2010 (TV Kanal 5)


First Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, commenting on Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani's announcement on North Macedonia's co-sponsorship of the UN Srebrenica genocide resolution, said the country's position on Srebrenica had been clearly established by a Declaration in parliament in 2010. "Macedonia's position is very clear and established by a Declaration in parliament in early 2010, when our parliament unanimously supported an EP resolution on Srebrenica condemning it as genocide," Marichikj said in a TV Kanal 5 appearance. "However," he added, "that stain cannot be cast on the entire Serbian people or Serbia. The responsibility towards Srebrenica should be individualized and that's why there are international courts and tribunals." On Osmani's statement that he would propose that North Macedonia withdraw from the Open Balkans initiative, Marichikj said that all initiatives benefitting Macedonian citizens should continue. Membership in the Open Balkans, he said, should not be politicized.


Condemning any form of genocide is a universal human responsibility, says Foreign Minister (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Wednesday he was surprised by the reactions to the announcement that the Republic of North Macedonia is among the 17 countries co-sponsoring the United Nations Resolution declaring 11 July as an international day of remembrance and commemoration of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide. The Foreign Minister said he was surprised by people who said they believe the act would impact the country’s relations with Serbia, stressing that “it is a universal human responsibility to condemn any form of genocide, regardless of who the perpetrators are.” “I didn’t expect reactions, I am even a bit shocked by the reactions of some of the citizens, which I think are encouraged by certain political parties. We mustn’t react to this topic because this issue enters the field of denying genocide, which is strictly forbidden... There is already a decision of the International Court of Justice declaring the acts in Srebrenica as genocide, and these court decisions can no longer be commented or interpreted. The Republic of North Macedonia in 2010, in its parliament, adopted a declaration in support of the European resolution declaring genocide in Srebrenica. So, I think these reactions and interpretations are regretful, because I have no dilemma that there is no citizen in North Macedonia who wouldn’t condemn the murder of 8000 civilians – children, adults, exterminated in one day,” Osmani said in the headquarters of the Bosniak Democratic Union where a panel discussion was held before his statement. The co-sponsoring of the Resolution means that the country is a part of the initiative put forward by Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is participating in the drafting of its text alongside the other co-sponsors. The Resolution will be presented to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday and will be put to vote on 2 May. Osmani stressed that North Macedonia is expected to be a co-sponsor of such a resolution, “as one of the biggest promotors of multiethnicity and diversity”, and it is especially expected, he said, “that we condemn any act of hate speech and any murder motivated by hatred of the other.” Regarding the reactions in Serbia, the Foreign Minister stressed the importance of reconciliation and pointed to the example of France and Germany, which, he said, are great allies today “because the wounds have been healed through a sincere conversation about what happened,” as well as the measures taken by Germany in remembrance of the Holocaust. “I am proud that North Macedonia is a part of the co-sponsors of the Resolution. That’s the only way to prevent such an act from happening again. Genocide isn’t only the act of extermination; it begins with hate speech and ends with its denial. That’s why we mustn’t be a part of any stage of genocide. I would’ve liked for the foreign ministers of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to have been here with me, so that we could reconcile together. Because there are two options – either war or reconciliation. The wars in the Balkans have ended, our only option is to reconcile, to heal our wounds and for anyone who has committed acts contrary to international and humanitarian law to apologize, so that we can move forward as the EU did,” Osmani said.


Begaj hosts the delegation of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly: Albania, a factor of peace and stability (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic of Albania Bajram Begaj received a delegation from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, members of the Committee on Democracy and Security. The parliamentarians appreciated Albania's role in NATO, as well as its contribution to defending the principles and values of the Alliance. The Head of State reaffirmed Albania's full commitment to continue its obligations within NATO and to strengthen collective defense. The meeting proceeded with a discussion, during which President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, expressed Albania's stance regarding the situation in the region, developments in the Middle East, and the need to find solutions through dialogue and constructive cooperation. "Albania will continue to play its role as a factor of peace, stability, and exporter of security," said the Head of State.


CoE Monitoring Committee removes the monitoring of Albania, appreciating reforms for independence of judiciary (Radio Tirana)


The Committee for Observance of Obligations and Commitments by the Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) evaluates the observance of obligations and commitments by Albania and asks the General Assembly to close the procedure for Albania.

In the report presented by Ionut-Marian Stroe, of the European People's Party group, it is said that this committee "welcomes the collapse of the systemic political crisis in the country and the reforms implemented to guarantee the independence and integrity of the judiciary, in particular the verification of all judges and prosecutors". He equally expresses satisfaction for the progress made in the fight against widespread corruption in the country, including high-level punishments. At the same time, the Monitoring Committee also raises a number of concerns, especially regarding the polarized political environment in Albania, the lack of implementing legislation for the 2017 Law on the Protection of National Minorities, as well as the deterioration of media freedom in the country. "The Monitoring Committee expects the authorities to treat these concerns as a matter of priority and ensure that the tangible results recorded in the fight against corruption now become an irreversible trend, so as to give a clear signal that there can be no tolerance or impunity for the corrupt", the report reads. "In light of the visible and demonstrable progress made in honoring its obligations and commitments and recognizing the clear political will expressed by the governing majority to address remaining concerns, the Monitoring Committee recommends that the Assembly close the monitoring procedure in connection with Albania and to engage in a post-monitoring dialogue with the objective of addressing the remaining concerns described in the draft resolution", the report reads. At the same time, the committee proposes to return Albania to a full monitoring procedure if, at the time of its first report in the framework of the post-monitoring dialogue, no concrete and tangible progress has been registered in relation to addressing the concerns and its recommendations regarding the fight against corruption, protection of minorities, freedom of the media and freedom of expression.