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Belgrade Media Report 23 April



Ziadeh: Full implementation of Belgrade-Pristina agreements necessary (Beta/RTS/Politika/RTV)


Caroline Ziadeh, Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo, stressed before a session of the UN Security Council in New York yesterday the importance of the full implementation of the agreements reached within the Brussels-mediated dialogue between Belgrade-Pristina and called on both sides to remain committed to constructive engagement and finding practical compromises. Ziadeh stressed the importance of resolving long-open issues between Belgrade and Pristina, and between the Kosovo Serbs and Pristina, through open communication and dialogue. Speaking about the procedure to recall the heads of the four northern Kosovo municipalities, Ziadeh said a mere 253 of 46,556 registered voters had turned out for the referendum, commenting that this "sadly represented the grounds to draw out" this fragile unresolved issue. Ziadeh expressed concern over the effects on non-majority communities of the Kosovo regulation banning the use of the dinar as currency in cash transactions, pointing out that forming the Community of Serb Municipalities could mean solutions to this and other open issues in the process of normalization of relations.


Continuous legal, physical violence against Serbs in Kosovo Metohija (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated yesterday at the session of the United Nations Security Council in New York that the regime in Pristina creates unbearable living conditions for Serbs and carries out their systematic mistreatment. At the session where the regular six-month report of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo and Metohija (UNMIK) was presented, Vucic reminded that Serbia has fulfilled all the difficult obligations from the Brussels agreement, but not even after 11 years from of its signature, the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities is not even in sight. Of course, this resulted in what we can call today continuous legal violence and physical harassment of the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic pointed out. The President said that the measure to abolish the use of the dinar in Kosovo and Metohija is the culmination of an ethnically motivated, deliberate campaign, which the provisional Pristina institutions are leading against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and that because of this, the work of schools, kindergartens, medical, social and other institutions is practically impossible. Employees of those institutions, which are still working, face daily the fear of unfounded arrests carried out by Kurti's regime on false charges. This situation greatly affects children in kindergartens, pensioners, single mothers and seriously ill people in rural areas, but of course also everyone else, Vucic said. He also reminded that on 8 February, a special session was held in the UN Security Council because of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and because the temporary institutions of self-government in Pristina are creating unbearable conditions for Serbs and other non-Albanians. Kurti then said that he had given the Serbs a three-month transitional period, during which none of their rights to accept and receive the dinar would be abused. From the moment the session ended, no one in Pristina, nor in the international community, even mentioned the three-month transitional period. And all measures against Serbs in connection with the dinar began to be applied immediately, the Serbian President said. Vucic also stated that from 8 February until today, five rounds of talks between Belgrade and Pristina were held in Brussels, and the only tangible outcome of these efforts was the exposure of Pristina's true motives. He also stated that 16 ethnically motivated attacks have occurred since then. They include, as he pointed out, an armed attack against Serbs in Gracanica, shootings and intimidation of the decreasing number of Serb returnees in the west of Kosovo and Metohija, continuous unjustified detention, violent removal of signs with titles and names in the Serbian language in purely Serb municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija by the police. Also, Vucic pointed out that the continuous attacks within the campaign of persecution of Serbs deepened after the Pristina parapolice forces broke into Serbian pharmacies in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zubin Potok, where the persecutors of Serbs seized large quantities of medical supplies. If the population of Kosovo and Metohija cannot rely on the United Nations as an objective arbiter and someone who will prevent the cunning ethnic engineering of Pristina, this can lead us to the possibility of unpredictable scenarios with huge consequences, said the President of Serbia and added that that is why it is necessary for the special representative to exercise her powers and supervise the provisional institutions, he said. Vucic called on UNMIK head Caroline Ziadeh to use her powers to oversee the provisional institutions in Pristina and take urgent action in collaboration with KFOR to guarantee security and human rights to all the population of Kosovo and Metohija.


Vucic from New York: We will request the withdrawal of the resolution on Srebrenica (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke after the session of the UN Security Council at a reception organized by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the United Nations for permanent representatives of UN member states. "Serbia is on the European path and in recent years we have achieved good results and thanks to your votes we won the Expo and I invite you to visit us," said Vucic at the beginning of his address to journalists. "You know that Serbia is committed to the resolutions and the UN, we believe that the UN should have a bigger role, that is the only way to restore peace in the world. We have always been honest and direct on this issue. We will continue the dialogue with Pristina and we hope that EU will do something in order to implement the Brussels Agreement, and the most important prerequisite was the formation of the ZSO, and we hope that this will be a prerequisite for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe," said Vucic.


On Srebrenica

"First of all, I want to point out that there was no discussion and no agreement on the resolution on Srebrenica, but it was a decision that deeply divided the ethnic minorities in this region, this represents the work of one part against another part of the population. Bosnia is still a very sensitive area after the conflict, where international forces are still present due to ethnic tensions and internal problems, the submission of this resolution was made regardless of the opposition of the Serbs and in complete disregard of the institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, if they really want to contribute to peace building, must respect the laws of the countries that submit it. The resolution on genocide from Rwanda from 2003 was adopted at the proposal of the African Union, which tells us that it was adopted after regional consultations before it was adopted. The UN deals with the situation in Bosnia and that this may be a violation, some kind of interference in the affairs of the Security Council. I also wanted to say that as the Republic of Serbia, we consistently condemn the crimes in Srebrenica. I visited Srebrenica and paid tribute to the victims. The 2010 declaration condemned the crime, Serbia demonstrated its commitment to the principles of international law by fulfilling its obligations to international institutions of justice. It will not lead to peace and will not heal the wounds of the past, it will deepen the wounds of the past and lead to new theses in the Western Balkans. For this reason, we request that this resolution be withdrawn as presented. If this is not the case, we invite the members to vote against the resolution. And we are for every type of dialogue and process. No one in Serbia or Bosnia was informed about this. All this was done in secret, but we need inclusiveness and more understanding between us," said Vucic.


Vucic met Nebenzya: We discussed the imposition of a resolution on Srebrenica (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in New York with the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vasily Nebenzya. "I spoke with the representative of the Russian Federation at the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, about the current challenges that Serbia is facing due to the imposition of the resolution on Srebrenica on the agenda of the UN General Assembly and asked him to support our country's position in the decision-making process at the UN. I thanked Ambassador Nebenzya for Russia's consistent position regarding respect for Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, which was also demonstrated during today's session of the UN Security Council. I once again pointed out the determination of our country to use all political means to oppose precedents that imply disrespect for international public first and agreements reached, as well as arbitrary and selective determination of rights and truth," Vucic wrote on Instagram.


Vucic, UAE Ambassador to UN discuss Srebrenica resolution (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke with UAE Ambassador Mohamed Abushahab in New York on Monday about the difficult challenges ahead of Serbia. "I pointed out that Serbia is not denying the horrible crime that happened in Srebrenica, and that our country notes that on every occasion, believing that it is only in that way that true reconciliation can take place and mutual trust can be restored between peoples whose war wounds are still fresh," Vucic wrote on Instagram. He added that he had asked Abushahab to convey to UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed Serbia's concern over such developments as well as a plea to the UAE to use its undeniable reputation in the international arena. "On the other hand, I pointed out the hypocrisy of the proposers of a (Srebrenica) resolution, who in this way want to step up the pressure on Serbia and the Serbs as a whole, diverting attention from a flagrant violation of all principles of international law and justice as well as the rights of Serbs, especially in Kosovo and Metohija," Vucic said.


Serbia very important partner of Germany in Western Balkans (Politika)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic met yesterday with Envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany for South-Eastern Europe, Turkey, OSCE and the Council of Europe Michael Reiffenstuel. Vucevic stated that the bilateral relations between the two countries are developed and characterized by intensive cooperation in numerous fields and added that Serbia especially values Germany as a very important economic partner. In the conversation, it was emphasised that the de-escalation of the situation and the stabilization of security conditions in the region is a common interest, as well as the European integration of the region. Vucevic pointed out that voting for the membership of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe represents a dangerous precedent and violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, as a full member of the UN and the Council of Europe. He additionally pointed out that submitting the resolution on Srebrenica will deepen the divisions within Bosnia and Herzegovina itself, given that there is no consensus on this very sensitive issue. According to him, the Republic of Serbia, which publicly condemned the crime in Srebrenica, requests that the sponsors withdraw the proposed resolution and thereby contribute to reconciliation in the region.


Ohrid agreement officially part of the EU-Serbia negotiating framework (RTS)


The EU foreign ministers passed in Brussels yesterday amendments to Chapter 35 in the accession negotiations with Serbia, pertaining to Serbia’s obligations arising from last year’s agreements reached with Kosovo in Brussels and Ohrid. Following the approval of the Council of Ministers, Chapter 35, concerning the normalization of relations with Kosovo, is now officially amended. The text previously adopted by the EU ambassadors on 15 April says that the progress Serbia makes in its accession negotiations with the Union will be guided by its progress in preparations for the accession. The document goes on to say that the progress will “be measures especially in terms of Serbia's continuous engagement in visible and sustainable improvements to relations with Kosovo, as well as other requirements contained in Point 23 of the negotiating framework." The document that RTS had access to, also reads that Serbia should fully implement the obligations arising from the agreement on the path to normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, in accordance with the Implementation Annex agreed upon on 18 March 2023. According to the document, the agenda of the Special Group on normalization of relations with Serbia will be amended accordingly to include Pristina’s obligations arising from the agreement.


State Department: Serbia still faces problems with corruption, judiciary, media freedom (N1)


There were no significant changes in the human rights situation in Serbia during 2023, reads the US State Department 2023 Report on Human Rights Practices in Serbia. Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; serious restrictions on free expression and the press, including violence, threats of violence, and unjustified legal cases against journalists; serious government corruption; trafficking in persons; and crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, or other sexual minority individuals, reads the report. The government took steps to identify, investigate, prosecute, and punish officials who may have committed human rights abuses, both in the police force and elsewhere in the government, following public allegations of abuses. Nevertheless, many observers believed numerous cases of corruption, social and domestic violence, attacks on civil society, and other abuses went unreported and unpunished, says the report. The full report is available on the US Department of State website.


Serbian parliament adopted amendments to the Law on Local Elections (RTS)


In the parliament of Serbia, with 165 votes, MPs adopted the amendments to the Law on Local Elections, which enable all local elections to be held on 2 June. 165 MPs voted "in favor of" the amendment to the Law on Local Elections, and 26 voted against. The amendments to the Law on Local Elections were adopted in their entirety. MPs of the Serbian parliament adopted amendments to the Law on Local Elections, which extend the deadlines for announcing and voting in local elections. 165 voted for amendments to the Law on Local Elections, 26 were against, two abstained, and 11 did not vote out of 204 MPs. The parliament accepted that this law, due to particularly justified reasons, enters into force within eight days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Amendments to the Law on Local Elections enable the Belgrade and local elections, which were not held in December, to be held on the same day – 2 June, which was one of the demands of the opposition in the talks on improving election conditions. The law stipulates that the decision to call local elections is made no earlier than 150 days, no later than 45 days before the end of the councillor's mandate, and that no less than 30 and no more than 60 days can pass from the day local elections are called to the day of voting. Amendments to the Law on Local Elections were included in the parliamentary procedure thanks to the signatures of 184 MPs of the ruling majority, as well as MPs of the Green-Left Front, the National Movement of Serbia - New Face of Serbia, the Ecological Uprising, independent MPs of the Movement of Free Citizens, as well as the deputy of SDA Sandzak and Shaip Kamberi's Party for Democratic Action.


Part of the Serbian opposition to run for office on 2 June under the slogan “I Choose to Fight” (Beta)


The opposition parties, namely the People's Movement of Serbia, the Green Left Front, the New Face of Serbia, the Ecological Uprising, the Democratic Party and the Free Citizens Movement, announced yesterday that they would run for election in Belgrade’s and other local polls on 2 June, using the common slogan "I Choose to Fight". The President of the People's Movement of Serbia Miroslav Aleksic said at a press conference in the Serbian parliament building that those parties had decided to participate in the upcoming elections in the capital and a number of local municipalities if their basic demands were met – that a commission be formed to revise the electoral roll, that media laws be respected and that the Belgrade and other local elections be held on the same day. Aleksic said they had decided not to give up any municipality or city to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s regime without a fight, and that he could not understand the decision by other opposition parties not to run in Belgrade, but participate in local elections. The Green Left Front’s MP Radomir Lazovic said that they had forced the regime to repeat the "rigged elections", and that the fight for a better electoral setting had to continue, but warned that the Serbian Progressive Party would never provide for a free and fair vote in Serbia, so they will have to win an unfair fight. The Ecological Uprising’s parliamentary representative Aleksandar Jovanovic Cuta said that to fight was their only choice, but that he would respect every decision regarding participation in the elections. President of the Free Citizens Movement Pavle Grbovic said that his group would remain open to cooperation both before and after the elections, and that their criticism would be targeted at the Progressive regime only.


Djilas: I hope parties choosing to enter election are not colluding with Vucic (N1)


Freedom and Justice Party Head Dragan Djilas said yesterday that he could not explain the dissolution of the oppositional Serbia Against Violence coalition but that he refused to believe that any of his former allies chose to run in the elections due to a pact with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. In a guest appearance on TV N1, Djilas stated that his party, along with the Together and SRCE parties and the NADA coalition, will vote against the proposed amendments to the Local Elections Act and will also submit a draft constitutional bill moving the elections for the fall. “We believe this is the only way to ensure fair elections, because only [by postponing] will there be time to implement all the ODIHR recommendations [for improving Serbia’s electoral process],” Djilas explained. The Serbia Against Violence coalition ceased to exist after six of its parties accepted the idea of entering the elections under the current circumstances, while Djilas’s Freedom and Justice Party, Zdravko Ponos’ Serbia Center (SRCE) party and Nebojsa Zelenovic’s Together for Serbia are against the planned June vote.


People’s Party to run for election in Belgrade together with New Serbia (Srbin Info)


The People’s Party leader Vladimir Gajic said yesterday that his party would be running in Belgrade’s elections on the ticket “People’s Ticket – Key to Victory – People’s Party – New Serbia – I Live for Serbia Movement” and that the group had started collecting signatures of support in Belgrade’s central and suburban municipalities. Gajic said that “the opposition request to merge elections is completely unreasonable, and the government has accepted it, of course, but only after the opposition wasted so much time instead of preparing for the elections”. “There is a perfectly reasonable question – who those who make proposals to the government’s advantage work for? The inconsistent pro-Western opposition will certainly increase voting abstention, which in Belgrade can pave the way to the Serbian Progressive Party’s victory. It’s a permanent series of own goals scored by the pro-Western opposition,” the People’s Party quoted Gajic as saying in an interview for the Srbin Info channel.


Serbs boycott vote to dismiss ethnic Albanian mayors (N1)


The referendum to dismiss the ethnic Albanian mayors of four northern Kosovo municipalities failed because the local Serbs boycotted the vote. Kosovo Central Election Commission chief Kreshni Radoniqi said that the voter turnout was far below the required 50 percent (plus one vote) which means the referendum failed. He said that 124 of 13,000 registered voters turned out in Leposavic, 18 of 6,000 in Zubin Potok, 111 in Mitrovic north and none in Zvecan. The referendum was called to replace the ethnic Albanian mayors who were elected in a vote that the Serbs boycotted. Those elections were followed by unrest in the four northern majority-Serb municipalities. The police said no incidents were reported. The Serb List said the vote was a farce organized by the Kurti regime. A statement said that the Kosovo Serb party was right to call the Serbs not to vote, adding that they were ready to turn out to vote to replace the mayors but did not want to play the Pristina regime’s game and give the process legitimacy. It said the Serbs showed a high level of unity and proved that they were not intimidated by the Serb List and Belgrade but by the Kosovo Prime Minister and “his illegal para-police”. Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said that the boycott happened because of pressure from the Serbian authorities. “Once again, Serbia illegally interfered in another state’s electoral process. Once again, Vucic broke the word he had given to international partners,” a Facebook post said. “By organizing today’s process, Kosovo has met all the conditions required by the EU. Unjust measures against Kosovo should be immediately removed,” Osmani added.




Cvijanovic requests emergency session of B&H Presidency on Tuesday (Srna)


At the request of B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic, an emergency session of the B&H Presidency will be held on Tuesday. Cvijanovic sent a request to hold an emergency session with only one item on the agenda, the position of the Presidency regarding Kosovo's application for membership in the Council of Europe, reports Srna.


B&H FM Konakovic: Vucic’s formation of HQ of Serbian Mission with UN to fight against Resolution on Srebrenica is shameful (FTV)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic commented on Monday on the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s efforts to prevent adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly (UN GA). Konakovic assessed the fact that Vucic has formed a headquarters (HQ) of the Serbian Mission with the UN in charge of fighting against the Resolution on Srebrenica as shameful. Konakovic noted that Vucic fights so that the genocide denial could continue. “Vucic’s basic battle these days is based on brutal lies, and what he answered to us these days shows how unprepared he is for this topic and how much he lacks courage for this topic. He created a small HQ to challenge the resolution that introduces a collective day of remembrance for the genocide in Srebrenica, like Rwanda and the Holocaust. He (Vucic) says that this destabilizes relations in the region, and it does destabilize relations but in B&H. In fact, he is fighting so that the genocide could continue to be denied, and in his opinion, it does not destabilize it, but apparently stabilizes it”, the B&H FM stressed. Konakovic added that Vucic has been debunked as well as the entire “political mob” from Serbia and the RS when it comes to this issue. “We have shown to the world “kind of people we live with and who, unfortunately, are our political partners”, he concluded.


Cvijanovic slams Konakovic over statement concerning Vucic (RTRS)


Member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic commented a statement of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic that the fact Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is engaged in a struggle aimed to enable continuation of denial of genocide is catastrophic. Cvijanovic said that main struggle of Vucic is to respect constitutions of Serbia and B&H, adding that many Konakovics in the past and at this moment have been trying to avoid and disrespect these constitutions. She underlined that those who violate the Constitution of B&H do not live in the RS or Serbia, but in the FB&H, within Bosniak political corps that has support of “foreign manipulators” that have been very active in B&H.


Dodik: With resolution on Srebrenica, Bosniaks destroyed positive progress made by B&H (BNTV)


RS President Milorad Dodik pointed out on Monday that with the resolution on Srebrenica, Bosniaks destroyed the positive progress made by B&H. "(B&H Presidency Chairman) Denis Becirovic, (B&H Presidency member) Zeljko Komsic and (B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs) Elmedin Konakovic, as well as other Bosnian Muslims, harnessed all their resources and strength to show why Serbs cannot live with Bosniaks and that the only option is peaceful separation," Dodik wrote on the X social network. Dodik underlined that adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica is incompatible with continuation of existence of B&H. He emphasized that stupid claim that the resolution leads towards reconciliation is evidence of insidious intentions. “The RS does not accept to remain part of the community where main goal of Bosnian Muslims is that bad things happen to the RS”, explained RS President Dodik.


Stevandic: Announced resolution on Srebrenica will divide world (Hayat)


Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said on Monday that the announced resolution on Srebrenica will divide the world. Stevandic stressed that the resolution on Srebrenica is directed against the Serb people as a form of punishment because they are not part of the NATO agenda, adding that all this has nothing to do with piety for the victims of Srebrenica. “This will be the first resolution that will divide this world. There is a huge number of neutral countries and there is a huge number of countries that believe that this is a resolution that has political overtones, that wants to end some geopolitical processes. It is completely clear that the resolution is directed against the Serbs, because only the Serbs did not officially join NATO,” Stevandic said. Stevandic underlined that Serbia and the RS communicate with significant number of countries in the UN. “They believe that this is about discrimination of colonial type, because victims of white Muslims living here and are under NATO patronage got higher level of importance than victims of Muslims in Asia and Africa”, stated Stevandic.


UN’s Nyaletsossi Voule: What RS authorities are doing is concerning (BHT1)


UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association Clement Nyaletsossi Voule stated for BHT1 on the importance of adoption of the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica. He added that the genocide is an established fact and that this should be respected. According to him, what authorities in RS are doing is concerning. As the biggest problem, Nyaletsossi Voule mentioned lack of legislation at the state level. He underlined that politicians in B&H should not use killings to build their political narratives. Nyaletsossi Voule called for urgent actions in order to turn around the trend of violation of the space for civic action and social cohesion, as well as weakening of democratic institutions. He called on B&H authorities to overcome differences in order to protect the rights of all in the country. “I am especially concerned over the increase in a number of restrictive laws and regulations in the RS in the sphere of freedom of association, opinion and expression, as well as peaceful assembly,” said Voule. He underscored the issue of repeated criminalization of defamation and draft law on special register and transparency in work of NGOs.


B&H CoM adopts its program of work marking EU path of B&H as priority, says it will send to B&H parliament opinion of B&H Ministry of Justice on SDA’s proposal of amendments to Election Law of B&H (N1)


At its session held on Monday, the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) unanimously adopted Program of Work of the B&H CoM for 2024. Priority in this document are the EU related reforms. The B&H CoM stated that the EU accession of B&H remains the most important priority of work of B&H after B&H got green light for opening accession talks with the EU. It was added that work on implementation of recommendations of the European Commission (EC) will be resumed, as well as implementation of obligations from the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and Agenda 2030 of the UN with a goal to achieve viable socio-economic development of B&H. Also, the B&H CoM adopted a mid-term strategy of debt management of B&H for the period until 2025. The B&H CoM also announced that it will send to the B&H Parliament the opinion of the B&H Ministry of Justice on SDA’s proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H. In its opinion, the B&H Ministry of Justice reminds of the importance of the Election Law, which is a basic framework for ensuring rights of all citizens to participation in the democratic election process and stresses the need to conduct the process of public consultations both for transparency and detecting possible problems. The B&H Ministry of Justice believes that the CoM – that has expert capacities for preparation and for coordination with other institutions and bodies within state administration - should propose changes to the B&H Election Law. Accession of B&H to the EU remains the most significant priority of work of the CoM after obtaining the status of the candidate and the decision of the European Council for opening of the negotiations with B&H. The CoM has made a declarative commitment to the European path, but no European laws or the budget document were discussed at the session. The B&H CoM’s work is also hindered by the disagreements among coalition partners at the state level. The Election Law should be agreed on by the end of the week. However, no consensus has been reached on this issue yet.


Stevandic: Door for negotiations on B&H Election Law is open (ATV)


RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic stated in Banja Luka on Monday that the door for negotiations on the B&H Election Law is open and that the RS is not a factor, that will lead to the crisis, but it will also not agree with implementation of the law as it suits anyone but citizens. Stevandic added that it is a big responsibility of 'The Troika' parties, which can rescue the co-habitation and partner relation in B&H or completely destroy it. Stevandic also said: "The RS has a legitimate law, while the will of FB&H citizens is not respected. It is possible that ‘The Troika’, in communication with Christian Schmidt, finds a way to come out of this and respect what was agreed in Laktasi and Sarajevo. We shall welcome this because it would be the legalization of the will of B&H citizens.” Stevandic stressed that the political leaders from the RS play openly, they do not attack anyone, and they gave a chance to an agreement. Stevandic noted that partners from the RS will most likely support the solution that partners from the FB&H agree on in terms of the Election Law.


French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs expresses concern over RS laws; They call on politicians to unite and return to path of reforms (


French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs issued a press statement on Monday stating that France is concerned by legislative measures adopted by the RS parliament on 19 April, particularly the election law, which is an attack on the constitutional order and unity of B&H and the functionality of its central institutions and is at odds with its prospects for European membership. “As a witness to the Dayton Agreement signed in Paris, France will continue to strongly support B&H’s unity and territorial integrity. It calls on the authorities of RS to put a stop to these initiatives. It also calls on the Serbian entity to withdraw its proposed law on “foreign agents,” which is inconsistent with the preservation of a climate that is favourable to civil society, the media and freedom of speech. France urges all B&H political forces to unite and to resume the reform process that is necessary in order to make the prospect of EU membership for the whole of B&H a reality. The European Council’s decision to open accession talks last month sends a clear signal in support of the country’s future within Europe, for all its citizens,” reads the statement.


American International Republican Institute study shows drop in support to EU integration in B&H and Serbia (Nezavisne)


Study, which was ordered by the American International Republican Institute (IRI), shows that there has been a drop in support to EU integration in B&H and Serbia, while the support has risen in other countries of the Balkans region. The study was completed by the IPSOS company for the IRI’s Center for Public Opinion Research during months of February and March, through personal examination of participants by visiting their homes. This large study shows that support to EU integration in B&H has dropped to 68 percent, while study from two years ago said the support was at 78 percent. When it comes to Serbia, the support is currently at 40 percent, and it was 44 percent two years ago. Out of the other Balkans countries, the biggest support for the EU path is in Albania, with 92 percent of its citizens supporting the EU integration. Albania was not included in the study from two years ago, so there is no exact information on citizens’ support then. Researchers also wrote about reasons for drop in support in Serbia. They believe this happened due to West’s policy towards Kosovo, as well as that many people in Serbia still remember the NATO bombing in this country. When it comes to self-proclaimed Kosovo, the support of citizens for EU integration was 85 percent two years ago, and now it has risen to 89 percent. In Montenegro, the support was at 71 percent in 2022, and now it is 79 percent. Support was at 66 percent in North Macedonia two years ago, and now it is at 68 percent. Citizens of Serbia and B&H are most sceptical regarding EU’s seriousness of having the countries of region join the Union. Only 30 percent of citizens in Serbia and 44 percent of citizens in B&H believe EU is serious in its intentions. Citizens also believe Turkey and Serbia are the biggest allies for B&H, and Russia and China are for Serbia. Only two percent of people in Serbia see America as the country’s biggest ally. Citizens believe that America is the biggest threat for Serbia, while citizens in B&H believe biggest threat for this country is Serbia and America. Only 10 percent of people in Serbia believe the country’s path should be strictly pro-Western, 12 percent believe it should be strictly pro-Russian, while the remaining number believe it should be a combination of both those paths. Around 39 percent of B&H citizens believe the country should chose the pro-Western path exclusively, eight percent of people believe the path should be strictly pro-Russian, and the rest believe the solution lies in combination of both courses. Similar situation is noted regarding the NATO path. Only two percent of Serbian citizens support full membership, while half of citizens in B&H support the NATO path of this country. Almost half of Serbian citizens, and around 24 percent of B&H citizens do not wish for their countries to have any relations with the NATO. When comparing that to data from two years ago, the support for NATO path in Serbia remains the same, while there is a slight drop in support amongst B&H citizens.


Plenkovic confirms he will head slate for European Parliament (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic confirmed that he will head the slate in the elections for European Parliament. He made the statement ahead of a session of the Croatian Democratic union (HDZ) Presidency. “I will. I will,” answered Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic when asked by a journalist whether he would head the slate for European Parliament. He refuted the opposition's claims that it was an "escape to Brussels" and added that it was the winning slate of those who really work for Croatia. “This is a winning slate of those who really work for Croatia in Europe, to make it stronger”, said Plenkovic ahead of the HDZ Presidency session.


Session of the HDZ Presidency

“This is the first big meeting of the HDZ after the elections, talks are being held, and today analysis of the election results will be carried out,” reported HTV journalist. “However, the top topic and question is how to get the 76 hands that are needed to create a governing majority,” he said. “We know that Andrej Plenkovic has already spoken with the elected representatives of national minorities, that they expressed their will to continue cooperation with the HDZ and partners”, he said and added that "the national minorities emphasize that they want to stay together, so all eight representatives together without division", he added. He noted that the HDZ is also known to be in contact with the Homeland Movement. “We will see today if there is a step forward in that story, if perhaps some progress has been made. In any case, the HDZ believes that the Homeland Movement calmed down its rhetoric after the elections. They say that they are open to cooperation with anyone who is also open and not exclusive. However, at this moment the biggest stumbling block, or the problem in this story, lies in the fact that the Homeland Movement does not want to join the coalition with the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS). And on the other hand, we know that three elected members of the SDSS are included in the quota of national minorities,” said the journalist. He added that as for the other proposals coming from the left opposition spectrum and the MOST party, which concern a temporary or minority government, the HDZ rejects all of them and says that the time has come for the opposition spectrum, especially the one from the left, to realize that they have lost the elections. Another important topic concerns the European elections. “Namely, the HDZ will come out with a candidate slate today. Yesterday, when asked if Andrej Plenkovic would be on that slate, he said, we will see. But in any case, we will find out what it will look like later in the day, because the deadline for submitting the slate to the State Election Commission expires at midnight tomorrow,” concluded the journalist.


Anusic: So far, we have held informal talks, we will open all options

HDZ Vice President Ivan Anusic said that so far, they have held informal talks, and that they will open up all options and try to form a government as soon as possible. “Informal talks have only been conducted and these informal talks will continue until concrete negotiations begin,” said Anusic. When asked by our journalist whether the HDZ will be able to overcome the fact that the Homeland Movement does not want the SDSS in the coalition, Anušić said that everything is a matter of negotiations and discussions. “Simply at this moment, to say anything before the end of the negotiations and before the very beginning of the official negotiations, would be frivolous from me,” he said and added "let's wait, everything will be fine, they will talk, all options will be opened, and they will try to form a government as soon as possible". HDZ Vice President Oleg Butkovic, when asked if he prefers the Homeland Movement or the minorities in the government, replied that he would prefer all those who are not exclusive and who are compatible. “I would like all those who are not exclusive and those who are compatible in what we want to do in the next four years. There are no first and last names. We need to talk about the framework, we need to set a framework, we need to talk to everyone and see what is best,” said Butkovic.


Milanovic: I will not rush anyone; the session is 20 days from the final results (HRT)


The President of the Republic Zoran Milanovic stated that, in accordance with the Constitution, he will call the Croatian parliament to its first session 20 days after the announcement of the final results of the parliamentary elections, and he will not rush anyone until then. “The Croatian Constitution is very clear. The deadline is 20 days, I will not push anyone, but when 20 days approaches, then I have to convene the Croatian parliament for the first session, regardless of what the atmosphere was like,” President Zoran Milanovic said in a statement to the media after meeting with the presidents of Slovenia, Italy, Hungary and Austria in Brdo kod Kranje, Slovenia, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's entry into the EU. “If there is an indication that it is possible earlier, the meeting will be called earlier. But in any case, there are frameworks that I must strictly adhere to,” the President said. Milanovic said that the Constitution "cannot be invented" nor can it be changed by anyone who sees fit at any given moment. "There is no place for alchemy and metaphysics. These are very simple things," he said. The final results of the parliamentary elections will soon be announced by the State Electoral Commission, after they ended yesterday with repeat elections at two polling stations.


Mandic: EU membership is the main foreign policy goal of Montenegro (CdM)


The president of the parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandic met in Palma de Mallorca - Spain, during the Conference of Presidents of the parliaments of the EU member states, with Jusij Hala-ah, the president of the parliament of Finland. As reported by the Assembly, Mandic informed president Hala-ahu about the progress that Montenegro is making on the way to EU membership, stressing the fight against organized crime and corruption. "Mandic apostrophized the changes in leading positions in the prosecution and the judiciary. Mandic underlined that membership in the EU is the main foreign policy goal of Montenegro and that our country has achieved a great deal on this path in the past 6 months", the announcement states. The president of the parliament of Finland said that Finland wholeheartedly supports Montenegro's membership in the EU and that Montenegro will always have a sincere partner in that country in all areas of mutual interest. Mandic also met with Laszlo Kover, the president of the parliament of Hungary. " Mandic expressed his satisfaction on the occasion of meeting again with president Kover, whom he considers a true friend of Montenegro", the assembly announced. The two presidents recalled their conversation in Budapest and in that context concluded that the parliament of Montenegro has achieved great results when it comes to the reforms necessary for the further EU accession process. " Mandic and Kover also referred to the intensive fight that Montenegro is waging against organized crime. Kover pointed out that it is extremely good that numerous processes have been initiated, but that from the perspective of EU membership, it is extremely important that these processes receive a judicial epilogue", the press release states. The two presidents also discussed numerous problems that burden the region and the whole of Europe and reached a high level of agreement on them. "At the very end of the meeting, president Mandic pointed out that he is looking forward to visiting Kover, which is planned for the end of this year," the announcement concludes. During the Conference of speakers of the parliaments of the EU Member States, Mandic met with Gerg Fergus, president of the parliament of Canada. "Mandic pointed out that Montenegro and Canada have always had friendly relations, and that a large number of our emigrants live in that country," the assembly announced. Mandic added that these days our parliament is hosting the assembly of Francophonie countries and that he is looking forward to meeting the president of the Committee for Parliamentary Affairs of Francophonie, who is coming from Canada. "In the context of our path to EU accession, the president of the assembly pointed out that Montenegro has advanced the farthest in that process of all the countries of the Western Balkans," the announcement states. The speaker of the parliament of Canada said that Canada has a lot to learn from Montenegro. In the context of the assembly of Francophone countries, president Fergus pointed out that Canada is hosting a conference of Francophone countries in June, and he used the opportunity to invite president Mandic to visit that country. "At the very end, the two presidents also discussed the economic cooperation of the two countries, with a special focus on the field of energy," the announcement concludes. Mandic met with Martin Bosma, the speaker of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands. "Mandic briefed president Bosma on the current political situation in Montenegro, highlighting the results achieved by the parliament and adding that the fight against organized crime and corruption is extremely important for our society," the assembly announced. President Bosma welcomed the results of the Parliament of Montenegro and added that a society of justice and stability can only be achieved by fighting organized crime. During the meeting, the two presidents also discussed the potential economic investments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Montenegro. As part of the Conference of speakers of the parliaments of EU Member States, Mandic met with H.E. E. Valerie Rabo, vice-president of the National Assembly of France. Mandic informed Vice-President Rabo that the parliament of Montenegro is hosting the Assembly of Francophone countries in the coming days and pointed out that he would be very happy to talk to the delegation of the French parliament. Mandic added that the parliament of Montenegro is a leader in the region when it comes to the representation of women, and that it will be with great pleasure to support the initiative on greater representation of women in all decision-making places in Montenegro and the countries of the European continent, which is an initiative launched by the presidents of the parliaments of Europe. Vice President Rabo expressed her satisfaction at the meeting with president Mandic, praising the work of the parliament of Montenegro. Mandic met the President of the State Council and Urska Klakocar Zupancic, president of the National Assembly of Slovenia. The interlocutors discussed the importance of the development of the countries of the Western Balkans and the policy of enlargement of the EU. "During a long and friendly conversation, President Mandic highlighted the results of the parliament of Montenegro in the past period, adding that the public of Montenegro and our international partners clearly see these results and highly appreciate them," the parliament announced. The presidents of the State Council and the State Assembly of Slovenia expressed their satisfaction with the meeting and said that Montenegro will always have the support of Slovenia on its European path.


Presidential elections: 1,814, 317 citizens eligible to vote (MIA)


A total of 1,814,317 citizens are eligible to vote at the 24 April presidential elections. The 24 April presidential elections will be monitored by 942 observers, foreign journalists, and interpreters. As of 19 April, the State Election Commission (SEC) has accredited 342 domestic observers, mostly from association "Wake Up" (182), and 568 foreign observers, most of whom from OSCE/ODIHR - 375. Election silence is taking place on Tuesday ahead of tomorrow's presidential vote. Due to the double elections, the campaign for the 8 May parliamentary elections will not be interrupted during the election silence.


Albania, a promoter of peace and security in the region (Radio Tirana)


“Albania is a promoter of peace and security in the region and wider through the policy of dialogue, cooperation and understanding”. This is what Albanian President, Bajram Begaj underscored during the meeting in the Presidency with the participants of the High Security and Defense Course, representatives from various NATO and partner countries. "Albania believes and has shown in its international commitments that multilateralism is the right mechanism that offers acceptable solutions in the face of the common challenges of our countries in the field of security and defense," underlined Begaj. Responding to the interest of the participants in the course, Albanian Head of State showed his vision for the Albania of the future. Begaj said that he sees Albania determined towards the realization of its objectives and the aged Albanian Euro-Atlantic dream. The participants in the High Security and Defense Course were introduced by the Advisors of the Head of State to the role and functions of the President in a Parliamentary Republic, as well as in foreign and security and defense policy.


Security of NATO eastern border, joint military exercise between Albania-Montenegro (Radio Tirana)


Albania and Montenegro are holding a joint military exercise for five days. The exercise aims at increasing professional skills and combat coordination, within the framework of increased security on the eastern border of NATO. Albanian Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi shared picture from the exercise that is taking place between the military forces of Albania and Montenegro. Peleshi writes that this exercise ensures that the personnel of the two countries are prepared for the future missions in the frame of NATO. "As part of the "Enhanced Vigilance Activity" exercise, our servicemen of the South Infantry Regiment are training with members of the Armed Forces of Montenegro for five days," writes Peleshi. "This exercise is focused on increasing professional skills and coordinating combat actions in accordance with the tasks of the NATO Group-Battalion on the eastern border," continues Peleshi. "The preparation of the troops for the missions within the NATO framework, ensures that the effectives are prepared to perform their tasks in situations and terrain similar to those they will encounter in the next mission," concludes Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi.


US State Department: The judicial system in Albania, more independent from the Vetting and the actions of SPAK (Radio Tirana)


"The judicial system in Albania is becoming more independent thanks to the vetting process and the actions of the SPAK (Special Anti-Corruption Structure)", says the report published by the US Department of State for Human Rights. The US State Department underlines that there have been no significant changes in the human rights situation in Albania during 2023. The report states that the government took credible steps to identify and punish officials who may have committed human rights violations. Regarding corruption, the State Department notes that in general the Government of Albania effectively implemented legislation that provides for criminal penalties for corruption by public officials and that prohibits individuals with criminal convictions from serving as mayors, members of parliament or in other positions government or state, however, the report says there were numerous reports of corruption in the government. "Corruption was present in all branches and levels of government, including through public procurement and public-private partnerships, although authorities made progress during the year in the fight against corruption and ending impunity," the report said. The US State Department mentions high-level arrests by SPAK and convictions for corruption cases, including the convictions for corruption and abuse of office of the former Minister of Environment Lefter Koka and his former Secretary General Alqi Blako. "In July SPAK issued an international arrest warrant for the former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance (and MP of the Socialist Party) Arben Ahmetaj. He left the country after the parliament accepted SPAK's request for the removal of Ahmetaj's immunity so that he could be arrested on charges of corruption, money laundering and concealment of wealth," the report states. "In October, SPAK announced that it was officially investigating former Prime Minister Sali Berisha for passive corruption related to a land deal from which his son-in-law benefited about 5 million USD.” SPAK arrested Berisha's son-in-law, ordered Berisha to report regularly to the judicial police and forbade him to leave the country," says US State Department. "Although the Constitution provides for an independent judiciary, political pressure, intimidation, corruption, and limited resources prevented the judiciary from functioning fully, independently, and efficiently," the State Department report said. US State Department further adds that the implementation of the vetting process for judges and prosecutors continued, in order to exclude from the system those who had unexplained wealth or ties to organized crime. "The Ombudsman assessed that the judiciary had made progress towards creating a more independent system, but added that more resources were needed," the report says. According to the report, the judicial system is becoming more independent thanks to the vetting process and the actions of SPAK. However, it is noted that citizens have complained about lack of transparency in investigations, significant delays in processes and unfair court decisions. The State Department says the Constitution and the law provide a right to a fair and public trial, and that the judiciary has generally enforced that right. "The Albanian Helsinki Committee pointed out that the accumulated backlog of cases, vacancies in the judiciary and the systematic lack of efficiency undermined citizens' trust in the justice system," the report states. Most of the complaints from citizens concerned the lack of response from government bodies to their concerns, violations of due process, unfair trials and punishments.