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Headlines 22 August

Headlines - 22.08.2016

  • Ban blames Pristina and Belgrade for failure to respect agreements (Koha)
  • Thaçi: Demarcation deal to be ratified on 1 September (Zëri/TV Dukagjini)
  • Opposition warns of rebellion in the Assembly (Zëri/RFE)
  • Krasniqi: Political situation is tense (Zëri)
  • Albin Kurti seeks mobilisation for 1 September protest (Epoka)
  • Minxhozi: MPs should respond to demarcation (Epoka)
  • Dačić: Brussels did not ask Serbia to recognise Kosovo (RTK)
  • Initial session against Ukë Rugova on 24 August (Epoka)
  • Đurić urges Kosovo to establish municipality of Prilluzhë (Zëri)

Ban blames Pristina and Belgrade for failure to respect agreements (Koha)

The United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said in his quarterly report on the situation in Kosovo that there has not been considerable progress in the implementation of agreements between Pristina and Belgrade. In his quarterly report that will be presented to the UN Security Council on September 25, the UN chief blamed both parties for failing to fulfil their obligations. “The tense political situation and protests by the opposition have impacted Pristina’s engagement, while parliamentary elections and the process of forming the new government have impacted Belgrade’s attention,” Ban notes in his report. The UN chief also called on leaders in Belgrade and Pristina to show creativity, flexibility and readiness for compromise with the aim of achieving progress in the dialogue for normalisation of relations between the two sides.

Thaçi: Demarcation deal to be ratified on 1 September (Zëri/TV Dukagjini)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi told TV Dukagjini on Sunday that he is convinced the border demarcation deal will be ratified by the Assembly on 1 September. Thaçi also said the issue of demarcation transcends the political issues “since it is in the interest of Kosovo’s future.”  Furthermore, he added that the government commission for demarcation has done a good job and that this agreement will be voted by the majority of MPs. “I don’t want to believe that there will be tensions because now everything is clear. The agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro is all right, and now is the time for the MPs to vote it. It is important that the vast majority of the MPs understand the agreement clearly and will vote in favor of its ratification on 1 September,” Thaçi said.

Opposition warns for rebellion in the Assembly (Zëri/RFE)

The three opposition parties – Vetëvendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – will participate in the Assembly session called for 1 September when the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro will be put into vote. Representatives of the three opposition parties said they will vote against this agreement. However, Ylli Hoxha from Vetëvendosje told Radio Free Europe that his party will try to stop the ratification of this agreement also through protest outside the Assembly. While the AAK publicly declared that they will not join the protest on 1 September, NISMA has yet to decide on the issue.

Krasniqi: Political situation is tense (Zëri)

The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) senior member, Jakup Krasniqi, in an interview with the paper said he considers statements made by the Prime Minister and President of Kosovo as harmful and dangerous regarding the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. He also said that the political situation is very tense, while the solution should be found with experts on the matter.  “Heads of institutions must leave room for a rightful political solution for demarcation and Association. The language used by Kosovo leaders leaves room for suspicion that they are only protecting their own interests and not Kosovo’s interests. This can obviously increase tensions,” Krasniqi said.

Albin Kurti seeks mobilisation for 1 September protest (Epoka)

Vetëvendosje Movement MP Albin Kurti appealed to the activists in Gjilan/Gnjilane municipality to engage maximally in order for 1 September protest against demarcation of the border with Montenegro to be as massive as possible. On the 11 jubilee of the establishment of this party, Kurti also spoke about the history of the movement.

Minxhozi: MPs should respond to demarcation (Epoka)

In a front-page interview for the paper, the Albanian Ambassador in Kosovo, Qemal Minxhozi, said that Albania continues to be a strong advocate within international institutions for the rights of the Albanians in Serbia and FYROM. Speaking about Kosovo’s demarcation of the border with Montenegro, Minxhozi said that Kosovo MPs should respond to the question. “I repeat that demarcation is a very important request of the European Union and all international partners. The political factor here should resolve this matter as soon as possible,” Minxhozi said.

Dačić: Brussels did not ask Serbia to recognise Kosovo (RTK)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Ivica Dačić said during a press conference held in Belgrade that the issue of removing the preamble which defines Kosovo as part of Serbia from the Constitution of Serbia, was not part of any round of discussions in Brussels. He said that certain requests will be made during the discussions with the EU in order to become a member. “Those requests do not refer to the preamble,” Dačić said.

Initial session against Ukë Rugova on 24 August (Epoka)

The initial court session against former Kosovo Assembly MP, Ukë Rugova, accused for selling Schengen visas, will start on 24 August. Kosovo’s Special Prosecution submitted the indictment against 20 suspects of the “Rugova case” on 19 May to the Department for Serious Crimes at the Basic Court in Pristina.

Đurić urges Kosovo to establish municipality of Prilluzhë (Zëri)

The director of the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian Government, Marko Đurić, during a visit to Prilluzhë/Priluza on Sunday said that Kosovo institutions must keep their promise and establish the municipality of Prilluzhë/Priluza. Even though Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa some time ago said that Serbs were not promised the establishment of this municipality, Đurić said Kosovo leaders made this promise and they have to implement it now. “More rights for Serbs does not mean less rights for Kosovo Albanians. I think people should keep their word and show that relations with Kosovo Serbs and Belgrade are important,” he said.