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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 3, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti invites citizens to participate in census, justice in addressing war crimes (media)
Kurti: Kosovo is marking progress in development of democracy and rule of law (Reporteri)
ICG: Northern Kosovo: Asserting Sovereignty amid Divided Loyalties (media)
Kurti lists works done in the north during three-year government (media)
Konjufca: Decani decision difficult but shows commitment for state of law (Koha)
The UN session for Kosovo scheduled for April 22 (Albanian Post)
COMKFOR meets Turkish contingent along administrative boundary line (media)
U.S. ambassador to NATO mentions Russia’s efforts to destabilize Balkans (RFE)
Haradinaj: Kurti has returned to electoral fraud, but Kosovo has become a poor country (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Djuric: Pristina refusing to form the A/CSM for 11 years, manipulating the international community (Kosovo Online, Blic)
Z.Potok info: A memorial in Varage for the late Kosovo police officer Enver Zymberi (KoSSev)
KiM radio: A flock of sheep stolen from Nikola Stojanovic from Dobrotin (KoSSev)
Jevtic expects the international community to prevent Kurti from expelling all Serbs (Kosovo Online)
ICG: Pristina to withdraw special police units from northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 2, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Osmani: Productive call with O’Brien (media)
Kurti: Our democratic progress continues to be recognized internationally (media)
Svecla: Around 400 extremists are being trained in Serbia near Kosovo border (media)
Lajcak: Hope we’ll be able to bridge remaining difference on Thursday (media)
PACE to discuss Kosovo membership on April 16 (Gazeta Express)
Kurti hosts Apostolic Delegate of Holy See for Kosovo, Jean Marie Speich (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Lajcak: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to continue Thursday (Tanjug, media)
Dacic: I expect the French MPs in PACE to understand Serbia's arguments (Tanjug)
Petkovic: Pristina has no intention of normalizing political relations in the region (RTS, Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
Dacic: West wants to push Pristina into international organisations (Tanjug, TV Pink)
Petkovic: We have understood well Western policy of double standards (RTS, Tanjug)
Grubjesic: Agenda of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe changed, discussion on Kosovo on April 16 (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 29, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• PDK proposes June 9 as date for early parliamentary elections (Kosovapress)
• Haxhiu: We can go to elections whenever the opposition wants (media)
• Limaj: We shouldn’t go to elections when Kurti wants (media)
• PACE to debate Kosovo’s membership on April 18, agenda published (RTK)
• Russia fails in initiative for debate at Security Council on NATO intervention (VoA)
• Osmani: Kosovo has a long tradition of cooperation with the Holy See (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:
• Li: China dissatisfied with CoE decision on Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
• Dacic on Kosovo and CoE: They can make whatever decisions they want, but we do not accept that (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian List: PACE Committee decision reward to Pristina for its terror against Serbian people (media)
• Radakovic on Kosovo and CoE: I am worried about EU monitoring, how credible it will be (Kosovo Online)
• Gouillon meets with Bundestag member (Tanjug, media)
• Vucic: Political situation to become increasingly complex (media)
• Attempt to hold UNSC session on NATO bombing of Yugoslavia unsuccessful (KoSSev)
• Three states, one labor market: What has the Open Balkan initiative brought to citizens and the region? (Kosovo Online)
• US KFOR soldiers helped complete works at Brnjak Monastery complex (media, social media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 28, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Council of Europe approves report on Kosovo's membership (media)
Ahmeti: Kosovo's membership in CoE without any additional preconditions (media)
Kurti: Kosovo has fulfilled all prerequisites for Council of Europe (RTK)
Gervalla: Today's vote confirms that Kosovo fulfills the conditions for CoE (media)
Osmani received member of German Bundestag, Florian Hahn (RTK)
Plenkovic: Croatia will support Kosovo in all international organizations (media)
Serwer: I fear USA has promised Serbia the Association (media)
Krasniqi introduces Hamza as candidate for prime minister (RTK)
Hoxha: Serb criminal groups are preparing an attack in the north (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

PACE committee recommends Kosovo be invited to become CoE member (N1, FoNet)
Dacic slams decision to accept recommendation for CoE membership for Kosovo (Tanjug)
Grubjesic: CoE undermines its own integrity, becoming political organization more and more (Tanjug, media)
Aleksic: Vucic’s disastrous policy lead Kosovo to Council of Europe (Danas, FoNet)
Gogic: Vote in PACE Committee sends message that precedents are being set again because of Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
Djukanovic sends protest letter to NATO PA president (Tanjug, media)
Von Cramon: VV digital army limits freedom of speech (KoSSev)

International Media:

Kosovo Edges Closer to Council of Europe Membership (Balkan Insight)
Serbia Uses ‘Amber Alert’ for First Time After Girl Disappears (Balkan Insight)
Kosovo Guerrilla Leadership Didn't Order Abductions, US Diplomat Testifies (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 27, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Osmani talks with French envoy about Kosovo's membership in Euro-Atlantic institutions (Koha)
Gervalla: No tension in Kosovo’s relations with the United States (VoA in Albanian)
Konjufca: Kosovo unwavering in efforts for European integration, democracy and equality (Klan)
Association and elections in U.S. possible catalysts of early elections (RFE)
Maqedonci: Javelin missiles will arrive soon; payment is being done (Koha)
LDK denies meeting between Konjufca and Abdixhiku (media)
Government allocates over 31,000 euros to Albanians of the Valley (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Surlic: Through Postal Savings Bank, material security for Serbs can be institutionally ensured (media)
Botsan-Kharchenko: West hysterically blocked UNSC session on NATO attack against Yugoslavia (Tanjug, media)
Russia requests new session of UNSC on NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (Kosovo Online)
Drecun: Support for Kosovo aimed at getting it into NATO (Tanjug, media)
NATO Parliamentary Assembly: Final decision on Kosovo associate membership expected by end of May (Kosovo Online)
SRSG Ziadeh met new British Ambassador, reaffirmed support to EU-facilitated dialogue (Kosovo Online, social media)
British Ambassador visited Gracanica Monastery (Radio KIM, social media)
French diplomats visited Visoki Decani Monastery, Pec Patriarchate and Gorazdevac village (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, social media)
Orlic: New government to be formed within legal timeframe (media)