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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 25, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

O'Brien meets with Kurti, seeks progress for the Association (Koha)
Germany and France demand sending of draft of Association to the Constitutional Court before the vote in the Council of Europe (Koha)
Osmani hosts delegation of EU Working Group for Western Balkans (media)
COMKFOR conveys three messages from Brussels for Kosovo (media)
Kurti calls on the diaspora to register (Koha)
Sveqla: Serbia continues to have territorial aspirations towards Kosovo (ekonomia)
Krasniqi: EU punitive measures to be removed as soon as possible (RTK)
Trajkovic: Boycott of Serbs in the north harms Kosovo Serbs themselves (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

Ulutas: NATO supports the Belgrade and Pristina dialogue (Tanjug) 
Vucic met Guterres at the UN headquarters (RTS)
Vucic apologizes to Slovenians but not to their politicians; Dacic: Charge d’affaires rejected Slovenia’s allegations (N1, Beta, Tanjug)
SNV, SNF and Fatherland asked Brnabic to call local elections in Kosovo as well (KoSSev)
UNS: Untrue information about the March Pogrom for more than a month on the RTK2 website (KiM radio)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 24, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Macron calls Kurti, support for Kosovo at CoE and mentions Association (media)
• Kurti thanks Macron for France’s unwavering support (media)
• Rohde: Tangible steps needed on Association in order to join CoE (KTV)
• Lajcak: I believe we have managed to narrow the gap (media)
• Croatia supports Albania’s EU membership, Kosovo at Council of Europe (Klan)
• Mothers of Srebrenica thank Osmani for statement at UN Security Council (media)

Serbian Language Media:
• Petkovic speaks with German envoy, discusses problems Serbs in Kosovo face (Tanjug)
• Lajcak announces resumption of talks on use of dinar in Kosovo (N1)
• Macron speaks with Kurti: Progress in establishing CSM important for Kosovo membership in CoE (Kosovo Online)
• BiH Presidency without consensus on Kosovo membership in CoE (Radio KIM)
• Djuric: Osmani’s ‘tasteless performance’ at UNSC session, none of women present is her adviser (N1, Kosovo Online, social media)
• Citizens of North Mitrovica on visa liberalization: Thank God, something in our favor (Kosovo Online)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 23, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• UN Security Council meets to discuss situation in Kosovo (media)
• EU: Vote result in north of Kosovo does not contribute to reducing tensions (RFE)
• Kurti hosted in Sofia by his Bulgarian counterpart Dimitar Glavchev (media)
• U.S. State Department publishes country report on human rights for Kosovo (media)
• Over half a million citizens registered in Kosovo census so far (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:
• UN Security Council discussed report on Kosovo, SRSG Ziadeh addressed the SC (FoNet, N1, Tanjug, RTS)
• Vucic: Pristina creating unbearable living conditions for Serbs, other non-Albanians (N1, RTS, Tanjug, FoNet)
• Vucic reacts to Osmani’s remarks, terms it political theater (RTS, N1, Novosti, Kosovo Online)
• Russian Representative: Who are the persons sitting behind Vjosa Osmani and who do they represent? (RTS)
• China calls upon Pristina to retract unilateral acts leading to destabilization (RTS, media)
• Serbian List demands Radoica Radomirovic be prosecuted (Kosovo Online)
• Vucevic meets with German MFA's envoy (Tanjug)
• Vucic calls on UN members to vote against resolution on Srebrenica (N1)
International Media:
• Police Intervenes as Protesting Students Push University’s Council of Ethics to Decide on Sexual Harassment Claims (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 22, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Election Commission: Initiative to remove the mayors in north has failed (media)
Kurti to EU: Removal of mayors was key condition, lift the measures (media)
Osmani: Serbia illegally interfered in elections of another country again (media)
U.S. Embassy regrets that Serbs did not take exercise the right to vote (Klan)
Barbano: EULEX monitoring situation in coordination with KP and KFOR (media)
Szunyog: We are observing the elections in the north (media)
Krasniqi: Serbian List wants monopoly over politics of Serbs in Kosovo (RFE)
Krasniqi: Evident Serbian List, Belgrade ordered boycott, fearing failure (media)
Zubin Potok Mayor: Serbian List does not dare face reality (Telegrafi)
Haziri: Government should be greatly concerned by the boycott (media)
Serbian Minister walks out when Kosovo receives award at Venice Biennale (media)
Police find weapons and ammunition in house in Zvecan (media)
Arifi claims he was “arbitrarily” dismissed from post of Presevo Mayor (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

Serbian List: Kurti's farce over; the unity of the Serbian people has been demonstrated (Danas)
Petkovic: Today's fake referendum a picture of Kurti's democracy (Radio Mitrovica sever)
Starovic: Boycott of the fake referendum the best non-violent response of Serbs to oppression (Kosovo Online)
The referendum in the north ended peacefully and without voters (N1, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
Deutsche Welle on the recall of the mayor: Elected with 100 votes, 6,800 needed for removal (Kosovo Online, DW)
Surlic: The Pristina referendum in the north of Kosovo designed to fail (RTS)
Manojlovic on the failed referendum in the North: Well-coordinated killing of energy (KoSSev)
A lost opportunity to pave the way for the election of new mayors in the north of Kosovo, says Democracy in Action (NMagazin, Beta, KiM radio)
An explosion in the yard of a Serbian house in Kosovska Kamenica (RTS)
Vucic after the meeting with O’Brien: We agree on little regarding Kosovo and Srebrenica (Beta, N1)

International Media: 

Serb majority in N. Kosovo boycotts vote on removing ethnic Albanian mayors (France 24)
North Kosovo Serbs boycott referendum on removing ethnic Albanian mayors (Reuters)
Kosovo*: Its Footnote Is Both A Blessing And A Curse (RFE) 

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Lajcak: Efforts for a solution continue next week (RTK)
Bislimi: useless meeting, without result - Serbia not interested in solution for Serb citizens (Reporteri)
Kurti: Our success is unbearable for Serbia (RTK)
Osmani: It is clear where responsibility for blocking free movement should be sought (RTK)
Department of State: Detentions of Kosovo citizens and policemen, escalating actions (RFE)
Gervalla and Hovenier talk about latest developments (RTK)
Barbano: EULEX concerned about detention of deputy director of Kosovo Police in Serbia (Kallxo)
Serbia releases Kosovo Police deputy director (Reporteri)
Maqedonci: Tensions continue, Serbia to test kamikaze drones on border with Kosovo (media)
Diplomatic representatives of several CoE member states congratulate Osmani (media)
Kurti meets deputy mayors of North Mitrovica, Zvecan and Leposaviq (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

Guterres: Increased tensions between Belgrade and Pristina, concern over regulation on payment transactions (RTS, Tanjug)
Petkovic: Belgrade has done all to find solution for dinar, Pristina does not want solution (Tanjug)
Lajcak: Chief negotiators to meet again next week (N1)
Petkovic: Kurti the sole factor of instability (Radio KIM, media)
KFOR Commander invited to Serbian Armed Forces exercise (N1)
State Department calls upon Serbia to restrain from unilateral and uncoordinated acts (N1, RFE, Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)
Barbano: EULEX concerned over detention of Jankovic (Kosovo Online, social media)
Serbian List on vehicle arson case in the north: No reactions from responsible bodies and international organizations (Radio KIM)
Moscow: Voting for membership of Pristina in CoE a shame (Kosovo Online)
Vucic, PM of Commonwealth of Dominica discuss development of bilateral ties (Tanjug)
CEC ensured alternative locations for mayoral recall vote (Kosovo Online)

International Media: 

Serbian military drill ramps up as relations with Kosovo deteriorate (euronews)