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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 25, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 25, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: Serbia is responsible, it must be held accountable (media)
One year from the attack that can be repeated (Koha)
Osmani: The women of Kosovo have always been at the forefront (media)
Osmani meets Albright and Rand during stay in NY (media)
Lajcak meets O’Brien and Kasanof, discuss Kosovo-Serbia normalisations (media)
CEFTA, German minister: We’re trying to find a solution on Kosovo (media)
Study: High level of mistrust between Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: There is no justice for Serbs in Kosovo, why UN Charter was not respected in case of Serbia (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, media)
Petkovic in Paris talks about situation of Serbs in Kosovo, difficulties they face (Kosovo Online)
Petkovic: “Who authorised Stano to violate status neutrality and recognise Kosovo?” (Tanjug)
Trade Minister: Blockade on Serbian goods in Kosovo must end (N1)
Dacic: No dramatic turn to West, relations with Russia, China not in jeopardy (Tanjug)
Marinkovic: Banjska discredited interests of Serbian community (Radio KIM)
Banjska: A year later, poll highlights fear and unresolved questions (KoSSev)
Serbian diaspora in New York warns of difficult situation Serbs face in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 24, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Osmani meets with Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as with Sultan of Brunei (media)
• Gervalla arrives in New York, starts with the meetings (media)
• KFOR commander and ambassadors discusses security in Kosovo (RTK)
• Kusari-Lila: Ban on Serbian products will be lifted when illegal smuggling can be prevented (Klan)
• Prime Minister Kurti met ambassador of Finland, discussed cooperation (RTK)
• Svecla from Banjska: According to the law, attackers can be tried even in absentia (media)
• KFOR, together with Kosovo Police, increase patrols in the north (Klan)
• Sarrazin next week in Kosovo (Albanian Post)
• AJK: Number of attacks on journalists in 2023 has increased significantly (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: Cypriot President interested in resolution of Kosovo issue (Tanjug, media)
• Djuric: Reinforcing Serbia’s position at UN (N1)
• Djuric: Serbia continues to be responsible, constructive partner in Western Balkans (Tanjug, media)
• KFOR, Kosovo police step up patrols in northern Kosovo (N1, media)
• Rizvanolli and Krasniqi visited yesterday Mitrovica North, Svecla in Banjska (KoSSev)
• EU formalises visa-free access for Serbian Coordination Directorate passport holders with Official Journal announcement (KoSSev)
• Seized archives in Leposavic – Serbian cultural heritage being processed in Pristina (Kosovo Online)

International Media:

• Kosovo risks deeper isolation over ban on Serbian imports: German diplomat (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 23, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 23, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: Kosovo, a beacon of democracy in Western Balkans and beyond (media)
Gervalla arrives in NY for meetings as part of UN High-Level Week (media)
UN adopts Pact for the Future (media)
Kurti meets Koopman in Brussels (media)
Osmani: Albanian diaspora, driving force for many historical processes (media)
Maqedonci: Process of transformation into army in the second phase (EO)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: International law applies only to "small" countries; peace important than anything else (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTS)
Djuric at the UN Future Summit: Serbia committed to maintaining international peace and security (Beta, Tanjug, media)
Kosinus: Lazovic and Trajkovic on solving the Kosovo problem (KiM radio, FoNet)
Marsenic (New DSS) proposes declaring Kosovo an occupied territory as the only solution to the crisis (Beta, N1, Nova)
Serbian Democracy: The holy place in Zubin Potok desecrated (Kontakt plus radio)
Serbia to delay appointment of ambassador to the U.S. until after American elections (N1)

International Media:

The Roma Forced to Clean up Serbia’s Crimes in Kosovo (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 20, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 20, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: EU enlargement, best response to those who threaten peace (media)
U.S. wants to see progress in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Klan Kosova)
Lajcak: We outlined important follow-up steps to guide next discussion (media)
Kurti remembers Lithuanian EULEX officer killed in north 11 years ago (media)
UK: No good governance without equal inclusion of women in public life (media)
Haziri rules out post-election coalition with Vetevendosje (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: Balkan market condition for European one, those who want will stay in game (KoSSev, N1, media)
Von der Leyen: Efforts to bring Western Balkans closer to EU (N1)
Varhelyi: Good meeting with Vucic on next steps, growth plan in full swing (Tanjug, media)
Djedovic Handanovic: Serbia-US strategic energy deal very important (media)
Serbian Ministry of Culture says Pristina attempting to appropriate Serbian cultural heritage (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, media)
Bisevac asks if new police base is built in Cecevo village, Zubin Potok municipality (
EULEX pays tribute to its customs officer killed 11 years ago (Radio kontakt plus, social media)
The new EU Special Representative visits Gracanica Monastery (media, social media)
Banjska Monastery closed for visits in period from September 23-26 (KoSSev, media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 19, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti to take part in working lunch of Western Balkans leaders (media)
Osmani meets Hovenier, discuss strengthening Kosovo-US cooperation (media)
Conference on Survey with Multiple Indicators – MICS – held in Pristina (media)
KJC, KPC consider now not the right time to review resignation of Serbs (KTV)
Kurti on report that “documents Serbia’s culturicide in Kosovo” (media)
Royal Yorkshire Regiment troops assigned to NATO deploy to Kosovo (media)
Petritsch: If Trump returns, there’ll be a different policy toward Kosovo (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: Pristina trying to put blame on Belgrade (N1, TV Pink, media)
Djuric: Kurti and his aides have no intention of giving up on unilateral moves (Tanjug)
Djuric and Fernandez signed Agreement on Strategic Partnership between Serbia and USA in field of energy (Kosovo Online, media)
Serbian Coordination Directorate passports enter EU visa-free regime (KoSSev)
Residents of northern municipalities pleased with decision to lift visas for Coordination Directorate passport holders (Kosovo Online)
KFOR deploys reserves for routine exercise (N1)
Miroce landowners’ 24-year struggle: a battle for justice and property rights (KoSSev)