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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 20, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• U.S. Under Secretary Allen meets Kurti (media)
• U.S. Under Secretary meets Osmani during Kosovo visit (media)
• Hovenier hails agreement on countering foreign information manipulation (media)
• Lajcak ready to host another meeting if parties willing to reach agreement (media)
• Kurti: Our govt is eliminating discriminatory criteria for social assistance (media)
• New contingent of Croatian army to join KFOR (media)

Serbian Language Media:
• Public discussion today on the report of RTK's work, Rakocevic: Evident enormous pressures (Kosovo Online)
• On Patrol with Turkish KFOR soldiers above Banjska (Kosovo Online)
• Dacic: Only votes for and against are counted when adopting the resolution on Srebrenica (FoNet, TV Prva, N1)
• Andric Rakic: Everyone is ready for elections except Kurti, who is unwilling to resign (Kosovo Online)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 17, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Scholz, Macron and Meloni letter to Kurti: We support Lajcak's draft (media)
Stano: We cannot assess Association draft, without knowing content (RFE)
Presidency: Government's letter sent to CoE, without consultation with Osmani (RTK)
Knaus: European trio's letter was sent before Kosovo government's letter (RTK)
President Osmani met ambassadors of U.S., Germany and UK (ekonomia)
Prime Minister Kurti met with Prime Minister of Montenegro (ekonomia)
U.S. Ambassador to NATO: Issue of four Alliance countries that do not recognize Kosovo, must be addressed (Reporteri)
Abdixhiku on Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ letter: Spectacular failure, international shame (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic, O'Brien discuss situation in region, Kosovo (Tanjug)
Civil Society Report on Human Rights in Kosovo in 2023 presented (Radio KIM, social media)
Andric Rakic: Kosovo must submit draft CSM statute prepared by EU to Constitutional Court (Kosovo Online)
Mijacic: Any advice to Pristina at expense of existing EU demands won’t lead Kosovo to CoE (KoSSev)
Stano: Content of CSM draft statute proposed by Kosovo government unknown, it was discussed neither with EU nor Serbia (Kosovo Online)
War crimes indictments raised against two Serbs (Radio KIM)
203 requests to switch Serbian to Kosovo driver’s licenses submitted thus far (KoSSev)
Djuric to visit Hungary Friday (media)


Western Balkan Leaders See EU Development Plan For Region As Sign Of Bloc's Commitment (RFE)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Another failed meeting between Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels (media)
• Kurti travels to Montenegro for Western Balkans – EU leaders’ summit (media)
• Hamza: PDK will vote in favor of international agreements (Nacionale)
• Haliti does not rule out a coalition between Vetevendosje and PDK (KTV)
• Abdixhiku calls on Kurti to resign: Set the date for new elections (Kosovapress)
• Haziri: For dissolution of Assembly, Vetevendosje has the LDK votes (media)
• Kurti open EXPOKOS 2024 in Pristina, “let’s explore new partnerships” (media)
• Reactions to graffiti painted on walls of orthodox church near Peja (media)
• Kosovo leaders react to assassination attempt on Slovak PM (media)

Serbian Language Media:
• Stano and Lajcak: No willingness of Belgrade and Pristina to find a compromise agreement (NMagazin, Beta, media)
• Petkovic: Pristina rejected all six of our proposals, we will not give up (Tanjug, media)
• UNS protest due to the lack of translation at the Svecla's and Hoxha conference (KiM radio, KoSSev)
• Protest of drama artists in Serbia due to the ban on entry to Kosovo of actor Nenad Jezdic (KiM radio)
• Vucic shocked by Fico assassination attempt (Tanjug)
• Vucevic met Russian ambassador to Belgrade; Azerbaijani Ambassador (Tanjug)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 15, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kosovo Police seize large weapons cache in north (media)
Kosovo, Serbia negotiators to meet in Brussels today on Serbian Dinar (media)
Quint, EU concerned over Kosovo govt decision not to allow Porfirije visit (media)
EU reacts to ban on Porfirije’s visit: Violation of 2014 agreement (Koha)
UNMIK chief closely following denial of Patriarch's entry to Kosovo (Albanian Post)
LDK calls for Kurti’s resignation before early parliamentary elections (media)
Svecla: Regional cooperation resulted with closure of 35 illegal routes (Koha)
Osmani says “Serbia is helping Russia open a new front against West” (media)
Rrustemi: Vetevendosje ready for early elections; will over 51 percent (Dukagjini)
Ahmeti: CoE is being used to pressure Kosovo to accept Lajcak’s draft (media)
Kurti: Made in Kosova platform represents Kosovo’s potential (media)
Turkish KFOR units conduct crowd riot control training at Camp Bondsteel (media)

Serbian Language Media:

During transition period without solution for dinar, uncertainty and anxiety of citizens increasing (Kosovo Online)
UNMIK carefully follows SOC Patriarch’s entry denial (Nova, Blic, RTV, Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
SOC Assembly: Ban on Patriarch, as if Pope is banned from going to Vatican, and Pristina wants to join Council of Europe (KoSsev, media)
Sentic on Patriarch's entry ban: Decision-makers should carefully consider consequences of their actions (Kosovo Online)
Svecla and Hoxha in a conference in Mitrovica North without translation into Serbian language provided, journalists react (KoSSev)
Serbian List on entry ban to theater play The Book of Milutin crew: How far madness of Pristina will go? (Rad

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 14, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: We must discuss with all parties about date of elections (media)
Krasniqi after meeting with Kurti: Kosovo is in agony, elections are necessity not desire (Koha)
Scholz reminds Vucic of importance of implementing Ohrid Agreement (media)
U.S. Undersecretary of State to visit Kosovo, will meet Osmani and Kurti (media)
Bislimi begins his visit to Hungary, meets head of Committee for Foreign Affairs (media)
French Embassy: Uncoordinated implementation of CBK regulation presents difficulties (Klan)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejects Serbian patriarch's request to visit Kosovo (RTK)
Two Russians detained in north Kosovo, sentenced and deported (Koha)
Haradinaj: AAK supports dissolution of parliament only if Kurti resigns or is dismissed (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

Pristina authorities banned Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch from entering Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije react to Pristina’s ban (media, social media)
Reactions to decision of Pristina authorities to ban Serbian Patriarch Porfirije from entering Kosovo (media, social media)
Lajcak: Solution to dinar issue in Kosovo can be reached with compromise from both sides (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
Vucic meets with Kuleba (Tanjug, media)
Vucic receives letter of gratitude from Xi (media)
Vucic: I am heading to New York to respond to those wishing to accuse Serbia (Tanjug, media)
After switching to Kosovo driver’s license, hole is punched in Serbian one, 77 requests for replacement submitted so far (KoSSev)