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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 1, 2023

• US hosts ‘constructive’ talks on contested Kosovo Serb municipality body (BIRN)
• Hovenier: We don’t support an agreement that threatens Kosovo sovereignty (RFE)
• Serbian List: Association must have executive competencies (RFE)
• Abbott: There is no question of creating a monoethnic enclave (media)
• State Department doesn’t comment on reports of blocking Kosovo at CoE (media)
• Haradinaj: Association, the only way to reach final agreement (media)
• Serwer: Put the ball in Serbia’s court (
• Von Cramon submits draft report on Kosovo to European Parliament (RFE)
• Kosovo progress on – but still doesn’t control – corruption (Prishtina Insight)
• Opposition parties accuse Vetevendosje of “capturing the RTK” (Koha)
• Kosovo and Serbia: Synchronising the timing for peace (Euractiv)
• UNMIK supports Kosovo families as they recover from recent floods (Kallxo)

Correction: UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 31, 2023

• U.S.: Kurti and Osmani’s offices confirmed attendance in discussion (RFE)
• U.S. presses Kosovo on municipal body in Serb-majority areas (AP)
• German ambassador insists on establishment of Association (media)
• Kusari-Lila: Bigger pressure on Kosovo, because only govt is resisting (T7)
• Haradinaj meets Escobar: Final agreement must be a joint victory (media)
• Schlee: According to statute, Association won’t have executive powers (KTV)
• Gorani: This government has not said no to the Association (media)
• Walker: It is not good to form the Association (Telegrafi)
• TI: Despite the fight, Kosovo has yet to control corruption (RFE)
• Croatian Prime Minister reacts to President Milanovic: Kosovo is an independent state, no one has annexed it (Koha)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 30, 2023

• Kurti: The European proposal is not a final agreement (Radio Free Europe)
• Kurti: I didn’t receive satisfactory explanations for Association formation (RTK2)
• U.S. reiterates necessity to form Association of Serb municipalities (Koha)
• Hoti: Because of Kurti’s actions, Association is asked right now (Kosovapress)
• Krasniqi: Most difficult days since liberation; people want to leave (media)
• Petritsch: Kurti cannot avoid Association (media)
• Abazovic supports Kurti on Association (Top Channel/Koha)
• KFOR: Refrain from provocations, seek solutions through dialogue (EWB)
• How Investigators Found the Yugoslav Wars’ Disappeared (BIRN)
• Rama: Vucic and I, completely different views on Kosovo (Albanian Daily News)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 27, 2023

• Donfried: Kosovo and Serbia must make difficult decisions (VoA)
• Kurti: Constitution, independence don’t tolerate monoethnic Association (Koha)
• Osmani meets with Hovenier, discuss about latest developments (media)
• Government: Request for Association, against the state of Kosovo (KTV)
• Rohde: No guarantee that Kosovo will be recognized by EU’s non-recognizing five at the end of dialogue (media)
• The EU 10-point plan that West envoys presented to Kurti and Vucic (Reporteri)
• Sign deal or face consequences, EU envoy tells Kosovo, Serbia (Reuters)
• US Urges Kosovo to Accept EU proposal (Prishtina Insight)
• Dare we hope agreement between Serbia and Kosovo is possible? (Emerging Europe)
• Konjufca: Kosovo, strong support from MEPs for CoE membership (media)
• The north, topic for which Kosovars are misinformed the most (RFE)
• Kamberi writes letter to Escobar about Presevo Valley (media)
• Serbia asks Turkey to influence Kosovo (Armenia News)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 26, 2023

• Lajcak: With European proposal, Kosovo gains a lot and loses nothing (Klan)
• Lajcak meets Kurti and Bislimi in Pristina (media)
• Price: Kosovo, Serbia want rapid progress in dialogue to avoid escalation (Klan)
• Howell: Kosovo should be accepted to the Council of Europe (RFE)
• What is happening in Kosovo? The U.S. invites politicians to the embassy, journalist shares details (
• PDK’s Krasniqi confirms he will attend discussion on Association (media)
• FES to present draft statute of Association on January 30 (Nacionale)
• EU and Germany help improve waste management in Kosovo; invest additional €49 mil in the sector (
• UN Committee: Switzerland shouldn’t deport Turkish couple to Kosovo (BIRN)
• Plisi shouldn’t exist only in museums (Prishtina Insight)
• Serbia Jeopardises EU Integration Path If It Rejects Kosovo Plan, Vucic Says (schengenvisainfo)
• Serbian parliament to debate Kosovo, Vucic calls opposition for talks (Euractiv)