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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 15, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kosovo Police press conference on incident involving three police officers (media)
  • Kosovo leaders react to incident involving three police officers (media)
  • EU: We are in contact with both sides to understand what happened (Koha)
  • KFOR: In contact with Serbia about the three police officers (media)
  • Security Council of Kosovo to meet today (media)
  • Svecla: We don’t know where officers are, we’re coordinating with intls (Koha)
  • Svecla: Serbian goods cannot enter Kosovo (media)
  • Gervalla: Vucic will fuel destabilization further if not stopped by NATO (media)
  • Kearns: Very serious escalation, if Serbian forces entered Kosovo illegally (Klan)
  • Rama: We are not silent, waiting for KFOR reaction (media)
  • Begaj: Kidnapping of police officers a serious act of provocation (media)
  • Borrell: Severe consequences if Kurti doesn't de-escalate situation (Reporteri)
  • U.S. ambassador to NATO requests restart of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (media) 
  • Kurti-led government revokes Klan Kosova license (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Vucic: I am afraid that we have crossed the Rubicon, Kurti wants to provoke a war at any cost (RTS)
  • Vucic again today to meet Giaufret and representatives of Quint (media)
  • Pristina bans goods from Serbia, entry to vehicles with Serbian license plates (media)
  • Momirovic: Pristina's decision to stop the flow of goods contrary to all European principles (KiM Radio)
  • Stano on KP officers' arrest: EU in communication with both sides, we are trying to understand what exactly happened (Blic)
  • Petkovic: “Kurti's special forces were in the territory of central Serbia; our police did not cross the administrative line even a millimeter” (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Brkic: Kosovo special forces under full war gear, with automatic rifles entered the territory of central Serbia (Blic, Kosovo Online, N1)
  • Ristuccia spoke with Vucic and Mojsilovic: KFOR ready to face any scenario (KiM radio)
  • SafeJournalists: Safety of journalists in Kosovo still threatened (KoSSev,
  • Basic Court in Pristina: Milenkovic charged with "committing a terrorist act" in December 2022 (KiM radio)

International Media:

  • Kosovo says 3 border police officers 'kidnapped' by Serbia; Belgrade says they crossed illegally (AP)
  • Serbian arrest of three Kosovo police officers triggers new row (Reuters)
  • Kosovo, Serbia, Trade Conflicting Accounts Over ‘Kidnapped’ Police Officers (BIRN)
  • Serbia and Kosovo exchange barbs after policemen arrested in border area (euronews)
  • Kosovo Says Serbia 'Kidnaps' Three Police Officers In Volatile North (RFE)
  • EU to get tougher on Kosovo as tensions flare (Politico)
  • EU Announces Measures Against Kosovo Over Unrest in North (BIRN)
  • EU hits Kosovo with sanctions after Serb tensions flare up again (Financial Times)
  • EU Takes Rare Steps Against Kosovo for Failure to Lower Tension (Bloomberg)
  • Kosovo’s President Urges EU to Deliver a Credible EU Roadmap for Western Balkan’s Future (Schengen Visa)
  • Muslim-majority Kosovo wants ‘strategic partnership’ with Israel — former PM (Times of Israel)

Albanian Language Media

Kosovo Police press conference on incident involving three police officers (media)

Kosovo Police held an extraordinary press conference on Wednesday about the “kidnapping” of three police officers by Serbian forces in the territory of Kosovo.

Police spokesperson, Baki Kelani, said Serbian forces used kidnapping in the past too as means to protect criminals. “Such a kidnapping by Serbian forces which want to keep Kosovo destabilised, happened in 2011 too when two officers were kidnapped. Such classic kidnappings are used by Serbian forces to protect criminals that are wanted by Kosovo Police,” he said.

Kelani gave details about the case, saying that the police officers were carrying out their duties. “Today at noon, deep in the territory of Kosovo at the border zone in the north, Serbian special units in an organised fashion kidnapped three border patrol officers. This was a classical kidnapping by Serbian forces. Kosovo Police notes that the border police patrol unit was on official duty at the static point in the place called Bare, in the territory of Kosovo. The officers were carrying out official duties in preventing illegal actions, preventing criminal groups from using illegal routes, preventing goods and suspected weapons in that area,” he said.

Police also showed a map from the location where the officers are believed to have been kidnapped. “Initially, the police unit consisting of three officers, saw suspected persons masked and armed moving in the area, and they are suspected to have been members of Serbia’s special units. Immediately afterwards, police units and other units went to provide assistance at the location, but when they got there, they only found the official vehicle and not the officers. In addition to sending units, Kosovo Police informed local and international mechanisms, including KFOR, to apply pressure for their release as soon as possible. Our police officers are patrol officers, they are peacekeepers, they are law enforcing officers, in the service of their country, they are family members, parents, and their children are expecting their return home,” Kelani said.

Kelani also said that the arrested officers are border patrol police and not special units as Serbia claims. “The police officers are older and have worked in the police force for years,” he said.

Asked why the police officers did not react against Serbian forces, Kelani said this was a different case as their kidnapping was organised. “Every police officer knows their duties and how they need to act and how they are defined by law and procedures. But sometimes the situation and the nature of the case dictates differently, and in this case, the classical kidnapping was organised. In any other case, police officers have the right to use any possible means, but this was a classical organised kidnapping,” he said.

Kosovo leaders react to incident involving three police officers (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a Facebook post that "by kidnapping three police officers inside Kosovo’s territory, Serbia shows that it is not interested in peace and stability, but to destabilise Kosovo and the whole region". Osmani said that what happened today is an aggression by Serbia and that the police officers must be released immediately and without condition. “Kosovo’s institutions will not give up on the engagement for the rule of law, and the commitment to long-term peace and stability”.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said “we suspect they are kidnapped by the Serbian Army, clearly as retaliation for yesterday’s arrest of the notorious criminal Milun Milenkovic – Lune, who is one of the heads of organised crime and smuggling. Kosovo Police has shown a high level of self-restraint in the last couple of weeks. The entrance of Serbian forces in the territory of Kosovo is an act of aggression and aimed at escalation and instability. We call for the immediate release of the kidnapped police officers and we call on international actors to condemn this act of aggression by Serbia”.

Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, took to Twitter to say that “criminal Serbia has kidnapped three Police members of the Republic of Kosovo in Leposaviç. For provocations like these, organized by Serbia with the aim of destabilizing the situation in the north, the international factor must also respond. The police officers must be released as soon as possible, and such aggressive actions must stop.”

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Memli Krasniqi commented on the incident saying that “it is a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo! The action of Serbian forces clearly shows Serbia’s intention to cause tensions and threaten peace and security in the region. The Democratic Party of Kosovo calls on the Kosovo Government to immediately undertake any necessary action for the immediate release of the kidnapped police officers and to guarantee the territorial integrity of Kosovo and the security of our citizens.”

EU: We are in contact with both sides to understand what happened (Koha)

The European Union has said that it is in contact with Kosovo and Serbia, and also with KFOR to understand more about what happened on Wednesday in the north, where three Kosovo police officers were kidnapped by Serbian forces. The spokesperson of the EU, Peter Stano, has said that Kosovo and Serbia should refrain from actions that further tense the situation in the north.

"We are - as an urgent matter - in contact with both sides, as well as with KFOR, to determine what and how exactly happened. We call on Kosovo and Serbia to refrain from any action or reaction that may further contribute to raising tensions. We repeat the EU's call for immediate de-escalation", he said.

KFOR: In contact with Serbia about the three police officers (media)

NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, said on Wednesday that it is in contact with the Serbian authorities to receive official information regarding the incident that happened on the border line between Kosovo and Serbia.

The Kosovo police said that three of its officials were "kidnapped" within the territory of Kosovo, while in Belgrade it was said that they were arrested by anti-terrorist units of the Serbian gendarmerie within the territory of Serbia, in the municipality of Rashka.

"KFOR was not involved in today's event as far as the three Kosovo policemen are concerned and is in fact in contact with the Serbian authorities to receive official information regarding what happened", it was said in KFOR's announcement.

Security Council of Kosovo to meet today (media)

The Kosovo Security Council will meet today following recent developments in the north where Serbian forces kidnapped three members of the Kosovo Police. Police have announced that the police unit has been patrolling deep within the territory of Kosovo to prevent the use of illegal roads.

Svecla: We don’t know where officers are, we’re coordinating with intls (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said on Wednesday that it is not known where the police officers kidnapped by Serbian forces are being held. He visited the location where the policemen were kidnapped on Wednesday in Leposaviq, as he said that they are coordinating with the international community in order to "clarify this criminal act".

"To us, but also to the democratic world, it is not only unacceptable, but also a serious incident. In these types of pre-planned activities, the one who attacks by surprise has the advantage. This was done in revenge for the arrest of the criminal Llune. Now what is happening is criminal Serbia, acting the same, through criminal behavior, trying to undermine our path towards state building and the extension of sovereignty. It will not succeed, nor repel us, nor stop us. We are within our rights and we will continue to act according to the law", he said.

Svecla added that in order to prevent smuggling, the road where the policemen were kidnapped was already blocked. He added that there are ditches which are evidence that the police were not in the territory of Serbia as claimed. He added that "all those who violate the law will be brought to justice".

Svecla added that Serbia is endangering the lives of Kosovo officials and citizens. He added that there is information about arrests of Kosovar citizens at the border point in Merdare. The measure to stop the entry of Serbian goods into Kosovo, according to the minister, will continue until another security assessment.

"...We don't know where they are, the locations where they are being held, they are under arrest, in the hands of Serbian institutions. Our reaction is clear, we are coordinating with the international community to clarify this criminal step of Serbia. Also, to use the influence that the officials have performed their duty in their country, to return as soon as possible together with the equipment and things, either of Kosovo or their own, and at the same time, we will continue with the extension of law and order. By strengthening the security institutions", he said.

Svecla: Serbian goods cannot enter Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of the Interior, Xelal Svecla, said on Wednesday that all trucks with Serbian license plates cannot enter Kosovo until another decision. He said that trucks with other license plates, which do not carry Serbian goods, can enter Kosovo.

Gervalla: Vucic will fuel destabilization further if not stopped by NATO (media)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Donika Gervalla has reacted to the kidnapping of Kosovar policemen from Serbia in the North of Kosovo. “Vucic regime’s abduction of three Kosovo Police officers from deep inside Kosovo's territory is the repetition of the criminal practice of Vucic's master Milosevic who ordered the kidnapping of UN and other foreign officers during the Bosnian war to blackmail the West. This escalation serves as a wake-up call for all who know the Balkan wars escalations of the 1990s. This is unthinkable without the ongoing acceptance of Vucic's violence by important international actors. This act of international aggression is a clear test of the West. Vucic will undoubtedly escalate further across the region if there is no clear stop by NATO. We call upon Vucic to immediately release our police officers. We urge the West to stand up for Western allies and to stop Vucic's escalation,” she tweeted.

Kearns: Very serious escalation, if Serbian forces entered Kosovo illegally (Klan)

British MP, Alicia Kearns, has reacted to the kidnapping of three Kosovar policemen by Serbian special units. According to Kearns, who is also one of the most vocal British MPs on the issue of Kosovo, if Serbian forces have entered Kosovo illegally, this is a very serious escalation.

"If Kosovar policemen were kidnapped by Serbian forces who illegally entered Kosovo, this is a very serious escalation."

"This would require a significant sanction from the Western powers, which have not refrained from sanctions and criticism of Kosovo for much, much less."

Rama: We are not silent, waiting for KFOR reaction (media)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said in a Twitter post on Wednesday that those who say that he is remaining silent about the case of the kidnapping of policemen in the North, are those who want to add fuel to the fire, and do not care about either Kosovo or Albania.

“Those who say that we are silent or who want to add fuel to the fire by raising accusations while KFOR is investigating the case, do not care about Kosovo or Albania, but only about the lost political war with me or for the policy of the imaginary war with Serbia. That’s why I have to remind you once again that Albania is part of the Euro-Atlantic community and has fixed the same line of this community, which bombed Serbia and created the state of Kosovo! We await the word of KFOR, which is investigating the case, and we stand by the immediate de-escalation!” Rama tweeted.

Begaj: Kidnapping of police officers a serious act of provocation (media)

Albanian President Bajram Begaj said on Wednesday that the “kidnapping of three members of Kosovo Police within the territory of Kosovo by Serbian forces is a serious act of provocation for destabilising Kosovo and the whole region”. “I harshly condemn this act and I call on Serbian authorities to release the Kosovo officers. I also call on international partners to intervene and discourage other similar acts. I make another brotherly call to the Kosovo authorities to not fall prey to provocations and to give their contribution to deescalate the situation. Coordinating with the U.S. and EU to return to the table of dialogue is highly important,” Begaj said. 

Borrell: Severe consequences if Kurti doesn't de-escalate situation (Reporteri)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, said on Wednesday that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, in his five-step proposal to deescalate the situation in the north of Kosovo, did not address some key elements that, according to Borrell caused the crisis in the northern municipalities. He again called on Kurti to fulfill the EU's demands for de-escalation, which he listed one by one, as a reminder to the chief executive.

As a first point, the mayors of the northern municipalities should work from alternative facilities; the second point, for the Kosovo Police to withdraw from the north, while Borrell said that they have also asked Serbia to eliminate the radical elements; then the holding of new elections is required, as the third and last point.

Borrell said that the crimes committed on May 29 during the protests in the northern municipalities will not go unpunished, and that EULEX is dealing with this.

Borrell also said that a meeting between Prime Minister Kurti and Serbian President Vucic would be possible only when Kosovo takes the necessary steps to calm the situation and commit to new elections. "We cannot make progress in normalizing relations while we are dealing with crisis management,” he said.

Borrell argued that if these steps are not taken, Kosovo will face some serious consequences for which he said he has notified all EU member states and that the penalties would also be made public.

Find the full letter at the end of the text here:

U.S. ambassador to NATO requests restart of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (media)

Dialogue mediated by the European Union is the only way forward for Kosovo and Serbia, U.S. Permanent Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith said on Wednesday.

This was her answer to the journalists’ questions regarding the current tensions in the north of Kosovo. “The number one priority is to take immediate action by both sides to de-escalate the situation,” Smith said.

She said that the NATO allies are following “with great interest and concern” the developments in Kosovo.

Smith made these statements during an online press conference before the meeting of defense ministers of NATO member states, which will be held in Brussels on June 15 and 16.

She emphasized that the US was the first to condemn the violence against NATO soldiers, especially against the troops of the Italian and Hungarian contingents.

“We believe that people who caused the violence should be held accountable through legal and transparent procedures,” said Smith.

She also said that the US encourages the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and his government to ensure that the new Albanian mayors of the municipalities in the north, inhabited by a Serb majority, perform their duties from alternative locations.

“We also encourage them to withdraw police units from municipal buildings,” said Smith, adding that she welcomes the decision of the Government of Serbia to reduce the readiness and number of military troops near the border with Kosovo.

“But the essence of this matter is that – which is also the position of the entire alliance – the dialogue that is mediated by the EU is the only way forward and that this message of NATO has been conveyed to everyone,” Smith said.

Kurti-led government revokes Klan Kosova license (media)

The Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade in Kosovo issued a press release on Wednesday afternoon announcing that it has taken the decision to suspend the license of the commercial company “Klan Kosova” LLC.

According to the ministry, the announcement of the cancellation of the license comes because there are suspicions about the officials responsible for misuse of official duties, as well as misuse of economic authorizations.

Klan Kosova said in a statement that the ministry’s decision is unfair, arbitrary and with autocratic premises, not based on the law, and an attempt to violate the freedom of the media. “Klan Kosova never had the opportunity to provide any explanation to the state institutions about the allegations of the ministry, which according to them came from a speculative article in an online news website, only one day earlier,” the statement notes. “We have immediately taken measures to consult with legal experts, meanwhile we have notified all state institutions, the embassies accredited in Kosovo, international organisations for media and freedom of speech”.

Reporteri reports that Secretary General of the European Federation of Journalists, Ricardo Gutierrez, has condemned the decision of the government of Kosovo, namely MINT, to suspend the license of the Klan Kosova medium. "Today is a day of mourning for Kosovo: the state activates censorship against the Klan Kosova. The Kosovo government is violating European standards of media freedom. This arbitrary act plunges Kosovo into the camp of authoritarian regimes that turn their backs on the European Union and democratic values protected by the Council of Europe," said Gutiérrez. "Shame on Albin Kurti and his government”.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo also stated that this is a “direct attempt by Kurti and Vetevendosje to control the media.”

Serbian Language Media


Vucic to RTS: I am afraid that we have crossed the Rubicon, Kurti wants to provoke a war at any cost (media)

President Aleksandar Vucic told Radio Television of Serbia last night that ''we are at the crossroads of whether we will continue to have peace or not''. He pointed out that this was thanks to the Kosovo PM, Albin Kurti, ''who wants to provoke war and conflicts at any cost''. I am afraid that we have crossed the Rubicon and that it will be a very difficult return to reality, for which Serbia will always do its best to make happen, said Vucic. 

RTS singled out the most important of what Vucic said in the RTS  Evening News. 

- We are at the crossroads of whether we will have peace or not, Albin Kurti wants to provoke war at any cost.

- We have crossed the Rubicon and it will be difficult to return to normality.

- You cannot ban the "import of Serbian goods", Kurti wants to starve the people to death.

- Pristina's intention to expel the population from northern Kosovo.

- The crisis begins with the illegitimate "elections" that Kurti held in municipalities with a Serbian majority.

- Six wounded Serbs from firearms since the beginning of the year, not one Albanian.

- I received guarantees from NATO and the EU that people will not be arrested, they didn't answer anything from Quint when I showed them the guarantees.

- The conversation with Ristuccia was not easy, I showed him the video where Obrenovic and Petrovic can be seen doing nothing, and their detention was extended.

- Three Kosovo special forces were arrested; Kurti said that he has doubts that the Serbia Army kidnapped members of their special police.

- The arrested Kosovo special forces have nothing to search for in central Serbia without the approval of KFOR, we have evidence and recorded conversations that prove that KFOR was not informed about this.

- They were arrested 1.8 kilometers away from the administrative line on the stretch Orahovo-Gnjilica, Serbian army was 20 kilometers away from the place of arrest of the Kosovo special forces.

- We are ready to provide all data and evidence. They were not beaten, mistreated, or disfigured as happened to Serbs arrested by Kurti's police.

- Milun Milenkovic Lune was arrested because they wanted to humiliate the Serbs, to bring discord among them until the final expulsion of the Serbs from Kosovo.

"And then you ask me why I said it's better to keep quiet"

According to N1, Vucic last night made a brief reference to the meeting with the ambassadors of Quint and told RTS that that he did not want to say anything about that meeting because NATO and the EU ''do not respect the guarantees that there will be no arrests of Kosovo Serbs who demonstrate peacefully''.

"In order to convince the Serbs to leave the barricades, in order to avoid a conflict with NATO, I received guarantees from NATO and the EU that these people will not be arrested. I have that in writing. And then you ask me why I said that it is better to keep quiet about the meeting with representatives of Quint and the EU," Vucic told RTS. 

Vucic again today to meet Giaufret and representatives of Quint (media)

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will meet today the Quint representatives and the head of the EU delegation in Serbia.

The Media Service of the President of the Republic announced last night that Vucic will meet with representatives of the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany, as well as the head of the European Union delegation, Emanuel Giaufret.

The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Palace of Serbia, and a press release will be issued after the meeting.

Pristina bans goods from Serbia, entry to vehicles with Serbian license plates (media)

Perparim Krueziu, spokesperson of the government in Pristina,  stated yesterday that the institutions decided to increase the level of border controls after ''the event that happened on Wednesday on the administrative line'', reported Serbian media. 

"For security reasons, the institutions have decided to increase the level of border controls. Therefore, as an urgent step, it was decided to prohibit the entry of vehicles with Serbian license plates into the Republic of Kosovo, while the analysis of the situation by the security institutions continues. The following actions will be taken based on the recommendations of the law enforcement institutions," Krueziu said.

Not long after this decision, Kosovo media reported that the government decided to ban the import of goods from Serbia.

All this is happening after the arrest of three Kosovo policemen, who the Serbian MIA claimed were found in central Serbia, and the official Pristina stated that they were "kidnapped" from the territory of Kosovo.

KiM radio reported this morning that although the Government in Pristina warned that the institutions have decided to ban vehicles with Serbian license plates from entering Kosovo, according to information Radio Free Europe received from the field, car traffic continues.

However, all cars with Serbian license plates are subject to increased controls.

In groups on social networks, some members of the Serbian community report that they cross the border crossing with Serbian plates without any problems, reports KiM radio.

Momirovic: Pristina's decision to stop the flow of goods contrary to all European principles (KiM Radio)

Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic condemned Pristina's decision to stop the free flow of goods, stating that such a decision is completely contrary to all European principles that include the free flow of people, goods, services, and capital.

''The authorities in Pristina have been doing everything to threaten the establishment of economic stability in the Western Balkans for a long time, while the Government of Serbia, together with its partners from the Western Balkans, is making every effort to relax and enable the free flow of people and goods, all with the aim of progress and economic development of Serbia, but also of the entire region,'' said Momirovic in a statement.

"The factor that cancels all that and puts weapons on the political table again in the Balkans is Albin Kurti," Momirovic stated and pointed out that all of this exceeded the political potential that was invested to overcome the problems in a peaceful way.

Despite that, we must preserve peace, because only in peace can we ensure the growth and progress of the entire region, concluded Momirovic.

Stano on KP officers' arrest: EU in communication with both sides, we are trying to understand what exactly happened (Blic)

European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano said yesterday, regarding the latest events in Kosovo, that the EU is in contact with both sides, as well as with KFOR, in order to determine the exact circumstances of all events, reported daily Blic.

- We call on both Kosovo and Serbia to refrain from any actions or reactions that could further contribute to the strengthening of tensions. We repeat the EU's call for immediate and decisive de-escalation - Stano stated in a statement to the media.

Petkovic: “Kurti's special forces were in the territory of central Serbia; our police did not cross the administrative line even a millimeter” (Radio Mitrovica sever) 

''Kurti's special forces were deep in the territory of central Serbia, our police did not cross the administrative line even a millimeter,'' said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic at an extraordinary press conference held yesterday afternoon. He pointed out that Belgrade is ready to offer all the evidence and calls for an international investigation to be opened, if necessary, reported Radio Mitrovica sever. 

According to Petkovic, members of the special units of the Serbian police arrested three Kosovo special forces heavily armed in the territory of central Serbia, adding that all three were armed with automatic weapons and in full war gear with GPS devices, maps, and other equipment.

"The anti-terrorist unit of the Serbian Gendarmerie located and arrested three members of Kurti's special police who were armed to the teeth," said Petkovic.

"This terrorist gang was arrested today at 12:38 p.m. deep in the territory of central Serbia in the area of the village of Gnjilica in the municipality of Raska," added Petkovic.

He noted that members of the Serbian police "did not set foot on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija and did not violate either Resolution 1244 or the Military-Technical Agreement, because they did not cross the administrative line."

"Those who violated these international agreements are exactly these Albanian terrorists, members of the Kosovo police," said Petkovic.

"We are absolutely ready to offer all the evidence and call for an international investigation to be opened, if necessary, for even the Americans and the British to submit their satellite images so that what we are saying can be clearly seen, which is that the Serbian police did not cross a single millimeter across administrative line", said Petkovic.

He pointed out that it was not a case of kidnapping, as the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, claimed but that ''our gendarmerie stopped the dangerous plan of terrorists who went to central Serbia with a dangerous intention''.

"Their fake minister Svecla says they were kidnapped. What are they looking for with weapons, maps, GPS, deep in central Serbia and in the forest? The investigation will determine that," said Petkovic.

He pointed out that Rados Petrovic, Dusan Obrenovic and Milun Milenkovic Lune were kidnapped, and not Kurti's special forces who were deep in the territory of central Serbia.

"They will neither be tortured, nor beaten. Our police do everything according to the law. And Rados and Dusan were beaten. Rados has changed his physical appearance from the beating. They beat Lune so much while they were bringing him into the car, that they had to cover him with a cloth so that what they did to him could not be seen. And all this in front of his daughter," said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

"Kurti causes new crises every day"

He pointed out that ''the prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, causes new crises every day''.

"The idea of his policy is an ethnically pure Kosovo and the expulsion of Serbs from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," said Petkovic.

He pointed out that even today the Serbs peacefully protested in North Mitrovica and demanded the release of both Rados and Dusan, but primarily Lune.

"You saw the kids with medals that Lune trains. Everyone came out and said in a loud voice - 'give us back our coach'. Serbs will no longer suffer innocents to be arrested and mistreated, just because they love their Serbia and fight for the rights of Serbs," said Petkovic. 

Brkic: Kosovo special forces under full war gear, with automatic rifles entered the territory of central Serbia (Blic, Kosovo Online, N1)

The General Secretary of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zeljko Brkic, said at an extraordinary press conference held on the occasion of the arrest of three armed Kosovo special forces in the territory of central Serbia, that they were under full war gear, and that they had three automatic rifles, ammunition, and maps, reported daily Blic. 

Brkic stated that at 12:38 p.m. in the administrative zone, deep in the territory of central Serbia, the MUP anti-terrorist group located three members of the Kosovo Police.

"They were in full war equipment; they also had a GPS. They reached the administrative crossing in a Dacia vehicle, left the vehicle, and continued by foot across the boundary, where they were located and arrested. The place of arrest is in the municipality of Raska, more than one kilometer deep within the territory of Serbia. Serbia is a serious country and members of the MUP were not close to the administrative line and did not violate Resolution 1244, nor did they undertake any illegal act," Brkic said.

He added that the police will continue the investigation in cooperation with the prosecution.

He repeated that it was about R.Z., B.S, and M.Sh. 

"Apart from weapons, surveillance equipment, radio communications, and maps were also found with them," said Brkic.

Ristuccia spoke with Vucic and Mojsilovic: KFOR ready to face any scenario (KiM radio)

The commander of KFOR, Major General Angelo Michele Bistecca, met yesterday in Belgrade the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, with whom he discussed the general security situation and the activities of this mission in Kosovo. He also discussed the same topic with the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Milan Mojsilovic, reported KiM radio yesterday.

Ristuccia, as stated in the KFOR statement, expressed deep concern about the latest events in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo after the events of May 29, when, as he recalled, several soldiers of the KFOR peacekeeping forces were injured during, as he further pointed out, unprovoked attacks by criminal elements who infiltrated peaceful protests.

Ristuccia reiterated his support for the dialogue for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina under the mediation of the European Union.

After the meeting with Vucic, the KFOR commander also met with the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, Milan Mojsilovic.

As it is pointed out, the two generals agreed that all sides must de-escalate tensions.

"KFOR is ready to face any scenario and continues to monitor the situation on the ground," said Ristuccia. 

He also added that ''KFOR acts impartially and takes all necessary measures to implement its mandate based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 from 1999''.

"KFOR remains in close contact with its main interlocutors, including representatives of institutions and security organizations in Kosovo, the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as the Rule of Law Mission led by the EU (EULEX) together with other representatives of the international community," the statement concluded after meetings, reported KiM radio.

SafeJournalists: Safety of journalists in Kosovo still threatened (KoSSev,

KoSSev portal reported that Safe Journalists network announced yesterday on incidents in Zvecan and North Mitrovica, that is, attacks on journalists and preventing them from doing their work. 

Read the Safe Journalists announcement here:

Basic Court in Pristina: Milenkovic charged with "committing a terrorist act" in December 2022 (KiM radio)

The Basic Court in Pristina announced the decision to detain Milun Milenkovic, who was arrested yesterday in the northern part of Mitrovica, along with details of what he is charged with.

The court states that Milenkovic is charged with "committing a terrorist act" in "complicity".

"The defendant M.M. is suspected that on 06.12.2022 in cooperation with other persons, in the offices of the Election Commission in North Mitrovica, with the aim of seriously intimidating the population, prevented local elections as well as with the aim of destabilizing or destroying the basic political and constitutional structures of the Republic of Kosovo; when CEC officials and police officers went to open the office, defendant M.M. together with other persons threw two hand grenades and two stun grenades, in which case one grenade and two stun grenades exploded and as a result significant material damage was caused, and the lives of the CEC and police officers were endangered" - it is stated in the announcement of the court.

There is no information in the announcement about whether M.M. was also charged with the attack on KFOR and the Kosovo Police in Zvecan - as previously claimed by Kosovo's Minister of Internal Affairs Xhelal Svecla. 

International Media

Kosovo says 3 border police officers 'kidnapped' by Serbia; Belgrade says they crossed illegally (AP)

Serbian authorities said Wednesday they have captured three “fully armed” Kosovo police officers inside Serbia near their mutual border, while Kosovo police said they have likely been “kidnapped" on Kosovo territory as they patrolled the area.

The latest incident sharply raises tensions between Serbia and its former province. Serbia had put its troops on the border on the highest state of alert amid a series of recent clashes between Kosovo Serbs on one side, and Kosovo police and NATO-led peacekeepers on the other.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said the “kidnapping” of the police officers represents an "act of aggression aimed at escalating and destabilizing” his country and called on the international community to react.

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Serbian arrest of three Kosovo police officers triggers new row (Reuters)

Three Kosovo police officers were detained by Serbian forces on Wednesday but officials from Kosovo and Serbia gave different locations for the arrest, accusing each other of crossing the border illegally.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti demanded the release of the three officers. He said they had been arrested 300 metres inside Kosovan territory, near the border with Serbia.

"The entry of Serbian forces into the territory of Kosovo is aggression and aimed at escalation and destabilization," Kurti wrote on his Facebook page.

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Kosovo, Serbia, Trade Conflicting Accounts Over ‘Kidnapped’ Police Officers (BIRN)

Kosovo and Serbian institutions on Wednesday said Serbian police had arrested three Kosovo police officials in an action that Kosovo authorities called “kidnapping”.

Both countries gave contradictory claims regarding the location of the arrest.

The Director of Serbia’s Office for Kosovo, Petar Petkovic, said the officers were arrested in Serbian territory near the border with Kosovo, but Kosovo’s government claims they were arrested inside Kosovo, close to the border with Serbia.

A clear border line between Kosovo and Serbia was never determined by a demarcation agreement because Serbia does not recognise Kosovo’s independence and considers the border an “administrative line” and not an international border.

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Serbia and Kosovo exchange barbs after policemen arrested in border area (euronews)

Kosovo PM Kurti called it an act of aggression against the country, while Serbia insists it was conducting an anti-terrorist action, after three policemen were arrested on the shared border on Wednesday.

Three police officers are believed to have been kidnapped on Wednesday in the border area between Kosovo and Serbia, as tensions between the two countries remain at an all-time high.

“Three Kosovo policemen were kidnapped today in Leposaviq, in the area of an illegal smuggling route, around 300 metres inside the territory of our country,” Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a statement on Facebook.

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Kosovo Says Serbia 'Kidnaps' Three Police Officers In Volatile North (RFE)

Pristina has accused Serbian forces of "kidnapping" three police officers in the predominantly Serb northern part of Kosovo, where tensions have been running high for weeks over the installation of ethnic Albanian mayors in the region.

Kosovar police said on June 14 that the three officers went missing during a patrol aimed at preventing the illegal use of roads for smuggling.

Kosovar Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla accused Serbia of "entering the territory of Kosovo and kidnapping" the three policemen.

"Our police officers were undoubtedly located deep in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, at a static checkpoint, where they were performing their regular duties," he wrote on Facebook.

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EU to get tougher on Kosovo as tensions flare (Politico)

Brussels is ratcheting up pressure on Kosovo to de-escalate the situation in the north of the country with a proposal to block the Kosovar prime minister from participating in high-level events and suspend EU financial support for the Balkan country.

The fresh pressure on Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti follows a similarly tough line from the United States, as relations between Washington and Pristina hit a new low over frustration over the latest flare-up in the region.

Over recent weeks, tensions erupted in the north of Kosovo — which is more than 90 percent ethnic Serbian — following the installation of Albanian mayors in the wake of April mayoral elections that the local Serb majority sat out. In widely condemned actions at the end of May, Serbs attacked NATO and Kosovar forces, as well as journalists.

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EU Announces Measures Against Kosovo Over Unrest in North (BIRN)

EU spokesman Peter Stano on Wednesday said the 27 EU member states had “unanimously” agreed to take “reversible and temporary measures” against Kosovo, “depending on the development on the ground and credible decisive steps by (Kosovo) Prime Minister (Albin) Kurti”.

According to Stano, “the EU has prepared proposals with measures with immediate effect”.

Some of the measures he mentioned include “suspension of high-level visits, contacts and events as well as our financial cooperation with Kosovo”.

Stressing that “there are no sanctions”, Stano added that, “despite our repeated calls, Prime Minister Kurti has so far failed to take decisive steps and actions to de-escalate” the tense situation in the Serb-majority north, where protests have continued since May 26.

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EU hits Kosovo with sanctions after Serb tensions flare up again (Financial Times)

The EU introduced rare restrictions against Kosovo officials for failing to quell tensions with the ethnic Serb community which escalated in recent days, leading to Belgrade arresting three Kosovo policemen.

The bloc reduced high-level visits, contacts and financial co-operation with the Balkan country, mirroring similar measures taken by the US late last month. The steps are reversible and “incremental”, with “financial and political consequences”, EU foreign policy spokesman Peter Stano said.

Relations between Kosovo and Serbia dipped to a low point in May, when ethnic Albanian mayors who had won elections boycotted by the majority-Serb population in the north of the country tried to take office. Accompanied by law enforcement, their attempt ignited a violent protest that injured dozens of Nato peacekeepers and Serb demonstrators.

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EU Takes Rare Steps Against Kosovo for Failure to Lower Tension (Bloomberg)

The European Union introduced a set of measures against Kosovo over a failure to lower tensions in the north of the country after violence erupted last month.

The 27-member bloc reduced high-level visits, contacts and financial cooperation with the Balkan country, a rare step against Kosovo from a key ally. The reversible steps are “incremental with financial and political consequences,” EU spokesman Peter Stano said on

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Kosovo’s President Urges EU to Deliver a Credible EU Roadmap for Western Balkan’s Future (Schengen Visa)

Her comments came in a formal sitting in Strasbourg, addressed to the European Parliament, reports.

Osmani said that Kosovo and its people continue to look to the future, a European future, calling on for more robust regional cooperation.

“We have extended a hand of cooperation to all our neighbours and we have done so in large part because our people deserve a brighter future. To Serbs living in Kosovo, she stressed that Kosovo is your home. And we will do everything in our power to make sure that you feel protected, included, equal and heard,” she pointed out.

Kosovo’s President noted that her country wants sustainable, just peace and stability regarding sovereignty, territorial integrity as well as neighbourly relations.

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Muslim-majority Kosovo wants ‘strategic partnership’ with Israel — former PM (Times of Israel)

The Kosovar leader who normalized ties with Israel and opened up Pristina’s embassy in Jerusalem said on Wednesday that his country seeks a “strategic partnership” with Israel.

“That would mean working extremely closely, not only in economic cooperation and diplomatic relations and things like that, but working together and sharing information, helping each other to increase capacities in terms of security issues, strategic development,” former prime minister Avdullah Hoti, who is now in the opposition, told The Times of Israel.

Hoti, who heads the Israel parliamentary friendship group, led the delegation’s first trip to Jerusalem this week.

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