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UNMIK Headlines 02 October


Assembly session postponed (Lajm)

The chairperson of the Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina, has asked the Assembly’s Secretariat to postpone the session planned for today. The request was made so that the parties would have more time to overcome the political and institutional crisis. The General Secretary of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Ismet Beqiri, said that the MPs have already received invitations for today’s session and there is no official announcement on its postponement. However, he said that any postponement of the constitutive session represents an abuse of the Kosovo Assembly. Ardian Gjini from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said that, if such a decision has already been taken, that will be unacceptable for the bloc. He added that any decision for postponement should be taken by the Kosovo Assembly as a whole and not by one person.

Parties firm in their positions (Tribuna)

On the front page, the paper reports that, since the Kosovo political parties have remained firm in their positions regarding the election of the Assembly speaker, President Atifete Jahjaga will try to sit with representatives of all parliamentary parties, together in one meeting, and ask them to offer a solution. Sources said that if leaders continue to insist on their stances, Jahjaga, with support of the international community, will unveil her plan for overcoming the crisis.

Coalition bloc and Vetevendosje to gather signatures today (Bota Sot)

Leaders of the coalition between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje, will gather today to decide on future steps after the decision of the chairperson of the Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina, to postpone the session for an indefinite period. An LDK official said that they might start collecting signatures of MPs today for the dismissal of Flora Brovina and for the calling of an extraordinary Assembly session.

Pristina discusses dialogue with Belgrade (Koha Ditore)

In yesterday’s meeting of the Kosovo government, Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri spoke of the positive developments in the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue since June, including with respect to freedom of movement and the finalization of the energy agreement. She drew special attention to the progress in implementing the Integrated Border Management agreement, which she said was the most important aspect. Tahiri said the EU has taken over financial aspects of building joint border crossing facilities between Kosovo and Serbia and will also manage the construction process. Tahiri was asked by Deputy Prime Minister Bujar Bukoshi whether she had raised the issue of the Serbian Gendarmerie entering Kosovo territory at the meetings in Brussels. Tahiri responded that the EU has been alerted and is speaking to Belgrade. “Not all processes that happen over the course of the Brussels dialogue are resolved automatically”, stressed Tahiri.

Wisner warns of consequences of not establishing institutions (dailies)

The former US facilitator for the Kosovo status talks, Frank Wisner, called on Kosovo’s political leadership to establish institutions as soon as possible, as the delay could have a series of consequences for Kosovo. “It’s a pity what is happening, and we are at a time when justifications are not sufficient anymore. We can all say that you organized very good elections three months ago, while fulfilling all international standards. Inability to form the government has a number of consequences that I want everybody in Kosovo to keep in mind. It mostly affects the image of Kosovo,” Wisner said in an interview for KTV.

Progress towards EU depends on implementation of agreements (Epoka e Re)

Samuel Zbogar, head of the EU Office in Kosovo, stated on Wednesday at the Belgrade Security Forum that implementation of the Brussels Agreement is a condition in the process of Serbia’s EU membership, as well as important for Kosovo’s progress in meeting the provisions of the Stabilization and Association Agreement. “I support the European perspective of Kosovo and Serbia. I think that this is not just a dream but also a real possibility,” said Zbogar. He assessed that perhaps it is too soon to expect Kosovo Albanians and Serbs to become friends and allies; however, the intention is to normalize relations between Pristina and Belgrade.

Ex-KLA commanders walk freely in Pristina hospital (Koha Ditore)

Two former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) commanders currently facing trial on war crimes charges, Sami Lushtaku and Sylejman Selimi, have been seen in one of the cafeterias in the compound of the Kosovo University and Clinical Center (QKUK). The two accused men sat in the café for more than an hour and were without a police escort. Sources told the paper that there were three other men at the same table with Lushtaku and Selimi, one of whom was wearing a white coat. QKUK officials said they have no records indicating that Selimi and Lushtaku received any medical service.